Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1918.
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'Lincoln wills: 1529 (October-December)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530, ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 9 February 2025].
'Lincoln wills: 1529 (October-December)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025,
"Lincoln wills: 1529 (October-December)". Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025.
In this section
1529 (October-December)
The testament of Richard Busche of Sybsey.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 148d.]
6 October, 1529. I Richerd Busche off Sybsey. To Henry Thaker and Steven hys sone. To Ric' Bowyn, my godsun. To Thomas Rysyll. To Agnes my wyff iij kye and a doune mare and all the hustylment of my house. To Agnes my wyff my house in Sybsey the terme of her lyff, and she to kepe the forsayd house in good and sufficient reperell; [remainder] to Steven my broder, to hym and to hys heyres of hys body; [remainder] to the next of the blode. Also I wyll ther be ij trentallys done in the chyrch of Sybsay for my soule and for my granfather. All other thynges not wytt nor bequest, I bequeth to Steven Bushe, my broder, whome I make my executor to dispose for the helthe of my soule and all crysten soulys. Thes wyttnesses, Robert Bushe of Sybsey; Henry Thaker; and John Clerke; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 8 March, 1529. Admin, granted to the executor.
The testament of John Bugge [of Long Leadenham].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, ff. 208d., 187. (fn. 1) ]
8 October, 1529. I John Bugge, seke the body [sic]. My body to be buryed in the churche of saynt Swythune of Longledham, and my best beast to be my mortuary, as the custome is. To the high alter for forgottyn tithys ijs. To bying off a portys vjs. viijd. To the upholdyng of the bellys iijs. iiijd. I bequeath iij seame of barly to the church of Longledenham. I bequeth too kye to the church off Longledenham, and the church wardens to kepe yerly a dirige and a messe for my soule of the increase of thos ij kye. To every chylde in the towne at the day of my buryall jd. To every cotege in the towne a hope malte. To the gylde of Fulbeke halffe a seame barly. To Cathorp gylde halffe a seame barly. To the iiij orders of frerys in Lincoln ych of them a stryke [folio 187 (fn. 1) ] barly. To Richerd Kente, my wyff sonne. To Isabell my eldest doughter. To Elizabeth my yongest doughter. I make my wyff executrix; and John Kyrton, John Newcum and Edmund Newcum the supervysors. By thes wytnes, Robert Landesdale; and John Knyght; with other moy. To John Wodeshend of Welborne a rosyt cote with a worstyd dooblyt.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 7 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of John Busche of Sybsey.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 148d.]
8 October, 1529. I John Busche of Sybsey. To Henry West a nox calffe, and to Agnes my syster a fleckyd calffe, and to Margaret West a stere borlyng. To Catheryne my doughter. To Alice my wyff my house and landes with in the towne and feldes of Sybsey the terme of hyr lyff, [folio 149] excepte a ryg lying in the south fen landes, and that I will it be solde and disposyd for the love of God and my soule; [remainder] to Catheryne my doughter and to the heyres of her body; [remainder to be sold by] Thomas Bushe, my brother, Richerd Bushe, and William Porter and to be devydyd equally emonges them. I make Alice my wyff executrix. The resydue of my goodes I putt them to her disposicion for the welth of my soule. In wytnes heroff, Thomas Weste, the elder; William Porter; and Thomas Bushe, the yonger.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 8 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Robert Hogeson [of Long Leadenham].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 187d.]
8 October, 1529. I Robert Hodgeson. [folio 188] My body to be buryed in the parysh churche or churchyerde of Longledenham. And my best qwyk beaste to be my mortuary. To the mother holy church warke of Lincoln xijd. To the high alter of Ledenham for tithys forgotten negligently xijd. To the high alter of Hougham xxd. To the high alter of Marston viijd. To the bellys of Longledenham iiijd. To Thomas my eldest sonne vjl. xiijs. iiijd., and to John my sonne, William my sonne and Luce my doughter vl. [apiece]; and yff any of them dye before the age of xiiij yeres, [etc.]. Resydewe of my goodes unto Isabell my wyff for to dispose for the helthe of my soule; and I make her with Thomas my sonne my executors, and Thomas Rygges and Thomas Key of Ledenham supervisors. To the church of Ledenham a kowe and a qwye which I wyll be let unto the use and profyt of the churche, so that the churche wardens for the tyme beyng do kepe yerly on obbit for ever for the soulys of the sayd Robert and Isabell hys wyff and all ther chyldren soulys and all crystyn soulys, wich obbyt I will shall extende to the valewe of ijs. Wytnes, Sir Ric' Frere; William More; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 13 May, 1530.
The testament of Ralph Landesdale of Ledenham.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 155d.]
15 October, 1529. I Raff Landesdayll. My body to be buryd in Lednam in the church of saynt Swythune before our Lady off Pytty, and my best good to be my mortuary. To the hygh alter vjd. Also xs. to fynd a lyght before our Lady of Pytty, and ij pownde of wax to be delyveryd withall. To the bellys viijd. To our Lady gylde xijd. To saynt John gylde of Fulbek xijd. To the Trinite gylde of Sleford vjd., and saynt Xp'ofer gylde [folio 156] vjd. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln viijd. To the iiij orders of Frerys eche on of them vjd. To frer George, Blak Frere, xijd. To my sonne Danne Hugh vjs. viijd. To Sir Thomas Cotysforth. To Robert Trotter. I bequeth my sone John Landesdale halffe my schepe wyth hys mother. xs. to frere William Whythe to say a trentall for my soule. The rest off my goodes to my wyff; she to be my hole executrix; and frere William Wyth my supervisor. Wytnes herof, Thomas Rygges; John Fysher; and William Gardoys.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 13 May, 1530. Admin. granted, [etc.].
The testament of Sir John Patryk of Sybsey.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 170.]
20 October, 1529. I Sir John Patryk, the vicar of Sybsay, makyth thys my will and testament. My body to be buryed in the church of Saynt Margaret of Sybsay in the qwere. I bequeth a taper of wax to burne afore the Sacrament in Sybsay in the servys tyme. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To the hygh alter ther a chales vjs. viijd. To the rode xijd., and to the olde rode ijs. To our Lady gylde xijd., and to saynt John Baptist a prykket of wax. To Robert Westeby, my syster sonne, all my housyng and landes within the towne and feldes of Barton. To Catheryne, Jenet and Agnes Vnderwood. To Margaret Preston. To Thomas Patryk. To Henry West and to Thomas Weste all my wood and rede. Also I wyll that bredren [sic] have shyfte betwix them all the reste of my raiment. The rest of my goodes to Henry Patryk and to Jamys Patryk, my breder, whome I make my executors to dispose for the well of my soule and all crysten soulys. Thes men wytnesses, Henry Weste; Thomas Weste; William Mason; John Fysher; John Clerke; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Feryby, 22 June, 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of W. Symson [of Spalding, butcher].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 101.]
1529. I William Symson of Spaldyng, bocher. To Edmunde Symson, my eldest sonne, my best horse aftyr my mortuary be takyn. To John Symson and Frauncys Symson, my sonnes. [folio 101d.] To Alice Symson, my wyff, my house that I dwell in duryng hyr lyff; [remainder] to Edmunde Symson, my eldest sonne, to hym and to hys heyres of hys body; [remainder] to hys bretherne, ichone to be other heyres yff any of them dy with owt heyres of ther bodyes. I will that, aftyr the decease of Alice Symson my wyff, my horsemylne be solde and the money departyd betwene my ij doughters; and yff it fortune that they departe or they cum to laufull age, then I will that the money that the mylne shall be sold for that a honest priest shall syng for me and for Alice my wyff and for all our good frendes as long as the money will extend. The resydew of my goodes and catall I gyff to Alice Symson, my wyff, and to Edmund Symson, my sonne, whome I orden executors; they to pay my dettes and to bryng me home as they thynk best for the helth of my soule. Also I will that John Priest be my supervisor to see that thes thynges be done. Thes beyng wytnes, Sir Richerd Bell, curet; Robert Parker; John Morley; John Michell; and Thomas Symson; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Spaldyng, 26 October, 1529. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Robert Dobbyng of Flete.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 183.]
29 October, 1529. I Robert Dobbyng of Flete. To Johanne my doughter my best brasse pott and panne the wich was myne before I maryed thys my last wyff, [etc.]. To Alice my doughter. To Grace my wyff all my houses and landes lying in Flete and Holbeche the terme of her lyff; [remainder] to my chyldren and to ther heyres; and they all dy with in age, or wythowt heyres of ther bodys, then I will it shalbe solde and disposyd with in the church of Flete in prayers [folio 183d.] and other warkes necessary. The resydue of my goodes to Grace my wyff, whome I make my executrix to dispose for the helth of my soule and all good crysten soulys; and Thomas Haltofte to be supervisor. Wittnes, William Thaker; John Wardell; and Thomas Cuer.
Proved before P., at Spalding, 22 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Richard Copsey [of Humberstone].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 188d.]
10 November, 1529. I Richerd Copsey of Humberston. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of saynt Peter in Humberston. My best good to be my mortuary. To my parysh church xiijs. iiijd., di' acr' wheyt, di' acr' beanys. To our mother church of Lincoln xd., and to the high alter xd. To the abbey of Welloy on cowe that I had of John Musterluff. To my gostly father xijd. I will on trentall of messys be song in my parysh churche for the welthe of my soule. To my lorde abbot of Humbreston, yff he bury me, vs. To Robert Copsey, my sone, xxs., and on sprose chyst. To Johanne Tayller, my doughter, xxvjs. viijd. [folio 189] To Thomas Copsey, my sone, all the landes I have of Henry Copsey by indentur, payng to the abbot of Humbreston owt rent xvjs. To Beatrix my wyff the house of the grene with the purtenaunces that I had of Henry Copsey, payng owt rent to the abbot of Humbreston viijd., duryng the terme of her lyff, and aftyr her I will it remayn to Thomas Copsey and hys heyres. I gyff every godbarne I have iiijd. The resydewe of my goodes to Beatrix my wyff, whome I make executrix, to dispose them as she thynkes best. I orden Thomas my sone to be the supervisor. These witness, Sir Thomas Vnderhill, vicar; Thomas Tayllor; William Dykson; John Browne; and William Marchaunte; with others.
Proved before P., at Market Rasen, 5 July, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of John Warner of Kyrton [in Holland, husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 182.]
11 November, 1529. I John Warner of the towne of Kyrton in Holland, husbandman, [folio 182d.] makes my testament, concludyng with my last will. My body to be buryed with in the churchyerd of the holy apostylls Peter and Paule in Kyrton, with my mortuary aftyr the custome of the towne. To the hygh alter of Kyrton for forgottyn tithys iiijd. To saynt Mary alter and the Trinitie alter in the same church ijd. [apiece]. To our mother chyrch of Lincoln ijd. To the fatherles chylder at saynt Catheryns with owt the wallys of Lincoln ijd. To Jenet my wyff iiij acres lande with the buyldyng upon it, lying at the crose in Kyrton Skeldyke, duryng hyr lyff. Also I will that Jenet my wyff, or ellys hyr husband hereafter beyng, yff it be for ther proffet, to brek up the forsayd lande so mych as they may sawe iij fryndyls hempsede apon; and yff she, or her husband at that tyme beyng, do breke up any more than to sawe the forsayd iij fryndyls hempsede, then I will that William my sun have halff wyth them; [remainder] to William my sun, the wich I ordyn to be my hare. To Johan my wyff ij acr' lande and on stong lying in Bucholefelde, callyd Wynshome and Hobarte Hurne, and halff acr' lying by Bucholegate stygh, duryng her lyff; and aftyr her decease thys parsellys to remane to Wylliam my sone. To William my sun on acr' land callyd Grenegarth, iij stonges and di. a stong callyd Smaldyk, hys parte of iij stonges lying in Rownson Hedic, xxd. by the yere lying in Hall Ware, xviijd. marche, halff a stonge lying in Sedecroftes, and di. a stong lying at the Mylnehyll; and he shall enter ij acr' of the forsayd land that is hys parte at Mayday nexte foloyng, and the other parsellys to remane in the handes of hys moder to the tyme that he be of the age of xix yeres. To Thomas my sun on acr' callyd Berrygrene, on acr' and di. callyd Dychove lying at the Sedyc, ij acr' callyd Rovdyc, halff acr' callyd Brodgate, an halffe acr' buttyng of ij acr' at Rovdyc, on stong lying at Westeflete, and halff [folio 183] a stong lying in the same place; and I will that he shall have vjs. viijd. at the age of xxty yeres, and the parcelles of lande to remane in the handes of hys mother to that he cum to the age of xxj yeres. To William my sone ij acres land callyd Longgrenys, lying at the olde Sedykes, and he to enter at the age of xxj yeres. To Thomas my sone on stong grounde lying in Lekehove and he to enter at the age of xxjty yere. The resydue of my goodes to Johanne my wyff, the wich I orden to be my executrix to dispose my goodes to the most honor of God and for the helth of my soule and all my good frendes soulys; and Alan Heland oversear. Thyes wytnesses, John Dayell; Michell Perry; Robert Yonge; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 21 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Robert Raynton [of Washingborough, husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 105.]
23 November, 1529. I Robert Raynton of Whashyngburgh, husbanman, seke in body. My body to be buryed in the parysh church of saynt John Evaungelyst in Whashyngburgh. I bequeth my best beste for my mortuary, as custome is. To the church warkes of the sayd church xxs., and to the hygh alter for my tithe forgotten vjs. viijd. To the church warkes of the cathedrall church of Lincoln iijs. iiijd. To the church warkes of Canwyk xijd., and of Braunceton xijd. I wyll ther be a prest ordenyd to syng and pray for my soule and all crysten soulys in the parysh church of Washyngburgh the space of on hole yere next aftyr my decease, and he to have for hys stipend vl. vjs. viijd. To every on of the iiij closters of frerys in Lincoln vjs. viijd. I will that Helene my wyff have all my goodes and catalles that she brought unto me at hyr mariage, and [folio 105d.] in redy mony of my goodes xxl. To Robert Pale my house in wich I dwell in, and a close at the town ende of Washyngburgh, with all the landes and medoys lying with in the town and feldes of Whashyngburgh to the sayd house belongyng; and my lyttyll house with the hempe grounde to the same belongyng, as it lyith in Whashyngburgh. To Thomas Halvester my house that William Peirson dwellyth in, wyth the Hall garthe in Washyngburgh; also my house at the Wellys as it standyth ther in Whashyngburgh. To Robert Raynton, my cosyn, my water in Whashyngburgh, callyd the Noble water, with all that grounde fyshyng and all the hole appurtenaunces; also all the dettes and demandes that he owyth me. To Isabell, Agnes and Collecte, my doughters chylder, to every on of them xls. To Robert Raynton, my godson. To Anne Raynton, my goddoughter. To every on of my other godchylder. To William Raynton, my cosyn. To Sir Robert Torner, my gostly father. To Alice Bolton. To Thomas Archer my syde coot. To my awnt Archer. To Robert Archer my towney worstyt dooblyt. Resydue of my goodes to Helene my wyff, Robert Pale and Thomas Halvester, whome I orden executors to dispose them for the helthe of my soule, by the oversight of Edmund Hunt, gentilman, whome I orden supervisor. Thyes wytnessyng, John Bolles, gent.; Sir Robert Turner, my gostly father; Thomas Archer, Robert Archer, John Bugworthe, and Ric' Braunceton of Whashyngburgh, husbandmen; wyth many other moo.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 3 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Robert Jolyff of Tetney.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 165.]
27 November, 1529. I Robert Jolyff of Tetney, seyng my selff in the peryl of death, [etc.]. I wyt my soule, [etc.]. My body to be buryed in the churchyerde of the appostells Peter and Pall of Tetney, and my best beast to be gyffyn in the name of my mortuary, as custome is. I wyt and bequeth unto the high alter vjd. I wyt and bequeth to our Lady of Lincoln warke vjd. I wyt to Dye Jolyff. I wytt to Robert Brig. The resydue of my goodes I wytt to Awdre my wyff, the wich I make executrix. Thes wytnes, Sir Ric' Butler, the vicar of Tetney; William Jolyff; and John Sowgryfte.
Proved before P., at Grymesby, 5 May, 1530.
The testament of Robert Kyrton [of Long Leadenham].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 187.]
4 December, 1529. I Robert Kyrton, seke the body, [etc.]. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of saynt Swythune of Longdedenham [sic], and my best beast to be my mortuary, as the custome is. I gyff for a trentall xs., and to be sayd for me in Longledham church within a yere, when it shall please my wyff. I gyff for forgottyn tithys to the high alter xijd. I gyff to a grale boke bying iijs. iiijd. To the reparacions of the bellys iijs. iiijd. To the iiij orders of frerys in Lincoln ich of them xijd. To John Wate. To Cecile Boredale. To my doughter Anabyll all my frelandes, and the copy holde of St. John indewryng my yeres. I make my wyff Jenet my executrix. Also I make John Fysher the supervisor. By thes wytnes, Robert Landesdale; and John Wate; with moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 7 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Thomas Warde of Northrawceby.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 169d.]
4 December, 1529. I Thomas Warde of Northrawsby, seke in body. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of saynt Peter in Northe Rawsby. I bequeth my best beaste to be my mortuary, aftyr the custome of the contre. To the hyghe alter xld. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln xijd. To the church of North Rawceby xxs. To the chapell of Sowth Rawceby xvjd. To the iiij orders of frerys every order a stryke of barly. To the hygh ways xxd. To Walter my sonne all my lande, and v pownde in money, and he or wo soever shall have the sayd land in Sowthrawceby shall gyff ijs. iiijd. to kepe on obbyt for ever for me and my wyff and Walter Bate and Jenet. To John my sonne. To Isabell my doughter. To Thomas Foster. To everychon of my godchylder. To John Bate my russyt cote. To Thomas Bate my horrege cote. To the vicar of Rawceby. To Sir Henry. (fn. 2) To Marget Redy. To John my servand. Resydew of goodes to William Thomson, William Powtrell and Robert Bate, whome I orden executors. Thes wytnes. Sir William Styrley, vic'; Sir Henry Edward (fn. 2); William Powtrell; Robert Bate; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 23 June, 1530. Admin. granted to William Powtrell and Robert Bate, reserving power to grant to William Thomson.
The testament of Henry Hall of Burgh in the Marsh.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 148.]
20 December, 1529. I Henry Hall, of Burgh in the Marsh. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of saynt Peter in Burghe, and that as the law will to be my mortuary. I will that the proffyttes and renewynges that shall cum and ryse of v acres pastr' land lying in the sowth comen of Burgh for x yeres next aftyr my dethe remane in my executors handes to the use of Mary my doughter to have them to hyr mariage or when she shall be at the age of mariage; and for other x yeres I will that the profettes be evenly devydyd betwene my wyff and Thomas my sone; and [thereafter] I gyff the v acres to Laurence my sone to hym and hys heyres for ever; and if he dy before it cum to hym, I gyff them to Thomas my sone, acordyng to my granfather will. To our Lady alter of Lincoln xijd. To the nonnys of Bullyngton xijd. To the reparacions of saynt Peter church in Burgh vjs. viijd. To Thomas my sone. when he is xvj yeres olde, xxs. to by a wayne, [etc.]. To ychan of my chylder a materys, [etc.]. To Laurence my sone x schepe when he is att the age off xvj yeres. To my moder in law. To Jenet Magnus. To Elizabeth Carter. I will that ther shalbe on trentall of masses sayd in saynt Peter church for the helth of my soule and all crysten soulys. The resydue of my goodes I put them to the disposicion of Margaret my wyff to fyndyng of my chylder, whome I make executrix, provydyd alway that she be rewlyd and gydyd by the counsell of Sir Thomas Jordan, vicar, whome I make supervisor, and helper to my wyff. Testibus, Johanne Pechyll, capellano; Will'mo Rysyll; Xp'ofero Wythyng; Johanne Thomson; cum aliis.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 8 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of John Marshall [of Brandon].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 188. Translated from the Latin.]
21 December, 1529. I John Marshall of Brandon. [folio 188d.] My body to be buried in the churchyard of the parish church of St. Rumbald of Hogh. To the fabric of the mother church of Lincoln iiijd. To the high altar of Hough for my tithes forgotten iiijd. To the church of Hough xijd. To the chapel of Brandon xijd. To the chapel of Gelston xijd. To the chapel of St. Rumbald viijd. To each of my sons and daughters a cow. To my son Hugh, when he shall have come to man's (humanum) estate, xjs. viijd. of my tenements yearly for his life. To the convent of the brethren of the blessed Mary of Lincoln, a peck of barley. To Margaret my wife all my lands and tenements descending to me by hereditary right, until the lawful age of Miles my eldest son. Residue to my wife, whom I make my executrix. Witnesses, Hugh Burdhed; William Andrewe; Robert Sarsyn; John Braculby; John Earley; Thomas Dey, vicar; and others. Supervisors, Thomas Dey, vicar, and Thomas Ash.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 7 May, 1530.
The testament of Thomas Morreell of Halton [Holegate], gentleman.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 181.]
21 December, 1529. I Thomas Moreell of Halton, gentylman. I wyt my soule, [etc]. My body to be buryed in the church of saynt Andrew in Halton forsayd, and a kowe to be my mortuary. To our Lady of Lincoln warkes xijd. I witt to the hy alter in Halton for tythys forgotten vjd.; and to the bellys xxd. I wytt to the same church to the anornamentes of our Lady alter viijd.; to the Trinity alter vd. To the anornamentes of the roode in Halton xijd. I wytt to the reparacions of the kyrkes of Scremby, Candelsby, Gunby, Erby, Asby, Skegnes, Borugh, Salfletby callyd All Hallow, to every on of theys xijd. To Agnes my doughter my house in Halton with all the hole appurtenaunces with in the towne and feldes of Halton, wich I bought of Robert Red, for hyr lyff; [remainder] to William Langer, sone of Ric' Langer and of the sayd Agnes, hys wyff, my doughter, of Halton; [remainder] yff it fortune the forsayd William to decease before the sayd Agnes, hys moder, to be solde be my executors and disposyd in dedes off charite for my soule and all my frendes soulys. The resydue of my goodes not gyffyn nor wytt I gyff to Agnes my doughter for to dispose as she will. And I orden and make my executors Ric' Langer and Agnes hys wyff, and John Etton of Borwell, esqwyer, to be supervysor. Thyes wytnesses, Sir John Syke; Robert Elton; John Toly; with oder mo.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 8 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executors.