Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.
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'Extracts from the records: 1689', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690, ed. J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1905), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp419-437 [accessed 14 October 2024].
'Extracts from the records: 1689', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Edited by J D Marwick( Edinburgh, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 14, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp419-437.
"Extracts from the records: 1689". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Ed. J D Marwick(Edinburgh, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 14 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp419-437.
In this section
23 January 1689.
Warrand, gunpowder and picks.
Ordaines John Andersone to have ane warrand for [£ 106 4 s.] that he gave to James Bell by ordour of the proveist when he went to Stirling with ane partie of the tounes people to bring here some gunpowder and picks. (fn. 1)
Anent the tounes regiment disbanding.
In respect that the regiment in toune refuises to obey the magistrats, it is concluded that the said regiment be disbanded and are frae this tyme disbanded, bot that ther shall be ane guard keeped nightly of sextie men for preventing of stealling and accidentall fyre, as God forbid, and to goe on nightlie and dismiss in the morning, and the toune to furnish them coall and candle. As also that these who hes colouris and syths either give in the same to the toune or pay the samen themselves, and these that gives back the same for the tounes use that the toune pay for them, as also that the tounes partizanes be called in for, and recommends to the dean of gild and deacon conveener to see the samen done.
24 January 1689.
Ane well set doune be John Wilsone.
The magistrats and counsell takeing to consideration that John Wilsone, maltman, hes set doune ane well without the West port on the tounes ground, near to the head of the Shitwynd, on his oune expenses, it is concluded be pluralitie of votts that he get ane hundreth merks payed him in lew of his said charges for setting doune the said well, the said John Wilsone declareing under his hand that the said well shall be made open and patent to the toune of Glasgow and haill inhabitants therin whenever they shall have occasion to make use of the samen for drawing water; and ordaines the thesaurer to pay him the said ane hundreth merks on the termes foresaid.
Address to his royall highness the Prince of Orrange.
The proveist gave in ane address to be presented to his royall highness the Prince of Orrange, whilk was allowed be the magistrats and toune counsell and subscrivit be the most pairt; and appoints the proveist to advyse whither he send the samen or not, and by what persones it shall be presented to his highness, and the said address was delivered to him for that end. (fn. 2)
2 February 1689.
Anent the meeting of the burrowes.
There being ane letter direct to the proveist of Glasgow be Mr. John Buchan, ajent to the burrowes, at desire of the proveist of Edinburgh, desireing the toune to send some person to meet at Edinburgh with the commissioneris for the burrowes of Edinburgh, Perth, Dundie, Stirling, and Kirkaldie for consulting anent the calling of ane convention anent what measures shall be taken for promotting ane unioun of trade betuixt Scotland and England, the proveist of Edinburgh haveing receaved letteris frae London that the peers and commons of England did inclyne therto. Whilk being taken to consideration they appoint and commissionats the proveist to repair to Edinburgh and meet with the proveist of Edinburgh and remanent burrowes and to commone anent the said affaire, and to advyse with them what is fitt to be done in the said affaire, and to give report to the magistrats and counsell before anything be concluded.
Warrand, thesaurer, chasnutts.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Walter Brock [£ 46 5 s. Scots] that was spent in his house be the magistrats at severall tymes and in the guard, and for ane bushell of chasnutts given to ane freind of the tounes, whilk was to have bein payed be George Campbell, master of work, be ordour of Robert Campbell, then dean of gild, and is yet resting.
18 May 1689.
Letter concerning the imposition.
It is concluded that there be ane letter written to Edinburgh to advert in caice any persones be stirring for getting ane stop put to the uplifting of the imposition granted to the toune on the ale, wyne and drinking beir, and upon advertisement if it be found necessar that the proveist repair to Edinburgh theranent, and for getting the said imposition continowed.
Those who brack the peckis and the tolbooth.
Appoints the proveist and baillies to call and convein these persones who brack the peckis in winter last and these who had accession therto, and use all dilligence possible against them conforme to law till they make als many peckis in the place of these that were brocken, or at least pay in the money for doeing the same, and otherwayes to fyne them and punish their persones by and attour payment of the peckis. As also that the like be done against these who brack the tolbooth, for doeing wherof this shall be ane warrand to the saids magistrats.
Petition be tackisman of the peckis.
The magistrats and counsell being conveened anent the petition given in to them be William Somervell, tackisman of the peckis, craveing allowance and defalcation aff his tack dewtie for the loss and dammage he sustained by brecking of the peckis, whilk was done on the eightein day of December last, and the loseing of his change since that tyme, and the ale he had spoilled and other abuses in his house through the persones thronging in that brock the saids peckis, and by keeping the horse guards in the meillmercat be the gentlemen of the shyres in winter last, whereby he was necessitat to keep servants for preserveing the victuall in the mercat, and for furnishing some candle to the said guard. Whilk being taken to the saids proveist, baillies and counsell their consideration, they quatt and give doune to the said William Somervell the soume of two hundreth and twentie fyve merks resting be the said William of his yearis tack dewtie for the saids peckis.
Takisman of the mylnes and ladles.
The saids proveist, baillies and toune counsell, takeing to consideration the petition presented to them be John Stirling, maltman, and his partineris, tackismen of the mylnes and ladles for this last year, they have quatt and given doune to them the soume of four hundreth punds Scots in consideration of the loss they sustained be the maltmens refuiseing to pay the excyse and imposition for their malt, and be the maltmen in Gorballis grinding their malt by the tounes mylnes, and particularlie throw the loss they had of the ladles be the breackeing of the tounes pecks, the victuall being fare short of what wold have come to the mercat to be sold, through the want of measures, whilk wold have bein otherwayes if there had bein peckis to measure the same.
4 June 1689.
Common good set.
[Mills, 9,025 merks; ladles, 4,000 merks; mealmarket and pecks, 900 merks; tron, 820 merks; bridge, 1,160 merks.]
6 June 1689.
Anent the imposition on ale and drinking beir.
The saids proveist, baillies and counsell being conveened, and takeing to their consideration that Mr. John Cochrane, notwithstanding of ane bargane made with him and John Baillie of Castlecarie for the excyse of malt broune, vented and sold within the toune, the said Mr. John hes brocken the bargane and agreement betuixt the toune and them, by uplifting the said excyse frae the brewaris and retailleris of the ale and drinking beir, wherby the toune is prejudged of the imposition they had upon the ale and drinking beir, and the brewaris refuises to pay the same, therefore its referred to the dean of gild and deacon conveener to convein the merchands and crafts and to take their advyce what methods shall be taken for uplifting the said imposition, and if there shall be ane stent laid on for paying the tounes publict burdens, and aither to appoint the imposition to be uplifted and give their concurrance for that effect, otherwayes to give their consent to the laying on the said stent immediatlie.
15 June 1689.
Accompt, expenses in goeing to Lanerk.
George Andersone gave in ane accompt of the expenses he and John Crawfurd was at, with their servant and horses and horse hyres, in going to Lanerk and attending the meeting of the shyre ther and at Hamiltone, and getting the toune freed of the proportion of the outreik of horse, and sending ane express to Irwing and Air theranent, whilk extends to twentie two pund ten shilling Scotts money.
Ane lane through to the Trongate.
It is concluded be the saids magistrats and toune counsell that ane passage or lane be made through James Armouris closs to the Trongate, and for that end appoints the halfe of that chop belonging to (blank) be bought for makeing the said passage or lane the more broad and patent at the entrie to the Trongate. (fn. 3)
29 June 1689.
Anent malt taken at Inverarray.
It being represented be Uchter Herbisone that when the toune sent him to Inverarray in (blank) last with two hundred bollis meill and ane hundred bollis malt, by ordour of John Drummond, the said Uchter tooke with him twentie bollis malt belonging to himselfe, whilk he declares was taken frae him at Inverarray, with the rest of the malt and meall, be the person that intrometted with the said malt and meill, whilk was Machanie and (blank) Stewart of Craigtoune, and that he receaved no payment therefor, it is therefore hereby concluded that if the toune get the said twentie bollis allowed be the publict in their cess that they are to pay the same to the said Uchter.
1 July 1689.
Coallis in muir of Gorballis.
There was ane tack of the coallis in Muir of Gorballis subscrivit in favouris of John Gilhagie, merchand, with libertie to win coallis, and to set doune coall heughes within the tounes bounds ther . . . under the restrictiones and conditiones mentioned in the said tack.
Warrand, archbishopes ladie.
Ordaines the thesaurer . . . to pay to James Hamiltone twentie rex dollouris for convoying and waiteing on the archbishope of Glasgowes ladie to Edinburgh in winter last.
Sanderis, printer, tenement in Bunns Wynd.
The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveened anent the supplication presented to them be Robert Sanderis, printer, mentioning that wher he hes ane tenement of land lying within the said burgh on the north syde of that wynd called Bunns Wynd, on whilk he hes ane timber foir stair, beneth ane pairt wherof he got formerlie libertie frae Sir John Bell, when he was proveist, and remanent magistrats and toune counsell for the tyme, to build up ane ston wall the bounds of ane cellar beneth the said foir stair towards the wynd; (fn. 4) and the said petitioner being now of intention to rebuild the said tenement in ston work, and to take doune the ston work alreadie builded and bring in the samen als farr as the timber foir stair now is, whilk is within his oune drope, the saids magistrats and counsell allowing him to bring out the rest of the said tenement als farr as the said foir stair, the samen being nowayes prejudiciall to the toune; as the said supplication bearis: Whilk, with the report of sundrie of those who were appointed to sight the samen, being taken to the saids proveist, baillies and counsell their consideration, they have given and granted and hereby gives and grants libertie to the said Robert Sanderis to bring out his said wall the length of the said foir stair, he takeing doune what he hes allreadie builded and makeing the samen equall with the rest and building the haill front in sufficient ston work.
Setting the teinds of the barronie paroch.; Milnetoune of Provand.
The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveened, and takeing to their consideration the great and assiduous service done to them and their predicessouris in the commone affaires of the said burgh be John Crawfurd, wryter ther, and especiallie his great care and dilligence in setting out of the teinds within the barronie paroch of Glasgow and uther burrow aikeris, belonging to them in tack frae the archbishope of Glasgow, by which he hes helped to raise and advance the grassumes and entressis of the saids teinds, payable be the respective heretouris of the said paroch furth of the samen, a verie considerable soume above the rate that ever the saids teinds payed of before to them or their predicessouris, to the great advancement and utilitie of the commone affaires of the said burgh, therefore the saids magistrats and counsell have modified and appointed and hereby modifies and appoints the soume of sex hundreth punds to be payed be the thesaurer of the said burgh to the said John Crawfurd, as ane mean and reasonable satisfaction to him for his great paines and dilligence in setting out of the saids teinds in maner abovewrittin, and for his many other services done and performed be him to them and their foresaids in the affaires of the said burgh these diverse yearis bygane; and ordaines the said soume of six hundreth punds to be payed to him, his aires and executeris, betwixt and the terme of Candlemass nixttocome, with the ordinar annuelrent therfor therafter swa lang as the samen remaines unpayed. . . . Likeas the said John Crawford compeared before the saids proveist, baillies and counsell, and exhibite and produced before them a chartour of alienation containing de novo damus, and diverse other clauses and articles therin exprest, bearing that the said John Crawfurd and his predicessouris held the lands of Milnetoune of Provand of the saids magistrats and counsell, in name of the community of the said burgh, in few and heretage, for payment of twentie pund of yearlie few dewtie; whilk holding is by the said new chartour changed in a free blensch holding for payment of ane pennie yearlie at Whitsounday, being requyred, as the samen, containing diverse other liberties and immunities in favouris of the said John Crawfurd and Jean Fleiming, his spouse, and their aires therinmentiouned, [bears]. And the said John Crawfurd declaired that, for the great deference and respect he hes to the weill and utilitie of the said burgh and the promoveing the interest and affaires therof, he was content the said soume of six hundreth punds money, due to him as said is, should be compensed and extinguished by the foresaid twentie pund of few dewtie yearlie, and the other immunities contained in the said chartor, albeit the samen in the true value therof does not exceed the equall halfe of the said soume. And the saids proveist, baillies and counsell, considering the seen advantage and utilitie of the burgh by the foresaid compensation, did readily and willinglie accept therof, and granted and subscrivit the foresaid chartor, of the tennor and effect therin contained; and ordained the foresaid act of counsell and thir presents to be booked and recorded in their counsell bookes as the grounds therof.
3 July 1689.
Free election of baillies and counsell by poll.
Whereas his Majesties high commissioner, and lords of privie councill, be their act of the dait at Edinburgh the twentie fourth day of Junij jm. vic. eightie nyne yeares, in persewance of his Majesties letter in relation to the election of the magistrats and toune counsell of Glasgow in maner therin specifeit, have given ordour and warrand for ane new and free election of the baillies, dean of gild, thesaurer and toune counsell of Glasgow, to be choisen at Glasgow the second and thrid dayes of Julij instant by the poll of habile burgesses bearing burdine, skott and lott, excludeing honorarie burgesses, tounes servants, pensioners and beadmen, and appoints them to continow to the usewall tyme about Michaelmass nixt, and ordaining them to send up a list of three persones to his Majestie that they may make choise of one of them and authorize him to be proveist of the said burgh; and be the said act the earle of Dundonnald, or such persones as he shall commissionat, are appointed to be present and see the foresaid election, and likewise appointing the toune clerk of the said burgh to convein the habile burgesses and to proceed in the foresaid election, in the samen maner as was formerlie ordoured and appointed by the meeting of estates of the magistrats and toune counsell of Edinburgh and Dundee, with the foresaid restriction of the proveist untill his Majestie nominat ane of the three to be given in to him, or otherwayes declare his pleasure theranent, as the said act of the daitt foresaid in itselfe more fullie bears. In prosecution of which act I, George Andersone, clerk of the said burgh, caused warne the haill habile burgesses of the said burgh to compeir the said second and thrid dayes of Julij instant, in maner and to the effect above specifeit, conforme whereunto the habile burgesses of the said burgh compeared upon the saids second and thrid dayes of July respective, before Sir William Fleiming of Ferme, knight and barronet, commissar of Glasgow, as the person appointed be the said earle to be present at the said election, and before me as toune clerk aforesaid, and be pluralitie of votts nominated and elected the persons following, viz.:—James Peadie and John Corse, merchand baillies, and Simeon Tennent, crafts baillie, William Napier, dean of gild, and counsellors for the merchands rank: John Andersone of Dowhill, Hugh Montgomerie, James Stewart, Lumloch, Mathew Cuming, elder, John Leckie, elder, John Gibsone, John Aird, elder, James Bogle, captaine, John Robiesone, Campsie, John Spreull, elder, John Stirling, George Muirhead, James Sloss, Gavine Wood; John Gilcreist, deacon conveener, Peter Corbet, thesaurer, and counsellouris for the crafts rank: Stephan Crawfurd, John Greir, John Gray, George Nisbit, James Cuming, Robert Young, Robert Brock, Thomas Pollock, George Robiesone, George Buchannan, Robert Jamiesone, James Boyd. And in regaird the saids burgesses fand it not cleir be the foresaid act whither they were to send ane list to his Majestie of three persones out of which the proveist was to be choisen, or that the magistrats and toune counsell was to doe the same, they delayed the makeing the foresaid list untill his Majesties farder pleasure was knowne theranent. In witnes wherof, thir presents are subscrivit be ws the saids Sir William Fleiming and George Andersone the said thrid day of Julij 1689.
8 August 1689.
Act of the merchands rank presented to the toune counsell anent the tounes debt.
The saids baillies and toune counsell being conveened, there was presented to them ane act of the dean of gild, and most pairt of the merchand rank, daitted the second day of August instant, makeing mention that there was ane list of the tounes debt produced and read to them, whilk amounts to ane hundreth and eightie thousand punds Scots and above, besides other latent debts which is supposed to be twentie thousand pund, and after some overtours and proposallis how the same should be defrayed, it was unanimouslie condescended by the dean of gild and remanent memberis present that the parliament and burrowes should be supplicat for a libertie to sell the haill publict goods of the toune for defraying the publict debts, and that the magistrats with consent of the merchands and trades houses might be authorized to expose the same to sale for that effect; as likewise haveing heard the report of those who were appointed to treat with the maltmen by the act of the 7th Junij 1689, that the maltmen were unwilling to comply with the overtouris of their house; therefore the said dean of gild and remanent memberis ratified and approved the said act of the 7th of Junij last, by which it was unanimouslie condescended and agreed upon that in liew of the plack of the pynt each mask of malt browne and druncken within the toune, both by hostlers and vintineris and privat brewaris, should be lyable in payment of threttie shilling Scots money, and for the more speedie and effectuall payment therof it was enacted that ilk capitaine or officer commanding the guard for the tyme should be obleist to give concurrance by their guard to the toune officeris for summar poynding all the deficients in payment therof, and that each deficient should be lyable in 40 shilling the mask; and to the effect the said imposition might be faithfullie impended for defraying the tounes burdines and paying the debts, they did nominat severall persones for collecting the samen, as likewise that the imposition of threttie pund on the tunn of wyne, and threttie pund on the butt of sack and butt of brandie, and twentie four shilling on the barrell of mum beir should be uplifted and impendit for the said use; and in caice the maltmen should yet come any lenth of complyance made allreadie to them or to be made to them by the magistrats, it was left in the magistrats power and recommended to them to commone with the maltmen and brewars, and if they think it requisite to transact with them at twentie six shilling eight pennies per mask or above, as they can best agree, and that the privat brewaris since Candlemas 1688, and in tyme comeing, be lyable in payment of as much for the tounes pairt as the vintineris, and that non of the inhabitants be free of excyse, neither magistrats nor any other, and if any magistrat shall give warrand to any in the contrare, he shall be lyable in ane hundreth pund of fyne (shipps beir or any other exported to sea excepted); whilk acts to the samen purpose are likewise made and agreed to be the haill respective crafts in the toune except the maltmen. All whilk being taken to the saids baillies and toune counsell their consideration, they have allowed and approven and heirby allowes and approves of the samen, and have by thir presents agreed and condescended that there shall be only two merks exacted for ilk mask malt browne within the toune for byganes, this week being included, be payed alsweill be privat brewaris as vintineris and hostlers, by and attoure the King's excyse; and nominats and appoints John Aird, elder, and George Nisbit for the south quarter, James Colquhoune and John Robiesone for the north quarter, Mr. Robert Selkrig and John Louke, Bristo, for the east quarter, John Coatts, younger, and John Adam, tailyeor, for the west quarter, to uplift and receave the samen two merks frae the vintineris and private brewaris for this week, and all bygaines, and to be comptable therefor, and to apply the samen for paying the tounes publict debts and burdines; and if any shall refuise to pay the said imposition and annuitie, appoints the magistrats to convein the delinquents, and to force them to do the samen, either by poynding or otherwise as they shall think fitt; and likewise appoints the collectouris at the mylnes to uplift two merks for ilk mask malt shall be browne in tyme comeing within the toune both frae vintineris and privat brewaris.
Excyse book.
Nominats and appoints the baillies to call for the excyse booke frae Duncan M'Lauchlane and what other accompts he hes belonging to the toune; as also appoints the clerk to give to Dowhill what of the counsell bookes he shall call for, and the baillies to name what persones they think fitt to take up ane list of what debts the toune is resting be band or otherwayes, and how the samen hes bein impended and bestowed, and to report to the counsell that it may be considered be them what redress may be had against these who hes spent the same otherwayes nor for the tounes publict good and interest.
Seatts in the churches.
Recommends to [the bailies and others], with consent of the ministers, to consider how the seatts in the churches shall be disposed on, and to sett doune ane list what they think fitt to be payed for each seatt, and to report.
10 August 1689.
Money to officeris in Argyllis and other regiments.
It being represented be the baillies that the earles of Argyll and Glencairnes regiments, lying here, wants their pay, whereby they threattine to take free quarters in caice the magistrats will not advance them money for paying their souldiours, for preventing wherof the saids baillies hes advanced the saids earles certane soumes allreadie, as likewise to livetennent collonell Clelland for the use of Angus regiment, upon their bands to repay the samen; whilk was allowed and approvine. And also allowes them to lend what farder they shall think fitt to the officeris of the saids regiments for preventing of free quarteris, wpon their receipts and obligations either to get the saids soumes allowed to the toune in their cess or to pay the samen themselves.
26 August 1689.
Dowhill to goe to London and present a petition to their Majesties for a free election.
There being a double of a signator or letter of gift produced and read, whilk is to be presented to their Majesties King William and Queen Marie, for getting the election of the proveist and baillies of this city in their owne hands (bishopes now being abolished), whilk was allowed and approvine; and appoints John Andersone of Dowhill to repair to London for presenting the samen to the King and Queens Majesties for getting the same made effectual; and ordaines ane commission to be given to the said John Andersone for that effect, of the whilk commission swa given to him the tennor followes:—Att Glasgow the 26th day of August 1689. The whilk day, the baillies and toune counsell of the said burgh being conveened, and takeing to their consideration that episcopacie is now abolished, and they, with the advice and consent of the incorporationes of the merchands and crafts within the said city, think it at this time most propper and convenient for petitioning their most excellent majesties King William and Queen Marie, for getting the election of the magistrats of this city in their oune hands, and the saids baillies and counsell being weill assured of the fitnes and qualification of John Andersone of Dowhill for going about the getting the same effectuat, therefore they have given and granted and hereby gives and grants full power and commission to the said John Andersone to repair with all dilligence to the city of London, or elsewhere as he shall find occasion, and there, for and in name of the saids magistrats and counsell of the said city and haill communitie therof, to petition their most sacreed majesties King William and Queen Marie that they may be graciouslie pleased to grant to this city the free election of their oune magistrats as other royall burrowes of this kingdom hes, and conforme to their ancient constitution and sett; as likewise to doe and exerce all other matteris relateing to and tending to their liberties and priviledges, and for procureing what shall be thought necessar for the benefite and advantage of the said citie, and generallie all and sundrie other things neidfull to doe, use and exerce theranent, conforme to the instructiones given to the said John Andersone. Whereunto, and to all their said commissioner does in the premissis, they obleidge them and their successouris in office to abyde firme and stable, without reclamation, he keeping the instructiones given him as said is. In witnes wherof, thir presents are subscrivit be the baillies, dean of gild and deacon conveener of the said city, as haveing power and commission frae the toune counsell of the samen.
Seats in the kirks.
The dean of gild, baillie Hall, [and nine others] are appointed, with any one of the baillies to be present, to dispose on the seats in the churches to the burgesses and inhabitants as they shall think fitting, they paying the rates set doune for the samen, and to pay the halfe in hand, and so to continow at the begining of ilk halfe year in tyme comeing, and to use what methods they think most propper for effectuating the same, the entrie to the seatts to be frae Lambmass last; and nominats and appoints the persones following to uplift and receave what shall be gottine for the seatts of the respective churches, viz.:—John Stirling to receave what shall be gottine for the Inner High Church, and James Sloss for the meeting house in the Wynd, and Stephan Crawfurd for the Laigh Kirk, and John Gray, cordoner, for the Utter High Kirk; and that for the space of ane year, and to make compt, reckoning and payment of their respective intromissiones.
Dowhillis accompt of expenses in procureing ane free election, etc.
The baillies and counsell of the said burgh being conveened, John Andersone of Dowhill gave in and produced before them ane accompt of his charges and expenses he was at in attending the meeting of estates as the tounes commissioner, being choisen be the haill toune, when he was at London himselfe, and for procureing ane pass frae my lord secretarie of England to get libertie to ryde post for Scotland to attend the said meeting, and for his charges and expenses in rydeing then post frae London to Edinburgh, and to the clerks with his commission, and for all other expenses and debursements in extracting severall acts of convention relateing to the tounes affaires, and other extraordinary charges dureing the tyme of the said meeting of estates, extending to two hundreth threttie two pund three shilling Scots. As also the said John Anderson gave in ane accompt of his expenses and debursements in rydeing post to London about the begining of Junij last, being imployed be the toune to goe there for getting ane warrand frae his Majestie to them to elect the magistrats and toune counsell of Glasgow as other burghes in the kingdome had gottine, conform to the act of the meeting of estates, and for the secretaries dewes for the letter obtained from his Majestie to the secreet councill, and for wryteing ane petition to his Majestie for that effect, and for his oune expenses, both ordinar and extraordinar, the haill tyme he was at London and Hamptoune Court, and in going to and frae London to Hamptoune and attending till the letter was procured for the said election, and in ryding post home againe frae London, whilk extends to 424 li. 19 s. As likewise, he gave in ane accompt of his expenses the tyme of the parliament, for the double of severall acts of parliament, and to the clerk of the counsell for the act of counsell upon his Majesties letter for the toune to choise their magistrats and counsell, and severall other acts anent the tounes affaires, and for horse hyres and other expenses in ryeding betwixt Glasgow and Edinburgh dureing the tyme of the parliament and burrowes, extending to 60 li. 19 s., and for his haill personall charges, ordinar and extraordinar, in attending the parliament and convention of burrowes and committie of estates as the tounes commissioner dureing the haill tyme they satt, whilk at the meeting of estates and committie of estates was frae the 13th day of March to the 27th day of Maij, being sevintie fyve dayes, and attending the parliament from the 18th Junij to the 4th of August, being 47 dayes, which are in haill 122 dayes, for which he charges onlie 4 li. per diem, is 488 li. And whilk haill accompt being calculat and laid extends to the soume of ane thousand two hundreth fyftein pund ane shilling, which was allowed and approvine be the saids magistrats and counsell, and ordaines the toune thesaurer to pay the samen soume to the said John Andersone. (fn. 5)
Warrand, thesaurer, letter of gift.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to the said John Andersone of Dowhill the soume of four score sevin pund seventein shilling Scots, wherof sixtie six pund fyftein shilling was given to Sir John Dalrymple, his Majesties advocat, for his advyce and drawing up the letter of the gift or signatour to be presented to the King for the tounes getting the election of ther magistrats, and the rest given to his servants and utheris of drink money anent that affaire, and for his owne and baillie Woddropes charges and expenses in goeing to Edinburgh to advyse the samen.
23 September 1689.
Oath of allegiance to their Majesties.
[The members of the town council] did all in obedience to the act of parliament, and act of his Majesties privie councill, daited at Edinburgh the second day of September instant, in presence of William Colquhoune of Craigtoune, ane of the members of parliament, (the shirreff nor his deputs not being within the shyre for the tyme) swear the oath of allegiance and subscrivit the samen with their hands, by the which oath they and ilk ane of them did sinceerlie promise and swear that they will be faithfull and bear true allegiance to their majesties King William and Queen Marie; so help ws God. As did George Andersone, both as toune clerk of the said burgh and ane nottar publict.
Warrand thesaurer, church seatts, etc.
Ordaines the toune thesaurer, or his successouris in office, to pay to John Patersone, lait baillie, the soume of ane hundreth twentie two pund two shilling eight pennies for putting up seatts in the churches and other wright work done to the toune, and furnishing daillis and naillis and other necessaris therto, conforme to ane accompt therof given in and allowed.
Maister of the Gramer Schooll.
The baillies and counsell of the said burgh, being fullie informed of the literatur, qualification and good education of Mr. George Skirvine, sometyme master of the Gramer Schooll of Hamiltoune, and of his aptnes and fitness to be master of the Gramer Schooll of the said burgh of Glasgow, have therefor nominat and appointed, and hereby nominats, appoints and admits the said Mr. George Skirvine to be Gramer Schooll master of the said burgh of Glasgow, and allowes and appoints him to have the haill benefite, priviledges and immunities therto belonging, siclike and als freelie in all respects as any other master of the said schooll possest and enjoyed the same of before, and that from his entrie therto, whilk is heirby declaired to be and begin at the first day of November nixttocome, and swa to continow dureing his exerceing the said office and imployment as master of the said schooll; with power to the said Mr. George to ask, crave, uplift and receave his sallarie and all other dewes belonging therto yearlie, termlie, quarterlie and proportionallie dureing his exerceing his office as master of the said schooll.
Act, John Boyd, maisson.
The magistrats and counsell of the said burgh being conveened, there was ane accompt of work produced, wrought be umquhill John Boyd, lait thesaurer, at the tolbooth, and putting in stencheris and batts in the windowes, and for other maisson work at the tounes walk mylne of Partick, Blackfrier Kirk, and other work done to the toune, and for furnishing stones and uther necessaris therto, whilk was done and wrought be him the tyme he was thesaurer, extending to the soume of two hundreth threttein pund ten shilling Scots money, the payment wherof he was to detaine in his oune hand aff the tounes money he had or should receave, and which compt is be the saids magistrats and counsell allowed and approvine.
1 October 1689.
His Majesties letter produced for electing of the proveist.; Election of provost and bailies.
The said day, being the first Tuesday after Michaellmass, and so the ordinary day for the election of the proveist and baillies of this burgh for the year ensuing, there was ane letter produced frae his sacreed Majestie direct to the magistrats and toune counsell of the city of Glasgow for choiseing the proveist and other magistrats for the ensuing year, wherof the tennor followes:—Sic suprascribitur: William R. Trusty and welbeloved,—Wee greet yow well. Whereas wee understanding that the nameing of your proveist does properly belong to ws, and, there being no bishope, it is now in our power, yet in consideration of the particular service done to ws by that our city, and of the zeall and affection wee are well assured you have for ws, are therefore resolved to grant to yow a speciall mark of our royall favour in allowing and impowering yow to choose your oune proveist for the nixt ensuing year, as freelie as others of our royall burroughes doe; therefore it is our will and pleasure, and wee doe heirby authorize and requyre yow to elect and choose as well your proveist as other magistrats for the ensuing year, at the ordinary tyme and in the accustomed maner, notwithstanding of the right wee have of nameing your said proveist; for doeing of which these presents shall be to yow and all otheris respectively, who may be therin any way concerned, a sufficient warrant. And so wee bid yow farewell. Given at our court at Hampton Court, the 19th day of September, 1689, and of our reigne the first year. By his Majesties command. Sic subscribitur: Melvill. (fn. 6) In obedience wherunto the saids baillies and counsell went on to the said election, and the haill counsell being removed from the table, except James Peadie, John Corse, and Simeon Tennent, baillies, they divided the haill merchand rank on counsell in three lytts, to the effect three of them might be choisen, wherof one out of ilk lytt, to the effect out of those three who should be elected they might choose one of them to bear office as proveist of the said burgh for the year ensuing; and the said haill counsell haveing againe returned to the table, they, by pluralitie of vottes, made choise of John Andersone of Dowhill, John Leckie and John Corse to be presented on lytt, that out of them they might choose one to bear office as proveist of the said burgh for the ensuing year; and the saids John Leckie and John Corse, who were present, being removed, and the lytt put to ane vott, the said John Andersone of Dowhill was be the saids baillies and counsell unanimouslie elected and choisen to bear office as proveist of the said burgh for the year ensuing. And the said John Anderson, new elected proveist being absent, the saids three baillies (the rest of the counsell haveing againe removed frae the table) did set doune the lytts of these who were to bear office as baillies for the year to come; and the merchand rank who were to be lyted, being threttein in number, they were divided in fyve twoes and one three, that out of them they might choise six persones to be put on two lytts, that out of ilk lytt they might choise one to bear office as the two merchand baillies for the year ensuing. Whilk being votted, by pluralitie of votts the saids John Leckie, James Sloss, Gavine Wood, John Gibsone, James Stewart and John Aird were choisen to the effect forsaid. And the crafts counsellouris were divyded in three lytts to the effect three might be choisen to be put on lytt that out therof one might be choisen to bear office as the thrid baillie for the crafts rank for the year to come; and whilk being votted, by pluralitie of votts the saids Peter Corbet, Thomas Pollock and George Nisbit were elected and choisen be the saids baillies and counsell to be put on lytt to the effect abovewrittin. And the saids two lytts for the merchands, and lytt for the crafts being severallie removed, the saids John Leckie and John Gibsone, for the merchand rank, and George Nisbit, for the crafts rank, by pluralitie of votts, were elected and choisen out of the saids three lytts to bear office as baillies of the said burgh for the year ensuing, who being present did accept of the said office as baillies in and upon them, and gave their oathes de fideli administratione therintill as use is.
Toun counsellouris.
[The magistrates of this and the two preceding years, with persons chosen to supply vacancies, elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be councillors for the ensuing year.]
9 October 1689.
Dean of gild, etc.
[William Napier, dean of guild; John Gilchrist, deacon convener; Thomas Peter, treasurer; Simeon Tennent, bailie of Gorbals; John Aird, water bailie; William Andersone, master of work; Patrick Tennent, visitor of gardeners; John Graham, procurator fiscal.]
Visitor of maltmen.
There was ane lytt presented frae the maltmen calling, to the effect the saids magistrats and toune counsell might make choise of ane of the lytt to be visitor of the maltmen for the year ensuing, quhilk was continowed till it were advised whither or not it were in their power to choise ane visitor, in respect of ane act of parliament dated 23 of December 1669 dischargeing maltmen to have a visitor or deacon or to keep any meetings. (fn. 7)
12 October 1689.
Bread, tallow, candle.
[The 12 d. loaf of wheat bread to weigh 12 oz. 7 drop; rough tallow to be sold for 48 s. the stone, and candle for 56 s. the stone.]
22 October 1689.
Visitor of maltmen.
[From a leet of five John Mitchell was chosen visitor of maltmen for the ensuing year.]
2 November 1689.
Imposition on malt and ale.
[Agreement between the town council and maltmen, with the approval of the merchants and trades' houses, modifying the imposition on ale and beer, and regulating the mode of its collection.]
12 November 1689.
Buying indigo from a stranger.
Anent the complaint given in be the procurator fiscall against John M'Gormont, merchand, makeing mention that wheras he haveing within these (blank) moneths past bought frae one Patrick Skerat ane considerable quantitie of indigo within the tounes bounds in the river of Clyd, without suffering the importer to make ane offer of the same to the toune, bot on the contrare he impeded and hindered the said Patrick Skerat to make ane offer of the samen, whilk the said John granted he bought without makeing ane offer, and being desired yet to offer the same to the toune, he refuised, declareing that the indigo was sold and disposed on allreadie; whilk being taken to the saids magistrats and counsell their consideration, they fyne and unlaw the said John M'Gormont in the soume of twentie pounds sterling, and ordaines him to pay the samen equally to the use of the poor of the merchands and crafts houses, and ordaines him to remaine in waird whill the samen be payed.
14 December 1689.
Excyse of six several shyres.
[Bailie Leckie and others reported that they had taken, for behoof of the town, the inland excise of the shires of "Lanerk, Air, Renfrew, Boot, Dumbartane, and Stirling," for two years, at a tack duty of £65,000 Scots, yearly.]
Setting of the excyse.
Bailie Leckie made also report that the shyre of Stirling was set, dureing the tack, for payment of [£12,524], yearlie, whilk is ane thousand punds Scots and three guinzees more nor the quota contained in the act of parliament; as likewise that the excyse of the shyres of Renfrew, Boot and Dumbartane were set to Thomas Crawfurd, younger of Carsburne, for payment of the quota contained in the act of parliament extending to [£ 9,218 8 s.] Scots, yearlie, payable in maner and conforme to the tack set to them be the lords of privie councill, and that the samen is for the behove of the said burgh, whilk was allowed and approvine, and appoints John Aird, elder, to repair to Air, and else where in the shyre he thinks fitt, and use his endeavouris to set the excyse of the shyre of Air at the best advantage he can, and to report to the counsell before any bargaine be fullie concluded, and allowes him to take what persone he shall think fitt alongst with him for his assistance.
Coall and candle to the guards.
Appoints the master of wark to provide and furnishe the guards with coall and candle.