Henry VIII: July 1513, 1-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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'Henry VIII: July 1513, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer (London, 1920), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp940-952 [accessed 9 February 2025].

'Henry VIII: July 1513, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Edited by J S Brewer (London, 1920), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp940-952.

"Henry VIII: July 1513, 1-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Ed. J S Brewer (London, 1920), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp940-952.

July 1513

By letters from Rome of 13 June, learns the victory of the Swiss over M. de la Tremouille. He must expel the French from Savoy and put the passes in the keeping of the Swiss. Genoa ought to be more hostile to France. The castles of Milan and Cremona must be conquered. The Emperor must make peace with Venice and fulfil his obligation to England by invading Burgundy, whereupon Ferdinand will invade Bearn. Is ready to conclude a general or particular alliance with the Pope. The Duke of Milan ought to marry one Ferdinand's granddaughters. Writes to the Pope about the schismatical cardinals.* * *
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 123.
1 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 92. R.O.
Received his letters dated Canterbury, 21 June, complaining of his having taken certain munition, &c., for the Vanguard which had been appointed for the Rereward, and blaming Sir Sampson Norton for permitting it. Is ordered to restore them to Lord Herbert. Sends enclosed a list of artillery now before Terouenne;—whereas two "abatryes" were needful we have hardly enough for one. The Lord Walleyn has six of the serpentines. Obliged to make their field strong with carts. To bring one of the mounts hither, extra horses and traces were used but have been sent back to Calais. Has seen no other book of provision, except Morland's. Has not received the organs appointed to him; and needs more carts, as Anthony Nele, the bearer, will explain. Tyrwyn, 1 July. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.: "My Lord Stuard's letters."
2 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 12. R.O.
Receipt, 2 July 5 Hen. VIII., by Th. Warde and Wm. Creswall, from John Daunce, for themselves and Th. Mathewe, gentleman harbinger, Ric. Twete and John Stanbank, for "making herbigage for the King's armies by land," from 11 May to 26 June.
2 July.
Stowe MS. 146, f. 83. B.M.
Warrant to John Daunce to pay Ellis Hylton, yeoman of the Ordnance, his outlay (detailed, total, 16l. 19s. 2d. in receiving (and bringing to Southampton) the ordnance left at Plymouth by lord Darcy at his return from Spain, receiving the ordnance brought to Southampton at the return of the Marquis Dorset from Biscay and riding about the provision of livery arrows. The first duty seems to have lasted from 20 April ao 3 to 13 May following, the second for 15 days in November last and the third for 10 days in February last. Canterbury, 27 June 5 Hen. VIII.
ii. Subscribed with Hylton's receipt, dated 2 July.
Large parchment, p. 1.
Ib., f. 84. B.M. 2. Wolsey's order for payment of the above warrant.
Small paper, p. 1.
[2] July.
Sanuto, XVII., 8.
2060. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 30 Aug. 1513.]
From Antonio Bavarin to the Pesari, London, _ (blank) July.—-They have doubtless heard of the King's preparations. Although he of Aragon has made truce the King of England keeps his promise (? ancorache quel dragone habi fato tregua, lui, come degno principe, non tien [qu. mantien ?] la promessa). Lately 30,000 men crossed and laid siege to Terouenne and the King himself crossed yesterday. Numbers of the King's army, and his extraordinary riches.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 283.
2 July.
Le Glay, Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I., 526.
Fiennes has arrived in this town. Intends, accordingly, to return to Hesdin, as the town will be safe enough. The King of England landed yesterday at Calais. A large part of his forces is before Terouenne. They have made no attack, but have fired on the town and destroyed a few houses. The French are strong in his quarter, near Hesdin, and have lost him 200 fl. of rent by altering the course of a river which passes through his villages between Amiens and Abbeville. The said river hindered the passage of their artillery from their rendezvous at Amiens. Hopes, if war is made against the French, that she will recompense him for that and greater things which he will lose. Saint Omer, 2 July 1513.
3 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 13. R. O.
Receipt, 3 July 5 Hen. VIII., by Th. Trye and Ric. Clotton, for necessaries "for the retinue of the Almayns," viz., white and green sarcenet, to make a standard, 27s., making, 12s., carriage of harness from Southampton to Chichester, 5s. 6d., coming to London to the Council for money for the Almains, 13s. 4d.
P. 1.
3 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 94. R. O.
Wrote last on the 29th June. Received his letters of the same date on the 1st. Presented his despatches to my Lady, and she sent a gentleman, named Azne, who left yesterday, to the Duke of Brunswick, persuading him to enter the King's service. The Duke has compounded for his service in Flanders at 36,000 gold guilders, and is going homeward with 600 horse. It is supposed the Emperor will retain him as commander of the Swiss. The Count of Nassau retains 104 score of the Duke's horsemen for 8 gold guilders a month each. Lord Walham has been disappointed in a similar arrangement. The Duke's foot are gone to the Bp. of Luke to arrange with the French commissioners; but promise to make no arrangement till they hear from England. My Lady would be very glad if the Duke were retained in the English service, as he is a most expert, wise, and hardy prince. She thinks his horsemen should have 10 gold florins each and himself 1,000 fl., by the month, for diets, and that the importance of the enteprise is above the consideration of expense. The Duke of Gueldres has sent for a safe conduct. It is thought he will assent to the truce. My Lady and my Lord Bergis advise the King of England to retain the Lord d'Issilsteyne for provision of 1,000 horse. They are glad of the favourable letters from England to the Venetians, for the peace between the Emperor and the latter. Yesterday received a letter of the King's arrival at Calais. My Lady has written to the Emperor of it, and shown the news to my lord Prince. She sent for the ambassador of Aragon to advertise his master of it, and enjoin the performance of the promised enterprise of Berne. Spinelly is to advertise the Cardinal of York of the news. Received from her a letter (enclosed) of the Lord Royse, governor of Eden, concerning the damages done by the English to the Prince of Castile's subjects near St. Thomas. Begs notification may be sent to all captains not to make enemies of their friends. She has heard out of Burgundy that the Lord Verge has a band of horse. Another in Ferrett is raised for the Emperor. Brussels, 3 July 1513. Signed.
Pp. 6. The two portions found apart. Addressed.
3 July.
Sanuto, XVI., 527.
2064. VENICE.
[Copy of a letter read 23 July 1513.]
From Roberto Acciaioli, Florentine ambassador in France, to his Signory, Paris, 3 July.—The English have battered Terouenne with little effect and some loss. Two days ago came news that 500 English foot who were escorting victuals from Calais were attacked by the French who killed 300 men and captured 80 cart horses. Three French archers were killed and two captains, Plessi and Inbercort, wounded. This morning it is said that the King of England has landed at Calais. Believes the French will engage the Duke of Gueldres with 1,000 lances and some hundreds of horse and will then take the field. The Pope has appointed legates to France and England to treat an agreement.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 262.
4 July.
Close Roll 5 Hen. VIII., m. 16d. Rymer XIII., 372.
2065. [4320.] ORDER IN COUNCIL.
Memorandum that, on 4 July 5 Hen. VIII. (the Lord Chancellor and other of the King's Council appointed for the time of the King's absence beyond sea being "ascerteyned" that on Thursday last, 30 June, the King took passage at Dover and, at 7 p.m. the same day, landed at Calais) the lord Chancellor, in full Court, commanded that, as heretofore accustomed, the teste of letters patents, grants and writs be charged from "Teste me ipso" to "Teste Katerina Anglie Regina ac generali Rectrice ejusdem, &c.," from the said 30 June during the King's absence.
4 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 14. R. O.
"Paid by me John Daunce" to Mr. Thomas Wulcy, King's almoner, for so much money by him heretofore paid, viz., 20s. for espial, 100s. reward to Iley herald of Scotland, and another 10 mks. for espial, 4 July 5 Hen. VIII. Signed: Thomas Wulcy.
P. 1.
4 July.
Sanuto, XVII., 8.
2067. VENICE.
[Note of letters read 1 Sept. 1513.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 16 June.—For the government of the realm four lords (fn. 1) have remained there. One of them, who is his friend, has expressed sorrow that the Signory had leagued with France, who is untrustworthy; and he descanted on the love borne to the Signory by his King, who had gone over to destroy the King of France.
From the same, 4 July.—Has told the ministers that Venice was forced to make the league with France to recover her state, because the Emperor refused all proposals for an agreement.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 282.
5 July.
Galba B. III., 119. B.M.
2068. [4322.] SPINELLY to HENRY VIII.
Wrote last on the 3rd. The gentleman sent to the Duke of Brunswick found he had left Antwerp, and would not follow him to Maestrich for fear of the Gueldrois. Has therefore sent a messenger to the Duke, with letters of my Lady and Armestorf, but fears that as he has got so far he will not be willing to return. Ambassadors from Gueldres are hourly expected; and, if they condescend to the truce, Henry shall have the horsemen now on that side. The Emperor is at Frankfort and expected here shortly; this will delay Berghis coming. The Duke of Brunswick's foot are negotiating with the French commissioners in Luke. Differret and Armystorf have written of their kind reception by Henry. The governor of Betton has written to the governor of Bresse, that the English "being before Torraana make but easy their skultwacchis, and also that the Welchemen have done great hurt thereabouts to my Lord Prince's subjects." She has ordered Lord Fenys to advertise the King secretly of all news from France. Encloses two letters from Loys Moreton, and an extract of one written by himself to the Cardinal of York. Brussels, 5 July 1513. Signed.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
Ib., 160. B.M. 2069. [4323.] SPINELLY to the CARDINAL OF YORK [BAINBRIDGE].
Is glad he has recovered from his illness. Trusts the Pope will continue to favor Henry's enterprise against the enemies of the Church, though my Lady of Savoy is informed that the French are endeavouring to win him over to a general peace, with view of attacking the Infidels; they are making use of the Florentines in France for that purpose. Jacomo Salviati, the Pope's brother-in-law, who is their ambassador at Florence, has agents at Lyons. Bainbridge knows the Cardinal of Volterra is inclined to the French. Thinks he will not openly favor them, on account of the opposition between his house and that of the Medici. Considering what injuries they have done to that house, cannot believe the Pope will have any intelligence with the French. As already stated, two things are to be chiefly insisted upon; 1st, that the Swiss shall invade Dauphiny; and 2ndly, that the Pope shall induce the Venetians to make peace with the Emperor. As the Bishop of Luke has been all along leaning to the French, and is doing his best to get them men, I beg you to procure "some provision against him and to send it me." The King landed at Calais on Thursday last (fn. 2) with his army royal.
Copy (translation ?) pp. 3, mutilated. Headed: "An ... Spinelly to my Lord Cardinal of York."
5 July.
Lettres de Louis XII., iv., 164. Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 172.
Approves her giving, as she writes on 22 June, to the two first ambassadors of England who have been with her a present at their departure of 2,500 fl. which she has taken of the treasurer, De Tamise, on promise of repayment out of the money now coming from England. Will repay it out of the last term of the 100,000 cr.; for of the two first payments to be received by Baptiste de Taxssis the whole is already assigned to the Swiss and the horsemen retained. The advice in her letter of 25 June, to treat with the Venetians, through the Pope, so as to have freedom for the enterprise of France, is good, and he had already commissioned the bishop of Gurcz to practise it. By hers of 27 June she writes that the ambassador of Aragon with her has received letters from his King and sent copy to Urea to communicate to the Emperor, and that she thinks that King will do better than was expected. Would gladly see him do his duty; for it is time. Rejoices at her appointment with Duke Henry of Bransweig, and, now that the two first payments from England seem assured, desires her to practise with him to serve with all his horsemen for three months, of which the first shall be paid immediately after the musters, out of the English money. But she must be careful, in retaining him, to foresee that he can make no claim for old services. Would know where the English now are and when the King will cross. Francfort, 5 July 1513.
P.S.—Duke of Brunswick.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 15. R. O. 2. Contemporary extract from the above of the portion relating to the Venetians.
French, p. 1. Headed: Extraict d'une l're escripte par l'Empereur a Madame du cinquieme jour de Juillet.
5 July.
Sanuto, XVI., 534.
2071. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 24 July 1513.]
From the King of France, Paris, 5 July.—A worthy letter encouraging the Signory, because, when he has despatched the enterprise against the English, he will come in person to correct the common enemies.
From the Ambassador, Paris, 13 June to 3 July.—The King of England not yet landed. The English at Terouenne roughly handled by the French who have captured 150 waggons, killed 500 foot and chased others into a castle of Flanders. The King says he will have 3,500 lances and 40,000 foot against the English, and bids the Signory be of good courage; for when he has despatched these, he will come in person to Italy. Certainly the King will have 3,000 lances and 35,000 foot.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 263.
5 July.
Pet. Mart. Epist. No. 524.
He will remember, Peter Martyr wrote to him on a previous occasion that when Henry the late King of England had the Archduke Philip in his power he exacted a promise from him. There was a certain duke of Suffolk named Emond de la Pulla (Edmund De la Pole) of the great nobility in England, sprung of the fourth daughter of King Edward. He was shut up in the Tower; was much in debt; fled into Burgundy, returned, resumed his old habits, and fled a second time to the duke of the Siccambri, called of Gueldres; came into the hands of Philip on the conquest of that duke; and was delivered by him to Henry VII., but on condition confirmed by oath that his life should be spared. Henry his successor, has ordered him to be put to death because he held correspondence with Richard De la Pole his brother, an exile in France, and commander of the French fleet, for a rising in England. John Astil, the English ambassador, says that waggons bringing the King money for the wars were attacked by robbers who trusted to get refuge in the sanctuaries which are numerous in England and are a resort of all sorts of malefactors, especially heretics, and even of traitors; but the King caught and hanged 80 before they could escape. The Swiss have imposed a tribute of 15,000 ducats on Vercelli and plundered San Germano. They have also laid a fine on Turin. Valladolid, 5 July 1513.
6 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 16. R. O.
Paid by me John Daunce, 6 July 5 Hen. VIII., to Sir Henry Wyott, to be delivered to the ambassadors (fn. 3) who came from the Emperor to Calais, in reward, 200 mks.
Also paid, the same day, to Wyot, for so much heretofore delivered to Rowdolof Shank, her van Sttotinbergh, a captain of the Almains, who must retain 700 Almains, 40s.; and to Mr. Almoner for espial, 20s.
Each entry signed by Wyot and Wolsey.
P. 1.
6 July.
Galba B. III., 121. B.M.
2074. [4326.] SPINELLY to HENRY VIII.
Wrote last yesterday. A post from Rome has brought letters from my Lord of York to the master of the Posts, which Spinelly forwards. News has come from Verona, of the 28th, that the Viceroy of Naples had arrived there. He had received from Genoa 60,000 ducats, and put in the Fregosys. Cremona had paid him 50,000—Bergamo 30,000—Bres[cia] 15,000, and all on the Lake of Garda 15,000. The Viceroy had proposed on the 30th of June to march towards the Venetians to recover Lynago and attack Padua. Considering that the Venetians have at this first beginning lost Bergham and all their part of the Lake of Garda, he thinks they will condescend to a truce. The Emperor's army will shortly enter Burgundy. Anthony de Lusy, who left Lyons ten days ago, saw Latrymolle enter it with about 20 horses and leave again four days later for Burgundy; he says the French lost all their horse in the battle. Many had no armour. The French will not fight with England, but put their troops in garrison. My Lady says, that the siege of Terouenne is not carried on so actively as it should be. The ambassadors of Geldres arrived yesternight. The Swiss have taken Mountferrate, and are at Salucio. The Duke of Milan was at Haste on the 22nd June. Advises doubling the posts. Brussels, 6 July 1513. Signed.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
See No. 1364.
7 July.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II. 175.
Rejoices at the landing of the King of England, and now sends instructions to the Seigneur de Berges to go to him at once. Will soon send good news of the Viceroy of Naples and strange news of the Swiss.* * * 7 July.
7 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 98. R. O.
As he writes at length to the King, will not cumber him with his scribbling. Hopes the King of Spain will, for his own interest in Naples and Navarre, concur with England against the French, præter opinionem meam "though it be with some slowness like to my Lord of Arundel." The Pope proceeds marvellously well; instead of sending legates to the Emperor, England, Aragon, and France, "according to the chapters of the Conclave," he has been induced by Bainbridge "to commit to four prelates." Adrian wished to have been sent as legate to the Emperor and Henry. "I thynke movit by the Franch ambassatour for thay be grete and ofte togeder. The saide Adreane is as parciall a Frencheman as I hame a Ynglisman. I pray God geve hymme evyll triste." Commends himself to my lord Steward, Chamberlain, and Bregavenny. Rome, 7 July.
Hol. pp. 2. Add.
8 July.
Lansd. MS. 818, f. 12. B.M.
2078. [5234.] CHARLES LORD LISLE.
Letters patent for Charles viscount Lisle to be marshal of the army. Westm., 28 May 5 Hen. VIII. (See No. 1948, § 93.)
Note:—"This patent read by Garter in the market place at Calais, the 8th day of July."
Copy, pp. 21.
ii. Publication of the above by Charles viscount Lisle.
Copy, p. 1.
Sp. Transcr., I., 5, f. 276. R. O. 2079. FERDINAND KING OF ARAGON to LUIS CAROZ.
Wrote, by Pedro de Lanuza, that he wished to remain always the ally of England. Never breaks treaties to which he has sworn; but shows how, if the King accept his proposed treaty (fn. 4), he can by invading Bearn force the French to break the truce. Whilst writing this, has received letters from Rome, of 13 June, announcing Tremouille's defeat by the Swiss wherein the King of France has both lost his army and the Duchy of Milan. The King of England should persuade the Emperor to make peace with the Venetians and conquer Burgundy while the French are engaged elsewhere. The Swiss must be induced to invade Burgundy and he himself will attack France on the Spanish frontier. The King of France sent M. de Lautrec, the President of Toulouse and Maître Etienne Petit, as ambassadors, offering a favourable peace; but he did not receive them. On the Queen of France sending word that she had important communications to make he sent Quintana to hear her, with orders, if the offers were favourable to England, to go on from Paris to Madame Margaret and the King of England. But, when Quintana wrote from Paris that peace with Spain only was desired, Ferdinand recalled him. Begs the King of England to see that the English do not hold too mean an opinion of the French after this defeat and be negligent.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 124. Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 4.
Egerton MS. 544, f. 128. B.M. 2. Another modern copy.
Pp. 4.
8 July.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. IX. Pt. 2, p. 412.
2080. FRANCE.
"8 July 1513. From Teodoro Trevulzi, Maréchal de France (fn. 5), to 'the King.' Dated from Este."
8 July.
Sanuto, XVI., 504.
2081. VENICE.
[Copy of letters read 14 July 1513.]
From the Signory of Florence to Peter Bibiena, 8 July.—* * * By letters from Paris of 26 and 28 ult., the English, after showing an intention to besiege Boulogne, turned to Terouenne, which is strongly held by 250 lances, many archers and 2,000 foot and is expected to hold out. The King of England has not yet crossed.
Ib., 507. .ii From Florence, _.—By letters from Paris, of the 3rd, the English were pressing Terouenne; and 600 of them, going to Calais for victuals, had been attacked by the men of Boulogne, who killed 300 of them, and 70 cart horses. Three French men of arms and two archers were killed and two captains wounded, names unknown. The Duke of Gueldres sending aid to the French.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, Nos. 258–9.
9 July.
Lettres de Louis XII., iv., 175.
2082. [4331.] HENRY VIII. to the SIEUR DE FIENNES, Governor General of Flanders and Artois.
Has received his letters by François de Mastaing, his lieutenant, grand bailly of Ghent, Jean de Praet, bailly of Bruges, and Jean Caulier, master of requests of the Prince of Castile, whom he sent. They have declared their charge touching (1) the carriage of victuals to the English army, (2) depredations committed by the English on the subjects of the Prince of Castile, and (3) the neutrality of the lordship of Fiennes; on which subjects some of his Council have spoken with them. Understands by the bearers that proclamation has been made, to avoid the displeasure of France, allowing the English to purchase provisions in the Prince's countries, but forbidding his subjects to carry provisions to the army. This is contrary to the treaties made with the Emperor and the Prince, and the licence given by the former to serve the English against France. Hopes he will not allow such proclamation to be made, as it would be against the will of the Emperor and the Duchess of Savoy. As to the depredations, means to do justice to the Prince's subjects. Calais, 9 July 1513.
French. Add.
9 July.
Galba B. III., 113. B.M.
2083. [4328.] SPINELLY to [HENRY VIII.].
Wrote last on the .. inst.; and, yesterday, received the King's of the said date, stating the King's wish to retain the Duke of Bru[nswick] in his service. My Lady has as yet received no answer from the Duke. A councillor of the Duke thinks he will serve the King on these conditions, viz.—He will bring 2,000 horsemen, have for his diet 2,000 gold florins a month, have money for waggons, have two months' wages paid in advance at Frankford or Cologne, have six weeks in which to come to the King, enter wages on the day he leaves his house, ten days journey from here, and have 10 gold florins a month as the price of the horsemen. As these requests were so far out of the way, Spinelly went no further. By letters from the Emperor at Covelence on the 5th, my Lady is commanded to send the Duke to the Emperor, at Treves. As my Lady hopes for a good conclusion with Gueldres to-morrow night, has deferred speaking to Berghis about Dissilsteyne. Is sure he will ask the same terms as Brunswick; and Berghis will consider the interest only of his son, the Lord Walham. Various horsemen, if the truce take effect, will be glad to serve the King at 8 florins a month. My Lady thinks it prudent that one month's wages should be sent by the King at once for 1,000 horse; if they cannot be got elsewhere, she will procure them from the Emperor, "and such a covert way shall be founden by means of the Emperor, that if they shall have 10 florins a month it shall not be prejudicial to your grace for the others." She is anxious that they shall be commanded by an Almayn. She showed letters from the Emperor stating that he comes hither as soon as certified that the Swiss have entered Burgundy. Sends a copy of a letter to her from the Emperor, showing his anxiety for some arrangement with the Venetians.
Mr. Richard Barradot, secretary to the Prince of Castile, has returned from France. The French King told him that my Lady and Lord Berghis had assisted England against the opinion of others of this country, "and he keepeth for them a pensee"; also that she alone had converted the Emperor to be his enemy. The French Queen said the same. He heard a Frenchman call the King of Aragon traitor, which shows they are not content with him. The city of Luke is at variance with the Bishop, demanding restitution of the impositions and defying the French. Has begged my Lady to obtain an inhibition, and prevent those of Julyers and Cleves from serving the French. The eldest son of Robert de la Marche was slain at the battle in Italy. The Governor of the Duke of Sax, at Antwerp, stated to the Almayns that the French horse abandoned the foot at that battle. The herald that was to go to the King of Scots has not yet been despatched. A Spaniard, Dego Decastre, once a merchant in England, came hither eight months ago and was appointed secretary in the Spanish tongue with the Prince of Castile. He went into France with the French ambassador, on pretence of recovering a debt from the French Queen. Now my Lady has had him arrested on suspicion, and he confesses that, by the credence of Don John de Manuell and consent of certain Lords in this country, he had practised for a reconciliation between France and the Emperor, and to break the treaty of marriage between the Prince of Castile and " my Lady your sister, and also to depose the King of Aragon from the government of Castile." My Lady has commanded he shall "be put in tournement." The Emperor's ambassadors (fn. 6) with Henry have written to say that the ratification is not correctly drawn. Sends a memorial of the things declared by the Frenchman taken at Eden. Brussels, 9 July, begun the 8th, 1513. Signed.
Pp. 8, mutilated. Noted by Ruthal.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 100. R. O. 2. A memorandum of divers things declared by the Frenchman (fn. 7) taken at Eden to the Secretary Marnyx, in the presence of Thomas Spynelly:—A priest born in Normandy, near Argentan, of brown visage, having his left brow higher than the other, has been divers times within a year out of England with the French King, and lately about Easter, when he was rewarded with 120 crowns. He is kinsman to Mr. John Demyneres, advocate of the council of Roan. A French merchant, called Bonsons, married in London, writes daily by Andewarp to his brother at Rouen. Denys Lecharon, gunner of Lord Penys, was to set fire to the gunpowder. The priest carried letters to Edmund De la Pole's kinsmen.
"The said Frenchman is a poor fellow, and ill-arrayed, with a sharp tongue; and considering the subtilty and craft of the Frenchmen, my Lady and others suppose rather that he is sent for to put suspicion and division than otherwise." In the last article "is none appearance of truth," and little in the rest.
P. 1.
10 July.
Adv. MS., 401.
2084. JAMES IV. to LEO X.
Recommends John Campbell, licentiate of laws, of the family of the Earls of Argyll, to the offices vacant by death of Alexander Inglis, viz., the treasurership of Glasgow, the perpetual vicarage of Dundonald (at the presentation of the abbot and convent of Paisley and collation of the Archbishop of Glasgow), and the canonry and prebend of Abirlady, Dunkeld dioc. Requests him to give the necessary orders to his Datary. Edinburgh, 10 July 1513.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
10 July.
Ib., 402.
2085. JAMES IV.
Proclamation in favor of Henry Drewintorn, master of a ship of Dantzic (Edanum or Darskyne), who has been trading at Leith. Given under the Signet, at Edinburgh, 10 July 1513.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
10 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 101. R. O.
In his letters of the 9th, stated that the Emperor expected news from the Swiss. It came last night; whereupon Wingfield was appointed to accompany the Emperor to the church at 7 a.m., and afterwards dined with him. He says there is a mutiny in Switzerland. The cantons that have lost men in Italy have attacked Berne and Basle, which adhere to the French. He has written this morning to the Swiss to hasten their proceedings, for his 1,200 horsemen and artillery are ready; and he has been at great charge in keeping ambassadors among them all this year, who have written to say they are in good hopes the Swiss will now attack France. Wingfield told him his master would not like to have paid such large sums of money to his Majesty with such little result. He answered quickly, if his advice had been followed, the Swiss would have been in France before the English, Milan out of danger, the Venetians colder in their enterprise against him. This said, he would listen to no answer. "Covalence," 10 July 1513.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
10 July.
Sanuto, XVI., 499.
2087. VENICE.
[Note from letters received 12 July 1513.]
From the Ambassador at Rome, 9 and 10 July.—Cardinal San Severino says he has letters from the French Court, of the 26th, that 1,500 English foot have been routed at a town of the Boulonnais, that the King of England had not crossed and that the King of Scotland had declared for France and raised an army of 40,000.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 257.
11 July.
Eras. Ep. XII. 21. [Edit. Allen, I. 270.]
2088. [4336.] ERASMUS to COLET.
Colet makes too serious an answer to a letter written in jest; ought not, perhaps, to have ventured on a joke with so great a patron. Colet writes to say that Erasmus is his debtor, whether he likes it or not; there is no one to whom Erasmus would sooner be under obligations, and he would be most ungrateful not to acknowledge it. Is sorry for Colet's hard circumstances; his own are worse; and how unwilling he is to trouble him may appear by the long interval elapsed before he claimed Colet's promise. Reminds him that some time since, when they were walking in Colet's garden, and talking about the De Copia, he had told Colet that he proposed to dedicate some little work (puerile opus) to our boy Prince, (fn. 8) that Colet begged him to dedicate it to his school; that Erasmus replied his school was too poor, and he must have something in hand—that on mentioning the terms Colet demurred, but agreed at last to give 15 angels—on which the bargain was struck. Friends tell him that Colet is something hard and scrupulous in parting with his money; not from niggardliness, but because he is too modest in refusing the importunate. If Colet will not refuse to make good the rest of his promise, Erasmus, as matters now stand, will thankfully receive it as a favor, and make due return. Was sorry to find, from the close of his letter, that Colet was troubled with business. Would be glad if such talents as his could be devoted exclusively to the service of Christ. Advises him to oppose a sound conscience to the gabble (blateramentis) of the malevolent. Cambridge, 5 id. Jul.
P.S.—Has finished collating the New Testament; is attacking St. Jerome; and on its completion will visit Colet. Speaks highly of the service Thos. Lupset renders him in these collations. 1511.
11 July.
Add. MS. 5716, f. 1. B.M.
This morning report is made to us and our Council that above 400 French horsemen, with "a stale and busshement of footemen," are come to a wood called Fookesholys betwixt Tornaham and Terwyn to destroy the ordnance sent to you by water to St. Omer's. The lord Walen and the other Burgundian horsemen with you should "laye" for them betwixt St. Omers and Monstrell, or else set upon them where they now be; for they will soon return to their garrisons by Davern. Calays, 11 July. Signed at the head.
Broad sheet, p. 1. Add.: steward of the Household and lieutenant of the Vanguard.
11 July.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 18. R. O.
Safe-conduct [from the Council ?], addressed to Lord Howard, Admiral of England, and others, for Friar Symon of Prüssia, warden of the convent of Gronebergensis, in the province of Cologne, and Friar Adam Byrchayn, clerk, to pass into Scotland, where the same Symon is visitor of the Friars Observants. Calais, "11th day of J[uly] ... of the r[eign of our sovereign lor]d King Henry the viijth."
Draft, p. 1. On the back is the commencement of a safe-conduct in the King's name and some jottings of names, viz., "John Gremesdyche, grome of your most honourable Chamber, and Wylliam Chyld. Thomas Lamb servant unto Mr. How[ard,] oon of the Speyres."
11 July.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 176.
Lately received her letters enclosing two of Symon de Ferrette and Armstorff about the landing of the King of England and his good reception of them. Hopes shortly to speak with the King in person. Her arrest of Diego de Castro. Couvelentz, 11 July 1513.
11 July.
Sanuto, XVI., 551.
2092. VENICE.
[Copy of a letter read 28 July 1513.]
From Robert Acciaiolo to the Signory of Florence: Paris, 11 July.—The English have done nothing beyond besieging Therouenne. Continuous rain has impeded them, but it is expected that, when they have battered it sufficiently, they will make an assault. The King brought with him to Calais, 10,000 men and a great number of gentlemen richly appointed. He is at St. Omer, in Flanders, about five miles from Terouenne. In the English camp are 34,000 foot, and they have 10,000 in their fleet at sea and 16,000 at home ready to embark if necessary. They have not less than 2,000 horse. By the end of this month the King of France will assemble at Amiens 2,500 lances and 20,000 foot, including the Duke of Gueldres with 10,000 lanzknechts. The artillery within [Therouenne] has done great hurt in the [English] camp, killing the King's great chamberlain and carrying away a leg from Talbot, captain of Calais. Much depends on whether Therouenne holds out. * * *
13 July.—To-day Bourbon and many of the princes will leave for Picardy to begin the assembly. The King will leave on Monday, going first to Belues (Fontainebleau) and afterwards to Amiens. Thus all things tend to some great outburst.
12 July.
Galba B. III., 125. B.M.
2093. [4343.] SPINELLY to [HENRY VIII.].
Wrote last on the 9th. His man has returned with the enclosed letters from the Duke of Brunswick to my Lady, who advises the King to conclude with him. The Duke had with him at Coleyn about 500 horse. My Lady considers the truce with Gueldres concluded. Brussells, 12 July 1513. Signed.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
Leases. See GRANTS IN JULY, No. 19.
14 July.
Sanuto, XVI., 534.
2095. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 24 July 1513.]
From Gian Giacomo Triulzi to Andrea Griti, Ors (Cahors), 13 and 14 July.—Advices from France state that the English have been roughly handled. La Trimouille writes that the Swiss are quarrelling among themselves; and the French have killed 2,000 English and captured the captain of their footmen, the bastard of Guigne (Luigne ?) and another leader.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 264.
Sanuto, XVI.,
ii. [Copy of a letter, made 15 Aug. 1513.]
From _ (unsigned), Lyons, 14 July.—Terouenne confident. Discomfiture of the English by Mons. de Pienes and the Great Master, who killed 300 of them and took two pieces of artillery. Numbers of the French army (including lanzknechts brought by the Duke of Gueldres). The English no more talked of than if they were in Ireland; and their reputation gone, since they have lain five weeks and six days before one of the weakest towns in France. The King of the Romans, at Ulm, could get nothing from the princes of the Empire against France. He then went to Luxemburg for money, which was openly refused, and is now at Brussels, about to meet the King of England on the frontiers of the county of Guisnes and endeavour to obtain money.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 274.
15 July.
Calig. B. II., 287. B.M.
Mr. Deputy had their letters dated 6 July on the 14th. The King of Scots and his lords have taken Sacrament not to divulge their counsels. It is said "they purpose to France." The writers think it is to besiege Berwick as they have shipped large ordnance and have victualled 40 topsails, including the King's great ship. Lord Homyldowne is made admiral. Beg means may be assigned for their defence. The walls are ruinous. Want spades and wood,—above all, money. Twenty workmen who have been employed on the walls for 12 months, since William Pawne left, have not been paid and have now left work. Will be glad to hear of the coming of the lord Treasurer and that some part of the fleet be sent to their assistance. The lord captain has indented with the King to furnish the town and castle with 500 men. Have written to the lord Treasurer to find some remedy, as the payments of their wages are mainly in pence not current in that county or thereabouts. Thomas Strangwish, master porter there, has furnished them well with victuals. Berwick, 15 July.
P.S.—Have heard the Scots have removed their goods inwards from the Borders.
Copy, pp. 2.


  • 1. Warham, Surrey, Lovell and Englefield appear to have been the only members of the King's Council left behind.
  • 2. June 30th.
  • 3. Armestorff and Simon de Ferrette.
  • 4. See No. 1657.
  • 5. Theodore, however, was not the Maréchal but the French Ambassador to Venice.
  • 6. Armestorff and Simon de Ferrette.
  • 7. Hector de Vicquemare. See No. 1265.
  • 8. Charles.