Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 88

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 88', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 88', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 88". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III. (London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 88

58. JOHN HAMELY, knight.
Writ to the escheator commanding him to cause her reasonable dower to be assigned to Margaret late the wife of John Hamely, knight, out of her late husband’s lands &c., which are in the king’s hands by reason of divers debts in which the said John was bound to the king, 12 June, 21 Edward III. (Calendar of Close Rolls, p. 224.)
CORNWALL. Assignment of dower to the said Margery made at Helwyn on Wednesday before the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, 21 Edward III.
Tregynnen. A moiety of the manor, whereof Helwyn, Trewyns and Penhal are parcels (extent given with particulars of buildings and names of tenants), including all the chambers around the gate of Helwyn, up to the chapel there, with the chamber abutting (pendente) on the north side of the hall, together with a small sheepfold at Fentenyeen and a chapel there assigned to the said Margery and the lord in common, a third part of the dovecot and the whole land called Dorenchapel, Dorlennee and Cornboya, the two crofts of Pennans and Foundrepennans, and lands in Nyweham, and a third part of two parts of two corn mills.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (1.)
59. JOHN DAUNEY, knight.
Writ to the escheator to take the oath of Sibyl, late the wife of John Dauney, not to marry without the king’s licence, and to cause her dower to be assigned to her out of the lands &c. of her late husband, 28 February, 21 Edward III.
CORNWALL. Assignment of dower to the said Sibyl, made at Schevyok and Anton, Monday the morrow of the Annunciation, 21 Edward III.
Anton. The manor was assigned to her out of the manors of Shevyok, Anton and Tregantel, which belonged to the said John, with the rents and services of all the tenants there, the fishery and all other’ appurtenances and the corn-mills of Wakker.
Landilp. Divers buildings (details given) in recompense of her dower of all the buildings of the manor, a moiety of the grange with a house called ‘le Deyhous,’ divers gardens, including a garden on the east side of the way which leads from the manor to the church, all the crofts on the east side of the same way, with all the land on Werdon, except one croft called ‘Loure Park’; rents and services of tenants (named), a fishpond stocked with fish, a dovecot, a third part of a water-mill and a free tenant in Leghedurant.
Treleghya. Rents and services of divers tenants (named).
Trelygan. Rents and services of divers tenants (named); and the rent and services of William Cokyn, in place of a water-mill at St. John, which she ought to have had in the manor of Anton.
Arwuthel. Rents and services of divers tenants (named) and a third part of the profit of a water-mill.
Landreen. Divers buildings in the manor (specified), a chapel assigned to her and the lord in common, gardens, lands, rents and services (extent given with field names and names of tenants), a third part of the profit of a pasture in Fawymor and a third part of the profit of a water-mill.
Ammal. 26 1/2a. and 26 virgates of land, 1a. 1r. and 6 virgates of meadow, 25a. 1r. and 13 virgates of waste, a third part of the profit of a water-mill, and rents and services of divers tenants (named).
Landilp. The advowson of the church of St. Leonard.
Foreign knights’ fees:—
[….] A knight’s fee, which Joan de Rame holds.
Trewornan. A knight’s fee, which Meliora de Kerthyn holds.
Churleton. [A] knight’s [fee], which William Pollehou holds.
… and Treynthest. Half a knight’s fee, which John de Inkepenne holds.
DEVON. Assignment of dower to the said Sibyl, made at Cornuwode, Saturday after the Annunciation, 21 Edward III.
West Roke. Two houses with the adjacent gardens (ortis), instead of four houses at Cornwode and the adjacent gardens.
Cornwode. A third part of a water-mill, 15a. gorse, 5 1/2a. meadow and 17s. 7 1/2d. rent (tenants named), with the presentation to the church every third turn.
Cornwod and Westroke. 27a. 1/3r. arable.
Westrok. 1 1/2a. waste and 1 1/2a. meadow.
Storigge and Croundel. 20a. wood.
Cornwod, Westrok and Dertemor. A third part of all the waste.
Thorislegh and Bailleford. 58s. 3d. rent (tenants named) and 2s. 5 3/4d. rent of Stephen Berd.
Manaton. 20s. rent (tenants named) and 20d. rent of Henry Brun.
Allebourne. 17s. 9 1/4d. rent of Richard atte Lane.
Stancomb. 66s. 8d. of the rent of the manor, which Joan, late the wife of Nicholas Daunei, renders yearly beyond her dower.
Exeter. A chamber with stable underneath, and a small plot lying on the east side thereof, and 4s. 5 1/4d. rent of John Sywer.
Similar writ to the escheator in Somerset, 28 February, 21 Edward III.
SOMERSET. Assignment of dower to the said Sibyl, made at Modeford Terry and Hyneton, Saturday the eve of the Annunciation, 21 Edward III.
Modeford Terry. Divers buildings and lands and rents and services of tenants (extent given with field names and names of tenants), including a third part of the barton, lands upon Wyntesworth, by Doneweye, upon Bromhulle, in ‘la More,’ ‘la Weynhull,’ by ‘la Thorne,’ at Selverlake, ‘la Mapele,’ ‘la Doune,’ at Trewych, ‘la Garston,’ on Colebrok, Tothulle, Twynhull moor, Rowemor, at Bekeshey, ‘la Goule,’ Shepeheye, Modyham, and a third part of 2 1/2a. wood called ‘le Heyewode,’ and of the pleas &c. of court.
Hyneton. Divers buildings, lands, rents and services of tenants (extent given with field names and names of tenants), including a chapel to be in common between the said Sibyl and the lord of the manor, a little pond in Cornmongeresheye, lands at Wattokesberugh, in the marsh at Cleverlake and Craneshurn, and a third part of pastures called Blea …., Leyelond and Mulleham.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (2.)
SOMERSET. Proof of age of the said Edmund, taken at Clyvedon on Thursday, the morrow of St. George, 21 Edward III.
John de Clyvedone, knight, aged 60 years and more, says that the said Edmund was 21 years of age on the feast of St. Martin last, and this he knows because the said Edmund was born at Clyvedon, co. Somerset, on the same feast, 19 Edward II, and baptized in the church there, and he was present. And he and John de Acton agreed on certain causes touching the manor of Alre in the same county on Sunday after the said birth, which agreement was written in an indenture made between them, of which one part remains in his possession, and by its date and his presence at the baptism the said Edmund’s age is manifest.
John de Acton, knight, aged 50 years and more, agrees, for after the said agreement John de Clyvedon announced to him that William de Cheyne had an heir male born and baptized &c. as above, and he has the other part of the said indenture.
John de Membury, knight, aged 60 years, Henry de Lorty, knight, aged 70 years, John de Durburgh, knight, aged 48 years, Robert Martyn, aged 50 years, William Wayne, aged 58 years, and William Strode, aged 60 years, agree, for they were witnesses to the aforesaid agreement.
Walter Joye, aged 50 years and more, and Peter Chubbeworth, aged 54 years and more, agree, as they were present at the aforesaid agreement, and the said Peter dictated the indenture, and the said Walter wrote it, and John de Acton gave the said Peter a silk purse and a mark for his attendance, and the said John de Clyvedon gave the said Walter 40d. for his labour, and told them of the birth of the said Edmund.
Matthew de Clyvedone, aged 50 years, and Matthew Michel, aged 60 years, agree likewise, as they were present with the said John de Clyvedon at the said Edmund’s baptism. William, father of the said Edmund, gave to each of them a bow and six barbed arrows, feathered with peacocks’ feathers, that they might remember and bear witness of the birth of the said Edmund.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (3.)
Writ to the escheator in Northumberland to take the proof of age of the said Robert, 15 April, 21 Edward III.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Proof of age taken at Newcastle upon Tyne, 15 June, 21 Edward III.
John de Brampton, aged 70 years and more, says that the said Robert was 21 years of age on the morrow of the Purification last, for he was born on the said day 21 years ago at Newcastle-on-Tyne, and on the same day was baptised in the church of St. Nicholas there by John de Prodhowe, then parochial chaplain of the said church; and this he remembers because he was present at the baptism and also has a son named Richard, born on the same day.
John de Whithill, aged 56 years and more, says the like, and knows it because he had a daughter named Emma married on the same day in the same church to one Roger de Glanton.
John Olyver, aged 60 years and more, says the like, and knows it because he was in the said church at the time and saw the said Robert baptised, and likewise because he took a chamber on the same day in the town aforesaid to farm for a term of 30 years from one Richard de Emeldon, and by the date of his writing he is assured of the age of the said Robert.
Adam de Glanton, aged 48 years and more, says the like, and knows it because he had a wife named Agnes, who died on the same day that the said Robert was born.
Thomas del Isle, aged 60 years and more, Robert de Derham, aged 56 years and more, William de Tirwhit, aged 66 years and more, and Richard de Brankeston, aged 52 years, agree, and know it because they were in Newcastle on the day of the said Robert’s birth, and in going towards the house of one Henry de Shirakes, keeper of the king’s victuals, to buy victuals they met the godparents and certain other relatives of the said Robert, carrying him from his baptism, and by this and by the date of the letters obligatory to the said Henry de Shirakes for the victuals bought, they are assured of the age of the said Robert.
Gilbert de Wyndegates, aged 50 years and more, says the like, and recollects it because he was present at the baptism by request of William de Claveryng, father of the said Robert, with whom he ate on the same day, when the said William gave him a good sword, that he might remember the birth of the said Robert.
John de Yetlyngton, aged 66 years and more, Robert de Cavereslawe, aged 64 years and more, and John de Bedenhale, aged 60 years and more, say the like, and know it because on the same day Joice de Sherwynlawe, knight, and other Scots enemies of the king in his company came in a hostile manner into Northumberland, where the said John, Robert and John dwell, and spoiled, destroyed and burnt their houses; after the retreat of which enemies to their own parts the birth of the said Robert was announced specially by his father to them and many others of the county, that they might remember it.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (4.)
Writ to the escheator to take the proof of age of the said Thomas, who held by knight’s service of the heir of Thomas Bardolf, tenant in chief, a minor and in the king’s wardship, 8 March, 21 Edward III.
NORFOLK. (fn. 1) Proof of age taken at Terringtone, 5 April, 21 Edward III.
Robert de Caustone, aged 40 years and more, says that the said Thomas is 21 years of age and more and was born at Tirrington on Tuesday after the Annunciation, 18 Edward II, and baptized in the church of St. Clement there; and this he knows because he was present and saw the chaplain baptize him.
Geoffrey Coruner, aged 53 years and more, says the like, and knows it because on Saturday after the said heir’s birth he went to North Walsham and stayed there a whole year.
John Wacy, aged 43 years and more, says the like, and knows it because Joan, the wife of William son of Stephen, died on Monday before the said heir’s birth, and the day of her death was noted in the calendar.
Simon de Schuldham, aged 58 years and more, says the like, and knows it because Roger de Schuldham, his father, was of the counsel (de Consilio) of Thomas atte Lathe, the said heir’s father.
Geoffrey Varoun, aged 44 years and more, says the like, and knows it because he heard by Robert de Causton, who was staying in the place where the said heir was born, of the latter’s birth.
William Bet …., aged 58 years and more, says the like, and knows it because at the time he was at Lond’ and there heard by a messenger of the said heir’s birth.
William son of Robert, aged 42 years, agrees, and knows it because Cicely his wife carried the said heir to church to be baptized.
John Nores, aged 46 years and more, agrees, and knows it because he was in the wardship of Sir Robert de Scales and proved his own age on the morrow of the day on which the said heir was baptized.
John Blouwere, aged 43 years and more, agrees, and knows it because Walter his son was born on Whitsunday next after the said heir’s birth.
Thomas son of James, aged 48 years, agrees, and knows it because he was with John de Causton on Friday after the said heir’s birth, and he went to Scotland with the said John.
Roger Brounger, aged 58 years and more, agrees, and knows it because he married Cicely his wife at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist next after the said heir’s birth.
Roger son of Nicholas, aged 39 years and more, says the like, and knows it because Nicholas his father told him of the said heir’s birth, and on the Sunday following the said Nicholas died.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (5.)
Writ to the escheator to take the proof of age of the said Isabel, 6 June, 21 Edward III.
DORSET. Proof of age taken at Marnhull, 18 June, 21 Edward III.
Robert de Maundeville, aged 50 years, says that the said Isabel is of full age, for on the feast of St. Petronilla, 19 Edward II, she was born at Marnhull, co. Dorset, and baptized in the church there, and Isabel his wife is her godmother, and she fell from her horse in returning to her house and broke her arm.
Walter Loryng, aged 50 years and more, agrees, and knows it because on Sunday after St. Petronilla, 19 Edward II, he married Joan, daughter of Walter de Ferne, and the said Isabel was born on the said feast then just past, and he was present at her baptism.
John Gorewy, aged 60 years, John le Kyng, aged 50 years, Thomas Anketyl, aged 53 years, John le Harpour, aged 49 years, John Ponsont, aged 60 years, Peter Bysshop, aged 60 years, Roger le Brok, aged 50 years, and Robert Loryng, aged 53 years, agree, and know it because on Thursday after St. Barnabas, 19 Edward II, the said John de Moeles hunted, on the invitation of John de Urtiaco, in a park called Stoketristre, which then belonged to the said John de Urtiaco, to take venison for a feast on the day of his wife’s purification from the said Isabel his daughter, born on the feast of St. Petronilla then last past, and took six bucks, at which hunting they were present at the request of the said John de Moeles, and stayed with him the same night, and he gave each of them a bow for coming, and that they might have knowledge of the birth of his said daughter.
Hugh de Lymbergh, aged 50 years, and William le Eyr, aged 53 years, agree, and know it because on the feast of St. Petronilla, 19 Edward II, Joan, the mother of the said Hugh, was buried in the cemetery of the church of Marnhull on the day on which the said Isabel was born and baptized, and they are executors of her will, by the date of which and by the said burial the age of the said Isabel is well known to them.
William de Botreaux, Walter de Botreaux and Robert de Forde, executors of the will of Reynold de Botreaux, to whom Thomas de Ferrariis and Theobald de Mounteneye, who had the wardship by the king’s commission, demised the same, were warned to be present, but did not come, nor send any one in their name.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (6.)
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the petition of Katherine, late the wife of the said earl, for her dower of the 20l. yearly rent, given by the king’s charter to the said William and his heirs, for the name and honour of earl of Salisbury, out of the issues of the county of Wilts, 10 December, 21 Edward III.
WILTS. Inq. taken at Wilton, Tuesday before St. Peter’s Chair, 22 Edward III.
The said earl died seised in his demesne as of fee of the said 20l. yearly.
William de Monte Acuto his son, aged 18 years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (7.)
Writ of certiorari de feodis, 18 February, 21 Edward III.
DEVON. Inq. taken at Exeter on Thursday before St. Gregory, 21 Edward III.
Pouderham and Whiteston. Two knights’ fees of the lands, &c. which Thomas de Halghewille and Katherine his wife hold, as of the right of the said Katherine, which are worth nothing yearly, save that a suit is owed at the court of fees of Huntyngdon, for which suit the tenants there render two marks yearly.
He had no other fees in the county.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (8.)
Writ to the escheator in Essex to take the oath of Margaret, late the wife of the said John, not to marry without the king’s licence and to assign her her dower out of the lands, &c. late af the said John, taken into the king’s hands by reason of his death and the minority of his heir, in presence of Bartholomew de Burgherssh ‘le Fitz,’ to whom the king granted the custody of the said lands, &c. 20 March, 21 Edward III.
ESSEX. Assignment of dower to the said Margaret, made at Eystans ad Turrim, in the presence of the said Bartholomew’s attorneys on Monday the feast of St. Barnabas, 21 Edward III.
Eystans ad Turrim. Divers houses, buildings, lands and rents (details given, with field-names and names of tenants), including a pond called Bakhouspond, a third part of a close called ‘le Litle Park,’ and a third part of the great park, of a wood called Haywardesquarter, and of another wood called le Fryth: but of the rent of foreign tenants, contained in the extent lately made after the death of the said John, the escheator assigned nothing to the said Margaret, because the said rent issued from knights’ fees which are in the king’s hand by reason of the said John’s death.
Similar writ to the escheator in Suffolk, 20 March, 21 Edward III.
SUFFOLK. Assignment of dower to the said Margaret, made at Bildistone, as above on Monday the feast of St. Barnabas, 21 Edward III.
Bildistone. A little grange and other buildings, lands, rents, &c. (details given with field names and names of tenants), including a third part of a sheepfold, a third part of a market (fori) with the ‘portmansmotes in le tolhus,’ a third part of two houses called Tolhousses, a third part of all the stalls in the market, and of the fines and perquisites of court of all the tenants, of the pasture of the pond by the bridge, common in Hallestrete, a third part of a wood near the manor, containing 13a. 3r. of a wood called Estwode, containing 23a., common of a street leading from the mill towards Ipswich, and a cart-house in common.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (9.)
Writ to the escheator to assign to Eleanor, late the wife of the said Alan, who has taken her oath not to marry without the king’s licence, her dower out of the lands, late of her husband, in the presence of John de Bello Campo, to whom the king committed the custody of the said lands, 15 March, 21 Edward III.
Endorsed: Andrew de Bures received the oath by writ.
LEICESTER. Assignment of dower to the said Eleanor, made at Assheby la Zousche, in the presence of the attorneys of the said John de Bello Campo, 14 April, 21 Edward III.
Assheby la Zousche. Within the dwelling-house (mansum) of the manor, an old ruinous hall, a new chamber not yet roofed, to be removed so that the soil there may remain in possession of the lord and the said chamber to be rebuilt elsewhere on soil of the said Eleanor, a long house called the bakery, brewhouse and kitchen, with an oasthouse (toral’) in the same and a well near the said house, so that the lordand his servants may have the use of the said well at their pleasure, a house called ‘le Longstable’ opposite the grange, with a piece of orchard lying in breadth from the grange to the way leading towards Pakyton below the said orchard, with free ingress and egress to the great outer gates, and in length from the said Longstable to certain boundaries near the ditch of the rabbit-warren, and a third part of a stone dovecot.
Brasthorp. An old ruinous house called ‘le Oxeshepene,’ with a plot opposite the said house, and of the demesne lands there, a third part of certain furlongs (field-names given); of the demesne meadows, le Hallemedwe and Slyngmedwe; a third part of a several pasture, called ‘le Haye’ of Brasthorp, lying towards the east of a plot of pasture called Calvircroft, lying towards Blakfordby, and the whole of a pasture called Stonydelf on Bromyhill; a third part of the wood of Brasthorp, abutting on Slyngmedwe, of the Outewode, and of ‘le Newheye,’ and three whole parcels of pasture and wood called Walkmylnedame, Halywell and Newedamesheved; a third part of the great park towards ‘le Lounte’ together with ‘la Launde’ opposite the said third part; a third part of the profits of three water-mills and a windmill; and rents and services of bondmen and free tenants (names given); a third part of the profits of views of frankpledge and of the market and fair of Assheby, bakehouses, &c. in common, but of whatever she shall take in common she shall find a third part of the expenses; also a third part of a certain yearly rent of 3s., called ‘Ilmor Rent,’ to be taken in common from certain burgages in the town, and the pleas and perquisites of court issuing from all her men and tenants aforesaid, and a third part of two fish-ponds and of the fishery thereof. There are no other lands, &c. there, from which she can be dowered, saving, nevertheless, on the petition of her attorney, her actions, if she has the right, to seek her dower from 53s. 4d. yearly rent, issuing from a virgate of land demised to Robert Person, two virgates of land demised to John son of John de Ingwardby, and a virgate of land demised to Roger le Messager and Eleanor his wife for their lives, by Sir William la Zousche, deceased; and from a messuage and a virgate of land demised to Walter Truaunt and Margaret his wife, and from two burgages, a virgate and 4a. land and 2a. meadow demised to James de Assheby, for their lives respectively, by the said Alan la Zousche, deceased, and from 2s. 0 1/2d. yearly rent from tenants not yet found.
Similar writ to the escheator in Sussex, 15 March, 21 Edward III.
Endorsed: Andrew de Bures received the oath by writ.
SUSSEX. Assignment of dower to the said Eleanor, made at Treve, in the presence of attorneys as above, &c., 3 May, 21 Edward III.
Treve. Within the dwelling-house (mansum) of the manor, a chamber with a wardrobe annexed to the hall on the east, a long chamber called ‘le Newechaumbre,’ with a herb garden opposite the same called ‘le Puryherbere’ enclosed with palings, another herb garden opposite the abovesaid chamber at the end of the hall, a ruinous house called ‘le Hayberne’ with a third part of the orchard behind the house, the use of the chapel within the manor, a house without the gate in the barton called ‘le Dayhous,’ a water-mill called Canhou with the water-course thereof and a fishery, with the suits and multures of all the tenants of the lordship of Treve, enclosed lands and meadow (extent given with field-names), a third part of a pasture called le Heth, of a little grove called ‘le Inlond,’ of a several fishery extending from the bridge called Lykfoldbrigge to a meadow called Upboremedwe in the lordship of Petteworth, of a park on the north side of the manor (boundaries given mentioning a close of the bishop of London and the Hay of ‘la Brendland’ where ‘birches’ grow), the services and rents of certain free and bond tenants (named), and a third part of the assise of bread and ale.
Noteburn and Chiltynkton. The rents and services of certain bond tenants (named), including quedam mulier vocata Sapientia, a third part of the assise of bread and ale, and a third part of a pond called ‘le North Mylnepond’ and of the fishery there.
All to be held by the said Eleanor for her life, &c. saving to her her actions touching knights’ fees and advowsons and anything else that could accrue to her by way of dower.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (10.)
Writ [6 September, 21 Edward III (fn. 2) ] (missing).
NORTHUMBERLAND. Assignment of dower to Elizabeth, late the wife of the said Richard, made at Little Rihill, 20 September, 21 Edward III.
Little Rihill. A third part of two parts of a capital messuage, with the buildings constructed in the said third part, and divers lands (field-names given), including lands upon (super) ‘le Overhope,’ ‘le Netherhope,’ Soneacre, Illilaweflat, ‘le Rote,’ ‘le Milneheved,’ Abound, Salterhope, ‘les Toftes’ and Omperland and ‘le Watercrokes.’
NORTHUMBERLAND. Partition made at Little Rihill, 28 September, 21 Edward II, of the lands &c. late of the said Richard at Little Rihill between Elizabeth, Margery, Christiana, Joan and Ellen, his daughters and heirs, which lands &c. by reason of his death were taken into the king’s hands, in five equal parts as follows; whereof the pourparty of Elizabeth, the eldest, who is of full age, was delivered to her, and the pourparties of the other daughters were delivered to Elizabeth, late the wife of the said Richard, their mother, as next friend (propinquiori) to the said heirs.
Pourparty of the said Elizabeth. A fifth part of two parts of a capital messuage and divers lands (details with field-names given).
Similar pourparty of the said Margery. (The same.)
Similar pourparty of the said Christiana. (The same.)
Similar pourparty of the said Joan. (The same.)
Similar pourparty of the said Ellen. (The same.)
C. Edw. III. File 88. (11.)
(See Vol. VIII. No. 562.)
69. JOHN DE ASTWYK, late prior of Nywenham.
Writ to the escheator of cos. Bedford and Buckingham. Whereas in reply to the king’s mandate the escheator signified that he had taken the lands, &c. of the priory of Nywenham into the king’s hand because the said priory fell void by the death of brother John de Astwyk, the last prior, and because he knew not who were the true patrons and founders thereof, of whom the said prior held, and whereas, on the part of the sub-prior and convent of that place, the king is given to understand that the said priory, &c. are held of John de Moubray, as of the barony of Bedeford, in frank almoin, and that the said J[ohn is patron] of the priory, wherefore petition has been made to the king to remove his hand from the said lands, &c. the escheator is commanded to enquire whether the said prior held any lands, &c. of the king in chief or of another, by what service, and who is the true patron of the said priory, 6 February, 21 Edward III.
Endorsed by the escheator that the said prior never held any lands, &c. of the king or of another in co. Buckingham.
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bedford on Thursday, 15 February, 21 Edward III.
The said prior on the day he died, viz. on Sunday before St. Nicholas last, held no lands &c. of the king in chief in co. Bedford or elsewhere, but he held all the lands &c. of the priory of John de [Moubray] in frank almoin, as of the barony of Bedeford, of the grant of the said John’s ancestors, who founded the said priory, time out of mind. The said John de Moubray [is patron] of the said priory.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (12.)
70. WILLIAM LE CLERC, of Esthanneye.
Writ, 20 January, 21 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum that the original writ, with the inquisition, was delivered this year before the justices assigned to hold pleas before the king.
BERKS. Inq. taken at Remenham, Saturday before St. Matthias, 22 Edward III.
Esthanneye. A messuage with a garden and curtilage, 40a. arable, 6a. meadow, and 2s. rent of a free tenant, held of the prior of Newynton Longevill, by service of a twentieth part of a knight’s fee and rendering yearly to the said prior 14s. 6d. and doing suit at his court every three weeks.
He held no lands, &c. of any other.
He died on 20 July, 19 Edward III. John his son, aged 10 years on the day the said William died, is his heir.
Note. This inquisition was sent before the king in Trinity term in the present year.
Writ to the escheator in cos. Oxford and Berks, reciting the preceding inquisition and commanding him, inasmuch as the knights’ fees and advowsons of churches belonging to the aforesaid priory are in the king’s hand by reason of the war with France, to take the aforesaid messuage, land, meadow and rent into the king’s hand, with the issues thereof received from the said 20th of July, together with the body of the said heir, and enquire who has occupied the said tenements and received the issues thereof, from the time of the said William’s death, 28 February, 22 Edward III.
Endorsed by the escheator that he has taken the said messuage, land, rent and issues into the king’s hand, but that the said heir was not found in the bailiwick after the writ came.
BERKS. Inq. taken at Wanetyng, 28 April, 22 Edward III.
Esthanneye. Alice, late the wife of the said William, has occupied the said tenements and received all the issues since the death of her said husband, claiming to have the custody thereof, by reason of the sustenance (nutriture) of the said heir, as his mother.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (13.)
Writ, 27 December, 21 Edward III.
YORK; LIBERTY OF HOLDERNESS. Inq. taken at Hedon, Saturday after the Purification, 22 Edward III.
Paghel. Three bovates of land, 11a. 3 1/2r. meadow, and pasture for seven great beasts, held jointly with Maud his wife, who survives, to them and the heirs of the said Thomas, of the gift of William Bakster and Walter de Killyngwyk, chaplains, of the king in chief, as of the honour of Aumale, by service of finding three men at Paghelflet to ferry across the Humber the lord and lady of the manor of Brustwyk, when they shall happen to cross over from the parts of Holdernesse to the parts of Lyndesey; a messuage and 2a. 1/2r. land, held jointly as above, of the same gift, of the abbot of Aumale, by service of 8d. yearly; and two tofts held in demesne as of fee, of John le Conestable of Halsham and Margaret de Ros, by service of 16d. yearly.
Paghelflete. A messuage, 3 1/2 tofts, pasture for a great beast and a half and 8s. 6d. rent, held of the king in chief, as of the honour aforesaid, by service of rendering to the king yearly at his manor of Brustwyk 2s. 4d.
Bondbrustwyk. A messuage and a moiety of a bovate of land, held of William Aumpner by service of 12d. yearly.
Aldeburgh. A messuage held of Margery, late the wife of William de Ros of Hamelak, by fealty.
He died on 13 November last. Peter his son, aged two years on the feast of St. Peter’s Chair next, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (14.)
Writ, 12 January, 21 Edward III.
SURREY. Inq. taken at Croydon, 21 February, 22 Edward III.
Croydon. 16a. land, held jointly with Lucy his wife, who survives, of the grant of Peter Phelipp and Henry Maunsel to the said John and Lucy and the heirs of the said John, of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of 3s. yearly; 39a. arable and 1a. meadow, held of the same archbishop by service of 13s. 4d. yearly; and 12l. yearly rent of divers tenants, held of the same archbishop by service of 63s. yearly and suit at the archbishop’s court of Croydon every three weeks.
He held no other lands, &c. in Croydon.
He died on 15 December last. William his son, aged 14 years at the feast of the Purification last, is his heir.
SURREY. Inq. taken at Suthwerk, 20 February, 22 Edward III.
Suthwerk. A tenement, late of Roger de Northwode, in the parish of St. George, held jointly with Lucy his wife, of the grant of the said Roger to them and the heirs of the said John, of the prior of Bermondeseye by service of 28s. yearly and suit at the said prior’s court every three weeks; a tenement in the same parish late of Thomas le Chapman of Craule, held jointly as above, of the grant of the said Thomas to them and the heirs of the said John, of the same prior by service of 1d. yearly; and a tenement in the parish of St. Margaret, held of the gift of John de Bures and Joan his wife, by a fine levied in the king’s court, to the said John and his heirs, of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of 20d. yearly.
He held no other lands &c. in the borough of Suthwerk.
Date of death and heir as above.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (15.)
Writ, 24 January, 21 Edward III.
WILTS. Inq. taken at New Salisbury 6 February, 22 Edward III.
Plaiteforde. The manor, held for her life, jointly with the said Adam, of the king in chief, by knight service.
Melchet. The keepership of the park, similarly held of the king in chief by service of rendering 40s. to the king yearly by the hands of his bailiff of Claryndon, and finding a man to keep the said park at her own charges.
La More. A messuage and a virgate of land, similarly held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Bymerton and Alwardebury. 100s. rent, similarly held.
Alwardebury. 20a. meadow, similarly held.
Estgrymstede. 60s. yearly rent, similarly held of Lawrence de Sancto Martino and the heirs of Oliver de Ingham by knight’s service.
Abboteston. A messuage and two virgates of land, held jointly as above at fee farm of the abbess of Wilton, rendering 100s. yearly.
She died on 2 January, 21 Edward III. John, son of the said Adam and Eleanor, aged 7 1/2 years, is her heir of all the aforesaid tenements.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (16.)
Writ, 17 January, 21 Edward III.
WESTMORELAND. Inq. taken at Kirkeby in Kendale 12 March, 22 Edward III.
Castreton. An eighth part of the town together with the reversion of another eighth part, which Helen, late the wife of Roger de Bronolvesheved holds in dower; which two eighth parts are held of the king in chief as of the lands late of William de Coucy, now in the king’s hand by the death of the said William, by cornage, which carries with it (trahit ad se) wardship and marriage, according to the custom of the country, and by service of 7s. 7d. yearly.
Berburn. Two messuages and 16a. land, in the hands of tenants at will, held of Ralph de Lasceles by fealty and by service of 23d. yearly.
Whitewell. Two parts of the hamlet, together with the reversion of the third part, held of the king in chief as of the lands late of the aforesaid William de Coucy, by cornage and service of 1d. yearly.
Bolteston. A carucate of land, similarly held, by cornage and service of 8 1/2d. yearly.
Stirklandrandolf. A messuage and 12a. land, similarly held, by cornage and service of 12d. yearly.
Holmlyolfbank. A plot of land so called, similarly held, by homage and fealty and service of 5d. yearly.
Calderig. 3a. land, similarly held, by fealty and service of 2d. yearly.
Berdesayland, Annotheghes and Storthes. Lands so called, with a close called ‘Rotherheved,’ similarly held, by fealty and service of 3s. yearly.
Warthecopland. A plot of land so called, similarly held, by fealty and service of 1d. yearly.
Kirkby in Kendal. A parcel of land called ‘Odardholm,’ similarly held, by fealty and service of 1d. yearly.
Gunnyldeng. A messuage so called, similarly held, by fealty and service of 3 1/2d. yearly.
Kyrkeby in Kendale. Four waste tofts, similarly held, by fealty and service of 9d. yearly.
Brathelagh. 8a. land held of Thomas de Twenge by fealty only.
Moserghfeld. A close so called held of the same Thomas by fealty only.
Stavelaygodmond. Two messuages and 4a. land, similarly held.
Croke. A moiety of the hamlet held of Thomas de Tweng by fealty and service of … yearly.
Kirkby in Kendale. Two waste tofts held of the same Thomas by fealty.
Stirklandketell. Two messuages, similarly held.
Lupton. A sixth part of the hamlet, similarly held.
Midelton. A moiety of the town held of Thomas de Ros by fealty.
Stirklandketell. Three messuages and 15a. land held of the same Thomas de Ros by homage and fealty and by service of 40d, yearly.
Skelmesergh. 16a. land held of Roger de Layburn by homage and service of 4d. yearly; and three messuages in the hands of tenants at will, held of the same Roger by fealty and service of 4d. yearly.
Stavelaygodmond. A messuage held of Thomas Godmond by homage and service of 4d. yearly.
Bronolvesheved. The manor (extent given) held of Roger de Lancastre, whereof the said manor, with 24a. land and 2a. meadow near thereto, is held by cornage and service of 6s. 8d. yearly, two messuages and 10a. land in the hands of tenants at will, a mill, four messuages and 12a. land are held by fealty only: and 6a. land called Saterhowe held of Thomas de Tweng by fealty.
Stirklandketell. Four messuages held of the same Roger de Lancastre by fealty and service of 18d. yearly.
He died on Wednesday after St. Andrew last. Margaret his daughter, aged 2 1/2 years, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 88. (17.)
E. Inq. p.m. File 10. (12.)
Writ (missing).
LEICESTER. Inq. made at Melton, 20 April, 21 Edward III.
Stapelford. Two messuages and two virgates of land held for her life by the demise of Simon de Bereford, with reversion to himself and his heirs; which Simon afterwards forfeited to the king.
She died 2 April last. The said messuages and land belong to the king by forfeiture.
E. Inq. p.m. File 10. (4.)
Writ (missing).
NOTTINGHAM. Extent made on Saturday before St. Hilary, 21 Edward III.
Nottingham. A wasted messuage with a bailiwick in fee, viz. proving and levying the king’s debts in cos. Nottingham and Derby by the sheriff’s commission in default of other bailiffs, worth 6s. 8d. yearly, held of the king in chief.
He died on Sunday before St. Martin, 21 Edward III.
E. Inq. p.m. File 10. (5.)
77. HENRY, bishop of St. David’s.
Writ (missing).
LONDON. Inq. taken before the mayor on Monday after St. Thomas the Martyr, 21 Edward III.
He held nothing in the city, save a tenement in the parish of St. Bride, Fleet Street, in the suburb of London, for his inn (hospicio), when, at the king’s command or for his own business or that of the bishopric, he shall come to the city: it is vacant and there are no issues.
He died on Saturday after SS. Peter and Paul, 21 Edward III, as the jurors understand.
E. Inq. p.m. File 10. (7.)


  • 1. Cf. Vol. VIII. No. 602.
  • 2. See Calendar of Close Rolls, p. 320.