Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1918.
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'Lincoln wills: 1505-24', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530, ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].
'Lincoln wills: 1505-24', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,
"Lincoln wills: 1505-24". Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.
In this section
The testament of Michael Totte [of Mareham le Fen].
[L.C.C., 1535–7, f. 70d. Translated from the Latin.]
Here follows a true copy of the testament of Michael Tott, written by the hand of Master Robert Newton, formerly registrar of the archdeaconry of Lincoln, and sealed with the seal of the commissariat of Lincoln, as by inspection of the same more plainly appeared.
In the name of the holy and undivided Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen: in the year of the Lord one thousand five hundred and five, on the first day of the month of April, I Michael Tott, hole of mind and of sound memory, make my testament in this manner: First I bequeath my soul to Almighty God, Blessed Mary and all the saints, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of St. Helen of Marum. Also I bequeath in the name of my mortuary that which is right. Also I bequeath to the fabric of the cathedral church of Lincoln xijd. Also I bequeath to the high altar of the parish church of Marum aforesaid [blank]. Also I bequeath to the reparation of the aforesaid church viijd. Also to the bells viijd. Also I bequeath to Alice Est xxd. Also I bequeath to each of my kinsmen in the vill of Marum iiijd. Also I will that Richard Bride and his wife, my mother, shall have my capital house, in which they dwell, for the term of their life, with all and singular its appurtenances. Also I will that after the death of the said Richard and Mawd, his wife, my mother, the aforesaid house shall be sold by my executors or their assigns, and be disposed for a priest to celebrate for my soul and the souls of all my benefactors and for other works of charity. Also I will that my house in the east part of my aforesaid capital house, and my house in the north part of the aforesaid vill of Marum, with the meadows in Longwath Croft shall be sold by my executors, and that the money therefrom received shall be disposed as is aforesaid. The residue of all my goods I give to Sir Richard Barton, chaplain, and Richard Bryde aforesaid, whom I ordain, make and appoint my executors. These being witnesses, John Est; Seth Tynsley; and Robert [blank]; with many others.
Proved before the commissary and official of the archdeaconry of Lincoln, 15 April, 1505, in the parish church of Lankton. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Thomas Rawsby [of Harmston].
[L.C.C., 1532–4, f. 109. Translated from the Latin.]
The xxiij day of September in the year of the Lord m five hundred and five. (fn. 1) I Thomas Rawsby of Harmeston, of sound mind and good memory, make my testament in this manner: First, that is, I bequeath my soul to Almighty God, blessed Mary and all the saints; and my body to be buried in the isle (insula) of the parish church of Harmeston, on the north side, if it can be done for iijs. iiijd., otherwise in the churchyard. Also I bequeath in the name of my mortuary my best beast. To the fabric of the church of the blessed Mary of Lincoln ijs. I bequeath to the fabric of the church of All Saints of Harmeston vjs. viijd. Also I bequeath to every order of friars half a quarter of barley. I bequeath to the pupils and orphans of the house of the Saviour outside Lincoln half a quarter of malt. I bequeath to Agnes my wife all my rye (sigulum) with all my wheat which is in my father's barn. I bequeath to John and Robert my sons all the other grain in the aforesaid barn. Also I bequeath to John and Robert my sons iiij colts, each of one year. I bequeath to each of the v children (puerorum) xxs., to be paid in money within the space of one year, and to each of the said children one heifer. Also I will that the elder of the said children shall have the choice of the aforesaid heifers. I bequeath to Agnes my wife my usual tenement of the tenure of the abbot of Thurgarton, with all its appurtenances and profits, for the space of iiij years; and after the term of iiij years, I give and bequeath it to Robert my son if he live; and if the said Robert my son die, then the said tenement with the appurtenances shall revert to Richard my son if he be alive; and if the said Richard be dead, then it shall revert to Thomas my son. Also I give and bequeath to John and Robert my sons my tenement now in the tenure of my father with all lands, meadows, feedings and pastures, of the tenure of the house of St. Catherine, as the tenement is occupied by the aforesaid John and Robert, for the space of iiij years jointly and severally; and after the term of iiij years, I will that the said John shall have the tenement with all the lands, meadows, feedings and pastures of the tenure of the house of St. Catherine, for his own proper tenement to him and his assigns. Also I bequeath to each of the children raised by me from the font one ewe sheep. Also I will that all my rayment shall be divided between my male children. Also I bequeath to my father one quarter of barley. Also I bequeath to my wife's father one quarter of barley. Also I bequeath to John my servant one ewe sheep. Also I bequeath to Alice my servant ij ewe sheep. Also if all my male children shall die, then I will that the said tenement of Thurgartun shall revert to the daughters on the aforesaid condition, that if all my daughters shall die, then I will that the tenement shall be sold and the moneys from it [folio 109d.] be disposed for the health of my soul and my parents' souls. And if the prior of Thurgarton is willing to buy the tenement I will that he have it xiijs. iiijd. under the value to others. Moreover, the residue of all my goods I give and bequeath to Agnes my wife, whom I ordain, make and appoint my faithful executrix, in order that she, with the supervision of Sir William Johnson of Harmeston and William Barker of Ledenham, may dispose them for the health of my soul as to her shall seem most expedient. And I will that each of the aforesaid supervisors shall have for their labours vjs. viijd. This present testament was made on the day and year and at place above-written, these being witnesses, Sir William Johnson, clerk; Richard Pynder; Robert Lokkyng; Robert Warde; and John Ketton; with many others.
Proved before P., 13 September, 1533.
Copy of the testament of Mauncer Marmyon of Ryngesdon, in the county of Lincoln, esquire.
[L.C.C., 1532–4, f. 40.]
In the name of the holy and indivisible trinite, the fader, the sonne and the holy goste, Amen: the viijth day off the monethe of November, in the yere of our Lorde God M1Dv: I Mauncer Marmyon of Ryngisdon in the countie of Lincoln, Esquier, beyng sounde of mynde and of hole memory, make and ordeyne my testament and last will in thys maner: In the fyrste, I gyff and bequethe my soule to allmyghty God, to blessyd Mary, hys moder, and to all the saynctes of the celestiall courte; my body to be buryed in the parysche churche of Repyngall, dedicate in the honor of St. Andrew thappostell. Also I bequeth for my mortuary my best beaste. I bequeth to the reparacion of the moder churche of Lincoln iijs. iiijd. to be put in to the Red arke. I bequethe to the high altare in the parysche churche of Repyngall for tithynges forgotten or necligently tithyd xs. I bequeth to every house of the iiij orders off frerys in Staumforde iijs. iiijd. for to syng especiall dirige and messe for my soule, my frendes soulys and for all xp'en soulys. I will that ther be an honeste preste founde by the space of vij yere by the supervision and discrescion of my bestbelovyd and trusty wyff Edithe. I will that my doughtter Katheryne and my doughtter Parnell have awder of them xll. to theyr mariage, provydyd alway that they be maryed and rulyd after the discrescion, rule and ordenaunce of my singuler belovyd wyff Edithe and, aftyr her decesse, aftyr the rule of myn executors. And yff they will not so do, that then thys bequeste of xll. be utterly voyd and of none effecte. I will and orden that my faythfull and hertely belovyd wyffe Edithe have all my landes and tenementes with theyr appurtenaunces in Lincoln Shyre, whiche are to the yerely valure of xll., for terme of her lyff, whiche I have gyffyn her by a estate in tale, as apperyth by a dede theroff mayd. I will that my sayd hertely belovyd wyffe Edithe have my terme of John Grene landes in Ringesdon, accordyng to a leese mayd theroff; and that sche at the ende of the sayd terme delyver or cause to be delyveryd to the sayd John [folio 40d.] Grene or to hys heyres an obligacion whiche he is bounde to me in, and that he or they have it accordyng to right and conscience. I bequethe to the reparacions of the chapell of our lady at Ringesdon v marc' in dischargeyng of myne auncessors soulys. I gyff and bequethe to the reparacions of St. Anne chapell at Repyngall, where myne auncessors and I wer wonte to syt and her divine service, xs. The resydue of all my goodes aboven not bequethyd I gyff and graunt to the forsayd Edithe my wyff. And moreover I make and ordeyn the same Edithe and Sir Henry Willughby, knyght, executors of thys my present testament and last will, that they in that behalff may ordeyn and dispose as theym shall seme moste expedyent for the wele of my soule. Thes beryng wytnes, Sir Thomas Jekson, parson of too partes of the churche of Repyngall, my gostly fader; John Marmyon, gentilman; Richerde Everode; and mony other. Yeven the day and yere of our Lorde God abovesayd.
Proved before William archbishop of Canterbury, legate of the apostolic see, at Lamehith, 10 February, 1505, the said Mancer Marmyon having possessed goods in divers dioceses. Admin. granted to the executors in the person of Hugh Emlyne, their proctor, etc.
Proved before William bishop of Lincoln, at the Old Temple, London, 31 July, 1511. Admin. granted to Edith Marmyon, the relict, an executor named in the will, reserving power to grant to the other executor when he shall come.
The testament of Edmund Bedale [of Hackthorn].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 30d. Translated from the Latin.]
In the name of God, Amen. The iijrd day of the month of April, in the year of the Lord one thousand five hundred and seven. I Edmund Bedale of Hackthorne, hole of mind and of good memory, make my testament in this manner: First I bequeath my soul to Almighty God, blessed Mary and all the saints; and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Hackthorne. I bequeath for my mortuary my best beast. Also I bequeath to the high altar of the same church for forgotten tithes xijd. Also I bequeath to the cathedral church of the blessed Mary of Lincoln one rosary of twelve (unum par precularum de duodecem) and ijs. Also to the church of Hackthorne vjs. viijd. for the buying of one pix for the sacrament. Also I bequeath to the church of Welton one quarter of barley. Also I bequeath to each child (puero) of my god children ijd. Also I bequeath to the iiij orders of friars within the city of Lincoln xijd. each. Also I bequeath to the work (opus) of the church of Dunham xijd. Also I bequeath to the church of Sprydlington xijd. Also I bequeath to the church of Knethe xijd. Also I give and bequeath my house in Hackthorne with all its appurtenances, after the decease of Alice my wife, to Edmund Bedall, my son, under this condition, that then the said Edmund shall give at fitting days to Robert Bedale, my son, v marks, and to Margaret my daughter xxvjs. viijd., and to Agnes my daughter xxvjs. viijd., and to Alice my daughter xxvjs. viijd. And the residue of my goods I give and bequeath to Alice my wife and Sir William Dighton, whom I ordain and make my faithfull executors, to dispose for the health of my soul, as to them shall seem most expedient, by the supervision of Robert Dighton of Welton, gentleman, to whom I give vjs. viijd. for his labour. Dated under my seal the day and year above-mentioned. These being witnesses, Sir John Bradley, vicar there; Ralph Beysby; William Lamynge; Thomas Stevenson; John Syrr; and others.
Proved before William Smythe, ll.b., archdeacon of Stow, in the cathedral church of Lincoln, 30 April, 1507. Admin. granted to Alice Bedalle, an executor, Sir William Dighton, renouncing, etc.
[The testament of Alexander Agneson, rector of Muston, co. Leicester.]
[L.C.C., 1566 etc., f. 136. Translated from the Latin.]
In the name of God, Amen; on the eighth day of June, in the year of the Lord one thousand d xiij; I Alexander Agneson, rector of the parish church of Muston in the county of Leicester, of sound mind and good memory, make my testament in this manner: First I bequeath (ledo) my soul to Almighty God, blessed Mary and all His saints, and my body to be buried in the choir of the church of saint John the Baptist of Muston. Also I bequeath in the name of my mortuary my best horse. Also I bequeath xxs. for the reparation of the ornaments about the high altar. Also I bequeath to the light of the blessed Mary xijd. Also I bequeath to the church of the blessed Mary of Lincoln xijd. Also I bequeath to the church of Hornecastill xijd.; to the fraternity of St. Katherine there xijd.; also to the light of the blessed Mary in the choir xijd. I bequeath to the church of saint John the Baptist of High Tynton xijd. Also I bequeath to the church of saint Peter of Stikeswold iijs. iiijd. Also I bequeath to the monastery of the blessed Mary of Stikeswold xls. or that which is most necessary. Also I bequeath to the prioress there xs.; and to the subprioress xs.; and to every other nun there iijs. iiijd. Also I bequeath to each of my children raised in baptism iiijd. Also I bequeath xs. to be distributed amongst the servants of the abbey and the poor of the town of Stikeswold. Also I bequeath xxl. to be disposed for one priest to celebrate divine service for the health of my soul and the souls of my father and mother and ancestors (parentum). Also I bequeath xxs. to be distributed amongst the friars of the vills of Boston and Lincoln, that is, to each house vs. Also I bequeath xl. to be distributed amongst the poor in the church on the day of my burial and on the other days. And I bequeath to every one of the children as well male as female of Stephen Dalby xijd. And to each of the servants of the same house . . . . (fn. 2) Also I bequeath xxs. to be distributed among the poor of Muston. Also I bequeath to Cristina Whynke xxs. and one brass pot (ollam), one brass dish and six platters (perapsides) [and (fn. 2) ] my best robe (togam). Also I bequeath to Agnes Whynke, her sister, xxs., and one brass pot, one brass dish and six platters of 'pewdre.' Also I bequeath to Robert Fox, my kinsman, of Tofte, one black mare which is in Honyngton; and to [blank] Maldeson, my kinsman, in Stepynge, another mare in Honyngton. Also I bequeath to Dame Elisabeth Pulvertofte, subprioress of Stikeswold, the charge (gubernacionem) of ten silver spoons for the term of her life and, after her decease, that she shall dispose those spoons amongst my friends of the aforesaid abbey according to her discretion, and the other utensils which are now in her charge and belonging to me, according to the counsel of my executors. Also I bequeath to Alex' Mennynge chaplain one book called Sermones Discipuli and Distructorium Viciorum. Also I bequeath to Alex' Stykney, chaplain, Sermones Parati and xiijcem Sermones and Gesta Romanorum. Also I bequeath xxs. for one chesabell for the altar of saint John the Baptist for the abbey of Stikeswold; and I will that my house in Edlyngton shall be sold, and the money therefrom received shall be disposed for the gild of St. Katherine of Horncastill. Also I will that my house in Hornecastill shall be distributed according to the discretion of my executors to the abbey of Stikeswold for my obit and the obit of my friends yearly on our anniversaries, amongst the nuns of the same. The residue of all my goods not above bequeathed, I give and bequeath to Alex' Mannynge, chaplain, Alex' Stikeney, chaplain, and John Bulloke of Hornecastill, 'drapar,' whom I make and ordain my executors, that they may dispose as seems to them best for the health of my soul. These being witnesses, Nicholas Nelson, chaplain; Alex' Mannynge, chaplain; Alex' Stikney, chaplain; and John Bulloke; and many others.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Christopher Kylke, 3 April, 1519. (fn. 3)
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 211. Collated with another copy at f. 220, which is referred to in the footnotes as A.]
3 (fn. 4) April, 11 (fn. 5) Henry viii, I, Christofer Kylke, beyng in goode helthe and hoole off mynde, makithe this my last will. First I bequeithe my soule to gode, and my body to be buried wher it shall pleise god. To the cathedrall churche off Lincoln vjs. viijd. To our lady churche off Barnaby xxs. I will that all my landes and tenementes, rentes, reversions and service wiche is in [my (fn. 6) ] dede off feoffment, beryng the date off kyng Henric' the viijth the viij yer, to the use off the performance off this my last will, as the forsaid dede playnly doithe express. I will that all the feoffes within the seid dede shall stand still seiassed for the space and terme off xviij yerss affter my decesse to the use off my wiffe and hyr assigners. And affter the seid xviij yers be fully compleit, I will that all the forseid feoffees within the said dede named shall stand still seiasede to the use off my son Christofer Kylke, his heres and hys assigners, off all the forseid landes, tenementes, renttes, etc., except oonly my capitall meiss off Grete Kylke with all demandes belongyng unto the mes, and demeynes off Gret Kylke belongyng therto, accordyng as Will'm Hobson lait tenend off the same ferme holde occupyed, and all my fre farme goyng owt off the mylnes off Grett Kelke. For the wiche capitall mes and fre ferme I will the forseid feoffes shall stand styll seiseid to the use off my son Fraunces and his assigners duryng his liffe naturall. And affter his decess, to the use off my son Christofer and to the right heires off hyme. And iff it happen my wiffe to bere any mo children off my body laufully begoton, I will that iff it happen my son Xp'ofer and my son Fraunces to dye withowt eissewe, all the forseid feoffes shall stand styll seaseid off all the forseid landes, tenementes and reversions to the use off the last chylde, man or whoman, bytwixt my wiff and me laufully begoton. And iff it happen all my forseid children to dye withowt issewe, I will that all the forseid ffeoffes shall stand still seased off all the forseid landes, tenementes, renttes, etc., to the use off my wiffe for the terme off hir life; and affter hyr decess, to the use off the right heires off me [folio 211d.]. I bequeithe all my other goodes, moveable and unmoveable, and my fermeheldes takon to me and myne assigners for yers, to my wife; and she to dispose theiyme for the heilthe off my saule as it shall pleise hyr. Also I will that iff it happene my wife to have an other chylde by me, man or whoman, that she shall giffe to it c marke off lawfull money off Englond when it commethe to lawfull age off discrecion. And iff it happen hyr to have no mo chylder with me, or iff it happen the seid chylde to dye (as God forbede), I wille she shall giff my son Fraunces the seid c markes, and further I will that my wiff shall giffe Christofer my son xll. owt off my moveable goodes when he commes to lawfull age, except she bye hys wardeship so that he maye have the profett off it hym selffe. Also I will that my wiffe shall fynde my forseid children lyke gentillmen unto they comme to lawfull age off xxj yers at hyr awne propre costes, no dutys before reherseid to theym rekend. Also I will my wiffe shall be sole executrice; and maister Will'm Turwit to be supervisor, and for hys labor and peane I bequethe to hym xls. And to maister Robert Tirwit my soret geldyng.
[No probate act.]
The testament of John Neyff [of Clee].
[L.C.C., 1532–4, f. 158d.]
4 July, 1520. I John Neyff of Cle. To be buryd in the churche of our savior in Cle. To our ladys warkes of Lincoln, the high altare of Netylton, the high altare of Walesby, the high altare of Cle. To every one of my chylder xls., that is for to say, fyrste to Hugh my sun xls.; to William Kyrkby, my wyff sonne, xls.; to Agnes Neyff xls.; to Elizabeth Kyrkby xls.; to Elizabeth Abbot xls. To John my brother one gowne and one dooblyt; and to every one of my godchyldren iiijd. I will that William my sun and Margaret my wyff be my hole executors, etc., and dispose for the helthe of my soule and all crysten soulys. Thes wytnesses, John Abbot; Richerde Robynson; Robert Redhed; and William Neyff.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 4 July, 1533.
[William Stampe of Brattleby].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 31.]
8 January, 1520. I William Stampe of Brattilbye, holl of mynd and will, maks my testament in this maner: Fyrst I gyff my soule to almyghtie God, to our lady saynt Marye, to saynt Cuthberd and to all the sayntes in heven. To be buryed within the churche of saynte Cuthberd. I gyff my beste beyste to be my mortuarye after the maner. To the hey alter of Brattilby viijd. To our lady warke of Lincoln viijd. To the hey alter of Braughton viijd. To the churche of Brattilby vjs. viijd. To iiij orders of freers of Lincoln every one singlerly by them selff a stryke of barlye. I bequeth all the copys of my howses to my sonnes, that ys to say, to Will' Stampe, John, George and Robert. Also yt ys my wyll that yff eny off my chyldren aforenamyd dye or they have mayd ther fyne in the kynges courte, that all the holle copys remayn to thos that lyves, yf ther lyve butt one. And all the resedewe of my goodes nott wytt I gyff to my sonnes Will', John, George and Robert, and them I make my executours. Also I make [folio 31d.] my brother, sir Thomas Stampe, and my sonne, sir Thomas, supervysores. In wytnes hereof, sir Thomas Stampe, curat'; Will' Rede; Thomas Kyrman; Walter Symon; Robert Smythe.
Proved before Master John Smythe, bachelor in decrees, commissary of Master Simon Grene alias Foderby official of Lincoln and guardian of the spiritualities, the episcopal see being vacant, at Lincoln, 1 March, 1520. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of William Gray [of Boothby in the parish of Welton in the Marsh].
[L.C.C., 1532–4, f. 231d.]
14 February, 1521. I William Gray of Botheby in the paryshe of Welton. To be buryd in the churche yerde of st. Martyn in Welton. And the best thyng that I have to be my mortuary. I wit to our lady of Lincoln vjd. I wit to our lady warke vjd. To st. Martyn of Welton xijd. To st. Nicholes altare iiijd. I wyt to our lady altare iiijd. To Johanne my wyff. I witte to William my sun a amblyng shedder fole. To Margaret my doughter. To John my sun. The resydue of my goodes I wyt to Johan my wyffe that she shall dispose for the welthe of my soule. I will sir Henry Chapman be the supervisor. Thes wytnes, sir Peter Rawe; sir Henry Chapman; John Penson; Robert Wylson; John Johnson; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 4 February, 1533.
The testament of Edward Darby [of Honington].
[L.C.C., 1532–4, f. 84d.]
21 October, 1522. I Edwarde Darby. To be buryed in the churche of St. Wylfryde of Honyngton. To our lady warke of Lincoln, xijd. To the high altare of Honyngton, vjd. I bequethe to be delte for the welthe of my soule at my buryall vl. To my brother, Evererde Darby, my take of my yeres of Bukmynster and Sesterne, with the too pesse rekes ther stondyng to pay hys rent afore hande. To my brother, Edwarde Veyllers, my take of my yeres of the grange of Honnyngton frely with owt ony penny payng therfore. To the vicare of Honnyngton ijs. To Elizabeth Herelldyen iijs. iiijd. I constitute and orden my brother, Libeus Darby, and my brother Euererde to be myn executors, and they to dispose the resydue of my goodes, etc. They beryng wytnes, Alexander Mannyng, clerke; and Robert Beyuercotes; and Robert Brensby.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 11 December, 1532, by the executors.
The testament of John [sic] Browne of Fillingham. (fn. 7)
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 212. Collated with another copy at f. 221.]
28 December, 1522. I Robert [sic] Browne off Fyllingham, off goode mynde and memory makes my will, etc. My body to be buryed in the chirche yerd off Fyllingham, with my lawefull mortuary. I wit to the hye alter off Fillingham, owr lady warke off Lynkoln, sanct Hug' hed at Lincoln. To fynd a light afore the rode at Fyllyngham vs. To Agnes my sister. To every ordyr off the freres off Lincoln. To the kyrk warke off Fyllingham. I will ther be a trentall off misses done for me and my goode frendes at Fyllingham. I wit to John Yan', Richard Pykwell, Will'm Deye. It is my will that Elyn my wiffe hafe my lifelode unto my eldist childe [folio 212d.] be at lawfull age, and then my seid child to enter; and for fawt off that on, to remayne to the other. It is my will that my wiffe and my children be myn executors; and John Yan my supervisor. Thes being witnesses, Syr Oliver Lamme, curat'; John Yan; and Richard Pikwell; with other.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Sir Robert Jenkynson [of Heckington, priest].
[L.C.C., 1532–4, f. 166.]
6 March, 1522. I Sir Robert Jenkynson, preste. To be buryd in the high quere of the paryshe churche of Hekyngton, and to my mortuary as the lawe requiryth. To our lady of Lincoln ijs. To the Trinitie Gylde of Sleforde xijd. To the churche of Hekyngton iiij kye to kepe my anniversary with my fader and moder, William Curwyn and Margaret; in oblacions vd.; to the vicare or hys depute viijd.; to the chauntry preste of Hekyngton and of Hale, ether of them iiijd.; to the deacon, clerke and belman every one of them ijd.; to my chyldren iiijd.; in wax iiijd.; to the bellys vjd. I will that thes iiij kye be lettyn by the churchwardens to the moste proffyt of the churche; and the resydue (thys above disposyd) to the reparacions of the churche, and the churchwardens for ther labors either of them iiijd. I will to a honest preste to pray for my soule and all crysten soulys in Hekyngton churche for ij yere xl. in money. To Jenet Mowll one qwye; and aftyr the dethe of her mother, my best cownter, a basyn and a laver and a brasse potte with a long spyt. To John Jenkynson. To Alyson Myles. To iiij pore men that beryth me to the churche, every one of them iiijd. I will that every preste that is present att my buryall, sevent day, and xxxty day have vjd., and clerkes ijd. I will that xiijs. iiijd. be disposyd emonges pore people at Hekyngton, and vjs. viijd. at Burton. To Richerde Jenkynson my house at Lyttyll Hale, with the appurtenances to it belongyng, and hys heyres aftyr hym. And yff he or hys heyres dye withowt issue, then it to be solde by the churchwardens of Hekyngton, and disposyd for my soule and all xp'en soulys. To William Jenkynson, my brother, iiijl. in money. The resydue of my goodes not bequest, my dettes payd, my will fulfyllyd, I put to the disposicion of my brother, Richerd Jenkynson, whome I make my full executor, to dispose to the plesure of God and the helthe of my soule as he thynkes best. Wytnes heroff, Mr George Eton; John Fox; John Phylip; William Deanys; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Hekyngton, 29 May, 1533.
The testament of John Cod [of Hemswell].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 211d. Collated with another copy at f. 220d.]
20 March, 1522. I John Cod off the paroche off Hemsvelle, off wolle mynd and memory, makythe my testament and last will. [folio 212] My body to be buried within the paroche chirche off Hemswell. I bequethe my best beist accordyng to the lawe and custome for my mortuary. To the hye alter off the chirche off Hemswell. To the iiij orders off frerys at Lincoln xvjd. To the pareche chyrche off Hemsvele vjs. viijd. To every on off my god chyldren iiijd. To Agnes Cod my wiffe my house within Hemswell, and the land therto belongynge for the terme off xxix yers, for that intent my chyldern be well and honestly browt wp; and then I will my dawtres Johan and Jone inhered my house and landes as it lithe in the towne and fylde off Hemswel. I will that my fathers mynd be fullfyld as hys will auterithe. All other my goodes I beqwethe to my wiffe and my chyldren, and make theym myn executors. Witnes heroff, Sir Xp'ofer Atkynson, curat'; John Blakbourn; and Nicholas Richardson; with other.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Joan Raynton [of Middle Rasen Tupholme].
[L.C.C., 1532–4, f. 147d.]
21 May, 1523. I Jenet Raynton of Middelrasyn Tupholm, makes my will, etc. To be buryed in the said kyrke of Rasyn. To the hygh awter of Bracebrig xijd. To the high awter of Middelrasyn xijd. To the belles of the same kyrke xijd. To our lady werke of Lincoln xijd. I wil to my doughter, Richard Smyth wif, my best gowne and my best kyrtill. To my son Robert, and to Hamond his son, and to the said Robert wif. To my doughter Margaret Walys my best gyrdill and my best beades. To William Walys I will ij silver spones. To Jenet Walys ij silver spones. To William Raynton, my son, vj silver spones. I will have iiij trentalles to be done for my husband soule and my soule and it may be bourne of my goodes. The residue of my goodes I give to William my sonne, whiche I make myn executour. Witnes herof, Sir Peter Thomson; John Osgodby; John Tippyng; John Walker; with other more.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 26 May, 1533.
[The testament of Richard Symonde, of Hackthorn].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 221. Translated from the Latin.]
17 June, 1523. I Richard Symonde of Hakthorn, seeing the peril of death, etc. To be buried in the churchyard of St. Michael the Archangel of Hackthorn. I bequeath in the name of my mortuary my best beast. To the high altar of Hackthorn for forgotten tithes iiijd. To the work (opus) of the blessed Mary of Lincoln iiijd. To St. Hugh's head iiijd. To the church of Hackthorn for le mandy one quarter of barley. To my son Thomas one bovate of land sown in the fields, etc. To Alice my daughter. To the iiij orders of friars of Lincoln. To the church of Spridlington one bushel of barley. The residue of my goods to Elizabeth my wife, whom I make my executrix. I ordain my brother John to be supervisor. These being witnesses, Sir John Bradley, vicar there; Thomas Stevynson; and Robert Stampe; with others.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Robert Staveley [of Gainsborough].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 212d. Collated with another copy at f. 223d.]
22 February, 1523. I Robert Staveley off Gaynesburgh, holle off mynd and seke off body, makyth my testament, etc. My body to be buryed in the churche off All Halloys in Gaynesburgh nye unto the Trinity alter. I bequeth in the name off my mortuary my best goode affter the maner off the cuntre. To the hye alter off Gaynes burgh for forgoton tythes and offeringes xijd. To the sepulcre light xijd. To the Trinity light xijd. To owr lady warke off Lincoln xijd. To the chyrche warke off Gaynesborgh xiijs. iiijd. To the house off Heynynges iijs. iiijd. To every house off the freres off Lincoln xijd. It is my will that a preest shall syng for me by the space off an yer, and to hafe for hys wage vl. vjs. viijd. To Joan my dawt' ij houses set in Pottergate, and to hyr heires off hyr body. And iff she dye without heires off hyr body, as God forbede, then I will that they shall remayne unto Roger Stavely, my son, and to his heires off his body. It is my will that Alice my wiffe shall haufe yerly hyr liff payde owt off my landes xxs. for hyr thurd parte off my landes. I will that the forseid Alice my wiffe shall haufe the thurd parte off my goodes. To Joan my dawter, a fethurbed, a chist and a maser; provyded allwey that Roger my son shall haufe all myn other landes in Gaynesburghe, Burton and all other places, to hym and to hys heires off his body. And iff he dye [with oute heires of his body (fn. 8) ], (as God forbede), then it shall be lefull and is my will that a preest shall be mortest therein (iff the kynges law will suffer it); and iff it will not suffer it, then it is my [folio 213] will that it shall be sold, and the mony putt in a stok; and a preest to syng for me and my goode frendes so long as the mony will last. Moreovere I will that Miles Staveley shall be the supervisor off this my last will. The residue off my goodes I giffe to Roger my son and Alice my wiffe, whom I make my executores, that they may dispose for the helthe off my saule as they shall thynke best. Thes beyng witnesses, Syr Henric' Barton, curat'; Morrys Morgon; Robert Richardson; and William Staveley; with many mo.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Richard Nelethorp [of Honington].
[L.C.C., 1532–4, f 197d.]
10 March, 1523. I Richerde Nelethorp of Honyngton. To be buryd in the churche yerde of St. Wylfryde of Honyngton, with [folio 198] my mortuary that the lawe requyrys. To the high altare of Honyngton churche iiijd. To our ladys warke in Lincoln iiijd. To Edwarde my sun a red cappe with a bruche, a freys cote, one brasse potte, a coffer, vj puter dyshes, etc. And yff it fortune him for to decesse, then I will that Agnes my wyff have the halffe on Edwardes parte, and my fader the other halffe parte. To Xp'ofer Nelethorp, my fader, my chamlet dooblyt, one bullok, one calve that I bought of Mr Edwarde Darby. To my curate xijd. to pray for me. To Elizabeth Grym, my servant, one yerde of fembull. The resydue of my goodes I bequethe to Agnes my wyffe and to Xp'ofer Nelethorp, whome I make myn executors to dispose for the helthe of my soule as they thynk moste expedyent. Thes beyng wytnes, sir Alexander Mannyng; Robert Bevercotes; Xp'ofer Nelethorp; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Grantham, 20 October, 1533.
The testament of Alexander Spurr [of Kettlethorpe].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 213d. Collated with another copy at f. 224d., which is referred to in the footnotes as A.]
10 May, 1524. I Alexander Spurr off Ketilthorp beyng off hoole mynde and goode memory, laude and prece be to my maker, make orden and declare this my present testament herin contenyng my last will in maner and forme foloyng: First and principally I giffe and bequethe my saule unto allmighty God my savyour, maker and redemer, and to hys most gloriose moder, owr blessed lady sanct Mary the virgyn, and to the sanctes in hevene. And my body to be buriede in the chyrche off Sanct Petre and Paule off Ketilthorp by my wiffe, [wherof I am parochiner (fn. 9) ]. I bequethe for my course presant my best beest. To the hye alter off the forseid Petre and Paule iijs. iiijd. To Thomas myn eldist son all my landes and tenementes sett and beyng in Northamtonshyre (fn. 10) and Yorkeshyre, except vij nobles goyng owt off Muscovottes, wiche I will that William and Stehane my sonnes shall haffe bytwixt theym, and to the theyr [sic] heres off theyr bodys lawfully begoton; and for lake off suche heires, to returne unto the forseid Thomas and to his heires. To Stehan my forseid son xxti markes. To Umfrey my son xl. To Alexander my yongist son xijl., and all my copy lande in Laghterton unto suche tyme that he be preest; and than to remayne unto my forseid son Stephane and to his heires off his body. To Will'm Swannok, my servand. To Robert Gold. To Elizabethe my mayde. To Elizabeth Stawe, my mayd. To Genyt Chambr'. To Godfrey Heywod, my servand. To every on off my god childer iiijd. To the chylder off Thomas Gabitos, the childer off Elizabeth Standiche, my sons Thomas two childern. William Spurres son, and the chylder of Henric' (fn. 11) Collett to every off theym a newe and a lamme. To my dawters chyld that Hug (fn. 12) off Stowe hathe mared. To the chirche off Sanct Peter and Paule off Kethelthorp xxs., and vjs. viijd. for my burying in the chirche. To Margaret Witwell, my cosyn, xxs., etc. To John Witwell vjs. viijd. to be in hys mothers keping unto he be able to rule it. To the brigges off Lawterton iijs. iiijd. To the hye alter off Cliffton xijd. To owre lady off Lincoln xxd. To the iiij ordyres off freres in Lincoln, to every house haffe a quarter barlye. My sons, Thomas, [folio 214] William, Stephan and Umfray to be myn executores. I will that Thomas Paull off Brampton be the supervisore off my will. The residue off all my goodes, catell, dettes and all other thinges not bequethed, affter the dettes whiche off right awth principally be payde, my buryng and ffunerall expenses wele and honestly doone, I give to myne executors; they therwith to do and to dispose affter theyr discrestion, and with parte theroff to remembre my soll and my wifes saule in dedes off mercy and charity, as bi theym shall be thowte most nedefull and meritorye. And I wtterly revoke and disanull all other willes by me herebefore made and spokon by me, (fn. 13) and will that this my seid testament take effect, and non other. Thes beyng witness, Thomas Paule, yoman, off Crowne (fn. 14); Syr Thomas Warde, paroche preest off Ketilthorp; Will'm Rayne off the same; John Ranere; Bartholomewe Hare [of the same towne (fn. 15) ]; with divers other. Wright the day and the yer a bove named.
[No probate act.]
The testament of John Medley, senior, [of High Burnham].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 214. Collated with another copy at f. 219d. Translated from the Latin.]
7 June, 1524. I John Medley senior of Ouer Burnham in the parish of Haxey. My body to be buried before the cross in the churchyard of St. Nicholas of Haxey. To the fabric of the cathedral church of the blessed Mary of Lincoln vjd. For my mortuary my best beast. To the high altar of Haxey for forgotten tithes xijd. To Joan my daughter xls. in money or in other goods. If she will be counselled by the counsel of her mother and her brothers then she shall have such a portion of all my goods as they shall have. The residue of my goods I give to Anne my wife, Nicholas, William, Robert and Jeffery, my sons, whom I make my executors, to order and dispose and divide between them; and each one of them shall have his portion when he shall come to his state of matrimony, as shall seem good to him. And I make John Medeley, my eldest son, supervisor. These being witnesses, James Vessy of the same, curate; Robert Browne; and Robert Hasyll; with others.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Thomas Bentley [of Torksey].
[Stow, 1530–52, f 214d. Collated with another copy at f. 219, which is referred to in the footnotes as A.]
22 June, 1524. I Thomas Bentley off Torkesey, seke in body, and hoole off mynd, makethe my testament and my last will. My body to be buryd within the monestery off Sanct Leonardes afore the petyfull rode. Allso with my mortuary affter the custome off the cuntre. To the hie alter off the said monastery xxd. To the reparacion off the hye chore (fn. 16) off the forsaid monastery iijl. vjs. viijd. under this condic'on, that iffe the forseid chore be repared within this yer foloying; iff no, I will that myn executores by suche ornamentes to the seid monastery as they thinke necessary to be doone. To the prior off the said monastery of Sanct Leonardes xs. To every preest within the forseid monastery a sylver spone; and to the noves vjs. viijd. To owr lady off Lincoln warke and reparaciones off the cathedrall chyrche vjs. viijd. To the iiij ordyrs off freers in Lincoln, to every preest iiijd.; to every noves ijd. To the monastery off Fosse xijd.; to every nonne within the seid monastery iiijd. To the monastery of Brodholme xxd.; to every nonne within that monastery iiijd; to every noves within the said houses ijd. To the hye alter off Saxilby xijd. To John (fn. 17) gilde off Saxilby iijs. iiijd. To the kyrk warke off sanct Marys off Torksey iijs. iiijd. To a preest to celebrat for my saule, my wiffes saul and for all christeinne saules by the space off on yer afore the petyfull rode off the seid monistery wher my body restes, iiijl. xiijs. iiijd. To Thomas Lilly, Agnes Parke, John Lilly, John Bentley, the childer of Elizabethe Preston, Elizabethe Baly, Elizabeth Alyman, John Steid (fn. 18) William Steide (fn. 18) and his wiffe, Alys Stede, (fn. 18) John Stede. (fn. 18) The resydue off my goodes I ordene and make my [wiff (fn. 19) ] Jenyt Bentley, John Bentley, my son, and William Bentley, my brother son, my full executores for to [folio 215] dispose for the helthe off my soule. I will that John Lylly be supervisor. Thes beyng witnes, sir Richard Robynson, vicar; John Lylly; John Bentley off Brampton; and Thomas Byrd (fn. 20); with mo.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Henry Chambres [of Horncastle].
[L.C.C., 1532–4, f. 54d.]
20 February, 1524. I Henry Chambres off Horncastr', beyng of a hole mynde and perfyte remembraunce, preventyng by the grace of God the incerten stroke of dethe and the sodan knokkyng and flagicion of allmyghtty God, now beyng in good helthe, makyth my last will and mynde in thys maner of forme foloyng. Fyrst I bequeth my soule to God allmyghtty, to our lady St. Mary and to all the holy cumpeny of heven, and my body to be buryed in the church yerde of our lady off Horncastr' or ellys where it shall please God. And my beste to be my mortuary. To our lady of Lincoln iiijd. To the church warkes of our mother church of Lincoln iiijd. To the altare of our lady off Horncastr' for tithys forgottyn viijd. To our lady off the high quere iiijd. I bequeth a longsaddell to stand in the Revestry ther. To St. Loy xijd. To the holy rode in Jhesus quere iiijd. To St. Trynion light iiijd. To St. Savior ijd. To St. Anthony iiijd. To St. Laurence iiijd. To our lady of pety iiijd. To our lady off grace iiijd. To the bellys xijd. To Thomas Chambres, my sonne, xxs. in money or mony worthe. To a preste to syng for my soule halff a yere [folio 55] 1s. The resydue of my goodes I gyff to Isabell Chambres, my wyff, and sir Roger, my sonne, whome I make my executors. Thes wytnes, Robert Scrop of Horncastr'; Jamys Weste; and Oliver Lovell of the same; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Horncastel, 1 October, 1532.
The testament of Sir William Grave, vicar of Haxey.
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 213. Collated with another copy at f. 224.]
14 March, 1524. I syr William Grave, vicare off Haxey, hoole in body and goode remembraunce, makythe this my last will and testament in this forme foloyng: I first giff my saule to allmygthty God, to owr lady sanct Mary and to all the sanctes in hevene. My body to be bured in the quere off Sanct Nicholas in Haxey aforseid. I bequethe for my mortuary my best quyk goode. To the chirche off Haxey forseid xxvjs. viijd. To owr lady warke off Lincoln xijd. To George Grave, my brother, xxs. To Margert Cowpar xxs. To Sir James Vescy xd. To Sir Alexander Belwod viijd. To Sir John Tankarsley viijd. To every preest present at my buring iiijd. To John Grave off Lundon xiijs. iiijd. To Thomas Mawgham off Lundon xxvjs. viijd. To the wiffe off John Byrd. (fn. 21) The resydue off my goodes above not beqweid, I giff unto Will'm Mawgham, whom I make my full and wole executor; he to ordyr and dispose theym as he thynkth best for the helthe off my saule. And I make William Atkynson off Gaynesburge supervisor, and he to hafe for his labor xxs. [Written at Haxey the daie and yere above rehersed. (fn. 22) ] Thes beyng witness, Syr James Vescy, curat'; Richard Kyrshawe off Haxey; Thomas Robynson; Will'm Padley; and Thomas Gibson; with other mo.
[No probate act.]
The testament of William Oueray [of Coningsby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 329.]
18 March, 1524. I William Overay of Connesby. To be buryd in the church of St. Michels tharchangell in the parysh of Connesby, or ellys wher it shall please almyghtty Jhesu; and that that the law will in the name of my mortuary. To our lady of Lincoln vjd. To every fraternite in Conesby iiijd. To the high alter ther for tythys forgottyn vjd. To Alice my wyff iij kye, a mere and a stagge. To the said Alice all such housholde stuffe that she had at the day of mariage betwene us. The resydue to John Oueray, my sone, whome I orden my executor. Thes men bearyng wytnes, John Fotherby; Thomas Oueray; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 11 March, 1530, by the executor.