Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1918.
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'Lincoln wills: 1530 (January-March)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530, ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].
'Lincoln wills: 1530 (January-March)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,
"Lincoln wills: 1530 (January-March)". Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.
In this section
1530 (January-March)
The testament of John Waynflet of Stykforth.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 149.]
1 January, 1529. I John Waynflet of Stykforth. To Margaret my wyff my house that I dwell in wyth the closse therto belongyng, kepyng the reparacions, the terme of her lyff; [remainder] to Thomas my sonne and Crysten hys wyff and to ther heyres of ther bodys evermore. To the forsayd Thomas and Cristen hys wyff all my other landes, lying within the towne and feldes of Stykforthe and Westerkell, to them and to ther heyres for ever of ther bodys. I wyll that the sayd Thomas pay xiijd. upon every Good Fryday emonges pore folkes afore nonne within the parysh of Stykforth, and the xiijd. to be taken of my gret land arabyll lying in the south felde of Stykforthe for evermore. And yff it happen the forsayd Thomas my sone to play or wedset or intermysse to sell the forsayd land, that then I will that the kyrkemasters of Stykforth then beyng that they take all thes landes beforesayd, and sell them to the most proffyt of the forsayd church. And yff it so happen that Thomas and hys wyff dye with owt heyres of ther bodys, then I [folio 149d.] will that all the [premises] remane holy to the chyrche aforesayd to be solde and disposyd to the best use for the helth of my soule. To Margaret my wyff all her awn houshold stuff which she brought with her. The resydue of my goodes to Thomas my sonne and John Parlebayn, whome I make my executors that they dispose for the helth of my soule. Also I will that Thomas my sonne and hys wyff have my lathe at ther pleasure with owt eny vexacion or troble. Thyes men beyng wytnes, Mr John Kyem, the elder; Sir John Poteryll; Thomas Johnson; John Obynson; Sir Robert Wryght; John Javytson; with others.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 8 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Ralph Hobster of Freston.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 184d.]
8 January, 1529. I Rafe Hobster of Freston makes my testament, concluding in it my last will. [folio 185] To John Sylam. To ich of my doughters chylder. To Agnes my wyff all my moveable goodes not gyffyn for hyr lyff; and aftyr her decease I gyff to Agnes my doughter the homested to hyr and to the heyres of hyr body; [remainder] to my too doughters Alice and Cecill and to ther heyres of ther bodys; [remainder] to Alice Hobster, my sunys doughter; and aftyr her decease and her heyres of her body, and for lak of suche issue, then to remane to John Sylam and to the heyres of hys body. To Cecill my doughter v stong land in Tadcrofte felde in fe symple. To Alice my doughter vij stong land in Tadcrofte felde, callyd Kyrkbutt, in fe simple. To John Sylam on acr' of land at Barnay Pyttes, called Mollrygge, and to hys heyres of hys body; [remainder] to the ryght heyres agane. To William Hobson my copy hold land to hym and hys assygnes. The resydue of my goodes I gyff to Thomas Rumfer and William Hobson, whome I do orden my executors to dispose for the helth of my soule and all crysten soulys. Thes beyng wytnes, Peter Ben; Rafe Swyfte; and John Ben; wyth other moy.
Proved before P., at Boston, 23 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Thomas Ely of Thedilthorp [All Saints].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 106.]
10 January, 1529. I Thomas Ely of Tethilthorp in the parishe of Alhallowes. My body to be buryed within my parishe churche; and in the name of my mortuary the thyng that the law gyveth or asketh. To the high awter of my parishe churche iijs. iiijd. To the hed hallow in the same churche xijd.; to the image of our Lady standyng at the south side of the high awter xijd.; to the crosse ij pownde of wex; to the rode xxd.; to the sepulchre iiij lib' of wex; to the belles ijs. To the same churche vjs. viijd. To the parishe churche of St. Heleyn of Thedilthorp ixs. vjd. To the sacrement in the same xijd. To our moder churche of Lincoln xvd. To Heleyn and Agnes my doughters xxl. [apiece]. I wil that the above named Heleyn and Agnes be put in an abbey to lerne, and either of theym to be there the space of halfe a yere, and to be founde at my costes duryng the forsaid space. I will all my howsehold stuf to be devided to my iij children, John Ely, my sone, Heleyn and Agnes my ij doughters. To Joane and Margaret my doughters v markes [apiece]. I will that a prest shalbe hyered to syng for my soule, my wif soule and all cristen soules the space of a yere, and he to have to his wage viij markes. To John my sone all such landes as I have lyeng in the towne [sic] of Thedilthorp and Salfletby, to hym, his heyres and assignes, that is to say, the mansion that I dwell uppon, and the appurtenaunces [folio 106d.] that longes therto, that is to say, as pastur, medow and arrable landes leyng within the same towne and felde of Thedilthorp and Salfletby, excepte v stong of pasture leyng in the pasture called Lee Clos bitwext the landes of Thom's Massingberd, esquyer, and the landes of Thomas Puttrell, yeman, now in the holdyng of the forsaid Thom' Puttrell, for the whiche v stong of lande I charge the abovenamed John my sone, his heyres and his assignes, to cause a yerly obit to be done in my parishe churche with all the some that cometh yerly of the forsaid land clere, for my soule, my wif soule and all cristien soules. The residue of my goodes not bequethed I give to John my sone, whome I make my true executour, and Sir Will'm White to be the supervisour. Thies witnes, Sir Nicholas Boner, Syr Will'm Marche, prestes; Thomas Collynson; with oder more.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 12 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executor.
The testament of William Red of Harmeston.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 156d.]
13 January, 1529. I Wylliam Red off Harmeston. My body to be buryed in the kyrk yerd of All Halows in Harmeston. I bequeth in the name of my mortuary aftyr the custome of the cuntre. To the hygh alter xijd. To our Lady of Lincoln warke xijd. To the iiij orders of frerys every on of them on stryke of barly. To Hykham kyrke xijd. To Awbur kyrke warke xijd. To Robert Red. To John Red iijs. iiijd. that he layd furth to hys mother beryng. To Jenet Clerk. I bequeth the thurde parte of my goodes to Thomas Rose, Thomas Rede, William Red, Agnes Rose, Luce Rose and Elizabeth Red my chylder and my wyff chylder. To John Rose. The resydue off my goodes to my wyff, whome I make executrice, to dispose for the helth off my soule and to bryng up my chyldren wyth all. I wyll that William Clerke be supervysor. Wytnes heroff, Sir Lenarde Dycson; Wylliam Clerke; Thomas Stanley; Wylliam Atkynson; wyth other moy.
Proved before P., at Naneby, 29 April, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Robert Byrall, [curate of Fishtoft (fn. 1) ].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 369.]
20 January, 1529. I Sir Robert Byrall of Tofte. To be buryed in the high qwere before St. Guthlak. To our Lady of Lincoln xijd. To St. Catheryns viijd. To every gylde within Tofte churche iiijd. To Richerd Bryges, Mary Bryges, Ane Benet, and George Sherpe [folio 369d.] at their [respective] ages of xxty yeres; and yff one of thes dicesse or they cum at the sayd age, then I will that that thynges gyffyn be solde be my executors, and the money so takyn to be disposyd for my soule within the parysh churche of Tofte. The resydew off my goodes I will that Mr. Thomlynson of Boston and Mr Paynell shall prays them and sell them to the best, and the money so takyn then, my dettes payd, my hostys to have vjl. xiijs. iiijd., Mr Thomlynson xxs. and Mr Panell xls.; and the rest of my goodes I will that a prest shall syng for my soule, my father and mother and all other my frendes and all crysten soulys, the one halffe within the church of Tofte and the other halffe within the church of Byllyngay wher my frendes lye; and thys to be done be the good advyse of Mr Thomlynson and Mr Paynell, whome I make my executors. In wytnes herof I have scribyd thys with my nawne hande, per me Robertum Byrall, presbiterum.
Proved before P., at Wyberton, 10 November, 1531.
The testament of Thomas Bosyer [of Braytoft].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 213.]
26 January, 1529. I Thomas Bosyer of Bratofte, beyng seke in body. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of St. Peter and Pall the appostelles in Braytofte. I gyff that the law will in the name of my mortuary. To the sacrament in Braytofte church for tithys forgottyn xxd. To the church warke in Braytofte vjs. viijd. To the church warke in Halton xijd. To our Lady alter in Lincoln vjd. To our Lady warkes vjd. To St. Hugh hede xijd. I will have on prest to sing on yere at Braytofte and a nother yere at Parteney for my soule and all crysten soulys. To Margaret my doughter xl., and sche and that money to be at the order of my frend, Rawff Grene, provydyd that yff she dye with in the age of xvj yeres, then I will have a prest to syng at Dryby and Parteney for the forsayd xl., and the same money and prestes to be at the order of my wyff and Thomas Grene. To Thomas Sparke xls. at the age of xxty yeres, and yff he dye with in that age, then I will have a prest to sing at Braytofte with the same money. To the iiij orders of frerys in Boston every order of them xxd. I wytt to Thomas Grene xxs. that he may helpe my wyff when she shall have nede. To Rawff Grene xxs. that he may be supervisor. I wyt to Mr Hugh Braytofte a yerde and di' of carsey. To Sir John Vero my hynger with the knyffes and gyrdell. To Robert Grene my best cote. To Roger Stevynson. To Richerd Chapman a frese cote and a dooblet. To Thomas Chapman a jyrkyn and a dooblet. To Henry Caleby. To Robert Sparke my kendall cote. To Thomas Warde. To[folio 213d.] Thomas Compton a chamlet jerkyn and a sleffeles cote and a pare of whyte hose. To John Cowper. To Agnes Sparke. I will that every man, woman and chylde that ar at my buryall shall have jd. The resydewe of my goodes to Agnes my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Wytnes, Sir John Vero, curat; John Spens'; John Franche; Mr Jamys Pake; William Vero; Henry Kelby; Roger Stevynson.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 5 October, 1530.
The testament of John Wylson of Byllyngay.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 155.]
5 February, 1529. I John Wylson of the parysh of Billyngay. My body to be buryed in the kyrkeyerd of saynt Androy the appostyll off Byllyngay. To the hygh alter for tithes forgotten xijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To the reparacions of Byllyngay kyrke xijd. To Sir John my gostly father iiijd. To Thomas Herde, my godsun. To John Nicolson. To Gylbert Crawthorne, my godsun. To Thomas Crawthorne. The resydue of my goodes to Alyson my wyff and Gylbert Crawthorne, my sonne, whome I make executors. And for the supervisor I make Thomas Swanne of Sowthkyme. Thes wytnes, Sir Thomas Lytster, vicar of Billyngay; Sir John, the parysh prest; John Muston, parysh clerk; John Nicolson, smyth; Alexander Hall; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Naneby, 29 April, 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Richard Rabdyk of Tofte.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 184d.]
13 February, 1529. I Richerd Rabdyk of the parysh of saynt Guthlak of Tofte. To Jenet my wyff my house with iij acres and di' of past'r hunder the sayd house dewryng hyr lyff; also on acr' and di' of arable land lying in the south felde; the acr' lyith in a place callyd Flamund, and the halff acr' lyeth at my past'r end, the terme of her lyff; also my copy hold landes the terme of her lyff; and after her decease I will that Laurence my sonne have all my sayd copy hold landes, and that Richerd my sone have my sayd house with iij acres and a halff of past'r, to hym and to hys heyres and hys assygnes, upon thys condicion, that the sayd Ric' shall pay to William my sone after the decease of hys mother xls. To the sayd Ric' on acr' and di' of arable land lying in the southfelde, to hym and to hys heyres and assygnes. The resydue of my goodes not gyffyn I gyff to Jenet my wyff, whome I orden executrice that she shall pay my dettes and legaces for the helthe of my soule and all my good frendes soulys and all crysten soulys. Thyes beyng wytnesses, Dave Kneuyt; Sir Robert Byrall; and Sir Thomas Banester; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Boston, 23 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of John Beverlay [of Elsham].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 189d.]
14 February, 1529. I John Beuerlay of Ellesham. My body to be buryed in the parysh church of Ellesham before the alter of saynt Nicholes, and my mortuary to be gyffyn aftyr the custome ther used. I wyt to our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. I wyt to the vicar of Ellesham for tithys forgotten xijd. I wyt to St. Peter gylde of Ellesham xijd. To our Lady gylde of Ellesham xijd. I wyll that the landes, rentes and tenementes, [etc.], the wich Catheryne Beuerlay had to her joynter dewryng her lyff, the valowe of the rentes of them on yere to be disposyd for the helthe of my soule, my father soule and my mother soule, that is to say, on trentall to be songe at the high alter in the parysh churche of Ellesham, and on trentall at saynt Nicholes alter, and the resydewe of the rentes to be disposyd for the helthe of my soule. [folio 190] Also I will the secund yer Catheryne Beuerlay next aftyr that have all the landes, [etc.], the valew of the rentes of them, dewryng the space off on yere. Also I wyll the thyrde yere next after that William Beuerlay have the valew of the rentes, and the forthe yer that John Beuerlay have the valewe of the rentes. And yff it happyn that eny of thes chyldren decease before the sayd legacyes be dewe unto them, than I will the forsayd landes, the rentes of them, evenly betwyxt them that be on lyff to be devydyd. I wyt to the prior and convent of Ellesham vjs. viijd.; and they to helpe to syng dirige and messe of Requiem; and every prest to syng messe of Requiem when my body shall be buryed; and William the novys have evyn lyke on preste of the forsayd money. The resydew of my goods I gyff to Edward Beuerlay, my sone, to dispose for the helthe of my soule as he will answer afore the high Juge of heven; and I will that he be my executor; and William Manby of Malteby be supervisor. Thes men wytnes, Sir John Whaplode, vicar; Richerd Sergeant; John Scotte; Henry Smyth; and other moy.
Proved before P., at Market Rasen, 27 March, 1530.
The testament of Richard Cokson of Freston.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 184.]
18 February, 1529. I Richerd Cokson of Freston, seke of body, make my testament and my last will. To Alice, Elizabeth and Cecill my doughters. To Isabell my wyff. To Thomas Cokson, my sone, at xvj yeres of age, iij acr' of lande lying in Haltoft, on acr' of medoy grounde lying in Shorte Storke Mayre, halff on acr' of arable land lying in Long Fenland, and to hys heyres of hys body. To John my sone, at sexten yeres of age, and to hys heyres of hys body on house lying at Cathorpe Crosse, and on acr' of medoy grounde lying by Fen Crofte syde. To William my sone, at xvj yeres of age, on house lying in Cathorpe, and halff on acr' of medoy grounde lying aftyr Sande Gappe, and to hys heyres of hys body. Also I will yff any of my sayd sonys dy withowt such heyres, then that every on of them be other heyres; [remainder to] be sold and gyffyn to on able prest to syng in Freston chyrch for the soule of my grauntsyre, the soulys of my father and mother, my soule, my wyff soule and all crysten soulys. The resydew of my goodes to Isabell my wyff, whome I doy make my executrice to dispose for my soule and all crysten soulys. I wyll that Peter Butler be the supervisor of my will. Thyes beyng wytnes, William Ben; John Julyan; Richerd Foxe; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Boston, 23 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of John Neyffe [of Markby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 302d.]
18 February, 1529. I John Neyffe of Markeby ordens and makythe my testament and last will. My body to be buryed in the parysh churche yerde of Markeby, and my best beest of all my catell to be my mortuary. To our Lady werke of Lincoln vjd. To the church warke of Hagworthyngham iiijd. To Hanney gylde vjd. To the high alter of Hagneby vjd. To the highe alter of Markeby for my tithys forgottyn vjd. To our Lady of Pety in the [folio 303] same churche ijd. To the towne altare of Markeby ijd. To the prior of Markeby viijd. To every canon preste within the monastery off Markeby iiijd. To every novys in the same monastery ijd. To the prior and convent of Markeby and to ther successors fowre rygges or buttes of lande lying in the est felde of Markeby betwyxt the lande of Wederwe and the lande of Mr Pare on the west syde, and jonyth on the way on the hygh way [sic] on the northe, for the wich iiij rygges I will that the forsayd prior and hys convent shall do a yerly obbyt for my soulys [sic] and all crysten soulys for evermore, as more playnly expressyd is [in] my last will annexyd to my dede of feoffement. To Emot my servant all such housholde stuff as comme by Catheryne my wyff and her kyn. All my other goodes I gyff them to the disposicion of Thomas Woode, Alan Swanne and Thomas Ingolmelles, whome I make my executors. Thes beyng wytnes, John prior of Markeby; Sir William Waterman, curat ther; Thomas Woode; with certen other.
Proved before P., at Tottyll, 11 May, 1531, by the executors.
The testament of John Thomson of Brandon.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 152.]
18 February, 1529. I John Thomson of Brandon. My body to be beryd in the chyrch of Saynt Rumold of Hogh, and my best gude to be for my mortuary accordyng to the lawe and custome of the cuntre. To the auter for my forgoton tythys viijd. For my layrston in the chyrche of Hogh vjs. viijd. To saynt Rummold chapyll xijd. To the chapill of saynt Lenard of Gelston xxd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln iiijd. To the chapill of Brandon xld. To Sir Renold, (fn. 2) curyt of Welburn, xld. The resydew of my guddes I gyffe to Isabell my wyffe, whom I make my executrix. Thes witnes, John Pers; Milles Clarke; and Ric' Denham, prest; with other mo that was at the makyng of thys will.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 7 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Richard Langer of Halton [Holegate].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 149d.]
23 February, 1529. I Richerd Langer of Halton makes this my last will and testament. I witt my soule, [etc.]. To Agnes my wyff all my landes and housyng within the sayd towne and feldes of Halton terme of her lyff; and aftyr her decease I will that [the premises] reverte to William my sonne; and yff he dy before Agnes hys moder, then I will that all the [premises] be at the dysposicion of the sayd Agnes to gyff and sell at her pleasure. The resydue of my goodes not wytt I gyff to Agnes my wyff, whome I orden my executrix, and John Etton of Borwell, esquyer, supervisor. Thes wytnes, Sir John Syke; and John Toly; and other moy.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 8 March, 1529. Admin. granted, [etc.].
The testament of Robert Wylkynson of Northcotes.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 163d.]
28 February, 1529. I Robert Wylkynson of Northcotes. My body to be buryed in the chyrch yerd of St. Nicholes in Northcotes. I gyff the best cowe that I have to my mortuary. To our Lady of Lincoln iiijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln iiijd. To the highe alter of St. Nicholes of Northcotes ijd. I will have a trentall song for my father soule, my mother soule and myne in the church of Northcotes. To Laurence Wylkynson, my brother. To Thomas Stokes, my brother in lawe, a russet jaket. To Margaret my wyff the house that I wone in for the terme of my yeres, doyng her dewty to the lorde, Sir Wyll'm Askewghe, knyght. To the same Margaret on acr' of past'r grounde lying in a pasture callyd the Lyttyll Etlyng in Northecotes that I dyd hyre of Richerd Pankyll of Northcotes for vj yeres, payng yerly to him for rent, or hys assignes, xiiijd. The resydew of my goodes to Margaret Wylkynson, my wyff, whome I make my executor. I make Sir William Brader supervisor. Wytnes herof, Sir Will'm Brader; Richerd Glouer; Wyll'm Homlle (fn. 3); Marget Wylkynson; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Grymesby, 5 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Richard Panckyll of Northcotes.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 163.]
3 March, 1529. I Richerd Panckyll of Northcotes. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of St. Nicholes in Northcotes. To Sir William Brader my done mare for my mortuary. To our Lady of Lincoln iiijd. To our Lady of Lincoln warke ijd. To the high alter of St. Nicholes of Northcotes viijd. To Mary Magdeleyn in the same church a stawle of bees and a yow hogge. To the gyltyng of the rood lofte in the same church viijd. To Thomas Pankyll, my sone, a fardyng of lande after the decease of my wyff; and yff he dye withowt issue, that then it to remayn to John Panckyll, my sonne. To John Panckyll my sonne a yeryng qwy and a schepe. To Robert my sonne a stake calf, [etc.]. To Margaret and Agnes my doughtters each a lyne whele after the decease of my wyff, [etc.]. To John Pankyll my brother a russyt cote, a sherte, my best bonet, [etc.]. Resydue of my goodes not wytt nor gyffyn I gyff it to Jenet Pankyll my wyff, whome I make my executrix, she for to dispose for the helth and whele of my soule. And I make Thomas Bennet my supervisor. Wytnes, Sir William Brader; John Panckyll; Thomas Bennet; John Francys; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Grymesby, 5 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of John Gray of West Rasen.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 166.]
8 March, 1529. I John Gray, husbandman, of Westrasen. My body to be buryd in the church yerde of All Halloys in Westrasen, with my best good to be my mortuary. I wyt to the high alter of Westrasen viijd., and to the wark viijs. To Myddyllrasen Tupholme church warke ijs. viijd., and to the high alter viijd. To Myddyll Rasen Drax church warke ijs. viijd., and to the high alter viijd. I wyt to our Lady warke of Lincoln viijd. I wyt to the iiij orders of frerys, every order iiijd. I wyt to Sir William Lylle xijd. To every chylde that I have xxvjs. viijd., that is to say William, John, Jenet, Isabell and Elizabeth. I wyt to Richerd Joland and to his doughtter, Anne Joland. The resydue of my goodes to Agnes my wyff, wich Agnes and William my sonne I make my executors. Thes wytnes, Sir William Lylle; John Lammyng; Thomas Norton; Robert Hanson; with many other moy. I will that Robert Johnson of Tevelby be the supervisor.
Proved before P., at Market Rasen, 27 May, 1530. Admin. granted, [etc.].
The testament of John Swyne of Fulstowe.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 175d.]
8 March, 1529. I John Swyne of Fulstowe, husbandman. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of Fulstowe with that that lawe and custome requiryth to be my mortuary. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xd. To the high alter of the same xd. To the high alter of Fulstowe xxd. I bequeth all my lande in Fulstowe and my evidence to Robert Bracebrige, John Greyne and Henry Walkerley for to sell and [folio 176] dispose on parte for my soule and my frende soulys to a prest for to syng for me and them in Fulstowe church halff a yere; and the resydewe to go to the reparacions of the steple. To the vicar of Fulstowe. To the sayd Henry Walkerley and the sayd vicar the barly in the lathe of Thomas Swyne. To Alice Scotte. To our Lady of Marchechapell iiijd. To saynt Bartholomew of Cowthorp iiijd. To the holy roode of Ludburgh iiijd. To saynt Margaret of Kettesby xijd. To St. John of Beuerley iiijd. The resydewe of my goods to Robert Bracebrig, John Grene and Henry Walkerley, whome I make my executors. Thes wytnes, Richerd Ranolde, vic'; William Grene; Thomas Donam; Amors Brian; Alane Store; William Hill; and William Swyne; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Louth, 6 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Thomas Wetherhogge of Thoresway.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 154d.]
12 March, 1529. I Thomas Wetherhogge of Thoresway. My body to be buryd in the churchyerd of our blessyd Lady wythin Thoresway, wyth my dew mortuary. To the hygh alter of the same church xijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To the hygh alter ther iiijd. To John Wetherhogge the yonger. To Thomas, Jasper and William my sonnes. To John Wetherhog, the elder. To Elioner and Agnes my doughters. To Margaret Samesbery and Isabell equally betwene them xxs. To Agnes Samesbery xxs. I wyll have a trentall of messys done for my soule in the parysh church of Thoresway. The resydue of my goodes [folio 155] I will they be disposyd by Elizabeth my wyff and William Wetherhogge as they thynke best, whome I make executors. Thes wytnes, Richerd Dawson, prest; John Odlyn; John Cutt; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 24 April, 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of John Crust of Barnabe.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 163d.]
13 March, 1529. I John Crust off Barnabe, consyderyng the febylnes of my body, [etc.]. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of our Lady in Barnabe. [folio 164] Also my mortuary to be payd after the maner of the contre. I wytt to the high alter of Barnabe iiijd. I wytt to our Lady warkes of Lincoln xijd. I wytt to the chyrch of Barnabe xxd. To the Awstyn frerys of Grymesby xd. I wyt to the Grayfrerys of Gremisby xd. I wyt to John Crust. I wyt to George Crust ten schepe. I wyt to Helene Burne. I wyt to Catheryne Crust. The resydew of my goodes not wytt I gyff to Maryon my wyff, whome I make my full executrice. Thes men beyng wytnes, Sir William Reghmond, vic'; Sir John Akynson [sic], vicar of Haburgh; and Robert Sharpe of Barnabe; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Castr', 4 May, 1530.
The testament of William Smyth [of Honington].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 253.]
14 March, 1529. I William Smyth of Honyngton, husbandman. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of St. Wylfryde of Honyngton. I gyff my best beaste to be my mortuary. To the high alter of Honyngton for tithys forgotten viijd. To our Lady warkes at Lincoln iiijd. To John Smyth, Thomas Smyth and Robert Smyth, my sonnes. To Alice Smyth and Agnes my doughters. To John Barcotes. The resydewe of my goodes to Alice my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Thes wytnes, John Barcotes; John Swanne; and Sir Alex' Mannyng; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Grantham, 22 September, 1530.
The testament of William Mewson [of Candlesby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 211d.]
17 March, 1529. I William Mewson of Candelesby. My body to be buryed in the church of [folio 212] St. Benet of Candelesby. To the parson of Candelesby my best best. To the church of Candelesby vjs. viijd. To our Lady of Lincoln xijd. To Thomas my sonne ten marke of money, when he cumys to the age of xiiij yeres v marke, and when he cumys to the age of xviij yeres other v markes. And yff he dye before the sayd age I will the sayd x marke be devydyd emong my iij doughters. I bequeth xxxs. to a honest preste to say iij trentalles for my soule, for my good frend soulys, and all crysten soulys, in the church of Candelesby. The resydewe of all my goodes to Anne my wyff, whome I make my executrix. I will that Mr John Lytilbery be supervisor. Thes wytnes, Sir Robert Anderson, the parson of Candelesby; Milys Wylkynson; Thomas Hoggeson; John Wylson; and moy.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 5 October, 1530.
The testament of Joan Stevenson of Thorganby.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 166d.]
18 March, 1529. I Jenet Stevynson of Thurganby. My body to be buryd within the quere of the church of All Haloys in Thurganby. To our Lady off Lincoln xijd. To the high alter of Thurganby xijd. To Crystyane my doughter. The resydew of my goodes to Thomas Steuynson, my sone, and Robert Wryght off Waltham, whome I make my executors. Thes wytnes, Sir Robert Gell, parson of Thurganby; Thomas Stevynson; and Robert Wryght; with other.
Proved before P., at Market Rasen, 27 May, 1530.
The testament of Robert Browghton [of Winthorpe].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 302.]
1529. I Robert Browghton of Wynthorpe, seke of body. My body to be buryd in the churchyerde of our Lady in Wynthorp, with my mortuary as the lawe requiryth. To the warkes of our Lady of Lincoln xijd. To the high alter in Wynthorp iiijd. To the high alter of St. Jamys iiijd. To the alter of St. Nicholes iiijd. To the bellys iiijd. To our Lady Pety [sic] iiijd., and to the rode light iiijd. I will to be gyffyn at my buryall xxs., and one trentall to be done at Scala Celi. To William my brother. To my doughter Agnes. [folio 302d.] I make John my brother and my wyff my executors. Resydue of goodes to my wyff to bring up my chylde. Wytnes, Sir John Kyrgat; John Olever; and John Veyll.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 10 May, 1531, by the executors.
The testament of John Etheryngton of Wragby.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 151d.]
1529. I John Etheryngton of Wragby. My body to be buryed in the church of all the sayntes wythin the parysh of Wragby. My mortuary accordyng to the lawe and the order of the churche. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln xijd. To the hygh alter at Wragby viijd. To every order of the frerys at Lincoln xijd. To Anne and Margaret my doughters. I will thre trentalles to be sayd for my soule wythin the parych church of Wragby. To John Fysher the elder. To my syster Elizabeth ij sylver sponys, [etc.]. To John Fysher the yonger. To Mylys Fysher. I wyll that my feoffys stande and be ceasyd of and in all my landes and tenementes in Northe Kyme to the use of Johanne my wyff her lyff naturall; [remainder] to Anne and Margaret my doughters [for life; remainder] to the ryght heyres wher so ever they may be found. Resydue of goodes to Johanne my wyff, the wych I make my executrix. I make Sir George Butler the supervisor, and I gyff him for hys payn my best stagge. Wyttnes herof, Sir Xp'ofer Webster, the vicar of Wragby; Alexander Ryston; Robert Clerke; Thomas Smyth; and Roger Denton; with other moy. Yevyn the day and yere abovesayd.
Proved before P., at Wragby, 12 May, 1530.
The testament of Joan Tonnerd of Kyrton in Holland.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 182.]
1529. I Jennet Tonnard of Kyrton in Holand do make my testament, concludyng with the same my last will. My body to be buryed in the churchyerd of the blessyd apostyll Peter and Paule of Kyrton. I bequeth in the name of my mortuary aftyr the custome of the towne. To the sacrament for negligent tythys iiijd., and to our Lady alter iiijd., and to every alter in the same church ijd. To the orphans at saynt Catheryns in Lincoln ijd., and to the reparacion of our mother church of Lincoln ijd. To Xp'ofor Tonnerd, my sone. To Rose, Margaret and Alice my doughters houshold stuff, [etc.], at the age of xvj yerys; and yff any of them dye or they cum to that age, then I wyll ther parte remane to my chylder lyffyng; and yff they all dye, then I will that all ther partes remane to Xp'ofor my sone. I will that Xp'ofor Bennet, my fader in lawe, have the reversion of my yeres in the mansion gyffyn unto me by the wyll of Thomas Goydson, somtyme my husband. The resydue of my goodes to Xp'ofor Bennet, who I make my executor. And I will that John Hall of Swyneshed be supervisor. Thes wytness', Sir Thomas Ashelay; William Sheperd, of Kyrton; and William Toller.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 21 March, 1529. Admin. granted to the executor.
The testament of Simon Goodhale of Boston.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 159.]
26 March, 1530. I Simond Goodayll of Boston, seke in body. My body to be buryd in the church of saynt Botulphe in Boston. To the hygh alter for tythes forgotten xijd. To our Lady alter ther, yff it may be borne of my goodes, xvjd. To the alter of the appostles Simon and Jude iiijd. To the Trinite gylde within the sayd church, yff it may be borne of my goodes, vs. To the Whyt Freryes in Boston xxd. To the rode within the Austyn Freres ther iiijd. To our mother church of Lincoln vjd. To our Lady wark in Lincoln iiijd. To the orphans of saynt Catheryns withowt Lincoln xijd. To Peter Cooke, my god sun. To every on of my godchyldren. To John Goodale, my brother, xls., so that he do kepe and remember what charge I have bene at for him, that I put to hys conscience. I will that a prest syng a hole yere for my father Grauncer soule, my father soule, my soule and other my frendes soulys and all crysten soulys; and he to have for hys stipend viij markes. The resydue off my goodes I wyll they be devydyd betwyxt Margaret my wyff and John Goodale my son, whome I make my executors. I wyll that John Adamson of Wyberton be supervisor. Thes beyng witnes, Sir William Almonson, prest; Gilbert Dale; John Dale; Thomas Smyth; Richerd Coke; John Thomson; with diverse other.
Proved before P., at Boston, 18 May, 1530.
The testament of John Hurrokes [of Market Rasen].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 406.]
27 March, 1530. I John Hurrokes of the paryshe of Market Rasen, makyth this my last will and testament. My body to be buryed within the churche of St. Thomas the postyll in Market Rasyn. To the churche of Estrasyn xxd. to helpe to [folio 406d.] mayntene it in reparacions. To Thomas the lyttyll boy a matteres, [etc.]. To ichone of my godchyldren. I bequethe my house that I dwell in, whych I holde of Mr John Sheffelde by indenture, duryng my indenture unto William Denys, Richerd Rawlynson and William Robynson to the behove of William Thomas and Cecile hys wyff, hys heyres [and] executors. Resydue of goodes to the sayd William Denys, Richerd Rawlynson and William Robynson to the behove of the sayd William Thomas and Cecill hys wyff, whom I make my executors. I make William, Richerd and William supervisors. Thes beyng wytnes, Hugh Belclyff, preste; John Lanse; William Clarke; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Market Rasen, 15 November, 1531.
The testament of John Pell [of Newton in Aveland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 257.]
27 March, 1530. I John Pell of Newton. My body to be buryed in the churche of saynt Botulphe in Newton. To the high alter xijd. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln xxd. To the motherlesse chylder of St. Catheryns iiijd. [folio 257d.] To William my sonne ij byrlynges on yere of age, on red qwye ij yere olde, a fely iij yeres olde, iiij schepe hogges, [etc.]. To Richerd my sonne. To Alice my doughter on browne cowe dowyd, [etc.], and she to be at the order of her mother. To John my sonne on byrlyng browne on yere olde, [etc.]. To Robert my sonne on byrlyng blak tagyd of on yere olde, iiij shepe hogges, [etc.]. To Thomas my sonne. I will that my wyff cause v messys to be sayd at Scala Celi for my father and my mother, Richerd Bete and my selffe, xxd. To the church of Newton viijs., to be takyn of Whytehouse of Michelmes rente. To my wyff my house in Newton duryng her lyff; and aftyr her decease to remayn to William my sonne and to hys heyres of hys body. Resydewe of goodes to Elizabeth my wyff, whome I make my executrix. In wytnes herof, Sir Michell Cottom, parson; Sir Thomas Pell; Thomas Thomson; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Sleford, 27 September, 1530.
The testament of Thomas Spurre of Myddelrasen.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 177d.]
30 March, 1530. I Thomas Spurre of Myddell Rasen, concernyng man to be mortall, makyth my last testament. My body to be buryed in the body of the churche of sanytes Peter and Paule of the sayd towne wher I am a paryshinor, yff the parysh will be contente with xlty pennys, or ellys to ly wher it shall lyke my frendes; and my mortuary to be takyn as the contre requiryth. I will the day of my buryall a li. waxe be burnyd abowt the herse, and a dirige with v messys to be done with v prestes. Also I wyll that xs. in bred be gyffyn in almys the same day. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xxd. I will that restitucion be mayd upon my landes unto William Spure, Stephyn Spur or other heyres, by the advyse of Thomas Thorpe the elder and Humfrey Spurre, prest, aftyr conscience for recompence of my father wyll. I wyll that the reste of my lande with the proffytes theroff remayn unto Catheryne my wyff and my chyldren so long as she kepyth her sole; and aftyr she be maryed, it to remane to the heyres of my blode, and then the chylder to be in custody of the next of my blode, and they to have the rewle of my landes to the proffytes of my chyldren to the tyme they be off xxj yeres of age; and then as ther frendes and they lyke. To olde Dawson a sleveles jaket. To Robert Robertson a dudkyn jyrkyn. To my brother William a rossyt frese cote. To my brother Stephyn my red nyght bonnet. To Henry Spurre, my brother Thomas Spur sonne of Scarthoo, a doble strypyd bonnet. To on of the Frerys Austyns to say a messe at Scala Celi iiijd. I wyll that a dyscret prest syng a trentall for my soule wher I shall be buryed in tym convenient to cum. Resydewe of goodes unto Catheryne my wyff and my chyldren, and she to be my full executrix and to dispose parte for my [folio 178] soule and all crysten soulys aftyr her dyscrestion; and my brother [sic] William and Stephyn to be supervisors. Thes wytnes, Sir Peter Thomson, vic' of the sayd towne; John Walker; William Cowper; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 31 July, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of William Woodfurth of Farlesthorp,[gentleman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 226.]
30 March, 1530. I William Woodfurth of Farlesthorpe. My body to be buryed within the church of St. Andrew of Farlestrop, and that that the lawe requiryth to be my mortuary. To our Lady of Lincoln xxd. To our mother church of Lincoln xxd. To the high alter of Farlesthorp for forgottyn tithys iijs. iiijd. To the lighttes in the same church vjs. viijd. To the churche of Farlesthorp xls. To the orders of Frerys in Lincoln and Boston, every order of them vjs. viijd. To the churche of Alforde xls. To every on of the churchys bowndyng apon the feldes of Farlesthorp iijs. iiijd. To the churche of Hoggesthorp xxs. To the churche of Barton Sygrave in Northampton shyre besydes Keteryng, wher I was borne xls. To the churches of Helloy, Ryxby and Olsby iijs. iiijd. To Alice Spenleff, my doughter, the best feder bed save on at Helloff, [etc.]. [folio 226d.] To John Ormesby. To Thomas and George sonnys of the sayd John Ornesby. To Dorothe and Johan doughters of the sayd John Ornesby, either of them xls. when they cum at lawfull age. To William Ornesby vl. to be delyveryd to hys master at Lundon, wich Master Marbury hath fest hym withall; and yff he decease before that he cum forthe of hys prentischyp, the vl. to be delyveryd ageyn to my executors. To Henry Woodford, my brother, my gray amblyng geldyng, [etc.]. To Thomas Gersham, my servant; William Lere; John Edwarde; John Scherpe. Resydewe of goodes to Jane my wyff. I make the sayd Jane, John Madyson and Rayff Grene my executors. Mr William Skypwyth to be supervisor, and I gyff to hym for hys labor vl. and on amblyng stage. Thes wytnes, Sir John Wollay, vicar of Farlesthorp; John Awngewyn, esqwyer; Ric' Woodforde of Skendylbe; Robert Baldyng of Alforde; with oder moy.
Thys is the last will off me William Woodforde of Farlesthorpe in the countie of Lincoln, gentilman, mayd 30 March, 1530, 21 Henry VIII, concernyng the disposicion of all my landes and ten'tes beyng freholde, set in the paryshes of Farlesthorp, Alford, Woodethorpe and Orby in the countie of Lincoln, and off all other my landes frehold in the same countie, and of myn annuite or annuall rent off iiijl. xs. owt of the abbay of Revesby, that is to wytt, I will that all my landes and ten'tes in Orby shalbe solde be my executors, [folio 227] and the money I will shall be applyed for the payment of my dettes, [etc.]. I will that on prest shall syng for my soule and all crysten soulys in the churche of Farlesthorpe by the space of xxty yeres, and to have for hys wagys yerly fyve poundes. To Alice Spenlyff, my doughter, xls. yerly. To John and William her chyldren yerely either of them xls. To Helene Woodford, my brother John wyff, dewryng her lyff, xiijs. iiijd., and she to enter therto at Mayday next aftyr my decease. To Edward Ornesby yerly unto the tyme that he be of the age of xxvty yeres xls. to fynde hym at scole therwyth. To William Frythe, my servant, xiijs. iiijd., yerly dewryng hys lyff. To Richerd Woodford yerly dewryng hys lyff xls. I will that Jane my wyff have the use and receyve the rentes of all my sayd landes excepte the landes in Orby dewryng hyr lyff, she payng all the severall sommys of money to the persons above namyd, [etc.]. [folio 227d.] I will that aftyr [her and their] deceases my sayd landes, excepte the landes in Orby and the annuite, shall remane to Alice Spenlyff, my doughter, and to the heyres of her body; [remainder in succession in tail] to Richerd Woodford and Rose Ornesby. To Jane my wyff my sayd annuite of iiijl. xs. for terme of her lyff; [remainder to] my cosyn John Awngewyn, to hym and to hys heyres for ever. To Jane my wyff all my copyholdes dewryng my yeres.
Proved before P., at Alford, 6 October, 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.