Henry VIII: March 1533, 1-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.

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'Henry VIII: March 1533, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1882), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol6/pp89-99 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Henry VIII: March 1533, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1882), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol6/pp89-99.

"Henry VIII: March 1533, 1-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1882), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol6/pp89-99.


March 1533, 1-10

1 March.
R. O.
197. Trial Of The Pix.
Assay of silver made in the Star Chamber at Westminster, 1 March 24 Hen. VIII., in presence of Sir Thomas Audeley, chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England, Thos. earl of Wiltshire, keeper of the Privy Seal, John lord Huse, Sir John Fitzjames, chief justice of the King's Bench, Sir Ric. Lyster, chief baron of the Exchequer, Sir Ant. Fitzherbert, justice of the Common Pleas, Sir Ric. Weston, sub-treasurer of the Exchequer, Sir Ric. Sacheverell, and Sir John Daunce. On opening the pix there were found 30 "sinchi," containing 28l. 5s. 7d. in silver groats, half-groats, pence, halfpence, and farthings, taken out of 40,405 lbs. 1 oz. of silver weight coined and delivered out of the Exchange in the Tower of London since 20 May 22 Hen. VIII., in the time of John Copynger, keeper of the Exchange aforesaid, and William Blount lord Mountjoy, master of the Mint.
Lat., p. 1.
1 March.
S. B.
198. French Ambassadors.
For Mons. de Langy, one of the gentlemen of the Privy Chamber with the French king, and Mons. de Beauves, late ambassador of the French king to Scotland.
Passport to go beyond sea with 10 horses, servants, baggage, &c. Westm., the last day of Feb. 24 Hen. VIII. Teste Westm., 1 March.
1 March.
R. O.
199. Lord Dacre to Cromwell.
Received 26 Feb. his letters dated London, 15 Feb. Thanks him for advancing his causes to the King. That no "great actes, excurses, and annoysaunces" have been done against the enemy in the west, as well as on the east and middle march, is owing to the bad weather, to Dacre's hope of having an aid of soldiers, guns, and gunners, and to the assembly of the lords, lairds, and freeholders of Niddisdale, Galloway, Connyngham, and Kyle, with part of Liddisdale, at Drumfreis and other places in Annerdale. Feared, if he invaded, that he would have suffered more damage than he would have done. Begs him to solicit the King for more soldiers and artillery.
Without more provision these Borders are like to go to ruin. Wishes to know the King's pleasure and Cromwell's advice. Sent his uncle, Sir Christopher Dacre, to invade Scotland on Thursday last. He burnt Aglefechan (Ecclefechan) and the "parishing" of the same, Castell bank, Pennersax, Langdykes, and part of the foot of Middelby, the Clyntes and other small steads and houses in the heart of Annerdale. Three English were slain and 10 taken ; one Scotchman slain and four taken ; 200 sheep and "gayte," 80 head of "nowte," and 30 horses and nags brought into England. Naward, 1 March. Signed
P. 1. Add. : Maister Crumwell. Endd.
1 March.
R. O.
200. William Brabazon to Cromwell.
We have been at all my Lady's (Anne Boleyn's) possessions in Pembroke and Carmarthen shires, where we have had good entertainment of my lord Ferrers and his officers. The tenants have given my Lady, at her entry, as much as has been heretofore given. We are all in health. The bearer, who is now my Lady's officer of Kylgarm, entertained us well there. We intend to be at London this day fortnight. Karmarden, St. David's Day.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : Of the Council.
2 March.
Camusat, 23b.
201. Francis I. and Clement VII.
Extract from letters of the 25th Feb. and 2nd March 1532, received by the King (Francis I.) from the cardinals of Tournon and Grammont, and others.
The Cardinals write, on the 25th Feb., that they have received a power from the King touching the marriage of the duke of Orleans with the duchess of Urbino. They showed it to the Pope, who greatly rejoiced at it, and showed it to the Emperor, because, on the previous evening, he had assured his Holiness that Francis would never send it. That evening the Emperor did not talk much about it to the Pope, and did not wish to see it at all. Next day the Emperor came again to see the Pope, and said he could not deny that this was a great and honorable offer for his niece, but his Holiness ought not to decide upon it till he was assured of four things : (1.) That nothing should be innovated in Italy, and that Italy would remain at peace. (2.) That Francis would assent to the Council. (3.) That the treaties of Madrid and Cambray should be re-confirmed. (4.) That the king of England's matter should remain in its present state, and be proceeded with no further. He said that the Pope should not "prendre demy" his friends' counsel. When he counselled the Pope to make the marriage, it was only with these conditions. It appears that this was the only time when they spoke about it. The answer given by the Pope was wise and prudent. He said he was greatly surprised that the Emperor,now that he sees Francis is bent on the marriage, and that he himself was the cause of the Pope asking the cardinals of Tournon and Grammont to cause the power to be sent,should counsel the making of the above conditions, which have nothing in common with a marriage ;That the honour done him by Francis of delivering his second son to him was so great that he would not insist on these conditions were his niece heiress of the half of Europe ;That it was for Francis to make such as he pleased, and for his Holiness to accept them. That these four conditions were things which the Emperor could not obtain while he held Francis prisoner, and afterwards his children ; and the Pope could hardly do so, as he is of little power in comparison with the Emperor. That he will, however, endeavour to keep peace, not wishing that his niece should be the cause of a war in Christendom. Notwithstanding this answer, the Emperor has twice urgently pressed the Pope, but without success, and is evidently much annoyed at the marriage.
The Pope desires above all things that the proposed interview may be kept secret. That it may be so, he has tried to dissemble to his own ambassador in this Court. It is true that he had proposed the interview to the Emperor for the [settlement of the] affair of Francis, the king of England, and the Emperor, being quite sure that the Emperor would not hear of it, for the reason which Francis wrote to the said Cardinals, namely, that if the interview took place Francis and the king of England would go to it in such force that it would not be safe for the Emperor, who is much afraid of the said Princes. The Pope proposes that the interview take place at Nice, next May, and thinks of asking for Nice, with the castle, of the duke of Savoy, without Francis' interference. Francis approves.
The Cardinals have delivered to the Pope a letter from Francis to him, concerning the Council, which the Pope approves, and has shown to the Emperor, who could find no fault with it. But the matter is remitted to those whom the Pope is to send to Francis and other Princes. It is quite true that the words contained in the letter which say that private affairs must not be discussed at the Council, but things concerning the Faith, have astonished the Imperialists, because they cannot think why they were written, notwithstanding any explanation by the Pope. They think Francis means some subtlety.
The Emperor has made the greatest suit in the world to have three cardinals, namely, the archbishops of Bari and Capua, and Muchetula ; but he endeavoured to obtain them with so great audacity and violence, that all this Consistory were surprised by it. The Consistory was held for eight hours. No company could have been more wearied or more menaced. But, notwithstanding all the Emperor's bravado, he could only obtain one cardinal, the archbishop of Bari ; and the archbishop of Toulouse [John d'Orleans] has been despatched "en sa barbe." The cardinals of Tournon and Grammont made great suit in favour of the Auditor of the Chamber, in the king of England's name and at the request of his Ambassador, showing the Pope that, in order that the whole world might know the friendship which exists between Francis and Henry, they had determined to propose the Auditor, as Henry may have learnt from letters of Dr. Bennet, his ambassador. The Emperor was much displeased with the two Cardinals for proposing the Auditor, and said that if the English ambassador alone had demanded two, he would not have been so grieved and displeased at it as he was at the interference of the two Cardinals ; which is as much as to say that he is very sorry to see the two Kings so friendly together.
The league has been concluded. The duke of Ferrara has entered it in consequence of a suspension of war against him, which the Pope has granted, for eighteen months, but without approving the sentence given by the Emperor concerning Reggio, Modena, and Rubere. The league has been published. The two Cardinals are to receive a duplicate of it, which they will send to Francis. The Emperor greatly desired that the Genoese should declare themselves his subjects, but they would not do so. They have, however, entered into this league, like other potentates, but without contributing, unless it be certain galleys in time of war. The contribution will amount to about 80,000 crowns a month. Money will not be disbursed at present, but each "baille particulirement bancque respondante un autre bancquier," who shall afterwards answer for the whole ; the bankers to furnish the money for which they are bound in time of war.
There was at Rome an ambassador for the five cantons which are not Lutherans. He was come to ask aid from the Pope, the Emperor, and other Italian princes, in case they should have war against their Lutheran neighbours. It was resolved to aid him with a certain sum each month ; and, under cover of this, the Emperor endeavored to get him to enter the league in the name of the five cantons ; they furnishing troops, and being well paid. But the Ambassador had no power to do so.
By their letter of the 2nd instant, they state that the Emperor departed the last day of February for Alexandria, where he will remain ten or twelve days to discharge the rest of his lanceknights, of whom he had already discharged some at Bologna. Of the rest of his army he retained only 3,000 or 3,500 Spaniards, whom he would send back from Alexandria to the realm of Naples. He proposed to take with him the remainder of the Spaniards into Spain, and to discharge all his light horse. He leaves Anthony de Leve at Milan, who and other captains are paid with the money which the Emperor takes every year from the Duke.
Francis has been informed that the Emperor leaves 10,000 or 12,000 foot and certain horsemen in Italy, but he was trying to make Italy pay for them. Francis is also informed that it is impossible to believe the relief of the Papal Court on the Emperor's departure ;That the Pope gave him the Cardinals Sanctorum Quatuor and of Mantua to accompany him till his embarkation at Genoa ;That the Emperor at his departure told the Pope that Francis was going into Picardy to hunt, as he gave out, but really to have another interview with the king of England, because, at the last, the two Kings did not come to any resolution, in consequence of the return of the Turk and the return of the Emperor into Italy. It is clear from this that the Emperor has not such good spies as he makes believe. Before his departure the duke and duchess of Savoy departed to return to Piedmont, and left their eldest son with the Emperor to go to Spain, whither the Duchess is also to go.
3 March.
Harl. MS. 2,091, f. 205 b. B. M.
202. Citizenship Of London.
Richard Cowper, grocer of London, to Henry Gee, mayor of Chester. Complains that though he offers to sell his stock of wines, Rumneys, and sacks at 8d. a gallon, he is not allowed to do so, as Master Davyson, Wm. Goodman, Hugh and Robt. Aldersey, and David Mydylton, who have been mayors, keep taverns, and sell wine at 12d. a gallon. If they hinder him further, will complain to the King. It is alleged that he may not retail goods, as he is not free of Chester ; but Wm. Goodman, last mayor, licensed two men of Bristol to sell sugar, and wine was sold last Christmas at the Portpole by men not free of either London or Chester.
Pp. 2. Endd.
Harl. MS. 2,091, f. 212. B. M. 2. Certificate by Sir Stephen Pecok, ma[yor of London,] that Ric. Smith, clothier, and Ric. Cowper, gro[cer,] are citizens of London, and therefore exempt from toll. London, 3 March 24 Hen. VIII.
Lat. Copy. Mutilated.
4 March.
R. O.
203. John Knyghte to Cromwell.
I doubt whether my old master will obtain Ranston or not. I wish to know what order you will take, as I have made the best I could of all the land Sir George Frogmerton left at Michaelmas without a tenant. Hanslap Lodge, 4 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : Right worshipful.
5 March.
R. O.
204. John Salysbury to Cromwell.
Of his proceedings against Rob. ap Rice, who sued a commission out of the Chancery, and the answer made by Sir John Porte on the occasion, who had warned him of his danger incurred in the prmunire. Wishes the Lord Chancellor to be stopped from procuring Rice's pardon, as, if the law proceed, it will be worth to the King 4,000 marks. Denbigh, 5 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. : Of the Council.
6 March.
R. O.
205. Sir George Lawson to [Cromwell].
My Lord Warden and the Council are writing to the King of occurrences, and also of Cawe Mills, which Sir Thos. Clyfford and I have viewed, and have caused a platte thereof to be made. It is enclosed in my Lord Warden's letter, of which I send a copy. The said Cawe Milles might be made strong with some expense, for there is a stone quarry near the tower, and limestone at hand. The vault is broken down, and neither roof nor floor therein, but one corner is a little covered with "duffett," of no value, and the upper part of the tower is enhanced and "heighed" with duffet and turf. If it is to be repaired the vault must be new made with two new floors, and the walls raised 12 or 16 feet, with a new roof, to be covered with lead or otherwise. There is also on the south side towards Berwick, where hath been a barnikyn, now decayed, a dry dyke, which would have to be made deeper, and the barnikyn wall rebuilt of a good thickness and height with a strong gate and a drawbridge. These Cawe Mylles have ever been a den of thieves and a great enemy to the town of Berwick, often stealing their cattle and sheep ; so, if the King do not approve of repairing them, Lawson thinks they ought to be cast down to the ground, and the stones thrown into the Whittetarre water that runneth into Tweed under the same Cawe Mylles. Wishes for an answer to his late letters. Remember today is the first day of this month's wages of the whole 2,500 men. Tidings came yesterday that the Scotch ships of war had taken two ships with corn coming to Berwick. Hopes it is not true. Keeps coopers at Berwick to make brew vessels, and carpenters, sawyers, and smiths for stocking and trimming the guns at Wark Castle and Berwick, till he know the King's pleasure. Understands that Geo, Douglas is gone to the King to know his pleasure in various things. Angus and he are worthy of great thanks. The best espial he has is by them. Geo. Douglas has kept the Cawe Mylles since 23 Dec. at his own cost. He has not got the 40 men in wages whom the King wished him to have ; so my Lord Warden has appointed that number as parcel of 100 men assigned to Robert Collingwood to lie at Wark Castle. Thus the King is at no further charge as yet than the wages of 2,500 men. Sir Rauf Ellercar demands 4s. a day for himself since his first coming, and for the wages of 10 and 20 men for different periods up to the present day, when he enters into wages as captain of 100 of lord Conyers' men. Desires to know the King's pleasure about this. Alnwick, 6 March.
Hopes Cromwell remembers his two articles for himself : first, for his own wages, clerks, and servants ; and, secondly, for Rykbee's heir.
Hol., pp. 4.
6 March.
R. O. St. P. VII. 438.
206. Haukins to Henry VIII.
Received his letters of the 15th Feb. by Bonner. The Emperor left on the 28th. I have certified Augustine of your goodness to him, for which I give you humble thanks. The cardinal of Trent (Barnard Clesi) has been sent to Ferdinand respecting the restitution of certain damages. The duke of Saxony, who has long sued to the Emperor for the investiture of his electorship, refuses to confirm the election of the king of the Romans, of which it was the condition. Further news of William duke of Bavaria, and of Ferdinand, and of the Waywode. The last has great trust in the King. The Emperor has left ill satisfied. He has refurnished an old league, including the powers of Italy. I have sent the proclamation to the duke of Norfolk. We have done the best we could to fulfil the contents of your letter, having stayed here six days after the Emperor left. The answer of the Pope is that he must be better informed ; but he asks for no further instruction, and needs none.
He acts from worldly motives, and pretends that the Queen's suspicion is the only thing that stops the way, as if a Parliament would err in a manifest truth.
Thanks the King for his cramp rings. Bologna, 6 March 1533.
Hol. Add. Endd.
6 March.
R. O. St. P. VII. 437.
207. Campeggio to Henry VIII.
Thanks his Majesty for his good opinion, and will do all he can to deserve it. Bologna, 6 March 1533. Signed.
Lat. Add. Endd.
7 March.
Add. MS. 28,585, f. 229. B. M.
208. Mai to Cobos.
"Memorial de lo que pase con los Cardenales Franceses."
Visited the card. of Agramont (Grammont), who has been ill, and the cardinal of Tornon, who lodged near him. Was told by them that they were surprised to hear so much about war, and also at what was now newly published, that the kings of France and England would meet again (que se habian de ver otra vez los Reyes, &c.), for this was the greatest lie in the world. The Emperor should only believe what his Ambassador wrote. Assured them that the Emperor did not believe this, as he considered the French king as his good brother and ally, but there was cause for suspicion, which they could remedy. Referred to his former negotiation with the duke of Albany.
The Cardinals complained of their not having access to the Emperor, while his Ambassadors in France were always well treated. They complained also of Imperial influence in the election of Cardinals, and that the cardinal of Siguenca had said to them that the Emperor would not regard their wishes. They said they spoke in the matter of the Auditor of the Chamber, because they had orders from their King to treat the affairs of the king of England as his own.
Said they might have had a more honorable commission than that, supposing they meant the divorce. They replied they said nothing about that, and Francis did not wish to meddle in it, except that justice might be done ; that he had already endeavored to dissuade Henry, and would still dissuade him as far as possible, from marrying the Lady, which it is to be feared he will do in fact. Does not believe them.
Endd. : Al Comendador Mayorde Micer Mai, vij. Maro de 1533.
Sp., pp. 6. Modern copy.
7 March.
R. O.
209. John Lord Audeley to Cromwell.
Intercedes for a poor old man, who has long been wood-ward to his wife, and who has been arrested under a privy seal. Wade, 7 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : To his especial and singular friend Mr. Cromewell, one of the masters of the King's woods. Endd.
7 March.
R. O.
210. Sir E. Croft to Cromwell and Paulet.
I received your letter dated 19 Jan., on the 3rd March, for a survey of the woods within my office. Would have sent it before if the time had been convenient, and I had nothing else to do ; but my lord President of the Council is absent, and there are only four here to determine matters. Wales is far out of order, and there have been many murders in Oswestry and Powys. No punishment has followed, because the chief of the Council are spiritual men, and cannot administer punishment of death for felony or murder. Wishes some man to be sent down to use the sword of justice where he shall see cause throughout the principality ; otherwise the Welsh will wax so wild it will not be easy to bring them into order again. Ludlow, 7 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
7 March.
Add. MS. 28,585, f. 226. B. M.
211. Mai to Cobos.
Was told by the cardinal of Ravenna that he had sent to Scotland "el Fronton," a Scotchman, who solicited the affairs of his King at the Court, with an account of what he had agreed with the Emperor.
Sp., pp. 6. Modern copy.
8 March.
Vienna Archives.
212. Chapuys to Charles V.
I wrote on the 23rd ult. On the 24th I received your Majesty's letters of the 28th Jan. The same day Langez arrived from France, and a French gentleman named Beauvoix from Scotland, who have been, as usual, well received, and dined at the King's table with the other Ambassador the day after their arrival, which was Shrove Tuesday, when the Lady took the place usually occupied by the Queen ; and there were present the duke of Norfolk and other great masters, except Suffolk, although he had been expressly called to come with the order of France. The said Langez and Beauvoix were here but four days, and were every day in Court and in communication with the King and Council, "mays non poinct fort griemant ;" and it seems that their hasty despatch was either because Langez could not arrange anything important, or to hasten the settlement of their dispute with Scotland. I think one of the chief objects of Langez's coming has been to take resolution with those here about the Council, which both parties desire to prevent. I am led to think this, because, in talking with Langez, he suddenly said to me that your Majesty had obtained your desire, viz., the said Council, and that the Pope had no mind to refuse you anything since he had been punished by your Majesty by imprisonment and otherwise. And on my declaring to him the displeasure you had felt at his Holiness's imprisonment, and his sudden deliverance as soon as you were informed of it, he intimated that a ransom had been paid for the said deliverance, although it was more honorable and gracious than his Holiness deserved. This I could not allow to pass after declaring the respect you had always felt for his Holiness, and showed that the Pope had done more for his master than for your Majesty, pointing out also the necessity of the said Council, which the Pope must have promoted without being asked. On this Langez retracted what he had said. He told me his master had written to the Pope that a Council was reasonable and necessary, but that two conditions ought to be observed : first, that it must be in a suitable place where all could attend, and if it were held in Italy he should have the right of bringing as many forces as you had brought ; and (2) that it should treat of nothing but what concerned the Faith, and enter into no particular quarrels. He did not enter fully into the said conditions, for Brian had just come for him and the other Ambassadors to conduct them to Court, taking no particular pleasure in my conversation with him. Suggests reasons for these conditions ; among others, the fear they have lest it should be proposed to restore to the Empire the temporalities now held by the Pope, doubting that your Majesty would grow too great thereby.
Langez proceeded to justify the course he had taken at Paris about the divorce, saying he had not done any bad turn there, as people thought, and that he no more desired the divorce than I did. And he said that last year, when he was in Germany, he had found certain of your ministers very little inclined to the preservation of peace with his master ; for that they said that his master had promoted the coming of the Turks. Further, in the course of conversation he said that you had used certain words at an assembly at Ratisbon not honorable to the King his master, stating that when he had been asked for succour against the Turk he had replied that he would not hazard his people.
In consequence of their hurry to go to Court, I had no leisure to treat with the gentleman who returned from Scotland. Conversation with Langez on the peace there, who professed ignorance of what this gentleman has done. Asked Norfolk, but could get no information. He told me that Langez had talked to the King and his Council, as he had done to me, but did not say much, as Suffolk and Wiltshire were standing by while he had to go to the King, who had sent for him already three times. I hope I shall find out some of the particulars of Langez's charge. As to the other, I have learned that since the Scotch king received the Order (of the Golden Fleece) from your Majesty, the Scots are no longer inclined to France, and have proceeded so far as to beat down the arms of France, and put up the Imperial arms in their room. On being informed of this, the French king had sent him to James, explaining that he had not put off giving his daughter in marriage to him. To which the Scotch king made a gracious and prudent answer, expressive of his affection for France ; and as to the reception of the Order, he had merely acted in conformity [with your liberality], of which he could not repent ; and he spoke much in praise of you.
I wrote touching the war with the Scots that they were full of enthusiasm, and if the English desire it they will have it, or peace, but on the conditions that the king of Scots asked at the commencement of the war, which the English consider rather discreditable. This gentleman has been waiting to return to Scotland, but the King would not let him. Consequently he returned to France, and from there was sent by sea ; so that one must suppose that there are some slight differences.
Two days ago the Admiral here told me that the French "ne leur alloient trop, (fn. 1) " and that underhand they would favor the Scots.
On the 23rd the Nuncio received from the Pope the briefs to be presented to the King for summoning the Council. He was at Court to present them ; but as it was a day when the Lady gave a banquet the King would not give him audience, but deputed Norfolk to hear his charge. Since then he has asked many times for an audience and for an answer, and after waiting from day to day he was told yesterday that the King was busy, and it was no use for him to wait, for the King would write in three days to his ambassadors at Rome.
On St. Matthias' Day the Lady received the King at dinner in her chamber richly ornamented with tapestry, and the most beautiful sideboard of gold that ever was seen. The Lady sat close on the right of the King, and the old duchess of Norfolk on his left. At the lower end of the table, where there was another contiguous and transverse table, sat the Chancellor, Suffolk and many other lords and ladies. During dinner the King was so much occupied with mirth and talk that he said little which could be understood ; but he said to the duchess of Norfolk, "Has not the Marchioness got a "grand dote and a rich marriage, as all that we see, and the rest of the plate" (with which they had been delighted), "belongs to the Lady?" Your Majesty will perceive the King's obstinacy, who, since the execution of the brief, goes on worse than before, as well in this matter as in that of the Queen, whom he has lately banished 40 miles from here in very great haste, notwithstanding her great entreaty for a delay of eight days, that she might give order for her necessities ; and there is no hope that he will do otherwise until he sees sentence given, for the reasons I have already written to you.
A German has come here lately from Basle, 30 years old, who speaks Spanish, French, and Italian, and has followed the Italian wars. He calls himself a servant of the duke of Saxony and of the Landgrave. He offers a company in the case of a war, and has been well received, and is to be despatched in two days. Cromwell has charge of it, and not the Duke ; and this makes me think that he is rather sent from Melanchthon than from those whom he pretends.
Some remarks touching the finances of Flanders. London, 8 March 153[3].
Hol., Fr., pp. 8. From a modern copy.
8 March.
R. O.
213. Eastern Affairs.
Extracts from letters of the Nuncio ... [to] Jacobo Salviati, dated .. March 1533.
Intelligence about supplies to Corone, while besieged by the Turks ; that the son of the Turk is on bad terms with his father, and is in league with the Sophi ; that the son keeps within Constantinople, and that the father has assembled all the Janizaries.
The four Sicilian gallies left three days before the others, which sailed today, and are to meet at Gaieta.
ii. Extract from another letter of the Nuncio to Messer Jacobo, of 8 March.
The governor of Corone has written to the Viceroy that the Ambassador of the king of the Romans, who is with the Turk, has given him to understand that truce has been made between his King and the Turk, but the Governor has declined to act without orders from the Emperor.
Ital., p. 1. Badly mutilated.
8 March.
R. O.
214. Sir John Fitzjames to Cromwell.
I have received your letters by Mr. Trevelyan's servant, who had received a privy seal on his allegiance before your letter came, and was on his way to London. I beg you to favor him, for he is much opposed by the wife of a gentleman in these parts, called Hill, whose daughter is married to Trevelyan's son, and she wishes to bind him to other things than are in the marriage indenture. He is not a very wise man, but will not follow the mind of the gentlewoman. It is supposed that she wants to have him an idiot. I would he were the King's ward. I beg you will do as you have written. I am the most unhappy creature living, because, by reason of this unhappy infirmity, I cannot come to the place where I could do the King service. I am not able to take such a journey for peril of my life. I have made a more open confession to you than to any man living, and beg you to make my excuse to the King. At my poor house, 8 March.
Recommend me to my lord Norwich and Mr. Attorney.
Hol., pp. 2. Begins : Master Cromwell.
8 March.
R. O.
215. Roger Abbot Of Furness to Cromwell.
There came lately to the Peill of Fotherey in Furness a Scotch boat, with four Manx men and one Scot. The master of the boat, a Scot, had a safe-conduct to come to Man with fish, and while he was speaking with the captain at Rammyssey haven four Manxmen came by night, cut the cables, and sailed to the Peyll of Fotherey. Then the Scot who had been left in charge of the boat, after landing at the Peyll, "set his compass in divers places, and said there was none haven betwixt Carlisle and the said Peill but he couth be lodesman the dyrkest night that ever was, to bring in one ship or as many as he would ;" for which words the Abbot keeps him in custody until he knows the King's pleasure. Asks Cromwell to discharge him of the said Scot by the King's letters. Fournes, 8 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : To the right worshipful Master Cromwell, one of the King's High Council. Endd.
9 March.
R. O.
216. William Abbot Of York to Cromwell.
I thank you for your gentle entertainment. I delivered the King's letters and yours to the dean of York, 6 March last, and have written to Sir Geo. Lawson for the receipt of the King's money in my custody, applying myself with diligence to the King's causes in these parts. At our monastery, near York, 9 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : Of the Council. Endd.
9 March.
R. O.
217. Sir Thos. Clyfford and Sir George Lawson to Cromwell.
I (Lawson) perceive, by your letter of the 27th Feb., received at Alnwick on the 8th inst., that you delivered to the abbot of St. Mary's, York, 4,000l., for the King's expenses here. I shall therefore go to York as soon as possible to receive it. My Lord Warden is at present at Alnwick Abbey, where the Council have attended him since the 3rd ; and, but for the King's last letters to the contrary, there would have been made last week in Scotland such a "rode" as had not been seen since the war began. The earls of Murray, Athe, and Mountrose, still continue on the Borders. You will see by the letters from the deputy of Berwick to Clifford, who is now at Alnwick, what earls and other Scots are come into the Borders, and what they mean to do, and what the soldiers of Berwick have done in the Mershe. Has written several times since the receipt of Cromwell's last letter, about the musters which should be taken, and the continuance of the garrisons, so as to avoid "blank rooms and coloured musters," and also about repairing the King's brewhouses, mills, &c. at Berwick and Holy Island. Doubts not George Douglas, who is now with the King, will explain what he has seen in these Borders. Is anxious to know what the King will do about Cawe Mylles. Sir Arthur Darcy, who he believes is now at London, can inform the King of affairs in these parts. Wrote also about the coming up of Sir Ric. Tempest, who has besides written himself to Cromwell. Explains again about the disposal of the 500 marks for corn. The King's houses in Berwick and Holy Island are to be new slated, and the tower of the White Wall under Berwick Castle repaired. Thinks Master Tuke should be commanded on this account to respite the repayment of the 500 marks to Christmas next. Reminds him again about his own and his servants' wages, and the wardship of Rykbee's son. As he is going to York, and musters should be taken before his return of the whole 2,500 men, encloses copy of an order on the subject that he has made to my Lord Warden and the Council. Intends remaining at York till Sunday next, the 16th. Would like to receive an answer there. Begs him to show this letter to the duke of Norfolk. Alnwick, 9 March. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. : Master Cromwell, Esquire, and of the King's most honorable Council.
9 March.
R. O.
218. Ni. Bishop Of Ely to Cromwell.
Received yesterday his letter, dated London, 25 Feb., by which he is assured of Cromwell's kindness, and today received his letter, dated at London the 6th, desiring to have the next advowson of the benefice of Cottenham. Regrets that in this matter he cannot gratify him. The incumbent died about six days ago, and the Bishop has given the benefice to his Chancellor. Will be glad to satisfy him in anything else. Sends a poor token of St. Awdrye, "whereof ye shall be sure for your life," and hopes Cromwell will advance his affairs. Ely, 9 March. Signed : "Your lovyng godbrother, Ni. Elien."
P. 1. Add. : Mr. Thomas Cromwell, one of the King's most honorable Council. Endd.
9 March.
R. O.
219. Thomas Crofte to Cromwell.
Has written several times that it would be advisable "to make a deputy in our parts for the oversight of the King's woods." No one is meeter than the bearer, Mr. Warncombe. Wygmore Castle, 9 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : Of the Council.
9 March.
R. O.
220. Buildings At Westminster.
Warrant under the King's sign manual to Cromwell, master of the jewels, to pay to Thos. Alverd, gentleman usher of the Chamber, 2,000l. for the King's buildings at his place beside Westminster. Westm., 9 March 24 Hen. VIII.
10 March.
R. O.
221. Christopher Wellefed to Cromwell.
I beg you will send me the books of which I wrote in my last. Without them I cannot prosper so well as I might. My cousin Gregory is in good health, but has been vexed this Lent with the "axes." Please to send me the gown which you promised me when I was last with you. Cambridge, 10 March.
I desire you to be good to this poor young man who taught Gregory to write.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : To his right worshipful uncle, Mr. Cromwell.
10 March.
R. O. St. P. VII. 440.
222. Sir Gregory De Casale to Henry VIII.
Is very much grieved at finding from the King's letters the false reports the King has received of him, as if he had acted in a different way to what he has professed. Has done the best he could to fulfil the King's injunctions, of which the Pope is an ample witness. Begs the King to fulfil what he promised, otherwise he will sink under his distresses, as Guron will tell him. Bologna, 10 March 1533. Signed.
Lat. Add. Endd.


  • 1. Qu., some words omitted?