Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 3

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 3', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 3', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 3". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 3

21. Emery de Bezill' alias de Bisil'.
Writ, 23 May, 1 Edw. I.
Norfolk and Suffolk. Inq. The morrow of St. James the Apostle, 1 Edw. I.
Osmundeston and Stuston. A piece of meadow, 6l. 12s. 7½d. rent of free tenants, 32s. 6¼d. rent of customers, pleas and perquisites, held of the king in chief, of the gift of King Henry for his service and fealty, without any other yearly service.
Heir unknown, because he was born in another land.
Essex. Inq. The morrow of St. James the Apostle, 1 Edw. I.
Dakenham in Berking. A messuage, 101a. arable, 19a. meadow, and 3s. 2d. rent, for which he owed to the abbess of Berking 8s. 8d. yearly and suit of court.
Heir unknown, because he was an alien.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (1.)
22. Robert de Dunes alias de Dounes.
Writ to the Justice of Chester, 28 Jan. 1 Edw. I.
Chester. Inq. Monday before St. Peter in Cathedra, 1 Edw. I.
Dounes and Tackishalch. The manors held of Sir Edward in chief by forestry.
John his son, aged 24 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (2.)
23. Alan de Gyney.
Writ, 22 July, 1 Edw. I.
[Essex.] Inq. Tuesday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 2 Edw. I.
Roch[ford] hundred. 31a. arable held of Luke de Abindon and Agnes his wife in chief by service of 1d., one clove gillyflower and foreign service.
Great Soberi. 4a. land held of the same by service of 6d. yearly, and he had works there worth 6s. 7¾d. yearly. And he did suit at the king's barony (court) at Reylee, and at the hundred (court) of Rocheford.
Henry his son, aged 20 and 34 weeks on 27 May when his father died, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (3.)
24. Walter de Aubeny alias de Albiniaco.
Writ, 10 July, 1 Edw. I.
Wilts. Inq. Friday before St. Martin, 1 Edw. I.
Wichford. The manor (extent given), with a chapel pertaining thereto, held of the heirs of Robert de Albiniaco in chief by service of ½ knight's fee.
Henry de Albiniaco, his brother, is his next heir and of full age.
Kent. Inq. Saturday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 1 Edw. I.
Renham, Niwenton, Hupechurche, and Hertlepe. 11a. land held of the heir of Robert de Halgeton by service of 10s. yearly; and 29a. held of Ralph de Pyre, Daniel atte Helle and Richard de Niwenton by service of 9s. 2d.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (4.)
25. John le Chaumberleng alias le Chamberlain.
Writ, 28 July, 1 Edw. I.
Lincoln. Inq. The day of St. Martin, 1 Edw. I.
Wykingby. A capital messuage and 20 bovates land in demesne, held of Sir Henry de Percye, doing foreign service only; 5 bovates land in demesne held of the bishop of Lincoln, rendering 20s. yearly; and 18½ bovates land in villenage, 9 cottars, 2 free tenants, a wind-mill &c., tenure unspecified.
He had two daughters, of whom one has deceased, and the other, aged 15 as is said, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (5.)
26. Ralph de Ludington alias de Lodinton.
Writ, 18 Sept. 1 Edw. I.
Warwick. Inq. Wednesday after St. Martin, 1 Edw. I.
Willmundecot. 2 virgates land in demesne and a water mill, which Walter his brother holds for life rendering 1d. yearly, and 5½ virgates in villenage rendering 60s. rent &c., the whole held of Sir Thomas de Canvil by service of ¼ knight's fee.
His four daughters, Agnes and Petronilla of full age and married, Maud aged 14, and Joan aged 11, are his next heirs.
Warwick. Inq. Sunday after St. Martin, 1 Edw. I.
Drayton. 4½ virgates land held of the king for 20s. yearly.
Lodinton. 13 virgates land and a moiety of a water mill, held of the earl of Warwick by service of ¼ knight's fee.
The earl of Warwick deforces the sheriff from the lands held of him in Lodinton, and likewise Sir Thomas de Kaunvile from those in Wilmondecote.
Heirs as above.
Partition of the above lands between the 4 daughters and heirs, viz. John de Fillingleye who married Agnes the eldest, John de Bruly who married Petronilla another, Maud the third, and Joan the fourth.
Annexed is a genealogy (undated) of the families of Robert del Lylde, Sarah his sister married to Geoffrey de Danys alias de Annus, Eborard de Annus, and Margery the wife of Bartholomew de Creyk, relating to the rights of Robert Dellylde and John Nugun and his parceners, and ending with one Agnes who quit-claimed &c., of whom the jury say they are ignorant whether she was of the blood of the aforesaid Geoffrey or Margery.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (6.)
27. Alice de Notingham.
Writ, 17 Nov. 1 Edw. I.
Dorset. Inq. Thursday after St. Ambrose, 2 Edw. I.
Bagerichesstrete. A messuage, close, 8a. arable, meadow, and 5s. 6½d. rent, held of the king in chief by service of 2s. yearly; whereof one Walter de Bagerig enfeoffed the said Alice, placing her in full seisin in the hundred (court) of Knolton, and she put in her place to do suit for her one Robert Tribold, who did so for two years and more. The said Walter and Alice remained in seisin together for 8 days and more in his house, and afterwards departed together from these parts and have never returned. She was a foreigner, born in a distant province, and her next heir is unknown. Two women hold dowers of the said tenement, and were dowered before the said Alice was enfeoffed.
Writ, 18 June, 2 Edw. I.
Dorset. Inq. Friday before St. Kalixtus, 2 Edw. I.
Baggerugestrete. A messuage, 9a. arable, 1a. meadow, 2a. pasture, and 16d. and 4d. rents, held of the King in chief by serjeanty rendering 2s. yearly, of the gift of Walter Herodis her husband, but he never divested himself of the same, but they held them together and afterwards took their journey towards Nottingham, where they were both hanged. As the sheriff receives 2s. yearly for the serjeanty, the king's escheat is only worth 3s. yearly, and the tenement has deteriorated in the custody of John Gentil to the value of 6s. 8d.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (7.)
28. Ralph de Cestreton.
Writ, 14 May, 1 Edw. I.
Oxford. Inq. Thursday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 1 Edw. I.
Mollinton. 1 knight's fee held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee; whereof Hugh de Bereford holds a moiety, Robert Waudard ¼, and William son of Ivo who lately died held ¼; and the whole land is worth 15l. yearly, but the said Ralph could receive nothing but scutage, wardship and relief, and one lodging (hospitium) for one day yearly from the tenement of the said William, which was never estimated.
Sarah his daughter, aged 22 and more, whom John le Bret took to wife, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (8.)
29. Sir Nicholas Burdun alias Bordun.
Writ, 9 Aug. 1 Edw. I.
Wilts. Inq. Monday the eve of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist. 1 Edw. I.
Wilts. Paulesholte. The manor (extent given), with 14a. wood in the forest distant 5 leagues from the manor, held of Sir Richard de Mundevile of the barony of Cufly.
Devon. Kingestentone. The manor, held of the king in chief, service unspecified.
Robert his son, who completed 27 years on the eve of SS. Simon and Jude last, is his heir.
Devon. Inq. (undated).
King's Teyntune. The manor (extent given) with the foreign hundred, held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee.
Heir as above.
Gloucester. Inq. Friday the feast of St. Giles, 1 Edw. I.
Oldebury. The manor (extent given) with the free chapel, held of Sir Henry de Lacy by knight's service.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (9.)
30. Juetta Burdon alias Burdun.
Writ, 23 July, 1 Edw. I.
Northampton. Inq. made at Bedestouwe, Sunday after St. Lawrence, 1 Edw. I.
[Unspecified.] A moiety of 1½ knight's fee was sometime held by the said Juetta of the king in chief, but Hugh de Weston and his wife recovered a moiety of the said 1½ fee against her, and the other moiety she sold to divers persons (names specified) at divers small rents.
She died on the day of St. Bartholomew two years ago; William de Drayton, aged 30, is her next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (10.)
31. William Burdun and Agnes his wife.
Writ, 13 July, 1 Edw. 1.
Northampton. Inq. Sunday after St. Lawrence, 1 Edw. I.
Desburg. 1½ knight's fee was held by the said William and Agnes of the king in chief by service of 1½ fee. They had two daughters as their heirs, Alice and Juetta: the share of the said Alice, who died twenty-two years ago, descended to Alexander son of Nicholas de Herlawe, who is her next heir and aged 30; and the share of the said Juetta descended to William de Drayton, who is her next heir and aged 30. The said Agnes died twenty years ago; and the said Alexander was within age after the deaths of the said Agnes and Alice, and the king sold the wardship to Nicholas de Herlawe for 20 marks.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (11.)
32. Walter de Evermuta alias de Evermuth.
Writ (missing).
[Lincoln.] Inq. Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 1 Edw. 1.
Kneye alias Knaye. The manor was held by the said Walter of the bishop of Lincoln by service of ½ knight, and he had a daughter and heir, Beatrice by name, who was married to Robert de Brywes, who holds two parts of the manor by the courtesy of England, because he begot a daughter of the said Beatrice, who died without heir of her self. Alice late the wife of the said Walter held a third of the manor in dower until her death on the day of the Purification 55 Henry III., when the said Robert intruded upon the said dower and still holds it. The said Beatrice died long before the said Alice.
The three daughters of Jolland de Evermuta, Euphemia married to Walter de Burgo; Margery, married to Geoffrey de Fontibus; and Alice, married to Walter de Billingeye, are his heirs, and of full age.
Norfolk. Inq. Sunday after the Ascension, 1 Edw. I.
Runham. The manor was held by the said Walter of the king in chief by service of 2 measures (mutarum) of wine and 200 pears called 'permeins' yearly at the Exchequer. Robert de Brus holds 2 parts of the manor (extent given), for life by the courtesy of England; and a third part (extent given), which was held by Alice de Evermuth in dower, is in the king's hands.
Euphemia the wife of Walter de Burgo, aged 34, Margery the wife of Geoffrey de Funteynes, aged 31, and Alice the wife of Walter de Lindeseye (sic), aged 28, are his next heirs.
Memorandum of the portions of the said Walter de Burgo, Geoffrey de Funteynes and Walter de Byllyngeye and their wives of the lands in Kneye, Stretton and Kestesby of the inheritance of the said Walter, whereof Alice de Evermue was dowered.
(See No. 160.)
C. Edw. I. File 3. (12.)
33. Robert de Bruey.
Writ, to enquire whether the wardship of the said Robert's heir pertains to the king, by reason of his tenure from the heir of William de Cheny, who is in the king's wardship, 28 Aug. 1 Edw. I.
Cambridge. Inq. Tuesday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 1 Edw. I.
Stepelmordone. His land was held of William de Cheyny in chief by knight's service, and John de Broweye his heir is within age, and his wardship pertains to the heir of the said William.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (13.)
34. Franco alias Francius de Boun.
Writ (missing).
Extent, Saturday after St. Denis, 1 Edw. I.
Dorset. Storemenistre. Land, worth 10l. yearly, held by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Sibyl sometime his wife pertaining to the Marshalsey, which Thomas de Boun his son now has.
Sussex. Midherst. The manor (extent given), including a park called La Cengle.
Fordes. The manor (extent given).
Rustinton. The manor (extent given).
All held of the earl of Arundell in chief by service of 3 knights and one suit at the court of Arundell every three weeks.
Sir John de Boun his son, aged 26, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (14.)
35. Nicholas le Seculer.
Writ, 17 June, 1 Edw. I.
Hereford. Inq. Tuesday after SS. Peter and Paul, 1 Edw. I.
Dunemore. An assart containing 2 carucates land and a pasture, held of the king's gift by charter, by service of 10s. yearly at the king's exchequer.
Maurdin and Wistaneston. 1 virgate land held of the king in chief by charter by homage and service of 12d. at the exchequer; and a mill held by service of 5 marks at the exchequer.
Maurdin manor. A messuage, 1½ carucate land, 27a. meadow, 16a. pasture and 40s. 6d. rent, held of Roger son of Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari by socage and service of 42s. 2d. yearly rent; 1 carucate land, 20a. meadow and 9a. pasture held of Thomas de Waffre and John de Maurdin by socage and service of 1lb. pepper and 6d. rent; and 11s. yearly rent of the fee of Maurdin from Ralph de Hee and Richard de Nunniton.
Hereford City. 1 burgage (?) held by Bartholomew Spicenar'; and 10l. yearly rent in curtilages and other waste places which cannot be levied.
His five sisters, Alice aged 23 and more, Cecily the wife of John Daniel aged 21 and more, Christiana aged 20 and more, Isabel aged 19, and Denise aged 16 and more, are his next heirs.
Portion (undated) of Alice the eldest sister, in the fields of Wistanston and Sutton and in Hereford City (extent given).
Similar Portion of Cecily, another sister.
Similar Portion of Christiana, another sister.
Similar Portion of Isabel, another sister.
Similar Portion of Denise, another sister.
[Hereford.] Extent (undated).
Sutton. A messuage containing 10a. land, worth 1 mark yearly, and 5 crofts (names given) of 16a. each, worth 21s. yearly, tenure unspecified. Of which 5 crofts, each of the five sisters of the deceased shall have one.
Portions of the five sisters in Sutton, Wistaneston and Hereford City (extents given).
C. Edw. I. File 3. (15.)
36. Ralph le Faukener.
Writ, 28 July, 1 Edw. I.
Lincoln. Inq. (undated).
Keleby. 4l. 2d. land held of the king in chief of the soke of Castre, by petty serjeanty of being bearer of a falcon for herons to the king's court at his command and at his cost.
Humberstan. 7 bovates land and a capital messuage held of Sir Henry de Lacy for being keeper of one falcon to his use; and 2 bovates land held of the said Sir Henry for 2s. rent.
Hol and Thirnesco. 1 bovate land held of the said Sir Henry in socage for 7s. 10d. rent.
Hol. A messuage and 1 bovate land held of Robert de Sancto Paulo for 16d. yearly; 2 bovates land of William de Funtenay for 28d. and foreign service; and 1 bovate land of Richard de Hol for 16d. yearly and foreign service.
Ytterby. 2 bovates land held of Sir Peter de Ardern for 5s. and foreign service.
Grimmesby. 9s. rent from burgages.
Humberstan. A windmill worth ½ mark yearly.
His daughters, Maud aged 10, and Joan aged ½ year, are his heirs.
[See No. 189.]
C. Edw. I. File 3. (16.)
37. Fulk son of Warin.
Proof of age. Thursday after St. Mark the Evangelist, 1 Edw. I.
Nicholas de Hanrede, knight, says the said Fulk will be 22 on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross next, for in king Henry's 34th year he was sheriff of Berks, and on Wednesday after the said feast he was at Wanetinge in the house of Fulk, the said Fulk's father, when news came that his wife had borne him a son, who was this Fulk, for he had no other.
Geoffrey de Wauncy, knight, agrees from the common relation of the country, and of his father Geoffrey, who at Michaelmas after that feast took a farm near Wanetinge for a term of twenty-two years, which will end on Michaelmas day next.
Robert de Whytefeud, knight, believes him to be about 22, for nearly twenty-two years ago he was in the house of Ralph le Botiller at Wemme, where a great number of knights and ladies had been invited, and it was then said that the said Fulk's mother was not there because she was pregnant.
Peter de Grave says the same, for there was discord between him and Fulk father of this Fulk, which was accorded at Wanetinge, and then came news of the birth of this Fulk, and the father and friends were much congratulated because all his other children pueri) were girls.
Peter de Ossinton says the same, and knows it by the death of his mother, for he was at Wanetinge seeking necessaries for her funeral, when news came that a male child was born to Fulk the father, who should be his heir, and who was this Fulk.
William le Clothmongere says the same, for he married his wife on the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr twenty years ago, and then the same Fulk was 2 years old, excepting the term between the said feast and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
Walter le Waleys says the same, for he received his land of Henneye about the quinzaine of Easter twenty-two years ago, and the said Fulk was born at Whytinton at the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross preceding; and he was in the fair at Waneting on the feast of St. Faith next after, when news came to him by Simon le Clerk of the said Fulk's birth.
Richard de Pavelly says the same, for eight days before the Nativity of the Blessed Mary twenty-two years ago, he came from the Holy Land, when a year before Louis king of France was taken by the enemies of the Cross of Christ at Damietta in the Holy Land, and on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross within a fortnight of his return he was at Waneting when news came of the said Fulk's birth; and Emma his mother died on the feast of St. Andrew next following that feast.
John de Budyford says the same, for Margery his mother died on the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr twenty-two years ago, and at the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross following he was at Bristol when news came of the said Fulk's birth; and his father Jordan had the manor of Hauekesbiri near that of Aleweston of the said Fulk's father, and was his counsellor.
Bartholomew de Erleye says the same, for at Easter twenty-one years ago died Giles de Erleye his father, and on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross preceding he was with him when news came of the birth of the said Fulk.
Henry de Gopshull agrees, for Sarah de Grave his grandmother died on the feast of St. Faith twenty-two years ago, and he received her inheritance; and on Wednesday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross he was at Wanetinge when news of the birth of the said Fulk came to him through William Pymor the father's messenger.
Walter son of Henry le Clerc of Waneting agrees, for he married his wife from the chamber of William earl of Ferrers, and had a daughter born twenty-two years ago, three days before the said Fulk was born at Whitington, as the said William Pymor related to him.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (17.)
38. John, son of William Lovel.
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the complaint of the said William, that the escheator had taken into the king's hand 2 carucates land in Weledon, which he held of the king in chief by serjeanty, and had delivered to the said John to be held to him and the heirs of his body for 20s. rent, with reversion to the said William; which manor ought to revert to the said William, the said John having died without heir of himself. 26 Sept. 1 Edw. I.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (18.)
39. Richard de Sancto Dionisio.
Writ (of certiorari), on the complaint of Richard de la Rokele, knight, that the escheator had taken into the king's hand the manor of Wokendon which he had demised to the said Richard for life only. 4 Feb. 1 Edw. I.
[Essex.] Inq. Sunday before St. Mark the Evangelist, 1 Edw. I.
Wokindon. The manor was not held by the said Richard de Sancto Dionisio in fee, but for life of the demise of the said Richard de la Rokele.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (19.)
40. John le Ferrun, citizen of London.
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the complaint of Margery late the wife of the said John, that the escheator had taken into the king's hand the manor of Toppingho, Hatfeud Peverel and Borham, which had been assigned to her for the residue of a term. 17 July, 1 Edw. I.
Essex. Inq. Wednesday after St. Peter ad Vincula.
Topingho. The manor was demised by Baldwin Fillol to the said John for twenty-four years by chirograph, and for greater security a charter of enfeoffment was delivered with condition that it should be restored at the end of the term if the agreements contained in the chirograph were observed by the said Baldwin and his heirs. And the said Baldwin hearing of the sickness of the said John, came and prayed him to restore the charter of enfeoffment, which he did, save that the said Baldwin granted that Margery wife of the said John should hold the remainder of the term of twenty-four years. So that the said John did not die seised of the manor in fee.
C. Edw. I. File 3. (20.)