Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.
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'Extracts from the records: 1678', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690, ed. J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1905), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp247-260 [accessed 6 October 2024].
'Extracts from the records: 1678', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Edited by J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp247-260.
"Extracts from the records: 1678". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Ed. J D Marwick(Edinburgh, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp247-260.
In this section
5 February 1678.
Act anent the band.
The proveist, baillies and counsell, being conveined anent ane ordour sent be his grace the duk of Hammiltoune, as shirreff of the shyre of Lanerk, and present baillie of the regalitie of Glasgow, conforme to ane ordour direct to him be the lordis of the committee of his Majesties privie counsell for the wast, requyring him to present the band ordored be the said committee, to be subscrivit be all heritouris, lyferenters and utheris within the said shyre and burghes therin, that they, their wyfes, bairnes, servantis and coaters, sall not be present at any conventickles or disorderly meitings, but shall live ordourly conforme to the actis of parliament made theragainst, under the paines and penalties mentioned in the said actis of parliament, but sall observe and fulfill the haill uther heidis and artickles conteined in the said band, under the paines and penalties therin mentiouned; quhilk being [taken] to the said magistratis and counsell their consideratioune, it was concluded and enacted be them, in obedience to the said act of the committee of his Majesties privie counsell, that the haill magistratis and counsell should immediatly tak and signe the said band; and farder ordaines the deane of gild to conveine the merchand rank, and the deacon conveiner the haill craftis, in their respective houssis, for taking and subscriving the said band to the effect abovwryttin.
16 February 1678.
Baillies of Gorballis and Provand to put the lawes to execution.
The proveist, baillies and counsell, considering what obligatioune they ly under by taking the band, obleidging them that they their famlies and tennentis sall live ordourly and fulfill the uther heidis therin conteined, as is ordored by the committee of his Majesties privie counsell, be the quhilk the toune may be prejudged by their tennentis of Gorballis and Provand that sall happin to live disordorely, they therfor have heirby enacted and ordained that their baillies of Gorballis and Provand sie the lawes put to executioune against the said tennentis within their respective boundis who does not live ordorly, that the said toune and communitie therof be frie of any hazard they sall sustein therthrow, certifieing the said baillies, if they failyie therintill, that quhat prejudice fallowes theron sall be on their awine hazard, and the toune to be frie of the samyne, and appoyntis the present magistratis to intimat the same to them.
Act anent these who buildis.
The said magistratis and counsell, considering the great los susteined be many of the burgessis inhabitentis by having their houssis and chops brunt by the lait accidental fyre, and to let be sein how reddie they ar for the guid and weill of the toune and of those people that hes a mynd to rebuild their houssis and chops that wer brunt on the foir streit, to advance to them some thing out of the tounes commoune purs, als amplie as they can allow for their incurradgment to build, the said persones who sall happin to build doeing the same in such ane regular way as the toune or the committee aftermentioned sall think expedient, wpon guid advyce had theranent, and in the meanetyme it is heirby concluded that all persones who sall build houssis that their windskewes be made of stone work, and they heirby commissionat and appoynt the proveist, baillies, deane of gild and deacon convener for the tyme, and quhom they pleas to tak with them, to consider on the said affaires and to determine anent the said buildings and quhat sall be given to the said persones that sall build for their incurradgment, and to report the same to the counsell fra tyme to tyme as occasioune sall offer, that the same may be allowed and approvin of be them.
14 March 1678.
Marschell aff the counsell.
There was ane act of the secreit counsell produced and red allowing and approving of their puting of Markus Marschell aff the toune counsell for not subscryving the band ordored by the committee of the counsell, and ordaining his burges tikit to be riven if he subscryve not the samyne, and also ordaining to turne all utheris aff the counsell who sall refuis to subscryve the samyne band.
26 March 1678.
Act anent subscriving the band.
The proveist, baillies and counsell of the said burgh, being conveined, in obedience to the commandis of the lordis of the committee of his Majesties most honoured privie counsell, and for avoyding and friething the toune and the burgessis and inhabitentis therin of prejudice and truble, have takin and subscrivit the band, quherby they obleis them and their successoris in office that their haill burgessis and inhabitentis respective, their wyfes, bairnes and servantis, sall nowayes be present at any conventickles or disordorly meitings in tyme comming, but sall live ordorly, in obedience to the lawes, under the paines and penalties conteined in the actis of parliament, and that they sall obay the haill uther heidis and artickles conteined in the said band, under the paines and penalties therin conteined, as the samyne of the dait of thir presentis at mair lenth beares; and seing reasone is that the said magistratis and counsell and their successouris in office be fred and relived be the inhabitentis and burgessis of the said obligatioune takin be them, therfor they have enacted, statut and ordained, as they heirby enact, statut and ordain Niniane Andersoune, present deane of gild, and in his absence Frederik Hammiltoune, late deane of gild, to meit and convein the haill merchand rank and present to them ane band to be subscrivit be them, obleidging them to relive the said magistratis and counsell and their successouris in office of any hazard they or the communitie of the said burgh sall happin to sustein throw their taking of the said band; as also that the deacon conveiner convein the craftis and present the lyk band of releiff to be subscrivit be haill deacones of tradis and their maisters, obleidging them in name of their respective tredis to frieth the said magistratis and counsell in maner above wryttin; certifieing such of the said persones as refuis to subscryve the said bandis of releiff that their burges tikitis sall be takin from them and they put out of the toune.
2 April 1678.
Complent against Craufurd.
The baillies and counsell being conveined anent the complent given in befor them be Johne Grahame, procuratour fiscall of this burgh, against Thomas Craufurd, merchand, burges therof, makand mention that quher yeasterday, the first of Aprill instant, James Campbell, present proveist of the said burgh, with sundrie utheris the magistratis and uther burgessis, being standing on the plaine stones beneth the tolbuith, the place ordinary for the magistratis their waiting and attending to heir the complentis and grivances of the burgessis and utheris and to give them justice incombent to their office accordingly, and at that tyme, being about thrie houres in the afternoone, severall persones of qualitie and strangers war standing besyd, the said Thomas Craufurd, in ane arrogant and proud maner, without consideratioune or respect that he as a burges of this burgh oweth to his magistratis, to quhom he is sworne by his burges oath to give to them all dew obedience, most contrair therto, in a furious way, come to the said James Campbell, proveist, and there fell in questioning him about sundrie things, and did challang him therwpon; and the proveist having desyred him severall tymes to decist, becaus of the straingers onlookers, and marvelling at the proveistis patience and the miscarriadge of the said Thomas, trew it is the said Thomas wold nowayes decist, but said in a disdainfull way to the said proveist that he knew his malice and wold byd the butt of it, and that within a short tyme it is lyk he wold get word about with him, and that he defyed him, with many mae opprobrious speaches, laying asyd both the fear of God and his bundin dewtie to his magistratis, be all whilkis he hes committed ane great insolent wrong; and therfor craving the said baillies and counsell to unlaw and fyne him for his said trespas, to be applyed to the use of the poor, and to ryve and destroy his burges and gild brother tikit, and to cry doune his friedome and declare it null, and he never to enjoy the lyk benefeit and priviledge heirafter, in example to utheris not to committ the lyk, as the said complent beires; quhilk being red in presens of the said baillies and counsell, the said Thomas Craufurd compeirand personallie, who confessed he had spokin severall of the said wordis to the said proveist; besyd the quhilk confessione the said baillies and counsell having caused cite severall famous witnessis, who were receavit, suorne and examined anent the said expressiounes and cariadge, who be their depositiounes theranent takin did cleirly also prove the samyne in presens of the said Thomas, and therfor the said baillies and counsell, be this their act and sentance, declares the said Thomas Craufurd his friedome of this burgh null and of non availl in tyme coming, and ordaines him to delyver wp his burges and gild brother tikit to the said baillies, and to pay for the use of the poor the sowme of ane hundreth pundis of fyne, and to remayne in waird quhill the same be payit.
4 May 1678.
Red of the fyre.
Appoyntis the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to sie the red of the lait fyre laid in such convenient places about the toune as they think fitt.
Grund on east side of soaperie.
Grantis libertie to the pertiners of the soaparie to inclos the grund at the east syd of their hous, and to pay quhat fewdewty the counsell sall think fitt theirfor, and appoyntis a right to be drawine wp to them for their securitie.
4 June 1678.
Common good set.
[Mills, 8,000 merks; ladles, 3,000 merks; mealmarket and pecks, 700 merks; tron, 880 merks; setting of bridge delayed "for severall reasones; "gras of St. Ninians litle kirk yaird set to Douhill, elder, for payment of a dollour," given to the officers as formerly.]
8 June 1678.
Proveist, commissioner.
The proveist was unanimously electit and choysen commissioner for the toune to attend the generall conventioune of burrowes at Edinburgh, quhilkis ar to meit the (blank (fn. 1) ) day of this instant, being befor the ordinary tyme, in respect of the conventioune of estaitis quhilk is to be holdin at Edinburgh the twentie sex day of Junij instant; as also the said proveist is electit and choysen their commissioner for the toune to attend the said conventioune of estaitis.
Raltoune, sojouris.
John Raltounes petitioune, quherby he craves satisfactioune of the damadge he susteined by some of the sojouris of the Kings regiment of guard, quhen they wer last here, the same is referred to baillie Johnstoune [and two others] to tak tryell and to report.
Fleshouris fyned.
It being presentit be the magistratis that they had fyned and imprisoned the most pairt of the fleshouris, both in the toune and land mercatis, for contravening the tounes actis, the same was approvine, and the magistratis appoynted to put these fleshouris who ar not burgessis aff the toune, and these who ar burgessis that befor they come out of prisone, or kill ony bestiall, that they give securitie, under the paine of ane hundreth pundis and los of their friedome, toties quoties they sall contravein the tounes actis in tyme coming.
Buckit monye.
The buckit monye gottin at the admissioune of burgessis is ordained to be applyed for buying of new buckitis ay and quhill the toune be furnished.
24 June 1678.
Letter to the proveist anent Craufurdis yairs.
The baillies and counsell being conveined, they did ordaine the clark to wryt to Edinburgh to the proveist signifieing that they had perused his letter . . . as lykwayes that the proveist be acquantit with Thomas Craufurd his building a yair for taking herring and salmond betwixt the land of the Garvall poynt, quhilk makis a great outcry, and quhilk will not only be a prejudice to the toune and utheris concerned in fisching in the water of Clyd but also is a hindrance to boatis, barkis, and (as is said) ships from coming wp or goeing doune that way by the shoir, quheras boatis in tyme of wind come wp clos by the shoir, and now most goe by the current of the river and keep off, and so be in hazard to be driven to the uther syd in storme, and to be in hazard of lossing; and desyres the earle of Glencairne and utheris interested to be acquantit theirwith, and that it is there opinion that it should be castin out, and that [if] Thomas have any intrest to have a yair there that he persew therfor in law, by quhilk meanes the toune and utheris will be defenders, quhilk is moir easie than to persew, and desyres the proveist may advyse the same be law.
6 August 1678.
Agriement with Hoome anent the stadge coatch.
Ordaines Frederik Hammiltoune to have ane warrand for the sowme of four hundreth markis payit to William Hoome, merchand in Edinburgh, for twa yeares sallarie advanced to him in hand for setting wp and keeping the stadge coatch betwixt this and Edinburgh, conforme to the agriement made theiranent, quhilk agriement was producit and red, and the proveist and baillies commissionat to subscryve the same in name of the toune. (fn. 2)
Warrand, horologies.
Appoyntis Frederik Hammiltoune to pay to baillie Colhoune four hundreth pundis Scotis for puting wp four new horologes, with the globs, in the tolbuith and guilting the samyne, conforme to the agriement made with him be the deane of gild and deacon conveiner appoyntit be the counsell for doeing the same.
Foir staires and windskewes.
The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveined, wpon guid and serious consideratioune had be them, it is concluded that the haill heritouris of the houssis and chops brunt within this burgh produce their rightis to the counsell against the nixt meiting, that it may be sein if they have any priviledge of putting out staires on the foir streit and building with windskewes, certifieing such as produces not intrest theirintill that their foir staires will be takin doune and staires and windskewes discharget to be built in tyme coming on the foir streit, and ordanies all work building on the hie streit to be arreistit till then.
Excys of ilk mask malt.
There was ane act producit from the merchand rank, and ane uther from the craftis rank, quherby they mak offer and ar content of ten shilling Scotis to be added to the present excyse on ilk mask malt that sall be broune and ventit within this burgh, being thrie pundis Scotis for ilk fyve furlotis, and that for enabling the toune to pay the supplie grantit to his Majestie be the lait conventioune of estaitis, and for keeping the toune and inhabitentis therof frie of stenting, and this to conteinow during the haill tyme of the said supplie, being fyve yeares space, begining this day, and wpon sundrie uther provisiounes conteined in the said actis, quhilkis offers wer acceptit of and the excyse to be exactit in maner and conforme therto.
Report, proveist, shooes furnished to Angous regiment.
The proveist made report of his dilligence at Edinburgh, at the burrowes and conventioune of estaitis, and utheris the tounes affaires, and producit a tickit grantit be Sir William Sharp of ane thousand and fyftie sex pundis Scotis for paying sex hundreth seavintie fyve pundis Scotis quhilk the toune deburst for shooes made to the Angous regiment, the remanent of the quhilk sowme is to be payit to the earle of Strathmoir him selfe, being his regiment, quhilk he payit out for shoone to the said regiment. (fn. 3)
10 August 1678.
Ordaines the doytis that ar lying in the clarkis chamber to be sent to France with the fittest occasioune, to be disposed on for the tounes use; and appoyntis proveist Bell, the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to tak ane accompt of them.
12 August 1678.
Letteres raised against Craufurd.
There was letters producit raised against Thomas Craufurd for citing him befor the secreit counsell for puting wp ane yair in Clyd at the Garvall poynt, quherupon they ordaine him to be summond to compeir befor the counsell against the first of November, or ony uther day of November nixt.
Tries to the Hie Kirk.
Appoyntis the deane of gild to buy twa tries to lay betwixt the one syd of the Hie Kirk and the uther.
7 September 1678.
Doytis to be given to Nisbit.
Appoyntis the doytis and dinneires that wer lying in the clarkis chamber, extending to two hundreth threttie four livers ten sous, to be given to Hugh Nisbit to be sent to France to be disposed on ther, for quhilk he is to be comptable to the toune.
Blaires old hous.
The magistratis and counsell taking to their consideratioune the severall complentis made to them anent the sufferring that hous at the foot of the Saltmercat, quhilk belonged to umquhill (blank) Blair, to stand untakin doune, and the hazard that may be susteined theirthrow if it should happin to fall, they appoynt the proveist, baillies, deane of gild and deacon conveiner to call befor them certane persones of the measounes and wrightis, and to caus them tak inspectioune of the said hous, and to caus tak doune the same, at least so far therof the said persones sall find ruinous and in hazaird to fall, for preventeing immeinent danger.
28 September 1678.
Warrandis, thesaurer.
Ordaines the thesaurer . . . to pay to John Raltoun ten pundis starling for his los he susteined by the sojouris letting out of his wynes in the cellar and uther drink quhen they come here in Februarij last.
Compt, toune and pertiners of the soaperie.
These who wer appoyntit made report that they had revised the compt restand be the toune to the pertiners of the soaparie, for wyne furnished be them on the tounes accompt to severall persones, and for knappell and daillis for the tounes use, quhilk extendis to ane thousand and fyftie eight pundis sextine shilling; and findis that they ar resting to the toune the sowme of nyne hundreth and fourtie pundis for the pryce of the Lymnehous boig and landis belonging therto, fewed be them fra the toune, (fn. 4) quhilk being defalked the toune restis to them ane hundreth eightine pundis sextine shilling quhilk the thesaurer is heirby ordained to pay to them, and appoyntis the clark to give them out their securitie of the said landis, they being payit conforme to the aforesaid accompt.
Land at bak of fleshmercat.
There was a right producit, grantit be George Andersoune, as tutour dative to George Broome, sone and air to umquhill Robert Broome, quherby he dispones to the toune, for payment of twa thousand markis, that aiker of land and hous bulded therupon, at the bak of the fleshmercat, nixt the yairdis at the heid of Longcroft. (fn. 5)
A pairt fleshouris rent quat.
Anent the supplicatioune presentit be the fleshouris of this burgh, and the same being takin to consideratioune, the magistratis and counsell does quyt and give doune to the said fleshouris the sowme of fyftie pundis Scotis of this yeares rent restand be them to the toune, and for the los they susteined the tyme that the armie lay here throw their want of the fleshmercat, the samyne being takin wp to keep their carriages and ammunitioune.
1 October 1678.
Electioune of magistratis.
[The archbishop nominated John Bell, late provost, to be provost for the ensuing year; and from leets presented to him chose Ninian Andersoune and George Johnstoune, merchants, and George Grahame, maltman, to be bailies.]
5 October 1678.
Toune counsell.
[The magistrates of this and the two preceding years, with the addition of Frederick Hammiltoune, sent for by the provost to make up the number of twelve, elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be on the council for the ensuing year.]
Campbell to Edinburgh.
Proveist Campbell is appoyntit to repair to Edinburgh anent the tounes affaires, and to cleir comptis with Sir William Shairp, and appoyntis the proveist to wryt a letter with him to the secreit counsell in ansuer to theiris wryttin to the toune concerning conventickles. (fn. 6)
Hammiltoune to be ejected.
The said magistratis and councell, considering the irregular carriadge of John Hammiltoune, their tennent in Provand, throw his keeping of conventickles, and how the secret counsell is insensed against the toune for sufferring him to doe the samyne, for preventing therfor the danger the toune may sustine, they heirby ordaine John Barnes, their baillie of Provand, to eject and cast the said John Hammiltoune out of the said landis, and to secure his guidis and plenishing, ay and quhill the toune be satisfeit of the rent, and that he bring in the keyes of the tounes hous till the samyne be disposed wpon, and for this effect appoyntis the said John Barnes to tak with him such persones as he thinkis fitt.
9 October 1678.
Dean of gild, etc.
[Robert Campbell, dean of guild; William Watsoune, deacon convener; John Robesoune, treasurer; John Findlay, visitor of maltmen; John M'Ewne, water bailie; John Wallace, bailie of Gorbals; George Campbell, master of work; Robert Tennent, visitor of gardeners.]
Licence to Thom, architectour.
In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in be Alexander Thom, architectour, wpon severall consideratiounes the said magistratis and counsell hes given and grantit and heirby gives and grantis libertie and licence to the said Alexander Thom to reside within this burgh, and to exerce his imployment and calling in architectorie, or in measonrie, and that fra the dait heirof to the terme of Candlemes 1680.
12 October 1678.
Breid, candle, tallow.
[ The 12 d. loaf, "weill bakin of fyne flour," to weigh 13 oz. 2 drops; rough tallow, 50 s. the stone; candle, 56s. 8 d. the stone.]
Act in favouris of Corbett and Purdoune.
Anent the petitioune given in be Walter Corbett, smith, he is appoyntit to keep the tolbuith knock and chymne of bellis therin, and ordaines him to be payit of fyve pundis starling yearly be the thesaurer and his successoris for his paines, and the samyne to be defalked aff the twentie pundis starling quhilk Androw [Purdoune] gott yearly for keeping the haill knockis, and that the said Androw keep the rest of the knockis and gett fyftine pundis starling for his paines yearly.
26 October 1678.
Port to the brig.
It is concluded that a port be put on the south port of the brig.
Act in favouris of the candlemakers.
Anent the petitioune given in be the candlemakers regrating the great los they will be at, and how unable they will [be] to mak and sell sufficient candle conforme to the lait statutis, being fyftie sex shilling viij d. the stone, the tallow not being so guid, but full of water, as it was in former yeares, and for severall uther reasones conteined in the said supplicatioune and petitioune; quhilk being takin to the said magistratis and counsell their consideratioune they have grantit and heirby grantis libertie to the said candlemakers to exact for the enshewing year fyftie eight shilling Scotis for ilk stone of guid and sufficient weill made candle, the said candlemakers giving their oathes that they have not sold any tallow for transportatioune since Michaelmes last; and conforme quherunto William Goveane and George Johnstoune compeired and gave their oathes they had not done the samyne, and discharges the rest of the candlemakers to have libertie to mak any candle till they compeir and doe the samyne, and referrs to the baillies to tak their oathes theiranent.
4 November 1678.
Craufurdis petitioune.
Anent the supplicatioune given in be Thomas Craufurd it is concluded that the proces the toune hes against him for puting wp his yair at Craufurdis dyk, or theraboutis, sist and be conteinowed in caice he tak the said yair doune betwixt and Saturnday at night, and therafter sall heir him wpon his desyre.
Port at Bellis wynd.
Appoyntis the proveist or ony he lykis to tak with him to agrie with John Boyd, measoune, or ony uther measoune, for bigging of a port at the new vennell nixt Gossie Bellis hous. (fn. 6)
The key of Hammiltounes hous producit.
John Barnes, younger, producit the key of John Hammiltounes hous in Provand, with a band he had takin for the bygane rent he is restand, quhilkis war given him bak.
19 November 1678.
Letters anent tounes affaires.
The magistratis and counsell being conveined they did read the letters sent fra Edinburgh be baillie Niniane Andersoune and Mr. Edward Wright anent the tounes affaires, and having considered the samyne, as also that Thomas Craufurd had not takin doune his yair, that he be persewed with all dilligence, conforme to the summondis raised against him, and that a letter be wryttin to baillie Niniane for that effect.
Cors, weighous.
Appoyntis the proveist, bailies, [and four others] to meit and setle with Robert Cors anent his building a hous to be a weighous.
Warrand, maister of wark.
Ordaines the maister of wark to pay to Barbara Stewart for hir supplie ten rex dollouris, and uther ten to Susanna Stewart for her supplie, and to (blank), ane Dutchwoman, twa rex dollouris, and to Thomas Findlay thrie pundis starling to buy clothes for his laurieatioune.