Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 101

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 101', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 101', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 101". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. (London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 101

Writ of plenius certiorari on the complaint of Christiana late the wife of the said John that the escheator had taken into the king’s hand certain lands &c. in Wulvercote whereof she was enfeoffed jointly with her husband, 30 September, 20 Edward II.
DERBY. Inq. taken at Brettelby on Thursday after SS. Simon and Jude, 20 Edward II.
Wulvercote. A messuage and 2 1/2 virgates of land, were held by the said Christiana jointly with the said John on the day of his death by the enfeoffment of Alice sometime the wife of William de Wolvercote to them their heirs and assigns, and they are held of John son and heir of Stephen de Segrave, by service of 7s. and two attendances yearly.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (1.)
Writ, 19 July, 20 Edward II.
BEDFORD. Inq. made at Dunstaple on Monday the morrow of St. Lawrence 20 Edward II.
Mogerhanger. The manor held jointly for life with Maud his wife by the grant of Giles de Trumpyngton to them and the heirs of the body of the said Roger with reversion to the said Giles and his heirs, of William de Ferariis in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Giles his son, aged 6 on 14 February last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (2.)
Writ, 2 October, 20 Edward II.
WARWICK. Inq. Monday the octave of St. Michael, 20 Edward II.
Dorset. A third part of a messuage, 160a. arable, a several pasture, rents &c., held of the king in chief by service of 1/6 knights fee.
John de Sudle her son, aged 22 and more, is her next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (3.)
Writ of certiorari on the petition of George, son and heir of the said John, for livery of a messuage and land in Castelcarleton, which the said John demised to John de Arderne for life, 4 Ocotber, 20 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. 8 December, 20 Edward II.
Castelcarleton. A messuage, 10a. land, and 1a. meadow, were demised by the said John to John de Arderne for life, who died 6 years ago and more, and by occasion of the said demise and for no other cause they were taken into the king’s hand. They are held of the king in chief as parcel of the manor of Castelcarleton, which is held of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (4.)
Writ, 14 December, 20 Edward II.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. taken at Gloucester on Friday the feast of St. Stephen, 20 Edward II.
Rodele. Two messuages, 60a. land, and a fishery in the water of Severn, held of the abbot of St. Peter’s, Gloucester, by service of 9s. yearly and suit at his court of Rodele.
John son of John Heved, his kinsman, aged 30 and more is his next heir.
HEREFORD. Inq. taken in the castle of Hereford, 16 January, 20 Edward II.
Le Okes. Two parts of a messuage, 40a. land, 2a. meadow, and 1/2a. pasture, held of the king by service of petty serjeanty in carrying the king’s treasure from Hereford to Westminster together with Thomas de Holeford, with a horseman, receiving 12d. per day from the king.
John de Holeford, his kinsman, aged 30 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (5.)
Writ of certiorari on the petition of John, son of the said John, for livery of his inheritance, as of full age, 28 December, 20 Edward II.
[YORK.] Inq. taken at Gisburn on Monday after St. Hilary, 20 Edward II. (defaced.)
Stokesle. The manor with its members, held jointly with Agnes his wife and the heirs of their bodies, of John de Claveryng by knight’s service.
Birskogh in Baldersdale. A vaccary held of Henry son of Hugh by service of 6s. yearly and by fealty.
John his son, aged 22 and more, is his next heir.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Newcastle on Tuesday before the Purification, 20 Edward II.
Kreklaw. The manor, together with the towns of Throppell and Neuton Undrewod, and the park and mill of Mitford, held of Aymer de Valencia as of the castle of Mitford, then in his hand, by service of an arrow to be rendered to the said castle yearly.
Mitford. Twenty burgages held of the said Aymer as of the said castle by service of 10s. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 24 on the day of St. Luke last.
Memorandum that Thomas de Grey who had the wardship, though warned came not at the taking of these inquisitions nor sent anyone for him.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (6.)
734. WILLIAM BOLLE of Swynesheved.
Writ, 18 July, 20 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. made at Hencastre, 15 January, 20 Edward II.
(fn. 1) Coningesby. A plot of land held of the king in chief as parcel of the manor of Scrivelby, which is held of the king in chief by grand serjeanty.
Swyneshed. 12a. 3r. land, 20a. meadow, and half a messuage, held of the earl of Richemund by knight’s service; and 11 1/2a. arable, and half a messuage, held of John de Hoyland by service of 5s. 4d. [ (fn. 2) alias 5s. 3d.] yearly.
Wigetoft [ (fn. 2) alias Wiketoft], 2a. 1r. land, a third part of a salt area, and 15d. rent, held of the earl of Richemund by service of 4 1/2d. yearly.
[ (fn. 2) Le Frith. 80a. marsh held jointly with John his brother to them and the heirs of the said William, of ——— by service of ———.]
Cecily his daughter, aged 1 1/2 year and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (7.).
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 15.
Writ, 16 July, 20 Edward II.
DERBY. Inq. taken at Derby on Sunday the feast of St. Bartholomew, 20 Edward II.
Son….derwod in the field of Chaddesden. 6a. land held of the king in chief as of the honour of Tuttebury, now in the king’s hand through the forfeiture of Thomas late earl of Lancaster, by service of 1/40 knight’s fee.
Chadden. Two parts of a messuage and 21a. land, held of Anketine le Keu by service of 6 1/2d. yearly; 17a. 3r, land, and 3a. 1r. meadow, held of Hugh de Leuk by service of 12d. yearly; 3a. land held of William le Herberg(er) by service of 1d. yearly; 2 cottages and 6a. land, held of the heir of Geoffrey Barry by service of 12d. yearly; and 5a. land held of William de Kardoile by service of 1/2d. yearly.
William his son, aged 26 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (8.)
Writ, 2 January, 20 Edward II.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. Wednesday after St. Hilary, 20 Edward II.
Southclyfton. 5a. meadow and 40s. rent, held of Richard de Howell by service of 1/8 knight’s fee.
Thomas his son, aged 25 and more, is his next heir.
Writ, 2 January, 20 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. 14 January, 20 Edward II.
Layceby. 4l. 6s. 8d. yearly rent, held of the king in chief by service of 1d. yearly.
Alesby. A toft, 120a. arable, 3a. meadow, a water-mill, and 40s. yearly rent, held of Maud Tyliol by service of 1/4 knight’s fee; and a bovate of land held of the heirs of Geoffrey de Tryhamton by service of 6s. yearly.
Heir as above.
LINCOLN. Inq. 16 January, 20 Edward II.
Lincoln. A messuage in the suburb, held of the king by service of 1d. yearly for the king’s farm of the city; 2 bovates of land in the fields, held of the dean and chapter of Lincoln by service of 13s. 8d. yearly; 4 bovates of land held of the prior of Thurgarton by service of 5s. yearly; and a windmill held of Alexander son of Martin by service of 12d. yearly.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (9.)
Writ, 4 September, 20 Edward II.
HERTFORD. Inq. 23 September, 20 Edward II.
Offeleye. The manor (extent given), including an oxhouse called Cokerno and pastures called ‘le Launde’ and Southull, was held of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor, and is now held of the king through his forfeiture, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Isabel his daughter, aged 7, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (10.)
Writ (missing).
SUFFOLK. Inq. 26 January, 20 Edward II.
Baketon. A messuage and 20a. land, held of the bishop of Norwich by 6d. for castle guard for thirty weeks; 40a. land held of the earl of Lancaster by knight’s service; [20]a. land, 4a. wood, and 2a. meadow, held of Benedict Oliver by service of 5s.; 10a. land held of Adam Coners by service of 40d. yearly; 3a. pasture held of William de Broseworth by service of 12d. yearly; 6a. land held of the prior of Bresete by service of 6s. yearly; 6a. land held of John Hardheved by service of 10d. yearly; a windmill held of the hospital of Batesford by service of 6d. yearly; and 4s. 6d. rents from free tenants.
Maud his daughter, aged 15 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (11.)
Writ, 10 January, 20 Edward II.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. made at Aulton, 27 January, 20 Edward II.
Estwordlham, Wolvemere and Alsiesholte. The bailiwick of the forestry of Wolvemere and Alsiesholte, with 108 1/2a. arable, a park of 10a., and 4l. 15s. 2d. and 7lb. pepper rent of free tenants in Estwordlham, held of the king in chief by homage and fealty, and service of keeping the forest, and rendering 6l. 6s. 8d. yearly at the king’s exchequer by the hands of the sheriff; and a messuage, 2 gardens, 151 1/2a. arable, 6a. meadow, and 32s. 10 1/2d. of customary rent in Estwordlham, held of Edmund earl of Kent by service of 50s. 6d. yearly, and doing suit at his court of Aulton.
Amy (Amica) his daughter, aged 5, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (12.)
Writ of certiorari on the petition of Joan, late the wife of the said Eudo, and daughter and heir of William Inge, for livery of divers lands &c. which the said Eudo held of her inheritance, and which were taken into the king’s hand, on the occasion of a certain felony whereof he was indicted, 15 July, 20 Edward II.
KENT. Inq. Thursday after St. Mary Magdalen, 20 Edward II.
Stanstede. A moiety of a windmill, and rents of ploughshares, hens &c., in the manor, held of the inheritance of Joan his wife; which manor is held of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of 32s. yearly. The said Eudo was indicted of the death of Roger de Belers and crossed the sea without the king’s licence, for which reason the said lands &c. were taken into the king’s hand and for no other.
He died at Paris on Sunday after St. Mark last, as Thomas de Eyton one of the jurors, who was there present, testifies.
Similar writ, 15 July, 20 Edward II.
ESSEX. Inq. 29 July, 20 Edward II.
Lachyndon. A manor called Teyledehalle held of the inheritance of the said Joan; which manor, with 80a. arable, 2a. pasture and 30a. marsh, is held of the prior of Canterbury by service of 8s., a ploughshare, and a bedripe in the autumn, and one suit at the said prior’s court; 50a. arable held of the king in chief by service of 10s. yearly for the guard of the castle of Dover; 2a. meadow held of John de Pagglesham by service of 3s. yearly; and 16s. 1d. rent. The above tenements are charged in 4l. yearly to Margaret de Haveryngge.
He was indicted as abovesaid, died at Paris, and was buried in the church of the friars of St. Augustine there, on Sunday before the Ascension last, and on this account the lands were taken into the king’s hand.
Similar writ, 15 July, 20 Edward II.
OXFORD. Inq. made at Oxford, 25 July, 20 Edward II.
Cleyore. The manor held, of the inheritance of the said Joan daughter and heir of William Inge, of Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, as of his manor of Puryton in the same county, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, and doing suit at his court of the manor of Puryton. The manor was taken into the king’s hand on account of the death of the said Eudo and not otherwise.
He died on Thursday before St. Mark, at Paris, 19 Edward II.
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bedeford on Monday after St. James, 20 Edward II.
Toterno by Dunstaple. Two parts of a messuage and of a carucate of land, held, of the inheritance of the said Joan, of William la Zouche and John de Eyglemound by service of 4l. 4s. 6d. yearly.
Little Gravenhurst. A messuage and 60a. land, similarly held of Peter Bryan by service of 16d. and 1/2lb. pepper yearly, and rendering 4 marks yearly to John de Boeles for life.
Findings and date of death, as last above.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. Friday the feast of St. James, 20 Edward II.
Stokemaundevile by Aylesbury. A moiety of the manor held, of the inheritance of the said Joan, of the bishop of Lincoln by service of a knight’s fee.
Findings and date of death, as last above.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (13.)
Writ, 16 July, 20 Edward II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 30 August, 20 Edward II.
Great Waldyngefeld. The manor held for life, of the inheritance of John son and heir of Thomas Carbonel, of the earl of Oxford by service of a knight’s fee; and 20a. land and 3a. pasture, similarly held of Robert Clerbek by service of 3 clove gillyflowers yearly.
Aketon. 13a. arable similarly held of Robert ate Gore by service of a root of ginger yearly.
John, son and heir of Thomas Carbonel, aged 16, is next heir of the said tenements.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (14.)
Writ, 9 July, 20 Edward II.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. Wednesday after St. Mary Magdalen, 20 Edward II.
Westbury by Newenham. A messuage &c., 260a. arable, 12a. meadow, 2a. pasture, 3a. wood, and 102s. 4d. rent, held of John de Bohun, lord of Harsefelde, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Hunteleye. A messuage &c., 80a. arable, 2a. meadow, 2a. pasture, and 3s. rent, held in chief of Robert de Sapy, lord of Hunteleye, by service of 33s. 3 1/2d. rent, and by service of 1/6 knight’s fee.
Northwode. 12a. arable held of John Dobyn by service of 2s. yearly.
Aline his daughter, the wife of Robert de Sapy, aged 30, and John, son of Adam de Aune and Elizabeth his wife sister of the said Aline, aged 15, are his next heirs.
Writ of certiorari on the complaint of the heirs abovesaid, that whereas the said Nicholas demised a messuage and a virgate and 12a. of land in Westbury, to John de Cromhale and Margaret Kynervan (?) for his own life, the escheator of King Edward II, pretending that the same were held of the said king, when they were not so held, and alienated without his licence, took them into the king’s hand, 28 May, 1 Edward III.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. Saturday after the Translation of St. Thomas, 1 Edward III.
Westbury. The lands &c. abovesaid were taken into the late king’s hand eight years ago for the reason abovesaid and for no other cause, where they still are. They were held by the said Sir Nicholas of Sir John de Bohun, as parcel of the manor of Westbury, which manor the abovesaid heirs hold of the said Sir John de Bohun, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
C. Edw. II. File 101. (15.)


  • 1. Given as Swynesheved in the Enrolment.
  • 2. Supplied from the Enrolment.