Henry VIII: October 1537, 21-25

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1891.

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'Henry VIII: October 1537, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1891), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no2/pp335-345 [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Henry VIII: October 1537, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1891), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no2/pp335-345.

"Henry VIII: October 1537, 21-25". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1891), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no2/pp335-345.


October 1537, 21-25

21 Oct. 958. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Your hawk was very well accepted, but Mr. Bryan would not leave her after he had once sight of her, and the partridge pasty, though it came not best conditioned, was thankfully taken. You must provide a tawny velvet gown for Mrs. Anne. As for Mrs. Katharine, lady Sussex and lady Rutland say you cannot bestow her better than with my lady Suffolk. Corbett will inform you of other news. James and I hope to be at Calais in six days. London, 21 Oct.
I have written my lord all the news here. You will be sorry for Mr. Sywlyards's departure to Wales. Mr. Bassett will lack his good friend.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
21 Oct. 959. Will. Goldwell and Anthony Auchar to Cromwell.
R. O. Pursuant to your letters of 1 Oct. we have examined the demeanour of Will. Marshall, vicar of Marsham, (fn. n1) in this last insurrection in the North. John Blachenden, John Knachebull, John May, Laurence Colman, Ric. Lote, Nich. Halk, Ric. Ansell, and Thos. Roke, say that on the eve of All Saints last Mr. Raynold Scott, on sight of the King's letters to prepare himself and retinue for Yorkshire, sent to the vicar for one or two of his horses, who promised to give them, but departed that same night with his horses and did not return to his parsonage till St. Andrew's day. He afterwards alleged he had willed the horses to Anthony Sentleger. He has had variances with Thos. Grene for occupying his benefice of Marsham, but since your letters they are agreed, and the parson has given Grene 6l. 13s. 4d. in recompense of wrong done. Esshetisford, 21 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
21 Oct. 960. Sub-Dean and Chapter of Wells to Cromwell.
R. O. It is hard for any private person to live in this world without molestation, and much harder for a body politic, being sustained by many small portions in sundry places and at the hands of men of divers conditions, to eschew litigious controversies. As all their pursuits must proceed in Cromwell's name with the Chapter, ask leave to come to him to express their griefs and desire succour. He can do them more good, by word or writing, than large expenses in retaining counsel. Desire credence for their brother Dr. Edgeworth. The Chapter house of Wells, 21 Oct. Signed: "the subdean and chapiter there."
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
22 Oct. 961. The Sieur de La Rochep[ot] to Cromwell.
Calig. E. iv. 7.
B. M.
Profuse commendations.
"Monsieur, il y a ung gentilhome des myens nomme Sainct Martin (?) ............ gallyons, lequel avec autres gens et mesd. gallyons sont detenuz ........ Angleterre pour raison de quelques prinses faictes par iceulx gallyons .... apres la tresve accordee entre le Roy et l'Empereur pardeca. Et ce a la R .......... daucuns Flamengs et Ostrelins, lesquels comme jay entendu les ......... assaillir. Et pource, Mons., que jay sceu que lesd. Flamengs et [Ostrelins] ..... fortes parties a mesd. gens et ont de bons amys pardela, jay ...... adresser a vous par ceste lettre." Prays him to see justice done and that his men may keep their goods. Abbeville, 22 Oct. Signed.
French, p. 1. Top and right edge much injured. Add.: Privy Seal.
22 Oct. 962. Abbot of Arbroath to James V.
Add. MS.,
19,401, f. 39.
B. M.
This bearer and his companions came to Leonis the 7th inst. with five falcons, and the sixth dead by the way. Ere that the Dolphin and the Great Master were ready to depart over the hills "to ye veris (wars); sua (so)" I thought not meet to present hawks to the Great Master at that time, but delivered two to the cardinal of Veneur and the other three to the cardinal of Tournon, who is always your Grace's servant and in great credit with his master. I have been very busy in your affairs, and within a month after John Charteris and Thos. Crage left, I presented your other writings to the King your father and showed him how your Grace thanked him for his counsel; also that you had no hasty desire of marriage, considering the recent decease of your Queen, but would ever conform to his counsel, and therefore had sent me writings that you had consented to Madame de Longueveil and given me power to conclude therein. The King was well content, and said he would give her as his daughter, with many good words of her wisdom and guiding. The Cardinal said that he and their house were "perpetually obliged" to remain your servants. The same day the King sent for M. de Guise, who was in Champaigne, to come and conclude matters. He came to Leonis this 21 Oct., where I have tarried for him ever since the King's departure on the 10th. He is marvellous desirous of the expedition of the matter. His delay was because he "has done diligence" and sent the post on to the duke of Lorraine and his daughter and has got their consent. To-day he departs towards the King at Grenoble, 18 leagues from this, and I shall follow him fast. The matter had been concluded long ago but for the great press of business. Everyone takes you for a noble, wise, and constant prince "yat bydis sa ferme at ye king zour fader," who shows plainly he will do as much for you as for his natural son. Begs him to have patience as things go so well. Longs to see him and will come home in spite of the winter if there be good settled weather; for the lady is "stark and well complexioned and may endure travel." She is at present with her mother in Champaigne. Since the King left Fontainebleau the morning after the writer's arrival he has done nothing but travel continually, and there has been nothing ado but assembling of men of war, Swiss, Almain, Italian, and French, so that he is at this hour "vtouch" 40,000 foot, 1,000 men of arms, and 1,200 light horse. The principal cause of sending the Dolphin over the hills is to victual Turing, Pynzerol, and other "strenches" in Pemond; which done the army will scale. The enemy is not "stark aneuch" to resist them. "The Turk is reterit him and past away and hes done bot sobir skaith apoun Cristin men, loving to God!; quhilk is liker to be be mirakle nor vyer (other) way, considering yat he had na fors nor party to resist aganis him he wes mekle persecutit be turment of evil wedder." Can get nothing from Peir Weiff, who says the Queen (whom God assolze!) owed him more than he has received. Will employ the money of James' county of Gyane upon wine and other necessaries. Leonis, 22 Oct. Signed: "Arbroht."
Pp. 3. Add.
963. Lord Butler.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 475.
"Remembrances for my lord Privy Seal concerning my lord Butler's despatching with therle of Ossories suits and his own."
Proofs that "the name of honour" of Ormonde is tailed to heirs male. Ormonde is in the Irishry, and renders no profit but a little rent obtained at times by hostile invasions. Thomas, the last earl, entailed Ormonde, Tullugh, and Arcloo to the earl of Ossory that now is.
By indenture the earl of Wiltshire and his coparcioner are bound in 1,000l., that Ossorie may take advantage of any further title shown within 30 years after date. The premises were not then shown, nor were other evidences concerning Turvey, Castelwarnyng, and Oghterarde. His right might have been provided in Parliament, but to bar others of like petitions he was content to be estopped.
The premises are not moved by "suit of petition," but by humble supplication that the King will advance the earl to his old honour. Never presumed to wrestle with Wiltshire, but yielded in everything, trusting to Wiltshire's preferment, being his nigh kinsman. The evidences will be produced by Walter Cowley when called for, together with the King's grants upon Dungarvan and Callan.
As for me, my bringing up in the King's Court, admittance to the King's service, and advancement to the Privy Council in Ireland, and to be treasurer there, bind me, besides my duty, ever to serve the King. Upon the exile of the traitor, Thomas Fitzgerald, I defended Catherlagh and Kilkaa, upon the marches of the McMorrowes and Moores, at some cost, as the King's Council know. Desires to have some "estate in the same." Expended much money in apprehending Buruell, and was offered much for him by Mr. Treasurer and the Council, but refused, as I would deliver him myself; for whom, at your command, I have now sent. The lands are worth but 80l. a year, and there is a house in Dublin, late the earl of Kildare's, worth 4l. a year.
23 Oct. 964. Ireland.
R. O. Grant to Thos. Stephins of the office of constable of Wykelowe Castle, vice Hugh Clerke. 27 June, 26 Hen. VIII. [See Vol. VII. No. 922 (24)].
ii. Grant of certain land to Peter Butler, earl of Ossory and Ormond, and to Jas. Butler, lord Butler, being a copy of pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 9. Westm., 23 Oct., 29 Hen. VIII. [See Grants in October, No. 35.]
iii. List of lands included in the above grant with the annual value.
Pp. 2.
*** A copy of § ii. will be found in MS. Titus B. xi. 245, B.M., and of ii. and iii. in MS. Lambeth 611, ff. 10, 12.
Lamb, MS.
602, f. 161.
2. The extent of the lands comprised in the earl of Ossory's bill, yearly 140l. Though he pretends to have an undoubted title to 60l. thereof, he does not intend to try with the King for it, but will petition for the whole. He cannot spend by all his lands more than 5 mks. a year. The extent of Burnell's lands, 42l. His mother's reversion, 30l. His brother's land, 13l. 16s. 8d. The said Earl, on the death of Thos. late earl of Ormond, was found to be his next heir male, sued out his livery and was called earl of Ormond by the King in his letters patent and missive, for 16 years. The earl of Wiltshire is content that he should be called earl of Ormond in Ireland, like as the two lord Dacres are called, one of the North, the other of the South.
P. 1. Endd.: "My lord Butler's suits." The extent of the lands of Combmartyn for my lord Butler."
23 Oct. 965. Bishop Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. The lord Powes, in his abode here and in the Walsherey within Powesland, has acted like a noble and a circumspect man. He has lost much by the subtracting of his liberties there. And though the King has partly recompensed him by the gift of certain monasteries, yet I beg your Lordship's favour for his further advancement. Shrowisbury, 23 October. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Bp. of Chester.
23 Oct. 966. Wm. Abbot of York to Cromwell.
R.O. The stewardship of the monastery is in the King's hands, by the attainder of the late lord Darcy. A pretence was made that his son, Sir George, had another patent, but it cannot be found.
The convent beg Cromwell to ask the office of the King. Sends a patent and the half year's fee. York, 23 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
23 Oct. 967. Francis I. to [Henry VIII].
R. O. Has received, by the bp. of Winchester, Henry's letter of the 10th inst. and understood his credence with "the good and honest purposes he hath had with us and brought on your behalf." Thanks Henry for his love. Henry will learn his answer from the bp. and also from Castillon. Grenoble, 23 Oct. 1537.
Translation, p. 1. Mutilated. On the back are memoranda of household expenses and wages in a seventeenth century hand.
968. The Sieur de Castillon.
Kaulek, 3. His instructions from Francis I. on going as ambassador to England.
Castillon shall request the king of England to contribute to the aid by sea according to the treaty. Nevertheless, as he has written to the bp. of Tarbes, Francis is too much a friend to his good brother to press him on the subject but leaves it to his good will. As to the marriage of the duke of Orleans and the lady Mary, Castillon shall speak as he has been commanded.
*** A note of this, among M. Baschet's transcripts from Paris (p. 233), is in the Record Office.
23 Oct. 969. Bucer to Cranmer.
(Parker Soc.)
Has read his letters, undated, but, as the bearer Thomas (fn. n2) informs him, written a year ago, with those Cranmer wrote to Capito and Grynæus. Cranmer's godly designs have prospered beyond expectation, assisted by the Latimers, the Foxes, and others. It is all but treason in us not to have aided you. Is ashamed of the way the letter of the Smalcaldic Council was sent to such a King. Commends Cranmer's charity in passing it over. As to his copious and unmethodical commentaries, (fn. n3) dedicated to Cranmer, thinks Cranmer's praise excessive—he had more need of his severity. Knows, however, that the Abp.'s engagements are all but killing him. Is well aware of the defects of the work, written in great disquiet. Thanks Cranmer for the plan he has laid down for these writings, which he will endeavour to follow in the remaining Epistles. Has had so many journeys since the first edition was published and been so vexed with a disease that has weakened his brain these two years past, that he has been unable to write upon the Apostle. Hopes this winter to return to the work, but has matters to do for the church at Augsburg.
Repeats his thanks for his present sent by Reyner; (fn. n4) also for the 30 cr. Thomas informs him that Cranmer has ordered to be given him. As to the letter of Grynæus, he is a theoretical, not a practical divine, and underrates difficulties. In Sept. last Capito, Grynæus, another native of Basle, and Bucer were at Berne to arrange a form of agreement about the Eucharist, when Grynæus accused the others of indolence in not uniting all Germany with them. He also supposes Cranmer to possess unbounded authority with the King.
Expresses great satisfaction at the progress of religion in England. Much yet remains to be desired, but the agreement of our churches is making fair progress. The adherents of duke William of Bavaria have collected much money, and engage infantry or cavalry; but if God be for us who can be against us? Strasburg, 23 Oct.
[24 Oct.] 970. Earl of Rutland, Bishop of Carlisle, and Others to [Cromwell].
Nero C. x. 2.
B. M.
St. P. i. 572.
Hearne's (fn. n5)
Sylloge, 114.
Yesterday afternoon the Queen had "an naturall laxe," by reason of which she seemed to amend till toward night. All night she has been very sick, and rather "appears" than amends. Her confessor has been with her this morning, and is now preparing to minister the Sacrament of Unction. Hampton Court, Wednesday, 8 a.m.
Signed: Thomas Rutland—Robert Karliolen.—Edward Bayntun—John Chamber, priest—William Butt—George Owen.
[24 Oct.] 971. Norfolk to Cromwell.
R.O. "My good lord, I pray you to be here tomorrow early to comfort our good master, for as for our mistress there is no likelihood of her life, the more pity, and I fear she shall not be on lyve at the time ye shall read this. At viij at night, with the hand of [your] sorrowful friend, T. Norffolk."
Hol., mutilated.
972. Henry VIII. to Francis I.
Bibl. Nat.
Fr. 2997, f.3.
I have so cordially received the congratulations, which, by this bearer and by your letters, you have made me for the son which it has pleased God to give me, that I desire nothing more than an occasion by the success of your good desires to make the like. Notwithstanding, Divine Providence has mingled my joy with the bitterness of the death of her who brought me this happiness.
French, p 1. From a modern transcript in R. O.
973. Jewelery.
Royal MS.
7 C. xvi.
B. M.
"A book of the Quenes juelles."
i. A catalogue of beads, some marked in the margin as given to lady Bewham (sic), lady Duddeley, lady Weston, lady Page, lady Douglas, lady Norfolk, lady Calthrope, lady Lyell, lady Lyster, Mrs. Oxenbryg, lady Guldeford, lady Audeley, lady Mary.
Pp. 3.
ii.. A catalogue of jewels, pomanders, and tablets: several given to lady Mary, lady Eliz, lady Lister, Mrs. Oxenbrygge, Mr. Knyffet, lady Rocheford, lady Russell, Mr. Longe, lady Marquis Dorset. A glass with the images of the King's father and others.
Pp. 3.
iii. A catalogue of girdles, some given to the lady of Sussex, lady Marquis of Exeter, lady Beawham, lady Mary, lady Brown, lady Rutland, Mrs. Pecsall, the lady of Bathe; to the lady of Surrey at the christening of her child.
Pp. 3.
iv. A catalogue of "borders," enamelled with various colours, some given to lady Haworth, Mrs. Smith, lady Mary, Mrs. Zowche, lady Carowe, lady Montegle, lady Pallet, lady Powes, Mrs. Littyster, lady Bewham, and Mary Norres; and some marked in the margin "Raff Worsley charge."
Pp. 3.
v. A catalogue of "brouches of gold," some given to Mr. Thomas Seamowre, Mr. Hennage, Guilliam the brotherer, Cutberd the King's poticarie, the lady Shelston, Palmer the lord Privy Seal's servant, Fras. Elmam, Eliz. Cavindishe, Dr. Benteley, Dr. Augustine, Mr. Russell, Mr. Browne, Mr. Carowe, lord Zouche, Mr. Pownes, Ant. Denny, lady Musgrave, Cruche, the lady Grey, Mrs. Eliz. Darsye, lady Elizabeth at New year's day.
Pp. 2.
vi. A catalogue of bracelets, some given away to persons already named.
P. 1.
vii. A catalogue of buttons of gold, mostly marked "Mr. Worsley charge."
P. 1.
viii. "Aggeletts," one parcel delivered to Mrs. Jastelens.
ix. Chains, some given to lady Rutland, Mr. Brian, Mr. Thos. Seamowre, the bailiff of Ulne's wife, Hen. Seamowre.
P. 1.
Endd.: A boke of the Quenes juelles.
974. Queen Jane Seymour.
R. O. Arrears of money owing from divers persons to the late Queen Jane upon determination of the accounts of her lands, ended at Michaelmas 29 Hen. VIII. The names of the debtors are Ric. Warren of Bekensfeld, Bucks., for money due to Henry Seymour receiver of Be[r]kehamstede and King's Langley, Herts, lord Vaux farmer of Berkhamstede, John Chaworth, Nic. Merkes of St. Albans, Thos. Parteridge of King's Langley, late collector of rents these, the earl of Hertford for rent of Londonwyke, late parcell of the monastery of Stanley, due to the King's manor of Marlborough, John Thoroughgood of Huchyn, Herts, Geo. Daniel of Clare, Suff., John Shelton farmer of Hadeleegh Rey, Essex, Wm. Brian, Edm. Robarte and Ric. Sale of Fernhame, Essex, husbandmen, Ric. Elkyn of Much Waltham, miller, John King of —— (blank), Kent, for wood sale made at Kingsdown, Hen. Criche late bailiff of Weston beside Baldock, Herts., and Lord William Howard. Signed: Thomas Crumwell.
Pp. 2.
Royal MS.
7 F. xiv. 78.
B. M.
975. Queen Jane Seymour.
A valor of the lands "which were lately pacell of queen Jane's jointure and dowry and now reserved unto the King's Highness' own hands;" the names and fees of the officers of each place being given.
Herts. Berkhampstead, h., (fn. n6) and King's Langley, 1.; John Verney, steward and keeper of parks, Hen. Seymor, receiver, (fn. n7) John Wheler porter of Berkhampstead Castle. Huchyn, 1; Ralph Sadler, steward, Hen. Cryche, bailiff. Stonden, 1; Ralph Sadler, steward, bailiff, &c. Ansty, 1; Ralph Sadler, steward, James Knefton, bailiff. Weston beside Baldocke, m.; Edw. Fox, bailiff, John Kympton, clerk of the courts. Bucks. Whaddon, l.; Hen. Seymor, steward, Wm. Pygott, keeper of the chace, Sir Fras. Brian, keeper of the park. Langley Marrys, 1.; Edw. Harmon, steward and keeper of the park. Wyrrardesbury, l.; Edw. Harmon, steward, Sir Walt. Stoner, farmer. Berks. Cookham, 1., and Bray, 1.; Sir Ric. Weston, steward, Wm. Tyllesley warrener and woodward. Liberties of Cookham and Bray, f.; the said John, farmer. Hempstede Marshall, l.; Ric. Bridges, steward, John Cheyney, keeper of the park and woodward, [Hen. Seymor, bailiff]. (fn. n8) Benham Lovell, 1.; Ric. Bridges, steward. Town of Newbury, John Cheyney, steward. Hants. Odyam, f.; —— (blank) Jenyns, farmer. Surrey. Banstede and Walton, f. (no names). Linc. Stamford, 1.; Geoff. Vyllars, bailiff, Henry Lacy, clerk of the Courts. Soms. and Dorset. Forests of Exmoor, Rache and Mendip, f.; lord Russell. Correymalley, 1.; Sir Ph. Champernon, farmer and keeper of the park. Essex. Havering at Bower, 1.; Sir Brian Tuke, steward, Ric. Crumwell, keeper of park, &c., John Cely, "palystore of the parke," John Askewe, collector. Kent. Deptford Strand, f.; Sir Ric. Long, steward, Fras. Sidney, receiver. Tonge, 1.; Chr. Roper, farmer. Kingsdown, f.; Wm. Wodde farmer. Erith, f.; countess of Shrewsbury, farmer. Swanscombe, 1.; Fras. Sydney, bailiff, Edw. Weldon, farmer. Shillingyelde, f.; Robt. Hawkyns, farmer. Southfreth, m.; Thos. Culpeper, keeper of the chace and park.
The King's palace in Southwark with "Barysgardeyn"; Sir Ric. Long, officer.
Clear value 938l. 6s. 3d.
Large paper, pp. 8.
24 Oct. 976. E. Duchess of Norfolk to Cromwell.
Titus B. i.
B. M.
Howard, App.
No. 30.
My special good Lord, I thank you for your goodness to the brewer's wife and for the royal you gave her. Be good to this man Arnall in his old age for his past services to my lord my husband and my lord of Richmond. You have been so good to all my lord of Richmond's servants that I am the bolder to write for him. Now my lord my husband is come home I pray you be in hand with him for my better living, as he has all my jewels and apparel and had 2,000 mks. with me when he had little himself but his lands, "and he was always a great player." My lord my father assured me 500 mks. a year and my husband chose me; for my father "had bought my lord of Westmoreland for me; he and I had loved together ij year" and had not my lord my husband made suit for me immediately after his first wife died I had married my lord of Westmoreland before Xmas; and when he came there at Shrovetide he would have none of my sisters but only me. I have been his wife 25 years and borne him five children, and because I would not suffer the bawd and the harlots that bound me to be still in the house they pynnaculled me and sat on my breast till I spat blood, all for speaking against the woman in the Court, Besse Holond. It is four years come Tuesday in Passion week since he "came riding all night and locked me up in a chamber," took away my jewels and apparel, and left me but 50l. a quarter, that is 300 mks. a year, to keep 20 persons in a hard country. Please move the King not to grant my daughter of Richmond's jointure until he speaks for mine to my husband who dare not say him nay. Has had much sickness and cost in physic since the bawd and the drabs bound her. Would be glad to live quietly the rest of her life, for she is 40 years of age. I think the King had never a penny for my lord of Richmond, for queen Anne got the marriage for my lord my husband, and I heard her say "that if my lord of Richmond did die that my daughter should have" above 1,000l. a year jointure. Radburne, 24 Oct.
I thank you for my letter by this bearer. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
24 Oct. 977. Sir J. Russell to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. i. 573.
I have received your letter and shown it to the King, who caused Mr. Nevell to send for divers of the men, who shall be here to-morrow. Yesterday Mr. Treasurer and I examined one of Mr. Nevell's servants, who confessed to 20, not one of them in the bill the King had of you; so, by the time those you wrote of shall be taken, ye shall have a great number accused. Today the King intended to remove to Asher, and, because the Queen was very sick this night and today, he tarried, but he will be there tomorrow. "If she amend he will go and if she amend not he told me this day he could not find in his heart to tarry." She was in great danger yesternight and to day but, if she sleep this night, the physicians hope that she is past danger. Hampton Court, xxiiiiith (sic) day of October. Signed.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: 24 October.
24 Oct. 978. Sir Reynold Carnaby to Cromwell.
R. O. On Friday, 19 Oct., was in Tynedale, accompanied by the most of the gentlemen of Nthld., and entered the house of Edward Charlton, now the King's rebel, called Heslysyde, and put it in possession of William Charlton, who, my lord of Norfolk expected, would sow dissension between the kin and friends of the said William and Edward; but William declined to keep it. Is ordered by the lord President to take the said house by force as soon as moonlight will serve and put his own servants in it to keep it. Edward Charlton and most of the outlaws are in Liddersdale, sometimes with one friend and sometimes with another, and mean to do the most mischief they can. Will do his utmost to punish them. The inhabitants of Tynedale are in the same stay as at Norfolk's departure. York, 24 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
24 Oct. 979. Sir Reynold Carnaby to the Duke of Norfolk.
R. O. On the same subject. Refers further to bearer. Thinks the Charltons will not fall out willingly as Norfolk supposes. The outlaws are for the most part in Liddersdale, and Edward Charlton rode in lord Maxwell's company at the last meeting on the West Borders till he came within a mile of the place. York, 24 Oct.
Copy, p. 1.
24 Oct. 980. Dover Harbour.
R. O. Account of the receipt and expenditure of 350l. received from Robt. Lorde, 1 Sept. 29 Hen. VIII., by command of my lord Privy Seal, for payment of labourers on the works at Dover, for the 28th and 29th pay.
ii. Estimate for the 30th and 31st pay, ending 24 Oct. "last past." Total, 245l. 14s. 10d.
Pp. 3.
24 Oct. 981. Oudart du Bies to Lord Lisle.
R. O. On receipt of his letters sent for Jacques Roche, and ordered him to send the process of Christopher Frel to the Great Council, and it has been delivered to the messenger of this town. Will always assist in doing justice to lord Lisle's people, as he supposes lord Lisle will to Frenchmen. Boulogne, 24 Oct. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Debitis de Calais.
25 Oct. 982. John Thompson to Cromwell.
R. O. Requests that the material of the abbeys of Langdon and St. Radegund's may be stayed, for repairing of the castle of Dover, if that shall be the King's pleasure.
The labourers in the King's works are more than two months unpaid, so that they cannot be discharged without payment, and the King is not well served, as the lieutenant of the castle, the mayor and others shall testify.
Wrote that the labourers could not be paid of Mr. Davy, because Mr. Wingfield was absent in his country. Wingfield and Davy so rebuked the man who brought Thompson's letter to Cromwell, that no one now dare carry his letters.
Since Thompson was with Cromwell, Mr. Wyngfeld has written to Davy to remain at Dover, and he will beg the King for him to be paymaster; which is unseemly for the "manyfold alterations" in their books. Mr. Wyngfeld has reported that Davy advantaged Mr. Whalye, deceased, at sundry times, 500l., 500 mks., and 100l. and more. Dover, 25 October. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Mr. of the Masondew.
25 Oct. 983. John Wellysburn to Cromwell.
R. O. The abbot of Osney is in danger of death. (fn. n9) Reminds Cromwell of what he moved to him the day that the King left Grafton for Ampthill, that the King should give the abbot of Osney as much suppressed lands as the value of the lordship in which Wellysburn dwells, which is above 20l. If the abbot die, it would be a more ready way to speak to the new abbot to give Myxbury and Fulwell to the King, who can then reward Wellysburn with them. Trusts in the goodness of the King to all those who are daily waiting on him, of whom he has been one for many years. The King has given never so little to any man as to him, and amongst them there is no man more glad of a little than he. Trusts also in Cromwell's goodness to the King's servants, and in the effect of his request to the King. This is "lever" to him than thrice the value elsewhere. "Written with evil eyes by candle," 25 Oct.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
25 Oct. 984. Sir Henry Sayvylle to Cromwell.
R. O. Of the 100l. I owe your Lordship, I have sent by bearer 50l., and after Christmas will bring the other 50l. I sent at Midsummer to the receiver of the Duchy for my fee, but could not get it, or I would have paid you then. My lord President was here, and certain harness was brought in by Sir John Nevyll of Chete and Tristram Teshe. Part of what Mr. Nevyll had was brought in after my lord President's departure, and was worse than the former, which was not good. I marvel the lord Darcy's harness should be in that case and occupied so late. In that and other things concerning my office I will be a suitor to your Lordship on coming to London. The King's Castle of Pomffracte, 25 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
25 Oct. 985. Bishop Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. On Tuesday last, 23 Oct., my lord of Worcester sent Richard Crofte, eldest son to Sir Edward Crofte, to Caersows, in Arustley, to keep the court that had been summoned both by the Earl and Lord Ferrers, for whom came thither Mr. Richard Devereux. As Crofte could not make good his party against the other, he departed, saying that next time he would otherwise prepare. I trust I may receive a remedy by the messenger, John Rosse. I sent a messenger to watch them; all obeyed the court except two persons of my lord of Worcester. I have received from my lord Chancellor three commissions for Sir Piers Dutton to be one of this Council, with a letter to give him the fee and diets which John Vernon had, which letter I send enclosed. I have answered his Lordship that I have no such authority and have written my cousin Doctor for this and other business, to whom I beg you give credence. No other news. "A little the thieves begin to steal, trusting of white books by the birth of the Prince," the gladdest tidings and the merriest people in these parts that ever was. Shrowisbury, 25 Oct. Signed.
After writing the above, I have received your letters by the messenger, John Rosse.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
25 Oct. 986. Bishop Roland Lee to Dr. Leghe.
R. O. I desire you to deliver this other letter to my lord Privy Seal, the copy whereof I send you together with the copy of my lord Chancellor's letters, advertising his Lordship that I will not keep this matter from him. I know not why Sir Piers Dutton labours for it. When the King deputes one in Mr. Englefild's room, the books for our diets, our warrants, and commissions must be altered. I would know his Lordship's pleasure therein. If you can get our diet money from Sir Brian Tuke, Brown, my servant, and the serjeant, now in London, can bring it hither; 30l. of it must abide at London for New Year's gifts. Move my lord that I may have the rents for this year till I be recompensed, and do your best to get Hanbury, which shall satisfy me. Cousin, I shall deserve your pains; ask Mr. Gybson if he has received 20l. for Roland, my nephew, by my servant Browne. (fn. n10) I have written to my said lord of the business of Arustley between the lords of Worcester and Ferris. Help me in my business. 25 October.
I hear that the bishop of Hereford shall have my office here. "God send it him, so I might be despatched [with] my prince's favour. Move my lord herein [that] I might provide for myself at home." Signed.
P. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd.: Oct. Chester.
25 Oct. 987. Sir John Dudley to Cromwell.
R. O. The 24th inst. I came to Paris, where I hear the French King is at Grenople preparing to pass the mountains; the Dolphyn is already passed. The duke of Orleans comes to-night to Paris with Mons. de Guyse and Mons. de Humyerys and thence to Picardy to keep the frontiers. Fifteen priests came to Amiens on the 23rd, the saying is, to pay money to the King. In Picardy they expect war, in Paris they talk of a peace to be concluded shortly between the Emperor and the French King. On coming to Boleyn I chanced to find the Bretons that I took upon the sea, who tried to impeach (hinder) me for the things my mariners took from them; whereupon the captain (of Boulogne) came out of the castle "and beat them with his sword that it would have pitied a man to have seen it, and caused them to be put into a dungeon within the castle," although they had only come wandering about me, asking for some compensation.
My treatment by Mons. de Byse for the King's sake, deserves thanks, and I beg you remember it to the Ambassador. Paris, 25 Oct. Signed.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal, London. Endd.: Mr. Dudley.


  • n1. Mersham, Kent.
  • n2. Perhaps Thomas Tybbold (or, as he writes his own name, Theabold) mentioned in Cranmer's letter of 22 July (No. 314).
  • n3. On the Epistle to the Romans, published at Strasburg, "mense Martio, anno MDXXXVI," (1536–7?) with a dedication to Cranmer.
  • n4. Reyner (or Reginald) Wolfe?
  • n5. Two of the signatures are quite mis-read by Hearne or the copy he followed.
  • n6. In this abstract the letter "h" stands for "honour," "l" for "lordship," "m" for "manor," and "f" for farm.
  • n7. Noted in another hand as now occupied by John Alwey.
  • n8. This added in another hand.
  • n9. He died 22 Nov. 1537.
  • n10. From here to the end is in the Bishop's own hand.