Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 87

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 87', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 87', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 87". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III. (London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 87

Writ, Whereas, on the death of the said earl, divers lands, &c. which he held, as well by the courtesy of England as otherwise, ought to belong to Ralph de Stafford and Margaret his wife, daughter of the said earl, the king, willing that the said lands, &c. may be kept without waste whilst in his hand, commands the escheator, having taken the same into his hand by virtue of the king’s writ of diem clausit extremum, to deliver them to the said Ralph and Margaret or their attorneys or deputies, together with the issues thereof, from the time of the said earl’s death, without receiving any profit therefrom, having first taken security from them for the issues, and to certify the king accordingly. 11 November, 21 Edward III. By p.s.
Endorsed by the escheator that, having taken the said lands, &c. into the king’s hand, he certifies that he found by inquisition that no lands, &c. ought at present to belong to the said Ralph and Margaret, because the jurors (inquisitores illius inquisitionis) are altogether ignorant whether the bailiwick of the hundred of Rothewell and the views of frankpledge of Deneford, Barton and Cotherstok are appurtenant to, or parcels of, the manor of Rothewell, or whether any of them is gross by itself, as appears by the annexed inquisition; wherefore the escheator has been at present able to do nothing in execution of this writ.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Keteryngge on Monday after St. Katherine, 21 Edward III.
He held no lands, &c. in the county in his demesne as of fee, for he held the manors of Rothewell, Navesby, Whiston and Glapthorn for his life by the demise of John de Gynewell, canon of the church of St. Mary, Salisbury, and of Master Ralph de Gadesbury, by fine levied in the king’s court between the said John and Ralph and the said earl and Ralph baron of Stafford and Margaret his wife, to wit that the said earl, Ralph and Margaret acknowledged the said manors to be the right of the said John and Master Ralph, as of the gift of the said earl, Ralph and Margaret, and for this acknowledgment the said John and Master Ralph granted for his life to the said earl the said manors, with remainders to Ralph, son of the said Ralph the baron and Maud daughter of Henry de Lancaster, earl of Derby, and the heirs of their bodies; and to the said Ralph the baron and Margaret and their heirs. The said manors are held of the king in chief by service of a rose (unius flore rosarum) yearly. Ralph, son of the said Ralph, is dead; the said Maud still survives, aged 6 years.
The earl died on Saturday before St. Martin last. Margaret, wife of Ralph baron of Stafford, aged 30 years, is his heir.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Keteryngge on Monday after St. Katherine, 21 Edward III.
To the same effect as the last.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Louth on Monday after St. Andrew, 21 Edward III.
He held no lands, &c. in the county on the day he died.
He died on Saturday next before St. Martin in the winter, 21 Edward III. Margaret the wife of Ralph de Stafford, knight, aged 33 years, is his heir.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
OXFORD. Inq. made at Burcestre, 3 December, 21 Edward III.
Sheldeswell. 2s. yearly from the leet of the town, held as of the inheritance of Margaret, sometime his wife; which town is held of the earl of Gloucester by service of half a knight’s fee.
Fynmer. 2s. yearly from the leet of the town held as of the same inheritance, which town is held of the same earl by service of a knight’s fee.
Heth. 2s. yearly from the leet of the town held as of same inheritance, which town is held of the same earl by service of half a knight’s fee.
Newentonpurcel. The town, held of the same earl by service of half a knight’s fee.
Hampton Gay, held of the same earl by service of a knight’s fee.
He died on 10 November, 21 Edward III. Margaret, daughter of the said earl and Margaret his wife, aged 30 years, is his heir.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Winchester on Monday before St. Nicholas, 21 Edward III.
Cornhampton. The manor held for his life, by the courtesy of England, of the inheritance of Margaret de Clare late his wife, of the heirs of Edmund de Sancto Johanne by knight’s service.
Petresfeld. The town, similarly held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Mapeldureham. 10l. 19s. rent, similarly held.
Upclatford. 6l. rent, similarly held.
Oke and Stanbrygge. 6s. 8d. rent, similarly held.
The said Hugh begat of the said Margaret a daughter named Margaret, now the wife of Ralph, baron of Stafford, who is their next heir and aged 26 years and more.
He died on Saturday the eve of St. Martin, 21 Edward III.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
WILTS. Inq. taken at Bedewynde, Saturday the morrow of St. Clement, 21 Edward III.
Wexcombe and Bedewynde. The manors, with the hundred of Kynewardeston, held at fee farm, of the king in chief, by the courtesy of England, after the death of Margaret de Clare, late his wife, of whom the said Hugh begat Margaret, now the wife of Ralph de Stafford, and so he held the said manors of her inheritance, rendering 31l. 10s. yearly at the exchequer for all services.
Orcheston. The manor, similarly held.
Knouk. The manor, similarly held.
Burbache. The manor, similarly held.
The said manors of Orcheston, Knouk and Burbache are held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
He died on 10 November, 21 Edward III. Heir as above, of full age.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
Endorsed by the escheator that the said earl held no lands, &c. in the counties of Hertford and Middlesex.
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Donemowe on Tuesday the feast of St. Edmund the king, 21 Edward III.
Thaxstede in the hundred of Donemowe. The manor (extent given) held for his life by the demise of Giles de Badlesmere to the said Hugh and Margaret his wife, who died before the said Hugh, for their lives, with reversion to the said Giles and his heirs, of the king in chief, as parcel of the earldom of Gloucester, service not known.
He died on Saturday before St. Martin last and the reversion of the said manor belongs to Margery de Roos, the eldest of the sisters and heirs of the aforesaid Giles, Maud countess of Oxford, the second of the said sisters, and Elizabeth countess of Northampton, the third of the said sisters, who are of full age, and to John, son of John Tiptot and Margaret, the fourth of the said sisters, deceased, aged 9 years and in the king’s wardship by reason of a fourth part of the said manor being in the king’s hand.
Heir as above, aged 30 years and more.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Aungre, Thursday after St. Edmund the king, 21 Edward III.
Aungre ad Castrum. The manor with the advowson of the church, held for life of the king in chief by the courtesy of England, as of the inheritance of Margaret de Clare sometime his wife, an heir of Gilbert de Clare, sometime earl of Gloucester.
Stapilforde Tany. The manor, similarly held.
Hersham. The manor, similarly held.
Which manors are held of the king in chief as parcel of the earldom of Gloucester, services not known.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. taken at Cambridge, 20 November, 21 Edward III.
He held divers knights’ fees for his life by the courtesy of England, as of the inheritance of Margaret the wife of Ralph baron of Stafford, daughter and heir of Margaret de Clare his wife, viz.:—
Bodekesham. A knight’s fee.
Harleston. A knight’s fee.
Orewell. A knight’s fee.
Arnyngton. A knight’s fee.
Litlyngton. Half and a quarter of a knight’s fee.
All held of the king in chief as parcel of the earldom of Gloucester, and whenever scutage is to be collected each fee is worth 40s. yearly.
He held no other lands, &c. in the county.
He died on 10 November last. Heir as above, aged 24 years and more.
HUNTINGDON. Inq. taken at St. Neot’s 19 November, 21 Edward III.
He held divers knights’ fees for his life by the courtesy of England as of the inheritance of Margaret, the wife of Ralph, baron of Stafford, &c. viz.—
Great Grantesden. A knight’s fee and a half.
Wlleye. Half a knight’s fee.
Grafham. Half a knight’s fee.
Sautre and Pappworth. A knight’s fee.
Grafham, Offord, Hemmyngford and Thornyng. A third part of a knight’s fee.
Stilton. Half and an eighth part of a knight’s fee.
Walton. Two parts of a knight’s fee.
Wynwyk. A knight’s fee.
Stilton. A ninth part of a knight’s fee.
Walton. A third part of a knight’s fee.
Folkesworth. A knight’s fee.
Great Giddyng, Hailweston, Lullyngton, Wynwyk and Lytelhay. A knight’s fee and a twentieth part and a fiftieth part of a knight’s fee.
Sautre with Walton, Grafham, Stilton, Wynwyk, Folkesworth and Pappworth. A certain leet.
Southo. The manor, held for life by the grant of John de Gynnewell, canon of the church of St. Mary, Salisbury, and Master Ralph de Gadesbury, by fine levied in the king’s court, with remainder to Ralph, son of Ralph the baron and Maud, daughter of Henry de Lancaster, earl of Derby, and to the heirs of their bodies, and further remainder to Ralph the baron and Margaret and their heirs.
The said knights’ fees, leet and manor are held of the king in chief as parcel of the earldom of Gloucester; and whenever scutage is collected each knight’s fee is worth 40s. yearly.
He held no other lands, &c. in the county.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bydenham 15 November, 21 Edward III.
He held on the day of his death 8l. 5s. 10 1/2d. rent, viz.:—
Yevelden. 13s. 4d. rent from lands, &c. which Walter de Trailly holds.
Cheldyngton. 1d. rent, which John de Trailly holds.
And the residue from views of frankpledge in the townships of Yevelden, Rokesdon, Bydeham, Turveye, Holcote, Wrokeshull, Batelesdon and Pabenham.
Held for life of the demise of John de Gynewell, canon of the church of St. Mary, Salisbury, and of Master Ralph de Gadesbury, of the king in chief, as parcel of the earldom of Gloucester, by fine levied with the king’s licence, with remainder to Ralph, son of Ralph baron of Stafford, and Maud, daughter of Henry de Lancaster, earl of Derby, and the heirs of their bodies. The said Ralph son of Ralph is dead and the said Maud is surviving, aged 6 years.
He held no other lands, &c. in the county.
Date of death as above. Heir as above, aged 30 years.
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bydenham 15 November, 21 Edward III.
He held for his life of the king in chief by the courtesy of England, as of the inheritance of Margaret, wife of Ralph baron of Stafford, daughter and heir of Margaret de Clare, late his wife, the following:—
Rokesdon. A knight’s fee.
Wroxhull. A knight’s fee.
Bydenham and Holcote. Two knights’ fees.
Turveye. A knight’s fee.
Yevelden. A knight’s fee.
Chelvington and Hynewyk. A knight’s fee.
Potesgrave. A knight’s fee.
Badleston. A knight’s fee.
Rokesdon. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Bydenham, Turveye, Holcote and Wroxhull. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Bydenham. A court every three weeks.
Badlesdon. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Pabenham. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Yevelden. 13s. 4d. rent yearly from the lands &c. which Walter Trailly holds.
Chelvington. 1d. rent yearly from the lands &c. which John Trailly holds.
He held no other lands, &c. in the county.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. 17 November, 21 Edward III.
He held for his life of the king in chief by the courtesy of England, as of the inheritance of Margaret, wife of Ralph baron of Stafford, daughter and heir of Margaret de Clare, late his wife, the following:—
In demesne:—
Brikhull. The manor, by knight’s service.
Essington. The manor, by knight’s service.
In reversion:—
Stiuecle. The manor, which Bartholomew de Burgherssh holds for his life by the demise of Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester, by knight’s service.
In service:—
Kynebell. Three knights’ fees.
Whitchurche. A knight’s fee.
Cobelington. Two knights’ fees.
Sengelburgh and Little Merlawe. A knight’s fee.
Bukyngham. Two knights’ fees.
Hildesdon. A moiety of a knight’s fee.
Dorton. A knight’s fee.
Wotton. Two knights’ fees.
Broughton. A knight’s fee.
Craule. A knight’s fee.
Blecchelegh. A moiety of a knight’s fee.
Bollebrikhull and Caldecote. A knight’s fee.
Mussenden. A moiety of a knight’s fee.
Bradewell. A moiety of a knight’s fee.
Dorton and Wotton. A knight’s fee.
Lutegersshale. A knight’s fee.
Cobelinton, Chikundeston, Portesgrave, Grove, Seybrok and Howrok. Two knights’ fees.
Great Horewod, Ocle and Newenton. A knight’s fee.
Horewode. A quarter of a knight’s fee.
Bourton. A moiety of a knight’s fee.
Langeport. A moiety of a knight’s fee.
Morton. A moiety of a knight’s fee.
Achecote and Hethingburgh (sic). A knight’s fee.
Chilton. A moiety of a knight’s fee.
Wavendon. Two knights’ fees and a quarter.
Chilton. A knight’s fee.
Kynebell. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Messenden. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Horwode. View of frankpledge twice a year and a court every three weeks.
Sengleworth. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Bourton. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Langeport. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Moreton. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Achecote. View of frankpledge once a year.
Lethingburgh. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Wavendon. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Broughton. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Craule. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Woleston. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Bollebrikhull and Caldecote. View of frankpledge twice a year.
Blecchele. 2s. yearly rent of free tenants.
Woleston. 13s. 4d. yearly rent from the manor.
Lutegersshale. 13s. 4d. yearly rent from the manor.
Vogeston. 13s. 4d. yearly rent from the manor.
He held no other lands, &c. in the county.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
NORFOLK. Inq. taken at Estderham, Friday the feast of St. Clement, 21 Edward III.
Crymplesham, Welles with Warham, Weveton and Bernyngham with Wygemere. The manors (extents given) held by the courtesy of England, after the death of Margaret de Clare, late his wife, of the inheritance of Margaret, now the wife of Ralph de Stafford, daughter and heir of the said Margaret de Clare, of the king in chief by knight’s service. The advowson of the church of Welles is worth nothing yearly.
He held no other lands, &c. in the county.
He died on Saturday after St. Leonard. Heir as last above.
SUFFOLK. Inq. taken at Desenynge, Sunday, the octave of St. Martin, 21 Edward III.
Desenynge, Cavenham and Haverille. The manors (extents given) held by the courtesy of England, as above, of the king in chief by knight’s service.
He held no other lands, &c. in the county.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
RUTLAND. Inq. taken at Okham, 18 November, 21 Edward III.
Okham. The castle and manor (full extent given) and the shrievalty of Rutland, with all their hamlets and appurtenances, held for life by the king’s demise, including a walled castle and a manor house built within the castle and a fishpond (vivarium) with ditch beneath it; pasture in ‘le Moulholm’ and outside Flithffriz; parks called ‘Flitefrith’ and the little park; underwood at ‘les Loundes’; a rent of 5d. yearly for a certain closed path (semita obstructa) through the middle of the court of Walter Parnel, and 8s. issuing from a messuage and a bovate of land, which William Malkyn holds in bondage, and no more, because he shall flush the latrines (inundabit latrinas) within the castle at his own charges, when necessary; 13s. yearly from the customs of the town of Thorp; a market every Saturday worth 18l. yearly; a fair on the day of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist worth 100s. yearly; 47s. yearly from two messuages, two virgates of land and a cottage which Robert Flemmyng holds in Okham and Egelton, which is a hamlet of Okham; nineteen bondmen at Egelton each holding a virgate of land; eight cottages; 13l. 6s. 8d. paid by all the bondmen of Okham and Egelton in common to the lord yearly for an aid called ‘Skerfe,’ and there is a custom there called ‘Hevedsilver’ worth 12s. 6d. yearly; and the hamlet of Langham (extent given) belonging to the castle and manor of Okham.
The king by his charter afterwards granted the reversion of the premises, together with all the knights’ fees, advowsons, &c. pertaining thereto, after the death of the said earl Hugh, to Sir William de Bohun, earl of Northampton, and the heirs male of his body, to hold of the said king with other lands &c. by service of a knight’s fee; and by reason of this grant the said Hugh attorned to the said earl of Northampton.
He died on 11 November, 21 Edward III. Heir as last above.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
SURREY. Inq. taken at Blecchyngelegh, 16 November, 21 Edward III.
Blecchynglegh. The manor, with the advowson of the church, held for his life, of the inheritance of Margaret, late his wife, by the courtesy of England, of the king in chief, by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
Camerwelle. Certain tenements held as above of the king in chief by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee.
Tycheseye and Okstede. Certain tenements, with the advowson of the church of Tycheseye, held as above of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee.
Chepstede. Certain tenements with the advowson of the church, held as above of the king in chief by service of a sixtieth part of a knight’s fee.
Effyngham. Certain tenements held as above of the king in chief by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Ocham. The manor with the advowson of the church held as above of the king in chief by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Tanrygge. Tenements called Tyllynge in the parish, held as above of the king in chief by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Knights’ fees held as above:—
Wroplesdone. A moiety of a knight’s fee which Roland de Wikford holds; and a moiety of a knight’s fee which Thomas de Wynterselle holds.
Retherhithe. A moiety of a knight’s fee which William de Bohoun holds.
Tycheseye and Camerwelle. Two knights’ fees which Thomas de Ovedale, Andrew Peverel, Stephen Maleville and Roger de Stanyndenne hold.
Micham. A quarter of a knight’s fee which the prior of Merton holds; and a quarter of a knight’s fee which the prior of St. Mary’s, Suthwerk, holds.
Camerwelle. A quarter of a knight’s fee which William Vaghan holds; a quarter of a knight’s fee which the prioress of Haliwelle holds; and a moiety of a knight’s fee which Henry de Bekewelle holds.
Effyngham. A tenth part of a knight’s fee which Thomas de Northwode holds; and a sixth part of a knight’s fee which Thomas de Brewose holds.
Okham. A twentieth part of a knight’s fee which Thomas Frilond holds; and a twentieth part of a knight’s fee which John de Uptone holds.
He held no other lands, &c. in the counties of Surrey and Sussex.
The prior and convent of St. Saviour’s, Bermundeseye and the prior and convent of St. Mary’s, Suthwerk, are bound to find fitting hospitality for the earl of Gloucester and his heirs whenever they shall come within the said priories.
He died on 10 November last. Heir as above, aged 26 years and more.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
Endorsed by the escheator that he has taken into the king’s hand the manor of Thornbur[y], a messuage and a carucate of land at Ryndecombe, and a messuage and a carucate of land at Caumpeden, and has delivered the same to the attorney of Ralph, baron of Stafford.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. taken at Thornbury, Saturday after St. Edmund the Confessor (sic), 21 Edward III (defective).
Thornbury. Margaret de Clare, late the wife of Hugh de Audelee, earl of Gloucester, now deceased, died seised of the manor of Thornbury (extent given), and of a messuage and a carucate of land in Ryndecomb and of a messuage and a carucate of land in Chaumpeden and the court of Gloucester and the view of Oldelonde, held of the king in chief by knight’s service; of which Margaret the said Hugh begat Margaret, now wife of Ralph, baron of Stafford, and so the said Hugh held the said manor and tenements by the courtesy of England, of the inheritance of the said Margaret the daughter.
Mars and Falefeld. Certain tenements sometime held by Isabel de Clare.
Ryndecombe and Herdewyk. Two knights’ fees and a half held by William de la Mare.
Dunton. Two knights’ fees which Thomas de Dunton holds.
Charfeld. A knight’s fee which Robert de Vel holds.
Tokynton and Swelle. Six knights’ fees which Hugh de Peyns holds.
Hampton Moysi with its members. Eight knights’ fees and a half which Robert de Moysi holds.
Estlygh. A knight’s fee which Herbert de Sancto Quintino holds.
Tyderyngton. A knight’s fee which Roger Corbet holds.
Baggeworth. A knight’s fee which John Giffard holds.
Coldresfeld. A knight’s fee which Thomas de Berkele holds.
[WORCESTER.] Chaddesle Corbet. A knight’s fee which William Corbet holds.
GLOUCESTER. Oxenden and Aston. A moiety of a knight’s fee which William Touchet holds.
Kynmarton, Aston and Bodynton. A knight’s fee which Alice de Bello Campo holds.
Magotesfeld. A moiety of a knight’s fee which the heir of Hugh de Virton (sic) holds.
Wykenton. A knight’s fee which Anselm de Gornay holds.
Kynnemdon. A knight’s fee which John de Bures and Hawise his wife hold.
Dykelesdon Aderyngton. Two knights’ fees which John de Dykelesdon holds.
Lyden. A fifth part of a knight’s fee which Robert de Lyden holds.
Sutton. A fifth part of a knight’s fee which Richard de Sutton holds.
Chemingdoun. A fifth part of a knight’s fee which Thomas de Hastynges holds.
Sheningedenn. A fifth part of a knight’s fee which Robert de Wykham holds.
[OXFORD.] Walcote. A moiety of a knight’s fee which the heir of Cenar de Walcote holds.
Grawell (sic). A third part of a knight’s fee which the heir of Alan de Grawell holds.
Thad. A moiety of a knight’s fee which the heir of Baldwin de Insula holds.
Middelton. An eighth part of a knight’s fee which the heir of Master Robert de Ferby holds; and an eighth part of a knight’s fee which the heir of Thomas Tey holds.
[BERKS.] Knobourn. A fifteenth part of a knight’s fee of the fee of the Marshal (Mar’) which Andrew de la Beche holds.
GLOUCESTER. Shanyngdon. A fifth part of a knight’s fee which Thomas de Hastynges and his wife hold.
Welford, Andemarton (sic) and Estlygh. A knight’s fee which the heir of William de (sic) Chamberleyn holds.
Marsefeld. A third part of a knight’s fee which Richard de Heydon holds.
[SOMERSET?] Baketon. A knight’s fee and a half which Anselm de Gornay holds.
GLOUCESTER. Fedynton and Northcote. Two knights’ fees which the same Anselm holds.
Walton Kerdyf. A knight’s fee and a half which Paulinus de Kerdyf holds.
Kynmerton, Aston (and) Badyngton. Two knights’ fees which John de Dykeleston holds.
Waggeworth (sic). A fifth part of a knight’s fee which the heir of William Crumpet holds.
Dodyngton. A knight’s fee which Henry de Berkele holds.
Caumpeden. The advowson of the chapel.
Cerneye and Rodyton (sic). The advowsons of the churches.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
He died on Saturday before … Heir as above.
Endorsed by the escheator that he has delivered the within-mentioned manors and tenements to John de Morlewode, attorney of the said Ralph, with the profits received therefrom from the time of the said earl’s death.
Writ, 12 November, 21 Edward III.
KENT. Inq. taken at Tonebrigg, 18 November, 21 Edward III (partly defaced and illegible).
He held for his life, by the courtesy of England, of the inheritance of Margaret, late his wife, the following:—
Tonebrigg. The castle and borough with the advowson of the priory of Tonebrigg, the manors of Hadelo and Dachurst, with the mills of Tonebrigg and Gournemelle and the bedelries of Hildenne and South, the wood of Northfrith, with the Postern, and the advowson of the church of Coudenne; held of the archbishop of Canterbury, by service of being chief (superior) steward at the feast of the enthronement of each archbishop.
Bradestede. The manor held of the same archbishop by service of being chief butler at the enthronement of each archbishop of Canterbury and doing suit of the said archbishop’s court of Otteford at the next court after Michaelmas.
Eldyngge. The manor held of the king in chief by service of …. knight’s fee.
Edenbrigg. The manor held of the abbot of Westminster by service of 2s. 10d. … a pair of spurs, price 6d.
Dodindale. 13s. 4d. yearly rent.
O[te]ford. … yearly rent.
Croundale. 14 1/2d. yearly rent.
Vielleston. 2s. 2d. yearly rent.
Eltham. 1d. yearly rent.
Lomwode. … yearly rent.
Ardres. 6d. yearly rent and the advowson of the church, and 1/2lb. pepper, price 6d., yearly rent by the hands of Bartholomew Cyson.
All held of the king in chief.
A certain foreign court of the honour of Gloucester held of the king in chief by service of a tenth part (?) of a knight’s fee.
Warbelton. A court similarly held of the king in chief …
Knights’ fees similarly held:—
[ (fn. 1) Mereworthe.] A third part of a knight’s fee which William de Clinton, earl of Huntyndon, holds.
Fremworthe (sic) and Canterbury. A knight’s fee and a half which Robert de Hildeslee holds.
Vieleston, Peneshurst and Chydyngeston. A fourth part of a knight’s fee which John de Cepham holds.
Eltham. A knight’s fee held by Isabella late queen of England; and a moiety of a knight’s fee held by the master of the college of St. Laurence, London.
Melton and Wyelmeston. A moiety of a knight’s fee which William de Sevaunce holds.
Crundale, Hathelfeld, Betrichesdenne and Cranebrok. A knight’s fee which Robert de Hildeslee holds.
Dytton, Syffleton and Brampton. A knight’s fee and a quarter which Joan late the wife of Ralph de Ditton holds.
Wygebergh [co. Essex]. Two knights’ fees which William de Sevaunce holds.
Westaple. A third part of a knight’s fee held by Robert de Grauntcourt, John de Bollyng, John Sprynget, John Badekym, Thomas Bollyng [and] John Leger.
Sheldwych. A third part of a knight’s fee held by John de Veer, earl of Oxford, and Isabel late the wife of Ralph Saunzaver.
Bleen. A knight’s fee and a half held by Margery late the wife of Sir William de Roos, the prior of St. Gregory’s, Canterbury, and the master of Eastbregg, Canterbury.
Holeford. A quarter of a knight’s fee held by Robert de Hildeslee.
Ramhurst. A quarter of a knight’s fee which Walter Colpeper holds.
Horsmundenne. A moiety of a knight’s fee which Joan la Baud holds.
Nywecourt. A quarter of a knight’s fee which Walter atte Niwecourt holds.
Crongebery. A quarter of a knight’s fee which John de Detlyng holds.
Pympe. A knight’s fee which Thomas de Pympe holds.
Henhurst. A moiety of a knight’s fee which Richard de Tatesham and John Gerveys hold.
Barmyng. A moiety of a knight’s fee held by John Thomas and John de Kent.
Brencheslee. A moiety of a knight’s fee which Walter de Brancheslee holds.
Hadlo. A tenth part of a knight’s fee which John de Pecham holds; a moiety of a knight’s fee which John Fromound holds; a sixth part of a knight’s fee held by John atte Wealde and Gilbert Fromond; a sixth part of a knight’s fee held by John de Tetlingbery; and a fifth part of a knight’s fee held by Nicholas Fromond.
Yenesfeld. A knight’s fee which John de Ponteneye holds.
Tonebrigg. A knight’s fee held by Roger de Bardenne and John de Bardenne.
Barmyngg. A moiety of a knight’s fee which Lora late the wife of Ralph Savage holds.
Shibourne. A quarter of a knight’s fee which Roger de Bavent holds.
Tonebrigge. A sixth part of a knight’s fee which Thomas Malmeyns holds.
Hadlo. A sixteenth part of a knight’s fee which William de Pympe and Gilbert Fromound hold.
Netlestede, P[epyng]bery, Brikelonde and Helthe. Two knights’ fees which Thomas de Pympe and John de Colonia hold.
Vieleston. Three parts of a knight’s fee which John de Vieleston holds.
Ardres, Stellyng, Hertangre and Berfrayston. A knight’s fee, which Maud late the wife of Robert de Ardres holds.
Cluse and Eboldeston. A moiety of a knight’s fee which John atte Welle holds.
Dodyndale. A quarter of a knight’s fee which Richard de Morton holds.
Lokedale and Welles. A moiety of a knight’s fee which John de Insula holds.
Chekeshelle, Pettes and Ranecumbe. One knight’s fee which John de Wauz holds.
Hadlo. An eighth part of a knight’s fee which Gilbert Fromound holds.
Legh, Eldyngge and Bokenfold … which Thomas Chaneu holds.
Mereworth, Clyve and Ealdeheye. Two knights’ fees which John de Mereworth holds.
Eldyng. A tenth part of a knight’s fee, which Henry de Ber[munde]seye holds.
Tonebrigge. A fortieth part of a knight’s fee which Henry atte Heldenne and Robert atte Heldenne hold.
All the aforesaid knights’ fees are held of the king in chief, except:—… Sevaunce holds; a knight’s fee in Vieleston which John de Vieleston and John de Cepham hold; half a knight’s fee in Horsmundene which John (sic) Baud holds; a quarter of a knight’s fee in Nywecourt which Walter atte Nywecourt holds; a moiety and a tenth part of a knight’s fee which John de Pecham holds; a knight’s fee which John Fromund holds, a sixth part of a knight’s fee which John atte Welde and Gilbert Fromound hold, a sixth part of a knight’s fee which John de Tatlingbyri holds, and a fifth part of a knight’s fee which Nicholas Fromound holds, all in Hadlo; a knight’s fee [in Yenesfeld] which, John de Ponteneye holds; a quarter of a knight’s fee in Shibourne which Roger de Bavent holds; a sixth part of a knight’s fee in Tonebrigge which Thomas Malmeyns holds; a sixteenth part of a knight’s fee which William de Pympe and Gilbert Fromund hold, and an eighth part of a knight’s fee which Gilbert Fromund holds, both in Hadlo; a knight’s fee in La Legh which Thomas Chaneu holds; and a fortieth part of a knight’s fee in Tonebrigg which Henry and R[obert] atte Heledenne hold; which are held of the archbishop of Canterbury.
He held no other lands, &c. in the county.
He died on 10 November last. Heir as above, aged 26 years and more.
C. Edw. III. File 87.
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 59.
Writ (missing).
KENT. Inq. taken at Tonebregge 22 November, 21 Edward III.
The said Hugh was not seised, &c. of any lands, &c. in fee in the bailiwick, for Margaret de Clare, late his wife, died seised of the manors of Tonebregge and Hadlo with the lowey (leucata) of Tonebregge, and the manors of Bradistede and Eldynge in demesne and the manors of Vielestone, Meletone, Horsmondenne and Pettes in service. Of her he begat Margaret now the wife of Ralph de Stafford, and so the said Hugh held the said manors by the courtesy of England after his wife’s death of the inheritance of the said Margaret her daughter and heir, and he had no other estate therein on the day he died. He held the manor of Tonebregge with the lowey, and the manor of Hadlo, of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of being his chief steward at the feast of the enthronement of each archbishop; he held of the same archbishop the manors of Bradestede, Vielestone, Meletone, Horsmondenne and Pettes by service of being his chief butler at the same feast and doing suit at the courts of Otteford and Canterbury at the next court held there after Michaelmas; and he held the manor of Eldyng by right of his wife as above of the king in chief, service not known.
He died on 10 November last. Margaret wife of the abovesaid Ralph, aged 30 years and more, is heir of the said earl and Margaret his wife.
E. Inq. p.m. File 10. (1.)


  • 1. Thus given in the Calendar printed in 1803 but now illegible.