Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 100

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 100', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 100', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 100". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. (London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 100

Writ to the escheator in co. York &c. to take the proof of age of the said Thomas, who was born at Kirkeby in Kendale, co. Westmoreland, and baptized in the church of Holy Trinity there, who says he is of full age and seeks his lands &c. which are in the wardship of Richard de Hodeleston by the demise of John de Darcia (?), to whom William de Soley, who had the same by the king’s commission, surrendered it, (?) 11 July, 19 Edward II.
Proof of age (missing).
Return that Richard de Hodeleston, though warned, took no care to be present or to send anyone for him.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (1.)
Writ, whereas by a fine levied in the court of king Edward I. between the said Robert and John Angayne and Joan his wife concerning the manor of Theydene Gernoun, whereby the said John and Joan granted the same to the said Robert for life with remainder to Walter his son, and Joan his wife, and the heirs of the said Joan and the king understands that Adam de Welle, a minor and in the king’s wardship, is heir of the said Joan, the escheator is to take the said manor into the king’s hand, and enquire &c., 12 February, 19 Edward II.
ESSEX. Inq. 1 March, 19 Edward II.
Teydene Gernoun. The manor; whereof the capital messuage, a park and 100a. land, are held of William de Gernoun by service of 6s., a pair of gilt spurs, and 1 lb. pepper; 40a. land are held of John de Sutton by service of 18d. and 1 lb. cummin; 2a. land are held of Richard de Teye by service of 12d. yearly; and 2a. land are held of Richard de Stonhurst by service of …. yearly.
Adam de Welle is heir of the said Joan.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (2.)
Writ of plenius certiorari on the petition of Hugh, son of the said Richard, that the king would remove his hand from a third part of two parts of the manor of Burghle, which Lucy de Babyngton held in dower of the archbishopric of York, now in the king’s hand sede vacante, 10 November, 19 Edward II.
YORK. Inq. Wednesday before St. Hilary. 19 Edward II. (defaced.)
Burghle. The said Hugh is heir of a third part of two parts of the manor, which descended to him after the death of his father, and is aged 23 and more. The same is held of the archbishop of York as of his manor of Ottele by homage and fealty, suit at his court of Ottele, and service of a ninth part of a moiety of a knight’s fee, and has been in the king’s hand for four years as the jury understand.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (3.)
Writ of certiorari to William de Sareshill and Robert de Stoke, on the petition of John son of the said Peter, showing that Ralph de Lymesy, knight, granted his manor of Arle, co. Warwick, to Richard his brother and the heirs of his body, by virtue whereof the said Richard to the day of his death, and the said Peter until the time of his forfeiture, had seisin, and that the said Peter has now died, and praying that the manor may be rendered to him, 12 February, 19 Edward II.
WARWICK. Inq. Monday after SS. Perpetua and Felicitas, 19 Edward II.
Arleye. The manor was sometime in the seisin of Ralph de Lymesy, knight, who gave it to Richard his brother to hold to him and the heirs of his body for ever, after whose death Peter de Lymesy his son and heir entered upon the same and continued his seisin until he forfeited to the king: he afterwards died at York of a natural illness on Monday before the Epiphany, 18 Edward II. The manor is held of John de Oddyngseles by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
John his son, aged 24 on Thursday after Palm Sunday, 18 Edward II., is his heir.
Transcript of grant from Ralph de Lymesy, knight, to Sir Richard de Lymesy, knight, his brother, of the manor of Arle, to hold to him and the heirs of his body for ever, rendering yearly for the life of the said Ralph 10 marks; and for this grant the said Richard gave 200l. sterling to the said Ralph.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (4.)
Writ of certiorari to John de Bouser and others, on the petition of John de Clarynge and Margaret his wife, Roger de Berners and Maud his wife, and Christiana and Margery sisters of the said Margaret and Maud, sisters and heirs of the said John son of John, for certain lands &c., in Stapelford Tany and Navestoke which are in the king’s hand, 6 March, 19 Edward II.
[ESSEX.] Inq. Friday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 19 Edward II.
Stapelford Tany and Navestoke. Master Thomas de Bredstrete, on 12 May, 19 Edward I. gave a messuage, a mill, 220a. land, 10a. meadow, 50a. pasture, 8a. wood and 4s. rent, to John de Sutton and Maud his wife, to hold to them and John their son and the heirs of his body, with remainder to his right heirs. John the elder in 6 Edward II. alienated all the said tenements to Gilbert de Clare, then earl of Gloucester, and Maud his wife to hold to them and the heirs of the said earl for ever, and after the deaths of the said earl and countess, they came to the hands of Hugh de Audele and Margaret his wife, sister and one of the heirs of the said earl, who were seised thereof until those tenements came to the king’s hand through the said Hugh’s forfeiture. The tenements, excepting 12a. land, are held of the manor of Stapylford Tany, which is of the honour of Reyleye, by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, 2s. 8d. yearly rent, and doing suit at the court of the manor; and the 12a. land are held of the manor of Stanford Ryvers, which is of the honour of Boulogne, by service of 12d. yearly. The said John, son of John de Suttone, died without heir of his body, and the said Margaret, Maud, Christiana, and Margery are his sisters and right heirs, and none of them have ever in any way changed their estate in the said tenements.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (5.)
Petition to the king and council from Joan, late the wife of the said John for her dower of lands in Wenyngton, Alvethele, Reynham, Stifford, and Little Thurrok, co. Essex, which the said John gave to Henry Garnet, and are now in the king’s hand. (French undated.)
Writ of ulterius certiorari to Richard de Goshalm and others, to enquire whether the said John could dower the said Joan of the above, and when he died &c., 17 July, 19 Edward II.
ESSEX. Inq. Monday after the octave of St. Martin, 19 Edward II.
The said John after he married the said Joan was seised of the manor of Wenyngton, with the lands pertaining thereto, viz.—A messuage, 106a. arable, and 8a. pasture in Wenyngton, 18a. arable in Reynham, and 4a. arable and 4 1/2a. meadow in Alvithele, and 4l. 10s. rent of assize in the said towns, and also 57a. arable, 3a. pasture, and 60s. rent in Stifford, and he could dower her thereof, but he had no lands in Little Thurrok from which he could dower her. By his charter of 24 June, 6 Edward II., he enfeoffed Henry Gernet and Margery his wife and the heirs of the said Henry of all the aforesaid lands, but there is no cause why the said Joan ought not to be dowered of them, and she has never remitted her right. The said John died a natural death in the hospital of St. Mary without Bisshoppesgate, London, on 15 December, 9 Edward II., and all the above lands were taken into the king’s hand, with others of the said Henry, on the feast of St. Edmund the king, 15 Edward II. The lands &c., in Wenyngton are held of the abbot of Westminster by service of 100s. yearly, those in Alvithele and Reynham are held of Robert Lenveise by service of 21s. yearly, and those in Stifford are held of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of 12d. yearly.
Writ of ulterius certiorari to the constable of the castle of Berkhampstede to examine Henry Garnet who is in prison there, whether he has anything to say, why the said Joan ought not to have her dower of the above lands, 28 July, 19 Edward II.
Endorsed with return that he answers that he has enough (to allege) for himself why she ought not to have her dower there.
Petition to the king and council from the said Henry that the said Joan may be put to take her action at the common law, for he will say enough for the king and himself in bar of the action. Endorsed. Because the petitioner intends to exclude the said Joan from her petition of dower, the whole process must come before the great council.
Petition to the king and council from the said Joan reciting the above inquest &c. and praying remedy, as the chancellor will not render to her her dower for which she has so long sued. Endorsed as above that the whole process (must go) before the great council.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (6.)
Writ ad melius inquirendum, concerning the tenure of the hamlet of Treglast, 15 December, 19 Edward II.
CORNWALL. Inq. taken at Launceveton, 20 August, 20 Edward II.
Treglast. The hamlet was held by the said Richard of the king in chief as of the crown by the enfeoffment of John de Ripariis in free socage by fealty only, so that his heir of whatever age would enter upon the same by paying 12s. 6d. relief to the king.
[CORNWALL.] Inq. taken at St. Austell (Sanctum Austolum), 23 August, [20] Edward II.
Treglast. The hamlet was held by John de Ripariis, together with the manor of Launtian, the hamlet of Rosewyk, a moiety of Treueru with the advowson of the church, and 9 knight’s fees in co. Cornwall, of the king in chief as of the crown by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, and he enfeoffed the said Richard of the hamlet of Treglast by socage and fealty, and relief as abovesaid.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (7.)
Writ, 9 July, 19 Edward II.
HEREFORD. Inq. 24 July, 20 Edward II.
Kynardesleye. A messuage, 60a. land and 2a. pasture, held of the king in chief as of the manor of Brugge upon Way, now in the king’s hand by reason of the forfeiture of Roger de Clifford, by service of 1 lb. cummin yearly.
John his son, aged 30 and more at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (8.)
Writ, 3 June, 19 Edward II.
RUTLAND. Inq. 6 August, 20 Edward II.
Glaston. The manor (extent given), including a wood called Brende, held, to himself and Margery his wife and the heirs of their bodies, of John son and heir of Humphrey de Bohun late earl of Hereford and Essex, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by service of a knight’s fee.
Oliver son of the said John and Margery, aged 24 and more, is his next heir.
LINCOLN. Inq. 18 September, 20 Edward II.
Staunford. A messuage, which sometime was of the friars of the sack (fratum de sacco) held of the king in chief by service of 15 1/2d. yearly, as parcel of the town of Staunford which John de Warenn, earl of Surrey, lately held of the king in chief by service of 2 1/2 knight’s fees.
Baldwin, his second son by his first wife, aged 26 and more, is his next heir according to the custom of the town of Staunford.
LINCOLN. Inq. 20 August, 20 Edward II.
Little Paunton. The manor (extent given), including a garden called ‘le Vyneyerd,’ 5a. meadow at Tounmilneholm, pastures at Heslawe, Waterlakes, Grith, Prestoft, ‘le Sik,’ and elsewhere, and water-mills called ‘le Tounemilne’ and Saltforthmilne, held as of fee tail of the abovesaid John de Bohun by service of 2 knight’s fees.
John son of Richard de Haryngton, his kinsman, aged 18 at the middle of March last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (9.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 15.
720. JOHN MAUVEYSYN of Berrewyk.
Writ of certiorari on the petition of John Mauveysin asserting himself to be son and next heir of the said John, and seeking the lands &c., of his inheritance, 20 April, 19 Edward II.
SALOP. Inq. Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 20 Edward II.
Muneton. A messuage, 6a. land, and 11s. rent of freemen, held of the king in chief by service of keeping the king’s hays in the Long Forest, in Haukeshurst and Bysschemor.
Berewyk. The hamlet (extent given), held of the earl of Arundell by service of finding a footman for keeping the castle of Osewaldestre in time of war in Wales for twenty days at his own charges.
John his son, aged 21 at the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (10.)
Writ, 6 July, 19 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. Tuesday the feast of St. Mary Magdalen, 20 Edward II.
Croxton. 40s. rent from lands held by Master Roger de Croxton in fee tail, held of William de Ros of Hamelak by knight’s service.
Cotes. A toft and 2 bovates of land and meadow, held of the abbot of Wellou by service of 2s. yearly.
Foterby Wargholm. 48s. rent held jointly, to himself and Idonea his wife, and the heirs of the said Dominic, of John son and heir of Giles de Brewosa, a minor and in the king’s wardship, as of the manor of Lutheburgh by knight’s service.
Utterby. A messuage and 4 bovates of land and meadow, similarly held of Edmund de Ry, knight, by knight’s service.
North Elkyngton. A messuage and 6a. land, similarly held of William son of Robert de Elkyngton by service of 1/2d. yearly.
Welton. A toft and 24a. land, similarly held of John Bretoun by service of 6d. yearly.
Skytbrok in Saltflethavene. A toft similarly held of William de Kyme by service of 2d. yearly.
Germethorp. A messuage, 3a. land, and 2a. meadow similarly held of Henry de Percy by knight’s service.
Little Grimmesby. Two bovates of land similarly held of Henry de Percy by knight’s service.
Robert de Bukton his brother, aged 50 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (11.)
Writ, 9 June, 19 Edward II.
YORK. Inq. Saturday the morrow of St. James, 20 Edward II.
Arkilgarth. A messuage and 2a. meadow, held of the king in chief as of the honour of Richemond now in the king’s hand, by fealty.
Est Appelgarth. A messuage, 30a. land and 8a. meadow, held jointly with Isabel his wife, daughter of Henry de Midelton, to them and the heirs of their bodies by the gift of Robert de alias del Appelgarth father of the said Thomas, of the king in chief as of the honour of Richemund by service of a grand serjeanty, viz.—carrying a wand as marshal before the lord of the said honour at Christmas and Easter when the lord shall be at Richemund.
West Appelgarth. Messuage, 60a. land, 30a. meadow and 60a. wood, similarly held of Henry son of Hugh by fealty, and service of 100s. yearly.
Robert, his son, aged 30 and more, is next heir of the said Thomas and Isabel sometime his wife.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (12.)
Writ, 23 May, 19 Edward II.
WILTS. Inq. 26 June, 19 Edward II.
Manyngford Brewes. The manor (extent given), whereof two parts were held for her life by the demise of Peter de Brewes son and heir of the said William, and the third part held in dower through the death of the said William, with reversions to the said Peter or his heirs. The manor is held of the earl of Hereford in chief by service of 1/3 knight’s fee, and ought to revert to Thomas de Brewes, son and heir of the said Peter, who is of full age.
Writ, 23 May, 20 Edward II.
[YORK.] Inq. 29 August, 20 Edward II.
Werthorp. Thirty-six tofts, 71 bovates of land in bondage, 3 cottars, a windmill, &c., held of Sir William de Roos of Hamelak by service of 1d. or a pair of gloves yearly.
Thomas de Brewosa, aged 26, is her next heir.
Writ to the escheator, in cos. Wilts, Buckingham &c., the king being given to understand that the said Mary held lands in Bukkyngham and Bourton of which no mention is made in the inquisition abovesaid, 30 July, 20 Edward II.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. 7 August, 20 Edward II.
Bukyngham. A third part of the manor, together with a third part of the hamlet of Burton pertaining thereto (extent given), held in dower of the inheritance of John son and heir of Giles de Brewosa, by the assignment of the said Giles, without any service.
The said John, who is of full age, is her next heir of the lands &c., aforesaid.
Writ to the same escheator to enquire of whom the lands &c., abovesaid are held &c., 11 August, 20 Edward II.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. 24 August, 20 Edward II.
Bukyngham. The manor and the hamlet of Bourton are held of Hugh de Audele and Margaret his wife, as of the pourparty of the said Margaret, one of the heirs of the late earl of Gloucester, by service of a knight’s fee.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (13.)
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c., 14 April, 19 Edward II.
DORSET and SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Somerton, 20 September, 20 Edward II.
Fees pertaining to the manor of Chiweton, co. Somerset.
DORSET. Lutton and Bradepol. 3 knight’s fees held for life by Eleanor late the wife of Ralph de Gorges, of the inheritance of his heir.
Leyghe. 1/4 fee held by Walter Mohaut.
More Kerchell. 1/2 fee held by John Syffrewast.
Hyneton, Brodemayne, Mapoudre, Mapelerton, and Wolverton. 1 1/4 fee held by Reginald son of Reginald.
Milton. 1/4 fee held by Nicholas Portebref.
Russheston [alias Russheton] and Prestone. 1 fee held by Joan late the wife of John de Hastynges in dower of the inheritance of his heir.
Stepelton. 1/2 fee held by Thomas Belet and William Ponsond [alias Ponsont].
Lasarton. 1/4 fee held by John de Henlegh.
SOMERSET. Corstone. 1/2 fee held by Thomas ap Adam.
Northone and Welwetone. 1 fee held by John de Bello Campo.
Palton. 1/2 fee held by John de Palton.
DORSET. Brodemayne. The advowson of the church.
Extent or summary of the above fees, with variations there given within square brackets.
Writ of dedimus potestatem to John de Erlegh to receive attorneys for Nicholas de Odecomb and Maud his wife, late the wife of the abovesaid Peter, concerning her dower, 1 February, 1 Edward [III.]
C. Edw. II. File 100. (14.)
Writ, 19 June, 19 Edward II.
SUSSEX. Inq. Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 20 Edward II.
Echyngham. The manor with its members, viz.—Okham, Mundefeld, and Odymer, (extents given), held of the king, as of the barony of Hastynges now in the king’s hand, by service of 5 knights’ fees and three parts of a fee.
Bedyngehamme. The manor (extent given), held free of all service, as his ancestors have done time out of mind, but from whom is unknown; and certain parcels of land of the acquisition of his ancestors, viz.—60a. land held of the abbot of Grestone in fee farm for 30s. yearly; 10a. land called Mulewardeslond and Concheruresland held of the king, as of the honour of Laigle now in the king’s hand, by service of one suit at the court of Tottenore; and 15a. pasture held of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of 15s. yearly. The manor is charged with 40s. alms yearly to the hospital of St. Leonard, Sefford.
Pekedene. The manor (extent given), held of the king as of the honour of Laigle by service of a little knight’s fee of Mortain, and rendering 6s. 8d. yearly for the guard of the castle of Pevensey, and it owes one suit at the court of Rip, 12d. hundred silver yearly, 13s. 4d. at the manor of Wylyndon which is of the same honour, and 16d. to Richard atte Slade yearly; and 20a. land held of the abbot of Bedyngehame by service of 10s. yearly.
Robert de Echyngham his brother, is his next heir and of full age.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (15.)
Writ, …… 19 [Edward II.]
SALOP. Inq. 21 October, 19 [Edward] II. (defective.)
Steple. A ruinous capital messuage, 120a. (land), 2a. meadow, and 5s. 10 1/2d. rent of assize, held of the king in chief as of the castle of Wygemor, now in the king’s hand through the forfeiture of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor, by service of 1/3 knight’s fee, and suit every three weeks at the court of Wygemor, and twice yearly at the great turns of Clebury Mortimer.
William his son, aged 24 on the feast of St. Gregory the Pope last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 100. (16.)
Writ (missing).
HERTFORD. Inq. Tuesday before St. Margaret, 19 Edward II. (defective.)
Brokesbourn. A messuage held of Thomas ate Ponde by service of a clove gillyflower; 15a. land held of Walter de Norwych by service of 2s. 8d. (?) and suit of court; 16a. land held freely of the dean of St. Martin’s London, without rent; and lands &c., held for his life of the prior of ……; …… by service of 2s. to him and his heirs; 5a. land held of Alexander Jordon of Boxe by service of ……; and 14a. land held of Aymer de Valencia by service of 4s. 8d.
Bolemad (?), …… held of Alexander Jordon by service of ……; 2a. land and 1a. meadow, held of Stephen ate Lowe by service of 9d.; 2a. meadow held of…… le …… by service of 8d.; and 1a. meadow held of Alexander Jordon of Boxe by service of 4d.; and he had 18s. 10 1/2d. rents of assize.
All the above were held in socage ……
Joan his daughter, aged 13 and more is his heir.
E. Inq. p.m. File 8. (7.)