Henry VIII: March 1519, 1-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Henry VIII: March 1519, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp33-39 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: March 1519, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp33-39.

"Henry VIII: March 1519, 1-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp33-39.


March 1519

1 March.
103. PACE to WOLSEY.
After despatching his servant with the French king's letters, the King commanded him to send a messenger to Wolsey, and learn what day the thought it convenient that the hostages now coming with my lord Chamberlain should be presented to him. The King thinks that Thursday next is too short to make convenient provision, and prefers Sunday. Greenwich, 1 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
2 March.
104. PACE to WOLSEY.
Has received his letters in answer to those Pace sent yesterday, and showed the contents to the King, especially the clause in Wolsey's own hand. He is satisfied that the hostages should be presented on Sunday. He was afraid they would have attempted to be here tomorrow, because of the jousts. Has heard nothing from my lord Chamberlain in this or any other matter. This morning he has written to the King, stating he had received a letter from Wolsey that the King did not wish him to bring the hostages into his presence before Sunday. The King has told him to follow Wolsey's directions. Writes to the Chamberlain today to inform the ambassador. Greenwich, Wednesday 2 March.
Hol., pp. 2. "To my lord Legate's grace."
3 March.
105. IPSWICH, Suff.
Grant, reciting patent 12 March 3 Hen. VIII., confirming a grant of certain liberties by king Edward [IV.], subject to a farm of 60l., and, inter alia, of the jurisdiction of admiral within the town. A place called Pollesheved, frequently inundated, being in dispute, to be included in the liberty of the town as heretofore. Also to have "wrek, fletson, and getson," and the goods of felons-de-se, and deodands. None but freemen to trade with any stranger in the town. The bailiffs and burgesses to have power to amend the customs or ordinances. Del. Hampton Court, 3 March 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 18.
3 March.
106. For the TOWN OF AYLESHAM, Norf., parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster.
Licence to Ric. Crop, the bailiff, and the inhabitants, to hold a weekly market on Saturday, and an annual fair on the eve, day, and morrow of St. Gregory the Pope. Del. Westm., 3 March 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.
4 March.
Vesp. F. III.
B. M.
Hears from John Holm, captain of the castle of Haurow, and Arnold Hake, that the King has promised, at the request of her husband, to release a ship named the "Jeorge," taken by his officers. Ex arce Copenhagen, 4 March 1518. signed. See also vol. ii. 3984.
Lat., p. 1.
4 March.
Mone, Anzei-
ger, 1836, 121.
Instructions have come for him for the Swiss. 1,000 fl. g. are to be sent to Sion. If those of the Suabian league demand assistance, 600 horse are to be sent under Francis [de Sickinghen], who is to receive 3,000 fl. a year. The king of England has written, and caused the legate to write to the Pope to favour Charles at the election, and request that Sion may be sent to Frankfort in that behalf. Will ask the King to send some one from England. Hears the king of France is going to Lorraine to be nearer the Electors. Malines, 4 March 1518.
4 March.
109. For SIR RICHARD WYNGEFELD, deputy of Calais.
Grant, in tail male, of the reversion of the manors of Donyngton, Brundysshe, Cretyngham, Clopton Halle, and Ilkytteshall, Suff., forfeited by attainder of Francis late viscount Lovell, and granted by patent 6 Dec. 1 Hen. VIII. to John earl of Oxford, deceased, and Elizabeth his wife, now countess of Oxford, formerly wife of William viscount Beaumont. The countess's title confirmed by act of parliament 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 March 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19.
5 March.
Calig. B. II.
B. M.
Wrote to him in February last how the lords of Scotland then stood, and how long the Frenchman had lain in Edinburgh, "and the cause of the same." Gaultier, at his coming home, brought a credence from Albany, that he would return by the end of the coming summer; on which the lords from both sides the Forth met at Edinburgh on Tuesday the 15th February. Next day the said Frenchman delivered his letters to the King in Edinburgh Castle. The lords had six days communication with Gaultier in the Tolbooth, and told him that they could not enter the comprehension he has brought: (1) Because he brought no writing of Albany's consent to it. (2) The comprehension is so weak that it is void if any Scotsmen, by command of the King or wardens, commit a raid in England, or even without such authority, if restitution be not made in time. They therefore wait Albany's coming or consent before agreeing to it. Wrote secretly in French to Gaultier to know if he had any message for Wolsey. He replied he would be with Dacre in five days; but the lords have ordered him to remain till news come from the Duke; after which, Dacre is informed, he will go by sea. If the lords find that the Duke is not coming they will make peace with England apart from France. If he do, they will be ruled by him. The King's Marches are in good rest, and cultivated beyond past years. The Homes remain at the tower of Cawmills. The Armstrongs and other evil-disposed persons remain in Scotland upon the Middle Marches, robbing, burning, and slaying. Harbottle, 5 March. Signed.
Add. at. ƒ 343b: "To my lord Cardinal's grace."
5 March.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Wrote last on the last day of February. The Great Master informed him this day that his departure for the borders of Spain to meet with Chievres is put off for a week, but he will certainly go, and promises to make Wolsey privy to anything that occurs of importance. He also expects the meeting between Henry and Francis to take place in June, and desires to know what number the King and Wolsey will bring over, that he may appoint an equal number to meet them. By the frequent audiences given to the Venetian ambassador these two days past, Boleyn perceives that there is news from Venice, the nature of which he cannot find out, except that the Venetian ambassador in England is recalled and another sent in his place. The Queen is very sickly, worse than she has been in any former confinement. The English gentlemen left here by the ambassadors have misconducted themselves. Brown and Hart have been at variance; the latter is sore hurt on the head, and not likely to be whole before Easter. Young Gifford, whom lord Ferys "put to the King here," is very ill "with haunting of harlots." A Scotch bishop, called the bp. of Rosse, is here, and tells him that a parliament will be held in his country this Lent, where there is likely to be much strife among the lords, as they have no head or governor. He speaks much evil of the bishop of St. Andrew's, and showed Boleyn a letter he had received from James archbp. of Glasgow and chancellor of Scotland, declaring the bp. of St. Andrew's a mischievous person. Paris, 5 March. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
7 March.
Adv. MS. 23.
Has seen the ambassador sent by Christiern to the French king, and the letters he brought. Sends James Stuart, his servant, born in France, to Scotland, on the subject of his demands. Has written himself to the estates of the kingdom on the subject. They are very well disposed, but find a difficulty in sending forces, in the absence of the governor, during the King's minority. Paris, 7 March 1518.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
8 March.
113. REVELS.
Expences of a revel, called a "maskalyne," after the manner of Italy, held on 7th March, and a joust on the 8th, 10 Hen. VIII., at Greenwich.—Apparel for 46 persons; cloth of gold, velvet, taffeta, sarcenet, &c., of various colours. The articles furnished consist of bases, masking hoods, hats, ladies' petticoats of Spanish work, their bonnets, the King's saddle furniture, buskins, and other necessaries for tilting: some furnished by Mrs. Christiana Waren; others by Elizabeth Phyllyp. 13 ostrich feathers, beaten with fine gold, 17s. 4d. "8 felltes ostrege woll, the piece 12d." 4 dozen pasteboards to make hoops for the ladies' garments, and for stuffing of bonnets, 16d. 6 lbs. wire for wiring the hoops, 2s. 6d. Expences for lining and embroidering bases. Sum total, 60l. 7s. 3d. Signed by John Heron.
Pp. 11.
8 March.
On behalf of Yvon Lelixandre, a Breton, who was taken prisoner with his ship and goods, and has already stated his case before the English council. Paris, 8 March. signed. Countersigned: Charbonier.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
8 March.
115. For JOHN CLERK, LL.D., the King's councillor.
Presentation to the parish church of Southmolton, Exeter dioc. Greenwich, 4 March 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 March.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11.
9 March.
Vesp. C. I.
B. M.
Wrote last on the 3rd. The King has been advertised from Rome, by a letter 26 Feb., of the arrival there of two French ambassadors making six in all, who are daily with the Pope to obtain his favor for their master in the ensuing election, assuring his holiness that four of the Electors were favorable. Don Jeronimo Vik has signified that the Pope knows the contrary and will continue indifferent. The Spaniards are surprised that the Pope should set by one as much as by two, leaving apart the lordship in Naples promised to his nephew. They are afraid of his changing. As Wolsey's despatch had not reached Rome on the 26th, they beg he will write again to the Pope and Cardinal of Sion, that the French may not boast of the King of England's favor. They have already circulated untruths in this respect, and the same is countenanced by information received from Armestorf, Felinger and Sevenberg; adding that the lords of Castile are in rebellion. A French commissary, by letters of the last of February, has negociated for 300,000 crowns of gold to be delivered in Lyons, without effect. The factors of Fulkers refuse, except the French will send ready money, in consequence of the dangerous state of the country.
The admiral of France and the marshal Chastilion had advanced no further than Lorraine, for lack of safe-conducts. No news of the success of De la Guyche in Flanders. The duke of Saxony, instead of being a friend, is a great enemy to France, and refuses to admit their ambassadors. Some think he is finessing. The two brothers of Brandenberg, Palatine and Cologne, stand firm; but the Palatine asks for more money. Believes in the success of Charles, because he is of Almain blood, and has great estates and friends there. Many evils will ensue, and great confusion, if he fails; loss of the sovereign authority, embroilment with the Emperor, enmity with the house of Bavaria in consequence of their quarrels with Austria, defection of the Swiss, Venetians and others. All these circumstances show the undesirableness of the French succeeding. The only method of keeping them in order is a firm alliance between Spain and England. The Grand Master of France has not departed from Paris, and therefore Chievres has not set out. The latter is not pleased with the arrival of count Horn in England, "excusing himself from the Archduchess that the lord Berghes was not sent." The governor of Lyons has refused to let the posts pass, going into Almayn. Barcelona, 9 March 1518.
Holograph, in cipher, deciphered by Tuke, pp. 7. Add.: [To my lord] Cardinal's grace.
10 March.
Giust. Desp.
II. 253.
All the English ambassadors have returned, with eight distinguished hostages—four men and four lads of 17 years and under. As it was not believed they were hostages, Wolsey would not receive them till the French ambassador had presented them as such in public to the King. After this ceremony, the cardinal sent the archbishop of Armagh to the Spanish ambassador with this message—"Quæ vos vidistis et audistis potestis scribere." The ambassador said that this fashion of hostages was not customary. Giustinian said it was done for the satisfaction of the English nation, which is not well pleased with the surrender of Tournay. The same day, as Giustinian was accompanying Wolsey to York House, he said, "What think you of this, Domine Orator ? Did we not perform this act with honor to ourselves, so that everybody may be aware that this peace will last, and that there is a pledge for its durability, and those who doubted this fact will now credit it?" The Spanish ambassador says that his colleague, count Horn, a German, enters London today. These lords have not made any preparations to do him honor, and the one now here is in little favor.
The King had determined to cross the Channel for a conference with the king of France, but there has been great difficulty in the matter and diversity of opinion. It is at length settled that the voyage is to take place; and though report varies as to its period, it will certainly be effected at the end of June or beginning of July. The King has made a list of those who are to accompany him, and sent it to France. The lord treasurer, the duke of Norfolk, will remain here as governor, according to general opinion. The king of England will reach the other side five or six days before the French king comes to the appointed place. From what he hears of the preparations, thinks it will be a fine sight. The meeting will take place between Boulogne and Calais; and there is "a difficulty as to whether, after the reception and conference, they are to go back for the night, the one to Boulogne and the other to Calais, or sleep in tents in the fields." The ambassadors to Spain are returned. Fancies they obtained the mission of these ambassadors from the Catholic King to seal and ratify the confederacy. Compared its original clauses with the copies sent to Rome and France, to learn if any alteration had taken place owing to the arrival of the Spanish ambassadors. The merchants are at Hampton for the purpose of loading the galleys. Lambeth, 10 March 1519.
11 March.
Calig. D. VII.
Wrote last on the 5th. Received yesterday a packet from England containing (1) a letter from Henry to the French king; (2) a "qwere" of instructions, signed by Henry, concerning the deliverance of the King's letter, with recommendations and "certain credence of assured amity for the King's advancement here to the empire," and the proposed meeting between the two kings; (3) a schedule of the number of persons that Henry would bring with him; and (4) a letter from Wolsey to Boleyn concerning the measures to be taken in behalf of the merchants plundered in September and October last. Cannot deliver the letters to Francis at present, as the King has been this Shrove-tide sporting six leagues hence. Has been with my Lady and the Great Master here yesterday, and is appointed by the latter to meet the King tomorrow two leagues hence, when he will execute his instructions.
A report has been spread here of the death of my Lady Princess in England, which he had contradicted upon inquiry. Yesterday the Great Master and the treasurer Robertet showed him a packet of letters from Rome, sent by Poton, the French ambassador there, informing Francis that he had seen a letter written by the cardinal of Sion to a secretary of his "to shew to th ..." that the King and Wolsey had bid him "keep the Swiss in good devotion to go into Almayn, for the 1 ... of the Emperor in favor and aid of the King Catholic," and promised them money from England. This Boleyn prayed the Great Master not to credit, as it was contrary to Henry's letter written to the King here. He replied that he believed it not, but prayed Boleyn to show Wolsey by this what manner of man the Cardinal was. The Great Master also had good tidings from his brother the admiral, and says that "if the princes of Almayn go not too much against ... honours the King his master is sure of the most part of them;" that one of the Electors came 50 leagues to sp[eak with] the admiral; that next week in the Ember days his brother will be made legate of Fra[nce] at Rome, and the archbishop of Toulouse cardinal. It was said that the Pope had appointed him legate for two years. "He said also that the bishop of Paris with other shall be made ... at Whitsuntide, and reckoned by name eleven cardinals to be in F[rance]," and that the king of Spain hath been lately ... and purposed going to Montpelier with Chievres next week, but expects news from Spain hourly. He marvelled he had no answer to a letter he wrote to Wolsey offering his services to the King. The writer is glad of the arrangement made by Wolsey for sending his letters through Calais, which will expedite them. Paris, 11 March. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: to myn most especiall, &c. my lord Legat, cardinal and chaunceler of England.
12 March.
S. B.
119. For LAWRENCE CAMPEGGIO, Cardinal.
Grant of an unfinished house at Rome, in the parish of St. Katharine, near the house of the canons and chapter of St. Peter's and the houses of Francis Sodorini, cardinal. Del. Westm., 12 March 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 32.
14 March.
R. O.
Has received his letter this day requiring his attendance at Lambeth tomorrow for urgent reasons. Cannot be there in so hasty speed, considering his age, the distance, and that his horses are at livery at Charring. Will be there by Friday or Saturday next. Maidstone, 14 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: My lord Cardinal of York, legate a latere.
14 March.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Ellis, 1 Ser.
vol. I. 146.
Yesterday delivered Wolsey's letters to the King. When the King had read them, Boleyn declared to him their effect, according to Henry's instructions, and afterwards showed him the great desire Henry had for the increase of his honor, and the service he intended to do in advancing him to "the preferment of this imperial dignitie." Taking off his bonnet the King thanked your highness heartily, saying, as long as he lived he would be at your highness's pleasure; "saying that what with your puissance and with his help, which he saith your grace shall always have ready at your commandment, there is neither honour, dignity, nor other thing in Christendom but that your highness shall order it at your pleasure." In reply to Boleyn's remark, that his master was anxious for the interview, Francis replied, he was "determined to see your grace, though he should come by himself, his page and his lacquey." He will send the Grand Master in two or three days to Paris to arrange with Boleyn for the interview. Paris, 14 March. Signature burnt off.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
14 March.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Wrote last on the 11th. The Queen and my Lady left Paris the same day for St. Germain, where the former was to be confined, but was taken ill by the way, and was obliged to rest at the village of La Porte de Neuilly, and that night she was in great danger. False reports were spread, first of her death, afterwards of her delivery; which kept Boleyn away from court on Saturday, when he had appointed to meet the Great Master. He was sent for, however, yesterday, and saw the lodgings of the King and Queen, my Lady the king's mother, the duchess of Alencçon, and the Great Master, at the said village. "The Great Master hath no chimney in his chamber, but there is a great oven." If the Queen is strong enough, she is to be conveyed by water to St. Germain's in "close barges with chambers made in them;" if not, she must remain.
Delivered the King's letters to Francis, in presence of the Great Master and Robertet only, and afterwards a letter from Wolsey, expressing at the same time his grace's willingness to do him service; to which Francis replied that he was well assured of it, and that for his part Wolsey should not find him ungrateful. He promised, on the word of a king, that if Wolsey aspired to be head of the church he would secure him on the first opportunity the voices of fourteen cardinals, the whole company of the Ursyns at Rome, and the help of one Mark Antony di Colonna, whom he calls a valiant man, and of great reputation there; reckoning that now the King's highness and he were at one, there should neither Emperor nor Pope be made but such as pleased them. Boleyn believes he has the best mind for Wolsey's advancement, and thinks that if the latter do not accept his offer he will do his best for some of his own cardinals.
When he had been an hour with the King the ambassador of Denmark came in, and afterwards the duke of Albany was called. Knew not about what matter. The Great Master told him that Albany would be present at the meeting between Henry and Francis, and also an ambassador from Scotland, when he hoped "some good conclusion should be taken for the duke of Albany;"—also that, but for the Queen's illness, he would have set out tomorrow for Montpellier; that nothing should be treated without Wolsey being made aware of it. He desired a copy of the list of persons coming with the King to the meeting, which Boleyn has delivered to him. He promises also that Boleyn shall have answer within three days of every article touching the meeting and interview, and also the order of redress of the merchants, which he will send to the King as soon as they arrive. Paris, 14 March. Signature burnt off.
Mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: To, &c. my lord Legate, &c.
15 March. 123. For the ABBEY OF READING.
Writ to the escheator of Oxon. and Berks, for restitution of the temporalities of Reading Abbey, on election of Th. Worcetour as abbot, whose fealty was taken by John abbot of Chartesey and Sir Ric. Weston. Westm., 15 March.
ii. Similar writs to the escheators of Essex, Herts, Warw., Beds and Bucks, Heref., Kent, Hants and Wilts, and to the mayor (Th. Mirfyn) and escheator of London.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20.
P. S. b. 2. Petition of Edmund bp. of Salisbury for the above. Remmesbury, 27 Feb. 1518. In margin: 15 die Marcii.