Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.
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'Extracts from the records: 1685', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690, ed. J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1905), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp370-384 [accessed 13 September 2024].
'Extracts from the records: 1685', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Edited by J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1905), British History Online, accessed September 13, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp370-384.
"Extracts from the records: 1685". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Ed. J D Marwick(Edinburgh, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 13 September 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp370-384.
In this section
17 January 1685.
Report, provest, from Edinburgh.
The provest made report of his diligence at Edinburgh, and produced Sir George Lockhart and the rest of the touns advocatis their information anent what is fitt to be done in the touns affairs, and particularly to call the lait magistratis and councell to ane accompt for imbazling the touns revenewes and common good, and that ther wer summondis of reduction raised for reducing some bands and acts of councell granted be the lait magistratis, quherof one granted to the lait archbishop of Glasgow now of St. Andrews for twenty thowsand merkis, granted for a tack of the teynds, with the bands granted to Coutstoun, Bailie Andersone and John Andersone, maister of wark; quhilk report was allowed and approven be the saids magistratis and councell, and appoyntis the reduction to be prosecute both as to these and what else shall be thought necessar be advyce of lawyeris.
Money collected on account of lait fyre.
Appoyntis the provest [and others], with ane of these of every quarter that collected the money for helping these that suffered by the lait fyre beyond the Gallowgait bridge, to conveen and call for accompt of the said money swa collected, and to distribute the samen to these that had the loss, als equally and justly as they best can, and particularly to consider these who had the greatest loss and are best deserving; and in the mean tyme appoyntis the dean of gild to call for the lists fra the collectouris that it may be knoun what is received.
Cleansing of the street.; Taking up lists of strangers.
The magistratis and counsell considering how unbeseeming it is in the streets of the toun to sie the samen so filthie, by peoples letting middings and fulzie ly therupon and not clatting the streets as they owght to doe, therfor they heirby inact, statute and ordain that no persons shall lay out or suffer any middings to ly wpon the street longer then they may have a competent tyme to take them away, and that the streets be clated and made clean once every week, and that the samen be done be ilk person forganes his oun land, be these to whom the land pertains, at leist be these who gets the fulzie of the closs, and that under the pain of four shillings Scotis toties quoties they failzie to cleanse the said street once a week; quhilk is to be payed to Thomas Urie, quherof thrie shilling to be applyed to his oun use, who is heirby appoynted to sie this act put in executioune, and the uther twelve pennies to one of the toun officeris whom he is to take alongst with him to sie the samen done. And if any of the inhabitantis shall suffer any fulzie to ly longer wpon the streets then they may conveniently take the same away, the said Thomas is heirby impowered to cause take the same away and imploy the same to his oun use. And in respect ther is severall persons that hes not convenient places in backsydes to lay their fulzie in, they appoynt baillie Johnston and the dean of gild to look for some convenient place by the way leading to Crapnestock quher the people may lay their fulzie. And alse appoynts the said Thomas Urie to look for what strangeris and persons that want testificatis come into the toun, and to give in ane list therof to the magistratis, weekly or monthlie, for quhilk he is to have 40 s. for his pains.
14 February 1685.
Warrand, apologeticall declaration.
Ordains John Ritchie to pay to the provest the sowm of ane hundreth fifty nyne punds fyftein shilling Scotis that was spent be him, on the touns accompt, the tyme the earle of Carnwath and remanent commissioners of counsell and justiciarie sate heir anent the apologeticall declaration. (fn. 1)
28 February 1685.
Oath of allegiance, King James the 7th.
The baillies and counsell did take the oath of allegiance and supremacie, as also the oath and test in name of our present dread soveraigne King James the seventh, (fn. 2) and subscrivit the samen with their hands.
The provestis commission to the parliament.
The magistratis and toun councell, taking to their consideration that our dread soveraigne the King hes be his proclamation ordained a parliament to meet at Edinburgh the nynth of Apryll nixt, commanding and requyring all shyres and burghs to make choice of their respective commissioneris, and them and all others concerned to attend the same at that tyme, in obedience to the qwhilk proclamation the saids magistratis and counsell have unanimously elected and choysen John Johnstoun of Clachrie, present provest, to be commissioner for this burgh at the said parliament, and ordains the clerk to give ane ample commission for that effect in their names, quherof the tennor followis:—Be it kend till all men be thir present letters, ws, the baillies and councell of the burgh of Glasgow, forsameikle as it hath pleased his sacred Majestie King James the 7th to appoynt ane parliament to be holden at the burgh of Edinburgh wpon the nynth day of Apryll in this instant yeir of God 1685 yeiris, therfor witt ye ws to have nominat, constituted and ordained, lykas we be thir presentis nominat, constitute and ordain our weill beloved neighbour, John Johnston of Clachrie, present provest of our said burgh, our very laufull undowted and irrevocable commissioner to the effect underwritten, giving, granting and committing to him our very full, frie, plain power, express bidding, mandament and charge, for ws and in our names and wpon our behalf, to meet and conveen with the remanent commissioneris of the said royall burrows of this kingdome, in the said ensewing parliament to be holden at the said burgh of Edinburgh wpon the said nynth of Apryll, with continuatioune of dayes, and there in our names to sit, treat, reason, votte and conclude wpon all and quhatsomever matteris that shall happen to be proponed, treated and concluded wpon the said parliament; firm and stable holding and for to hold all and quhatsomever our said commissioner shall doe in the premisses, in swa far as may concern the glorie of God, the Kings honour and weellfare of this kingdome and estate of the burrows. Attour, we testifie and declare our said commissioner to be a man fearing God, of the true protestant religion presently in publict profest and authorized be the lawes of this kingdome, without suspition of the contrair, ane merchand inhabitant in our said burgh, bearing all portable charges with his neighbouris within the samen, and is such as may tyne and win in all their affairis. In witnes quherof, thir presentis are subscrivit be George Andersone, our common clerk, at our command, our common seall of office of the said city is heirto affixt. (fn. 3)
13 March 1685.
The touns address to his Majestie.
Ther was ane humble address subscryved be the magistratis and toun counsell to be presented to his sacred Majestie, quherof the tennour followis:—To the Kings most excellent Majestie,—The humble address of the magistrats and councell of your citie of Glasgow, for themselves and in name of the inhabitantis. As we, your Majesties most dutifull and loyall subjects, could not bot in a very speciall manner have a deep sense of and be much afflicted for the inexpressible loss of our late gracious monarch, by whose care and protection we were so weill defended from the dangers that did constantly threaten us from disordourly neighbouris, for quhich loss each of your Majesties subjects is truly greived, according to the degrees of his sense and loyalty, so this gratefull and decent sorrow does not at all hinder ws from blessing Almightie God and having our hearts filled with sincere joy for your sacred Majesties accession to the throne of your royall ancestouris, by whom we and our predecessouris have bein of long protected, and from whose oun extraordinary experience, als weill as wisdome and cowrage, we have just reason to expect that this corner of the kingdome will be again reduced to quiet and happines, and the trade by which this place is only supported will be secured and incouraged by that extraordinary skill which your sacred Majestie hes in affairs of that nature. In return of all which we shall indavour, with hearts far more loyall then any professions we can make, not only to concurr our selves in our oun stations in your Majesties service, bot be very exemplar to others, in spyte of all dangers and opposition, thogh we have very good reason to hope that none of these will threaten your Majesties peacable reigne which, that it may be als happie as your Majesties great vertue deserves and as our sincere loyaltie showld inspyre ws to wish, shall be the constant and ardent prayeris of, may it please your sacred Majestie, your Majesties most humble, most faithfull and most dutifull subjects.
16 May 1685.
Warrand, maister of wark.
Ordains the maister of wark to pay to one Anthonie Nauden, a Frenchman, thrie rex dollouris to help to carry him and his wyfe aff the toun, he having left his countrey for his religion.
2 June 1685.
Common good
[Mills, 8,000 merks; ladles, 3,400 merks; mealmarket and pecks, 900 merks; tron, 810 merks; bridge, 1,200 merks.]
27 June 1685.
Report, provest, from Edinburgh.
The provest made report of his diligence at Edinburgh the tyme of sitting of the parliament and sitting of the burrows, before and at the tyme, and of the touns uther affairs from the second of Apryle last to the twentie fourth of this instant. And ordains David Craufurd, thesaurer, to pay to the said provest the soum of twelve hundred fourtein pounds fyftein shilling, Scotis money, for his expenssis and debursmentis, both ordinar and extraordinar, in attending the parliament and burrows the haill tyme forsaid, and for expenssis and horses hyres of himself and these he took with him in meeting his Majesties high commissioner and lord chancellour when they wer coming from London, befor the dounsitting of the parliament, and for dressing the foot mantle and furnishing livery cloathes to his servant and paying chamber maill and horse meat for some that attended him the said tyme, and other debursmentis in the touns affairs, conform to the accompt therof red and allowed.
Warrand, Johnstoun, borrowed money.
Ordains Robert Johnstoun to have ane warrand for the sowm of seven thowsand merkis sent east be him to Edinburgh to the provest, quhilk soum, with the sowm of fyve thowsand merks borrowed be baillie Johnstoun and Robert Corse, dean of gild, fra Jonet Muir, for quhilk they gave their oun band and quhilk also was sent to the provest, and with the quhilk twa sowmes the provest payed to the lait archbishop of Glasgow, now of St. Andrews, (fn. 4) the sowm of twelve thowsand merks of principall soum the toun was awand to him by band.
Provest, excyse.
The magistratis and toun councell, taking to their consideration that be ane act of this current parliament the excyse of malt browen within this kingdome is to be exacted for the malt browen, and the land rent not to be burdened for making wp of the samen as formerly, swa that by all appearance, and by the insinwation of some persons, the excyse of the malt that shall happen to be browen within this toun, after the first of November nixt, may be taken far beyond the just availl, and the toun frustrat of that exaction that they had aff the samen formerly, wherby the toun will be exceedingly straitned and will not be in a condition to pay their debtis and publict burdens if the samen be not remeided, therfor they heirby commissionat and appoynt the provest to use his indavour to get the excyse in the touns hand, they payand as formerly, althogh he showld give some litle thing more, or to sie and deall what he can doe for getting libertie to exact a plack of the pynt of what malt shall be browen in the toun, or uther liberty to exact somthing in lieu and place therof, for helping to pay the touns debtis and publict burdens, and that as shall be thowght fitt for the touns best advantage.
10 August 1685.
Warrand, M'Millen.
Ordains Robert M'Millen to pay to George Johnstoun, baillie, [£1,528 3 s. 4 d.] Scotis money, debursed be him for baggage horses furnished for carieing the artillery and others belonging to the Kings forces, and for furnishing of post horses and their ryders, and for foot posts, the haill tyme of the lait rebellion fra the tyme that the late Argyle and his accomplices invaded this kingdome, conform to the compt therof.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordains the thesaurer to pay to John Hall, elder, the soum of fifty fyve pounds two shilling Scotis for dressing the late Argyle, Rumbold, Mr. Thomas Archer, Mr. Lockhart, and ane poor Dutchman, the tyme they wer prisoneris in the tolbooth, being all wounded, and for furnishing drogs to them, conform to the compt therof. (fn. 5)
Warrand, thesaurer, lait rebellion.
Ordains the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowm of four hundreth threttie fyve pounds twelve shilling, payed to the touns militia and the militia of Gorballis the tyme of the lait rebellion, being eleven of them was out for the space of fourty four dayes, at eightein shilling ilk day, with sixtein punds sixtein shilling Scotis payed to Andro Bell, ane of the eleven, being a trumpeter, attour his ordinar pay; and for twenty punds Scotis payed farder for the expenssis and horse hyres of these who went to Hamilton to get the saids militia horses and men received and past mustour, conform to the compt therof.
Warrand, M'Millen, militia.
Ordains Robert M'Millen to have ane warrand for [£1,741 18 s. 8 d.] Scotis money debursed and lent be him to the officers of the thrie Lothian and Angus regimentis of militia, for the use of their severall regimentis, the tyme they lay heir, conform to their severall nottes and receptis obleidging them to procure the same allowed to the toun in their cess or excyse.
Report, provest to Edinburgh.
The provest made report that he had bein dealling with my lord high thesaurer and cash-keeper for getting the toun reimbursed of what money they had payed for baggage, post-horses and utheris, the tyme of the lait rebellion, quhilk my lord thesaurer was very willing showld be done, bot that ther was no money at present to pay the same, bot that my lord thesaurer and cash-keeper had offered to give alsmuch meall out of the castle of Stirling as wold pay the same at such rate as they showld aggrie; quhilk being taken to consideration they appoynt the provest to repair to Edinburgh anent getting payment of the touns said debursmentis, either be meall or what other way he can obtain the same, and to speak my lord thesaurer anent the touns uther affairs befor he goe for London.
19 September 1685.
Councellouris places declared vacant.
The magistratis and toun councell, taking to their consideration that severall persons who wer elected and choysen to be on the toun councell at the last election had seldome or never appeared at the ordinary meetings of the councell, to give their advyce and assistance to the magistratis anent what related to the touns affairs, and particularlie John Andersone, lait baillie, who never since the last election appeared, and George Grahame, James Robisone and Allan Marshell who have not compeired these thrie or four councell dayes lastbypast, notwithstanding that the said John Andersone was allwayes personally warned to attend at the ordinar councell dayes when he was in the toun, as also the saids George Grahame, James Robisone and Allan Marshell, these four councell dayes last, be Neill M'Allum, officer, who be his oath taken be the saids magistratis and counsell deponed the samen to be of verity; and therfor they declare their places vacant, and for supplying of the samen the saids magistratis and counsell made choice of John Bryssone and William Napeir, merchands, in place of John Andersone and James Robisone, and of John Hall, elder, and James Colquhoun, in place of the saids George Grahame and Allan Marshell; and ordains the saids four persons to be warned to attend at the nixt counsell meeting.
Report, provest, meill to be sold.
The provest made report of his diligence at Edinburgh anent the touns affairs the last tyme he was there, and that he had gote ane ordour from his grace my lord high thesaurer and cash-keeper for getting als much meall, at seven merks the boll, lying at Stirling, for paying what money the toun advanced for baggage and post-horses and utheris the tyme of the lait rebellion; quhilk meill he declared is come to Glasgow already, and ordains the same to be sold at the best advantage for the touns use.
Well at West port.
The saids magistratis and counsell allowes and approves of the setting doun of ane well at the West port, and ordains the samen to be finished and outredd and the expenssis to be payed be the toun. Ordanis John Purveyance to pay to Alexander Thom twa hundreth pounds Scots to accompt of setting doun the well at the West port, and uther work wrought be him to the toun.
Warrandis, thesaurer, postmaster.; Gold box.
Ordains David Craufurd, thesaurer, to pay to John Alexander, postmaster for the toun of Glasgow, the soum of thrie hundreth and thrie pounds ten shilling Scotis money, quherof sixty punds payed to Robert Mein for ane years news letters and gazetts furnished to the toun fra the beginning of October 1683 to October 1684, and ane hundreth fifty six punds for his fiall as the touns post fra the first of October 1684 to October 1685, at thrie pund per week; and the remander of the said sowm is allowed for his extraordinary pains and in carieing of money and for horse hyres that he furnished at severall tymes on the touns account this last yeir, conform to the compt therof red and allowed. . . . As also ordains the thesaurer to pay to Robert Brock, goldsmith, the soum of four scoir four pounds fourtein shilling Scotis for ane gold box made and furnished be him to the toun for ane burges ticket this last yeir, and the rest for thrie silver boxes and ane silver stampt made and furnished be him on the touns accompt quhen John Bell and John Barnes wer provestis, conform to the accompt therof.
6 October 1685.
Election of the proveist and baillies.
The said day being the first Tuesday after Michaelmass, and swa the ordinar day for electing the magistrats of this burgh for the year ensuing, compeared Mr. Patrick Craw of Hewghhead, and produced ane letter direct be his grace Alexander, archbishop of Glasgow, to the proveist, magistrats and toune counsell of the said burgh, wherby the said archbishop continowes John Johnstoune of Clachrie, present proveist, to be proveist for the year ensuing, who being present did accept of the said office, and gave his oath de fideli administratioune as use is, and swore the oath and test and subscrivit the samen. Therafter the saids haill forenamed counsellouris being removed frae the table, except the present proveist and George Johnstoune, ane of the lait baillies, the said proveist and baillie did set doune the leitts of the merchand and crafts counsellouris to be presented to the said archbishop, out of whilk he is to choise the three baillies for the year ensuing, and the number of the merchands who were to be leitted being twelve in number, the samen were divyded in sex leitts, being two for ilk leitt, out of whilk the persones following were elected and choisen, viz.:—Robert Corse, John Ritchie, and John Purveyance for the first leitt, and for the second John Bryssone and James Peadie; and the crafts counsellouris who were to be leitted, being also twelve in number, were divyded in three leitts, to the effect three of them might be choisen to be presented to the said archbishop, and that ane of them might be elected to be the third baillie for the crafts rank, out of whilk the persones following were choisen, viz.:— John Hall, elder, John Smith and Alexander Ross. And whilk leitts swa made up is ordained to be presented to the said archbishop be baillie George Johnstoune, Robert M'Millan, and the clerk; and they having done the samen accordinglie, his grace did name and mark the saids Robert Corse and John Bryssone for the merchand rank, and John Hall for the crafts rank, to bear office as the three baillies of this burgh for the year ensuing, who being all present did accept and gave their oathes de fideli administratione, and tooke the oath and test and subscrivit the samen.
9 October 1685.
[The magistrates of this and the two preceding years chose thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be councillors for the ensuing year.]
10 October 1685.
Appointing ane day this year for choising the dean of gild and deacon conveener and utheris.
The saids magistrats and counsell takeing to their consideration that Weddinsday next is the ordinar day the dean of gild and deacon conveener of this burgh, with the thesaurer and severall utheris that bearis office therin, uses to be elected, is ordained to be set a pairt and keeped for his Majesties birthday, therefor it is heirby inacted and concluded that the said election shall be on Tuesday nixt, whilks the dean of gild, deacon conveiner and utheris concerned are to have their leitts readie to be presented that day, and declares that this shall be without prejudice of the keeping of the ordinary day for the said election in tyme comeing.
13 October 1685.
Dean of gild, etc.
[George Johnstoune, dean of guild; John Smith, deacon convener; Robert M'Millan, treasurer; Alexander Knox, water bailie; Alexander Ross, bailie of Gorbals; John Lilburne, visitor of maltmen; James Peadie, master of work; John Grahame, procurator fiscal.]
19 October 1685.
Bread tallow, and candle.
[The 12 d. loaf to weigh 12½ oz.; rough tallow to be sold for 46 s. the stone; and candle for 52s. the stone.]
Proveist commissionat anent the excyse.
The magistratis and counsell considering that the excyse of malt browne within the toune is to fall in the Kings hands, by the act of this current parliament, at the begining of November next, and that the samen will be uplifted be collectouris or these who shall happine to take the excyse of the malt within the kingdom, wherby the toune may be prejudged of what they exacted formerly of the said malt by and attour the Kings dewes, they therefor commissonat the proveist to take what wayes and methods he shall think fitt for getting the superplus of the excyse continowed to the toune whilk they uplifted formerlie, attoure the King's pairt, for paying their cess and other publict burdines and debts, and if need beis that the dean of gild conveen the haill merchands, and the deacon conveener the haill deacones and crafts for getting their concurrance and advyce theranent, in caice the toune shall get the uplifting of the haill themselves as formerly.
Anent the colledge and Gramer Schooll.
The magistrats and toune counsell haveing receaved ane lettre from doctor Fall, principall of the colledge of Glasgow, with some proposallis drawen up be him and the rest of the maisteris of the said colledge and ministeris of the toune, in ordour of discipline and teaching of the schoollaris in the Gramer Schooll, and for keeping ane good correspondence betuixt the said Gramer Schooll and humanitie class in the colledge, having bein desired by the magistrats to give their oppinione anent what relates to good ordour and discipline in the said schooll, at ane visitation therein on Munday last; whilk being taken to the saids proveist, baillies and counsell their consideration, they ordaine their most heartie thankis to be given to the said principall and remanent maisteris and ministeris for their advyce and dilligence in the premissis, and for their last trouble and paines in the visitation, hopeing they wold continow to doe the like heirafter when occasion should offer. And the saids magistrats and counsell heirby declare that they will not have their burgesses restricted as to that article in the proposallis anent the humanitie class, but that they shall have free libertie aither to continow their children in the Gramer School till found qualified, or to put them to the humanitie class, or dispose on them otherwayes at their option, without any hinderance. And as to the rest of the proposallis they nominat and appoint the proveist, baillies, dean of gild and baillie Caldwell to call for the maister of the Gramer Schooll, and whom else they think fitt, and to advyse theranent, and to give in their oppinione to the magistrats and toune counsell to be considered be them before any answer therof be given to the Colledge.
Committee anent the tounes fewdewties and utheris.
Nominats and appoints the proveist, baillies, dean of gild, deacon conveener [and three others] to meet amongst themselves and take ane accompt what lands, aither in the aikeris about the toune or lands in the barronie, that hes not payed and agreed for their teinds, and what lands is inclosed in yairds that payed formerlie; as also of the few dewties and ground annwellis payable to the toune and what is resting, and of the tounes cellaris at Newport Glasgow, and of the store houses at Greenock, and what of the tounes fewaris in Gorballis are unentered, and report.
26 October 1685.
Proveist and clerk appointed to goe to Edinburgh.
The magistrats and counsell nominats and appoints the proveist to repair to Edinburgh anent that persute Robert Hamiltoune is persewing the toune for, and the tennents of Provand, and anent that persute of my lord Blantyres and the tounes other affaires; and likwise appoints George Andersone, clerk, to repair to Edinburgh with his first conveniencie or when the proveist shall wryte for him anent the saids affaires; and to take in with him the accompt betwixt Sir Robert Hamiltoune and the toune, with James Oswalds precepts for clearing of these affaires.
Appointment for visiting the manufactorie.
Appoints the dean of gild and deacon conveener to take accompt of what loomes, sheares, and uther materiallis are lying in the manufactorie in the Drygait, and to lay up the samen where they may best be preserved, and to cause wair and bestow anything that can be gottine for the yaird and houses for repairing of the said manufactorie.
Dumbartane bridge.
Appoints the dean of gild to call for the accompts of the contribution which was collected in this toune for the bridge of Dumbartane, and to deliver the samen to the thesaurer that he may call for the money collected, and he to be comptable therefor.
High Kirk clock.
The magistratis and counsell upon severall reasones, and after consideration had be them, have appointed and heirby appoints Walter Corbet to attend and have a care of the clock in the High Kirk alsweill as the clock and chimmes in the tolbooth, and to have fyve pounds sterling payed him yearlie aff the fyftein pound sterling Andrew Purdoune had payed him.
14 December 1685.
John Waddrop to make buckets.
Ordaines John Waddrop to make sextie three leather buckets for the tounes use, and to have four pund Scots for ilk ane of them, and ordaines the samen to be payed out of the bucket money collected at the dean of gilds court; as also to mend the haill old buckets that are spoiled, and to retaine alse much of the bucket money in his oune hand quhilk he hes received or shall receave ay and untill he [be] payed for makeing of the said new buckets and mending the old.
29 December 1685.
My lord primats discharge produced.
The proveist made report of his dilligence at Edinburgh in the tounes affaires, and produced the decreit obtained at the instance of the lord archbishop of St. Andrews before the lords of session against the toune for twentie thousand merks that was resting him for the tack of the teinds, conforme to their band whilk was granted be proveist Barnes and the toune counsell for the tyme to the said archbishop, and gave in ane discharge of the said soume that was payed to the said archbishop, and of eightein hundreth [merks] of bygane annuelrents resting preceeding Martimas last, and whilk was payed him, conforme to the said discharge. And the bands following were this day subscrivit in favoures of the persones following, ilk ane of them for their oune pairts for the money they lent and sent in to Edinburgh, for paying the said archbishop, viz. . . .
Earl of Dundonnalds buriall.
Remitts to the dean of gild and deacon conveener to appoint what persones they think fitt to goe with them to the Earle of Dundonnalds buriall.
Act declareing meaning of another act.
The proveist, baillies and toune counsell of the said burgh being conveened, and takeing to their consideration ane act made be the magistrats and toune counsell of the samen burgh upon the twentie sevinth day of October 1684, wherby and for the reasones therin contained, the magistrats of the said burgh, baillie of Gorballis, and water baillie are not to fyne any persone but in ane publict court, and useing ane legall probation, and giveing ane formall sentence against them, and that the tounes baillies shall not determine anything betwixt the tounes people above fourtie shilling Scotts, excepted they be convicted as said is, the saids magistrats and counsell doe hereby declare that the true meaning of the said act was not to hinder the magistrats to punishe and fyne any persone who should bring in malt to the toune without paying the excyse, and to determine betwixt the tounes flesheouris and these who shall bring in kyne to the toune to sell to them for furnishing the leidges, and punishing of them for unsufficient flesh, or to punishe and fyne the baxters for unsufficient wheat bread, and these who brings in spoilled and unsufficient victuall to the toune to be sold, as uther magistrats did formerlie, and that it shall be leisum to the present magistrats and their successouris in office to doe the same in tyme comeing as their predicessouris were in use and wont to doe, notwithstanding of the foresaid act or any uther act made in the contrary.
Warrand, maltmen against dean of gild.
Ordaines Frederick Hamiltone to pay . . . to the proveist [£ 428 10 s. disbursed] to advocats and agents and their servants, and to the clerks of privy councill, their servants and utheris, anent the action persued be the maltmen of this burgh against George Johnstoun, dean of gild, before the secreet councill.
Presentation, Mr. Robert Knox, minister.
The proveist, baillies and counsell of the said burgh being conveened, and takeing to their consideration their calling and presenting of ane able and qualified persone for serving the cure as ane of this burghes ordinary ministers, now vacand throw the deceass of Mr. Adam Gordone, minister, here, they all, with ane unanimous consent, being assured and weill informed of the qualification, good life and conversation of Mr. Robert Knox, student of divinity, hes called, nominat and presented, and heirby callis nominats and presents the said Mr. Robert Knox to be ane of the ordinary ministers of this burgh in place of the said umquhill Mr. Adam Gordone, and to the ordinary stipend payable yearlie to any of the ministers within the said burgh serving the cure there, whilk is yearlie ane thousand punds money of stipend, and four score punds of house maill, to be payed at two termes in the year, Whitsounday and Martimass, be equall portiones, begining the first termes payment therof at the terme of Whitsounday jm. vjc. eightie sex yearis, for the halfe year immediatelie preceeding. And willis and desires the most reverend father in God, Alexander by the mercy of God archbishop of Glasgow, to trye and examine the literature, qualification, good life and conversation of the said Mr. Robert Knox, and, being found qualified, to admitt and receave him to be ane of the ministeris of this burgh for exercing the function of the ministrie therin, and to give him collation, institution, and all uther sort of ecclesiastick ordouris requisite for that effect, and to take his oath for giveing dew obedience to his grace the said archbishop, his ordinary, in forme as effeirs. And ordaines the clerk to subscryve and give furth to the said Mr. Robert Knox ane extract of thir presentis, whilk is declared to be alse sufficient as if there were a presentation drawen up and subscrivit be the saids magistrats and counsell themselves.