Henry VIII: March 1542, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Henry VIII: March 1542, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp71-84 [accessed 26 October 2024].

'Henry VIII: March 1542, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp71-84.

"Henry VIII: March 1542, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1900), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp71-84.


March 1542, 11-20

11 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 322.
159. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 11 March. Present : Chancellor, Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler, Riche, Baker. Business :Order (detailed) in the dispute between John Aprice, secretary to the Welsh Council, and Edm. and Charles Fox, clerks to the same, about the keeping of the signet, and the fees. Certain men of Hampton declared the indigence of their town, whereby they were unable to pay the fee farm; and the Council promised to be earnest suitors on their behalf. Petition of the mayor and commons of Reading for incorporation, being sent to the Council by the King, was thought allowable, and delivered to Mr. Dakers and the King's attorney to peruse and report upon.
12 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 323.
160. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 12 March. Present : Canterbury, Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler, Riche, Baker. Business :Letter sent under stamp to the President and Council in the North, to give Sir Ric. Long his oath.
12 March.
R. O.
161. Henry VIII. to the Council in the North.
Having appointed Sir Ric. Long, gentleman of the Privy Chamber, to be captain of the town of Kingston-upon-Hull and the fortresses to be made there, the President of the Council there is to swear and admit him of the Council.
Draft, in Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Endd. : Minute to the President and Council in the North, xijo Marcii, 1541.
12 March. 162. The Bible.
See Grants in March, No. 45.
12 March. 163. Sir John Dudley, Viscount Lisle.
Creation. See Grants in March, No. 46.
Add MS. 6,113, f. 89. B. M. 2. "The order for the creation of Viscount Lysley, John Dudley, having the King's letters patents," Sunday, 12 March 33 Hen. VIII., at Westminster Palace, "by the right of his mother, Lady Elizabeth, sister and heir to Sir John Grey, Viscount Lisle, who was late wife to Arthur Plantagenet, Viscount Lisle, deceased." (fn. 1)
After the sacring of the King's mass, he went to the Pages' chamber, nigh to the King's Great Chamber, and "did on his surecote and hoode," and was led between the earl of Hertford, in habit of estate, and the lord Admiral, in his Parliament Robe; "and his habit called the mantell having ij barres and a halfe of lectues" was borne by lord Delaware, and Garter, principal king of arms, bore his patent. Describes the order in which they proceeded to the King, in his Privy Chamber, accompanied by all his Council, to whom the lord Great Chamberlain delivered the patent, which Secretary Wriothesley read with a high voice. The Viscount afterwards dined, in the lord Great Chamberlain's chamber, with the earl of Huntingdon, lord Cobham, and others, the Viscount "having the preeminence as a bride during his dinner time." At the second course the styles of the King and the Viscount were proclaimed. Recital of these styles, the Viscount's being "du noble et puissant Monsr John Duddelley, Visconte Lysley, baron de Malpas, seigneur de Basset de Draton et de Tiasse."
Largess and rewards given by the King and viscount to the officers and attendants.
Pp. 3.
12 March.
R. O. Kaulek, 394. (The whole.)
164. Francis I. to Marillac.
Has received his letters of the 4th, and thinks they cannot refuse, if they wish this marriage, to declare lady Mary of England legitimate; and if they wish so to diminish her right as not to put her in the rank of succession due to her primogeniture it will be well to let it pass, and that, in consideration of this loss, they acquit in favour of this marriage all that the King of England pretends to be due to him of the pensions, both principal and arrears; and a large dowry shall be assigned her for life, to the perpetual extinction of the pensions and arrears. Marillac shall lead up to this as graciously as possible, and report frequently how the affair is going.
French. Modern transcript, p. 1. Headed : Du Bois de Vincennes, 12 Mars 1542.
13 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 324.
165. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 13 March. Present : Chancellor, Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Recognisance (cited) of John Calton, turner and seal maker, to appear upon warning.
13 March.
R. O. St. P., VIII. 672.
166. Paget to Henry VIII.
The Admiral put off from day to day his answer touching the merchants' suit, until the 3rd inst., when Paget sent to ask audience with him about it. He sent back answer that he had spoken with his master, who said that French merchants in England were in like case for 30,000 fr., and when they were satisfied these English merchants should be so likewise. Doubting, by the strangeness of this answer, that his servant had misunderstood the Admiral, went to him personally the next day. He said his master had ordered him to say that these merchants should be despatched according to the treaties, and to desire that the French merchants in England might have like despatch. Told him that answer seemed reasonable, and that if all men kept their promises as well as the King did, it would be "a heavenly world." He said the matter was not of such importance that Paget should come himself. Yesterday, sent Hammes, the King's servant, to him, with the merchant that sues the cause, and a letter (copy enclosed). He said, without looking at the letter, "'Tell th'ambassador that when we be advertised out of England that our merchants that have had like suits there these ten or twelve years be satisfied, we shall then see these merchants satisfied here'; and so turned his back and went his way, and tare my letter."
Captain Polino, who was sent to the Turk upon the death of Fregosa and Rincon, returned on the 8th, who reports the Turk and his master to be sworn brethren, and has brought the King, from the Turk, a Turkey dagger and sword set with rubies and diamonds, a Turkey horse, with apparel, and a great diamond, the whole commonly esteemed at 300,000 crs., and even valued by men of good judgment at 100,000 crs. He was escorted from Ragusa to Venice by four brigantines, and from Venice, through the Grisons and Switzerland by 400 horsemen. At Venice the Emperor's ambassador required the Senate to arrest him as a common traitor to Christendom; whereupon Polino said that neither the ambassador nor his master sought the weal of Christendom as the French king did, and threatened him so that the ambassador durst not come out of his lodging. He reports this himself, and also that the Turk (or Grand Signior, as he calls him) bade him tell his master he would chastise his enemies for him, and was coming with 400 sail and 200,000 men, and other brags, at which the French king and his Council seemed much elated. Besides the marriage with England (the bruit whereof begins to slake), the French king labours for the daughter of Portugal, saying it is the Queen's desire to have her daughter with her. A servant of the Queen lately brought her "figure." Cannot gather from the ambassadors of the Emperor and Portugal any likelihood of amity that way; and here is as hot talking of war as if it should begin to-morrow. Besides the ordinary bands, 300 men of arms and 6,000 foot are sent into Piedmont. Mons. Dawbeney's band, that was at Avignon, is gone into Picardy, where Mons. de Vandosme and Marshal Hannyball have been and have appointed 6,000 foot, besides the ordinary horse bands there, to see to the victualling of Gwy, a new castle near St. Quentin's, which hitherto the Imperials will not suffer to be victualled. Signor John Paulo has come from Rome, and has the conduct of 100 men of arms. Counts Petilyan and Mirandula have their pensions paid. Upon their asking when they should be in readiness, the Admiral, Hannyball and Langey each answered that the King would have war, but it was the Council's part to know when, the servant's to be always ready.
Signor Dominico Ferrarensis is sent to defend Maran, the surprise of which the Emperor (as his ambassador says) takes to have been wrought by the French ambassador. (fn. 2) The Emperor's ambassador at Venice has induced the Signory to beat down a bulwark which those within Maran had built at the mouth of their haven. The Venetian ambassador's excuse, that it was built on Venetian ground, is here "but indifferently taken." The Spaniards at Avignon are not delivered, as he wrote (for the Emperor's ambassador told him the French king swore, to him and the bp. of Rome's ambassador, that they were), but taken to Marseilles, and kept straiter than ever; as also is the bp. of Valence, one of whose servants is here arrested, on a charge of conveying letters.
The Emperor's ambassador tells him that the Emperor has the bp. of Rome's brief to receive half the revenues of the Church within all his dominions for one year, and that Castile and Arragon have granted a benevolence, which seems incredible, of three million and one million of gold respectively. The Emperor has sent 6,000 Spaniards to Livorno. The marquis of Guasto has levied men and money everywhere. In Flanders they fortify in every place.
The ambassadors of the Emperor and bp. of Rome have sued for audience these eight days, and cannot have it. The King says he knows their errand, viz., the Bishop's to move the marriage of the duke of Savoy and Signora Victoria (to which the Emperor has agreed, and Monte Pulciano is returned to Rome), and the Emperor's for a safe-conduct for Granvela, who is still at Genes, and mistrusts the French king's safe-conduct, for the Emperor's grand esquire and captain of the archers of his guard have safe-conducts to pass into Flanders, and dare not use them. The bp. of Rome is thought to be Imperial. He has sent a second brief for the French cardinals to repair to Rome, but the King restrains them. Signor Horatio's pension is delayed, and stranger countenance made to all the papists here. Paris, 11 March. Signed.
P.S.Had this ready to send off when he received letters from Henry's Council, the one declaring the whole course of the French ambassador's overtures for a straiter amity, the other commending certain London merchants lately spoiled by Robert Vall, a pirate, with a letter to the French king from his ambassador there. Delivered that letter yesterday. The King said he was doing what he could to apprehend Vall, who had deceived him, for he promised to conquer the land of Canados, and for that purpose had received ships and furniture and as many prisoners as he would choose out of the prisons, for peopling the said country, and now left the enterprise, and lay upon the coast of Brittany, robbing all that came in his way. He should be hanged, and his lands converted to pay those whom he had robbed; but there were French merchants in England whom the King hoped his good brother would likewise consider. Further conversation detailed, in which the French king said all his ministers now were good Englishmen, and that he would never love prince as he did Henry, who surely would not have him marry his son Orleans to a bastard. Paget described the determination of the matter of the Princess Dowager, and the consequent state of the King's daughter, and thought that the word "legitime" would not have been put in the commission if Francis had reflected how much it touched the King's honour, which commission, too, only contained authority to treat of marriages. Francis said he could enlarge the commission, and send greater personages, but asked whether Paget thought it meet that Orleans should marry a bastard. Told him that he put the cart before the horse; that all that was required in the commission was to desire to have the lady Mary, and her legitimation could be treated with the other conditions. The King asked if, she being legitimated and yet put to one of the furthest degrees of inheritance, the conditions would include the release of some part of the pension and interest claimed here. Said he had nothing to do with the conditions, but was sure his master would be reasonable, and would not be in fault if the practice failed, and also that the lady Mary was sought by as great personages as Orleans. He answered that both the Emperor and the Pope would be glad to talk with him for the marriage of his son, Orleans, but he would not listen to them till Henry had denied him, and he would despatch forthwith to his ambassador.
He then called the Chancellor, Admiral, and Marshall Hannyball, and conferred with them. In all this discourse with the French king Paget's mark was Henry's honor and profit, and, as they here sometimes take advantage of men's words, he spoke only as of himself. Paris, 13 March, 5 a.m. Signed.
Pp. 13. Add. Endd. : 1541.
Caius College, MS. 597, p. 43. 2. Letter-book copy of the preceding, in the hand of Paget's clerk.
Pp. 12.
13 March.
R. O. Kaulek, 394. (Abstract.)
167. Francis I. to Marillac.
Since his last letters, has devised this more ample instruction. Of the two, Marillac shall use whichever seems most expedient.
French. Modern transcript, p. 1. Headed : Du Bois de Vincennes, 13 Mars 1542.
2. Instruction for Marillac as to what to say to the King of England, in accordance with the language used by the King (Francis) to the English ambassador.
That the King will take the daughter [of England] as legitimate without requiring the annulling of Acts of Parliament to the contrary, as he does not wish to dispute the validity or invalidity of what Henry has done. (Marillac's note : It was granted that the lady should be delivered as legitimate, but whether simply or by grace of her father, and in what rank for succession, was remitted until settlement of the conditions. They have half declared, especially Norfolkby saying she would precede Madam Isabeauthat if the King should have other daughters, they would be preferred to her.) And that the persons whom the King of England shall name may succeed before her, notwithstanding her right of primogeniture, provided that, in compensation, the King of England will make her and Mons. d'Orleans some good and great advantages; and especially assist Orleans to recover the duchy of Milan, by giving him 500,000 cr. or the pay of 10,000 footmen for ten years. (Marillac's note : It is to be noted that all Marillac's instructions heretofore, by which he dealt with Norfolk in the North, only mentioned acquittance of arrears and principal of the pensions, which they will nowise grant, far less condescend to this additional article, which, however, could be mentioned when they spoke of depriving the lady of her right of primogeniture.) And also that the King of England shall acquit Francis of all pensions and arrears which might be due, although there is just pretence that nothing is due since Henry has contravened the treaties, as is contained more fully in instructions sent to Marillac in November last. And yet, for the said acquittance, the King will assign Orleans, besides his appanage, a large sum of rent in France, to him and his future wife in survivorship, and to the heirs male of the marriage, as is the nature of the appanages of children of the house of France. (Marillac's note : Marillac desires the amount of this annual rent specified.) And Marillao shall dexterously point out how the Emperor seeks the marriage of his daughter and Orleans, offering to deliver him the Low Countries, the counties of Bourgogne and Charolloys and other advantages; (Marillac's note : This has been done, but the English think that the Emperor would sooner render Milan)and has lastly made the Pope his intercessor, who has assured Francis that Orleans shall be at once put over the said Low Countries, Burgogne and Charolloys, unconditionally; but Francis would not listen, because of his desire for the marriage and confirmation of amity with England, which, to show that he preferred England to the Emperor, he would never ask for as long as the Emperor's affairs prospered; and he desires this marriage settled before time alters the state of affairs. Bois de Vincennes, 13 March 1542.
French. Modern transcript, pp. 4. Headed : 12 (sic) Mars.
14 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 325.
168. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 15 (fn. 3) (sic) March. Present : Canterbury, Norfolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Letters received from the lord Deputy, that captains and others in Boulogne and Picardy were charged to be ready at an hour's warning. Letters received from Wallop, reporting bruit in France that the duke of Najara should come ambassador from the Emperor to the French king. Warrant to Sir Ric. Gresham to deliver 300 ducats to Thos. Chawmberlayne now sent to Portugal for the trial of persons suspected to be Jews, (fn. 4) whose goods are meanwhile in Gresham's custody.
14 March.
R. O.
169. The Mint.
Commission to Sir Martin Bowes, master of the Mint, to take up artificers, labourers, and requisites for the mint in the Tower of London or elsewhere, and to enforce obedience in his subordinates. Westm., 14 March 33 Hen. VIII. In English.
Later copy, pp. 3.
14 March.
Spanish Calendar, VI. I., No. 237.
170. Charles V. to Chapuys.
Has received his letters of 30 Dec. and 11 Feb., with copies of his despatches of the same date to the Queen of Hungary. He is to thank the King for his good will and for having informed him of the French king's intrigues with Cleves and the German princes; also for his sympathy on the ill-success of the Algiers expedition. Reciprocates his desire for a closer alliance, and would have sent Chapuys power and instructions, but for the danger of sending through France. Will send them by sea to Guisnes (sic, qu. Genoa ?), by a discreet person, who will throw the papers into the sea if they are in danger of falling into the enemy's hands. They are to go first to the Queen Dowager, who will forward them. They should arrive soon after this, but, that Chapuys may begin to treat at once, writes, by this post, to his sister to send her powers, as regent of the Low Countries, promising that the Emperor will ratify all that Chapuys may do. Valladolid, 14 March 1541.
From the Vienna Archives.
14 March.
Ib., No. 238.
171. Charles V. to Chapuys.
Chapuys will understand that his other letter of the same date, in answer to his despatches of 30 Dec. and 11 March, (fn. 5) was written to show the King or his Councillors; but he must not let it out of his hands or give a copy of it to anyone, for fear the English turn it to their own profit, or the French say the Emperor was the first to break the truce, especially as Chapuys believes the French ambassador has not really received powers to treat with Henry. As Granvelle has not yet returned from his mission (though he has doubtless informed Chapuys how, through fear of French galleys, he had been obliged to touch at the island of Hicres, and thence go back to Genoa) the Emperor has sent the powers and instructions for Chapuys by sea to Genoa, to be thence forwarded through Germany to the Queen Regent in Flanders. Has also written to her to send similar powers and instructions, if she think fit, in the Emperor's name to save time; on receipt of which, Chapuys shall enter on negociations at once, with a view to ascertain the King's real intentions, aided by the old treaties, which he can confirm and add to at discretion, and negociate so as to defeat French intrigues. Has detained M. de Courrieres, who wished to return home through France, till he hears how the negociation entrusted to Chapuys proceeds. If well, he may be sent straight to England by sea, with letters for the King and his Council. Valladolid, 14 March 1542.
P.S.Since writing, has received Chapuys's despatch of the 9th Feb., referring to a previous one of the 29th Jan. The latter has not come to hand; it may have been sent through Italy, to the care of Granvelle. Is glad of the French ambassador's discontent with the King's ministers, and desires Chapuys to enter negociations at once, to keep the King and his ministers at the Emperor's devotion as long as possible. Would be glad to know something of the bp. of London's message before he comes. Has nothing to say about the Queen's condemnation, except that he would like to know if Henry is inclined to marry again, and in what quarter. Chapuys must try and prevent his taking back Anne of Cleves. Valladolid, 14 (fn. 6) March 1542.
From a draft in the Vienna Archives, endorsed; "14 March 1541, before Easter."
15 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 325.
172. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 15 March. Present : Canterbury, Norfolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Letters devised and signed by the Council, certifying to the Welsh Council the order taken with John Aprice and Edm. and Chas. Fox.
15 March.
Venetian Calendar, v. 112.
173. Venice.
Motion passed, 15 March 1542, in the Council of Venice, for a licence to Sigismund Harvel, ambassador of England, for 13 of his servants to wear arms, viz., Raphael Vith (White ?), John Deni, John Hobbi, Englishmen, and ten others.
16 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 326.
174. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 16 March. Present : Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler, Riche. Business :Recognisance (cited) of Ralph Kinaston to appear in mense Pasche. Letter devised to John Daniel, to produce all writings touching his late wife's lands now pertaining to Joan Bulmer. Certain men of York sued for the repeal of the King's proclamation in Hull "touching forayn bought and forayn sold," (fn. 7) as "noyfull" to the whole country.
17 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 327.
175. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 17 March. Present : Suffolk, Southampton, Durham, Winchester, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler, Baker. Business :Upon suit of certain French merchants, whose ship was broken on the coast of Sandwich, alleging, "as no man therein miscarried" it was no wreck, letters were written to the lord Warden to assist them in the recovery of the goods.
17 March.
Wilkins, III. 860. (From registers and Heylin's extracts.)
176. Convocation Of Canterbury.
An account of the proceedings in the Convocation.
In the second session (27 Jan.), Ric. Gwent was confirmed prolocutor, and the Abp. notified to both Houses the King's desire that they should consult for the establishment of religion, that in the English Bible many things needed reformation, and that a collection should be made of the canons and other laws against simony. In the third session (3 Feb.), the Abp. asked whether, without scandal, the Great Bible in English might be retained. The majority thought it might not, unless first corrected with the Bible which is commonly read in the Church of England. The Prolocutor showed a constitution against simoniacs.
In the fourth session (10 Feb.) nothing was done. In the fifth (13 Feb.), the company selected to examine the Bibles committed the New Testament to the bps. of Durham, Winchester, Hereford, Rochester and Westminster, with doctors Wotton, Day, Coren, Wilson, Leighton, May and others of the inferior house; and the Old Testament to the abp. of York and bp. of Ely, with Redman, Taylor, Haynes, Robertson, Cocks, &c., men skilled in Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English. The Abp. gave warning of certain statutes to be made against adulterers, perjurers and blasphemers, and required their opinions in writing on Friday next. On which day (17 Feb.), the statute against simony presented by the prolocutor was committed to the bps. of Worcester, Westminster and Winchester, After some discussion about teaching the people the Lord's Prayer, &c., Convocation was prorogued; but, before it dispersed, the bp. of Winchester read aloud the Latin words (fn. 8) in the Bible which he wished either to be retained as they were or else fittingly turned into English.
In the seventh session (14 (fn. 9) Feb.), the bp. of Winchester was appointed to prepare a decree about not letting benefices to farm beyond the term of 20 years. The Abp. then moved the abolishing of the candles before images, and more diligent erasing of the names of the bps. of Rome and Thomas Becket, and about vestments, the Lord's Prayer, &c. The bps. advised a petition to the King, to correct the public plays and comedies which are acted in London, to the contempt of God's Word. The Prolocutor introduced certain decrees against blasphemers, perjurers and swearers by God and His name, upon which the Abp. and fathers decided to counsel the King to make a statute. In the 8th session (3 March) was decreed the observance of the Use of Sarum throughout the province. In next session (10 March), the Abp. announced that it was the King's wish that the two Testaments should be examined by both Universities; but (except himself, Ely and St. David's) all dissented and asserted that it was more suitable for the Synod than for the Universities. A question was raised whether a Christian should say "The Lord save thee," or "Our Lord save thee." The Abp., Ely and St. David's alone held for the form "The Lord." A bill was read that came from the Lord Chancellor, that chancellors might be married men, and have power to excommunicate, &c., as priests do, and they and their registers to hold office for life. The bishops judged it not worthy nor convenient to be read in Parliament, and that the Lord Chancellor should silence it. The Prolocutor exhibited a book in parchment for the incorporation of the Stationers, to be referred to the King. Doctors Wotton and Leighton exhibited to Winchester a version they had made of St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians.
In the 10th session (17 March) three bills were read, viz. :About unlawfully contracted matrimonies, the appointment of perpetual vicars, and simony.
From 24 March, Convocation was prorogued to the 28th of that month in the year 1542.
Wilkins, III. 862. Cranmer's Wks., 491. ii. Constitution of Thomas Cranmer, archbishop, and his brethren, in 1541, limiting the number of dishes which the clergy may have on their tables according to their rank.

R. O.
177. The English Bible.
Proclamation against the Bible and other books, in English. Under pretence of expounding the truth, lewd and evil disposed persons have sown abroad, by books printed in English, sundry detestable heresies; by reason whereof "certain men of late" have attempted arrogantly to impugn the truth and trouble the "godly religion united and established under the King's Majesty in this his realm." To prevent this, "being the books increased to an infinite number and unknown diversities of titles and names, whereby specially to revoke, annul, or condemn the same, the King's Majesty is enforced to use his general prohibition, commandment, and proclamation as follows" :
That after 31 Aug. next no one shall receive or keep the text of Tyndalle's or Coverdale's translation of the New Testament, "nor any other than is permitted by the Act of Parliament made" [substituted for "nor any other," except the Bible of the great volume finished in November anno xvcxl, printed by Richard Grafton," which is to be used by such persons and in such reverent sort as by his injunctions and laws is appointed]. That after the said day no person keep any book set forth in the names of Frythe, Tyndale, Wiclif, Joye, Roye, Basyle, Beale, Barnes, Coverdale, Turnour or Tracy, or of any other, containing matter contrary to the doctrine set forth and established by Parliament holden at Westminster the (blank) year of the King's reign. That all persons having such books printed or written in English as aforesaid, shall (if he be a servant), before 31 Aug. next, deliver them to the master of his house; and masters of houses shall deliver them to the mayor, bailiff, or chief constable of their town, to be delivered openly within 40 days to the sheriff of the shire or the bp.'s chancellor or commissary of the diocese, to be openly burnt, and the fact certified to the King's Council before 1 Oct. next. That none shall mistrust the danger of the penal statutes for keeping the books, the King pardons that offence for the time here limited for delivery of the books, "and commandeth that no bishop, chancellor, commissary, mayor, bailiff, sheriff or constable shall be curious to mark who bringeth forth such books, but only order and burn them openly." If any man after 31 Aug. be proved before four of the King's [Privy] (fn. 10) Council to have hidden or used any part of such books, he shall be imprisoned at the King's pleasure, and make such fine and ransom as the said Privy Council shall determine. That henceforth no printer print any English book, ballad or play without putting in his name and the name of the author and day of the print; and the printer shall present the first copy to the mayor of the town where he dwells two days before allowing any other copy to leave his hands. From the day of this proclamation no person shall bring into the realm any English book printed beyond sea concerning Christian religion, nor shall sell any English book printed beyond sea without the King's special licence.
Draft, corrected by Wriothesley, pp. 20. Endorsement pasted on : "Copie. Proclamacion for bokes."
17 March.
R. O. Kaulek, 397. (Almost the whole text.)
178. Marillac To Francis I.
The long Councils here, which have been and are held from morning to night, made him presume that some resolution of Parliament, which was to end at Mid-Lent, would give him an argument for writing; but now, seeing that all continues until Easter, he cannot delay so long. Affairs here at present incline to complete peace and surety, since there is no talk at this season of arming ships and reinforcing garrisons as in the past three years, which shows that they have no suspicion of their neighbours, for small doubt would put them on their guard, as was seen last year. Although it was lately said that this King would visit Dover and his ports nearest France, the journey is either deferred till after Easter or dashed. Still, this tranquillity may not last long, seeing that they continue the fortifications already commenced, designing new fortifications, and considering all schemes to secure their frontiers. Besides, they are making a marvellous quantity of artillery, and, since Marillac has been here, scarcely a week has passed but they have made new pieces in four or five places appointed for founding. Of saltpetre, bullets, and other necessaries they have great provision, which they spare nothing to increase when they have opportunity to import them. Although they have few war horses, besides the Acts made for every lord to keep a number in proportion to his rents, all the nobles are now making studs, for which they have great commodity in their great parks and good ground, which is mostly untilled and left in grass. This King has two stables of 100, which Marillac has seen, and can draw 150 yearly from his studs towards Wales and in Nottinghamshire. With these preparations and the treasure they have accumulated, when their frontiers are secured, they will be able to do something, especially if they should see a conflagration which may be to their advantage. Judging by this King's disposition, thinks he inclines rather to keep his estates than to try his fortune in increasing them; for he is already very stout and daily growing heavier, much resembling his maternal grandfather, King Edward, being about his age, in loving rest and fleeing trouble. He seems very old and grey since the mishap (malheur) of this last Queen, and will not yet hear of taking another, although he is ordinarily in company of ladies, and his ministers beg and urge him to marry again.
Of news there is nothing to add, save the calumnies of the Imperialists about Francis's intelligence with the Grand Seigneur to the prejudice of Christendom. Is often shown letters from Flanders, Venice, and Spain full of such lies, and, since every petty merchant dares to write at random, they must be instigated to it. Francis's enemies can contrive no invention but this to hide the infamy they incurred by the death of Fregoze and Rincon.
P.S.17 March :Yesterday, at closing this packet, received Francis's letter from Bois de Vincennes, in answer to his of the 4th, and, accordingly, has taken pains to conduct the affair as graciously as possible, and has found these deputies more open and practical (dispos), at least apparently so. They agreed to proceed without the correction of Marillac's power, on his pointing out that the principal effect of the power was for the conclusion, which could not be without the lady's being declared legitimate, and consented to deliver her as legitimate if the conditions were agreed, among which will be discussed the meaning of legitimate with regard to the succession. It remains only to go into the matter and see if they will grant all that Marillac's instructions import; and, as they seem to wish a brief conclusion, he desires to know as soon as possible what sum the dower will amount to, and where it will be assigned, and whether Francis will demand her as legitimate simply or legitimate by the grace of the King her father in the way that Francis sometimes legitimises those who are not so. Marked as sent by Henry. (fn. 11)
French. Modern transcript, pp. 5; also another modern transcript of the postscript, pp. 2. Headed : Londres, 16e Mars 1542.
18 March.
Lamb. MS. 603, p. 23.
179. Tirlough McO'Brien.
Submission of Terence Mac O'Bryen, captain of Sonaughe, made by indenture with Sir Ant. Sentleger, deputy, and the Council, 18 March (blank) Hen. VIII. (fn. 12) To pay rent and assist at hostings.
Lat. Copy, p. 1. See Carew Calendar, No. 162.

R. O. St. P., III. 345.
180. O'Brien To Henry VIII.
Makes humble submission. Although he has made like submission to the Deputy and received pardon under the Great Seal of Ireland, he is not satisfied until he has done it to the King, whom now in his old age he is most desirous to see. Begs pardon for himself and his, and promises allegiance, in proof of which he has set his hand and seal to this.
Begins : "Most excellent, mighty, replete with all virtues and grace," &c., "I, your most bound, obedient subject, Maurus Obreyne, do only come," &c.
Copy, pp. 2. Endd. by Wriothesley : Copy of the submissions of Irishmen.
19 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 328.
181. The Privy Council.
Note that, at Westm., 18 March, the Council sat not. Meeting at Westm., 19 March. Present : Chancellor, Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Russell, Durham, Gage, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler, Riche. Business :Letters received from Edm. Harvell, ambassador at Venice, of the Venetians' request that their galleys might repair to England. Letter devised to the bailiffs of Yarmouth to send up one Rix, charged with seditious words. Letter devised to mayor and sheriffs of Norwich, who had imprisoned Wm. Reede, clk., because a bull of the bp. of Rome was found in his coffer, to dismiss him with a warning to beware of like follies, since it appeared that he had offended unwittingly.
[*** Another heading for 19 March, with the words, "present as the day before" follows.]
19 March.
R. O. St. P. VIII. 680.
182. The Privy Council To Paget.
The King has received his of the 13th, and takes them in good part, both touching the merchants, &c., and the marriage. Soon after their receipt, the French ambassador intimated that he had letters, and desired to speak with those who were before commissioned for that purpose. This being readily granted, he said he had letters from his master, which showed his master's affection for the King to be such that it would not be his fault if things did not proceed; his master was content to let the matter of "faire legittime" or "tenir legittime" stand over until the other conditions were agreed upon, provided ever that she should be at the last declared "legittime." Answered that the King's towardness was equal to the French king's, and it only remained to descend to specialties; but first they would ask whether his commission was amended with regard to the word "legittime." He said he had no new commission, but that they might friendly commune of the conditions, and, if they grew to any accord, a new commission might be sent. Made courtesy who should begin, and told him, when he pressed them first to "set forth the woman with her dote," that he who demanded her ought first to present the personage. Finally, to show frankness, they put the woman in the wooer's place, and said the King would give his daughter 100,000 crs., provided she was assured of 20,000 crs. a year in dower, or more in that proportion. To that he said that he would "roundly propose another overture, 'and that is,' quod he, 'this : there is a pension which was granted upon the renunciation of such title as you pretended in France, the treaty whereof is conditional, and the conditions hath not on your part been observed; but will you be content, to avoid all quarrels and to establish this perfect amity, to give with your daughter all th'arrearages of that pension, and also clearly to remit for ever the whole pension ? And we shall make her such an estate as you shall have cause to be contented withal.'" Answered, that the King had by no treaty renounced his title, nor broken the conditions of any treaty, and they marvelled at such an unreasonable motion; the dote of the late French queen, the King's sister, was but 300,000 crs., and that of the late Queen of Scots 100,000 crs., and they pressed him (knowing he could not do it) to tell where any woman in Christendom was ever advanced with a million, whereas this demand included a debt of two millions in arrears, the release of 100,000 crs. a year during the King's life, and 50,000 crs. for ever after, besides the salt money payable during the King's life. Told him to ask reason, and doubtless the King would listen, and did their best to persuade him; but he remained firm, and they parted for that day.
Referred to the King, by whose command they had another conference with the Ambassador, in which they declared that the King marvelled at the strangeness of his discourse, as contrary to Paget's report of his conference with the French king, who, considering that she should be made legittime and placed in one of the furthest degrees of inheritance, desired only that some part of the pension and interest there should be released. And now he (the Ambassador) demanded what no amity could require, and interlaced with it matters touching the King's honor, as breach of covenants (affirming the lack of aid when the Emperor invaded Provence) and renunciation of titles. The King could not think that such a demand proceeded from his good brother, and, without further ground than a bare marriage, would never grant it. As to titles, showed him the treaties, remembering also what suit was made at the being here of the Admiral, and after, at the meeting of the Admiral, the Chancellor of France that now is, and others with "me the duke of Norfolk, me the lord Privy Seal and others," at Calais, for those matters of titles, and the French king's offer to conquer and deliver lands in the Low Parts for them. And, as to breach of conditions, told him that, upon the Emperor's invasion, the King offered the aid in men limited in the treaty, and was asked, in lieu of them, to grant surceance of payment of the pension during the time of war; which he did, and it was with "great gramerces" accepted.
He answered that their declaration contained two points, the greatness of the demand and certain words touching the King's honor; but he thought the demand not great, for divers considerations (whereof he expressed none worth noting), and for the rest he thought the treaties bare the matter of the titles, and there might be some appearance of the other. He began to reckon how the debt of two millions arose, and was referred to the account, looked at the treaty of perpetual peace, and promised to write home. And so, "after a very friendly sort," they departed.
As soon as he can, after receipt of this, Paget shall repair to the French king and say that the King, perceiving by his (Paget's) letters, the French king's desire to have their amity established by this marriage, and his trust that, considering she should be legitimated and thereby put to one of the furthest places of inheritance, Henry would release some part of his pensions and interest there, now signifies that the French ambassador has made such an unreasonable and unfriendly demand, in asking the whole pension and arrears and interlacing other things with it, that Henry cannot but think those who sent the Ambassador's instructions have mistaken Francis's mind. In reasonable things he will be found a perfect friend, but upon unreasonable demands he must make a stay, and even think that Francis desires rather unreasonable gain than inviolable amity. If he will send his Ambassador convenient instructions and sufficient commission, or rather join some other with him, he shall find Henry loving, friendly, and reasonable.
Hereupon, if he agree not with what Paget wrote, or seem to defend his Ambassador, Paget may reverently remind him of the one and inform him of the whole (or part) of the discourses above written.
The King is informed that a gentleman, (fn. 13) an Italian or Spaniard, coming to him in post with six or seven horses, is stopped at Monstrell or Abbeville. Bearer is instructed to enquire the truth of this; and, if it be found true, Paget shall signify it to the French king, declaring how far such an attempt varies from the appearance of amity between them, and requiring his release.
Draft, pp. 36. Endd. : Minute to Mr. Paget, xixo Martii 1541.
20 March.
Nicolas' P.C.P., VII. 329.
183. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 20 March. Present : Norfolk, Suffolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Gage, Browne, Wriothesley, Sadler. No business recorded.
[20] March.
R. O.
184. Sir Thomas Pope.
Receipt (?) by Sir Thos. Pope from Mr. Treasurer of the Augmentations, [20] of March 33 Hen. VIII., of 5l. 6s. 8d. for instalments of annuities out of the late monasteries of Wolvescroft, Shene, and Bermondsey. Also of a half-year's annuity out of Byssham, "due at the same feast, which annuity was granted to me and to Dame Margaret, my late wife, and to Ralph Dodmer, her youngest son," 4l.
Hol., p. 1. About a quarter torn off.


  • 1. The name "John Dudley" and the words "by the right," etc., are insertions in another hand.
  • 2. At Venice.
  • 3. There is a previous heading for a sitting of 14 March, without any record of business; but there are two sittings recorded as on the 15th, of which this, the first, probably took place on the 14th, as the heading to the second speaks of the first as of "the day before." The date "15th" in both these sittings is underlined in the original MS.
  • 4. See Nos. 64, 82.
  • 5. Apparently the 11th of February is meant, as in No. 170; yet there is no letter of Chapuys of that date, only one of the 9th (No. 92. acknowledged in the P.S.). It is clear, however, that neither "11 Feb." nor "11 March" is a right date, though the true date intended may be a question. It will be seen that Chapuys wrote a letter to the Emperor on the 10th January (No. 17), which is not acknowledged here.
  • 6. 14th. which is the date before the P.S., is probably here an error for 15th. See Chapuys's letter of 16 April following.
  • 7. See Vol. XVI, No. 1232(4).
  • 8. The words are here quoted by Wilkins from Fuller's Church History.
  • 9. Sic. Doubtless an error for "24 Feb.," as all these sessions, except that of 13 Feb., were held on Fridays.
  • 10. Cancelled.
  • 11. This is not noticed in the transcript.
  • 12. Styled Supreme Head, and King of Ireland.
  • 13. Count Ludovico de Rangone.