Henry VIII: March 1513, 16-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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'Henry VIII: March 1513, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer (London, 1920), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp771-790 [accessed 14 February 2025].

'Henry VIII: March 1513, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Edited by J S Brewer (London, 1920), British History Online, accessed February 14, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp771-790.

"Henry VIII: March 1513, 16-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Ed. J S Brewer (London, 1920), British History Online. Web. 14 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp771-790.


March 1513

16 March.
Lettres de Louis XII., iv., 88. Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 101.
It appears by her letters of the 5th inst. that the English ambassadors have communicated their King's final answer to the articles, viz. (1) that he will accord only 100,000 cr. a la coronne, instead of 120,000 cr. au soleil, payable at Calais one-third within a month after the Emperor declares himself enemy of the French, one-third when he commences hostilities and the rest within three months after, and (2) that he will not hear of the 6,000 combatants required by the eighth article but do as he and his predecessors have ever done with the House of Burgundy. Accepts the treaty as the King desires and begs her to conclude it in all haste, and let him know how he is to declare himself enemy. She must try to have the payments made in Antwerp and get the ambassadors to hasten them; for he means to begin actual war immediately after the declaration. Ulm, 16 March 1512.
16 March.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 103.
Since the departure of Simon de Ferrette (fn. 1) the Emperor has news from France that there is no hope of his obtaining a treaty of peace with the French; and therefore he now writes to her, by other letters, to conclude the treaty with the English. As to the 20,000 cr. in debate with the King of England, the bp. of Gurce, whom he will shortly send to her, will declare the Emperor's intention. Ulm, 16 March 1512.
17 March. 1681. THORNEY ABBEY.
Election. See GRANTS IN MARCH NOS. 34, 37.
17 March.
Sanuto, XVI., 57.
1682. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 21 March 1513.]
From the Ambassador at Rome, 17 March.—* * * The Pope has chosen, as his ambassador to the Signory, Piero di Bibiena, who is here at Venice. A letter has come from the King of Scotland, directed to Pope Julius, exhorting him to make peace between France and England, otherwise he (Scotland) must break with England; and he has 50 ships in order and ready.* * *
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 230.
18 March.
Galba B. III., 67. B.M.
1683. [3805.] SPINELLY to HENRY VIII.
Wrote this morning to save post. Madame de Savoie, having heard from certain foreigners who frequent England that the King has been privately banquetting in their houses, would warn him of the subtle malignity of his enemies, who have neither conscience nor faith. The ambassador of Aragon is endeavouring to remove Chievres and his adherents from their places about the Prince, so as to replace them by persons agreeable to his master, and to drive Don Juan Manuel from the Court. Madame shows great inclination to satisfy that King. Begs a benefice for his brother. Malines, 18 March 1512.
P.S.—A friend has sent him a letter, which the King will see, containing news of Denmark.
Hol., French, mutilated, p. 1. Add.
19 March. 1684. TRINITY HOUSE.
Foundation. See GRANTS IN MARCH, No. 39.
19 March. 1685. SIR EDWARD HOWARD.
Admiral. See GRANTS IN MARCH, No. 40.
19 March. 1686. SIR THOMAS LOVELL.
Constable of the Tower. See GRANTS IN MARCH, No. 41.
19 March.
Papal Bulls, 26 (18). R.O. Rym., XIII., 349.
1687. [3806.] LEO. X. to HENRY VIII.
Notifying his election to the papacy, 11 March, on the death of his predecessor on 21 Feb. Rome, xiv. kal. April 1512.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
[19 March.]
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229, f. 128. R.O.
By your letter, I perceive that you have sent my fellow Keby with a clerk to view the victual here. "Sir, without I should lose a tide it cannot be"; and, as those who delivered the victuals at London can say what they delivered and most of our pursers are left behind to hasten the victuals, I send Keby back to you. "And I have sent a guest up to the King, that was taken in the Marya de Loretta. I pray you let him be well twitched, for I ween he can speak news." Has received the satin of Bruges. Will write when he comes to the Downs. "Written in the Mary Roos this Saturday."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Master Amner be this delyvered in hast. Endd.: My lord Admiral.
19 March.
Vesp. C. I., 50. B.M.
1689. [3807.] JOHN STILE to HENRY VIII. (In cipher.)
"Soverayn Lord, for dyvers cawsys consernyng my Lord Monjoy, y departeyd yesterday from yowr fader of Arragons corte, beynge in Medyna del Campo, and cam hether to thys town of Valadalyd, where y fownd a man of San Sebastyans bownd homewardys to hys contray. For the whyche, and yt plese yowr grace, y wrate thys letter for to be convayed unto yowr hyzghnys, yn case so be that any schypys be yn the partys of Lypwsca bownd to wardys yowr realme of Yngland, to thentent that contynwally yowr hyzghnys may have knowlych of the tydeyngys of thys cuntray.
"And where, and yt plese yowr grace, that yowr chapellayn Doctur Knyzghte, and y yowr servant, by owr sundry letters of the date of the thyrd, fowryth, and fyvetyn days of thys presente, we certefyed the nwys at that tyme yn thys partys acurrant, and owr letters of the dateys of the thryd and fowryth day as afore sayde, y sent from hens towardys yowr hyzghnys by my servant Rychard Prowse, and the copy of a nwetrety devyseyd by the Kyng yowr fader of Arragon, the whych treaty y encloseyd wythe owr sayd letters of the date of the fowryth day of thys present, by the whych, and owr other letters syth, we have certefyed unto yowr hyzgnys that the Kyng yowr good fader was not content for to confyrme the nwe treaty by yowr hyzghnys devyseyd, bereyng the date of the sevyntyn day of December, but passyd the tyme wyth wordys, and at the last causeyd the sayd nwe trety to be made, the whych he now of late hath sent unto hys ambassatwr beyng yn yowr royal corte, the copy whereof y sent unto yowr hyzghnys as aforesayd.
"And yt plese yowr grace as aforesayd the Kyng yowr sayd fader passyd and delayed the time wyth us yowr servantys yn the geveyng of hys answer, was for non other cawse but for taryeng the comeyng of the provynsyal of the Gray Freers of Arragon wyth letters from the corte of France; the whych provynsyal and letters from the Frensche Qwyn unto the Qwyn of Aragon came to thys corte on the thre or fowre and twenty day of February: by the whych the Frensche Qwynys desyre ys that, as the sayeyng of the Kyng yowr fader of Aragon ys, that a trwys may be had for the space of oon yere bytwxt yowr hyzghnys the Kyng yowr sayd fader and hyr husband the Frensche Kyng, yn the whych tyme that yowr ambassaturs of everry party, and of themperowr, myzghte meyt for a farther and a contynwal peas; to the whych trwys and conmunycacyon to be had of a swerty, Soverayn Lord, the Kyng yowr good fader ys and wolbe verry agreabyl. And after my pore mynd, wyth the pardon of yowr grace, the sayd freer provyncyal was sent by the Kyng yowr good fader and his Qwyn yn to France pwrposely to thentent that the Frensch Kyng schuld not ayde the late Kynge and Qwyn of Navar; for the Kyng yowr sayd fader ys nothyng toward nor prepareyd for to make warrys thys yere, nother by ze ne by land; and hys hyzghnys dothe pay the men of war so yl that they be wery of thaym self, and by al semelytwde schal never do any grete acte profytabyl to yowr enterpryse of Ghyayn, on les that hyt be wythe the power and helpe of yowr grace. For thay here yn case that thay may have Navar yn peas, thay wyl make no warr, and other wyse thay must of necessyte make war. The Kyng yowr fader y thynke schalbe abuseyd wyth thys Freynsche cownsayl, and everry man here speke and mervele that yowr sayd fader wol comune of any trwys wytheoute the assent of yowr hyzghnys, and so we yowr servantys have sayed unto hys hyzghnys; the whych hath answerd that he wyl never apoynt truys nor peas wyth the Freynsche Kyng wyth oute the asent of yowr grace, and that therefore he hath sent hys ambassatwr the Bysschop of Catanya to Bayon for to comune wyth the Freynsche Kyngys conmyssarys there, and for to have a saf condute for yowr messengers and hys for to pass by land thowrow France.
"And yt plese yowr grace, the Bysschop of Catanya departeyd from hens towardys Bayon, and as yet there ys no awnswer come from hym how that he doyth wythe the Frenschemen and the Kyng of Arragon; and hys cownsayl do thayr maters under such colore and manner that y nor any other man that best can thys langaje, can nor may understand thaym other wyse then by thayre dedys, thayre promysys and wordys be so fayre.
"And yt plese yowr grace for to undrestand that yesterday, byfore my departeyng from the corte, a frynd of myn secretly schawyd to me a letter that was sent to hym from a frynd of hys, whych ys wyth the Qwyn of Navar, the tenur where of yn effecte ys, that hyt was wretyn to the Kyng of Navar from the corte of France by a frynd of hys, that the Kyng of Arragon and the Frensch Kyng were agreyd, and that therefore that he schuld hast hym to the corte of France yn case that he wold not be utterly lost and hys reame; and that ynmedyatly upon the same the sayd Kyng yn post wyth a smal cumpany, of the whych he that wrate that letter whych y sawe was oon, departeyd toward the corte of France; and, or that they cam, by fyve legys, whereas Monsyr de Albrytte lay, the kyng met wythe Monsyr de Orvalys secretary, the whych cam also yn post from the corte of France, the whych browzghte letters to the Kyng of Navar and letters of credence; upon the whych the Kyng and the sayd secretary aparte by the space of oon howre comunyd together and then departeyd; and the Kyng verry merely rode to hys fader Monsyr Delabryt, sayeyng that al hys maters went wel yn the corte of France; and Monser Delabrytte sclepys nother day ne nyzght, geveyng hym self to the Devel, and makeyng hym self and al hys power redy for to enter yn to Navar. And yn case that he can not enter yn to Navar, that he wyl enter yn to Aragon, sayeyng that he wyl sel hys erldome that he hath by sydys Parys for to make war for the recoverry of Navar, and that he wyl be carryed thother yn a horse lytter, and that alredy at the wreteyng of the sayd letter on the fwrst day of March that he had come to hym a hors lode of money for to pay hys pepyl.
"And yt plese yowr grace he that wrate the sayd letter sygnyfythe yn the same that the Frensch Kynge, by the advyse of dyverse lordys and many of hys cownsayle, was determynyd fully for to have lefte the late Kyng and Qwyn of Navarrys parte, and for to have apoyntyd wyth the Kyng yowr good fader; and that after that the Frensche Kyng determynyd other wyse, and thereuppon callyd hys lordys and cownsayl, sayeyng to theym that for hys synys Almyzghty God dyd geve to hym many trobylys and dyverse poynyschmentys, and that he persayvyth that the anschyean[t] enemys of France on everry parte do move ayenst hym, but therefore he fereyth not but wyl be abyl for to wythstand thaym al. And sayed unto thaym that they schwld take what part that thay wold, for that he ys fully determynyd for to take parte wyth the Kyng and Qwyn of Navar, the whych he had fownd fast and kynd to hym, and that thay be nere kyn unto hym, and that therefore he wold not se theym nor thayr ream of Navar lost. Sayeyng also that the Kyng and Qwyn of Navar have desyreyd of hym for the recovery of thayr realme but syx thowsand fotemen and fowre hwndard sperys, wyth the whych and oth[er] thayre fryndys and kynysmen thayr trust ys for to recover Navar, the whych the Frensch Kyng sayde that thay schal have the sayd syx thowsand men and the fowr hwndard sperys accordeyng to thayr desyrys; and that for the sayd enterpryse he made hys cappytans generralys Monsyr de Lawter and Lwys Monsor, the whych by the fyvetyn day of thys monythe of Marche schuld be redy for to ajoyne wyth the Kyng of Navar and Mosyr Delabryt; sayeyng that tha[y] (fn. 2) trust for to gether the harveyst yn Navar; wyth many other thyngys yn the sayd letter specefyed, of the whych y have no layser for to write for the hasty departeyng of thys messenger.
"Monsyr de Palysa ys hevy frynd to the Kyng of Navar, and yn al that he may letteyth that the Frenschemen schuld not com yn Navar, sayeyng that al that go thother schal be sclayne and famysschyd for hwnger; for the whyche there ys grete varryance bytwyxt Monsyr d'Albryt and Monsyr de la Palysa. And yn case, soverayn lord, that theys aforesayd matters be trwe, the Kyng yowr good fader ys and schalbe gretely dyssayveyd, for al hys trust was for to have had peas or trwys wythe the Frensch Kyng. The kyng yow[r] sayd fader hathe byn seke, and now ys wel amendyd, and wyl remove from Medyna on the oon and twenty day of thys monyth hetherward. And as the tydeyngys hereafter schalbe y schal certefy the same wnto yowr hyzghnys by the grace of Almyzghty God, who perserve yowr royalyst astate long for to endwre. Wretyn yn Valadalyd on the nyn tyn day of March by yowr most humyl servant, John Style."
J. S.
Addressed: To the Kyngis most nobylle grace of Yngland our Soverayn Lord.
20 March.
Calig. B. VI., 36. B.M. Halliwell's Royal Letters, I., 213.
1690. [3811.] HENRY VIII. to the DEAN OF WINDSOR (WEST).
By his letter from Berwick of the 13th of this month (March) understands that, from Dacre's report, he supposes that the King of Scots will keep the peace if he may have safe passage by sea for merchandise, without disturbance from the English army, and safe conducts for repair into England. West is to take heed that it be not a mere pretext for passing their great ship and their navy to France without hazard from England, and get some substantial testimony in writing; for, as the English navy is now at sea, they will undoubtedly encounter the Scotch navy, if they find them passing into France. As for redress of grievances, England has sustained three times as much damage as the Scotch, and ought to have the larger recompense, "so that our warden and commissioner have sufficient grounds to content the Scots with reason." As many bills as possible should be redressed and the residue ended by abolition. If they will return Banaster's ship, England will return the ship taken at Berwick.
Draft in Ruthal's hand, p. 1. Endd.: "The minute of a letter, dated the 20th day of March, directed to the Dean of Windsor, the King's ambassador in Scotland, anno 4to."
Calig. B. VI.,
55. B.M.
2. [3812.] [Postscript to the above ?]
"And, finally," if they require extreme justice for attempts done by sea, which cannot be fairly settled by the laws of the Borders, he shall suggest "a general abolition," endeavouring to secure restitution of Banaster's ship and as many more as possible before deliverance of the ship and goods taken at Berwick and the making of the abolition.
Draft in Ruthal's hand, p. 1. Dated in the margin in a later hand, 20 March 1513, 4 Hen. VIII.
20 March.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. on Various Collections, vol. II., p. 335.
Authority to pay Sir John Wylshire and John Clyfford, governor of the Merchant Adventurers in Flanders, 1,000l. in money current in Flanders. 20 March 4 Hen. VIII.
ii. The like for 100l. Fl. to _ Brown and _ Fermer towards provision of foists for victualling the army. Same date.
[20 March.]
S.P. Hen. VIII., 3, f. 133. R.O.
Certain men of war in three barques on the coast of Winchilsea, "and the captain of them, naming himself to be my son," have robbed certain subjects of the Prince of Castile, and thereof made a writing in the name of his said son. Begs his favor for the discharge of his son and the recovery of the goods. Offers services at Calais. Dover, Palm Sunday. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Addressed: "To Master Amner."
20 March.
Galba B. III., 66. B.M.
In behalf of Alonso de Lalo, a Spanish merchant at Mydelburg, desiring restitution of two vessels (batteaulx) of wine, seized by Henry's men of war and carried to London, on the pretext that Alonso's agent, Antoine Gerbier, is a Frenchman, whereas it has been shown to the English council that he is a burgess of Mydelburg. Malines, 20 March 1512. Signed.
French, p. 1. Add.
20 March.
Cott. App., L., f. 40 (formerly XLVII., 27). B.M.
A ship of Camfer has come from Brest haven to Middelburgh which reports that 35 men of war and six galleys are there waiting for the 16 sail that be at S. [Malo ?] for an enterprise [against] Falmouth haven or Plymouth. Thinks the west coast should be put in a state of defence, as well as all the coast "and espschaly at Hampton for your carek there." Six Bretons, laden with salt worth 5,000l. or 6,000l., are come into Zeland; with them a barque of Depe bound for Scotland with [a pr]esent from the French King to the Queen of Scots to ... the great ship of Scotland. On Wednesday last ... Spaniards of Bebow, all new ships laden with Spanish wool. The King may have them if he please. Begs he will order three or four barques to fetch the 100 hoys "that your Grace hath written to me for," for fear they be taken by the French. Has received a licence for them from my Lady of Savoy. The King has doubtless heard of the new Pope, and of the death of the King of Denmark. Medilborght, 20 March.
Hol., p. 1, broad sheet, mutilated. Add. Endd.: Sir John Wiltshire.
20 March.
Sanuto, XVI., 133.
1695. ROBERTO ACCIAIOLI, Florentine Ambassador, to his SIGNORY.
* * * 18 March.—Yesterday Mons. d'Utrech wrote from Guienne that Almazan's uncle, a bishop, has come to Fontarabia to conclude the truce for one year. It is thought to be already made. The King of Spain means that England shall make truce also, and apparently makes efforts to appease the rest [of the world] that he may attend to a rearrangement of Lombardy by means of a marriage. * * * Blois, 20 March 1512.
Harl. MS.,
1178, f. 17. B.M.
Considerations to be shown unto the King's grace why Sir Thomas Parre should not have the name of Lord Fitzhugh.
Lord Dacre is son and heir of the elder sister, one of the heirs of Lord Fitzhugh, dec. To give the name to the heir of the younger daughter would be a dishonour to him. The pre-eminences growing, by law, to the elder daughter's heirs, for presentment to advowsons, &c., by that name of dignity given to heirs of the younger should be lost and men think that Sir Thomas Parre descended of the elder sister.
Copy, p. 1. Headed: Copy of a writing "found in the closet" of Thomas lord Dacre, great-grandfather to Margaret lady Dacre, wife to Samuel Lennard, esquire.
21 March.
Galba B. III., 104. B.M.
1697. [3817.] SPINELLY to [HENRY VIII.].
Wrote last on the 18th. Last night a post came from the Emperor despatched at Wolmo [Ulm], three days' journey beyond Spiers, on the 16th, by which Madame received news, as the Ambassadors will report. The governor of Bresse has told him the Swiss have consented to wait, on some hope held out to them by the Emperor that they may be employed in the English service. They are less well disposed to the French than they have ever been, and at the next diet will demand that Milan and Cremona be put into the hands of the Duke. Has heard that the Cardinals entered peaceably into the conclave on the 4th inst. but there is no news of the papal election. Sends an extract of news from Milan and the Emperor; also a letter (and translation of it in Latin) sent by one of the brothers Des Huberts from Serizee touching the army collecting in Britanny. Several Breton vessels are at Zealand, wondering how they escaped your people so lightly. Was told in Madame's chamber that your people never made war except upon the subjects here. She has granted a passport, duty free, to Will. Coppland. The Friscobaldi, Galteroti and others, under your name have evaded the duty. Malines, 21 March 1512.
French, mutilated, pp. 2.
[22 March.]
Calig. D. VI., 101. B.M. Ellis, 2 S., I., 213.
Informs him that on Saturday, in the morning, after the King had left the fleet, they were to have gone into the Deeps, but on coming to Gyrdelar Hed the wind veered from W.N.W. to E.N.E., and obliged them to anchor for that day. He had commanded [such] of the small ships as would go next way to the Downs to get them over the Land's End, and there went that way both the new barks The Lesard and The Swalow, and eight more of the small ships; the residue kept with the writer through the Deeps. All Palm Sunday they stirred not, for the wind was E. by S., "which was the right course that we should draw to ... On Monday the wind came W.S.W., which was very good for us; and [that night ?] we slept it not; for at the beginning of the flood we were all under sail." [Here a whole line is lost] ... "slakyng, where the Kateryn Fortaleza saylyd very weel." . . "Your good ship, the flower, I trow, of all ships that ever sailed, reckoning ... every ship, and came within three spear length of the Kateryn, and spake to John Flem[ming and to] Peter Seman, and to Freman, master, to bear record that the Mary Rose did fetch her at the tay[l on her] best way and the Mary's worst way; and so, Sir, within a mile sailing left her an fly ... at the sterne; and she al the other, savyng a v. or syx smal shipps which cut o[ver the] Forland the next wey. And, Sir, then our curs chanched, and went hard uppon a bowlyn ... the Forland, wher the Mary Rose, your noble shyp, fet the Mary George, the Katerryn Prove, a bark ... Lord Ferys hyryd, the Leonard off Deartmowth; and som of them weer iiij. long myle afor m[e] or ever I cam to the Forland. The next shipp that was to me, but the Sovereyn, was iij. myl behynd ... but the Sovereyn past not half a myle behynd me. Sir, sche is the noblest shipp of sayle [of any] gret ship, at this howr, that I trow be in Cristendom." When the admiral came to anchor he wrote down the order in which the other vessels came up. The first after the Mary Rose was the So[vereyn], [then the] Nycholas, then the Leonard of Dertmouth, the Mary George, the Herry of Hampton, the Anne [of Greenwich], the Nycholas Montrygo called the Sancheo de Garra, the Kateryn, the Mary [Fortune]. "Sir, one after another, there was a fowle tayle betwen the Mary Roose and the aftermest [which] was the Marya de Loretta. And the Crist was one of the wurst this day. She may beer [no more] sayl, no mor may the Katerryn." The wind rising, they left the Foreland and tried to get into the Downs through the Gowlls. Between the Brakks and the Goodwin the wind veered and put them in danger. Some of the vessels were fain to put about. Hopes the victual will come safe. The ships of Bristol are with him; "one that Antony Poynges is in upon a ix. score." Such a fleet was never seen in Christendom. Excuses the length of his letter, but the King commanded him to send word how every ship did sail. Has written to Master Almoner for victuals. Desires a warrant to Ble[wbery] to deliver Hopton 200 harness. Written in the Mary Rose. Signed.
A long roll of paper. Much mutilated. Add.: To the King's noble grace from the Admiral.
22 March.
Galba B. VI., 13. B.M.
1699. [3821.] SPINELLLY to [HENRY VIII.].
Wrote last yesterday. To-day came a post from the Card, of York at Rome, with letters, which he transmits. Hears from a friend at Bruges that 40 vessels of war have left Normandy for Brest, whence they will sail at the end of this month. Expects the return of the messenger from Antwerp every hour. By letters of the 12th from Milan the Viceroy of Naples had taken Placencia, and expected in four days to have possession of Parma. The Duke of Ferrara has made a descent upon Modena and Reggio, and would easily have reconquered them but for the Viceroy's army, which obliged him to retire, wasting the country. The Venetians have sent great part of their army towards Ravenna and Faenza. Hopes the creation of a new Pope will put an end to many disorders. The Catholic ambassador says that, by letters from Almain, the arrangement between the Emperor and the Venetians is still doubtful. A rupture would be prejudicial to the Holy League. Needs money. Malines, 22 March.
French. Hol., pp. 2. Mutilated.
22 March.
Ib. III., 67b. B.M.
Writes again in behalf of Jehan de Cerf, now in the service of the Earl of Surrey, that he may be transferred to that of Mary, betrothed to the Prince her nephew. Malines, 22 March 1512. Signed.
French, p. 1. Add.
22 March.
Sanuto, XVI., 71.
1701. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 31 March, 1513.]
From the Ambassador at Rome, 22 March.—The Pope's coronation on the 19th. Letters from England of 16 Feb. report preparations by England against France and by Scotland against England.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 231.
23 March.
Ib., 211.
1702. VENICE.
[Extract from a letter received 3 May 1513.]
From Lorenzo Pasqualigo to his brothers Alvise and Francesco, London, 23 March.—English preparations against France by sea and land. Has repeatedly advised the sending of a letter by the Signory to the King, but none has come. The ambassador, too, is without letters. This slighting of the King whose friendship can be had without cost will assuredly prove costly.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 239.
23 March.
Dumont, IV., i., No. 86.
Treaty between France and Venice made at Blois, 23 March 1513, before (sic) Easter, by Andrew Griti and Secretary Aloysius Petri, and confirmed at Venice 11 April 1513.
24 March.
Stowe MS., 146, f. 26. B.M.
Account by Cornelius Johnson, the King's gunmaker, of the repair of guns and ironwork, from 22 Jan. to 24 March, 4 Hen. VIII., provided for the ships John the Baptyst, Mary George, Mary Roose, Peter Pound Garnet, Mary Jeamys, Spanish Carrack, carrack of Jene called Mary Loret, Suffrayn, Great Nicholas, Hary of Hampton, the row barges called the Swallow and the Sweepstake, and for the Genet of Pyerwyn, as well as for work done upon Mr. Hopton's guns for the King's ships. Twelve new serpentines were delivered "from Tower Wharf unto Master Gonnestone for the King's new galleys" on 24 March 4 Hen. VIII. Total, 136l. 22d.
Pp. 17.
Ib., f. 41.
2. Account by Cornelis Johnson, one of the King's gunners and his iron gun maker, for making and stocking of certain serpentines, stone guns and long slings delivered on 13 March, 4 Hen. VIII., to the Great Spaniard, the John a Baptist and one of the new galleys, and on 24 March to Master Gunstone for the new galleys at Woolwich.
Pp. 6.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
229, f. 129. R.O.
3. Sir Edward Howard's holograph order to John Dancy to pay John Green 6l. for six "spentyns" (serpentines) bought of him for the Barbara.
Subscribed with receipt 24 March, 4 Hen. VIII., by John Grene, mercer.
Small paper, p. 1.
25 March.
Ib., 3, f. 134. R.O.
1705. [5752.] THE NAVY.
Wages, etc., due to the Sabien for two months, beginning 21 Feb. Wages, 5s. a man per month, and the same for victuals; 16½ dedshares at 5s. a share per month; soldiers' jackets at 4s. each, &c. Total, 137l. 17s. 4d. whereof Wm. Sabyen has received from John Dancy, 18 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII., 100l.; leaving due 37l. 17s. 4d. which "Mr. Treasurer" is hereby commanded to pay. 25 March 4 Hen. VIII. Written and signed by Sir Edward Howard lord Admiral. Signed also: Par me Wyllyam Sabin.
P. 1.
25 March.
Adv. MS., 393.
1706. JAMES IV.
Commission to Andrew bp. of Murray, commendatory of Dryburgh, Pettinweym and Cottinghame in England, to appoint and revoke cardinals or others as protectors of Scotland in the court of Rome. Stirling Castle, 25 March 1513.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 394. 1707. JAMES IV. to LEO X.
Has again commissioned Andrew bp. of Murray to go to Rome for the promotion of peace in Christendom. Trusts that Leo will not follow the course of his predecessor Julius. "Ex castello, &c."
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Ib., 394*. 1708. THE SAME to the CARD. [OF ST. MARK].
To the same effect.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
26 March.
Navy Records Soc., x., 98.
Since the arrival of the artillery and munitions for the eight ships which the King is equipping here, as well as for the Queen's ships, great diligence has been made; and to-day they sailed to join the fleet of Normandy. On Monday, 14th inst., M. l'Amiral de Levant, left the roadstead of Brest with his galleys and brigantines to execute some good enterprise. Has not heard of him since.
French. Extract from a Bibl. Nat. MS. headed: Brest, 26 March 1513.
27 March.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 3, f. 136. R.O.
1710. [3831.] THE NAVY.
A bill of expenses of the Caryke otherwise called the Katharine Forteliza, the Nicholas Rede, and the three new galleys down to 27 March, 4 Hen. VIII., headed as a declaration of an account of William Crane, [one of the] gen[tlemen] of the King's chapel, taken by George Dalyson, auditor, before Sir John Daunce. Total receipts from Daunce, 31 Dec., 27 Jan. and 1 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII., 800l. Payments (fully specified) 820l. 15s. 10d., besides 4l. delivered, by the King's command, to Chr. Howerd, master gunner, and Hans Detmere, to prest 40 gunners for the Katharine Forteliza.
Large paper, formerly a roll, pp. 6.
27 March.
Ib., f. 135. R.O.
1711. [3830.] GUERNSEY.
Safe conduct granted for one year to the inhabitants of Guernsey (except the castle) by Guyon Le Roy, seigneur du Chillou, lieutenant general of the French fleets in Normandy and Britanny, whose commission as lieutenant, dated 25 Jan. 1512, r. 15, is recited. 27 March 1513.
French, p. 1 (broad sheet). Copy.
30 March. 1712. ABBEY OF BURY ST. EDMUNDS.
Election. See GRANTS IN MARCH, No. 50.
30 March.
Le Glay, Analectes Hist., p. 185.
"Il prie Marguerite de s'employer avec les ambassadeurs d'Angleterre pour obtenir meilleure composition des hommes d'armes qu'il fait recruter aux Pays-Bas et qui doivent être employés à la guerre contre les Français qu'il appelle ses anciens ennemis et adversaires. Il demande en outre qu'elle autorise le maître de l'artillerie du roi de Castille à venir le servir en cette qualityé. Greenwich, 30 March 1513."
30 March. Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. on Various Collections, vol. II., p. 335. 1714. HENRY VIII. to SIR GILBERT TALBOT.
Authority to pay William Copland 1,000l. for provisions to be made for the King in Flanders. Greenwich, 30 March.
30 March.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 3, f. 142. R.O.
1715. [3832.] CALAIS.
Warrant under Privy Seal [to the Exchequer ?] to discharge Sir Ric. Carewe and Sir Hugh Conwey, Th. Boote and Th. Prowde, farmers of Marke and Oye, the Mayor and Fellowship of the Staple, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Gilbert Talbot, and Anthony Nele, of certain sums expended in the repairs of Calais, buying ordnance, paying crews, &c. Greenwich, 30 March 4 Hen. VIII.
Large paper, p. 1. Defaced, and part lost.
31 March. 1716. LESSNESS ABBEY.
Election. See GRANTS IN MARCH, Nos. 30, 51.
31 March.
Stowe MS., 146, f. 51. B.M.
1717. ARMOUR.
Indenture, 31 March 4 Hen. VIII., witnessing receipt by John Blewberey from Leonard Friscombald, "in the name of M. Edwarde Gylleforde, squyer, m. of the Kyges armery, to the Kynges use," of 4,500 complete harnesses for footmen. Signed by Blewberey.
Small paper, p. 1.
31 March.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 291. B.M. Ep. Reg. Sc., I., 298.
In the days of Julius II., James sent ambassadors to induce the Pope and the French King to peace, but to no purpose. Hopes better things from the successor of Julius and has sent again Andrew bp. of Murray, to the Emperor with instructions. Desires Maximilian to promote universal peace and an expedition against the Infidels, as he has promised in his letters. Stirling, 31 March 1513.
Lat., p. 1.
Adv. MS., 391. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
Ib., 392. 1719. THE SAME to LEO. X.
To the same effect.
Lat., p. 1. With note: A like letter to the College of Cardinals.
31 March.
Ib., 395.
Is surprised to hear that the preceptories of the Order of St. John in Scotland are only granted by the Turcopolier and preceptors of England, that pensions are paid to the Treasurer and Prior of England out of the revenue of Scotland and that even born Scotchmen, living in Scotland, are obliged to recognise the English prior as their superior. Is thus obliged to hold in suspicion the preceptor of Torfichen, formerly Lord of St. John's, in Scotland, although a Scotchman and named by himself, on account of the war impending with England. Has learned for the first time the pretensions of the English in the suit brought by Paniter against George Dundas, a brother of the Order. Hopes the Master will do what is just, otherwise James will be obliged to alter the places (loca immutare) and find a remedy himself. Encloses the anciennitates and provisions concerning which he complains. Refers him further to Andrew bp. of Murray, ambassador to the French King. Stirling, 31 March 1513.
Lat., copy, pp. 2.
31 March.
R. T. 142, f. 212. R.O.
Proceedings, lasting from 9 to 31 March, 1512, under Maximilian's commission (issued by Margaret, at Malines, 27 Feb. 1512) to Mr. Peter Lapostole of the Council of Malines, to examine into the complaints (recited in Dutch) of Clifford, the Governor, and the English merchants trading to Zealand, against the exactors of certain tolls and Jan de Bassidonie, the water-bailiff. Depositions of many witnesses given.
Englische Handelspotitik, II., 214.
ii. Articles (nine) of complaint of the English merchants against the customers of Zealand laid before Peter Lapostool, the Emperor's commissioner. Delivered 10 March, 1512, style of Cambray. Signed (?) by Wouter van den Berghe. Dutch.
Englische Handelspolitik, II., 212.
iii. Maximilian's commission to Master Pierre Lapostolle, councillor and master of requests of his household, to enquire into a complaint of Governor Clifford and the other English merchants frequenting the Low Countries. Malines, 27 Feb. 1512, reg. Germanie 27, Hongrie &c. 23. Described as signed by Margaret and countersigned by Haneton. French.
French and Dutch. Modern copy, from Ghent archives, pp. 132.
Gulba B. III.,
56. B.M.
1722. [4086.] HENRY VIII. to [PONYNGES, &C.].
Since the King's last letters containing his resolution upon the articles delivered to them by the Duchess of Savoy, for the retaining of Swiss, a credence (enclosed) has been received from the Emperor, offering to lead the war in person (fn. 3), which is a greater inducement to the King to advance him money. If they can obtain a resolute answer in the points touching the confederation contained in the King's former letters, they are not to make overtures of the credence for the present. If they cannot, except upon the advance to the Emperor of 125,000 crowns, they are then to proceed with her point by point:—1. That the King is well content to retain the Swiss in his pay, but has already expended large sums of money in his army royal to cross the sea, of which he encloses a bill of the numbers, and therefore has less need of them. 2. That the King has substantially provided artillery. 3. That the King accepts with pleasure the Emperor's proposal to join in his own person, and looks upon it as an infallible argument of his friendship. And they are to urge the Duchess to confirm him in his purpose, and obtain an article to this effect to be inserted in the confederation; and in so doing the King will advance him 125,000 crowns, viz. 25,000 on the ratification of the treaty and the Emperor's declaration as enemy to the French King, and the 100,000 to be put in the hands of commissioners, who shall make monthly payments to such soldiers as the Emperor shall retain. The King will bind himself to cross the sea with 30,000 men; but if the Emperor will not bind himself, it must be considered that he does not intend to do anything. The King will negotiate with the Venetians to make peace with the Emperor, so that the Spaniards in Italy under the Viceroy may make war in Dolphenie and Province. It is the Emperor's object to induce the King of England to retain the Swiss at his own cost, which he cannot do for reasons contained in his last letter. His own army is sufficient without them; but the Emperor may, in lieu of the 2,000 Picards and 1,000 lanzknechts, retain 3,000 Swiss, so as to make his army 3,000 horse, 6,000 Swiss and 2,000 lanzknechts.
Draft corrected by Ruthal, pp. 13. Mutilated.
Vitell. B.
XVIII., 35. B.M.
2 [3835.] Earlier draft of the above, but much shorter.
In Ruthal's hand, pp. 2. Mutilated.
Add. MS., 32,091, f. 93. B.M. 3. Modern copy of § 1.
Pp. 8.
Vitell. B. XVIII., 34. B.M. 1723. [4085.] HENRY VIII. to [PONYNGES, &C.].
Understands how they had [persuaded] the Duchess of Savoy to write to the Emperor [respecting] the truce between the Venetians and him; and also how discreetly [they had acted respecting] the certificate made by the ambassador of Spain, resident in England; "which to advance, our said cousin was by him informed, we were agreeable ... condescended to conclude the said confederation according to the articles last reformed for the 100,000 g. cr. by him demanded." Understands also that as yet they had made no overture of the ... [of] the personal going of the Emperor in the war against France, and that they wish instructions with diligence. Thanks them and orders them "effectually to solicit our said cousin" to be a mediator [for] peace or truce betwixt him and the Venetians. Desires them to make up the articles for conclusion of the confederation between the Emperor and himself. The King and his Council are desirous that the 25,000 crowns be used to induce the Emperor to insert an article in the said confederation binding himself to proceed in person to the war against the common enemy, as he offered by his credence. They shall persuade "the Duchess to conclude the confederation under that form, for the Emperor's person[al] going without hy ... of the other treaty, whereunto the Emperor is now agreed," albeit it were necessary to conclude the other confederation first * * * [consid]ering of your proheme for the treatie ... King of Aragon in the same, and also for the abbrevyacion ... for the place where the 100,000 crowns shall be paid which they desire ... "
And for as much as Almighty God hath called the late Pope to [his mercy, who] would have been well pleased to have been comprised in the first article of the said confederation, the King desires a place should be reserved at the end of the treaty for the Pope now elect to enter the confederation. On the conclusion of the treaty it is to be sent to the English ambassador at Rome [for learning] the Pope's mind in that behalf; all the King's endeavours having been for the defence of the church, as might appear by the inclosed letters lately received from the [Cardinal] of York. The King of Aragon having approved of the articles, may be permitted to stand therein. Thinks it not necessary that the time for the last payment should be shortened, for the longer the payments continue the longer the Emperor will continue in the wars.
Draft in Ruthal's hand, pp. 2. Much mutilated.
Galba B. v.,
355. B.M.
1724. [HENRY VIII. to PONYNGES, &C.]
"The premises we will that ye also declare to the Emperor if he be come down to those parts and of such answer as ye shall have thereupon" from him or the Duchess to ascertain us, for if the Emperor do not intend to come to the Low Parts we purpose sending Sir Rob. Wingfield to him. Has caused his Council to remodel the articles of the confederation. Wishes the Emperor would agree in order to avoid delay that an article be added reserving place for the Pope and the Venetians. If he will not consent to the admission of the Venetians they may be left out. The commission of the King of Aragon is now in the hands of his ambassador in England, who "as we wrote unto you heretofore," is content either to be there at the conclusion or enter for his King later. Did not intend that the Prince of Castile should be put to any expence, only that it should appear to the world that he, the Emperor, the Kings of England and Aragon were in one confederation.
Draft in Ruthal's hand, p. 1. Mutilated.
Exch. Accts.,
62 (16). R.O.
1725. [4378.] WAR WITH FRANCE.
"A proportion made of the King's ordinance, artillery, and other habillements necessary for the rerewarde, with draught and carriage for the same":—
Flanders mares for draught of two bombards, each requiring 24 mares, two "apostles" and two "Neuenbarough pieces," each requiring 14, and 10 "curtowes," each requiring 13. English horses for draughts of smaller guns carted. Carriage for guns and for frames as of potguns; frames to shoot them; hagbuzshes in chests, handguns in chests, carriage of shot and powder; shot for bombard and curtowes; shot for other guns. All this powder and shot serveth the battrie of eight days and nights. A great staple of shot and powder to remain at Calais. Carriage of artillery, viz., whole speres; demi lances, &c. Carriage of tools for labourers and carters, viz., felling axes, hedging bills, &c. Carriage of divers necessaries for the ordnance, viz., smyths' forges and tools, iron, seacoals, crows of iron, screws, and ropes, &c., &c. Carts of tools for artificers, viz., carpenter tools, seasoned timber, hoops for coopers, &c. For the master of the ordinance, and the treasurer of the same, one pavilion each, "a hale for gunpowder," and "a hale for bowyers and fletchers." Sum of the Flanders mares, 260. Sum of the English horses for draught, 230. Sum of waggons for carriage of shot, 30. Sum of "fare" carts, 250. Sum of horses for the "fare" carts, 1,540. Sum of English carters for the whole ordnance of the rearward, 600.
Parchment roll.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
7, f. 51. R.O.
1726. [4633.] ORDNANCE.
"[A proportion of ordnance] appoynted with cariages, [officers, gunners, co]nduytours of _ (blank) and all [appurtenances necessary for an a]rmy of 15,000 footmen and 3,000 horsemen." [Showing the numbers of men of all sorts, guns, bows, &c.]
Every apostle shoots of iron 20 lb., powder 20 lb., may be shot 30 times a day; every curtow 60 lb., powder 40 lb., 40 times a day; every culverin 20 lb., powder 22 lb., 36 times a day; every Novemburgh piece 20 lb., powder 20 lb., 30 times a day; every lizard 12 lb., powder 14 lb., 37 times a day; every bombard 260 lb., powder 80 lb., 5 times; every minion 8 lb., powder 8 lb. Potguns shoot 80 lb. of stone, powder 40 lb.
Large paper, pp. 8. Formerly a roll.
Exch. Accts., 62 (32). R.O. 2. A long inventory of ordnance beginning:—
"Furst, in bowes of eugh 14,934
"Item, wyche hasilbowes 4,184"
and ending:—
"Handsaws, 10
"Padlokes, 24."
Pp. 5.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 9, f. 222. R.O. 1727. [5721.] THE NAVY.
Men employed from the 7th till the last of February in rigging The Mary Cradok and The Anthony Cradok, 15d. a week each; tabling of the same persons, 15d. a week each. Conduct money for 60 mariners out of Dewysland and Pembrokeshire to Bristowe, 6d. a man every 12 miles; gunners at 8 ducats and 7s. 6d. a month. Soldiers' pay 5s. a month, &c. Total, 385l. 6s. whereof Matthew Cradok received of John Dancy, 27 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII., 271l. 13s. 4d., leaving the remainder to be paid to Rys Mancell, Cradok's deputy and captain of the said Mary Cradok, which "Master Treasurer" is hereby commanded to pay. Signed Edward Howard, and partly in his hand. Also signed: Rice Mauncell.
Pp. 3.
Exch. Accts., 56 (4). R.O. 1728. BRISTOL SHIPS.
Account of Anthony Poyntz, esq., for ships provided at Bristol, showing that, from John Daunce, on 30 Dec., 1 Feb. and 21 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII., he received 153l. 6s. 8d. for retaining as many ships as are meet to serve in the King's army royal by sea, and also that from John Grene and John Barth, customers of Bristol, he received a further 66l. 13s. 4d. He paid for coats and conduct to London of 100 of the 160 soldiers appointed to serve in the ships, viz. Trynyte 160 tons, Mathew 160 tons, and Marie Christopher 150 tons; a month's wages to 100 soldiers and 150 mariners; and provided victuals (specified) for a month and four days beginning 23 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII., in all 251l. 3s. 2d., so that he "should rest in surplusage" 31l. 3s. 2d.
Large parchment, pp. 2.
Received by Magnus Beld his letters by which he is informed of the death of the King, his uncle. Had already heard a rumor of it. Is much grieved both because he was a relation and because of his kindness in sending assistance to Scotland against the English. They are now invading France which is allied by relationship and treaties to both their countries. Has built several ships, at the desire of the French King, and they will be sent to the coast of France. If Christiern wish to renew his father's treaty with France, he may send ambassadors, and can then take the opportunity of demanding a worthy consort (fn. 4) from France. Promises to take a fatherly charge of his interests.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 397. 1730. JAMES IV. to the TOWN COUNCIL OF LUBECK.
In July, 1510, the fleet of Lubeck (classis vestra) took, at Coll, in Denmark, a ship of David Alansoun of Dunde named The Katherine, bound for Dantzic. Their commanders, Henry Scolt and Henry Barrot took the crew, including Alansoun's son David, a young man of 20, and threw them into chains; at last allowed them barely to escape with their lives (corpore nudos vix tandem dimiserunt). Sends the father to Lubeck to demand redress.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
* * * Before this document is a contemporary note seeming to indicate that it is taken from its former place immediately before No. 403, of the same collection.
Ib., 398. 1731. JAMES IV. to the DUKE OF POMERANIA.
Andrew Balfour, merchant of St. Andrew's, complains that, last year, a merchant ship of Dunde laden at Dantzic and bound for Scotland was stopped by a vessel of Lubeck and, being forced out of her way, was driven ashore by a storm at Gesmond in August, 1512, where she was broken up (latera navis in tabula descinditur). Her cargo was preserved by the redditarius, but the Scotch merchants have been denied restitution as if they were Lubeckers, though the Lubeckers themselves have written certifying that the ship and cargo were Scotch. Desires he will see justice done. "Illud identidem rogamus ut illustrissimo et potentissimo Christierno electo in Daciae, Suciae, &c., regi, fratri, &c., nostro, ad regna firmanda vestra adsit potentia."
Lat., copy, p. 1.
1732. GRANTS IN MARCH, 1513.
1. Sir Thomas Parre, knight for the Body. Lease for 40 years, at the annual rent of 340l., of the lordships of Amelsett, Troutbek, Apulwhait under Milnebek, Frostwhait, Langdon, Loughrig, Crostwhaite, Strikland Kotyll, and Helsyngton, the herbage of "le Dalehed," the fishery of Wynandermere, and a messuage with a park called Calgarth, Westmoreland; the lordships of Thornton, Kneton, and Medilton, Yorkshire, of Whetyngton, Nether Wyresdale, Scotford, and Watford, Lancashire; all the King's possessions in Casterton and Moreholme, Westmoreland, and in Carneford and Assheton, Lancashire. Also the King's portion of the lordships of Gresmere and Hoton, Westmor; and of the lordship of Kendall, the water of Kent, the borough of Kyrkby in Kendall, the bailiwick of that borough and serjeancy and bailiwick of Lomesdale, and tolls, fairs, and markets, &c., in Kendall. Del. Canterbury, 1 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26. [3764.]
2. Commission of Gaol Delivery.
Newgate.—Th. earl of Surrey, Ric. Haddon, mayor of London, Chas. Somerset lord Herbert, Geo. Nevile lord Bergevenny, John Bourchier lord Bernes, Sir John Fyneux, Sir Rob. Rede, Sir Wm. Hody, Rob. Brudenell, Humph. Conyngesby, John Butteler, Wm. Fayrefax, Ric. Broke, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Hen. Marney, Sir Th. Inglefeld, Sir John Cutte, and Sir Hen. Wiett. Westm., 1 March. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24d. [3765.]
3. Borough of Tenby. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 14 Jan. 11 Hen. VII., conf.:—
A. Ch. 14 March, 24 Hen. VI. cf. Pat. of Humphrey duke of Gloucester (undated).
B. Pat. 26 May, 3 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 22), confirming:—
a. Pat. 20 Nov. 8 Hen. VI. confirming:—
Pat. 21 June, 1 Hen. V., confirming:—
Pat. 22 Aug. 3 Hen. IV. conf. with additions:—
Pat. 6 Feb. 1 Ric. II. confirming:—
Pat. 8 June, 49 Edw. III. conf.:
Ch. of Laurence de Hastinge earl of Pembroke 27 Feb. 16 Edw. III., conf. with additions:—
Ch. of Aymer de Valence earl of Pembroke 24 April, 16 Edw. II., conf. with additions:
Ch. of William de Valence, earl of Pembroke and Joan his wife.
b. Ch. 12 July, 23 Hen. VI.
Canterbury, 1 March [4 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 48, No. 7.
4. Joan, widow of Thomas Bradbury, late mayor of London. Mortmain licence to alienate to the Mercers' Company lands to the annual value of 20l., in aid of a perpetual chantry for one chaplain, founded by her in the church of St. Stephen the Martyr, Colmanstrete, in the "Lady Chapell" there; to pray for the King, his grandmother, the said Joan, Richard Nykke, bp. of Norwich, Thomas Wulcy, the King's almoner, and John Leche, clk.; and for the souls of the said Thomas Bradbury, and of Thomas Bodeley, formerly husband of the said Joan. Greenwich, 23 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 4 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28. [3767.]
5. Robert Cuttyng. To be, for life, gunner in the King's ordnance, with 12d. a day. Greenwich, 23 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 4 March. P.S. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [3768.]
6. Victualling. Commissions for John Toller and Rob. Selwyn to provide oxen, wheat, bakers, &c., for the army. Canterbury, 4 March. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 26d. [3769.]
7. John Maltbye, clk. Presentation to the church of Hemeswell, dioc. Linc., void by death and belonging to the duchy of Cornwall. Greenwich, 25 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 4 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [3770.]
8. Wm. Potkyn, of Maydeston, Kent, "clover." Fiat for a commission to take "clovyers" and other artificers and labourers and empty vessels, pipes, "clapold," barrels and hoops for the victualling of the army; for two months. Del. Canterbury, 4 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (addressed to the Clerk of the Crown by Wm. Hatteclyff, victualler). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21d. [3792.]
9. Thomas Vaughan, gentleman, Thomas Adam, John ap Thomas, servant of Richard Vaughan, John Gylbarde, Thomas Tewe, David Cravell, Hoell Cravell, Thomas James, Jevan ap Morgan, John Rees, Thomas Garston, John ap Henre, and John Pollen, all late of Bradwardyn, Herefordshire; and Walter ap William Vaughan, gentleman, Hoell ap Rees Gough, Rees ap Morgan ap Jevan Gough, John ap Sir John, Llewellyn ap David ap Richard, John ap David ap Richard, and David ap Gl'm Prichard, all late of Elvell, in the marches of Wales. Pardon. Del. Charing, 5 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [3771.]
10. Walter Devereux lord Ferrers. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Ralph, son and h. of Nicholas, son and h. of Sir Ralph Langford. Del. Charing, 5 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21. [3772.]
11. John Fyssher, gentleman of the Chapel. Corrody in the monastery of Stanley, on its surrender by Robert Fairfax, gentleman of the Chapel. Greenwich, 21 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 6 March. P.S. (in English). [3773.]
12. Sir Thomas Boleyn of London, alias of Hever, Kent, alias of Bliklyng, Norff. Pardon and release as late sheriff of Kent, and release to John Potter of Westerham, and John Tebold of Sele, Kent, his sureties in 40l., made 8 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Eltham, 10 Oct. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charyng, 6 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [3774.]
13. Commission of Gaol Delivery.
Canterbury.—Sir John Fyneux, the mayor, John Roper, and John Hale. Charing, 7 March. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12d. [3775.]
14. Th. Coke. Fiatfor a commission, for three months, to provide wheat, empty vessels meet for the victualling of the army, and carriage, and to hire ships, hoys, little ships, lighters, crayers, shouttes, barges and boats, and sailors, lightermen, bargemen and boatmen. Del. Charyng, 8 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (addressed to the Clerk of the Crown by Wm. Hatteclyff, victualler of the army). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p 2, m. 21d. [3792.]
15. Richard Daddy, clk. Presentation to the church of Stuton, Linc. dioc., void by resignation. Greenwich, 6 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 9 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [3776.]
16. Commission of Gaol Delivery.
Newgate.—Sir Ric. Haddon, mayor of London, Sir John Fyneux, Rob. Rede, Sir Wm. Hody, Rob. Brudenell, Humph. Conyngesby, John Butler, Wm. Fayrefax, and Ric. Broke, serjeant-at-law. Charing, 10 March. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24d. [3778.]
17. John Wakerfyld, clk. Grant of the perpetual chantry within the castle of Barnacastell, Durham dioc., void by death of William Tesedell. Greenwich, 8 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 11 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [3782.]
18. Hans Keldergreve, merchant of Holland. Licence to import and export so much merchandise, except Gascon wine and Tolouse woad, as shall yield in customs and subsidies, either way, 33l. 6s. 8d. Greenwich, 5 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 11 March. P.S. (in English). French Roll, 4 Hen. VIII. m. 10. [3783.]
19. Philip Draycote of London, merchant. Licence to import from Flanders 200 gross of French and Milan caps, within 2 years. Greenwich, 5 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 11 March. P.S. (in English). French Roll, 4 Hen. VIII. m. 10. [3784.]
20. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Essex.—Charing, 11 March. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5d. [3785.]
21. The Admiral of the King's Navy on the sea and all other captains, commissioners, sheriffs, &c. Mandate to suffer victuallers to provide corn for the city of London in any parts except Hants, Sussex, Dorset, Wilts, and Berks. Greenwich, 5 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 11 March. P.S. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10d. [3781, 3786.]
22. William Tiler, groom of the Privy Chamber. Annuity of 20l., for life, out of the issues of co. Kent, from 17 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII.; on surrender of patent 17 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. granting him a similar annuity lately held by Nicholas Gaynesford, dec. Greenwich, 4 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 11 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22. [3787.]
23. Victualling. Commission to John Tedd to supply oxen, sheep, &c., for six months for the army. Charing, 11 March. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21d. [3788.]
24. Sir William Sandys, knight for the Body. To be, for life, keeper and bailiff of the manor of Crokeham, Berkshire, and keeper of both parks there; on surrender of patent 24 Sept. 1 Hen. VII., granting the same office to John Stanchowe. Del. Charing, 11 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B.
ii. To be, for life, bailiff of Fynchampsted, in the forest of Windsor, alias forester of Windsor, with 6d. a day out of the issues of cos. Oxford and Berks, as held by Sir John Williams or William Alyn. Del. Charing, 11 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B.
iii. Release, as late treasurer of the King's wars, in the suite of Thomas marquis of Dorset, in Spain. Del. Charing, 11 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [3789.]
25. Commission of Gaol Delivery.
Canterbury Castle.—John lord Clynton, Sir John Fyneux, John Butler, Sir Wm. Scott, John Roper, Wm. Hawte, Wm. Isaak, John Hales, and Th. Woode. Canterbury, 12 March. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24d. [3790.]
26. Sir John Husey, knight for the Body. Mortmain licence to alienate lands to the annual value of 20l. to the master and fellows of the college of Mary of Valence, commonly called Pembroke Hall, in the university of Cambridge. Greenwich, 2 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 12 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [3791.]
27. Victualling.
Commissions to John Gough, Rob. Skirmot, Humph. Legh and Th. Taillour, and Philip Tayloure, to provide corn, salt-fish, oxen, bacon, artificers called clovyours, &c., for the army. Charing, 12 March. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21d. [3792.]
See also Vol. XXI. Pt. ii. Nos. 773 i. (4, 5).
28. Richard bishop of Winchester, keeper of the Privy Seal. Mortmain licence to alienate lands, to the annual value of 100l., for the prior and convent of the cathedral church of St. Swithin, Winchester. Greenwich, 2 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 12 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [3793.]
29. John Sympson, attending upon the King's court with haberdash wares. Licence to procure any kind of foreign caps to sell at the Court, on paying the usual customs. Greenwich, 7 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 13 March. P.S. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [3794.]
30. Sub-prior and convent of the Augustinian monastery of St. Mary and St. Thomas of Lesnes, Rochester dioc. Congé d'élire on resignation of Henry Blakemore, late abbot. Greenwich, 2 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 15 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24.
ii. Petition of Robt. Hale, sub-prior, and the convent, for the above, presented by the foresaid Henry Blakamore. 28 Feb. 1512. [3795.]
31. Victualling. Commissions, for Th. Elynor and John Gillycke, John Eston and John Edwardys, of London, coopers; to provide empty pipes and "clappold" for making barrels. Charing, 16 March. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21d. [3796.]
32. Sir Edward Howard, knight for the Body, admiral of England. To be admiral, captain, governor and principal leader of the ships, &c., in the army raised at the request of the Pope and Ferdinand, for defence of the Roman see. Charing, 16 March. Pat.4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22d. Rymer XIII., 348. [3798.]
33. George Revele alias Reveley, late of Chatton alias of Bukton, Northumb., yeoman. Pardon. Greenwich, 4 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Charing, 16 March. P.S. Pat.4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [3799.]
34. Abbey of Thorney. Assent to the election of Robert Mowlton, as abbot of the monastery of Thorney, Ely dioc., in the room of Richard Holbech, resigned. Greenwich, 13 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 17 March. P.S.
ii. Petition for the same. Brothers Wm. Yakysly and Ric. Wittylsey, proctors. 5 March, 1512. Pat.4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21. [3800.]
35. Nicholas Hyde, sewer of the Chamber. Grant of a corrody in the monastery of Gloucester, void by death of John Grenehill. Greenwich, 15 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 17 March. P.S. [3801.]
36. Walter Rowdon. To be custos rotulorum in the county of Gloucester, vice William Grevile, late justice of the Common Pleas. Byrling, 17 March. S.B. [3802.]
37. James bp. of Ely. Warrant for a dedimus potestatem for him to receive the homage of Robert Moulton, elected abbot of the monastery of Thorney. Greenwich, 17 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). [3803.]
38. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Gloucestershire.—Charing, 18 March. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5d. Rymer XIII. 348. [3804.]
39. The Navy. Licence to the Masters, Rulers, and Mariners of the King's Navy in the Thames and other places to found a guild, in honor of the Holy Trinity and St. Clement, in the church of Depford Stronde, for reformation of the Navy. The long and curious petition prefixed states that practise of pilotship in rivers, by young men who are unwilling to take the labour and adventure of learning the shipman's craft on the high seas, is likely to cause scarcity of mariners; "and so this your realm which heretofore hath flourished with navy to all other lands dreadful" shall be left destitute of cunning masters and mariners; also that Scots, Flemings and Frenchmen, have been suffered to learn as loadsmen the secrets of the King's streams, and in time of war have come as far as Gravesende "and fette owte English shippes to the great rebuke of the realm." Del. Canterbury, 19 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (defaced). [3808.]
40. Sir Edward Howard, knight for the Body. To be, for life, Admiral of England, Wales, Ireland, Normandy, Gascony, and Aquitaine, with profits and powers specified. Del. Charing, 19 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22. [3809.]
41. Sir Thomas Lovell, knight for the Body, treasurer of the Household. To be constable of the Tower of London, void by death of the Earl of Oxford, with usual fee of 100l.; to hold, for life, from Michaelmas last, since which day, by special command, he has exercised the office. Greenwich, 15 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 19 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [3810.]
42. John Rooper, of Eltham, Kent. See GRANTS IN MARCH, 1512. [3816.]
43. John Carre and William Fitzwilliam. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of bailiff and parker of the lordships of Hatfield and Thorne, Yorkshire, on surrender of patent 20 July, 2 Hen. VIII., granting the reversion of the same to Carre. The same offices had been formerly granted to Edward, son of John Savage, deceased, by patent 19 Sept. 1 Hen. VII. Del. Canterbury, 21 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22. [3818.]
44. Dame Alice, widow of Sir John Fenys, and Sir Thomas Parre. Livery of lands, as kin and heirs of George lord Fitzhugh, deceased; the said Alice as eldest d. of Henry late Lord Fitzhugh, father of Richard, father of George; and Parre as son of Elizabeth, another daughter of the said Henry. Greenwich, 14 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 21 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 23. [3819.]
45. John Davy. Request to the Chancellor, by Sir Th. Wyndam, Vice-Admiral and Lieutenant-General of the Army and Navy, that John Davy of Southampton, tailor, retained in his company to serve in the war, may have a protection according to the Act. [Del.] Westm., 22 March. S.B. (signed. Thomas Wyndam). [3822.]
46. Musters. Mandate to Lord Stourton, Sir Walter Hungerforde, Sir John Scrope, Sir Maurice Barowe, and others, commissioners, "which this last summer certified the number of able men within our county of Wiltshire," to respite the sending to Southampton of the 100 men, ordered in "other letters" to be there on 8 April, until 22 April next; and in the meantime to send to the Council for conduct money and jackets. London, 23 March. S.B. (stamped). [3824.]
47. William Fitzwilliam. Grant for life of the office of a squire for the Body with fee of 50 mks. yearly, when vacated by Henry Guldeford, Ralph Chamberlain, or Richard Jernyngen. Greenwich, 10 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 24 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [3825.]
48. Richard Kemsey, late of Coventry, mercer, alias of Barreswell, Warw., husbandman. Protection; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 21 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Canterbury, 24 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 23. [3826.]
49. John Yong, clerk and keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery, or his deputy in his absence. To cancel a recognizance of 800l. made 18 Dec. last, by Sir William Pierpount of Holme, Notts, Sir Hen. Clyfford of Craven, Yorkshire, Sir Robt. Throgmerton of Coghton, Warw., John Biron of Colwike, Notts, Thomas Clyfford of Aspeden, Herts, Robert Warcop of Warcop, Westmor., John Constable of Fleynburgh, Yorkshire, William Pole of Pole, Derbyshire, and Thomas Emson of London. Greenwich, 24 March, 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3827.]
50. Prior and Convent of St. Edmund of Bury, "monasterii," &c., "ad Romanam Ecclesiam nullo modo pertinentis." Congé d'élire on death of William Codneham, late abbot. Greenwich, 28 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 30 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24. [3833.]
51. Abbey of Lesenes, Rochester dioc. Assent to the election of William Tiseherste, as abbot. Greenwich, 27 March, 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 31 March. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
ii. Petition for the above, sent by John Johns. 23 March, 1512. [3834.]


  • 1. He was despatched from Spires on 7 March, as appears by another letter in this collection.
  • 2. Docked in margin.
  • 3. See No. 1639.
  • 4. See No. 1584.