Henry VIII: January 1537, 21-25

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 1, January-May 1537. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1890.

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'Henry VIII: January 1537, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 1, January-May 1537, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1890), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no1/pp78-116 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: January 1537, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 1, January-May 1537. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1890), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no1/pp78-116.

"Henry VIII: January 1537, 21-25". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 1, January-May 1537. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1890), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no1/pp78-116.


January 1537, 21–25

21 Jan.
R. O.
With thanks in that your Lordships do advertise me to preserve my health. The vainglorious abbot of Ensam reported that you, my lord Privy Seal, had Sir Thomas Elyot at supper, and, after supper called him to a window and said to him that he once did your Lordship a good turn, and you bade him not be superstitious, saying that you were not married to abbots. The abbot also reported that Sir Thos. Elyot showed him that the Imperator of Almayn never spoke of the bp. of Rome but he "avaleid" his bonnet. When Sir Thos. Elyot is in these parts, he and the abbot are but little space asunder. Sir Thomas Elyot did ride to Hanborowghe a mile from Ensam, for nothing, as he said, but to drink with Dr. Holyman, parson there; Thomas Blakman of Hanborough can certify this. Such a worshipful knight to take his journey only to drink with such a base priest: no doubts, my lords, that Dr. Holyman is a privy fautor to the bp. of Rome; he is marvellous familiar with the abbots of Ensam and Reading and with Dr. London, warden of the New College, Oxford. I am compassing a politic means to destroy the rebellious traitors in the North within three weeks. Please send one to Oxford for it; in the meantime I will prepare it. Oxford, 21 January, with the shaking hand of John Parkyns, being sick and powerless but of perfect memory.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To the ... good lords, lord Privy Seal and lord Admiral. Endd.
21 Jan.
R. O.
Thanks him for the writings and copies sent by his servant the bearer, all which Shrewsbury has sent to the king. Cannot give him better advice than to continue as he has begun, staying the commons, with the aid of those gentlemen now returned from the King, and to keep the castle of Pomfret in safety and stay the honour. Wynfeld, 21 Jan.
P.S.—In his own hand: My lord, I beg that as you hear "what ways yonder folks will take" you will ascertain me. Signed.
P. 1. Address illegible, but above it in a modern hand is written: "to ld Darcy."
21 Jan.
R. O.
My friends "above" in the Court have written, and "my lords, cousins, and friends that came thence" have reported, that the King has by his own mouth declared his pardon to all his subjects of the North, and has despatched the duke of Norfolk down to affirm it. There is to be a free Parliament and liberty for spiritual and temporal to utter their learning and show their griefs, and have justice against all who were named in the bill of the commons at Doncaster, and any others of what degree soever. I send you this to shew to my friends and neighbours, as well within my rooms as others; that we may keep within the King's pardon and not follow those who assembled with Bygod and others in those parts and nigh Skarburgh, who, I hear, are sorry and curse their captains for misleading them, which I trust shall do them good at the coming of my said lord. Tempilhurst, my cabin, 21 Jan., 1537.
Copy, p. 1. Headed xviij. Endd.: "The copy of my lord Darcy letter sent to Thomas Slyngsbe my deputy at Knaresburgh, Ralph Pullan and others of my council there. Item, to others my rooms and friends the same likewise."
21 Jan.
R. O.
Asks him to show the King or Council the state of these West parts of Cumberland. From Plomlonde to Mongcastar "ys all on flowghter," and more rebellious than ever, both in words and deeds, nothing regarding the pardon. On Saturday, 13 Jan., a servant of Dr. Lee's, called Robt. Wetlay, came to Mongcastar and lodged at Roger Fylbeces house, and parson Wodall with him. Next day the country rose on him and took him to Agremonde and on Monday to Cokkarmouth. All the people were assembled in the market place. Some said, "Strike off his head," some said, "Stick him." He was searched for letters from the King, and there were found on him some from Dr. Lee, but nothing in them concerning the King nor the commons. They all concluded to put him to death, but his life was saved for that day by young John Swenburne, by promising to bring him the next Monday to be tried in open market by 24 men whether he brought any other letters, as to the carl of Cumberland, Curwen or Whartton. If they can prove any letters from the King or his Council, they will put him to death. They have sent to all the places he came by as far as Skypton, to inquire. On Thursday, 18th inst., the commons spoiled all the tithe barns on the west side of Derwent. The same day, at Lanslot Hemar's house, the old wife was put forth of her possession by Hyymar, who claims the land. There was like to be a fray between the contrary party and Heyghmer's friends.
Came into Yorkshire because he heard that the commons were assembled on Friday 14th at Mewthow, either to attack Carlisle, or else to make Curwen swear to take their part or put him to death, which he had rather suffer than be untrue to the King. Having no gentlemen about him to trust in, has come to Sheroffhoton, where the King's tenants have promised to take his part against any that rise. While at Rauffe Gowar's house at Richmond, a bill came to the town, of which he sends the articles. Divers are sent abroad, as to Durham and Barnard Castle, and, he fears, to Cumberland and Westmoreland. Asks him to inform the duke of Norfolk and the lord Admiral of all this. Has brought Wharton's brother with him, for his life was not safe at Cockermouth, although the town are good and true subjects. They have followed Curwen's advice. [There] is no way to stay Cumberland but garrisons and correction. They will [not] hear nor trust any one who speaks contrary to them. Could not send sooner because he was "laid for" in every quarter of the country. God knows what will become of his wife and children. The commons all think that Norfolk will not come into the North. They report that the King is displeased with him. Has asserted the contrary. York, 21 Jan. "Your assured broder, (Signed) Thomas Curwen."
Pp. 3. Add.
21 Jan.
R. O.
186. [LORD LISLE] to _
I thank you always for your kindness. As to Brook's man, I assure you Brook wrote to Thos. Fowler for his discharge, who principally had the doing of it. I am desired to write to my friends in favor of Wm. de Maister, brewer, who lately occupied the brewing of beer at St. Peter's, half-a-mile out of Calais, but has given it up since Michaelmas, in consequence of the Act to the contrary, to the no small injury of the country. Please to obtain a licence that he may brew beer there as he has done, for the victualling of the town. I will reward you with a tun of as good French wine as can be got. I know the opinion of my lord Admiral (fn. 1) is that it has been prejudicial to the town, but experience shows that it is more beneficial than otherwise, "for the decay and loss of cattle which hath been seen sithence the leaving of brewing, and specially of porks, hath been more than goodly may be borne." Calais, 21 Jan.
Draft corrected by Lisle, p. 1. Mutilated, Begins: Right worshipful.
21 Jan.
R. O.
In reply to your letter, it is true that my men took prisoner one Jehan Ootre (?) in going to Aire. He carried letters of very bad intelligence, and I would have had him severely punished, but in consideration of you I have delivered him on his paying his expenses. Your man wished to make a present in your behalf of a little horse to my son, but I would not allow it. I trust, however, you will not be displeased, for I do not wish to receive gifts from any one but my master. St. Omer, 21 Jan. 1536. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
21 Jan.
R. O.
It is quite true that his men have arrested two horses and some merchandise conducted by one Jacques Wete, but they did not belong to him but to the French. Can easily satisfy the Deputy on this point. Tournehen, 21 Jan. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
22 Jan.
R. O.
189. CROMWELL to JAMES BETTYS and RIC. PALSHID, Customers of Southampton.
His friend Antony Guydot has long sued to the King for licence to export wools, and has provided 200 sacks for this purpose. Desires them to let the said sacks pass, taking sufficient surety for the payment of customs and other duties at year and year after the shipping thereof. The Rolles. 22 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: My lord Privy Seal.
R. O. 2. A complaint of some merchants, whose names do not appear, against Anthony Guidott and other Venetians in respect of some mercantile transactions. To defeat their claims they had been arrested on the way to Italy for 3,000 marks.
P. 1. Begins: Pleaseth to your Mastership to know. Endd.
22 Jan.
Bibl. Nat.,
Fr. 2,997.
Has received his letter written from Corbye on the 11th and communicated its contents to the King to induce him to grant some succours, which he hopes he will do at length. He has promised to write to the Emperor and the regent of Flanders to make the men retire who have invaded Picardy, otherwise he is obliged to aid Francis. He is much pressed by the Imperial ambassador to make some treaty. Will do his best to break that off. There is also Mons. du Reuz, who entreats by the said ambassador that the duke of Norfolk may come and help him with 10,000 archers, and that he will restore the king of England to his patrimony. Norfolk has reported to me these news, and is displeased at the reference to him. Wishes all those about the King were as favourable to us as he. London, 22 Jan.
Begs him not to communicate the contents to any one but the King.
French, p. 1. From a modern copy in the possession of the Rev. Joseph Stevenson.
22 Jan.
R. O.
I have received your letter of Sunday last, dated at Hawtton, desiring a copy of the King's letter that I brought down. I have no such thing, but will be glad to confer with you at Ellerkar if you will send me word, for I am not so good a clerk as to read your letter perfectly. I like your proclamation, but trust it will not be needed hereabouts, where all are in good case. Hull, 22 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
22 Jan.
R. O.
I would have come to you to be a mean to show the King my demeanour in "this fond fashion lately used in these parts," but cannot yet ride, as the bearer can show. It is the more to my pain as I would know whether you received the letter I wrote you after I was taken at Mylthorp, two miles from Wakefeld by Thomas Gric of Wakefield advertising you of words spoken by Lord Darcy to Sir Ric. Tempest in Pomfret Castle, and also sayings of others; showing who, in my conceit, were not steadfast, although soon after they had a "spop" (?) at Doncaster, and then divers began to pretend all they did was for good intents and policies. This, if it was by command of the King and Council, was well enough, but if not, "then it is a world to sec the false pakkyng used in the world." The houses of religion not suppressed make friends and "wag" the poor to stick hard in this opinion, and the monks who were suppressed inhabit the villages round their houses and daily "wag" the people to put them in again. "These two sorts hath no small number in their favors, arguing and speaking." The head tenants of abbots, bishops, and prebendaries have greater familiarity with their landlords than they used to have. None are more busy to stir the people than the chief tenants of commandry lands of Saint John of Jerusalem. Where the archbishop, bishops, abbots, and spiritual persons have rule the people are most ready at a call. The insurrection in Lincolnshire began at Lowgh, the bp. of Lincoln's town, next at Holden, Yorks., the bp. of Durham's town, "Sir Robt. Constable, a virtuous pilgrim of grace there, being steward," and then at Beverley, the abp. of York's town, York being worst of all. Laurence Keghly, ruler of the Archbishop's town and parish of Otley said lately to the parishioners "Sirs, it is said that word is come into the country for delivery of harness, and of like word will come to me to demand yours, but he that delivers any I would, &c." The King should command his lord Deputy to put out the rulers made by spiritual men, for their bailiffs are brought up from childhood with priests, and are malicious in their quarrels. There will never be peace so long as the spiritnal men have so much temporal power. Advises that they should have their desmesnes and a rentcharge on their lands but never be allowed to meddle with the King and people. What the people will do is hard to say "for thay ar ralyng and mor grown in ydillness then thay haw ben"; but with the Grace of God the King will find way of punishment, "yf thay deseryv after this his marcy shewed." Steton, 22 Jan.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Lord Cromwell. Endd.
22 Jan.
R. O.
Encloses the depositions of Wm. Sterten, of Bromshilf, and Peter Duhurst concerning seditious words spoken by John Woodward, which were sent him late in the evening of the 21st by Walter Blount, learned in the law, of Staffordshire. Sent immediately in the King's name to John Bickeley, bailiff of the Duchy, to commit Woodward to Stafford gaol. Intends to come to London about the second week of clean Lent, and bring up the King's revenues of South Wales, unless he can be excused from St. George's Day. Charteley Manor, 22 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 2. The deposition of Wm. Sterten and Peter Duhurst, of Bromshylfe, concerning seditious words spoken by John Wodward.
They have heard Wodward say, in the time of the commotion of the Northern men and since, that the Northern men did rise in a good quarrel and for a common wealth. Wodward, about a fortnight before Christmas last, said openly in the parish church of Bromshyll that the laws now made are not God's laws, but the Devil's laws, and they could not long endure. That he said "that we never had good world syth the Lord Cromwell and his master (fn. 2) did rule, and he said that he trusted he should have as short an end as his said master had."
P. 1.
22 Jan.
R. O.
I send you a patent under our convent seal of 6l. fee for life; trusting you will continue my good Lord, as ye have ever done, and remember me and my brethren to the King's commissioners at their coming into Cornwall for our poor living. Bodmyn, 22 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
22 Jan.
R. O.
Wrote by Wytworth. The bearer goes with the horse sent by Wm. Pole. Has given him 8s. for his charges. Lisle will receive by him a letter from Pole, with bridle, saddle, &c., after the Irish fashion. Caused Dick Gylliam to tarry two days to accompany him, who has a fair goshawk for your Lordship. As to the benefice of Hartyng, there is no appearance yet that Mr. Pole will go from his promotions. Mr. Popley says that when time shall be he will have your Lordship in remembrance. My lord Chamberlain is in as good case as ever he was. "What he shall be here after God knoweth; but Mr. Popley hath also promised therein to have your Lordship in like remembrance." Hopes good speed will be made with his Lordship's patent, bat there is such matters in hand among the Privy Council "that suitors hath yet small ear." As to payment for Calais, my lord Privy Seal told Mr. Treasurer that my lord of Norfolk has the money that was appointed for us, but that within eight days he would help ridding. Wat a' Portland writes to Lisle that he desires to have either his two patents again or his money. Lisle's attorney in the Common Pleas is dead. It is said the Parliament is proclaimed at York to commence there in May next. London, 22 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
22 Jan.
R. O.
I have received your sundry letters and partly answered them by Wytworthe. I will do as much for Sir Robert and Justyce as I can. Touching the 300l., I have been to Mr. Treasurer and delivered your letter, but he cannot receive the money due in Oct. last, and will lack 150l. He does not expect my lord Privy Seal to repay the money he lent him till Mich. As to Geo. Rolles he has promised Skut payment this week, of whom I shall receive the bond he has of your ladyship. As to the preferment of your daughter, Mrs. Margery keeps her room till Easter. My lady of Sussex's room was given long since, as soon as the marriage was known of, to Mrs. Jarnygham. My lady of Rutland has promised that all she has shall be at your disposal, but we have small comfort in the wardrobe. The Queen and my lady Marquess received your presents thankfully. Kyne at his return will inform you more fully. I sent you the embroiderer's quittance. Please send Mr. Basset his study gown and a barrel of herrings before Lent. London, 22 Jan.
My lady of Rutland knew not till now that your ladyship was with child. She was churched six days ago, before Kyne came; but he has made such inquiries, he can tell you what is needful.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
23 Jan.
R. O.
Lord Darcy's letters by Ralph Medyllton have been thankfully received by the King and Council, as Ralph can show, who has attended the answer. Old Sir Ralph Ellecarr is likely to be rewarded for his service against Sir Francis Bygod. Doubts not but that Lord Darcy shall prove himself a true knight. The lord Admiral sends a letter about the stewardship of the honour of Pounfrett. Credence for bearer. Greenwich, "by your most humble son," 23 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Endd.
[23 Jan.]
R. O.
Yesternight at supper I received your letter, and rejoice at the news, trusting the rest of such ungracious persons shall come to like end. If the King's affairs be brought to good frame before my coming I shall grudge no man the praise, and if any service be left for me I shall show my good will. At the same time as your letter, came Sir Marmaduke Constable's son and heir, who has married my lord of Rutland's sister, bringing a letter from Sir Robert, his uncle, sent with this, together with the copy of a letter, as he says, sent by him to Beverley and other towns "where likelihood of business was to arise." He has written more than I can perform, and his large sayings might be for a scant good purpose about the Coronation and Parliament, &c. As he was too sick to ride "I pray God give him grace to do better than I fear he will. This young man cannot speak too much good of my lord Darcy and his uncle; sickness now hath kept them both at home, which could not so do at the first business at Doncaster." Moreover, he says, there were none slain at Beverley, but that Bygod fled before day. Also that lord Lomley's son and heir went, the time Bygod went to Beverley, to take Scarborough Castle. Also that there was a bruit in the country that the King would send me to Ireland, as I was out of favour, and my lord of Suffolk should lie at Hull. He says, plainly, an Halam had not been taken at Hull there had been new business ere now. Kenynghale Lodge, Tuesday morning. Signed.
P.S.—"The letter came from Ask as well as Sir Robert Constable, which I did not mark unto the closing hereof."
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
23 Jan.
R. O.
Deposition of Thos. Burdhed of Barton (Barkstone), before Jas. Carter, alderman of Grantham, 23 Jan, accusing John Bushye of Hogham as "a traitor to his prince and a man's murderer." This accusation he had already made, 22 Jan., before John Smith, bailey of Grantham, and Thos. Wells, bailey of Aswardhyrn. He and his brother Harry, and John Hoggekynson had carried a clothsack full of harness to Bushy, of Hogham, who told him he was made captain of 40,000 men, and they would search all the corners of London for the lord Privy Seal for putting down of abbeys, and those that were put down they would set up again, but they would do nothing to the King's Grace but put him in such a fear that he would be glad to take the broad water. He said also that if he had lord Borow and Mr. Topelyff, his brother-in-law, he would handle them like traitors and wretches and shake them on his spear to his fist. As Burdhed was Bushy's tenant, and Bushy threatened that he would strike the neck from his body, he durst not show the said treasons or murders till he had removed to the soke of Grantham. Signed with a mark.
P. 1.
23 Jan.
R. O.
St. P. I.
Writes by Mr. Gostwyk's servant. Arrived this 23 Jan. at York, where Mr. Lawson has made him good cheer. On the way met divers posts coming Londonwards. Some of them said there was new insurrection, and all Nthld., Cumbld., Westmld., Yorks., Richmondshire, and Holderness up; some that Lord Conyers had stayed most of Richmondshire; some that Aske and Mr. Bowes had stayed Durham and Holderness; some that Sir Francis Bigote had raised a company and assaulted Hull, where, after a great conflict and many slain, Sir Ralph Ellerker had captured many of the rebels and Bigote was fled, no man knew whither; all agreed that the cause of this new tumult was despair that Norfolk should not come hither. Everywhere on this side Doncaster bills have been set on church doors urging the commons to stick together for the gentlemen had deceived them. Thinks there are men who do nothing but go about to stir up sedition. Spoke with many of the honest householders, who said that had they not begun in Lincolnshire the North would never have risen, but when they were up Aske came into Holderness and spread bills that no parish church should stand within five miles of another, and marriages, christenings, and burials should be taxed, so that the people were stirred, and the gentlemen undertook to be their captains. "Why," quod I, "the gentlemen were taken by the commons and compelled to be their captains." "Yee, yee," quod they, "an the gentlemen had been as they should be they might have stayed them well enough at the first; but when the gentlemen took their parts, then such poor men as we be could do no less than do as they did or else have been spoiled of all that we have." One merry fellow, mine host at Tadcaster said, "Why," quod he, "how say ye to my lord Darcy? Did he not turn to the commons as soon as they came to Pomfret and took their part? And yet being within the castle he might have resisted them if they had been ten times as many as they were." Thinks the gentlemen have winked at this matter. Hears the men of the Bishopric, where he must pass, are very wild, and say that if Norfolk come to do them good he shall be welcome, but if not they will resist him. All between York and London is quiet, but if the commons beyond York stir, then, if the King's army come first they will take its part, otherwise they will join the commons for fear of spoil. Has to pass through a wild country, but Mr. Lawson and others who come from thence say he may do so safely. York, 23 Jan.
Hol. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
23 Jan.
R. O.
Examinations taken at Kingston-upon-Hull, 23 Jan. 28 Hen. VIII. by Mr. Wm. Rogers, mayor of Hull, Sir Ralph Ellerker, jun., Sir John Constable of Holderness, Sir Wm. Constable, Sir Chr. Hilliard, and Richard Smythley, in presence of John Aprice, notary public, special commissioners.
i. Wm. Horsekey of Watton, yeoman, says that at the first insurrection John Halom of Calkelde both sent and came himself to this deponent and his neighbours of Watton, showing that all Lincolnshire and Beverley were up for throwing down of the abbeys, and bade them rise also upon pain of death. He thus stirred up all Watton, Hutton, and Craneswike and the country between that and Driffield, and was ringleader of them all. And since the King's pardon lately proclaimed, during the last Christmas holidays the said Halom said to him and others at Watton parish church that one Wm. Nicholson, of Preston in Holderness, had told him that Holderness was ready to rise again, and if need were, he promised Halom to bring him from thence 200 or 300 men, and said he trowed that Hull was false to the commons. This Halom also believed and thought that both Hull and Scarborough should be taken for their defence; else, if furnished with artillery, they were able to destroy the whole country about. And on Monday was a fortnight, which was a plough day, after the said Halom, Hugh Langdale, and this examinate had been drinking together at one John Bell's in Watton with many other parishioners, "as the manner is there of plough days," and every man departed homeward, the said Halom, Hugh Langdale, and this examinate, and the vicar of Watton, as they passed by the church of Watton, turned in to say a pater noster. And there the said Halom called this examinate and the said Langdale to Our Lady's altar, and said to them, "Sirs, I fear me lest Hull do deceive us, the commons, for there is ordnance daily carried in thither by ships, and they make prie yates (?), and Scarborough shall be better fortified, and the gentlemen will deceive us the commons, and the King's Grace intends to perform nothing of our petitions, Wherefore I think best to take Hull and Scarborough ourselves betimes; and to the intent that we may do that the better I think best that ye, Hugh Langdale, do go forth to Wm. Levenyng and Robt. Bowmer or to Wm. Constable whether (qu., whichever?) he would; you Horsekey to Sir Robt. Constable (for thither this examinate desired that he should be sent), and I will go to Hull to inquire what tidings goeth abroad in those parts, and how they are minded there, and after that let us meet all in this place together again upon Wednesday next, then to take further counsel what is to be done in this matter." The vicar meanwhile was in another part of the church, and this examinate fully intended, though he durst not then declare his mind, to go to the said Sir Robt. Constable and show him all this purpose that he might prevent the same and take the said Halom. The said Halom received the same night a letter from Robert Aske, desiring him to come to him at Arows next day, which was Tuesday, and from thence to go together to Beverley. And thereupon this examinate and the said Langdale, being warned by Halom to be there also, disappointed their purpose, came on Tuesday to Beverley to meet with Aske and waited for him two hours before he came. Aske assembled the whole town and said openly before the 12 men of Beverley and the commons: "The King's Highness is good and gracious lord unto us the commons all and he hath granted us all our desires and petitions, and he will keep a Parliament shortly at York and there also for the more favour and goodwill that he beareth to this country he purposeth to have the Queen's Grace crowned," adding many other good words on the King's behalf. He also said that my lord of Norfolk would be here very shortly, and bring a better report unto them from the King's Grace under his Great Seal. Then said Halom openly, "How happens it then, if this be true, that the tenths be gathered, for I hear say that my lord of York hath received a letter from the King's Grace for the gathering of the tenths or some other payment, whereas it was concluded at Doncaster that there should be no mo payments gathered till the Parliament time?" Aske replied that he knew of none such but supposed it was for the first part of the subsidy freely granted by the clergy. After this Mr. Creke and the 12 men of Beverley invited Mr. Aske to dinner and all the company that was there. And when they came to one Chr. Sanderson to dinner the said Creke took Halom and this examinate aside to a window and said, "Mr. Halom, I pray you stay the country about you. Ye see how good and gracious the King's highness is unto us and will be undoubtedly. There be certain lewd fellows abroad in the country that would stir the people to naughtyness again, as Nicholson of Holderness and the bailey of Snathe. I pray you stay them and be not counselled by them." Halom replied that he would not stir. After this, on Wednesday se'nnight, Sir Francis Bigod came to Halom at his house, who took him to Watton, and he lay there till Friday morning. And on the Thursday the said Halom came to this examinate's house and showed him that he was informed by Bigod that all Wensladale, Swadale, and all the dales were up, and Sir Thomas Percy came forward with them, and said we must rise too, for he could see no other choice; "and the said Sir Francis thinks best, said he, that we do take Hull and he and his company will take Scarborough all at once, and when we have done so we will set forwards first to Beverley and then towards Pomfret to take it too." What their further intent was the said Halom did not show; nor can he tell except it were for the tenths and pulling down of the abbeys, which they rose for first. Upon Monday evening next after there came a letter to Halom from Sir Francis, by Percyvall his servant, on which the said Halom sent to this examinate upon Monday night was a sevennight about midnight one John Prowde, who charged him on Halom's behalf on pain of death to he next morning at Beverley by sunrise. On asking for what purpose, the messenger said he knew not. On the same morrow this examinate took his horse and rode to Beverley, met with Hugh Langdale on horseback, and Philip Utye bound to his horse standing together at the said Philip's house. They rode all together towards Beverley, and on the way the said Langdale told this examinate that Halom had received a letter from Biged desiring him to take Hull and that Sir Francis would take Scarborough. Came to Beverley to Wm. Couper's house where they found Halom, who, on being asked why he had sent for them so hastily, showed the letter which was read by the said Langdale. From thence this examinate with his company, Langdale, and Utye came towards Hull, leaving Halom talking with two of Bigod's servants at the said Couper's house. It was arranged by Halom that they should ride two or three together to Hull for fear of suspicion. And this deponent and his company, viz., Langdale and Utye, agreed to go before to Hull and show all his purpose to some trusty friends. They discussed on the way what sure friends they had to show the matter to, and agreed to tell it to one Crockey, which they did, and also to Robt. Grey, of Beverley, and Stephen Clere, of Hull, an hour or more before the taking of Halom, asking them to inform the mayor without telling by whom it came.
Being asked what other ringleaders or stirrers of new tumults he knew, says that the clerk of Beswick and James Horsekeper at Watton be naughty fellows in this matter. Also that the sub-prior, the confessor of the nuns, the vicar of Watton, and one Anthony, canons of Watton, are great setters forth of sedition, for he heard them say several times since Christmas that it would never be well as long as the King was supreme head of the Church, and that it would not be reformed unless the people set forward again with a new insurrection. Upon his conscience he thinks there is never a good one of all the canons of that house and that they all bear a grudge to their prior and would fain have a new one. (Here occurs the deponent's mark.) He adds that at the time he and Halom and Langdale met together in the parish church of Watton, Halom said to him that as Langdale had lately come into the country and was not yet sworn he would swear him, and did so, this deponent assenting thereto, after which they had the conversation above given.
ii. Examination of Hugh Langdale taken the same day.
His wife about a se'nnight after St. Thomas' day last sent a letter to this examt. who was then and all the time of the late business here with his master, the prior of Watton, at London, telling him that she and her child had been with Sir Thos. Percy, and in what danger she and her children were during the first insurrection because he was not here. She therefore implored him to come home, and thereupon he came home. And after his coming, on Monday was fortnight, which was plough day, he was sent for by Halom to come to the Guild House, where they were reckoning about the church money. Which done Halom, Horsekey, Utye, Lunde, and the vicar went towards their church and turned in. Halom called this examinate aside to Our Lady's altar, and said because he was lately come to the country it was necessary that he should be sworn as all others were. Halom brought him a bill of the oath, which he read, and asked him whether there was anything in it a man might not lawfully swear. This examinate answered No. And he took a book and swore him, Utye being present hard by and Horskey in the choir. About the same time he heard Halom say that he had learned of one Waterous, who was taken at Scarborough, after he had wrung him by the beard and threatened to cut off his head unless he told him the truth, that the King intended to fortify Scarborough and Hull, and so to close in the country about and bring the commons in subjection. He said if that were true then our pardon should stand us in no effect, and unless we first take Hull and Scarborough we shall be utterly destroyed. After this on Wednesday was sevennight Sir Francis Bygot came to Halom's house and they went and supped together at Walton abbey, where Sir Francis tarried till the Friday morning. Examinate served at the table, being a servant of the house, and heard Bygot and Halom say the prior was not lawfully put in. Then Halom commanded the brethren, on pain of losing all that they had, to choose another prior; so the sub-prior sent examinate to Beverley to fetch Thorlande, a notary. On Monday was sevennight Sir Francis sent a letter to Halom by two servants, Percyvall and Bigot, who supped at Watton and sent for Halom, and meanwhile declared the effect of the letter at supper in presence of the sub-prior, cellarer of the kitchen, and examinate. The same night Halom came and received the letter. Examinate had gone home but returned to Watton, and was there warned by Halom to meet him at Beverley on the morrow. Would have excused himself by the message he had thither on the morrow (which he had not yet done then) but Halom said no excuse should serve; and on the morrow there he met him with Horsekey and Utye and they read the letter and went thence to Hull, where they did as Horsekey has deposed. What he did was for fear of his life, for Halom was "so cruel and fierce a man amongst his neighbours that no man durst disobey him."
iii. 26 January:—John Halom, eftsoons examined (fn. 3) of his coming to Beverley to Robert Aske, says that on Tuesday morning after the plough-day he received a letter from Aske to meet him that day at Arows or Beverley. Met Horsekey and Langdale at Watton abbey on horseback ready to go their several ways appointed to inquire news, and showed them Aske's letter "and so turned their purposes and came to Beverley." After a while Aske came thither and assembled the town to the common house, and declared that he had been with the King, who would shortly be at York to hold Parliament and have the Queen crowned and would then grant all that was lawful for the common weal. Examinate said he prayed God it might be so, but it was said the abp. of York had received a letter from the King to gather the tenths of priests and, if that were so, he feared the people would rise. Aske said he trowed it was but for the tenths the Abp. had in his hands already gathered. Going to dinner to Sanderson's house Mr. Creke called examinate apart "and desired him, where as the said Creke owed 8l. part of the 20l. which he should have paid for his sheep to the commons, that he would stay the commons therefor," and advised him not to rise again. Bygot, Nicholson of Preston, Wilson and Kitchyn of Beverley, and the clerk of Beswik [Andrew Cant, Lowry, and Robinson] (fn. 4) were ever calling on examinate to make a new commotion. Knows nothing "by" Fraunces, of Beverley, but that he chanced to be one day with Wilson and Kitchyn at his house. Horsekey and Langdale were always of his mind, but they grudged at Bigot. Had little communication with Utye. The saying of all the people, except perhaps gentleman, was that if the King should ask any payment or if their harness were taken away before the Parliament, they would rise again, for they thought then that the Parliament men would not get them what they rose for. Can specify no special man who said this; it was the common voice in his quarter.
26 Jan:—William Crockey, of Hull, deputy customer, says that about 11 a.m. on Tuesday was sevennight Horsekey, Langdale, and Utye came to him as though they would buy a tun of wine. And at last, Horsekey, by the consent, as it seemed, of Langdale and Utye, took examinate apart, and examinate, seeing him abashed and trembling, asked hastily, "What news? How do ye all in your parts? and he said, Naught, for we were commanded yesternight about midnight, pain of death, to be here this day, and for to take the town as I suppose, said he." Examinate immediately went and spoke with Robt. Grey in Robt. Kemsey's house, and he said he "trowed all would be nought," wherefore let every man do his best. Then examinate took Mr. Johnson, an alderman, and went straight to the mayor's house, where was one Fowbery already opening the matter to the mayor. And then all hurried home and fetched their weapons and assembled for the taking of Halom and his company.
26 January.—Miles Boswell, examined upon the news that came from York, says that on Sunday last about noon he heard Nich. Holme, yeoman of my lord of York's "ewry," say he heard news in York that Richard Crumwell was slain. The same evening, as he and others, both my said lord's servants and others, were standing in the hall by the fire, one Hudson, servant to Mr. Aclam, of Moresby, said that a servant of my lord of Westmoreland told Ecclesfelde, my lord of Northumberland's servant, in Johnson's house at Minstergate in York, the Saturday before, that my lord of Norfolk was in the Tower, and for this cause: "my lord Crumwell came to the King and said, 'Sir, and please your Grace, ye are minded to send the duke of Norfolk northward shortly?' And the King said Yea. And my lord said again, 'Sir, as far as I can perceive, my lord of Norfolk hath granted the commonty all their demands or else he would take their part, and as far as I perceive he will lose no part of his honor.' Then the King sent for my lord of Norfolk and asked him whether he would do so. And he answered the King that he would be loath, but that the commons should have their demands, and would be loath to lose any part of his honor. Then the King commanded him to the Tower. And thereupon my lord William went to the lieutenant of the Tower and desired that he might speak with my lord of Norfolk, and could not; and returned again toward the Rolls to speak with my lord Privy Seal, and he was gone and had taken his barge to go to the Court. Then as my lord William came alongs Chancery Lane he met with Ric. Crumwell; and there my lord 'By God's blood I will be revenged of one of you,' and took out his dagger and did stick him therewith, and turned him with his hand and so killed him." Examinate said that if the tale were true my lord would have heard it, but if it were not, a serving man telling it deserved hanging. Told no man this, "till my lord, upon their receipt of these the King's Commissioners, caused him to tell the same.
John Baldwyn. servant to my lord of York, examined, heard Hudson speak as above.
(On the following leaf are only the words:—("Ledes.—Commons keepwell your harness. Trust you no gentlemen. Rise all at once. God shalbe your governor and I shallbe your captain." (fn. 5)
iv. Examination of John Halom of Calkehill, yeoman, 24 Jan. 28 Hen. VIII. at the common hall in Kingston-upon-Hull before the commissioners above named.
Examined upon the articles sent from the King and Council:—
To the first article, he says he heard by a general rumour that Beverley was up, on Sunday before St. Wilfred's day. That Sunday in his parish church the priest in bidding the beads left out St. Wilfred's day for holyday, and he asked openly why he did leave out St. Wilfred's day "for it was wont always to be a holyday here." The priest answered that that and other feasts were put down by the King's authority and the consent of the whole clergy in Convocation. As soon as mass was over the whole parish was in a rumour and said they would have their holydays bid and kept as before, "and so they had ever since." On Monday or Tuesday following examinate rode to Beverley to receive money of Couper's wife at the Bull ring (?), and afterwards went to the house of John Crowe, a great doer in that new business of insurrection. There he found a great number drinking and talking of that business, amongst whom were Guye Keme and Thomas Doonne from Lincolnshire, and one Woodmansey who had been sent from Beverley into Lincolnshire to learn the truth of the insurrection there and had returned with Keme and Doonne. They showed there were two great hosts up in Lincolnshire with six knights in each. John Webster, Kitchyn and Wilson were great doers at that time. Keme and Doonne had with them the articles for which they rose in Lincolnshire which all strove to see or get copies of. The causes alleged were:—that the King's visitors should come to Lowthe and take away the relics and spoil the church; for the plucking down of abbeys; for payment of the quintain, first fruits and tenths, and divers other payments; for new laws in the Church and other things yet to ensue, as that there should be but one parish church in four miles, but one chalice in a church, and that all church stocks or crosses, copes all but one, and all other ornaments of churches should be taken. Because people saw many abbeys pulled down they believed the rest; and every man cried against the lord Cromwell, Cranmer, Latomer, the two chancellors (of England and of the Augmentations), and the King's visitors who had been in these parts. Kene and Doonne said they were sent from both hosts in Lincolnshire for aid and implored them to come and rescue them in Lincolnshire. At that time were many letters written at Beverley, by a friar of St. Robert's of Knaresborough, whose name he cannot tell, and sent to the townships round, commanding them on pain of death to assemble at Hunsley on St. Wilfred's Day to take the same part that Lincolnshire took. There at Crowe's house was one of the said letters delivered to examinate to show to his neighbours. Took it home, but they had already heard of that business. Also then at Beverley examinate was first sworn, either by Wylson or Woodmancie, to take the commons' parts. From that time forward no man could keep his servant at plough, but every man that could bear a staff went forward towards Hunseley (sic) and examinate with them. The commons about this examinat were without a leader two or three days after, and the people named Robert Howtham, Harry Newark, and Will. Cowrsor (?) and this examinat, as captains of all the commons from Beverley to Driffield. From Hunsley they went to Arows and to Wighton Hill, more of the country gathering to them at each place, and thence to Hunsley again and York. They then returned to Hull and mustered again at Hunsley, with all the gentlemen they had taken out of Hull and divers men of Hull too. Then being desired by Mr. Aske and Mr. Rudston, they went forward to Pomfrete and Scawsby lease, where the whole host met. The other three named captains of his company "slynked away" by little and little and left him alone, for the commons suspected them. When they first went to York they drove one Coppyndale's sheep because he fled away, and sold them again to his deputy for 10l.; "which by whole agreement was delivered this examinat to keep." Then they drove a flook of sheep of the archbishop of York's brother, which were sold to men of Lekynfelde for 16l.; then a flock of Mr. Creke's sold to his deputy for 20l., of which they had but 12l.:—all which money was delivered to this examinate to keep and divided by him among them at 4s. each. He says also that William Stapleton was captain of Beverley, taken, as he thinks, against his will, by the commons. Messrs. Aske, Rudston, and Metham were chief captains over all; and of Holderness, Barker, Amler, and Ric. Tenande were ringleaders, and George of Bawne and [Bayly of L. (fn. 6) ] Gilbert Wedel were leaders of Nafferton. Mr. Stapleton was the best learned man in the band of Beverley. This is his answer to the first article. He adds:—During the truce at Doncaster this examinate went with his company to meet a ship coming from the King with victuals and ordnance to Scarborough, and took the same with the master, Edward Waters, and there had 100l. of the King's which he divided among them afterwards, taking himself one man's share. But Mr. Aske had about 20 nobles of the same.
2. William Horsekey came to him when he was at York and showed him that Aske, Metham, and Rudston had sent to Watton for some money, and the subprior and brethren had made shift for 10l., which he brought from them; and he asked this examinate to whom he should deliver it. Replied that as he and his company dwelt about the abbey they ought to have part. Horsekey said, "I think best to deliver you the one half and to them the other" which he did. They had no more money, from that or any other house or person, but that amongst his company; except the money for the sheep and the 100l. taken in the ship.
3. They received no letters or tokens of comfort from any man but Aske and from Beverley as above mentioned. Cannot remember who the messengers were. They had no comfort from friends in the South except that certain "riding men" who were taken among them out of the South, whose names he cannot tell, said that if they came towards the South country all the commons there but a few gentlemen would take their part. And so he heard one Thomas of Lownde who is here in prison, and was at London since the agreement at Doncaster, say that the commons in the South wished they had come forward, for enough there would have taken their part.
4. He thinks these articles were devised by Mr. Aske and no other.
5. After the publication of the pardon he thought and said that it was but lord Cromwell's deed and the Bishops' above named, and not of the King's own knowledge, and that they had liever have had some of their petitions granted by the King than have a pardon, for they had never offended.
6. After this, and the pardon proclaimed and every man returned home, it was rumoured that the King would fortify Hull and Scarborough; whereby the gentlemen might resort thither, make the towns stronger and the country weaker, and so subdue the commons that the country should be in like case as Lincolnshire was. Also that the mayor of York had received a letter from the King to take all the harness from the commons and the bishop of York another to gather the Tenth. "And that, as he saith, did set the people more a fire to make a new stirring." He knows no one person who first brought these rumours. About New Year's Tide last Sir Francis Bygot sent to this examinate to know what news he heard, and he returned answer, None but good. After this on a Monday was a fortnight this examinate, Horsekey, Utye, and divers of Watton were at John Bell's there about the reckoning of the Plough money. This examinate sent for Hugh Langdale to come to them, and, on departing towards the parish church, thought best to swear the said Langdale as others were sworn, lest he should bewray them or send any word to the prior of Watton, his master, who was then at London; and so turned into the church, showed him the oath, and swore him upon a book to do as they did if any business should rise again. The examinate then showed him that the voice of the country was that unless Hull and Scarborough were taken till Parliament were begun, before the duke of Suffolk and the gentlemen came to strengthen them, it would be a great hindrance to the country, and that it was feared the gentlemen would deceive them. And owing to the rumours of the taking of harness and gathering of the Tenths, this examinate, Horsekey and Langdale agreed that Hugh Langdale should go to William Levenyng and Robert Bowmer or else to William Constable, Horsekey to Sir Robert Constable, and this examinate to Hull to enquire the truth. Next Wednesday, 10 Jan., in the evening Sir Francis Bygot came with four servants to this examinate at Cawkelde (Calkehill) to speak with him and they walked together towards Watton Abbey. While there. Sir Francis said the charter proclaimed at Doncaster was not good, because it ran not in the King's name but began as another man's tale, "Albeit the King's Highness," &c., and he thought it was but Lord Cromwell's deed; further, that the King's office was to have no cure of souls, and he read to this examinate a book made by himself, showing what authority belonged to the Pope, what to a bishop, and what to a king, saying that the head of the Church of England might be a spiritual man, as the archbishop of Canterbury or such, but in no wise the King, "for he should with the sword defend all spiritual men in their right." He said also he thought, as the most part of the country about him did, it was best that Hull and Scarborough should be taken, for the country to resort to till Parliament time, and if the duke of Norfolk came down to the North parts, the country "should hold him forth," and any others that came out of the South parts till Parliament time; for he thought that my lord of Norfolk would do this country no good for the purposes that they rose for in the beginning, and tried hard to make this examinate believe the same, saying that if my lord of Norfolk came the country would take him about Newburgh or Byland and swear him that they should have their intent that they rose for. This examinate answered he knew no man that would withstand the duke of Norfolk, but as for Suffolk they would hold him "herehens" the best they could.
Further, while Sir Francis tarried at Watton he spoke about the prior, and said, before the subprior and brethren, that he was not lawfully chosen, for he was Lord Cromwell's chaplain and admitted by him, having only been elected by three or four of his religion. This examinate thought and said that he said but the truth, for while he was here he was good to no man and took of this examinate 20 mks. in money where he should have been paid in corn when God should send it; and he gives many unkind words to his tenants in his court, more like a judge than a religious man. Bygod also showed the subprior and his brethren that they might lawfully proceed to an election of a new prior for that house, and that he would draw them a draft how to proceed, and advised them to send for a notary, for he expected the commons would shortly be up again and then it were not meet that they should be without a head. This examinate also advised them to choose a prior for that house, referring the choice of a master of the religion to the whole religion. The subprior and brethren would fain have had a new prior among them. Sir Francis departed therehence on Friday morning next after his coming, and on the morrow sent for this examinate, by a servant, to come to him at Settrington. And on Sunday next this examinate went to him there, and Bygod had sent for Ralph Fenton of Ganton, and the friar of St. Robert's was then come thither also. Calling this examinate and the said Fenton to him, Bigod asked if they had any news and he would tell anything he knew, saying he heard from one of my lord Latimer's servants, who was even then with him, that they were up again in the West Country and in the Bishopric too, and that lord Latimer had fled from the commons and come to a place called Senyngton beyond Malton, that Mr. Franklin was spoiled with the commons there, and that they were driving Mr. Bowys' goods because they thought he would be against them. Then said this examinate and Fenton, If it be so we can see no remedy, but we must up again too. On Monday next after at night the said Sir Francis sent this examinate a letter by two of his servants, one of them named Percival, which letter the mayor of Hull had from this examinate when he was taken, stating that most of the commons of the Bishopric and Richmondshire commanded this examinate to assemble all his brethren and prepare towards Hull. The same day three men of Beverley named Wilson, Kitchyn, and Francis a baker, (blanks left for their Christian names), had been with this examinate, very desirous to know news, and he told them the same which he had heard before of Sir Francis Bygot. On which they said, especially Wilson and Kitchyn, that they would be ready whenever this examinate sent for them and bring many men with them, Accordingly on the receipt of the said letters, sent Kitchyn to Holderness to give warning to Wm. Nicholson of Preston to bring with him his neighbours and meet this examinate at Hull next morning, Tuesday,_ (fn. 7) January, for the purpose that he knew well enough. For Nicholson had often promised that he would come at the least word with 100 or 200 men out of Holderness and take Hull, and was one of the first who instigated him to the taking of Hull, and said he would be glad to be avenged of one Myffyn, who, he said, fled from the commons when they were up; and told this examinate that most part of Holderness was of the same mind except some gentlemen; and had said, since Christmas, it was best that Hull should be kept for the commons till Parliament time. And so thought most of the commons of Yorkswold and of Hull. The same night that he received this letter he sent one John Prowd to Thomas Lunde, Wm. Horsekey, and Philip Utye to meet him early on the morrow at Beverley, which they did; and there this examinate showed Horsekey and Langdale the letter, and they went somewhat before to Hull. And this examinate came after, two and two together or three at the most. Nicholson had before that given counsel in Beverley that they should take Hull upon a market day and bear no harness openly but go in several companies to avoid suspicion. Sir Francis Bigod was appointed to take Scarborough on the same day. In the latter end of last Christmas holydays the bailcy of Snathe sent word to this examinate, by one John Skott, dwelling at Watton, that he and the commons thereabouts thought it best also to take Hull and Scarborough till the Parliament time, and if they in these parts would so do they should send him word, and he and the commons there would take both Pomfret and Doncaster the same day. This message Skott delivered to this examinate on the bailiff's behalf, yet he and the bailiff were unacquainted.
Thus the said examinate entered Hull on Tuesday was a sevennight with about 20 persons, viz., Philip Utye, Hugh Langdale, Wm. Horsekey, John Robinson, Andrew Cant, John Prowde, one Lance, Clement and Anton of Watton, Roger Kitchyn of Beverley, Marshall, clerk of Beswick. Nicholson had come there for other business whereas this examinate thought he had had warning of Kitchyn and would have brought with him men out of Holderness according to his promise; but he said he had received no word. And this examinate showed him that he had come to take the town that day, thinking the commons would have been glad to do it themselves, but as he found their minds were turned very much from that purpose and as Nicholson did not bring his men out of Holderness he bade his company go home again. And himself took horse and rode forth of the town till he came to the windmill beside a watering place. Then as he turned back he saw the gates "a sparring." Then said Marshall, clerk of Beswick to him "Fie! will ye go your ways and leave your men behind you?" He then turned towards the town. Then said one Fowburie of Newball who was with him "And I will turn again to seek for some of my neighbours that be there too." So they turned back to the gates. And this examinate saw Mr. Knolles and Mr. Eyland, who stood at the gate within forth and desired that they would let forth his neighbours that were within. They then opened the gates and Mr. Knolles stepped to him and asked his name. He said, Halom. Then said Mr. Knolles "Thou art he that we seek for." And with that he and Mr. Eyland set hand to his horse's bridle and bade him tarry and drew both their daggers and struck at him. He drew out his dagger and put them off him and got from them with his horse about 40 feet off; then lighted, drew his sword and stood at his defence, with his servant Thomas Water and one John Prowde, "and there after many stripes was taken among them." Intended if he had taken the town to have committed it to the keeping of such persons as would have kept it for the commons till Parliament time. When he saw the commons' minds altered in Hull, he thought, if he had escaped, to have met next day with Sir Francis Bygot at Beverley and counselled him to lay down all his stirring. And if he would not be counselled therein he intended to have got from him for the time and gathered a company together or shown some worshipful person the whole drift that he might be taken. Being examined whether he had shown his intent to any man before he said, No.
7. Knew of no money taken, given, or promised in this last business by any man.
8. It was the 5l., part of the 10l. above mentioned, that was received of the Abbey and yet undivided, which he distributed about New Year's Day, some before and some after among his neighbours and others that were with him at the first journey. And no other money did he give.
9. Neither received nor sent other tokens, letters, or messages than above declared.
10. Knows of no letter, message or token sent from the South parts since the pardon was proclaimed.
Agrees with Horsekey in what he spake to Mr. Aske when he declared the King's benevolence and towardness at Beverley. Had about him when taken a privy coat of fence made with many folds of linen cloth rosined, and a privy skull on his head, a sword and a buckler in his hands.
v. Examination taken 25 Jan. by the said Commissioners at Hull.
Wm. Nycholson, of Preston in Holderness, husbandman:—1. Heard first at Preston of the insurrection in Lincolnshire for spoiling of Holy Church, &c. Then they assembled at alarum and the common bell was rung, by whom he cannot tell, and they met first at Mattelese and were sworn. Cannot tell who brought and gave the oath, but the vicar of Preston held the book. On the morrow they assembled at Sutton yngs and every baileywick chose his captain. The Middle bailiwick, where examinate dwells, chose Ric. Tenande, the North bailiwick, Wm. Barker, and the South bailiwick, Wm. Omler. The same night they lodged at Beverley, and on the morrow mustered at Westwood and returned to Beverley. Next day they mustered at the Wyndeoke where they divided into two companies, one of which went to Holderness side and the other lay at the west side of Hull, and there remained till the town was given over a sevennight after. Examinate was then left to keep the town. While they were in the field certain were appointed to gather money of priests and abbots, but he had little or none. Who sent it he cannot tell; "and otherwise he can not answer to these articles." 5 and 6. On St. Stephen's day in the Christmas holidays, examinate came to Watton, and there met Halom and others of Watton, and they went to Watton Abbey. There, one Langdale, servant to the prior of Watton, who had lately come from London from his master, said to the brethren that my lord, meaning his master, had him commended to them. And Halom said, "No! he is no lord here, and if ye call him here lord any more I shall find him within this mile that shall leave you neither ox nor cow. And if he come hither I shall either lose my head or I shall have his off." And while he was there he said to Halom he would be glad, if any rising were again, to bring 40 or 100 persons to the driving of Myffyn's goods because he ran away from the commons the first time they met. Next Saturday he met Halom at one Cowpers, in Beverley, when he said to this examinate that he saw no remedy but Hull and Scarborough must be taken. Then raid this examinate, "If the King and his Council be not good unto us, I trow our commons of Holderness and the commons of Hull would agree to that." And whenever he went about the same this examinate promised to meet him with as many as he could make. On Tuesday last was se'nnight this examinate came to this town on business of his own, when, hearing that Halom was there, he went to him at one Wm. Hynde's house, where Halom took him by the sleeve and showed him that he had come to take the town, telling him the substance of Sir Francis Bigot's letter, and asked whether he had brought his neighbours with him according to his promise. He said, No, for he had no warning. Halom said, go your ways and see what neighbours ye have in the town, and desire them to tarry all night to see what would be said and done. He accordingly spoke with John and Wm. Rauson, Robert Slingesby, and others, desiring them to tarry in the town all night, for they might hear of some business ere they went. They asked what business? And he said he knew not. Soon after he saw Halom a good way before him going out of the town, and his horse led after him. And anon after he saw Halom and others led between the townsmen towards the gaol and asked them, "Jesus! what mean ye? Will ye murder me now?" Then the mayor's officers struck at him, standing a while at defence (?) and took him also. And because he was sore hurt they brought him to a house to be dressed, and next day the mayor had him to prison.
vi. 27 Jan.—Thomas Lunde, of Watton Carre, husbandman, examined of the words he spoke to Halom, says that upon St. Stephen's day at even, in one Wm. Barber's house at Watton Abbey gates, Halom asked him what news out of the South; for he had been at London "a little before" to fetch Langdale home. And he said my lord prior was merry. Halom said again, "No more of that, for and ye call him lord any more thou shalt lose thy head." He then asked further, what said they in the South parts concerning our coming forward of late. This examinate said he heard some say there that the commons of those parts were in one mind with these parts, and wished that they had come forward "an end; for then they should have had mo to take their parts." Being asked again of whom he heard the same, replied that as he rode to London from Stamford in company with the servants of one Mr. Bowes, receiver at Nottingham, they showed him so by the way. Also as he was at London in a "corser's" house between Cow Cross and Smithfield, the good man of that house said to him, "Because ye are a Northern man ye shall pay but 6d. for your shoes, for ye have done very well there of late; and would to God ye had come an end, for we were in the same mind that ye were." He heard no other man speak of this matter in those parts.
Andrew Cante, of Watton, labourer, says that on Sunday was sevennight John Halom sent for him to come to Watton Abbey, whom he met at the abbey gate with Lowry, who was likewise sent for. Halom charged him and Lowry to take their horses and go to Kitchyn of Beverley to bid him go on the message he knoweth of to Holderness. Lowry asked what message that was. He said Kitchyn knew it well enough, "and it is I tell thee, said he, that he should go to Holderness and speak to the bailey of Braynesburton and to one Barker and to Nicholson," and bid them be tomorrow by ix (?) o'clock at Hull, coming by twos and threes, and in no wise come in harness, but for what purpose it was Halom did not then show. Then Lowry and this examinate went to Kitchyn and were with him by 1 o'clock after midnight; and, as Halom had also charged them, they remained till Halom came thither and came before him to Hull, and tarried at one Hynd's, where Halom was, without knowing why they had been sent but to do as Halom commanded, whom they durst not disobey. Says he was not at the fray.
John Lowry, of Watton, labourer, examined, says that upon Monday was a sevennight Halom sent for him at 7 o'clock at night and bade him and Cante go to Kitchyn to bid him go to Holderness to one Barker, to Nicholson, and to the bailey of Braynsburton and do his message to them that he knew of; and that he and Lowry (sic) should tarry at Beverley till he came there. And so they did and tarried at Cowper's house at Beverley. And when Halom came thither he bad them go before by twos and threes to Hull and await him there. And so they did. And being in Hind's house he knew nothing till Halom took horse and went forth and anon was taken. Was not present at his taking or at the fray.
John Robinson, of Watton, labourer, examined, says that upon Monday night was a sevennight, Halom sent to him and charged him to be next day at Beverley "by sun rising." Asked the messenger what was there to do, who said he trowed they should go to Beverley, but what to do there he could not tell. So this examinate went forth next day and came first to Beverley. And because Halom was gone before to Hull, they followed, and, as he saith, knew not wherefore, but he durst not disobey Halom who bare such a rule in his parts.
John Prowde, of Watton, labourer, says that on Monday was a sevennight he met Halom by chance in the churchyard of Watton, who bade him go to Horsekey, Lownde and Utye, and charge them to be at Beverley on the morrow by sunrise. Did so and returned to Halom, who bade him likewise be at Beverley. Then Halom sent him before to Hull, but never told him why.
Launcelot Wilkinson, servant of the house of Watton, says that the subprior sent him and Anthony Wright to Hull, where he should see Halom and know more; and bade him remind Horsekey to buy wines for the house. By the way he and Wright and Clement guessed they were sent hither for the intent that was afterwards known, for he had heard in the house the night before by Halom's and the subprior's and the two cellarers' communication that it was about the taking of Hull. The subprior gave them 3s. 4d. to spend for two days.
Anthony West alias Wright, servant at Watton, says that Halom commanded him and Lancelot and Clement to come hither and meet him, and after that the subprior, the cellarer, and granator of Watton bade him and Lancelot call at Clement's house, because he was gone home, and take him with them. They said, "What if he go not?" And they answered, "If he go not forthwith we shall send [him ?] after you on horseback. And go to Hull and there do as Halom shall command you. And here is 3s. for you to spend, and if ye shall have need of more we shall send you. And so they came the day appointed to do, as he thought, that they did before, to fence the town for the commons."
Clement Hudson, servant at the said house, says that his two fellows came to him and told him their master's pleasure was that they should go to Hull and meet Halom there, and so he did and went with them; to what intent he could not tell, but by conjecture one to another it was for the cause that after was known, viz., to take the town.
vii. 25 Jan., in the same place:—
Roger Kitchyn, of Beverley, glover, examined.
1—4. Heard of the first insurrection first of all from Ric. Wilson and Wm. Woodmasse (sic, "Woodmancye" crossed out). The latter was the first man that came out of Lincolnshire with the tidings; but he heard say that Robert Raphylles, one of the 12 men of Beverley, had received a letter thereof before that time from Mr. Aske, and kept it secret as long as he could. This examinate, the said Wilson, Woodmanse, Sir John Tuvye, a priest, and Ric. Neudyke met together on a Sunday morning before matins, where the said Woodmans (sic), Wilson, and the said priest showed those tidings first to this examinate,—that they were up in Lincolnshire for the common weal, and therefore exhorted this examinate and others there present to rise and take their quarrel. At dinner time the said Woodmanse and another rang the common bell, this examinate, Wilson, Ric. Newdyke, and Sir John Tuvye being present and consenting thereto. "Then gathered the whole town together to the Market Hill," where Wilson and Newdyke declared out of a bill the articles for which they rose in Lincolnshire. "And afterward they swore every man to go forward for the reformation of the said articles. And so went forward as is deposed above by Nicholson."
On Monday se'nnight, came with Wilson and Frauncesse to Halom's house at Calkelde, where Halom and Wilson "rouned" together a great while. And then Wilson said, openly that this examinate might hear it, that whenever Halom should set forward to take Hull, if he would send him word he would bring a great sort out of Beverley to go with him. Halom asked this examinate whether he would not when he sent him word, go to Holderness and desire Richard Wharton, John Thomson, the bailey of Braynsburton, Wm. Barker and Wm. Nicholson to come to Hull and meet him there, and he would give them a quart of wine. That night about midnight there came to this examinate to Beverley when he was in bed, two messengers, Cante and Lowry, and said that Halom desired him to go to Holderness and desire the said men to meet him betimes next morning at Hull, coming two or three together like market folk without any harness. They told this examinate that Scarborough should be taken, and that Halom and his company should take Hull the same day for the commons' use. About 6 in the morning this examinate rode forth to Holderness and told all this to the vicar of Preston, showing that he was bound to do the said message to the said Nicholson and others. The vicar told him that Nicholson was from home, and this examinate turned towards Hull, where he arrived at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Says he disclosed this matter to no man of the town, and came thither to see how the matter should go forward that Halom sent him word for. Saw Halom, Wilson, and the friar of St. Robert of Knaresborough since Christmas in great council together; and after that heard Halom say openly "that he had given him some money, and was gone abroad to the country, about what business this examinate could not tell."
viii. 25 Jan. 1536.—John Fraunces, of Beverley, baker, examined, says that on Sunday se'nnight, at evening, Roger Kitchyn and Richard Wilson were in hand with him (as they had often been before, but he always put them off), and said that, whereas some of the most ancient men of the town were wont to meet nightly and make merry at one Catherall's house in Beverley, they kept there an unlawful assembly. And because they were of a contrary faction in a dispute concerning the privilege of the town, they desired this examinate to go with them and other good fellows "as it were a mumming to the said Catherall's house, and there to beat and coil the said persons there assembled and cause them to break that company." He refused, as it might lead to murder. Next day Kitchyn and Wilson came in the morning and desired him to go with them to Cawkelde to Halom to make merry. He said if it were for none other purpose he would go. They said Nay. And he went. They found Halom at Huton Craneswyke, and there drank with him at one Mr. Wade's house, where Halom took Wilson apart towards the fire and they "rouned" together a good while. Afterwards as they came to the stable, Wilson and Kitchyn asked Halom what news. He answered, Sir Francis Bigod had showed him that he had sent the friar of St. Robert's to the Bpric. and Northward to bring him perfect word whether they were up there or no. This examinate said to Halom that he would buy of him half a score of wheat. And he said he would be next day at Beverley, and go from thence to Hull, "and tomorrow I shall common with you at Beverley." Then, while this examinate tarried a horseback, Halom, Kitchyn, and Wilson were in council together in the stable, "whereabouts" this examinate cannot tell. Within a while he called for them to come away. And at last they departed with him to Beverley. About midnight the same night Halom sent a post to the said Wilson and Kitchyn, and about 2 o'clock after came Kitchyn himself, and one Woodmansey (sic) sent by Wilson to this examinate, be being abed, and showed him that Halom had sent them word in all haste that they were all up in the Bpric. and Sir Thomas Percy and all that country northward, and coming forward to take Scarborough, Pomfret, and Doncaster. They asked him what he would do, and he said that he would neither make nor meddle in the matter, but begged them to come up to one Mr. Ogle that lay in this man's house, and he would give them good counsel. There they opened the same matter to him and asked his counsel what it was best to do. He said they had better take patience and keep still. And so they departed, and this examinate never saw them since. Next morning he met with Halom and bade him good morning. Halom asked him what a score was worth. And this examinate answered, look what the market was and he would give as much. Has not since spoken with him.
Pp. 31. In Ap Rice's hand.
2. Interrogatories.
R. O. 1. What aid in money, horses, victuals, or other things they gave the people at the first insurrection? 2. What letters or messages they received or sent about it? 3. What promoters or abettors of that insurrection they knew? 4. What books or letters they made or knew made by others to be delivered to the commons, either concerning the Supreme Head or any other article touching the insurrection? 5. What communication they have had with others touching the King's pardon lately granted, and since the same, or of a new insurrection, or of the causes that the same should be for, or of the Supreme Head?. 6. What communication had they or others with them concerning the election of their prior or the choosing of a new one? 7. What communication they had with any man concerning the taking of Hull and Scarborough? 8. What aid and comfort they gave thereto, and what men and money they sent for the purpose?
P. 1, in Ap Rice's hand.
Below are these notes in the same hand:—Sir Anthony Browne comend (?) and going to Scarborough. The doctors lettres and chanons. Of the sheriff. Of Mr. Ellerkar.
3. Examination of Dan Harry Gyll, sub-prior of [Watton].
R. O. 1. As to the first article, (fn. 8) there was a bill sent to us from certain captains, whose names I know not, but they are contained in the bill in Dan Thomas Lather's hands, to send them money under penalty. And we delivered to Wm. Husky and Philip Hutye 10l. [to pay] to them that they thought might do most for the safeguard of our house. Also Sir Thomas Percy sent a letter with Master Weddell's son for two geldings, and we had not two but we sent him one. Also Master Wm. Howdam's servant came and asked us to lend his master a gelding and he would help to save our goods, and he had one lent. Also Halom sent a letter to Wm. Housk "and mo of the parishng" of Watton, containing in the end these words, "Recommend me to the sub-prior, and bid him keep me the ambling gelding, for if he will not lend (lene) me him, I will take him." And so he did take him. Also Wm. Curser borrowed a gelding, and keeps him still, Mr. Aske had one spice plate of silver, which was a pledge of the earl of Northumberland, and if we had not sent it we should have been spoiled, as appears by his letters. Also in that time the prior of Malton borrowed a cart and a horse, and keeps them still. Knows not what money our soldiers spend us (cost us), but Dan Thomas Lather can tell, for he paid them all. There were no victuals sent out of the place that I know. 2. There were no letters sent us but for horses and money, "as is in the first article, that I know upon;" and for messengers, we never received any but that came for money and horses, nor sent any but William Husky for safe-conducts for our house. (Added in Ap Rice's hand:) And a letter which came in the archbishop of York's name to all curates, priests, and religious, that they should go a procession every day and send their minds, out of Holy Scripture and the four doctors of the Church, touching the commons' petition, which letter Wm. Horskey brought to this examinate and his brethren; and the curate of Watton sent it to one Wade, a bachelor of divinity dwelling by. And a letter that came from Halom touching the taking of the ship at Scarborough. 3. Knows none but Hallam and Mr. Aske, promoters, for he is a stranger in this country. 4. Never made letter or knew one made but one that Dr. Swinburne made, and another that a young man of our habit made, called Thomas Asheton "comparing Peter and his apostles." And they were both one as touching the Supreme Head. The one I read, that the young man made, but not the other. (Added by Ap Rice:) And they were made, as he said, before the meeting at Doncaster, and Halom had them, as he troweth, to bring with him to Doncaster. And as for Wade, he answered when he received the letter that it was late (?) for him to meddle with such a studious matter. 5. As to the King's pardon, has heard much communication, especially of Bigod and Halom; for when he (Bigod?) was at our place he had it in his purse in parchment writing, and after his judgment he found many doubts. And whereas it was rehersed in the pardon that the King had charge of his subjects both body and soul, he said he should have no cure of his soul; also my lord Cromwell was higher in favour than ever he was. These words spoken, he left me and two of our brethren sitting by the fire, and took Halom by the hand and led him into a bay window and talked with him the space of an hour and showed him writings. And from that day to the Monday next I never heard no manner business. On Monday came two of Master Bigod's servants and asked for Halom, saying they had been at his house and missed him. So they gave 2d. to a man to fetch him, and he brought him, and there they delivered a letter (from this to the end in Ap Rice's han) stating that they were all up again in the North, and had taken a new oath, and that Halom should take Hull and Bigod Scarborough upon the Tuesday following, and they should meet together at Beverley upon the Wednesday after. This was the effect of the letters and words of Bigod's servants there and then declared in presence of the prior of Ellerton, Dr. Swinburne, this examinate and others his brethren. Halom then clapped two of the servants of the house on the shoulders, the one named Lancelot and the other Anthony Wright, and said "I charge you to be there with me to-morrow; meaning by Hull"; adding that he wished them to go by twos as market folks, and to make as they would cheapen something till he gave them a sign, and when he saw time he would go to the market place and say, "Come hither to me all good commoners." Upon which they would come to him and take the town. He then said to this examinate, "See that ye give them money in their purses," and said he would have Clement and them too. This done he departed. Within an hour after, Dan Thomas Lather, cellarer of the garner, in presence of this examinate gave them 3s. 4d. for Clement and themselves, the prior of Ellerton and Dr. Swinburne being there present. The reasons alleged by Bigod and Hallam for this new commotion were that they found many doubts in the pardon, and that they supposed Hull should be untrue to the commons. 6. Halom being greatly incensed against the prior for putting him beside a farmhold, came at the time of the first insurrection with a number of his soldiers into the infirmary of Watton, where the brethren were bound to dinner; and there, in presence of the priors of Ellerton and of St. Andrew's York, charged the brethren to elect a new prior. They said it was against their statutes, their prior being alive and not lawfully removed. He then said, if they did not he would spoil their house, and he would nominate one himself, adding, "Methinks this man, (pointing to the prior of Ellerton), is meet to be your prior." Then for fear of spoiling their goods they went together and nominated the prior of Ellerton to be their prior, but he would never take it upon him, nor did they receive him for such indeed, but wanted him to bear the name only for fear of the commons. When Bigot and Halom were of late together at Watton, Bigot kindled Halom much more to move the brethren to a new election, saying they might lawfully do so. Thereupon they made a writing of nomination of the prior of Ellerton as their prior, and left it with one Wade dwelling by; so that if a new insurrection should happen it might be sealed with their common seal and subscribed by a notary and be shown to the commons for the saving of the house goods. 7 and 8. Above answered.
Further examined what communication he had touching the Supreme Head, he says he has no learning to discuss that matter, but every one said, "If that were not laid down it should not be well." Cannot specify any particular person who said so. Examined on what the prior of Ellerton did when Halom received Bigot's letter to take Hull; does not remember, but is sure the said prior gave them no encouragement and departed homewards early on the morrow. Knows of no other ringleaders but Halom and Bigot. Has heard Horsekey and Langdale say they exhorted Halom to live in quiet lest he should cast both himself and the country away. Knows of no priests or religious men who were counsellors or abettors, "as he may be saved."
Pp. 4, two of which are in the handwriting of the deponent, the other two in that of Ap Rice.
4. Answers of Thomas Lather, cellarer and granator.
R. O. 1. The captains of Hovedenshire at the beginning sent a letter to us for money to aid them, with threats. We, counselling together, sent them 10l. by Wm. Hurtsky and Philip Utie, desiring them to give us a safe-conduct for our goods. For all that we were again threatened to be deprived of our plate. Sir Thomas Percy sent a letter to us for a horse, which we said was Wm. Hurtsky's, and so it was, by his confession; but his or not his, he would have it, for which horse we paid the said William 4l., and yet remained in danger of spoil. Mr. Wm. Hothame then sent for one, "and so, many denies made, he had one, promising us to be our friend and to have our horse, yet we received none." Then came John Halom and a great company, saying he would have the best in the stable. And so he had, and yet no delivery made. Then Wm. Cowrser sent for another, the last we had, promising we should have him again, "but nothing so"; we were so afraid of being spoiled, especially because our master was gone, who was always named a traitor among the commons. 2. As to messages and letters; we sent divers times for the safety of our goods. For we "went" once to Sir 'Thomas Percy to deliver the horse by his commandment, and afterwards to Baynton to desire Bigot to save our goods from the commons, who were at a place called Hessylskewgh, on their way, for the night before they were at Howold, and there destroyed both our hay and corn. 3. Mr. Aske, and Mr. Rudston, captains, and John Halome stirred all with us, and made us find two men with horse and harness and money also, as other had: there was no remedy. We were afterwards commanded to put other four to them and send [them] hither to Hull with harness and a week's wages, and we were compelled to buy or borrow harness for them. 4. "As concerning making of books or letters which we were commanded by the Bishop so much as we knew, I never made none nor knew none but that Dr. Swyndburne made a letter and sent it up with Halom to the last meeting at Doncaster." Thinks it was concerning the Supreme Head. Knows not whether it was presented. 5. There has been no communication among us, so far as I know, of the King's pardon, but that his Grace would be good to us. Many I have heard praise it, and thank God that the insurrection was so well quenched. And very few made any doubt in it but Bigot and his servants, and after them Halom, I think, by their provocation, saying, "Here is occasion to rise, for because the charter is not the same that was read at Doncaster, calling us as they said rebellious, and because the date was other the same day it was read at Doncaster or else after." What other communication Bigot and he had I know not, for he came to us with John Halom, who, because he had not a bed for him, caused him to leave his horse at Cawkeld and come to our house. Knew nothing of his coming except by hearsay till he saw him at supper on Wednesday night. 6. As to the election of the new prior, John Halom was ever in hand with it. The first time he came he brought a great company with bills and clubs, saying there should be a new prior made. And we were obliged to assemble and chose the prior of Ellerton, who would not agree thereto, but deferred to the coming of Aske, by which the matter was quenched again. Yet they insisted on us having a new prior, threatening to spoil our goods; but it was not done. So when Bigot came he went in hand with him and said "one must we needs have or else lose all our goods." And he wrote a letter for us "to have if we would, and thereto to put a notary seal in our chapter house." But we thought it not right to follow his letter, which named our master the prior of St. Katharine's and not master nor prior of Watton, but that he had usurped both the master's office and the prior's there, "as his communication was before, saying he named him master of the order of Sempringham and prior of Watton before he was elected." We therefore wrote another [letter] containing the election of a prior merely for the security of our house for the time. "So we neither did take from him I trust the master's office nor yet the prior's, but it to be at his pleasure when he comes home. 7. The first motion of the taking of Hull and Scarborough was on Sunday late at night, before they came to Hull, by two of Bigott's servants, who came to our house, sent for Halome, and delivered him a letter from Bigott, showing that the commons of the North were up again, and that he should take Scarborough and Halome Hull; for Bigot's servant said he was in Durham when the King's charter was read, which, he said, was read there one way and in Newcastle another; so, when the herald came to Durham again, they thought to have taken him, but God preserved him, "and took a house (qu. horse ?) and so was conveyed away." By such words he kindled Hallom's mind to this mischievous deed, who commanded six of our servants to go with him, as they said, for I was not there, and they should have 20s. with them. After I came the prior of Ellerton, who was there, and the subprior, told me there was no remedy, but three must needs go, and they to have money with them. I desired the prior and subprior to entreat Halom that there should none go. But he would not allow it, so we were commanded to give them money. Two of them received 3s. 4d., without horse or harness; for Halom commanded them to take no horse, and they had no harness. They were ordered to be ready early in the morning, whether we would or no. I had but little communication with Halom at any time, for I was the worst loved, and especially for our master's cause.
Pp. 3.
5. Richard Wilkinson, cellarer of the kitchen.
R. O. 1. Of money, 10l.; of horses, one to Sir Thos. Percy, another to Wm. Cowrser, the third to John Halom, the fourth to Wm. Hothome. Of victuals, none forth of our house save a quantity of bread and cheese to one Clement Hudsone and Lance Wilkinson, and to these two wages, as the cellarer's book shows, with horse and harness to six men at Hull for one fortnight, to meat and wage after 6d. a day. 2. None to my knowledge. But the prior of Ellerton and Wm. Hurtskye sent to Pomfret to the Grand Captain for a safe-conduct for our goods and cattle (cattylls). 3. I know none special except John Halom, who never ceased to labour and excitate the same. 4. Neither letter nor book save one that was made by Doctor Swynborne as I heard; I never saw it. This I think was not allowed of Captain Halom, and therefore to my knowledge came not at Doncaster, but in the keeping of the said Halom. 5. Had no communication with any man touching the King's pardon or Supreme Head, except that I heard the knight Bigot say, "he durst be bold after" if he were sheriff, notwithstanding this pardon to fetch in any man and put him in prison and arrest both lands and goods. He added that in the pardon the word "he" was used instead of "we," and that it was dated two days after it was read at Scawisby Leys. 6. Heard John Jackson say he would never take him as master or prior. I said I would, because I knew not but he was both, and we not discharged of him. He said we were discharged. Thinks he "meant by the words" of one Harry Weddall, servant to Sir Thomas Percy, who called our master a traitor to the commonalty, and commanded us all on pain of death, never to take him as master or prior. I with all our brethren and sisters consented to name one Dan James Lowrance our prior, for safety of us and our goods. 7. None in all my life, but that letter which came late on Monday night from Sir Francis Bigot to John Halom, which our subprior read in a chamber called the Hal sied (hall side). This I heard in the letter "Do your part and I shall do mine." I then left the chamber, and went into one called our master's chamber, and never spoke a word touching the said letter. 8. I and the "garntter" being in our master's chamber preparing "hus" bed, the subprior came in with Lance Wilkinson and Ant. West, saying he had been with Halom, and he commanded that these two should go with him and Clement Hudson. We thought it not convenient. The subprior said there was no remedy, Halom would needs have them. So they had delivered of the cellarer 3s. 4d. amongst them. Signed.
No marvel if I be ignorant of the first iusurrection, for I was sore sick in the most busy time.
Hol., pp. 2. Endorsed: Examinations of Halom and others taken at Hull.
"Occasio[ns of] the Second Conspiracy in the Nor[th Parts ?] to take Hull and Scarborough."
"T[he fir]ste occasion wa[s ta]ken by William Halome at the taking ... of the King's s[h]ip c[omin]g to Scarborough in the time of ... whereof the master Edward Waters for danger of his life ... the said Halome that the King pur[posed] to fortify Hull ... ry about and bring [the] com[mons] in subj[ection]."
"The second occasio[n] was the bruit made thereof throughout the [co]untrye and that thereby the commons should be brought into such case [as the L]incolnshire men were brought."
"The third occasion was a fame spread abroad that the King's Grace had written letters to the mayor of York that he should take in all the harness from the [c]omm[on]s, and that the bishop of York had likewise a letter fro[m the] King to gather the tenths contrary to the conclusion at Do[ncast]re that no payment should be gathered till the [Parl]iament."
The first procurer of the said conspiracy was Wm. Halome who, 8 [Jan]uary, a plough day at Watton, brought William Horskey and Hugh Langdale to the parish church of Watton, and gave Langdale (who was newly come from London, and yet unsworn) the common oath, and said "Sirs, I fear Hull will deceive us, for [or]dinances be brought thither by ships daily, and they make iron gates, and Scarborough shall be better fortified, and I f[ea]re the gentlemen will deceive us, and that the King's Grace inte[nd]ith not to perform any of our desires or petitions. Wherefor I think it best to take Hull and Scarborough ourselves in time, and that we may do it the better I think it meet that we go abroad to ... what ... amongst the people, and how [they] be myndid ... Langdale ... oth to William Levenyng and Robert Bowmer or to [William] Constable, William Horskey to Sir Robert Constable and I to [Hu]ll and to meet at the same place on Wednesday following to take further counsel therein."
"The same Monday, at night came a letter from Aske (?) to Halome (?) to meet with him at Arrowes the next morrow, and to ... ey with him which al (?) Halome warned H[or]skey [and Langdale to be] at Beuer[ley] the same day, and so ... re and left (?) their ... [a]ppountement undone."
The Tuesday Aske said to the assembled commons of Beverley, "The King is good and gracious to us all, and has granted all our desires, and will keep a Parliament, and have his Queen crowned at York," and said the Duke should be in that country shortly and bring better news. The[n] Alome asked how that might be, seeing the tenths were gathered contrary to the appointment at Doncaster, and Aske answered he trowed it was the fifth part of the subsidy, and not the tenth, which was gathered. Halome, urged by one Creke of [Beverley] that considering the King was so good, they should stay the lewd fellows who would again stir the people, as Nicolson of Holdernes and the bailey (?) of Snathe, promised not follow them. So it is to be supposed he had desisted from his enterprise if he had not been provoked by Sir Francis Bygott as follows:—
Reviving and renewing of the said conspiracy by Francis Bygot, knight.
"The 10th day of Januarie being Wednesday, Francis Bygot came to Halome to [to his hou]se [to] speak [with him], and having him to the abbey [of] Watton, sh[ew]id [then] and there to Halome that the charter that was proclaim[ed at] Doncaster was not good because at looke it came not in the King's name [but b]egan as one other man's tale as thus, 'Albeit the King's High[ness]'; and said he thought it was but Lord Crumwell's [deed], and sa[id] further that it was not the King's office to have cure of soule, a[nd] re[ad a] book to Halome of his own making, as he said, whery[n] he shewed what auctoritie belonged to the Pope, what to a buss-[hope], and [w]hat to a king, and said that the Head of the Chur[ch of England] might be a spiritual man as the bishop of Cante[rbury], but [not the King,] for he should with his sword defend all [spiritual men in their right]; and there he said also that he thought, and so though[t most of the] country about him, that it were better that Hull and Scarborough should be taken for the country till the Parliament time, and that the country should keep out my lord of Norfolke and other that came from the South parts till the Parliament; for he said the duke of Norfolk would do this country no good for the purposes for which they rose at the beginning, and persuaded as much as he could to cause Halome to believe the same. And he said that if the duke of Norfolk came unto those parts, the country would take him about Ne[w]borough or Byland and swear him that he should help that they might have their intent for which they rose. To whom Halome [ans]wered that he knew no man that would withstand my lord of Norfolk, but they would hold my lord of Suffolk he ... the best they could. And there the said Bigott exhorted the channons of Watton to make them a new prior.
"The Friday, [being the] xij day of January, Bigott departed from Watton; and on [the m]orrow, Saturday the xiij day of Januarii, Bigot sent for William [H]alome to come to him to Setterington; and on Sunday, the xiiij day of January, Halome went to him thither and there found one Raafe Fenton of Ganton and the friar of Saint Robert's of K[nar]esborough. And the said Bygott showed Raafe Fenton and Halome that he heard say of one of my lord Latymer's servants being then there with him, that the commons were up again in the West Country and in the Bishopric too; and that the lord Latymer was fled from the commons there and come to a place called Senyngton, a[nd] other moo news. And then said the said Fenton and Halome that they could see no remedy but they must up again. And then Fenton and Halome departed for that time.
"And the Monday next after be[ing the xv] day of January, the said Bigott sent to Halome a letter b[y ij] of his servants, thone named [P]ercival and thother Bigott, which [l]etter the mayor of Hull had from Halome when he was taken [at] Hull.
"The effect of the letter was that the most parte of t[he Commons] of the Bishopric and Richmoun[dshir]e [with all] the [dales the]raboutes commaun[ded H]alome to a ... b ... par ... towardes ... [H]alome to Kitson and Wilson ... one Fraun[cis] ... repare them ... hym at Hull ... daye and [s]ente Kitson to one (?) Nicolson of Preston to prepare himself and his company to mete him at Hull the next morning betimes, the xvj day of [January]. This Nicolson was the first that moved Halome to ... a ... the taking of Hull, and promised to be ready whe ... he would send for him and bring with him one ... to Hull; which Nicholson was not at home at the coming of Kytson ... whereby, as it appeared after, they fayled of their enterprise at Hull. And further, the said Halome, the said Monday, at night, sent one John Prowde to Thomas [Lown]de, William Horskey and Philip Utie that they should meet with him the next morrow ... at Beverley, and there the said Halome shewid the said Horskey and Langdale the said Bigott's letter; and th[en th]ey went somewhat before Halome to Hull two and two toget[her with]out any open harness to avoid suspicion. And the said Fraunces Bigott was appointed to take Scarborough upon the same day that Halome and his company intended to take Hull."
Tuesday, 16 Jan. Halome entered Hull with 20 persons, viz., Philip Utie, Hugh Langdale, Wm. Horse[key], John Robinson, Andrew Gaunte, John Prowde, one Laurence, Clement, and Anthony of Walton (sic), Roger Kitsoune of Beverley, one Marshall [clerk] of Ryswike (sic, for Beswick). And Nicolson was coming to Hull for other business. Halome, seeing Nicolson brought no company, and that the people of Hull were against them, "rode out of the town till [he came to] the [wind]emyll besides a wa[t]er place, and there as he tur[ned back]e he s[aw t]he gates of Hull a sparring."
"Then said t[o him] the said Marshall, clerk of Biswike, 'Fie! will you go your wa[ys a]nd leave your men behind you?'; and therewith Halo[me] turned hym [to]ward the town, and one Fowberne of Newball saied he wo[uld turn] againe with him and seek for some of his neighbours. [And when t]hey came to the gates Halome saw one Knolls [and] one [Mr. Eyland stand]ding at the gate within forth, and he des[ire]d [that they would let forth his neigh]bours that were within. And when the yates [were opened Mr. Knolls] steppid [to hi]m and asked of him what was [his name] ... ewith the said Knolls saied Thow arte he [that we seek for. And ther]ewith Knolls and Eyland set hande on Halome and [ba]d him stande, and drewe both their dagar[s and struck at] Halom, and he with his dagger losed himself from t ... [r]eignes of the bridle broken by their pulling, and so gatte a ... e, and there lighted and drew his sword and stood at h[is defence, with] his servant called Thomas Water and John Pro[wde. And th]ere after many stripes he was taken among them ... o the gaol, having a privy coat of fence upon him an ... And thus ended the said conspiracy. And the prim ... conspiracy was Sir Francis Bygott, William Halo[me, Nicol]son of Preston, Wilson and Kitson of Beverley, and t[he cler]ke of Beswike.
"The fynall [in]tent thenn was to take and keep Hull for the commons' use till the beginning of the Parliament.
"And the said Hal[o]me taketh it upon his conscience that it was the common voice about all the part where he dwelled, as well spiritual as [te]mpo[ral], except it were a few gentlemen, that if the King's Grace [did] ask any payments of spiritual or temporal afore the Parliament, or if their harness should be taken from them they would ri[se agai]ne, for they thought then that the Parliament men should [no]t obtain those things for which they rose at the beginni[ng].
"And here it [is no]t to be omitted that at the latter end of Christmas hallydaies la ... [t]he bailey of Snath sent to Halome by one John Scott dwelling at [Watton] that the said bailiff and the commons there about him th[oug]ht it [be]st to take Hull and Scarborough and to keep them [for the use] of the [com]mons till the Parliament time. And if they of those parte[s wo]ulde so doo th[ey s]hulde send the said bayly word, and he and the comm[ons there wou]lde take both Pumfret and Doncastre [the] same d[ay tha]t they would take Hull and Scarborough.
"Further, it is to be noted that it is co[ntained] in Halom confession that sithens Christmas he heard the sub-p[rior] of Watton, the confessor of the Nuns of Watton, and one A[nthony], chanons there, and the vicar of Watton, sundry times s ... every (?) one of them say that it would never be well a ... [K]inges Grace should be Supreme Head of the Church, and ... would neve[r be m]ended without the people did sett s ... a new [insurr]ection. And the [su]bp[rio]ur, celler[ar] ... om ... Lancelot Wilkinson" * * * (Three lines lost).
Pp. 6, in Ap Rice's hand. Very mutilated and illegible with marginal references throughout to folios and "facies" of "li. i." (probably the original book of Halome's examination).
The document was so much decayed that it had got separated into two, each of which was repaired by itself.
23 Jan.
R. O.
203. DE MOY (fn. 9) to the DEPUTY OF CALAIS.
I received in December a letter from you which I showed to the Admiral, who said he would send you some wine, and gave orders to his maître d'hotel accordingly. La Meilleraye, 23 Jan. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
23 Jan.
Otho. C. IX. 93. B. M.
204. Jo. HOMEDES, Master of the Hospital of Jerusalem, to [HENRY VIII.].
Was at Caspe, a little town in Spain, when by the death of [St.] Jalhe he was called to his office. Would like to come and kiss the King's hands, as Philip Villers did, but the business of the Order will not allow it. Has therefore appointed brother Emericus de Ruyaulx with the reverend prior in England to make his greetings. Bailiwick of Caspe, 10 Kal. Feb. 1537. Signed.
Latin, pp. 2. Injured by fire.
Jan. 205. J. HOMEDES, Great Master of the Order of St. John's, to CROMWELL.
R. O. Having been elected to the Grand Mastership on the death of Didier de St. Jalle, asks Cromwell to continue to use his influence with the King in favour of the order. Credence for Fr. Emeric des Ruyaulx, whom he sends to England. "In villa nostra de Casp., die,—(blank) Januarii. MDxxxvij." Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
Copy of a bill to the King for a patent to John Homedes great master of the Order of St. John's of Jerusalem for securing the privileges of the Order.
Pp. 5.
"Moreover, most good and gracious lord, knowledge is given here how Sir Ambrose Cave hath trouble and impeach by Sir Thomas Dyngleye," who refuses him possession of Shyngey, which was given him here "for his meliorement" according to the ancient customs of the Religion. Dyngleye pretends it is his by a grant of the elect master of Sancta Yawle, and maintains his claim by favour of his uncle; which is plain disobedience. Cave applied to the King, who assigned commissioners to hear the cause, but before it was determined Dyngley obtained a confirmation from his Highness. He is thus discharged of all responsibility to the Religion, which they hope Henry will protect as they do their best to resist the Turk. The whole Religion purpose to address Henry on the subject; "and because I am here unworthy head of your nation, holden in and maintained be your high favor, me symethe, for syche dewtye to ynforme the trewthe to your high mageste."
Protests he intends nothing except what the King pleases to command. "When the master is elect, and he be present, he is had up to the high altar, and there is opened the mass books, and both his hands upon it, makes his othe solemnelly to kepe and mentayne the statewttes and good costoms of the religion. This done, and there vake a commaundry, of every pryoralty, he may gyve hit off grace, and if the elect be absent, till he come to make the sayde othe, joye ys nothyng but the name. And yf ever master gave anny or pretendid but this, lett me lozse annye thyng I have under your Highness. I have syne eight masters, and off them chosen beyng absent, five." Your subjects here, therefore, hope every one to be favored in his right as well as Sir Thomas Dyngley, who seeks to advance himself by false representations, "and, considering his first entry, ought to be contented with that he hath double my rent. I caused a member of St. John's to be confirmed when he was here of 100 marks a year; hym ought not, nothyr nedyd not to ymportewne yowr Hyghnes to seke the grace from me. Was never Torcoplyer but myselff, but hathe had the grace magistra ... and I am at more chardge here then ever was annye; and how untrewly Lyle Adame trobyld me for meyntenyng of your honor and of the nasyon. As y sayde fyrste what ys your hyghe pleser schall be myne, to suffer dethe."
Pp. 2. Apparently a postscript of a letter.
R. O. 2. Another copy in the same hand.
Pp. 2.
24 Jan.
R. O.
The King has perceived, by Darcy's letters to the earl of Shrewsbury, his good will to serve against Bygode's rebellion. Desires him secretly to victual the castle of Pountfrete, so that, in case the people there rise, he and his sons Sir Geo[rge] and Sir Arthur Darcy may keep the castle. Given under our Privy Signet. Greenwich, 24 Jan. 28 Henry VIII.
Signed by the King. In margin: "littera 2."
P. 1. Mutilated. Add. Endd.: letter for victualling of the castle.
24 Jan.
R. O.
St. P. I. 529.
We have received your letters declaring your goodwill for the stay of our subjects there who have been moved to a new commotion by that traitor Francis Bigod. We thank you, but would be glad to hear of some special deed in answer to our expectation. Greenwich, 24 Jan. 28 Hen. VIII. Signed.
24 Jan.
Harl. 442,
f. 139.
B. M.
Mandate to the mayor and sheriffs of London to publish a proclamation for the due execution of the statute, 25 Hen. VIII. c. 17, concerning the use of crossbows and handguns, with further directions that those permitted to use them shall carry no handgun that is not with the stock 2½ feet long. Westm. 24 Jan. 28 Henry VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 3. * There is also a copy taken from this MS. in the Rymer Transcripts, Vol. 172 in R. O.
24 Jan.
R. O.
Thanks for that your Lordship, by the will of the Lord Chancellor and Lord Privy Seal, did advertize me to preserve my health, and then repair to your lordships and certify the matters comprised in my letters by word of mouth. Since then the King's commission under privy seal is sent down, and in it were William Friar, mayor of Oxford, Sir Simon Harecourte, "feid" (in fee) with the abbot of Ensam, Sir Wm. Barrantyne, whose daughter is married to Sir John Harecourte, heir apparent to Sir Simon Harcorte, and Michall Hethe, John Pye and Wm. Bannaster, aldermen of Oxford. Whether any of these be in fee with the abbot of Osney, I am in doubt, but the commissioners and both the abbots, and one Fallofeild, whose daughter is married to Thomas Parkyn the abbot of Ensam's servant, and one of them that should have murdered me between Ensam Ferry and Ensam, dined with them daily. One Richard Gontar who is in fear for murdering his servant, in fee with the abbot of Ensam, dined and supped with the commissioners at the mayor's house. Dr. Cottesford and Dr. Smythe, of Oxford, supped with them the first night, that was last Monday. That same night and place the abbot of Ensam sware before the commissioners I was not at Ensam this two years; though I was there last Easter. The abbot brought in Stephen Crosslye of Carsington, Oxon, who sware he saw me, in Westminster Hall, turned head down and heels up before the King's justices, and so banished the hall. The contrary is openly known. The commissioners condemned me to wear a paper and deny my accusations and cry the abbot's mercy in the market place on my knees before the abbot's men and a multitude of people. On my life, all my accusations be true. They regarded not your letters, and would not that I should go before the King's Council. "How am I able to try with two abbots when the best knight in the shire is not able to try with one abbot." For God's sake be a mean for me to the King. They have commanded me to avoid the shire. Oxford, 24 January.
With the hand of John Parkyns being in Bocardo prison in Oxford.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
24 Jan.
R. O.
A long rambling letter, apparently to show off the writer's command of Latin prose. It is now five years since the veil of Moses was raised from his eyes, and he is able to discern Gospel truth. He had suffered much grief. Confesses that justification does not come from the law. Is anxious to communicate this truth to others, and to gain souls to Christ. Has met with success in his ministration; but all Oxford is enraged at him, where Pelagius reigns to this day. Sees scarcely one man in a month. Is hopeful, however, seeing that Morison's master serves an earthly King Henry, and a Heavenly King Christ. Oxford, Merton College, prid. Conversionis S. Pauli.
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Add.: To my especial good friend Mr. Moryson, retaining to my lord of the Privy Seal.
See GRANTS in JANUARY, No. 19.
24 Jan.
R. O.
Received 23 Jan., Cromwell's letters, containing the King's pleasure, which shall be followed. Trusts the Earl of Rutland and others of the Council can advertize Cromwell of the writer's service. Begs continuance of his preferment to the King. Castle of Nottingham, 24 January. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
24 Jan.
R. O.
215. RIC. PRICE, Abbot of CONWAY, to CROMWELL.
Asks him to consider the contents of his former letter concerning his poor house. Cromwell knows what costs and charges, &c., his brethren and friends have been at in obtaining this promotion, and what profit he has received since he was made abbot. If it is not looked upon with pity, is cast away, and his brethren and friends undone. Sends 40l. in recompense of his pains, and he shall be daily prayed for as a founder of the house. Conwye, 24 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord of the Privy Seal. Endd.
24 Jan.
R. O.
At his departure he required Cromwell to "be a buckler" for him in his absence, and showed how some of his tenants were indicted wrongfully. Now more are so served by Candisshe and others. Both matters touch his inheritance: begs Cromwell to hear his counsel. Another indictment was procured at Ipswich by Sabian against the Duke's servant Banyard, whom he sent to Mendlesham with a serjeant at arms to execute his commandments. The matter concerns his nephew Edm. Knevet who served the King in his company. Sir Arthur Hopton's servants, to bring men to the Duke of Suffolk, took out of the writer's ground at Sibton four horses of his servant Edmund Rowse's, who was serving with him "at the first journey to Doncaster." Lady Hopton afterwards took them with her in going to her husband in Lincolnshire, and when they returned, two of them were kept in Sir Arthur's plough till recovered by suit to lady Hopton. Sees that men think he "shall not return" or they would not act thus. Refers his affairs to Cromwell's protection. Kenyngale Lodge, 24 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd. Sealed.
[24 Jan.]
R. O.
Sends a letter just received from Sir Will. Malery, enclosing one from Bygod to the commons of Swadale, who are mostly his tenants. Sir William's letter shows that he has taken one of Bygod's servants, and he wishes by his servant to know what to do with him, for he dare not send him to prison for fear they take him thence. Malory's servant says his master and Roger Lasells are continually riding about to keep things in order, and that he is in no fear so to do in all parts near him. Kenynghale lodge, Wednesday morning.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
24 Jan.
R. O.
By means of Darcy's servant Thos. Hungayte, they have taken one Shottylworth, servant to the abbot of Saulley, who was at Durham when the herald was taken. He says he was going to Sir Thos. Percy for counsel. Think him a man of small reputation. Will keep him till Norfolk comes. Darcy's tenants will pay no rents yet. York, 24 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
24 Jan.
R. O.
When he was at Berwick in payment of the wages, a piece of the town wall fell, and also a piece of the inside of a tower within the castle. These things, with the decay of the bulwarks, the heads of the ditches, &c., must be repaired immediately. The captain and I have written to the King. Has spent all the King's money that was in his hands, and has sustained great losses in this troublous time. Wrote from Newcastle with a heavy heart, thinking Cromwell was displeased at words reported by a servant of his which he never heard or knew of. Has discharged the servant. Cannot rest till he have some comfort. Was ready this day to have come to London, but was warned by his friends in the country, and within this city, that the commons would spoil his farms. All these East and North parts are very "ramage" (?) and wild as you will see by divers letters to the mayor, the dean, and others here from the commons, especially from Sir Francis Bigod, who, it is said, is the beginner of these new assemblies. If Norfolk do not come soon, the people will be ill to rule. York, 24 Jan.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
24 Jan.
Calig. B. III.
B. M.
On Wednesday 17 Jan., Sir Thos. and Sir Ingram Percy caused a cry of the whole country of Northumbd. to be made at Morpeth for defensible array, promising redress for grievances. Next day the writer and Lord Ogle caused proclamation to be made forbidding more than two of any town to meet, and wrote to the Percies commanding them not to make any such assemblies till the King's pleasure were known, which they took very well. The day after, Sir Thos. Percy, John Lumley, and John Swynborne, were at Morpeth doing nothing. The common people on Monday after swore they would burn all Riddisdale and Tynedale, and were scarcely quiet. Wydrington, 24 Jan. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: "To my right worshipful cousin Sir Rainolld Carnaby Knyght."
24 Jan
R. O.
In favour of the bearer George Wodward, who has done the King good service in the wars since coming hither. Dublin, 24 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
Notifying that the King has appointed Sir Wm. Evers and Sir John Withrington to be deputy wardens [of the East and Middle Marches] foranempst Scotland, and Roger and George Fenwyke to be leaders and keepers of Tyndale and Riddesdale. Grants him a pension of 10l. that he may assist them.
Draft, pp. 3. This document (which will be noticed hereafter more fully under the 28 June) has been altered at a later date as the form of a letter missive on the appointment of Sir Thos. Wharton as deputy of the West Marches.
Draft of a commission, upon the new establishment of the East and Middle Marches foranempst Scotland, to Roger Fenwyk to be one of the of the leaders of Tyndale and Riddesdale under Sir William Evers and Sir John Withrington, the King's deputy wardens of the said marches; with a charge to the men of Tyndale and Riddesdale to be at the command of Roger Fenwyk and George Fenwyk, another leader there.
In Wriothesley's hand, pp. 2.
R. O.
St. P. v. 114.
224. HENRY VIII. to _.
Having appointed Sir William Evers and Sir John Withrington deputy wardens of the East and Middle Marches, although we doubt not your sense of duty to us, yet, as we are informed that you have been remiss in attending upon our said wardens, we command you to repair to them or the warden of the March that you be of, whenever required at days of trew and treaties. Otherwise if from any private grudge you neglect this we shall look upon you accordingly.
Corrected draft in Wriothesley's hand. Endd.: Minute of letters for the gentlemen of the East and Middle Marches.
Calig. B. VIII.
B. M.
As the Northern Marches, especially Tynedale and Riddisdale, are going into great disorder from the remissness of the officers there, the King resumes into his own hands the office of warden, appointing as his assistants certain persons named in the schedule. Sir Anthy. Browne is commissioned to declare the same. 1. He shall declare Sir Will. Evers deputy warden of the East Marches, Sir John Withirington of the Middle, Roger and Geo. Fenwick the keepers of Tynedale and Riddisdale, and give them each their commission. He shall also demand redress for the injuries done in Northumberland during the late commotions, and secretly fathom men's minds how they are affected to the King, and who were the authors of the late rebellion, especially Sir Thos. and Sir Ingram Percy, and how they have behaved since the publication of the last pardon. He shall warn them against all attempts to break the peace between England and Scotland. The King has ordered Sir Thos. and Sir Ingram Percy to repair to his presence, and in case they resist has, by a credence to Ralph Sadler, commanded Sir Thos. Clifford to apprehend them and ship them to Grimsby. They are by all means to be secured before Sir Anthony leaves those parts; and the same with John Heron. And as the King, to avoid private animosity, has reconciled lord Clifford and Sir Will. Musgrave on the one part, and lord Dacres and the Parrs on the other, Sir Anthony shall command Sir Thos. Clifford to cast away his ancient grudges. He shall appoint three or five of the best men to give counsel with the deputy wardens and put the castle of Ford into the keeping of some safe man, and induce the gentlemen of the counties to live more in the heart of the Marches than they do now.
Draft, in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 34.
25 Jan.
R. O.
Has received his letters of the 20th, enclosing a letter from lord Darcy to him, with the copy of his answer and other copies touching the "new tragedy" moved by "that false traitor Bigode." Thanks him for his discreet proceedings and his good advice to lord Darcy for the keeping of Pomfret Castle.
Desires him, on receipt of this, to write again to lord Darcy to see the castle victualled. Has himself written Darcy a gentle letter according to Shrewsbury's devise. Trusts that now Darcy will do his duty, which the King will as favourably consider as if nothing had happened to the contrary. Perceiving Shrewsbury is ill, the King has sent him doctor Butts, his own physician, and trusts yet, at his "repair in to those parts, which God willing shall be shortly," to thank him by mouth for his good service lately done. "And to keep your forces—.
Draft, pp. 2. In Wriothesley's hand. Inner sheet lost. Endd.: Minute of the King's letters to my 1. of Shrewsbury, 25 Jan.
R. O. 227. [HENRY VIII.] to SIR RALPH ELLERKER, Sen., and others.
Commends their fidelity in that whereas Sir Francis Bigode and his accomplices lately attempted a new commotion, every of you prepared to serve us against them, especially "you Sir Ralph Ellerker thelder," who, with the assistance of our town of Beverley, before most of "you the rest of the gentlemen" came thither, defeated Bigode and took 60 prisoners whom you bailed. Wonders, however, that in a case like that of Bigode, they would put any to bail. Commands them, for punishment of this treason, secretly, if it may be done without danger, to apprehend "the persons that you have so mainprised," arraign them in Hull by virtue of a commission of "oyer determiner" which the King sends, and execute them in divers parts of the country. If they cannot, without danger, execute all, they are to apprehend the priests and principals of that sort and have them "indelayedly executed." Desires them by any means to apprehend Bigode and the ringleaders and to send up Bigode with all speed. Will recompence their expenses in these matters.
Corrected draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 7. Endd.: Minute of the letter to Sir Ralph Ellerker and others for the apprehension of Bigot and other things.
Thanks him for his letters sent by Thos. Hussey and for his other letters of 20 January, declaring the "traitorous attemptates" of Bigode, and the services of Sir Ralph Ellerker your father, of yourself, and of certain of our subjects of Hull, for the repression of the same. You also desire powder, munitions, and horsemen, and report the faithfulness of our subjects of Hull in advancing you 100l. to pay the soldiers you have retained and offering as much more as should be necessary; "and furthermore that it was condescended amongst you that the prisoners taken at Beverley should be put to bail." All these things we will particularly answer as ensueth. First, we desire you to thank our good subjects for their service, which we take in full satisfaction of all negligence heretofore, and which we shall recompense. 2. We send by bearer 100l. to repay our good subjects of Hull; desiring you to restore it with our thanks. We have taken order with the duke of Suffolk, who now repairs into Lincolnshire, to see you furnished with men, money, &c. You shall advertise him of all occurants there. For the present necessity of powder, &c., it shall be sent with diligence. 3. You may retain 100 horsemen, "if need shall so enforce," using them so that our money shall not be spent without fruit, but putting us to no further charges than the "iniquity" of the time shall enforce. Finally, we require you to write what moved you to condescend to the bailing of the persons of Bigode's conspiracy taken at Beverley; also, touching that company so bailed, to endeavour to accomplish the purport "of our other letters herewith addressed to your father, you and others;" and further to advertise us plainly how every man we have put in trust for that matter shall behave. Especially we desire you to use all means to apprehend Bigode, and, in case you can get him, to send him hither with speed.
Corrected draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 5. Endd.: Minute of the King's letters to Sir Ralph Ellerker the younger.
25 Jan.
E. I. 13. B.M.
Grant of arms by Chr. Barker, Garter, to Robt. Aldridge, registrar of the Order, provost of Eton. London, 25 Jan. 1536, 28 Hen. VIII.
Lat. Copy, p. 1.
25 Jan.
230. JOHN LEYLAND (fn. 10) to CROMWELL.
Sir, admit my writing, seeing that your weighty matters suffer me not to see you. Dr. Bale, sometime a White friar, now a secular priest, is detained at Greenwich in the Porter's Ward for his preaching. I desire he may make his purgation. If the man be not monstrously changed he has learning, judgment, and modesty, and is worthy a better fortune than to be a poor parish priest. His brother has brought a certificate subscribed by the most honest men of his parish. Some of the articles against him are so foolish as to be worthy no learned man's answer. London, 25 January.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
25 Jan.
R. O.
A file of documents relating to the dissolution of the house, consisting of—
i. Inventory made there 11 Aug. 28 Hen. VIII., by Sir Roger Touneshend, Sir Will. Paston, Rich. Southwell, and Thos. Mildemay, the King's commissioners, of articles delivered to Henry Salter, prior, to be kept to the King's use, viz., in the quire, at the high altar, at Our Lady's altar, &c., including articles in the bakehouse and other offices and in the bailey's chamber. Signed by the Commissioners. With a note below their signatures of corn sold to Mr. Benyngefeld.
Pp. 4. On long narrow paper.
ii. Rewards given at the priory, 24 Jan. 28 Hen. VIII., to different persons, Henry Salter, prior, nil. Twelve others have sums varying from 10s. to 20d., and there are payments for mustard and beer, for bread, &c.
P. 1.
iii. Draft bond given by Henry Bedingefeld of Messingham, Norf., and John Blofeld of Reffehame (Rougham ?) to the Commissioners for payment of 56l. 4s. 9½d.
Pp. 6.
iv. Survey of the demesne lands.
P. 1.
v. Account of the sale of the goods, which realised in all 66l. 4s. 9½d. Dated 25 Jan. 28 Hen. VIII.
Large sheet folded in four columns, three of which are written over.
vi. Deposition of the prior before the Commissioners, declaring the character of the house, that two of the monks require capacities, &c. Signed by the prior.
P. 1. With draft on the back of the summons issued to the prior to appear before the Commissioners, dated Norwich, 5 Aug. 28 Hen. VIII.
vii. Account of lead and bells. Value, 88l. 4s. Certified 80l.
P. 1.
viii. Debts of the prior. Total 6l. 16s. "Certified but 100s." Signed by the prior.
P. 1.
25 Jan.
R. O.
I shall never forget your benefits to me at all times. On receiving your letter for Mr. Carell concerning the debt owing to him by Ant. Guydott for which I stand bound, I paid him 50l., and he seemed content till something came from Guydott himself. But now he demands the whole and threatens to procure your lordship's letter for it, which were to me a new death. As to the King's business at Portsmouth I have sent a declaration what has been spent till Christmas last, and since then there have been spent 40l. more. 25 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
25 Jan.
R. O.
This year past he has troubled Cromwell with letters desiring aid towards his charges in building the ship the Savyor, by Cromwell's command. Delivered the account thereof to Mr. Gonston. Desires to have a portion of money towards his charges.
If Cromwell would command the warrant for the tonnage to be sent, "a good part of the same would be recovered in her custom." Begs answer by Mr. Drewis. Bristow, 25 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
25 Jan.
R. O.
Informing him of a new insurrection procured by Sir Francis Bigod in which Mr. George Lumley and others of the East of Yorkshire entered Scarborough and appointed John Wyvell and Ralph Fenton their captains till they had knowledge of the writer's coming, when they left the siege and dispersed. Sir Ralph entered Scarborough peaceably. Has taken the captains and put them in ward. The country was seduced by Sir Francis and Hallam telling them that your pardon was not sufficient in law, and that you would take all their harness from them. Has given the people comfortable words and pointed out the danger of rebellion, so that the commons about Scarborough have promised obedience, in token of which every man is content to wear a cross of St. George. Other parts are not peaceably established, and I am asked to furnish Scarborough Castle with a sufficient power for its defence. I have therefore taken 100 men into wages till the country be more settled. This Thursday, 25 Feb. (sic), Gregory Conyers of Whitby, like a true subject took a writing which was sent from constable to constable to procure a new insurrection, and brought it to me. The said Conyers lately assisted William Nevill, brother of Lord Latimer, and Roger Middlewood in pursuit of Sir Francis Bigod, who fled from him, and took two men in a privy place, whom they brought to me. Scarborough, 25 Jan. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
25 Jan.
R. O.
Has sent a letter to the King (copy herewith) and begs Cromwell to let him know the King's pleasure about a garrison at Skerborow and the rest of the contents. Begs furtherance of his suit to the King for part of Sir Francis Bygod's lands. Skerbrow Castle, 25 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
25 Jan.
R. O.
Recommendations to himself and wife and [congratulations] that God has sent them a son. "Sir, according to your letter I sy ... g for to seek my cousin Bowyes, but he is gone westward that no man [wot we]ll where," and his servants do not know when my lord of Norfolk will be here. The "ballayooe" (bailiff) of Hyston came from Lord Conyers and says Norfolk will be at Doncaster on Candlemas eve, and that gentlemen shall be assigned to go with him thence to Pomfret and York, and from country to country. "Sir, here with us was much ado for a bill that came from Stosslaya (?) for the commond to muster at Hamellton hills, and so there was no remedy but Porrott would have it cried, and so it was." A great company assembled but none wist what to do, so my cousin Crathopan (?) and Thomas Gowyer proclaimed that there should be no spoiling or robbing, and they sent to the bailey of Mask and me "to write a bill to run through the country for their excuses why they rose" (here follows the bill in full, setting forth that, at a meeting on Hambleton hill for the stopping of robberies likely to ensue through divers bills, forged by ill-disposed people, by the consent of all the "commond" of Lanbrght (sic), in the King's name, [it was commanded] that no man should spoil nor rob, but keep the order taken at Doncaster, nor receive any bill till it be known who made it, and it be "afornett" (affirmed) by the rulers of the place where it shall first be delivered, and the maker set to his name. Beseeching our town to indent. this writing, and send it from constable to constable). Wylton, "from your loving brother."
My lord prior of Gysbour came home last night from York and says my lord of Norfolk is expected in York on Monday next. "... ll by ... ys he nott he sa ... hayll Mr. Wylstrop yf he woll hoghtt to yow ... he sad [tha]t yowere (?) must haue laterys from my lord of Norfoke." He says also Mr. Bygott shall be ill handled, for his letter to York is gone up to the King. If you have any news send me part. I will ride to Lord Conyers except I have news by the way. Wyllton, St. Paul's Day.
Hol., p. 1. Large paper. Mutilated.
25 Jan.
R. O.
Has received his letters of the 16th and 21st, with one to the King and one to my lord Privy Seal, which he delivered to the latter this morning, who promised to deliver the other to the King himself. Tonight he has promised that I shall have answer tomorrow. Your lordship writes to know whether you shall be a prior or no. I have no doubt you shall enjoy the King's gift fully; but the Council is so busy that they give no ear to suitors, as Mr. Palmer and others of Calais can tell you. As to the benefice of Hertyng, as I wrote, there is no appearance that Mr. Polle shall go from his promotions; but if it so chance Mr. Popley shall have you in remembrance and in like manner concerning my lord Chamberlain. As to the farm of Sir Wm. Essex in Berkshire, Ric. Gylliam is gone to Calais and can inform you. He told me Mr. Aylmer will be here before Candlemas. Sir Wm. Essex and Mr. Frogmerton are already discharged out of the Tower and are clearly at a point. I am sorry your Lordship is troubled with my poor business with the Frenchman, but I am content for your pleasure to give him 10l., which I think my friends will disburse. Sends a warrant for a protection for Lisle to sign and return. The Council sits daily and there shall be 50 spears made who shall have 40l. a year each. The saying is a new order shall be taken in the King's house and most part shall have pensions. London, 25 Jan.
Mr. Onley is content to take a ton of Gascon wine.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
25 Jan.
R. O.
Wrote by Ric. Gylliam what answer Mr. Vice-Treasurer made us,—that he could nowise help you or my lord with money. How it may be remedied passeth my wits. I have paid Skutt by Mr. Rolles 5l. 13s. 4d. and enclose the obligation. I hope Kynne and I may help to serve you. Mr. Skryven will be bound as he promised. Mrs. Margery will be married on Saturday, but will keep her old room. I will endeavour to get for you Mrs. Asshley's room, who will be married after Easter. Mrs. Staynings waits on my lady of Sussex. God make you, when the time comes, a glad mother. London, 25 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
25 Jan.
R. O.
Begs his pardon for not accepting the pony (petit cheval) sent by the deputy for his son. Will be happy nevertheless to do him any service. "Et ce que je refuse n'est point pour le cheval, car je s'çay que c'est bien en vous de me donner plus grand chose." St. Omer, 25 Jan. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
25 Jan.
I write by your man who came here along with Master James your son. Your said son has since continued learning to write, and I have good hope he will soon write well, as you may see by the letters he shall hereafter send. Give me your instructions what he shall learn. I have received your letter of the 5th, and thank you for your good will, which I hope I shall deserve. Paris, 25 Jan. 1536.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
25 Jan.
R. O.
I have not written since the departure of your servant John, who came with your son Mr. James, awaiting the departure of this bearer, Mr. Louvede (Loveday), who has seen him. He is well and takes pains in learning to write, as I trust you will soon see by his letter, if he does not write by the bearer. I think he loves letters, but if you and my lord would allow me about Easter to instruct him in Latin, I think the child would profit much, as the bearer will explain. Meanwhile he will continue his writing and this Lent will learn to dance. I send a token as ordered by your servant John before he left; also the girdle you ordered, which costs more money than you have given me. I have paid for it and the image 44l. 8d., as you will see by the bill I send. Paris, 25 Jan. 1536.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.


  • 1. The words "the opinion of my lord Admiral," are crossed out, and Lisle has written in the margin "of the presentments before my Lord."
  • 2. Cardinal Wolsey.
  • 3. His previous examination is in § iv. following.
  • 4. Crossed out.
  • 5. See No. 163 (2).
  • 6. Crossed out.
  • 7. Blank.
  • 8. This answer to the first article is written on the last leaf of the deposition.
  • 9. Charles de Moy, Seigneur de la Meilleraye, Vice-Admiral of France.
  • 10. The antiquary Leland.