Extracts from the records: 1631

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1881.

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'Extracts from the records: 1631', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662, ed. J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1881), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol2/pp1-9 [accessed 14 December 2024].

'Extracts from the records: 1631', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Edited by J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1881), British History Online, accessed December 14, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol2/pp1-9.

"Extracts from the records: 1631". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Ed. J D Marwick(Edinburgh, 1881), , British History Online. Web. 14 December 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol2/pp1-9.

In this section

22 January 1631.

Warrand, librarie hous.

Ordanis the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for the sowme of twa hundrethe markis money debursit be him to James Colquhoun in pairt payment of the wark of the librarie hous, and quhilk compleitis twa thowsand sevin hundrethe and fyftie markis.

5 February 1631.

Anent wryting ane lettre to Robert Fleyming.

The proueist, bailyeis and counsell ordanes the clerk to wryte ane letter to Robert Fleming to Edinburgh to desyre him to wryte to Londoun for ane bell of the wecht of sax hundrethe or thairby and within sevin hundrethe wecht.

12 February 1631.

Warrand to Colhoun for making ane skaffell.

The proueist, bailyeis and counsell ordanes James Colquhoun, wricht, to mak ane skaffell, on his awin chairges, to John Boyd, abone the yett on the west gavill of the Metrapolitane Kirk, that the said John may build and repair the brek of the wall abone the samyn, on the said Johnes chairges, for ane frie passage fra the turnpyik of the laiche stipill to the south syde of the said kirk; and also the said James to deas, on his chairges, the librarie hous laiche for the commissariat sait, they geving him the haill tymmer in the present consistoriall sait for supplie thairof, quhen thai require him to that effect, be the sicht and advyse of James Hammiltoun, Patrik Bell, George Barclay, James Steuart and William Neilsoun, quha aggreit with him; and also James Colquhoun to give to John Boyd ten pund for the stanes vntane doun in the said liberarie hous quhilk sould haue bein gliast be him; and the said John Boyd to spargowne the said hous and to big vp the great windo in the northe gavill thairof.

19 February 1631.

Stirling, commissoner.

The proueist, bailyeis and counsell hes electet and nominat Waltir Stirling, bailyie, commissioner to the particular conventioun of burrowes to be haldin at Edinburgh the xxvj day of Februar instant concerning the cunyie and vtheris in the missive, and ordanes him to haue ane commissioun sealit and subscrivit thairvpoun.

26 February 1631.

Warrand, Trongait stipill.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for the sowme of fourtie nyne pund xiij s. viij d. deburset be him to the maister of work and quhilk he gaue out for the work of the Trongait stipill and vther commoun effairis, fra the xx day of Februar instant to this day at nicht.

5 March 1631.

Warrand, bell.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for fourtein pund ten schilling gevin be him to John Dobbie for careing the bell to Edinburgh.

Warrand, pumpes.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for aucht scoir pundis money deburset be him to James Colquhoun for making the pumpes to the well.

9 March 1631.

Grass of common land set.

[The grass of the common land let as follows: "that mikle hill narrest Flemyngtoun, the Sagie Holme," part of Kowlairs and Channel Moss, for 52 merks; part of Wester Common £6, Ferrieris Hill £9, Scheip Craigs £4 13s. 4d., Somerhill £26 0s. 8d., land in Kowlairs £6 13s. 4d., grass of lands set to Androw Mylne, £6 13s. 4d., and the grass of "that mikle hill in Waster Commoun callit the Quarrelhill" £20.]

12 March 1631.

Anent ane tack to be maid to Waddroppe.

[Ordained that Gilbert Waddrope have a tack of the town mill land during his life for £30 yeirly, last occupied by the late Cuthbert Blaikwood, "quhilk tak sall beir ane claus that the bairnis of the said vmquhill Cuthbert sall be kyndlie tennentis of the saidis land efter the said Gilbert his deceis."]

19 March 1631.

Anent the doun taking of the bellhous.

The provest, bailleis, and counsall hes concludit to tak doun to the grund the haill bellhous in the Trongait, baith new wark and auld.

Warrand, Tolbuithe.

Ordanis the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for the sowme of fourtie sex pundis money, debursit be him to the wrychtis for the repairing of the grait hous of the Tolbuithe, fra thair entrie, quhilk wes vpoun the thrid day of this instant, to this nyntein day thairof at nycht.

26 March 1631.

Warrand to Neilson.

Ordanis William Neilsoun, elder, to haue fra the thesaurer fourtie pundis money, to be deburset be him for repairing of the Metrapolitane Kirk dyke, and he to be comptable thairfoir quhen he hes gevin out the same.

Supplie for Scott.

Ordanes (blank) Scott, sone to vmquhil Robert Scott, scholmaister, tuentie merk for his supplie to putt him to ane craft.

2 April 1631.

Warrand, Blakfreir Kirk.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for the sowme of fourtie pundis money deburset be him to George and John Aisdailles in pairt of payment of the sklaitt alreddie ressauit fra tham and work wrocht be tham, and quhilk sowme compleittes thame tua hundrethe four scoir pundis, and ordanes the thesaurer to pay fywe pund viij s. for careing of the last four thowsand sklaitt fra the Brumilaw and inbeiring thairof in the voltis besyde the Blakfreir Kirk.

9 April 1631.

Stewart, commissioner.

[Appointed James Steuart commissioner to the particular convention of burghs to be held at Edinburgh on 18th inst.

Warrand, Trongait stipill.

Ordained the treasurer to have a warrant for £111 13s. "deburset to the measounes and workmen that wrocht at the Trongait stipill and vther commoun effairis" from 3rd inst.]

21 May 1631.

Warrand, calsey.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for fiftie tua merk sax schilling aucht penneis, deburset be him to John Otterburne and Andro Ra, for laying of ten ruid and ane half of calsey in the Stokwell, and als for aucht merk fourtie penneis gevin to John Hunter to serve thame saxtein dayes and ane half.

28 May 1631.

Fauldis, Trongait stipill.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for thre hundrethe pundis gevin be him to Archibald Fauldis for the pryce of his heritable [richt] of the tua buithes in the Trongait stipill, the last yeiris maill thairof, and for his wiffes bountethe.

31 May 1631.

Set of mills, ladle, tron and bridge.

["The sucken moultour and knaifschip of the haill mylnes . . . with the suckin of the Gorbellis conforme to the contract betuixt the said burgh and Sir George Elphingstoun" set for a year for 7100 merks to the town and 50 bolls malt, tack duty for Partick mill, to the Archbishop of Glasgow. Duty of the ladle set for 2020 merks; the tron and casualties thereof for 530 merks; and the custom of the bridge and casualties thereof with the grass of the green for 470 merks.]

11 June 1631.

Hie Kirk and Kirk yaird.

William Neilsoun, elder, producit his compt annent four scoir pundis he ressauit for the work of the Hie Kirk and kirk yaird, quhairby he is fund to haue payet out sax pund tua schilling mair nor he ressauit, and ordanes the thesaurer to mak him payment thairof.

Peir, Kelburne fute.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for thre hundrethe merkes money deburset be him to the laird of Kelburne for his supplie to the building of ane peir at the Kelburne fute quhilk may be steddable to the merchantis of this burghe.

8 July 1631.

Air, pirattis.

The proueist, bailleis and counsell, on ane missive direct to this burghe be the proueist, bailyeis and counsell of Air, anent certane pirattis that hes spuilyeit divers persounes be sey, for support to outred men and schipis to skour the seyis and stryve to tak thame, hes condescendit and aggreit to pay the thrid pairt of the outred, not exceiding fourtie pund ilk day, and to indure the space of ane monethe at the ferdest, with provisioun and the pryis be gottin be thame this burgh to be frie, and thai onlie to concur with thame befoir the Kingis counsell that the pryis may be thairis; and haue ordanet John Maxwell, with all diligence, to speik the noblemen and gentillmen on the coist syde for thair supplie thairto.

9 July 1631.

Bell out of Leithe.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for the sowme of fyftie four markis vj s. viij d. debursit be him for home bringing of the bell out of Leithe.

Pest in Ingland.

Ordanis ane proclamatioun to go throw the towne with sound of drum to inhibeit all maner of personis within this brugh to go into Ingland quhair the pest is, and that na maner of persone cuming from thens repair not to thair houssis, nor that na wyf ressave thair husbandis, nor maisteris thair servandis, cuming from thes pairtis, without leif askit and gevin be the provest and bailleis, ilk persone vnder the paine of fyve hundrethe markis money and all vther paine and danger can follow thairvpoun.

16 July 1631.


[The two commissioners sent to the general convention held at Dysert on 5th inst. reported their diligence and were allowed £204 17s. disbursed for their charges, including payment to the agent of the burghs.]


Ordanes the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for the sowme of twelf poundis debursit be him to Johne Maxwell for his charges quhilk he spent quhen he was directit be the toun to speik the gentilmen in the cost syd anent the taking of the pirottis.

23 July 1631.

Ane new bell.

Ordanis the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for the sowme of ane thowsand fyftie aucht pundis sex schillingis debursit be him for the new bell to the stiple in the Trongait, and that by and attour the auld bell, conform to the compt red and allowit.

Water, commoun loche.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haif ane warrand for [£137 18s. 4d.] debursit be him for the expenssis of the water and commoun loche fra the tent day of Julij to this day at nycht.

Fridome cryit doune.

The provest, bailleis and counsall hes ordanit Archibald Watsoun, merchand, his fridome to be cryit doun for contemping and vilipending of the Kingis proclamatioun and the townis, in repairing to Ingland quhair the pest is raging and returning agane to this brugh, and for not keeping of his awin hous at his returne, being chairgit be Walter Stirling, baillie, to that effect.

30 July 1631.

Customs to bailyie of regalitie.

The proueist, bailyeis and counsell, all in ane voice, hes statute and ordanet that na officer within this burghe at na tyme heirefter presume or tak vpoun [hand] to tak or collect the customes dew to the bailyie of the regalitie the tyme of the fair of Glasgw, vnder the payne of deprivatioun and never to be ressauit officer againe.

6 August 1631.

Stipill in Trongait.

[Ordained the treasurer to have warrants for (1) £53 16s. "debursit be him for the work of the stipill in the Trongait" from 23d to 31st July, and (2) £37 2s. "deburset be him to Archibald Scott for ane tow to the stipill in Trongait."]

13 August 1631.

New hevin in Clyde.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for thrie scoir sax pund xij s. deburset be him to the workmen quha wrocht at the new hevin in Clyde for helping thairof.

20 August 1631.

Bischopis brig.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for fywe pund xvij s. iiij d. debursit be him for leiding and ruifing of stanes to workmen for repairing the calsey at the Bischopis brig.

New hevin.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for fourtie pund xv s. vj d. debursit be him to the workmen quha wrocht in Clyde the xv and xvj dayes of August instant, and for breid and drink they gatt than and of befoir the haill space of the mending of the new hevin.

4 October 1631.


[At the desire of the archbishop, the bailies and council admitted Gabriell Cunynghame, former provost, to be provost for the year to come.


From a leet of six merchants and three craftsmen, the archbishop elected James Stewart and Johne Andersone, merchants, and John Padie, skinner, to be bailies for the year to come.]

7 October 1631.


[The provost and old and new bailies elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be on the council for the year to come.]


It is statute and ordanet that na persoun compeir as procuratour befoir the proueist and bailyeis in judgment for ony persoun befoir thai be first admittit to procure befoir thame, and that nane of the procuratouris cum within the inner bar except the procuratour fischall, and that nane of thame be admittit to compeir for defence of bluidis or wrangis, and that nane of thame be admittit to procure to give in defenssis for the availl of tuentie pund and within in wryte, bot onlie at the bar be word; and [if] the proueist or bailyeis sittand in judgment sufferis ony of thame transgres the premissis, to pay fourtie pund to the thesaurer to the commoun vse of the said burghe.

12 October 1631.

Dean of gild, deacon convener.

[The provost, bailies and council, and persons joined to them for electing the dean of guild and deacon convener, from a leet of three persons, presented by the merchants, elected Johne Bornis dean of guild, and from a leet of three persons, presented by the deacons, elected Johne Andersone to be deacon convener.


The provost, bailies and council, from a leet of four persons presented by the maltmen and mealmen, elected Ninian Gilhagie to be visitor.

Treasurer, master of work.

The provost, bailies and council, from leets of three named by themselves, elected John Wilsoun, treasurer, and Archibald Faullis, master of work.

Procuratour fiscal.

"Continowit Gilbert Merschell, procuratour fiscall, for ane yeir to cum."]

15 October 1631.

Coinyie of fardingis.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for tuentie merk gevin be him to James Steuart, bailyie, for his chairges fywe dayis and his horse hyre quhen he raid last to Edinburgh about the coinyie of fardingis.

Dowglas, bailie.

[John Padie having died before he accepted the office of bailie to which he had been appointed, the archbishop, from the other two on the leet, elected Walter Dowglas to be bailie.]

29 October 1631.

Warrand, coynyie.

The bailyeis and counsell hes electit and nominat Gabriell Conynghame, proueist, commissioner to the particular conventioun of burrowes, to be haldin at Edinburgh the first day of November nixtocum, about the coynyie of copper money; and ordanes him to haue ane commissioun sealet and subscrivit conforme to the missive.

Metrapolitane Kirk.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for thrie scoir pundis nyne schilling 4 d., deburset be him to Robert Darroche for xlv stane iij pund leid, at tua merk the stane, to the Metrapolitane Kirk.


[Ordained that the inhabitants charge no higher prices than the following:—ale, 1s. 4d. the pint; beir, 1s. 8d. the pint; the 12 ounce loaf, 8d.; the 10 oz. bun, 10d.; rough tallow, 40s. the tron stone; the troy stone of well made candle, 48s.


Constables were elected for a year for the following districts, viz.: abone the wynd heid, 5; fra the wynd heid to the Cros, on baith the sydis of the gait, 7; Gallowgait, on baith the sydis and outwith the port, 5; Trongait, on baith the sydis, 3; out of the West Port, on baythe sydis, 3; Stockwallgait, 3; Briggait, 3; Saltmercat, 4; Waster Wynd, 2; New Wynd and Maynis Wynd, 2.]

12 November 1631.

Convention, coinyie.

The proueist, bailyeis and counsell present, the proueist maid his report of the burrowes proceiding at thair last particular conventioun haldin at Edinburgh vpoun the first day of November instant, anent the coinyie of copper money, and ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for the sowme of threttie pund gevin be him to the proueist for nyne dayes absens and his horssis waiges and his fittman his chairges.

Hie Kirk.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for tuentie sevin pund vij s. deburset be him to James Colquhoun for leid and work of the Hie Kirk, conforme to the compt.


Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for xxvij li. xij s. for fiftie four creillis and tua barrowes furneist be him at the proueist command to the mending of the watter of Clyde.

19 November 1631.

Conventioun, coppermoney.

The bailyeis and counsell hes electit and nominat Gabriell Conynghame, proueist, commissioner to the particular convention of burrowes to be haldin at Edinburgh the xxix of November instant anent the coyne of copper money, and ordanes him to haue ane commissioun sealet and subscrivit thairvpoun.

17 December 1631.

New Kirk.

Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for ten pund sax schilling gevin be him to Matho Colquhoun, wricht, for making furmes and buirds to the New Kirk for the sacrament.