Item, in the first the said Robert Flemyng is chargit witht the fermes of the toune myln the said yeir, extending to the sowme of |
jc viij li. xiijs. iiijd. |
Item, witht the males of the mylnland, |
xiiij lib. xiijs. iiijd. |
Item, witht the causualiteis of the mercatt callit the ladill the said yeir, |
vjxx x lib. |
Item, witht the commone annuellis of the toun as the rentall thairof in the self beris, |
xxx lib. xixs. ixd. |
Item, witht the dewiteis of Sanct Rokis chaplanrie, |
xxvij lib. xiiijs. |
Item, witht the small casualitie and gift of the brig, |
lxviij lib. xiijs. |
Item, witht fructis of Sir Robert Watsounes chaplanreis said yeir, |
xliij lib. xiijs. viijd. |
Item, witht certane annuellis of the new kirk contenit in the new rentall the said yeir, |
xviij lib. xviijs. viijd. |
Item, witht the auld proprietie of the brig, |
xxxijs. |
Item, witht ane perdoun of auld, |
xxvjs. viijd. |
Item, Sanct Johneis licht ane lib. walx iiijs. and iiijs. annuel, summa |
viijs. |
Item, is chargit with the burges fynes . . . extendis in haill to xviij persones, ilk ane thairof vj lib. xvijs. iiijd., summa |
jc xxiij lib. xvijs. |
Summa of the haill charge is five hundretht thre scoir nyne pund sax schilling |
jd. |
1573. May 20. Item, gevin be Robert Miller ladleman to the maister of work, |
xxxix lib. |
Item, to Magnes Towris in almous, at the baillies command, |
xxs. |
June 14. Gevin to the maister of work be Niniane Syme, takisman of the brig, |
xxij lib. xvijs. viijd. |
22. Item, to Sibbell Liddell, for the outlandemeris disiones, |
xlijs. |
July 4. Item, to Bessie Douglas for the prouest, baillies, and counsales dennaris on Witsontyisdaye, |
xiij lib. vjs. viijd. |
20. Item, to Johne Moresoun for the copie of the contract betuix the towne and the minister, at the baillies command, |
xs. |
21. Item, to Eufame Campbell, for ane galloun of wyne presentit to my Lord of Argile, |
xxs. |
22. Gevin to Marione Campbell for xvij gallownes wyne propynit to my lord Erle of Argile at sindry times, |
xvij lib. |
28. Item, to ane officiare of armes, at command of the baillies, |
vjs. viijd. |
30. For twa gallounes wyn propynit to the said Erle of Argile, |
xls. |
31. Item, to Archibald Lyoun to ryd to Hammiltoun in the tounes effares twa sindry tymmes, |
xls. |
August 3. Item, to maister Henry Gibsoun for his expenssis in ryding to Edinburght and remanyng thair to the Assemblie of the kirk, haldin the vj daye of August, the toune being chargit to geve up their rentalls be the Regentis grace thairto, |
vj li. xiijs. iiijd. |
10. Item, to ane boye to gang to Edinburght with ane wryting to the Commissionaris, |
xs. |
11. Item, for leding of stanes fra the brig to the croce, at the maister of workis command, |
xls. |
Item, for the copie of ane proclamatioun of the raids upon the theifis, |
ijs. |
1573. August 16. Item, to ane boye to pas to Edinburght to the commissionaris to get liciens to remane at hame, |
xs. |
18. Item, to Dauid Hall for wyne propynit to my Lorde Erle of Argile, |
iiij lib. |
19. Item, to ane boye that came furtht of Dunbertane witht ane bill, |
xviijd. |
20. Item, to George Elphinstoun, James Flemyng, maister Henry Gibsoun and Michael Bard commissionaris to ryd to Dunbertane, |
iiij lib. |
22. Gevin to James Andersoun, fermarare of the towne myln, doun of his ferme be ressoun of the greit droutht, |
xxj li. |
28. Gevin to Archibald Muir, smyth, at the command of the maister of work, |
xxxs. |
29. Item, to James Flemyng for his expenssis in ryding to Edinburght and remanyng thair xvj dayis quhen the towne wes chargit for productioun of thair rentale and sustentatioun of the minister, |
xiiij lib. |
September 1. Gevin to George Elphinstoun to ryd to Edinburgh about the craftismenis complaynt to the Regent, |
vj li. xiijs. iiijd. |
" Gevin to David Lioun for ane pece of tre to the knok, |
iijs. |
" Gevin to ane boye to pas to Irvin, |
vs. |
" Gevin to ane boye at twa sindry tymes to pas to Edinburght, viz., the ane tyme to my lord to stop the men of the towne fra James Glennis assissis, and the wther quhen maister Adame Walles, maister Henry Gibsoun, and James Flemyng wes in Edinburght to consult witht men of law anent the Bischopis warnyng of the new muir land, |
xxs. |
2. Gevin to James Andersoun and Niniane Syare to ryd to Dunbertane to lois ane schip salt, |
xiiijs. |
3. Gevin to ane boye that come fra Dunbartane witht ane bill, at the command of the baillies, |
xviijd. |
" Gevin to James Flemyng to ryd to Dunbertane for to mak ane chartour partie witht George Lokart, |
xxs. |
" Gevin to Robert Duncane, tabroner, to by him claythis, |
v lib. |
4. Gevin for ane half galloun wyn to my lord, |
xs. |
7. Gevin to Crokat and Willie Mitchell for leding of stanes fra the brig to the croce, |
xls. |
" Gevin to George Elphinstoun and maister Henry Gibsoun to ryd to Edinburght to the regentis grace for chesing of the baillies lytis as the rolmont beris for the baillies, |
xiiij li. vjs. viijd. |
12. Gevin to George Elphinstoun and Williame Conyghame for ryding to Edinburght or Haldintoun to ansuer and satisfie the regentis grace writting for ministerii and vniuersitie of this toun, |
xiij li. vjs. viijd. |
1573. September 12. Item, gevin the same tyme to ane boye that come furthe of Edinburght fra George Elphinstoun and Williame Conyghame with ane bill, |
xviijd. |
15. Gevin to Malcum Hammiltoun for keiping of the gers mercatt, |
xxs. |
25. Gevin for twa quartis wyne to the persone of Glasgw, |
xs. |
31. Item, to Sir Richard Herbertsoun for his annuel of the tolbuytht of Witsondaye and Mertimes last |
liijs. iiijd. |
October 1. Gevin and presentit to my lord of Cathnes ane galloun wyne, |
xxs. |
2. Gevin for tursing of ane bill to Dunbertane, |
xviijd. |
7. Gevin at the castell yett to tak ane instrument, |
iiijd. |
12. Item, for walx to seill the commissioun to the baillies, |
iijs. |
" Gevin at command of the baillies for tua quartis wyn to my lord Boyd, |
xs. |
17. Gevin to James Flemyng to ryid to Edinburght to the conventioun of burrois at the command of the baillies and counsale, as the rolmont beris, and remanyng thair x dayis, |
x lib. |
" Gevin to Lord Argile for ane galloune wyne, |
xls. |
19. Gevin for twa quartis wyne presentit to my lord, |
xs. |
25. Gevin for twa quartis wyne presentit to my Lord of Cassilis and ane galloun presentit to my Lord of Glasgw, |
xxxs. |
28. Gevin to Robert Lettrik, officiare, to pas to Dunbertane to arreist schippis for talping of greit salt, |
xxs. |
November 2. Gevin to Malcum Hammiltoun for scurgeing of ane woman throw the towne, |
ijs. |
6. Gevin to Archibald Lettrik in full contentatioun of the keiping of the Stabill Greyne port, |
iij lib. vjs. viijd. |
12. Gevin and presentit to my lord of Glasgw quhen he wes admittit Bischop, for ane galloun of wyne, |
xxs. |
December 31. To Sir Richard Herbertsoun for his annuell of the tolbuyth of Witsondaye and Mertimes last, |
liijs. iiijd. |
1573–4. January 2. Gevin to Johne Neilsoun for his laubouris at the brig, |
iiijs. |
5. Gevin to Williame Reid for making of ane dask in the Hie Kirk, |
xxxviijs. |
7. Gevin to Cuthbert Herbertsoun to gett ane robour wyne and wther grayth, |
vj lib. vjs. |
8. Gevin to Archibald Lettrik, at the command of the baillies, to summond Archibald Hammiltoun of the Hill to heir his letteris suspendit, |
vjs. |
18. Gevin for walx to seill the prouestis commissioun, |
iijs. |
22. Gevin to Cuthbert Herbertsoun to send to Edinburgh, for wyne and wther grayth, |
vij lib. xiiijs. iijd. |
1573–4. January 22. Gevin to George Elphinstoun, baillie, for the rasing of the lettiris of suspensioun vpoun Archibald Hammiltoun and for the rest of his expenssis last being in Edinburgh, |
iiij lib. |
23. Gevin to Walter Johnestoun and Robert Burne for twa dayis work at the brig, |
xxijs. |
30. Gevin to Johne Andro in full contentatioun of the keipping of the brig port in all tymes bigane, |
iij li. vjs. viijd. |
February 6. Gevin to maister James Hammiltoun for the Witsondaye and Mertimes annuell of the tolbuyth, |
ixs. |
13. Gevin to Sir Archibald Dickie for thre faddum of tow, |
ijs. vjd. |
23. Gevin to Johne Andro for futt ballis, |
xijs. |
March 4. Item, to ane boye to gang to Edinburght, |
xs. |
Item, to my lord prouest for his fie, |
xiij li. vjs. viijd. |
Item, to George Elphinstoun James Flemyng, and Archibald Lioun baillies, for thair fies, |
xx lib. |
Item, to our Aduocate in Edinburght for his fie, |
vj lib. xiijs. iiijd. |
Item, to his seruand in drynk siluer, |
xxs. |
Item, to the commone procuratour for his fie, |
vj li. xiijs. iiijd. |
Item, to the commone clerk for his fie, |
vj li. xiijs. iiijd. |
Item, to the thesaurer for his fie, |
vj li. xiijs. iiijd. |
Item, to the maister of work for his fie, |
vj li. xiijs. iiijd. |
Item, to the commone hirdis for thair fies, |
v lib. |
To the poyndar for his fie, |
xxvjs. viijd. |
Item, for keiping of the knok, |
liijs. iiijd. |
Item, to Sir Robert Watsoun for the tak of his chaplanrie of the lxxiij yeir, as his discharge beris, |
xxvj lib. |
20. Gevin to George Elphinstoun, baillie, for the rest of his expenssis maid be him for the lang tary, |
vij lib. |
22. Gevin to George Elphinstoun to ryd to Edinburgh to the general assembly of the kirk, |
x li. |
24. Gevin to Williame Watt, maister of work, as his tikat and rolmont beris, |
viij li. xvjs. xjd. |
1574. April 5. Gevin to Catherine Steward and Qwentene Kaye for the bancatt of the seiling of the prouestis commissioun, |
xviij lib. |
" Gevin to twa men that rowit stanes at the gowes and buyir the tymmer of the auld portis to the tolbuyth, at the maister of workis command, |
vs. |
1574. April 8. Gevin for ane disione in Andro Baillies to certane honest men of the towne that mett sum land on Garnegadhill, |
ixs. |
" Item, to Thomas Cliddisdale, for the metting thairof, |
ijs. |
9. Gevin doun to Robert Miller, custumer of the ladill, in consideratioun of the baillies and counsales promeis maid to him of his tinsell as the rolmont beris, |
x lib. |
24. Item, to Williame Watt, maister of work, as his tikat and the rolmont beris, |
viij lib. xvjs. jd. |
" Item, to Williame Watt, maister of work, as the rolmont beris, |
vj lib. ixs. vjd. |
May 25. Gevin to maister Adame Walles, James Flemyng, and maister Henry Gibsoun to ryd to Edinburght for consultatioun taking witht men of law anent the new landis, |
xx lib. |
" Gevin to Williame Cowie, smyth, for twa keyis to the tolbuyth, |
iiijs. |
" Gevin to James Frebarne for taking wp of tymmer to the hiech tolbuyth, |
xijd. |
July 4. Gevin to ane boye to ryd to Ower Pollok about bissynes of the tounes, |
vjs. |
6. Gevin to ane boye, at command of George Elphinstoun, sittand in jugement, |
ijs. |
8. Gevin to Robert Lettrik, officer, for acquavitie furnesit to the bancat, |
vjs. |
27. Item, to Malcome Hammiltoun for scurging of ane theif throw the toun, |
ijs. |
August 8. Gevin to Sir Williame Strutheris, |
v lib. |
30. Gevin to George Elphinstoun and Archibald Lioun, baillies, for the burro male of Archibald Herbertsounes hous, |
xiijs. iiijd. |
" Item, to Sir Thomas Knox, collectour to the vniuersitie, for the thridis of Sanct Rokis chaplanrie and of Sir Robert Watsounes chaplanrie, |
xx lib. |
December 14. Item, to Williame Watt, maister of work, to be deliuerit to the lard of Mynto for the townes palyeoun, |
xx lib. |
1574–5. February 20. Item, to James Mosman, trauellour, for cairage of wyne and flour fra Edinburgh to the bancatt in Katho Stewardis, |
xs. |
1575. June 12. Item, to George Elphinstoun baillie for his expenssis to Dunbartane in the townes effares, |
iiij lib. |
22. Item, to Patrik M'Quhirrie and Williame Andersoun for twa hogheidis wyn gevin and presentit to my Lord Boyd, prouest, at the haill townes command, |
xxxiij lib. vjs. viijd. |
August 12. Item, to Marione Scott, spous to George Elphinstoun, for wyne propynit to Robert Scott, scribe in Edinburght, the tyme of his being in this toun, |
vj lib. |
15. Item, to Williame Andersoun for sax quartis wyne propynit at sindry tymes to my Lord Prouest, |
xls. |
Item, the comptare discharges him, as nocht gottin wp, for ane perdoun contenit in charge and nocht in vse of payment, |
xxvjs. viijd. |
Item, dischargis him as restand and nocht in vse of payment of Robert Glasgw tenement, |
viijs. |
Item, likwyse of Johne Youngareis hous in Troyngait nocht in vse, |
xijd. |
Item, siclik dischargis him as non-payment of twa bornes contenit in Sir Robert Watsounes rentall tane vp be Sir Williame Herbertsoun, |
xvjs. |
Item, likwyse as non-payment of Colene Campbellis hous, |
xs. |
Item, siclik of Sanct Johneis licht contenit in charge and nocht in vse, |
iiijs. |
Item, inlikmaner as non-payment of ane pund of walx of, |
iiijs. |
Item, for non-payment nor vse of Walter Kingis borne, |
xijs. |
Summa of the haill discharge befoir writtin extendis to five hundretht tuenty thre pund foure penneis, and sua restis on the comptare fourtie pund. |
Item, xv October, 1575, gevin to James Flemyng for his expenssis in ryding of ane conventioun of the burrois haldin in Edinburght the xvij day of October instant, |
vj lib. xiijs. iiijd. |
November 8. Gevin be the prouestis lettir, and at the command of Williame Conynghame, baillie, to certane cartaris, for carting of aucht hogheidis wyn pertenyng to my Lord Regentis grace send to him be the toun of Aire to my Lord Angus mariage, and for taking of thame to the Queenis fary out of this toun, in all, |
xx lib. |
Item, defalkit and allowit to the comptare be the prouest, baillies, and counsale, as tane vp and resauit fra him be the lard of Mynto, allegeand for his fie, immediatlie befoir the Michaelmes that he past furth of his office of prouestrie, |
xiij lib. vjs. viijd. |
And sua the said Robert, thesaurar and comptar, hes maid compt compleit payment and is dischargit of his office and intromissioun and gottin ane exoneratioun thairupone subscriuit be the prouest, baillies, and counsall. |