Extracts from the records: 1681

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.

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'Extracts from the records: 1681', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690, ed. J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1905), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp289-308 [accessed 4 November 2024].

'Extracts from the records: 1681', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Edited by J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1905), British History Online, accessed November 4, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp289-308.

"Extracts from the records: 1681". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Ed. J D Marwick(Edinburgh, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 4 November 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp289-308.

In this section

11 January 1681.

Proveist to Edinburgh.

Appoyntis the proveist to repair to Edinburgh anent the tounes affaires, and particularly anent these fewdewties the archbischop is seiking out of the kilnes at the Craigs, and appoyntis him to cleir comptis anent quhat monye he hes lent to Maris regiment.

A weiz at Newport.

Appoyntis Baillie Nisbit to tak advyce of Mr. Withers, who is building a ship at Hammiltoune anent the making of ane weiz (fn. 1) at Newark for docking of ships there, and if he think fitt to employ him for doeing therof.

Letter anent Pickie and Pikie mylne.

Appoyntis the clark to wryt to Donald Campbell, in name of the toune, that they think strainge he hes never given them ane accompt of the rent of Pickie and Peikie mylne these severall yeares past, notwithstanding of his severall promissis, this being the third or fourth year uncontraverted, and that if he give not ane satisfactorie ansuer, with the first occasioune, to tell him they resolve to seek it another way.

Telphers land to be bought in.

The proveist made report that he had spokin with Alexander Telpher anent the buying in of his hous in Saltmercat, in Conynghames clos, and that Telpher refuised to sell it unles the toune buy also his timber, daillis and sklaitis, quhilk he had bought for repairing therof, quhilk being considered they appoynt the proveist to agrie with Telpher and buy the same the best way he can. (fn. 2)

Presentatioune, Blair.

There was ane presentatioune producit, grantit be bischop Lightoune, quherby he nominatis and presentis Robert Blair, sone to umquhill Laurence Blair in Irwing, to that bursares place in the colledge of Glasgow, conforme to the said bischop his mortificatioune, and to conteinow during his remayning at his cours of philosophie in the colledge, quhilk was acceptit; and ordaines the thesaurers, present and to com, to pay to him yearly ane hundreth and eight pundis, quhilk is the annualrent of ane hundreth and fyftie pundis starling.

1 March 1681.

Agriement, archbishop, tyndis.

The proveist made report of his dilligence at Edinburgh anent the tounes affaires, and that he had agried with the archbishop of Glasgow for the tyndis of the aikers about the toune, formerly drawne be the said bischop, and for the gleib lands that was payit to the persone of Glasgow, and also for the mans that the toune is obleist to furnish to the said parsone, for the space of nyntein yeares, for the quhilk the toune is to pay yearlie to the said archbishop twa thousand markis, yearly, during that space, and the archbishop is to relive the toune of the stipend formerly payit to the persone of Glasgow and utheris, conteined in the tak of the said tyndis drawine up theranent and subscrivit be the said archbishop and proveist att Edinburgh; quhilk tak was allowed and approvine and heirby commissionatis and appoyntis the remanent magistratis to subscryve the said tak in the tounes name, on these tearmes that the said archbischop obleidge himselfe to obteine ane decreit against these persones who hes takin yairds and inclosers aff any of theis lands for the tynds therof that wer formerly wont to be drawne be the archbishop of Glasgow.

Quhat is necessarie for his royall highnes his interteanment.

Appoyntis the proveist, baillies, James Campbell, deane of gild and deacon conveiner to meit and advyse with themselfes what sall be thought fitt and necessary for interteaning his royall highnes the Duke of Albany, and what hous sall be thought most proper to him to ludge in, incaice it sall pleas his highnes to come to this toune, and to caus provyde the samyne accordingly, and to provyd all uther things that sall be thought fit for his interteanment.

Weiz at Newport.

Baillie Nisbit, deane of gild and James Colhoune made report that they had agried with Mr. Withers for making a weiz at Newport, for docking of ships there, and that they had agried for building a smiddie there, quhilk was approvine, and appoyntis the same persones to sie it done and perfected, and to buy timber and other necessaries for that effect.

Rynd tallow.

Baillie Campbell made report that he had seized on sex barrellis rynd tallow, exporting out of the kingdome, quhilk was approvin, the exportatioune being against the lawes of the kingdome and actis of the burgh, and ordaines the same to be rouped and sold, and the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to dispose on quhat is gottin therfor equallie betwixt them, for the use of the poor of their respective hospitalis.

Bulliart tables to be discharged.

Recomends to the baillies to caus remove all bulliart tables neir the colledge, at least to discharge theis who hes them to permitt any studentis in the colledge to play therat, being the desyre of the maisteris therof.

Warrand, Johnstoune.

Ordaines George Johnstoune to pay to John Marschell ten dollouris for his debursmentis in defending the caus persewit be the bischop of the Isles against sundrie merchandis, for alledged taking of herring in the Isles for the tynd therof.

26 March 1681.

Act anent Grinock lether.

There was producit befor the said magistratis and counsell ane act of the lordis of the thesaurerie, ordaining the toun to delyver wp the lather was seased on be them belonging to the Rankines in Grinok, they finding cawtion to answer for quhat the toun hes to lay to their charge as accords of law, and notwithstanding of the said act Sir John Shaw of Grinok, for himselfe and in name of the said Rankines, referred himselfe in the magistratis and counsellis will for quhat fyne they pleased to exact befor the delyverie of the said lether, quhilkis being takin to the said magistratis and counsell their consideratioune, it is statut and ordained that the said lether be delyvered wp to the said Rankines, they paying the fyne that was formerly concluded and condeschended on be the said magistratis and counsell their former act, they delyvering wp the act of the lordis of thesaurerie, with a recept of the said lether, and that therafter the magistratis and counsell will tak them to consideratioune for the said fyne.

Colhoune, mylner at the subdeane mylnes.

Nominatis and appoyntis Walter Colhoune to be mylner at the subdeane mylne, in place of umquhill John Gray, he obleidging himselfe to mentein the samyne sufficiently, and appoyntis the deane of gild to put him in possessione, and to tak notise quhat condition shoe now is in, that shoe may be left so at his removeall, and he is to conteinow mylner there during their pleasour and his good behaveour.

Gilmouris hous sold to Corbett.

The proveist made report that he had sold the hous and peice grund in Candlerig Streit, quhilk was formerly James Gilmouris, to Walter Corbett, hammerman, for sex hundreth markis, and with these termes that he keep the tolbuith knok and the chymnes in good ordour.

Warrand, Johnstoune.

Ordaines George Johnstoune to pay to the proveist four scoir pundis starling to ane accompt for buying necessaries for the tounes use, for interteaning his royall highnes againe he come here.

30 April 1681.

Double of tak of tyndis.

Ordaines the double of the tak of the drawne tyndis of the aikers about the toune, with the mans and glyb, to be delyvered to the archbischop, with his note of thrie thousand markis he is awand to the toune, quhilk was promist to him be the proveist at the taking of the said tyndis, for the bygaine tyndis of these who hes made yairdis and inclosouris, on these termes that the said archbischop obtein decreitis against the said persones who hes the said yairdis and inclosouris for bygaines, and stait the rentall for tymes to come, and give the toune ane assignatioune for the said bygaines.

Proveist to Edinburgh.

Appoyntis the proveist, and whom he pleases to tak with him, to repair to Edinburgh anent the citatioune given to the toune to compeir befor the counsell for not sending in the declaratioune subscrivit in tyme.

Releiff of prisoners.

Ordaines twa hundreth pundis Scotis to be given out of the first end of the fyne that is to be gottin fra the Rankines in Grinock, for their lether seased on, for helping to relive (blank), prisoner with the Turkis, from that slaverie.

A fyft minister and parsone.

There wer some proposellis producit fra the ministers, regraiting the great paines they ar at in preaching so oftin for want of a fyft minister, they not being able to conteinow any moir in preaching, taking notice of skandaillis, and doeing the rest of the dewtie incombent to their imployment, they finding the same to be so weightie, and therfor cravand the toune wold be pleased to present some fitt persone in place of the minister of the Blakfrier Kirk, for easing them of a pairt of the burdine, quhilk conforme to ane letter from the archbishop was earnestly recomended to the said magistratis and counsell, for granting therof, and sicklyk that the archbishop did declair that quhomsomever he should present to exerce the function of the parsone in the Hie Kirk, that he wold doe same be the joynt advyce of the said magistratis and counsell, quhilkis being takin to their consideratioune they appoynt thankis to be given to the said archbischop for his cair in provyding one to be persone, and taking their advyce therintill, and that the bischop may be desyred that he will insist to get Mr. (blank) Kairnecors to supplie the office of the parsone in the said Hie Kirk, and that he be told that they will have their thoughtis on some persone to be the said fyft minister.

Carpander, burges and gild brother.

Appoyntis William Carpander, servitour to Mr. Richard Crump, esquyr, somtyme majour of Bristoll, to be admittit burges and gild brother gratis, for severall favouris done be them to our tounes people at Bristoll.

21 May 1681.

Applicatioune ministers, Blackfrier Kirk.

The proveist, baillies and counsell of the said burgh, being conveined anent ane applicatioune made to them be the ministers within this burgh, with consent of his grace the archbishop therof, craving that they will present some fitt and qualifeit persone to serve the cure of the ministrie, in place of the vacancie of the Blakfreir Church, the said ministers not being able any longer to tak cair of that vacant parish, they finding their charge to be so weightie, as in the said applicatioune at mair length is conteined; quhilk, at the desyre of the said archbishop, being takin to the said magistratis and counsell their consideratioune, and after advyce and deliberatioune had theranent, they have agried and concluded and heirby agries and concluds that Mr. Alexander Kinneir, present minister of Bothwell, be called and presentit to be ane of the ministers within this burgh, and to the stipend formerly belonging to these that served the cure at the Blakfrier Kirk, quhilk is restand be the earle of Argyll, being the annuell rent of ten thousand pundis Scotis, yearly, but if it sall happin that the said stipend be not recovered or tymously payed be the said earle, in that caice the toune is to pay the said stipend, yearly, to the said Mr. Alexander Kinneir during his lyftyme and serving the cuir within the said burgh, provyding alwayes as it is heirby expressly provyded and declared that thir presentis, with the presentatioune to be given to the said Mr. Alexander, sall be nowayes binding on the toune, or obleidge them to present ony uther minister for serving the cure in place of the said Mr. Alexander after him, on which termes thir presentis ar grantit and no utherwayes; and therfor the said magistratis and counsell have nominat and presentit and heirby nominatis and presentis the said Mr. Alexander Kinneir to be ane of the ordinarie ministers of this burgh, and to the stipend payable to him for serving the cure therat, conforme to and wpon the conditiounes above mentioned, during his lyftyme and serving the cure there, desyring the most reverend father in God Arthour, by the mercie of God archbishop of Glasgow, to try and examine the litratour, qualificatioune, good lyfe and conversatioune of the said Mr. Alexander Kinneir, and being fund qualifeit to admitt and receave him to be one of the ministers of this burgh for exercing the function of the ministrie therin, and to give him collatioune, institutione, and all uther sort of ecclesiastick ordouris requisit for that effect, and to tak his oath of alledgiance and oath of supremacie for acknouledging his Majesties royall prerogative and giving dew obedience to his grace the said archbishop, his ordinarie, in forme as effeires; and ordaines their clark to subscryve the extract of thir presentis, quhilk sall be als sufficient as if ther wer a presentatioune drawne wp and subscrivit be the said magistratis and counsell themselfes.

Letter to Argyll.

Appoyntis the clark to wryt ane letter to the earle of Argyll, in name of the toune, that they, at desyre of the archbishop of Glasgow and ministers in toune, ar necessitat to supplie the vacancie of the ministrie at the Blakfrier Kirk, quhilk hes bein this long tyme vacant throw want of its stipend, quhilk was put in his lordshipis fatheris handis, conforme to his band grantit be him and his cawtioneris therfor, quhilk stipend the toune cannot pay without recovering the said debt, and to send him a double of the said band, with the double of uther twa bandis, grantit be his lordshipis father to Hutchesounes Hospitall, of uther twa considerable sowmes, and to show his lordship that they thought it their dewtie to signifie so much to him that such cours may be takin theranent as may prevent further truble to his lordship and expenssis to them. (fn. 3)

Wiz and smiddie at Newport.

Appoyntis baillie Nisbit [and three others] to agrie with the timber made use of for making the wiz, and to caus pay the same and the man for his paines that built the same; as also to sie the smiddie at Newport that is agried to be built ther outred and payit for with all materiellis necessarie.

Dyck at St. Ninian kirkyaird. New land mercat.

Appoyntis the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to caus build a stone dyk betwixt Dowhill and St. Ninians kirkyaird, quher the buttis ar. As also that they convein the haill fleshouris in the land mercat and ordaine them to goe aff the streit to the new mercat built for them, (fn. 4) and ordaine them their places and sett doune quhat they sall pay yearly.

Landis joyned to the Grein.

Appoyntis the proveist, baillies [and six others], and any four of them to be a quorum, to convein these persones to quhom the landis be longed that is joyned to the Grein, and to agrie with them for the pryce therof that the same may be payit, and to report.

Licence to Sheilles.

In ansuer to the petitioune given in be Elisabeth Sheillis, lawfull daughter to umquhill Archibald Sheillis, skipper, burges of this burgh, they grant her libertie to make candle within the samyne burgh for her helpe to a lyfliehood.

6 June 1681.

Anent these who takis the commoune guidis.

The magistratis and counsell, considering that the morrow is the day for the rouping of the tounes commoune guidis, and that somtymes they ar sett to persones that are insufficient for paying the tak dewtie, it is therfor concluded that any persone who happines to tak any of the said goods that ar suspect to be insolvent, that they immediatly condeschend on the securitie they will give therfor at the taking of the same, and recommendis to the magistratis to sie that the securitie be sufficient sall be given for any of the said guidis befor they be put in possessioune, and particularly the takers of the mylnes, being most considerable.

Letter from archbischop anent the tyndis.; The said tyndis payit.

There was a letter producit and red, direct be the archbischop of Glasgow to the magistratis and counsell, quherin he desyres that they may cause draw wp ane assignatioune be him to the toune of the bygaine tyndis of the landis that ar made in yairdis and utherwayes inclosed, quhilkis wer wont to be drawne but forborne these sundrie yeares past, and that the heritouris and possessouris therof sall be persewed ather in his name or the tounes as they think fitt, for the quhilk right to these bygaines the proveist declared and acknouledged that he had promist to the said archbishop thrie thousand markis, and for satisfieing therof he had given up to the said archbischop his tikit of the lyk sowme the archbishop had borrowit fra the toune the uther year, quhilk was allowed and approvine be the magistratis and counsell.

Heritouris and utheris to be conveined.

Appoyntis the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to convein these persones lyable in tyndis for their yairdis and inclosers and caus them pay the same, if they can, befor any persuit be intented against them, and to report.

Act in favouris of Boyd.

The proveist, baillies and counsell of the said burgh being conveined, and taking to their consideratioune that these sundrie yeares the said burgh hes bein in use and possessioune of ane peice grund in Dowhill, at the foot of the new vennell, for washing and drying there their clothes, and for quhilk they payit yearly nyne furlotis beir, conforme to the bischops fear, to Androw Steinstoune, then taksman therof and uther landis in Dowhill; and seing Johne Andersoune of Dowhill hes of new sett the said landis and peice of grund to Robert Boyd, maltman, and that the said Robert is willing the said burgh posses the said peice grund for the use forsaid, during his tak, for payment of the lyk ferme, the said proveist, baillies and counsell therfor ordaines their thesaurer to pay to him the samyne yearly, and ordaines William Spadie, present thesaurer, to pay to him the said nyne furlotis beir conforme to the Gorball fear for the cropt 1680.

Common good set.

The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveined on the Grein for setting their commoune guidis, conforme to old use and wont, this being the first Twesday of Junij instant, and so the ordinarie day for rouping therof, after lawfull rouping [the same were set as follows:— Mills, 9,600 merks; ladles, 3,300 merks; pecks, 760 merks; tron, 920 merks; bridge, 1,490 merks.]

25 June 1681.

Letter from Edinburgh anent burrowes meiting.

There was a letter direct be the proveist, baillies and counsell of Edinburgh, subscrivit be Mr. James Ruchheid, their clark, in their name, desyring that the generall conventioune of burrowes that was appoyntit to sitt at Edinburgh the first Twesday of July nixt should be delayed to the twentie fyft of the said moneth, quhilk is some few dayes befor the doune sitting of the parliament, quhilk is to sitt at Edinburgh the twenty eight of the said moneth of July, conforme to his Majesties proclamatioune ishewed out for that effect, and for sundrie uther reasones conteined in the said letter, quhilk is condeschended and agried to be the said proveist, baillies and counsell of this burgh, on these termes that the magistratis and toune counsell of Edinburgh pretend not to any power or jurisdiction for altering the ordinary day of the generall convention in tyme coming, and therfor of new againe they have nominat and commissionat John Bell, present proveist, their commissioner to attend the said generall conventioune of burrowes the said twenty fyft of July nixt.

Nisbit to Lanerk.

Appoyntis baillie Nisbit to repair to Lanerk anent the meiting of the shyre there, for giving his vott for the electioune of the commissioners of the shyre to the parliament in name of the toune, for their landis of Provand.

Letter from Argyll

There was ane letter direct be the earle of Argyll, in ansuer to the tounes sent to him, quherby he doubtis not but they all know that his Majestie, out of his royall bountie, did bestow upon him a pairt of that estait quhilk was his fatheris, frie of ony burdine, and disposed on the rest conforme to his royall prerogative, so that by no law or reasone he can be lyable to these debtis mentioned in the tounes letter to him, but that he is verie reddie at all occasiounes to serve the toune quherin it is possible without ane indispensable ruine to his familie.

Argyllis debtis.

Ordaines the proveist to advyse quhen he goes to Edinburgh, and doe quhat is most fitting for getting satisfactioune of the earle of Argyll of quhat he is indew. (fn. 5)

Warrand, thesaurer.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to John Raltoune, the touns [quartermaister], his cellarie for quartering the sojouris this last year, being ten pundis starling, and to pay to Coline Hammill fyftie sex pundis for coall and candle to the guards, fra the twentie twa of Maij last to this day inclusive, conforme to his compt, and for sex pundis sextine shilling Scotis for meit and drink given to Skarlett the tyme he was in the tolbuith conforme to the said compt.

Warrand, Colhoune.

Ordaines James Colhoune to have ane warrand for the sowme of twelfe hundreth threttie sex pundis payit be him for French wynes given be the toune to the archbishop of Glasgow and utheris this last year, and for sek and uther things sent to Edinburgh to friendis there, conforme to the compt therof, quhilk sowme is to be allowed to the said James Colhoune at his comptmaking of the excyse.

Warrand, Johnstoune.

Ordaines George Johnstoune to pay to Robert Cors twa hundreth and eightie pundis Scotis, for French wyne sent to Edinburgh to the duck of Albany and utheris, of the grouth 1680, conforme to the compt therof, quhilk is to be allowed to him at his compt making of the excyse.

16 July 1681.

Maister of the grammer school.

Appoyntis the baillies [and three others] to speik to Mr. Francis Kinkaid, and try if he think fitt to dimitt his place as maister of the grammer school, in respect of his infirmitie, to any persone sall be fund qualified therfor, reserving a pairt of the sallarie to himselfe during his lyftyme, and that they tak advyce of the principall and maisteris of the colledge to sie quhom they thought fitt and qualified to be presented therto; and remittis the petition given in be Mr. John Campbell, ane of the doctouris of the said school, craving his sallarie to be augmentit, to be considered.


[Warrants given for payment of £674 2s. 10d. "for dailles, sklaitis, naillis, foge and sklaiting and uther necessaries for the new and old fleshmercatis, Provand, tolbuith, and port to the Grein;" £295 6 s. "to the men who susteined los by having their cornes brunt and utheris by the fyre in the Shitt Wynd the last year;" £244 16s. "for the lymne to the Grein dyk;" £164 13 s. 4 d. "for pleughing and harrowing the land laitly joyned to the New Grein, being fourtie eight aikers;" and £216 "for the charges and expenssis of these that went to Peibles with the archbishop to the synod and to Edinburgh."]

Barnes and houssis to the guardis.

Appoyntis baillie Nisbit, deane of gild and deacon conveiner, to caus pay these persones who furnished barnes and houssis for the guards, and to tak quhat los they susteined therby to their consideratioune, as also the same persones to caus satisfie John Barnes for furnishing of the generallis chamber and George Grahame for furnishing ane chamber at the Stable Grein.

9 August 1681.

Rouping of the tyndis.

Appoyntis a proclamatioune to be sent throw the toune to intimat to all persones who hes a mynd to buy the tyndis of the aikers about the toune for this present cropt, quhilk was formerly drawine be the archbishop of Glasgow, except the tyndis of these landis taken in to the Grein, that the same is to be rouped in the tolbuith on Fryday nixt, in the foirnoon, on such conditiounes as sall be then intimat to them, as also that the drawine tyndis of the Gorballis is to be rouped the said tyme.

29 August 1681.

Complent, importatioune of Irish ledder.

Anent ane complent made against twa Irish merchandis, for importing ane considerable quantitie of tanned lether from Irland, and selling the same without making ane offer to the toune, quhilk was found to be ane fault, and therfor remitis to the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to get satisfaction, and quhat is gottin to be applyed for the poor of their twa houssis.

Offer of venter goods.

There was ane offer made to the toun, be one Richard Bucklie, off ane hundreth and fyve hogisheidis Virgini leaff tobacco, with some leiff tobacco in bulk, and thrie barrellis roll tobacco, at the pryces fallowing, viz., the hogisheidis at twentie four shilling starling the hundreth, the tobacco in bulk at twentie shilling the hundreth, and the roll tobacco at threttie shilling starling the hundreth, the buyers paying reddie monye, with all dewtie lyable therefor; quhilk being taken to the magistratis and counsell consideratioune, and that the toune of Dumbartane having quat their pairt, they befor ansuer ordained him to seller the said tobacco in Glasgow, and he to give his oath if he sold or made offer therof to ony utheris of befor, and ordaines the clark to wryt to the proveist heirof. As also to wryt to the proveist that sieing sundrie persones had petitioned the parliament for getting payment and releiff of cawtionrie of Argyllis debtis that he use dilligence for getting satisfactioune quhat the marqueis of Argyll restis to Hutchesounes Hospitall and the Blakfrier Kirk.

13 September 1681.

Letter to the proveist in ansuer to his.

Ordaines the clark to wryt a letter to the proveist at Edinburgh showing him that the deane of gild, conveiner, and sundrie of the counsellouris, wer aff the toune, and so could not get a quorum, but that they who wer present had perused his letter direct to them, quherby he craves their opinion as to the earle of Argyllis affair, and resigning the tounes priviledges in his Majesties hand, and to show him that they had agried and concluded that the persuit against Argyll anent getting satisfaction of quhat he is dew to the hospitall and minister of the Blakfrier Kirk should be prosecutt, and to tak such wayes and methods for doeing the same as should be most propper; and as concerning the priviledges of the burgh, if he cannot get them repaired as to their liberties to desyre him to use his indeavour to get quhat they have preserved, for they resolve on no accompt to resigne their royaltie.

17 September 1681.

Letter fra the proveist.

The letter direct fra the proveist to them was red, giving them ane accompt of severall passages that past in this parliament, since his last, to quhilk ordaines the clark in their names to wryt him ane ansuer and render him hartie thankis for his behaveour and cair, and desyre him to doe quhat in him lay for the weill of the toune and preserving their liberties, as also sie if any allowance can be gottin for the expenssis the toune is at in furnishing of guardis and coall and candle therto, ather as to bygaines or in tyme coming.

Test to be takin by deacones.

Appoyntis baillie Campbell, with the lait deacon conveiner, in absence of James Fairie, present deacon conveiner, to convein the deacones and to acquant them to intimat to the respective callings that they mak choyse of no deacones for the enshewing year but these who will tak the test, conforme to the lait act of parliament. (fn. 6)

27 September 1681.

Dimissioune, Kinkaid, as maister of the grammer shool.

There was a letter produced from Mr. Francis Kinkaid, quherby he offers a dimissioune of his place as maister of the Grammer School, in respect of his infirmitie and old age, and submits himselfe to the toune quhat uther cellarie they will allow him during his lyftyme; quhilk being takin to consideratioune, they remitt the same to the baillies [and three others] to meit with the maisteris of the colledge and Mr. Francis, and tak their advyce quhat persones they think most fitt, prudent and qualified for that place, and to have their thoughtis quhat pensioune the said Mr. Francis sall have during his lyftyme, and to report.

Warrandis, thesaurer.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Duncane Campbell the sowme of fyftie twa pundis Scotis for furnishing the grein cloth that covers the counsell table.

Warrand, thesaurer.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of ten pundis starling payit to John Alexander, post, for his extraordinary paines and service in the tounes affaires these severall yeares, and appoyntis the post to furnish newes papers and gazatis tymeously and weikly, and he to have therfor als much as any utheris had befor.

Warrandis, Colhoune.

Ordaines James Colhoune to have ane warrand for the sowme of seavine hundreth and twentie pundis Scotis, for timber furnished be him and pertiners to be two weiz for docking of ships at Newport, and for fyve pundis starling payit to Mr. Withers for making the said weiz; and for ten pundis starling payit to John Barnes for furnitour to the generallis ludging the last year.

1 October 1681.

Proclamatioune anent the d. of Albany his coming here.

The proveist acquainted the counsell that he had got advertisment that his royall heighnes wold be att Glasgow on Moonday nixt, and therfor appoyntis the haill counsell to attend wpon the magistratis for waiting on him, that the handsomest of the young men of the toune be wairned to beir partizanis in ther [handis] to wait wpon him as shall wait wpon him, and ordaines a proclamatioune to be sent throw the burgh, ane proclamatioune ordaining the inhabitentis to put out baill fyres at the heid of ilk clos, at such tymes as they be warned by rining of the bellis, under such penaltie as the magistratis sall condesend on. (fn. 7)


Ordaines James Colhoune to pay to baillie Nisbit the sowme of twentie fyve pundis starling monye for his expenssis in goeing to Edinburgh, at the doune sitting of the parliament, to wait on the proveist, and for paying the expenssis be the way of these that went afeild and come home with him, and for the coach hyre fra Edinburgh and uther charges and expenssis deburst in the tounes affaires; as also ordaines the said James Colhoune twa hundreth pundis Scotis for puting up and gilding the new horologe in the Hie Kirk and furnishing all materiellis therto.

8 October 1681.

Warrands, Colhoune.

Ordaines James Colhoune to have ane warrand for [£161 4s. 8d.] payit to George Johnstone for his expenssis and hors hyres in goeing to Dumfries, and expenssis in waiting on the bischop severall tymes; and for fyve hundreth markis payit to Johne Cauldwall for incuradging him to build his hous in Stockwell most regularly and ordourlie with frie stone in the front.

Anent a maister for the Grammer School.

Baillies Nisbit and Campbell made report that they had mett with the principall and some of the regentis of the colledge, and desyred their advyce as to the fittness and qualificatioune of Mr. George Glen to be maister of the Grammer School, and they declared that the said Mr. George was sufficiently fitt to exerce the said office for his learning, but wold say nothing to his uther qualificatiounes, and therfor the magistratis and counsell concluded that the said Mr. George should conteinow in teaching the skollers as he hes doune this tyme bypast, and that they wold have their farder thoughtis anent him befor his admissioune.

Warrands, thesaurer.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Robert Allane, Robert Bartoune and James Muir sex pundis starling, by and attour uther sex pundis starling left here by his royall highnes for their extraordinary wrytting to the toune this last year, and to pay to James Park threttie pundis, and to Robert Andersoune four rex dollouris, for service done to the toune this last year, as also to pay to Allane Hogisyaird, maltman, twentie four pundis Scotis, and uther twentie four pundis to Daniell Purdoune, baxter, for their supplie, and lykwayes to pay to John Alexander, post, threttie fyve pundis sex shilling viij d. for sending a man extraordinarie to Edinburgh, ilk weik, the tyme of the sitting of the parliament, (fn. 8) for bringing newes to the toune, the space of eight weikis.

Expenssis for intertainment of his royall highnes.

The proveist, John Bell, gave in ane accompt of the haill expenssis the toun hes bein at in intertaining his royall highnes, and these that were with him, the tyme he was heir, quhilk is as follows, viz., to Robert Brock for silver and gold boxes given to his royall highnes with his burges ticket, and to his servants with their burges tickits, at their admissions, and for uther silver work made for the entertainment, wpon the touns accompt, one thousand fyve hundreth eighty eight pounds fourtein shilling; item, to Alexander Vaws for confections at that tyme, four hundreth thretty twa pounds; item, drink money given be the proveist to the dukes servantis, six hundreth and sixtie poundis; item, to Hugh Blair and his servant, for coming out of Edinburgh and their attendance heir at that tyme, sixtie four poundis; item, for provisions in the proveistis hows (fn. 9) the tyme the duke was ther, and these that wer with him, eight hundreth and sixtie poundis; item, for wynes the said tyme four hundreth and twa pundis; extending in the haill to the sowm of four thowsand and one poundis twelve shilling; quhilk accompt was approven, and ordaines James Colquhoun to have ane warrand for fyve hundreth poundis Scotis payed be him to Robert Brock, in the first end of the said silver work, and ordains Robert Cors to pay the haill remanent of the sadis sowmes above wryttin, and the clerk to give him ane warrand for that effect, quhilk sowmes is to be allowed at their respective comptis making of the excyse.

11 October 1681.

Electioun of the provest and baillies.

The proveist, baillies and counsell, being conveened for electing of the magistratis of this burgh for the ensewing yeir, the ordinary day of election being past, quhilk was Twesday last, bot the election delayed to this day in respect of his royal highnes being heir, [the archbishop continued John Bell as provost for the ensuing year; and from leets presented to him nominated John Barnes and Robert Corse, merchants, and John Wallace, craftsman, to be bailies.]

14 October 1681.


[The magistrates of this and each of the two preceding years, with three persons to supply vacancies, but still wanting two to make up the full number, appointed thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be on the council for the ensuing year.]

19 October 1681.

Dean of gild, etc.

[On account of the absence of merchant councillors and others, the elections of dean of guild, deacon convener, and visitor of maltmen were delayed.]

16 November 1681.


Conveened the proveist and baillies, the provest produced ane act of his royall highnes, his Majesties high commissoner, and lordis of his Majesties privy councell, quherof the tennor followis:—Edinburgh, the eight day of November 1681. His royall highnes his Majesties high commissioner, and lordis of his Majesties privy counsell having considered the petition of John Bell, provest of Glasgow, desyring that the election of the counsell of Glasgow, as the same is made, might be approven, and having considered the report of the committee for publict affairs to whom the same was remitted, doe find the election of the said counsell of Glasgow is illegall, in regard ther wanted two or thrie of the electouris of the counsell which is requisit by the constitution of the burgh, (fn. 10) and that no posterior act of counsell can supply the same, and therfor doe ordain John Bell to goe to Glasgow and, wpon the eighteinth instant, to call together these magistratis and counsellouris who have right of election in the said burgh, and to make a new and formall election of the counsell, conform to the constitution of the burgh; and the magistratis already elected and counsell (to be that day choysen) are appoynted the said day to take and signe the oath and test, in presence of the Lord Ross, and to report the same wpon the twenty two of the said month to his Majesties privy councell, with certification to them, if they failyie, his royall highnes and the counsell will recommend to the archbishop of Glasgow to nominat and appoynt new magistratis, and will themselves nominat a counsell for the said burgh. Extractit by me, sic subscribitur, Pa. Meinzeis. In obedience to the quhilk act, the sadis proveist and baillies, being conveened as said is, with Hugh Nisbit, John Johnstoun and Duncan Campbell, the thrie (last yearis) baillies, with George Grahame, ane of these who wer baillies the yeir preceeding the last yeir, and becaws they wanted four persons to make wp the number of twelve, quhich is the number conform to the constitution of the burgh that use to choyse the toun counsell, they sent for James Campbell, lait provest, John Campbell, lait baillie, George Campbell and James Robison, merchandis, who being come and sett doun with the rest they went on and maid ane new and formall election of the persons following to be on the toun counsell for the yeir ensewing, viz. [thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen].

18 November 1681.

Oath and test.

In obedience to ane act of his royall highnes his Majesties high commissioner and lordis of his Majesties privy counsell, daitted the eight of this instant, conveened in the toun counsell hows of the said burgh, in presence of the lord Ross, John Bell, proveist, [the bailies and councillors formerly elected]; and quhilk magistratis and counsell forsaid, with the toun clerk, did, in ane dutifull obedience to the lait act of parliament and act of his Majesties privy counsell, take the oath and test, in presence of the said lord Ross, and signed the samen with their handis.

23 November 1681.

Election of dean of gild, deacon convener, etc.

The magistratis and counsellouris forsaid being conveened for electing the dean of gild and deacon conveener, quher the haill decons of crafts wer present to give their votte in the said election, conform to their priviledge and old use and wont, who in respect of the want of merchandis to compense the said deacons, they wer by the sadis magistratis and counsell removed and debarred fra having any votte in the election for the ensewing yeir, with this provision allwayes that it should be without prejudice to them and their liberties to compeir and give their vottes at the lyke elections in tyme coming; and therfor the saids magistratis and counsell went on to the said electioune [and appointed Hugh Nisbit, dean of guild; Alexander Ross, deacon convener; John Ritchie, treasurer; James Campbell, visitor of maltmen; John Smyth, water bailie; Duncan Campbell, bailie of Gorbals; George Campbell, master of work; Robert Tennent, visitor of gardeners; John Grahame, procurator-fiscal.]

Statutes, wheat bread, tallow and candle, and old actis ratified.; Act in favouris of the candlemakeris.

It is statute and ordained that the wheat loaff, being weill baken and of fyne flower, shall weigh eleven unce and twelve drop and be sold for twelve pennies, and that all uther wheat bread of quhatsomever syze be according to that weight and pryce sold; as also it is statute and that the pryce of the stone of sufficient rough tallou shall be sold for thrie mark and half merk the stane, that the stane of sufficient candle be made and sold for four merk the stane, and ordains the same to be proclamed on Fryday nixt with the rest of the old actis quhilk are heirby approven. And farder the saidis magistratis and counsell having taken to their consideration the petition presented to them by the candlemakeris within this burgh, they, for severall weightie reasons, have allowed and heirby allowes the said candlemakeris to exact the sowm of fifty eight shilling Scotis for ilk stane of candle they have sold since Lowksmes (fn. 11) last, quhilk is the ordinary tyme of making the pryces therof for the yeir ensewing, in respect they have payed for the tallow conform to the last yeiris statutes, quhilk was fifty shilling the stane; and farder it is heirby declared that what tallou or candle the candlemakeris hes in their hand undisposed of, bowght be them fra the flesheouris within the said burgh since Lowksmes last, that they shall pay for the stane of the said tallou conform to this yeiris statute, quhilk is fourty six shilling and eight pennies the stane; and what therof is already payed grants liberty to the candlemakeris to seek repetition for what they have payed more nor this yeiris statute, and to conveen them that refuses befor the magistratis for that effect, the saidis candlemakeris allways making faith as to what quantity of tallou or candle they have in their handis maid therof that was bowght since the said tyme of Lowksmes last, and the persons fra whom they bought the same.

25 November 1681.

Quartermaister to quarter the soldiouris.

Appoyntis the quartermaister to quarter the soldiouris more regularly, with all expedition, and that with consent and be the advyce of baillies Barnes and Wallace.

Warrand, Cors.

Ordains baillie Cors to pay to Francis Polanus ten pound starling for helping him to releive his twa bretheren and a sister out of slavery, quher they are detained by the Turks, he having maid the same appear to be true by certificatis he produced.

Rankins fyne, ransom fra the Turks.

It was concluded that what remains of the fyne that was gotten fra Rankins in Greenock, for importing of Irish leather, (fn. 12) be given to (blank) for helping to pay what he rests for his ransome for releiving owt of prison fra the Turks, and ordains the same to be delyvered to him for that effect.

20 December 1681.

Ralton, visitor of maltmen.

The magistratis and counsell did elect and choyse John Raltoun to be visitor of the maltmen in place of James Campbell, who was formerly choysen, in respect he refused to accept and take the test, and who also refused to accept therof, and allowes him to advyse betwixt and the nixt counsell day.

Pension to Saffley.

In ansuer to the supplication given in be Hugh Saffley, professor of navigation, it is concluded that he get four pund starling be yeir so long as he stayes and teaches that art in the toun, and to have ten dollouris by and attour presently.

Ansuer to the ministeris of Litle Polandis letter.

In ansuer to the letter direct to the magistratis and counsell of this burgh be the ministeris in Litle Poland, it is concluded that ane letter be sent in name of the toun to James Cornwall of Bonhard, to be transmitted to the saids ministeris, declareing that the toun hes condescended and aggried to accept of such twa young men as the said ministeris shall think fitt to send hither for the colledge, and that they will mentain and keep them at the colledge ay and quhill they shall be found qualified for being ministeris of the gospell.


  • 1. "Weiz," apparently a structure formed to divert the water. An old Scottish word "weise" or "weize" signified to turn about or twist.
  • 2. On 6th June it was reported that "Alexander Telphers land, quhilk was umquhill Hendrie Kelsoes, with the haill standing stone wark and the timber and utheris there," had been bought for 950 merks.
  • 3. A sum of £10,000 Scots, lent to the marquis of Argyle, seems to have consisted of the money contributed by the inhabitants of Glasgow, in 1635, as an endowment towards the maintenance of the minister and reader of Blackfriars Church, which was at that time transferred by the college to the city (Glasg. Chart., pt. ii., p. 360). Several references tothis loan occur in the records, the last of these which has been noticed being contained in a minute dated 23rd December, 1700. In that minute it is narrated that "the late marques of Argyle stands indebted to the magistrates and council for themselves, as representing the communitie of the said burgh, and as patrons to Hutchisons Hospitall, in the respective sums following, viz.—£10,000 Scots money, principall, with the bygon resting annualrents, contained in a band granted be the said late marques, therein designed Archibald lord Lorne, as principall, and his cautioners therein named, to the said burgh, dated 7th October, 1636; item, 10,000 merks, with the bygone resting annualrents contained in another band granted be the said laite marques and his cautioner to Hutchisons Hospitall, dated 16th August, 1643." [This bond was taken over by the town, in a settlement with the Hospital, in 1659.] "Item, £800, money foresaid, with penaltie and annualrents contained in another band granted be the said laite marques [to Hutchisons Hospital], dated 18th March, 1645." The estates of the marquis were forfeited to the crown in 1661, and in 1700 there was a proposal to apply for reduction of the decree of forfeiture, "to the effect that the said laite marques his creditors might have access to such debts as were resting by the deceast marques of Huntly and his predecessors to the said late marques of Argyle." As part of the arrangement for these contemplated proceedings, the magistrates and council discharged the then earl of Argyle and his heirs and successors personally, and restricted their claim to such funds as might be secured through the reduction of the forfeiture or might be recovered from the cautioners; but, so far as has been ascertained, the loans were never repaid either wholly or partially. (MS. Council Rec., XVI., pp. 268–70; Hist. of Hutchesones' Hospital (1800), Appx., pp. lix.-lxx.)
  • 4. When M'Ure published his History of Glasgow in 1736, the land market, otherwise called the mutton market, was situated in Bell Street, and this was probably the "new mercat" above referred to. The Bell Street market was transferred to trustees under the Markets Act of 1845, and subsequently to markets commissioners under the act of 1850. In 1851 these commissioners sold the site to the Police and Statute Labour Committee, to be used for an extension of the police office. (MS. Sasine Reg. vol. 353, fol. 82.)
  • 5. See footnote, antea, pp. 294–5.
  • 6. On 31st August, parliament prescribed a stringent form of oath, called the test, to be taken by all persons in public trust. (1681, c. 6, A.P.S. VIII., pp. 243–4.)
  • 7. This entry, in which there are evidently clerical mistakes, is printed as written, except that the word "[hands]" is supplied. The royal visitor, here named "Albany," is better known as the Duke of York, afterwards King James VII.
  • 8. In this parliament various acts specially relating to Glasgow were passed. By c. 97 it was ordered that houses which should in future be built in Glasgow and certain other towns were to be roofed with lead, slate, or tiles, and no other material (A.P.S., VIII., p. 357); c. 103 declared two sugar-works in Glasgow to have the privileges of a recent act of parliament regarding manufactories (Ib., p. 360); c. 304 similarly declared the woollen work of serge and other stuffs erected by James Armour to be a manufactory (Ib., p. 361); c. 140 ratified the privileges of the incorporation of weavers (Ib., p. 396); and c. 157 ratified an act of the convention of burghs, dated 6th July, 1676, empowering the magistrates and council to feu portions of their common muir, and also three dispositions, dated 22nd August, 1676, granted by the town council, with consent of the archbishop, (1) to John Campbell of Woodside of the lands in Wester Common called Moodies mailling and Peiters mailling, (2) to James Fairie, late bailie of the burgh, of the lands of Cowlaires, Seggieholme, and west part of Sight hill, and (3) to Ninian Anderson, merchant, of the lands of Lymehouse boig, with pieces of ground adjoining.
  • 9. Provost Bell's house, in which the duke of York was entertained, was situated on the south side of Bridgegate and west side of Saltmarket Street. Part of the building stood till 1903, when it was removed by the corporation in connection with the widening of Bridgegate. See footnote, antea, p. 39.
  • 10. See "Form of election of counsall," 19th August, 1637, Glasg. Rec., I., p. 382; also "Act anent the forme and manner of choysing," 15th October, 1663, antea, pp. 18, 19.
  • 11. "Lowksmes," feast of the nativity of St. Luke (18 October).
  • 12. See p. 283.