Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.
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A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 244', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III(London, 1952), British History Online [accessed 8 February 2025].
A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 244', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III(London, 1952), British History Online, accessed February 8, 2025,
A. E. Stamp, J. B. W. Chapman, Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, L. C. Hector. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 244". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 14, Edward III. (London, 1952), British History Online. Web. 8 February 2025.
Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 244
Writ of certiorari super causa capcionis touching John de Middelton’s manor of Sculton. 10 March, 49 Edward III. | |
NORFOLK. | Escheator’s return. Joan Burdeley, formerly the wife of John de Middelton, died seised in fee of the manor, which is held of the king in chief. The said John claims to hold it for life by the courtesy of England; but the escheator, having no proof of issue between the said John and Joan, has taken it into the king’s hand until &c. |
Writ, 27 March, 49 Edward III. | |
NORFOLK. | Inq. taken at Estderham, Thursday in Easter week, 49 Edward III. |
Sculton. The manor called ‘Burdeleys,’ held by Joan late the wife of Gilbert de la Chaumbre of the king in chief by service of doing the office of larderer at the king’s coronation.
She died on Thursday after St. Hilary in the year aforesaid. Edmund her son, aged 26 years and more, is her heir. |
Writ to the escheator to make inquisition touching a claim by John Fitz Johan that he ought to hold the said manor called ‘Burdeleys’ for life by the courtesy of England by reason of issue begotten between him and the said Joan. 1 June, 49 Edward III. | |
NORFOLK. | Inq. taken at Watton, Saturday after SS. Peter and Paul, 49 Edward III. |
John Fytz Johan married the said Joan and had by her a daughter Isolda, now 16 years of age and more. He ought therefore to hold the said manor for life by the courtesy of England, as the jurors understand. | |
Writ, 27 March, 49 Edward III. | |
CAMBRIDGE. | Inq. taken at Cambridge, 18 April, 49 Edward III. |
Comberton. A toft with an adjacent croft containing 3a. land called ‘le Hevedisfe,’ and 12a. land of the same fee, all held of the king in chief by knight’s service and 12d. yearly of ‘hefdborwesilvere.’
Comberton. The manor called ‘Burdeleyes,’ with its appurtenances in Harleton, Toft, Herdwyk and Comberton (extent given), held of John de Seint Andreu, knight, by knight’s service and service of 1d. yearly. While she was sole after the death of Gilbert her husband she enfeoffed William perpetual vicar of the church of Comberton and others of the manor in fee simple, under certain conditions to be fulfilled by John Fitz Johan, late her husband, who survives. These conditions were not fulfilled either wholly or in part, for which reason she claimed in her lifetime to hold the manor in fee in its former estate. So she died seised thereof in her demesne as of fee. She died on Saturday the feast of the Epiphany, 48 Edward III. Edmund de la Chaumbre, her son, aged 28 years and more, is her heir, and immediately after her death he entered into all the premises without the king’s licence. He has received the profits ever since, and is to account for them to the king. |
Writ of plenius certiorari, with special reference to the conditions &c. of the above-mentioned feoffment. 24 May, 49 Edward III. | |
CAMBRIDGE. | Inq. taken at Cambridge, Tuesday after St. Barnabas, 49 Edward III. |
Cumberton. A toft and croft and 12a. arable, called ‘Hevedesfee,’ and the manor called ‘Burdeleys,’ held as above.
About the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, [4]3 Edward III, after the death of Gilbert her husband, she gave the manor to John, vicar of the church of Cumberton, and John, vicar of the church of Eppyng, their heirs and assigns, on the conditions specified in certain indentures, to wit, that the said feoffees should re-enfeoff thereof her and John Fitz John, whom she was to take to husband, after their marriage, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to her right heirs, and that before such re-enfeoffment they should take security from the said John for the fulfilment of the following conditions, namely that at his own cost he should marry Edmund, her son and heir, before he reached the age of 24 years, to a wife of reasonable age having 20l. yearly of land and rent at the least, that he should find a man at his own cost within [7?] years after the marriage to go to the Holy Land for the soul of Gilbert de la Chaumbre, her former husband, as Gilbert had vowed to do, that he should pay all the debts of the said Gilbert, amounting to 40l., within a year of the marriage, and that he should honourably provide Gilbert, Ellis, Thomas, Margaret and Joan, her children by Gilbert, with food and clothing and all other necessaries until they should marry or be advanced in some other way, each according to his or her estate. The feoffees enfeoffed the said John and Joan of the manor in fee tail, but with remainder to the right heirs of John, contrary to the above condition; and they took no security from John, who refused to perform any of the conditions and drove the said children from his house within a year of the marriage. After the marriage the said Joan claimed the manor as her ancient right on account of the failure of the said feoffees and her husband to fulfill the above conditions. The indentures came to the hands of John Fitz [John] by delivery of Master William de Wylyngham, who had them to keep until the conditions should be fulfilled. Joan had by the said John a daughter named Isolda. Date of death and heir as above. Immediately after her death the aforesaid Edmund entered into the manor, claiming it as her son and heir, and expelled John Fitz John therefrom and held it from Friday after the Epiphany, 48 Edward III, until Wednesday after St. Barnabas, 49 Edward III, when it and the other premises in Cumberton were taken into the king’s hand by writ, and so remain. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (1.) | |
E. Inq. P.M., File 38. (7.) (Cambridge.) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 174. (1.) (Norfolk.) | |
Writ, Okham, 28 August, 49 Edward III. | |
LANCASTER. | Inq. (indented) taken at Lancaster, Monday after St. Matthew, 49 Edward III. |
Halton and Fisshewyk. The manors.
Eccleston. A moiety of the manor. All held of John, duke of Lancaster, by service of 6l. 9s. 4d. yearly. Overkellet. A moiety of the manor, held of the same duke by service of a sparrowhawk or 12d. yearly. Eukeston. 12a. land, held of Richard le Molyneux by service of a rose yearly. Lancaster. Yearly rents of 2s. 6d. issuing from a burgage tenement of John de Ipre, knight, and of 6d. issuing from a burgage tenement late of William de Tunstall. He died on Friday after the Assumption last. Hugh de Dacre, knight, aged 40 years and more, is his brother and heir. |
Writ, Okham, [28] August, 49 Edward III. | |
CUMBERLAND. | Inq. taken at Carlisle, 18 September, 49 Edward III. |
Irthyngton. The manor (extent given), held as follows:—Ranulf de Dacre, knight, and Margaret his wife enfeoffed thereof Robert de Parvyng, knight, and William de Burgh, parson of the church of Dacre, and they by their charter re-enfeoffed the said Ranulf and Margaret for life, with successive remainders to William de Dacre and the heirs of his body, to Thomas de Dacre and the heirs of his body, to Ranulf de Dacre, now deceased, and the heirs of his body, and to the aforesaid Ranulf and Margaret and the heirs of their bodies, and with ultimate remainder to the right heirs of Margaret. The extent includes a place called Little Kamboc, worth nothing because of the destruction of the Scots.
Brampton. The manor (extent given). The extent includes divers lands &c. worth nothing on account of the destruction of the Scots, a fishery, a place called ‘Cunchache,’ a common brewhouse, lands &c. at le Wodehous, Wra, Brakanhill, Echesby, Bowetby, Milneton, Northwode, Cumqwhytington, Ingelwramosse, Kulherny, Hayton, Rochebourn, Askerton, Walton Wod, le Northmore and Fulwode, and a park with deer at le Brigwode. Kirkoswald. The manor (extent given), held in form aforesaid. The extent includes a park with deer. Laysingby. The manor, containing divers lands in the hands of tenants at will, held in form aforesaid. Burgh on Sands. The manor (extent given), held in form aforesaid. The extent includes a fishery and divers lands now lying waste on account of the destruction of the Scots. About six years ago he alienated the manors of Kirkoswald and Laysingby to William Beauchamp, clerk, and William Chamberleyn, clerk, for 40 years, for which cause the manors were seized into the king’s hand by the escheator, and are still in the king’s hand. Dacre. The manor (extent given), held as follows:—Ranulf de Dacre, knight, and Margaret his wife enfeoffed thereof the above-mentioned Robert Parvyng and William de Burgh, who re-enfeoffed the said Ranulf and Margaret for life, with successive remainders as above (manor of Irthyngton), but with ultimate remainder to the right heirs of the said Ranulf de Dacre, knight. The extent includes a park and lands &c. in Soulby, Neubiggyng and Blencou. About three years ago the deceased granted a place called ‘Mosdale’ to Thomas Broun for life, and a place called ‘Greneryg’ to Amand Mounceux for 40 years. Farnham. The reversion of the manor after the death of John de Farnham and Andrew de Layton, who are still living. Castelkaroc. The reversion of a ninth part of the manor, which is in the hand of William Kyttson, who is still living ………. (About 10 lines almost entirely illegible.) |
WESTMORELAND. | Inq. taken at Appilby, 24 September, 49 Edward III. |
Appilby. A burgage tenement, held of the king in chief by service of 4d. yearly.
Barton. A messuage in Trostermonth, held of the king by fealty; and the manor (except the aforesaid messuage called ‘Trostermonth’), held for his life of the heirs of Thomas de Thwyng by service of a sparrowhawk or 12d. yearly. He died on Saturday after the Assumption last. Heir as above. |
Writ for a fuller enquiry, 13 October, 49 Edward III. | |
WESTMORELAND. | Inq. taken at Appelby, 30 October, 49 Edward III. |
Appelby. A burgage tenement (burgasium), held of the king in chief by service of rendering 4d. yearly as house-gavel.
Barton. A messuage with garden adjacent called ‘Trostermond’ within the old ditches of Barton, held of the king in chief by knight’s service; and the manor (except the said messuage), held for life by grant of William de Halton and William Chaumberlayn, chaplains, whose seisin was acknowledged in the county court, with successive remainders to Katharine de Whitefeld for life, to William de Dacre, her son, and the heirs of his body, and to John her son and the heirs of his body, and with ultimate remainder to the right heirs of the said Ranulf. The manor (except as above) is held of the heirs of Thomas de Tweng, as of the fee of the barony of Kendall, by service of a sore sparrowhawk or 12d. yearly. Heir as above. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (2.) | |
Writ, 29 November, 49 Edward III. | |
NORTHAMPTON. | Inq. taken at Toucestre, Friday the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, [49 Edward III]. |
He held on the day of his conviction for felony:—
Grymescote. The manor, held of …. de Nev[ill], as of the manor of Whelton, by service of 2s. yearly. He held it for life by demise of Robert de Davyntre, his father, the reversion belonging to the said Robert and his heirs. He died on Wednesday after St. Martin last. Simon son of John son of the said Robert, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (3.) | |
121. | JOHN ENEFELD. |
Writ, 28 September, 49 Edward III. | |
ESSEX. | Inq. taken at Aungre, 5 October, 49 Edward III. |
Fifhide. 40a. arable and 30a. wood, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
He died on Monday after St. Matthew last. Alice Enefeld, aged 8 years about the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last, is his daughter and heir. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (4.) | |
Writ, 24 November, 49 Edward III. | |
SUSSEX. | Inq. taken at Chichester, 3 January, 49 Edward III. |
Chichester. A messuage, 96a. arable, 1a. meadow, a dovecot, 3s. 4d. rent, 2 boon-works of two men for one day in autumn and 2a. pasture in the suburb of Chichester in the parish of St. Pancras, together with the advowson of the said church, and pleas &c. of court, held of the king in chief by service of rendering to the king, whenever he comes by a lane called ‘Godstret’ to the wars on the southern spindle full of raw thread for making a sham cord for a crossbow. She held it by grant of William atte Sidenye to her and the said Nicholas her late husband and the heirs of the body of Nicholas, made with the king’s licence.
She died on 26 November last. Elizabeth wife of Valentine Bromdene, daughter of the said Nicholas and Isabel, aged 40 years and more, is next heir of Nicholas. Valentine and Elizabeth have no issue begotten between them. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (5.) | |
123. | ROGER DE ELMERUGGE, knight. |
Writ, 26 September, 49 Edward III. | |
WORCESTER. | Inq. taken at Bremesgrave, Friday after St. Luke, 49 Edward III. |
Elmerugg. The manor, held in fee tail jointly with Elizabeth his wife by gift of William de Hodyngton and Thomas de la Brode, chaplain. It is held of John son of John Talbot, knight, a minor in the king’s wardship, by knight’s service.
Wych. A brine boilery of 6 leads (sex plumborum buller’ aque salse), held in fee tail jointly with the said Elizabeth by gift of John Boteler of Wych and Richard de la Forde and Alice his wife, of Edward prince of Wales at fee-farm. He died on Saturday before the Assumption last. The said Elizabeth survives him. John de Elmerugge, his brother, aged 50 years and more, is his heir. |
Writ, 26 September, 49 Edward III. | |
HERTFORD. | Inq. taken at Ware, 18 October, 49 Edward III. |
Sauecombe. The manor, held jointly with Elizabeth his wife, who survives, to them and their heirs, by gift and feoffment of John Sewy, Thomas de Burford and William de Cudlyngton, chaplains, made without the king’s licence. It is held of the king in chief by knight’s service. By letters patent dated 2 December, 35 Edward III, the king pardoned the said Roger and Elizabeth their trespass in acquiring the manor.
Date of death and heir as above. |
Writ, 26 September, 49 Edward III. | |
SUFFOLK. | Inq. (indented) taken at Ixeworth, Friday after St. Luke, 49 Edward III. |
Fakenham Aspis. The manor, held jointly with the said Elizabeth, by feoffment of the above chaplains (last inquisition) made by a fine levied in the king’s court and with the king’s licence, as appears by the king’s charter. It is held of the king in chief by service of paying 18d. at the end of every 20 weeks for ward of the castle of Norwich.
He died on 20 August. Heir as above. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (6.) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 174. (13.) (Suffolk.) | |
Writ, 18 October, 49 Edward III. | |
BERKS. | Inq. made at Estbury, 31 October, 49 Edward III. |
Estbury. A third part of a messuage, of 2 virgates of land, of 1/2a. meadow, and of 7s. rent, held in dower of the king in chief by service of a seventh part and a half of a knight’s fee; and a third part of a messuage, of 2 carucates of land, of 4a. wood, and of 60s. rent, held in dower of William Hoo by service of 1d.
Bokhampton. A third part of 3 virgates of land and of 2a. wood, held in dower of Warin de Insula by service of 3s. 1d. Lamborn. A third part of a carucate of land, of 12a. wood in common, of pasture for 100 sheep, and of 100s. rent, held in dower of the heirs of Fulk Fitz Waryn by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee. Pusemere. A third part of 3 virgates of land, held in dower of the prior of Poghle by service of 3s. Spene. A third part of a messuage, of 8a. land, and of 8a. meadow, held in dower of the earl of Pembroke and William la Souche by service of 7s. 7d. rent. Neubury. A third part of a messuage, held of the earl of March by a rent of 2s. She died on Wednesday before St. Laurence last. John de Estbury, the elder, aged 29 years and more, is her heir. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (7.) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 173. (28.) | |
Writ, 18 October, 49 Edward III. | |
NORTHAMPTON. | Inq. taken at Daventre, 20 December, 49 Edward III. |
Watford. Three-parts of the manor, held of the king in chief. Two-parts of the manor are held of the king by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee, the remaining third part being held of the king at fee-farm by service of rendering 20l. yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff.
Great Creton. 9s. rent of divers free tenants, held of the king, as of the honor of Chokes. Staverton. 51s. rent of divers free tenants, held of the lord de …… Westhaddon. 6s. rent of free tenants. Welton. 15s. rent of free tenants. The last two rents are held of the duke of Lancaster. Cold Assheby. 38s. rent of free tenants and bondmen, held of the king as parcel of the manor. She died on 30 June last. John de Estbury, her husband, is tenant of the premises for life by the courtesy of England because she had issue by him. The said issue died during her lifetime. Thomas de Burneby, her uncle, aged 30 years and more, is her heir. |
Writ, 8 November, 49 Edward III. | |
LEICESTER. | Inq. (indented) made at Leycestre, Thursday before the Annunciation, 50 Edward III. |
Olesthorp. The manor (extent given), held of John de Clynton by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
Date of death, tenant by the courtesy, and heir, as above. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (8.) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 39. (5.) (Northants.) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 185. (Leicester.) (fn. 1) | |
Writ, 28 May, 49 Edward III. | |
DORSET. | Inq. (indented) taken at Wymborn Mynstre, Friday after St. Barnabas, 49 Edward III. |
Corf Molyn. The manor, held of the countess of Kent by service of one knight’s fee.
She died on 26 May, 49 Edward III. Thomas de Erdyngton, knight, her son, aged 27 years, is her heir. |
Writ, 28 May, 49 Edward III. | |
WARWICK. | Inq. (indented) made at Coventre, Tuesday in Whit week, 49 Edward III. |
Erdyngton. The manor, held for life by gift of Henry de Cobynton and John Wynnshurst, chaplain, of John Bottourt, lord of Wele, by knight’s service, except 2d. which is held of Thomas, earl of Warwick, by fealty.
She died on Saturday the feast of St. Augustine, 49 Edward III. Heir as above, aged 28 years. |
LEICESTER. | Inq. (indented) made at Leycestre, Wednesday after St. Barnabas, 49 Edward III. |
Barwe on Sore. The manor (extent given), held by gift of William le Walssh, formerly parson of the church of Upton, and Thomas Wilde, chaplain, to her and the said Giles, formerly her husband, for their lives, with remainder to Thomas their son and Margaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and with remainder over to the said Giles, his heirs and assigns. It is held of the king in chief by service of half a knight’s fee. The extent includes a carucate of land in Querndon and Wodhous, a several pasture called ‘Querndon Medewe,’ and a rood of free land in Montsorell.
Knossyngton. The manor (extent given), held of the lord of Orby of the county of Lincoln by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee. The site of the manor and all the demesnes are demised by her deed to John Smyth for life. Date of death and heir as above. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (9.) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 40. (17.) (Dorset.) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 176. (4 and 7.) (Leicester and Warwick.) | |
Writ, 26 June, 49 Edward III. | |
NORFOLK. | Inq. (indented) taken at Ocle, Wednesday after St. Matthew, 49 Edward III. |
Ormesby. 22a. arable, 9a. pasture, 5a. turbary, 2a. heath, 11s. rent and a moiety of a messuage, held of the king in chief in free socage by service of 2d. yearly.
She died on Saturday after St. Luke last. Elizabeth wife of Thomas de Nerford, knight, daughter of John de Perers the son of Gunnora sister of Thomas de Ormesby, her father, and Agnes Snecke and Alice Derlyng, daughters of Ellen the other sister of the said Thomas, are her next heirs. All of them are 26 years of age and more. The said John Faukoner, her husband, ought to hold the premises for life by the courtesy of England by reason of issue between him and her. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (10.) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 38. (10.) | |
Writ, 12 October, 49 Edward III. | |
KENT. | Inq. taken at Osprenge, 16 October, 49 Edward III. |
Boklond. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the king, as of his manor of Ledes, of the honor of Crevecoer, by service of three-quarters of a knight’s fee. The extent includes lands and rents of gavelkind tenure, as well as lands and rents of knight’s fee tenure.
He died on 12 August last. John, his son, aged 3 years and more, is his heir. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (11.) | |
Writ, Nassyngton, 19 August, 49 Edward III. | |
GLOUCESTER. | Inq. (indented) take at Berkele, Friday the feast of St. Bartholomew, 49 Edward III. |
Hulle. The manor (extent given, including a park).
Nymdesfeld. The manor (extent given). Both held of the king in chief by knight’s service. Wyckestowe in Hamme. A toft and a carucate of land, held of the said John by Juliana Aleyn by knight’s service and service of 2s. yearly, and by him of Thomas de Berkele, lord of Berkele, by the same services. He died on 20 July last. Thomas son of Reynold Fitz Nichol his son, aged 21 years and more, is his heir. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (12.) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 177. (1.) (fn. 2) | |
Writ, 26 November, 49 Edward III. | |
HEREFORD. | Inq. (indented) taken at Hereford, Tuesday after the Conception, 49 Edward III. |
Sutton Frene. The manor (extent given), held of the heirs of Humphrey de Bohun, late earl of Hereford, minors in the king’s wardship, as of the castle of Huntiton, by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
Mockas. The manor (extent given), similarly held of the same heirs by the like service. A third part thereof is held in dower by Elizabeth late the wife of Richard Frene of the inheritance of the deceased. He died on 14 November last. Alice wife of Roger Criketot, his aunt, to wit, sister of Richard his father, aged 50 years and more, John Joce, knight, son of Margaret his father’s second sister, aged 30 years and more, and John Talbot, knight, of Suanyngton, son of Elizabeth his father’s third sister, aged 40 years and more, are his heirs. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (13.) | |
131. | ADAM FRAUNCEYS, or FRAUNCEIS, citizen of London. |
Writ, 8 May, 49 Edward III. | |
MIDDLESEX. | Inq. taken at Smethefeld outside the Bar, London, Thursday before St. Dunstan, 49 Edward III. |
Edelmeton. The manor, with 20 cartloads of brushwood yearly in the foreign park of Enefeld, late of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford, held for life by grant of Robert Belknap and John Wroth, the younger, with the king’s licence, with successive remainders to Adam Fraunceys, the younger, and the heirs of his body, to Maud daughter of the deceased and the heirs of her body, and to the right heirs of the deceased. The manor is held of the king in chief.
Edelmeton and Totenham. 4 messuages, 4 carucates of land, 193 1/2a. meadow in the common marsh, 166a. 1r. pasture, 46a. 3r. great wood, 120a. underwood and 4l. 18s. 1d. rent of assise, all formerly belonging to William de Causton and Roger Depham, held for life, with remainders as above, by grant of William Halden and John Osekyn, citizens of London, Thomas Byeston, vicar of Edelmeton, Thomas Pateshull, chaplain, and John Ussher. Edelmeton and Enefeld. A messuage, 38a. land, 10a. meadow and 2a. pasture, all lately belonging to Thomas Pyphurst and Joan his wife, held for life, with remainders as above, by grant of John Ussher and William de Ancroft. The said messuages &c. in Edelmeton, Totenham and Enefeld were lately held of the manor of Edelmeton; and after the deceased acquired the said manor with the king’s licence, as aforesaid, they, together with the manor, were held on the day of the deceased’s death by service of one knight’s fee, rendering 13s. 4d. yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff of Middlesex. The deceased died on 5 May last. Maud wife of John Aubrey, aged . . years, is his daughter and heir. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (14.) | |
132. | EDMUND DE FRETHEBY, knight. |
Writ, 12 May, 49 Edward III. | |
LEICESTER. | Inq. (indented) taken at Leycestre, 2 June, 49 Edward III. |
Medburn. A fourth part of a twentieth part of a knight’s fee, worth 10s. yearly in rents of free tenants, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Houby. The manor, held jointly with Margaret his wife, who survives, to them and the heirs male of their bodies, by gift and feoffment of Robert de Melton, with remainder to his (Edmund’s) right heirs. It is held of Katharine lady of Thurstanton by knight’s service, as of that manor. Drayton. 8d. yearly rent from 9a. free land held for life by John Edward; 8s. yearly rent from 9a. land held by John Wakelyn for the life of Agnes his wife; and 3s. yearly rent from a messuage and 5a. land held in fee by John Billyng. The said parcels of land are held in chief of Ralph Basset of Weldon, knight, by knight’s service, service of 1d. yearly and service of 1/2d. yearly respectively. Brynghurst. A yearly rent of 19s. from 20a. land and meadow held for life by Richard Colyn and Agnes his wife and John their son of Ralph Basset of Weldon by service of 3d. yearly; and a moiety of a dovecot, held of the same Ralph by service of 1/2d. yearly. He died on Monday after SS. Philip and James last. John his son, aged 7 weeks, is his heir. |
Writ, 12 May, 49 Edward III. | |
NORTHAMPTON. | Inq. taken at Northampton, Monday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 49 Edward III. |
Harleston, Heiforde, Bryngton and Colyntrou. Lands worth 100s. 6d. yearly, held as dower of Margaret his wife after the death of Ralph de Bolymer, formerly her husband, of the heirs of John de Keynes by knight’s service.
Dated of death and heir, aged 11 weeks, as above. |
Writ, 12 May, 49 Edward III. | |
YORK. | Inq. taken at York, 22 June, 49 Edward III. |
Raysthorp. 2s. yearly rent from 2 bovates of land which are held of the abbot of St. Mary’s, York, by knight’s service.
Malton. A waste plot, held of William de Aton, knight, by service called ‘gavelage.’ Edelthorp. The manor, with the appurtenances of Berthorpt, held of the heirs of John de Garwardby, as of the manor of Qwhyxlay. It is in the hands of tenants at will rendering 10l. yearly. Frythby. The manor, held of the lord le Latymer by knight’s service. It is in the hands of tenants at will rendering 60s. yearly. Grymston Acclyne. A messuage and 10 bovates of land, held of the lord le Latymer by knight’s service. Wystowee. A messuage and 2 bovates of land, held of the lord de Roos by knight’s service. Ryllyngton. A messuage and 2 bovates of land, held of John Proude by knight’s service. The last five items he held jointly with Margaret his wife, to them and the heirs male of their bodies, by gift and feoffment of John de Carethorp, parson of the church of Tanfeld, and Robert de Melton. Bulmer. The manor, with certain lands in Welborn, and divers lands in Thornton under Rysbergh, Kirkebymyspirton, Little Bergh, Boythorp, Laisingby and Attyngwyk, held of the dower of the said Margaret after the death of Ralph de Bulmer, her first husband. They are held by divers services of other lords than the king. Date of death and heir, aged 10 weeks, as above. |
Writ of dedimus potestatem to William de Burgh to receive Margaret’s attorneys to sue for delivery of her lands and dower. 24 June, 49 Edward III. | |
Endorsement that he has received John de Burgh and John …. . lby of Houby as such attorneys. | |
Writ to the escheator in co. Leicester to enquire touching a petition from Simon son and heir of John de Norwich alleging that John de Norwych, his father, recovered by process of law against Robert Chapman and others the above-mentioned rents and moiety of a dovecot in Drayton and Brynghurst, and was in seisin of them at the time of Edmund’s death, and that Edmund had no estate in them on the day of his death; and praying the king to remove his hand from them. 11 February, 7 Richard II. | |
LEICESTER. | Inq. taken at Harrebourgh, Tuesday after Palm Sunday, 7 Richard II. |
Drayton and Brynghurst. The rents and moiety of a dovecot were so recovered by John Norwych before the justices of the Bench of Edward III by a writ of entry, and John died seised of them in his demesne as of fee by virtue of the said recovery. Simon Norwych is son and next heir of the said John.
William Thrylkeld, knight, and George de Naulton, each aged 40 years and more, are kinsmen and next heirs of Edmund. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (15.) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 39. (4.) (Northampton.) | |
Writ, 1 November, 49 Edward III. | |
BUCKINGHAM. | Inq. taken at Wormenhale, Friday before St. Martin, 49 Edward III. |
Wormenhale. A manor, held jointly with Robert her husband, deceased, to wit, to them and the heirs of Robert, of John Tracy, knight, by knight’s service.
Ocle. The manor, held of Edward, prince of Wales, by knight’s service, as of the honor of Walyngford. She died on Friday after St. Peter’s Chains last. John Duyn, aged 15 years and more, son of Elizabeth daughter of William brother of the said Robert, is next heir of the blood to the said manors, and is in the king’s wardship because a third part of the manor of Yatyngton, co. Berks, which manor is held of the king in chief by knight’s service, lately fell to him by right of inheritance after the death of Edmund de la Beche, his kinsman. |
Writ, 1 November, 49 Edward III. | |
OXFORD. | Inq. taken at Staunton Seynt Johan, Monday after St. Martin, 49 Edward III. |
Waterpirye. The manor, held of Cecily and Joan, daughters and heirs of Richard Russholm, by service of two-thirds of two knights’ fees.
Thomeleye. A messuage, held [with the said manor (fn. 3) ] of John, duke of Lancaster, by knight’s service, as of the honor of Pontefract (Pontis Frigidi). Both the above she held for life by gift and feoffment of Thomas Bruly, late parson of Waterstoke, to her and Robert and the heirs of Robert. She died on Friday, 3 August last. Heir as above. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (16.) | |
Writ, 4 November, 49 Edward III. | |
ESSEX. | Inq. taken at Berdefeld, Saturday after St. Nicholas, 49 Edward III. |
Gyng Jayberdlaundrey. The manor (extent given), held of the duke of Lancaster for life by service of 18d. yearly at the sheriff’s tourn held at Herefordestok in Easter week.
Stebbingg. A third part of the manor (extent given), held of the same duke by way of dower by service of 2s. yearly. Donmawe. A third part of the manor of Merkes (extent given), held for life by way of dower of the king, as of the honor of Boulogne, by knight’s service. Wodeham Ferers. A third part of the manor (extent given), held for life by way of dower, with the advowson of the church. The manor is held of the duke of Lancaster by service of 4s. yearly. She died on Sunday night before the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin last. |
Writ, 23 September, 49 Edward III. | |
NORTHAMPTON. | Inq. taken at Norhampton, Monday before St. Nicholas, 49 Edward III. |
Bryngton. The advowson of the church.
Neubotle, Bryngton, Olthorp and Claxthorp. 8l. yearly rent. All held of the king in chief, services not known. She held them for life in dower after the death of William her husband, of the inheritance of Henry son and heir of the said William, a minor in the king’s wardship. She died on 2 September last. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (17.) | |
E. Inq. P.M., File 38. (14.) (Essex.) | |
Writ, 4 July, 49 Edward III. | |
SUFFOLK. | Inq. (indented) taken at Nedham, Monday before St. James, 49 Edward III. |
Willakesham. The manor (extent given, including a leet held on the feast of St. Margaret).
Alnesborne. A messuage, 60a. land, 40a. heath, 2a. meadow, 10a. wood, 12a. untilled land and 10s. rent, parcel of the above manor. All held in fee tail of the king in chief, service not known. She died on 29 June last. Robert de Fereris, knight, her son, aged 25 years and more, is her heir. |
Writ, 4 July, 49 Edward III. | |
MIDDLESEX. | Inq. taken at Westsmethefeld outside the Bar, London, Thursday before St. Margaret, 49 Edward III. |
Pancras. The manor so called, held of the dean and chapter of St. Paul, London, by fealty and 30s. for all services.
Date of death and heir as above. |
Writ, 4 July, 49 Edward III. | |
HUNTINGDON. | Inq. taken at Keston, Tuesday before St. Margaret, 49 Edward III. |
Keston. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held for life by gift and feoffment of John de Ferrers, knight, son and heir of Robert her husband, the reversion belonging to the right heirs of the said John. It is held of the king in chief by knight’s service. The extent includes the profits of the ‘herouns’ and rabbits there, while they last, and views of frankpledge.
She died at London on Friday the feast of SS. Peter and Paul last. Ralph son of the said John Ferrers, aged 17 years, is next heir to the manor by the form of the above gift. |
HUNTINGDON. | Inq. taken at St. Neots, Wednesday before St. Margaret, 49 Edward III. |
Southoo. Two-thirds of the manor (extent given), held for life, by gift as above and with reversion as above, of the king in chief by knight’s service. The extent includes 160a. wood lying in Southoo, Paxton (fn. 4) and Eynesbury, a several fishery, and views of frankpledge.
Great Paxton. A messuage, 120a. arable, 4a. meadow and 2a. pasture, called ‘Maugrith,’ held for life, with reversion as above, of the king in chief by knight’s service. Eynesbury. 4a. meadow and two-thirds of the view of frankpledge held twice a year, with the advowson of the church, held for life of the king in chief by knight’s service; and 3a. arable, held as an escheat for lack of heirs after the death of Agnes de Kerketon. Date of death as last above. Heir to the premises, by the form of the above gift, as above. |
C. Edw. III. File 244. (18.) | |
E. Inq. P.M. File 38. (2.) (Huntingdon.) | |
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 174. (9.) (Suffolk.) |