Henry VIII: June 1529, 21-25

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: June 1529, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2523-2531 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Henry VIII: June 1529, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2523-2531.

"Henry VIII: June 1529, 21-25". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2523-2531.


June 1529

21 June.
Theiner, p. 584.
The King and Cardinal are much pleased with what you write—that the protestations and commissions of the Imperialists remain in the same state, and that they had not been signed, and that Stephen (Gardiner) and Brian would declare in what terms they left the matter. The King has great hope of hearing some good news for himself. The Lutheran affairs are appeased, and no one talks about them. I have returned thanks to the King and Cardinal. The King replied, "Let us expedite this my business, in order that I may apply my mind to these Lutheran affairs, and then I will do all things." I believe his Majesty will most certainly write, as I announced in my letter of the 4th of April.
My lady Margaret and the Regent are to meet at Cambray. Henry would wish the cardinal of York to go to the congress; but he will not go unless this cause be first terminated; which result they are endeavoring to secure with all their might. As they believe the Queen will assuredly send to Rome, they intend to dispatch some one thither to supplicate the Pope not to grant the citation of this cause. Among other things, the King alleges that the Pope is in the hands of the Imperialists, and that it will not be safe for him to go to law at Rome.
These people are much gratified with the advices from Rome respecting the Turk, although they receive news letters from Venice. I have received great consolation from the news you give me of the Pope's health, for bad news had been reported from Venice. London, 21 June 1529.
22 June.
Le Grand, III. 327.
The greatest alarm has been occasioned here by a letter which I have seen, from the duke of Suffolk to his master, stating that he had been told by Francis that when the Ladies came to this interview all would be concluded in nothing wanting but a little ceremony; and they say you have acted falsely towards them, always telling them that there was nothing in the matter. I assure you Wolsey is in terrible pain, for to this hour he has always been assuring his master, both in public and in private, that you would do nothing without them. The contrary is strongly suspected at present, and I leave you to judge whether he speaks fair to me now, or says that I have deceived him, and made him deceive his master. I defend myself with beak and claws, yet in the end he will come at me again. Already you know he wished me to go and see the King, and that I should use the best language to him possible,—not putting him wholly in despair, among other things, that the arrival of Fitzwilliam would retard this meeting. This, I see, I must do, partly to keep things in a good train, and partly that he may extricate himself, so that, having my part of the charge towards his master, his own may be so much the less. (fn. 1) It will be needful that whoever brings the news of peace shall be well furnished with good words.
I have heard on good authority that the lady Margaret urges you strongly to come to a good conclusion, declaring the trouble she has had in obtaining her commission from the Emperor, and that there was great danger of his revoking it, as all the ambassadors of his allies, and the greater lords of Spain, had fallen on their knees to him; [showing] that he had seen the duke of Orleans in danger of his life, his own affairs in Italy in the worst condition possible, in Spain every one dissatisfied and ready to rebel, Germany troubled to the utmost, and the danger of the Turk extreme; and that now some of the causes were removed, and the others might cease in time. I have heard nothing of this, but I think it will be a good thing to say, especially to the duke of Suffolk. It is true the great object is to get the children, but it would be better to content all (contenter tout). I think Fitzwilliam has brought an order for Suffolk's return. I hear they have letters from Francis of the 16th, stating quite bluntly that he was leaving Paris for Cambray, which I assure you would be much to Wolsey's dissatisfaction. Wolsey would like that, in writing to me of his good will towards Henry in his business, Francis would state that he exerts himself the more willingly on Henry's behalf on account of the constant intercession of the Legate. I think it would be well to do this. Is obliged to send many couriers express, as there are a number of Suffolk's men with all the posts, and he has already lost one packet.
You will see by the King's letters the state of matters about their divorce. All the aid they ask from you with the Pope is that he may not revoke his commission. Your affairs here have passed the worst, and they consider the peace as made. Seeing that they were so far advanced I made a sermon with the cardinal of York, which has helped the matter. I reckon that as they have a good July to prepare, we shall get them one of these days to swallow the medicine. Wolsey has been much vexed by news he received, I think from Rome, that things had been arranged long ago through the medium of the duke of Savoy; which I told him was not true. The King was very glad of his artichokes, considering the quarter they came from, and is very proud of them.
Wolsey has asked me if the Chancellor would be at this interview. I said I thought not, "si n'estoyt qu'on veist trop grande apparance à la conclusion des choses." He said he saw clearly that lady Margaret, who wished the interview to be as early as the 18th, does not fail to go forward,—for two reasons: 1, to prepare the passage of the Emperor; and 2, to prevent him (the Chancellor) being present, as he was too clear-sighted. He therefore advises that my Lady should not fail to bring the said Chancellor with her, for if anything is done he can take better care than anybody that you do not lose your merchandise. London 22 June.
P.S.—There is no danger in showing Campeggio's packet to Salviati.
Fr. Add.
22 June.
Bibl. Nat. 5,499, p. 134.
Received yesterday your despatch of the 17th. The Legate is much troubled to find from your letters, and from those which his master has received from Suffolk, that matters are so far advanced without notice being sent to his master, whom he has always assured that nothing would be done in the matter without his knowing beforehand. He spoke much of his services to you, and the confidence he hoped you had in him, of which I had always assured him; and I was grieved by what he said.
He then recapitulated the records* which I sent to you on the 15th, showing the Emperor's ill will to you, and the danger Henry would incur if you join with the Emperor, and the King is only comprehended, but not as a principal contrahent; for as all the treaties have been broken by the intimation of war, the privileges enjoyed by the English in Spain and Flanders would be entirely lost. To all this I made the best reply that I could. I think that Madame Margaret would be glad for them to return to their treaties as before the intimation of war; but with some, as the treaty of London, this would be impossible.
Went to the King after dinner, by Wolsey's desire, and read him your letters and Montmorency's, explaining your intention upon some points, so that he seemed more satisfied than I had seen him since my return. I saw that the Legate had informed him of what I said yesterday. He said he desired nothing more than that your affairs should have the result you wished; but he fears ruin to both from the Emperor's journey to Italy, which he hears is certain, and which is founded on the hope the Emperor has of your money and help; he, therefore, advises you not to ruin your friends and allies in Italy, and especially not to cause the Venetians to throw themselves into the hands of the enemy.
I should advise you to cause the bishop of Tarbes to keep the Pope up to his intention of not revoking the commission of Campeggio; for if this were done now, Rome would be a place full of suspicion, for the Emperor, now being on his journey, will have undisputed power, not only there but in the whole of Italy.
Friday last the King's cause was brought before the judges, who sat at the White Friars'. The Queen appeared in person, and the Dean of the Chapel for the King. The Queen refused the judges. The King desired them to determine the validity or nullity of his marriage, about which he had from the beginning felt a perpetual scruple. The Queen said that it was not the time to say this after so long silence. For which he excused himself by the great love he had and has for her. He desired, more than anything else, that the marriage should be declared valid, and remonstrated with the judges that the Queen's request for the removal of the cause to Rome was unreasonable, considering the Emperor's power there; whereas this country is perfectly secure for her, and she has had the choice of prelates and lawyers. Finally, she fell on her knees before him, begging him to consider her honor, her daughter's, and his; that he should not be displeased at her defending it, and should consider the reputation of her nation and relatives, who will be seriously offended; in accordance with what he had said about his good will, she had throughout appealed to Rome, where it was reasonable that the affair should be determined, as the present place was subject to suspicion, and because the cause is already at Rome.
The judges summoned them to meet again on Friday. I think the Queen will take no notice of it. The judges can then proceed against her for contumacy; which I do not think they will do. Her statement that the cause is already at Rome refers to some signatura, of which she wishes to make use, and which the Pope probably winked at. I do not think it a matter of importance. The pleading was in open court, before whom the King did not spare to justify his intention. If the matter was to be decided by women, he would lose the battle; for they did not fail to encourage the Queen at her entrance and departure by their cries, telling her to care for nothing, and other such words; while she recommended herself to their good prayers, and used other Spanish tricks.
French, from a transcript, pp. 7.
22 June.
Vit. B. XI. 169. B. M.
Although they are sufficiently instructed by the King's letters concerning the advocation of the cause, writes also to show them that if the King's matter is advoked at the Queen's or Emperor's instance, great dishonor will accrue to the King and the judges, and, if the Emperor goes to Italy, the matter would never be brought to an end. They must, therefore, do all they can to prevent, and never consent to, the advocation of the cause; nor must they do nor grant anything that may suspend or hinder the action of the Legates. They must now show the King that they are of some reputation in Rome, and can do him some service.
Does not think the Pope will venture to displease the King by the advocation, and he has no cause to do so. They may assure him that if he does grant it he will lose the devotion of the King and of England to the See Apostolic, and utterly destroy Wolsey for ever. Westm., June 22. Signed.
Pp. 2.
22 June.
Add. MS. 28,578, f. 367. B. M.
Gives an account of his negotiations for the meeting of Madame and the Queen mother at Cambray. Great trouble has been taken to hinder the matter, by the duke of Suffolk and the treasurer Feuwillam, and on the part of the Pope; but the Queen mother tells me to write to you that she will be at St. Quentin on Friday, and she advises you to inform the Emperor of the attempted hindrances. As soon as she is with you, she will tell you the cause of the coming of Suffolk, who has sent Feuwillam back to the King. Compiegne, Monday, 21 June.
Yesterday the King and Madame arrived here. Called on the Great Master, who told me that when Madam did not wait, seeing that he had no time, for immediately after dining he went to the King's dinner, where were Suffolk, Feuwillam, who has returned from England, and Dr. Kincht (Knight). After dinner they retired to the King's chamber, where a council was to be held.
Had an interview with Madame, who assured me that the coming of the English ambassadors need cause you no jealousy, for it would not hinder her voyage; they would send on their power, for France and England could not treat separately. Told her that the Emperor would make no difficulty about the comprehension of the king of England, for I brought word of it a month ago from you.
Mention being made of the Pope, reminded her that on Saturday she had said that Dr. Stephen, the English ambassador, who had just arrived on his way from Rome, had told her that his Holiness was very ill, and could not recover; which she said was true. Said that it was reported that he brought the Pope's expedition about the marriage of the king of England. She said she could not say that he had it, but she had heard that there was a difficulty about a brief which had not been found good at Rome; but the marriage did not concern us, nor our treaties. Compiegne, Tuesday, 22 June 1529, 6 p.m.
Mons. de Terbes is going in post to Rome.
Fr., pp. 12, modern copy.
22 June.
Vit. B. XI. 162*. B. M.
5705. ITALY.
Extract from a letter from the Papal treasurer, dated Placentia, 22 June.
This morning a knight of count Guido Rangon, a brother of the French commissioner of stores, arrived with news that yesterday morning, about the fourth hour, the French army marched from Landriano to Lardirago, 4 miles from Pavia. The reserve body, with which were St. Pôl, Claudio Rangon and other leaders, was attacked by the Imperial cavalry, but put them to flight. They were, however, reinforced, and finally defeated the French, and took their guns and most of their baggage. St. Pôl has not been found, and is thought to be a prisoner. Claudio Rangon, Moranus Carbonus and count Hannibal de Novellara were taken. Count Guido, lords de Nabave and Ambra, and Cagninus escaped to Pavia, though some say that Cagninus crossed the Ticino with the Germans.
Lat., p. 1. Vannes' hand.
22 June.
Cal. B. I. 310. B. M. St. P. IV. 562.
According to his counsel given by Magnus, has endeavored to reduce the broken men of the Borders to good order, though they had been long encouraged by those who abused his authority. Believes Henry's officers will witness that good rule has been kept since last truce, except on the East Border "fornent the Merse," where Ma[ster] Leisence, (fn. 2) captain of Norham, has charge under the earl of Northumberland. He keeps no days of meeting, and makes no redress, as Magnus can bear witness, who has "riply consavit the effairs of baithe oure bordouris" at his last being in Berwick. Reminds him of his frequent applications for redress to Rob. [Bertoun of] Over Bertoun, our treasurer. Jed[worth], 22 June 16 Jac. V. Signed.
23 June.
Vit. B. XI. 163. B. M. Burnet, I. ii. No. 28.
By our letters to you, and by our conference with Benet, you were informed how it was intended that our cause should be diligently prosecuted before the Legates here. They with all due ceremony directed citations for us and our Queen to appear before them on the 18th, which were duly observed. But the Queen, trusting more to the Imperialists than the justice of her cause, put in her protest, and appealed to the Pope, alleging the avocation of the cause. The judges allowed her till the 21st, when we both appeared, and her protestation was refused; but she persisted in her appeal, and, when they proposed to proceed, left the court. Being thrice summoned to appear without effect, she was pronounced contumax, and cited to appear on Friday next. As she will make all efforts to impeach the cause, we have thought good to advertise you of the same, that you may prevent the Pope from granting anything to stay process; and if the Imperialists should attempt it, you shall signify to him the dishonor he will do to his legates, his own commission, and his promises, and any other motive you can devise. We doubt not the Pope will act like a loving father, and not do anything displeasant to us, knowing how inconvenient it would be for this cause to be decided at Rome, which is now in the Emperor's power. You should also insist upon our prerogative, as touched upon in our letters sent by Alexander. Bridewell, 23 June. Signed at the commencement.
Address pasted on.
23 June.
Nero, B. VII. 87. B. M.
5708. JOHN CASALE, the Prothonotary, to WOLSEY.
Yesterday Theodore Triulcio and Jo. Joachim sent him letters from their ambassador with the duke of Milan, saying that St. Pôl's army was defeated and scattered. Was with them this morning, and they said they had heard further that St. Pôl, counts Claudius and Guido Rangon, and the count of Novalaria, of the family of Gonzaga, had been taken. The ambassador of the duke of Urbino says he has heard the same from his master. It is very unfortunate, and difficult to be remedied. The duke of Urbino has led the Venetian forces into a safe place; and Cæsar Fregoso, who was a little before St. Pôl's army, intending to attack Genoa, has done the same. Venice, 23 June 1529.
A nobleman has just come from the duke of Milan with the following account:—Count Guido was in the first rank, and arrived safely with his company at Pavia (Ticinum). The affair happened thus: All agreed to retreat from Milan; the duke of Urbino led his men to a fortified place towards Lodi (Laus Pompeia); the duke of Milan's men went to Pavia; and Cæsar Fregoso, with a considerable number, went further to attack Genoa. St. Pôl, with the rest of the army, proceeded slowly as if in safety, and, in crossing the Lambro, after the first company had passed, a great gun stuck in the sand, which delayed them all night. In the morning the Imperialists under Antonio de Leva attacked those who had not crossed, taking nearly all the baggage. Leva left Milan with all his forces, which was very dangerous; but they say he trusted in the fewness of the Venetians and the disorder of the French, and hoped to catch, as he did, the rear of the army after the rest had crossed. Camillus Ursino, leader of the Venetian army in Apulia, is ill with plague. The Perugian exiles are levying soldiers, with the help of the Pope as some think, to attack the town, and expel Malatesta Baglionis, who will not obey the Pope, and has taken wages from his Florentine enemies, who are sending Baglioni aid. A third war is thus rising in Italy. Signed.
Lat., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
23 June.
R. O.
Wrote last on the 19th that the Signory would consult on that day about their answer concerning the restitution of Ravenna and Cervia. Heard what it was the same day, but did not think it necessary to send it immediately.
They excuse themselves for not having given an answer sooner, because when Theodore and Casale first spoke of the matter, they heard of the negotiations in France, and they waited to see the conclusion.
They promise to act about the restitution as is agreed in those negotiations. Venice, 23 June 1529. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
Vit. B. XII. 207 b. B. M. 5710. [WOLSEY to _.]
Desires him to tell the Pope that he, as the King's lieutenant, will meet the two ladies at Cambray to treat of universal peace. He may assure the Pope that whatever reports there may be, unless Wolsey is there, no such peace will be concluded. Will take care that nothing is concluded to the detriment of the See Apostolic if the Pope handles the King kindly, and does nothing to the hindrance of his matter by advocation or otherwise. Wishes him to urge the Pope to conclude the matter, for Wolsey cannot leave for Cambray until it is settled. "Also it shall be right requisite that my lord Campegius ... the Popes honor and surety, for if the said peace ... be concluded, being absent, it might chance that things ..."
Hol., draft, mutilated.
24 June.
R. O. St. P. VII. 188.
After I had tied up this bundle of letters, and sent them to Tuke to forward, Gardyner and Bryan arrived, from whom I learned the state of the King's matters.
I find that the Pope is unwilling to make any concession, and will perform nothing of those things which I had promised the King, relying on the Pope's kindness. At this I am greatly troubled. Although the King has great reason for abandoning the Pope, and leaving him to be excluded from the forthcoming league, I will use my efforts that he shall be honorably treated; and I believe that such is his Majesty's generosity that he will not fail to comply with my intercession, provided that his Holiness does nothing to the King's injury, especially in the avocation of the cause, which, among other evil effects, will cause my ruin. The Pope ought not to yield to the importunity of the King's adversaries. As he will make no concession, you ought to urge him not to avocate the cause, lest thereby he loses the King, and destroys my authority, reputation, and life itself. I think the King will listen more readily to my intercession, if his Holiness will send good and efficacious letters in istam sententiam. London, 24 June 1529. Signed.
Lat. Add. Endd.
24 June.
Theiner, p. 584.
On the evening of the 22nd, Dr. Stephen [Gardiner] and [Sir Francis] Brian arrived. Owing to this the courier has tarried till now.
The cardinal of York has showed me a letter in the Pope's own hand to himself and the King, containing credentials for me "respecting the premises and other public business." As I have received no letters from you, either by Dr. Stephen or by Thaddeus, who arrived with them, I have not known what answer to make up to the present time, except that I have no letters, though probably they are on the way, under direction to the legate Salviati; and that as to "the premises," which referred, as it seemed to me, only to these affairs of the King, I had nothing further to say to them than to confirm what I had so frequently told them, namely, that if the Pope had not done what they could have wished in reference to the brief and their other demands, this would not have occurred had the Pope been able to act with justice and honor. With regard to public affairs, I reminded them that they should continue their protection and defence of the Holy See, as they had done in the past, according to the hope and faith which the Pope reposed in his Majesty, especially in respect to this treaty of peace.
I understand that the French king desires the presence of the cardinal of York at this negotiation at Cambray, as also does this King, but not before the termination of this cause, for which they importune beyond measure. London, 24 June 1529.
25 June.
Theiner, p. 585.
Yesterday I wrote all that occurred to me. This morning I caused myself to be borne to the place where we sit in judgment, as we had to take the King's oath today respecting the propositions and articles. We found him there in an adjoining chamber. After the ceremony had been completed, the King delivered to me a packet from the legate (Salviati) in France, of the 18th inst., enclosing your letter of the 3rd. I communicated its contents to the King. With regard to his affairs his Majesty says no more about past proceedings than I have written. He tells me he has written to his ambassadors, that although it was in the Pope's power to have done something for him, he rests satisfied, provided his Holiness do nothing against him in this citation. He has showed me a letter from his ambassadors, of the 7th inst., relating the arguments used by them to persuade the Pope not to exasperate the mind of his Majesty, and stating that he will do nothing whatever. They add in their letter that his Holiness has much faith in his Majesty, that he will not fail, in this negotiation for peace, to do what he has always done in favor and behalf of the Holy See. They bade the Pope to be of good cheer, as the King would not fail him, provided his Holiness did not interrupt this cause in any manner, which would exasperate the King's mind. They state that the Pope excused himself to them, saying they were to entertain no doubt on this head, as he would sooner suffer any thing, however terrible, in his own person.
On my recommending to his Majesty the interests of the Holy See and of the Pope, and inquiring if he would send any one to this conference, he hesitated for some time, and at length said he had not yet deliberated, but would send the Cardinal on the termination of this cause. I represented to him that it was impossible to terminate it in time. The King replied that as the French king had done so much for his Majesty, he would not refuse to postpone the negotiation for his sake. It seemed to me that he laid this down as a settled thing. He asserted that the congress of the Ladies would not take place on the 26th, as they wrote from France, but would be prorogued. He further told me that, in consequence of the declaration of war which he had sent to the Emperor, all their negotiations were broken off and at an end; and therefore it would not satisfy him to be named as a confederate by the French king in this peace, not even if he were comprehended with the former conditions, because it was inexpedient for them, least of all for the French king, as many of the conditions were adverse to him.
In fact, the King is evidently exerting himself to prevent the conference from arriving at any conclusion for the present, because he desires, first, to see the end of his cause, and then to send the Cardinal to conclude, at one and the same time, fresh articles with the Emperor and the universal peace. From all quarters I learn that lady Margaret warmly insists on this conference, and that the expectation of peace increases daily. I have had some suspicion that the Emperor and the French king were already in agreement, and a presentiment that this King and the Cardinal also had some doubts on this head; but now they seem to promise themselves much from the postponement of (the congress), and that it will not take place without an arrangement with the Emperor. In the course of conversation, York said to me, "Even were the French to act otherwise, we should still have the means of providing for ourselves, as there are ample mandates in Flanders to compound with us." As an argument for this postponement they urge that it will prevent the Emperor from entering Italy.
Pray, consider well in what travail I find myself,—not to speak of the sentence against the King, the Queen's contumacy, and their manner of proceeding. They conduct the trial in such a manner that it is impossible to act according to the evidence, in many cases, except after their fashion. London, 25 June 1529.
25 June.
Vit. B. XI. 167. B. M.
5714. WOLSEY to [VANNES].
Thanks him for the diligence and labour he has used in the King's matter and his own. Wishes the bull brought by Gardiner for the impropriation of the prebend of Blewbery, for the college at Oxford, to be rewritten according to the enclosed minute, as the name of the prebend is not mentioned. Desires him to send it and the bulls for the college of Ipswich by the next post. Instead of the bull which Gardiner obtained for the suppression of the monastery of Pray, to be united to St. Alban's, and the appropriation of the benefice of Tenby thereto, desires him to obtain two bulls, one for the suppression of Pray to the college at Oxford, the other for the union of Tenby to the college at Ipswich, according to the enclosed minutes.
Soon after their receipt, hopes to send him good news for his return home. Asks him to use all diligence that he may once see his colleges established. Westm., 25 June. Signed.
Pp. 2. Begins: Maister Petyr.
25 June.
Vit. B. XI. 166. B. M. St. P. VII. 190. Ellis, 2 Ser. II. 157.
I have arrived safe, and told the King in what state his affairs stand. Although you will be advertised how to act in preventing the avocation of the cause, I thought it better to let you know how much that avocation is considered here. Such a deed would alienate this kingdom, and utterly undo the Cardinal. You are to forbear to make any protestation tanquam a non vicario ad verum vicarium Jesu Christi, as likely to irritate the Pope; and treat him kindly. You are to expedite with all diligence the Cardinal's bulls for his colleges of Oxford and Ipswich. Westm., 25 June.


  • 1. "Et desia, comme voyez, il a voulu que soye allé veoir le Roy, et que le servisse des meilleurs propos du monde, ne le mectant entr'aultres choses totalement hors d'espoir, que la venue de Monsieur Feuguillaume ne feust pour mectre quelque retardement en ceste assemblée ce que je sens bien qu'il me fault faire partie à bonne fin, et pour entretenir ces choses en bon train, partie pour se demesler, a fin qu'ayant ma part de la charge envers sondict maistre, la sienne en soyt dautant moindre."
  • 2. Roger Lassels, according to St. P.