Henry VIII: January 1534, 16-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: January 1534, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp30-36 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Henry VIII: January 1534, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp30-36.

"Henry VIII: January 1534, 16-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp30-36.


January 1534, 16–20

16 Jan. 78. Earl of Northumberland to Duke of Norfolk.
R. O. Writes in behalf of Sir Rauf Fenwyke, who is sued in several actions in behalf of John Fenwyke and Christopher Melforthe to appear at Westminster in the Octaves of St. Hilary. Norfolk is aware that he cannot be spared from these Borders. Suggests a commission of oyer and terminer to himself and others. Warkworth, 16 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
16 Jan. 79. John Abbot of Oseney to Cromwell.
R. O. I thank you for my cheer when I was last with you. I have had lawful expedition in consequence of your letters directed to Dr. Tresham, commissary of Oxford. Your pains for the bearer shall be deserved. Oseney, Friday, 16 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Of the Council.
16 Jan. 80. Sir Rob. Lee, Sheriff of Bucks and Beds, to Richard Lord Grey.
R. O. Warning him to appear before the King's councillor, Thos. Cromwell, the morrow after the Purification, or send 10l. as a fine for the non-acceptance of the order of knighthood at the Queen's coronation. Quarendon, 16 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
16 Jan. 81. P. Aretine to [Henry VIII.]
R. O. “If diffamed Rome had fallen down upon the back of the Pharisaical bishop thereof, and upon his scribes the Cardinals, he could not thereby have received so much hurt as he hath conceived by the late miracle showed of Christ in the victory not long sithen attained by your Majesty, and look how much the said college of thieves have the more ample declaration hereby that your felicity proceedeth wholly of God, so much the more do they therefore give themselves to the Devil.” All Italy rejoices at the King's success, to the contempt of [the Pope's] bishopric. Asks the King to give him “of that bread which your highness never denied to virtue.” The King cannot be so honestly revenged of the unclerkly clerks as by taking the writer for his bondsman, who is their fatal enemy. All the world knows well how much to their rebukes he lives here. “I kiss your highness's feet in the dishonour of the Pope, a second Lucifer.” Venice, 16 Jan. 1534.
Copy, pp. 2. Headed; P. Aretino.
16 Jan. 82. John Malenbeck.
Harl. MS. 4,900, f. 2 b. B. M. Grant of arms by Henry VIII. to John Malenbeck, of Dantzic. Westm., 16 Jan. 1533, 25 Hen. VIII.
Lat., p. 1. Copy. With the arms blazoned in the margin.
17 Jan. 83. Chapuys to Charles V.
Vienna Archives. The King lately went to see his bastard daughter, who is 20 miles away, and the Princess with her. Though one of the principal causes of his going was to persuade or force the Princess to renounce her title, when the Lady considered the King's easiness or lightness (if any one dared to call it so), and that the beauty, virtue and prudence of the Princess might assuage his wrath and cause him to treat her better and leave her her title, she sent Cromwell, and then other messengers, after the King, to prevent him from seeing or speaking with her. Accordingly, before arriving at the house he sent orders that she should not come to him. While in the house, and in the bastard's room, he sent Cromwell, the treasurer and the captain of the guard, to urge the Princess to renounce her tide. She replied that she had already given a decided answer, it was labor wasted to press her, and they were deceived if they thought that bad treatment or rudeness, or even the chance of death, would make her change her determination.
While the King was with his new daughter the Princess sent to ask leave to come and kiss his hand, but her recast was not granted.
When the King was going to mount his horse she went on to a terrace at the top of the house to see him. The King, either being told of it or by chance, turned round, and seeing her on her knees with her hands joined, bowed to her and put his hand to his hat. Then all those present, who had not dared to raise their heads to look at her, rejoiced at what the King had done, and saluted her reverently with signs of good will and compassion.
As the King has not made any proposals of marriage to the Princess, it is not likely that the bp. of Paris has been charged to propose her marriage with the marquis Francis of Saluces, as some people have said. It is not likely that he will marry her out of the kingdom unless he is reconciled to the Queen, for if he do, he knows that it may cause him much trouble; but here she is a prisoner, and dare not raise her head. There will be no hurry in marrying her, but they will entertain several parties with hopes.
The assembly of the estates began the day before yesterday. Nothing of importance has yet been done. Before proceeding against the Pope, the Queen and the Princess, and in order to obtain money, it is necessary to gain the chief members. The King and the Lady are doing all they can, and the King has countermanded most of those who would oppose him. Many think that if anyone came from your Majesty, the conclusion would not be as the King thinks, for the people would then take the bit in their teeth.
The bad weather has prevented the English ships from starting for Berghes. The merchants curse the Council, who prevented them from starting in December, as they did not wish 400,000 or 500,000 ducats to be hazarded.
Some think God has caused them to be delayed so that the English merchandise can lawfully be seized by the executoriales. The amount would make it worth while for your Majesty to seize the goods, and give a promise to the merchants to pay them at a certain time and place. I have not, however, seen the executorials, and do not know whether they will authorise this.
The day before yesterday the Lady, having heard of the prudent replies of the Princess, complained to the King that he did not keep her close enough, and that she was badly advised, as her answers could not have been made without the suggestion of others, and that he had promised that no one should speak to her without his knowing it. Twenty days ago the King said to the Marquis that the trust that the Princes had in your Majesty made her obstinate, but he would bring her to the point, as he feared neither the Emperor nor any other if the Marquis and other vassals were loyal, as he thought they would he; they must not trip or vary for fear of losing their heads, and he would keep such good watch that no letters could be received from beyond sea without his knowing it.
Besides his trust in his subjects, he has great hope in the Queen's death. He lately told the French ambassador that she could not live long, as she was dropsical, an illness she was never subject to before. It is to be feared something has been done to bring it on. I told Gregory Casale of this saying of the King's, and he replied that he thought of renouncing the King's service before leaving here, and of setting up the while banner.
I have also heared this morning, but not from a trustworthy source, that the earl of Quildra (Kildare), governor of Ireland, has gone to Scotland, which will be a great blow for the King, as he has no subject who can do him more service or displeasure.
Two days ago the King ordered 30,000 bows to be made and stored in the Tower. The rest of the munition has been put in order, and guns have been placed on the top of the Tower commanding the city. This has made many persons muse.
Hitherto I have had no opportunity of sending to visit the Scotch ambassador. Today he sent me word that he was here to treat of peace, which the English desired, as appeared by their words and their good treatment of him; but he thought something would hinder it, as 10 days ago the English had invaded Scotland. The King had sent Cromwell to tell him that he would punish the offenders, and that the peace must not be hindered. The ambassador sent also to say that his master ought to thank your Majesty for the courtesies which these people would not have shown him if it had not been for their fear of you. Though the King and Council will be displeased at his visiting me, he has sent word that he will do so when I am at leisure. I am astonished that he dares to do it, and will make it as soon as possible.
The doctor who was going to Lubeck intended to go by sea to Hamburg, but seeing the bad weather, has determined to go by land in three or four days. At the same time several other persons sent to different parts of Germany will depart. The doctor was going by sea to carry money more safely.
The Queen has not been out of her room since the duke of Suffolk was with her, except to hear mass in a gallery. She will not eat nor drink what the new servants provide. The little she eats in her anguish is prepared by her chamberwomen, and her room is used as her kitchen. She is very badly lodged. She desires me to write to you about it. London, 17 Jan. 1534.
Fr., pp. 9. from a modern copy.
84. Sir Gregory Casale to [Cromwell].
R. O. Although I never had anything to do with Croke. I will, if you wish, reply to what he has written; but certainly I do not wish him to see what I say of my actions at Rome, of which he never heard anything. And I have only been induced to write by what you and the Duke (Norfolk) said to me, and not in answer to Croke's writings. Signed.
Ital., p. 1.
85. [Sir Gregory Casale to Cromwell (?).]
Vit. B. XIII. 137. B. M. Pocock, II. 479. * * * “Regiis negotiis gersisse, fratremque ilium Franciscum Georgium et [alios quibus] Crocus utebatur. malignos perfidos et fraudulentos esse, [una cum] fratre meo condemnari contentus sum. Et si Majestas sua no[n mihi fidem velit] habere, interrogentur omnes illi Angli qui Venetiis et P[aduæ tunc erant], quique cum Croco quotidie versabantur; illorum relationib[us credat].
“Præterea latet me penitus quam causam habuerit unquam frater [meus agendi] quicquam pro Pontifice. Opinor tamen ilium cupere Reg[iam Maj. et] Venetos Pontifici hostes csse. Ne illius sententiis et censu[ris] . . . . quæ impræsentia emanant contra ipsuin fratrem meum ut . . . . dam privet et spoliet. Sed qnoniam de injuriis, detr[imentis] . . . . . . quæ nos a Pontifice accepimus, et de odio quo nos prosequi[tur] . . . . diximus. Et nihilominus Regia majestas dicit sibi fuisse aliq[uos qui dicerent] nos Pontificis amicos csse, et propterea de nobis suspicari . . . . [suspi]cio hujusmodi nobis maximi sit detrimenti, nihilque boni Regiæ [majestati]. Illam humillime supplicamus ut velit super his veritatem t . . . . . . . præsertim quum nihil sit facilius. Nam si virum aliquem [fide dignum] miserit in Italiam, reperiet num sint publicæ et notoriæ [famæ] gravamina et injustitiæ, quibus a pontifice affecti sumus, e[t an] amore nos prosequatur et an quicquam nobis dederit an . . . . . . . Hæc enim in facto cognosci possunt. Reperiet etiam . . . . . . . . bona uxoris meæ injustissime detineat, et an . . . . . . . . . . . . . dederit, an potius monasterium abstul[erit] . . . . patruelis * * * pollebamus.” He will find whether we are richer or poorer since we began to serve his Majesty. These things are [not] unknown by Doctors Karne and Bonar.
He will find [the falsehood of] what was reported to Crumwell, that Jerome [Pr]evidellus has been [promoted] to many dignities by the Pope, and will be created a cardinal. He was stabbed in the market-place at Bologna; and no [proceedings were taken] against the murderer by the governor. All Italy grieves at his death.
Desires only that the King should discover the truth.
Pp. 2., Lat., mutilated.
86. [Sir Gregory Casale to the King's Council.]
R. O. Pocock, II 511. Vindication of himself against the charges of Croke. 1. Francis Crucinus had charged him with publishing the King's business, only when he found that he could not extort money from him; but Sir Gregory declared the King's business to a much more honest and wise man than he is. 2. As to the things done at Ferrara, he was then Rome. 3. As to Bologna, refers to the bp. of London, &c. 4. Shows at it was Croke, and not he or his brother, who divulged the cause by his own indiscretions. It shows ill for Croke that he appeals so much to friar Francis Georgius, whose misconduct is well known to Dr. Kerne, who was then in Home, and also to the bp. of Winchester, through Mr. Benet. 5. It is quire true that both he and his brother wrote to the Bishop to go to Venice 10 see how Croke mismanaged the King's affairs.
Would not have written at this length for anything Coke said, but for the words of the Duke (Norfolk) and Mr. Crumwell. Explains his communication with one Claudus at Milan, when the earl of Wiltshire was there, who would not have come to him as the King's ambassador unless he had known by Croke that it was the King's business. The bishop of London can tell best what was done both at Ferrara and Bologna; but Croke, by going to Bologna and treating with those divines the very same things we had obtained already, showed the governor it was the King's matter. The governor would then have forced the divines who had written for us to write against us. but for the interference of Mr. Andrew, my uncle.
Describes his own success in procuring opinions for the King, even in the realm of Naples, and among the Cardinals at Rome. Recounts his services during the time of the cardinal of York. Four years ago he was accused of being in the Pope's service, whom it was said he ruled at Us pleasure. “Now would I require you to be judges in this cause. Ye know well that those men which brought those tales and complaints of me to the King's majesty are now in great favor with the Pope, and as for me (as it was openly known, and specially to many of you) the Pope hath most iujustly, and not without his own great shame, taken from me 6.000 ducats which lawfully belonged unto me yearly of my wife's patrimony,” and taken from my brother certain monasteries “which the . . . . and had committed unto him. for which cause my said brother is now excommunicate” He has also deprived my cousin of his authority in Bologna.
Advises that the King should send someone to Italy to examine matters. as it is well known he has risked his life, spent his patrimony, and incurred the Pope's displeasure in the King's service. “Inquire, therefore. I pray you, of the King's servants which arc here present, and have been colleagues with me in Italy many years past in the King's affairs, whose names are these:—the bishop of Bath, Mr. Russell, Dr. Knight, the bishop of Winchester, Mr. Almoner, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Peter Vannes the bishop of Canterbury, the bishop of London. Dr. Kerne and Dr. Boner.” Desires that they may be examined on their oaths. Is deprived of an ancient witness of his labors, Dr. Benet who he wishes were now alive, though doubtless he bore witness to his services during his lifetime.
It is doubtless high wisdom sometimes to hold servants in suspicion, but why ye should suspect me I cannot imagine; unless you take me for a fool who preferred the King's service to my own profit, and then wished to destroy my own estimation. No man in Christendom has had higher opportunities of promotion. I saw the Pope in such misery, both before his captivity and after, that he had no one to help him but me. The duke of Milan offered me a lordship of the yearly value of 4,000 ducats if I would consent to Lautrec remaining in Lombardy. but I refused for the King's sake, and threatened not to deliver the money unless they went further. My poverty is a proof of my fidelity to the King: but if you doubt my words, you will do a thing most agreeable to me to try out the truth. You will find I have spent 30,000 ducats of my father's goods in the King's service, and should have been now in evil case if I had not much substance of my wife's dowry, though the Pope troubles me so that I expect what is left will be all consumed. My family will be an example to every man of the ingratitude of princes.
Moreover a pension of 500 ducats which Wolsey procured for me of the French king was stopped because I had warned the King that the French were not true to him. But for this I might have had it now, and my brother would have had his 50 spears and pension of 1,000 ducats from the French king, as the King and the duke of Norfolk know.
Mutilated, pp. 21. In Wriothesley's hand.
87. [Sir Gregory Casale to Norfolk.]
Vit. B. XIII. 232*. B. M. Pocork, II. 287 Begs “your Lordship” to question the bishop of London as to how the King's affairs have been conducted by him and his brothers at Bologna and Venice; whether the Bishop gained all the [theo]logians, doctors and learned men by their help; whether he obtained what he thought necessary from the [Co]llege of Theologians at Bologna; why Croke “[Bonon]iæ eadem tractabat,” which had already been obtained by us.
Let Karne and Bonar be asked how the writer behaved at Rome in the King's business; whether what he narrated in his letters is true, about what he did for the cause, and about the injuries suffered by him and his brothers from the Pope. Let them and the bishop of Winchester be questioned concerning the malignity and perfidy of friar Francis George, and how they thought that Croke had managed the King's business. Let the Bishop, the Almoner (Foxe), Brian, [Doc]tor Kenit (Knight), Roscell and all the others whom he has named, be questioned as to his doings while they were with him.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
88. Sir Gregory Casale to [Cromwell?].
R. O. “Magco Sor mio. Io supplico V.S. che mi voglia liberare di questa molestia con dechiararmi quello ho da fare. Et mi perdoni s'io le sono importune, perche mi sento gravato d'un peso ch'io non ne portai mai de tali, et a lei mi raccomando.” Signed.
20 Jan. 89. Queen [Anne Boleyn] to [the Corporation of Bristol].
Harl. M.S. 6,148, f. 76b. B. M. Bequests them to grant, under their town seal, the next advowson of the college or hospital of St. John the Baptist, in Ratcliff pit, Bristol, to Sir Edw. Baynton, her vice-chamberlain, master Nic. Shaxton, D.D., her almoner, and David Hutton, that they may present thereunto, at the next vacancy, a friend of hers of right good learning and of no less virtue and good demeanor. My Lord's manor of Westminster, 20 Jan.
Copy, p. 1.
90. [Ralph Morice?] to [Cranmer's] Chancellor.
Harl. MS. 6,148, f. 77. B. M. It is my Lord's (Cranmer's) express command that you should send back or cancel the resignation of Mr. Biggs, of Salisbury, concerning the benefice of Multon, for he is minded that the suit which has been made therein shall take none effect.
Copy, p. 1.
20 Jan. 91. The King's New Year's Gifts.
R. O. Warrant to Sir Brian Tuke, treasurer of the Chamber, for payment to the following goldsmiths of the sums hereafter mentioned for the parcels of plate remaining in the custody of Cromwell, as treasurer of the Jewels, received on New Year's Day, 25 Hen. VIII., viz.: To John Freman, 560l. 14s. 10¾d.; to Cornelis Heyes, 258l. 3s.d.; to Morgan Wolf, 139l. 11s.d. and to Thos. Trappes, 64l. 7s.d. Westm., 20 Jan. 25 Hen. VIII. Signed at the head.
Vellum. Endd.
20 Jan. 92. Sir Francis Bryan to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Has received Lisle's patent of Claringdon by the bearer Hussey, who will report what is done therein. I have asked the King for a harness for you. He says that you will not require to fight yet, but when he goes to Greenwich,—I suppose within these 14 days,—he will look one out for you. Begs commendations to my Lady, his wife, “unto whom and to your Lordship, because ye be both but one soul, though ye be two bodies, I write but one letter,” and thanks her for her little dog, which the Queen liked so well that she took it from him before it had been an hour in his hands. Westm., 20 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
20 Jan. 93. Chr. Vyllers to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Last week Mr. Smythe took my account at Mr. Holt's for your lord [ship] of Rybworth, where we discharged one warrant and the obligation and a good piece of the other. I have much ado with Mr. Stidolff for his fee, but we have agreed that he shall show his patent before any more is paid. Commend me to my Lady. London, 20 Jan.
Mr. Smythe is an excellent “husswyffe” for your Lordship.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.
20 Jan. 94. Will. Sulyard to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have received your letters heretofore to excuse the non-appearance here of your servant Benet, and will endeavor to prevent his incurring any forfeiture by his absence. London, 20 Jan. 1533.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.