Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.
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'Extracts from the records: 1688', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1905), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp407-419 [accessed 17 February 2025].
'Extracts from the records: 1688', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1905), British History Online, accessed February 17, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp407-419.
"Extracts from the records: 1688". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1905), British History Online. Web. 17 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-burgh-records/vol3/pp407-419.
In this section
3 January 1688.
His Majesties letter and act of privy councill anent the election of the magistrats.
Compeared ane most reverend father in God, John by the mercie of God lord archbishop of Glasgow, and produced ane act of his Majesties most honourabill privy councill, containing ane letter direct to them from the Kings most excellent Majestie for electing the magistrats and counsell of the said burgh of Glasgow for the year ensuing to Michaelmass nixttocome, 1688 years; of the quhilk act and letter the tennor followes:— Edinburgh, the twentieth second day of December 1687. The which day, the letter underwrittin direct from the Kings most excellent Majestie to the privy councill of this his ancient kingdome, daited at the court at Whitehall the nynth day of December 1687 yearis instant, being read in councill, was ordored to be recorded in their bookes; and it was recomended to his grace the lord archbishop of Glasgow to see his Majesties royall pleasure therinmentioned fully put in execution every maner of way, conforme to the tennor therof, and to be present at the entrance and admittance of the magistrats and councill of the said burgh of Glasgow now to be elected by him, by vertue of the said letter, at such a convenient dyet as his grace shall think fitt to appoint. Of the which letter the tennor followes:—Sic suprascribitur: James R. Right trusty and right welbeloved cousin and councellour, right trusty and right welbeloved councellouris, right trusty and entirely beloved cousins and councellouris, right trusty and right welbeloved cousins and councellouris, right trusty and welbeloved councellouris and trusty and welbeloved councellouris: Wee greet yow well. Whereas by our other letter of the eight of September last past wee did signifie our pleasure unto yow for suspending the election of magistrats of our royall burrowes of that our ancient kingdom untill wee should think fitt to declare our further pleasure unto yow concerning the same, and are now resolved to allow the magistrats and counsell of our burgh of Glasgow, during this current year, to be elected and choisen in the ordinary forme and method in such caises accustomed, who are heirby authorized to continow in their respective offices untill Michaelmass nixttocome, in the year 1688. Wee therefore authorise and requyre yow furthwith to make ane act to be intimated in due forme to the lord archbishop of Glasgow, and to the magistrats and councill of the said burgh, and in our name to give the necessary ordouris for the election aforesaid, and for the saids magistrats and toune councill, when elected and choisen as aforesaid, to be admitted and receaved unto their respective offices, for which yow are to appoint the first convenient day, (and if need be) to appoint also such person or persones of your number, or any other person or persones whatsomever as yow shall think fitt, to be present at their entrance and admittance aforesaid, to the end he or they may see this our royall will and pleasure regularlie and effectuallie put in execution; for doing wherof these presents shall be to yow, and all others respective who may be therin any way concerned, a sufficient warrand. And so wee bid yow heartily farewell. Given at our court, at Whitehall, the 9th day of December, 1687, and of our reigne the thrid year. By his Majesties command, Sic subscribitur: Melfort. Extracted furth of the records of councill by me Sir William Patersone, knight and barronet, clerk to his Majesties most honourable privy councill, Sic subscribitur: Will. Paterson, clericus secreti concilij. Conforme quherunto the said archbishop of Glasgow his grace did name and make choise of Walter Gibsone, merchand, to be proveist of the said burgh for the ensuing year till Michaelmass nixt, and being sent for be James Hamiltone and John Wallace, baillies, he came with the saids two persones and did accept of the said office as proveist, and gave his oath de fideli administratione therintill as use is.
Baillies elected.
[From leets presented to him the archbishop appointed Colin Bell and John Gilhagie, merchants, and John Waddrope, craftsman, to be bailies.]
4 January 1688.
New counsell.
[The magistrates of this and the two preceding years elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be on the council.]
Dean of gild, etc.
[Robert Campbell, dean of guild; John Wallace, deacon convener; John Purveyance, treasurer; George Campbell, master of work; John Stirling, maltman, "visitor and overseer of the mercats;" John Grahame, procurator-fiscal.]
7 January 1688.
Gorbals; water bailie.
[John Paterson, bailie of Gorbals; James Robison, water bailie.]
High Church.
Be pluralitie of votts John Paterson, wright, was elected and choisen to attend and have ane care and be overseer of the metrapolitan church in place of James Colquhoune, and have the allowance therefor as was given to otheris.
Tounes chirurgian.
John Robisone was elected and choisen to be tounes chirurgian, and to have the pension accordinglie as he got formerlie.
Quartering of the souldiouris.
Nominats and appoints baillie Waddrope [and four others] to think on some methods for regulating the quartering of the souldiouris, and set doune the same in wryting and to report.
The barronie teinds.
Nominats and commissionats the proveist [and others] to settle and agree with these heretouris in the barronie for the teinds that have not satled allreadie, as also with these that hes aikeris about the toune the best way they can for the tounes advantage, and to cause persew these who refuises to agree.
17 January 1688.
Concerning the impositioun on ale and beir.
It is concluded be the magistrats and counsell that such of the maltmen who refuises to uplift and pay the imposition granted to the toune for the malt they sell to the brewaris and vintineris, at two merk the boll, conforme to his Majesties gift, and pay in the samen to these who is or shall be appointed to receave the said imposition, that the vintiner or brewer of the said malt shall be lyable in payment of ane plack for ilk pynt of ale and drinking beir they shall sell or consume within the said burgh of the malt they shall happine to brew; and these vintineris and breweris who pay in willinglie the said two merks to the maltmen or tounes collectouris for ilk boll of malt broune and made use of be them as said is, shall be free of any farder payment bot the two merk of the boll for any malt that shall be broune or made use of be them; upon quhich termes the said ease is granted.
21 January 1688.
The tounes debts.
Appoints the clerk to set doune ane list of the tounes haill debts they are resting, against this day eight dayes.
Walter Corbet to keep the haill clockis and chimnes.
Be pluralitie of votts, Walter Corbet was nominat and appointed to keep the clock of the tolbooth with the chimnes, and the haill remanent clocks belonging to the toune, for whilk he is to have twentie pound sterling payed him yearlie be the toune, viz., at the two termes in the year frae his entrie, quhilk is to be at Candlemass nixt, and the said Walter is to furnishe the haill clocks with oyll, and to ring the bellis at any solemnitie on his oune expenses without getting any payment frae the toune except the cellarie abovementioned.
Contract of the excyse.
There was ane contract subscrivit betwixt the magistrats and toune counsell and Mr. John Cochrane and John Baillie of Shirrell, on the ane and other parts, whereby the saids John Baillie and Mr. John Cochrane setts the Kings excyse of the malt is broune and sold within the toune for the space of their tack [being 3¾ years, from 1st February, 1688, to 1st November 1691; for which the magistrates and council are to pay each year £20,000 Scots, by monthly instalments].
30 January 1688.
Sir John Bell and severall proveists accompts.
Nominats and appoints the proveist [and others] to revise and make Sir John Bell his compt of the excyse intrometted with be him when he was collector. [Others were appointed to revise the accounts of provosts Barnes and Johnstoune.]
27 March 1688.
Duncan Campbell appointed ston-cutter.
There was ane testificat produced in favouris of Duncan Campbell, subscrivit be the haill doctouris and most pairt of the chirurgianes in toune, of his dexteritie and success in cutting of the ston, as also in sounding with great facilitie, and hes given severall proofes therof within this burgh; whilk being taken to the saids magistrats and counsell their consideration, they nominat and appoint him to cutt such poor in toune as he shall be desired be the magistrats, in place of Evir M'Neill who is become unfit to doe the same through his infirmitie.
Entrie frae Saltmercat to Trongait.
Nominats and appoints Sir John Bell, proveist Campbell, proveist Barnes, dean of gild, and James Andersone to meet and consider anent the makeing of ane entrie to the Trongait frae that lane or closs in Saltmercat that belonged to umquhill Edward Robisone, and to appoint what shall be given for takeing away the red of the saids lands, and to report, that ordour may be given for doing the same accordinglie as they shall condescend; and appoints the maister of wark to pay for laying the calsey in the said lane, and to place the same to the tounes accompt.
8 May 1688.
Tounes chirurgian.
William Thomsone was nominat and appointed tounes chirurgian in place of the deceast John Robisone, and to have the ordinary sallary for the samen.
21 May 1688.
Mr. Hugh Muir, doctor of the Gramer School, deposed.
Upon complaint made against Mr. Hugh Muir for some abuse done to baillie Gilhagie upon Satturday last, the saids magistrats and counsell doe suspend him frae his place as ane of the doctouris in the Gramer Schooll dureing the archbishop of Glasgow and magistrats and toune counsell their pleasure, and ordaines him to be put in prisone and remaine their swa lang as the magistrats shall think fitt; and in respect it is reported that he hes committed severall abuses by strikeing some of the schoolaris too seveerlie, appoints the proveist [and four others] to hear what complaints shall come in against him by any persones of that nature, and to take tryall and examine the affaire, and to report, and any three of the saids persones to be ane quorum, the proveist being ane.
5 June 1688.
Common good set.
[Mills, 7,950 merks; ladles, 3,800 merks; mealmarket and pecks, 1,050 merks; tron, 800 merks; bridge, 1,250 merks.]
26 June 1688.
Archbishopes letter concerning doctor of Gramer School.
There was ane letter direct by his grace my lord archbishop of Glasgow to the proveist of the said burgh, to be communicat to the counsell therof, of this dait, whilk was publictlie read to the saids magistrats and counsell, narrating that his grace finds by the depositiounes of the master of the Gramer Schooll, and one of the doctouris of the same, that Mr. Hugh Muir deserts his charge sometymes for one day, sometymes for two, without leave from magistrats or master; as also both by witnesses and his nighbouris it is found that he doeth exerce too rigide and cruell methods of discipline, and doeth rudely and unworthily treat the master, and that he did insolentlie upbrade baillie Gilhagie in ane publict place and companie, to whom as being ane present magistrat he did ow honour and reverence, and therefor and for other reasones contained in the said letter, his grace judges he ought to be removed frae his office as doctor in the Gramer Schooll, and this to be his oppinion. Whilk letter and determination of the said archbishop was acquiesced and condescended to be the saids magistrats and counsell.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to baillie Bell the soume of twelve pound sterling for ane hodgeshead of sack, and fourtein pound sterling for halfe ane tun of French wyne, and [£ 7 16 s. 8 d.] money foresaid for two cask of raseines and two cask of figgs, all furnished be him on the tounes accompt of the grouth 1687, whilk were given to severall of their friends the last year.
3 August 1688.
Warrand, thesaurer, birth of prince.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to James Gibsone the soume of [£ 505 5 s.] Scots whereof [£ 350] is for seven barrellis of gunpowder, and [£ 155 5 s.] for French wynes furnished be him on the tounes accompt, and whilk powder and wyne was made use of at the solemnitie for the birth of the Prince of Scotland and Waillis. (fn. 1)
8 September 1688.
House at the Spoutmouth.
The dean of gild made report that he bought the house at the east syde of the Spoutmouth that belongs to the aires of umquhill Mathew Aitkine for three hundreth merks, whereof ane pairt is to be made use of for enlargeing the entrie to the Spout, and the rest to remaine for the tounes use to be disposed on as the magistrats and counsell shall think fitt; whilk bargane was allowed and approven off.
Calsey in Saltmercat and well ther.
Recommends to the proveist [and others] to consider on some convenient way for laying and helping the calsay in Saltmercat; as likewayes for setting doune ane well in the said Saltmercat Street for serving the inhabitants with water, and to report.
Warrand, wyne, wallnuts, and chasnuts.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Thomas Crawfurd, elder, of Carsburne [£ 336] Scots for ane tun of French wyne, and twelve punds money foresaid for wallnuts and chasnuts furnished be him on the tounes accompt in November 1687.
Act anent the brewaris in Gorballis.
The magistrats and toune counsell takeing to consideration that the inhabitants and brewaris in Gorballis continow still obstinat and refuises to pay the imposition on ale and drinking beir, conforme to his Majesties gift granted to the toune, notwithstanding of all the faire wayes and meanes hes bein taken with them for that effect, it is therefor enacted and concluded that if the magistrats shall think fitt that these brewaris in Gorballis who refuises to pay the said imposition be imprisoned till they pay the samen, after they are legallie conveened and decerned for the same.
Malcolme Fleiming, ane of the poor in St. Nicolas hospitall.
The magistrats and counsell allowes and approves, and doe hereby allow and approve of ane presentation subscrivit be the proveist and baillies in favouris of Malcolme Fleiming, indwellar in Glasgow, nominating and appointing him to be ane of the poor men in St Nicolas hospitall, conforme to bishop Lightoune his mortification, and ordaines the thesaureris of this burgh, present and to come, to pay him the yearlie annuitie allowed be the said mortification as the samen shall become due, and ordaines the clerk to give warrand for payment of the same.
Warrand, archbishop of St. Andrews.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to baillie Bell and James Bell, his brother, the soume of fourtie eight punds Scots money resting to them for their expenses and horse hyres in rydeing to St. Andrews with proveist Barnes to the buriall of the late archbishop of St. Andrews.
2 October 1688.
Act and letter continowing all magistrats of royall burghes.
Ane act of his Majesties most honorable privie councill intimating his most sacreed Majesties letter, authorizeing the magistrats and counsell of the royall burghes of this kingdome formerlie nominat to continow in their respective offices therintill untill his Majesties further pleasure be signified to them, was read, whereof the tennor followes:— Edinburgh the thretteinth day of September 1688. Whereas the Kings most excellent Majestie hath by a letter direct under his royall hand, daited at the court at Windsore the 29th day of August lastbypast, signified to his privie councill here that he hath thought fitt to suspend the electiones of magistrats and counsell of royall burrowes within this kingdome untill his Majestie shall declare his further pleasure, the lords of his Majesties privie councill, in pursuance of his Majesties commands, doe hereby authorize and allow the magistrats and councill of the royall burghes of this kingdome formerlie nominat to continow to exerce in their respective offices therin untill his Majesties further pleasure be signified to them. Extracted by me, Sir William Patersone of Grantoun, barronet, clerk to his Majesties most honorable privie councill. Sic subscribitur: Will. Paterson. Unto which the saids magistrats and counsell gives all punctuall obedience and submits conforme therunto with all humility as becometh.
13 October 1688.
The chancellouris letter concerning the levying of ten companies.
There was ane letter produced, subscrivit be my lord chancellor, direct to the proveist of Glasgow, to be communicat to the magistrats and toune counsell therof, daited at Edinburgh the 12th day of October instant, wherof the tennor followes:—Gentlemen,—Your heartie offer to raise ten companies consisting each of ane hundred and twenty men for the service of the King and secureing the peace of the city of Glasgow is equallie acceptable to the privie councill as it is duetifull to the King, and therefor yow are hereby not only authorized and empoured to raise and levie these companies, and to appoint officeris to them, but I am desired in the councillis name to give yow their hearty thanks for this seasonable service and tender of your duety to his Majestie. Such citizens as are heretouris, who may be necessary for ordoring these companies in your city, are remitted to your archbishop to be in the name of the councill dispensed with from their attendance with the heretouris of the shyres as he shall judge needfull. This I am appointed to signifie to yow in name of his Majesties privie councill, and to desire the continuance of your zeallous endeavouris for his Majesties service, to whom your duetifull letter shall be transmitted. I am, gentlemen, your verie assured friend. Sic subscribitur: Perth, cancell., I.P.D.
The Kings birthday.
Ordaines ane proclamation to be sent through the toune for keeping the morrow, being his Majesties birthday.
Widowes to put out ane man for keeping guard.
It is concluded that the haill widowes within the toune that are able cause provyde ane sufficient man, with ane fyre lock and ane sword, and keep guard frae tyme to tyme as it fallis them with the rest of their nighbouris, and appoints ane proclamation to be sent through for that effect; as also the haill other inhabitants to bring sufficient armes with them at ilk mounting of the guards, and to bring powder and ball with them also; certifieing ilk person that failzies they shall be fyned and unlawed in twentie merks Scots.
List of officeris of the tounes companies.
Recommends to the magistrats, dean of gild and deacon conveener to take advyce of what persones they shall think fitt for setting doune ane list of the officeris to command the companies in toune, and to set doune methods for ordoring them the best way they can and shall think fitt, and to report.
16 October 1688.
Election of the officers to the ten companies.
The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveened, in persuance of the power granted to them be his Majesties privie councill, authorizeing and impowring them to raise and levie ten companies of men for the Kings service and secureing the peace of this city of Glasgow, and to appoint officeris to them, they have nominat and appointed and hereby nominats and appoints the persones following to be officeris of the saids ten companies, viz.:—Walter Gibsone, proveist, and James Gibsone, his brother, captaines, Duncan M'Lauchlan, merchand, and George Buntine, hammerman, livetennents, and James Cuming, merchand, to be ensigne to ane of the saids companies; and Colin Bell, baillie, James Bell, his brother, captaines, John Herbertsone and Patrick Bell, younger, merchands, livetennents, and James Scott, merchand, ensigne to ane of the saids companies; and John Gilhagie, baillie, and William Andersone, merchand, captaines, James Crawfurd and James Johnstoune, merchands, livetennents, and Thomas Baxter, tailzeor, ensigne to ane of the samen companies; and John Woddrope, baillie, and Patrick Maxwell, tanner, captaines, William Corse, merchand, and Thomas Shiellis, maltman, livetennents, and Gabriell Listoune, cordoner, ensigne to ane other of these companies; and Robert Campbell, dean of gild, and John Campbell, his brother, captaines, Hugh Moutgomerie, merchand, and John Mitchell, maltman, livetennents, and James Smith, merchand, ensigne to another of the companies; and Colin Campbell of Blythiswood and Mr. John Cochrane of Ferguslie, captaines, Thomas Weir and Mathew Achesone, merchands, livetennents, and Robert Telfer, hammerman, ensigne to another of the saids companies; and John Wallace, deacon conveener, and James Hamiltone, merchand, captaines, Peter Cuthbert, maltman, and Walter Buchanan, baxter, livetennents, and John Donnaldsone, maltman, ensigne to ane other of the same companies; and Thomas Crawfurd, elder, of Carsburne, and John Barnes, lait proveist, captaines, Thomas Crawfurd, younger, and James Hutchisone, tanner, livetennents, and James Maxwell, cordoner, ensigne to ane other of the saids companies; and John Johnstoune, lait proveist, and William Colquhoune of Craigtoune, captaines, George Johnstoune and James Colquhoune, lait baillie, livetennents, and David Colquhoune, tailzeor, ensigne to ane other of the companies; and John Walkinshaw, younger of Borrowfield and William Bogill, merchand, captaines, William Walkingshaw and James Cuthbert, merchand, livetennents, and John Stirling, maltman, ensigne to ane other of the saids companies. Whilk persones abovewrittin, swa nominat to be officeris, is conforme to the list set doune be the persones who were appointed for that effect. And it is hereby concluded that whatever persones shall be named in place of the proveist and baillies for the magistracie that they shall succeed them in their place as officeris to their companies and exerce accordinglie.
30 October 1688.
Bread, tallow, candle.
[The 12 d. loaf to weigh 14 oz.; tallow to be sold for 3½ merks the stone; and candle for 4 merks the stone.]
Warrand, meill sent to Inveraray.
Ordaines Frederick Hamiltone to pay to John Stirling, visitor of the maltmen, the soume of [£ 737 16 s. 2 d.] Scots money, whilk soume is for paying ane pairt of two hundred bollis of meill sent to the garisone at Inverarey by ordour of John Drummond.
13 November 1688.
Anent keeping and mounting the guard.
It being represented that severall of the inhabitants neglects to appear and keep the guards when it fallis to their turne, therefor it is hereby enacted and concluded that whatsomever persone that shall be absent frae the guard, and shall not mount the samen at the ordinar tyme, sufficientlie armed with ane sufficient fyrelock and ane sword, that they shall be fyned and unlawed in twentie merks Scots, ilk persone toties quoties they shall failzie, conforme to the list to be given up be the officeris to the magistrats of the deficients, and that no person goe aff the guard without leive of their officeris, under the paine of being fyned in three pund Scots and punished as the magistrats shall think fit; and appoints baillie Woddrope and deacon conveener to intimat the samen to the respective trades.
4 December 1688.
Act of privie counsell containing his Majesties letter anent the election.
Compeared John Keith, servitor to his grace my lord archbishop of Glasgow, and produced ane act of his Majesties privie councill, narrating his Majesties letter allowing the magistrats of this city to be choisen, wherof the tennor followes:—Edinburgh the twentieth seventh day of November 1688. The which day, the letter underwrittin direct from the Kings most excellent Majestie being read in councill was ordored to be recorded in their bookes, and ane authentick extract therof to be transmitted to his grace the lord archbishop of Glasgow, that his grace may proceed and act accordinglie, of which letter the tennor followes:—Sic suprascribitur: James R. Right trustie and right wellbeloved cousin and counsellour, right trustie and right wellbeloved counsellouris, right trustie and intirelie beloved cousines and counsellouris, right trustie and right well beloved cousines and counsellouris, right and wellbeloved cousines and counsellouris, right trustie and wellbeloved counsellouris and trustie and wellbeloved counsellouris: Wee greet yow well. Whereas by our letter, of the 29th day of August lastpast, wee did signifie our pleasure unto yow for suspending the election of magistrats of our royall burroughs of that our ancient kingdome untill wee should think fitt to declare our further pleasure unto yow concerning the same, and are now resolved to allow and authorize the lord archbishope of Glasgow to proceed to the nomination and choice of the proveist and baillies of that toune, according to his right and priviledge, as also to the nomination of the dean of gild and deacon conveener for this current year, it is now our will and pleasure, and wee doe hereby authorize and requyre yow in our name to grant warrand and authoritie to the said lord archbishope of Glasgow (notwithstanding of the generall stop lately put to the elections of the magistrats of our royall burroughs) forwith to nominat and elect the proveist and baillies of our said toune of Glasgow, according to his right and privilege, as also to nominat one to be dean of gild and another to be deacon conveener there; all which persons being hereby authorised to continow in their respective offices in the said burgh and liberties therof from Michaelmass last to Michaelmass following in the year 1689, wee doe therefore hereby authorize and requyre yow forthwith to make ane act to be intimated in due forme to the said lord archbishop to the effect allreadie mentioned, for doeing all which these presents shall be to yow and him, and all otheris respectivelie who may be therin any way concerned, a sufficient warrand. And so wee bid yow heartily farewell. Given at our court at Whitehall the 12th day of November 1688, and of our reigne the 4th year. By his Majesties command. Sic subscribitur: Melfort. Extracted furth of the records of his Majesties privy councill by me, Sir William Patersone of Grantoun, barronet, clerk of his Majesties most honourable privy councill. Sic subscribitur: Will: Paterson. As also the said John Keith produced ane letter direct frae his grace my lord archbishop of Glasgow, wherby he nominats and appoints Walter Gibsone of Bashagrie to continow proveist of the said city of Glasgow for the year ensuing till Michaelmass nixt to come, 1689, who did accept and gave his oath de fideli administratione as use is.
[From leets presented to him the archbishop appointed James Gibsone and James Crawfurd, merchants, and John Paterson, craftsman, to be bailies.]
5 December 1688.
[The magistrates of this and the two preceding years, with persons added to supply vacancies, elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be councillors.]
12 December 1688.
Dean of gild, etc.
[William Napier, dean of guild; John Woddrope, deacon convener; John Boyd, treasurer; John Purveyance, bailie of Gorbals; Robert Telfer, water bailie; John Mitchell, visitor of maltmen; Patrick Tennent, visitor of gardeners; John Grahame, procurator fiscal.]