Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 1, January-May 1537. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1890.
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'Henry VIII: May 1537, 22-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 1, January-May 1537, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1890), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no1/pp574-584 [accessed 10 February 2025].
'Henry VIII: May 1537, 22-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 1, January-May 1537. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1890), British History Online, accessed February 10, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no1/pp574-584.
"Henry VIII: May 1537, 22-25". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 1, January-May 1537. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1890), British History Online. Web. 10 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no1/pp574-584.
May 1537, 22–25
22 May. R. O. |
1257. [CROMWELL] to the DUKE OF NORFOLK. |
The King has received your letters dated Birlington the 18th inst., and thanks you for the order you have taken for the same Birlington and the house of Gervies. But though he doubts not the persons appointed by you will do all for the best, yet as all lands attainted must pass by the hands of his general surveyors with offices found, &c., he sends certain of his council to take order therein. It would not be profitable to make any grant at this time of year as farmers commonly enter about Michaelmas. When the lands are well surveyed the King will consider about the poor inhabitants and appoint some substantial man to stay the country and keep hospitality. The King is not satisfied with the depositions "taken of certain women anempst the cutting down and burial of the traitors in Westmoreland and Cumberland," which could not have come only of women's heads. If those depositions had been earnestly taken the truth might have been known. Norfolk must find out and punish the principal doers. | |
As to the haven, if 20l. will amend it, as Bekwith says, he is to get it done. The shrine must be taken down that people be not seduced into offering their money, and all the plate and jewels sent up hither, except such as Norfolk is willing to buy. The corn and cattle are to be sold; and the lands being at this time sown he will order for his Highness' profit, paying all well proved debts of the houses. As to the leads, &c. he will determine on report of his commissioners. | |
Norfolk is to inquire and certify the King of the lands, offices, &c. of lord Darcy, Sir Francis Bigot, Sir John Bulmer, Sir Stephen Hamerton, Sir Thos. Percy, Nich. Tempest, and the others lately attainted. | |
No news, but that two ambassadors have come from Spain, one of them of a good house, and near to the Emperor. Cannot yet certify their object as they have not had audience of the King. | |
Draft in Derby's hand, with corrections in Cromwell's, pp. 3. Endd.: Copy of my lord's letters to my lord of Norfolk, 22 May. | |
22 May. R. O. |
Reminds Cromwell of the complaint of the bearer, Robt. Oxenfyld, who delivered 8 tun of wine unpaid for to lord Darcy's house at Templehurst. Sheriffhutton, 22 May. | |
Added in his own hand: Sends a letter from Sir Thomas Clifford, concerning the king of Scots, and one from Sir Thomas Wharton and Sir Thomas Curwen with the copy of their certificate touching the taking down of the rebels in those parts. Wharton and Curwen's letter, which came this afternoon, will show that Norfolk was not privy nor pleased with the taking down of the offenders. Begs him to show this to the King. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd. | |
22 May. R. O. |
1259. SIR THOS. CURWEN and Others to [NORFOLK]. |
On Monday, 21st inst., it was reported at Cockermouth and elsewhere that there was words between the abbot of Holm and Dan Thomas Grame, monk there, which touched treason. Knowledge thereof came to Sir Thomas Curwen and Sir Thomas Wharton by writings unsigned and report of honest men, the words being spoken on Saturday before. We accordingly repaired all together on Tuesday next the 22nd and called the said monk Grame, who gave us the enclosed articles under his own hand. His former writings unsigned showed the names of those who would approve the same; so we secretly examined some of them as in articles sent herewith. Have departed from the abbey without much knowledge to the abbot and others of their proceedings. Hollm, 22 May. Beg credence for bearer. Signed: Thomas Curwen—Thomas Whartton—John Lamplough—Edward Aglionby—Ric. Berwes. | |
Pp. 2. | |
R. O. | 2. _ to [Sir Thos.] Wharton. |
Has laid against the abbot the breaking of the King's injunctions, and other causes concerning the insurrection. Doubts not there will be records of other matters he will bring against him. Suggests that Wharton and the sheriff should call before them both him and the writer, and examine them and also Cudbert Musgrayve, Robt. Chamber of the Heyght Lawys, John Austen of Salt Cottes, and 16 others, named. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. in the same hand: Robt. Ierby, Hugh Stamper delivered this letter. | |
Calig. B. III. 285. B. M. |
3. Information by a monk of Holm against his abbot, headed "At the first insurrection, against the abbot." |
1. He had commanded William Alanbe to send Jas. Hountter to assemble all about him to meet the commons at Waytlynghow. 2. He was appointed by them commissioner to Carlisle and demanded for them its surrender. 3. At Perethe he gave the commons that rode to York 40s. for their expenses. 4. At the last insurrection, the day before the commons laid siege to Carlisle, when Hugh Williamson told him there was never such a gathering "to the brodfeld" (broad field), he answered "All mighty God prosper them, for if they speed not this abbo is lost; and upon the saying he sent for his sub-prior and commanded him to cause the brether to go daily with procession to speed them the commons' journey." | |
ii. "The articles of breaking of the King's grace's injunctions." | |
1. He has brought women into the monastery to dine and sup. 2. Has sold without licence 100l. of the plate. 3. Has used the seal against "our" profit. 4. Has given to the abbot of Byland a salt of gold and silver, value 20 marks. 5. Has sold "our jewels of our kirk." 6. Has let the demesne lands against the King's injunction. 7. Since the granting of the King's pardon, he commanded Cuthbert Musgrave and his tenants to ride to the commons the day before they laid siege to Carlisle. 8. All the insurrection there was owing to him. Signed by Thomas Graym. | |
Pp. 2. | |
Calig. B. III. 286. B. M. |
4. Depositions against the abbot of Holm. |
1. John Austan says that on Friday after Shrove Tuesday, the tenants being assembled before the abbot by Robert Yerby, he commanded Cuthbert Musgrave to go with men to the commons at the "Braydefelde." | |
2. Jas. Perkyng "being grave (?) of Blake Dyke" deposes that he received notice from one Merceall (?) a monk, to assemble the said tenants. | |
3. Cuthbert Musgrave, gent., confirms the same. Signed: "Thomas Curwen—Thomas Whartton—John Lampleugh—Edwerd Aglionby—Ryc. Berwes". | |
Pp. 2. | |
22 May. R. O. |
I am emboldened to write by the remembrance of your great kindness and forbearance when for 10 or 12 weeks I never came to do my duty. I was told you were very angry with Mr. Vyllyamson. Thanks to you I had my livery. Great friendship was shown me for your sake by Mr. Vyllyames and his sister "that voylled a hayd that shalle nevar hout off my stomocke; et hes a playge to me and a ponychement off God to me," and will cause me to remember God and you the better. I am bound to lay my hands under your feet all my life. I am determined to leave this turmoiling and come and do my duty to you. If every penny I have were 100 I would do no less. But for my trust in you I should have destroyed myself for that same woman's sake. I wish I had not tried her so far, "feryng lest she hayd not lovyd me, the vych nove as provyd conterary, and that hes my lacke nowe and hevynes for her." Her brother who was so much my friend for your sake would fain that I had had her. Alludes to a Mrs. Parcar. Sent Cromwell two letters by a servant of Rouland Hell's, mercer, London, and another by Chr. Mekyng's servant. Regrets he did not do his duty 1½ or 2 years ago, but did not like to report every light tale. Desires Cromwell's favour; "and next my wyffe in faythe sholld a bene and Rychard Worsselle hayd not ben, be that same tocken a brovt me a papovr and flovers for a tocken frome her." But for him she would have been married ere this in Master Richard Cromwell's house and yours at Stepney. Knows Cromwell now better than ever he did. Begs him to "see to the world," for all that speaks him fair are not his friends, and to bear himself as well to the poor as to the rich, and promote law and justice and the word of God. Reminds him how the world cried out two years ago "off. hem the most that I hayrd (?) off." Pity you should have had any misfortune of late, for it was God that preserved you that time. | |
P.S.—"As I sayt oyne nyght at soper at the tabyll oyne sayd to me, 'Mr. Goustycke,' sayes he, 'hes a gret man and mochy vythe yowr master.' 'Yowr master,' sayes he, 'and he hes towe.' 'Vy?', sayd I. 'Mare,' sayes he, a voylld a cayst a vaye doctor Barnes and brovt him to preson. Hove be et,' sayes he, 'yovr master as hovllpe heme hovt a gayn. And,' sayes he, 'Mr. Govstocke hes as starcke ffaracy (Pharisee). I marvaylle,' sayes he, 'that yovr master vyll let hem come so mochy into hes company; hovttar a hasse (either he has) by hem gret provyt or some gret love. In deyd I have harde iij or iiij say be hem as mochy or thes that a can not ffavor the worde of God." | |
Does not write this that Cromwell may be the worse to him but charitably exhort him. Master Governor has shown the writer great friendship since he came for Cromwell's sake. He is an honest man, well beloved by all and yesterday came from Brussels to Barow. Dated at head: Barow, 22 May 1537. | |
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd. | |
22 May. R. O. |
Desires to be recommended to Lady Lisle, whom he prays God to send a good and joyful time of deliverance. Arrived here last night and found the Turk's ambassador lodged in the best inn of the town; so that my Lord (fn. 1) and Mr. Brian were but easily lodged. To-day they have both been at Cowchie, three leagues hence in the forest, the fairest ground he has seen in France. They were well entertained by the Cardinal de Belyue and others. After the King's dinner they were brought to him by the Grand Master and conversed with him for an hour. Thinks he showed himself conformable to their commission. When Mr. Bryan took his leave of the King, he showed him very gentle countenance. Returned to this town to bed. Tomorrow we shall ride to Compiegne, the next day to Moundydere, the second to Amyence, the third to Abville, the fourth to Mowtrell, and the fifth to Boloigne or Calles. Chawneye, 22 May. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. | |
22 May. Poli Epp. II., 58. |
Has no letter to answer; for he answered the last which was from Lyons. Encloses a copy, in case the other has not reached Pole, to show how much he longs for a letter. Learns from Priolus the state of Pole's affairs. Grieves that the King of England recedes daily further from the unity of the Church. Has heard the reasons which determine Pole to remain longer where he is; but on the other hand thinks that by lurking longer in a corner he will do little service to the Holy See and expose himself to more dangers. Thinks he should choose a middle course, neither hurrying away ignominiously nor unworthily hiding himself too long. The bp. of Verona wrote to Ambrosius that Priolus had written to Contarini about Pole's expenses. Ambrosius asked what Priolus had written, so Contarini had to show the letter, although Priolus had asked him to keep it to himself. The Turks fit out a vast fleet and the Christian princes in return prepare themselves. Salutes the bp. of Verona and other friends. Rome, 22 May 1537. | |
Latin. | |
23 May. R. O. |
1263. LORD DUDLEY. |
The names of the lordships sold by Sir John Sutton, knt., lord Dudley, 23 May 1537, to Roger Brown of London, mercer, to the use of Sir John Dudley of Sussex, viz.:—Dudley, with the castle, Segelley, Ettingsall, Woodsetton, Upper Gurnall, Bryerley, Colsseley, Nether Gurnall, Durlaston, Ettingwll Yend (?), Gosspell Yend (?); for 4,000l. under certain conditions. | |
"Provision for the said purchase Sir John Dudley of Sussex have sold to George Robynson Drayghton Basset for 2,000l."—the bargain to take none effect if Sir John Sutton pay Robynson 1,000l. at Michaelmas; the following lands being offered by Sir John as sureties for its redemption, viz.:—Peynswycke, Kybbworthe Beacheam, Moreton Valence, Ymbers Courte, Malthrope and Garnethorpe, Burwasse, Fyndon, Sheffeld, and Hemyngford (value of each given). | |
Large paper, p. 1. Endd. | |
23 May. R. O. |
Has got notice from Dr. Leighton by the bearer Mr. Warmington to come up with speed and rehearse such words as he heard when last at London touching the treasurer of York. Was ready to have done so when he was commanded by Norfolk to wait upon him for the dissolving of the monasteries of Bridlington and Jerves. Bridlington is dissolved and to-morrow his Grace goes towards Jerves. Will wait on Cromwell afterwards. Meanwhile reminds him that he affirmed the treasurer of York to be the first man that entered the writer's house there, took his best bed, a coat of plate, and what more God knows. "Many books and writings I want, and part were in his house and delivered again since my coming home." His bed is also delivered. Said also that he received the commons in procession at the church door, but the report is now qualified that they being at a dirge in the choir came in their habits to the door and met them. Said also that he pulled down the King's arms above his door, which is notorious. Has heard nothing of him since the King's pardon. What he reported to Cromwell of Mr. Bowes is true. Would to God ye heard the bruit of the country therein; but since the pardon has heard nothing against him. Will shortly wait upon Cromwell with the King's money for first fruits. York, 23 May. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell Lord Privy Seal. Endd. | |
R. O. | 1265. BRIDLINGTON. |
"A remembrance to my lord Privy Seal's good lordship for Richard Bellycis." | |
For his favour to Bellycis for the farm of Bridlington priory, Yorks. | |
P. 1. In Bellycis' hand? | |
23 May. R. O. |
This day, when at Court, was asked by Sir John Russell when he had heard from Lisle, who said he had written his Lordship two sundry letters, by the King's express [commandment, for fat quails for the Queen. He wishes two or three dozen sent at once, and killed at Dover, and afterwards 20 or 30 dozen. Will speedily see those sent by land conveyed to Hampton Court. If there be no fat ones at Calais, Lisle is to send with all speed into Flanders for them. The Queen is great with child, and will be open-laced with stomacher by Corpus Christi Day. Sir Ant. Browne has not been at Court these 15 days. "Your Lordship needeth not to pass upon the good squire his brother for all his threatenings." The Master of the Ordnance has received the box Lisle sent him with writings, and as soon as he has moved the King, will make answer. And as touching "the tre. and control" (qu. treasurer and controller?) I shall follow your Lordship's instructions. Mr. Windsor is not yet come; when he arrives Mr. Basset will depart for Calais. Spoke today to my lord Privy Seal about your suit, begging him to keep his promise. He replied, "If I should not remember my gentle lord Lisle, I would I were buried. Be content, Husee, thou shalt be speedily rid." Can only wait his time. The Emperor's ambassador was this day solemnly received at Court, with the marquis of Exeter and all the other peers, whereat the Frenchmen hang the lip. Those condemned for treason will die next week. Thinks the monks of the Charterhouse will go the same way, for they will not take the King as supreme head. London, 23 May. | |
Mr. Walsingham delivered me again the bill that your Lordship signed for Molton, and another, which he wishes you to sign and seal and return, for the first was not sufficient. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add. | |
23 May. R. O. |
I came this day from Court. My lady Sussex and lady Wallop would be glad to hear that your Ladyship is delivered. Lady Wallop says she has delivered your tokens to lady Mary, lady Sussex, lady Beauchamp, and Mrs. Coffin. I can hear no word yet of Mr. Baker. Lady Rutland is not yet come to Court, because my Lord is still sick, but I will show her your mind fully, and see if she has received your token of Mr. Baker. Mr. Wallop has already moved the King for Mrs. Anne, and has partly a grant for her, so that he will now move the Queen, and then make your Ladyship a direct answer. As to Mrs. Katharine, that matter must sleep till the duchess of Suffolk return. "And where your Ladyship hath something overreckoned yourself, I trust in God all is for the best." Wyndon has put your old book to covering, which I will send with the first: There is not to be got such another book of all the booksellers in London, but I will make search, and if I can get none, you will write what manner of book you will have, and I doubt not Mr. Skut will give the covering. The Queen is great with child, and will be open-laced with stomacher between this and Corpus Christi Day. The King has written to my Lord for fat quails for her Grace. Mr. Basset is merry, and awaits Mr. Windsor's coming. I will do my best to make his leg whole ere he go. London, 23 May. | |
Hol. Fr., p. 1. Add.: At Calais. | |
24 May. R. O. |
Confession of John Turnour of Old Buckenham before Chr. Jenny, serjeant-at-law, Roger Woodehouse, Richard Southwell, and John Wotton, esquires, 22 May, 29 Hen. VIII. | |
In the week before Palm Sunday last, as he was riding "to Norwich ward" with John Lok of Old Buckenham, servant to Mr. Graye the priest, Lok said that, on Lammas Day last, Hugh Wilkynson of Buckenham St. Andrew offered him and John Browne of Old Buckenham, as they were coming home from Stone fair, an angel noble to kill the King's visitors in their beds that night at Buckenham Abbey. Wilkynson said they might escape into the wood; and that, if he had no more to lose than they, he would do it himself. Lok also showed deponent that John Parker, jun., of Horssecroft Street, Old Buckenham, knew of this from the said Brown. Lok said "that he had kept it so long that he was afraid how it should be taken if he spake it." Deponent showed it to Ambrose Potter and he to Richard Southwell. | |
ii. Confession of John Lok, before the same justices. | |
To the same effect. He, Wilkynson and John Browne, son of Peter Browne, had met at Sto[ne] fair at Cressyngham. | |
iii. (fn. 2) Md. John Loke, John Browne, the younger, and Hugh Wilkynson as they came together from Stone fair, "seayd that the King's commissioners should be at Bokynham Abbey shortly, and one of them said it were a made sporte to shut the gates; but who spoke the same word I cannot say—Hugh Wylkynson." | |
iv. Confession of John Browne, jun., 24 May, 29 Hen. VIII.; before Sir Roger Touneshend, Sir John Heydon and Richard Southwell. | |
Similar to §ii. | |
v. Confession of John Parker, 23 May, 29 Hen. VIII.; before Roger Woodehous, Ric. Southwell, and John Wotton. | |
In Lent before Palm Sunday, Brown told him that Wilkynson had offered Lok and him a noble to kill the King's visitors. "Marry, quoth the said Parker, it was perilously spoken of him." | |
Pp 7. Slightly worm eaten. Endd: John Turnour's confession. | |
24 May. R. O. |
Saying and confession of the late abbot of Jervys made to the lord Privy Seal, 24 May, 29 Henry VIII. | |
The said lord, after long communication, asked the abbot the "earnest" causes of the first insurrection. The abbot demanded if he knew any man who pretended title to the lordship of Midlam, as he thought that title was one of the causes; for he heard the commons about Peersbrig say they would make new lords of Midlam and restore divers who were put from their offices by wrong. Further the commons of Massam, talking of Midlam, said they would advantage some folks 1,000l. Heard a serving man say, in Jervys Abbey, the commons would have put his master in possession of Shrive of Hutton but his master refused it. Knows neither master nor man, but could recognise the latter. The said abbot asked if Midlam, Shrive of Hutton, and _ (fn. 3) Castle were of one title; and, when my Lord said yea, the abbot said "My lord ye be greatly deceived thinking that the monks and canons were chief doers in this insurrection, for there were other of more reputation." Further, he said if he showed all he knew, and it were known he uttered it, it would cost him his life; "albeit percase the King would grant him his pardon." My Lord promised it should not be known, and commanded that he should have pen and ink to write it, and so departed. | |
P. 1. Endd.: Thabbot of Jervalx. | |
24 May. R. O. |
For avoiding of charges and other considerations he showed Cromwell last Midsummer, he was minded to lie near London. Since Easter his servants have agreed for Sir Roger Copley's house of Roughe haye, two miles from Horshame in Sussex, and the writer has sent money for provisions. Now, Sir Roger will not let him have the house without a letter from Cromwell. Begs such a letter in his favour to Sir Roger. At my poor house besides Stafford, 24 May. Signed: He. Stafford. | |
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd. | |
24 May. R. O. |
Of late the King wrote his letters to the earl of Worcester and lord Ferrers to appear before this Council for the ordering of the office of stewardship of Arustley and Keviliock and the repression of riots there. They have appeared and agreed for the said office, lord Ferrers to occupy it during the Earl's pleasure. They desired me to certify you that, since the inhabitants of the lordships aforesaid assembled and would not suffer the deputies of lord Ferrers to keep court there, there have been no unlawful assemblies. For our part, till this agreement was made, we kept eight of the best of those countries in this castle so that the rest durst not stir. Where your Lordship and others of the King's Council wrote to me to keep a vigilant eye to vagabonds and persons desirous to sow sedition: I have one that fled out of Yorkshire, taken by John Salisbury of Denbigh, whose name and examination I enclose; he is a gentleman of 20 marks a year. I have this day received, from my Lord of Worcester and Walter Herbert, the bastard Bawdripp and Jankin ap Jevan Goz, according to your letters to them directed; at Mr. Englefild's coming I shall inform you further. I thank you for your letters received by my servant Lewys. Wygmore, 24 May. | |
"These two letters enclosed were found with the man that came out of the North." Signed. | |
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Crumwell lord Privy Seal. Endd. | |
R. O. | 2. Examination and confession of John Wadyngton of Calverley, Yorks., taken before the Commissioners in the Marches of Wales. |
He is son and heir of John Wadyngton, deceased, of Cotes, Yorks., and on the decease of Alison Roden, his mother, shall inherit 20 marks land. In summer was twelvemonth he was in London from midsummer till Christmas, and there got 20l. wine from Ralf Foockesley, draper, and afterwards 110l. worth of cloth from Ric. Lodge, grocer, and sold them again and spent the money. In the Easter holydays last he set out for Ireland, leaving his mother to agree the parties for the said debt, and had a letter from Wm. Grey of Ecelston near Chester to Martin Pell, a captain of the King's warriors in Dublin. At the first insurrection in the North before All Saints, Edward Hongate, captain of Carleton, commanded the whole lordship to ride with him, and this deponent was with the captain against the King three days and had 20s. wages of Rob. Rose, John Boode, and Ric. Watkynson of Cotes. Which first insurrection the King has pardoned. | |
Pp. 2. Dated at the head: Wigmore, 24 May, 29 Hen. VIII. | |
Desiring your favour for this bringer. You shall have me as your own by this token: "Remember the woodside where you had the wine as we rode to London, and as for your bald horse that you sold our hostess Kolyer at the Stone is in good health"; these tokens are sufficient. Wherefore be good to this bringer, my kinsman John Warryngton (sic). Shew Ric. Whytt that I am sorry for his trouble and desire his favour for this bringer. Chester. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: at Develyn. | |
R. O. | 4. SIR RIC. HARYSON, St. Katharine's Priest in Chester, to HUGH FLETCHER, of Bewmares. |
"Right trusty and well-beloved fosterfather," my own mother wrote to me about your cloth. I sent it by Thos. Yrland and Thos. Damadocke three weeks before Easter in the boat from Port Pole. I thank you for the oysters. If you cannot get your cloth, go to the law about it. I desire you to make good to the bearer or cause him to have good cheer of my father. He is a good friend of mine and goes to Ireland in the King's service, and, though in simple array, is a gentleman and has proper land. 12 May. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.. | |
24 May. Vesp. F XIII. 98. B. M. |
According to the King's letters to us of late directed, we have been with the Lord President of the Marches of Wales and other the King's Commissioners there for the reformation of enormities and misorder pretended of late to have been done in the lordships of Arustley and Kevylyock. There is no such misorder as was reported to the King, though the inhabitants "did somewhat square for keeping of their courts"; whereof we be now agreed together, and have before the President and Commissioners taken such order that we trust the inhabitants there will hereafter be as quiet and as ready to serve the King as any in the realm; or else if it were our blame to whom the King has given the rule there, as the President and Commissioners have more at large written to your Lordship. Beg him to inform the King of this and of their readiness to do their duty. Wigmore, 24 May. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. | |
24 May. R. O. |
Has written by Sterley, mercer of London, of my lord Privy Seal's answer touching your long suit. Has good hopes to be rid. The quails came very well. The King and Queen were very glad of them, but would have them fatter. Made such speed, when they came to hand, that the King and Queen had two dozen of them by 7 a.m., which they divided for dinner and supper. The rest must be delivered on Sunday and kept alive till Friday night, according to the King's pleasure intimated by Russell. He says that betwixt this and Sunday he will learn the King's pleasure concerning your letter, and Mr. Owdall, I fear not, shall lose his malicious labor, and not meddle in the forest. Trusts by the means of Russell and my Lord Admiral he shall be defeated of his purpose. My lord Admiral marvels not a little at the news of the "alarma" at Guisnes, Hampes, Calais, &c., and I was obliged to say I did not know whether you had written to my lord Privy Seal thereof. Trusts he will not have occasion to trouble Mr. Bryan. If you send any more quails let them be fat and killed at Dover,—not more than two or three dozen at a time. Mr. Wyndsor is not come. Mr. Basset is waiting for him. London, 24 May. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.. | |
24 May. R. O. |
I have received by the bearer your letter with the quails, which were very welcome both to the King and Queen. As soon as they came to hand I rode to the Court with two dozen of them killed, and they were presented to the King and Queen at 7 o'clock, who immediately commanded one half to be roasted and the rest kept till supper. Those that remained alive Mr. Russell commanded me to kill on Friday night and bring them to Court on Sunday. Those sent henceforth must be very fat and killed at Dover. Not more than two or three dozen should be sent at once. There will be no peascods, or cherries here this side midsummer. You will get great thanks for them when they come. Mr. Wynsor is not yet come. Mr. Basset only waits his coming. Lady Rutland remains with my Lord at Hallywell. My lord Admiral, Mr. Wallop and my Lady desire to hear of your being brought to bed of a boy. I hope by the time Mr. Basset comes to Calais his leg will be at a good point. You will receive by the bearer your old matins' book new bound. London, 24 May. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.. | |
24 May, R. O. |
To-day divers poor neighbours of Boninges have come to me, saying they had been before your Lordship to desire you to help them with such weapons as might be spared for their defence, if need should require. I beg you, if any can be spared, to lend them some pikes. Their watch will be a safeguard to us. It is said 200 more men-of-war have come down to Owghtinges and Cressacres. Commend me to my lady. I thank you for your fish. Guisnes, 24 May. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. | |
24 May. R. O. |
Received a letter this day from the Queen, desiring speedy conveyance for the enclosed. If the person should come to Calais, wishes he may be lovingly entertained. Has spoken to the vice-admiral and my lord of Bevers for four hogsheads of wine for Lisle. Barough, 24 May. | |
Begs him to assist his servant, who is going with two horses for the King. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais. | |
R. O. | 1277. SIR JOHN BULMER. |
i. "Debts owing to me as I remember." | |
From Mr. Knevet that married lady Strykland, for money paid to Mr. Pagynton of London, 40l. From my uncle Edmond Wreght, 22l., and for an obligation I paid my brother Sir William for my lady his wife, 16l.; also I sent my said lady by Chr. Conset when she lay at Growmond last, 40s., and I owed her since the burial of my father, 20l. He therefore owes me clear 20l. From my uncle, parson Bulmer, 20l. For my brother Sir William, as appears by a book amongst the writings betwixt him, my brother Sir Raff and me for my father's will, 100l. | |
ii. I have taken the half year's farm of Bulmer, Thornton, Sutton, and Atwyk, the "gyrs" farm of Wyllton, and Soxton, and allowed Wm. Bellt for his fee. Farms to receive:—Thorpbulmer, corn farm of Wyllton, Garton, Bulmer, Wylton "gyrsferm," Pynchyngthorp, Langtoft, Barwgh, Strensall, and York (amounts given). | |
iii. Debts that John Bulmer owes as he remembers. | |
To Richard Gressom for sale of land in Thornton, lady Dodmore, lady Pergetor, John Wyshe the capper at Ludgate, Mrs. Necollson the poulter's wife, Mr. Typlady, Ric. Allen, Ric. Ferer (?) and Wyse my capper. In Yorkshire:—To Mrs. Philip Hedlam for her farms in Busby, to Ric. Rassyn of Malton, Jacob Strangways, Mr. Frank parson of Lofthowsse, Grasson my maltman, my draper at Pickering for servants' liveries, Atkynson of Hertoft "that he lent me to pay for the demission of Rosdayle," Chr. Roger of Commondale, Thos. Zowerd (Yowerd ?) of Westerdale, and Wm. Eston of Mallton (amounts given). | |
In Bulmer's hand, pp. 2. Endd. | |
25 May. R. O. |
The Deputy and Council have lately written to the King of the state of affairs here. On Tuesday next the Deputy, with all the power of the English pale, proceeds against O'Conowre. The bearer, the bishop of Kildare's chaplain, can show the news. The bishop sends you a hobby, and will send a cast of hawks this summer, and desires the King's letters or my lord Privy Seal's to the Deputy and Council in his favour that the house of Conall "yt ys unett un to hys beshopryche should natt be suppressyd" as he doubts it will be, seeing the late suppression of St. Peter's of Trym, the Beckey, the abbey of Dewlyke, Skerys, Barkyng glasse, and Grayne. The mayor and his brethren of Dewblynge beg you to remember them unto their prince that they may be recompensed for their good service done to the King. We intend to send over to the King at Midsummer and trust your Grace will be our mediator. All men sue for themselves and none for our poor city which pays 200 mks. fee farm to the King and has no more than 100 mks. certain to pay it, and besides must pay for hostings, &c. The Deputy, army, Parliament, and Council being always here is a great charge to the city. We trust in the favour of your Grace and the lord Privy Seal. Here was like to have passed an Act that coin should be at the sterling rate of 4d. a groat which was wont to be 6d. It were better to raise it to 7d. than make it less, for then strangers would convey it away. A soldier at 9d. ster. a day would get no more for his sterling penny than he now does for his Irish penny, and poor men would be unable to live. Dublin, 25 May. | |
Hol., pp. 3. Add.. Endd. | |
25 May. R. O. |
Thanks her for a goshawk and many other things. Since writing last, hears from Thos. Seler here in London that Richard Philips is one of the drivers and compassers of this matter between lord Beaucheham and lord Dawbeney. They have several times consulted with their counsel about the great indenture for the sale of 100l. of land in Gloucestershire. They have not yet determined what the law will do therein. Has spoken to Mr. Marvyn, who wishes to see the copy of the indenture. Hears he is with Mr. Hussey. Will speak to Hussey when he comes home. Mr. Marveyn has promised to advertise lord Beaucheham not to mell with it. To-day Sir Wm. Coffyn is sworn knight of the King's privy chamber. Middle Temple, the eve of St. Augustine. | |
Hol., p.1. Add.: Wife of the deputy of Calais. | |
25 May. R. O. |
I beg you to be good lord to the bearer, an old servant of my lord Audley, who is not so able to maintain his servants as your Lordship. He is a gentleman of Dorsetshire, and named an honest man. Guisnes, 25 May. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. |