Henry VIII: January 1540, 21-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1896.

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'Henry VIII: January 1540, 21-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1896), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol15/pp29-55 [accessed 26 October 2024].

'Henry VIII: January 1540, 21-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1896), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol15/pp29-55.

"Henry VIII: January 1540, 21-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1896), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol15/pp29-55.


January 1540, 21–31

21 Jan. 90. Cromwell to Sir Thomas Jurdan, of Redburn.
R. O. The King's commandment is that, on receipt of these letters, you resort to London to me, all excuses set apart. London, 21 Jan. Signed.
1. Add. Endd.: “[My lord Priv]ey Seale [letter to Sir Thom]as Jurdon.”
91. Dr. Henry Olisleger to Cromwell.
R. O. We have received the letters to the dukes of Saxony and Cleves, but the copy of the letters patent of the dower (? de la viduario) of our mistress (Anne of Cleves) is left behind. Please send it to-night to Gravesend or to-morrow night to Dover, that we may take it with us, and we will advance the business of our mistress as rapidly as possible. Signed: Henr. Olisl., d.
Corrupt Italian with a little French. Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal.
21 Jan. 92. Pershore Abbey.
R. O. Pension list of Pershore, assigned, by the Commissioners for taking surrenders in Worcestershire, 21 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII., viz.:—
John Stonewell, bishop of Poleten., abbot, 160l. with the gallery, new lodgings adjoining it, a garden, two orchards “with the pools in the same”; John Sondyford, prior, 13l. 6s. 8d.; John Hyll, sub-prior, 10l.; Ric. Pollen, almoner, 9l.; Gilb. Gybbyns, fermerer, 8l.; Jas. Welys, kitchener, Wm. Hybbold, sexton, Thos. Hawkyns, cellarer, John Survyor, 6l. 13s. 4d. each; John Glyn, 7l.; Thos. Bradley, Wm. Creyse, And. Dudley, Geo. Phyllyps, and Thos. Hethe, 6l. each. Signed: Robt. Sowthwell: Ri. Gwent: John Scudamore: Robt. Burgoyn: Thomas Acton.
P. 1.
21 Jan. 93. St. Mary's, Chester.
Close Roll,
p. 4, No. 9.
Rym. xiv.,
Surrender (by Eliz. Grosvenor, prioress, and the convent) of the monastery and all its possessions in cos. Chester, city of Chester, Lanc., N. Wales and S. Wales and elsewhere in England; Wales, and the marches thereof. 21 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.
Acknowledged, same day, before Thos. Leigh, one of the clerks of Chancery.
R. O. 2. Pensions assigned upon the dissolution of Chester nunnery, 21 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.
Eliz. Grosvenour, prioress, 20l.; Marg. Shakeladye, Marg. Fradson, and Marg. Tatton, sub-prioress, 4l. each; Alice Taylour, Joan Foxewifte, Joan Chantryll, Kath. Smythe, Fras. Bradbourne, Eleanor Dutten, and Joan Jones, 4 mks. to 40s. each; Margery Taylour and Margery Crafford, novices, 26s. 8d. each, and Eliz. Whitehed, novice, 40s. Signed by Hendle, Legh, and Belassys, commissioners.
21 Jan. 94. Meeting at Coldstream.
Royal MS.
7 C. xvi., 136.
B. M.
Agreement made at Caldestreme, 21 Jan. A.D. 1539, by Andrew Ker of Farnihirste, warden of the Middle Marches of Scotland, and Sir John Wetherington, warden of the Middle Marches of England, (in presence of Sir Will. Eure, kt., one of the Council of England, and Master Thomas Ballenden and Master Henry Balnavis, councillors of Scotland, commissioners) for the extradition of rebels and fugitives on either side. Rob. lord Maxwell, warden of the West Marches of Scotland and governor of Liddisdale, is bound to warrant, relieve, and keep scaithless the said Andrew Ker touching the bounds of Liddisdale; and John Herron of Chipchace; keeper of Tyndale and Riddisdale, is bound to warrant, relieve, and keep scaithless the said Sir John Withering[ton] touching the bounds of Tyndale and Riddisdale. And as no due redress has been made for a long time past, the wardens shall meet at Rotheburye in England the 17 Feb. next, and at Jedburgh in Scotland the 24 Feb. following, receive all bills of complaint and give redress within the bounds of their wardenries from Kirshope Fuyte to the Hanging Stone from Midsummer last; and shall appoint days and places of meeting thereafter, with the advice of the Kings of both realms, for the redress of attemptates from the taking of the last peace to the said feast of Midsummer, “conform to the truce.” This contract signed by the wardens. (Not signed.)
Pp. 2.
Ib., f. 141. 2. Proclamation, in accordance with the preceding, for sending in bills to the wardens, betwixt this and Candlemas, the complaints of England to be sent to Farnihurst and the bills of Scotland to Harbottle; the complaints of Scotland to be answered at Rotheburye in England on Tuesday 17 Feb., and the English complaints to be answered at Gedburghe, 24 Feb.
P. 1.
22 Jan. 95. Sir Giles Strangways and Others to Lord Russell.
R. O. You have been certified by Richard Phelyp, J.P. of Dorsetshire, of the robberies of Sir John Rogers' house of Bryanston, the church of Blanfforde and the chantryhouse of Langeton. Anthony Rogers, who has been examined before Sir William Uvedale, Henry Ayssheley and the said Phelyp, has confessed the robbery of Sir John Rogers' house, the certificate whereof was sent you by the said Richard Phelyp, “and thereupon” a letter directed from your Lordship to Richard Phelyp to deliver Anthony Rogers to the under-sheriff to bring up to the King's Council. Anthony Rogers at this late quarter sessions at Blanfforde was indicted for the robbery of the house of Sir John Rogers his brother, and, along with his servant, Thos. Beamonde now in Dorchester gaol, for robbery of Blanfforde church. Send copies of indictments and have delivered Anthony to the under-sheriff. Other robberies have been committed about Blanfforde within two years past, i.e., of the churches of Longekyrchyll, Myghels Gussage, Shapewike, Spechebury, and Hasylbere, besides highway robberies. Suspicion is grown that these were done by Anthony and his adherents and James Rogers, now in the Tower. They had between them instruments for opening locks, which they had before Christmas was two years; we send them in a bag sealed. Send, by the under-sheriff, confessions taken by Sir Thomas Trenchard, by Sir William Uvedalle. Henry Assheley and Richard Phelyp, and by Richard Phelyp. The said Anthony sold a broken chalice to John Stratteforde, goldsmith of Dorchester, and confessed he stole it from his brother's house; it is, however, no part of his brother's goods or of those of Blanfforde church. We give no credence to him; for both Anthony and James Rogers used to say a man ought not to confess a felony, and should not die unless he did confess the fact. Blanfford, 22 January. Signed: Gylys Strangways — Thomas Trenchard mil. — Edward Wyllughby — George Delalynd—Henry Assheley—Nycholas Wylughby—John Wyllyams—Will'm Thornhull—Ryc. Phelyp—John Wadham—John Dakcomb.
Pp. 2. Add.: President of the Council in the West parts. Endd.
22 Jan. 96. Scotch and English Rebels.
Royal MS.
7 C. xvi., 140.
B. M.
“The names of certain Scottesmen rebels resete within England:”— Roben Rutherford, Geo. Rutherford called Cok Bankes, Hobbe Rutherford his brother, — Rotherford, Cok Bankes' son, Gawen Rutherford, — Rutherford, his brother;—Will. Trumbill, Pait Trumbill called Catle elder, Pait Trumbill called Catle younger, Jame Trumbill, young Pait's brother, Peter Trumbill called the Monk, Pait Trumbill, Cragwode's son, Hodghe Trumbill, Cragwode's son, Ade Trumbill, Cragwode's son; Wat Robson and his sons Wille, Jame, and Lance, Ade Robson of Howstoun, (fn. 1) Hobbe Dougles of Bunjedward, (fn. 1) John Brown, Hobbe Robson of Ancrum; Hobbe Ainsley called “clerk Dummont,” Hobbe Ainsley called “fat Collope,” Wille Ainsley called Whit Bonet, Charle Ainsley of the Mylne, Pait Waugh, Wille Sklent called Ker, — Laidlaw called Billop, — Laidlaw called Strongourn (?), Wille Olever called Fargus and Jok Oliver his son.
At Coldstream, 22 Jan. A° '39, delivered to the councillors and wardens of Scotland, Hobbe Douglas and John Broun, delivered by Sir Will. Eure, warden of the East Marches of England.
P. 1.
Ib., f. 142. 2. “The names of certain Englishmen rebels reset within Scoteland:”— John Charlton of Blaiklaw, Rynyen Charlton of the Nuyke and Peicevell and John Charlton, his sons; John Robson of Fairstone, and Lyell, Renye and Dudde Robson, his sons, Arche Robson, Lyell Robson called Cowde, John Robson, Henry's son, and Henry Robson, brothers to James Robson, Jock Robson of Newtoun, Henry Robson of Croshels, Wille and Henry Robson, “sons to Broked Davie;” Renyon Dod of Blaiklaw, Jame Dod of Bruntebanke, Davie Dod of the Shaw and his brothers Mighel and Dik Dod, John Wilkynson, Myls Stokoe, Henry Stokoe, Perce Stokoe, Ade, Wille and Roger Stokoe, Jame Hunter, Hew Hunter, Edm. Hunter, Mungo Hunter, Gerry Hunter, Lyell Browne, Gilbert Hunter, Mighell Liddell, Hobbe Huntter, Lance Thomson, John Mylborne, Sym Mylburn, Jerre Charlton “called Toppon,” John Gray, late of Alnwick, smith, Richard Wilson, Will. Wodmenston, John Prestman the elder, John Prestman younger, John Donkson, Ric. Letch and Will. Letch, his brother. Two canons, one remaining at the Hollyrudhose and the other at Camyskynnyng; friars Barton, Sympson, Tonnye and Lambr'k, Observants, Dr. Hilyoerd, and Edw. Ashe, a Crossed Friar.
Pp. 2.
22 Jan. 97. Wyatt to Cromwell.
Harl. MS.,
282, f. 229.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
I have received your letters of the 16th inst., with the King's. Thanks for your good advice to the interpretation of the King's most benign admonishments, to which I have made answer. I am sorry to have troubled you, in my last letters, with my request for revocation. I meant not at once, but at the end of my four months, the 9th or 10th of March, for which I have received. House rent stands me in little lack of 100l. a year, besides stabling, the least fire “to warm my shirt by” costs a groat, in my diet money I lose 8s. 8d. a day, for the angel is here worth only 6s. 4d., a barrel of beer, worth 20d. in England, costs here, with the excise, 4s., a bushel of oats is 2s., and other things after like rates. I am not so eager to augment my diet as that another man should have it. Where your lordship writes that the King takes my doings in good part, I hope to merit it; and would God that my revocation were my reward. I wrote last on the 20th that ambassadors of Cleves and Gelders be here; I cannot learn why. As for Gaunt, they are still. I hear not whereabouts the lance knights nor the Spaniards be. Chapuys yesterday visited me and laboured a great while to excuse himself of the blame of the arrest of certain powder, and excuses his revocation with apparent reason. He “professeth, with great oaths, the King's good service and true intent in the place that he was in, wherein he showed me of the accusation that Aske had made against him and of his innocence therein.” Retains this bearer no longer, “that the King should know the cause of the length of the time.” Brussels, 22 Jan.
Draft in Wyatt's hand, pp. 3.
22 Jan. 98. Francis I. to Marillac.
R. O.
Kaulek, 153.
Foullambray, 22 Jan.:—Has received the letters of the 5th and 17th. As to the ship of Dieppe taken at Gunesalle by Easterlings of Hamburg, is pleased with his proceedings and desires him to continue to solicit this affair. On Tuesday (Mardi not Mercredi as in Kaulek) last, 20th inst., the Emperor and he parted at St. Quentin. The Emperor proceeded towards Cambray and Flanders, accompanied, as far as Valentienne, by the Dauphin, the duke of Orleans, and the Constable, who will return in five or six days. Assures him of the satisfaction expressed by the Emperor at his treatment and of the probability of all differences between them being shortly settled.
French. Two modern transcript a, each pp. 2.
23 Jan. 99. Hedington and Williamson.
R. O. Obligation by Edw. Hedyngton, clothier, of London to Gregory Williamson, skinner, for payment of 100l. at the feast of Purification next. 23 Jan. 31 Henry VIII.
ii. Condition of the above obligation in English.
Lat. Draft. Large paper, p. 1.
23 Jan. 100. Charles V. to the Card. of Toledo.
Add. MS.
28,592, f. 20.
B. M.
Wrote last from Paris on the 6th. Arrived, accompanied by the King, Queen, and Court, at San Quentin on the 19th, where he took leave of the King and Queen and came to sleep at Cambray, accompanied thither by the Dolphin, duke of Orleans, and Constable, and much company. Found there the prince of Orange, duke of Aercot, bp. of Cambray, and others, and has come with them hither, where he expects the coming of the queen of Hungary, and where the Dolphin, duke of Orleans, and Constable will take their leave. Will go to Brussels in three days, awaiting the coming of the King of the Romans.
Conclusion with the French king as to the Turk and matters of religion. Valencianes, 21 Jan. 1540. Sealed on the 23rd.
Spanish. Modern copy from Simancas, pp.
3. See Spanish Calendar VI. i., No. 102.
101. The Emperor's Passage through France.
R. O. “Declamacion de Mars sobre la passada de la Caesarea Magesdad por el reyno de Françia el año de 1540.”
Spanish poem in 79 Stanzas in the form of an address by “Mars” followed by one from “Pax.” Begins: “O dioses, ò furias, ò parcas, ò hados, Es esto ansi ò estoy lo soñando? Soy yo aquel Mars que en los tempos passados, Hazia temblar los mas esforçados, Vibrando mi lança mi yelmo monstrando?” Ends: “Y pues esta agora pacificado, Bien sera yrme ya para el cielo, Do tengo mi estançia, silla y estado, Junto con Christo crucificado, El qual de concordia siempre a este suelo
τελος, χαι τω θεω χαρις.”
Spanish, pp. 27.
24 Jan. 102. Shrewsbury Abbey.
Close Roll,
p. 4, No. 6.
Rym. xiv.,
Surrender (by Thos. Butler, abbot, and the convent) of the monastery and all its possessions in cos. Salop, York, and Heref., and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the marches thereof. 24 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.
Acknowledged, same day, before Thos. Leighe, one of the clerks of Chancery.
R. O. 2. Pensions assigned upon the dissolution of Shrewsbury monastery, 24 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.
Thos. Butler, abbot, 80l.; Thos. Wenlock, prior, 10l.; Ric. Broughton, Thos. Howelles, sub-prior, John Wall, Robt. Coventry, and Thos. Preston, 6l. each; Thos. Leche, 6l. 13s. 4d.; John Lawne, Wm. Lycheffelde, Wm. Malpas, Ric. Oweyn, and John Callye, 5l. 6s. 8d. each; John Warryton and Wm. Cressegge, 5l. each; John Drayton, John Wellyton and Ric. Alleyn, novices, 26s. 8d. each. Signed by Hendle, Legh, Belassys, and Watkyns, commissioners.
24 Jan. 103. Card. Farnese to Card. Caraffa (?).
Vatican MS. * * Heard, two days ago, from the same Mons. di Rhodes, that the English ambassador makes instance that his King may also be in Flanders when this King goes thither. This King's going is certain and is to be with few horses like as the Emperor came here. As to England, he did not know what resolution would be taken; “descorrendo che quando fusse accettato in questa vista l'haria per bon segno.” Can hardly believe it. * * 1540.
Italian, p. 1. Modern extract in R.O. headed: Card. Farnese, 24 Gennaro, al Card. Carar.
24 Jan. 104. Edmond Harvel to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. viii.
Wrote last on the 10th. The Venetian ambassador has since departed to the Turk, with whom peace is firmly expected. “Men think this State will give him Naples di Romania and Malvesia.” He is said to be preparing a great power by land and sea to invade Italy. Barbarossa is in Constantinople. The Emperor has given this State licence to draw out of Naples 80,000 “staris” of wheat—a great boon at present; and it is suspected he consents to this “legacy” with a view to a general truce. The Pope practises to make his nephew (fn. 2) duke of Bononye, and, some think, of Florence. King John of Hungary has agreed with the Turk to give him yearly tribute and surrender into his hands duke Piero of Moldavia, alias the Caraboldan, who rebelled against him a year ago—no pleasant news to these men. Venice, 24 Jan. 1539.
Hol. Add.
25 Jan. 105. Sir Wm. Ayscugh to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received this day, 25 Jan., Cromwell's letter with the King's command to repair in person to the Council to answer certain questions which will be there put to him. Has been so visited by disease that he is not able to ride or walk, “nor was not this quarter of this year.” Yet if the matter be so weighty as to necessitate his appearing in person, he will jeopardise his life to do so. Begs Cromwell to get him a respite till such time as he may be sufficiently recovered to come up. Desires to know the King's pleasure by the bearer. 25 Jan. Signed.
1 Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
25 Jan. 106. Sir Thos. Wharton to John Heron, of Chipchace.
R. O. Has received his two several letters deferring the meeting for the enterprise against the Tendailes. “I wold have thoght muche yt ze have nott called apon me aganst the Tendailes,” but that I know your wisdom. I have sent my cousin Thomas Dacre and fellow John Musgrave to devise with you for the best. Robin Rotherford, the Scottish rebel, “haith his sheff resett” in Kedesdall, with Thos. Hedle, Peter Awll, lately executed at New Castle, Ant. Pott and Gere Rede, “and in Belyngham. In Tendall much he was afore your last enterprise there upon Saturday in the morning and thus I pray God send you good speed in that affair at Kerlesle the 25th of Januarii.”
Copy, p. 1. Headed: Copy of a letter to John Heron, of Chipchace, from Sir Thos. Wharton.
25 Jan. 107. Sir Thomas Wharton to Lord Maxwell.
R. O. Desires the delivery of certain offenders whom John Heron lately attempted to take in Tendall, and who have been “resett” in Ledesdall and Tevedall. Encloses a list of their names, showing in whose houses and by whom many are at present “resetted.” Hopes his lordship will make clean the country of these rebels, as Sir Thomas will do on his part. Offers to meet at Tollercryke on Tuesday, 3 Feb., at 10 a.m. 25 Jan.
Copy, p. 1. Headed: The copy of a letter from Sir Thomas Wharton to the lord Maxwell for delivery of English rebels.
26 Jan. 108. Cromwell to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Has received his letters of news and the book of munitions. Has advertised the King thereof, who has ordered that a provision of wood shall be sent from here to Calais. Desires that Lisle will appoint one of the retinue for its transport, and that all officers of the town shall be vigilant, although he thinks there is no imminent danger, and that no prince will break the treaty. Desires that persons entering the town in habits of peasants be watched to prevent surprise and their carts searched. As Lisle is in chief charge he is to see that proper provision of wine be made for the town, &c. London, 26 Jan. Signed.
1. Add. Endd. by Lisle: Januarii 1539.
26 Jan. 109. Richard Morgan, of Lincoln's Inn, to Lord Lisle.
R. O. At Canterbury you had of me divers specialties wherein your lordship was bound to me, as executor of Robert Bayly, my father-in-law, in divers great sums, whereof but 16l. remained due, for which you gave me a bill to be paid at Michaelmas last by your servant John Hussey. About 10 May next I must pay much money for the portion of one of Robert Bayly's daughters, so please pay me in the beginning of May. Mr. Basset was merry at the writing of this. Lincoln's Inn, 26 Jan.
Before this, I sent you a like letter, but never heard of it again. Pray consider that this has been long due.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
26 Jan. 110. Nuns of Cokehill.
R. O. Pension list of Cokehill nunnery, Worc., appointed by the commissioners to take surrenders in Worcestershire, first payment at Lady Day next. 26 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII., viz.:—
Eliz. Hughes, prioress, 8l.; Anne Morgan, 56s. 8d.; Joan Belamy, Alice Wastle, Marg. Dyson, Anne Reve, and Elyn Owley, 53s. 3d. each. Signed: Robert Sowthwell: Ri. Gwent: John London: John ap Rice: Thomas Acton: John Scudamore: Robt. Burgoyn. Countersigned: Rychard Ryche.
P. 1.
26 Jan. 111. Wenlock Priory.
Close Roll,
p. 4, No. 7.
Rym. xiv.,
Surrender (by John Cressegge, prior, and the convent) of the monastery and all its possessions in cos. Salop, London, Suss., Chester, and Staff., and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the marches thereof, 26 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.
Acknowledged, same day, before Thos. Leigh, one of the clerks of Chancery.
R. O. 2. Pensions assigned at the dissolution of Wenlock priory, Salop, 26 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.:—
John Baylie, prior, 80l.; Wm. Corffelde, sub-prior, and Ric. Fisshewyke, 6l. 13s. 4d. each; Thos. Acton, John Castell, Ric. Fenymer, Wm Benge, and Ric. Norgrove, 6l. each; Thos. Ball, Wm. Morthowe, John Lee, Wm. Chamberleyn, and John Hopkys, 5l. 6s. 8d. each. Signed by Hendle, Legh, Belassys, and Watkyns, commissioners.
ii. Assigned to Thos. Shrewisburie, prior of the cell of Dudley, 10l.
112. John Bayle, (fn. 3) Clk., to Mr. Scudamore.
Add. MS.,
11,041, f. 47.
B. M.
Requests him to give a letter to the bearer, Sir John Hopkys, who is a poor scholar at the University of Oxford, empowering any one whom he sends to receive his pension. Maydeley, Sunday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Scudemore, particular receiver of the Court of Augmentations.
26 Jan. 113. Sir Henry Everyngham to Cromwell.
R. O. The lord President and Council of the North have decreed that I shall appear before them on Monday in the first week of Lent, in the matter of Thos. Barton's claim to the lands of my deceased wife. He married her after sentence given between her and me in the Abp.'s court; (fn. 4) which sentence is acknowledged to be untrue both by her friends and mine; and as I had issue by her I am tenant by the courtesy of England for life. I desire a commission to be sent down to the abp. of York and others. Knottyngley, 26 Jan. Signed.
1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
26 Jan. 114. Sir William Eure to Cromwell.
Royal MS.
7 C. xvi., 137.
B. M.
S. P. v., 169.
Ellis, 3d S.
iii., 279.
At his meeting with two gentlemen of the king of Scots' Council at Coldstream for the business described in his other letter to Cromwell, had divers communings with one of them, Mr. Thomas Bellenden, a man of 50 and above, of gentle and sage conversation, touching the stay of the spiritualty in Scotland, who seemed “inclined to the sort used in our Sovereign's realm of England.” On being asked how the King and Council of Scotland were inclined towards the Bishop of Rome or a reformation of the spiritualty, he said James himself and all his temporal Council were much given to the reformation of the clergy—so much so that they had an interlude played last Epiphany before the King and Queen at Linlithgow, all turning upon the naughtiness in religion, the presumption of bps., the collusion of spiritual courts called in Scotland the consistory courts, and misusing of priests. Sends a note of the play made by “a Scotsman of our sort” who witnessed it. Mr. Bellenden says that when it was over the King called upon the bp. of Glasgow, being chancellor, and other bps., exhorting them to reform their manner of living, and saying unless they did so he would send six of the proudest of them to his uncle of England, and as those were ordered so would he order all the rest. The Chancellor replied “that one word of his Grace's mouth should suffice them to be at commandment,” and the King answered angrily “that he would gladly bestow any words of his mouth that could amend them.” The king of Scots, Mr. Bellenden says, is fully minded to expel all spiritual men from any authority under him, either in household or in the realm. Mr. Bellenden has desired of me to be sent by a secret messenger, an abstract of all acts, &c., passed in this kingdom for the suppression of religion and reformation of the clergy, hoping to get the King his master to study the same. He says the queen of Scots, now with child, is to be crowned on Sunday. 1 Feb; after which there is to be a convention of the lords, for what purpose [he] is not yet certified, but it is thought for reformation of the spiritualty. Learns from a spy that the king of Scots, having at this instant three ships ready to go to sea, has viewed the same; and it is said they are prepared to take him to the meeting in France. Berwick castle, 26 Jan. Signed.
2. Add. at f. 139. Endd.: “[my lord Privy] Seale from the capitayn of Berwyke.
ii. “The copy of the notes of the interlude” (very curious). (fn. 5)
Pp. 2.
26 Jan. 115. Bonner to Cromwell.
R. O.
S. P. viii.,
The news since the departure of Francisco, by whom he wrote to the King and Cromwell on the 24th, are that Card. Lenyngcourte, otherwise Chalons, goes to-day or to-morrow to Rome to be resident. The Nuncio had a long interview with him on the 24th, just after he (the Nuncio) and Bonner had been with the French king. (fn. 6) The Dauphin, Orleans, Vendome, and Nevers came on the 25th, leaving the Constable at Cambray. Great report was made of their entertainment by the Emperor and the costly presents given them. A Council was kept on their return, and the King, Queen, and ladies went hunting, passing underneath Bonner's window, and returned late at night the same way. Thought Francis “would have declared more mirth abroad” than he could perceive in him. He had on a scarlet cloak and looked pale. More [suit] is now made to the Queen than heretofore. Madame d'Estampes's brother, M. de Ely, has been killed (fn. 7) by a Frenchman in Piedmont. Two ambassadors are coming from Venice, probably post festum, the French king and the Emperor having already parted. The Constable, who lay last night at St. Quentin, is looked for here. To-morrow Francis departs for Hanne, Le Hont (Lihons), Corbeau, and Boyves, a castle of M. de Guise, where he will remain a month, the Legate coming to Amiens. Laffaire, 26 Jan.
Hol. Add.: My lord Privy Seal.
27 Jan. 116. Duke Philip of Bavaria.
See Grants in January, No. 14.
27 Jan. 117. Georgius ab Heideck.
See Grants in January, No. 15.
27 Jan. 118. Monks of Evesham.
R. O. Pensions assigned to the late abbot and brethren of Evesham, 27 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII., viz.:—
Ph. Haforde, 240l. “and the almnerie with other buildings and grounds, as appeareth in a schedule hereunto annexed”; Ric. Glouceter, prior, B.D., 13l. 6s. 8d.; John Norton hosteler, Ric. Hawkesburie, kitchener, late prior of Peowortham, George London, prior of, the students and B.D., Robt. Joseph, B.D., John Feckenham, B.D., scholar of Oxford, and Thomas Coventrie, scholar of Oxford, 10l. each; John Clotsall, 7l. 13s. 4d.; Humph. Acton, sub-prior and keeper of the chapel, 9l.; Thos. Marleboroughe, burser to the convent, 7l.; Robt. Ombursley, Ric. Grace, John Aleester, sexton, Ric. Studley, chaunter Reg. Barnesley, burser to the abbot, L.L.B., John Warewyck, fraterer, Robt. Vertue, master of works, Thos. Weston, third prior, Thos. Stafforde, pitancier, Nich. Malverne, John Hupton, John Brockhampton, Wm. Egwyne, Wm. Lyttleton, sub-sexton, Wm. Cumpton, sub-chaunter, Ric. Throgmerton, chaplain to the abbot, and scholar of Oxford, Thos. Lichefelde, and John Bromesgrove, scholar of Oxford, 6l. 13s. 4d. each; Chr. Bradewaye, cellarer, sometime prior of Alecter, 20l.; John Streteforthe, Thos. Alchurche, and Walter Grafton, 6l. each; Thos. Bristowe, 6l. 6s. 8d. Signed: Robert Sowthwell: Ri. Gwent: John London: John ap Rice: John Scudamore: Robt. Burgoyn: Thomas Acton. Also signed by Sir Ric. Ryche, who has added the 6s. 8d. to Bristowe's pension.
Pp. 2. Endd.
27 Jan. 119. Sir Thomas Wharton to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. v., 171.
Has received Cromwell's letters, one dated Greenwich, 28 Dec. last, for him to assist, if required, John Heron, of Tynedale, in “sundry secret exploits,” the other dated Greenwich, 3 Jan., for the delivery of Andrew Bell, a Scottish rebel. Has written twice to Heron (copy of the first letter sent already, that of the last enclosed) who will not make Wharton privy “to any his doing there.” Bell has escaped from Kerlesle Castle. Received letters from the king of Scots anempst the delivery of Bell and sent answer (letter and copy of answer enclosed). Cokebanke, whom Cromwell wrote to Wharton to take, with a son of his and one Tome Bell, Scottish rebels, are taken on the West Marches and lodged in Carlisle Castle. Has written of it to the Council at York, — copy enclosed together with copies of what ho has written to lord Maxwell for the delivery of English rebels. Give credence to bearer who can tell of the escape of Andrew Bell, the reply of lord Maxwell to whom he (bearer) carried Wharton's letters, &c. Kerlesle, 27 Jan. Signed.
Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
27 Jan. 120. Sir Thos. Wharton to the Council in the North.
R. O. On receipt of their letters, dated York, 3 Jan., to apprehend two Routherfords and other Scotch rebels and such offenders as might flee out of Tendall, sent for Thos. Dacre, John Musgrave, and others. Musgrave showed similar letters sent to Sir Wm. Musgrave and him, and has since taken George Routherford called Cokbanke and his son Thos. Routherford aged about 15. Both are in Carlisle Castle. Of Robyn Routherford has advertised John Heron, of Chipchace, in whose houses of Redesdale the said Robyn has his “scheyff (chief) resett.” Thos. Dacre has taken Thome Bell, called the Pounche, a Scotch rebel whom heretofore lord Maxwell has asked for. Has him in Carlisle Castle. Suspects he helped Andrew Bell, a Scotch rebel, to escape out of Carlisle Castle, as Edw. Store, the bearer, can declare. Had letters from the king of Scots for the said Andrew Bell (copy and answer enclosed), and is much perplexed at his escape. Hearing, by report, of an enterprise made by John Heron in Tendall on Saturday morning, the 17th Jan., and that all the notable offenders had escaped, sent into various parts of England and Scotland to learn where they were gone. Afterwards wrote to lord Maxwell, enclosing their names and places of “resett”; sends copy by bearer who was at lord Maxwell's with the said letter. Desires a letter of thanks to John Musgrave for taking Cokbanke and his son. Carlisle, 27 Jan.
Copy, pp. 2. Headed: Copy of a letter to the King's Council at York, from Sir Thos. Wharton.
27 Jan. 121. Francis I. to Marillac.
R. O.
Kaulek, 153.
On the 23rd inst. the English ambassador came to him, here at La Fere, to complain that Robt. Brancetor, an Englishman arrested at the request of the king of England, was set at liberty; and said that in this Francis had acted against God, reason, and duty, a thing infamous, unjust, and contrary to the treaties. Cannot believe that such words came from the king of England. Marillac shall inform him of them, and ask for the immediate recall of the ambassador, to be replaced by a more prudent and a wiser.
Is in excellent health. Parted with the Emperor on the best terms, and sent the Dauphin, Orleans, and the Constable with him to Cambray and Valentiennes. La Fere sur Oyse, 27 Jan. 1539.
French. Modern transcript, pp. 3.
27 Jan. 122. Montmorency to Marillac.
R. O.
Kaulek, 154.
Is commanded to send this courier express with the King's letter, which is to be read to the king of England without omitting a word. This courier will bring the reply, and Mariliac's report how the English take the continued friendship between Francis and the Emperor, whom the writer and Messieurs (the Princes) accompanied as far as Valenciennes. La Fere sur Oyse, 27 Jan.
French. Modern transcript, p. 1.
28 Jan 123. Marillac to Francis I.
R. O.
Kaulek, 154.
[London], 28 Jan.:—An English merchant, citizen of this town, named Robert Coult, esteemed as substantial and of as good name as any Englishman who trades with foreigners, having bought 10,000 crs. worth of woad from merchants of Toulouse, shut himself up in his house when it came to paying, and refused to see anyone; which in this country is an evident sign of bankruptcy. The French merchants had recourse to Marillac, who obtained, by provision, that, contrary to the privileges of London, the house of the said bankrupt should be entered and an inventory of his goods taken. Nevertheless, as Coult is a relation and ally of the principal ministers of justice here, Marillac begs Francis to write to the King about it. Besides the sum due to the Frenchmen, the bankruptcy will be for 60,000 crs. The Emperor's ambassador makes the same request to his sovereign for some of his subjects.
The ambassadors of Saxony, Cleves, and the Landgrave left seven or eight days ago. Duke Philip of Bavaria, after being made Knight of the Order of England and receiving 5,000 or 6,000 crs. as a present, took the road yesterday to return to his own country, on condition, some say, of returning soon for the marriage of this King's eldest daughter, which several aver to be concluded. All these people, since the departure of the Emperor from France, seem very joyous and assured, who before were sad and marvellously astounded; whether it is that their leagues in Germany succeed or their affairs with the Emperor improve will be better known in a few days.
French. Two modern transcripts, each pp. 4. Headed: Sent by my cousin for the merchants.
28 Jan. 124. Marillac to Montmorency.
R. O.
Kaulek, 155.
Recommends the Toulouse merchants, whom M. le President Bertrandy knows, victims of the bankruptcy of an unhappy Englishman The Emperor's ambassador writes to his master in behalf of some Spaniards. Writes also to the Chancellor, (fn. 8) it being reported here that Montmorency is not at Court, but gone to conclude with the Emperor upon the treaties between France and him. The bearer will tell Montmorency some particulars which the writer wishes to communicate only to him, and of which he can inform the King. London, 28 Jan.
French. Two modern transcripts, each pp. 2.
28 Jan. 125. The Prior of Mountgrace.
R. O. 28 Jan.:—Deposition of John Wilson, late prior of the Mount Grace, Yorks., which office he has held for 20 years or thereabouts. Was convinced of the illegality of the Pope's supremacy by the arguments of the bp. of Durham and the abp. of York. Had some difficulty in persuading his brethren to adopt his views, and imprisoned Geyfrey Hodghson, Robert Foster, Ric. Marshall, and Thos. Lyghton a quarter of a year, after which “they were obedient and tractable enough,” and have been so two years and more. Although of himself “he had evil will to surrender up his house, if it might have stood with the King's pleasure that he might have kept it,” no one but Dr. Hylyerd ever advised him to stand out, and then not against the King's own authority. No one ever wrote to him on this behalf except Dr. Wilson, who was informed by a servant of Sir James Strangwysh's, one Wm. Bates, that he feared some opposition on the part of the prior. Whereupon Dr. Wilson wrote to him that he should freely surrender, for the King would put the house to some better use; and that he should not stick at the breach of vows, for all vows had been dispensed with but chastity. No one gave them contrary counsel but Dr. Hylyerd, who said “it was a manner of selling of their house to surrender up their house for money or pensions.” Each page signed.
3. Endd.
28 Jan. 126. Anthoinette de Saveuses to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I know the trouble and occupation you have had in the reception of the Queen of England. I hope the marriage will be for the benefit of the King and his people. As to Mons. de Riou and his wife, I have twice written by the bearer of this, directing my letters to the servants of your household at Calais to present to you. I had enclosed a pair of gloves in a small packet. I wish, for your honour, they had been much finer. In my second letter I wrote that I was sent for to Pont de Remy, and I prayed you if you had any commands to send them speedily, but I had no answer, which was not wonderful under the circumstances. But for the fear of troubling you, I would have returned by Calais to tell you the secret object of her who sent for me. I made your recommendation to Mons. de Riou and his wife, and also to Madame du Bours who was at Pont de Remy when I was there. I explained to them how busy you were at that time, otherwise you would have sent them news. I told them you were very much pleased with the “ostho” (oiseau?) which they had sent you. They answered that they would send you a pair. Madame de Riou fell very sick soon after I came, but she very shortly recovered, by the help of some good doctors, who paid her great attention. I was three weeks with her before my departure, but I left her still in bed, and so very weak that she could take neither food nor rest. On the eve of Christmas day, Monsieur was sent for to Court, at Paris, for the interview between the Emperor and the French King, but on account of Madame's illness, he did not depart till the second day of the year. Dunkirk, 28 Jan.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
29 Jan. 127. Roger Lupton, Priest, to Cromwell.
R. O. I am informed your lordship would have me wait upon you; but I am not able to go out of my house, not to the church. I hear say you have complaints made against me. I beg your favour. I have lived 83 years and a half and been taken for an honest man, and now a sort of light men inform you the contrary. “But I will be reported by all the honest men of Windsor and Eton.” I shall be ordered as you will. Scribbled in haste. Windsor, 29 Jan. Signed.
1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
30 Jan. 128. Bp. Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. There is a case depending before your Lordship and the Council in the Star Chamber, between a special friend of mine, Piers Leghe, of Lancashire, and one Roger Jodrell, for the occupation of certain commons in the town of Distley, Cheshire. At the instance of Piers and his son, the bearer, I beg your favour for the said Piers. I thank you for my servant, John Blount, who by your goodness, “hath an end in his cause.” Gloucester, 30 Jan. Signed.
1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, Lord Privy Seal.
129. Bp. Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your letters purporting the King's and your Lordship's pleasure in the matter between Walter Herbert's servants and Carne. Not to molest your Lordship with long writing, I have committed the same to the bearer, John Arnold, who has gently entertained this Council for your Lordship's sake. Desiring you to thank him and give credence to him in such things as he has to explain, Gloucester the — (fn. 9). Signed.
1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
30 Jan. 130. [Card. Farnese] to Paul III.
Vatican MS. Having written to your Holiness this morning from Roano (Rouen) by Bergamino, the courier, I came in the evening to La Boisiera (La Boissière), seven leagues from Roano, towards Amiens, and on the way met M. Stefano, sent from Mons, d'Ivrea, with the letters to your Holiness which I send herewith. There are with them three copies of letters which Mons. d'Ivrea says he has written to your Holiness, two of the 25th and one of the 27th inst., by way of Lyons, in which the project for an interview with England seems important. M. Stefano says that in Court it is much spoken of and that on the morning he left, i.e. the 27th, the Constable sent for the English ambassador “con una grande instantia,” a thing which must be done because of the Emperor or your Holiness or both, and which shows that the French do not stand secure and are not pleased with this delay of the Emperor. I am confirmed in this opinion by the King's saying to the Nuncio that towards May they would meet again with the Emperor and settle everything. That delay is not new to me, as I remember writing to your Holiness from Paris that I expected it when I spoke with the Emperor; wherefore I beseech your Holiness to look well to Ancona and to the Turkish affairs, as I wrote this morning to the Chamberlain (Mons. Rm°. Camerlengo). (fn. 10) In this practice of England, comparing what, I wrote, was said to me lately by Mons. di Rhodes with what the Nuncio now reports, there can hardly be much foundation. On the other hand, while these men caress me, as the King told the Nuncio he wished to do, and the Constable confirmed to Mons. di Rhodes, it would seem that they wish to strike at the King of England by caressing me, and at us by caressing him. On going to Court I shall learn further. The person worthy of credit whom the Nuncio cites in the cipher of the 25th, M. Stefano says, is the Queen of Navarre, who, knowing much of the Emperor's mind, knows also how much he has at heart this matter of Gueldres (Gheleri qu Gheldri?); but if the Emperor would succeed he must first satisfy France and ally himself well with her. 1540, 30 Jan., dalla Boisiera.
Italian. From a modern copy in R. O., pp. 2.
31 Jan. 131. Council of the North to James V.
Add. MS.
19,401, f. 43.
B. M.
Upon sundry requests made by James's officers, have travailed not a little for the apprehension of his rebels, and have in ward Geo. Rotherford alias Cokke Banke, in Carlisle castle. Beg him, in like manner, to cause one Dr. Hilliarde, now in Edinburgh, late fugitive out of England, to be apprehended and sent to the West Marches, that exchange may be made between his warden there and Sir Thos. Wharton. York, 31 Jan. Signed by Llandaff, Magnus, Tempest, Constable, Ellerker, Lawson, Bowes, Fairfax, Babthorpe, Chaloner, and Uvedale.
Pp. 2. Add.
31 Jan. 132. John Cochlæus, Canon of Breslau, to Card. Contarini.
Vatican MS Breslau, 31 Jan. 1540.—Applauds the friendship between the “most reverend and noble lord Cardinal” (Card. Pole), and Contarini. Rejoices that there still remains one Englishman who wishes him (the writer) well. The king of England has married his fourth wife, sister of the duke of Juliers and Cleves, who lately crossed the sea triumphantly from Calais. * * *
Lat. From a modern extract in R. O., p. 1.
31 Jan. 133. Aguilar to Charles V.
Add. MS.
28,592, f. 24.
B. M.
The Pope glad to hear of the Emperor's progress in France. armada. News of Italy. Rome, 31 Jan. 1540.
Spanish. Modern copy from Simancas, pp. 10.
Vatican MS. 134. Cardinal Carpi.
“Discorso del Rmo Card. di Carpi sopra il passar dell' Imperatore per Francia.”
Thinks (fn. 11) the peace may now be taken as concluded since the Emperor, at the very time when that conclusion was expected, so confidently puts himself into the power of the King; also that the Emperor is moved to it by the danger from the Turk, “stando cosi a Venetiani di accordarse con quello,” and the increasing difficulties of Germany and Flanders, especially the marriage (fn. 12) and union of England with the princes and Lutherans there, rather than by the Pope's persuasions. * * * Seeing how much at heart the Emperor holds Milan, it may be that, instead of it, he may (to terrify the Lutherans, avenge himself on England, make use of France and finally have a good peace) have proposed to conquer England with their united forces and make Mons. d'Orleans king there, marrying the daughter of England, the Emperor's niece, while the Emperor himself marries the daughter of France. France would perhaps postpone the thought of Milan for this, which would appear both a greater gain and very difficult for the Emperor (not to overthrow the King, who is personally much hated, but to establish a Frenchman as king, seeing the natural hatred the English bear to the French). The French king once embarked in this enterprise of England, the Emperor would gain much, because it would cost the French much and perhaps make it easier to appoint with the Lutherans, there being less to fear in Flanders while Scotland and France together were harassing England. Even if the king of England were overthrown, the people would rather have a king of their own nation (delli loro), and that he should marry their daughter, who is the Emperor's niece, and therefore the gain to the Emperor is clear. This would at least be some gain to Italy, the Turkish forces being so powerful by sea that if the Emperor does not withstand them with all his forces Italy will be in danger, and would be in much greater if the Emperor were involved in great expenses against England and his confederates, who undoubtedly are very evil minded, and have plenty of money and the best men. But because one naturally attends to the sorest wound first, it perhaps is not unreasonable to believe that peace may actually follow, Milan remain as it is, war be made against England, steps be taken to quiet the fury of the Lutherans, and, while with some good galleys the passages of Puglia are guarded as well as may be, Barbarossa may overrun Sclavonia, keeping all Italy in fear.
Italian. From a modern extract in R.O., pp. 5.
135. John Norres to Lady Lisle.
R. O. The King, Queen, and my lord Prince are merry with all your other friends. This is the best news I can send you. In my last I could not tell you how many were of the privy chamber with the Queen. There are my lady Rutland, my lady Browne, my lady Edgecombe, all her own ladies and gentlewomen that be tarried with two other chamberers that were with Queen Jane afore and Mistress Feharbart, chief chamberer, with many other ladies. Also a great court of noblemen and gentlemen as ever I think was seen in our master's days.
P.S.—Master Basset and his sister, Mrs. Basset, are merry.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.
136. Sadler's Instructions.
MS. Adv.
Lib. Edin. (fn. 13)
Sadler State
Papers, i. 3.
Instructions given by the King to Ralph Sadler, one of the gentlemen of his Privy Chamber, whom he now sends into Scotland:—
1. That, taking with him the letters, &c., prepared for his despatch, he shall address himself to the King of Scots wherever he may be within his realm, and, after delivering the King's letters of credence, shall say that the King, rejoicing to find him so well disposed, has sent Sadler to express his hearty acceptation of his good proceedings, and devise further to advance them. Finding James takes pleasure in English geldings, he sends him — geldings, praying him boldly to desire, from time to time, either horses or other commodities that may be to his satisfaction.
This shall be all he shall say at his first access, except that, after the king of Scots has made his answer (presumably a gentle one), he shall intimate that he has other things of importance to be communicated secretly to himself, for which he would be glad of a secret audience. And whether he be asked then to utter his whole credence, or appointed another time, he shall first say that the King commanded him before opening the same, “to require a promise in honor of him” not to disclose the matters to any person “otherwise nor according to the friendly device of the same.” If the king of Scots will make no such promise, desiring liberty to consult his Council, Sadler shall say that some of the secrets of his Commission percase touch some of his Council, and it would be obviously inconvenient to declare it to them. Nevertheless if he still reserve to himself liberty to disclose it, Sadler shall request that but one or two of his Council be privy to it, “and that the Cardinal be none of them,” nor any who are much devoted to him. And this last point, at least, being obtained, he shall then for the rest of his credence, open the three points ensuing:—
1. (This he shall urge James to keep very close, unless he will promise to proceed to the punishment of those detected) that a certain subject (fn. 14) of his, a servant of the Cardinal there, was lately driven by tempest to land in the North of England, and left by chance “certain private letters and copies behind him which he never repeted” (reclaimed.) These were sent to the King, who found such strange matter in them that he could not but think “that God had sent them into his hands for the surety and commodity of the said king of Scots.” For it seems by a letter of the Cardinal's own hand, that he, who is reputed James' chief councillor, labors to bring into his own hand not only the whole spiritual jurisdiction of his realm, but, under colour of it, the temporal also, “taking for cloak the bishop of Rome's usurped power,” so that the authority given by God to the king of Scots will in a few years be little or none at all. In proof of this he shows himself friendly to his Majesty's traitors, devising by crafty means, under colour of the bp. of Rome's usurped power, to be their judge, to the intent he might deliver them. He seems such a good workman for the bp. of Rome as to be only meet for his service, “which meaneth only to usurp princes' powers and diminish the same.” James may perceive by this to what ruin prelates would bring the state of Kings, that they may rule all as their deputies or vindicate the deposing of them and making new ones at their pleasure; and he will do well to oppose beginnings. If the king of Scots receive this thankfully, and propose either now or hereafter to take advantage of the Cardinal by it, Sadler shall deliver the original letter itself. If he seem “not much to pass upon it” after hearing it read, Sadler shall pretend that he has no commission to deliver it.
2. The second thing of which the King wishes to inform James is that it is bruited by some that he gathers into his hands “numbers of sheep and such other vile and mean things in respect of his estate, being the livings of the poor men, therewith to advance his revenue.” Henry thinks, though this may be profitable, that the kind of profit cannot stand well with the honour of James' estate, but might cause his subjects to mutter and mutiny, conceiving that their livings might be taken from them by other great personages after the King's example. Henry would suggest that James, seeing “the untruth and beastly living” of the monks who occupy a great part of his realm, should rather increase his revenue by taking such of their houses as may best be spared, and convert the rest to better uses, as Henry himself has done. Thus he might easily establish his estate so as to live like a king and yet not meddle with sheep and mean things, which should occupy the meanest of his people. In this Henry will be happy to advise him, but he must keep it very close and secret; for if the clergy smell it they will thwart him by provoking war or rebellion.
3. The King wishes his nephew to understand how that he, being a king, has well observed the state of Christendom for thirty years and more, and sees “what difference there is between the honest and politic keeping, using and living within a man's own limits, with the just consideration of his own quiet and commodity, and the following and satisfying of other men's fantasies to their advantages and his damage,” of which James cannot be ignorant, knowing what befel his own father when he made himself “another man's instrument to annoy his own friend and ally in his absence.” Therefore, as this amity is so likely to increase, the King, having James' promise of silence, cannot but open his heart to him, desiring him to ponder what prince or potentate in Christendom may stand him in best stead, and at whose hand he may receive the greatest comfort. To speak of the Emperor or the French King, what can he expect of either but fair words? What can he hope to gain by attempting anything at their desires? Now let him turn over the leaf and consider what advantage he may gain by the favour of the King if he continue thus loving towards him:—1. He may be sure to live in quiet from danger; 2. he can obtain anything from the King that he reasonably desires; 3. he should consider that, being the King's nephew and behaving as such, the King, who is put in such trust by the whole realm, might name him as his successor, in the event of the Prince's death, and his leaving no other children by the Queen that now is, or any other lawful wife he may have hereafter, it being quite at his discretion to name either of his two daughters, or him, or any other. And though his Majesty may have further issue, yet, being well stricken in years, he would not have his good nephew forget “what nature might and peradventure would work in that case, being himself of so good a disposition towards him as he is,” and he trusts James will endeavour to eradicate the ancient enmity of his people.
In declaring these things Sadler shall diligently note James' countenance, gesture, and fashion; that on his return he may express the same to the King, using good “attemperance” in his declaration and “pithily inculking” the King's affection to him, &c. If the King of Scots chance to speak of the King's fortifications, Sadler shall recount to him how the same be not only done in those parts but in other parts of the realm, so that England was never the third part so strong as at present. And as for those made on the borders of Scotland, it is not for any doubt of his goodwill, though, both in Flanders, France, and elsewhere, it was reported that he would do as the French king or the Emperor did (yet his Majesty rather believed a report on the Borders that he would not break amity with his uncle either for the French king or the Emperor); but considering he is a mortal man as well as himself who is much older, and that God had sent him no issue which might corroborate the amity, his Majesty had to provide for all possible events. And if James or his posterity should hereafter, by Henry's means, for want of issue, enjoy the Crown of England, perhaps he should have cause to pray for his parent who has done so much for him.
Finally, Sadler is to ask leave of the King of Scots to salute the Queen his wife, to whom he shall declare his commission to visit her and congratulate the virtuous and honourable life which the King hears she has with his nephew. He shall also visit the old Queen, the King's sister, and say he has special charge to report as to her health and prosperity, and to learn how she is used and how all things go there. Having declared these things and obtained full answers, he shall take leave of the King and both Queens and return.
And whereas one Dr. Hilliard, late chaplain to the bp. of Durham, has traitorously fled to Scotland and is, it is said, with the said Scottish Cardinal, Sadler, after declaring the premises and perceiving the King of Scots' inclination, shall take an opportunity to declare to him that the said Hilliarde is his Majesty's fugitive and rebel, and has laboured to sow sedition in this realm; for which reason he shall ask James to deliver him according to the treaty, that he may bring him home with him. And if he can by any means obtain him he shall bring him with him, having special watch for his sure conveyance, and specially noting in his return who shall be desirous to talk with him. And if he cannot obtain him, he shall at least solicit his deliverance to one of the deputy wardens, as the amity requires.
ii. The intercepted letter, viz.:—
Beton to Mr. Andrew Oliphant, vicar of Foulis and Innertig, his agent at Rome.
Wrote to him on 30 & 31 Oct. and 1 Nov. (inst.) with full instructions. Thos. Hutcheson, cousin to Sir John Duncan, has since come and brought a brief from the Pope and a letter from “the Cardinal of Ghinciis” to assist him in recovering possession of the vicarage of Dummany, with a brief to the King also and sundry directions from the said Duncan to be executed within this realm. The King, hearing that Hutcheson had come from Duncan, his rebel, was so moved that he put him in Edinburgh Castle with Alex. Harvy as participant of the said crime. You are to desire the Pope and the Cardinal to give no credence to Duncan, and not irritate the King, “considering the time is perilous”; also to show that we are labouring to have them set free for preservation of the liberty of the Church and delivered to us as judge ordinary, if any will accuse them. Show this to Mr. Jas. Salmond. Further, get us a brief “that we, as primate, may bear our cross before us” through all Scotland, even in the diocese and province of Glasgow and other exempt places, this brief to be committed “certis judicibus in partibus, viz. episcopo et subdecano Rossensi ac decano de Restalrig cum assistentia in eventum,” if any exempt diocese should dispute the right. Kelso, 16 Nov. 1539.
P.S.—Received in Edinburgh, 7 Dec., his letter from Rome of 20 Oct., and also “the instrument of possession of our title sub Stephano in Cælio Monte” with the bull of provision thereto sent by Mr. Jas. Salmond. The King desires the writer's legation to be granted to him. Understands what Oliphant has done in that behalf and the opposition made thereto by some of our countrymen from interested motives. He and the King write presently to the Card. of Ghinciis, and also to “Monsieur Lymoges Langtak.” ambassador there for the King of France, and to Latinus de Juvenalibus. The King is very earnest upon the matter, and thinks he should not be denied, “considering the great parts he keeps to the siege Apostolic and obedience thereof” in this most perilous time. He will write anew to the Pope about it by the first ships. Other private matters.
Commend us to Dr. Wauchop who, you write, is our good friend. Edinburgh, 10 Dec. 1539.
137. Cranmer to Joachim Vadianus.
C.'s Letters,
Cranmer, 740.
Having obtained a release, or rather a respite, from public affairs, begins at the turn of the year to reply, among other correspondents, to Vadian, whose letter received last winter, with a literary present, he highly esteems. Hopes Vadian will understand the delay was due to the Abp.'s being so much occupied. Has written about his engagements to Grynæus, who can explain them. Is glad of the goodwill professed by Vadian; but dislikes greatly the matter of those six books (fn. 15) he sent him, and, till he sees stronger evidence, cannot countenance his opinion. Has seen all the writings of Œcolampadius and Zuinglius and has come to the conclusion that every man must be read with discrimination. You will not soon convince me that ancient authors are on your side. The Real Presence has been maintained by the Church from the beginning. Urges him to Christian concord.
Lat. Add.: Ill. et erudito viro Joachimo Vadiano, consuli apud S. Gallum in Helvetia.
138. Hampton Court.
Vesp. C. xiv.,
B. M.
“Lodgings in Hampton Court used to be appointed by the gentleman usher.”
List of “double lodgings” in the Inner, Second and Outer Courts. In the first is the Prince's lodging, and there are lodgings of Mr. Hennage, Mr. Dennye, lady Margaret, lady Mary, Master of Horse, lord Great Master, lord Privy Seal, Mr. Awen, Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Cromer, Mr. Paget, Mr. Peter, Mr. Comptroller and Mr. Cofferer, besides many others whose owners are not named.
N.B.—At end, 5 single lodgings where lieth the Queen's groom, porter, &c.
Pp. 4. In an Elizabethan or Stuart hand.
139. Surrenders of Monasteries. (fn. 16)
R. O. The certificate of Rob. Southwell, esq., Will. Petre, Edw. Carne and John London, doctors of law, John ap Rees, John Kingesmill, Ric. Poulet and Will. Berners, commissioners to take surrenders of monasteries in Hants, Wilts and Gloucestershire by the King's commission dated 7 Nov. 31 Hen. VIII.
[* * * Giving under each house the clear annual value, against which is set off the amount assigned in pensions (detailed); followed by a survey of records and evidences, buildings, lead, bells, jewels, silver plate, ornaments, with the value of the goods and chattels, the rewards and other payments made by the commissioners, and the clear remainder to the King's use; concluding with the order taken touching debts owing by and to the house, and (except in the cases of St. Swithin's, Malmesbury, and St. Peter's) a list of the churches in its patronage.]
i. Hants:
No. 1. St. Swithin's, Winchester, surrendered by deed of 14 Nov. 31 Hen. VIII., and altered. Clear yearly value of possessions, 1,578l. 16s. 6d., out of which pensions are to be paid to 1 guardian (Will. Kyngesmyll, D.D.), 12 seniors, 12 commoners, 4 priests, 4 singing men (names given of all the preceding), 8 choristers, 4 bell-ringers (names given). Wages and liveries for 19 officers of household (named), 12 servants assigned to the guardian (named), and liveries to the extent of 20l. to be given yearly at the guardian's discretion; also 4 servants assigned to seniors, viz., one each to the sub-guardian, reader of divinity, steward and sub-chanter. Total pensions and wages, 528l. 13s. 4d. Further allowances for diets, 316l. 8s.; alms, 29l. 15s. 5d., and pensions to four “late religious despatched” (named), 12l. 13s. 4d.
Directions and orders to be executed by the guardian and ministers as in a book signed by the commissioners.
Specification of debts owing to the monastery, records and evidences, plate and stuff remaining in the house, plate reserved for the King, and ornaments reserved for the King, leads remaining on “the superfluous buildings” (viz. the dormitory and fraiter), bells remaining for the church, 6; superfluous goods sold by the commissioners.
“And so remaineth clear to the use of the King's Majesty, 30l. 3s. 4d.
Memorandum that after the survey there was presented to Mr. Chancellor by Henry Seymour “a concealment and embecelling of 6 score sheep and 2 colts by the late prior,” which the Chancellor sold to Seymour for 4l. 13s. 4d.
2. St. Mary's nigh Winchester, surrendered 17 Nov. 31 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value 160l. 6s. 3d. Pensions to Eliz. Shelley, late abbess (26l. 13s. 4d.), Agnes Mashame, late prioress, 100s., and 21 other religious (named), 91l. 13s. 4d. in all; alms to 12 poor women, called “sisters,” 6s. 8d. each. Plate reserved to the King's use, ornaments and goods sold, &c. Debts owing to and by the priory, and patronage of churches thereto belonging.
3. Wherewell, surrendered 21 Nov. 31 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value, 352l. 7s.d. Pensions to Morphet Kingesmyll, late abbess, Alice Gilford, late prioress, and 23 other nuns.
4. Christchurch, Twinham, surrendered 28 Nov. 31 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value, 519l. 3sd. Pensions to John Draper “bishop of Neapolitane,” late prior, and 18 monks.
ii. Wilts:
1. Ambresbury, surrendered 4 Dec. 31 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value, 525l. 9s.d. Pensions to Joan Darell, late prioress, Christian Ildesley, late prioress of the cloister, Joan Horner, sometime high prioress, Edith Curteis, late sub-prioress, and 30 other nuns.
2. Malmesbury, surrendered 15 Dec. 31 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value 830l. 15½d. Pensions to Rob. Frampton alias Selwyn, late abbot, John Coddrington, B.D., prior, and 20 other monks.
iii. County of the Town of Bristol:
1. St. Augustine's, Bristol, surrendered 9 Dec. 31 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value, 692l. 2s. 7d. Pensions to Morgan Guillim, late abbot, and 11 others.
2. Billeswik, otherwise called the Gauntes, surrendered 9 Dec. 31 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value, 165l. 2s.d. Pensions to John Colman, late master, Ric. Fletcher, late steward, John Elis, clk., assigned to be curate of St. Mark's there, 8l., “which if he refuse, then to have but 6l.;” and Thos. Pinchyn, clk.
iv. Gloucestershire:
1. Cirencester, surrendered 19 Dec. 31 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value, 992l. 4d. Pensions to John Blake, late abbot, and 16 monks, of whom one, Will. Phillippes, has no pension, being “assigned” to be vicar of Circestre, and to have the whole tithes of wool, lamb, &c. at a rent of 53s. 4d.
2. Hayles, surrendered 24 Dec. 31 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value, 330l. 2s. 2d. Pensions to Stephen Sagar, late abbot, and 21 monks, of whom two have vicarages.
3. Winchcombe, surrendered 23 Dec. 31 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value, 766l. 10s.d. Pensions to Ric. Munslow, late abbot, John Augusteyn, late prior, and 16 other monks.
4. Tewkesbury, surrendered 9 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII, Clear yearly value, 1,595l. 15s.d. Pensions to John Wiche, late abbot, John Beley, late prior, John Bromesgrove, prior of Derehurst, Rob. Circester, prior of St. James, Will. Didcote, prior of Craneborne, and 34 other monks.
5. St. Peter's, Gloucester, surrendered 2 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII. Clear yearly value, 1,952l. 10s. 11¾d. Pensions to Thos. Bisley, late prior, now sub-guardian, with 3 assistants, 1 reader in divinity, 8 seniors, 10 resident commoners, 4 scholars students at Oxford, 6 singing men, 10 choristers, 4 keepers of the church and bellringers, 20 officers of household, 3 servants assigned to the steward, and 8 to the officers and seniors.
At the end, on parchment, is an inventory of the plate and jewels of the cathedral of the Blessed Trinity in Winchester, taken 3 Oct. 1552.
A volume of 116 numbered pages, of which a few are blank.
2. [Northern Monasteries.]
R. O. “A brief docket or remembrance made for the King's Majesty upon the surrender of all the monasteries within the counties aforesaid, (fn. 17) taken and executed by Walter Hyndley, esq., and other commissioners,” in the months of November, December and January 31 Hen. VIII.
Valor of possessions of houses fully despatched, as certified by their governors, 11,380l. odd (fn. 18); of houses remaining to be altered 5,804l.; the total of which (given) “surmounteth the survey for the tenth the sum of 2,571l. Whereof, pensions assigned in houses fully despatched 3,147l. and in the other houses 367l.; and so remains 13,670l. to pay “all annual resolutions and fees.”
ii. Goods and catalls sold by the commissioners 3,515l., delivered to custody of wardens or governors of houses to be altered, not appraised, debts to the houses 1,958l., “vestments reserved for the King's Majesty — (value not given). Rewards given to religious persons and servants, payment of debts and commissioners' expenses, 2,138l., redemption of plate “impingnorate,” 120l.
iii. Plate:—Domesticall and church plate 15,613 oz., “plate covering of vij shrines” 8,797 oz., “ij chalices, ij ryalles, one old noble and iiij mitres, not yet weighed. The above plate is:—gold and gold set with stones 766 oz., gilt 17,324 oz., parcel gilt 946 oz., and white 5,373 oz.
iv. Estimate of lead on edifices not yet prostrated, 6,867 fother.
v. Bells of all sorts not yet weighed, 159.
Large paper, p. 1.
R. O. 3. Fly leaf entitled, “A book of payments and expenses of the late monasteries suppressed.”
[Jan.] 140. Powderham Castle.
R. O. A bill of costs by a superintendent of repairs at Powderham castle, beginning about St. Andrew's Day and ending about Twelfth Day.
Detailing wages paid weekly to masons, labourers, &c., with their meat and drink, the cost of quarrying stone at Peamer quarry, three miles from Powderham; the bringing of new lead from Topsham to Powderham pool, and casting of the same lead; payment to a plumber and mason riding from Exeter to Powderham, “to see the decay of the houses there before they bargained with me to work upon the same,” 12d.; payment to a man who worked the two days before Christmas Eve, and to another who “worked there the Christmas week—that is to say, Friday and Saturday before the xijth day.” “My costs and charges in riding from my house to Powderham, and from Powderham to Exeter,” to provide lead, lime, stone, and labour.
Pp. 5. The top of each leaf lost by mutilation. Endd.: 31 Hen. VIII.
Jan. 141. Chester.
Harl. MS.
2150, f. 58.
B. M.
Copies, inter alia, of a number of ordinances made in the time of Henry Gee, mayor of Chester, in Nov. and Jan. 31 Hen. VIII., for the repression of valiant beggars, encouragement of archery, teaching of children, &c., in the city of Chester, with, recitation of various customs used there.
These documents occupy ff. 58–67, and are mostly transcribed in contemporary handwriting, but earlier and later documents are included, a few being of the 32nd and 34th years of Hen. VIII. The whole volume relates to Chester.
142. Walter Cowley's Memorial.
R. O.
St. P. iii., 179
“Remembrances to my Lord Privy Seal concerning the despatching of Walter Cowley.”
The Irishry, always in hope that the King will not have leisure to suppress their enterprises, no doubt chatter much of the meeting of the Emperor and French King. A sudden attack upon them would shake their faith in such fancies. The Council there should be written to and animated, and hostages accepted from all but ONeill, ODonyll, and Fitz John of Desmond. The Deputy and Ormond can easily procure MacWilliam to make war on the back side of ODonyll. Letters to be sent from the King to MacWilliam and Donogh OBrene for this. The charge against the bp. of Meath to be examined by the Council of Ireland, and even if he be not found guilty, yet, “for his apparent offence,” a grievous fine to be inflicted. The Deputy to be encouraged by honours and possessions there, as he grows aged, has no issue, and disease will shorten his life. Begs a letter to the mayor of Waterford, to pay an annuity of 10 mks. in Waterford, which Ormond sues for. Ormond also writes for the house of St. John's beside Kilkenny, and will deliver Brabazon 20l. for Cromwell's goodness. Favour Mr. Treasurer and his brother Robert in their suit for the constableship of Carlingford. The Chief Justice wrote for an office of bailly or serjeant for a kinsman who now occupies the office without a patent. Ormond, appointed constable of Carlagh and Tisteldermot by the Commissioners, desires it by patent. Ormond desires answer to his last letters, and a general letter to the Council, to discourage breeders of dissension, to order leases, &c., and to make books of the revenue. This dean of Kildare is thought by the whole Council fit to be bp. of Kildare, and Silvester fit to be dean. “This poor man” has delivered 20l. to Mr. Popley; will deliver other 20l. to Brabazon at Easter, to Cromwell's use. Wages of the old retinue of the Deputy and Mr. Treasurer to be amended from Easter forward.
In Walter Cowley's hand.
143. Johann Stigel.
A small volume of poems, (fn. 19) bearing on the title-page:—
“Ad Henricum Octavum Angliæ et Franciæ Regem, Carmen Elegiacon. Item gratulatoria adhortatio. Joanne Stigelio Autore.
“Ad Gulielmum Ducem Juliæ, Geldriæ, &c. Virtutis epistola.
“Ad Annam Ducem Juliacensem Reginam Angliæ Liber Epigrammaton. Eodem Stigelio autore.” 1540.
Among the epigrams are some addressed to Queen Anne, to Morison (? “ad Thomam Morasinum regium Cubicularium”), ad Johannem Cæsarium, Coloniæ, to Melancthon, to Justus Jonas, to Franciscus Burgratus, to Henry VIII., to Cromwell (who is inaccurately called “regni Anglicani Cancellarium”), “ad impios Episcopos Angliæ,” and “ad pios Episcopos et Sacerdotes Angliæ,” &c.
144. Grants in January 1540.
Jan./Grants. 1. Commission of Sewers Sir Ric. Ryche, Sir Th. Denys, Sir Edm. Walsyngham, Sir Humph. Browne, King's Serjeant at law, Sir Rog. Cholmeley, serjeant at law, Sir Ric. Gressham, Sir John Champneys, Clement Harlyston, Sir Edw. Bowton, Th. Pope, Rob. Southwell, Walt. Hendeley, Pet. Mutas, Martin Bowes, Anth. Cok, Ric. Stapylton, John Poynes, Guy Crayford, Humph. Tyrell, Wm. Harman, and Barth. Prowse: for the district “lying by the river and watercourse that runneth from Bowbridge unto Laymowth, from thence to Dagnam Beame, as well for Kent as for Essex upon the north side of Temys,” and from thence to Haveryngwell, Wysden “Waterynges, and the highway from. Ilford to Rumford, “as the bounds of Haveryng do lead,” within Essex. Westm., 2 Jan. Pat. 31 Hen. VIII. p. 5, m. 21d.
2. Lady Anne, sister of William duke of Juliers, Gueldres, Cloves, and Bergen, count of Marchia, Zutphen and Ravensburg and lord in Ravensteyn. Grant for life, in consideration of the marriage to be celebrated between the King and her, and in conformity with a treaty with John Frederic, duke of Saxony, High Marshal (“Archimarescalli”) of the Roman Empire, Prince Elector, Landgrave of Thuringia, Marquis of Mysnia, and burgrave of Magdeburg, &c., and the said duke of Juliers, Gueldres, &c., of the following annuities, viz.:—102l. 15s. 6d. out of the farm or fee farm of the town of Bristol; 20l. out of the farm of the borough or town of Bedford; 22l. 19s.d. out of the fee farm of the city of Norwich; 50 marks paid by the abbot, prior, and convent of St. Alban's for the voidance of the abbey; 40l. out of the farm of the town of Ipswich; 40l. paid by the abbot, prior, and convent of Bury St. Edmund's for the custody of the abbey; 9l. 16s. 9d., parcel of a yearly rent of 16l. 17s. 9d. issuing from the manors of Lowestofte, alias Lowstofte Estlete and Westlete, Northelete, Southelete, Gorleston, Mitforde, and of the hundred of Lothingland and Mytford, Suff., payable by Edw. Jernyngham and Mary, his wife, and the heirs male of their bodies; 34l. 12s. out of the farm of the town of Nottingham; 30l. out of the farm of the town of Derby; 40l. out of the fee farm of the manor of Heydington in the hundred of Bolyngton without the north gate of Oxford, payable by William Wylcotys and his heirs and by the sheriff of cos. Oxon. and Berks.; 12l. out of the farm of the manor of Powrestoke, Dorset, payable by John de Wroxall and his heirs, and by the sheriff of Dorset; 15l. for the hundred of Calne, Wilts., and the water-mill there, payable by Sir William la Zouche, of Totneys, and his heirs; 35l. out of the farm or fee farm of the town of Oxford; 46l. out of the farm or fee farm and increment of the town of Southampton; 10l. out of the farm of two parks and a third part of the manor of Godyngton, Oxon., payable by Ric. Damory and his heirs; 12l. out of the Farm or custody of the town of Shaftesbury, payable by the abbess and convent of Shaftesbury, and by the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset; 12l. out of the farm or fee farm of Kynton payable by Nicholas de Segrave and his heirs and by the sheriff of cos. Warw. and Leic.; 100s. a year out of the farm or fee farm of the wapentake of Goscote, payable by Nicholas de Segrave ind his heirs and by the sheriff of cos. Warw. and Leic.; 116s. out of the farm of half the town of Tamworth, payable by the sheriff of Warw. and Leic.; 12l. 18s.d. out of the fee farm of the hundred of Framlonde, Leic., payable by Rog. Bellers; 108s. 4d. out of the farm of the honors of Benonpeverell and Hagnet in cos. Bucks, Northt., and Leic., and of the castle and honor of Huntingdon, with its members in cos. Hunts, Camb., Beds, and Northt., which belonged to John Hastyngs, late earl of Pembroke; 70l. out of the farm or old farm of the town of Cambridge; 20l. 17s. 6d. out of the farm of the town of Shrewsbury; 10l. out of the farm or fee farm of the manor of Forde, Salop, payable by Nicholas de Audeley, brother and heirof Thomas, son and heir of James de Audeley and his heirs; 10l. 6s. 8d. out of the farm or fee farm of the manor of Rowley, Staff., payable by the abbot and convent of Halesowen; 9l. out of the custody of the manors of Kynfare and Stouerton and of Kynfare forest, Staff., which Edward Atwood, late yeoman of the Crown, holds for the life of Henry Mortimer (“de Mortuo Mari”) by grant of the said Henry, payable by Hugh Tyrrell, brother and heir of John Tyrrell and his heirs; 20l. out of the farm or fee farm of the town of Malmesbury, with the 3 hundreds thereto belonging, Wilts., payable by the abbot and convent of Malmesbury; 15l. out of the farm of Radwell alias Raddeswell, Essex, payable by Hugh de Veer and Dionisia de Monte Caniso, late his wife, and their heirs, and by the sheriff of cos. Essex and Herts.
Also, the honors, castles, manors, &c. following, viz.:—the manor or lordship of Bradwell, alias Bradwell next the Sea, Essex; the castle, lordship, or manor of Hadleigh, alias Hadley, Essex, and a “sholpa” called Hadleigh Ree, Essex, and the “draggyns” for mussels in Aylbury (fn. 20) Hoope, Essex; the lordship or manor and borough of Berdfeld, Essex; a yearly rent or fee farm of 57l. 7s. issuing from the nanor and borough of Thaxstede, Essex, payable by Sir John Cutt; the lordship or manor of Laccheley, Essex; the office of feodary in co. Essex; the honor, lordship, town, and borough of Clare, in cos. Suff., Essex, Herts, Norf., and Camb.; the manor of Wrattyngs, alias Talworth Wratting, Suff.; the lordship or manor of Erbury; the lordship or manor of Hunden, Suff.; the lordship or manor of Claret Hall and the lordship or manor of Sudbury, Suff.; the office of feodary in co. Suff.; the lordship or manor of Leigham; the lordship or manor of Woodhall, Suff.; the office of feodary in co. Norf.; the lordship or manor of Walsingham Magna; the lordship or manor of Walsingham Parva; the fee farm of the towns, of Walsingham Parva and Walsingham Magna, Grymestone, Thurforde, Fulmodeston, Wighting, Snoryng Magna, and Barney, Norf., [and] in the city of Norwich; a water mill in Walsingham Parva; the lordship or manor of Byrcham, Norf.; the office of bailiff of the liberties of Cambridge and Huntingdon; the castle, lordship, and manor of Fodringhey, Northt.; the lordships or manors of Nassyngton and Yarwell; the lordship or manor of Upton, Northt.; the lordship or manor of Depynges, the lordship or manor of Grantham, and the lordship or manor of Kelby, Linc.; the manor and lordship of Fekenham and the forest of Fekenham, Worc.; and all farms, issues, and profits of the premises, &c.; the manor or lordship of Brymmesgrove; the lordship or manor of Norton alias Kynges-norton; the lordship or manor of Odingley; the lordship or manor of Cliften, and the fee farm of the town of Wyche alias Droytwyche, Worc.; the lordship or manor of Marche alias Marcley Magna, Heref.; the lordship or manor of Mawerden, Heref.; the lordship or manor of Kyngeslane, Heref.; 6 tenements in Burghton and Carlton, next Tutbury, Glouc.; the lordship or manor of Lechelade alias Lachelade; the lordship or manor of Berdesleigh; the lordship or manor of Brymmesfelde alias Brymirfeld; the lordship or manor of Musserdere alias Mysserdere; the lordship or manor of Barton next Bristoll along with the hundred of Barton; the lordship or manor of Charlton and Doughton; the lordship or manor of Wynston; the lordship or manor of Bystech alias Bistleigh, Glouc., with the office of bailiff of Bysleigh; the manor and lordship of Cosham, Wilts; the castle, lordship, or manor of Barton next Maryborough; the manor of Barton next Maryborough and the borough of Marleborough, Wilts; the hundred of Selkesey alias Selkeley and perquisites of the court of Barton next Marleburgh; with the waifs, strays, &c., within the said lordship, borough, and hundred, and with assarts, agistments, and pannage within the forest and other rights belonging to the said manor, borough, and hundred, which Humphrey, late duke of Gloucester, held, &c.; the park, borough, and lordship of Devyses alias Devyse, Wilts.; the manor and lordship of Rowde; and the forest of Melkesham, Pevesham, Blakemore, and Chippenham, Wilts, the manor of Merston Money alias Merston Mesey, Wilts.; the lordship or manor of Sevenhampton, Wilts; the lordship or manor of Brekelade, Wilts; the lordships or manors of Chelworth and Old Wotton, Wilts; the lordship or manor of Tokenham, Wilts; tho lordship or manor of Wynterburne, Wilts; the lordship or manor of Compton alias Compton Basset, Wilts; the lordship or manor of Somerford Caynes, Wilts; the borough of Wotton; the park aDd pasture of Fasterne; the forest of Bradon, Wilts; the lordship or manor of Chilton alias Chilton Folyat, with a hospice called le Bere in Hungerforth, Wilts and Berks; the lordship or manor of Odcombe, Soms.; the lordship or manor and borough of Milverton with the hundred there, Soms.; the castle of Bridgewater, with the lordship or manor of Heygrove, and the borough of Bridgewater, and the fee farm of the same borough or town; the manor, town, and barony of Gillingham, Dorset; the lordships or manors of Pynperne alias Pymperne, Gusseche, Bonne, Tarrent Gundevile, Dors., and the hundred of Pymperne, Dors.; the borough of Warham, Dors.; the lordships or manors of Knolle, Stuple, and Cryche; the lordship or manor of Wyke; the lordship or manor of Waymouth; the lordship or manor of Portland; the lordship or manor of Helwell, the hundreds of Roughborough, Bussheme alias Busshemore and Hassellore; the lordship or manor of Mershwood alias Marshewood Vale, Dorset, with the hundred of Whitchurch, Dors., the lordship or manor of Cramborne, and the manors of Cramborne Holwell, Cramborne Holder Holte, the borough of Cramborne Wilkesworth, the hundred and chace of Cramborne, the office of feodary of Cramborne, and the park of Blagdon, Dors.; the fee farm of the town of Andever, and the lordships or manors of Hoke Mortymer and Worthy Mortymer, Hants; the lordship or manor of Fymner, Oxon; the manor of Swallowfeld, Berks; the lordship or manor of Wokefeld; the lordship or manor of Stratfeld Mortymer, Berks; the lordship or manor of Cleydon alias Stuple Cleydon, Bucks; the lordship or manor of Berton alias Byerton; the borough of Wendover, and the lordship or manor of Wendover Forinsecus, Bucks; the lordship or manor of Shyre, Surrey; the lordship or manor of Purbright, Surrey; 4l. 17s. 5d. a year parcel of the fee farm of the city of Chichester, Sussex; the lordship or manor of Drayton, Sussex; the mansion or castle of Baynard called Baynardes Castell in the city of London; the advowson of the mastership of the house or hospital of St. Katherine, near the Tower of London, and of the brethren and sisters of the same; —with knight's fees, advowsons, and other liberties in the above possessions, in as full manner as Jane, late Queen of England, held the same. Pat. 31 Hen. VIII. p. 7, m. 4.
3. John Shawen, shoemaker, born subject of the Emperor. Denization, 6 Jan. Pat. 31 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 34.
4. Gilbert Wykes, clk., perpetual vicar of the parish church of Burneston, York dioc., archdeaconry of Richmond. Licence of non-residence. Westm., 24 Nov., 31 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 8.
5. John Hacher, sen., and John Hacher, jun. Lease of the site of the manor of Norbery, in the parish of Croidon, Surr.; parcel of the lands of Sir Nich. Carewe, attainted; term 21 years; rent, 10l. and 3s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 7 Jan., 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 30.
6. Ric. Holme, late of Stodelegh, Devon, husbandman. Pardon for having, 20 June 30 Hen. VIII., robbed Th. Crooke at Rakenfeld, in same co., of 3 bullocks and a heifer, value 53s. 4d. Greenwich, 9 Jan., 31 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Jan.—P.S.
7. John Bryan. Grant of the office of water bailiff of the river Thames between the bridge of Stanys and the head of the said river:—On surrender by Henry Berd of patent 1 Feb., 7 Hen. VIII., granting the office to him and Th. Tylly, deceased. Del. Westm., 16 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 6, m. 4.
8. Wm. Hyll, clk., rector of the p. ch. of Stoke upon Terne, Salop. Mortmain licence to alienate the rectory and certain lands of the rectory (specified) in Netherstoke and Stoke-upon-Terne; to the value of 20s. a year to Rouland Hyll, mercer, of London, and his heirs. To be by him regranted along with certain other lands there (specified), not exceeding 20s. yearly value in all, to the said William and his successors in the above rectory for ever. Del., Westm., 18 Jan. [31] (fn. 21) Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. 31 Hen. VIII., p. 5, m. 36.
9. Sir Jas. Strangways and Elizabeth, his wife. Licence to alienate the manor of Boxsted, Essex, and 40 messuages and certain acres of land, &c., in Boxsted and Edwardston, Suff., to Sir Wm. Poulet, lord Seynt John, and his heirs for ever. Westm., 23 Jan. Pat. 31 Hen. VIII., p. 7, m. 29.
10. Sir Nich. Hare and Katharine, his wife. Licence to alienate the manor of Badberham, called Brusyard maner, and certain messuages, lands, &c., in Badberham, Sawston, Pawnesford, and Abyngton, Camb., to Alan Chapman and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of the said Alan for ever. Westm., 24 Jan. Pat. 31 Hen. VIII., p. 7, m. 29.
11. Sir Wm. Eure. A dedimus potestatem to receive the oath of Sir Cuthbert [Ratcliff,] (fn. 22) sheriff of Northumberland, for the faithful performance of his office according to the form of a schedule inclosed, and the recognizances of 2 persons willing to be sureties for the said Cuthbert under a penalty of 200 marks each. Westm., 26 Jan. Pat. 31 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 31d.
12. Andrew Bekingham. Lease of the manor or lordship of Panne, in the Isle of Wight, Hants; term 21 years; rent, 7l. 11s. 8d. and 6s.; 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 26 Jan., 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
13. John Champernowne. To be parker or keeper of the park and chace of Okehampton, Devon, which came to the King's hands by the attainder of Henry, late marquis of Exeter; with the usual fees, as enjoyed by John Machyn or Rob. Cruse, and with the herbage and pannage. Del. Westm., 26 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 35.
14. Philip, duke of Bavaria, and count Palatine. Passport to go into Germany; with an injunction to the King's officers to see him furnished with horses and necessaries. Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 42.
15. George lord and baron of Hadeck or Haddeck, in Germany. Annuity of 600 crowns of 4s. 6d. apiece. Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 42.
16. Sir Richard Riche, Chancellor of the Court of Augmentations, and Elizabeth, his wife. Grant, in fee, for 484l. 6s. 10d., of the rectory and church of Felstede, Essex, belonging to the late monastery of Syon, Midd., with the advowson of the church of Felstede, and all appurtenances, and the tenement or messuage in Felstede in which one Th. Albert alias Alvert now dwells, and six acres of land in a field called “the Rydynge,” in Felstede, belonging to the said late monastery; in as full manner as Agnes Jorden, the late abbess, held the same:
Also one messuage and certain acres of land, &c., now in the tenure of John Nevell, in Willyngale Spayn, Willingale Doo, and Fyfelde, Essex, belonging to the late monastery of Clerkenwell, Midd.; and all possessions of that monastery in those places. Yearly rents, for premises in Felstede, 65s.d.; and for the rest, 4s. 8d.Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 33.
17. Geo. Hales, clk. Presentation to the rectory of Byflette, Winchester dioc., vice Ric. Elyotte, last incumbent, resigned. Del. Westm., 28 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 35.
18. Ric. Elyotte, clk. Presentation to the parish church of Sutton, Winchester dioc, vice Ric. Sedgrove, last incumbent, resigned. Del. Westm., 28 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 35.
19. James Kyngeshill, born a subject of the Emperor. Denization. 28 Jan. Pat. 31 Hen. VIII. p. 6, m. 36.
20. Commissions of gaol delivery.
Derby co. gaol: at Derby: Sir Walt.
Luke, Sir Humph. Brown, John Jenour, and Ric. Jenour.
Lincoln castle: The same Justices.
Northampton castle: The same.
Warwick gaol: The same.
Lincoln city gaol: The same.
Nottingham town gaol: The same.
Okeham gaol: The same.
Leicester gaol: The same.
Coventry gaol: The same.
Nottingham gaol: The same.
Norwich castle: Sir Edw. Mountagu, Sir John Baldewyn, Th. FitzHugh, and Ric. Mylward.
Bedford castle: The same.
Aylesbury gaol: The same.
Bury St. Edmund's gaol: The same.
Huntyngdon castle: The same.
Ipswich gaol: The same.
Cambridge castle: The same.
Winchester castle: Sir Ric. Lyster, Sir Th. Wylloughby, Nich. Rokewod, and John Dyer.
Fyssherton Anger gaol: The same.
Dorchester gaol: The same.
Yevylchester gaol: The same.
Exeter castle: The same.
Launceston castle: The same.
Guldeford castle: Sir John Spelman, John Baker, Attorney General, Anth. Brown, and John Byll.
Lewys castle: The same.
Canterbury castle: The same.
Colchester castle: The same.
Hertford castle: The same.
York city gaol: Sir Chr. Jenney, John Hynde, and Fras. Frobysher.
York castle: The same.
Castle of Oxford and Berks: Sir John Porte, Edm. Marvyn serjeant-at-law, John Porte jun., and Th. Sutton.
Shrewsbury castle: The same.
Gloucester castle: The same.
Hereford castle: The same.
Worcester castle: The same.
Stafford gaol: The same.
Westm., 28 Jan. Pat. 31 Hen. VIII., p. 5, m. 15 d.
21. Chr. Conyers. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Rob. Conyers, deceased, viz., of all possessions of the said Robert in England; and all the said Christopher's interest in the possessions whereof Cecily Conyers, widow of the said Robert, is seized for the term of her own or any other life or lives. Greenwich, 29 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 Jan.—P.S., slightly mutilated. Pat. p. 3, m. 18.
22. Miles Forest, of Morborn, Hunts. Grant in fee, for 323l. 11s. 8d., of the lordship and manor of Morborne, Hunts., and the house and grange of Ogerston in the parish of Morborne, which manor and grange belonged to the late monastery of Croylande, Linc.; the advowsons of the parish churches of Morborne and Folkysworthe, Hunts., and all appurtenances of the said manor and grange in Morborne and Folkysworthe, Hunts., in as full manner as John Briges, the late abbot of Croyland, held the same; with reservation of all lands and issues in Wassyngley and the yearly pensions which the churches of Morborne and Folkiswortbe used to pay to Croyland. Del. Westm., 30 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 42.
23. Sir Ric. Longe of the Privy Chamber. Lease of the lordship or manor of Kyngesdowne, Kent; term 21 years; rent 9l. and 6s. 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 30 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5 m. 30.
24. Wm. Lawson. Lease of the site of the manor of Raskell with “le intak” thereof, and a mill there, the herbage of the park of Raskell, and a close called Thowthorp Close in the lordship of Raskell, parcel of the duchy of York, Yorks.; term 21 years; rent 14l. 11s., and 6s. 8d. increase. On surrender by the said William of patent 12 June 15 Hen. VIII., granting a similar lease to Edw. Huddeswell, deceased, who during his life time sold his interest in the premises to the said William. Del. Westm., 31 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 30.
145. Henry VIII. to the Duke of Norfolk.
R. O.
S. P. viii.,
Instructions on his being sent to the French king; which, on his arrival at the French court, he is first to communicate to the bp. of London, who shall go with him to the presence of Francis. At his audience he shall declare the King's complete assurance of their mutual friendship, and that he trusts Francis will take in good part the advice he has to offer. He shall then show him, first, that the King has well noted the late interview between Francis and the Emperor, which, whatever the former may have gained by it, has been much to the advantage of the latter, who has increased his estimation, withdrawn from Francis the friendship of the Turk, getting him to solicit the Venetians to be the Turk's enemies when they desired peace with him, and probably will get from him the Germans, leaving him no friend but Henry, between whom and Francis he has, even since his coming to Flanders, endeavoured to sow unkindness in a conference with Sir Thos. Wyat, on a matter of which he has by some indirect means got knowledge, viz., that Francis had proposed to Henry, at his interview with him at Calais, that if Henry would release his pension and join with him in war against the Emperor he should have, in recompence thereof, all the sea coas towns of the Low Countries and also Brabant and Holland delivered to him. Henry fears this must have been revealed by some of the French council. The Emperor has used it to suggest to him that the French had reported Henry had laboured to divide his dominions. Doubts not he will be deceived in his attempt to create suspicion between them; but Francis will see his accustomed craft. Now that he is poor, and has no help in the Low Parts or Spain, and not minding percase to deliver Milan, he cares not what policy he uses against him. By one thing he said to Wyat it appears he expects hereafter to compass things that he cannot yet reach; for when the King lately demanded of him deliverance of one of his rebels named Brancetour, whom Grandvelle acknowledged to be no dependent of his, the Emperor challenged him, and had him redelivered after his apprehension. When Wyat remonstrated about this, at his coming to Flanders, and appealed to the treaties, he denied (words given in English) that he was ingrate, for the superior could not be so to the inferior. Wishes Francis' advice how to reply to this. He evidently aims at monarchy.
If Francis seem content to commune further, the Duke may ask how things stand between him and the Emperor, touching his children's inheritance in Milan, for which he has been so long waiting, and suggest that he might get it by Henry's aid. If he still seem favourable, Norfolk might add that, if a new amity were made, Henry might remit to him one half of his debt and one half of the pensions for Francis' life, and ask what Francis would offer in exchange. If he desire the offer enlarged, Norfolk might give him hopes of the King remitting the whole debt and half the pensions for his life. He might propose to Francis to join the alliance of Henry with the duke of Cleves, to which the duke of Saxe, the landgrave van Hessen, the duke of Bavaria, the marquis of Brandeburgh, the Counts Palatines, and the marquis Joachim—the whole of the temporal Electors—are expected to adhere; whose forces it will be hard for the Emperor to break, and who may have him prisoner at their pleasure. But if the Duke see no prospect of success in these overtures he shall take his leave.
Draft corrected by Wriothesley, pp 21. Endd.: Minute of the instructions for my lord Norff.


  • 1. These two names marked in the margin: “Delivered.”
  • 2. Meaning his grandson, Octavio Farnese.
  • 3. No doubt the last prior of Wenlock, writing after the surrender. Madeley belonged to that priory.
  • 4. See Vol. XIII., Part II., No. 1038.
  • 5. Printed in Ellis but not in the State Papers.
  • 6. The punctuation of this passage in S.P. is wrong.
  • 7. A false report. See Anselme, viii. 747.
  • 8. Guillaume Poyet, baron de Beyne, who, according to Anselme, vi. 469, was appointed 12 Nov. 1538 by letters of Francis I. dated at Nanteuil-le-Haudouin.
  • 9. Blank.
  • 10. Cardinal Guido Ascanio Sforza, chamberlain of the Holy Roman Church.
  • 11. The speech is in the first person.
  • 12. With Anne of Cleves.
  • 13. There is a seventeenth century copy of this MS. volume in the British Museum (Egerton 2430) certified by Mr. Clark, the present librarian of the Advocates in Edinburgh, to correspond with the original; also a more modern copy in MS. Add. 31, 991.
  • 14. Brunstoun.
  • 15. Aphorisms on the Eucharist, in six books, which, according to Leu's Helvetischea Lexicon (Theil xix. p. 198), seem to have been first published at Zürich in 1539.
  • 16. This volume is cited by Burnet, IV., 254. Mr. Pocock refers to it as numbered on the back “K 45,” but it is best referred to as Vol. 494 of the Augmentation Books. There are some inaccuracies in the dates and numbers given in Burnet, even in the new edition.
  • 17. The names are lost by the mutilation of the margin.
  • 18. Omitting shillings and pence here for brevity.
  • 19. A copy is in the Grenville Library in the British Museum, press mark 1499.
  • 20. Tilbury. See Patent 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8; also Pat. 32 Hen. VIII. p. 6, m. 17 to Queen Catharine Howard.
  • 21. Omitted.
  • 22. Illegible.