Henry VIII: January 1547, 30-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 21 Part 2, September 1546-January 1547. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Henry VIII: January 1547, 30-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 21 Part 2, September 1546-January 1547, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie (London, 1910), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol21/no2/pp388-453 [accessed 6 February 2025].

'Henry VIII: January 1547, 30-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 21 Part 2, September 1546-January 1547. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie (London, 1910), British History Online, accessed February 6, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol21/no2/pp388-453.

"Henry VIII: January 1547, 30-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 21 Part 2, September 1546-January 1547. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie (London, 1910), British History Online. Web. 6 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol21/no2/pp388-453.


January 1547, 30-31

30 Jan. 757. Giacomo Zambon to the Chiefs of the Ten.
v., No. 452.
Has daily requested audience of the King touching Ludovico da l'Armi, in pursuance of their letters of the 16th ult. and 5th inst., but is put off on the plea of indisposition and business. London, 30 Jan. 1547.
30 Jan. 758. Richard Morysine to Henry VIII.
R. O. Is comforted in the misery of this journey to find the King's name in such honour everywhere; for whose sake the townsmen of Utrecke, Linghin, Breame and Hamborowe made him offers of money and escort. At Utrecke, was sought out by Peter van Utrecke, a captain under Courtfenyng, who said that his heart and harness were ready at the King's appointment, and offered the writer an escort of 25 horsemen. At Hamborow he had such entertainment in Cortefenyng's house as proved that the King's liberality "hath put a new Inglysshe heart in his old body." Breame and Hamborow make themselves strong, but show little skill in fortifying. The Emperor has sent to both to leave the Protestants and they have answered "that they have these many years received much pleasure at the Protestants' hands and cannot now leave them." Howbeit the Emperor, having made a strong castle in Utrecke, "may easily be lord of all Westphalia, if he went not about greater matters, and so with small labour get both Breame and Hamborowe if they have not the better help. They be much afraid, for that there be yet left in their towns many rich old Papists, which do not desire their own wealth so much as they do the undoing of others. God send these factions some quiet end, and the unquiet evil rest." Hamborow, 30 Jan. 1547.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
31 Jan. 759. Parliament.
Journals of
the House of
Lords, i.,
Record of daily attendance and business done on 4 Nov. and 14 to 31 Jan. Henry VIII. [The second session of the Parliament called in 37 Hen. VIII.]
The King was never present. The list given of peers, in their order, is as follows:—Abps. of Canterbury and York; bps. of London, Winchester, Exeter, Lincoln, Ely, Co. et Lich., Norwich, Salisbury, St: David's, St. Asaph, Llandaff, Carlisle, Hereford, Worcester, Westminster, Bath and Wells, Gloucester, Peterborough, Chester, Bangor, Bristol, Oxford, Chichester and Rochester. Lord Wriothesley (Chancellor), Duke of Norfolk (Treasurer), Lord St. John (Great Master), Lord Russell (Privy Seal), Marquis Dorset, Earls of Hertford (Great Chamberlain), Arundel, Oxford, Westmoreland, Shrewsbury, Essex, Derby, Worcester, Cumberland, Sussex, Huntingdon, Bath and Bridgewater. Viscount Lisley (Great Admiral). Lords Audeley, Zouche, Dallaware, Morley, Dacres, Cobham, Ferrers, Poys, Clinton, Stourton, Scroppe, Latimer, Graie of Wilton, Mountegle, Sands, Windesor, Wentworth, Burgh, Braie, Conyers, Mordaunte, Crumwell and Parr.
On the first day only the bp. of Winchester, and lords Wriothesley, St. John and Windesor are marked as present. The name of Conyers appears for the first time on the list, 18 Jan., when he is marked as present. Norfolk's name appears only in the first day's list before the prorogation, but not marked as present. (fn. n1)
This record shows that several bills were read in the House, most of them three times, viz., concerning Informations, Establishment of the Court of Augmentations, Executors, True making of cloths in Gloucestershire, Wilts, and Somerset, Attainder of the Duke of Norfolk and Earl of Surrey, Handguns, Preservation of Fishes, Sheriffs and Bailiffs, and Assurance of lands to Sir Wm. Paget; but only that for the attainder of Norfolk and Surrey (brought in on the 18th and passed on the 24th Jan.) received the royal assent, which was given by commission on 27 Jan., the Chancellor saying that the King was too ill to be present, but wished it passed without delay in order that certain offices held by Norfolk might be given to others against the approaching creation (coronationis, qu. creationis?) of the Prince. (See No. 753.)
31 Jan. 760. Selve and La Garde to Francis I.
No. 106.
Received on the night of the 28th the despatch by Captain Velleron, and tonight, about 1 a.m., that brought by the courier. The latter warns them of the despatch of Scepperus, of whose enterprises they will take good heed. The Emperor's ambassador does all he can; and lately, after three or four hours' conference with Paget, sent his secretary (fn. n2) to the Emperor. The writers' audience has, since Saturday morning, (fn. n3) been put off until today. Nothing is omitted to advance the affair of the Protestant ambassadors. War preparations increase; already many men of war are embarked, and since Thursday all ships here have been arrested, French, Spanish, Flemings and others. Know not whether this is for fear that the King's death may be divulged, of which the writers have just been assured, as well by the Italian (fn. n4) as from five or six other quarters, although the thing is still kept so secret that no man dare mention it, and the exact time when the death occurred is not yet certain. The son of the Venetian secretary has just come to say that it took place on the night of Thursday (fn. n5) last, and that the King named twenty commissioners and governors of his son and this realm, of whom Hertford is chief. This is just confirmed to La Garde by an English physician formerly in his service and now in that of the said King. Fear that this despatch may be stopped at the passages, which are closed. The Prince is to be in this town to-day with the Earl of Hertford, who went for him on Friday; and he will lodge in the Tower for greater security against any insurrection.
Desire instructions about the league offensive and the treaty with the Protestants. It is possible that the English may decline a league, even simply defensive, unless Francis treats with the Protestants. London, 31 Jan. 1546.
31 Jan. 761. The Same to Francis I.
No. 107.
Have just heard that the Prince is proclaimed by the heralds King of England and Ireland and heir to all his late father's dominions; and that yesterday Norfolk was secretly beheaded in the Tower. [London], 31 Jan. [1546].
31 Jan. 762. The Same to the Admiral [of France].
No. 108.
Received his despatch by the courier who carries this. Beg him to inform them well of the King's wishes upon the question of the league offensive and the treaty with the Protestants. London, 31 Jan. 1546.
The Venetian Secretary begs them to forward his letter enclosed in the King's packet.
31 Jan. 763. The Same to Du Biez.
No 109.
Death of the King on Thursday (fn. n6) night concealed until to-day. Proclamation of the Prince, his son. London, 31 Jan. 1546.
31 Jan. 764. Mary of Hungary to Van der Delft.
viii., No. 379.
Received by his secretary, bearer of this, his letter of the 23rd, and heard what Secretary Paget said of his King's willingness to act as intermediary in pacifying German affairs. Desires that he may be thanked in her name, when opportunity offers; and she knows that the intervention of no prince in Christendom would be so welcome to the Emperor, but she does not know the Emperor's intentions. Since the submission of the Duke of Wurtemburg and cities of Ulm and Frankfort, Augsburg has been reconciled and Strasburg has sent representatives to make a similar arrangement, "although some have striven to prevent them." The ex-Elector of Saxony and Landgrave of Hesse are seeking to be reconciled, and the latter has got his son-in-law, Duke Maurice, to intercede for him with the King of the Romans; but the Emperor will not treat as princes these rebel vassals who, by false libels, declared him to have forfeited the Imperial Crown, and used other shameful insolences towards him. They must submit to his mercy before he can deal with them; and the writer does not think that the King, as a sincere friend, would advise the Emperor to act otherwise. The above is to be communicated to Paget in confidence, with promise that if she can discover further the Emperor's intentions he shall with due secrecy be informed.
If the French attempt to help the rebels they will not be aided by the Turk; for the Turk's third son who went against the Persian has been defeated, and the Turk, who had come to Adrianople to make preparations against Hungary, has returned to Constantinople and thrown his whole force against the Persian. The Ambassador of the King of the Romans, who before could hardly obtain audience, has now been sent back by the Turk with gracious messages. Hopes that God may thus afford time for a beneficent union of Christian princes against the Turk. The Emperor in last letters repeats, for her consideration, what Van der Delft wrote of an impending change in England. Requires his opinion whether any special steps should be taken to influence those at present in the government there, or who may succeed to the charge of the young Prince and realm upon the King's death. Would also know if there is any way of keeping the country from further surrendering itself to sectarianism. Binche, 31 Jan. 1547.
31 Jan. 765. Baron Georgius ab Heideck to Henry VIII.
R. O. That he has not written for so long is due to the stoppage of the passages and the uncertainty of news. Gives an account of the main events of the war since, at the last Diet of Ratisbon in the year '46, the Emperor decreed the punishment of certain Protestant princes for contumacy. Latest news is that the Turk will invade Hungary and Germany next summer. Datæ Neuenstetlein ad Silvam Bohemicam, ultima Januarii anno 1547. Signed.
Lat., pp. 5. Add. Endd.: 1546.
766. Cardinal Cervini to Pole.
Poli Epp.,
iv., 205.
Hearing by letters from Rome of the death of Card. Pucci, and the consequent voidance of the church of Melpsi, has made bold to supplicate Pole on behalf of the bp. di Bertinoro, whom he begs him again to recommend to his Holiness. And even if his Holiness wish to bestow that church on another, he might have some church of less value, "come saria a Monsignor Vorallo" who has the church of Rossano where the said bp. was born. An arrangement suggested as to pension. Has also heard of the death of Card. Bembo. (fn. n7) Trent.
767. Coverdale's Letters.
The following letters, which have not appeared under definite dates and were all of them written abroad to foreign correspondents, are inserted together under one heading.
Year uncertain.
27 July. 1. Myles Coverdale to Bullinger.
Remains 502, 593.
Parker Soc.
(from Archives
at Zurich)
Has been prevented by his engagements and bodily weakness, not to mention narrowness of means, from making his journey to him along with [Henry] Butler and Richard [Hilles]. Cannot write briefly what pain hls absence causes him, he is so anxious to enjoy Bullinger's society and behold his church. Must be content with his friendship and ministry of the Word. Should have been at a loss what to write but for Bullinger's kind reception of the letters he sent him about the middle of last September; which gave evidences, in confusion of style, of a defective education in languages and composition. Commends to him the above named eminent men. Strasburg, 27 July.
His wife sends remembrances.
24 Dec. 2. Myles Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 503, 593. Only yesterday after dinner learned that the bearer was to set out early in the morning on his journey to you. You may well be surprised that I, living among your friends, should altogether drop correspondence with you. But in Sept., when being called I came hither with your letters of recommendation, I did write very shortly. Your brother John, no doubt, informed you during my absence of my affairs and those of the Church. Immediately on the completion of my business, I went down into Lower Germany to bring home my wife; and now returning, I find the state of the Churches in these parts most deplorable. To such an extent do princes connive at abuses, factions increase and the very pastors revel in them. Both I and your father wish you could be here, even for a couple of days. Kindly assist brother Abel to search for my chest, which by carelessness of a person at Metz was carried to Strasburg instead of Spires. Bergzabern, 24 Dec.
A.D. 1543.
13 Aug. 3. Myles Coverdale to Conrad Hubert. (fn. n8)
Remains, 511, 599.
Parker Soc.
Was afraid from long silence Hubert would think him forgetful. His parents are in tolerable health and send commendations to him and his wife. Doubts not the cause of religion will be stronger from day to day. Pray let us know what you think Bucer can do in this stormy time. Rumors give little hope of peace, for the Emperor is dead against it and the Duke of Juliers has again invaded Brabant (fn. n9) and the confines of Holland. Terrible beginnings; Salutations to Ric. [Hilles ?], Vindelinus, Conrad the minister (parochus) Sturmius and Severus. Bergzabern, 13 Aug. 1544 [1543?].
A.D. 1544.
31 March. 4. Myles Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains. 505, 595 I wrote that your father would be with you within eight days. He will himself inform you what prevented him. I have given him money for you to pay my creditors. You know what I have received through your means from Master Vindelinus, Richelius, Cephalæus and James Jucundus. Has also other creditors, viz., Christopher, the bookseller, whose shop is under the town hall (fn. n10) next to Vindelinus, and the old man John Grymmus who has two shops fronting the Western entrance of the great church, &c. Bergzabern, 31 March.
P.S.—1 April. Your father, who has just come to me, is too weak to attempt the journey at present.
10 April. 5. Myles Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 506, 596. Our friend Edmund delivered me your letter of March 11. I have done my utmost for him during the last three months, and I doubt not his success, even with boys educated in the worst style. This will make his undertaking of the school of Landau specially difficult. About our [English] boys I settled matters, as far as I could, fifteen days ago in the absence of Master Nicolas and when our illustrious Prince (fn. n11) was present on his way to Spires, who promised that it should be attended to at the next visitation—probably in May. Bergzabern, 10 April 1544. Signed: Michael Anglus.
13 April. 6. Myles Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 507, 596. That illustrious young man has done me a great friendship by not only bringing your letter to me hither but taking this money which your father would have conveyed to you to be sent on to you by a faithful messenger. Salutations to his wife from himself and his own wife.
P.S.—Hopes he may receive as soon as possible from Vindelinus, Cephalæus and Jas. Jucundus, the books mentioned in his former letter. Weissemberg, 13 April.
21 April. 7. Myles Coverdale to Conrad Hubert. (fn. n12)
Remains, 508, 597. As this messenger wrote that he goes to Strasburg shortly, I called on your dear father, about whose journey to you nothing further is settled except that he intends to visit you about Ascension day. He is better in his feet, and your mother, though troubled with scurvy, is in good spirits. But your brother John lost, eight days since, the sweet child borne by his wife about Christmas. Mean to celebrate the Lord's Supper to-morrow, &c. Sent instructions 31 March about the money which D. Valentius Brentius is to deliver. Please remind Vindelinus, Cephalæus and Jucundus to send me my paper and books. I have written privately to the two first; but pray get me from the shop of Jucundus 12 copies of the Donatus Minor, 12 of the Colloquiorum Formulae of Seobald Heiden, and 6 or 8 of the Bucolics of Virgil. Wants them, as soon as possible, sent to Weissenberg, there is such scarcity of books and paper. Apologizes for troubling him about this. Bergzabern, 21 April 1544.
22 May. 8. Myles Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 510,598. Can scarcely express his delight at Bucer's visit, which our friend Christopher will explain to him by word of mouth. Took him twice to Hubert's parents. Our little town was visited by a destructive hailstorm eight days ago, —a chastening, doubtless, from God who thus invites to repentance. Has considered the case of Matthew, son of the prefect of Barbelrode (pretoria in Roda), but does not advise that he should be admitted to the ministry before he is twenty-two. Hubert's father will visit him before Whitsuntide. That excellent widow, your mother's sister, has sent the two gold pieces which I have given to Christopher, one for a present to Samuel her godson, the other to buy a conopus for him, to be sent hither. Bergzabern, 22 May. Signed: Michael Anglus.
13 Sept. 9. Myles Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 513, 600. You give a great proof of your kindness in inciting your Michael, or if you prefer it, your Myles, with your most agreeable letters. Those of the 30 Aug. were delivered to me 3 Nov. (sic), showing that Bucer, to the great disappointment of us all, had not yet returned. (fn. n13) But the Church prays for him continually, and we need not despair of his liberation. Mr. Nicholas has returned home in good health. My wife and I intend to visit you at Strasburg about 1 Oct. Bergzabern, 13 Sept. 1544.
3 Oct. 10. Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 514, 601. How kindly you are disposed to your country your letters sent me last week for our young men show. I have done some little thing on their behalf, and by order of the prefect (provost?) 10 fl. have been advanced to our Erasmus [Bierus] till the matter can be settled by the visitors, which will be not before Christmas. He invited me and my wife to supper on the 27th ult. when, on the subject of the Sacred ministry, his wife pleaded the Lord's cause so ably that I did not need to say anything. But next day, Sunday, addressing the people he expressed grave displeasure at their secret practices there. Our young mother and her little daughter are better. If you have not got the books I wrote about, do not; for I have got sufficiently supplied at Frankfort. Bergzabern, 3 Oct. Signed: Michael Anglus.
9 Dec. 11. Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 516, 602. Intended to have asked you at Strasburg how you made your ink. Please tell my wife who is now with you or send me a list of the materials. Also remind Bucer about the letter he promised to give to our prefect on the subject of our common religion, and of the condition of our Edmund, &c. Bergzabern, 9 Dec.
26 Dec. 12. Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains 516, 602. Afflictions of the Church. Illness of Erasmus Bierus, minister at Bissweiler, and John my colleague here at Bergzabern. Our prefect Eschnavius wants the Englishman [John] (fn. n14) Dodman to be called in aid of Erasmus. I trust he knows German well enough by this time. A messenger has been sent for this to Strasburg. Bergzabern, 26 Dec.
A.D. 1545.
6 Feb. 13. Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 518, 603. Received his letter of 21 Dec. on 10 Jan. with the parcel of books. The chief matter about which I wanted you to speak to our prefect, then at Strasburg, was that he should put a stop by his authority to this frivolous public dancing and other hindrances of true piety, and treat with more respect the services and preachings instead of collecting in corners of the market and churchyard during sermons, prayer and singing. But now I cannot hope for better things, our magistrates (prœfecti) care so little for religion, though they lay heavy burdens on the people otherwise. Illnesses of the boys, especially of John Hubert, your nephew. Bergzabern, 6 Feb.
20 Feb. 14. Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 520,605. Had written to him of the business of Bissweiler, at the request of our prefect, in behalf of my countryman John Dodman, on account of the sickness at that time of our dear Erasmus. Confesses he is sometimes dilatory in writing, being pressed with business. The new schoolmaster from Spires is daily expected. My fellow laborer, John, still suffers from contraction of the hands. Our churches are more troubled by the ravings of the Anabaptists, which are unfortunately everywhere tolerated and thought much of. (fn. n15) Bergzabern, 20 Feb
A.D. 1545.
27 May. (fn. n16) 15. Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 521, 606. Our prince was desirous that Matt, of Barbelrode should have given some more years to study and the discipline of this place. But, as he is engaged to be married, he has consented to his having charge of the church of Milhoffen. This I learned from the letters of our prefect, who thinks he had better go back to Strasburg and be reconciled to those whom he offended. The ministers of Deux Ponts have certified his proficiency, and he himself has promised to make amends for his past life. The prefect has written of this to Bucer. Bergzabern, third day after Pentecost.
31 Aug. 16. Myles Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 512, 600. If our common teacher, Bucer, has published anything against the enemies of the Gospel, especially against the bp. of Winchester, please get me a copy. Your parents look for you at the coming vintage. Bergzabern, 31 Aug., 1545, Signed: Michael Anglus.
11 Oct. 17. Coverdale to Conrad Hubert. (fn. n17)
Remains, 515, 601. Glad if you have got home well with wife and child. Your parents are in good health. Margaret, your brother's wife, is now recovered, and John's wife has been delivered. Please convey this bag of chestnuts to Master Richard's house. Bergzabern, 11 October.
Hopes he reminds Bucer to write to the prefect, and also to have regard to Edmund.
Add.: Minister at Strasburg.
27 Dec. 18. Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 523, 606. Sends word of the good health of his parents, &c. Bergzabern, 27 Dec.
16 Feb. 19. Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 519, 604. The Swiss who was forced by Bader as minister on the church of Lindau cannot be induced to administer the Lord's Supper, even once a year, and the wretched people are obliged in verba Schwenkfeldii jurare. Signify this to Bucer. Please get the seeds I have written to my wife for; and, if you can, a copy of Bucer's answer to the Bp. of Winchester, which I will get translated into English. It must be managed secretly until it is published both in Latin and English. My prayers for the health of your wife and little boy Samuel. Best wishes to your father, Conrad the minister (parochus) and Paul Fagius. Bergzabern, 16 Feb. 1546.
5 March. 20. Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 523. Has entrusted to his pupil Lewis, son of Eschnavius, the money brought him by the church of Weissenheim for Katharine the widow of their late pastor. The mayor of Barbelrode has also sent money to his son Matthew, with letters to you and to him. Bergzabern, Friday before Shrove Tuesday 1546.
Will write further by Hannah Schirer if possible.
From a German original.
9 March. 21. Coverdale to Conrad Hubert.
Remains, 524, 607. Entreats him to examine carefully his writing against Frankwiler, and correct anything wrong, in the German or otherwise. He cannot imagine what danger this church is in or what trouble Frankwiler is giving; nor how reluctant their friend Nicholas is to oppose the progress of these evils. Send me word if you have received the money I delivered three days ago to our prefect to be paid to you for Katharine widow of Francis Osterking, and for Matthew of Barbelrode. Weissenberg, 9 March 1546.
768. The King's Apothecary.
R. O. Bill of Thomas Alsopp, potycary, for materials supplied, viz.:
"Mense Augusti 1546.—The first day the galy pot with the lectuary ut prius, 2s. 8d. Item, the box with perfumes ut prius, 2s. 6d. The 3rd day "aqua eufragie the vyoll ut prius, 4d." 5th, galy pot with lectuary ut pro Rege given to the Queen's grace, 3s. 4d. 6th, galy pot with lectuary, 3s. 4d. 8th, the potell silver flagon with rosewater, 4s.; a glass with "ybryght" (eyebright) water, 4d.; 2 "urynalles" sent to Hampton Court, 2s. 10th, perfumes for Hampton Court, 16d.; eyebright water, a vial, 4d. 12th, "the lectuary with lochsamum, ut prius," 3s. 4d.; sacculus pro maxilla, ut prius, 2s. 8d. 13th, eyebright water, 4d.; "a great saccle pro stomacho, ut patet," 5s. 4d. 15th, galy pot with lectuary, 3s. 4d.; perfumes for the Closet, 16d. 16th, "frontale ex divercis, ut patet," 2s. 8d.; "a box with fine perfumes for the Admiral of France," 5s. 19th, another box with fine perfumes, 5s. 20th, "pylles of rasis, ut prius," 8d.; perfumes for Otlande, 16d.; "2 ells of linen cloth to make bags to put in cumfettes," 20d. 22nd, perfumes for the chambers, 16d. 23rd, Bartylmew Eve, succade, 3s. 4d. 24th, eyebright water, "ll.S.," 8d.; "the galy pot with lectuary with lochsamum," 3s. 4d. 26th, perfumes for Oteland, 16d. 27th, perfumes per Cotton, bis, 16d. 28th, perfumes for Asher, 16d. 29th, perfumes for Duke Philip's chamber 16d. 30th, the lectuary with lochsamum, 3s. 4d.; perfumes for Otlande, 16d.; perfumes for Duke Philip, 16d.; potell silver flagon with rose water, 4s.; "the water for wine, 31 days," 20s. 8d. Total, 4l. 17s. 6d.
September 2nd, sacculus pro stomacho, 5s. 4d.; lectuary with lochsamum, 3s. 4d. 3rd, sacculus pro capite, 4s. 8d. 4th, "the silver box with cumfettes." 20d.; "the box with perfumes," 5s.; pills, 8d. 6th, sacculus pro stomacho, 5s. 4d.; "the round silver box with the lectuary, ut prius," 3s. 4d. 7th, perfumes for Okyng, 16d.; "succade for Our Lady Eve," 3s. 4d.; rosewater, 4s.; eyebright water, "a dll glas," 8d. 11th, perfumes for Gylforde, 16d.; box with fine perfumes, 5s.; "sacculum pro collo, ut prius," 2s. 8d. 12th, spermaceti delivered to my lord Harbarde, 12d. 13th, the silver box with lectuary, 3s. 4d.; "item, pro divercis delivered to the surgeons, ut patet," 6s. 4d. 14th, "divers spices, etc., delivered to the cook pro Rege," 20d.; gum animii, 12d.; "pro divercis delivered to the surgeons, ut patet," 20d. 15th, succade for 3 "imbryng days," 10s.; "the julep with vino granatorum, ut patet," 2s. 8d.; white lozenges a box, 3s. 4d.; white manus Christi a box, 5s. 4d.; liquorice sticks, 12d.; "the fomentacion and 2 sponges to the surgeons," 4s. 8d. 16th, 2 gargarisms, ut patet, 4s. 6d.; rosewater 4s.; sacculus pro stomacho, 5s. 4d.; sacculus pro capite, 4s. 8d.; a frontall, ut patet, 20d.; "lozenges ex aromatico rossr, ll. s.," 3s. 4d.; the box with manus Christi powder, 5s. 17th, "a glass with gargarism, ut patet, bis, 2s. 8d.; the box with manus Christi powder, 5s.; the fomentation ut prius, to the surgeons, 2s. 8d. 18th, the box with manus Christi powder, 5s.; "sacculus pro latere, ex divercis, ut patet," 2s. 8d. 19th, the glass with gargarism, 2s. 8d.; fomentation, to the surgeons, 2s. 8d.; box with manus Christi powder, 5s. 20th, St. Matthew Eve, succade, 3s. 4d.; "the glass with locio pro ore, ut prius," 20d.; "a box with penettes," 12d.; "pro divercis for Thomas the hunt at Gylforde, jussu Regis, ut patet," 12s.; pro divercis delivered to the surgeons, 2s. 8d.; aqua caprifolii, bis, 8d.; "cons, barberis for my lord Harbarde," 12d. 21st, lotion pro ore, 20d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; "cons, barberis" for lord Harbarde, 12d. 22nd, perfumes for Chobbham, 16d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; lotion pro ore, 20d.; aqua caprifolii, bis, 8d.; "the box with penettes," 12d. 23rd, lotion pro ore, 20d.; "the box with penettes again." 12d. 24th, perfumes for Wynsore, 16d.; "the gargarisme, bis fact," 3s. 4d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; rosewater, 4s.; penettes, 12d.; "liquorice sticks, chosen," 8d. 25th, "pills de rubbarbo," 8d.; the silver box with cumfettes, 20d.; penettes, 12d.; liquorice sticks, 8d.; fomentation, to surgeons, 2s. 8d. 26th, manus Christi powder, 5s.; penettes, 12d.; lotion pro ore, 20d. 27th, "a lectuary ex divercis, ut patet," 2s. 8d.; "wodbynde" water, 8d.; lotion pro ore, 20d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; "a frontalle ut prius," 20d.; "sacculus pro collo, ex divercis, ut patet," 2s. 8d.; rosewater, 4s.; "a fomentation for the piles, ut patet," 2s. 8d. 28th, "a glyster, ut patet," 3s. 4d.; "the gargarisme, ut prius, pro ore," 20d. 29th, the silver box with cumfettes, 20d. 30th, manus Christi powder, 5s.; "the water for wine, 30 days," 20s. Total, 13l. 11s. 2d.
October.—1st, "the two little round silver boxes, filled, ut patet, 5s. 4d.; "the great round silver box with lectuary paste, ut patet," 5s. 4d.; "the gargarisme, ut prius," 20d.; rosewater, 4s. 2nd, "a box with drege ex divercis, ut patet," 2s. 8d.; "a frontall in sendall, ut patet," 2s. 4d.; "a coffyn with pulles menthe," 4d.; "a oyntment ex divercis delivered to the surgeons." 20d.; "the round silver box with lectuary, ut prius," 3s. 4d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; "clow'z," 4d. 3rd, rosewater 4s.; "manus Christi drege ll. s. ut patet," 3s. 4d. 4th, gargarisme, 20d.; "sacculus no 2, ad lavandum pedes," 2s.; "the powder for peares," 5s. 6th, manus Christi drege, 3s. 4d. 7th, rosewater, 4s.; "plantyn water to the surgeons," 8d. 8th, gargarisme, 20d.; manus Christi powder, 5s. 10th, "the manus Christi, ut prius," 3s. 4d.; rosewater, 4s.; "liquorice and sugar candy for the King's hounds," 2s.; "horehound water for the hawks," 8d. 11th, "the powder for peares," 5s. 12th, gargarisme, 20d. 13th, gargarisme, 20d.; "2 coffins with manus Christi drege," 6s. 8d.; rosewater, 4s. 14th, manus Christi powder, 5s.; gargarisme, 20d. 15th, gargarisme, 20d.; rosewater, 4s.; powder for peares, 5s. 16th, the silver box with cumfettes, 20d. 18th, manus Christi powder, 5s.; rosewater, 4s.; perfumes where the King dined 16d. 19th, perfumes at Mr. Weldon's house, 16d.; gargarisme and eyebright water, 2s. 20th, the box with penettes, 12d.; powder for peares, 5s. 21st, "2 dll. coffins with penettes," 2s.; perfumes to Mr. Harman, 16d.; rosewater, 4s.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; manus Christi drege, 3s. 4d.; "sugar candy and mell. ross. for the hawks," 8d. 22nd, "the box with manus Christi dregge," 3s. 4d. 23rd, perfumes for Wynsore, 16d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; "gargaris," 20d.; "the fomentation with sponges, to the surgeons," 2s. 8d.; "pills for hawks castyng," 4d. 24th, "gargaris," 20d.; manus Christi powder, 5s. 25th, powder for "pearis," 5s.; "for the hawks rubarbe and mummea," 20d.; manus Christi powder,5s.; "aqua majorane cum musco etc. ut patet," 2s. 4d. 26th, a frontall, 20d.; another frontall, 20d.; pills for hawks castyng, 4d.; rosewater, 4s.; "aqua majorane cum musco ut prius," 2s. 4d. 27th, Symond and Judes Eve, succade, 3s. 4d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; "gargaris," 20d.; frontall, 20d.; "sacculus pro stomacho, ut prius," 4s. 8d.; manus Christi drege, 3s. 4d.; "almonds beaten for oil ad labia," 4d. 28th, "sundry medicines made for hounds, jussu Regis, ut patet," 2s. 4d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; "aqua majorane cum musco, ut prius," 2s. 4d.; "pills of mastick and aqua caprifolii," 12d. 30th, powder for "pearis," 5s.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; "the fomentation, to the surgeons," 2s. 8d.; two new sponges, 16d.; "succat for Alhalow Eve," 3s. 4d 31st, "gargaris," 20d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; "a glister ex diversis ut patet," 3s. 4d.; "aqua majorane etc. cum musco ut prius," 2s. 4d.; water for wine, 31 days, 20s. 8d. Total, 13l. 11s. 8d.
November.—1st, manus Christi powder, 5s.; rosewater, 4s.; powder for pearis, 5s.; "for my lord Harbard, manna, [ounce]j s.," 7s. 6d. 2nd, "gargarys," 20d.; "pro diversis delivered to the surgeons, ut patet," 4s. 3rd, aqua majorane cum musco etc., ut prius, 2s. 4d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; gargarys 20d.; manus Christi dregge, 3s. 4d.; penettes, 12d. 4th, "divers medicines for hawks of 10 sundry sorts in silver boxes; jussu Regis, 15s. 6d. 5th. "divers things delivered to the surgeons," 5s. 4d.; "the bottle with the fomentation, to the surgeons," 2s. 8d.; manus Christi powder. 5s.; rosewater, 4s.; "a jarre glas," 4d. 6th, perfumes for Otland, 16d.; a frontall 20d.; manus Christi powder, 5s. 8th, perfumes for Westminster, 16d.; manus Christi dregge. 3s. 4d. 10th, "aqua caprifolii and manus Christi powder," 5s. 4d. 11th, manus Christi powder, 5s.; powder for pearys, 5s. 12th "for the bayn, bagges with herbis, sponges, muske, cyvet, ut patet," 5s. 8d.; "pro divercis delivered to the surgeons, ut patet," 5s. 8d. 13th, "pro divercis delivered to the surgeons, ut patet," 12d.; "sacculus pro stomacho in red sarcenet, ut prius," 4s. 8d.; "sacculus pro collo, ut prius," 2s. 8d. 14th, manus Christi dredge, 3s. 4d.; "the round silver box with lectuary, ut patet," 3s. 4d.; "to the surgeons oil and spyke, 1 li.," 2s. 8d.; "a lectuary paste ex divercis, ut patet, 3s. 4d.; manus Christi powder, 5s. 15th, perfumes for Shene, 16d. 16th, perfumes for Otlande, 16d. 17th, "2 coffins with a lectuary paste, ex divercis, ut patet, that were given, one to the Queen the other to my lady Mary," 6s. 8d.; lozenges ex divercis, ut patet, 3s. 4d.; the same, 3s. 4d.; two boxes of the same given to the Queen and Lady Mary, 6s. 8d.; manus Christi powder, 5s. 18th, "the hole recept of pulles Holandie made for the Kynges use," 2s. 8d.; the powder for pearys, 5s.; a frontall, 20d. 20th, "pro diversis dd. to the surgeons, ut patet," 2s.; "the pills of masticke," 8d.; menus Christi powder, 5s.; "the first water to wash hawks' meat," 4d.; powder for pearis, 5s. 21st, "a sauce, ut patet, pro Rege," 12d.; "2 boxes with the new lozenges," 6s. 8d. 22nd. perfumes for An worth, 16d. 23rd, fomentation to the surgeons, 2s. 8d. 24th, perfumes for Stanwell, 16d. 25th, powder for peares, 5s. 26th, perfumes for Otland, 16d.; "penettes and sugar candy, of each a box," 2s.; liquorice sticks and figs, 8d.; manus Christi powder, 5s. 27th, figs at divers times, 4d. 28th, "animii et storax calamite," 8d.; "sacculus pro splene in red sercenet, ut patet," 3s. 4d. "pro divers, dd. to the surgeons." 11s. 8d. 29th, St. Andrew Eve, succat, 3s. 4d.; "sacculus pro splene, ex diversis, ut prius," 3s. 4d.; "pills of masticke, No. 2," 8d.; "pro divers, dd. to the surgeons, ut patet," 7s. 8d. 30th, "olium spice, etc., dd. to the surgeons," 3s. 4d.; "a fomentation ex diversis, ut patet," dd. to the surgeons, 2s. 8d.; "unguentum pro emoroyd, ut patet," 16d.; the powder for peares, 5s.; the water for wine 30 days, 20s. Total, 14l. 5s.
December.—1st, perfumes for Byflet, 16d.; "unguentum pro emeroyd, ut patet," 16d.; the fomentation, etc., to the surgeons, 2s. 8d.; manus Christi powder, 5s. 2nd, powder for pearis, 5s.; pro diversis, ut patet, dd. to the surgeons. 5s. 4d. 3rd, perfumes for Otland, 16d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; figs at divers times, 61b., 12d.; fomentation, 2s. 8d. 4th, manus Christi powder, 5s.; pro diversis, dd. to surgeons, 12d. 5th, manus Christi powder, 5s.; "a fomentation made ex diversis, ut patet," 5s. 4d. 6th, powder for pearis, 5s.; pro diversis to surgeons, 10s. 4d.; "a julepe ex diversis, ut patet", 20d.; "fine lignum gwaycum, ll. 16, occupied at divers times, ut patet," 9s. 4d.; "2 Flaunders pots with covers for the same," 12d.; "aqua majorane cum musco, etc., ut prius," 2s. 4d.; the box with penettes, 8d. 7th, "rosewater and bengemen," 16d.; Our Lady Eve, succade, 3s. 4d. 8th, "the julepe, ut prius," 20d.; "gum dragagant and sugar candy for hawks," 8d.; fomentation, ut prius, 5s. 4d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; "mastick, etc., to the surgeons," 12d.; "the julepe ut prius," 20d.; "aqua majorane ut prius," 2s. 4d.; box of cumfettes, 20d. 9th, perfumes for Ascher, 16d.; powder for peares, 5s.; " aqua majorane ut prius, cum musco," 2s. 4d.; "the julepe ut prius," 20d.; pro divers, to surgeons, 5s. 10th, unguentum ad ventrem, ut patet, 20d.; "skarlet for 3 'patrons' whereof 2 were basted with sponges and the 3rd with wool," 3s. 2d.; "a potell bottell cum lixivia," 8d.; "olium salitum, ut patet," 16d.; provided and delivered to the surgeons for the King's use, "a gowrd with turbentyne," 81b., 5s. 4d., "Venys Ceruse," 8 lb., 4s., white lead, 8 lb., 2s., red lead, 6 lb., 18d., "fine terra sigillata," 1 lb., 5s. 4d., spodium, 1 lb., 3s. 4d., "coralli rub' usti po," 3 lb., 6s., litergeri auri, 12 lb., 2s. 8d., litergeri plumbi, 12 lb., 18d., lapides calaminarum, 8 lb., 2s. 8d., lapis tuthie preparat', 1 lb., 8s.; the julepe, ut prius, 20d.; "bengemyn at divers times," 12d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; pro diversis dd. to surgeons, 6s. 11th, the "fomentation made ut prius," 5s. 4d.; mastick, 1 oz., dd. to the surgeons, 4d. 12th, fomentation, 5s. 4d.; "the julepp cum aniso, ut prius," 20d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; "the decoction of gwaycum, ut patet,"— (price not given); rosewater, 1 pt., 12d. 13th, perfumes for Nonsuche, 16d.; julepp ut prius, 20d.; "aqua majorane cum musco, ut prius," 2s. 4d. 14th, manus Christi powder, 5s.; julepp ex diversis, 20d.; "a plaster for the stomach, ex diversis, ut patet," 4s. 8d.; "mirre and masticke an 3j to the surgeons," 8d. 15th, pro diversis, to surgeons, 5s. 8d.; "succat served iij Imber days," 10s.; powder for pearis, 5s.; pro diversis, to surgeons, 20d. 16th, the julep cum radicibus, ut prius, 20d.; sacculus pro capite in red sarcenet, ut patet, 4s. 8d.; "a box with perfumes for the same," 16d.; "empl'm (emplastrum) pro ventre, upon scarlet, ut patet," 5s. 4d.; pro diversis, 5s. 8d. 17th, julepp, 20d.; "empl'm pro ventre, ut prius, 5s. 4d.; "a plaster pro renibus, ut patet," 4s. 8d. "lozenges laxatyve, ut patet," 3s. 8d.; "a box with lozenges ex diarodon, ut patet," 20d.; pro diversis, 5s. 4d. 18th, julepp, 20d.; aqua majorane cum musco, 2s. 4d.; empl'm pro stomacho, 4s. 8d.; a glyster ex diversis, 3s. 4d. 19th, "diaciton a box, ut patet," 16d.; "an ointment ex diversis, ut patet, 3s. 4d.; the powder for peares, 5s.; rosewater, 1 qt., 2s. 20th, perfumes for Wymbylton, 16d.; julepp, 20d.; aqua majorane cum musco, 2s. 4d.; St. Thomas' Eve, succat, 3s. 4d. 21st, manus Christi powder, 5s.; julepp, 20d.; "aqua cum musco ad nares, ut prius," 2s. 4d. 22nd, perfumes for Westminster, 16d.; julepp, 20d.; "aqua cum musco ad nares, ut prius," 2s. 4d.; "a glass with syrup cum succo granatorum, etc.," 20d.; "for divers spices delivered to the cook, ut patet, 12d. 23rd, "unguentum ad ventrem, ex diversis, ut patet," 3s. 8d.; "olium amigd' lotum cum aqua ross,' ut patet," 12d.; a glyster, ut prius, 3s. 4d.; "the spices delivered to the cook, ut prius," 12d.; pro diversis, to surgeons, 12d.; "unguentum pro latere, ex diversis, ut patet, 3s. 4d.; julepp, 20d.; "the julepp, ut prius, to gargaris," 20d.; "the syrup, ut prius, cum succo granatorum," 20d.; "an ointment dd. to the surgeons, ut patet," 12d. 24th, Christmas Eve, succat, 3s. 4d.; fomentation to the surgeons, 5s. 4d.; "lozenges of diarodon," 20d.; "julepp to gargarys," 20d.; julepp cum radicibus, 20d.; aqua cum musco, ad nares, 2s. 4d.; "olium camomille et ancthi, to the surgeons," 8d.; syrup cum succo granatorum, 20d.; powder for pearis, 5s. 25th, aqua cum musco, ad nares, 2s. 4d.; "a vial with olium camomille et anethi," 8d. 26th, julepe cum radicibus, 20d.; juleppe to gargaris, 20d.; syrup cum succo granatorum, 20d.; spices to the cook, twice, 2s.; "2 frontalles," 3s. 4d.; "2 staves dressed with musk, ambergris, etc.," 26s. 8d. 27th, manus Christi powder, 5s.; "an infused lax with rhubarb, etc., ut patet," 5s.; "pills, ut patet," 8d.; "a decoction ex diversis, ut patet, 4d.; "a gargarys, ex diversis, ut patet," 8d.; "aqua plantaginis et caprifolii, of each a vial," 8d. 28th, "a glass with gargaris 4 times made," 4s.; aqua plantaginis cum zacco, a pint glass." 8d.; "aceti albi a potell botell," 12d.; manus Christi powder. 5s.; "2 suppositors," 4d.; "a glyster ut patet," 3s. 4d. 29th, "an infused lax with rhubarb, manna, etc.," 10s.; "pilles mastyces, ut patet," 8d.; "the infusion with rhubarb et manna, ut prius," 7s. 6d.; "a glass with aqua ordei bis fact.," 16d.; "a gargaris, ut prius, bis fact.," 16d. 30th, aqua caprifolii et plantaginis, of each a quart, 2s. 8d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; aqua cum musco, ad nares, 20d.; "a glass with aqua ordei, ut prius, 8d.; "a gargaris alio modo, ut patet, 12d. 31st, "a glyster ex diversis, ut patet," 3s. 4d.; "locio pro ore, ex diversis, ut patet," 8d.; "aqua ordei cum zacco, a quart glass," 8d.; "a glas with a nother gargaris," 12d.; "lozenges ex diarodon ll. s." 3s. 4d.; aqua cum musco, ad nares, 20d.; "a box with penettes ll. s.," 8d.; the water for wine 31 days, 20s. 8d. Total, 25l. 0s. 4d.
January.—1st, "alacras a quart glass bottle, ut patet, 2s. 8d.; julep cum radicibus, 20d.; "a gargaris, ut patet," 8d.; pro diversis, to surgeons, 8d. 2nd, "aqua ordei cum zacco, a quart glass," 20d.; "a quart glass with aqua pro vino made ut patet," 8d.; aqua caprifolii, a pint glass, 8d.; "to the surgeons divers things, ut patet," 20d.; "a pint glass with a gargaris ut patet," 8d.; the powder for pears, 5s.; " sacculus pro stomacho in red sarcenet, ut patet," 5s. 4d. 3rd, "pille masticis cum rubarbo, ut patet," 2s.; aqua caprifolii, 1 pt., 8d.; aqua ordei cum zucco, 8d.; 2 frontalles, 3s. 4d.; "for the King's bird a potell of beyond sea wheat," 5s. 4d. 5th, "2 pills of pionea, ut patet," 3d.; "the gargaris cum aqua pro vino, ut prius," 8d.; "the gargaris cum aqua ordei, ut prius," 8d. 6th, "the offering pro Rege," 4s.; "aqua majorane betonic' cum musco, ut prius," 20d.; powder for peares, 5s.; aqua ordei cum Zucco, 8d. 7th, aqua ordei cum zucco, 8d.; aqua muscata ad nares, 20d.; "decoctio ex guaico etc., ut patet, a quart," 12d.; aqua caprifolii, 1 pt., 8d.; "aqua muscata cum decoctione nigelle, ut patet," 12d.; "nigella contusa in panno ligato," 4d.; " divers oils delivered to the surgeons," 8d. 8th, decoct, guiac, 12d.; "manus Christi, ut patet, ll. s.," 3s. 4d.; "a lectuary paste ex diversis, ut patet," 3s. 4d.; fomentation, to surgeons, 5s. 4d.; "cons, cito'iorum" mixed with the lectuary, ut patet, 4d. 9th, aqua ordei cum zacco, 8d.; manus Christi powder, 5s.; "a lectuary paste, ut patet," 2s. 8d.; decoctio guiaci, ut patet, — (no price given). 10th, "a glyster, ut prius," 3s. 4d.; "a glass with lectuary, ut patet," 20d.; pro diversis, to surgeons, 2s. 4d.; perfumes pro capite, 16d.; manus Christi paste, ut patet, 3s. 4d.; aqua caprifolii a glass, 8d.; aqua ordei cum zacco, 8d. 11th, "aqua ordei cum zacco, the glass, ut prius," 8d.; manus Christi paste, 3s. 4d. 13th, "a plaster of poliarchion pro stomacho," 4s. 8d.; "a glass with a lectuary, ut patet, 20d.; "a coffin with manus Christi paste, ut patet," 3s. 4d.; "2 pills, ut patet," 12d.; "a glass with a decoction, ut patet," 2s. 8d.; the powder for pearys, 5s.; "the decoction made again, ut patet," 2s. 8d. 14th, sacculus pro capite, ut patet, 4s. 8d.; a frontall ex diversis, ut patet, 20d.; the decoction again, 2s. 8d.; the pint glass with aqua caprifolii, 8d. 15th, "2 dll coffyns with the manus Christi paste," 6s. 8d.; the decoction of nigella cum musco, 12d.: "a preparative ex diversis, ut patet," 20d. 16th, "se' cartami mundat. [ounce]s.," 8d.; the glass with aqua ordei cum zacco, 8d.; the glass with aqua caprifolii, 8d.; the decoction ut prius, 2s. 8d. 17th, "syrup de bizanciis ll. s.," 16d.; manus Christi paste, 3s. 4d. 18th, "decoctio nigelle cum musco ut prius," 12d.; sacculus pro stomacho, 5s. 4d.; "se' cartami [ounce]s., ut prius," 8d.; powder for pearis, 5s. 19th, cinnamon cumfettes, 1 lb. box, 20d.; aqua ordei cum zucco, 8d.; "the silver box with cumfettes," 20d.; decoction, 2s. 8d.; gum sandaraca, 4d.; manus Christi, 3s. 4d.; white wax, etc., delivered to the surgeons, 4s. 2d.; powder for peares, 5s.; nigella in panno lineo ligato, 4d. 20th, "decoctio ex diversis, ut patet," 20d.; aqua ordei cum zacco., 8d.; "decoctio nigelle, ut prius, cum musco," 12d.; "nigella in panno ligat.," 4d.; gum sandaraca, 4d. 2lst, a glyster, ut prius, 3s. 4d.; "an infusion of rubarbe, ut patet," 5s.; "pills cum rubarbo, ut patet, 12d.; "pro diversis in panno ligat., to the cook," 12d.; "aqua ordei, ut prius," 8d. 22nd, nigella in panno ligat., 4d.; powder for pearis, 5s.; "sugar 1 li. for syrup to green ginger," 12d.; "cumfettes of anisy, 6 li., and as many of sweet fennell seed jussu Magistri Owen," 24s.; aqua ordei, 8d.; manus Christi paste, 3s. 4d.; powder for pearys, 5s.; "decoction ex diversis ut patet," 2s. 8d.; bottles for the same, 8d.; "2 saccles with divers spices delivered to the cook," 2s. 23rd, "aqua ordei, 8d.; "decoction of nigella cum musco," 12d.; "the lectuary ut prius," 16d.; a frontall, 20d.; "perfumes for the Closet and Council Chamber," 16d.; manus Christi paste, 3s. 4d. 24th, the glass with aqua caprifolii, 8d.; "a lectuary paste, a plaster and an ointment, confeccio pionie et actuarii, ut patet," 7s. 6d. 25th, manus Christi paste, 3s. 4d.; "lochsamum, a glass," 8d.; "a potell wyckred botell with a fomentacion," 2s. 8d.; "2 new fine sponges," 2s. 26th, "lochsamum a box, ut prius, 8d.; the aqua ordei cum zacco, 8d.; the glass with aqua caprifolii, 8d.; the fomentation with sponges ut prius, 4s. 8d.; manus Christi paste, 3s. 4d.; powder for pearis, 5s. 31st, powder for pearis, 5s.; water for wine, 31 days, 20s. 8d.; urinals for this half year, 10s. Total, 15l. 9s. 4d.
Grand total, 86l. 15s. Signed: Examinatum per me Georgium Owen: per me Thomam Wendye.
February.—Succade served on Candlemas Eve, 3s. 4d. 5th, powder for pearis, 5s.; perfumes for the chapel at divers times, 2s. 8d.; perfumes for the Lords' chamber, 16d. 10th, powder for pearis, 5s.; "2 boxes with fine perfumes of 2 sorts dd. to Mr. Raynsford, gentleman usher, to be spent at the funeralles," 6s. 8d. Total, 24s.
ii. "For the funeralles." A list of spices, giving amount and price of each, part of them "delivered to the surgeons, gross powdered, by their bill" and the rest "delivered in bags severally, to put into the coffin of lead with the corse, at the commandment of my Lord Great Master." Total, 26l. 12s. 2d.
iii. "For my Lady Mary's grace."
[A.D. 1546.]
Sept.—2nd, a box with powder for the breast, per W. Ryse, 20d. 6th, "a pot with green ginger Venys," 5s. 13th, "perfumes per Mr. Dodde," 16d. 24th, "perfumes for her chambers at Wynsore," 16d. 26th, "enema ex diversis," 20d. 26th, "a box with diacitoniton cum spe'bus," 16d.
Oct.—3rd, perfumes 16d.; "an ointment ex diversis ut patet," 2s. 4d.
"pills de pionea," 12d. 6th, "enemia ex diversis, ut patet," 20d. 7th, "lozenges ex diaciton' ut pro Regina," 3s. 4d. 10th, perfumes, 16d. 12th, "unguentum album rasis," 8d. 22nd, eneuma, ut prius, 20d. 25th, eneuma, ut prius, 20d.; "bengemen, per Walter," 12d.
Nov.—3rd, "a box with penettes," 16d.
Dec.—6th, "anisi liquoricie et cinnii", 12d. 7th, eneuma ex diversis, ut patet, 20d.; "nigella in sindone ligata," 8d.; the lozenges ut prius, 3s. 4d. 9th, "pro diversis pro eneuma," 20d. 23rd, "eneuma ut prius et sentary," 20d. 24th, "the same eneuma ut prius," 20d. 27th, "the same ingredyenc' ut prius," 20d.; the powder for pearys, 4 lb., 20s.
Jan., 1547.—5th, a box with cumfettes, 20d., "a glass with diaciton cum spe'bus," 2s. 8d.; perfumes, 16d. 14th, "enema ut prius," 20d.; "instrumenta ad idem no," 12d. 19th, "idem enema ut prius," 20d. 22nd, nigella in panno ligata. 23rd, perfumes, twice, 2s. 8d.
Feb.—1st, "pro diversis pro enema," 20d. 9th, "enema ut prius," 20d.; urinals at divers times, 4s.
Total, 4l. 5s. Signed: Examinatum per me, Georgium Owen.
iv. "For Mr. Hylle, the singer."
Oct.—6th, "sm mrm Cromer jussu Regis," a glyster ex diversis, ut patet, 3s. 4d., "infrindas gall, a box," 16d., "frontale," 20d., diacodion, 12d. 9th, a glister ut prius, bis, 6s. 8d.; "the Kings julepe cum vino granatorum, double, 5s. 4d. 12th, aqua ordei at divers times, 4s. 6d.; "the julepe double proporcion, ut prius, 5s. 4d.; syrup acetos. compos.," 2s. 8d.
Nov.—5th, a frontall, 20d.; the juleppe, ut prius, 5s. 4d.; "a medicine lax with rubarbe, etc.," 3s. 4d.
Jan. 1547.—10th, "a glass with diacodion," 20d.; "a box of ungm infrindans gall.," 16d.; "a julepe made with syrup acetos. diacodion et aqua ordei," 2s. 8d. 11th, manus Christi, 3s. 4d.; a box with penettes, 20d.; white sugar candy, 12d.; conserva quincis a box, 8d.; "infrindans gall., a box," 16d.; olium mandragore, 8d.; diacodion a glass, 20d. 12th, "olium camomille, etc.," 16d.
Total 2l. 19s. 8d. Signed: Examinatum per me, Georgium Owen: per me, Thomam Wendye.
v. "My lady Margaret Duglas."
[1544.] 13 June, pills for my lord [Lennox], 8d.; aqua pro oculis for my lord, 12d. 21 Nov., centaure, etc., 4d. 5 Feb., aqua composita, a vial, 4d.; "wormesede [ounce]j.," 12d. 2 April, spermaceti [ounce]s., 12d. 26 July, "2 plasters pro scapulis," 2s. 8d.; an ointment ex diversis ut patet," 16d. 28 May, "treacle for her monkey," 8d.; "2 glasses with aqua lactis virginis for the morphew," 16d. 7 June, mastick, per Leyton, 4d.
22 Jan. 1545, "liquorice chosen 4d., conserva quincis 12d. and a powder, ut patet, 16d. 24 Jan., a box with powder for the breast, 16d., and almond milk restrictyve, ut patet, 2s. 25 Jan., powder for the breast and cons, quincis, 2s. 8d. 31 July, "left with Mr. Cromer at Tychfeld 1 box with cons, quincis and another with diacito' cum spe'bus," 3s. 4d. 20 Dec., a fomentacion bis fact., 5s. 4d.; ointment, 20d.; a plaster pro ventre, 3s. 4d.; a, plaster for the back, 3s. 4d.; 2 sponges, 16d. 21 Dec., sugar candy, bis, 8d. 23 Dec., "lozenges of diadragantum ll.i." 3s. 4d.
8 Jan. 1546, "lozenges of diamergariton, a box and a box of penettes ll.i.," 5s. 4d.; pills no 6," 8d. 10 Feb., "pills for my lord," 8d. 14 Feb., "sugar candy ll.S.," 16d. 15 Feb., "for two of her women, one a powder another a purgation and liquorice," 3s. 3 March, "2 sacculis ut patet, bastyd," 3s. 4d. 20 April, "oxirodon and an ointment," 2s.; pills for my lord, 8d. 22 [April or May?] a glass with diaciton, 2s. 27 May, a plaster pro stomacho ut patet, 4s. 8d.; sacculus pro stomacho, 2s. 8d.; manus Christi, a box, 3s. 4d. 1 June, 3 boxes "with cons, prunys, berberys, and rosis," 2s. 3 June, "diaciton cum spe'bus [ounce] iiij," 16d. 11 June, "manus Christi with cinamon ll. jn, 5s. 4d. 2 July, penettes 6 oz., 12d.; " manus Christi [ounce] iiij," 16d.; "diacitoniton [ounce] vj," 2s.; "pulles pectoralis [ounce] ij," 8d. 13 July, "sene coddes ll.s.," 16d. 7 Aug., emplastrum pro renibus, 3s. 4d.; an ointment, 16d.; "a box with diaciton ll. s.," 2s. 8d.; "a roll of the plaster 6 unces," 2s. 9 Aug., "another box with diaciton ll. s.," 2s. 8d.; "a box with cons, quinces ll. s.," 16d.; "cons, barberis ll. s.," 16d.; another box with cons. quynces," 16d. 2 Sept., "cons, barberys, a quarter (?) box, 8d. 20 Nov., "bengemyn," 20d.; "urynalles at divers times, 2s. 8d. Total, 51. 7s. 4d.
Total for this book, 127l. 3s. 2d.
Receipts dated 28 May 1 Edw. VI. for 100l. of the above and 28 June 1 Edw. VI. for the rest, signed by Thomas Alsopp.
Pp. 34. Endd.: Thomas Alsopp, potycary.
769. Royal Expenses.
i. Of A.D. 1544-5.
R. O. "Due to Thomas Bentall for sundry bookes by him provided for the King's Majesty, anno xxxvjo R. H. viijo (sic)," viz.:
For 14 writing table books, 8s. 2d.; covering the same with leather and gilt, six with flaps and eight without, 3s. 6d.; covering two little calendars and eight almanacks for the year 1546, 2s. 6d. For binding ten books with the calendars in them, 6s. 8d. For "10 pair of spectacles at 4d. the pair," 3s. 4d. For "5 pair of tables at 2d. the pair," 10d. Total 25s. Signed as received.
P. 1.
ii. Of 1546.
R. O. "Allowance for Anthony Vannabrowke, one of the King's boys that 'longeth to his stable "from 1 July to 30 Sept. 38 Hen. VIII., viz.:—For 13 weeks' board at 2s. 4d., four pair of shoes, repairs and washing, etc. Total, 43s. 2d. Signed: John Parker: Rycharde Audelay: Antone Browne.
P. 1.
R. O. 2. Bill headed "Anno r.r. H. viijvi xxxviijvo" for "lines and collars," "couples" and other furniture for hawks and dogs, giving under names off various persons the place and date (between 17 June and 2 Oct.) of delivery of each item. The persons are Wheler, Edwarde, Ducket, Galbald, Seton, Foster, Hugh a Lee, Douse, John Saunders, Fraunces, Mr. Norres, John Harrys (fine loynes, bells, etc., "for the King's hawk") and Wm. Somer (a pair of spurs), The last item is 5s. 8d. for 10 hawks' hoods delivered at Windsor, 2 Oct. to Mr. Gaites. Total, 10l. 5s. 8d.
Pp. 4. Subscribed at the end: Rychard Johnson.
R. O. 3. Bill of William Lankaster for carriage of rabbits to the Court, viz., to Hampton Court 13, 20 and 27 Aug., to Gyllford 9 Sept., to Chobbhams 17 and 25 Sept., to Wynsor 1, 8 and 15 Oct., to Burnham 22 Oct. and to Wynsor 29 Oct., 1 and 5 Nov. 38 Hen. VIII. In all 23s. Signed with a mark.
P. 1.
R. O. 4. Bill headed 38 Hen. VIII. for three "cases for barell ferettes" delivered at Wyensvore, for the King, 3 Nov., 3l.; and for three coffers delivered at Westmester, 14 Nov., 3l. Signed. per me Wyllyem Grene.
P. 1.
R. O. 5. Bill headed: "For the Kyng Mastgesty," viz.:—
"Fryst, for byntynge of iij barreles for to carry ys Grace wynes in, for loke and hyngys and banes and squyers and nayles," 30s. For "byntynge of a cofer to carry ys Grace mony, for iij lokes in the out syde and ij lokes in the insyde and hyngys, bannes and squyers and handyll and nayles," 16s. For "a cofer for to carry bokes in, for iij lockes in the out syde and a locke for a cofer in the insyde and hyngys, bannes and handyll squyers and nayles," 16s. For "byntynge of a cofer for to carry is Grace nappery in, for iij lockes and hyngys, handyll, bannes, squyers and nayles," 15s. For "hyngys and revates and a staye for the Kyng clost stolle," 3s. 4d. Total, 4l. 4d. Signed with a mark.
P. 1. Subscribed in another hand: Cornelys bill.
R. O. 6. Acknowledgment of receipt from Thomas Kempe 29 Dec. 1546 of 27l. for "sartayn thyn[ges] that I sold to the Kynges Massch[esty]." Signed: By me John . . . . . .
Small paper, p. 1. Slightly mutilated.
R. O. 7. "Payments made in charges of the Queen's Highness barges" since 21 March 37 Hen. VIII., the first (and only dated item) being 29 Nov. 38 Hen. VIII. to Robert Kerton, master of her Highness' barge, upon 3 bills, 4l. 11s. 2d.; and the last being "for serving the Queen's grace from Westm. to the earl of Hertford's place." Payments to Thos. Rowley for making a new barge and to John Monkeffeld for painting it are included. Total, 36l. 17s. 8d.
P. 1.
R. O. 8. "The charges of Robin the King's Majesty's spaniel keeper" from 21 June, 38 Hen. VIII., viz.:—
For shoes, hose, and other garments at various dates, for coming with the spaniels from Sion to Gilford, "and sent home again" 14 Sept., for hair cloth to rub the spaniels with, and for meat and lodging at Maidenhed and Windsor and "at Putney when the King dined at my lord of Hartfordes," and also at Cobham, Hampton and Colbrooke from 16 to 27 Nov. Total, 56s. 9d. Signed: By me John Gatte.
Pp. 3.
R.O. 9. Further bill of the above Robin's charges beginning with 8s. 11d. for his meat and drink from 17 Nov. till 25 Dec. Total, 36s. 10d. Signed: By me, John Gatte.
P. 1.
R.O. 10. Bill, made 18 Dec. 38 Hen. VIII., witnessing that Wm. Crafton, page of the King's chamber, by agreement with Ric. Ackynson, gentleman, has received of Ralph Cockerell, gentleman, 40s. "in part of pay of the wages due to the foresaid Ackynson in the feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady next"; on condition that if Ackynson die in the interval Crafton shall repay Cockerell the money. Signed: Wyllyam Crofton: Rychard Atkynson. Sealed.
P. 1.
R.O. 11. Bill, headed 38 Hen. VIII., of Nich. Gaylle for trenchers supplied between 15 Aug. and 21 Dec., at 10d. the doz., viz., 75 doz. for the King and 45 doz. for the Queen, the item for the King being countersigned by John Jasselyn, and that for the Queen by Mr. Bendon (with a mark). Total, 5l.
P. 1.
R.O. 12. A ferryman's bill for ferrying the King's horses "over the water at Lambyth ferry," viz.:—
Dec. a0 37o.—On 24 Dec. the King removed from Westmester to Hampton Cowrtt on Christmas even, for 2 horses for my lord Hardbard 2d., (fn. n18) 3 of the King's by John Dawson, 2 by Edmond, "Mr. Brownys servant of the quyrys," a horse of Mr. Awdley of the quyrys, "ij bottell horsse, a male horsse and Wyllyam Sommers' horse," 2 horses of Mr. Jarnyngham's and 2 of the King's surveyors of the Stable.
Jan. 28th, 1 horse for my lord Harbard.
Feb. 9th, 5 horses and a sumpter horse.
April 12th, 2 horses, to and fro, by Browne "which was for Duke Phyllypp to go to Ellttam." April 17th the King removed from Westmester to Grenewyche, 7 horses by Browne.
May 19th ao 38o, 2 horses by Belle, groom of the stirrup.
June 7th, the King went to Depfford, 4 horses, to and fro, by Browne "for Mr. Awdley and Mr. Browne of the quyrys." 21st a horse by Browne. 25th, 3 horses by Belle and one by Browne.
July 22nd, 3 horses by George.
November 8th, 2 horses by Andrew Wode.
December 21st "a horse of the King's by a smith called John Golyghttly. 22nd, "a curttall hardbard of Mr. Antteny Brownys" and 3 horses by a groom of the Stable called Nycholasse. Total, 4s. 11d. Signed: Rycharde Audelaye: Henry Norreys.
Pp. 2. Subscribed in another hand: Edmonde Lewes, fferyman of Lambhith.
R.O. 13. "Allowance for Anthony Vannabrowke, one of the King's boys that 'longeth to his Stable" from 1 Oct. to 31 Dec. 38 Hen. VIII., viz.:— For 13 weeks' board at 2s. 4d. the week, four pair of shoes, a cap, a frieze coat, a pair of winter boots, &c. Total, 57s. 6d. Signed: John Parker. Also signed by Sir Anthony Browne. P. 1.
R.O. 14. "All such sums of money paid by me. Sir John Gate, knight, to the hands of Sir Anthony Denny, knight, for the use of the most famous king, Henry th'Eight," viz.:—20 Feb. 37 H. VIII., l,000l.; 17 April 100l.; 22 April 56l. 13s. 4d.; 25 May 38 H. VIII., 405l. 6s. 8d.; 14 June 600l.; 25 July 600l.; 10 Aug., l,200l.; 10 Sept. 283l. 6s. 8d.; 9 Oct. 500l.; 13 Oct. 156l. 5s.; 11 Dec., 620l. Total 5,531l. 11s. 8d. Signed: By me, Johannem Gate.
Below in another hand.—" Sir Anthony Denny, knight, charges himself upon his account with 1,000l. rec. the 23rd of December ao nuper R.H. viijvi xxxvij0 more than is above specified."
P. 1. Endd.: Frome Mr. Gate.
R.O. 15. Bill of John Gardyner, keeper of the King's garden at Westhorsley, viz.:— For his quarter's wages due at Michaelmas last 30s. 4d. For four labourers (Wm. Stynt, Geo. Fen, John Hamshire and another unnamed) at 4d. the day, 17, 6, 3½ and 67 days respectively. To Ric. Stynt for mowing the grass alleys and orchard 8d. Weeders at 3d. the day when required, 62 days. Two spades 10d. Total, 3l. 18s. 6d. Signed: By me, Harri Albi.
P. 1.
R.O. 16. Similar bill for the quarter ended at Christmas, viz.:—For three labourers; for weeders "picking and weeding out leaves out of the knottes of the privy garden and of the mownte garden and out of strawberry borders and "roseers borders"; and for 100 nails (5d.) to mend the pales about the garden. Total, 31. 11s. 5d. Signed: By me Phelyp Hoby.
Added below in another hand.—His livery due at Christmas ao 38o, 22s. 6d. His reward, bringing of queen-apples, naves and flowers, 8s.
P. 1.
R.O. 17. "Serten expensis layd owt by John Jenynges" for which he asks allowance, viz.:—One day "taking up of White Cantorbery in Eltham park," 6d.; to labourers helping to take up the said horse, 4d.; attending upon the Admiral of France 9 days, 4s. 6d.; and charges of a man "to help him to keep the muletts which were bought at Westminster, by the commandment of all the 'qweryes,' at 4d. the day," 57 days, 19s. Signed as "seen" by Rycharde Audeley, Henry Norreys and Henry Lygh. Also signed by Sir Anthony Browne.
P. 1.
R.O. 18. Bill headed "Mencis Novembris anno r.r. Hci viijvi xxxviijo", viz.:— I, Ant. Talwyn, keeper of the King's garden in Sudwarke, "haske a lowans" for 2 gardeners working at 7d. the day and 2 women "weeding and setting of strawberries" at 3d. the day each, for 23 days. Total, 38s. 4d. Signed by Wyll'am Belforde.
P. 1.
R.O. 19. Similar bill for December 38 Hen. VIII., viz.:—
For 3,000 "red rossiers" at 3s. 4d. the thousand, 1,000 slips of damask roses, 6s. 8d., and for two gardeners working 23 days, 26s. l0d. Signed by Belforde.
P. 1.
1546-7. iii. Of 1546-7.
R.O. Bill for gloves and ornaments, headed: "Delivered for the Quene his Grace by me Mark Myllyoner," viz.:—
22 May, 1546, for the "rest" of a bill of reckoning 6l. 3s. 4d.; 23 April, 1546, setting in black ribbon 16 pair of golden "agglettes" delivered to Mr. Thomas Bek at Grenewyche, 16d.; 24th, setting in red ribbon 24 pair, likewise delivered, 22d.; 28th, setting in red ribbon 16 pair delivered to Mr. Urseley at Grenewyche 16d.; 30th, 6 pair Spanish gloves, 3s., and a pair of Venyce . . . . . . , 2s., delivered to Mr. Osborne at Grenewyche; 1st May, 3 yds. "of gre[en ryb]on" delivered to Mr. Thomas Fortyn at [Gre]newyche, 18d.; 15th, setting in black ribbon 73 pair of golden agglettes delivered to Mr. Tanner at Grenewyche, 6s. 1d.; 17th, setting in ribbon 30 pair, likewise delivered, 2s. 6d.; 28th, 6 pair Spanish gloves, to Thos. Bek at Greenwich, 3s.; 29th, setting in green ribbon 51 pair of golden agglettes, delivered to Mr. Tanner at Greenwich, 4s. 3d.; 6th June, setting in red ribbon 27 pair, with diamonds and rubies, delivered to Mr. Thos. Bek at Westminster, . . . . ; 3rd Aug., "lining two pair of perfumed gloves of crimson velvet and purple, trimmed with buttons of diamonds and rubies," delivered to Mr. Thos. Bek at Westminster, . . . ; 8th, setting in purple ribbon 625 pair of golden agglettes delivered to Mr. George at Hampton Court, 47s. 9d.; 15th, a doz. S[panish] gloves, 6s.; 18th, setting in dy[vers] colours of ribbon 220 pair of golden agglettes, likewise delivered, 28s. 4d.; and four yards of blue ribbon delivered to Thomas Fortyn at Hampton Court, 2s.; 6th Sept., a collar of crimson velvet trimmed with lace of gold, delivered to Mr. Tanner at Otlande, 16d.; 16th, setting in black ribbon 16 pair of golden agglettes delivered to Mr. Tanner at Gylford, 16d.; 17th, 3 quarters of black velvet delivered to Mr. Thomas Beck at Gylford, 10s. 6d.; 2nd Oct., two [pair of] Spanish gloves, delivered to . . . . . . at Windsor, 12d.; . . . . . six pair [of Spanish gloves delivered to] Mr. Geo[rge at Windsor], 3s.; . . . six pair of Sp[anish g]loves delivered to Mr. Ge[orge at] Windsor, 3s.; . . . setting in black ribbon of 50 pair of golden agglettes delivered to Mr. [Geo]rge at Windsor, 4s.; 18th Nov., for 2 yds. of broad black ribbon, . . ., and a pair of Spanish gloves 6[d.] delivered to Mr. Ge[or]ge at Otlande; 28th, 2 yds. of white ribbon delivered to Mr. Thos. Bek at Otlande . . . ; 29th, setting in red ribbon 7 pair of golden agglettes delivered to Mr. Tanner at Otlande, 7 [d.]; 10th Dec. setting in black ribbon 6 pair of golden agglettes delivered to Mr. George at Nonesuche, . . . ; . . . "for v[ii. pair of] [Spanish gl]oves dely[vered to Mr.] Tho[mas Be]k at M . . . . . ., 3s. 6d.; 10th Jan. . . . . . . needles delivered to Mr. T[homas] Beck at Westminster, 2d.; 20th, 7 pair of Spanish gloves delivered to Mr. Thomas Beck at Westm., 3s. 6d., and a "double long white feather trimmed with gold delivered to Master Sampson at Westm.," 12s.
Fragment (?), pp. 4. Mutilated.
R.O. 2. Bill of "stoweffe resavyd" (stuff received) for the office of the Crossbows in the year 38 Hen. VIII. by Giles Chyrchyll, yeoman of the Crossbows, and John Abre, viz.:—
A standard received of Grene the cofter maker for the keeping and carrying of the King's crossbows, with locks and keys, quivers, &c., described, 4l. 10s. Received of the fletcher, 12 doz. arrows at 7s. and 4 doz. bolts at 3s. (2 doz. of the arrows being delivered by the King's commandment to my lady Mary), 4l. 13s. Of the crossbow maker, a new "tyllar" for one of the French bows 13s. 4d.; a pin and other repairs of a gilt bow that Mr. Symbarbe gave the King 2s.; a new nut for an old bow and "glassing" of three bows and other repairs 5s.; 12 lb. of crossbow thread at 10d., 12 pair of "wendles cordes" at l0d. and "waxe, plattes and vysses," 3s. 4d. Total, 11l. 6s. 8d.
P. 1.
R.O. 3. Account for various articles, headed "Delivered for the King's Majesty by me. Mark Myllynar," commencing 23 Sept. "a lynynge of crymysyn satten lyned with redd sarcenet and quylted wythe cotton delyvered to Master Alsop at Wyndesoure, 4s." Then follow 15 items of bags, gloves and other articles used in hawking, delivered between the 10th and 30th Oct. to Mr. Harman at Windsor. Then caps delivered 30 [Oct.] at Otland and 18 Dec. at Nonsuch and 12 items delivered after 28 Dec. at Westm. Signed: E. Harman: John Pen.
Pp. 3.
R.O. 4. "Delivered to the Kings Matie by me Marke Myllener ao 38o R. H. viijvi," viz.:—
Three saddles gilt and engraven, at 10l. each, and a pair of stirrups gilt and engraven, at 3l.; 11 doz. hawk's hoods, at 8d.; 24 doz. pair of hawk's bells, at 6d.; 18 hawking bags of silk with gilt rings, at 15s.; a fine "standissh" gilt, 30s.; 1 doz. of large hawks hoods, 6s.; 2 doz. and 4 pair of hawk's bells, 28s.; 3 doz. tirrettes for hawks, 7s. 6d.; 2 pair of writing tables covered with velvet and garnished with silver, 16s. Total, 62l. 9s. 6d. Signed: By me John Gate.
P. 1.
R.O. 5. Bill headed "The provision of horses made by Gilbert Compert and Richard Gybson" in 38 Hen. VIII., viz.:—
For a "black grey" gelding bought at Uxbridge fair, to serve as a "botell horse," 5l. For a white grey gelding for my Lady Mary, delivered to Mr. Hungate, 5l. (item signed Thomas Hungatt). For a white ambling gelding for the King's saddle, delivered to Mr. Pawlet and Mr. Audeleye, 5l. Gybson's expenses, 10s. Total, 15l. 10s. Signed: per H. Lygh: Rycharde Audelay: Chidyock Poullat. Also signed by Sir Ant. Browne.
P. 1. Endd.: Gilbert Comperte.
iv. Of uncertain years.
R.O. Bill, headed "Mencis Januarii," of Anthony Talwyne, keeper of the King's garden in Sudwarke, for three gardeners at 7d. a day working there 24 days, and a woman at 3d. a day working the same time, "as weeding and setting of strawberries." Signed: Wyll'm Belford.
Small paper, p. 1.
R.O. 2. Bill without heading, viz.:—
"Item, delivered to Sir Philip Hobbye," 4 Jan., two fine glass pots. covered, lipped and footed with silver and fine gilt, at 40s. each, and 6 nuts at 3s. 4d. Total, 5l. Signed: Per m. Nycholas Banystor.
P. 1.
R.O. 3. Bill of John Gardyner, keeper of the King's garden at Westhorsley, viz.:—
For his quarter's wages due at Annunciation last, 30s. 4d. For a labourer working daily, save holy days, 61 days at 4d.; and for Wm. Stynt and John Hamshir, labourers, 26 and 20 days respectively, at 4d. Weeders at 3d. the day "setynge of knottes and strawberry rotes," 15s. For "carrying of soil and earth to make the knottes in the Mount garden," 2s. 8d. Total, 3l. 6s. 8d. Signed: Be me Harri Albi.
P. 1.
R.O. 4. Bill whereby Philip Enys, gardener at Grenewiche, "axith allowance" for his board wages at 4d. the day from 1 Jan. to 31 March, 90 days, 30s., and for wages, at 7d. the day, of Fynyng Mortemer and John Flene, 52s. 6d. each. Signed with a mark.
P. 1.
R.O. 5. "A bill whereby Anthony Tawvyn requireth allowance for certain gardeners working in the King's garden in Southwarke," throughout February, viz.:—
For 2 gardeners for 22 working days, at 7d. each, 25s. 8d.; for 2 women for 22 days "setting of strawberries and picking out of roots and weeds before the gardeners," at 3d., 11s.; for seeds 12s. Signed: Wyll'm Belford.
P. 1.
R.O. 6. Similar bill for March, viz., for 26 days, 3 gardeners, 45s. 6d., and four weeders, 19s. 6d. Signed by Belford.
R.O. 7. William Grene's bill for a pair of trussing coffers (described) which he delivered to the clerk of the King's closet, 2 Aug., 33s. 4d., for "one bare hayd of grott hayd lether to cover a cart," 3l.; and for carriage of the above to Westminster, 6d. Signed: per me John Rudd.
Small paper, p. 1. Endd.: Clossett.
R.O. 8. "Allowance for the King's Majesty's garden of Otford. September." For 4 weeders, 23 days, at 3d., 23s. Signed: Chad Cursson.
P. 1. Marked below: Tho. Robinson.
R.O. 9. Bill for "Books, with sundry other charges bought and provided 20mo Octobr.", viz.:—
For "two great paper books fair bound in leather," 18s., a lesser book likewise bound, 6s., a "yard of green cloth to cast upon," 4s. 8d.; paid to a carter for bringing the said books from London in a coffer, with "the 2 old books from the auditor."
P. 1. Subscribed: John Danyell. On the back of the memorandum: Nothall, Frankelyn, May, keepers of the chace, 8s. apiece.
R.O. 10. "Robert Childeren askith alowaunce for a newe stoole of wallnottrey for the King to light upon horsebacke with two peare of duble hengis and 4 tenauntes and 4 shuttinges and 5 crosse barres and 6 vyces with 41 revettes," 34s. Signed by Rycharde Audeleye, Chidyock Poulatt and Sir Anthony Browne.
Small paper, p. 1.
R.O. 11. "Rober Chylldern byll," viz.:—
For 2 "new bolts in plate with staples tinned" set on at Mr. Weldoon's house, 18d.; another set on at Beefflete, 9d.; half a hundred of nails for the said bolts, 3d.; 3 new keys for the King's plate coffers, 2s.; and for "mending a nut of silver for a cup of the King's," 10d. Total, 5s. 4d.
P. 1.
R.O. 12. Bill headed: "For the Kynges Magesty," viz. —
For " pryvy key for Mr. Harbarde," 2s., making "2 new jymmose for one of ye K. stolles wt naylles and revetes," 22d., mending a lock for Mr. Gattes, 8d.
P. 1. Headed in another hand: Mighell Opem, locksmith, at Windesore.
R.O. 13. Bill marked at the foot as for things "bought by Thomas Kempe," viz. — Three pair large knives, 15s.; 3 pair knives "blew in amell," 18s.; 3 "beles of the deymond worke," 15s.; and one fine "Venes glas," 4s.
Small paper, p. 1.
R.O. 14. Bill of allowances asked by John Rowlande as "laid forth" at the King's commandment, viz.:—
For 3 yds. of white fustian to line six pillows of russet velvet, 2s.; 4 lb. of down to stuff these pillows, 4s.; fringe of russet silk for them, weighing 4 oz., 4s. 8d. Also for 2 calf skins "to make stockes for halkes hoddes," 3s., and 2 lb. of wool to stuff the same, 12d.; 4 lb. of wool to stuff two velvet cushions, 2s.; 3 lb. of "cotten to quylte sockes withall." 2s., and "an ell of linen cloth to line the same sockes," 20d.; "for 2 red skynnes," 12d. Total, 23s. 4d. Signed: By me John Rowland.
P. 1. Marked below: Mr. Rowlande of the Roobes.
R.O. 15. Bill for "Provision for Grenewich Park," viz., for hay, oats and "lawnde mowyng too tymis in the yer." Total, 8l. 8s. 8d. Signed by Sir Thomas Speke.
Note below, signed with a mark, that the above "were in Mr. Longes time."
P. 1.
R.O. 16. Charges for the mowing and making of 31 acros of meadow hay for the King's deer at 20d. the acre, carrying 11 loads of it to Stobbs lodge and 10 loads to Smythes lodge at 6d. the load, and 13 loads to Garbytts lodge at 5d.,; with "brede and drynke to ye pressessyon yn ye Rogasyon days," 6s. 8d., and "for ye clarkes wagys," 2s. Total, 3l. 17s. 9d. Signed by Sir Thomas Speke.
P. 1. Marked below: "For hay making at Eltham."
R.O. 17. Bill headed "Sir, for souche thynges as I shoulde have monny for," viz.:—
For 6 "kastyng botels garneshed with shylver," 3l. 12s.; 5 "poursses" embroidered with gold, 5l.; 6 glasses garnished with silver and gilt, 10l.; 4 "kaces with rouels of the largest sorte," 4l.; 1 "kace of rouels," 16s.; 3 "kaces with rouels," 16s.; 4 "fyne loot poursses," 32s.; 6 pair of "fyne syfers," 10s.; and "a blake schest bounds with irne," 14s. Total, 27l.
Small paper, p 1.
770. Documents signed by Stamp.
St. P. i., 892.
Abridgment of bills, etc., "which the King's Majesty caused me, William Clerc," to stamp at divers times and places in this month of January 38 Hen. VIII., in the presence of Sir Anthony Dennye, knight, and Mr. John Gate, esquire.
1. Ric. Cook. Office. Subscribed by Mr. Secretary Pagett. A. i. 20 Jan.
2. Warrant for diets at 26s. 8d. for Mr. Richard Morison, sent ambassador into Denmark, and at 5s. for Jaques Granada, pensioner, appointed to bear him company, the bill signed at Westm., 28 Dec., being cancelled. (fn. n19)
3. "An acquittance to Sir Edmund Pekham, treasurer of the Mints, for 15.589l. 2s. 2d. and 16 French sous, delivered to your Majesty's own [hands the] . . . day of December last past, in full contentation and payment, as well of 52,068 cr. of the sun and 16 French sous which he received of Mr. Va[ughan] by your Majesty's commandment to be turned and coined into current money, as also of 1,879l. 12s. 8d. for the increase of the profit of the same crowns growing in the said Mint. Preferred by Mr. Gate."
4. Warrant to Pekham to deliver John Andewarpe and Peter Richardeson, goldsmiths, for your use. 80 oz. of crown gold worth 47s. the oz., amounting to 188l. Preferred by Mr. Gate.
5. Grant to the bp. of Coventry and Lichfield to impropriate certain parsonages and benefices to the yearly value of 193l. 7s. 4½d. "in recompense of the manors of Bowdeserte, Longdon, etc., which your Majesty had lately of him." (fn. n20)
6. Indenture between your Majesty and the bishop therein. (fn. n20)
7. The bp. of Chester. Like grant. (fn. n20) G. 8 Jan.
8. The indenture therein, (fn. n20)
9. "A gift in fee simple and a purchase of the whole late college of Tong in the county of Salopp, being of the yearly value of 53l. 13s. 5½d. of the chantry called Vernons Chauntrie in Tong, being 6l. 9s. 2d. by year, and of another chantry called Bawkewell in the county of Derby, being 7l. 5s. 1d. by year, for Sir Richard Manors, knight, paying therefor 486l. 4s. 2d." (fn. n20)
10. Two bills for the inhabitants of Colyton who pay your Majesty 1,000l. besides the "used rent"; the other two bills signed in August last being cancelled by the Chancellor of the Augmentations, (fn. n20) (See Part I., No. 1536).
11. Ralph Calfelde and Rog. Staunforde, his servant. Pardon. (fn. n19) G. 7 Jan.
12. A letter to the commissary and University of Oxford to permit the dean and subdean of your cathedral there "presently " to choose in each of their houses one or two scholars for the furniture of the said church and, in lieu of them, to appoint others; and further to admit by the appointment of the Chancellor of Augmentations, or the said dean, as many scholars as there shall be places for between this and Easter next. (fn. n19)
13. Edw. Warner. Licence. (fn. n19) G. 15 Jan.
14. Thomas Hunkes, etc. Commission, (fn. n20) G. 10 Jan.
15. John Bill. Wardship. (fn. n21) G. 27 Jan.
16. George Wood. Wardship of Robt. Woode. (fn. n21)
17. Wm. Fenseclif. Wardship of John Constable. (fn. n21)
18. Wm. Morrys. Wardship of Alice Saling. (fn. n21)
19. Roger Moore. Wardship of John Walwyn. (fn. n21)
20. Wm. Ellerker. Wardship of Ralph Crake. (fn. n21)
21. Paul Gresham. Wardship of Mary Haydon. (fn. n21)
22. Wm. Tooke. Wardship of Anne Wotton. (fn. n21)
23. Thos. Antan. Wardship of Marg. and Eliz. Sothebie. (fn. n21)
24. Ric. Gotherick. Wardship of Thos. Barefoote. (fn. n21)
25. The earl of Derby. Wardship of Edw. Staundishe. (fn. n21)
26. Edm. Loumpnour. Wardship. (fn. n21) G. 27 Jan.
27. Everard Sygrave. Wardship of Wm. Milwarde. (fn. n22)
28. Win. Clerc. Wardship. (fn. n22) G. 27 Jan.
29. "The duchess dowager of Suffolk to have the wardship, and, with your Majesty's consent, the marriage also, of my lord Henry her son, now duke of Suffolk. (fn. n22) " (See Part i. No. 963 §2)
30. Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for "watch liveries" for yeomen, grooms and pages of your Households. (fn. n23)
31. Warrant to the Master of the Ordnance to deliver 130 livery bows for the yeomen of the Guard, (fn. n23)
32. Warrant to Sir Wm. Cavendishe to pay Wm. Temple, fletcher, 34l. 3s. 4d. for 130 sheaves of arrows for the Guard. (fn. n23)
33. Warrant to Sir John Williams to pay Wm. Ibgrave, embroiderer, 57l. 7s. 4d. for "embroidery of coats for the Guard, the footmen and messengers." (fn. n23)
34. Ric. Turnour to have that ordinary of a yeoman of the Guard which Robt. Wannesley had. (fn. n23)
35. Rog. Shackespere, yeoman of the Guard, to have 4d. a day vice John Moore, dec. (fn. n23)
36. Edw. Brasye, of the Guard to have 4d. a day vice John White, dec. (fn. n23)
37. Ric. Edmoundes, of the Guard, to have 6d. a day vice John Hayman. (fn. n23)
38. Chr. Britiffe, yeoman of your Chamber, to have 6d. a day vice George Lylvesey. (fn. n23)
39. Ric. Yolden, of the Guard, to have 6d. a day vice John Ridgewey. (fn. n23)
40. Laurence Poyner, yeoman of the Chamber, to have 6d. a day vice Reynold Whitacres. (fn. n23)
41. Henry Graves, yeoman of the Chamber, to have 6d. a day vice Robt. Hunt. (fn. n23)
42. Wm. Comes, yeoman of the Chamber, to have 4d. a day vice Robt. Birde. (fn. n23)
43. Ric. Gibbes "to have the reversion of an ordinary room of the Guard that shall next fall." (fn. n23)
44. "A reversion of the like ordinary room of the Guard that shall next fall for John Auger," (fn. n23)
45. "The moiety of a forfeiture of money amounting to 28l., being your Majesty's part for Thomas Serle, Edmund Homersham and Peter Philpott, of the Guard." (fn. n23)
46. John Robertes, yeoman extraordinary of the Chamber, to have the portership of the fortress at Falmouth in Cornwall which he has long exercised. (fn. n23)
47. Reversion of the bailiwick of Wyverston manor and keeping of Wyverston park, Suff., which Wm. Warner holds for life, for Robert Purye of the Guard. (fn. n23)
48. Robt. Davys. Office. (fn. n23) A. I. 16 Jan.
49. John Graunge, late servant to my lord Deputy of Ireland, to be one of your trumpeters, with 8d. a day from 31 Oct. last. (fn. n23)
50. Dean and chapter of Worcester, in consideration of the lordships, manors and parsonages of Grymley and Hallowe and manors of Hynwick and Woodhall, Wore, which they lately granted to your Majesty, and also in recompense of a "decay and want of lands contained in their dotation." Grant of the manor of Icombe, parsonages of Kemsey, Lenchewick, etc., Worc., to the yearly value of 180l. 20½d., with licence to "empropre" the said parsonages. (fn. n24)
51. Indenture concerning the same. (fn. n24)
52. "A letter to the Duke of Venece in the favor and commendation of Sir Francis Bernard, repairing presently into those parts. (fn. n25)
53. Discharge for Stephen Vaughan to give a reward of 300 French crowns to Mr. Anthonie Bonacorsie, one of the French king's secretaries, bringing the French pension of 52,368 cr. and 16 sous Tournois for half a year ended in November last, and to deliver to Sir Edmund Pekham, treasurer of the Mints, 52,068 cr. 16s. Tournois, being the residue of the said pension. (fn. n25)
54. "A letter to Duke Frederick, countie Palantyne." (fn. n19)
55. "A passport to Monsr. le baron de St. Blancharde, a Frenchman, with his servants, 2 horses and 12 'mastyve dogges.' " (fn. n19)
56. "A passport for Sir John de Leu, clerk, your Majesty's gardener, whom your Highness sendeth presently into France for certain trees and grafts." (fn. n19)
57. "A letter to give thanks ——— (blank) for certain apple trees and grafts which he lately sent unto your Majesty out of France, and pray him to help and assist the said Sir John whom your Highness sendeth thither for that purpose." (fn. n19)
58. "A passport for the Paltzgrave's esquire." (fn. n19)
59. Letter to Lord Cobham, deputy of Calais, licensing him to come to England for three months, during which the Treasurer there shall execute his office and keep the keys. (fn. n19)
60. Annuity of 40 mks. for Sir John Gildeforde, chamberlain to Lady Anne of Cleves, from Michaelmas last. (fn. n19)
61. "A letter commendatory for William Watson to the city of Danske." (fn. n19)
62. "A letter to Mrs. Meredith, of London, widow, in the favour of Mr. Birche for marriage." (fn. n19)
63, 64. Warrants to the Great Wardrobe to pay for stuff and workmanship for apparel of your Majesty and my lord Prince. Subscr. by Mr. Cycell.
65. Warrant to the treasurer of Tenths and First Fruits to pay Wm. Ibgrave, embroiderer, 457l. 8d. for stuff delivered to your Majesty's use, and Thomas Ibgrave, embroiderer, 227l. 7s. 8d. for stuff delivered to my lord Prince's. Subscr. by Mr. Cycell.
66. Sir Peter Gamboa. Gift. (fn. n20) G. 27 Jan.
67. The bp. of Worcester, in exchange for the manors of Bishopys Stoke and Hemburie and the hundred of Hemburie, Glouc. Grant of the manors of Grymley and Hallowe, Worc., with other lands to yearly value of 135l. 6s. 9½d. (fn. n26)
68. Another grant to the said bp. to "improper" the parsonages of Grymley and Hallowe, of the yearly value of 14l. 23d. (fn. n26)
69. The indenture with the said bp. for the same. (fn. n26)
70. John Gate. Office. (fn. n26) A. I. 27 Jan.
71. A presentation of the parsonage of Pyworthy alias Pury, Devon, vacan' by death, for Philip Bale, your chaplain. At the Queen's suit, pref. by Mr. Harbert.
72. Ric. Newport and John Holte. Office. (fn. n24) G. 26 Jan.
73. "Gilbert Dethick, late Richemounde, to be Norrey principal king at arms for the North parts and have a fee of 20l. a year during his life." (fn. n24)
74. A presentation of the parsonage of Longelednam, Linc. dioc., which Richard Benese had, for Hugh Glasier, your chaplain. (fn. n24)
75. "A prebend in Carliell which Edward Lasshe doth surrender for William Pury, clerk, commended by the bp. of Carliell. (fn. n24)
76. Lease in reversion for ——— (blank) years of the site and demesnes of Symoundeshall manor in Wotton-under-Edge, Glouc., after John Poyntz, for Wm. Barneis, at 5l. 2s. rent. Examined by Mr. Myldemaye. (fn. n24)
77. Lease in reversion for ——— (blank) years of the subsidy and ulnage of "sale clothe" in the city and county of York and in Hull, for Michael Wentworth, one of the masters of Household, at 95l. 3s. 4d. rent. (fn. n24)
78. The wages of 6d. a day which Thos. Grey, dec., had, for Wm. Hall, keeper of Bekeringes park at Ampthill, from Christmas last, for life (fn. n24)
79. "Laurence Dawleton, late Rougecrosse, to be Richemounde herald and have a fee of 20 mks. a year during his life." (fn. n24)
80. "A bill to pass by Act of Parliament for the better assurance of your Majesty's grant in fee simple to Sir William Pagett, knight, chief of your Majesty's two principal secretaries, of certain lordships, manors and parks, etc. which the bishops of Coven, and Lich. and Chester lately gave and rendered to your Highness." (fn. n22)
81. "The bailiwick of the town and lordship of Leicester, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, with th'used fee, for Thomas Danett, esquire, during his life, which office Thomas Catelyne, dec., had." Subscr. by Mr. Comptroller and at suit of Mr. Seintberbe.
82. Gift in fee simple of the manors of Wilie, Berwike, Northnewton, etc., Wilts, parcel of the late mon. of Wilton, and other lands to the yearly value of 119l. 4s. 9d. (which George Howarde, surrenders for this intent), for Sir Wm. Harbert, who pays Howarde 800l. for them. (fn. n27)
83. Gift in fee simple of the lordship, manor and park of Brymesfelde, Wilts, yearly value, 33l. 4s. 0½d., the manor and parsonage of Norton, Wilts, yearly value, 17l. 12s. 4d., and a watermill in Anstie, Herts, yearly value 20s., for Sir John Bridges. (fn. n27)
84. Purchase of the lordship and manor of Tyttenhanger, Herts, yearly value 55l. 12s. 9d., and the house and park of Tyttenhanger, yearly value 25l., for Sir Thomas Pope and Lady Elizabeth his wife, paying therefor 500l. to your Majesty's own hands and 1,001l. 10s. to the treasurer of the Augmentations and Revenues. (fn. n27)
85. "Your Majesty's last will and testament bearing date at Westminster the thirty day of December last past, written in a book of paper, signed above in the beginning and beneath in the end, and sealed with the signet in the presence of the earl of Hertford, Mr. Secretary Pagett, Mr. Denny and Mr. Harbert, and also in the presence of certain other persons whose names are subscribed with their own hands as witnesses to the same. Which testament your Majesty delivered then in our sights with your own hand to the said Earl of Hertford as your own deed, last will and testament, revoking and annulling all other your Highness' former wills and testaments. W. Clerk."
86. "A commission to my lord of Hertf., my lord Privy Seal, etc., to pronounce in the Parliament House your Majesty's assent for the attainder of the Duke of Norfolk by Act of Parliament," (fn. n28)
Parchment roll of 4 membranes (gummed together) signed at the end: W. Clerc.
771. Grants in January 1547.
1. The Court of the Augmentations and Revenues of the King's Crown. Suppression of the two courts called the Court of the Augmentations of the Revenues of the King's Crown and the Court of the General Surveyors of the King's Lands, in which there has been great disorder:
And establishment of a Court to be called for ever the Court of the Augmentations and Revenues of the King's Crown, furnished with a great seal and a privy seal, to take the governance of all that was under the survey of the said two suppressed courts and all that shall hereafter come to the Crown, by any Act of Parliament heretofore made or otherwise, in England, Wales, Calais and their marches, except such as are within the survey of the Exchequer and the Duchy of Lancaster. An officer, to be called the Chancellor, to be chief officer and have the keeping of the said great seal and privy seal; two persons, to be called General Surveyors of the said Court, to be the second officer; a treasurer to be third officer; two masters of the woods, viz., on this side and beyond Trent, to be fourth officer; an attorney to be fifth officer; a solicitor sixth officer. There shall also be two surveyors of the woods, viz., beyond and on this side Trent, a clerk of the court, ten auditors, two auditors of prests and foreign accounts, and eleven receivers. In every county there shall be stewards of the courts of all manors, lordships and liberties, a particular surveyor of lands and a woodward. Also there shall be a keeper of the records, an usher, and three messengers of the said court. The chancellor and the two general surveyors shall take oath before the Lord Chancellor of England (form given, to dispense equal justice, be diligent for the King's profit, avoid delays, and take no rewards to the King's detriment); and the treasurer and the rest shall take their oaths (forms for each given) before the chancellor of the court. Many further provisions and ordinances for recovery of debts, grants of lands, keeping of books, etc., set forth.
Appointment of Sir Edward North as chancellor, Sir Thomas Moyle and Walter Myldemaye as the two surveyors, Sir John Williams as treasurer, Sir Thos. Pope as master of woods on this side Trent, Robert Hennage as master of woods beyond Trent, Ric. Goderyke as attorney, John Gosnolde as solicitor, Geoff. Gate as surveyor of woods on this side Trent, John Arscote as surveyor of woods beyond Trent, and Ric. Duke as clerk of the court; these appointments being for life. Del. Westm., 1 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.— S.B. (mutilated). Pat. p. 5, m. 15.
In English.
2. Sir Anthony Broune and Anthony Broune, his s. and h. apparent. Grant, in survivorship, of the office called "le Standerberer," with the fee of 100l. yearly. On surrender by Sir Anthony of pat. 2 Oct. 20 Hen. VIII. granting the office to Sir Edward Guldeford and Sir Ant. Broune on the surrender by Guldeford of a previous pat. of 13 Sept. 16 Hen. VIII., which granted it to Sir Ralph Egerton and him, with all profits enjoyed therein by Sir Thos. Knyvett and Sir ——— (blank) Cheyny or any other. Del. Westm., 1 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 7, m. 28.
3. Sir Anthony Browne, K.G., Master of the Horse, and Elizabeth his wife. Grant, for his services, of the lordship and manor of Rounewell Halle, Essex,—Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, London. The lordship and manor of Woodforde alias Woodforde and Hilhouse and all lands in Woodforde in tenure of John Waverley, rents there extending to 77s. 10½d., pastures called Elburye (10 ac.) there, lately in tenure of Wm. Ripton and the advowson of Woodforde rectory,— Waltham mon. The house and site and demesne lands of the late mon. of Barnewell, Camb., the tithes called Mary tithes, Elemosynary tithes, Sepulchre tithes and Andrewe tithes; and all tithes of wool, lambs, etc., in the fields, closes and lez saffron groundes and pasture in Barnewell which belonged to the monastery, three closes called Coldehames, lands called Netheryardes adjoining the mon., le smythes forge, le cesterne house, le bakehouse, le maltinghouse, lez garners, le vyneyarde, and le grove, and also a house called Master Morrys House next the chapel of St. Hugh beside the site of the said late mon., and all tenements and shops within the town of Barnewell, all which are in tenure of John Lacye; also the fairs called Mydsomer Fayre alias Seynt John's Fayre in Barnewell, —Barnewell mon.
Also grant to the said Sir Anthony of the late deanery and college of Hastyng, Suss., the site of the same, a croft adjoining the said site, land called Stonelande (6 ac.) and a meadow called Marlepace (3 ac.) in the parish of St. Mary de Castro, in Hastynges, Suss., the following rents and service, viz., 39s. 4d. out of the rape of Hastynges, 10s. out of Hoo manor, Suss., which belongs to Assheford College, Kent, 15½d. out of Gate manor, Suss., belonging to Wm. lord Wyndesour and John White, 12d. out of lands of John Lolle called Pergatehill in the parish of St. Mary de Castro, 5s. out of lands called Chittlebrydge alias Chittelberche, of John Tufton in Northiam parish, Suss., 12d. out of Home meadow, of John Tufton, in Northiam parish, 5s. 5d. out of lands called Castellcombe and Chillyngton of Thos. Waller in the parish of St. Mary de Castro, 6d. from the chantry of Salerne in Hastynges, 5s. out of lands called Bukholt lande in Hollyngton parish, Suss., 3s. 4d. and a cock and hen from lands called le Horne in Sadlescombe parish, Suss., of Wm. Bysshopp, 3s. and a cock and hen out of lands of Nic. Hukstepp in Sadlescombe, 8s. from Knelles manor in Northiam parish, of Sir Wm. Shelley, 7½d. from lands of Ric. Sheperd in Peasemershe, 4s. from James Gage's manor of Rukland, Suss., 4s. out of Fylshame manor, Suss., 2s. from the garden of Wm. Oxenbrydge in the parish of St. Mary de Castro, 10s. from Wm. Pelham's manor of Burwashe, Suss., and 2s. from the manor of the dean of St. Stephen's, Westminster, called Coodeyng, Suss.; also pensions of 53s. 4d. from the prebend of West Thurroke, Essex, 33s. 4d. from the prebend of Brightlyng, Suss., 3s. 4d. from the vicarage of Farleigh, 3l. 6s. 8d. from the prebend of Peasemershe, 6l. from the prebend of Wartlyng, Nenefelde and Hoo alias Howe, 26s. 8d. from the prebend of Crowherst and 53s. 4d. from the prebend of Saleherst, all in co. Suss.; also the advowson of the vicarage of St. Mary de Castro; the prebend of Peasemershe and crofts there pertaining to it; rents of 6d. and service from lands of John (sic) late of James Cope and Johnsons, 6d. from lands of Steph. Tokey, late Johnsons, 20d. and 11b. of pepper from lands late of John White and formerly of Wm. Cheseman and Weyver, 3s. from lands of Ric. Holman lying beside those of Geo. Pyper, all in Northiam parish; rent of 14d. from lands of Sir Wm. Shelley called Knolwyshe and Maundes in Bekley parish, Suss., rent of 8d, and service from the rectory of Waghorne alias Warehorne, Suss, (sic), rent of 7d. and a hen from a tenement called Poleglase in Bekley, of Edw. Becke, 4d. from lands called Lytelfelde in Gestlyng, Suss., 8d. and two hens from lands of Oliver A vane in Bekley, 5s. 10d. and a cock and five hens from lands of Nic. Tufton called Helryngton, Warners, and Lambepett in Peasemershe parish, 4s. 4d., three cocks and twelve hens from lands of Robt. Shepherde in Peasemershe, called Gulsall, Groveland, Lambepett, Wilberedge, Harward, Allandes and Bukherst, Suss., 2s. 3d. three hens and a cock from lands of Hen. Wattell called Haselgrove and Groveland in Peasemeshe, 20½d. and three hens from lands of John Tufton called Tannehouse, Hikmans and Heryettes in Bekley, 6d. from lands called Hawkyns formerly of Thos. Awyke in Bekley, and 2d. from lands which are parcel of Gate manor in Bekley, of Wm. lord Wyndesour. All which rents and services in Northiam, Bekley, Warehome, Gestlyng and Peasemershe belonged to the prebend of Peasemershe; the rectory of Peasemershe, the advowson of the vicarage, a pension of 20s. out of Northiam rectory, 26s. 8d. out of Bekley rectory, 10s. out of Iden rectory, and 13s. 4d. out of Playdon rectory, and the advowsons of the rectories of Northiam, Bekley, Iden and Playdon, Suss., all which belonged to the said prebend. The prebend of Hollyngton, pensions of 20s. out of Hollyngton vicarage and 40s. out of Ewerst vicarage and the advowsons of the vicarages of Hollyngton, Ewherst, and Bodyam, which belonged to the prebend of Hollyngton. The prebend of Hoo alias Howe with 50 ac. of the land of Brokeland and Upland, a barn and tithe in Howe which belonged to that prebend. The prebend of Nenfeld with a pension of 40s. belonging to it out of Wartlyng prebend. The prebend of Wartlyng, with a barn, 30 ac. of the land of Upland in Wartlyng and tithes in Wartlyng parish which belonged to that prebend. The prebend of West Thurrocke, with a marsh there and other lands and tithes there, and the advowson of the vicarage of Weste Thurrocke which belonged to it. The prebend of Brightlyng. And all possessions of the late deanery and college and prebends in Hastyng, Hoo, Howe, Gate, Assheforde, Northiam, Sadelscombe, Knelles, Peasemershe, Ruckland, Fylsham, Burwashe, Coodeyng, West Thurrocke, Brightlyng, Farleigh, Wartlyng, Nenfelde, Crowherst, Saleherst, Bekley, Waghorne, Warehorne, Gestlyng, Iden, Playden, Hollyngton, Ewherst, Bodyam and Wartlyng in cos. Suss., Kent and Essex.
To hold the said manors and premises in Rounewell, Woodforde and Barnewell to the said Sir Anthony and Elizabeth and the heirs of their bodies, and the said deanery and prebend, &c., in fee to the said Sir Anthony. Del. Westm., 1 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (mutilated). Pat. p. 13, m. 11.
4. James Baker. Licence to export 200 cloths, unwrought. Del. Westm., 1 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B French Roll, m. 9.
In English.
5. Sir Peter de Gamboa, of Madril, in Spain. Denization. Del. Westm., 3 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat., p. 5, m. 42.
6. Walter Albercromer alias Cromer, one of the King's chief physicians, and Alice his wife. Grant, in fee to the said Walter, for his services and for 100l., of the chantry called Frowickes Chauntrey in Southmyns, Midd., with its chantry house and lands in Southmyns in tenure of Thos. Andrewes, a field called Oldehousefeild there (14 ac.) in tenure of Hen. Delle, the lands called Gannockes (120 ac.) and grove of wood (14 ac.) in Southmyns parish in tenure of John Conysby, and all other possessions of the said chantry. Del. 4 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. (place not named)—S.B. (signed by North and Bacon). Pat. p. 5, m. 28.
7. John Clarke and others. Grant in free socage, subject to rents etc. (specified), for l,000l., of the following lands (extents given) in the parish of Colyton, which are parcels of Colyton manor, Devon, and belonged to Henry marquis of Exeter, attainted, viz.:—
To John Clarke and Wm. Macye, a messuage and lands in Nunforde, in tenure of Joan wife of Robt. Tycon and Matilda Thomas, and a fulling mill with house and "le Racke" thereto pertaining in tenure of Robt. Tycon and Alice Tycon, widow. To John Knolles a cottage, etc., in tenure of Thos. Knolles. To Wm. Macye, a messuage and lands in Stanpathe and upon Calsdown and at Adlersborowe in tenure of the said Wm. Macye, Joan his wife and John and Alice his children. To Joan Whetcombe a shop (selda) and yard land lately in tenure of Ric. Lampy. To Nic. Lechelande, a messuage, shop and closes, &c., (named) in his tenure. To Ric. Dassell, lands (named) in tenure of Nic. Lechlelande and a cottage, &c., in tenure of the said Richard Beatrice his wife and Agnes his daughter. To John Lechelande, a cottage and garden in his tenure. To Joan Cotton, widow, two cottages and lands lately in tenure of Ric. Tanner and now of the said Joan and Chr. Cotton. To Thos. Gache a cottage and lands lately in tenure of Wm. Haydon and now in that of the said Thos. To John Clarke a messuage and lands in tenure of John Pekyt, lands in tenure of the said John Clarke, a shop lately in tenure of John Peny, junr., and now of the said John Clarke, Agnes Peny and Nic. Peny, a parcel of land in Colyton Common containing a fulling mill with two racks called "a seven dosen rackes" and the water course there in tenure of the said John Clarke and John his son, and a messuage and lands in the tithing of Stoford, lately in tenure of John Tanner and now of the said John Clarke. To Hugh Banke, a close of barton land in tenure of the said Hugh and Joan Weckes. To Alice Weckes a cottage and lands and a "le Racke" lately in tenure of Joan Rokerhayn and now of the said Alice and Walter Weckes. To Robt. Hamlyn a tenement at Nunforde and lands now in his tenure. To Peter Baggewyll, a shop lately in tenure of Joan Mondaye and now of the said Peter and Thos. Lechelande, lands in tenure of Joan Langley, widow, and a cottage and lands in tenure of John Byrche and Joan his wife. To John Baggewill, a messuage and lands called Lynkes in tenure of the said John and Joan Langleye, widow, and a shop at Stanpathe and land at Weversthorne in tenure of the said John. To Walt. Carpynter, a messuage and lands in his tenure. To Wm. Waye, a messuage and lands in tenure of Joan Rede. To Francis Rede, a messuage and lands at Weversthorn in tenure of Ric. Rede. To Wm. Hamlyn, a messuage and lands at Calsdowne in his tenure. To John Strobridge, sen., of Howbrayne, a fulling mill with land adjoining and three "lez Rackes" in his tenure. To John Byrde, jun., a messuage called Cutthouse and lands in tenure of the said John Byrde, jun., Wilmota wife of John Byrde, sen., and Agnes daughter of the same. To John Martyn and Thos. Harrolde, three shops in their tenure. To John Weston, sen., of Colyton Town a messuage and lands and a shop in his tenure, a messuage and land called Bornehayne in Woodlande tithing in tenure of the said John Weston and John his son, and a messuage and lands called Hethehayn in tenure of the said John Weston, sen. To John Tycon a messuage and land at (?) Sherford called "a tythingmanslande" in tenure of Alice Tycon, widow. To Joan Blackmore, widow, messuage and lands, lately in tenure of John Blackmore and now of the said Joan. To Thos. Harvye, a messuage and lands, lately in tenure of Wm. Walrond and now of the said Thos. Harvye and Agnes Helyar, and a messuage and lands in tenure of Matilda wife of John Dabeney. To John Harvy a shop lately in tenure of Eliz. Munday and now of the said John Harvy and Walter and George, his sons. To Simon Rapyngton and Marg. Rayner, a messuage and land in Stoford tithing in tenure of David Ayssheridge, and a messuage called Haperhayn and lands upon Calsdown and Apmouth Common within Woodland tithing in tenure of Laur. Marlon. To John Crosse, a cottage and land in tenure of the said John and Agnes late wife of Stephen Crosse. To Ph. Hokeway, a cottage and land in his tenure. To Ric. Teppe, a messuage at Nunford and land in tenure of the said Ric. Teppe, John Frenche and John Clarke. To John Wood, a shop lately in tenure of Nic. Pawson alias Pawsnett and now of the said John Woode and Walter his son. To Robt. Vye, a cottage in tenure of the said Robt. Vye and Agnes Vye, widow, and two closes in tenure of the said Robt. To Steph. Hount alias Hunt, a shop in tenure of the said Stephen and Joan his daughter. To John Whyker, sen., a shop in tenure of the said John Wyker and Ric. Hount alias Hunt. To Joan Turling, widow, a messuage, &c., in Colyton and Warram, and lands leased with it at Stanpath and upon Calsdowne in tenure of the said Joan, John Turling and Andrew Turling, and a cottage, &c., in tenure of the said Joan and Kath. Dassell. To John Ham, a shop, messuage and land lately in tenure of Joan Lyllyng and now of the said John Ham and John his son. To Wm. Atwill (or Atwell) a shop, &c., in his tenure. To John Byrde, sen., a shop, &c., in tenure of the said John Birde and Joan his wife, and a messuage and land (named) at Stanpathe, another messuage called Gyfinay, a way called Durnefordes Way and a fulling mill and three lez Rackes in Colyton common in tenure of the said John Byrde. To John Rede a messuage, lands and a shop in his tenure. To Fras. Rogers and Ric. Dassell, a shop lately in tenure of Hen. Acrede and now of John Byrch and a cottage and land, lately in tenure of Joan Thorn, and now of the said John Byrch and Agnes his daughter. To Rog. Bonefeild, alias Roode, lands in tenure of the said Roger and Thos. and John, his sons. To John Spiller, sen., and John Spiller, jun., a shop, lately in tenure of Joan Rede, widow, and now of the said John Spyller, and a garden beside the land of John Morrys in tenure of John Spyller, jun., and John Brawn. To Joan Abbott, widow, a cottage in her tenure. To Peter Morrys, a messuage and lands in tenure of Eliz. wife of Ric. Scorche. To Isabella Deane, a shop in tenure of Wm. Deane. To Joan Deane and John (Francis in later clauses) Peny, a messuage and lands lately in tenure of John Peny and now of the said Joan Dene and Fras. Peny. To Fras. Rogers, a messuage and lands (named) in Muskburymeade and Waram and beside Wilgrene, and the moiety of a parcel of barton land called Kyngesdown, and a fulling mill called Bromehaggemyll, in tenure of the said Fras. Rogers, John Carssewell and Ellen his wife. To John Newton of Yardebery, a shop and cottage lately in tenure of Robt. Andrew and now of the said John Newton, Agnes his wife and John Grene. To Marion Clarke, widow, a messuage and lands in tenure of Wm. Sprake alias Sprage and Barth. his son. To Edith Brown, a messuage and lands at Stanpath and Wevers Thorn in tenure of the said Edith and Walter her son. To John Morrys, jun., a garden beside the land of Joan Angeley and a piece of land beside the King's deer park in his tenure. To Marg. Baggewill, a shop in tenure of Joan wife of Laur. Tompson and a shop in tenure of the said Laurence. To John Strobridge, jun., of Howbrayne, two shops in his tenure, a messuage called "a Reve place," lands in the tithing of Stoford in tenure of John Tredewye, and a messuage and other lands (specified, including a "londebote" called a "tythingmansland" ), there in tenure of the said John Strobridge, Nic. Hoper and John Hoper; also a messuage and lands in Wachecombe tithing in tenure of John Stokey, and Joan his wife, and other lands there and in Yardebery tithing in tenure of the said John Strobridge, Pastacia Roo, widow, and John and Richard her sons. To John Strobridge of Strethayne, messuages and lands in Stoford tithing in his tenure. To Edith Dolbeare, widow, lands in Stoford tithing in her tenure. To John Newton of Slade, moiety of a parcel of barton land called Kyngisdon in tenure of the said John and his son John, and lands leased with it upon Calsdowne, and a croft beneath le Wilsprynge in Stoford tithing in tenure of the said John Newton. To Agnes Goulde, a messuage and a "tythyngmanslande" in Stoford tithing in tenure of John Hocker. To Thos. Wackelyn, a messuage and land in Stoford tithing in tenure of Agnes, wife of Walter Bower alias Bowyer. To Ric. Ster of Seton, a watercourse at Netherstoford running to the mill in Abbeyhyll lately in tenure of John Weston, sen., and an acre of land called Grene Slade in Stoforde tithing. To Ric. Whyker, a messuage and lands in the western side of Calsdown in his tenure. To Wm. Byrde, a messuage called Cowchehayne, lands leased with it, common of pasture upon Calsdowne, and a meadow upon Apmouth Common within Woodland tithing, in his tenure. To John Morrys, sen., a messuage called Frekehayne with lands and common upon Apmouth Common, in Woodland tithing, in his tenure. To Roger Boll, a messuage and lands in Woodland tithing in his tenure. To John Whetcombe, a messuage called Frekyn with lands and common upon Apmouth Common in Woodland tithing, in his tenure, and a messuage called Knoll with lands in Woodland tithing in tenure of the said John Whetcombe and John his son. To Robt. Drake, a messuage and land in Woodland tithing in tenure of the said Robt. Drake and Ellen his wife. To Wm. Hoke, a messuage and lands in Woodland tithing in his tenure. To Ric. Stavellye (or Staveley) two messuages and lands in Woodland tithing lately in tenure of Joan Lapflode, widow, and now of Edm. Lyppingcott. To John Newton, jun., of Wilhayn, a messuage and lands called Wylhayes alias Wilhayn in Wacchecombe tithing in his tenure and that of John Newton, sen., of Wilhayes. To John Buckland, a messuage called Trynchehayne and lands in Wacchecombe tithing in his tenure. To John Newton of Trynchehayne, a messuage in Trynchehayne and lands in Wacchecombe tithing in his tenure. To Wm. Gye, a messuage and land in Wacchecombe tithing in tenure of the said Wm. Gye and John his son. To John Stokker alias Stoker, three messuages in Gokernehayne and Wacchecombe, and lands in Wacchecombe tithing in his tenure. To Simon Cartar, a messuage and lands in Wacchecombe tithing lately in tenure of Alice Gye and now of the said Simon and Joan his wife. To John Marewoode, a messuage and land in Wacchecombe tithing in tenure of his son William. To Wm. Deyman, two messuages and lands in Wacchecombe tithing, in his tenure. To Nic. Abanke, lands in Wacchecombe tithing in his tenure. To Joan Alston alias Halston, a messuage and lands in Wacchecombe tithing in tenure of Robt. Phillipp. To Peter Quyntyn two messuages called "tythyngmanslandes" named Wimborne and Jervis Place, with lands in Yardebery tithing in tenure of Wm. Fryer alias Quyntyn. To John Crabbe, a messuage and land in Yardebery tithing in his tenure. To John Rowst alias Royst, a messuage and land in Yardebery tithing in his tenure. To Thos. Rowst alias Royst, a messuage and land in Yardebery tithing in his tenure. To John Basclegh (or Baselegh) jun., a messuage and land in Yardebury tithing lately in tenure of Alice Basclegh, and now of the said John and Simon Basclegh. To John Bascleg, sen., a messuage at Blakeyate in Yardebery tithing in his tenure. To Steph. Wylkyns, a messuage and land in Yardebery tithing in his tenure. To Thos. Whyte a messuage called Collyns, and lands in Yardebery tithing in his tenure. To John Strobridge, sen., of Howbrayne, John Strobridge of Strathayne, John Weston, sen., of Colyton town, and Walter Carpynter, a house called Churchehouse, shambles and other messuages (specified) in the tithings of Colyton and Woodland, and the chapel called Calesdowne alias Calsdowne chapel. Westm., 6 Jan. Pat. 38 Hen. VIII. p. 11, m. 16.
8. Ralph Calfelde, gent., and Roger Staunforde, yeoman, of London. Pardon for robbery of 102 links of gold chain from Nicholas Wyttalles, M.D., 22 Dec. 38 Hen. VIII., in St. Bride's parish, ward of Faryngdon without London, viz., at Brydewell near the highway called Fletestrete. Del. Westm., 7 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.— S.B. Pat. p. 3, m. 60.
9. Edward Bellyngeham. Grant, in fee, for his services, of the lordship and manor of Daccombe, Devon, the messuage called le Court Place, land called le Courte Gardeyn, etc., in tenure of John Goodrige and Joan his wife in Cophynswell, Devon, and the two closes called Brodepark and Lordes Meade in tenure of John Ridgewaye in Cophynswell, and all appurtenances of the aforesaid manor, except advowsons,—Torre mon. Westm., 1 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Jan.— P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 33; alias m. 50 (cancelled "quia aliter antea").
10. The Bishop of Chester. Grant in frank almoign to John bp. of Chester and his successors (in consideration of the manor of Weston and lands in Weston, Aston, Wylney, Shardelowe, Morley and Smalley, Derb., granted to the Crown by charter dated 29 Sept. 38 Hen. VIII., and also lands in Hanbrige next Chester, the parishes of St. Mary, St. Martin, Holy Trinity, St. Michael, St. John, St. Peter and St. Werburga, Chester, and in Fleshmonger Lane, Saynt Jones Lane, and Forgatestrete in the city of Chester, and in the parish of St. John of the said city, and in co. city of Chester, and in Maniote, Harden, Curstilton, Nantwyche, Acton, Northwyche, Myddlewyche, Wolloston, Neston, Heswall, Saughowgh, Bydeston, Thome, Eccleston, Roston and Danam, cos. Chester and Flint, parcel of the lands of the late nunnery of Chester, lands in Abbottes Cotton, Cristelton, Crabwall, Hethehouse juxta Newton, St. Oswald's, Podington, Burton, Pulton Lawnslyn, and Babington, Chesh., parcel of the lands of the late mon. of St. Werburga granted to the Crown by another charter of 19 Dec. 38 Hen. VIII.), viz.:—
The advowsons of the rectories of Cottingham, Kirkbye Ravenswathe, and Patrickbrompton, Yorks, of Ribchester within the archdeaconry of Richmond, Lanc., of Wyrkelington within the same archdeaconry, Cumb., of Chipping, Lanc., of Motteram, Chesh., and of Bradley, Staff.
Two parts of the rectory of Castelton, Derb., and the rectory of Wyverham, Chesh.,— Vale Royal mon. A moiety of the rectory of Wallezey, Chesh., and the rectories of Barkeford and Bawden, Chesh.,—Byrkenhed mon. And the advowsons of the vicarages of Castleton, Wyverham, Wallezey, Barkeford and Bawden.
Also licence, upon the death or resignation of the present incumbents, to appropriate the rectories of Cottingham, Ribchester, Wyrkelington, Chippyng, Kirkbye Ravenswath, Motteram, Patrickbrompton, and Bradley, and appoint vicars there at stipends, &c. (detailed). Del. Westm., 8 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. Pat. p. 5, m. 29.
11. Thos. Hunkes, Geo. Willoughbye and Thos. Smythe. Commission to take possession for the King of the chantry of St. Nicholas in the parish of Tredyngton, Worc. Del. Westm., 10 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.— S.B. (countersigned) by North and Duke Pat. p. 3, m. 30d.
12. William Parre, earl of Essex. Grant, in fee, for his services, of the reversion and rents reserved upon a grant to his father Sir Thomas Parre, now dec., by Pat. 1 March, 4 Hen. VIII., of the lordships, manors, towns and hamlets of Amelsett, Troutbek, Apulwhaite under Milnebek, Frostwhait, Langdon, Longbrig alias Loughrig, Crostwhait, Stryklond, Ketyll, Helsyngton and the herbage of le Dalehed, Westmld., and the fishery of Wynandermere, and a messuage with a park called Calgarthe, Westmld., and the towns and hamlets of Thorneton, Kneton and Medilton, Yorks, and the lordships, towns and hamlets of Whetyngton, Netherwyresdale, Scotford, and Warton, Lanc., and all lands in Casterton and Moreholme, Westmld., and in Carneforde and Assheton, Lanc.; also the whole of the King's purparty of the lordships, manors, towns and hamlets of Gresmere an d Hoton, Westmld.; also the whole of the King's purparty of the lordship or manor of Kendall, of the water of Kente, of the borough of Kyrkby in Kendall, of the bailiwick of that borough, of the serjeantcy and bailiwick of Lomesdale, of the tolls, fairs and markets in Kendall and "lez wyndeles et lepes de la wegle, lez bothes, shopes, shamellis pistrinorum, lez bankes et crossebankes" etc., in Kyrkebye in Kendall; for 40 years; at 340l. rent. Also grant of the lordships, towns and hamlets, etc., and purparties aforesaid. Del. Westm., 11 Jan. "anno infrascripto."—S.B. (signed by Northe, Mildemay and Duke). Pat. p. 6, m. 26.
13. Nicholas Bacon. To be attorney of the Court of Wards and Liveries, vice Ric. Goodryke, resigned, with the annual fee of 90l. payable from Michaelmas last. Westm., 2 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. [Westm.], 12 Jan. —P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 35 (marked cancelled because surrendered by Bacon, as Sir Nic. Bacon, lord keeper of the Great Seal. 8 Feb. 3 Eliz., that a patent under another form might be granted to Robt. Nowell).
14. The City of London. Grant to the mayor and citizens, in fulfilment of an agreement dated 27 Dec. 38 Hen. VIII., of the church of the late Grey Friars in London, the house and site of the said Friars, the building therein called le Fraytrye, le Lybrarye, le Dorter and le Chapiter House and ground called le Greate Cloyster and le Little Cloyster, chambers in tenure of Geo. Woodward and Edw. Medcalf, Ewin Mone, and Hugh Willoughbye, Serjeant at arms, and the part of le Dorter now unoccupied, the houses in tenure of Ric. Tredraye on the north side of the Little Cloister, and all other ground, buildings &c., within the said site.
The late hospital of St. Bartholomew in West Smythfelde, with its church and site, messuages, etc. (specified) in tenure of Ralph Banyster, Thos. Woodward, Ric. Starkye, Thos. Golde, Nic. Webster, Barth. Brokysbye, Christiana Craker, widow, Robt. Chidley, esq., Nic. Edwardes, John Taylour, Wm. Newton, Ric. Taillour, Robt. Jenyns, Geoff, de la Penne, John Harywell, Ric. Daye, Nic. Rokkewoode, John Wytton, Thos. Hyklynge, chaplain, Wm. Creting, clk., and all other messuages, etc., within the site of the said hospital; also rents of 27s. out of a messuage called le Olifaunte in tenure of Sir Wm. Weste, and 13s. 4d. from a tenement pertaining to the churchwardens of St. Sepulchre's without Newgate, beside the bars of St. John, both in West Smythfeld; and messuages, etc. (specified) in West Smythfeld, St. Sepulchre's parish, in tenure of Ralph Worsley, Thos. Golde, John Twyforde (2, formerly of Ric. Peerson), John Sowle, Wm. Hollande (le Hartes Horne) Ric. Hodges, Tho. Acon, Wm. Squier and Ric. Sarkey (3); in Gyltesporestrete alias Knyghtryders Strete, St. Sepulchre's parish, in tenure of Thos. Lane (2) and Roland Faryngton carpenter (5),; and in Hosyarlane, St. Sepulchre's parish, in tenure of Wm. Brereton (7), David Sandbroke (4), Wm. Tailour (the Bell); rent of 20d. from a tenement late of Thos. Stokes and now of Ric. Harryyonge in Cowlane, St. Sepulchre's parish, and messuages in Cowlane in tenure of Thos. Stokes, Wm. Harveste (11, formerly of Robt. Tey) and Wm. Brereton (brew house called le Grene Dragon); in Saynt John's Strete, Midd., St. Sepulchre's parish, in tenure of Wm. Cordall (2), Wm. Symons (2, formerly of Wm. Deane), Robt. Barden (le Redde Lyon, formerly of Alex. Bell), John Cordall, Hugh Hatton and Ric. Broke; in Duklane, St. Sepulchre's parish, in tenure of Robt. Smere; in Britten Strete, St. Botolph's parish without Aldersgate, in tenure of Wm. Davye, John Twyforde (6), Robt. Smere (le Spleyde Egle); in le Barbycane, London, St. Botolph's parish without Aldersgate, in tenure of Robt. Andrewe and Wm. Duffelde; and in the parish of St. Andrew in Holbourne near London, in tenure of Wm. Bowebye (inn called Antylope); rent of 23s. 4d. from a tenement called the Angell in the parish of St. Dunstan in le West belonging to the churchwardens of St. Christopher's beside le Stockes; a brewhouse called le Hartes Horne in tenure of Alex. Hudeson in the parish of St. Bride in Fletestrete; messuages in tenure of Nic. Spakeman, Laur. Elyatt and John Hardie in Fletestrete, parish of St. Martin within Ludgate; of Hugh Grene and Ric. Greye, in Peterkey within the parish of St. Mary Magdalen in Olde Fyshestrete; and of Agnes Gibson, widow, and Alice Webbe, widow (2), in Peterkey within St. Benet's parish; rent of 16s. from a brewhouse called the Dolphyn in Old Fyshstrete, parish of St. Nicholas Colde Abbey, belonging to the churchwardens of St. Mary Magdalene in Old Fyshstrete; rent of 51s. 8d. from a tenement of the churchwardens of St. Nicholas Colde Abbey in Old Fishstrete and that parish; messuages in tenure of Robt. Reynoldes and Robt. Longe, and Agnes Blockeswiche (3) in Old Fyshstrete and the parish of St. Nicholas Colde Abbey; messuages in tenure of Ric. Holte, Ric. Bucklande and Robt. Borne in Watlyngstrete in St. Augustine's parish; a messuage in tenure of Thos. Daye in Bowlane in the parish of St. Mary de Bowchurche; a messuage in tenure of John Twyforde in Soperlane in the parish of St. Paneras; 14 messuages in tenure of Wm. Phyppes in Thames Strete, parish of Allhallows the Little; a chief messuage called the Axe in tenure of Eliz. Egerson alias Egerton, widow, and 3 tenements in tenure of Wm. Brereton in Little Woodstrete, parish of St. Alphege; rent of 6s. from tenements of the Goldsmiths' Company in Mugwell Strete, parish of St. Olave; 5 tenements in tenure of John Twyforde in Mugwell Strete, parish of St. Olave; a messuage and void ground in tenure of John Pylborowe,a d a messuage in tenure of Geo. Egerson alias Egerton in Saynt Nicholas Shambulles, parish of St. Nicholas within Newgate; rents of 10l. 13s. 4d. from tenements of the Merchant Tailors' Company in le Vyntree, London, parish of St. Martin; 20s. from tenements of the Goldsmiths' Company in Woodstrete and Westchepe; 20s. from the tenement called the Signe of the Eagle in Chepe, parish of St. Peter in Westchepe, belonging to the Goldsmiths' Company; 13s. 4d. from tenements of the Goldsmiths' Company in the parish of St. John Zacharie in Fosterlane; 10s. from a tenement at London Walle in the parish of Allhallows belonging to the churchwardens of St. Peter's in Cornehill; 10s. from tenements in Busshelane, parish of St. Swithin, of the churchwardens of St. Magnus; 2s. 6d. from a tenement called the Signe of the Shippe (lately called le Pewter Dishe) in le Pultrye, next le Stockes, St. Mildred's parish, belonging to the Iremongers' Company; 30s. from a tenement called the Eagle in Gracioustrete, parish of St. Peter in Cornehill, belonging to the churchwardens of St. Michael in Cornehill; 20s. from tenements of the churchwardens of St. Andrew's next Baynardes Castell in that parish; 60s. from the brewhouse of Robt. Hamonde in the parish of St. Andrew next Baynardes Castell; 20s. from 3 mesduages and le key, late Dodmer's and now Robt. Hamonde's, in the parish of St. Andrew next Baynardes Castell; 26s. from a tenement called the Signe of the Bell in Canwike Strete, parish of St. Mary Abchurche; 4s. from a tenement called the Lampe; 2s. from a tenement in tenure of John Tewkysbury, and 7s. from a tenement lately called le Home and now le Sonne, all in the parish of St. Ethelburga without Bishoppes Gate, belonging to the wardens of lez Tallowchaundelers; 30s. 8d. from a tenement called le Dolphyn of Chr. Campion in the parish of St. Botolph without Bisshoppesgate; 45s. from a tenement of John Cockes called the Saresyns Hedde in Bredestrett in Allhallows parish; 8s. from a tenement of the Saddlers' Company in Holborne Crosse, in the parish of St. Sepulchre; 37s. from a messuage called le Cardinalles Hatte in St. Sepulchre's parish, belonging to the master of le Savoye near London; and 6s. 8d. from a tenement of John Wakelyn, clk., one of the minor canons of St. Paul's, next Poules Backehouse in the parish St. Gregory; all which belonged to St. Bartholomew's hospital.
Also 16 ac. of land in tenure of John Willoughby lying in divers pieces beside Wallockes Barne, Midd, 6 ac. in tenure of Wm. Wakefelde at lez Buttes, and 6 ac. in tenure of John Myllen and Robt. Smythe at Irysshe Felde, all in the parish of St. Giles without Crippilgate, and 1½ ac. in tenure of Chr. Terell in Edelmeton, Midd.; a messuage in tenure of Thos. Lyndesey in Willesdone parish, Midd.; a pasture called Ailesbery, with barn, stable, &c., in tenure of Adam Beeston in Ailesburye in the parish of St. Pancras in the Fields, Midd.; a messuage and lands called Cletherhouse Rolde Holdes alias Rokeholdes and Vyntre, in tenure of Robt. Haughmonde, in Clytherhouse in Hendon parish, Midd.; two lez kylnes and two lez wharfes in tenure of Ric. Driver in Lymehurst alias Lymehoste, in the parish of Stebbenhethe, Midd.; a meadow and garden in tenure of Agnes Wilforde and Marm. Brereton in Enfelde parish, Midd.; meadow in tenure of John Royston in Hackney marsh, in the parish of Hackney, Midd., the manor of Frerne, Essex; the farm called Freerne and lands in tenure of Robt. Hamonde in the parishes of Downeham, Ramsdon, Ranwell and Wikeforde, Essex; the rectory and the advowson of the vicarage of Parva Wakering, Essex, messuages marshes, &c. (specified) in Burneham, Essex, in tenure of Reginald Highgate, and in Hatfelde Brodeoke and Okerell in the parish of Hatfelde, Essex, in tenure of Ric. Reynolde; lands called Shernewardes, in tenure of John Ruley and Thos. Coke in Shernewood Marshe, parish of Parva Wakeringe; lands in tenure of John Smythe in Dochett, in the parish of Dochett, Bucks; lands called Barthilmew's Fee in tenure of John Coke, in Wollaston, Ntht.; the rectory and the advowson of the vicarage of Hynton St. George's alias George Hynton, Soms.; a messuage and lands in tenure of Andrew Smythe in Heth, Oxon.; and two messuages in the parish of St. Michael in the town of St. Albans, Herts. All which belonged to St. Bartholomew's hospital.
And all possessions of the said hospital in London and the places abovenamed and elsewhere; except (1) the messuages called Crokehorne Alley in the parish of St. Andrew in Holborne, Midd., (viz., between the messuage called Davis Inne on the east and the messuage of Thos. Trappes, goldsmith, on the west, a parcel of waste ground on the south and the highway of Holborne on the north), (2) the rent of 36s. out of the messuage of Sir Martin Bowes in Friday Strete, London, (3) the lands in tenure of Hen. Alforde in Rayneham, Essex, and (4) the manor called Duckettes in the parish of Haryngey alias Harnesey and in Totnam, Midd., in tenure of Robt. Hennege, esq., and formerly leased to Wm. Brereton, esq.
Also grant of the parish churches of St. Nicholas and St. Audoen within Newgate, London, tenements in the parish of St. Nicholas in tenure of Wm. Dodge (tenement called the Christopher), Eleanor Randehurste, widow (barn in Chicke Lane and tenements called the Crowne and the Mayd), Ric. Maskerey (the Lyon), John Elcok (the Home), John Maskall, Wm. Smalwoode (in Pentecoste Lane), Andrew Castell, John Richardes, David Sandbroke, Thos. Hodson, Thos. Adams, Robt. Albright, Ric. Borne (adjacent to the porch of St. Nicholas' church) and Thos. Stylbone, clk. (in the churchyard there); and the tenement called the Pevcoke in tenure of John Underhill in Aldersgate Strete; and all appurtenances of the premises in the parish of St. Nicholas Shambles and in Aldersgftte Strete, and all possessions of the late rectors of the aforesaid parishes, the tithes and other profits of the churches, and the tithes of the inhabitants of the buildings in the gate called Newgate, now parcel of St. Sepulchre's parish, and of all that part of St. Sepulchre's parish lying within and in the said gate. Also all tithes within the sites of the said Grey Friars and St. Bartholomew's hospital.
To hold in free socage as of the King's manor of Grenewyche, Kent.
Also grant of all chattels and implements remaining within the church and site of the said Grey Friars, viz., a lavacrum of copper folded with lead 18 ft. long and 2½ ft. deep, 20 deskes, 8 double settylles of waynescote, all the books upon the said deskes, the partitions in the church and chancel, all the altars, tables, and images and le pulpitt in the said church, all the monuments and stones, candlesticks, organs and desks; also all the chattels, etc., remaining in the late hospital of St. Bartholomew.
Also grant that the church of the said Grey Friars shall be a parish church, to be called the church of Christ within Newgate, and be the parish church of all the inhabitants within the site of the said Grey Friars and within the said parishes of St. Nicholas and St. Audoen, and within that part of St. Sepulchre's parish which lies in and within Newgate.
Also grant that the said late hospital of St. Bartholomew shall be a place and house for the poor, to be called The House of the Poor in Westsmythfelde of the foundation of King Henry VIII., and that the church within the site of the said hospital shall be a parish church, called the church of St. Bartholomew the Little, the parish church for all inhabitants within the site and close of the said late hospital.
Also grant of the appropriation of the said rectories of Christchurch within Newgate, Little St. Bartholomew's, Parva Wakeryng and Hynton St. George, to be replaced by perpetual vicarages, Thos. Byrkehed, clk., and Thos. Hicklyng, clk., being first vicars of Christchurch and Little St. Bartholomew's respectively, the vicar of Christchurch having an annual pension of 26l. 13s. 4d. and the vicar of Little St. Bartholomew's 13l. 6s. 8d.
Mortmain licence to endow these to vicars with mansions and pensions as above; and grant of the advowsons of the vicarages.
Also grant of the custody and government of the house and hospital called Bethelem outside and near Bisshoppesgate, London, and the lands belonging to it.
Also licence to all men to grant to the mayor and commonalty of the city of London lands to the annual value of 1,000 mks. over and above the lands hereby granted.
Del. Westm., 13 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. —S.B. (signed by North, Bacon, Chydley and Duke). Pat. p. 5, m. 53.
15. Carlisle Cathedral. Grant to the dean and chapter and their successors (in consideration of the decay of value of the lands with which the King, by letters patent, endowed it) of the reversion of the rectory of Wetherall and Warwyk, Cumb., with the chapels of St. Anthony and St. Severinus annexed thereto, which was granted, by pat. 31 Jan. 30 Hen. VIII., to Ralph Hartely, late prior of Wetherall, for life; and also grant of the said rectory and chapels. Windsor, 30 Sept. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 44.
16. Sir Edward Warner, the King's servant. Licence to export 800 tuns of beer. Westm., 9 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 59. In English.
17. Leonard Stubbs. Custody of a third part of seven messuages, &c., in Terlyngton, Leic., in the King's hands by the minority of John Warde s. and h. of John Warde, dec., who held of the manor of Southwell; with wardship and marriage of the heir. Westm., 30 Dec. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 7, m. 52.
18. Cycely Dobson, widow, one of the sisters and co-heirs of Wm. Dent, Chr. Watson s. and h. of Eliz. Watson, dec., another of the said sisters and co-heirs, James Tyndall and Alice his wife and Thos. Chase and Joan his wife, in right of the said Alice and Joan, daughters and co-heirs of Agnes Caldwall, dec., another of the said sisters and co-heirs. Livery of the lands of the said Wm. Dent, who by the office found upon his death, 15 June 38 Hen. VIII., died seised of the site and chief messuage of the manor of Myton, Yorks, and certain lands (specified) there. Dated 16 Oct. 38 Hen. VIII. Del Westm., 19 Jan. —P.S.
19. Walter Buckler and Lady Katharine Tame, widow. Grant, in fee, (for the manor of Magna Sonkey, Lanc., and for 224l. 14d., received from Buckler) of the lordship and manor of Fayreforde, Glouc., the mill and several water of Colnestreme in Fayreforde, and woods called le Grove (5 ac) and Lee Woode (22½ ac) in Fayreforde,—Warwickea landea and Spencers landes. Del. Westm., 22 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (signed by Russell, Browne, North, Jo. Arscot, Duke and Bacon). Pat. p. 3, m. 4.
20. John Richebell, one of the King's footmen. Grant, in tail, for his services of the manor of Freren, Surr., with appurtenances in Freren and Chesyngdon,—Boxley mon., Kent. Del. Westm., 22 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.— S.B. (signed by North, Bacon, and Duke). Pat. p. 3, m. 8.
21. Margaret Baggewell, John Strobridge of Strathayne and John Morrys. Grant, in fee (in further consideration of l,000l. for which by pat. 6 Jan. 38 Hon. VIII., the King granted to John Clarke and 89 others named certain parcels of Colyton manor, Devon) as follows:—
To Baggewell, the corn-mill called Enyermyll in Colyton tithing and parish, leased to Joan wife of Laur. Tompson.
To Strobridge, a corn-mill in the tithing of Stoford and parish of Colyton in his tenure.
To Morrys, a corn-mill called Anyershemyll with a fulling mill thereto annexed in the tithing of Woodland and parish of Colyton.
Which premises are parcels of Colyton manor and belonged to Henry marquis of Exeter, attainted. Del. Westm., 24 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII—S.B. signed by North, Bacon and Staunford). Pat. p. 3, m. 5.
22. Robert Hawse alias Chamber. Warrant for livery of lands to him as s. and h. of William Hawse alias Chamber, who died seised of the parsonage or church of Great Gaddesden, Herts holden of the King in chief and worth 8l. 14s. yearly. Dated 12 Oct. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (signed by St. John, Hynde, Goodrick and Beamount).
23. Thomas Leyton. Warrant for livery of lands to him as s. and h. of Thomas Leyton, dec., who died seised of lands in Faysbye, holden of the King's castle of Sheriffhoton, and lands in Seymer, Hoton and Gonton holden of Sir James Strangweis. Dated 1 Nov. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Jan.—S.B. (signed by St. John, Hynde and Beamounte).
24. William Harrys of Monden, Essex. Grant, in fee, for 271l. 12s. 7½d., of the rectory and the advowson of the vicarage of Bromefelde, Essex,—priory of Holy Trinity alias Christechurche, London. The rectory and the advowson of the vicarage of All Saints in Sudbury, Suff., with the tithes there in tenure of John Martyn,— St. Albans. And the advowson of the rectory of Kelston, Soms. (former owner not given). Del. Westm., 26 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (signed by Essex, Browne, St. John, Ryehe, North, Sir Ric. Southwell, Duke and Chydley). Pat. p. 3, m. 1.
25. Geoffrey Dormer, of Collyngborne, Wilts. Grant, in fee, for 390l. 6s. 8d., of the manor of Farnyngo alias Farnyngho, Ntht.,—John Mantell, attainted. Del. Westm., 26 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (signed by Russell, Browne, Sir Ric. Southwell, North, Ryche, Duke and Chydley). Pat. p. 3, m. 12.
26. Sir Robert Bowes, lord warden of the Middle March against Scotland. Annuity of 50l. out of the manor of Bothall, Nthld., and lands in Cockeryth, Cassypark, Langherst, Moche Tossen, Flaterton, Warton, Sherparton, Ogle and Shelvington, Nthld., in the King's hands by the minority of Robert lord Ogle, s. and h. of Robert lord Ogle, dec.; with wardship and marriage of the heir. Westm., 25 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 13 (dated 25 Jan.).
27. Richard Newport and John Holte. To have in survivorship the office of tailor to the Prince and the making both of the Prince's own garments and the liveries of his gentlemen, henchmen and footmen, with the apparel of his stable; with fee of 6d. a day and livery coats with badges "and velvet to guard the same." Westm., 25 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 18. In English.
28. Nicholas Dowsing, the King's servant. To be keeper of the lordship or manor of Plesaunce in Eastegrenewich, Kent, the apple orchard with the little garden and pond therein, the cocks and hens called "turkey cockes and cockes of the game" with their chicks there, and the park of Eastegrenewich; with fees of 4d. a day as keeper of the lordship or manor, 3d. a day as keeper of the orchard, 4l. yearly as keeper of the fowls, and 3d. a day as keeper of the park, payable from Michaelmas last, out fo the subsidies of tunnage and poundage in the port of London; and profits as enjoyed by Sir Ric. Long. Westm., 10 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 18 (dated 10 Jan.)
29. Richard Bamfylde. Livery of lands as brother and h. of John Bamfilde, dec. Del. Westm., 26 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (signed by St. John, Hynde and Beamount). Pat. p. 8, m. 10.
30. Henry Jernyngham and Frances his wife. Grant, in fee to the said Henry, for 992l 8s. 6d. paid by him, of the house and site of the late priory of St. Olave of Heryngflete in Heringflete, Suff., the lordship and manor of Heryngflete, the lordships and manors of Ravenyngham and Tybenham, Norf., the rectory and the advowson of the vicarage of Heryngflete, a pension of 26s. 8d. out of Burghcastell rectory, Suff., a pension of 26s. 8d. out of Hales rectory, Norf., and woods called Hales Woode, Agys Woode and Brandisshe Wood (26 ac.) in Heryngflete,—Heringflete priory.
This grant is subject to the following annual payments, 18s. out of Heringflete manor to Robt. Jeyney at his manor of Luddeham and Tytsales, 3s. to John Sprynge at his manor of Bacons in Gorleston, 4d. to the possessioners of a tenement called Scottes, 6d. to the possessioners of lands lately in tenure of Hen. Cockes, 4d. to the possessioners of a tenement called Douce, 7d. to the possessioners of a tenement called Boyton, 6½d. to the possessioners of a tenement called Cookes, ½d. to Andrew Coker for a parcel of land, 2s. 8d. to the heirs of the lord Barfeld at his manor of Sockey in Bungay, 5½d. to John Battisford out of Heringflete manor, 7s. out of the same to the possessioners of Lothinglande manor, 13s. 4d. to the bailiff of the hundred of Loddon and Knaveringe out of the said lands, parcel of Raveninge manor, 6s. 8d. out of Ravening manor, payable to the duke of Norfolk at his manor of Loddon, 5½d. payable to the duke of Suffolk at his manor of Gelston, 10s. 8d. payable to Sir Walter Hubberd at his manor of Hales, 16s. payable to John Castell at his manor of Ravenyngham, 6d. payable to the said Castell at his manor of Canterley, 14d. payable to Lady Mary Wilkmghby at her manor of Whetacre, 4s. payable to the possessioners of the manor of Topcrofte, 2s. 1d. payable to lord Morley at his manor of Albeye, 2s. payable to Edw. Calthorp at his manor of Kyrkebye Jane, 2s. 6d. payable to the possessioners of lands called Rochans in Norton, 13s. 4d. to the provost of the King's College, Cambridge at his manor of Tofte Monachorum, 14s. 8d. to Edm. Byllyngford at his manor of Overhall and Netherhall in Hadshawe, 8d. to Ph. Calthrop at his manor of Seylond, 4s. to the manor of Buckenham Castell out of Tybenham manor, 3s. 4d. to the lord Catisbye (at his manor of Bonwell called Grays) out of Tybenham manor, 9d. to the heirs of———Backeton at his manor of Tybenham, 2s. to John Heydon at his manor of Bounewell, 14s. to Thos. Godsalve at his manor of Hekyngham, the stipend of a chaplain officiating in the parish church of Heringflete, a pension of 12s. to the dean of Holy Trinity church, Norwich, 7s. 9d. to the archd. of Suffolk for procurations and synodals of Heryngflete rectory, and 30s. to Sir Nic Hare, chief steward of Heringflete manor. Del. Westm., 26 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (injured, signed by Essex, Browne, St. John and others whose names are lost).
31. Edmund Loumpnoure. Annuity of 57s. 3d. out of lands in Sharington, Gunthorpe, and Bathelen, Norf., in the King's hands by the minority of Wm. Loumpnoure s. and h. of Thomas Loumpnoure, dec.; with wardship and marriage of the heir. Westm., 23 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 13 (dated 23 Jan.)
32. William Clerc, the King's servant. Custody of the manors of Magna Raveley and Moygnes in Magna Raveley in Upwoode parish, and a messuage with a close of pasture in Raveley, Hunts, and the lands called Goldynges, Huntes and Drapers in Asshewell, Herts, in the King's hands by the minority of William Sewster s. and h. of John Sewster, dec. Westm., 27 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 3. m. 15d.
33. John Bill. Custody of the rectory or parsonage of Rigge, Herts, in the King's hands by the minority of Thos. Audley, s. and h. of Henry Audley, dec.; with wardship and marriage of the heir. Westm., 25 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Jan.— P.S. Pat. p. 8, m. 18.
34. Sir Peter Gamboa, Spaniard. Grant, in tail male, for his services in the King's wars, of the lordship and manor, and the advowson of the rectory, of Stanmer alias Stanmer Major alias Stanmer the More, Midd., the chief messuage built upon the said manor with its appurtenances, a close of pasture called Tayllors Meade (8 ac.) and fields, &c., called Great High Feild (14 ac.), Lytle High Feilde (10 ac.), Great Hall Heade (20 ac.), Nether Riddinge Meade (14 ac.), Over Riddinge (10 ac.), Hall Parke (7 ac.), Welchis field (12 ac.) Long Downs and Fypshot (15 ac.), Three Corner Downes (9 ac.), Highe Downes (9 ac.), Thorne Croft (8 ac.), Dodde Croft (15 ac.), Greate Brokes (18 ac.) Lytle Brokes (8 ac.), Great Essex (8 ac.), Lytle Essex (3 ac.), Lytle Hall Meade (8 ac.) Fryth Closes (14 ac.) Kingdomes Meade (6 ac.), Crowshott (4 ac.), Appeslade (5½ ac.), Westcrofte (12 ac.), Shottin hill (13 ac.), Lytle Shothill (12 ac.), Collecrofte (14 ac.), Shottynhill closes, Medshott and le Twentie Acres, and also two horse-mills and a windmill, — Geoffrey Chamber. Also all messuages, etc., in St. Sepulchre's parish in the suburbs of London and in Westham, Midd., which belonged to the said Geoffrey Chamber. And all appurtenances of the said manor in Stanmer Major and Harrowe, Midd. All which premises were purchased from Geoffrey Chamber by indenture of 20 July 34 Hen. VIII.
Except the lands called Lorymers and Wylchurch, and all lands which Geoffrey Chamber had in Stanmer Minor, lands called Stanes and other lands in tenure of Wm. Parson in Stanmer Magna, lands called Stapyles and other lands in tenure of Ric. Hammon, and the tenement and garden now of Sir Wm. Paget in St. Sepulchre's parish without the walls of London.
With all rights enjoyed by Geoff. Chamber or any prior of the mon. of St. Bartholomew in West Smithfield. Clear annual value, 130l. Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (signed by North, Goodrik and Duke). Pat. p. 10, m. 1.
35. Sir John Gresham and William Wynlowe. Grant, in fee, for 501l. 10d., of the rents reserved upon the following grants, viz.:—
(1) Pat. 18 July 35 Hen. VIII., to Sir Edw. Northe, of the manor and advowson of the rectory of Rowlandrithe, Oxon, at 17s. rent. (2) Pat. 3 Aug. 37 Hen. VIII., to Sir Ric. Longe and Chr. Edmondes, of the rectory and the advowson of the vicarage of Wynchenden Inferior, Bucks., at 19s. 4d. rent. (3) Pat. 2 Nov. 37 Hen. VIII., to John Pollerde and Geo. Rithe, of Bolshipston manor, Oxon, at 14s. rent. (4) Pat. 27 Dec. 37 Hen. VIII., to Robt. Browne, Chr. Edmondes and Wm. Wenlowe, of the rectories of Hedyngton and Marston, and the vicarage of Hedyngton with certain lands in Ellysfelde parish, the manor, rectory and vicarage, with advowson of the parish church, of Forsthill, Oxon, the manors of Sonyngwell and Bayworthe, Berks, and the manor of Beconfelde' Bucks, at rents of 28s. 6d., 16s. 6d.' 57s. 0½d., and 11½d., for the several parcels. (5) Pat. 12 Sept. 37 Hen. VIII., to Sir Ric., Sir John and Wm. Gresham, of the farm called Westbarnes, and lands in Marten parish, Surr., messuages called Welcombes and Lawrences, and a toft called Stacyes in Whatyngdon, Surr., with lands there, at rents of 39s. 8d. and 5s. 0½d. (6) Pat. 5 Jan. 37 Hen. VIII., to Sir Edw. Northe and Alice his wife, of the lordship and manor of Mayfelde and parks of Maughfelde and Frankeham, Suss., and the rectories and the advowsons of the vicarages of Mayghfeld alias Maughfelde and Wadehurste, Suss., with all appurtenances in Maighfelde or Maughfelde, Wadehurste, Wodehurste, and Lamberhurst, Suss., at rents of 30s. for Maighfelde rectory, 24s. 4d. for Wadehurste rectory, 20d. for Frenkaham park, and 9l. 11s. 6d. for the manor and other premises in Maighfelde, Wadehurste and Lamberhurste. (7) Pat. 4 June 38 Hen. VIII., to Ant. Butler and John Petytt, of the lordship and manor of Frawnton, Glouc., at 13s. 4d. rent. (8) Pat. 17 Nov. 37 Hen. VIII., to John Penne and Lucy his wife, of the rectory and the advowson of the vicarage of Curtlyngton, Oxon, at 26s. 8d. rent.
And confirmation of their title in the premises in Marton and Whatyngdon, Mayghfelde and the rest granted by the patents of 12 Sept. and 5 Jan. 37 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 38 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (slightly mutilated, signed by Essex, Browne, St. John, Northe, Ryche, and others whose names are lost). Pat. p. 13, m. 15.
36. Thomas Wriothesley, K.G., lord Wriothesley, lord Chancellor of England, William Poulett, K.G., lord Seynt John, great master and steward of the Household and President of the Council, John Russell, K.G., lord Russell, keeper of the Privy Seal, and Edward earl of Hertford, K.G, Great Chamberlain of England. Special mandate to deliver the King's consent to the Act of Attainder of Thomas duke of Norfolk and Henry late earl of Surrey. Westm., ———(blank) Jan. 38 Hen. VIII. Pat, p. 5, m. 33d. Rymer XV., 118.
37. Licences to alienate (fn. n29) :—
Wm. Romesden of Longeley, Yorks., and Ric. Vavasor of Rypon, Yorks., to Robt. Mennell. Manor of Normanby, Yorks., and the lands leased with it to Thos. Gervis, and lands (specified) in Normanby in tenure of Robt. Wawen, Wm. Wawen, Thos. Smythson, John Dryng, Thos. Wawen, Thos. Dighton, the relict of——— Stockall, Wm. Provide, John Foster, Wm. Baker, Wm. Spaven, ——— Walker, widow, Geo. Gill, Ric. Smythson, Robt. Hunte, Nic. Hyrde, Thos. Hope, Wm. Hope, and Wm. Baker in Marton, Yorks., in tenure of Chr. Skelton, John Wayen and Thos. Harwyk, in Kyrkeby Overcarre, alias Kyrkoby Mysterton, Yorks., in tenure of Chr. Franke, John Dobson, Robt. Smythson, Nic. Herdman, John Lovell, Rog. Dalton (rent), rent from lands in Butterwyke, Yorks., of Sir Robt. Constable, sen., a pension of 10s. out of Normanby rectory, and woods called Normanby Parke and le Sprynge, and the advowsons of Normanby rectory,—St. Mary's beside the walls of York. (5th.) P. 7, m. 2.
John Bellowe and John Broxolme to Thos. White and Agnes his wife. House called le Abbes Lodgeinge within the site of St. Mary's mon., Winchester, and certain gardens, &c. (specified), in tenure of Thos. Tychebourne. (14th.) P. 11, m. 11.
Sir Richard Rede, James Power and Wm. Power, to Wm. Thorpe. Manor of Foughlerton, Hants,—Hyde mon. (15th.) P. 6, m. 14.
Kenelm Dygby, of Stoke Drye, Rutl., Ric. Andrews of Hayles, Glouc., and Nic. Temple. Pardon for acquisition without licence, by Dygby from Andrews and Temple, of rents (specified) and service from lands of the said Kenelm in Halyocke, Leic., of Sir Wm. Feldynge in Martensthorpe, Rutl., of John Prendmere Thos. Seffron, Thos. Grendren, Thos. Fawkener and Agnes Colston in Stoke Drye, and from the rectory of Stoke Drye; the lands called Dyngley Leas in Stoke Drye, and all possessions of Dyngley preceptory and St. John's of Jerusalem in the places aforenamed; also the lands in tenure of Sir Everard Dygby in Halyocke and all lands in Halyocke and the parish of Drye Stoke which belonged to Pipwell mon.; and the advowson of the parish church of Stoke Drye (18th.) P. 7, m. 4.
Thos. Lewen, ironmonger of London, to Kath. Dormer, widow, with remainder, in fee, to John Dormer, one of the sons of Sir Michael Dormer, dec. Purparty in the manor of Berkesden, Herts, and lands (specified) in Berkesden parish, in tenure of Wm. Wattes, and in the manor of Langnoke Herts, and rectory and advowson of the vicarage of Weston, Herts,—St. John's of Jerusalem. Also in Langnoke Wood (26 ac.) in ——— (blank) parish, and Rockstockwoode (7 ac.) Brownes Woode (7 ac.) and Stampesgrove (1 ac.) in Berkesden. (18th). P. 11, m. 11.
Cecilia Dobson of Skelton, Yorks., widow, to Wm. Dobson her son. Her purparty in lands in Myton super Swaile, Yorks., which she holds with Chr. Watson, son of her sister Elizabeth, and with Alice Tyndall, daughter of her other sister Alice, which descended to the said Cecilia by the death of Wm. Dent, clk., her brother. (20th.) P. 10, m. 25.
Nic. Adams to John Throkmerton, to be regranted to the said Adams for one month with remainder to him and Mary his wife and the heirs male of their two bodies, and remainder in default to the right heirs of the said Nic. Adams. Lordship and manor of Tunstall, Devon, with lands (specified) in Tunstall and Hardenes, Devon, in tenure of Wm. Holand, Nic. Miller, Simon Rede, clk., Wm. Levett, Ric. Prydeaux, Joan Huchen, widow, Wm. Adams, Abastasia Major, widow, Hugh. Campe, Rog. Canil, and Joan Harrie, widow,—Torre mon.; a messuage, etc., in Clyfton Dertmouth in tenure of Ric. Prydeaux,—Torre mon. and Buckefaslegh mon.; a messuage called Seynt Cleres Chapell in Hardenes in tenure of Ric. Prydeaux, a messuage in Hardenes in tenure of Joan Huchen, widow, a messuage in Tunstall called le Parsonage in tenure of Simon Rede, clk., two tenements there in tenure of John Houston, three messuages in Hardenes in tenure of Wm. Whittoke, rent of 6d. from two gardens of Wm. Lovett in Hardenes, rent of 20s. 4d. from the manor of Rowhey alias Lethewitston, Devon, of Hen. Walron and John Holway, and all other appurtenances of Tunstall manor in Tunstall, Dertmouthe and Hardynes and Dertmouthe Hardynes and Clyfton Dertmouthe and elsewhere, Devon; and all other possessions of Torre mon. in these places,—Torre. (21st.) P. 12, m. 42.
Honora Lysley, widow, countess (sic) Lysley, late the wife of Sir Arth. Plantagenet viscount Lysley to Ralph Barnefyld and John and Abraham his sons, in survivorship. Messuage, etc., called Choldysshe within the manor of Frythlestocke, which belonged to Frythlestocke priory and was by pat. 4 Sept. 29 Hen. VIII. granted to the said Sir Arthur and Honora and the heirs of their bodies with remainder to the right heirs of the said Sir Arthur. (22nd.) P. 7, m. 3.
John Freland to Wm. Talmage. Lands in Newton Stacye, Hants. (26th.) P. 10, m. 24.
Sir John lord Zouche. Pardon for acquisition without licence of the manor of Bratton Semoure, and lands in Bratton, Soms., in the following way, viz., the said Lord Zouche and John Dyer by fine in the Common Pleas granted the premises to Francis Eynysworth and Wm. Jeffarne, who by the same fine granted them to the said John Dyer, immediately after the death of Thos. Hymmorford and Anne his wife, for 31 years at 6l. 13s. 4d. rent, and also by the same fine granted the premises to the said Lord Zouch, in fee. (27th.) P. 10, m. 24.
Thos. Palmer of Wygynton, Herts, to Wm. Butteler, of Preston Capes alias Preston super Montem. Rent and service of 6rf. from lands late of Sir Edm. Knyghtley, dec., and formerly of John Webbe in Preston Capes, a messuage and lands there in tenure of Ric. Harding, Robt. Smyth and Jas. Sponer, the site of the manor of Preston Capes with lands in tenure of Robt. Chamberleyn, other messuages there in tenure of the said Chamberleyn and formerly in tenure of John Longhed and Ric. Leicester, clk.,— Bytlesden mon., Bucks; also lands (specified) in Preston Capes in tenure of Wm. Butteler and formerly of Thos. Balle and Robt. Durse,—Canons Assheby mon., Ntht. (27th.) P. 12, m. 40.
February. (fn. n30)
George Mountforth and Margaret his wife to Miles Fairfax and Jas. Fox to be regranted to the said George and Margaret for life with remainder to Nich. Clapham, younger son of the said Margaret, in tail, with remainder in default to the right heirs of the said Margaret. Lands in Kyrkby Malsargh, Carlesmore, and Swetton, Yorks. (4th.) P. 10, m. 23.
Sir Edward Fynes lord Clynton and Saye to Thos. Jefferrey. Manor of Crome Symondes alias Erlesgrove alias Erlescrome, Worc., parcel of lands of the late earl of Warwick, attainted; and the advowson of the rectory of Erlescrome; and also all lands in Erlescrome which lately belonged to Thos. Wymbyshe. Westm., 16 Feb. (16th.) P. 6, m. 18.
Edw. Watson and Hen. Herdson to Michael Fox, of London, grocer. Lands in tenure of John Glover alias John Golovor in Grymsbye alias Gremsey, Ntht.,—Canons Ayshebye priory. (26th.) P. 10, m. 23.
772. Undated Grants of 38 Hen. VIII.
1. James Foxe. Annuity of 7l. 10d out of a moiety of Cornburghe manor, Yorks., in the King's hands by the minority of James Westhorpe, s. and h. of Hugh Westhorpe, dec. No note of delivery.—S.B. (countersigned by St. John. Pat, 38 Hen. VIII. P. 3, m. 26.
2. William Hoye, late of Latton, Essex. Pardon of outlawry pronounced against him at the suit of John Hagar and John Thurgood, executors of Wm. Abbott alias Abot, for a debt of 20 mks.; he having now surrendered to the Fleet prison, as certified by Sir Edw. Mountagu, chief justice of Common Pleas. Westm. Pat. 38 Hen. VIII. P. 10, m. 38.
3. Sir Thomas Darcy, a gentleman of the Privy Chamber. Licence within next two years to export 2,000 qr. of wheat, 600 tuns of beer, 600 dickers of tanned hides, and 600 dickers of calf skins, counting ten doz. to the dicker. (No note of delivery.)— S.B. (found in 38 Hen. VIII). French Roll, 38 Hen. VIII., m. 2.
4. Licences to alienate:—
John Marsshe and Chr. Edmundes to Sir John Williams. Manor of Chilleswell, Berks, in tenure of Oliver Wellesbone, with woods (names and extents given) in the parish of Comnore alias Combnowre, Berks.,— Abendon mon.; also the manor and rectory and advowson of the vicarage of Tyrfelde, Bucks,—St. Albans mon., Herts. P. 6, m. 7.
Chr. Lytcote and Katharine his wife to George Keynsham. Rectory of Wargrave, Berks., with the advowson of the vicarage and a pension of 20s. out of the said vicarage of Wargrave,—Reding mon. (Undated.) P. 6, m. 34
Pardon of alienation without licence to the parties concerned in the following, viz.,—Blanche, now wife of Sir Wm. Forman, by the name of Blanche Reynoldes, relict of Ric. Reynoldes of London, mercer, dec., by indenture, 18 May 35 Hen. VIII., granted to Sir John Gressham and Guy Crafforde a messuage, garden and tenement adjoining in St. Christopher's parish, ward of Brodestrete, London, to the use of her, the said Blanche, and Robt. Palmer, mercer, dec., whom she was about to marry, and the heirs of their two bodies, with remainder in default successively to Wm. Watson and Joan his wife in tail, and to the right heirs of Wm. Watson. Gresham and Crafford were thus seised of the property, by virtue of an Act of Parliament in that case provided, as of fee tail. Afterwards the said Robert Palmer died without issue by the said Blanche, who then took to her husband Sir Wm. Forman; and the said Forman and she remain in possession of the property as of freehold. (Undated.) P. 6, m. 37.
Thomas Morgan and Anne his wife to John Brydges and Thos. Bartelett and the heirs of the said John, to be regranted to the Morgans for six days with remainder, after that term, to Thos. Throkmerton, in fee, for 95 years from the Annunciation of St. Mary last, at a rent payable to the said Brydges and Bartlett of 18l. 13s. 4d. Moiety of the manor of Torte worth alias Tortyworthy with lands (extent given) in Torteworth Charfelde, Huntyngforde and Oldebury and the advowson of the church of Torteworthe alias Torteworthye, Glouc. Also licence to Brydges and Bartlett to grant the reversion of the said premises and rent to the Morgans. (Undated.) P. 6, m. 39.
Francis Savage to Thos. Smythe. Moiety of the manor of Campden alias Chepingcampeden and lands (extent given) there and in Brodcampden, Westington and Burington, Glouc., and advowsons of the two chantries or free chapels of St. Katharine and of the prebend of St. Katharine in Campden; except the water-mill called le Over Mill in Westington. P. 10, m. 35.
Hugh Losse to Robt. Trappys. Messuage in the parish of St. Buttolph within London,—mon. of St. Mary beside the Tower. P. 10, m. 38.
John Lumley and Jas. Cotam to Sir Thos. Hilton and Eliz. his wife. Pardon for the acquisition by the Hiltons, without licence, of the manor of Castellevynton with lands in Castellevynton and Kyrkelevynton. Undated. P. 11, m. 13.
Jas. Gunter and Hen. Wescott to Sir Geo. Herbert, of Swaynsey, co. Glamorgan. House, &c., of the late Friars Minors of Cardiff, and lands granted to the said Gunterand Wescott by pat. 6 March 37 Hen. VIII. (Undated.) P. 12, m. 46.
John Holcroft to Sir Robt. Worsley. House, &c., of the late priory of Holland, in Wigan parish, Lanc., with its lands (specified) in Holland and Markelande alias Marghland, in Wigan parish, in tenure of Sir Thomas Butler, and lands (specified) in Holland in tenure of Ric. Fayerclogh, Chr. Fayerclogh, Edw. Fletwudde and Jas. Billing, in Orrell within Wigan parish in tenure of Robt. Charnocke, Thos. Fayerclogh Nic. Tuson, and John Haswall, sen., in Wigan in tenure of Edm. Chalyneir, in Markland alias Marghland, within the said township of Pemberton (sic), in tenure of John Whalley, Rog. Whalley, Humph. Wynstanley and Wm. Walthowe, in Pemberton in tenure of Hen. Lathewate, and in Marghland in tenure of Geoff. Glassbroke, and woods called Markland Wood (12 ac.) and Bowlehey (16 ac.) in Markland and Pemberton, and all other lands of Holland priory granted to the said Holcroft by pat. 22 May 37 Hen. VIII. (Westm., . . .) (fn. n31) P. 12, m. 54.
773i. Grants or Uncertain Date.
Privy Seals Henry VIII. "Year uncertain."
[Of these documents now filed as "year uncertain," some have never been dated, others have lost their dates through mutilation and one or two prove upon closer inspection to be earlier than Henry VIII.'s time.]
i. First file (numbered 863).
1. Escheators. Fiats (fn. n32) signed by T. duke of Norfolk, as Treasurer of England for the appointment of escheators (undated, except that many bear a note of the day, but not year, of delivery) viz.:—
Warw. and Leic.—Ric. Varney.
Hants and Wilts.—Wm. Pownde. 27 Nov.
Essex and Herts.—Ric. Goodyere. 27 Nov.
Ntht. and Rutl.—David Cissell. 27 Nov.
Salop.—Ric. Sampford. 26 Nov.
Norf. and Suff.—John Estone. 16 Nov.
Oxon and Berks.—Wm. Cotesmore. 10 Nov.
Soms. and Dors.—Thos. Calewey.
Surr. and Suss.—Thos. Polsted.
Nthld.—Joh Horsley of Horsley. 16 Nov.
Heref, and Marches.—Thos. Aphenry. 10 Nov.
Worc. and Marches.—John Dalamere. 18 Nov.
Heref. and Marches.—Thos. Baskerfeld. 20 Nov. (The name of the office, viz., "escheator" (?) omitted.)
Hants and Wilts.—John Lowdlowe.
Essex and Herts.—Thos. Knyghton.
Camb. and Hunts.—Philip Paris.
Surr. and Suss.—John Lee of Fetilworthe.
Hants and Wilts.—Ant. Stylman.
Glouc.—Rog. Porter.
Ntht. and Rutl.—Nic. Wakelyn.
Staff.—Thos. Kyndersley.
Norf. and Suff.—John Eston.
Surr. and Suss.—John Chalenor of Est Lynfeld.
Worc.—Rog. Wynter.
Oxon and Berks.—Hen. Brygges.
Heref. and Marches.—Thos. Walwyn.
Notts and Derb.—Humph. Herssey.
Heref. and Marches.—Jas. Bromyche 10 Nov.
Ntht. and Rutl.—Ric. Flever. 29 Nov.
Warw. and Leic.—Wm. Brown.
Oxon and Berks.—Wm. Cowncer. 24 Nov.
Surr. and Suss.—Wm. Luscher.
Glouc. and Marches of Wales.—Geo. Shepward.
Soms. and Dors.—John Morton.
Worc.—Nic. Folyott. 10 Nov.
Devon and Cornw.—And. Hillarsdon.
Salop and Marches.—John Salter.
Yorks.—Thos. Beverley.
Ntht. and Rutl.—Thos. Palmer.
Essex and Herts.—Geo. Skipwithe.
Beds and Bucks.—Ric. Hamden.
Worc.—Giles Grevell. 14 Nov.
Warw. and Leic.—John Arderne.
Salop.—John Cotes.
Staff.—Edw. Letilton.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Geoff. Medilton.
Notts and Derb.—Rog. Eyere.
Beds and Bucks.—Ric. Hyll.
Camb. and Hunts.—Thos. Stewkly. Westm., 2 Dec.
Staff.—John Varnane. Westm., 2 Dec.
Oxon and Berks.—John Hastynges. 13 Nov.
Kent and Midd.—John Sedley. 16 Nov.
Salop and Marches.—John Gravenore. (Undated.) (Marked "vac. quia aliter.")
Beds and Bucks.—Edw. Grynfeld.
Essex and Herts.—Wm. Poynes.
Soms. and Dors.—Ric. Philupp.
Kent and Midd.—Robt. Chesman.
Camb. and Hunts.—John More.
Oxon and Berks.—Thos. Bulloke.
Linc.Thos. Halle.
Cumb. and Westmld.—John Abriscoo.
Soms. and Dors.—John Walshe. Westm., 14 Nov.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Clem. Skelton Westm., 11 May.
Notts and Derb.—Nic. Strykley.
Cumb. and Weatmld.—Ambrose Crakingthorpp.
Oxon and Berks.—Ric. Wodcoke. 18 Nov.
Hants and Wilts.—John Chokk. 3 Dec. (signed by T. earl of Surrey).
Notts and Derb.—Wm. Basset of Muskane. 3 Dec. (signed by T. earl of Surrey).
Worc.—John Ketylby. (signed by T. earl of Surrey).
Hunts and Camb.—Thos. Halle. 18 Nov.
Ntht. and Rutl.—Edm. Newnham. 16 Nov.
Staff. John Wellys. 16 Nov.
Devon and Cornw.—Ric. Strowde.
Ntht. and Rutl.—Hugh Frebody. 13 Nov.
Yorks.—Thos. Gargrave.
Hants and Wilts.—Geo. Whytthed.
Heref. and Marches.—John Blunte.
Notts and Derb.—Alex. Novell.
Beds and Bucks.—Reginald Grey.
Notts and Derb.—Thos. Meryng.
Warw. and Leic.—Thos. Holt.
Devon.—Robt. Brett.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Edw. Agglonby.
Worc.—Ralph Shelton.
Salop.—Ric. Banaster.
Kent and Midd.—Wm. Whetnall. 3 Dec. (signed by Surrey as Treasurer).
Camb. and Hunts.—Laur. Teylard. 3 Dec. (signed by Surrey).
Yorks.—Wm. Legh. (signed by Surrey).
Soms. and Dors.—Ric. Turbervile. (Signed by Surrey.)
Essex and Herts.—John Sawer. 28 Nov.
Oxon and Berks.—John Anne. 3 Dec. (signed by Surrey.)
Staff. Thos. Jefford. (Signed by Surrey).
Worc.—Wm, Muklowe. 18 Nov.
Staff.Ric. Astley. 18 Nov.
Warw. and Leic.—Simon Mounforth. Westm., 16 Nov.
Oxon and Berks.—Ant. Cope. 26 Nov.
Notts and Derb.—Geo. Wastneste.
Soms. and Dors.—Wm. Brente.
Glouc. and Marches.—Hen. Westone. 15 Nov.
Ntht. and Rutl.—Edw. Watson. 15 Nov.
Norf. and Suff.—Edm. Clere. Westm., 16 Nov.
Yorks.—Edm. Copyndale. 15 Nov.
Camb. and Hants.—Thos. Stukeley. 18 Nov.
Norf. and Suff.—Leonard Spencer. 18 Nov.
Surr. and Suss.—Nic. Tufton.
Glouc. and Marches.—Ric. Rede.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Lancelot Salkell. 10 Nov.
Linc.—Jahn Topcliff.
Camb. and Hunts.—Robt. Ap Rice.
Norf. and Suff.—Robt. Harward of Alburgh. 9 Nov.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Cuthb. Musgrave.
Glouc. and Marches.—John Huntleye 16 Nov.
Oxon and Berks.—Geo. Staveley. 14 Nov.
Cumb. and Weatmld.—Thos. Blenerhasset.
Cumb. and Weatmld.—Jas. Laborne. 10 Feb.
Eaaex and Herts.—John Sakvile.
Nthld.—Nic. Horsleye. With note that the name Nicholas which has been substituted for another erased is correct.
Surr. and Suss.—Robt. Wyntersell. 27 Nov.
Worc.—Roland Morton. 27 Nov.
Linc.—Robt. Hussey. 10 Nov.
Devon.—Wm. Gybbys. 27 Nov.
Kent and Midd.—John Marshall. Westm., 27 Nov.
Hants and Wilts.—Chr. Willoughby. 23 Nov.
Beds and Bucks.—Simon Fitz. 29 Nov.
Hants and Wilts.—John Ryngwode. 18 Nov.
Heref. and Marches.—Ric. Palmer.
Glouc. and Marches.—Robt. Wy. 28 Nov.
Norf. and Suff.—Chr. Harman. 3 Dec. (signed by Surrey as Treasurer).
Kent and Midd.—John Porter.
Ntht. and Rutl.—John Molsworth. 28 Nov.
Beds and Bucks.Wm. Tanfeld.
Essex and Herts.—Thos. West. Del 14 Nov. (with note: exonerator per sacramentum suum).
Nthld.—Ralph Fenwike.
Heref. and Marches.—John Dauncey. 28 Nov.
Surr. and Suss.—Wm. Muschampe. 19 Nov.
Kent and Midd.Ric. Hawkys. 25 Nov.
Norf. and Suff.Hen. Rychers. 2 Dec.
Oxon and Berks.—Wm. Molyns.
Kent and Midd.Thos. Harlakynden. Westm., 17 Feb.
Warw. and Leic.—Thos. Arderne. 2 Dec.
Devon an Cornw.—John Hexte. Westm., 16 Nov.
Nthld. Thos. Carnaby. 2 Dec.
Ntht. and Rutl.—Thoa. Andrewes.
Staff. —Walter Wrotesley. 18 Nov. (subscribed Fiat dedimus protestation Johanni Talbot, militi).
Camb. and Hunts.—Robt. Druell. 24 Nov.
Cumb. and Westmld.—John Ripton. 17 Nov.
Glouc. and Marches,—Hugh Denys. 22 Nov.
Ntht. and Rutl.—Thos. Androws. 4 Feb.
Heref. and Marches.—Ric. Harbart.
Yorks.—Wm. Mauncell. 22 Nov.
Surr. and Suss.—Ralph Vynes. Westm., 23 Nov.
Oxon and Berks.—Thos. Beke. 28 Jan.
Notts and Derb.—German Pole.
Linc.—Thos. Gylden.
Beds and Bucks.—Nic. Hardyng.
Oxon and Berks.—Thos. Warde.
Essex and Herts.—Robt. Mordaunte.
Ntht. and Rutl.—John Cope.
Hants and Wilts.—Wm. Thornell. Westm., 17 Nov.
Kent and Midd.—Robt. Cheseman.
Soms. and Dors.—Hen. Hymerford. 22 Nov.
Hants and Wilts.—Wm. Wayt. T. Westm., 30 Nov.
Warw. and Leic.—Fras. Slade. 18 Nov.
Glouc. and Marches.—Ant. Bradeston. 21 Nov.
Devon and Cornw.—John Bidwell. Westm., 28 Nov.
Essex and Herts.—Thos. Crawleye.
Beds and Bucks.—Ric. Hill. Westm., 17 Feb.
Salop and Marches.—Adam Mitton. 26 Nov.
Yorks.Chr. Lasselles. 28 Nov.
Nthld.—Steph. Lawson.
Cumb. and Westmld.—John Skelton of Armathwaite. 28 Nov.
Staff.—Wm. Chetwyn. 28 Nov.
Yorks.—Thos. Meryng.
Linc.—Adam Penyngton.
Camb. and Hunts.—Thos. Castell.
Staff.—Ric. Hercourtte. Westm., 12 Feb.
Beds and Bucks.—Thos. Grenweye. Westm., 20 Nov.
Norf. and Suff.—John Stede. Westm., 30 Jan. (with further note, viz., "Christoferus Playterer, ar., Nor. et Suff. John Newport, ar., Essex et Hertf. Tho. Warde, ar., Oxon et Berk.")
Norf. and Suff.—Wm. Methwold. Westm., 28 Nov.
Hants and Wilts.—Wm. Grene. Westm., 28 Nov.
Beds and Bucks.—Thos. Gyfford. Westm., 12 Feb.
Essex and Herts.Wm. Harreis. Westm., 28 Nov.
Soms. and Dors.—Thos. Homer. Westm., 28 Nov.
Worc.—Wm. Newporte. 28 Nov.
Heref. and Marches.—Thos. Bodenham. 4 Dec.
Norf. and Suff.—Chr. Playtour. 28 Nov.
Yorks. Thos. Grene. Westm., 28 Nov.
Camb. and Hunts.—Thos. Castell. Westm., 28 Nov.
2. John Fyssher, clk. Grant of a pension in the mon. of Saynt Peter in the county of Salop which he that shall be next abbot there must give to a clerk of the King's nominating. Del. Westm., 18 July (year omitted).— S.B. In English.
3. Thomas Cheyne, esq., the King's servant. Grant of the office called [p]ortereve of the hundreds of Middelton and Merden, Kent, vice John [Pate]. Greenwich, 20 . . . . Del. Westm., 12 June.—P.S. (injured, addressed to Cardinal Wolsey).
4. John Toller. Appointment during two months to take up oxen for the victualling of a certain army of the King's. (Endorsed with a fiat addressed to the clerk of the Crown in Chancery for the making out of the above, by William Hatteclyffe, victualler of the said army).— S.B. (mutilated). [A.D. 1513.]
Similar fiats by Hattecliffe for commissions to:—
John Gough, for empty vessels.
Wm. Hatteclyff of Hatteclyff, Linc., for oxen, salt fish, empty vessels, clapboard and all other necessaries.
Robt. Skyrmot, for fish, empty vessels, etc.; and for ships, little ships, barges, lighters, and boats and men for them.
Wm. Potkyn, of Mayston, Kent, "clovyer," for "clovyers" and other artificers, empty vessels, empty pipes, clapboard, barrels, hoops, &c.
Humph. Legh and Thos. Tailour for cattle pasture, bacon flitches, etc., for six weeks.
Robt. Selwyn, for bakers, mills, millers, etc.
John Henkyn, for oxen, fish, empty vessels, clapboard, &c.
5. Philip Tayler. Fiat for a commission to provide oxen, sheep, pasture and other necessaries for the King's army. Del. Charyng, 12 March, for six months.—S.B. (signed by John Shurley, cofferer). [A.D. 1513.]
The like for:—John Tedde.—Del. 11 March.
6. William Honnyng, serjeant. Fiat for a commission to provide oxen and sheep, and also fish, for the King's household. (Undated.) Signed by John Shurley, cofferer. [1514-27.]
773i. Grants of Uncertain Date.
7. Nicholas Carter, yeoman purveyor in the office of the King's "emptoria." Fiat for a commission to provide oxen and sheep, for six months. Signed by John Shurley, cofferer. [1509-27.]
The like for:—
Philip Taylor, yeoman purveyor.
Thos. Elynor and John Gyllyk, coopers. For clapboard to make barrels, twigs, and carriage.
8. George Sybsey. Fiat for his appointment as one of the collectors of custom and subsidy of wool, woolfells and leather in the port of Boston, vice John Polvertoft, dec.; from Michaelmas last. Signed by Norfolk as treasurer. With note by Robt. Blagge of security given in the Exchequer. [1514-22.]
9. William Crane. Fiat for his appointment as King's controller of tonnage and poundage of the petty custom in the port of London, vice Simon Digby. Del. Westm., 21 Feb. [1514]. Hen. VIII.—S.B. (signed by Norfolk as Treasurer).
10. John Tedd. Fragment of a fiat by John Miklowe, clerk comptroller of the Household, for a commission to him for victualling the King's army. [1513.]
11. Another fragment in which the words sheep and pasture appear, but the commissioner's name is lost.
12. William Andrew, purveyor of the King's household. Fiat for a commission to purvey necessaries in cos. Essex, Herts and Camb. Signed by John Shurley, cofferer. [1509-27.]
The like for:—
John Eston and John Edwardes, coopers, of London. For empty pipes, clapboard for the making of barrels, twigs, men, etc.
Brian Roc[he], serjeant of the office of "emptor' gross'" of the King's kitchen. For oxen, sheep and salt fish. [1509-13.]
John Uvedale, yeoman, and John . . . . . , groom purveyor for the King's household. For carts and wagons. Headed: Anno primo Hen. VIII. [1509.]
13. Sir William Paston and John Spilman. Fiat for a commission to hear and determine the controversy between Nic. Thacker and others and Thos. Wade, or else make certificate "coram D. Rege et commissario etc." [i.e. of the Admiralty] in the month of Easter next. Subscribed as decreed by John abp. of Armagh and his associates, 10 Nov. [1513-20].
14. Thos. Bonham of Stanwey, Essex. Fiat for his appointment to the custody of 3 ac. of land in Colchester forfeited by appropriation to the priory of St. Botolph's, Colchester, without licence, and of 3 ac. opposite Northstrete in Colchester forfeited by John Batill for the felony of killing his servant; for fifty years at 5s. rent and 4d. increase. Del. Cales, 11 July. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer; with note that Thos. Miller of Colchester and Robt. Danam of Stanwey are sureties in the Exchequer. [1520.]
15. Thomas Adlam. Fiat for his custody of a piece of void ground on which a messuage was lately built in Chepyng Wycomb, Bucks, viz., in Frogmore Street, between the tenement late of Mr. John Hill on the east and that of John Marston on the west and north and the highway on the south; which ground came to the Crown by the death, within age and without heir, of John Lucas, s. & h. of John Lucas, as certified by Thos. Rokes, escheator. in 2 Edward. IV.; to hold as long as it remains in the King's hands at 4d. rent. Note of delivery illegible. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer; with note that Thos. Pymme of Wykcombe and John Gardyner of Myssenden, Bucks, are sureties. [1521.]
16. William Hastinges, the King's servant. Fiat for his appointment as controller of customs and subsidies in the port of Lynne, Norf., vice Robert Curson. Undated. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. [22 Dec. 1524?]
17. The sheriffs of London. Fiat for a writ of supersedeas directed to them because they have arrested Nic. Longmede, a servant of me, Thos. Duke of Norfolk, one of the lords of the present Parliament. Undated. Signed by Norfolk. [1523 ?]
18. William Roche. Fiat for his custody of a messuage and garden in Fotiscryty and Chesylherst, Kent, which belonged to James Johnson, an alien, born under the obedience of James late king of Scots; for 60 years; at 6s. 8d. rent, and 4d. increase. Undated. Signed by Surrey as Treasurer; with note that Ant. Babyngton and John Uvedale, of London, are sureties. [1513?]
19. Richard Parker. Fiat for his custody of a rent to the ward of the King's castle of Northampton at Easter, and of the fee of "Chokes" in cos. Ntht., Beds., Bucks, Linc. and Leic., 10s. each, also the part in the town of Northampton belonging to the constable of the castle out of the custom and herbage in the castle ditches, and of a certain meadow and fishery belonging to the castle; also custody of the honors of Peverell, Bonon and Hagenett in cos. Bucks, Ntht. and Leic.; also of the castle and honor of Huntyngdon, Hunts, and all its appurtenances in cos. Camb., Beds, Bucks and Ntht. which belonged to John Hastynges late earl of Pembroke. To hold from Michaelmas last for 21 years ; at 16l. 16s. 8d. rent and 4d. increase. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. (year omitted). Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer; with note by Robt. Blagge that security is given in the Exchequer. [1514-22.]
20. Walter Hobart. Fiat for his custody of 1½ ac. of land in Loddon which Thos. Thurston, chaplain, outlawed at the suit of Ric. Large, forfeited to Henry VI.; and of a messuage and toft in Loddon, which John Dyn, sen., and John Dyn, junior, outlawed for felony, forfeited to Henry VI. whose escheator, John Saye, seized them; also of a messuage, etc., at Dowhill in Loddon which John Dyn, sen., outlawed for felony on Monday after the feast of St. Hilary 23 Hen. VI., at Norwich, forfeited, and which have been in "the hands of the Crown since 20 Sept. 27 Hen. VI. To hold from Michaelmas next for 41 years, at rents of 6d., 3s. 4d. and 12d., and an increase of 20d. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. [1524-46.]
21. Thomas Bower, of London, grocer. Fiat for his custody of 20 ac. of land in Ludgareshall, Suss., forfeited by Thomas Lucas, who feloniously slew Roger Curson and consequently abjured the realm 20 Oct. 24 Hen. VI; to hold from Michaelmas noxt, for 21 years at 3s. 4d. rent and 4d. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that John Kechyn and Dunstan Chicheley, of London, are sureties. [1526.]
22. Nicholas Mynne, a clerk of the Exchequer, and Richard Paten, sherman [of London]. Fiat for their custody or farm of 11 ac. of land in Hornyngtoft, Norf., in the King's hands by the alienation which John Dene made without licence; from Michaelmas last for 21 years; at 2s. rent and 2d. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note by Thos. Walsshe of surety laid in the Exchequer. [1526.]
23. John Watson. Fiat for his appointment as controller of customs and subsidies in the port of Brigwater, vice Thos. Senagh, dec. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. [1526 ?]
24. John Watson. Fiat for his appointment as searcher in the port of Brigewater, vice Thos. Senagh, dec. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. [1526 ?]
25. Isabel Smyth, widow, and James Bekk. Flat for their custody of a messuage containing 2 ac. of land in Fyncheley, Midd., which Henry VI. gave to Thomas Aldenham; from Michaelmas next, for 21 years, at 2s. 4d. rent and 4d. increase. 24 Nov. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that John Swalowe and John Fletewod, of London, are sureties. [1530.]
26. John Valentyne. Fiat for his appointment as one of the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of Ipswich, vice Thos. Russhe. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. [1528.]
27. John Drewe. Fiat for his farm of the subsidy and ulnage of cloth for sale in cos. Soms. and Dors., and of forfeitures of cloth exposed for sale without the necessary seal; from Michaelmas next for 21 years; at 107l. 7s. 8d. rent and 20l. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note by Thos. Walsshe that surety is laid in the Exchequer. Del. 18 Sept. [1526.]
28. John Westdene, of Kyrdeford, Suss. and Robt. Remys of Bedyngham, Suss., Fiat for their custody of 6 ac. of land in Suthe ton alias Sutheyton, Suss., forfeited by the outlawry of Wm. Crouge and lately in tenure of John Fawconer; and of a toft and garden in Ruggewyke called Com . . . . ers and 2 ac. of land called Waytes Corner in Ruggewike, which Ric. Mabunt forfeited by feloniously slaying Wm. Webbe; and of lands in Ruggewike called Maldebeldes of which Walter Dis of Howherst, dec., died seised, 12 Sept. 10 Hen. VI, whose son and heir, John Dis, was an idiot from his birth and the lands, being taken into the King's hands by Wm. Westun, escheator, 18 Sept. 31 Hen. VI., have remained so ever since. To hold from Michaelmas last, for 50 years, at rents of 4s., 3s. and 4s., and 6d. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that Simon Remys of South Heyton, husbandman, and John Speke of Lewes, innholder, are sureties. Del. Westm., 14 Nov. [1530.]
29. William Debenham. Fiat for his appointment as searcher in the port of Ipswich, vice Ric. Vynes. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note by T. Walsshe that surety is laid in the Exchequer. Subscribed: Fyne Roll. [1529.]
773i. ii. Grants of Uncertain Date.
30. Thomas earl of Wiltshire and Ormond. Fiat for his custody of 7 ac. of land in Chepstede, Surr., which belonged to Gilbert Matvyle and which William de Walyngworth, parson of Chepstede, appropriated to his church without licence; the toll of the fairs held at Tanrugge, Surr., in the Feast of St. James the Apostle, which the prior of Tanrugge appropriated to his house without licence; and the profits of the fairs in the Feast of St. Margaret the Virgin held at Chepstede, which Ralph late earl of Stafforde and Cecilia Beauchampe appropriated to themselves without licence. To hold from Easter last as long as they remain in the King's hands; at 9s. 6d. rent and 4d. increase. Del. 27 June. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that John and Ric. Sakvyle are sureties. [1531.]
31. John Lympeny. Fiat for his appointment as controller in the port of Chichester. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note by Thos. Walssh that security is laid in the Exchequer. [22 Hen. VIII.]
32. Robert Birde and John Edwardes, of London, cooper. Fiat for their appointment to purvey clapboard, barrel wood and hoops for the making of vessels for the victualling of a certain army. Signed by George earl of Shrewsbury.
33. Sir Thomas More, Chancellor, Thomas duke of Norfolk, Treasurer, Robert earl of Sussex and John bp. of Carlisle. Commission to prorogue Parliament from this present Saturday to 16 Jan. next. The preamble states that the Parliament was begun at London 3 Nov. last and prorogued to Westminster and there continued until 17 Dec., when it was prorogued to 26 April last, then to 22 June last, then to 1 Oct. last and then to 22 Oct.; but because of the pestilence in London and at Westminster the King has ordered this further prorogation. Del. 22 Oct.—S.B. (mutilated). [A.D. 1530.]
34. Alice Stanhope. Wardship and marriage of John s. & h. of Edmund Stanhope, her late husband. Del. 4 Nov . . . . . P.S. (half torn off). See Vol. I. No. 1294.
35. Very mutilated fragment of an exemplification of liberties granted to the free chapel of St. Martin le Grand citing among others, pat. 23 July anno r.r. 18, 5 March . . . . &c.
36a. John Ernley, attorney general. Commission to confess on the King's behalf the truth of claims made in certain petitions of right, which his Majesty has "signed and indorsed," put up by Sir Robff. Drury, Sir John Heydon and Edm. Gelgett concerning the honor of Eye and lands in Suffolk, the manor of Cawston and Kerdeston and lands in Norfolk, and the manors of Carsyngton and Swerford and lands in Oxon, of which they were seised to the use of Margaret countess of Suffolk for term of her life.—S.B. In English. No note of delivery. [1509-15.]
b. Declaration of John Ernley made in Court in pursuance of the above. Signed: Joh'es Ernele. Subscribed Intretur ad tres separales peticiones recte pro Domina Suff., excepto manerio de Swerford cum pertin' in com' Oxon'.
c. Like declaration, omitting the recitation of the King's commission. Signed and subscribed like the preceding.
37. Sir Edward Darrell. Wardship and marriage of John s. & h. of Sir Giles Brugys, dec. No note of delivery.— S.B. (mutilated). See Vol. I. No. 3392.
38. Thomas Thacker. Grant in fee, for 648l. 11s. 8d., of the house and site of the late priory of Rypingdon alias Repton, Derb., with lands (specified) in Repton and Staunton which were kept in the prior's own hands, and certain other lands and woods (names and extents given) in Repton parish. "Grenewici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[Henrici Octavi] xxxijdo." Del. Westm., 12 April.—P.S. (mutilated and faded).
39. Thomas abp. of Canterbury. Grant of lands calendared in Vol. XVII., No. 443 (15).—S.B. (mutilated and illegible).
40. William abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, and the Master of the Rolls. Warrant to cancel a recognizance made by Sir John Kirkham, 29 Nov. 23 Hen. VII., to Sir Thos. Lovell, Sir Ric. Empson, Edm. Dudley, John Ernley and Thos. Lucas for yearly payment of 50l. to the use of Henry VII.—S.B. (mutilated and worn). In English. [1509-15.]
ii. Second file (numbered 864).
1. Escheators. Fiats signed by T. duke of Norfolk, as Treasurer of England, for the appointment of Escheators (undated generally, though many of them bear a note of the day without the year ofdelivery) viz.:—
Camb. and Hunts.Thos. Cotton.
Heref. and Marches.Ric. Wallwyn.
Westm., 6 Nov.
Norf. and Suff.—John Spencer. 7 Nov.
Devon and Cornw.—Humph. Predyoux. 7 Nov.
Notts and Derb.—Rog. Grenall.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Lancelot Salkeld. 18 Nov. ao 26o.
Cornw. and Devon.—Hen. Fortescue.
Salop.—Andrew Corbett.
Worc.—John Bourne. 6 Nov.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Lancelot Lancaster. Westm., 6 Nov.
Ntht. and Rutl.—Thos. Andrewes. 22 Nov.
Salop and Marches of Wales.—Thos. Lee. 7 Nov. Subscribed: Adam Otley, ar', commiss'.
Glouc.—Thos. Throgmerton.
Monm.—Matth. Harbert.
Beds and Bucks.—Gerard Harvye.
Nthld.—Sir George Ratclyff.
Hants and Wilts.—John White of Suthwyke.
Staff.—Thos. Moreton.
Linc.Ric. Ogle. T. Westm., 22 Nov.
Flynt.—Edw. Puleston. 6 Nov.
Montgom.—Thos. ap Jevann Lloyde. 6 Nov.
Merioneth.—Ellis ap Willym. Westm., 6 Nov.
Denbigh.—Cadwalader ap Moryce. Westm., 6 Nov.
Pembroke.—John Adams. 6 Nov.
Caerm.Gruff. Lloyd ap Llewys. 6 Nov.
Glam.—Wm. Gruff. 6 Nov.
Cardig.—Dd. ap Jevann. 6 Nov.
Radnor.—Thos. Lloyd.
Denbigh.—Merideth ap Grono ap Gruff.
Montgom.—Ric. ap Morice ap Owen.
Pembroke. - John Buttler.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Thos. Sampford. 7 Nov.
Surr. and Suss.—John Fennor. 7. Nov.
Notts and Derb.—Fras. Meryng. 7 Nov.
Camb. and Hunts.—Thos. Bollys. 7 Nov.
Beds and Bucks.—Robt. Pekham. 7 Nov.
Linc.—Ric. Robynson. 7 Nov.
Worc.—Geo. Willoughby. 7 Nov.
Warw. and Leic.—Ric. Newporte. 7 Nov.
Some, and Dors.—Thos. Clerk. 7 Nov.
Oxon and Berks.—Thos. Vachell. 7 Nov.
Heref. and Marches.—Thos. Havorde 7 Nov.
Yorks.—Wm. Constable of Shyrborne. 7 Nov.
Caerm.—Dd. Vaghan of Kidwely.
Breknock.—G'l'm Madock.
Cardig.—Dd. Lloyd ap Griff, ap Res.
Flynt.—Humph. Dymmock.
Essex and Herts.—Thos. Smyth.
Hants and Wilts.—Nic. Tycheborne. 18 Nov.
Surr. and Suss.—Wm. Sakefilde. Westm., 18 Nov.
Linc.—Augustine Porter. Westm., 19 Nov.
Ntht. and Rutl.—Ric. Humfray of Barton. Westm., 19 Nov.
Glouc.—Nic. Wiekes. Westm., 16 Nov.
Yorks.—Ric. Bowes. Westm., 20 Nov.
Beds and Bucks.—Robt. Drury. Subscribed: Lym.
Devon and Cornw.—Ant. Harvy.
Subscribed: Lym.
Midd. and Kent.—Edw. Thwaites. Subscribed: Lym.
Nthld.Thos. Foster.
Monm.—Hugh Huntley.
Nthld.—Lionel Grey. 7 Nov.
Denbigh.—Wm. Eton.
Radnor.—Jas. Vagham. St. Albans, 23 Nov.
Glam.—Miles Mathewe. St. Albans, 23 Nov.
Pemb.—Owen Langthorn.
Flynt.—Wm. Holcrofte.
Cardig.Dd. Lloyd Griff, ap Res.
Heref. and Marches.—Ric. Warnecombe.
Devon and Cornw.—Thos. Yarde.
Surr. and Suss.—Edw. Shyrley.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Hen. Tolson.
Nthld.Nic. Rydley.
Glouc. and Marches.—Robt. Wye.
Worc.—Thos. Sollye. St. Albans, 23 Nov.
Oxon and Berks.—Thos. Parkyns.
Norf. and Suff.—Robt. Downes. Subscribed: Will'm Gunter.
Heref. and Marches.—Ric. Abyngton
Oxon and Berks.—Ric. Warde.
Hants and Wilts.—John Wayte of Wymeryng. 27 Nov.
Camb. and Hunts.—Thos. Rudston.
Denbigh.—Griffith ap Evan.
Yorks.—Thos. Barto. 27 Nov.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Robt. Braythwayte.
Chester.—John Warde of Capithorne.
Cardig.—Morgan Vaughan.
Pemb.—John Butler.
Nthld.Thos. Foster.
Flynt.—Humph. Dymmocke.
Worc.—Wm. Gower of Bolton.
Brecon.—John Waldiff Atiwal.
Kent and Midd.—Wm. Blower. 18 Feb.
Beds and Bucks.—Ric. Snowe. Westm., 29 Nov.
Worc.—Geo. Willoughby. Westm., 14 Feb.
Yorks.—John Thorpp. Westm., 29 Nov.
Kent and Midd.—John Palmer.
Herts and Essex.—Ralph Rowlet. Westm., 19 Jan.
Soms. and Dors.—Fras. Stradlyng.
773ii. Grants of Uncertain Date.
Linc.—Ant. Robertson. 29 Nov.
Glouc. and Marches of Wales.—Thos. Lane.
Staff.—Humph. Minour. Westm., 27 Nov.
Salop.Wm. Gatkar. Westm., 27 Nov.
Heref. and Marches of Wales.—John Gwyllym. Westm., 27 Nov.
Radnor.—Ric. Blyke. Westm., 27 Nov.
Montgom.—Jevan Guyn ap Jamys. Westm., 27 Nov.
Oxon and Berks.—Thos. Waynman. Westm., 12 Jan.
Cumb. and Westmld.—John Lee of Isall. 5 Feb.
Worc.—Thos. Acton. Westm., 12 Feb.
Devon.—John Heydon. 22 Nov.
Essex and Herts.—Thos. Skypwith. Westm., 17 Nov.
Yorks. Rog. Wentworth. 20 Nov.
Nthld. Thos. Forster. 12 Feb.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Robt. Warcopp. 12 Feb.
Essex and Herts.—Wm. Kempe of Fynchingfeld.
Camb. and Hunts.—Robt. Locton. 24 Feb.
Notts and Derb.—Fras. Meryng. 20 Nov.
Norf. and Suff.—John Plaudon. 26 Nov.
Kent and Midd.—Rog. Hoorn. 16 Jan.
Ntht. and Rutl.—John Dorant of Cottismer. 31 Dec.
Camb. and Hunts.—Thos. Castell. 25 Nov.
Beds and Bucks.—Thos. Doyle. Westm., 4 Dec.
Hants and Wilts.—Nic. Techeborne, jun. Westm., 27 Nov.
Staff.—Jas. Thurkyll. 27 Nov.
Linc.—Wm. Monson. 27 Nov.
Norf. and Suff.—John Wodehowse. Westm., 30 Dec.
Oxon and Berks.—Ric. Androwse. Westm., 27 Nov.
Beds and Bucks.—Thos. Manfeld. 25 Nov.
Kent and Midd.—Thos. Dygges.
Cumb. and Westmld.—John Brysco. 28 Nov.
Camb. and Hunts.—John Lambard. 28 Nov.
Essex and Herts.Geo.Hyde.2 9 Nov.
Cumb and Westmld.—Geoff. Lancaster. Subscribed: Lynsey.
Nthld.—Chr. Mytford. Subscribed: Lynsey.
Warw. and Leic.—John Arden.
Camb. and Hunts.—Wm. Stukley.
Glouc. and Marches of Wales.— Walter Yate. 24 Nov.
Soms. and Dors.—Alex. Popham. 7 April.
Glouc. and Marches of Wales.Hen Weston.
2. James Hide. Fiat for his custody of two water-mills for corn in Caversham, under one roof, and of a fulling mill in the same town, of a farm of demesne lands of Caversham, which belonged to George [late duke of] Clarence, dec., and are in the King's hands by the minority of Edward earl of Warwick, s. and h. of the said Duke. To hold from Easter last during the minority of the said earl; at 17l. rent as paid by Steph. Colsetter, dec., to Edward, the King's father, and 20d. increase. Subscribed. Per Thes' Anglie. Del. Westm., 28 Maii, anno r.r. primo. (i.e. of Edw. V.)
3. Sheriffs. Certificates of surety found for them in the Exchequer (all but one signed by Sir Chr. More) viz.:—
Devon.—Sir Peter Care we.
Cornw.—John Trelawny.
Monm.—Ant. Welshe. Westm., 3 Nov.
Worc.—Sir John Russell. Wostm., 23 Nov.
Cumb.—Sir John Lother. Signed: Edw. Saxilby.
Hants.—Wm. Warham.
Kent.—Sir John Fogg.
Monm.—Reg. Appowell.
Worc.—Sir John Talbot.
4. Robert Brandlynge of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant. Fiat for his custody of a meadow called Kyngsmedewe within the water of Tyne; from Michaelmas last, for 21 years; at 3s. rent, as paid by Thos. Horseley, and 12d. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that Robt. Hardwik, of London, and Laur. Williams are sureties in the Exchequer. Del. Westm., 11 Dec. 37(?) Hen. VIII.
5. Nicholas Lucas of Mersham, Kent. Protection. Going in the King's company for the victualling of his army. Signed: Reynold Bray. [17 or 18 Henry VII., 1492.]
6. Robert Gardyner, the King's servant. Fiat for his custody of 12 ac. of land in Ledered, Surr., called Patesland, a place of land in Oxencroft in Ledered and 7 ac. of land in Mykelham; from Michaelmas 38 Hen. VIII., for 21 years; at 8s. 4d. rent and 4d. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that Ric. Maddokkes and John Everton are sureties. Del. Westm., 13 June 38 Hen. VIII.
7. Sir Edmund Carewe. Protection for one year. Going in the King's service in the company of Sir Thomas Darcy lord Darcy, captain of Berwick upon Tweed. Not signed or addressed.
8. John Serjant. Fiat for his custody of half a bovate and half a toft in Kyrkeby, Linc.; from Michaelmas last, for 21 years; at 6d. rent and 4d. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that John Aleyn of Hatfeld Peverell, Essex, and John Haselwode of London are sureties. [1542.]
9. John Bynkys, haberdasher, and Edm. Alger, mercer, of London. Fiat for their custody of a messuage containing 2 ac. of land in Fyncheley, Midd., which belonged to Thomas Aldenham by grant of King Hen. VI.; from Easter 30 Hen. VIII. for 20 years; at 2s. 4d. rent, and 2d. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that Robt. Alyngton and Robt. Joyner, of London, are sureties. Del. 9 July. [1524-46.]
10. Fulk Skidmore, mercer, and Robt. Gougge, mercer, of London. Fiat for their custody of a toft in Therske, Yorks, which belonged to Robt. Clarell; from Easter 30 Hen. VIII., for 20 years; at 2s. rent and 2d. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that Robt. Alyngton and John Brende of Newe Inne, Midd., are sureties. Del. 4 June. [1538.]
11. Thos. Powtrell. Fiat for his custody of a messuage, 2 bovates of land and 10 ac. of meadow called Dyott Medowe in co. Notts, which belonged to Ric. Illyngworth; from Easter last, for 21 years; at 17s. 8d. rent and 4d. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that Geo. Broun and Nic. Powtrell were sureties in Chancery (sic) 3 June. Del. Westm., 4 June. [1538.]
12. William Dormer and Katharine his wife, Robt. Baxter, John Assheton and Thos. Keyle. Fiat for their custody of a messuage and 3 ac. of land in Lullyngton, Hunts, appropriated by the abbey of Burgh without licence; from Easter last, for 10 years; at 18d. rent and id. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that John Wilson and Edw. Nicholles, of London, are sureties. Del. 12 Oct. [1538.]
13. Henry Smythe. Fiat for his appointment as controller of customs and subsidies in the port of Chichester. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With certificate by Edw. Saxby of security found in the Exchequer. Del. 9 Dec. [1541-5.]
14. Robt. Dean, and John Lane, of London, grocers. Fiat for their custody of 6 ac. of land in Newchurche hundred, Kent, which Adam Quykman in the time of King Edward son of King Edward purchased without licence; from Easter last, for 7 years, at 6s. 8d. rent and 4rf. increase. 26 April. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that Edw. Nicholles and Thos. Apryce of London, are sureties. [1536.]
15. Henry Wetherelde, Wm. Hanson, of London, mercer, and Wm. Lydecote, of London, grocer. Fiat for their custody of a toft and croft with two virgates of land in Brampton next Northalverton, Yorks; from Michaelmas next, for 21 years; at 6s. 10d. rent, and 4d. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that Wm. Whyppe of London and John Robynson of Therske, Yorks, are sureties. Del. 12 Sept. [1524-46.]
16. Ralph Lane. Fiat for his custody of the manor or lordship of Gedyngton, Ntht.; from Easter next, for 21 years; at 23l. 5s. rent and 20d. increase. Signed, by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that Wm. Fawkener of Asshyngdon, Bucks, and Wm. Lane, of London, are sureties. [1524-46.]
17. Chr. Smyth, one of the clerks of the Exchequer. Fiat for his custody of a water-mill called Sutton Mille, within the forest of Shirwood, Notts, which Ric. Illyngworth lately had; also of certain lands in the King's hands in Kyrkeby and Southclyfton, Notts, in Berton, co. town of Gloucester, and in Coryngham, Linc.; also of a ruinous messuage and 30 ac. of land in Willingham, Linc; also of a tenement in Waltham, Linc., which John Waltham, elk., dec, granted to Wm. Vincent of Waltham and others to the use of Peter Overton, chaplain of the chantry there, contrary to the statute. To hold from Michaelmas last for 30 years, at stated rents. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that John Boteler and Thos. Parys, of London, are sureties. [1524-46.]
18. John Lyncoln, girdler, of London. Fiat for a protection with clause volumus for one year. Going in the retinue of Sir Arthur Plantagenet viscount Lislie, deputy of Calais. Signed: Arthur Lyssle. Del. Westm., 27 March.
The like (mostly undated) for:—
Thomas de la Haye, alias Thomas Forhays, alias Thomas Hayes, alias Thomas Hays, alias Thomas Backer, merchant or baker, of Calais.
Nicholas Fourde, alias Fourthe, alias Forthe, alias Ford, of London, fishmonger or yeoman.
John Fowlle, of Canterbury, vintner, merchant venturer, yeoman, merchant, or inn-holder.
773ii. Grants of Uncertain Date.
James Awger, Augar, Agare or Alger, of London, grocer, merchant venturer or merchant.
Richard Hurdman, of London, goldsmith. Del. 17 July.
William Novell, merchant tailor of London, alias William Novell, jun.
Chr. Chafyn, of Salisbury, mercer or yeoman.
John Vydyan or Vidion, of London, merchant tailor, tailor or merchant.
George Hall or Halle, of Bristol, merchant.
Nicholas Myllgate, Mylgate or Mylgat, of London, merchant haberdasher, haberdasher, capper or yeoman.
William Studfeld, of London, salter or merchant.
John Marlar, of London, haberdasher.
Patrick Stevyns, Stevans or Stevens, of Bristol, hooper.
John Husee or Husy, jun., of London, vintner or merchant, alias John Husee of Calais gentleman.,
Thomas Drakes or Drackes, of Sowtheflete, Kent, husbandman, waterman, yeoman or mariner.
John Sneg, of Bristol, mercer, merchant or merchant adventurer.
George Thornton or Thorneton, of London, yernmonger, merchant, mariner, or owner.
Nicholas Forde, Foorde or Furde, of London, fishmonger or stockfish-monger.
Thomas Ewere,. Yeowere or Eowere, of London, merchant tailor, draper or merchant.
John Ravon, of Bristol, London or Acton, Glouc, merchant, merchant venturer, yeoman or husbandman.
John Vidyon, of London, merchant tailor.
Patrick Proucz, Prowes or Prouze, of London, merchant tailor, merchant, gentleman, or yeoman.
Wm. Bathecum, of Woodbrege, Suff., mercer, goldsmith, or yeoman. Signed. Del. Westm., 6 March 29 (?) Hen. VIII.
Thomas Longe, senior, of Lyttylton, Wilts, clothier.
William Lownde, of London, grocer.
Robert Ball, of London, clk., alias prior of the house or priory of Crutched Friars next the Tower of London.
19. Richard Lorde. Fiat for his appointment as searcher in the port of Ipswich. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. [28 Hen, VIIL]
20. John Teddeford. Fiat for a commission to him to purvey cheese and bacon for the victualling of the King's army upon the sea; for two months. Signed by Wm. Hatteclyff, victualler of the said army. Add. to the clerk of the Crown of Chancery [1513.]'
21. Thomas Lee. Fiat for a commission to him to purvey hay, corn, beans, peas, bread and the like for the King's horses. Addressed by Sir Ric. Croft, treasurer of the Household, to Ric. Ive, clerk of the Crown, [temp. Hen. VII.]
22. John Hyde, ingrosser of the great [roll of the Exchequer]. Fragment of a fiat for his custody of certain lands for 40 years, apparently to the same effect as the lease referred to in Vol. V No. 364 (16). With note that Chr. Smyth and Thos. Paris are sureties. Del. 24 Jan. anno r.r.Hen. viijvi. [xxiio.]
23. John Smythe, Smyth or Smyt, of London, barber or barber surgeon. Fiat for a protection with clause volumus. Going in the retinue of Sir Robert Wingfeld, deputy of Calais. York Place, 3 Feb. anno [21 Hen. VIII.] Del. Westm., 15 Feb. [1530].
The like for:—
William Gybson of London, merchant tailor or gentleman. Del. Westm., 30 Jan.—P.S. (mutilated).
24. Thomas Poynes, Poynys or Poyntz, of London, grocer, or merchant. Fiat for a protection with clause volumus. Going in the retinue of Sir Thomas Clyfford, vice-captain of Berwick upon Tweed. Greenwich, 9 Feb. [2]3 Hen. VIII [i.e. 1532]. Del. Westm., 8 (sic) Feb.—P.S. (mutilated).
The like for :—
William Mychelson or Myghelson, of Kyngstone upon Hull, yeoman, victualler, or butcher. Undated.
25. Robt. Say ton. Fiat for his custody of two messuages, &c., in Norwell, Notts, which formerly belonged to John Tonke and were lately in tenure of John Tysyng . . . , in the King's hands by virtue of an Act of resumption of 29 Hon. VI.; for 20 years from Easter next; at 15s. rent and 4d. increase. Signed by Norfolk as Treasurer. With note that Chr. Fletcher and Hen. Swyndon, of Kynston, Notts, are sureties. [1524-46.]
26. Robert Bonde, clk. Appointment as King's chaplain, etc., calendared in Vol. V. No. 1207 (11).—S.B. (faded and almost illegible).
774. Books of the Court of Augmentations—(continued from Part I. No. 1538.)
R. O Enrolments of Grants by the Crown in the Augmentations in 38 Henry VIII.
i. Appointments to Offices in 38 Henry VIII.
[In this abstract fees and all other particulars are omitted. The former owners of lands are given in italics.]
Augm. Book.
236, f. 221.
Leonard Browne. To be bailiff and collector of the lordship and manor of Hale Magna et Parva, Line. Swyneshed. 7 Aug. 38 Hen. VIII.
Thos. Assheton. To be bailiff and collector of the lordships and manors of Weston, Bryngton and Bythorne, Hunts. Ramsey. 1 Aug.
221b. John Prestman, a yeoman of the Guard. To be bailiff and collector of the lands of Newland preceptory, Yorks. 4 Aug.
John Knyghte. To be under-steward and keeper of the courts of the lands of Sampford preceptory, Oxon. St. John's of Jerusalem. 14 June.
222. John Hibbott. To be bailiff and collector of the lands in Morton Abbots, Worc., and Wetheley and Salford Abbots, Warw., which belonged to Evesham monastery. 12 June.
Amias Hille. To be bailiff and collector of Munkes Kyrkebye rectory, Warw. Axholme priory. 12 June.
223b. Robt. Makerell. To be a messenger of the Court of Augmentations, vice John Ward, dec. 8 July.
224. Hugh Asshe. To be bailiff and collector of the lands in Haywaythe and and Chepyngdale in Amondernes, Lanc., which belonged to Newland preceptory, Yorks. St. John's of Jerusalem. 1 Aug.
225. Simon Farrare alias Oxford. To be bailiff and collector of the manor of Estgatebarnes, Suff. Bury St. Edmunds. 18 May.
226. John Bowyer, King's servant. To be bailiff of the liberties of the honour of Petworth, Suss. 11 Nov.
227b. John Holte. To be under steward or one of the chief bailiffs of the town of Bury St. Edmunds. 6 Dec.
John Vincent. To be bailiff and collector of the lands in Oxfordshire of the church of Christ and St. Mary of Oxenforde, now dissolved. 4 Dec.
228. Giles Geste. To be bailiff and collector of Washebourne manor and rectory, Glouc., and of tithes in Ashechurch and many other places (named) belonging to Tewkesbury rectory. Tewkesbury. 8 Dec.
228b. Sir Wm. Herberte, a gentleman of the Privy Chamber. To be chief steward of the lands of Malmesbury and Ambrosbury monasteries, Wilts, and of the lands in Dorsetshire of Tewkesbury monastery. 22 May.
229. Myllsaynte Aylesbery, widow. To have the keeping of the "two little new gardens" at Hampton Court honour, adjoining Thames side, and the " making and stilling of all manner of suche herbes, waters and other necessaries, as shallbe made and stilled yearly from henceforth at our said honour either for our own use or by our commandment"; with an annuity of 40l. 4 May. (In English.)
Ant. Brakenbury. To be general woodward in Richmondshire and the bpric. of Durham. 8 June.
232. George Lovett. To be bailiff and collector of the lands in Northamptonshire (several manors and rectories named) which belonged to King Henry VIII's College in Oxford, now dissolved. 14 July.
Roger Valentyne. To be bailiff and collector of Lackeforde hundred, Suff. Bury St. Edmunds. 10 July.
232b. Wm. Iseham. To be bailiff and collector of Hilton manor, Soms. Athelney. 20 May.
233. Hugh Powell. To be general woodward in South Wales. 1 July.
Chr. Maunsell. To be bailiff and collector of the lands of Marryke and Ellerton priories, and Coverham monastery, Yorks. 10 May.
233b. Thos. Waller. To be bailiff and collector of the lordship and manor and rectory of Witlessey, Camb. Ely priory. 11 June.
234. John Orchearde. To be bailiff and collector of the manors of Turneworth, Thornecombe, Toller, Cattisclif and Charmouthe, Dors. Ford. 10 May.
234. John Rychardes. To be bailiff and collector of the lands of St. James's monastery beside Northampton; except rents and farms in Duston. 10 June.
234b. Giles Morgan. To be bailiff and collector of lands in Skenfreith, Monm., which belonged to Grace Dieu monastery, Monm. 20 Aug.
235. Ric. Hall. To be bailiff and collector of the lands in Suffolk which belonged to Leyston monastery, Suff. 10 Aug.
f. 235b. Ric. ap Harry. To be general woodward in North Wales. 20 June.
Ric. Fairclyff. To be under steward and keeper of the courts of the lands of Haltemprice priory, and Meux monastery, Yorks. 20 June.
236b. Thos. Thoroughgood. To be general woodward in Northamptonshire. 5 Oct.
237. John Gate, King's servant. To be keeper of the mansion in Southwark, formerly of Charles duke of Suffolk, and of Southwark park; steward and bailiff of the lands in Southwark and in Parys Garden, formerly of the said duke and of Bermondsey abbey; and chief steward of all lands of St. Mary Overey; bailiff of the liberty of Southwark, and clerk of the market there which belonged to Thomas, abp. of Canterbury. 30 Dec.
238. Edw. Hales. To be bailiff and collector of the lands of Goring monastery, Oxon. 20 Oct.
238b. Charles Newyngton. To be bailiff and collector of lands in Camelton and Shefforde, Beds, parcel of the honour of Ampthill. 10 Dec.
Geo. Grymysdyche. To be bailiff and collector of the lands in Oxford, Churchehill, Fritwell, Elfelde, Huddon, Edyngton and Knyghtyngton, Oxon, which belonged to King Henry VIII's College, Oxford. 12 Dec.
239. Roger Greves. To be bailiff and collector of the lands in Surrey of Newark priory, Surr. 24 Dec.
Jas. Sympson. To be bailiff and collector of lands in Luton, Litgrave and Stoppesley, Beds, which belonged to Dunstable priory. 20 Dec.
239b. Nich. Sergear. To be general woodward in Dorsetshire. 14 Oct.
Wm. Harvye. To be bailiff and collector of Westdereham manor, Norf. Westdereham. 20 Dec.
240. Thos. Savage. To be bailiff and collector of the manors of Eston Katheryn, Ivelton, Southstocke, Chelworthe, Compton Dando and Corston, Soms. Bath priory. 20 Nov.
240b. The same. To be bailiff and collector of the lands in Bath, Charleton and Ethercreche, Soms., and of the pensions of the rectories of Chewe, Canley, Newton Seyntlo, Wylmyngton, Radstocke, Stogursey, St. James's in Bath, Walcote, Staunton Prior and Bathwike, which belonged to Bath priory. 20 Nov.
Ric. Armorer. To be bailiff and collector of Rotherston manor and rectory, Chesh. Launde. 10 Dec.
241. Sir Thos. Seymore, King's servant. To be bailiff and keeper of the courts of the seven hundreds of Cirencester, Glouc. Cirencester. Not dated.
241b. Morgan Wolf. To be bailiff and collector of the lands in Chepstowe, Tydnam, Hardwicke, Howike, Mouncton, Bryde, Magor and Unde, Monm., which belonged to Chepstowe priory. 20 Dec.
242b. Gilbert Corbet. To be bailiff and collector of the lands in Bedfordshire of Busshemede monastery. 20 Nov.
John Gate, a gentleman of the Privy Chamber. To be under-steward, clerk of the forest and clerk of the swainmote courts of Waltham Forest, Essex. 27 Jan.
243. Ric. Benson. To be general woodward in Northumberland and Cumberland. 4 Oct.
Edm. Clerke, and Martin Cowdrey. Office of general woodward in Hamp shire. 30 July.
Augm. Book.
218, f. 1.
Sir Edw. Northe. To be chancellor of the Court of Augmentations with 300l. fee. 2 Jan.
1b. Sir Thos. Moyle and Walter Mildemay. Several appointments as the two general surveyors of Augmentations with 200l. fee apiece. 2 Jan.
2. Sir John Williams. To be treasurer of Augmentations, with 320l. fee. 2 Jan.
Sir Thos. Pope. To be master of the woods on this side Trent within the survey of the Augmentations, with 100l. fee. 2 Jan.
2b. Robt. Hennage. To be master of such woods beyond Trent, with 100l. fee. 2 Jan.
3. Ric. Gooderick. To be attorney of Augmentations, with 100l. fee. 2 Jan.
John Gosnolde. To be solicitor of Augmentations, with 80l. fee. 2 Jan. Geoff. Gate. To be surveyor of woods on this side Trent, with 100l. fee. 2 Jan.
3b. John Arscot. To be surveyor of woods beyond Trent with 100l. fee. 2 Jan.
Ric. Duke. To be clerk of the Court of Augmentations, with 40l. fee. 2 Jan.
4. Edw. Bellyngeham. To be keeper of the manor and park of Dedsham, Suss. 4 Jan.
5. Ric. Cooke, a groom of the Privy Chamber. To be keeper of Copthall park, Essex, in reversion after Giles Churchill, now keeper. 20 Jan.
Robt. Davies, yeoman of the Guard. To be recorder of the lordships of Bromefelde, Yale and Chirke, co. Denbigh, vice Edw. ap Rice, dec. 16 Jan. In English.
f. 6. Robt. Crowche. To be one of the four keepers of Hull park in the lordship of Alnwick, Nthld., vice Adam Orpeth, dec. 2 July.
Wm. Whiteakers. To be bailiff and collector of Chateras manor, Hunts. Ramsey. Undated.
6b Ant. Cole, of Tottenham, Midd. To be bailiff and collector in Kent of Swynefelde preceptory. St. John's of Jerusalem. Undated.
Edw. Hastynges. To be bailiff and collector of Farnam Royall manor, Bucks, which the King obtained from Francis earl of Shrewsbury. Undated.
7. Robt. Saunders. To be general woodward in co. Middlesex. Undated.
7b. Barth. Sympson. To be bailiff and keeper of woods of Spawnton manor, Yorks. St. Mary's, York. Undated.
Thos. Burton. To be bailiff and collector of lands in Crowland town which belonged to Crowland abbey, Linc. Undated.
8. Ric. Uvedale. To be keeper and captain of the newly built castle at Hasiliworth Point, Hants, with the keeping and profits of Hasiliworth Heath. 11 May.
11. Ant. Boucher and Ric. Pates. Office of under-steward and keeper of courts of the manor and borough of Tewkesbury and the manors of Little Compton, Preston upon Stower, Welneforde, Washeborne, Godrington, Hosebruge and Lenyngton, Glouc. and co. City of Gloucester, and Burnett, Soms., and all lands of Tewkesbury abbey in cos. Glouc, Worc., Wilts, Soms. and Oxon (many places named). Also of all possessions of the cell of Derehurst, Glouc., which belonged to Tewkesbury. Undated.
12. Hen. earl of Arundel. To be keeper of the mansions and parks of Halfenaked and Goodewode, Suss., keeper of Walberton Chace, Suss., and chief steward and bailiff of the manors of Halfnaked, Walberton, Strethampton, Woodecote and Boxgrave, Suss. 25 May.
126. Adam Yonge. To be bailiff and collector of all lands of the monasteries of Llanligan and Stratamercella, co. Montgomery. Undated.
14. Thos. Fuller. To be bailiff and collector of Combes manor, Suff., late of Sir Wm. Willoughby. 15 Aug.
ii. Life Grants, &c., in 38 Henry VIII.
[In this abstract rents and all other particulars are omitted and former owner of lands are named in italics.]
Augm. Book.
236, f. 223b.
Wm. Layton. Annuity of 4l. 13s. 4d. in consideration of his surrender of the free chapel of Tokyngton, Midd. 28 July.
Robt. Bocher, King's servant. Chief messuage of the manor of Twickenham in Twickenham, Midd., late of Edw. earl of Hertford, and an annuity of 20l. 22 July.
224. Steph. Brakenbury, a gentleman usher of the Chamber (dilecto nobis in Christo, etc.). Tenement in Clerkenwell, Midd., in which he lately dwelt. 13 Aug.
224b. Ric. Hone. Twenty-one years' lease of two closes of pasture in Holborn Fields beside London from the expiration of his present lease dated 16 Feb. 30 Hen. VIII. 4 June.
225. John Cotton. Annuity of 20l. in consideration of his services in parts beyond the sea. 4 Oct.
225b. Sir Ant. Knyvett, King's servant. Annuity of 100l. 5 Oct.
John Whatton, mole-catcher in divers of the King's lands. Tenement near Charing Cross, Westminster. 6 Oct.
Sir Ric. Southwell, King's councillor. Thirty years' lease of Wymondham rectory, Norf., in reversion after David Jones who holds a twenty-one years' lease, dated 16 Oct. 30 Hon. VIII. 6 Oct.
226b. David Vyncent, a, groom of the Privy Chamber. A close of pasture and a brook or weirpool at Hampton, Midd. 15 Nov.
Sir Philip Hobbie, a gentleman of the Privy Chamber. Sixty years' lease of mills at Longford, Midd., purchased from the college of St. Mary near Winchester, and the rectory of Stan well, Midd., which belonged to St. Peter's Westminster, from the expiration of leases (cited), for 30 and 21 years respectively, made by the former owners of the premises. 14 Nov.
229. Sebastian Lucas, of Cleves. Annuity of 40l. 3 May.
229b. Gawin Carewe, King's servant. Forty years' lease from the expiration of his present 21 years' lease, dated 8 March 31 Hen. VIII., of the site, &c., of Launceston priory, the barton of Broderidge and rectory of Wurlyngton, Cornw. 17 May.
Sir Hugh Calveley, King's servant. Thirty years' lease of Tattenhall manor, Chesh., from the expiration of a 21 years' lease, dated 5 July 28 Hen. VIII. to Sir Piers Dutton. 2 July.
f. 231b. Ric. Breme, King's servant and Margery his wife. Release of 40l. a year out of the rent of 50l. 16s. 1½d. due upon a life grant to them, 12 March 31 Hen. VIII., of lands called Wynslowe, &c., Bucks. 9 July.
232b. Agnes Harryson, King's laundress. A great garden called the Vyne garden and land called the Mill Bank within the sanctuary of St. Peter's, Westminster. St. Peter's, Westminster. 12 July.
234b. John Josselyn, serjeant of the Pantry (serviens panarii nostri). All the King's interest in the manor of Chacombe, a tenement in Banbury, and a water mill called West Mill in Chacombe, with the water called Chartewell from the mill to the upper end of the Woked poole, which Thomas earl of Surrey, now duke of Norfolk, leased, 3 July 4 Hen. VIII., to the priory of Chacombe for 55 years at 20l. rent. 5 Aug.
236. Ric. Tyrrell. Annuity of 56l. 3s. 4d. upon his surrender of the following several life annuities out of the Augmentations which he has acquired, viz., 50s. to Laur. Poyner, merchant tailor of London (granted him by St. Albans abbey), 26s. 8d. to Sir Ant. Kingston (by Little Malvern), 6l. 13s. 4d. to Ric. Pylton, clk., 6l. 13s. 4d. to Ric. Goderton, clk., 6l. to Robt. Brecher, clk., 6l. to Ric. Depyng alias Mawdesley, clk., 8 mks. to Thos. Goodman (by Winchester cathedral priory), 40s. to John Grove (by Pypewell abbey), 26s. 8d. to the same John Grove (by Wenlock priory), 20s. to Thos. Hurleton (by Vale Royal abbey), 4l. to John Hartford, elk., 61. to John Pope, clk., 5l. 6s. 8d. to John Sudbery alias Edgare, clk., 13s. 4d. to John Torre (by Clyve abbey), 26s. 8d. to Thos. Watson (by Syon abbey). 20 May.
237b. John Gate, King's servant. Site, &c., of the house in the borough of Southwark called "Thomas Bekettes hospitall," Bodley manor, Surr., Magna Wakering rectory, Essex, and all lands (many names of places given) of the said hospital. 30 Dec.
241b. Ric. Lewes, yeoman of the Guard. Tenement in Lewsham, Kent, obtained by exchange from Thos. Hatcliff, dec. 12 Dec.
Thos. Gymlott alias Barboure. Free chapel of Monketon, Wilts, in consideration of his surrender of the same. 12 May.
Wm. Bolleyn, clk. Annuity of 61l. 5s. in consideration of his surrender of the prebend of Strensall alias Strenshull, Yorks. 27 Dec.
Augm. Book.
218, f. 4.
Wm. Staunford. Annuity of 90l. 2 Jan.
4b. Wm. Layton. Annuity of 40l. in consideration of his surrender of the prebend of Cantelous, alias Kentishetowne, alias Cantelers, Midd. 10 Jan.
5. Thos. Barker, of Nawtondale, Yorks. Twenty one years' lease of a tenement in Budlome and another in Nawtondale. Rievaulx. 18 Jan.
8b. Sir Fras. Bryan. Forty-two years' lease of Brokeburgh pastures in Broke-burgh lordship, Beds., which belonged to the earl of Kent and is now annexed to Ampthill honour; in reversion after Sir Robt. Legh, who holds a lease from the General Surveyors dated 13 March 19 Hen. VIII. 30 April.
10. Arth. Belfelde and Robt. Tatton, of Wythinshawe, Chesh., King's servant. Forty years' lease of Bawden rectory, Chesh.; on surrender of a Crown lease, 2 Dec. 28 Hen. VIII., to Belfelde alone. 24 Nov.
10b. Ric. Audeley, equerry of the Stable. Twenty one years' lease of a mill and lands in East Retford, Notts., from the expiration of a 24 years' lease to John Blowmer and Katharine his wife by Welbeck abbey, 25 Feb. 20 Hen. VIII. 12 Dec.
13. Eliz. Morys, widow, late wife of Sir Chr. Morys, dec. Manors of Gravesend and Parrocke, Kent, with various lands in Milton parish; also lands in Gravesend town and the manor of Minches in Northflete parish. St. Mary Graces next the Tower. 10 June.
iii. Pensions in 38 Henry VIII.
Augm. Book.
236, f. 222b.
St. John of Jerusalem in England. Edw. Browne, brother. 50l. 12 July.
223. The same. Ant. Rogers, brother. 10l. 10 July.
Ibid. 218, f. 9. Collegiate church of St. Mary in the Fields, Norwich. Miles Spencer, LL.D.,) dean. Manor of Bowthorp, Norf., and 10l. 16 Feb. 38 Hen. VIII. (sic.)
iv. Leases in 38 Henry VIII.
[These leases are for 21 years. In the following abstract the names of former owners, where indicated, are printed in italics, and, for the sake of brevity, all particulars (such as the details of the demesne lands let with monasteries and manors, the nature and tenants' names of the tithes of rectories, &c., the fields attached to granges and farms, the extents and tenants' names of lands, the positions of tenements in towns, and the like, which are as a rule minutely specified; with of course the rents and conditions of the leases) arc omitted.]
Augm. Book.
217, f. 101.
John Parker. Tithes of Dronefeld rectory, Derb., with a croft in Byrchett, Derb. Beawchyff. 21 Aug. 38 Hen. VIII.
Hen. Isam. Fourde manor, Soms., with reservation of Braunersdowne, the woods of Warleigh and Aysheleigh and pasturages in Warleigh and Charmerdon. Not dated.
f. 101b. John Tucker, of Chertesey, Surr. Two water mills called Oxlake mills with an island and certain lands there; on surrender of a 21 years' lease to John Rooke, 24 May 20 Hen. VIII., by Chertesey abbey. Not dated.
102. John Edwardes, of London. Tenement in Seynt John Strete, Midd., in St. Sepulchre's parish without Newgate, London. 20 Sept.
103. Thos. Fuller, junior. Combes manor, Suff., and lands there, purchased of Sir Wm. Willoughbye. 15 Aug.
103b. John Gale, of London. Tenement in Lemynge, Yorks. St. Leonard's, York. 20 Oct.
Agnes Smythe, of Burley, Yorks. Messuage there. Kyrkestall. 15 July.
104. John Hatcherson, of Purleigh, Essex. Tenement there. Bylegh. 10 July.
104b. Margaret Praty, of Whaugen, Yorks, widow, and Ric. Praty her son. Tenement there. Meux. 28 June.
105. Hen. Russell. Rents in kind from the farmer of Ellesfelde rectory, Worc.; on surrender of Crown lease, 20 May 30 Hen. VIII., to his father John Russell. Little Malvern. 22 July.
105b. Peter Kydwelly and Wm. Rithe. Grange and chapel of Northampton (sic, qu. Northam?) Hants. Hyde. 10 July.
106. Brian Rodehouse, of Heddingley, Yorks. Tenement there. Kyrkestall. 15 July.
106b. Agnes Hopton, of Burley, Yorks, widow. Tenement there within Heddyngley manor. Kyrkestall. 15 July.
107. Juliana Rome, of Burley, Yorks, widow. Ditto. 15 July.
107b. Ric. Greneway, of Comptons, Bucks. Fields called Great and Little Inglandes in Dunstable, Beds., parcel of Dunstable manor and Ampthill honour. Dunstable. 15 July.
Robt. Chamber, of Wolstye in Holme lordship, Cumb. Tenement there. Holme Coltram. 20 June.
108. Robt. Clerke, of Awnewike, Nthld. Tithes in Elforthe, Nthld. St. Oswald's. 20 July.
109. Leonard Hetherington. Charyng rectory and Egerton chapel, Kent. 24 April.
109b. Ric. Taverner, of London. Numerous tenements in Kingston upon Thames and Surpleton, Surr.; on surrender of a 30 years' lease (recited) to John Brynkherst, now deceased, by the London Charterhouse, 28 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. 5 May.
110b. Thos. Duffeld, senior. Tenement in Galgagh, Yorks. Fountains. 28 May.
Robt. Thurston. Rent in fish payable by the farmer of lands in Skarburgh and Fallegrave of the late hospital of Skarburgh which belonged to Holy Trinity priory, York; also a cottage on Ulleston Moor—Newburgh; tenement in Glaysdale and lands in Upsall Major and Upsall Minor,—Gisborough. 20 May.
111. Ralph Crofte, of Coverham, Yorks. Coverham mon.; on surrender of Crown lease (recited) 8 Oct. 28 Hen. VIII., to Chr. Lassellys. 23 May.
112. Geo. Clyfforde. Tenement in Lathebyrry, Bucks; on surrender of a 31 years' lease (recited) to Thos. Bampton by Lavendon Abbey 15 Jan. 12 Hen. VIII. 26 May.
113. Thos. Smyth, of Gysbourne, Yorks. Lands there and in Skelton, Yorks. Gysbourne. 28 May.
113b. Chr. Lepton, of Keybeke, Yorks. Lands in Kyrkeby Moresyde, Fadmore and Gyllymore, Yorks; on surrender of a 21 years' lease (recited) to Thos. Lepton, of Kepeke, his father, by Newburgh priory 4 Jan. 27 Hen. VIII. 30 May.
114b. Hen. Sharppe, of Wyllyngham, Linc. Tenement there. Syxhill. 5 June.
Robt. Maddy, of London. Rectory of St. Andrew and All Saints called Old Buckenham, Norf. Buckenham. 15 June.
f. 115. John Slannyng, of London. Tithes within the "limits of the parish chapel of St. Edward of Sheagh depending to the conventual and parish church" of Plympton; on surrender of a 20 years' lease (recited), to Hugh Foster, clk., and Baldwin Heyle, by Plympton priory, 1 Oct. 30 Hen. VIII. 3 Aug.
116. Sir Thos. lord Wharton. Braythwhayte mill in Coldale, Cumb. Earldom of Northumberland. 6 Sept.
116b. John Dogeson, of Wyllyngham, Linc. Tenement there. Syxhill. 20 Aug.
124b. John Carie. Roydon manor, Essex, lately purchased from Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and annexed to Hunsdon honour; also Temple manor and rectory (?), Essex,—St. John's of Jerusalem. Except Roydon park and the advowson of Temple vicarage. 13 May.
125. Thurston Morton, of Bradfeld, Yorks. Bradfeld mill; on surrender of a 21 years' lease (not recited) by Wirkesopp priory 3 Feb. 1532. 12 July.
Sir Ralph Sadler. Cell or priory of Snathe, Yorks. Selby. 1 Aug.
125b. Rog. Burghe, of Bourghe, Yorks. Tithes in Caterike and Burghe, co. Richmond, on surrender of a 21 years' lease (not recited) to Giles son of Chr. Burghe by St. Mary's, York, 19 July 28 Hen. VIII. 12 July.
126. Rog. Grene, of Topcliff, Yorks. Tenement there, lately purchased of the archbishopric of York. 24 July.
126b. Ric. Maunsell, of Hornesey, Yorks. Lands there. St. Mary's, York. 16 July.
Thos. Catherne. Rectory of St. Martin of Haverford, co. Pembroke. Haverfordwest priory. 10 July.
127. Laur. Eyre, of Hathersegge, Derb. Rectory of Hadersegge; on surrender of a 50 years' lease (not recited) to Godfrey Eyre and Emota his wife and one of their children by Launde priory, 20 Nov. 10 Hen. VII. 26 July.
127b. Wm. Grene, of Heyle, Wilts. Tenement called le Tower of Benwell, in Ben well, Nthld., parcel of Benwell manor. Tynmouth. 20 Feb.
Thos. Calton, goldsmith, of London. Grain rents from the farmers of Frome Canons manor, Webley manor and rectory, Heref., and Queddesley manor and rectory,—Lanthonie beside Glouceste; also from the farmer of Rosteley pasture in Whethingdon parish within Doddesley lordship, Glouc., —Winchcombe. 27 July.
128. Hen. Wasse. Tenement and three messuages parcel of Branham lordship, Yorks. 2 July.
128b. Hen. Russell and Henry his son. Tithes in Besford, Wore, which the abbot of Parshore granted to them for life. 27 July.
Thos. Barwell, of Calais. A piece of waste land in Calais. 6 July.
129. Wm, Fayrewell. Tithes and certain lands of Newton Grange in Harteborne parish, Nthld.,—Newmynster. Also tithes in Buroden,—Tynmouth. 1 Aug.
129b. Thos. Godde, alias Redwurth, of Tanfeld, Yorks. Two messuages in Kyrkebywiske within the archdeaconry of Richmond. Fountains. 20 Aug.
Wm. Rackton, of Walberton, Suss. Lands in Walberton; on surrender of a 21 years' lease (not recited) to him and others by Sir Thos. West lord Laware and Elizabeth his wife 1 May 18 Hen. VIII. 6 Sept.
130. John Buttrye, of Harkay Yaytes, Yorks. Messuage called Harkay Yaytes in Arden and Ardenside, Yorks,—Arden; also a garden, &c., in Bramham, Yorks,—St. Oswald's, York. 6 Sept.
130b. Ric. Lewys, of Lee, Kent, yeoman of the Guard. Tenement, &c., in Lewisham, Kent, leased by the Crown, 12 June 37 Hen. VIII., to John Wrenne. 16 Aug.
131. John Hillar, of Merton, Surr. Merton Grange, parcel of Merton manor; on surrender of a 21 years' lease (not recited) by Merton priory, 20 April 24 Hen. VIII. 28 Aug.
132. John Gunne, of Badeley beside Stowe Markett, Suff., miller. Mill, &c., in Combos and Cretinge, Suff.; on surrender of a Crown lease (not recited) to Thos. Pole and Wm. Dobbes 3 Feb. 31 Hen. VIII. Flyxton. 10 July.
132b. Gilbert Annyngson, of Staxby beside Whitby, Yorks. Lands in Whitby parish. Whitby. 6 Aug.
133. Ralph Rowlett, of St. Albans, Herts. Tithes of Redborne manor, Herts; on surrender of a 31 years' lease (not recited) by St. Albans Abbey 20 Sept. 11 Hen. VIII. 18 July.
Ant. Anchor, master of the Jewels. Folkeston priory, Kent. 31 Aug.
133b. Ralph Goldesmythe, of Westchayham, Surr. Westchayham manor; on surrender of a 41 years' lease (not recited) by Christchurch priory, Canterbury, 29 Oct. 16 Hen. VIII. 31 Aug.
134. Ric. Benson, of Newcastle upon Tyne. Lands and fisheries and four chapels, &c., within the lordship of Holme, Cumb. Holne Cultram. 14 July.
135. Wm. Humberston, of London. Tithes in Kyrkbye, Stretston, Brokehurste, Coppeston, Cosford, Long Laufurd, Hell, and Munkes Kyrkeby, Warw., parcel of Munkes Kyrkeby rectory. Axholme. 10 Sept.
f. 135b. Ph. Brace, of Doverdall, Wore. Ombursley manor, with certain lands and woods and the keeping of all coney warrens within the lordship of Ombursley; on surrender of a 92 years' lease (recited) to John Haforde and Ph. Brace by Evesham abbey 20 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. 20 Sept.
137b. Robt. Austen, of Rabye, Cumb. Tenement, &c., there. Holme Coltram. 10 May.
138b. John Brigges, of Riding Stang, Cumb. Tenement there. Holme Coltram. 6 Oct.
139. Geo. Austen, of Foulesike, Cumb. Tenement there. Holme Coltram. 10 May.
139b. Thos. Benson, of Carlille, Cumb. Tenements in Abbey Cowbyer, Pellethowe, Brokeholles, Dubbemill and Milnehill, within the lordship of Holme Coltram, Cumb. Holme Coltram. 10 May.
141. Robt. Payne, of St. Neot's, Hunts. Three water-mills called Okestubmill and Seynt Nedes Mylles, Hunts; on surrender of a 21 years' lease (not recited) to John Garlande of Gormoncester, Hunts, by St. Neot's priory 10 Sept. 22 Hen. VIII. 31 July.
141b. Thos. Cartebote, of Bilton, co. City of York. Messuage there. Synnyngthwayte. 4 July.
142. Thos. Myldemay, of London. Messuage called Southewoode in Chelmysforde, Essex, which the King obtained from Edm. bishop of London. 30 June.
John Frankeleyne. St. Giles's hospital of Kepeyr, Dham., with the manors of Gylygate and Oldedurham, rectories of St. Nicholas and St. Giles in Durham and other lands. 4 Aug.'
143. Wm. Vaughan, yeoman of the Guard. Bignours manor in Darteforde, Kent, lands called Dew Landes in Stonne parish, and the wheat mill and malt mill of the said manor; on surrender of a 20 years' lease (not recited) to Roger Tusser by Dartford nunnery, 1 Sept. 26 Hen. VIII. 4 Aug.
143b. Thos. Chaloner and Dame Joan Leigh, widow, in advancement of a marriage to be made between them. Cell of St. Bee's in Cowpland, Cumb.; for the remainder of a 61 years' lease (recited) by St. Mary's abbey, York, to Sir Thos. Leighe, dec, by the name of Thos. Leighe, LL.D., 20 Feb. 30 Hen. VIII. 2 Aug.
Thos. Parry and Anne his wife. Welford manor and Cheveley rectory and other lands, tithes and rents in Welford, Eyston, Holbenham and Boxore, Berks. Abendon. 2 Sept.
146. John Sponer. Moiety of Stanton rectory beside Bynbroke, Linc. Alvingham. 20 Aug.
Thos. Baylie, of Uphaven, Wilts. Manor or prebend of Uphaven, with the rectory, &c., there; on surrender of a 21 years' lease (not recited), to his father and others, of the premises, together with the advowsons of the said church and of Charleton chapel, by Ederos priory 5 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII. 20 Aug.
147. Wm. Breton, of London. Hotofte rectory, Linc.; on surrender of a Crown lease (recited) to Hen. Swyte, vicar of Hotofte, 13 May 31 Hen. VIII 6 Oct.
147b. John Burnell, of the Household, and Wm. Burnell, of London. Cell or rectory of Woodekyrke, Yorks,—St. Oswald's; and rectory of Crossethwayte, Cumb.,—Fountains. 14 Oct.
148b. Ric. Thompson, of York. Two tenements in Dringhouse beside York. Clementhorpe. 1 Sept.
Wm. Herryson, of Waghen, Yorks. Messuage, &c., there. Meux. 20 Nov. John Maynarde. Windmill, &c., at Roggehill in Milton parish, Kent, purchased of Sir Thos. Wyatt. 20 Sept.
149b. John Harbottell, of Preston, Nthld. Tughall manor. Earldom of Northumberland. ——— (blank) Dec.
150. Wm. Eyldon. Grain rents from Thos. and Brian Cottome, farmers of two tenements in Newby in Cleveland, Yorks. Basedale priory. 4 Sept.
150b. Wm. Parkyn, of Calve Grange, Cumb. Tenement, &c., within Calvo Grange. Holme Coltram. 6 Oct.
151. John Daunson, of Banburgh, Norf., and Geo. Parker, of Cartlynge, Camb. Coney warrens within Halysdon and Drayton lordships, Norf. Charles duke of Suffolk. 20 Dec.
Sir Edw. Mountague, chief justice of King's Bench. Brigstock rectory and manor, Ntht. Cyrencester. 20 Dec.
151b. Hen. Brayne, of London. Fisheries in Severn from Fromelorde weir to Reddeleys weir and from Newenham Ladder to Boxe Grove, Glouc.,— St. Peter's, Gloucester; also between Roddeleys weir and Newenham Ladder,— St. Augustine's, Bristol. 20 Dec.
John Heron, of Aydonbrygges, Nthld. Tenements called Temple House and Threpwode in Aydonbrygges, parcel of Mount St. John preceptorv. St. John's of Jerusalem. 20 Doc.
ff. 152b. to 156b. blank.
f. 157. John Fawxe, of Westmersey, Essex, and Alice his wife, late wife of Robt. Pullen, dec. Westmersey manor, as held by Robt. Pullen, and Dogholles Marsh there. Higham Ferreys College. 7 May.
157b. Jas. Sympson, of the Household. Lands in Melmerby, in the archdeaconry of Richmond. Coverham. 5 May.
158. Robt. Clerkson, of Gysborne, Yorks. Messuage, &c., there. Gysborne. 16 May.
Wm. Netherwood, of Gysbourne. The like. 12 May.
158b. Ric. Walker. Tenement and three cottages in Kylvylton, Yorks. Newburgh. 12 May.
159. Thos. Woodde, of Setterington, Yorks. Tithes in Kneton and Melton parishes, co. Richmond. St. Mary's, York. 19 May.
John Warde, of Doncaster, Yorks. Lands in Lumbye, Yorks. Draxe. 20 May.
159b. Agnes Woode, of Whitkyrke, Yorks, widow, late wife of Robt. Woode, dec. Tithes of Whitkyrke parsonage; on surrender of a 30 years' lease (recited) to Robt. Woode, by St. John's of Jerusalem, for Newland preceptory, 8 March 20 Hen. VIII. 27 May.
160. Thos. Parker, of London, and Joan his wife, late wife of Jas. Dingley and of Mich. Asshefelde, dec. Northlatche manor, Glouc. St. Peter's, Gloucester. 27 April.
160b. Edw. Acrodde, yeoman of the Guard. Tenement in Wartehall, Yorks. St. Andrew's, York. 23 May.
161. Ric. Alyngton, of London. Grain rent from the farmer of Lavyngton rectory, Wilts. Edyngton. 24 May.
161b. Thos. Watson, of Hedyngley, Yorks., and Margaret Burton, of Burley, Yorks., widow, late wife of Alex. Burton, dec. Tenements in their tenure in Hedyngley and Burton, parcel of Hedyngley manor. Kyrkstall. 1 June.
162. Peter Kydwelly and Wm. Rythe. All Saints rectory in Northampton. St. Andrews, Northampton. 18 June.
Robt. Abbey. Tenement in Tokwithe, Yorks. Synnyngthwayte. 29 May.
162b. Thos. Towers, of Bevail, Notts., and Agnes Westrome, widow, late wife of Thos. Westrome of Newthorp, Notts., dec. Tithes in Newthorp in Greseley parish. Bevall. 1 May.
163. Thos. Joolles, of the Household. Lands in Bromeley and Stebunheth parishes, Midd. St. Mary Graces next the Tower. 10 June.
John Blancharde, of Gysbourne, Yorks. Lands there. Gysbourne. 22 May.
163b. Wm. Caroke, of Appleton, co. City of York. Messuage there. St. Mary's, York. 10 June.
164. Sir Geo. Darcy. Tithes in Gaytesford and Hamylton lordships, Yorks; on surrender of a 21 years' lease (recited) by Selby abbey 20 May 28 Hen. VIII. 6 June.
164b. Ric. Venables, serjeant at arms. Foston rectory, Yorks. Hull Charterhouse. 24 May.
165. Wm. Debanke. Tenement in Smethersbye, Derb. Repton. 25 June.
Ric. Chapman, of Bath, Soms., clothier. Rectory of Combe, dovecots in Weston, tithes of Barton rectory and rectory, &c., of Widcombe and Lyncombe, Soms. Bath monastery. 10 May.
165b. John Wylde, of Kyrkebywyske, Yorks. Messuage there. Fountains. 20 May.
166. Steph. Wylson. Lands in Hornyngton Ynges in Bolton Peyrcy parish, Yorks,—Appleton priory; also a tenement in Tadcaster,—Helaugh. 10 Aug.
166b. Ralph Hamond. Messuage, &c., in Arkilside, in the archdeaconry of Richmond. Coverham. 12 Aug.
167. Jas. Wrighte. Tenement in Willingham, Line. Sixhill. 10 Sept.
167b. Wm. Johnson, of Ampleford, Yorks. Tenement there. Byland. 20 Sept.
John Stringer, of Clyffe, Ntht. Tenement there, purchased of Charles lord Mountjoy. 5 Aug.
168. John Pacocke and Geo. Newton. Lands in Staxby in the parish of Whitby and in Riswarpe, Yorks. Whitby. 7 Aug.
168b. John Streme, of Thurnyng, Hunts. Lands there. Crowland. 7 July.
169. John Wyseman. Tithe lands in Monks Kyrkebye parish, Warw. Axholme. 10 May.
Isabel Hilton, widow. Fishery in the water of Were in Houghton parish and the liberty of Coken, in the bishopric of Durham. Durham priory 10 June.
169b. Wm. Tofte, of Hey ton, in Leke parish, Staff. Tenement there. Dieulacres. 23 May.
John Mery. Messuage in Hartewell, Ntht., parcel of Graf ton honour 1 March.
f. 170. John Devell and Agnes his wife. Messuage in Tettesworth in Leke parish, Staff. Dieulacres. 20 May.
170b. Fras. Mynne. Westham vicarage, Essex. Stratford Langthorne. 7 April.
171. John Haukyn, jun. Powers manor, Essex; on surrender of Crown lease (not recited) to John Haukyn, 20 June 28 Hen. VIII. 13 May.
171b. John Oker, of Buntyngford, Harts. Eastylburye rectory, Essex. George lord Cobham. 6 Nov.
172. Robt. Constable, of the Household. Lordship, manor and rectory of Ombersley, Worc., with the manor place and lands late in tenure of Ph. Brace and John Haforde, with numerous customary rents, honey silver, hundred silver, tithes and rights. Evesham. 2 Nov.
174. Sir John Seynt John, of Bletneshoo, Beds. Tithes of the rectory of Relye alias Thirlye, Beds.; on surrender of a lease (recited) for term of the life of Wm. Erneys of Mylton Erneys, Beds., and for twenty years more, by Canons Ashby Priory 21 May 17 Hen. VIII. 1 Aug.
175. Wm. Hobson, of Standley, Yorks. Tenement in Rigton, Yorks. Kyrkestall. 26 Oct.
Hen. Kirkeham and Eleanor his wife. Lapley manor and tithes in Lapley, Hyddeslonde, Bykeforde and Aston, Staff. Tonge college, Salop. 1 Dec.
175b. Ric. Pate, of Gloucester. Hertpuiye manor alias Abbottes Courte Place, co. City of Gloucester. St. Peter's, Gloucester. 24 Nov.
176. Robt. Eyer. Grain rents of tenants of Upton manor, Norf., lately purchased from Sir Ric. Southwell. 15 Dec.
176b. Wm. Berners. Okeley manor, Glouc. Cirencester. 26 Nov.
177. Sir Wm. Brabazon. Scalforde rectory, Leic. King Henry VIII.'s College, Oxford. 6 Dec.
177b. Jas. Skynner, of Rygate, Surr. Bentyngwoodde in Horley parish, Surr.; on surrender of a 40 years' lease (recited) by Sir Ric. Carewe, 19 March 1 Hen. VIII. 1 July.
178. Ric. Combes. The marsh grounds in Clympyng and Fourde parishes, Suss., parcel of Fourde manor, obtained by exchange from John Palmer and parcel of Petworth honour. 1 Aug.
179. Sir Thos. lord Wharton. Holme Cultram abbey, Cumb. 11 Nov.
179b. Robt. Adams, of Darryngton, Yorks. Lands in Bramham, Yorks. St. Oswald's. 4 Oct.
180. Edm. Ford. Levesham manor and rectory, Kent; on surrender of a 40 years' lease (recited) to John Cheseman by Shene priory, 16 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII. Undated.
182. Ric. Andrewes. Manor of Icome alias Comb, Glouc. Worcester Cathedral. 15 Dec.
182b. Hen. Medcalff. Tenement in Stilton, Hunts. Busshemede. 20 Nov.
183. Thos. Leigh, of London. Caldewell priory and other lands leased, 3 Dec. 29 Hen. VIII., to Wm. and Anne Gostwike; for forty years in reversion after the said Wm. and Anne. 14 Nov.
184. Edw. Belyngham, of the Household. Bradforde hundred, Wilts. 20 Nov.
184b. Wm. Clerc, of the Household. Garnethorpe rectory, Line. Alvingham. 3 Nov.
John Beswike, Wm. Monkeman and Ric. Kildale. Three tenements in their several tenures in Hakenes parish, Yorks. Whitby. 20 Sept.
185. Adam Pikering, Ph. Herde and John Robynson. The like. 20 Sept.
187. Abraham Horseman. Moiety of the manor or grange of Exilbye, Yorks. St Leonard's, York.
Hugh ap Jankyn, of Talley, co. Caermarthen. Rectory of Kynwyll Gayo and Llansawill; on surrender of a 30 years' lease (not recited) by Talley abbey, 6 Sept. 18 Hen. VIII. 14 Dec.
187b. Edw. Elrington, of the Household. Tithes of Plechendon in Henhame parish, Essex. Barking. 28 Oct.
188. Thos. Heydon, of Merton in Holderness, Yorks. Windmill in Waghen, Yorks. Meux. 1 Sept.
188b. Ric. Tyrrell, of London. Newmynster monastery, Nthld., with certain granges, salt pans, coal mines and tithes; on surrender of a Crown lease to Oswald Wilstropp, 20 April 31 Hen. VIII. 20 Dec.
189b. Morgan Wolf, goldsmith, of London. Chepstowe priory, in the bpric. of Llandaff, with the manors of Chepstowe,. Tydnam, Howike, Hardewike, and Monketon, lands in Bride, Magar, Unde, Llandogoynde and Mathron, certain annual pensions and tithes and the rectory of Chepstowe. 26 Dec.
190. John Foxley, of Blakysley, Ntht. Lands in Sewell, Ntht.; on surrender of a 20 years' lease (not recited) by lord Harrowden and his wife; 22 March 23 Hen. VIII. 20 Nov.
f. 190b. Wm. Cressy, of Ostynghanger, Kent. The New Inne in Ostynghanger parish, Kent, which belonged to the rectory there, and certain lands in Lymme parish, Kent; on surrender of a nine years' lease (recited) of the Newe Inne by Sir Thos. Pounynges, 26 Sept. 28 Hen. VIII. Sir Thos. Pounynges. 1 Dec.
775. Augmentations.
R. O. A book of payments by the Treasurer of Augmentations, headed "Anno xxxviijvo r. r. Henrici Octavi."
(For the previous account see Part I., No. 643.)
f. 1. Pensions paid to divers late religious persons, recorded under the names of houses. [Except where otherwise noted, these are quarterly or half-yearly payments for the year ending at Michaelmas 38 Hen. VIII, and the dates mostly range from Dec. 37 Hen. VIII. to Nov. 38 Hen. VIII.]
Sainct Mary Spyttell: Wm. Maior, prior (first two quarters only). Chartesey:
Thos. Potter. Godstowe: Kath. Bulkeley, Julyane Pope. Syon: Agnes Jurden, abbess (first quarter only), Margery Covert, Mary Watnow, Bridget Soliarde (first two quarters only), Marg. Lupton (nil), Dorothy Sleight, Mary Nevell, Dorothy Bethenham, Ant. Lytle, Ric. Browne (nil), John Selbie, Eliz., Crochley, Alice Senowes, Anne Edwardes (nil), Ant. Sutton (nil), David Curson, John Myllett (nil), Marg. Dellie, Awdrie Dellie, Kath. Brierton, Eliz. Faux, Marg. Elrington, Mary Denham, John Howell, John Greane, Rose Paget, John Massie, Bridget Belgrave, Effamie Elamer (nil), Eliz. Straiges (plus arrears foryears), Alice Joie (plus arrears foryears), Alice Lyster, Wm. Tyrlington, John Stukine, Bridget Fitzherbert (nil), Alice Betenham, Joan Deane, Dorothy Codrington, Agnes Merit, Eleanor Pegge, Eliz. Yates, Susan Purffery, Marg. Monington, Ursula Fetyplace, Eleanor Feteplace, Marg. Bowcer, Clement Tressham, Marg. Winsore (nil), Joan Rushe, Ann Dauncie, Margery Walker, Eliz. Knottesfford, Anne Hunkes, Kath. Palmer, Joan Judde (nil), Alice Pulton, Ric. Lache (plus one quarter in arrear), Eliz. Ogle, Alice Elrington. St. Mary Overy's: Barth. Fowle. St. Albanes: Ric. Bowreman, Thos. Albone, Thos. Bynham, Ric. Rickmanswourth, Mich. Everton, Wm. Wyate. Westminster: Wm. Melton, Wm. Pacience (nil), John Alen, Wm. Benson, Wm. Estne (nil), John Forster. Clerkenwell: Eliz. Sackvyle. Worcester: John Blackwell. Sheane: Hen. Manne (first quarter only), Thos. Hindeby, John Pysaunte, Edm. Fletwood, Robt. Horsley, Geo. Hornbie, Hen. Ball, Thos. Manffeld (nil), Robt. Thirlbie, Ric. Tyldislie, Thos. Smythe, Thos. Lowe, Ric. Marshall, John Bromley. Valla Crucis: John Heron. Whight Fryers, London: John Gybbis (nil). Buckfaste: Gabriel Dune. Rochester: Ric. Chetheham, Wm. Cantour-bury, Wm. Albone, Robt. Pylton, Robt. Smithe, Nic. Arnolde, Robt. Bacon, David Nashe (nil). Whitlande: Jas. Nicholas. St. Bartholomewes: Matth. Delie, Wm. Barloo, Ric. Duffe, John Smithe, Peter Wade (nil), Geo. Chapman, Robt. Glasior, Chr. Rainolde, John Smithe, Hen. George, John Sutton, Robt. Stokes (nil). Cockesforde: John Adamson. Chester abbey: Robt. Wygan alias Harden, John Maire, John Gostlowe, Thos. Ruttar, Ric. Done, Wm. Milner. Waltham: Miles Garrard, Edm. Saunders (nil), Edm. Freke, Wm. Lyllie, Thos. Hawkins, Thos. Warren, Ric. Reede (nil), Edw. Storie, John Sawnder, John Norris, Robt. Woodleff (nil), Geo. Solis, Robt. Hull (nil), John Holmested, Robt. Parkar, Hugh Yonge, Humph. Marten (nil). Bodmyn: Thos. Waunsworth. St. Mary's in Winchester: Agnes Bagcrofte, Mary Marten, Cicely Gainsforde. Dartfforde: Mary Kytson (nil), Marg. Okey, Kath. Clovile. St. Austen's in Bristoll: Morgan Guillams (nil). Westmallinge: Marg. Vernon. Acon College: Laur. Gopferlour. Haghmonde: Thos. Corvestre, Wm. Rolffe (nil), John Wright. Thornton Curtesey: Edw. Sowthbie (nil), Thos. Apleton (nil), Wm. Shawe (nil), John Williamson (nil), Chr. Smithe (nil), Steph. Tompson (nil). Noneton: Eliz. Milward. Westacre: Wm. Wingffild. Herfford West: John Bathow. Clyfforde: Nic. Hughe. Twyneham: John Pope (nil). Axholme: Thos. Dobson, Thos. Broke. Crowlande: John Remes (nil), Robt. Portington, John Rotheram. Bardmondsey: the bp. of St. Assaphe. Norton: Thos. Bryket. Towerhill: Hugh More. Chest-hunt Nunrie: Margery Hill. Fordeham: Ric. Broune, Wm. Bampton. Charterhouse, London: Thos. Salter, Wm. Wayght (first half year only), Barth. Burgon, Wm. Brooke (first half year only). Chester Nonrye: Eliz. Grosvenour, Joan Foxwist, Frances Bradborn, Margery Traiford, Margery Tailour (first half year only), Joan Chaunterell, Eleanor Dutton, Alice Taylour, Joan Jones. Charterhouse Hynton: John Bagcrofte. Ambresburye: Marg. Bambridge. Stratfford Bowe: Sybil Kirke. Tutburye: Arth. Meverell. Walsingham: Ric. Vowell, John Clarke. Peterborough: Robt. Kyrton, Robt. London.
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Grave Fryers, London: Thos. Chapman. Wetherall: Ralph Hartelie. Barnewell: Yon Badcocke. Asherydge: Joseph Stepney. St. Martens, London: Thos. Hikling, Geo. Rainer, Ant. Nycolson, Hen. Hill, Hen. Garrad, Tristram Sparkman, Thos. Robinson, Thos. Paine, Robt. Evans, John Stones, Thos. Canner. Breknocke: Robt. Holden. Chatters: Mary Graie. Barkinge: Mary Blaknall, Dorothy Barlie. Marton: John Bowlo. Burgaveny: Wm. Marten. Rounswall: the wardens there. Newport hospital: Ph. Fawdon. St. John's of Jerusalem: Edw. Broune, Wm. Tyrrell, John Sutton (first half year only), Clement Weste (first half year only), Edw. Bellingam. Winchecombe: Wm. Blossom. Rosedale: Mary Marshall. Fryswyst in Oxfford: John Olyver, John Leyland, Thos. Cannar, Edw. Leighton (first two quarters only), Ric. Crofte (nil), Peter Vanne, John Cheke, John Barbour (first two quarters only), Jas. Proctor, John Robyns (1½ years), Hen. Williamz, Humph. Oglethorp (1½ years). Crydyton (altered from Kyrton) College: John Mason. Robartes Brydge: Thos. Sprat, Robt. Copar, Wm. Sendon, Laur. Thorwier, Thos. Taylour. St. Mares besydes Yorke: Thos. Eshe. Halywell: Sybil Newdigate. Burton upon Trent: John Rudd, Rog. Bull, John Jermie, Wm. Milner. St. Maries in Warwik: Wm. Wall. Hastinges: Thos. Harman. Oseney: Jarvis Linche, Ric. Byslye. Bathe: Wm. Sudbrie alias Edgar (nil). Launceston: John Shere. Ostenhanger: Wm. Lambard. Evesham: Ph. Havorde, Thos. Bristoll. St. Maries withoute Bisshopes gate: Wm. Hawarde. Nethe: John Richard. Burton upon Trent: Robt. Broke. Total, 4.463l. 6s. 8d.
ii. Annuities granted out of divers late monasteries:—St. Maryes in Yorke: Lord Wriothesley, John Stoninge, Sir Thos. Hennedge, Walt. Hendley. Hexham: Edm. Hallgill (nil). Lees: Dean and Chapter of Pawles. Byssham: Ant. Dunriche (nil), Walt. Hendley, John Fulmer, Thos. Pope, Sir Robt. Southwell. Cristchurch in Norwiche: Sir Thos. Hennage. Taunton: John Tregonwell, Wm. Glascoke. Hyde: "Thyerle of Hampton," John Godsalve (first half year only), John Jonson (nil). St. Switheas in Winchester: The yerle of Hampton, Thos. Goodman (nil). Durham, Clerkenwell nunnery, Hayles, Chester, Christchurch in. Southampton, and St. Mary's without York: The yerle of HampToh. Hayles: Sir Ant. Kingston. Chester: Otuell Worceley (nil), John Bircheley, Rog. Standishe, Robt. Radfford, Thos. Banyon. Christchurch in Southampton: "Sir Thomage, Knight," Jas. Joskin (nil). Sainct Maryoverys: Sir Thos. Pope, Walt. Hendley, Ric. Hochenson, Robt. Riche Ric. Duke (two years), Humph. Welles, Dean and Chapter of Pawles. Bylsington: Tho. Cheteham. Leadys: Thos. Cheteham, John Gostwik, and Ric. Wheler. Peterborough: Thos. Buttes, Sir Edw. Montague, Lord Russell, Sir Thos. Hennage, Dean and Chapter of Pawles. Lanthonye: Sir Ant. Kingston. Berdmondsey: Dean and Chapter of Pawles, Sir Thos. Pope, Thos. Edgar. Selbye: Thos. Rawlins, Lord Russell. Shene: John Ball, John Fletewood, Walt. Hendley, Sir Thos. Pope, Alex. Goodman, Thos. Ridley, Eliz. Ellis, Robt. Hochinson (nil), Ric. Hochinson, Thos. Fletewood, Robt. Riche, Ric. Duke, Ant. Dunriche, Eliz. Hochins, Wm. Glascocke, Ralph Hunte, Thos. Edgar, Ric. Smithe (first half year with one year's arrears). Hynton: Wm. Hoorde (nil), Wm. Dains. Keynesham: Robt. Smarte. Charterhouse, Coventry: Wm. and Robt. Bochard, Robt. Riche. Syon: Reynold Milsam, Walt. Hendley, Ric. Hochinson, Thos. Whight alias Percie, Thos. Betenham (nil). Tynmouthe: Hen. Penkethe. Chester nunnery: Thos. Rydley. Tower Hill: Thos. Ridley, Walt. Hendley, Dean and Chapter of Pawles (two). Shelforde: Miles Holme. Pypwell: Bishop of Norwich. St. Mary Spittell: Ric. Hochenson, Thos. Eden, Wm. Glascoke, Thos. Edgar, Dean and Chapter of Pawles (four). Leyston: Wm. Sympson for Ric. Hochenson. Burton: John Braudshaw. St. Augustines in Brystowe: Jas. Gunter (first three quarters with a half year's arrears), Geo. Owen. Westminster: Hen. Clarke, Ric. Atkinson, Wm. Moraunte, Simon Briges, Dean and Chapter of Pawles (four), Hugh Weston. Bokenham: Ant. Yonge (nil). Barnewell: Sir Rog. Cholmley. Delacrace: Nic. Witney. Christchurch, London: Dean and Chapter of Pawles. Spalding: Thos. Knight, John Rooke (first half year only). Glamorgan: John Lewes. Bukffaste: Jas. Knottesford. The Mynories: Robt. Riche, Dean and Chapter of Pawles. St. Albones: Robt. Riche, Fras. Easte, Sir Thos. Pope, Thos. Edgar, Thos. Crosse, Laur. Poyners (nil), Walt. Hendley. Elye: Wm. Rudston. Wynchecombe: Sir Ant. Kingston. St. John's Jerusalem: Ph. Babington (nil). Launde: John Rooke (first half year only). Dunstable: Ric. Whight, John Roke (first half year only). Welbeck: Ric. Boier alias Stirley. St. Thomas in Southwark: Sir Thos. Pope (plus a half year's arrears). Ramsey: Sir Edw. Montagu, Wm. Buttes. Thorney, Pypwell, and St. Andrew's in Northampton: Sir Edw. Mountagu. Thorney: Griffith Richardes, John Wagstaphe. Mochelham: Dean and Chapter of
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Chichester. Wenlock: Thos. Standishe. Marryk: Sir Ralph Buhner. Cokersand: Ant. Leighton (nil), Win. Roper. Chepstowe: John Marshall (nil). Stratfflere: John Rocke (first half year only). Crowland: John Rocke (first half year only), Jas. Tyterington, Lord Russell, Sir Thos. Hennag. Meaux: Geo. Drew and John Gostwike (nil). Childerlangley: Griffith Richardes. Sharpe: Thos. Leighe (nil). Cleve: Ralph Tybbis (first half year only). Acon College (two), Hollywell (two), St. Ellens London (four), Charterhouse in London (two), St. Bartholomew London (two), Kylborne Priory, Stradford nunnery, Waltham, Brusyarde, Stradfford, Notley, Cobham College, Chartesey, Newarke, Elsyng Spyttell, Garradon and Alnewyke: Dean and Chapter of Pawles. Noneton and Meryvall: Ric. Everard. Ulvecrofte: John Fletewood, Sir Thos. Pope. Byndon: Sir Thos. Pope. Brewern: Thos. Edgar. Plympton: Walt. Hendley. Shrewesbury: Ant. Wycleffe. Tewkysburye, Malbury, Malverne and Cyrcestre: Sir Ant. Kyngston. Cyrcestre: Thos. Edgar. Battell, Dartforde, and Nethe: Walt. Hendley. Mountacute and Cantorbury: Thos. Percie. Shaftyshbury: Wm. Whorwood (nil). Belegyghe: Dean and Chapter of Pawles. Monmowthe: John Baker. Exetor: Thos. Goodwin and Ph. Frier. Whytlandes: David Nashe. Gysboroughe: Marm. Cholmley. Corneworth: Chr. Hole for Wm. Worsop. Athelney: Wm. Ingland. Sir John Dudleis landes: Walt. Hendley. Spalding: David Edwardes. Malton: Wm. Peter. Kenelworthe: Thos. Broke. Lylleshull, Wyngffylde, Waborne and Heryngflete: the bp. of Norwich. Maunsbury: Chr. Drapar. Christchurch Twyneham: Fras. Byaknall. Masendew Dovour: John Thompson. St. Oswaldes yn York: Thos. Ancell. St. Edmondesbury: Ric. Tyrrell, Wm. Crane. Fryswiste: Sir Ralph Sadler (two). Cokersaund: Chr. Parkar. Whytebye : Thos. Smithe, John Jonson. Twyneham: John Shaw, Jas. Joskin. Pounffraycte: Wm. Garret for Ant. Dunryche (two years). Mountgrace: Edm. Carter. Butlye: Hen. Crampton. Goggesholde: Ric. Duke. Fumes: Thomas duke of Norfolk (nil). Yorbell, Lord Mountjoy his (altered front "Mountagues") landes, and Croxton: Lord Russell. Owre Ladie Colledg Norwich: Wm. Burnell. Llanllygan: D'd ap Ll'en. St. John's Jerusaleme: Wm. Ermsted. Glocetour: Sir Ant. Kingston. Total, 918l. 7s. 6½d.
iii. Annuities by the King:—Sir Wm. Paget, one of the Two Principal Secretaries, 100l. yearly, paid 2 April [ao 37] and 10 Nov. [ao 38]. Sir Wm. Peter, one of the Two Principal Secretaries, 100l., 4 April, 9 Oct. Robt. Rolffe, by John Williams, 26s. 8d., dates omitted. Sir Humph. Ratcliff, 40l., 12 Dec., 19 Oct. Ric. Pagot, one of the Chapel, 20l., 3 Feb, 12 May, 22 June, 2 Oct. Eliz. Golde, 13l. 6s. 8d. nil. John Eyer, 35l. 6s. 8d., 12 June, 7 March, High Admiral of England, 200 mks., 28 Dec., 13 May, 12 Oct. Milicent Alesburye, 40l., 10 Dec., 22 Ap., 28 June, 30 Sept. Thos. Darbie, 20l., 6 March, 14 Oct. Edw. Fetiplace, 13l. 6s. 8d., nil. Robt. Pirrie, 6l. 13s. 4d., 27 March, 2 Oct. Robt. Bowier, 6l. 13s. 4d., 29 March, 2 Oct. Thos. Bird, 6l. 13s. 4d., 29 March, 15 Oct. Hen. Stephenson, 6l. 13s. 4d., 27 March, 2 Oct. Hugh Latimer, 66l. 13s. 4d., 22 Ap., 24 Jan. Peter Garrard, 13l. 6s. 8d., 27 March, 4 Jan. Sir Ric Page, 10l., 30 March, 12 Oct. Walter Cromer, 20l., 29 March, 2 Oct. Hen Dingle, 10l., 3 Ap, 4 Nov. Wm. Farmar, 20l., 2 Ap., 24 Oct. Nic Shaxton, 66l. 13s. 4d., 26 March, 1 Oct. Sir Thos. Clifford, 200 mks., nil. Thos. Nevell, 10l., 15 May, 24 Oct. Eliz. Holland, 10l., 12 Ap., 4 Oct. Ric Adams, 6l., nil. Geo. Roper, 6l. 20d., 18 Feb., 2 Oct. Andrew Wedon, 6l. 20d., 7 Ap., 10 Oct. Lord Cobham, 6l. 20d., 15 May, 26 Oct. Sir Edw. Montagu, 12l. 6s. 8d., 30 May, 6 Oct. Chief Justice of England, 12l. 6s. 8d., nil. Thos. Fitzhughe, 40s., 12 May, 20 Nov. Ric. Higham, 40s. and 3l., 12 May, 20 Oct. Edw. Eglianbie, 130l. 15s. 10d., 21 May, 20 Nov. Thos. Bromley, 12l. 6s. 8d., 20 May, 18 Oct. Sir Thos. Wentworth, 200l., nil. Ric. Broune, 10l., 20 Oct. Geo. Forman, 6l., nil. Countess of Northumberland, 100 mks., 1 Ap., 6 Oct. Lord William Howard, 9 Ap., 26 Oct. Ric. Lee, 100 mks., nil. John Frye, keeper of Maribone park, 6l. 20d., 6 Ap., 10 Oct. Fridiswide Knight, 10l., 15 Ap., 14 Nov. John Peke, 27l. 7s. 6d., 6 May, 15 July. Alice Buttes, 3l. 6s. 8d., 18 June, 18 Nov. Edw. Gregorie, 4l., 16 Feb., 2 Ap., 2 July, 10 Oct. Susan Clarencuu, 13l. 6s. 8d., nil. John Russell, 10l., 26 March, 12 Oct. Bridget Forster, 10l., 26 March, 11 Oct. Marg. Cotton, 10l., 1 Ap., 2 Oct. Geoff, and Ric. Lee, 10l., 14 Ap., 10 Dec. Jasper Horseley, 66l. 13s. 4d., 23 Ap., 1 Nov. Thos. Paston, 26s. 8d., nil. John Plamie, 13l. 6s. 8d., 24 Jan., 26 March, 28 July, 7 Oct. Gwillam Scrotes, 62l. 10s., 26 Jan., 15 Feb., 28 June, 12 Oct. John Clement, 3l. 6s. 8d.,nil. Edw. Grene, 20l., 16 Ap. Ph. Lentall, 6l. 20d., 28 March, 1 Oct. Sir Fras. Brian, 40l., 26 Ap., 14 Oct. Wm. Broke, 20l., 28 March, 6 Oct. Robt. Collie, 13l. 6s. 8d. 4 May. Peter Pett, 9l. 2s. 6d., 1 Ap., 2 July. Wm. Tirrell, 30l., nil. Ric. Grenway, 8l. 20d., 21 May, 18 Oct. John Norris, 8l. 20d., 28 July, 27 Oct.
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John Banyster, 12l. 16s. 9d., 8 June. Robt. Legg, 30l., 8 Jan., 1 Ap., 2 July. John Paston, 20l., 23 Dec, 27 June. John Chaterton, "capten of castell besides Portesmowthe," 325l. 9s. 2d., 12 Feb., 4 Ap., 7 July, 17 Oct. Thos. Paston, 11l. 16d., 2 Ap., 10 Oct. Edw. Elrington, 6l. 20d., 23 June, 23 Jan. Sir Ric. Page, 100l., 30 March, 12 Oct. Henry Novell, 20l., 5 Ap., 23 Oct. Edw. Manwaring, 10l., 6 Ap., 16 Oct. Ric. Norrice, 12l. 3s. 4d., 30 June. Sebastian Lucas, 40l., 1 Jan., 18 July. John Cotton, 20l., 26 Oct. John Carleton, 13l. 6s. 8d., 7 Aug., 22 Oct. Ant. Marchion, 15l., 30 Jan., 22 Oct. Sir Thos. Cheynie, 42s. 2d., 9 June, 9 Dec. John Warner, 40l., 18 Oct. Ric. Tyrrell, 56l. 3s. 4d., 22 June, 4 Dec. Ric. Uvedale, 234l. 4s. 2d., 15 May, 24 July, 4 Dec. Sir Ant. Knevit, 100l., 11 Dec. Thos. Dacres, 20l., 23 Dec. [38 Hen. VIII.]. Total, 2.605l. 2s. 9½d.
iv. Fees of officers:—Sir Edw. Northe, chancellor, 300l., 24 Nov. [37 Hen. VIII.] Sir John Williams, treasurer, 300l., 26 Dec, 26 Ap., 16 July, 14 Oct. Walt. Hendley, attorney, 90l., 10 Nov., 6 Ap., 15 Oct. Nic. Bacon, solicitor, 70l., 5 Feb., 19 March, 30 June, 14 Oct. Geoffrey Gates, surveyor of woods, 95l. 2s., 20 Jan., 12 Ap., 6 July, 27 Oct. Ric. Duke, clerk, 10l., 16 Nov. Duke of Norfolk, high steward of suppressed lands on this side Trent, nil., quia non sol. Sir Nic. Hare, deputy to the said Duke, 20l., 31 March, 8 Nov. The Lord Chancellor, high steward beyond Trent, and Thos. Lucas, his deputy, nil. Edw. Stradburie, keeper of the evidences, 6l. 20d., 10 Jan., 26 March,———June, 19 Sept. Robt. Makerell, messenger, 6l. 20d., 3 July, 3 Oct. Thos. Tyrrell, messenger, 6l. 20d., 27 March, 1 Oct. Jas. Johnson, usher, 3l. 10s., 31 March, 10 Sept. Sir Robt. Sowthwell, the King's general attorney, 6l. 13s. 4d., 16 Ap., 12 Oct. Serjeant Hynde, 6l. 13s. 4d., 17 July, 25 Jan. Sir John Williamz, for his clerks, 20l., dates omitted. Robt. Sillvester, mason, 6l. 20d., 13 Ap., 11 Nov. John Parker, carpenter, 6l. 20d., 23 Ap., 19 Oct. Wm. Barnes and ——— (blank) Wysman, auditors, 40l., dales omitted. Thos. Andrews, "attorney to the court," 5l., 8 Ap., 9 Oct. Total, 1,023l. 15s. 2d.
82. v. Payments made by virtue of the King's warrants, viz.:—
83. 22 March, Andrew Dudley, imprest upon his diets at 26s. 8d., being sent with horses to the Regent in Flaunders, 80l.; Wm. Roskumer, conduct money of 100 footmen from Cornewall to Dovour, 100 miles, at 4d. (sic) the mile and for their coats at 4s. the coat, 43l. 6s. 8d. 26 March, the earl of Hertford, conduct of 100 footmen out of Somersetshire and Wilts, with their captain, petty captain and other officers, and coats at 4s., 58l.; also for conduct of 50 of his servants from Shene to Dovour, and for their coats, 20l. 11s. 6d. 27 March, Ric. Knight, imprest towards victuals for the ships, 1,500l.; Fras. Flemmyng, imprest towards making the ordnance house within the Tower of London, 100l. 3 April, Cornelis Johnson, Adrian Anthonie, and James Peterson, "in recompense of their hoys spoiled by the Frenchmen; which hoys were hired with warranty," 75l. 8 April, Ric. Knight, imprest towards victualling the navy upon the seas, 2.000l. 10 April, the bp. of Winchester, for the rest of his diets, being sent in embassage to the Emperor, 400l. 11 April, Thos. Chaloner, "aswell to be by him delivered to Duke Philip for his half year's pension to him advanced beforehand as also given to him by way of reward, and for the reward given to the Duke Frederyques and to Captain ——— (blank) for like reward," 1,166l. 13s. 4d. 12 April, Jas. Baskervile, conduct money for 100 men sent from Hereford to Dovour, with their petty captain and other officers, and for his charges homewards, 9l. 13s. 2d.; Robt. Vaughan, for conduct of himself, his petty captain and his drum, and for his charges homewards and the charges of his petty captain lying at Callice a certain space, 9l. 13s. 2d.; Thos. Skevington, charges for 17 months at 4s. the day and wages of three soldiers at 8d. the day, 143l. 2s. 14 April, Wm. Jay, Robt. Leighton and John Prynne, for certain pieces of ordnance laid into the ship called the Marie James, 24l. 15 April, John Poyntz, money disbursed by him for coats at 4s., 4l. 16s. 16 April, John Gressham and Thos. Wyngfeld, commissioners at Dovour, for their diets at 6s. 8d. from 18 Oct. ao 37o to 24 Feb. then next, and at 10s. from the said 24 Feb. to the 18th inst., "and for their transportation over," 161l. 7s. 6d. 17 April, Ant. Maziuelo for Lewes Noguere, money paid to the Spanish soldiers, besides their wages paid by the treasurer of Calice, 40l.; Lord Wharton, "aswell for money by him disbursed to Thomas Carleton and others for victuals for 20 men, and to 100 horsemen lying at Ratclyf, as also to the Lord Maxwell and Pate Graine in reward," 96l. 13s. 4d.; Thos. Cannar and John Russell, towards repairing a beam and other necessaries at Hatffilde, 100l. 18 April, Sir Ant. Kingston, for conduct of 261 men sent from Bristoll to London, with their captains, and for their coats, 82l. 3s. 10d. 26 April, Done Michell, imprest towards his charges, repairing to the Camp with five horsemen, 10l. 27 April, Sir Giles Stranguis, coats and conduct of 100 men, 45l. 16s. 8d. 30 April, Sir Ant. Knevit, towards affairs of the Ordnance, 1,000l. All in the above paragraph by virtue of warrant dated 11 Aug. [1] Edw. VI.
26 March, Chr. Mounte, diets at 13s. 4d., by virtue of a warrant dormant, 56l. 1 April, the King, 1,000l. 10 April, John Mason, diets at 26s. 8d., w.d. 1 April, 212l. 25 April, Doctor Reede, diets at 26s. 8d., w.d. 25 April, 112l. 28 April, Doctor Wotton, diets for two months, w.d., 112l.
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f. 84. 3 May, Wm. Brooke, towards charges "of thoder of certain hulkes at Portesmouthe," 200l. 6 May, John Goldsmithe, "for his charges riding in post with letters and for his transportation," 40l. 8 May, Thos. Gefferye, to be conveyed to Sir Edw. Wotton at Callice, with 20l. for his charges, 2,020l. 10 May, Stephen Vaughan, diets for two months beforehand at 30s., "being appointed to repair into Flaunders," 84l. 10 May, Wm. Goodolphin, conduct of 60 "myoners" to serve at Bolleigne, with their coats and the charges of one man sent with them, 50l. 15s. 17 May, Sirs Ralph Warren, Ric. and John Gressam and Roland Hill, to be "made over" by exchange, 3,000l. 24 May, John Wentworthe, for provision of draught horses, horseharness, conduct and coats for carters, etc., 79l. 11s. 4d.; Sirs Ralph Warren, Ric. and John Gressham and Rol. Hill, to be made over by exchange to Stephen Vaughan in Flaunders, 4,000l.; Sir Thos. Darcie, towards stocking of artillery and other necessaries for the blockhouse of Colney, 13l. 6s. 8d. 29 May, Sir Ant. St. Leger, to be conveyed to Sir Wm. Brabston, for the garrison in Ireland, 500l.; John Mann, money disbursed at Dovour for transportation of horses, 19l. 10s. 31 May, Sirs Ralph Warren, Ric. and John Gressham and Rol. Hyll, to be made over by exchange, 3,000l. 3 June, Sir Ant. Wingffild, "for an overplus of money due to him for land in exchange, for discharge of his debt," 181l. 10s. 4d.; Edw. Grimston, diets at 10s., in charge of the town and garrison of Portesmouth in the absence of Edw. Vaughan, 27l. 5 June, Thos. Crompe, to be delivered to Nic. Arnolde for the garrison at Quinboroe, 200l. 7 June, Robt. Legge, towards marine causes, 1,000l.; Sir Thos. Griffin, coats of 200 soldiers "which coats remain in his custody," 40l. 10 June, Barth. Campane and Charles Bunchini (sic), to be made over by exchange for money taken up upon credit, 2,000l. 12 June, Ralph Warren, Ric. and John Gressham and Rol. Hill, knights, to be made over by exchange to repay money taken up upon credit, 2,000l.
16 June, the bp. of Winchester, diets at 66s. 8d., "being in the King's affairs," 40l.; Thos. Gefferie, to convey to Sir John Harrington, with 13l. 6s. 8d. for his own charges, 6,013l. 6s. 8d. 17 June, Barth. Butler alias Yorke, imprest upon his diets, appointed to attend Sir Thos. Cheyne to the French Court, 13l. 6s. 8d.; Sir Ant. Broune, diets at 66s. 8d., in the King's affairs beyond sea, 40l. 19 June, John Hindermores, to convey to Sir Edw. Wotton for payment of the marches of Callice, with 10l. for his charges, 2,010l. 24 June, John Millicent, to deliver to Sir John Harrington "for payment of the charges touching the dissolution of the train," 3,500l. 28 June, Ric. Knight, towards despatch of the provisions at Portesmowthe, 500l.; Melchior Skatis, part payment for grain "furnished forth at Estland," 500l.; Ludovicus Nuncius, appointed to repair into Italy, reward, 75l.; Andrew Dudley, full payment of his diets "who also did disburse 60s. for the despatch of his servant sent into Flaunders with a, present of horses," 20l. 30 June, Ric. Moryson and Ric. Shelley, "money by them defrayed, giving attendance upon a certain Italian sent in embassage," 13l. 6s. 8d. All in the above paragraph by virtue of warrant 11 Aug. 1 Edw. VI.
86. 4 May, Sir Ralph Sadler, diets, sitting in commission to call in the King's debts, 91l.; Dr. Redmann, towards the exhibition of the King's scholars in Cambridge, 300l. 8 May, Osbard Mounfford, towards provision of grain for pieces beyond sea, 500l. 10 May, Viscount Lysley, diets for one month, w.d. 13 March ao 37o, 93l. 6s. 8d. 11 May, Stephen Vaughan, in full contentation of diets and other charges, w.d., 74l. 15s. 12 May, Thos. Mawlbie, towards provision of butter and cheese for pieces beyond sea, 100l.; John Hopkin, for provision of stockfish, 100l. 15 May, Wm. Haynes, towards the exhibition of the King's scholars in Oxford, 300l. 16 May, John Love and Thos. Russell, towards provision of oxen and sheep for pieces beyond sea, 150l. 25 May, Nic. Wafferar for Thos. Boys, for wages of bakers, brewers and other artificers, 50l. 3 June, John Mason, diets for three months, 112l.; and posting money 16l., w.d. 8 June, Viscount Lysley, diets for one month, 7 May to 5 June, w.d. 13 March ao 37o, 93l. 6s. 8d. 9 June, Sir Ric. Riche, imprest upon his diets, sitting in commission (14 Dec. ao 37o) to call in the King's debts, 32l. 10 June, the King, 1,000l. 30 June, John Launde, imprest for provision of oxen and sheep delivered into Rumney Marsh before 30 Nov. last, 100l.
f. 88.
6 July, Ric. Knight, for discharge of the garrison in the Isle of Wight, 1,000l. 17 July, Sir Thos. Lewen, imprest for emptions and conduct of artificers and labourers transported to the Blaknesse, 500l. 20 July, for provision of mares in Flanders and furniture of the garrison in Quinborowghe castle, 69l. 18s. 6d. 24 July, Melchior Skatis, "for a bargain of corn which Erasmus Skates had then counted to bring hither," 2,000l. 26 July, Robt. Legg, towards marine causes, 2,000l. 27 July, Nic. Arnolde, "being presently sent to have the charge of the fortification beside Bulleigne called Bollen Barr, with the charge of his band," 200l. 30 July, Chr. Hamsell, reward "for that he travailed in weighty affairs," 250l. 31 July, Sir Ric. Gresham, for the "brograge" (brokerage) of 16,000l. at 10s. the hundred, 80l.; Sir Ant. Knevit, for affairs of the Ordnance, 1,000l. 2 Aug., Sir Thos. Cheyny, money disbursed by him by way of his reward in his journey into France to christen the Dolphen's daughter, with 27l. 10s. to Julio de Romiro, Spaniard, 91l. 2s. 5d. 4 Aug., Sir Hugh Pawlet, for his charges in conveyance of a mass of treasure to Bolleigne, 40l.; Sir Harry Palmer, to convey to Sir Edw. Wotton for the garrison at Callice, 3,000l. 6 Aug., Robt. Legg, for payment of certain Portingales for 22 masts, with the freight of the same, 200l.; Wm. Tymberman, towards payment of corn brought into this realm, 1,000l.; Sir Hen. Palmer, for conveyance of a mass of treasure to Callice to Sir Edw. Wotton, 13l. 6s. 8d.; Barth. Fortune, in full contentation of 10,000l. to be "made over by way of exchange for the discharge of the King's credit there," 2,000l. 9 Aug., divers captains, Spaniards, "by way of the King's reward, and to the lord Tulilne, of Scotlande," 687l. 10 Aug., Ric. Knight, for marine causes, 1,000l. 11 Aug., John Hales, towards payment of creditors of the Great Wardrobe, 1,000l. 14 Aug., Sir Ant. Knevit, "to be paid over to Parson Levit for the furniture of ordnance and shot of iron," 100l. 16 Aug., Thos. Brooke, for payment of labourers and workmen at Dovour, 400l. 26 Aug., Agnes Syroen wife to Adrian Siroen, to the use of her husband, in full recompense of his ship and goods taken by the Frenchmen, 72l. 8s. 29 Aug., divers persons, strangers, viz., "Captain Andreas and others," reward, 217l. 10s. 30 Aug., Thos. Brooke, for the works at Dovour, 300l.; Ric. Knight, for marine causes, and for affairs at Portesmouthe, 2,000l. All in the above paragraph by virtue of warrant 11 Aug. 1 Edw. VI.
—— (blank) July, the Lord Lysley, the earl of Rutland, Sir Ant. Knevit, the Lord Nevell, "with other," as appears by their several acquittances and the King's warrant dated 3 July ao 38o, at their going into France with the said Lord Lysley and other commissioners sent to the French king, 1,276l. 13s. 4d. 2 July, Miles Partriche, to the King's use, w. 19 March ao 37o, 400l. 3 July, Sir Henry Knevit, diets in his journey to the French king, w. 2 July ao 38o 106l. 13s. 4d.; the bp. of Duresme, like diets, 200 mks. 13 July, the Lord Lisle, lord Admiral, diets from 5 to 14 June, 26l. 13s. 4d. 14 July, the same Lord Admiral, diets in his journey into France, w.d., 2 July, 280l. 15 July, Sir Fras. Briaa, towards mending the King's toils, w. 29 June, 10l. 17 July, Sir Thos. Moyle, diets, 56l. 19 July, Sir Conrad Pennike, 250l., Captain de Lanciano 50l., Captain Jehan 50l., Clement Ticiliano 50l., Neapolito Corso 50l., Francisco Agello 50l., Latino Datye, 50l., Tyberio 25l., Moretto 25l., Villa Fauna 15l., Salarista and his company 75l., Andrew Maynard 50l., Sumbat 25l., and Antonio do Bergano 25l., for service in the wars, w. 18 July ao 38o, 790l. 2 Aug., Sir Thos. Hennag, for the King's affairs, w. 2 Aug., 1,000l. 3 Aug., Sir Thos. Chenye, diets in his journey into France to christen the Dolphen's child, at 3l. 6s. 8d. the day, w. 15 June, 113l. 6s. 8d. 4 Aug., for making the third part of a toil for the King, w. 28 July, 50l. 10 Aug., Chr. Mounte, diets, w.d., 56l. 11 Aug., Sir Thos. Chenie, for posting horses outwards and homewards in his journey to christen the Dolphen's child, w. 15 June, 126l. 12s. 6d. 17 Aug., John Man and John Franke, for victuals for Bolleigne, parcel of a warrant of 1,000l. dated———(blank), 200l. 18 Aug., the Lord Lisley, lord Admiral, posting money by him disbursed, w. 2 July, 57l. 19 Aug., John Haleley, for Roger Horton and other goldsmiths, for plate delivered to the King at New Year's tide, 838l. 1s. 8¼d. 20 Aug., Sir Wm. Peter, diets and posting money, repairing into parts beyond seas, w. 19 Aug. ao 38o, 189l. 6s. 8d.; Wm. Maie, dean of Pawles, diets for two months, at 40s., w. 19 Aug. ao 38o, 112l.; Jas. Leche, for pains taken in searching fur jewels at St. Davids shrine in Wales, w. 24 July ao 38o, 40l. 21 Aug., the King, at Hampton Court, 2,000l.; John Cooke, for provision of "hopes and hey in Flaunders delivered at Bolleigne," 100l. 27 Aug., John Collins, for hay and straw for Bolleigne, 33l. 6s. 8d. 30 Aug., Giles Harrison and Evan Lloyde, towards "payment for beer by them bought and taken for the furniture of the first wars beyond the seas," 300l.
f. 91. 3 Sept., John Maxwell, Scottishman, reward, "repairing into his native country," 50l. 4 Sept., Sir John Lowther, towards sinking two wells at Carlysle, 40l. 8 Sept., Robt. Legg, for despatch of marine causes, 5,000l. 9 Sept., Geo. Barons, for hire of hackney horses at the coming in of the Admiral of France, 20l. 5s. 8d. 14 Sept., Nic. Bristow, for workmen and labourers working at the banqueting house at the coming of the Admiral of France, 2,000l.; Robt. Curson, for conduct of 100 men with their captain and carts, 32l. 12s. 20 Sept., Armygell Wade, to deliver aswell to Nicasius Etswarte, "for money by him delivered to the young lord Graunge as to Messior Bruno and Somerset, one of the heralds, by way of the King's reward," 225l. 21 Sept., Thos. Chalonour, to be delivered to Lord Tylbrane, in reward, 26l. 13s. 4d.; "Hughe Honeill and others," reward, 40l. 23 Sept., Robt. Legge, for marine causes, 500l. 24 Sept., Wm. Graie, due "upon his account of the charges of the new vessels," 108l. 10s. 7d.; John Cartar, "disbursed for th'enterteinment of certen barges and tyltbotes, with the wagis of warter men attending upon th'admerall of Fraunce and his traine," 165l. 18s. 4d. 27 Sept., Sir Ant. Knevit for repairs about the Tower Wharfe, 48l. 2s. 4d. 28 Sept., Dame Elizabeth Grey, money due to her in the name of her dowry, 81l. 22d.; Armegill Wade, to be "delivered to Grimsdiche and Henry King, riding in post, to Nicasius Eytsuart, sent to Callice, to Baron Dilogarde, sent in embassage, to William Wawan, Mores Bretwell and to ——— and Mannaring for conveyance of letters in post," 170l. 15s.; Ric. Brooke, to deliver to Sir Edw. Wotton, with 13l. 6s. 8d. for his costs, 1,513l. 6s. 8d.; Fras. Flemming, to be repaid to Barth. Fortune for saltpetre, and towards building of an ordnance house, 400l. 29 Sept., Thos. Granado, riding in post to Stephen Vanghan, 5l. All in the above paragraph by virtue of warrant 11 Aug. 1 Edw. VI.
92. 1 Sept., Thos. Bridges, diets at 20s. from 14 July to 1 Sept., w.d., 49l. 13 Sept., Dr. Rede, posting money, w.d., 4l. 10s. 17 Sept., the earl of Hertford, diets for one month, w.d., 13 Sept., 140l.; Sir Thos. Seymour, diets, attending the said Earl, 74l. 13s. 4d. 19 Sept., Sir Thos. Moyle, diets 11 Aug. to 19 Sept., 80l.; Sir Edw. Wotton and Sir Edw. Braye, commissioners, amongst others, for the survey of Bollen, diets for two months, w. 17 July, 136l. 20 Sept., Thos. Brooke, for John Mawlte for stuff delivered to the Great Wardrobe, w. 12 Sept., 1,162l. 20¾d. 22 Sept., John Land and Wm. Chester, imprest for oxen and sheep delivered at Rumney Marsh, 60l.; John Launde, for provision of oxen and bacon for pieces beyond sea, 200l. 23 Sept., Dr. Redman, for the King's scholars in Cambridge, 200l. and 200l. (two payments); Thos. Woodhouse, for provision of grain for Bolleigne, 300l. 24 Sept., John Rowseley, for freight of wheat, 33l. 9s. 4d.; Chr. Dauncie for John Ducket, for rye delivered at Newcastle and Callyce, 53l. 4s.; Gilb. Pikering and Thos. Russell, for oxen delivered into Rumney Marsh for the pieces beyond sea,. 300l. 28 Sept., Wm. Haynes, for the King's scholars in Oxford 300l.; Chr. Mounte, diets, for three months at 13s. 4d., 56l.
8 Oct., Sir Ant. Knevit, to be delivered to Fras. Flemming and Ant. Antonie for freight of powder and other debts due at the Office of the Ordnance, 100l. 10 Oct., Ric. Clement, to the use of Jas. Johnson, John Taylour and Robt. Blakey of Rye for transportation of men to Bollen, 21l. 11 Oct., Robt. Hampton, coats and conduct money of 387 men sent to Bolleign, 137l. 15s. 14 Oct., Gilb. Listar, for conveyance of Laurence Boughton, prisoner, from Chester to the Tower, 3l. 6s. 8d.; Edm. Monie, to the use of John Pilborow and others for coats and conduct of 35 men sent to Ipsewiche, 8l. 19s. 1d. 18 Oct., Wm. Haddocke, in recompenee of his demands and petitions, 40l. 19 Oct., Stephen Vaughan, to be "delivered to Cap ten Ringrave and Doctor, repairing hither with Duk Philip," in reward, 200l. 20 Oct., Somerset herald, for his charges into Almaine and homewards, 60l., and to Wm. Standishe for riding with letters 15l. 21 Oct., Thos. Agarde and others "apointed to serche for certen moines in Ireland and the chardgis of certen boyers sent thither," 150l.; Ant. Aucher, towards victuals for Bolleigne and the other pieces, 2,000l. 29 Oct., Thos. Nicholas and Jas. Becke, imprest for their charges to Newcastell and homewards on the King's affairs, 26l. 13s. 4d.; Sir Wm. Levite, priest, imprest for provision of ordnance, iron shot and workmanship of the same, 248l. 12s. 5d. 30 Oct., Stephen Vaughan, diets and posting money, 209l. 12s. 31 Oct., Sir Edw. Dimmok, for the garrison at Bolleigne, with 20l. for his own charges, 3,020l. 3 Nov., Wm. Knight, sent to Callice to take the assay of money sent from the French king, 10l. 6 Nov., Callow O'Brien, captain of the Irishmen, reward for his travail and pains taken against the Scots, 13l. 6s. 8d.; Ric. Knight, for buildings at Portesmowthe, 1,000l. 7 Nov., Sir Ralph Hopton, "for the conveiaunce of the Egipsions owtght of the realme," 20l. 9 Nov., Andrew Cooke, for Edm. Aucher, for his wage3 and the wages of 20 soldiers, 151l. 4s. 10 Nov., Sir John Horsey, for prest and conduct of mariners sent to Portesmowthe, 12l. 15s. 10d. 13 Nov., Wm. Johnson, for buildings at Portesmowthe, 1,000l. 14 Nov., Sir Wm. Woodhowse, for the garrison at Quinborow Castell, 38l. 6s. 10d.; Sir Ph. Hobbie, to be paid to divers Spaniards in reward at their return into their country, "with 75l. to Petro Aretiuo who dedicate a book to the King's said Majesty," 126l. 18 Nov., Wm. Hamerton, for repairing the kitchen and pastry at Hatffilde, 26l. 13s. 4d.; Thos. Warren, for coats and conduct of 65 soldiers levied in Essex, 16l.; John Yorke and Hanns You, "imprest for their charges northwards for matters of importance, 50l. 24 Nov., Jas. Wood, for the healing of certain hurt men in the ship called the Pauncie, 10l. 25 Nov., Sir John Dawtrye, conduct of 100 soldiers, 9l. 14s. 28 Nov., Ant. Broune, conduct of soldiers levied in the hundreds of Utlest, Froswelles and Clavering, 11l. 8s. 1d. All in the above paragraph by virtue of warrant 11 Aug. 1 Edw. VI.
95. 6 Oct., Hen. Crispe and Edw. Twayghtes, for provision of grain and other victuals for the pieces beyond sea, 200l. 10 Oct., John Bisbiche and Wm. Reede, for oxen, pasture, hay and sheep, 180l. 13 Oct., Robt. Norton and John Soone, for butter and cheese for the pieces beyond sea, 160l. 14 Oct., the earl of Hertford, for post-horses and other charges, going over sea on the King's affairs, w. 13 Sept. ao 38o, 24l. 20d. 16 Oct., Dr. Reede, posting money, 34l. and diets 116l., w.d. 19 Oct., John Bainard, imprest for grain delivered at Bolleigne, 80l. 20 Oct., Sir Thos. Seymour, diets for one month beforehand, w.d., 74l. 13s. 4d. 26 Oct., Sir John Harrington, in commission for the survey of Bolleign, diets, 103l.; Sir John Harrington and Thos. Bridges, for their transportation with 12 horses to Bolleigne, 5l.; Wm. Barnes and Thos. Mildmate, for their transportation, with the hire of horses to Bolleigne, 11l. 6s.; Thos. Mildmaie, diets, in commission for the survey of Bolleigne, w. 17 July, 103l.; Wm. Barnes, like diets, 103l. 28 Oct., Thos.' Bridges, like diets, 54l. 8 Nov., Sir Thos. Moyle, diets from 19 Sept. to 8 Nov., 100l. 13 Nov., Hen. Draicote, "for reparacions done in Ireland," w. 4 Nov., 30l. 14 Nov., Sir Ant. Dennie, for the King's affairs at Westminster, w. 14 Nov., 1,000l. 16 Nov., Sir Ant. St. Leger, "for a recompense of his charges aswell for sending letters to the King as for keeping of certain Irishmen," w. 14 Nov., 146l. 13s. 4d. 17 Nov., John Love and Thos. Russell, for oxen and sheep for the pieces beyond sea, 100l. 20 Nov., Morgan Philip alias Wolphe, for spangles of silver and gilt, w. 31 July ao 38o, 359l. 6s. 8d. 28 Nov., Osbert Mounfford, for provision of grain, 500l.
3 Dec, Michael Tymbram, in full payment of corn received to the King's use upon a contract between Damicell and Haimce, 913l. 4s. 3½d. 9 Dec, Nicholas (sic) Balnewes and ——— (blank) Lesle, reward, 100l. 10 Dec, Lawrence Varsen, being factor to Erasmus Sketis and his sons, in full contentation for corn received, 1,075l.; Sir Ric Lee "for reparacions at the banketing howses at Grenwich and the mannour there at the camming in of the Frenche admerall," 500l. 12 Dec, Thos. Ellam, to be delivered to Sir John de Tinell, in reward, 25l. 15 Dec, John Bill and ——— Somerset, for conveyance of letters to Dr. Wotton, 74l. 3s. 4d. 17 Dec, Fras. Flemming and Ant. Antonye, for "the provision of the ordnance," 1,000l. 18 Dec, Florence Daceto, "as well in recompense of his service as for the service of 12 great horses for the King in his last wars, for three months," 75l. 20 Dec, Wm. Levyte, priest, towards making of 120 iron pieces, 200l.; Sir Ric. Lee, towards fortification of Warke castle and other pieces in the North, 1,000l. 24 Dec, Robt. Legge, imprest for marine causes, 3,000l.; Thos. Hussey, "charges of certain gentlemen and yeomen appertaining to the late Duke of Norffolk remaining here at London with their horses 24 days," 24l. 4d. 28 Dec, Ric Knight and Wm. Kettell, for victuals and other necessaries for the castle of Warke, 3,000l.; Fras. Flemming, "for the making of an ordnance (sic) in the Tower of London," 200l.; Ant. Aucher, for victuals for Bolleigne, 2,000l. 30 Dec, Ric. Mason and Ric Goodrike, for their charges into Norfolk, Sussex, and Hampshire, 30l. 13s. 4d. 3 Jan., Petro Johanie Lutie, for service in the wars at 4l. the month, 32l. 4 Jan., John Burgies, "as well for his continual attendance and painstaking about Cowrteney, being sick in the Tower of London, as also to his poticarie for medicines to him ministered," 20l.; John de Lyon, in respect of three houses in Bolleigne which the King promised to restore to him for his service in the wars, 37l. 10s. 5 Jan., Harry Coldwell, "for silver and graving of a seal prepared for Irelande," 16l. 14 Jan., Robt. Legg and Wm. Brooke, to be delivered to Haunce Trokell, in full payment of the tonnage of the Fawcon of Danske, serving in the wars, and to Adrian Poule for like purpose, 218l. 15s. 19 Jan., Fras. Flemming and Ant. Anthonie, to be repaid to John Towlardge for certain morespikes bought to the King's use, 293l. 14s. 10d. 23 Jan., "unto Muncyor le Baron 100l., Messior Adriane 75l., to the squire of the stable who came from the Palesgrove, 50l., and to two persons which are officers of the cellar with the Pallesgrave, [10l.]. 25 Jan., Sir Wm. Woodhowse, for the soldiers within the castle of Quinborow and the three bulwarks there, 26l. 3s. 2d. 26 Jan., Wm. Hunninges, "to be delivered to the two chief justices and others for their charges in riding into divers shires in the King's affairs," 136l. 13s. 4d. All in the above paragraph by virtue of warrant 11 Aug. 1 Edw. VI.
9 Dec, Sir Edw. Wooton, diets, being in commission for the survey of Bolleigne from 20 Sept. to 1 Dec, 72l.; Sir Edw. Bray, like diets, 72l.; Sir Thos. Moile for ink, paper, parchment, conveyance of letters, &c., during "the said journey," 63l. 7s. 2d. and for his diets from 8 Nov. to 7 Dec, at 40s., 60l. 14 Dec, Wm. Haines, priest, towards the exhibition of the King's scholars in Oxford, 200l. 23 Dec, Ric Morison and, Jaques Granado, diets for three months, w.d. 23 Dec, 227l. 6s. 8d. 28 Dec, John Barnardine, diets for six months, w. 30 Nov. ao 38o, 56l.; Wm. Haines, priest, for the exhibition of the King's scholars in Oxford, 100l. 3 Jan., Dr. Redman, for the exhibition of the King's scholars in Cambridge, 18l. 5 Jan., Wm. Haines, priest, for the exhibition of the King's scholars in Oxford, 200l. 6 Jan., Dr. Rodman, towards the exhibition of the King's scholars in Cambridge, 300l. 7 Jan., Wm. Haines, priest, towards the exhibition of the King's scholars in Oxford, 100l. 8 Jan., Dr. Redman, for the exhibition of the King's scholars in Cambridge, 290l. 19 Jan., Wm. Ibgrave, for embroidering the King's servants' coats, w. 10 Nov. ao 38o, 621. 7s. 4d. 21 Jan., Sir Thos. Seimour, posting money, 36l. 16s. 6d., and diets 106l. 13s. 4d., w.d. 11 Feb. Dr. Redman, for the exhibition of the King's scholars in Cambridge, 100l. 13 Feb., the bp. of Landaphe, recompence for one year's pension due at the Annunciation next, w. 2 May ao 37o, 200 mks. 15 Feb., Dr. Redman, for the exhibition of the King's scholars in Cambridge, 200l. 27 Feb., Wm. Haines, for the exhibition of the King's scholars in Oxford, 156l. 9s. ——— (date blank), Thos. St. Barbe, for 26 pieces of poldavies and 199 pieces of oldemes, w. 1 Nov. 38 Hen. VIII., 186l. 10s. 1 March, Dr. Redman, for the exhibition of the King's scholars in Cambridge, 184l.; Wm. Haines, priest, for the exhibition of the King's scholars in Oxford, 136l. 19s. 3 March,. Wm. Johnson, for wages of labourers and artificers at Portesmowthe, w. signed by the Lord Protector 1 March 1 Edw. VI., 1,000l. 14 March, Chr. Hallar "for 20 tymbers, a table cloth, 2 doz. of napkins, a broche, and for his costs during his abode here, being 5 months," w. signed by the Protector, 9 March ao 1o, 1,741l.; Chr. Hallar, recompense of damage sustained in preparing a great sum of money for the King deceased, w. 9 March ao 1o, 200l. 17 March, Chr. Mounte, diets for six months, w.d., 112l. 19 March, John Hales, towards payment of creditors of the Great Wardrobe, w. 18 March ao 1o, 2,000l. ——— (no date), Sir Edm. Peckam, part payment of 10,000l. for the Household, due at All Saints Day, w.d., 18 Nov. 32 Hen. VIII., 3,566l. 13s. 4el. John Ryther, for the Prince's household, at six several payments from Pentecost to 11 Aug ao 38o, due at Pentecost, 1,000l., also at six several payments, due at All Saints, 1,000l. 17 April ao 37o, to the King's own hands, for purchase of tenths, worth 37l. 11s. Id. yearly, reserved out of certain lands by Sir John Williams pur chased at divers times, 744l. 16s. 8d. Also to the King at sundry times between 1 Sept. and 31 Oct. ao 38o, 3.000l. Item, to his Majesty by the hands of Sir Thos. Henage, for so much advanced to his Grace by the bp. of Llandaff "by a quitt. dated 10m Maii ao 37mo."
Total, 126,126l. 7s. 3½d.
vi. Payments made by decree of the Court of Augmentations:—22 March, Sir Thos. Seymour, in recompense of a yearly rent of 5 mks. surrendered to the King, 66l. 13s. 4d.; Sir Ric. Gresham, half year's annuity, 3l. 6s. 8d. 25 March, Robt. Sentleger, recompense of a debt, decree 10 June ao 38o (sie) 30l. 14s. 4d. 12 May, Sir Ant. Browne, due upon certain obligations, 66l. 13s. 4d. 19 May, the Duke of Norfolk, recompense for certain land, decree of 9 Feb. ao 37o, 100l. 13s. 4d. 8 June, Sir Edw. Bowghton, for land sold to the King, decree 10 May ao 38o, 133l. 6s. 8d. 10 June, Thos. Barmeston, recompense for land, d. 4 June, 31l. 8s. 4d. 11 June, Ric. Cuppar, recompense for land, d. 4 June, 113l. 6s. 8d. 12 June, Lord Wryothesley,* upon an exchange by indenture dated 7 June, 703l. 8s. 7½d., and ——— (date left blank) in recompense of an advowson sold to him, "which he had not," d. 10 June, 53l. 8s. 10½d. 18 June, John Berney, for his interest in an annuity, d. 18 June, 100l. 20 June, Sir Ric. Riche, for land, 1,227l. 20d. 17 July, Jas. Gunter, Hen. Westcote, and others, for land re-delivered to the King, 599l. 7s. 6d. 25 July, Lord Wryothesley, 10l. overplus of a value, d. 2 May, 34l. 6s. 5d. 16 Aug., Ric. Goodricke, money disbursed for land which he could not obtain, d. 6 Aug., 145l. 11s. 10½d. 20 Sept., Ric. Devoroxe, money due upon obligation, d. 18 June, 100l. 10 Oct., Sir Ric. Gressham, half year's annuity to Michaelmas, 3l. 6s. 8d. 14 Oct., Thos. Wrothe, annuity for 1½ years duo at Michaelmas, 30l. 20 Oct., Ric. Pexall, upon an exchange, 103l. 15s. 16 Nov., Ric. Duke, fee for two years to Michaelmas, 53l. 6s. 8d. 19 Nov., Anne Johnson, recompense for rent of her lands, d. 12 Oct., 9l. 10s. 4d. 23 Nov., Edm. Hormond, for land surrendered, d. 20 Nov., 60l. 27 Nov., Sir Marm. Cunstable, for land, d. 20 Sept., 681l. 12s. 5½d. ——— (date left blank), John Doyley and John Scudamore, for land, d. 20 Nov., 45l. 16s. 8d. 9 Dec., Ric. Duke, for enrolling deeds, d. ——— (blank), 14l. 2s. 16 Dec., John Lambard, for land, warrant 10 Dec., 1,073l. 6s. 8d. 25 Dec., Ant. Bounde, for land, d. 27 Sept., 120l. 19 Jan., Robt. Brooke, recompense of money paid for rents which he had not, 41l. 23 Feb., Robt. Whghtstones (sic), for land, d. 24 Jan., 90l. 13s. 4d. 1 March, the Earl of Rutland and Lady Elinor his mother, for land, d. 4 March, ao 1o, 835l. 3s. 7d. 5 March, John Welesborne, for money from him detained, d. 10 Feb. ao 1o, 16l. 3s. 9d. 12 March, the town of Lanwarde, "for an annual pension given to a minister to say divine service, and arrears of the same," d. 10 Feb. ao 1o, 45l. 6s. 8d. 31 Dec., Thos. ap Owen, arrears of annuity for 5 years ended at Christmas, d. 16 Dec. ao 38o, 13l. 6s. 8d. 29 March ao 37o, Robt. and Wm. Duncombe, in full payment of 105l. 17s. 6d. "to them granted by decree dormant," 9l. 17s. 6d. Total, 6,755l. 15s. 7d.
Vii. Payments made by warrant from the Chancellor and Council of the Court of Augmentations:—21 March, Ric. Cupper, for survey of chantries, colleges, &c., 13l. 6s. 8d. 22 March, Thos. Palmer, for survey of the College of Burton upon Trent, w. 19 March, 5l.; Edw. Nalinghurst for ———— Fuller, for survey of chantries, colleges, &c., 10l.; John Grene, for necessaries for the Court of Augmentations, 39s. 8d. 23 March, John Warde, for livery coat, 33s. 4d. 24 March, Thos. Ducket, for ——— Wrene, for survey of chantries, colleges, &c., w. 22 March, 13l. 6s. 8d.; John Ancell, for Sir Ric. Longe, "for 4 doz. of mats and laying of the same," 23s. 4d. 27 March, Thos. Tirrell, for livery coat due at Easter, 33s. 4d. 1 April, for survey of chantries, &c., Humph. Warren, 13l. 6s. 8d.; John Reddman and Wm. Maie, 33l. 19s. 4d.; Thos. Palmer, 49l. 13s. 9d. 5 April, John Hamond, for survey of chantries, 10l. 8 April, Walter Hendley, riding to Cantourburie to take assurance for the King from the dean and chapter of Christchurch, for certain lands, 23l. 6s. 8d. 9 April, John Merie, for the King's works at Grafton, 40l. 15 April, Sir Giles Capeli, overplus of 24s. yearly upon an exchange, 24l. 21 April, Robt. Chidley, for surveying chantries, &c., w. 20 April, 10l.; the Viscount Lisley, overplus of lands given to the King in recompense of debt, w. 20 April, 114l. 3s. 2d. 22 April, John Parkar, for working at Newhall, 24 days, 24s. 24 April, Thos. Tyrrell, for riding with letters, 54s. 8d. 25 April, Ric. Modie, riding to survey chantries, etc., w. 24 April, 12l. 19 May, John Parkar, riding to oversee repairs at Bewley and Purgoe, 25s. 24 May, Ralph Standishe, for books, parchment, ink, &c., expended in calling in the King's debts and making books and letters concerning them, 10l. 28 May, Fras. Sowthwell, surveying chantries, 14l. The following for riding with letters, w. from Sir Ric. Riche, and Sir Ralph Sadler, viz., 28 May, Michael Adington 33s. 4d., Geo. Swinborne, 26s. 8d. and 4l. 13s. 4d., Robt. Grimbill 23s. 4d., Thos. Robinson, 33s. 4d.; 30 May, Ric. Hall, 53s. 4d. and 46s. 8d. 6 June, Ric. Pate, surveying chantries, 10l. 8 June, Sir George Darcie, recompense of the reversion of the house of St. Leonard's in "Yoke," w. 7 June, 240l 9 June, Thos. Tirrell, riding with letters at the command of Sir Ralph Sadler and Sir Ric. [Riche], 17l. 2s. 6d. 28 June, Thos. Tirrell, riding with privy seals, 4l. 16s. 8d. [30 June, Sir Wm. Harbert, money by him paid for a purchase which could not proceed, 216l. 16s. 10d.] (fn. n33) 3 July, Geo. Maxie, for repairs at the "stondinges and parkes" in Waltham Forest, 20l. 9 July, Thos. Gibbis, for pains taken in receipt of arrears in the Court of Augmentations, 5l. 20 July, Thos. Denton, surveying chantries, &c., 40l. 22 July, Geo. Creed for Serjeant Hinde, charges, attending the Court of Augmentations, w. 19 July, 5l. 23 July, John Grene, for necessaries within the Court, 40s. 28 July, John Parkar, overseeing works at Pirgo and Bewley, 48s. 7 Aug., Sir Ric. Riche, in full payment for woods upon Sponding manor, &c., 22l. 3s. 4d. 9 Aug., John Merie, for repairs at the honor of Grafton, 26l. 13s. 4d. 12 Aug., Ric. Johnson, repairs at Ostenhangar park, Kent, 5l. 19s. 8d. 21 Aug., Edw. Bashe, for surrender of Ore manor, 212l. 19s. 2d. 29 Aug., Sir John Baker, for hearing matters and giving advice, two years, and also for surveying chantries, &c., w. 25 Aug., 20l. 2 Sept., Walt. Hendley, riding to Windsore, 5l. 6s. 8d. 14 Sept., Ric. Goodrike and Matth. Cotehurst (sic.), surveying chantries, &c., w. 13 Sept., 20l.; John Walker and Chad Carson, "for mowing of brakes, making and careing of hey in the parkes of Otfford and Knowles," 14l. 17s. 28 Sept., Wm. Cowper and others, surveying chantries, &c., w. 24 Sept., 30l. 3s. 10d. 27 Sept., Perce Walker, for hay bought for the King's red deer in Panters, 8l. 8s. 28 Sept., John Arscote, riding to Devonshire and Cornwall, 26l. 13s. 4d. 1 Oct., Sir Thos. Pope, diets in hearing accounts, 13l. 6s. 8d.; Sir John Williams, like diets, 13l. 6s. 8d. 18 Oct., John Parkar, riding to the King's manors and other sundry places, 3l. 5s. 20 Oct., Ric. Broune, "dinners provided for the Lord Great Master and others within the Court of the Augmentations," 7l. 11s. 9d. 23 Oct., Geo. Swinborne, riding with letters, 3l. 6s. 8d. 25 Oct., Rog. Amyas and Peter Smithe, "towards the inning of a breache," 102l. 13s. 6½d. 16 Nov.. John Fowle, for land, w. 11 Nov., 20l. 19 Nov., Geoff. Chamber, "imprest for annuities to him given by the King's Majesty," 20l.; Thos. Tirrell, riding with letters, 40s. and 3l. 13s. 2d. 8 Nov., John Storie, "for reading the civil lecture in Oxford for half year," 20l. 20 Nov., John Pawlet and Hen. Willoughbie, for land, w. 10 Nov., 109l. 3s. 2 Dec., John Grene, to be employed upon the office of the Augmentations, 5l. 13 Dec., Edm. Walter, recompense of money laid out for land which he might not obtain, 120l. 17 Dec., Thos. Tirrell, for riding with the Council's letters, 3l. 8s. 4d. and 7l. 6s. 9d. 19 Dec., Wm. Rigges, surveying chantries, etc., 12l. 20 Dec., Thos. Smithe and John Blithe, "for reading of lectures in Cambridge," 40l. Robt. Makerell, for riding with letters, 9 Aug. 6l. 13s. 4d., 20 Aug. 53s. 4d., 25 Dec., 27s. 4d. 27 Dec., George Wright, surveying chantries, w. 24 Sept., 20l. 29 Dec., John Madewe, "one half year's stipend reading the divinity lecture in Cambridge," 20l. 4 Jan., ——— Goodrick, "pains taken in writing for the King's Majesty," 3l. 6s. 8d. 13 Jan., Geoff. Chamber, imprest upon the annuities granted to him by the King, w. 8 Jan., 5l. 15 Jan., Sir Ph. Draicot, surveying chantries, &c., 10l. 15 Jan., Ric. Hall, riding with letters to divers auditors, by command of the General Surveyors, 3l. 6s. 2d. 19 Jan., Robt. Makerell, riding with letters, 48s. 6d. and 53s. 5d. 20 Jan., John Greene, for necessaries within the Court, 6l. 4s. 8d. 1 Feb., Thos. Tirrell, riding with letters, 36s. 2d.; Robt. Makerell, the like, 50s. 5d. 11 Feb., Sir Gawen Carew, surveying chantries, &c., w. 11 Dec., 20l. 15 Feb., John Golding, surveying chantries, &c., 13l. 6s. 8d. 1 March, Alex. Writington, engrossing books for the King, w. 16 Jan., 3l. 6s. 8d. 5 March, "for 3 French millstones for Abendon Mills," w. 2 March, 16l. 5s. 9 March, Ric. Snowe, making and enrolment of deeds, w. 6 March, 20l. 16 March, John Carell and others, surveying chantries, &c., 20l. 17 March, Sir John Williams, "for bags, paper, parchment, green cloth, wax, ink, and other necessaries expended in his office of treasurership for one whole year ended at the 20th of March ao primo E. vjti," 16l.; for his clerks, 13l. 6s. 8d. Wm. Barners and John Wysman, auditors, being in London for taking the treasurer's account, 30l.; their clerks, 10l.; Mr. Chancellor's clerks, 66s. 8d.; Wm. Barners and John Wysman, "for paper and parchment for the engrossing of the said account, more than hath been allowed, by reason of entering of many prests and other the King's warrants concerning his wars," 13l. 6s. 8d. 10 Sept., repairing the lodge of Grafton, new paling and mending pales there, and scouring and making of a new head of a pond there, 20l. Total, 1,933l. 16s. 2½d.
111. viii. "Money repaid to divers and sundry persons for so much by them delivered to the King's Majesty's use, by way of loan towards the furniture of his Grace's wars in his voyage taken into France, by virtue of letters missives [abbreviated "1" below] addressed from his Highness under his Signet in the 36th year of his Grace's reign, as followeth" :—
8 Dec. ao 38o, Wm. Stamforde, 40l. 10 Dec., Mr. Carew, prb. of Exetour, 50l. 11 Dec., Thos. Southerne, canon of Exetour, 100 mks. 12 Dec., Gabriel Dune, canon of Pawles, 40l.; Dr. Crayfford, canon of Pawles, 40l.; Mr. Stephens, canon of Exetour, 40l. 13 Dec., Mr. Parkhurst, master of Asherudge College, 100l.; Mr. Leef, master of Maydston College, 100 mks. 14 Dec., Mr. Arche, canon of Salisbury, 100 mks.; Archdeacon Pollarde, the King's letter dated 18 Aug. a0 36o, (fn. n34) 50l. 17 Dec., Mr. Nevell, canon of Canterbury, 50l.; Mr. Turbervile of Chichester, 40l. 20 Dec., Ric Eden, archd. of Middlesex, 1. 11 July, 100l.; Mr. Hallwey, canon of Exetour, 50l. 22 Dec., the bp. of Salisbury, 1. 11 July, 100l.; Dr. Bennett, canon of Salisbury, 66l. 13s. 4d. 24 Dec., Dr. Wotton, canon residentiary of Salisbury, 40l.; Ric. Duke, clerk of the Court of Augmentations, 40l.; Thos. Baron, parson of Highame, 50l. 26 Dec., Dr. Branesbie, 40l. 22 Dec., the bp. of Lincoln, part payment of 1,000., 200l. 14 Dec., the bp. of St. Assaphe, 200l. 24 Dec., Mr. Worthiall, archd. of Chichester, 50l. 28 Dec., Mr. Vaughan, prb. of Westminster, 50l. 1 Jan., the bp. of Norwiche, 1. 11 July, 100l. 2 Jan., Dr. Dawkins, 40l. 4 Jan., Dr. Royston, 40l. 5 Jan., Thos. Whighte, 40l. 7 Jan., the dean of Windesour, 1. 11 July, 200l.; Mr. Leveson, 30l. 10s. 8 Jan., Dr. Cliffe, 50l. 10 Jan., Mr. .Sagar, late abbot of Hales, 66l. 13s. 4d. 12 Jan., Mr. Walker, canon of Hereford, 20l.; Wm. Cowper, 133l. 6s. 8d. 13 Jan., Sir John Smithe, 100l.; Philip Haffhorde, priest, 66l. 13s. 4d. 16 Jan., Mr. Mason, prb. of Hereford, 30l. 17 Jan., John Carell, attorney of the Duchy of Lancaster, 50l. 18 Jan., Dr. Tailour, dean of Lincoln, 1. 23 Aug. 40l. 22 Jan., Dr Prinne, 50l.; Dr. Marshall, 1. 11 July, 100l.; Sir Nic. Hare, 66l. 13s. 4d. 23 Jan., Sir Humph. Broune, 40l. 24 Jan., Mr. Peterson, canon of Chychester (altered from "cannon of Powles"), 100l.; the bp. of Hulle, 1. 11 July, 100l.; Mr. Wilbur, 40l. 27 Jan., Walter Hendle, 100l. ———— (date left blank), Dr. Boureman, 50l.; Hen. Bradshawe, 50l.; Robt. Chidley, 40l.; Dr. Pole, 50l.; Dr. Drayecote, 66l. 13s. 4d.; Dr. Cretinge, 66l, 13s. 4d.; the bp. of Coventrie, 1. 11 July, 200l.; Parson Hampton, 30l.; Dr. Reynoldes, 50l.; Dr. Curren, 43l.; the bp. of Hereford, 1. 11 July, 200l.; the bp. of Bathe, 1. 21 July, 1,000 mks.; Mr. Carleton, dean of Peterboroughe, 40l.; Parson Hinde, 40l. 10 Dec., the bp. of St. David's, 1. 11 July, 100l. 16 Dec., John Whight, [for?] the wardens and fellows of New Colledge in Wynchester, 66l. 13s. 4d. 7 Dec., Dr. Steward, 66l. 13s. 4d. 23 Dec., John Elye, 66l. 13s. 4d. 1 Dec., the bp. of Oxforde, for so much lent upon a letter missive, to be repaid within 18 months, 100l. 7 Dec., George Hennage, upon like letter, 100l. 14 Dec. Mr. Barlowe, dean of Worcetour, upon the like, 40l. 7 Dec., Dr. Thornton, residencer of Canterbury, upon the like, 50l. [18 Dec., Sir Mich. Lyster, upon the like, 66l. 13s. 4d.] (fn. n35) 8 Jan., John Cockes, chancellor to the bp. of Canterbury, upon the like, 40l.
A bound volume of 114 numbered leaves and many blank leaves not written upon.


  • n1. The list given by Dugdale, Summons to Parliament, p. 508, was apparently prepared by him from that of 14 January. Besides erroneously printing "Robert" earl of Sussex, he omits both Norfolk and Conyers.
  • n2. On the 23rd. See No. 764.
  • n3. Jan. 29th.
  • n4. Bertheville. See No. 518.
  • n5. January 27th.
  • n6. Jan. 27th.
  • n7. Bembo died on the 18 January, 1547.
  • n8. This letter and all the letters of Coverdale that follow are from the Archives of Strasburg, and the abstracts are all made from the Parker Society's edition of his "Remains."
  • n9. "Ita et Juliacensis fertur in Brabantiam finesque Hollandicos de integro jam sum ma vi grassatum esse." The Editor translates this: "So it is reported that he (the Emperor) has just made a fresh invasion into the part of Brabant belonging to the Duchy of Cleves and the Dutch territories with great violence." But neither view of the meaning of this passage seems to accord very well with the year 1544. Evidently the date is a misreading for "1543."
  • n10. Of Strasburg.
  • n11. Frederic Count Palatine, who was confirmed Elector on the 4th April at Spires.
  • n12. Addressed as preacher of the Gospel at St. Thomas's Church, Strasburg.
  • n13. See Vol. XVIII. ii., 126.
  • n14. Not in the Latin.
  • n15. The English version reads "not thought much of"; but the Latin is ut magni habeniur without a negative.
  • n16. The Editor of Coverdale's Remains dates this letter June 1545 without giving the day; but if itbe of that year "the third day after Pentecost" must be the 27th May. He has also dated Letter xxviof his Collection (Letter § 20 following) "Feb. 1546" when, if the year be correct, it is quite definitelyof the 5 March, the Friday before Shrove Tuesday.
  • n17. The date of this letter is uncertain, but 1545 is perhaps the most probable year.
  • n18. The charge throughout is a 1d. for a horse each way.
  • n19. Preferred by Mr. Secretary Pagett.
  • n20. Subscribed by the Chancellor of the Augmentations,
  • n21. Subscribed by my lord Great Master.
  • n22. Subscribed by my lord Great Master.
  • n23. Subscribed by my lord Chamberlain and Mr. Vice-Chamberlain.
  • n24. Subscribed by the Chancellor of the Augmentations.
  • n25. Preferred by Mr. Secretary Pagett.
  • n26. At the suit of Mr. Harbert.
  • n27. Subscribed by the Chancellor of the Augmentations.
  • n28. Preferred by Mr. Secretary Pagett.
  • n29. All are dated at Westminster. In this abstract the day of the month appears in parenthesi before the reference to the part and membrane of the Patent Roll of 38 Hen. VIII.
  • n30. These three patents are evidently out of place on the roll of 38 Hen. VIII., but what their proper date was must be left a question.
  • n31. Day lost by mutilation.
  • n32. These fiats are all separate documents and of different years. The dates can be ascertained from the "Fine Rolls" and Report X of Dep. Keeper of Public Records, App. ii.
  • n33. Cancelled with note "Cancelled because it never came in charge."
  • n34. From this point the payments, except where otherwise stated, are severally described as by virtue of the King's letters of 18 Aug. ao 36o.
  • n35. This entry cancelled with note that it is entered in the account for the 36th year.