Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 72

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 72', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 72', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 72". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. (London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 72

Writ to the escheator to take the proof of age of the said Ralph, whose lands &c. are in the wardship of Richard de Grey by the king’s commission, 14 December, 15 Edward II.
SUFFOLK. Proof of age, 29 March, 15 Edward II.
Martin Love, aged 60, says the said Ralph was 21 and more on the feast of St. Rufus (Ruffi) the Martyr last, for he was born on that feast 28 Edward I., at Huntingfeld, in Suffolk, and baptized on the second day following in the church there, which he knows because on that feast he was present at a banquet with Sir Roger de Huntingfeld, then lord of that manor, and a damsel announced that Lady Joan Basset had born a son, who on the second day after was baptized and called Ralph.
Hamo de Huntingfeld, aged 42, says the like, and knows it because he was bound by a bond to the said Sir Roger in 20 marks, and has letters of acquittance of the 28th year [of Edward I].
John Humfrey, aged 43, says the like, and knows it because he was in the church when the said Ralph was baptized.
Henry de Ponte, aged 50, says the like, and knows it because he was bailiff in eyre in co. Suffolk in that year, and on the same day of St. Rufus came to Huntingfeld with the king’s writ at the suit of Sir Reginald de Argenteym directed to (super) the said Sir Roger.
Roger de la More, aged 45, says the like, and knows it because Ralph de Bradenham, chaplain, to whom Joan mother of the said Ralph used to confess in trouble (in vexando), told him she had borne the same Ralph.
Godwin de Huntingfeld, aged 47, says the like, and knows it because he was clerk of the said Sir Roger at that time and spent his money, and the said Ralph was born in the manor of Huntingfeld, as appears by the account of his rolls, and also he was present in the church when he was baptized.
Alexander son of John, aged 50, says the like, and knows it because he came to Huntingfeld on that feast, with Joan his sister, who remained as nurse of the said Ralph.
William le Meysterneuc (?), aged 41 and more, says the like, and knows it because Sarra his mother lifted the said Ralph from the sacred font, and he was present with her.
Ralph Godwyne, aged 50, says the like, and knows it because he was present at the baptism and held the book before the chaplain together with the salt.
John Muriel, aged 55, says the like, and knows it because on the said feast he came with one William Heylock to Huntingfeld, who was clerk of the said Sir Roger, and immediately after their arrival they were told that the said Roger was born.
John Randolf, aged 58, says the like, and knows it because he has a son Nicholas who was born on the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula in the same year, and is 21 and more.
William le Keu, aged 60, says the like, and knows it because at that time he dwelt with Sir Roger de Huntingfeld, and at his command went to Norwich to seek a doctor for the said Ralph’s mother and they came to Huntingfeld on the day of his birth.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (1.)
336. JOHN, SON AND HEIR OF JOHN DE GREY of Rutherefeld.
OXFORD. Proof of age taken at Rutherefeld by Henle on Monday the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 15 Edward II.
Thomas de Gardinis, knight, aged 60, says that the same heir was 21 on the morrow of SS. Simon and Jude last, for he was born at Rutherefeld on that day 28 Edward I., and on the third day after baptized in the church there; and this he knows because he was present at the banquet when Margaret mother of the said heir purified herself from her childbirth, and also because John son of John Giffard of Twyford, his kinsman and next heir, was born in the same year, the one being his heir and the other the heir of his partner.
William de Warmoteston, aged 60, says the like, and knows it because he, with John de Sakevill and Joan de Grey, lifted the said heir from the sacred font.
Richard de Thours, the younger, aged 40 and more, says the like, and knows it because he has a daughter, Roisia, who was born at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist in the said year 28, who likewise is 21 and more, and whom he has always called of the same age with the heir.
Henry de Ardern, aged 40 and more, says the like, and knows it because at that time he was a merchant having 100l. of money, and for celebrating the feast at the time of the said purification, the servants of John de Grey received from him 6l. for buying cloths, and with the residue of the said money he traded (mercatizavit) and crossed the sea, and in that year in foreign parts he was one of ten English merchants who were attached and lost 1,000l., on account of which the king granted them an arrest upon the Flemings (super Flandrens’).
Robert de Shippelake, aged 60 and more, says the like, and knows it because he has a daughter, Joan, whom John de Mereworth married, who was born on Christmas day in the said 28th year, whom he always called of the same age.
Roger de Ewelme, aged 40 and more, says the like, and knows it because at that time and for long after he was purveyor (creditor et provisor) in Henle for buying victuals for the said heir’s father.
John Bakon, aged 40, Thurstan de Ewelme, aged 50, Robert de Sancta Fide, aged 50, John de Harewell, aged 40 and more, Gilbert Dru, aged 60, and Robert de Padenhale, aged 40 and more, agree, and know it because of the great feast which John de Grey made at Rutherefeld on the day of St. Andrew next after the said heir’s birth, when the said Margaret purified herself from the said heir; which feast is still notorious in those parts, because the abbots, priors and almost all the other good men (probi homines) of those parts were present.
The bishop of St. David’s, who had the wardship of certain lands of the said inheritance in Suththrop, co. Gloucester, William de Ayremynne, who had the wardship of certain lands &c. in Duston, co. Northampton, and Henry le Scroup and Robert de Morby, being warned came not nor sent anyone for them.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (2)
Writ de diem clausit extremum, 21 Dec., 15 Edward II.
Endorsed with return from the escheator, that he cannot execute the writ because the lands &c. are within the liberty of Tykehull, and the constable of the castle of Tikehill does not permit him to exercise his office there.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (3.)
SUSSEX. Proof of age, Wednesday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 15 Edward II. (defective and defaced.)
John, vicar of Hertefeld, 60, says that the said John the heir was 21 on Saturday the feast of St. Benet last, for he was (born) at Hertefeld in the manor of Brome, and baptized in the church there on 21 March, the feast of St. Benet, 28 Edward I., and this he knows because he baptized him.
Thomas Parrok, 60, agrees, except that he knows it because at that time John de Queccheworth gave him and his heirs 16a. land at Queccheworth.
John de Hothlegh, 60, agrees, and knows it because at that time he was bailiff of the hundred of Hertefeld, and knows the said John’s age by the date of the estreat of the hundred.
William Daly, 50, agrees, excepting that at that time Ralph Daly his father died, and he entered his tenement as his son and heir.
Richard Coleman, 60, agrees, and says that at that time he made a pilgrimage to Santiago beyond the sea, and ………. the church of St. Mary, Hertefeld.
John de Bollakeston, 36, (agrees), and knows it because at that time Gilbert de Bollakeston ……… and he was in the wardship of the abbot of Begham for six years after.
Hugh le Carpentyr, 40, agrees, and knows it because at that time he made a ………Brome father of the said John, and Richard his own son was born in the same year.
Maurice de Hothlegh, 40, agrees, and knows it because at that time he received the tonsure (coronatus fuit corona benedicta) from Gilbert sometime bishop of Cicestre.
Simon Garland, 50, agrees, and knows it because at that time he first came into the parish of Hertefeld and served Master Henry Garland in his manor, and he knows of the age of the said John by the date of his rolls of account.
Walter le Thoth, 60, agrees, and knows it because at that time he married the daughter of Richard de Isefelde.
John le Basset, 40, agrees, and knows it because Maud Basset his mother died at the feast of the Purification before the birth of the said John.
Richard Tichet, 40, agrees, and knows it because Henry his son was born in the same year.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (4.)
Writ of certiorari to Richard de Emeldon and Bartholomew Benet on the complaint of Agnes, late the wife of the said John, that the manor of Lynmuth, co. Northumberland, and other lands &c. in the bishopric of Durham, of which she was enfeoffed jointly with her husband, had been taken into the king’s hand, 3 July, 15 Edward [II].
NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM. Inq. 12 August, 16 Edward [II].
Agnes late the wife of the said John was enfeoffed jointly with him of 2 parts of the manor of Lynmuth by the charter of William de Riewe, together with the reversion of the third part, which Florence late the wife of Robert de Riewe holds in dower; which manor is held of Sir John de Bretannia, earl of Richmond, as of the barony of Bywell by 1/12 knight’s fee, but now renders nothing because devastated by the war; she was also enfeoffed jointly with the said John of Hopiland and Rotiford in the bishopric of Durham, which are held of the bishop of Durham by service of 2s. yearly; she continued her seisin with him from Whitsunday, 10 Edward [II] until the death of the said John.
Writ of certiorari to Richard de Emeldon alias Demeldoune, keeper of certain rebels’ lands in co. Northumberland and in the bishopric of Durham, on the petition of Agnes late the wife of the said John for her dower, 4 July, 15 Edward [II].
[NORTHUMBERLAND.] Inq. 13 August, 16 Edward II.
Criklawe. The manor.
Throppell. The manor with the wood of ‘le Fense.’
Mitteford. Six messuages and 40a. land; with the park and mill.
Ydintoune. 20s. yearly rent.
All held of Sir Aymer de Valencia, lord of Ponteland, by service of a barbed arrow yearly.
Neutoune under Wood. The manor, held of the lord of Hortoune, by service of 13s. 4d. yearly.
Benerig. Two messuages and 70a. land and meadow, held of Sir William de Herl’ by service of 2s. yearly.
Berewyk. 92a. land and meadow, held of the heir of Andrew de Kirkeby by service of 1lb. pepper.
Corbrig. 5 marks rent from the mill, held of Sir John de Clavering by service of a rose.
Hayden. A messuage and 30a. land, held of Cecily and Aline de Welles by service of 6d. for castle guard.
All the above are now devastated by the war.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Two burgages, whereof one held of Robert de Crokedale and his parceners by service of 1/2 mark yearly, and the other held of the master and brethren of the hospital of St. Mary in Westgate, by service of 8s. 8d.
Vittoune, within the bishopric of Durham, held of the bishop of Durham by service of 4s. yearly.
Le Sonnyside and Wulsingham. 180a. land and meadow, held of the said bishop by service of 20s. yearly.
Bradeley. The manor held of the said bishop by service of 3s. yearly.
John his son, aged 19 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (5.)
CARMARTHEN. Proof of age, taken before Robert de Malleye, lieutenant of the Justice in South Wales, 3 August, 15 Edward [II].
The said John was born at Lanwynnyan, co. Kermerdyn, in the house of his father on the 26th July, 1300, and was baptized in the church there on the 27th by Sir Seyssilth the chaplain there, so that on the 26th July, 1321, he was 21 years of age.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (6.)
Writ of certiorari on behalf of William son and heir of the said Richard, to enquire whether the said Richard held the manor of Hiclyng in socage, or of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, by knight’s service, 6 April, 15 Edward II.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. 19 May, 15 Edward II.
Hyclyng. The manor was held by the said Richard of the earl of Lincoln in free socage, by service of doing suit at the earl’s court of Plumptre, and not by knight’s service. But Thomas, sometime earl of Lancaster, who married the daughter and heiress of the said earl of Lincoln, entered upon the said manor after the death of the said Richard by reason of the minority of the said William, and unjustly occupied the same throughout his life, pretending that it was held of him by knight’s service.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (7.)
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the complaint of Robert de Wykham, that the manor of Broughton, which ought to be in his wardship by reason of the minority of John, son and heir of said the John, had been taken into the king’s hand, 15 May, 15 Edward II.
OXFORD. Inq. Tuesday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 15 Edward II.
Broghton. The manor was held by the said John of Robert de Wykham by service of 1d. yearly, who half a year after the death of the said John, claiming wardship, entered upon the same by reason of the minority of John his son and heir, and so continued for three weeks until Sir Robert de Holand in the name of Thomas late earl of Lancaster in 9 Edward II, ejected him, claiming wardship.; but after the death of the said earl the same Robert again entered upon the manor and held it until Thursday after the close of Easter last, when the sheriff of Oxford, by the king’s commission, seized the same and delivered it to Robert de Stoke.
Writ of certiorari to Richard Dammory and others on the petition of John, son and heir of the said John, who is under age as is said, complaining that the manor of Broughton had been taken into the king’s hand, 3 November, 16 Edward II.
OXFORD. Inq. Thursday after St. Andrew, 16 Edward II.
Broughton. The manor was held by the said John in socage of Robert de Wykham as abovesaid, entered upon by Thomas earl of Lancaster, Robert de Holonde and others as abovesaid, and occupied unjustly until Thursday after St. Gregory the Pope, 15 Edward II, when it was taken into the king’s hand by the forfeiture of the said earl.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (8.)
Writ of certiorari to Alexander de Cubbeldyk and Richard de Naulton, 28 June, 15 Edward II.
Writ of venire facias to the sheriff of Lincoln, 28 June, 15 Edward II.
Mandate from the above justices to the sheriff to summon jurors &c. 3 July, 15 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. Friday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 16 Edward II.
Cateby. His chief manor (extent given), held of the mother church of Lincoln by service of 2s. yearly; 14 bovates of land with meadow adjacent, held of John de Parys by service of 28s. and foreign service; 4 bovates of land held of Edmund de Ry by service of 6s. 4 1/4d. and foreign service; and a toft called ‘le Uphalle,’ held of the earl of Richemond for the guard of the castle of Richmond by service of 3s. 9d. yearly. Peter son of William de Saltfletby enfeoffed William son of William de Cateby and Euphemia his wife and the heirs of their bodies, by fine levied in the king’s court.
Osgodby. A messuage, with a croft and 6 bovates of land, held of John de Arsyk, knight, by knight’s service.
Osgodby and Ouresby. 43s. 8d. rent, from which he rendered yearly to Simon le Chaumberleyn, knight, for a toft and 2 1/2a. land in Ouresby, 6d. with suit at the said Simon’s court at Ouresby, and knight’s service, 13d. yearly to the prior &c. of St. Katherine’s without Lincoln, and 16d. and two hens yearly to John de Stretton.
Kynyerdby. Two bovates of land, demised to Andrew son of Helewisa for 6 years, rendering 40s. yearly, for which the said William rendered 6d. yearly to John de Bussy.
Cavenby. A moiety of the manor (extent given), held of the bishop of Lincoln by knight’s service; and he rendered yearly 12d. to the abbot of Barling, 8s. 8d. to the bishop of Lincoln, and 8 1/4 d. to John de Brakenbergh.
Richera his daughter, aged 6 1/2, is his heir.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (9.)
344. PETER DE GENEVILL, deceased.
Writ of certiorari on the petition of Joan late the wife of the said Peter, to enquire what lands &c. held in dower or otherwise, she demised to Roger de Mortuo Mari for 100l. yearly, and which of the said lands &c. came to the king’s hands, 1 March, 15 Edward II.
HEREFORD. Inq. 2 April, 15 Edward II.
Malmeshulle Lacy. The manor (extent given), was held by the said Joan by reason of a joint feoffment by the gift of Geoffrey de Genevill, of Lady Margaret late the wife of Sir Edmund de Mortuo Mari, in chief, of the castle of Radnore, by service of a knight’s fee.
Wulfarslowe. The manor (extent given), was held by joint enfeoffment, as abovesaid, of the earl of Hereford, of the castle of Huntiton, by service of 2s. yearly.
And the said Joan demised the aforesaid two manors with other lands &c. in Salop and the Marches to Sir Roger de Mortuomari of Wigemore for 100l. yearly during her pleasure, without any writing.
Castel Frome. The manor was held by John de Lacy, knight, deceased, of the said Joan as of the manor of Staunton Lacy, co. Salop, by service of a knight’s fee; which manor came into her hands by reason of the minority of Gilbert son and heir of the said John.
SALOP. Inq. Tuesday after the Annunciation, 15 Edward II.
Staunton Lacy. The manor (extent given), was held jointly, as abovesaid, of the king in chief by 1/4 knight’s fee.
Lodelawe. 20a. arable, a meadow, and 60 burgages, were held by her in dower, of the castle of Lodelawe, which is held of the king in chief.
And the said Joan demised all the above lands &c. to Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari, as abovesaid.
Crysteseht. The manor was held by John de Lacy, knight, deceased, of the said Joan, of the manor of Staunton Lacy, by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, and came into her hands by reason of the minority of Gilbert son and heir of the said John.
THE MARCHES. Inq. 3 April, 15 Edward II.
[HEREFORD.] Walterston and Ewyas Lacy. A third part of the manor (extent given), including customs called ‘Kilw’ and ‘Oxeselver,’ was held by the said Joan in dower, by the gift of King Edward I, of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wigemor and Joan his wife, as of the inheritance of the same Joan, without service.
Writ of ad melius inquirendum, 20 May, 15 Edward II.
SALOP. Inq. 21 June, 15 Edward II.
Cristeseht. The manor was held as wardship and demised by the said Joan to Roger de Mortuo Mari along with her other lands &c., as aforesaid, in 11 Edward II.
THE MARCHES. Inq. 22 June, 15 Edward II.
[HEREFORD.] Walterston and Ewyas Lacy. A third part of the manor alias manors was held in dower and demised by the said Joan to Roger de Mortuo Mari along with her other lands &c. as aforesaid.
HEREFORD. Inq. 19 June, 15 Edward II.
Castelfrome. The manor was held as wardship and demised by the said Joan to Roger de Mortuo Mari along with her other lands &c. as aforesaid.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (10.)
Writ 26 June, 15 Edward II.
SUSSEX. Inq. taken at Berewyk 22 July, 16 Edward II.
He held no lands &c. in the county.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (11.)
Writ 21 December, 15 Edward II.
YORK. Inq. Thursday after St. Wulfran the archbishop, 16 Edward II.
Muston. The manor, held of John de Raigat’ by service of 6d., or a pair of gilt spurs yearly.
Arnold his son, aged 9 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (12.)
Writ 20 May, 15 Edward II.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. 16 July, 16 Edward II.
Radeclive upon Sore and Kynston. A third part of 2 messuages, of 2 virgates of land, and of 1a. meadow, held of the king in chief by service of keeping, together with the lord of the manor of Radeclive, one of the king’s goshawks, and rendering 3s. 8d. yearly at the king’s exchequer. She held no other lands &c. in the county.
Reginald le Jort, her son, aged 36 and more, is her next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (13.)
Writ 8 May, 15 Edward II.
HEREFORD. Inq. 13 November, 16 Edward II.
Bradwardyn. A sixth part of a messuage and of 1/2 virgate of land, held of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirck by service of 8d. yearly; 10a. land held of Roger de Radenouere by service of 16d. yearly; 10a. land held of John de Deveros by service of 16d. yearly; 5a. land held of Roger Apthevan (?) by service of 8d.; and 1a. meadow held of the said Roger, Roger, John and Roger by the above services.
Richard his son, aged 30 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (14.)
Writ 30 June, 15 Edward II.
YORK. Inq. Saturday the eve of the Assumption, 16 Edward II.
Tonge. Two parts of the manor (extent given), including rents in Hindesworth, Tiresale and Oulecotes, held, together with the third part which Juliana late the wife of Richard de Tonge holds in dower, of the king in chief as of the honour of Pontefract, now in the king’s hand, by homage and fealty, and by service of 10s. yearly, and suit at the court of the said honour.
Richard his son, aged 3 years, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (15.)
Writ 7 May, 15 Edward II.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 16 Edward II.
He held nothing in the bailiwick on the day he died, because ten years ago he gave the manor of Quenton to John his son and Elizabeth his wife and their heirs.
SUSSEX. Inq. 10 July, 16 Edward II.
Berewyk. The manor (extent given), held of the heirs of Philip Marmyon of Tenefeld in chief, service unknown.
Wyngeton. The hamlet held at fee farm of Lady Isabel Bardolf by service of 12l. rent yearly.
Heir unspecified.
LINCOLN. Inq. Friday after St. Peter ad Vincula, 16 Edward II.
Wyntryngham and Wolyngham by Lincoln. The manors (extents given), held of Henry Hillary and Joan his wife, as of her right, by service of 3 knights’ fees.
John his son, aged 30 and more, is his next heir.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 8 July, 16 Edward II.
Ludington. The manor (extent given), held of the abbot of Peterborough by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, suit at the abbot’s court of Castre, and rendering 10s. yearly, and a pair of gilt spurs.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (16.)
Writ 18 June, 15 Edward II.
NOTTINGHAM AND DERBY. Inq. The day of St. Margaret, 16 Edward II.
NOTTINGHAM. Knapthorp. The manor (extent given).
DERBY. Morton. The manor (extent given).
Both held of Edmund Deyncourt by service of a knight’s fee.
DERBY. Haseland. A capital messuage, 10 bovates of land, pasture, and 12s. rent, held of John de Orreby by service of 13s. 4d. yearly.
Roger his son, aged 36 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (17.)
Writ 4 July, 15 Edward II.
NORFOLK. Inq. 9 October, 16 Edward II.
Great Naryngges. A moiety of the manor (extent given), with a moiety of the advowsons of Naryngges and Thirsford, held in dower, as of the inheritance of the said Robert’s heir, a minor and in the king’s wardship, in free socage, of Thomas Bardolf by service of 10s. yearly.
Kerdiston. A third part of a messuage, lands &c. (extent given), held in dower, of the abovesaid inheritance, of the heirs of Geoffrey de Say by service of 1/3 knight’s fee.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (18.)
Writ 26 June, 15 Edward II.
ESSEX. Inq. Saturday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 16 Edward II.
Plichedene. The manor was demised twenty years ago by the said Gilbert to Hugh le Belter and Adam le Charman of Riclyngg, to hold to them their heirs and assigns, rendering 30l. yearly to the said Gilbert his heirs and assigns after the end of six years now to come; the manor is held of Sir Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Gilbert his son, aged 16, is his next heir.
KENT. Inq. Monday after St. James, 16 Edward II.
Holyngbourn parish. A messuage, 40a. arable, 40a. pasture, 14a. underwood, a windmill, and 74s. 6d. rent of assise yearly, acquired jointly by the said Gilbert, Iseult his wife and Simon their son, to them and the heirs of the said Simon; whereof part is held of the prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, by service of 20s. yearly and suit at the court of Holyngbourn, and part of John de Sancto Johanne by suit at the court of Eylnothynton.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 12 July, 16 Edward II.
Poselingworthe. The manor (extent given), held of Sir John de Hastingges by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 11 July, 16 Edward II. commencing.
Great Thrillowe. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, service unknown, by fine levied in the king’s court by Gilbert his father, to hold to himself and Joan his wife and to the said Gilbert their son and the heirs of his body, with remainder to his brothers William, Simon and John and the heirs of their bodies respectively in turn, with reversion to the right heirs of the said Gilbert son of Gilbert.
Great Wratting. 30s. 7d. assised rent from divers free tenants, held as of the fees of Pichard and Colevile, which are held of the king in chief by serjeanty of finding a foot archer with a bow and three arrows in the king’s war in Wales at his own charges for forty days.
Heir as above.
LINCOLN. Inq. Wednesday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 16 Edward II.
Saltfletby. 200a. arable, 52a. meadow and pasture, and 40s. 5d. rent, held of Thomas de Multon of Fraunton by knight’s service and rendering 35s. 6d. yearly; and there are also due to the earl of Rich(mond) 7s. 9 1/2d., and to the abbot of Welhou 1/2 mark.
Heir as above.
LINCOLN. Inq. Thursday before St. Margaret, 16 Edward II. (defaced.)
Corby. Two parts of a capital messuage with a croft, 110a. arable, 6a. meadow, 14a. pasture, 34a. wood, a windmill, a market, and 59s. 9d. rent.
Swafeld. 30s. 2d. rent of free tenants.
Billesfeld. A messuage, 40a. arable, 3a. meadow, and 13s. 4d. rent.
All held jointly by the said Gilbert and Iseult, as of their purchase from one Simon Pecche, to them and the heirs of their bodies, of the bishop of Lincoln by service of a knight’s fee.
C. Edw. II. File 72. (19.)