Henry VIII: October 1514, 16-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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'Henry VIII: October 1514, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp1417-1431 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1514, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp1417-1431.

"Henry VIII: October 1514, 16-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1920), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp1417-1431.

October 1514

16 Oct.
Venetian Calendar, II., Nos. 497–8.
3367. VENICE.
Account of the election on 16 Oct. 1514 of Pietro Pasqualigo, doctor and knight, in lieu of Alvise Mocenigo, to go to France and England with Francesco Donado and afterwards return to reside in France.
17 Oct.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 287. R.O.
Receipt, 17 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII., by Sir Henry Guldeforde, from Sir John Daunce, of 100l., in reward, to attend the Duke of Suffolk whom the King sends in embassade to the French King.
P. 1.
17 Oct.
Sanuto, XIX., 196.
3369. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 2 Nov. 1514.]
From Ambassador Dandolo, Abbeville, 15 and 17 Oct.—Meeting with the Queen on the 9th. The King has said to him, "My lord Ambassador, the Queen has asked of me two things, one that we undertake the enterprise of Italy, the other that we go to see Venice, and I have promised the one, that is the enterprise. We will go to Paris and then to Lyons to hasten the enterprise, and have sent for the Duke of Bourbon to meet us, whom we will send as captain of the enterprise of Milan. As for coming to Venice we would like her to see that town; and therefore write to the Signory that she will certainly come." All left for Paris on the 16th.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 507.
18 Oct.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 147. R.O.
The King desires that he will send to my Lord Darcy to deliver François Descars on a reasonable ransom. Had promised the Duke of Britanny, otherwise called the Dauphin, whose servant he is, and the Duke of Longueville, to write in his behalf. They made her great cheer from Boulogne, as the Duke of Norfolk, the Lord Marquis, and others, can inform the King. Understands the prisoner is but a poor gentleman and would like it to be known here that he is the more favoured for her sake. Abbeville, 18 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Addressed. Endorsed by Wolsey (?): The French Queen's letter and my Lord of Suffolk.
20 Oct.
Rym. XIII., 463 (ex autogr. not found).
3371. [5511.] TREATY OF LONDON.
Henry VIII's signification to Louis XII. that Charles Prince of Castile and Margaret Archduchess of Austria have notified to him (by letters patent annexed) their acceptance of comprehension in the treaty of London of 7 Aug. last. Westm., 20 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII.
Enrolled on French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 1.
20 Oct.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 103. R.O.
Money due to him for victualling his ship The Annunciation of 300 tons, monthly, from 14 March 4 Hen. VIII. to 18 July following; and wages and victualling of another called The Mary of Bilboa, 140 tons, from 1 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. to 9 May following; victualling at the rate of 5s. per man per month; mariner's wages 7s. 1d. a month, gromett's 4s. 9d., page's 2s. 5d. Total 379l. 17s. 2¾d.
ii. Endorsed with Friscobald's signed receipt for the above, from Sir John Daunce, 20 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII.
Large paper, pp. 2.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
230, f. 288. R.O.
2. Another receipt, same date, by Freschobaldy, from Daunce, of 1,155l. for saltpetre (specified). Endorsed with two several receipts for saltpetre delivered by Freschobaldy to Hans Wolf and Ric. Faconer, the King's gunpowder makers, 15 July 6 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
20 Oct.
Ib., f. 289. R.O.
3373. THE GUARD.
Receipt, 19 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII., by Laurence Egylsfyld, clerk of the check of the Guard, from Wm. Buttrey, of London, mercer, "provided by Ric. Gybson, yeoman tailor," of velvet for doublets, &c., including "6 men's coats that be at Torney." Signed.
P. 1.
Ib., f. 290.
2. Like receipt, 19 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII., from John Jenkyn, "marchantaylor" of London, of 17 yds. of scarlet at 8s. Signed by Gybbeson and Egylffyld.
Ib., f. 291.
3. Like receipt, 20 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII., from Thomas Speyght, of 66½ yds. of scarlet at 8s. Signed: by me Laurens Egylffylde.
P. 1.
Ib., f. 292.
4. Like receipt, 20 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII., from Bart. Wale, the King's capper, of 18 hats at 2s. 4d. Signed.
P. 1.
20 Oct.
Er. Ep. App. 85. [Edit. Allen, II., 314.]
Has received his letter dated Basle, 3 kal. Sept. Is glad to know whereabouts he is, and hopes he will pay his vow to St. Paul. Shall be glad of his return, though he can scarcely hope for it: those who can will not help; those who will, cannot. All his friends are well. Canterbury "semper est solita suavitate"; Lincoln has been promoted to York; London has not ceased to harass him. Thinks of retiring to the Charter House. His nest is nearly finished, and when Erasmus returns he will find Colet dead to the world. London, 20 Oct. 1516.
20 Oct.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 148. R.O.
Is surprised she has received no answer to any of her letters. Has written to him about the deliverance of a prisoner in Lord Darcy's keeping. At the instance of the Dukes of Bretagne and Longueville the King had sent this week to Boulogne for the deliverance of the English prisoners. "As for 200 mark or 250 mark, I hearsay they would be content to give or else to continue still." Abbeville, 20 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
20 Oct.
Calig. D. VI., 147. B.M.
Had met with Dannot at Canterbury, who showed him divers news, which he (Dannot) would tell Wolsey at his coming. Wolsey will perceive what the Duke of Norfolk and his son mean, to whom it was owing that the Queen's servants were discharged because they were of Wolsey's choosing and not theirs. Advises Wolsey to redress it; for if the Queen is not well treated the blame will be "laid in our ne[cks] by them that be the causer and loves neither yo[u nor] me." Requests Wolsey's instructions how to act. Trusts to be at Boulogne by noon, and at Paris to-morrow, with all his harness, leaving his horses to follow softly. He makes the more haste because he would be loth to be returned. "For, me Lor, nhow I am howar (over), yf the Frynche[men] wold for sake thyr challang, as I thynke thay wyll not for scham, et (yet) I may dow the Kyn[g] odder byssenes, and coum the sounar hom. W[here] for, me Lor, I by sche (beseech) you hold your hand fast that I by not sent for bake; for I am suar that the fader and the son wold not for no good I schold styke wyet the Frynche Kyng; bout [so] I troust to doo. And I dowth not bout I knaw hall thyr dryeftes." Dover, 20 Oct.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To my Lord of York.
21 Oct.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 293. R.O.
Bill of receipt, 21 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII., by John Offwoode, of London, stringer, from Ric. Parker, servant to Sir John Cutte (by command of Sir Th. Lovell) of 4 mks. for his costs in riding about the provision of bowstrings into Norf., Suff., Rutl., Herts, Beds., Camb., Kent and Sussex. Signature lost.
Small paper, mutilated, p. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
9, f. 149. R.O.
3378. [5517.] WOLSEY to my LORD [the EARL OF WORCESTER].
Thanks him for his letters and the pains he has taken in his cause. Has shown unto the King "at right good length, the contents of your letters, wherewith his grace taketh marvellous pleasure and is right well contented with the same, giving you his right especial thanks for the good order and manner by you used as well in the making the overture of the matters touching the King of Aragon, as also the excusing of the not coming with the Queen of Jane Popyncort. And where as the French King hath promised nothing to intreat with the said King of Aragon afore the King our master and he shall personally meet, the King prayeth you to give unto him his most hearty thanks for the same, assuring him that he shall and will do semblably for his part." [And whereas the King hath lately appointed my lady Gylford to be lady of honor with the French Queen."] (fn. 1) Desires him to thank the French King for putting in his hands the order of Wolsey's affair, and to desire him to prohibit the Bishop Elect (fn. 2) from meddling and also to write to Lady Margaret that he wishes the bishopric to be at Wolsey's administration. If he can obtain such a letter, desires him to send it by next post, that Wolsey may send it to his chancellor (fn. 3) there to deliver to "my said lady."
Draft in Wolsey's hand, p. 1.
22 Oct.
Ib., f. 151. R.O.
3379. [5518.] THE SAME to THE SAME.
(Apparently a second draft of the above.)
"Furthermore, my lord, as touching my matter of Tournay sithence as ye write to me, the French King is content to do as ye will have him, and that his grace is minded in this thing or any other to do me pleasure," requests him to cause the French King to forbid the Bishop Elect to meddle further with the bishopric and recompense him with some other promotion. Doubts not the Pope will be glad to give it to himself in commendam with the archbishopric. Trusts that on [Worcester's] mediation the French King will make no difficulty considering Wolsey's great services. Thinks he has deserved the best bishopric he could give. If he cannot induce the French King to make the Bp. give up his bpric., trusts his grace will at least command him to meddle no further, and write letters to the Lady Margaret, that Wolsey should have the administration according to the Pope's brief. "But let this be your sheet anchor, if so be ye may in no wise obtain the other, and in case it shall come so to pass, and will be none otherwise, then it may like you to send me the said letters so by you obtained to the intent I may send the same to mine officers in those parts." Hears from Rome that the French King's ambassadors make pursuit against him for the elect of Tournay. If this be done with his knowledge, "I marvel much"; if not, hopes the King will remedy it; "for all the court of Rome knoweth that I have not deserved that his ambassadors or any in his name, should labor against me in any cause." "And thus, my Lord, I am bold to put your Lordship to these great pains, assuring you that I should be glad to do semblaby, in all your causes here." Eltham, 22 Oct.
Hol., pp. 2.
23 Oct.
Paris Transcr., 1. R.O.
Sends acceptances, received from the Prince of Castile, Archduchess and Emperor, of comprehension in the late treaty. Begs him to restore to the Archduchess the county of Charoloys and lands of Chinon, Chaulcin, and La Perrière, with the greniers of Charoloys, Chateau Chinon and Noyers, taken from her because of the late war. Eltham, 23 Oct. 1514.
French. Modern transcript, pp. 3.
23 Oct.
Ib. R.O. Preface to First Edition, p. xl.
Because advertised by your letters dated Beauvois, 26th ult. that you were pleased that I wrote privately to you, and desired me to continue to do so just as if I were of your Privy Council, I will inform you of the following matter. The King appointed Madame de Guyldford, because of her experience and knowledge of the language, to accompany the Queen his sister, who, being young and knowing none of the ladies there, might suffer in health for want of someone to confide in. Hearing that Madame de Guyldford is at Boulogne on her return, discharged, news which the King might think strange, I have written to her to wait there until I have written to you my opinion, which is that you should for some time retain her in the Queen's service and not so suddenly discharge her; for the King took her out of a solitary place, which she had meant never to leave, that she might go in the Queen's service, and you will find her wise and discreet, whatsoever report may have been made to the contrary, as I have written more fully to my lord Chamberlain. Protests that the above is prompted by his desire to be of service. Eltham, 23 Oct.
French. Modern transcript from Paris, pp. 4.
24 Oct.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 294. R.O.
Receipt by John Gilliott of instalments towards making a wharf at Ereth for safeguard of the King's storehouse, 23 June, 24 July, 20 Aug., 6 Sept., 26 Sept. and 24 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII., received from Sir John Daunce.
Pp. 2.
24 Oct.
Exch. Dipl. Doct., 756. R.O.
Notarial certificate by Michel Texea of depositions of Jehan Mervault, seigneur Dupont, burgess of La Rochelle, and two mariners, to the effect that the ship La Rochelloise, sold by Mervault in January last to Philip Roussel, merchant of St. Malo, and Grimont Maroys, merchant of La Rochelle, has been lying abandoned at St. Martin's haven in the Isle of Re since May last, when the said merchants brought her home and went to pursue process against Michel Declissen seigneur de Karaliou for damage done to them at Port Blanc in Brittany. La Rochelle, 24 Oct. 1514.
French. Parchment. Seal broken.
25 Oct. 3384. WHITBY ABBEY.
Election. See GRANTS IN OCTOBER, No. 33.
25 Oct.
Close Roll 6 Hen. VIII., m. 28d.
Indenture, 25 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII., of sale by William Towris, merchant of the Staple of Calais, s. and h. of John Towris, to William archbp. of Canterbury, of all his land in Swalcliff and Ipwell parishes, Oxon, for 60l., viz. 20s. in hand and the remainder to be paid when the Abp. is clearly discharged against Sir Edward Grevell for all claims in the said lands by reason of any bargain made by the said John Towris.
Worn and partly illegible.
25 Oct.
Sanuto, XIX., 261.
3386. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 18 Oct. 1514.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 25 Oct.—Has received the Senate's letter about the creation of ambassadors to bear congratulations on the peace and marriage. Has given the Signory's letter to the King, &c.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 512.
25 Oct.
Calig. D. VI., 149. B.M.
This Thursday, 25 Oct., my Lord Marquis and he came to Bowoes (Beauvais) where the King and Queen both were, and were brought to their lodging. By the King's request, communicated to him by Cleremond, he went to his Grace alone. Found the King lying in bed, and the Queen sitting by the bedside. "And so I diede me rywarynes and knyelled downe by hes byed sede; and soo he brassed me in hes armes, and held me a good wyell, and said that I was hartylle wyecoum, and axsed me, 'How dows men esspysseall good brodar, whom I am so moche bounden to lowf abouf hall the warld?'" To which Suffolk replied, that the King his master recommended himself to his entirely beloved brother, and thanked him for the great honor and [love] that he showed to the Queen his sister. The French King answered, that he knew the nobleness and truth so much in Suffolk's master that he reckoned he had of him the greatest jewel ever one prince had of another. Assures Henry that never Queen behaved herself more wisely and honorably, and so say all the noblemen in France; and no man ever set his mind more upon a woman on account of her loving manner. As to the jousts and tournays, my Lord Marquis and the writer both thought if they had answered the challenge it were little honor to win, seeing there were 200 or 300 answerers. The King had promised to introduce them to the Dauphin to be his aids. On the Dauphin's arrival he sent for them, expressed his sense of the honor done him by the King of England, said he would not take them for his aids but for his brethren, and so went to supper; where supped the Duke of Bourbon and my Lord Marquis and I, and "it he tabylles" (at the tables) young Count Galleas and two others. As they sat at supper they talked of Henry's running, "of which, I ensure you, he was right glad to hear; and as far as I can see he is not so well content with nothing [as to] hear talking of your grace, and to talk of you [him]self." The challenge, he said, would be in seven days, which was too soon for them to be ready. We agreed that it was; and thereupon he sent for "Robart tyete" (Robertet) and sent him to the King, who was content to respite it 15 days. After supper the Dauphin brought us to the King, who promised Henry a harness and a courser; "for he says your grace has mounted him so well, he will seek all Christendom but he will honor your grace well." B[eauvais], 25 Oct.
P.S.—My lord of Longueville recommends him to the King for a true and faithful servant, as he seems to be indeed. Begs to be remembered to the Queen "[and to] all me nold fyellowes boweth men [and wo]myn; and I bysche yovr grace to [tell my]sstres Blount and mysstres Carru [the] next tyme yt I wreth un to them [or se]nd them tokones thay schall odar [wre]th to me or send me tokones agayen." By Richmond, the last [time] he went to the King, Suffolk sent a letter of gold (?) and now sends another as a remembrancer, because he has no word whether the King received the first.
Hol., pp. 7. Add.: To the Kynges Grace.
26 Oct.
Moore's sale, (fn. 4) lot 710.
3388. [5526.] WOLSEY to MARGARET OF SAVOY.
Requests her mediation for his bishopric of Tournay. London, 26 Oct. 1514.
27 Oct.
Stowe MS. 146, f. 130. B.M.
Wolsey's order to Sir John Daunce to pay William Villers, warden of the Fleet, for the board of four Breton prisoners from 16 April to 14 Aug. following at 16d. each per week. Signed: T. Lincoln' post' Ebor'.
Small paper, p. 1. Endd. with Villers' receipt for the money on 27 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII.
27 Oct.
R. MS. 13 B. II., 88 (No. 238). B.M.
3390. JAMES V. to LEO X.
Has already sufficiently stated the privileges granted to the Kings of Scotland by the Popes, that no prelacies should be conferred upon others than their nominees within 8 months; and this seemed to be confirmed by his Holiness in his letters lately sent by Balthasar Stuart, declaring that he would not fail in anything pertaining to the honor of the kingdom, the King and his mother. Trusts he will not take from him, a mere boy, what was granted to his ancestors. Desires that the see of Aberdeen, vacant by the death of the last Bp., may not be filled up till he has taken the advice of the Council, of which he will inform him before the appointed time. Though he intends to pay all honor to the Apostolic See, will not suffer his own privileges to be violated. Edinburgh, 27 Oct. 1514.
Lat. Copy, p. 1.
27 Oct.
Ib., 88b (No. 239). B.M.
Informs him of the contents of his letter to the Pope of the same date, and asks his favor and influence. Desires credence for the bearer. Edinburgh, 27 Oct. supra.
Lat. Copy, p. 1.
27 Oct.
Vitell. B. XVIII., 104. B.M.
"Pleaseth your g[race, &c. On the] .. of this present month [I wrote unto] your highness from this town. [And since, owing to] an axcesse cotidiane I have kept my [bed] ... whether the same intendeth to leave m[e, or carry] me unto my long home I am not sure ... for it is written that Troylis (Troilus) which dy ... not so many tears as his father Priam ... till all his children were slain and his c ... destroyed." Owing to his sickness, has not been able to hear any news worth writing to Henry; and has not much to tell now, "because me seemeth not m[ete] to hunt for such matter as was wont to be showed me by the Emperor's own mouth." "The saying is now here that a certe[n power of horsemen] and footmen of the Ve[netians] ... town of B[ergamo] ... not only to reduce it again ... [but] also cause them to redeem their ... money, nevertheless it is not now facile to judge [whether h]e shall attain his said enterprise because that [wh]ere he had left in Polesyn in a town named Rwigo ... sperys Bartholomew Dalviane hath taken them [sl]eepers, and also another company in a place near to Verona; so that in all there seemeth to be taken above five hundred horses." The rest of the army, besides those who went with the Viceroy to the said enterprise of Bergamo, have retired to Verona. The Emperor is sending new forces, in the hope that the Viceroy may avenge this last disgrace and regret having spared the Venetians when he had them in his power. As to the practise between the Pope, the Emperor, the King of Aragon, and the Swiss, "now that the way is open betwixt your Grace and France," Henry will know better from there than here ... October.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 2.
29 Oct.
Add. MS. 34,208, f. 29. B.M.
_ Pleased to hear from his ambassadors what Louis has done in the solemnisation of his marriage with Henry's sister, and also of her dutiful demeanour towards him. Eltham, 29 Oct. 1514.
French. Modern extract, p. 1.
30 Oct.
Ven. Transcr., 176, p. 151. R.O.
3394. VENICE.
30 Oct. 1514.—Decree for the departure, in the course of next week, of the ambassadors Piero Pasqualigo and Francesco Donato, appointed to France and England.
Italian. Modern transcript, p. 1. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 501.
30 Oct.
Vitell. B. II., 106. B.M. Rymer, XIII., 467.
Has received from Sir Griffith Don, the bearer, the King's letters, and his magnificent present of two horses, with their housings. Rome, 30 Oct. 1514.
P. 1. Add. Mutilated.
30 Oct.
Ven. Transcr., 176, p. 151. R.O.
30 Oct. 1514.—The last letters received from him are of 16th ult. Have themselves written of all occurrents, their last letters being on the 27th inst. (sic). Will now describe, for the King's information, what has passed since they wrote on the said 6th day (sic), for lately, while the enemy lay between Vicenza and Padua, they were defeated in Este and afterwards D. Mercurio Bua, beyond the Adige, routed and captured more than 300 Spanish horse. The enemy had crossed into the Pollesene de Roygo, to spend the winter where provisions were abundant, when they heard how Renzo da Ceri, after his success over Silvio Savello, had recovered Bergamo. Thereupon the Viceroy went with part of his men to protect Bressa, leaving the rest in the Pollesene as far as Legnago. The Captain General, upon this, secretly bridged the Adige and came down upon the Pollesene on Saturday, 16th (sic) inst., storming Roygo (where over 400 of the enemy were killed or made prisoners and a great booty taken) and so scaring the enemies at Labbadia, Lendenara and Legnago that they threw away their armour and artillery and fled, some to Ferrara and some to Verona. Hope soon to win Verona. In announcing the above to the King, Badoer shall assure him that they continually desire to send the ambassadors appointed to him and France, and are only waiting to obtain safe conducts for their transit.
Italian. Modern transcript, pp. 3. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 506.
31 Oct.
Exch. Accts., 418 (5), f. 25. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Wm. Tebbe, serjeant of the Vestry, 30 surplices for men and ten for children, albs, &c. Greenwich, 31 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII.
31 Oct.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 295. R.O.
Paid to the French Queen by the King's command, 31 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII., 3,200 crowns of the sun, each crown=4s. 2d. To the French Queen's tailor, in reward, 20l. To two men of Newerke for bringing a prisoner thence to London, 8 Oct., 46s. 8d. "In all, in the presence of my Lord Archbishop of York, 689l." Signed: T. Lincoln post. Ebor.
P. 1. Endd.: Exr per Dalison.
31 Oct.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 154. R.O.
3399. [5541.] THOMAS LORD DACRE to WOLSEY.
Wonders, as he is charged with the Borders, that he has received no letters from the Council since 12 Aug., having written once to the King and once to them. Has not received the comprehension of Scotland in the amity with France. Many excesses have been committed in Scotland since the 15 Sept. The lords there are at great variance. Kirkoswald, 31 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add. My [Lord] of Lincoln elect to York. Endd.
31 Oct.
Galba B. III., 218. B.M.
Wrote last ... Have not [since] heard from his Highness. Two days ago a post came from the Emperor, and, as Berghez told Spinelly, the [Emperor], the King of Aragon, the Duke of Milan, and the Swiss have made a league offensive and defensive, the conclusion of which was deferred for the Pope's adhesion. Some of the Venetian forces had entered Bergamo, and the Spaniards saved themselves within the castle. The Viceroy of Naples was advancing to the rescue, and also the Duke of Milan. About St. Martin's day the Emperor will be at Fryebourh in Bryscope, and hath appointed to keep an "imperial journey." The secretary of the ambassador of Aragon here is appointed by the Emperor one of the ordinary secretaries of the Prince. In spite of the French, the Emperor and Aragon will continue good friends. The pirates who took Montjoye were driven by a storm to Zeland, where they were taken and put to death. The Pensionnaire of Delfte says the Scots robbed their fishermen of victuals, anchors and cables, for which they of Holland mean to make reprisal upon Scottish merchants. [The President of the] Privy Co[uncil] ... of the French stradiots be con ... of Sir Robt. de la Marche. There will be great [jousts] on Sunday next; the challengers to be the Count Palatine, the Marquis of Brandenburg, the Count of Nassau, and the Great Esquire Myngova[l]. Brussels, 31 Oct. 1514. Signed.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
31 Oct.
Vitell. B. II., 107. B.M. Rymer, XIII., 467.
3401. [5538.] LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
At the urgent request of the King, conveyed in three letters, had taken away the office of collector from Hadrian, Cardinal S. Chrysogon, and conferred it on Andrew Ammonius, the King's Latin Secretary. As the Cardinal held this office during the pontificate of the last four Popes uninterruptedly, would not have done him this injury, had he not thought that the Cardinal would gladly comply with the King's wish. As it had been insinuated that the King's letters had been extorted, and were not expressive of the King's own wishes, the Pope desires Henry to signify the truth; for if what has been done was at the King's own initiative the Pope will acquiesce and the Cardinal follow the King's wishes rather than his own advantage, but if the King was driven thereto by importunities it will be just, with his permission, to compensate the Cardinal. Rome, 31 Oct., 2 pont.
Vellum. Mutilated.
Transcripts, I., 1, f. 233. R.O.
2. Note of a copy in the Vatican, and the points in which it varies from the above.
P. 1.
31 Oct.
Ib., f. 234. R.O.
3402. LEO X. to FOX.
On the same subject. Desires him to write the whole truth; to the end that if the King's action was not spontaneous such account may be made of the Cardinal that, even if the person promoted is worthy, as indeed he is, not doing an injury may be preferred to conferring a benefit. Rome, 31 Oct., 2 pont.
Latin. Modern transcript, pp. 2. Headed: Wintoniensi.
31 Oct.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 152. R.O.
Is glad to learn the King's good opinion of him by letters which he has received through Sir Griffith Don, and the testimony borne in his favor by Sir Thos. Cene. The King had condescended to accept his small present of horses, and had returned the favor by sending him others more valuable, "quos dicunt gradarios." Knowing the King likes an active horse and a good leaper, sends him one. Rome, 31 Oct. 1514. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Addressed.
31 Oct.
Ven. Transcr., 180, p. 27. R.O.
31 Oct. 1514.—Wrote last on the 27th answering his of the 23rd. Where he writes of the Pope's offer of galleys to conduct into Provence the ambassadors whom the Signory are sending to France and England, he shall thank his Holiness and beg him to obtain them safe conduct from the Duke of Genoa for Pasqualigo and Donato and their train, who may then pass safely without troubling the Pope.
[Note by the secretary that with the above was sent a letter to the Ambassador in England and the copy of the letter (fn. 5) from Ragusans of 17 Oct. with news of the fight between the Turk and the Sophi, to be communicated to the Kigg.]
Italian. Modern extract, p. 1.
Sp. Transcr., I.,
5, f. 438. R.O.
Wrote on the 21st ult. of the necessity of a speedy peace between the Emperor and the Venetians, after which a general league might be concluded. Letters from Rome of the 23rd ult. show the Pope very desirous of a league for defence of Italy, especially Milan. Learns by Urea's of the 23rd ult. that the Emperor approves of a league with the Italians and Swiss (as negociations with France are broken off) and has sent an ambassador to Rome. Hopes that, after seeing Gurk at Inspruck, the Emperor will make further concessions. Dangers of their position. Want of money. Dilatory and erroneous policy of the Emperor. Proposed marriage of Madame Margaret with the Duke of Milan. Prince Charles should accept the King of England's offer and become a party to the peace between England and France. Approves of the Emperor's answer when informed of that peace. But they must lose no opportunity of gaining the King of England. The Knight Commander Gilabert must be sent back as soon as possible and Gurk go as legate to Germany. Micer Jacobus de Bannisis, Count Cariati, Master Mota. Approves a marriage of Prince Charles with daughter of the King of Hungary.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 18. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 189.
Egerton MS.
544, f. 223. B.M.
2. Another modern copy.
Pp. 23.
Ib., f. 267.
On some of the same subjects. The letters from Rome are said to be dated 23 "September." Calumnies spread by M. and Madame Ravastans and M. de Vendôme in the French manner.
Spanish. Modern copy, pp. 12. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 190.
Vitell. B. II.,
118. B.M.
The necessity of universal peace, lest the Turk, elated with recent victory, should invade Italy, impels the Pope, although by nature most desirous of concord, to urge that a powerful expedition may be undertaken against the Turks. Next to the King, his Holiness expresses most confidence in your Lordships for the attaining of this. No obstacle but the state of Milan. The Swiss will not allow it to be in the hands of the French, and they have promised the Duke 30,000 men. Great evils would arise if they defeated the French. The Pope knows that no one is so apt for composing matters between them as our King, considering the union he now has with the French King, who has assured the Pope that he will make no expedition against Milan without Henry's consent. Wishes England to persuade France to accept a pension from the Duke of Milan and make a truce for two or three years—50,000 ducats seem as much as the Duchy can bear. The Pope has ordered him to write to the King and them in this behalf. In this Court the greatest expectation is in the King, although the Spaniards make great promises. The Emperor, too, promises much if he agree with [the Venetians], whose aid is also necessary for the enterprise. The bp. of Murray has come here in great pomp to treat an exchange with Card. Cibo of the abpric. (fn. 6) which he holds in France for the abpric. of St. Andrew's, hoping thereby to be made a Cardinal, for otherwise he says he cannot get possession of St. Andrew's. Has told the Pope that Murray, who instigated the Scotch invasion of England, is specially obnoxious to the King, who will be offended if he is promoted. Murray complains that whereas the King of France promised to write in his favor he has written in behalf of the bp. of Leon (fn. 7) for a cardinalate. The Pope regrets the English ambassadors appointed to offer obedience were never sent. The French report it was done at their instigation.
The Pope has just received letters from the Emperor's Court stating that the Emperor has changed his mind about making peace with the Venetians, which would have astonished him in anyone else than the Emperor, since the Venetians are prospering and the Spaniards hard pressed. The Spanish ambassador here says there is a new treaty afoot between his King and England. His Holiness thinks this a Spanish lie, but desires to know for certain. Trusts their lordships have already sent the mandate of adherence to the Lateran Council as all other Christian princes have now done so.
Lat., copy, pp. 5.
3408. GRANTS IN OCTOBER, 1514.
1. James Hyet, of London, yeoman. Protection for one year; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngfelde, Deputy of Calais. Otford, 25 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Oct. P.S. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5472.]
2. Richard Shatford, of London, grocer. Protection for one year; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngfeld, Deputy of Calais. Dover, 29 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Oct. P.S. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [5473.]
3. Thomas Voell, Vowell, Voyell or Voyll, late of Ringwood. Hants, alias of Vowelles Comme, Devon, Westminster or Greenwich, gentleman. Pardon. Del. Westm., 4 Oct. S.P. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 30. [5471.]
4. Cornwall.—Warrant for a commission to the persons named in a bill (enclosed) to enquire into the late riots in Cornwall. Otford, 5 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Oct. S.B.
ii. The bill of names, viz., Roger Arundel, Piers Bevile, John Arundel of Talverne, Hen. Trecarell, John Scuysshe, Ric. Penros, Wm. Carnesewe and Wm. Lowre.
(2) The commission. Westm., 6 Oct. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13d. [5474.]
5. Thomas Beston, groom of the Chamber, and John Pate, groom of the Wardrobe of Beds. To be bailiffs, in survivorship, of the lordship of Hanley, and keepers of the park of Blakamore, Worc., as lately held by Erean Brereton; with herbage and pannage of the park. Del. Westm., 7 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13. [5478.]
6. Lincolnshire.—Warrant for a commission to the persons named in the enclosed bill to enquire into the late riots in Lincolnshire. Otford, 5 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Oct. S.B.
ii. The bill of names, viz., Wm. Lord Willoughby, Sir Wm. Tirwhitt, Sir John Skipwith, Sir Thos. Borough, Sir Lionel Dymmok, Thos. Willughby, Geo. Fitzwilliam, John Hennege, Edw. Forman, Geoffrey Panell, John Robynson, Wm. Disney, Thos. Barmeston, John Toppliff and Thos. Mysseldyn.
(2). The commission. Westm., 7 Oct. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13d. [5476.]
7. Ric. Baldok of Charyng, Kent, husbandman. Reversal of outlawry; sued for debt by Thos. Chamber. Westm., 9 Oct. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28d. (Cancelled "quia aliter in rotulo.") [5481.]
8. Guy Portinori. Licence to retain for five years the customs on all goods imported and exported by him after 1 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII., to the amount of 2,000l. Del. Westm., 9 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5486.]
9. Sir Richard Whetehill. Annuity of 40 marks for life, from 6 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII., by the hands of the treasurer of Calais. Del. Westm., 9 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5485.]
10. Oswald Forster, chaplain. Presentation to the church of Froyton, in the Marches of Calais, Canterbury dioc., void by death. Otford, 5 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Oct. P.S. [5487.]
11. Henry Calais. Grant, in reversion, of a corrody in the monastery of Tavestok, on death or resignation of Anthony Lygh, one of the clerks of the kitchen to Henry VII. Del. Westm., 12 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5494.]
12. Roger Darlay, clk. Presentation to the church of Scrayngham, York dioc., void by death. Del. Westm., 13 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5498.]
13. John Hunt, cook for the King's mouth. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Del. Westm., 14 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11. [5499.]
14. Roger Alford, yeoman of the Crown. Annuity of 10 marks, out of the issues of the lordship of Denbigh, N. Wales, vice William Eyton, dec. Del. Westm., 15 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21. [5501.]
15. Walter ap Rice, draper alias vintner of London. Protection for one year (altered from three years); going in the suite of Sir Richard Wyngefelde, Deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 16 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5502.]
16. Hen. Earl of Northumberland, Ric. Nevell Lord Lati[mer], Ric. Rokeby, Thos. Hall, and Wm. Elson. Special commission to enquire of riots, &c., in Yorkshire. Westm., 17 Oct. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11d. [5503.]
17. John Gylmyn. To be marshal of the King's minstrels, with wages of 4½d. a day, and fee of 10 marks a year, vice John Chambre. Eltham, 15 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Oct. P.S. (in English). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. [5504.]
18. Commissions of the peace. See Appendix.
Beds. Westm., 18 Oct.
Bucks. "
Cumb. "
Derb. "
Essex. "
York (E. R.). "
York (W. R.). "
York (N. R.). "
Glouc. "
Hunts. "
Herts. "
Heref. "
Kent. "
Lincoln (Kesteven). Westm., 18 Oct.
" (Lyndesey). "
" (Holand) "
Leic. Westm., 18 Oct
Midd. "
Notts. "
Nthld. "
Oxon. "
[Surrey.] "
Staff. "
Salop. "
Hants. "
Suff. "
Soms. "
Camb. "
Sussex. "
Westmld. "
Worc. "
Warw. "
Staff. (repeated) "
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, mm. 4d. to 6d. [5506.]
19. Simon Gilford. Writ to the Sheriff of Hants, to pay his wages of 2d. a day as ranger of the forest of Westebury alias Kyngesbury, Hants, as appointed by pat. 7 Feb. last. Westm., 18 Oct. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12. [5507.]
20. Philip Boteler. Livery, as son and heir of John Boteler, of lands in cos. Hertford, Salop, Bedford, Chester, Stafford, Suffolk, and Wilts, or elsewhere. Del. Westm., 18 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25. [5509.]
21. Anthony Hansart of Intwode, Norf., alias of London, alias of Owrysby, Linc., esquire. Pardon and release as receiver of the possessions of Cicely late Viscountess of Wells. Del. Wesm., 18 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1. m. 11. [5508.]
22. John Copinger, clerk of estreats of the Common Pleas. Annuity of 10l. for life out of the issues of the manor of Wytley, Surrey. Del. Wesm., 19 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. [5510.]
23. Sir Ralph Verney. Livery of lands as son and heir of Sir John Verney, who at his death held the manor of Myddle Claydon, Bucks., of King Henry VII. Eltham, 17 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Oct. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 28. [5514.]
24. Wm. Cliston, chaplain. Grant of the free chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr at Barenstaple and of St. Katharine the Virgin of Fremyngton, Devon, void by death, and in the King's gift by virtue of the duchy of Exeter. Westm., 21 Oct. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 17. [5515.]
25. Roger Lupton, clk., doctor of decrees. Pardon and release as late clerk of the Hanaper. Del. Westm., 21 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5516.]
26. Calais. Commission to Sir Hugh Conway, treasurer of Calais, Geoffrey Villers, Anthony Nele and George Gaynesford, to examine, in the presence of Humph. Banaster, esquire, mayor, and the aldermen of Calais, the record and process of a plea before the said mayor and aldermen between Francis le Roye, plaintiff, and John Bolle, vintner of London, defendant, concerning a debt of 86l. 13s. 6d. Westm., 22 Oct. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [5519.]
27. Master James Malet, B.D. Grant of a canonry and prebend in the collegiate church of St. Mary and St. George, Windsor Castle, vice Master William Atwater, resigned. Eltham, 14 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Oct. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11. [5520.]
28. John Yong, keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery. To cancel a congé d'élire, dated 15 Sept. 19 Hen. VII., to the subprior of the priory of Walsingham, on the death of Sir John Farewell, late prior; the prior and convent having the right of free election. 24 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B.
ii. Petition of the canons of the priory of St. Mary, Walsingham. for warrant to the Clerk of the Rolls to cancel a congé d'élire, dated 19 Hen. VII., which William Lowth, Sir Richard Empson, and Edmund Dudley, on the death of John Farewell, unlawfully obtained, and upon which the said William Lowth was elected prior; the convent having always elected a prior, without licence from the Earls of Marche, their founders, or any of the King's predecessors. Subscribed as Delivered to John Yong, 26 Nov. "per manus Walsyngham canonici prioratus de Walsyngham." [5522.]
29. Sir Robert Rede, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Licence to found a chantry in honor of Christ for one chaplain to officiate at the altar of St. Katharine in the church of St. Mary, Chedyngstone, Kent, for the said Robert and Margaret his wife; also mortmain licence to acquire lands to the annual value of 20 marks. Del. Westm., 24 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12. [5521.]
30. Abbey of St. Ositha of Chich. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat 26 April 1 Hen. VI., conf.:
Ch. 20 Jan. 2 Hen. V., conf.:
Pat. 3 May 10 Ric. II. (p. 2, m. 15), conf:
a. Ch. 26 Nov. 37 Edw. III., conf.:
Ch. 7 Feb. 11 Edw. II., conf.:
Ch. 26 April 14 Edw. I., conf.:
Ch. 11 Sept. 52 Hen. III., conf.:
Ch of Hen. II.
b. Pat. 16 Nov. 7 Ric. II., exemplifying:
Pat. 6 May 10 Edw. III.
B. Ch. of Stephen (fair at Clacton).
C. Ch. of Hen. II. (appointment and removal of a prior at Blebure).
D. Ch. 1 June 11 Hen. III.
E. Pat. 6 Feb. 20 Edw. II.
F. Ch. 23 July 21 Edw. III.
G. Pat. 1 Sept. 4 Ric. II.
H. Pat. 15 March 6 Ric. II.
I. Pat. 24 May 7 Ric. II.
J. Pat. 18 June 16 Ric. II.
Westm., 24 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. Conf. Roll 50, No. 5.
31. John Power, a messenger of the Chamber. Annuity of 10 marks from Mich. 5 Hen. VIII. till the King give him an office of that value. Otford, 25 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Oct. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 31. [5525.]
32. Abbey of Whitby. Restitution of temporalities on election of Thomas Bednell as abbot vice John Bensted, dec.; the election having been confirmed by Brian Higdon, vicar general of Christopher Abp. of York. Eltham, 22 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Oct. P.S.
ii. Petition for the above. 10 July, 1514. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 29. [5524.]
33. Thos. Lord Dacre, Rob. Lord of Ogle, Sir Wm. Bulmer and Sir ... Commission to enquire in Newcastle upon Tyne as to the murder of Wm. Loveday. Westm., 26 Oct. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11d. [5528.]
34. Rob. Rychardson, Wm. Pennythorp and Ralph Auger son of Alex. Auger. Pardon for entry without licence on a messuage, lands, and tenements in Cawode, Yorks., which, as appears by inquisition before Edw. Knyght, escheator in Yorkshire, the said Alexander, by a fine levied 4 Hen. VIII., granted to the said Robert and William and the heirs of the said Robert, who regranted them to the said Alexander for his life, with remainder to the said Ralph Auger in tail, with contingent remainder to Wm. Auger, brother of the said Ralph in tail, with contingent remainder to the right heirs of the said Alexander. Westm., 26 Oct. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 29. [5527.]
35. Richard Chapman. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Margaret, daughter and heir of William Mars, alias Masse. Eltham, 11 July 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Oct. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12. [5531.]
36. George Fraunceys and James Worseley. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of ranger of the King's forest in the Isle of Wight, with 4d. a day. Del. Westm., 26 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5530.]
37. Commissions.
Yorkshire and City of York.—Commission of oyer and terminer to Henry Earl of Northumberland, Richard Nevell Lord Latimer, Sir Thomas Lovell, Robert Brudenell, one of the justices of the King's Bench, Sir Thomas Parre, Brian Palmes, serjeant-at-law, Sir William Tirwhit and Richard Rokesby. Westm., 22 Nov. 6 Hen. VIII.
ii. York (City).—Writ to the sheriffs in pursuance of the above. Westm., 23 Nov. 6 Hen. VIII.
iii. York (County).—Similar writ to the sheriff. Same date.
iv. Notts, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln, York, Cumberland, and Westmoreland.—Commission of muster and array to Henry Earl of Northumberland and Sir Thomas Lovell, K.G. Westm., 24 Nov. 6 Hen. VIII. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4d.
v. Commission to Sir Richard Wyngfeld, deputy, Sir Hugh Conwey, treasurer, and [John] Bunoult, secretary, of the town of Calais, Robert Fouler and Anthony Nele, to receive 50,000 francs, equal to 26,315 crowns, on 1 Nov. next, at Calais, from Louis King of France, being part of payment of 1,000,000 crowns of gold due from that King. Westm., 26 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII.
vi. Acknowledgment of the receipt of the above 50,000 francs on 1 Nov. Westm., 5 Nov. 6 Hen. VIII. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8. Rymer XIII. 465–6. [5529, 5605, 5626.]
38. Master William Hone. Presentation to the deanery of Tamworth, Cov. and Lich. dioc., void by death of Humphrey Wistowe. Del. Westm., 28 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18.
2. The same. Grant of the same deanery, together with the mansion. Eltham, 26 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Oct. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12. [5533.]
39. Prior and convent of the New Hospital of St. Mary without Busshopesgate. Mortmain licence to acquire lands to the annual value of 100l. Eltham, 24 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 Oct. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19. [5534.]
40. John a Guylliams, the King's serjeant-at-arms. Grant, in reversion, of the corrody in the monastery of Malmesbury, now held by John Wilkynson. Del. Westm., 30 Oct. S.B. [5536.]
41. James Welles or Weles, of Odiam, Hants, tanner. Protection for one year; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngfeld, Deputy of Calais. Eltham, 21 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 Oct. P.S. [5537.]


  • 1. This passage is struck out.
  • 2. Of Tournay.
  • 3. Richard Sampson
  • 4. See page 968, footnote.
  • 5. Printed in Sanuto, xix., p. 185.
  • 6. Bourges.
  • 7. Legionensis. But as the bp. of Leon (Louis of Aragon) was already cardinal it may be that St. Pol de Leon (Leonensis) or, more probably, Liège (Leodiensis), is meant.