Henry VIII: December 1543, 1-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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'Henry VIII: December 1543, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1902), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol18/no2/pp244-258 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: December 1543, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1902), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol18/no2/pp244-258.

"Henry VIII: December 1543, 1-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 18 Part 2, August-December 1543. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1902), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol18/no2/pp244-258.


December 1543, 1-10

1 Dec.
Add. MS. 32,653, f. 139. B. M. Hamilton Papers, II., No. 127.
450. The Privy Council to Sir George Douglas.
By his late letters to Suffolk the King perceives that Rothes, Gray and Henry Banaves are committed to ward by the Cardinal and Governor, and that great promises are made to his brother, and are likely shortly to be made to him; and yet, notwithstanding this great ruffle and danger to his brother and himself, he remains still at Berwick pleading the matter of such as he calls his friends. The King marvels that (Maxwell and Somerville being apprehended, Sir George's castle of Dalkeith taken, and his friends of his surname committed to ward, and now Rothes and Gray apprehended) his brother and the rest sit still notwithstanding their oath to cleave together. As to his saying that he suffers hurt for the King's sake; the King has received no benefit, whereby anything might be accounted to be suffered for his sake, but has brought Douglas to the restitution and increase of his lands and possessions, and to such authority that (had he wisely used it) he might have saved the charges now sustained and ordered the realm at the King's and his pleasure. As yet the King is sure of neither marriage, amity, peace, hostages, delivery of strongholds, nor of any of their promises; whereas he has promised nothing that has not been performed, and has readily granted every reasonable aid asked. When Douglas demanded men and money to resist the Cardinal's violence it was granted; when he said that Englishmen might not be brought into Scotland but in a main army and, therefore, the aid must be in money to hire Scottishmen, he had his desire; when he required the sending home of prisoner or pledge, upon his brother's letter or his, it was done; and, lastly, when he desired 1,500l. to entertain men for a month, and also an aid of Englishmen, the 1,500l. has been ready at Berwick almost a fortnight, and also 1,200 men in readiness for his relief. And yet he and his brother and the rest sit still, so divided that their enemies need no great power to apprehend them, whereas, if they had joined together and gone roundly to work, their honors had not been so touched as they are likely to be, nor themselves in such hazard as they are like to tumble into.
Albeit great offers are made to him and his brother (which the King thinks they will not take, if only in respect of their honors, which stand bound to the King by manifold benefits), whensoever things are brought to the effect desired by the Cardinal and French party he and his brother "shall surely go to the pot for it." The Cardinal, who slandered him to be a traitor to his King deceased and was one of the chief causes of his continual exile (for which he went into France to challenge his revenge and at his restitution into Scotland holp the Cardinal into prison) is not a man of so simple courage or little malice as not to requite what Douglas has done against him. Let him consider whether these offers are to be accepted, seeing they are neither likely to be observed nor can with his honor be accepted, and if (as they expect) he thinks them "French frasers and deceithfull trecheryes," let him join with his brother and the rest, and make all the world know that (rather than the marriage and the other covenants concluded, with the hostages for the same, should not be observed, and rather than that the young Queen should remain in danger under the Cardinal's custody, or that they would lean to the French party or leave their friends in ward) they will make such a "bruslerye" in Scotland as the Cardinal and his faction will repent it. In time past they thought themselves strong enough to encounter the King their master in the field, and now they shrink to repress a factious party of the Cardinal, who has no aid in comparison with what they might have if they would once begin, as hitherto they have done nothing but listen to practices to their own damage and the King's hindrance. The King requires to know plainly what to expect of them, and what they can and will do, for these delays he likes not, "and will grow to one point or other."
As for his friends assured on the Borders for whose sake he travails all this while, leaving greater things undone, the King reckons to have deserved that none should be accounted his friends who cannot be the King's also, or at least not enemies, as most of those whom he would have the King assure have shown themselves; as Douglas would see by the Council's late letter to him. After such experience of their hostility, the King will no longer trust to words, but looks to have hostages laid, forthwith, to his deputy, wardens that they will neither do nor procure hurt to his subjects, nor hinder any enterprise into Scotland; and prays him to move them to this, or else "let them know that the hurt will be their own;" and doubtless, if they show themselves conformable, Suffolk will restore what has been taken from them.
The King, taking him as his own, thinks that, upon this frank opening of his mind, Douglas will redubb past negligence. Desire him to consider this well, and make such answer as will content the King; and also that he will forthwith repair with all the power he can make to join his brother, to whom this letter is to be communicated. Bisham, 1 Dec. 1543.
Draft, pp. 8. Endd. : Mynute to Sir George Douglas, primo Decembris 1543.
Ib. f. 136. 2. Fair copy of the preceding with the omission of the two last paragraphs.
Pp. 6.
2 Dec.
Add. MS 32,653, f. 144. B. M. Hamilton Papers, II., No. 128.
451. Suffolk to Sir George Douglas.
Perceives by his letters that he thinks Suffolk's last letters very sharp. Would be loth to be thought to act sharply towards him. Why should his friends of Tyvedale remain assured, when they daily injure the King's subjects and refuse redress? Perceives by his letter that he had no time to warn them to come in at the Commissioners' being there, but has since directed his cousins of Bongeworth and Carre of Gadshawe to declare to all Tyvydale assured by his brother and him, that complaints are made, and warn them to be ready to answer for all attemptates by them since their assurance; and that he expects they will keep such day as Suffolk will appoint, which were better for setting forth the King's affairs than to repress them so suddenly. As to his friends of the Mershe it was thought but reason that they should put in writing how they would demean themselves, considering that they had all they desired, and, for Douglas's sake, more than reason. The day for them of Tyvydale should be the 15th inst. at the furthest. As for those of the Mershe (where he writes to have them assured still upon his promise for the performance of the points he communed of with Suffolk, and he will take their writings for his warrant) for his sake, if he will send the bill of his hand declaring the secret points communed of with Suffolk, they promising the same to him in writing and declaring how they will use the King's subjects who shall attempt upon such as are not under assurance, Suffolk will undertake that the assurance shall stand until further notice and eight days after; and those of Tyvydale, binding themselves to keep the 15th day and do all the rest as those of the Mershe do, shall have like assurance. Desires answer with all diligence.
Thinks it strange that his brother and the King's friends sit so still and suffer their friends to be daily taken from them without advertising the King what the cause is. To be plain, the King does not like his being away from his brother and the rest, thinking that thereby affairs go slackly forward. Desires him to go with all diligence to his brother and the rest; and consult what to do and let the King know it, and, meanwhile, he may instruct certain of Tyvydale and the Mershe to arrange things with the Deputy Warden. [As to Mr. Sadler, pray see him safe where he is till I advertise further.] (fn. 1) Has written divers letters to his brother, but has no answer. Prays him to show his brother that Suffolk doubts not but that he will remember the King's manifold benefits, and not regard the light promises of the Queen, the Cardinal and the Frenchmen, "who desire nothing more than his destruction"; and that, having ever been called a man of courage, he will so show himself and not sit still as he does, when, if he stepped up like a noble man, he could lack no aid. Marvels that, having written so often to his brother and ever demanded answer, he has had none. Being here as the King's lieutenant, thinks he might have had some answer, and he has not used Angus "with the like."
Copy, pp. 8. Endd. : Copie of the duke of Suffolkes lettre to Sir George Douglas, ijo Decembris 1543.
4 Dec.
Acts of the P. of Sc., II, 427.
452. Parliament of Scotland.
Held by commission of Mary Queen of Scots, at Edinburgh, 3 Dec. 1543, by Gawen abp. of Glasgow, Archibald earl of Argyle, Patrick earl Bothwell, Wm. earl of Montrose, John abbot of Paisley, treasurer, George commendatory of Dumfermline, John lord Erskin, Sir Adam Ottirburn of Reidhall, provost of Edinburgh, Mr. Jas. Foulis of Colintoun, clerk register, and Mr. Thos. Ballenden of Auchnoul, clerk of the justiciary, commissioners. Business :The deputy-marshal, deputy-constable, serjeant and judicator, named, took their oaths.
At Edinburgh, 4 Dec. 1543, by Arran, as Tutor and Governor. Present : The Cardinal of St. Andrews and forty nine others (named). Business :
Process (described) by James Colvil, son of the late Sir Jas. Colvil of Estwemys, for the reduction of his father's forfeiture, and of Robert Colvil, natural son of the said Sir James, for reduction of his own forfeiture, deferred to 10 Dec. next.
4 Dec.
R. O.
453. Wallop to the Council.
Received, on the 3rd inst., at 8 p.m., theirs of 30 Nov. showing that the King, in view of the difficulty of conveying the ordnance left at Douay, will leave it there until it may be conveyed to Calais. The ordnance is in the castle hall and the munitions in a merchant's house, "all under cover and locks." Commends the diligence of George Browne, master of the Ordnance, and Skevington in ordering these things. Perceives that Mr. Palmer, treasurer of the crew here, is to pay the men left at Douay. Begs them to write to him to pay "the poor men's wages here, the which were taken out of them that came from the camp and the crew ordinary, being unpaid for six weeks" and in great poverty, as Mr. Ponynges and Sir Ralph Ellerkar report; who say, the said Treasurer has no money, and even if he had could not pay them without a warrant.
Mons. du Bees will shortly revictual Arde. He sent word by a trumpeter that came for prisoners, that he would come to see us soon and that although the Emperor's power had been great we had not yet gotten the realm of France, and "it was more meet for him and me to come home to the fire than to tarry so long in the field." I will answer that, although we have not yet gotten the realm of France, we have "seen so good experience" of Frenchmen that we reckon it easy to get, this next year, and are sure to have no battle, "seeing the French king was so strongly encamped and fled away (especially) by night." Learnt yesterday that the Frenchmen revictual Arde by night, once or twice a week,, with 7 or 8 score footmen. Will see that these "shall not so easily return again as they have done hitherto." Since his return to Guisnes, his petty captain, Myddleton, has overthrown the tower of Rydlyngham church, which was one of the chief places to discover English enterprises towards Arde. Mons. de Lygnon lately came thither with 300 arquebusiers that were in the French king's camp. Commends highly one Spense, who was petty captain to Ralph Boulmer and was by the writer presented to the Emperor, for gallantry (described), who desires to have a petty captain's wages under Carrelton here. Begs letters to "the said Treasurer" to pay for making the way from Guisnes mill into the castle and town, for the carriage of things coming by water from St. Peter's. Will do it for 10l. or 20 mks. and it will be a great help to many "and a stately sight for the coming to the castle." The vaults of the new bulwarks in the castle are full of water, as the bearer, Yorke, can report, who in this journey did his office very honestly and was esteemed by the Emperor, "to whom he gave every night the watchword himself and would not the Viceroy nor any other to give it unto him." The Emperor remembered his (Yorke's) being in Spain. Speaks of Mr. Comptroller's discreet ordering of things here; who, as soon as Wallop arrived in Calais, discharged himself and his men, to save further charge. Guisnes, 4 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 4. Endd. : "Sir John Wallop to the Counsail, iiijo Decemb. 1543."
4 Dec.
R. O. St. P., IX. 562.
454. Edmond Harvel to Henry VIII.
Wrote on 12 Nov. Barbarossa is returned to Tolon from Sardinia, where he was repulsed, with loss, by the Spaniards. It is reported that 12 or 13 galleotes of pirates have been "nawfragate by tempest," and that Barbarossa has sent to Algier for jannissaries. Guasto after taking Mondovi, took Carignan and follows up his victory. The Turks' ambassador lately departed with "divicious rewards" from the Signory, who have made Stefano Tepolo, late general, ambassador to the Turk; which makes men suspect some new practise with the Turk, for the Imperials suspect these men for their occupying of Maran, yielded to them by the Stroci with the French king's consent. They gave Stroci 35,000 cr. for it and took possession on 28 Nov. Ferdinando's men continue the siege, and the Imperial orator has protested in Ferdinando's name against their meddling. It is thought "the Bishop" has secret intelligence in this and other matters against the Imperials. Cardinal Fernesi shall go to France and thence to the Emperor, to practise an accord. "The Roman clergy maketh great cracks of Grimani, the Bishop's legate, arrived in Scotland with money, soldiers and munitions abundantly, whereby they imagine the rebellion of Scots against your Majesty"; but the writer hopes that, with his great power and the nobility in Scotland on his side, Henry's affairs there will prosper. Venice, 4 Dec. 1543.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
5 Dec.
R. O.
455. Deputy and Council of Ireland to the Council.
The King, by his letters to them, of 8 Sept., 33 Hen. VIII., granted licence to Philip Roche, of Kinsale, for grain (specified), on condition that Roche should build a castle beside Kinsale, marching upon McCharte Reagh and other Irish lords. Are certified, by Desmond and the commissioners they sent to view it, that the castle or pyle goes well forward, and beg renewal of the licence for three years to come. Dublin, 5 Dec. 35 Hen. VIII. Signed by St. Leger, Alen, Ormond, Abp. Browne, Aylmer, Lutrell, Travers, Cusake, Bathe, Brabazon and Basnet.
P.1. Add. Endd.
5 Dec.
R. O. St. P., IX. 568.
456. Charles V. to Henry VIII.
Since last general chapter of his order of the Golden Fleece, held at Tournay in 1531, twenty one of the knights are dead. To fill their places and transact other business of the Order, intimates a general chapter to be held at Utrecht on 3 May next; and desires Henry to send thither one of the knights as his proxy, with the names of 21 noble men whom he thinks worthy to be received into the Order. Desires answer by bearer. Bruxelles, 5 Dec. 1543. Signed.
French. Broadsheet, p. 1. Countersigned : N. Nicolai. Add. : confrere de mon Ordre du Thoison d'Or. Endd. Docketed : "Westmonstier."
5 Dec.
R. O. St.P., IX. 563.
457. Bonner, Brian and Wotton to Henry VIII.
On Thursday, at midnight, being St. Andrew's Even, arrived Francisco, the courier, with Henry's letters to Bonner and Brian, and a servant of Wotton's, with instructions to him from the Council and Henry's letters to the Emperor and Regent. Wotton then took leave of the Regent on the 1st; and, returning to his colleagues, they sent to Granvelle to know when they might have audience of the Emperor. Could not obtain it that day but "had it . . . . . . . of this present," just before the Emperor's going to mass. Bonner there declared the King's pleasure to revoke Brian and him and appoint Wotton ambassador resident with the Emperor, desired licence to return, and presented Wotton. Wotton then presented the King's letters and declared his credence. Bonner then spoke of "the negligence of his ministers for the navy," and delivered a memorial thereon (sent herewith). Brian then rehearsed the contents of Henry's letter to Bonner and him, thanking the Emperor for his answer to the duke of Lorraine. The Emperor replied that it was natural for every man to desire to return to his own country, and therefore he could not but be content that Brian and Bonner should return; that Wotton was welcome; that his provision of ships had been hindered by other affairs and by misfortune at sea, but he had given order for its amendment; and that, as for the Duke of Loreyne, Henry's opinion was true, and also a prisoner coming out of France had affirmed that the Cardinal of Liningcourt ("whom he called the Cardinal of Lorraine's Cardinal") had expressed a wish for peace, but the French were mad to go about to deceive him always with the same means instead of trying some new craft. Brian thereupon showed how the French sought peace with Henry also; who, however, intended to make preparation against next year, and desired the Emperor to do the like. The Emperor approved this, and said he would send the Viceroy of Sicily to Henry, with power to conclude all things pertaining thereto; and willed them to repair to Mons. Granvell, the Viceroy and Mons. de Prate. Bonner and Brian then took leave; and, according to the Emperor's command, sent to Granvell, who replied "that it could not be for that day."
Brian then took Mons. de Herbes and other gentlemen to his lodging to dinner; and the ambassador of Ferrare came to Bonner and, "with an Italian circumstance and long process," told as follows :That the Viceroy of Sicily should go to England; that Card. Fernesa should come, through France, hither for a peace and the duke of Cameryne return to Rome for the winter; that some thought the Cardinal's coming was for a marriage between the Emperor's daughter and Signor Oratio, brother to the said Cardinal and Duke, with Milan; that letters from Milan stated that the Emperor would marry his daughter with the King of Romans' son; that the duke of Ferrare solicited deliverance of his brother Don Francisco de Este in exchange for the marquis of Saluce; that it was thought that the French king used Don Francisco as a minister for peace.
On the morning of the 4th, were sent for, and found the Viceroy with Grandvele, who, in a long speech, rehearsed what the Emperor had said (telling nothing of the ambassador of Ferrara's news about Card. Fernesa, the duke of Cameryne, the marriages, or Don Francisco) and intimated that the Viceroy should depart in 3 days, so as to be back before the Emperor's departure for Spire on the morrow after Christmas Day, who had already sent the vicechancellor of the Empire, Dr. Navus, to signify to the Princes that he would be there on 10 Jan.
Sent, on receipt of Henry's letters, to Sir Thos. Palmer; but word was returned on the 4th inst. that he was at the point of death. Although Brian will make as good speed as he can, they think it best to send this courier. Bonner will, as directed, leave with Wotton his cipher and copy of the treaties. Bruxelles, 5 Dec., at night. Signed : Edmond London; Franssys Bryan; Nicholas Wotton.
Pp. 6. Slightly mutilated. Add. Endd. : 1543.
5 Dec.
R. O.
458. Wotton to Paget.
Is now a suitor to the King's Council to remember what great charges he will be put to in following the Emperor's court. Things here are dearer than has been seen in many years past, and at Spires they are still dearer. What will they be at the confluence of such an army as the Diet will bring together? The very cost of carriage will eat up great part of his diets, as Paget knows by recent experience. Begs friendship herein. "Yf I had hadde enye hope that [my letters?] mighte have fownden Mr. Writhesley at the Cow[rt, I woul]de have been so [bolde] as to have desyridde his assistance lykewyse (?) herein; but, being yn despayre therof, I am dryven to comende the mater holelye unto yow." Bruxelles, 5 Dec. 1543.
Hol., p. 1 Faded. Add. Endd.
6 Dec.
Span. Cal., VI. II., No. 265.
459. The Privy Council to Chapuys.
Their King orders them to represent the case of Wm. Bougins, whose ship is detained by the bailly of Flushing. 6 Dec. 1543.
Original at Vienna.
6 Dec.
R. O.
460. G. Smyth to John Johnson.
London, 6 Dec. '43.Commendations to your wife and brother Otewell. Your letter from Polbroke of 25 ult. mentions 100l. as your share of this 230l. at Calais; but Mr. Cave writes that 200l. of it is his. I have to-day taken of Wm. Pere, mercer, 80l. st. to be repaid at Calis at 26s. 3d. Fl., of which I purposed to send you 50l. by Thos. Holand; but, as Mr. Cave is gone to Ashewell for eight days and will at his return home send for money, I will send it to you then. "There is robbing by the ways now at the coming home of the soldiers and therefore I stayed."
Hol., p. 1. Add. : at Bolbroke. Endd. : Answered 11 Dec. and "entered in memorial."
6 Dec.
Add. MS. 32,653, f. 149. B. M. Hamilton Papers, II., No. 129.
461. Suffolk and Tunstall to the Council.
Have caused Wharton to take the order described in the Council's letters, of the 1st inst., for five of the Maxwells, prisoners to Jake a Musgrave. Sent the packet of letters for Brunston to Sir Wm. Eure, who shall forward a message to Brunston to send a servant for letters to him from the King. Put Sadler's letters in cipher and sent them. As to the Council's letter to Sir George Douglas; Suffolk had received a letter from Douglas, answering a previous letter of his, and had made answer again (copy already sent to the Council) very plainly touching his friends' assurance; and Douglas, when here, declared it impossible to get his and his brother's friends to lay hostages for their assurance, and also that many of them had kept the assurance, like as some Englishmen had broken it, and that their friends were not like the Armstranges, Crosiers and Nycsons (who were in danger of the laws of Scotland and lived upon ravin), but gentlemen living upon their own in no fear of the laws. For these causes Suffolk has forborne to send the Council's letter to Douglas, "lest it should put him in extreme desperation" and give him occasion to say that the demand of the hostages lost him all his friends. Albeit the assurance has not been best kept on either side, through it 600, and lately 1,000, in garrison have sufficed, and the Scots have taken far more harm than England; whereas without it double that garrison would scant have sufficed.
The Council write on the 2nd inst. that, if Douglas be within England, Suffolk shall entertain him there until it is seen what Angus will do, and likewise shall draw Robert Maxwell into England and entertain him, and shall also restrain the Master of Somervell and laird of Mowe. Douglas, Somervell and Mowe are already departed into Scotland; and Robert Maxwell keeps in Scotland amongst his power, and will not come to the Governor although sent for, whose going in might set his father at large, as appears by his letters last sent up. Albeit the slackness of Douglas and Angus and other the King's friends makes the King and all others mislike their proceedings, the reason of it is not known; for sayings of Scottishmen are not to be trusted, "the nation of them is so given to lying." Write the rumors which go abroad, so that the King may provide for the worst, but give no credence to them until proved. If the King will tarry a little the truth will appear; for, if his friends join not with the Parliament in Scotland and acts pass against them, it will appear that they are taken for enemies, and if they join, so that nothing passes against them, it will appear "that all do run one way, what face soever they make." Meanwhile it seems best not, upon suspicion, to treat them so that they may take occasion to join the French party; but if they step to the other party, "it shall appear to be their own falsehood" and shall be to their own rebuke. Where they write that, if the rumor of Angus's revolt is true, Suffolk should stay the money at Berwick; he has already stayed it. Angus's chaplain wrote that he would come into England if my lord of Winchester wrote to him. Had Winchester so written, Angus's determination might have been known ere this, for the said priest is his secretary and knows all, and has said he has many things to show the King. Darnton, 6 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 6. Add. Sealed. Endd.
6 Dec.
R. O.
462. Brian to Paget.
Knowing that you will be privy to all our proceedings here, I refrain from making a long letter. I sent yesternight to the Viceroy for the names of the gentlemen that come with him (which he confessed before should number 30), but cannot get them. I have written to Calais, to the lord Deputy, of his coming. "I thought it good to despatch this courier afore, as I have done, unto the King's Majesty, because it was not possible for me to come myself so fast." I delivered him 20 cr., promising to make it 20 nobles if the letters be delivered to you on Sunday morning next. Brusselles, "the vjth, at iiijor of the clock in the morning." Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd. : 6 Dec. 1543.
7 Dec.
Add. MS. 5,754, f. 86. B. M.
463. Carlisle.
Indenture of receipt, 7 Dec. 35 Hen. VIII., by Wm. Garfurthe (upon a letter of the King's Council, dated 17 Nov., to my lord of Carlesle) from the said lord, of 20l. 9s. 1d. for works at Carlesle. Signed.
P. 1. Sealed.
[7 Dec.]
Add. MS. 28,173, f. 973. B. M.
464. Charles V. to Henry VIII.
Begs credence for the Sieur Don Fernande de Gonzaga, whom he despatches to see what is to be done next year against the common enemy, in pursuance of the charge which Henry gave to the Sieur de Bryant.
Fr. Modern transcript from Brussels, p. 1. Another copy is in No. 467 (2), ii.
7 Dec.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 266.]
465. Charles V. to Chapuys.
Chapuys will learn from Don Fernande de Gonzaga and the instruction he carries the occasion of his going to the King of England. Desires Chapuys to lend him every assistance. Besides the letters in our own hand to the King, we have delivered him letters for the principal ministers, to be addressed and delivered by your advice. Bruxelles, 7 Dec. 1543.
French p. 1. Modern transcript from Vienna.
[7] Dec.
R. O. [Span. Cal., VI. II., No. 267.]
466. Charles V. to .
We are sending Don Fernande de Gonzaga to the King of England for causes which you will learn, and have charged him to make our recommendations to you and pray you to continue your good offices to render the amity between the King and us indissoluble. Bruxelles, 7 Dec. 1543.
French, p. 1. Modern transcript from the originial draft at Vienna, to which is appended a note that four such letters began "Treschier et bien ame," two "Mon cousin," and four "Reverend pere en Dieu, treschier et bien ame."
7 Dec.
R. O.
467. Charles V.
Commission of Charles V. to Don Ferdenande de Gonsaga, duke of Ariano [, prince of Mol] fete, knight of his Order, and Eustace Chapuys, master of requests, ambassador with the king of England, to conclude and treat the common invasion of France, in this year next following, against the king of France, the common enemy. Brussels, "le . . . . . . . de Decembre," 1544 r. Imp. 23 et R. 28. Signed : Charles. Countersigned : Bave.
French. Parchment, slightly mutilated. Seal broken.
Add. MS. 28,593, f. 259. B. M. 2. "Instruction a vous, nostre treschier et feal cousin, le Sr Don Fernande de Gonsaga, prince de Molfete, visroy de Secille, nostre capitaine general, etc., de ce que vous aurez a traicter et negocier devers nostre tres-chier et tres-ame bon frere et cousin, le Roy d'Angleterre, ou presentement vous envoyons."
To make convenient diligence to England, and, in virtue of letters of credence in the Emperor's own hand (after communicating with Chapuys) give the King the Emperor's thanks for affection shown to his prosperity against Juliers and the common enemy, the king of France (as learnt last by the Sieur Derbais), and for the praiseworthy office done by the King's general (fn. 2) and men of war who were here, and whose longer abode the King would have accorded had it been required; as evidence of the sincere and indissoluble amity between them. The King will know all that has passed concerning the army; but if he ask for any particulars they shall be given.
Then to thank the King for his care for next year's enterprise, as appeared by the charge of the Sieur Briant, his vice-admiral and gentleman of his Chamber, and by his speech to D'Herbais, and say that the Emperor has been unable to answer until now, having been busy about dismissing his army, affairs with the States of the Empire and consultation with the Queen of Hungary and the lords here; and that, having now examined all, he despatches Don Fernande (as the thing is so important and secret, and he is to be the Emperor's chief minister in the execution of it, and the Emperor wishes to defer to the King's wisdom, experience and clear judgment in such things) to take full resolution about the preparations requisite. The King is right in desiring to make the invasion next year, seeing the perplexity of the common enemy, through the indignation of his subjects and the impoverishment and weakness of his realm, as he is so hated by all Christendom for breaking his oaths and for calling in the Turk (the Turk's army by sea being still in his realm) that he cannot get strangers to help him; and, by his last flight, he and his subjects have lost the Turk and driven other nations from his service. It is clear that the common enemy is mad and it is most important now to force him to give up his insatiable desire for war, and reduce him to such terms that he can no more lift up his head and trouble his neighbours.
For these reasons, the Emperor has resolved to make the attack and is making the requisite preparations, and has for this reason retained Don Fernande here notwithstanding his other charges and his private affairs; and, although the Emperor defers to the King's wisdom as aforesaid, he wishes to declare what seems to him requisite, not doubting but that the enemy will resist to the utmost, and will perhaps be assisted, covertly at least, by some potentates who fear that his ruin and the pacification of Christendom might lead to their chastisement.
Proposes, therefore :
(1.) (fn. 3) That there should be two armies.
(2.) That each army should number at least 36,000 foot and 6,000 or 7,000 horse, with good provision of battery and field artillery. Gives the composition of his own army and suggests that the King should have 12,000 High and Low Almains and 5,000 Almain horse, which may be easily obtained if procured early. He may also have 3,000 horse of these parts, but should make early provision for their pay. If he wishes to have some Walloons also, the Emperor will assist him therein, although there are long frontiers to be left provided.
(3.) The designs of the said armies, will depend upon the enemy's measures; and the places for entering France have been often debated, and the King is the best judge therein.
(4.) Is certain that the King would wish to be in person in the said army and that his presence would be most important, but dare not propose it. Intends to be personally in his own.
(5.) In case the King insists upon being furnished, according to the treaty, with 2,000 horse and 2,000 lanzknechts at the Emperors's expence, gives reasons for excusing it.
(6.) Although secrecy is requisite, it should now be settled where the armies are to enter; and, as the King, last summer, told Chapuys that the Emperor ought to march by Champaigne (which he could not then do because of hindrance on the side of Cleves) he is content to enter France there, and thinks that the King should march by Picardy, and that the two armys should make for Paris.
(7.) The armies should march as soon as possible, by 15 May at the latest, so as to keep the enemy from other enterprises and from getting men.
(8.) As to artillery, reckons to have 60 pieces in all and 100 boats to make bridges; and is already providing 3,000 or 4,000 pioneers and seeing to the provision of victuals, wagons and horses.
(9.) If the King should require assistance of victuals, wagons and horses, the Emperor will very willingly give what this country can bear, considering the labour of this last war, the devastation done by enemies and the sterility of the present year; trusting that the King will not seek what is impossible, but make some provision otherwise. And it will be well to send hither to see what can be done as soon as possible.
(10.) As to the army by sea, Don Fernande has heard what was answered to Briant and other ambassadors for last year, and how the Admiral, the Sieur de Bevres, maintains that he did his part, and any default was due to the weather, to the Queen's regret. For next year there shall be no default; and if anything needs explanation, the King should send hither.
Has already advertised the King by Briant of his decision to go into Germany and the time of his departure. If need be, Don Fernande shall declare that it is to see to means for resisting the Turk, to provide for affairs of Germany, and to stop French practices. He must not omit to speak of the "quanthons des lighs" (fn. 4) and the means of preventing the King of France's raising men there. At the Diet the Emperor will get the States to write to the said "canthons" not to assist the Turk's confederate : but this practice will cost 25,000 cr. or 30,000 cr., and if the King will contribute his share the Emperor will do the like. This is to be insisted upon as important, and might incline those of the League (des lighs) to England. It will be well also to advertise the King, in confidence, of the enterprise on the side of Italy, which might be made about 4 June when the other armies were already in the field. The King already knows of the coming of the duke of Lorayne and his son the duke of Bar, and the answer which the Emperor made to Lorayne, at Valenciennes; whose ambassador, (fn. 5) whom he had sent to reside with the Emperor, has returned since the Emperor arrived here. Heard lately that the Cardinal de Beronacourt (fn. 6) had charged a gentleman now returning into France to propose to the Emperor that if he would treat there would be no talk of Milan. The Emperor refused to answer, and the King may be assured that he will fully observe the treaty.
Don Fernande must make all diligence so as to return before the Emperor's departure, which he cannot defer longer than the 1st or 2nd day after Christmas. He shall make the Emperor's cordial recommendations to the Queen and Princess (madame nostre cousine) and thank the Queen for her friendly treatment of the Princess, and must also, if possible, visit the Prince and bring news of his health. Bruxelles, 7 Dec. 1543.
ii. Draft of No. 464.
French. Modern transcript from Brussels, pp. 15.
Add MS. 28,593, f. 253. B. M. 3. Spanish translation of the above instructions without ii.
Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 12.
8 Dec.
Add. MS. 32,653, f. 155. B. M. Hamilton Papers, II., No. 131.
468. Suffolk to Henry VIII.
Begs leave to declare his opinion concerning the King's affairs of Scotland, as follows :
Perceives by Dunlaneryke's letters that those who should be the King's friends are dull and slack to set forward his affairs, and that they count themselves not strong enough to act by force, but will keep in their own countries and give gentle words to the contrary party, so as to get their friends out of prison. Thus they are come to a new practice; and the King knows the effect of their practices hitherto. The practice now set forward by the sheriff of Ayre is more promising than any yet attempted, if Argile may be brought to it, for he is said to be a man of wit and force who will stick to what he takes in hand. The King might instruct the Sheriff to declare to Argile that the King desires nothing, whatsoever occasion has been given to the contrary, but the peace and marriage and laying of hostages for the same, according to the last treaty, which cannot well come to pass, while the present Governor and the Cardinal rule, without using force, to the destruction of his "proneptes lands and subjects," which he is loth to do, as is evident from his long forbearance; and that he (the King) thinks the best way to bring this good purpose to pass is that Argile and other wise noblemen take the ordering of the young Queen and choose out four Regents, to bring the realm to uniformity and the laws to be observed, and not suffer it longer to be governed "by such an innocent Governor" and the Cardinal, who, to retain his pomp and glory, cares not what damage may come to the young Queen and realm. Promising that such as shall take pain in bringing this purpose to pass and maintaining it, shall have their charges well considered. Although the giving of these pensions should be somewhat chargeable, the result would save much treasure, and the King would have this treasure and his subjects of these parts for the wars of France. "It must be need or dread, or both, that shall cause the Scots to do anything to your Majesty's contentation." The Sheriff might say further that the King doubts not but Argile will consider this honorable purpose with that of France, which is only to bring a continuance of war, "not caring for their destruction," with promises which, at need, will be found very slender, as heretofore; reminding him what the sequel of the war must be and desiring that the King may be advertised of his goodwill herein. Considering that at this Parliament the French ambassador is there in triumph, and the King's ambassador in a castle for safeguard, it should be most to the King's honor to send a letter to Sadler to be forwarded to the nobles at the Parliament, willing them to permit Sadler to come to them to declare instructions, and thereupon, to require safe conduct to return home. Thus, if Sadler be not already come away, he may be able to practise with the sheriff of Ayre and earl of Argile. The Sheriff might further declare to Argile that he, inclining to the King's devotion, may have aid from Ireland, the King having it "in such subjection" as he has, at all times if "they of the Ile shall chance to rebel." Anything in this should be done with diligence, during the Parliament, whereby the earl may practise with his friends there. Darnton, 8 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 6. Add. Sealed. Endd. : 1543.
8 Dec.
Add. MS. 32,653, f. 153. B. M. Hamilton Papers, II., No. 130.
469. Wharton to Suffolk.
Appointed sundry exploits to be done in Scotland at this sitting of their Parliament, but the storms were such that the Borderers thought them not feasible. However, upon his command to his servant Robin Foster, called Hobes Robin, to get some of Bukcleughe's sheep in Atrik forest, on the night of the 6th inst., 80 persons burnt Syngley in Atryk forest, 30 miles within Scotland and brought away 1,400 sheep with two prisoners, slaying also two Scottishmen. They gave 100 sheep to the Scottishmen with them, and 40 to a Scottishman whose horse was slain, but those brought into England are worth 100l. As Bukcleugh reports having got much gold in rewards of the Cardinal, he may the better forego them. Describes how the same night the Armstranges of Ledisdaill burnt the town of Glenne, with a tower there of (blank) Cokburn's (the town belonging to the laird of Trykware, sister's son to Bukcleugh, and standing 3 miles from Peebles), and Bukcleugh's town called Blackgray, 4 miles from Peebles.
Mr. Sandfurthe has received a letter (herewith) from Angus's priest (fn. 7) and secretary, and says that the priest trusted ere this to have been sent for to the King; whereof both Sandfurthe and Alex. Apulby say that they informed Suffolk. Carlisle, 8 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. (as despatched at 3 p.m.). Endd.
8 Dec.
Acts of the P. of Sc., II., 429.
470. Parliament of Scotland.
[Continued from 4 Dec.] Sederunt : The Governor and lords of articles. Business :
A summons of treason decreed against the persons who subscribed "the writing direct furth of Douglas wt the lord Somervell to the King of Ingland." (In margin : "Cancellatur de mandato Domini Gubernatoris.")
8 Dec.
Royal MS. 18 B. VI. 157b. B. M. Epp. Reg. Sc., II. 170. Theiner, 615.
471. Arran to Paul III.
Although all things done here have doubtless been written by Marcus Grymanus, patriarch of Aquileia, who is both discreet and experienced, the writer thinks it his office to report the state of the commonwealth. Every hope and condition of peace being taken away, the King of England has determined to make war on us with all his forces, not only to destroy our liberty, than which nothing can be dearer to men, but also to overthrow our religion and the obedience paid for so many centuries to the Holy See. To meet this two things are needed, valour and riches. The first will not be wanting, but, against the wealth and power of so great a King, money must be sought elsewhere; and for it the commonwealth looks to His Holiness, as the Patriarch's letters will explain, whose residence here for some time to distribute it, we desire.
Another thing which we much desire is that the cardinal of St. Stephen (than whom your Holiness has no man more faithful, nor our republic or we a dearer) may be appointed legate of the Holy See. Edinburgh, 8 Dec. 1543.
Lat. Copy, pp. 2.
8 Dec.
Royal MS. 18 B. VI. 158. B. M. Epp. Reg. Sc., II. 172.
472. Arran to the Cardinal of Carpi.
Our state being in the greatest possible danger, by war made by the English King, who seeks to extinguish both its liberty and ancient religion, to the detriment both of the realm and the Holy See, we desire His Holiness, by the benevolence and paternal love which he has always promised, to grant aid of money for the defence of the realm. To grant it would bind the Scottish nation to His Holiness for ever. Begs him to procure this, and also that the Cardinal of St. Stephen may be legate in Scotland. Refers the rest to the letters of the Patriarch, Marcus Grymanus, who has been present at all things done in this realm since his arrival. Edinburgh, 8 Dec. 1543.
Lat. Copy, p. 1.
9 Dec.
Add. MS. 32,653, f. 159. B. M. Hamilton Papers, II., No. 132.
473. The Privy Council to Suffolk.
The King has seen his letter of the 4th inst., and the copies of his letter to Sir George Douglas and Douglas's answer. When it comes to making the assurance of the Tyvydale and Marshe men, he should take their writing for it as well as Douglas's; as in his first letter he required, although in his second letter he seems to be content with Douglas's writing, "and he to keep their writing for his discharge." Upon Douglas's words, Suffolk appointed him to convey Mr. Sadler home from Temptallon, wherewith the King was pleased, as appeared by the Council's letter. Now, perceiving by Douglas's letter that he is of another mind, the King thinks that, if Sadler be not already departed, Suffolk should write to him to remain at Temptallon, unless he is in imminent danger; for the King would be loth to seem to fetch home his ambassador at the Governor and Cardinal's wills, and thinks that Sadler's departure would abash the rest of the King's friends and make them think Angus fallen from him. These two causes may be communicated in writing to Douglas. There are other two causes which Suffolk shall keep to himself, viz., that by Sadler's continuing at Temptallon the King shall have an instrument to "practise withal in Scotland," and that, if Angus revolt the King may, under pretence of sending a ship to convey Sadler home by water, send men furnished to take the castle, by Sadler's means. The King intends shortly to send his servant Rogers, to be conveyed to Temptallon, to view the castle secretly and bring a plat of it. Suffolk, upon evidence of Angus's revolt, shall make ready for that enterprise.
Copy, pp. 3. Endd. : Mynute to the duke of Suffolk, ixo Decembris 1543.
9 Dec.
Acts of the P. of Sc., II., 429.
474. Parliament of Scotland.
[Continued from 8 Dec.] Sederunt : the Governor and the lords of articles. Business :
Act declaring that the prelates, earls, barons, &c., "that convened at Striveling and Linlithqw for the forth bringing of our Sovereign lady forth of the palace of Linlithqw," and those "that convened the said time with my lord Governor at Edinburcht," committed no crime.
10 Dec.
Add. MS. 32,653, f. 161. B. M. Hamilton Papers, II., No. 133.
475. Sir Wm. Eure and Edw. Shelley to Suffolk.
Have examined the officers of this town, with the mayor and brethren and substantial men, touching the first point of his letters dated Darneton, 2nd inst. The occasion of the great plague which has so long continued here is "the great multitude of people and the straitness of the little church." Most people desire to have it re-edified where the old church was, because some walls and the foundation there remain, to be made with a low roof so as not to prejudice the fortresses; or else to be set in any other places shown in the master-mason's plat herewith. All the town desire the writers to require Suffolk's intercession to the King for the re-edifying of the church. The house of ordnance is in great decay, as Mr. Anthony Anthonys, who lately charged it with ordnance, can inform the King. Have underset it with "promps" and shores to serve for a time. Berwick bridge has been decaying many a day, because the office of master of the bridge has been appointed to men having no knowledge thereof, who take the revenues for its repair as their fees. Repaired it last summer at the cost of the King's works, or else no man could have passed; and it must again be seen to shortly "by reason of the great floods, and now the abundance of ice that lyeth upon it daily." Berwick, 10 Dec. Signed.
P.S.Mr. Sadleyr has not sent for his beer, which had been with him ere this had he not promised to send for it.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : 1543.
10 Dec.
Acts of the P. of Sc., II., 429.
476. Parliament of Scotland.
[Continued from 9 Dec.] Present : The lord Governor with the Three Estates. Business :
Process (described) of James Hammiltoun, son and heir apparent of Sir Jas. Hammiltoun of Fynnert, for reduction of his father's forfeiture, deferred to 12 Dec.; as also the processes of James and Robert Colvile. Certain protestations upon these cases.
Petition of the bp. of Dunkeld to my lord Governor against the taking of his place of Cluny and steeple of Dunkell, as an attemptate upon Haly Kirk.
The same day in the afternoon. Present : The Governor. Sederunt : The Cardinal, Glasgow, Orkney, Huntley, Bothwell, Montrose, Paisley, Cupar, Erskin, Fleming, the provost of Edinburgh, Simon Preston for Edinburgh and Walter Ogilby for Banff. Business :
John Permanter, of Lynn, Englishman, who was taken at Leith, on 1 Sept. last, although he had the Governor's safe-conduct, discharged; and the action of his takers touching his ship and goods referred to the Lords of Session.
Process of the "Quenis grace" (i.e., the Queen mother) against Oliver Sinclar for the castle of Kirkwall, deferred.
10 Dec.
Royal MS. 18 B. VI., 158b. B. M. Epp. Reg. Sc., II., 175.
477. Arran to Paul III.
Wrote last June how not only was our liberty attacked by enemies but our privileges violated by our own citizens, because some men had dared, from the King's death, without consulting us, to whom the kingly offices pertained, to resign the bishopric of Dunkeld and to seek it from your Holiness. But, since, in the same letters, we committed the defence and administration of this realm to your Holiness, and then declared amply to Marcus Grymanus, the Patriarch, what aid we hoped for from your Holiness, we need write no more, if we have only obtained this of your Holiness, that you repel any suit for Dunkeld without our letters of commendation. Edinburgh, 10 Dec. 1543.
Lat. Copy, p. 1.

Royal MS. 18 B. VI., 158b. B. M. Epp. Reg. Sc., II. 176.
478. Arran to the Cardinal of Carpi.
Although last summer we wrote to his Holiness that those who were endeavouring to violate the privileges of this realm, by their suit for the bpric. of Dunkeld without our letters, might not be heard, because the matter is said to be still vehemently laboured for at Rome, we renew our petition, and ask you not to rest until these impudent suitors are silenced. John Duncan will explain the whole matter, for whom we beg credence.
Lat. Copy, p. 1.


  • 1. Cancelled.
  • 2. Wallop.
  • 3. These numbers are not in the original.
  • 4. The Swiss cantons.
  • 5. Bonner.
  • 6. Lenoncourt in 2, which is right.
  • 7. John Penman.