Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 35

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 35', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 35', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 35". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 1, Henry III. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III, File 35

667. Robert de Chancy.
Writ (missing). Inq. Monday before St. Michael, 52 Hen. III.
Thomas his son, aged 23, is his heir.
York. Skirkenbec manor (extent given), held of the king in barony.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (1.)
668. John de Kauwode.
Writ (missing). Inq. Monday after St. Hilary, 52 (?) Hen. III.
David, son of John his eldest son, aged 11, is his heir; but Robert, another son, maliciously carried off the said David, son of his elder brother, in the lifetime of the said John, and still detains him, but why and where the jury know not.
York. Kauwode. Land (unspecified) held of the king in chief by service of keeping the king's wood of Langwathe.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (2.)
669. Henry de Merck', alias de Merk'.
Writ, 20 Sept. Inq. Wednesday after St. Luke, 52 Hen. III.
Henry, his son, aged 21 years, 3 weeks and 2 days, is his heir.
Essex. Little Berdefud manor, with 1 carucate land in Lattone pertaining thereto, held of the king of the honour of Boulogne for 3 knights' fees.
Teye ad Hulmos manor, held of the earl of Hertford for 1 knight's fee.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (3.)
670. Stephen de Hampton.
Mandate &c. to the sub-escheator in co. Oxford, reciting writ dated 21 July, 52 Hen. III.
Alice, his daughter, aged 15 at the feast of St. Fredeswide last, is his heir; and after his death the king gave the wardship and marriage of the said Alice to Sir Nicholas de Yetindene, who gave the same to Sir Philip Basseth, and he to Lady Katharine Luvel, and she to Walter de la Puile, who married the said Alice.
Oxford. Inq. St. Giles's day, 52 Hen. III.
Hamptone manor, held of the king in chief by service of ½ knight's fee.
[Gloucester.] Inq. Friday the feast of St. Bartholomew, 52 Hen. III.
Bacchesor', ½ knight's fee held of Sir Thomas Gulafre, by knight's service.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (4.)
671. Petronilla de Wodehuses alias de la Wdehuse.
Writ, 23 July, 52 Hen. III. Inq. Tuesday before St. Peter ad Vincula.
Her two sons, Robert de Beutoft, aged 40, and Alan de Beutoft, aged 30, are her heirs.
Nottingham. La Wdehuse in the soke of Oswardbec. 95a. land, with a moiety of the site of a mill in Tylne, held of the king in chief by service of 32s., and suit at the court of Oswardbec.
Bekingham. ½ bovate and 56a. land, 30a. wood, and 7a. meadow, held of the archbishop of York in chief by service of 8s. and suit at his court.
Tylne. 2 bovates land held by service of 18d. and suit at the archbishop's court. (See No. 709.)
C. Hen. III. File 35. (5.)
672. Henry de Molesfen alias de Mulesfen.
Writ, 2 Sept. Inq. Wednesday before St. Matthew, 52 Hen. III.
Henry his son, aged 34 at the feast of St. Bartholomew last, is his heir.
Northumberland. Mulesfen (extent given), held of the king in chief, the said Henry and his bondmen rendering 19s. work yearly at Bamburk castle, 40s. to the constable of the castle for multure, and 30s. to the king by the sheriff's hands, and he owes suit at Northumberland county (court); and 2 bovates land, which lie waste, held of Ingram de Warenham.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (6.)
673. Herbert de Bolebek.
Writ, 17 Aug. Inq. The day of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 52 Hen. III.
Gilbert Bolebek, his brother by the same father and mother, is his heir, and of full age.
Buckingham. Kingeseye manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of one knight's fee.
Kenebelle manor. 1 carucate land held of John le Waleys by service of ½ knight's fee.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (7.)
674. Robert de Wrtht' alias de Wurth'.
Writ to the sheriff of Lincoln, 27 March, 52 Hen. III. Inq. (undated).
William de Stretton, aged 32, Henry de Coudre, aged 28, and Jordan de Tyderington, aged 26, are his heirs.
Lincoln. Middle Rasene. 32a. land and meadow, and 30s. rent, held on the day of the battle of Evesham, of Germanus son of Walter and Germanus Knot, of Middle Rasene, by service of 7d. yearly.
Walesby. 1 bovate land, held on the same day, of Walter de Aula of Walesby by service of 1d. yearly.
Lyndewod. 2a. land, held on the same day, of Nicholas son of Nicholas de Lyndewod and Alan Malet by service of 1d. yearly.
Estrasen manor, held on the same day, of Grace de Insula and her heirs by service of 6d. or a pair of gilt spurs, of Elias de Rabayn by service of 10s. warnoth, and of Henry de Alem(annia) by service of 5s. yearly.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (8.)
675. William Cratefige alias Gratefige.
Writ, 12 Jan. Inq. Friday the feast of St. Hilary, 52 Hen. III.
London. A messuage in the parish of St. Andrew towards Alegate, is the king's escheat by the death of the said William who was killed in the battle at Lewes against the king and Edward his son.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (9.)
676. Giles de Wechchesham alias de Wachesham, de Wachisham.
Writ, 28 June, 52 Hen. III.
Giles his son, age variously stated as 35 and more, 36 at the feast of St. John the Baptist (last), and 40 and more, is his heir.
[Norfolk.] Extent, The morrow of St. Thomas the Martyr, 52 Hen. III.
Marlingford manor (extent given), held of the abbot of St. Edmund in chief by service of ¾ knight's fee.
[Suffolk.] Extent, Thursday after SS. Peter and Paul, 52 Hen. III.
Wrtham manor (extent given), part held in chief of the abbot of St. Edmund by service of 12d. and ¼ knight's fee, and the residue of the barony of Le Ry by service of 1¼ knight's fee.
[Suffolk.] Extent, Wednesday after SS. Peter and Paul, 52 Hen. III.
Wachisham manor (extent given), part held of Sir Peter de Taleword in chief by service of (one) knight's fee, and the residue of the bishop of Ely in chief by service of 1 knight.
[Suffolk.] Extent, Wednesday after SS. Peter and Paul, 52 Hen. III. (defective).
Stansted manor (extent given), held of the king in chief (by service of) ¾ knight's fee of the honour of Ha ... e.
Culfho, ½ knight's fee held of (the king) in chief of the honour of Lancaster. Whereof John, brother of the said Giles, holds ... fee in demesne of the gift of Elizabeth his mother.
[Suffolk.] Assignment of dower (undated).
The manor of Wortham is assigned to Joan late his wife in dower, besides her marriage (portion) of Thoryton, saving to the king 4l. 12s. ¾d. rent of assize of free tenants with their homage and service, in the name of wardship.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (10.)
677. Nicholas de Gerunde.
Writ, 28 March, 52 Hen. III. Extent (undated).
Hugh his son, aged 30, is his heir.
Kent. Frethenestede manor and advowson (extent given), and Esherst manor and advowson (extent given), held of the king in chief (by service of) 1 knight's fee.
Holingeburn. 7s. rent held of the prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, rendering 20d. yearly; and 4a. wood held of John Someri, rendering 12d. yearly.
Buckingham. He held also in Foxcote and Dodington, the lordship of 2 knights' fees, for which his heir ought to answer to the king for 3 knights' fees.
C. Hen. III. File. 35. (11.)
678. Nicholas de Leukenore.
Writ, 1 June, 52 Hen. III.
Sir Roger his son, age variously stated as 24 and 26 and more, is his heir.
Essex. Extent, St. Margaret's day, 52 Hen. III.
Little Reynes manor (extent given), held of the king in chief for 1 knight's fee, and by service of rendering 10s. yearly at the castle of Dover and suit at the court of Haghele.
[Suffolk.] Extent, Saturday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr 52 Hen. III.
Mendisham manor (extent given), was wholly given by the said Nicholas 5 years and more before his death to Sir Roger his son, who did homage for it to Hugh de Mandevil and holds it of him by service of 1 knight, paying yearly 32s. to Roger de Cotton and others, and 5s. sheriff's aid.
Middlesex. Inq. Saturday after St. Margaret, 52 Hen. III.
Su Mimmes manor (extent given), held of the earl of Hereford, viz.—1 knight's fee.
C. Hen. III. File. 35. (12.)
679. William Maudut alias Mauduyt, Mauduth, earl of Warwick.
Writ, 20 Jan., 52 Hen. III.
He had no heir of his body; William de Bello Campo the younger, son of his sister Isabel deceased who was married to William de Bello Campo the elder, age variously stated as 26 and more, and 30 and more, is his heir.
... Extent ..., [52 ?] Hen. III. (fragment).
... manor and advowson ... of the king of the honour ...
[Rutland.] Extent, Tuesday before the Purification, 52 Hen. III.
Berudon manor and advowson, with the advowson of Sutluffeham church (extent given); the manor was the king's ancient demesne, and King Henry the old (vetus) gave it to the ancestors of William Maudut, service unknown
[_.] Extent, Wednesday after the Purification.
Langedich. A court, garden, &c., worth 26s. 8d. yearly, arable land worth 6s. 8d., 3s. 10d. rent of assize, and ½a. meadow, tenure unspecified.
[Gloucester.] Extent, Tuesday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 52 Hen. III.
Cheddewrth manor (extent given), tenure unspecified; but Robert de Camera holds there 1/5 knight's fee, and Richard de Bosco (holds) by serjeanty of being the king's pantler for 3 feasts yearly.
[Southampton.] Extent, The morrow of St. Vincent, 52 Hen. III.
Hortleie manor (extent given with names of tenants), including 1 carucate land held by Gilbert Conan by service of ¼ knight's fee, 2 virgates held by Richard de Houtot by service of 1 clove gillyflower, and 1 virgate held by William de Borhunte by service of 1/16 knight's fee, held of the king in chief by service of ½ knight's fee, and he was the king's Chamberlain at his exchequer in London by reason of this manor, and used to have a clerk there continually, to whom he gave 100s. yearly at least.
Hindesham. 10s. rent of assize.
Winchester. ½ mark.
Warwick. Extent (undated).
Warwick castle and borough (extent given), with the advowsons of the churches of St. Mary, where there are eight prebends, and St. James; including land and park at Wegenok', the fishpond of Pakkemor with the park, pastures called Magna Linch, le Putsiche, le Mucheleput, le Litleput, le Ling juxta Coppeswelle, and le Longsiche versus Cleyputtes, and the meadow of Mitton and le Homme in the meadow of St. Nicholas, and the meadow under the warren. He held the whole honour of the earldom of Warwick, of the king by service of 2 knights.
[Warwick.] Extent, Monday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 52 Hen. III.
Braill manor (extent given) held of the earldom of Warwick of the king in chief by the service due for the whole earldom. Knights' fees held of the manor:—
Chiriton, 1 knight's fee held by Ralph de Wylinton.
Wynderton, ½ fee held by Sir Roger de Clifford.
Chelemudecote, ½ fee held by Sir Henry Hubaud.
Braill, ¼ fee held by Sir Peter de Monteforti; and 1/6 fee held by Sir N. de Segrave. There is no advowson pertaining to the manor.
[Warwick.] Schedule of knights' fees (defaced):—
(Unspecified,) 1 fee held by ... le Boteler.
Pakinton, 1 fee by the prior of Kennilewrth.
(Unspecified,) 1/10 fee by William de Ardena.
(Unspecified,) 4 fees? by John de Verdun.
Berkeswell, ½ fee by Richard de Mundeville.
Listesvirn (?), ½ fee by the said Richard.
[Lodbroc ?] 1 fee by John de Lodbroc.
Fullbroc, ½ fee by Henry Hubaud.
Grafton, ½ fee by William de Ardern.
[Compton Murdak ?] 1 fee by William Murdac.
Chalmundeccote, ½ fee.
[Compton Winyate ?] ½ fee by Thomas de Cumpton Windgate.
Chyriton, 1 fee by Ralph de Wiliton.
Herberbury, 1 fee by William le Megre.
Cumpton, 3 parts (?) of 1 fee by Geoffrey Saumpson.
Willeby, ½ fee by the master of St. John, Oxford.
[Walecot,] 1/5 fee by ... de Walecot.
Lodbroc, 1/5 fee by Roger de Sutham.
Rodburn, ½ fee by William de Ardern.
Lockesle, 1 fee by the prior of Kenill[worth].
Bodewrth and Wilie, 1 fee by Henry Hastin.
Napton, 1/10 fee by Thomas de Ardern.
Folebro and Wodecote, ½ fee.
Cumpton, ½ fee by William Murdac.
Radeford, ½ fee by William de Simely.
Morton, ½ fee by John son of Alan.
[Ludinton,] ¼ fee by Ralph de Ludinton.
Wrlmeleston, 1 fee by John Pecch.
Pillardinton, 1 fee.
[Haleford ?] ¼ fee by the heirs of Richard de Haleford.
Wilmecote, 1 fee by Thomas de Caunvile.
Dercet, ¼ fee by the same.
Sekindon, ⅓ fee by the same.
Clinton, 1 fee by Geoffrey Sauvage.
Billesle, 1 fee by William Trussel.
Winderton, ½ fee by Walter Deyvile.
Soteswell, 1 fee by John son of Guy.
Breles, 1/6 fee by Nicholas de Sedgrave.
Snitenefeld, 1 fee by Thomas de Clinton.
[Warwick,] 1/10 fee by Richard de Warr'.
Fennicumpton, ½ fee by Richard Pecch.
Wichurch, 1 fee by Peter de Monteforti.
(Unspecified,) ⅓ fee by William Paumer and Simon de Fraunkton
Hodenhull, 1/5 fee by John Goremund.
Walt[on], 1 fee by Walter Deyvile.
Chesewik (?), ¼ fee by William de Ulnhale.
Wellesburn and Cherlecote, 1 fee by Peter de Monteforti.
Cocton, ½ fee by Robert de Bruylli.
Breles, ⅓ fee by Peter de Monteforti.
Ecleshale, 1/8 fee.
Fennicumpton, ¼ fee by the prior of Clatercote.
Estleg, Morton and Donesmor, 2½ fees by ... de Estley.
Wetonton, 1 fee.
Merston Wavre, 1/6 fee.
Writ to the sheriff of Gloucester to extend the lands alienated by the said earl, of which Alice, late his wife, seeks her dower, 9 Feb., 52 Hen. III.
[...] Extent (undated and mostly illegible).
Heywod. A little wood worth 4s. yearly; total of the extent 9l. 7s. 5d.
[Gloucester.] Inq. (undated).
Cheddewr'. ½ virgate land was sold by the said earl to Walwyn de Falcombe, rendering 2s. 8d. yearly and suit of court.
Gloucester. Inq. Tuesday after the Annunciation, 52 Hen. III.
Westun. Land worth 15l. yearly was alienated by the said earl.
Writ (as above) to the sheriff of Northampton, 9 Feb., 52 Hen. III. Extent (undated).
Northampton. Eston. A messuage, 26a. land, 29s. in villenage, and 3s. 6d. rent from free tenants, were sold by the said earl after he married the said Alice to Roger le Vele.
Writ (as above) to the sheriff of Buckingham and Bedford, 9 Feb., 52 Hen. III. Extent (undated).
Bedford. Clopham and Acle. William le Brun was enfeoffed by the said earl of lands, &c. to the value of 4l. 12s. 6d., 17s. 6d. rent of free tenants, and a fishery and villenage customs, &c. to the value of 50s.
Writ (as above) to the sheriff of Rutland, 9 Feb., 52 Hen. III. Extent, Saturday before St. Peter in Cathedra.
[Rutland.] (Unspecified.) Reginald de Nevile was enfeoffed of 9a. land after the said earl married the said Alice; Peter de Wakerle of a messuage and 1a. land; William le Chamberleyng of 2 messuages, 4½a. land, and 1r. meadow; Robert de Luffenham of 7a. land, and 7s. 7d. rent; Robert de la Siche of 1 messuage and 1 bovate land; and Richard de Seyton of tenements, &c. worth 8l. yearly.
Gretham and Cotesmor. William de Draycote was enfeoffed of 19s. rent.
Writ (as above) to the sheriff of Warwick, 9 Feb. 52 Hen. III.
[Warwick.] Extent (undated).
Walton Maudut manor (extent given), was alienated by the said earl.
Warwick. Extent (undated).
Warwick. A messuage which William de Horburn holds was alienated by the said earl.
Mitton. A messuage and 1 virgate land which the master of the Hospital of St. John, Warwick, holds.
Breylis. A messuage and 1 virgate land, and a burgage, which Geoffrey le Sergaunt holds; and a croft which John Balle holds.
C. Hen. III. File. 35. (13.)
680. Simon de Cryel and Maud his wife.
Writ (missing). Inq. (undated and defective).
His 8 sons, aged respectively 30, 24, 23, 20, 15, 14, 12 and 11, succeed the said Simon equally in the following inheritance:—
[Kent.] [Esset]eford, Seveneton, Estesture, and Pakemanston, 2 knights' fees, viz.—3 carucates land, with the advowson of Esseteford, held by the said Maud on the day when the said Simon died, of the king in chief by rendering 20s. yearly for the guard of Dover castle.
Moningeham. 240a. of gavelkind land held by the said Simon of the prior of Holy Trinity ... and many husbandmen of that neighbourhood, service unspecified.
Twytham. 60a. held of the archbishop and of the said prior, service unspecified.
Swatford. 60a. of rough land (dura terra) held of the abbot, &c. of [St. A]ugustine, service unspecified.
Sadhokesherst. 60a. of the roughest (durissima) land held of William and Henry de Sadhokesherst, rendering 2 marks.
And the said Maud shall hold a moiety of the above through her marriage so long as she shall be a widow. (See Rot. Fin. 52 Hen. III. m. 1.)
C. Hen. III. File. 35. (14.)
681. Maud de Estwelles alias de Eastwelle.
Writ, 15 Dec. 52 Hen. III. Inq. (undated and defective).
Bertram de Criell, her son, aged 31, is her heir.
Kent. Eastwelle manor and advowson (extent given), including land called Schingledehalle whereof Margery mother of the said Maud is dowered, held of the king in chief, and it ought to be defended for 2 knights' fees.
Cherle. Certain land held of the prior of Dover, rendering 33d. yearly.
Certain land called Lamberdenne and Hertey, held of Guncelin de Bedelesmere, rendering 1d. yearly.
The aforesaid Mar[gery] holds land at Lamberdenne in dower worth 40s. yearly.
C. Hen. III. File. 35. (15.)
682. William de Sutton.
Writ, 18 Aug. Extent, Sunday after St. Bartholomew, 52 Hen. III.
Robert son of William de Sutton, knt., aged 27, is his heir.
Nottingham. Warsope manor (extent given) held of the king in chief, service unspecified.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (16.)
683. Alice de Merlay.
Writ (missing). Inq. Tuesday after the Purification 52 Hen. III.
Her sisters, Mary the wife of Sir William de Greystoke, aged 26, and Isabel de Merlay, aged 12, are her heirs.
[Northumberland.] Beuasis. 310a. ? land, and 27a. meadow in demesne.
Stanington. 1 carucate land in demesne, 10l. 10s. rent from bondages, and 6s. for the work of Morphathe park, 17s. rent from cottars, a brewery worth 20s. yearly, herbage in la Dene de Blie, 3s. for castle guard, &c.
Horseley. 7 bovates land, and pannage.
Morphathe. 8s. rent.
Trennewell. 5 bovates land and 3 cottages.
Walkyr. The service of 3 parts of 1 knight's fee.
Chelis. 2lb. cummin from Master Gerard and Adam de Plecys.
Caldewel. 1lb. cummin from Ralph Gubyhun.
Wottun. ½lb. pepper from William Rot'.
All held of the king by service of ½ knight's fee.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (17.)
684. John son of Alan.
Writ, 10 Nov. 52 Hen. III.
John his first born son, aged 22 on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross last, is his heir.
Sussex. Inq. Thursday after St. Andrew, 52 Hen. III. (defective) ... 300 ... together with a certain hundred of Hulethorn in co. Hants, pertaining to ... [Arun]dell', which he held of the king in chief by service of 5 fees ...
[Salop.] Extent and Inq. Friday after St. Clement, 52 Hen. III.
Oswestry (Album Monasterium) (extent given), including 10s. from the monks of Vallecrucis for pasture, and 10s. from the township of Dodeleston.
Westhope township and other members adjacent (extent given), including 1 carucate land at Hope and 1 carucate at Clonton.
Clawne township (extent given).
All held of the king in chief by service of 5 knights going with him into Wales in time of war for 40 days.
La Hethe. 2 carucates land in demesne, 49s. 3½d. rent, a garden, meadow and a mill, held of John son of William, sometime lord of La Hethe, by service of 20s. to the prior of Wenlock (Wonl').
Halchameston township, containing 1 carucate land, 20s. rent, a mill, &c. held of Sir Walter de Hopton by service of 6d. or one gilt spur yearly.
Endorsed. He held of the king in chief two whole baronies, viz.—of Cloun and Blaunkmoster, and ¼ of the earldom of Arundel.
C. Hen. III. File 35. (18.)
685. Thomas de Hauvile, the younger, son of Henry de Hauvil.
Writ (missing).
Henry, son of Ralph de Hauvile, aged 22 and more, is heir of the following land.
[Lincoln.] Inq. (undated). Hacunby. 2 carucates land held of the king's fee by serjeanty of keeping the king's falcons, and by service of 12d. yearly. Amice, sometime the wife of Henry de Hauvile has ⅓ for her dower; but the said Thomas held the manor of Hacunby of William de Renham as of wardship, because the king gave the wardship to the said William until the full age of the heir.
[Lincoln.] Inq. Friday before St. Gregory, 52 Hen. III. (defective).
Haccumbi manor was sometime held of the king in chief by the said Henry de Hauvill (the elder) by serjeanty; and the said Thomas did not die seised thereof in fee, but entered by the [demise] of William de Renham, who held it by the king's grant after the said Henry's death (in wardship) by reason of Henry, son of Ralph de Hauvil the said Thomas's elder brother. (See No. 656.)
C. Hen. III. File 35. (19.)
686. John de Bradeford.
Writ, 30 Feb. Inq. Tuesday after SS. Peter and Paul, 52 Hen. III.
Alexander his son is his heir, and of full age.
Northumberland. Bradeford. 15l. 17s. 7½d. land held of the king in chief by knight's service, 1 mark at the castle of Banburg, and suit at Northumberland county (court).
C. Hen. III. File 35. (20.)