Henry VIII: March 1542, 1-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Henry VIII: March 1542, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp62-71 [accessed 26 October 2024].

'Henry VIII: March 1542, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp62-71.

"Henry VIII: March 1542, 1-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1900), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp62-71.


March 1542, 1-10

1 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 315.
138. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 1 March. Present : Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Durham, Winchester, Russell, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :The clerk of the Council examined witnesses of words surmised to have been spoken by Serjeant Ownsted.
[*** Next entry is 3 March.]
1 March. Harl. MS. 2,067, f. 124. B. M. 139. William Aldcroft.
Will of Will. Aldcroft, of the parish of Thornton, dioc. Chester, made 1 March 1541.
Modern copy, p. 1.
1 Mar.
R. O.
140. Fortification Of Hull.
Instructions given by the King to Sir Ric. Long, captain of his town of Hull, and Mich. Stanop, his Highness' lieutenant there, whom his Majesty now sends to Hull.
Having appointed Long to be captain of the town of Kingston-upon-Hull and of such fortresses as he intends to make there with all diligence, the King wishes him to prepare men to attend him as in a schedule signed by the King and delivered to him, and, with Stanop, to go with speed to Hull. For surety of the town, to which there is great "recourse and confluence of people" (although the King minds not to abridge any of the present liberties) until the fortresses are made, the gates of the town, viz., Hasell Gate, the Water Gate and the Brickgate towards Holderness, shall be locked nightly, and the keys brought to the captain, or, in his absence, to the lieutenant; and all the other "gates and posterne" shall be closed up and dammed, according to the device made at the King's being there. The soldiers, porters, and gunners appointed to the garrison shall be set to ward daily at the gates. Doubtless the mayor, burgesses and inhabitants will follow the King's pleasure and Long's or Stanop's advice. Long and his retinue shall meanwhile lie in the King's house at Hull, and Stanop and his in the most convenient house adjoining the tower at the Watergate, and shall furnish the gatehouse or tower of the King's house and the tower at the Watergate with ordnance. Their retinues and those of the chief constable and chief porter, the two chaplains except, shall, when outside their lodgings, carry their halberts as at Calais. The great ordnance is to be bent upon the haven, and six persons at least to watch nightly. Long, or in his absence Stannop, may, if need be, levy the King's people in Hull and in all the rules committed to Sir Ric. Long, viz., Holderness, the lordship of Cottingham, the lands lately belonging to the earl of Northumberland, the lordship of Beverley and the lands late of Sir Robt. Constable. The King has given his commission under the Great Seal to Long, and has signified his pleasure to the mayor, burgesses and inhabitants.
Long and Stanop shall oversee the King's works, and assist John Rogers, surveyor there; and Long shall keep the King's treasure, pay monthly the wages of himself and Stanop and their retinues, and deliver money for the payment of the works according to the "ordonnance" delivered to Rogers. If Long chance to depart thence, by the King's licence, he shall take with him no more than twelve of his men, and shall charge the rest to obey Stanop; and if Stanop goes he shall take no more than four, leaving the rest to attend the captain.
Draft, corrected in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 15. Endd. : "depeched primo Martii apud Westm. 1541."
R. O. 2. List of writings for the despatch of Sir Ric. Long and Michael Stanhope, viz. :
"Th'instructions. The commission. The letter to Hull. The copy of the same letter. The schedule of wages, signed. The bill of Sir R. Ellerker's offices, &c. The bill of Sir R. Page's offices.
"To Mr. Stanop :A copy of the commission. A copy of the letter to Hull. A copy of the schedule."
In Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Endd. : The note of Mr. Long and Mr. Stannop's despatch.
R. O. 3. Articles devised by the King for an order among his servants and workmen at Hull and for the advancement of his fortifications there.
First, since he has appointed Sir Ric. Long captain of the town and fortresses to be made there "and in certain other places and rules thereabout," (fn. 1) John Rogers, comptroller and chief surveyor of works there, and all engaged in the works there, shall obey the said Sir Richard, and, in his absence, Michael Stannoppe, lieutenant there. 2. Sir Richard shall have custody "and charge" (fn. 2) of all treasure sent thither for the garrison and works; out of which he shall monthly pay the wages of himself, the lieutenant, and the gunners and soldiers in a schedule signed by the King which shall be (altered from "is") delivered to him, and also, against each pay for the works, deliver to Thos. Alrede (altered from " [blank] Aldridge"), paymaster of works there, the money required according to an estimate to be made by Rogers, the master mason and master carpenter. Within a fortnight after each pay, the paymaster shall make two books signed by Rogers, "the said Aldrige" whom the King appoints one of the constables of the said fortress, the master mason and master carpenter, or two of them of whom Rogers must be one, of the particulars of the pay. One of these books shall be delivered to Long, and the other remain with the paymaster. Rogers, the master mason and the master carpenter, "if they be not sick," shall sit with the paymaster at every pay. Rogers shall have 18d. a day for himself and 6d. a day for a clerk, and 4d. a day extra for every day he shall ride forth for provision of necessaries. The paymaster shall have 8d. a day as one of the constables, and 6d. a day for a clerk "to help to write his book." The master mason and master carpenter to have 12d. a day each. Rogers and all others shall observe the order contained in a schedule signed by the King and entitled, "Instructions and rules for the true surveying and setting forth of his Majesty's works"; and Rogers shall, with advice of the master mason and master carpenter and aid of Sir Ric. Long, see those who infringe it corrected "and punished." (fn. 2)
The paymaster shall at every month's end send up an abridgment of the charges of the month past, signed by Rogers, the master mason and the master carpenter. And as the King, at his late being at Hull, left in the hands of Mr. Eylande, Mr. Knolles, and others, 1,000l. to be employed in preparation against this spring; and, by an account brought by Rogers, before Christmas, a good sum of it is yet unpaid, that residue is to be first paid out in wages and provisions by those who have the disbursing of it.
Draft, pp. 11. With corrections in Henry VIII.'s. own hand, and the last paragraph added in Wriothesley's hand. Endd.
R. O. 4. Offices that Sir Ralph Ellerkar has of the King for life, viz. :
Stewardships of Holderness, with 20l. fee; of Cottyngham, with 40s.; of Rys, with 40s.; of Sir Robert Constable's lands, with 5l. Bailiwick of Holderness, with 6l. Also "I" have 100 mks. a year for waiting on the Council of the North Parts, besides my own diet and 4 servants'.
P. 1.
R. O. 5. Ordinances for the garrison of Hull, setting out (with the punishments for disobedience) the periods and conditions under which the governor, the lieutenant and captain, the deputies and the porters may be absent from their posts; the ward to be kept by day and watch by night; the times for opening and shutting the gates; that no stranger born, nor more persons than half the garrison be suffered within any hold; that no bribes or exactions be taken of the country or of ships; that none of the garrison hunt, hawk, course, or otherwise take, deer, hares, or coneys without warrant, or "hawk or otherwise destroy, or take with any kind of gin, snare, or other trinket, nor shoot with crossbow or gun at any hawks, pheasants, partridges, herons, or shovelers"; that every man furnish himself with harness and weapons before Midsummer; that no gunner shall shoot ordnance or "halse" any ship without command, nor is the captain to waste the King's powder, to the danger of those that pass by. Every pay day proclamation shall be made, and the garrison shall pay all debts they have incurred. Not more than two soldiers or gunners to be absent at once, or more than three days in a month. The "allowance of powder for exercise and halsing of ships" to be at the governor's discretion. The munitions to be viewed at the taking of the musters. Death of any of the garrison to be certified to the King. None to make frays at the gate, or upon the walls, or at night. Each man to observe his oath, as follows, viz., to be true to King Henry VIII., king of England, France, and Ireland, &c., and his heirs according to the statute of succession, to reveal to the Privy Council anything he learns that is prejudicial to the King, realm or safety of the fortress, do his duty and detect those who neglect theirs, abstain from quarrelling and obey his officers.
Draft, pp. 19. Endd. : "Ordonnance for Hull."
2 March.
Harl. MS. 283, f. 144. B. M. Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 356.
141. Audeley, Norfolk, And Southampton To Lord Cobham.
Requiring him to certify them, as assessors of the subsidy granted by the last Parliament, the full yearly value of the lands, &c., which he holds "by reason of wardship, or by execution, or for years, by copy of court roll, or at will, or else after the rate of all your goods, catells, ready money, plate, jewels, debts owing you and all other your moveable substance." London, 2 March. Signed : T. Audeley, Chauncellour : T. Norffolk : W. Southampton.
P. 1. Add.
3 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 316.
142. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 3 March. Present : Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Durham, Winchester, Russell, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :John Ownstede of Oxstede, accused by Sympson, parson of Farley, and other witnesses (named), sent to the Tower, and his brother John Ownstede of Sawnderstede bound in a recognisance (cited) to appear. Recognisances (cited) of Domingo Erice, Barth. Campeigne, Barth. Fortigui, and Maredito Neretti for payment of Ant. Guidotti's debt to the King.
3 March.
R. O. St. P., VIII. 668.
143. The Privy Council To Paget.
The King has received his of the 26th ult., and commands them to instruct him how the French ambassador has proceeded in the matter of alliance. Before last progress, he made an overture to "me, the duke of Norfolk," for a straiter amity, by marriage or otherwise. The Duke answered that, considering their slackness in the observance of existing leagues and payment of the pension, he durst not move such a thing unless the King were first satisfied in the matter of the pension. Then, at Grimestho[rp], upon new letters from France, the ambassador made a special overture to the Duke for a marriage between the duke of Orleans and the lady Elizabeth, and, upon discussion of her age and other circumstances, descended to the lady Mary. Here again he was asked about the pension and whether he had power to treat. He had no power, and was told that the King would not communicate of such a matter without it. Then, at York, and now of late, he has entertained the same purpose; and, at the ambassadors of Scotland being here, declared that his master would send commission for it, but had heard of overtures for a meeting between the King and the King of Scots, and offered to make a third. It was answered that if such a commission was sent, the King would lovingly and friendly listen to the purpose, and that, such was his desire to see the French king, although well stricken in years, he would agree to such a meeting, well arranged beforehand, but thought it not meet that the King of Scots should be there, both for the danger and expense of the passage, the hindrance to conclusions, and the inconvenience of leaving the broken men upon the Borders without control.
Now lately the French king sent commission for the marriage. The King, on his part, gave commission to "us the duke of Norfolk, the lord Privy Seal, the bishops of Durham and Winchester and Sir Thomas Wriothesley," who, upon the view of the commissions, found that of France to contain one intolerable fault, and to be too meagre, extending only to the marriage and not to the increase of amity, as theirs did. The fault was that it runs "for a marriage to be concluded between his cousin, the lady Mary, eldest daughter of England and legityme, and his son the duke of Orleans." Said they could not accept such a commission without incurring the danger of treason and that it would prejudice the King to grant indirectly what ought to depend upon the other conditions, and that unless he would put the word "legityme" out of his commission, or promise to have it amended and so send for a new commission, they could not proceed. He said he dare not put out a word and could not promise the amendment, but would write; and that unless the King would legityme her they could talk no further. Required him not to despatch until they had referred to the King. Next day told him they could not tell what the King might do upon the conditions of the marriage, but to have it inserted, and as it were determined beforehand, was too much injury. In reasoning the matter he went so far from "faire legityme" and stuck so fast to "tenir legityme" that they again referred to the King. Had a third meeting, in which they said they had declared to the King their communications of the day before, who was well affectioned to anything that might increase the amity and, as to the marriage, if a new commission were sent, without the word "legityme," and giving power to conclude other matter for the increase of the amity, he would give his daughter as lawful heir to the Crown in default of all other lawful heirs, male and female, had or to be had. Added that there was, perchance, as great a prince as Orleans that would take her thus; and that, thus set forth, she was rather to be embraced for the duke of Orleans than the bp. of Rome's niece for the Dolphin. He answered that he believed it, but that it was more honorable for the son of France to marry the poorest gentlewoman, being legityme, than a dame of the noblest parentage, being illegityme.
As the matter has been talked of to Paget, and may be renewed upon the arrival of the French ambassador's letters, the King desires him to know the whole truth, that he may declare it, if spoken to by the French king, Queen of Navarre, Admiral, or any of the Privy Council, together with the King's affection to the French king, which is such that if the matter take no effect the lack must rest with them.
Draft, in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 18. Endorsement pasted on : Minute to Mr. Paget, iijo Marcii 1541 : from Westm.
4 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 317.
144. The Privy Council.
Meeting at lord Russell's house, 4 March. Present : Chancellor, Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Durham, Winchester, Russell, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Ant. Guidotti, who had been long prisoner in the Fleet, discharged on surety of four men mentioned in the acts of the day before and his own recognisance (cited). The Fishmongers Adventurers exhibited complaints against Hamburg and Bresmen.
4 March.
R. O. Kaulek, 390. (The whole.)
145. Marillac To Francis I.
As soon as this King learnt that Marillac had express power to treat and conclude the marriage, he deputed Norfolk, the lord Privy Seal, the bps. of Durham and Winchester and the Chief Secretary to negociate; to whom Marillac read the power, and they, without asking for original or copy, produced similar and more ample letters of credence for themselves. Nothing was done the first day except that, with most gracious words, they discoursed of the benefits of this alliance, the desire of the Kings for it, the good fortune of being the ministers of it, and the like, so that, but for long knowing how prodigal the English are of such language, Marillac might have been lulled to sleep by it. But, seeing all their words were only general, Marillac replied in the same strain by specifying nothing; and it was well he did, for when they came to close quarters their language was quite different. The second day of their meeting, after some difficulties about procedure, which were arranged, they required the word in Marillac's power which mentions Madame Marie as legitimate to be struck out, as, by Act of Parliament, it was treason for them to confess her legitimate; but, when the word was erased, they would settle the conditions of marriage and then speak of the legitimacy. Otherwise they could not proceed, unless, perhaps, Marillac had another power in which the word was omitted. Replied that, besides the danger of falsifying Francis's letters, this quality of legitime had always been premised when the matter was opened with Norfolk in the North and was the foundation of the whole edifice, and this doubt ought to be cleared at the outset, lest after long meetings it should in the end mar all. The conclusion was that they would refer to their King, and declare his resolution on the morrow.
The third day they said that, for his affection to this treaty and to save delay, their King was content to proceed as if the word legitime was omitted, and, when the rest was agreed, would declare his intention upon this, and would do much for Francis as the personage of all the world to whom he had most affection; adding, as of themselves, that they thought their King would deliver the lady as legitimate. However, seeing Marillac obstinate on this point, and that without this quality of legitimacy he did not demand any marriage (party), they condescended to the lady being delivered as legitimate, provided the other conditions were settled, saying, still, that they had no authority for this, but expected the King would grant it. Not to lose time, it was thought best to enter upon the other conditions; but then, in place of speaking of the parti they would give, putting the waggon before the oxen, they demanded what dower would be assigned, in order that they might deliberate what dot to give. Answered that they ought first to declare what dot they would give, and thereupon discuss its increase and the assignment of the dower; for it would be strange to speak of the dower, which was but an accessory, before deciding the dot, which was the principal. This, in the end, they almost admitted, but, as the hour was past, remitted the matter to the morrow.
The fourth day, when only the conditions remained to be debated, the difficulty about legitimation being settled, instead of resuming the last discussion, they took up their first proposition, the alteration of Marillac's power; and, as to legitimacy, disguising the quality of legitime and able to succeed, they said that in default of other heirs she should succeed, and, on Marillac's asking what heirs, replied that they had no charge to speak further; and they would not specify whether she should precede all daughters according to the law of primogeniture, but only that, in default of legitimate heirs, she would have the right to succeed; alleging that if they would have delivered her in such a quality to others, she would have already found a husband as great as Mons. d'Orleans.
Such is their resolution. If Francis will treat, the word legitime should be omitted from Marillac's power, and a clause added authorising him to treat, not only the marriage, but all other things in debate between the Kings, as in the power which they produced. Infers that they are not so very anxious for this affair to succeed, and their pressing for the correction of the power may be that they may boast that they were asked to deliver to a son of France an illegitimate daughter of England. In one of these meetings a word escaped them, viz., that it was not in their King's power to make his daughter legitimate, but to leave her the inheritance, which word they next day laughingly denied speaking; which was tacitly to confess it. Still, as the marriage of Queen Katharine, her mother, is approved by the Church, if they would, as they promised, legitimise her as to the succession before all other daughters, Francis's reputation would be preserved. Whether Francis wishes to temporise, and keep them from joining the Emperor until he sees how his affairs succeed, or to break off altogether, no harm is done, for the discussion has been sweet and gracious. Nothing has been said of the interview; indeed it was fitting to first clear up the affair of this marriage. The English have asked him to forward with this a letter to their ambassador; presumably enquiring how Francis takes this.
As for occurrences; since the departure of Morvillier, lord William's wife is released from prison, and her husband will shortly be set at liberty. Lord Lisle, formerly deputy of Calais, being out of trouble and his Order, (fn. 3) honour and goods restored, died a few days afterwards. Parliament will not end till near Easter. Marked as sent by Jehan de Bollogne. (fn. 4)
French. Modern transcript, pp. 8. Headed : Londres, 4e Mars 1542.
4 March.
R. O. St. P., III. 359.
146. Macwilliam.
Petition of the lord Fitz William Bourke to the lord Deputy and Council of Ireland, at Limerick, 4 March 33 Hen. VIII.; in which he desires the King's pardon and to have the fee farm, &c., of Galway, and of divers towns (named, including Sligo, which is claimed by O'Donell) and to be grand captain of his country, as the earls of Ormond and Desmond are in theirs, by letters patent, and to have some name of honour. He will renounce the name of McWilliam, the Brehon laws, &c.
Memorandum, that the lord Deputy and Council granted the above until the King's pleasure were further known, and with certain conditions as to Sligo and other places. McWilliam has given his son, Ric. Bourke, as pledge. Signed at the head by St. Leger, and at the foot by Ormond, Desmond, Abp. Browne, Edm. abp. of Cashell, Edw. bp. of Meath, J. F. baron of Slane, Brabason, Aylmer, Travers, Justice Houth, Cusake, Jenico viscount of Gormanstown, Patrick Barnewall lord of Trimletiston, and Oliver Plunket baron of Louth.
A long slip of parchment, indented at the top.
5 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 318.
147. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 5 March. Present : Chancellor, Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Winchester, Russell, Cheyney, Gage, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Sir Geo. Lawson [sent] an estimate for works at Berwick. Warrant to Martin Bowes, &c.
5 March.
Spanish Calendar, VI. I., No. 234.
148. Chapuys To Charles V.
The French ambassador, after frequent communication with the Privy Councillors here, despatched a messenger to his King for fuller instructions; for those he had, besides being too general, did not state the sum Francis would demand as the dower of the Princess, besides the extinction of debts, &c., due to Henry. The ambassador further said that it would be very difficult, or impossible, to get the English to consent to extinction of the debt by way of dowry, as the arrears of pension alone amount to nearly one million of gold. In asking for fuller instructions, he says he thinks the English would prefer the dowry to be charged on the Duchy of Milan, which Francis gives in appanage to the Duke of Orleans, if the Dauphin, after renouncing it in his favour, would bind himself to help in its conquest whenever required. And the ambassador fully expects to be able to negociate on these terms. He also presses for a copy of the treaty of 1527, to which the English continually refer.
Thinks, for all these intrigues, that the marriage will never take place; but it would be wise to prevent any chance of these people agreeing with the French. Thinks that during the last day or two there has been more business transacted between this King's Councillors and the French ambassador than during the last four months; but they have done it only to excite the Emperor's jealousy; and they have taken care to let Chapuys know, by a third hand, viz., by a physician whom they use as a spy upon him and the French ambassador, that the latter has had these long and frequent interviews, and that he must be negociating great things.
In conference with the French ambassador, Norfolk desired him to send his commendations to Mme. d'Allebrecht, whom he called his mistress, telling her he would at any time furnish 10,000 cr., and even borrow 10,000 more if he knew where, for the recovery of her kingdom of Navarre, besides devoting his own person to it; but Chapuys does not believe he would spend one tournois therein. This information comes from the ambassador's man, who would like a pension on the receipt of Artois for his mother. He has also asked indirectly for a larger sum of money. Has not hesitated to supply his wants. Begs that his own case be remembered. London, 5 March 1542.
From the Vienna Archives.
5 March.
Spanish Calendar, VI. I., No. 235.
149. Chapuys To Mary Of Hungary.
Received this morning a message from the Privy Councillors respecting the seizure of a horse bought by Mr. Wallop, the governor of Guisnes, in Flanders, when he was attempting to cross the frontier. This was done by the bailly of Dunkirk, in spite of a licence from the Queen, which it is true was made out in the name of Dr. Carne, but he had transferred it to Wallop. Recommends the release of the animal, as Wallop has always been a friend of the Emperor. London, 5 March 1542.
P.S.Has just received, very opportunely, her letter of the 25th ult., which he will answer by the first courier.
From the Vienna Archives.
6 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 318.
150. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 6 March. Present : Canterbury, Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Winchester, Russell, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler, Riche, Baker. Business :Letters received from Mr. Steven, master of works at Carlisle, to the King, of receipt of munitions and delivery of artillery to Sir Thos. Wharton by Sir Thos. Wentworth. Letters received from Wallop, Rows and Lee, with an estimate of monthly charges at Guisnes.
6 March.
Acts of the P. of Sc., II. 383.
151. Parliament Of Scotland.
Held at Edinburgh, 6 March 1541, by Gawen, abp. of Glasgow, chancellor, and ten other commissioners (named). Case of the widow and children of Robt. Lesly deferred. Prorogued to 4 May.
7 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 319.
152. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 7 March. Present : Chancellor, Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Letters of 26 Feb. received from Sir Thos. Wharton of attemptates by Scots, his meeting with Maxwell and Maxwell's communication with an Englishman at that time. Passport for Paskall to depart by 25 March, with 40 cr. and a horse. The indenture with the Staplers exhibited, and the one part left in custody of the lord Privy Seal.
8 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 320.
153. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 8 March. Present : Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. No business recorded.
8 March.
R. O.
154. Henry VIII. To Sir Ric. Long And Mich. Stanhope.
Gave them a schedule, signed, of the number of persons appointed to the garrison of Hull, with their wages. Has since thought it necessary to add a master gunner to oversee, under them, the gunners; and has named to that office Thos. King, now master gunner at Hull, whom they are to admit and pay 8d. a day for himself and 4d. for a man under him.
Draft, in Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Endd. : Minute to Mr. Long and Mr. Stannop, viijo Martii 1541.
9 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 320.
155. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 9 March. Present : Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Letters devised and sent to the mayor and aldermen of Hull to set reasonable prices on victuals, that the King's workmen sent thither might live on their wages. Geo. Browne, master of the ordnance at Calais, presented books of the munition and artillery now there and the necessary pieces lacking. Letters to Deputy and Council in Calais for setting at liberty lady Lisle and her daughters and ministers and restoring their apparel and jewels. Warrant to Pollard to deliver to Harry Simpson, clk., for lady Lisle, 100l. for payment of her debts, transporting, &c.
10 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 321.
156. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 10 March. Present : Chancellor, Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business : Order (detailed) taken upon the petition of Joan Bulmer, sister of Acworth, of Lewton, against her husband, Bulmer.
10 March.
Spanish Calendar, VI.I., No. 236.
157. Chapuys To Charles V.
Encloses copy of the letter to the Queen Regent (No. 149?). Since then nothing has occurred worth mentioning. London, 10 March 1542.
From the Vienna Archives.

Add MS. 19,865, f. 68b. B. M.
158. Limerick.
Inquisition taken before the King's Commissioners at Limerick on "Tuusday next after Shrofte Tuisday which was the xxiij (sic for xxxiij?) (fn. 5) yeare of our sovereign lord King Henry the Eighth," of the possessions of the Castle of Limerick, of the taking of certain jewels, &c., of churches there by Edmund Abp. of Cashell and Walter Cowley, the King's solicitor, "taking upon them to be the King's Commissioners" in 30 Hen. VIII., of the possessions and church ornaments of the Franciscan monastery there, and of their disposal, of extortions by officers there, &c. Prefaced by the Commissioners' writ for return of a jury on the Friday before St. Patrick's Day, dated 8 March 33 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 9.


  • 1. The words quoted are inserted in Henry VIII.'s hand.
  • 2. The words quoted are inserted in Henry VIII.'s hand.
  • 3. Of the Garter.
  • 4. This note, given by Kaulek, is not in the transcript.
  • 5. The 23d year, of course, is wrong. But Tuesday next after Shrove Tuesday was the 28th February in the 33d year (1542), and as one of the dates of the extortions mentioned in this inquisition is 4 March, 33 Hen. VIII., it is plain that there is some further error. In 1542 St. Patrick's Day fell on a Friday, so that the Friday before it, for which day the jury was summoned, would be the 10th.