Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1918.
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'Lincoln wills: 1525', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530, ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].
'Lincoln wills: 1525', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,
"Lincoln wills: 1525". Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.
In this section
The testament of James Washyngbourgh [of Wyberton, mariner].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 334.]
3 April, 1525. I Jamys Whashyngburgh of Wyberton, maryner. To be buryd in St. Anne qwere within the parysh churche of Wyberton. To my mortuary accordyng to the custome of the towne. To our mother churche of Lincoln vjd. To the fatherles chyldren of St. Catheryns withowt the barrys of Lincoln ijd. To the altare in Wyberton churche for offerynges forgottyn iiijd. To our lady altare, St. Catheryne altare, and St. Anne altare in the same churche iiijd. each. To the reparacions of the bellys in the same churche vjd. To the reparacions of the sayd churche iiijd. To Jenet Whassyngburgh, my wyff, the mansyon that I dwell in the terme of her lyff, and I will that it remayn to Jenet Whassyngburgh, my doughter, and her heyres. And yff it fortune her to decease before her mother, havyng no chyldryn alyve, I will the mansion, aftyr her mother decease, be solde by her executors; and of the money therof cumyng I will ther be kepte an obbyt for my soule, my frendes soulys and all crysten soulys within the qwere of St. Anne in Wyberton churche the space of vj yeres; and the rest of the money I will it be disposyd uppon the reparacion and maynteynyng of the sayd qwere; and the same to be done and fynyshyd by the sayd vj yeres ende. To the sayd Jenet my doughter a lyttyll golde ryng. I will the sayd Jenet at the day of her mariage, yff she fortune to lyff therto, shyfte equally with her mother all my housholde stuff as may [folio 334d.] appere by an inventory therof mayd. I make the sayd Jenet my wyff my executrix. Thes beyng whytnes, Sir Alen Askew, Sir Roger Bate, prestes; John Bate; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Boston, 19 April, 1532.
[The testament of Dame Margaret Sutton, vowess, of Burton by Lincoln].
[Stow, 1530– 52, f. 228.]
1 October, 1525. I Dame Mergarett Sutton, vowas, with hoole mynde and remenbrance makith my last will and testament. First I giff my saule to all myghty God, to our blessed lady and to all saynctes; my body to be buried in the paroch church of Cheriburton by Lincoln, in the hye qwer by my sonne Antony with my mortuary after the costom. I will ther be giffen that daie to preistes and clerkes that com to my buryall xls., and peny doole to the poor peple that com that daie. I will ther be disposed to preistes and clerkes if thei com on my xxxti daie xls, and to the poor peple that com peny doole. I will ther be disposed on my yer daie in the hoole iiijl. after the discretion of myn executours. I will have a secular preist continente after my decesse to syng oon yer in the church wher my bodie shall lye, saying iij daies in the weke placebo and dirige with ix lec' and commendation, and on daie in the weke a messe of requiem, takyng a speciall collect for my husband saule and myn. And I will he have for his sallare or stipende vij marc', and bye hym brede and waxe with xxd. Also I will that he that is my chaplayn and preist the tyme of my departyng frome this worlde have it be for an other if he will. To the church of Chereburton towardes the bying of an new coope xxs.; and to the hye altar of the said church for tithes forgotton vjs. viijd. To our mother church warke of Lincoln iijs. iiijd. To sancte Androe church warke in Lincoln vjs. viijd. To the repaire of Saxilby church, Broxholm church and Rysom church xijd. apiece. To every place of the iiij orders of the Freres in Lincoln iij shepe, or elles for every on shepe xxd. To Freres observauntes in Newerk I giff iiij shepe, or elles xxd. for on, and so after the raate, to praye for my husbande saule and myn. To thabbott and covent of Kyrkestyd Abbay to do myn obett and praye for me xxs. To the prior and covent of Bullyngton Abbay vjs. viijd.; and to the nonnes and sistres in the same place xiijs. iiijd. to do me an obett and praye for me. To our lady gild in Bullington xijd. To sanct Anne gilde in Lincoln my best hood and my mantill. To Dame Mary my doghter, nonne in Bullington Abbay, xls. To the church of Chereburton xiijs. iiijd. to the entent that on man of the most honeste and forwarde in the same towne have it to bye and sell with, and bring in the hoole stokke at the daie of the church rekkennyng, that wolde of his charyte fynde a light to burne afor the sacrament on the hye alter in the hye messe tyme upon the holydaie. To my sonne, Robert Sutton, ij giltyd sawltes with on cover, and all [folio 228d.] such parcelles of howseholde as apperith in a byll therupon playnly made, with an other byll of heyrelomes. And the other parte and parcelles of howseholde I giff to my doghter Jane and to my sonne Nicholas to be devided and partyde bytwix theym, as bedding and napere and such other as belongith to the buttre and kechyn. To my lady Powas a standing maser with a cover. To my doghter Vpton a golde ryng. To my sonne Hamond a giltyd bowlle and a cover marked of rowses. To my doghter Emlyn, my sonne Hamondes wiff, a gowne ffurred with graye, and vj swarme of beys. To my sonne, Sir John Sutton, knyght of the Roodes a bowll of silver dowble gilted with the cover therto. To my sonne Nicholas ij sawltes of silver and half a dosyn spones of silver. To my doghter Skeyrn x yows and a ring. To my doghter Barnaby xxti shepe olde and yong, and my best gowne. To my doghter Jane a pownched pece and the spones belonging to the buttre, iij kye, x lammes and an ambeling horse. To Henry Sutton, my sonne Robert eldest sonne, a silver bowlle with a cover parcell gilte, and a vise of golde for a gentill womans nek. To my sonne Hamond eldest sonne a sylver spone with a luce hed and gilted. To Thomas Grauntham, my doghtre Alice yong sonne, xxti yowes, and I will that they be delivered to his graunt dame, maistres Grauntham of Dunnham. To Sir John Husey doghter, that I cristened, a golde ryng with a ruby. I giff every on of sonnes and doghters childre that I have cristened xs. To the parson of Saint Paules in the Baile of Lincoln vjs. viijd. and a yong fylly. I will all my husband dettes and myn that can be evidently proved be taken and paied of my hoole goodes. The residue of my goodes, as corne, catell, dettes and other, I putto the discrecion of Sir John Sutton, knyght, my doghtre Jane Sutton, my sonne Hamonde Sutton, and my sonne Nicholas Sutton, whom I make myn executours to receyve theym and dispose theym to the most pleasur of God and the wele of my saule. I giff every on of theym for their labour and attendaunce xls. And I make supervisor of this my will for the performation thereof my sonne, Robert Sutton, esquier, to se it fullfilled as my faithfull trust is in hym. And I giff hym for his supervision and attendance and [sic] standing pece dowble gilte. With thies wittenes, Sir John Hudson, parson of Paules; Sir William Clerk, parson of Rysom; Sir John Richardeson, Sir Hugh Boket, preistes; and John Benyngworth; with other moo.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Richard Herde [of Burton by Lincoln].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 215. Collated with another copy at f. 226d., which is referred to in the footnotes as A.]
3 (fn. 1) March, 1525. I Richarde Herde off the pariche off Burton besydes Lincoln. To be buryed in the chirche yarde off Burton aforseid. Also I bequethe to my mortuary as the costom requirethe. To the hye alter off Burton for forgotton tithe and offringes viijd. To owr lady light off Burton iiijd. To owr lady warke off Lincoln xijd. To sanct Huges light at Lincoln iiijd. To the churche off sanct John in Nuport iiijd. To the churche off Risom iiijd. To the chirche off Carlton iiijd. To every off the fore ordyrs off freers in Lincoln a stryke off barley. To John Hetryke off Brasebrig, Cicily Grene, and John Herde my brother. I bequethe my copy and tenement within Burton to Beatrice my wiffe enduryng hir liff; [remainder in succession] to my sons Robert and Vincent and the heres off their bodies; [remainder] to my son Thomas Herde and to his heres for evere. The residue off my goodes to Beatrice my wiffe and Robert my son, whom I make myn executors, for to dispose for the helthe off my soule as shall be thote by theym best, by the oversite off Mr. Nicholas Sutton. Thes beyng witness, Syr William Clerke, curat'; Sir William Daunc' (fn. 2), prest; John Herde; and William Chadwyk [of the same towne (fn. 3) ]; with other.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Richard Towell [of Glentworth].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 215d. Collated with another copy at f. 225d., which is referred to in the footnotes as A.]
24 March, 1525. I Richarde Towell off Glentworthe Thorpe. To be bured in the chirche yarde off sanct Michell off Glentworthe on the este syde off the porche there. Allso I bequethe for my mortuary my best beest as the maner and the costom ys. To the hye alter off Glentworthe for tithes forgoton xijd. To every ordyr off ffrerys in Lincoln iiijd. To William my son for his childes parte. To Peter, my son. To Jenet, Julyane and Margaret, my dawters. I will that the rest off my catell, horsses and shippe be equally devyded amongst the seid Peter my son, Jenett, Juliane and Margarete, my dawters, for theyr child partes by the discrecion off fore indifferent persons. I will that Julyane my wiffe affter my decess have all my messuages, toftes, crofftes, landes, tenementes, medowes, etc., within the fildes off Glentworthe and Glentworthe Thorpe for terme off hyr liffe, payng the kynges rent, and makyng no wast. And iff ther be ony off the seid landes that the seid Julyane list not to occupy, I will that my son William shall haufe theym duryng the liff off the seid Juliane. Also I will that affter the decess off the seid Juliane my wife, all my tofftes, crofftes, landes, medowes, etc., within the towne and feldes off Glentworthe a forseid, holdene off the stoke (fn. 4) off Kyrton, remayne to the forseid [folio 216] William and Petre, my sons, theyr heires and assignes for evere. Also I will that William my son, afftur the decess off Juliane my wiff, shall have to hym and to the heires off hys body oon messuage in Glentworthe Thorppe. Also I will that William my son affter my decess have all my messuages, tofftes, crofftes, landes, medowes, etc., with theire appurtenances within the towne and feldes off Saxilby and Harewyke in the countye off Lincoln, to be howldon to hym and to hys heires off hys body for evere; also with on holme in Trent in the lordship off Torkesay; remainder to Petre my sonne and to hys heires of his body; remainder to me the seid Richarde Towell and to myn heires for evere. I will that Peter my son, hys heires and assignes, for evere, shall have my two tofftes bylded with appurtenance in Torkesey. Also I will that iff Peter sell them, the seid William to have theyme for v markes (iff he list to bye theym); and iff he be not disposed to by theym, then Peter to sell theym to any man at hys awne plesur.To the churche off Glentworthe a quart' off barley. To Vpton churche xijd. The residue off my goodes I giff to Juliane my wife to bring up my chylder with. I make William my son sole executor. [folio 216d.] Thes beyng witness, Syr Richard Catwell (fn. 5), curate off Glentworthe; Roger Johnson off Gaynesborughe; Thomas Tavell (fn. 5), the yonger, off Glentworth; Thomas Eyerle (fn. 6) off the same; Gilbard Patrike; and other mo.
[No probate act.]