Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1918.
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'Lincoln wills: 1530 (April-June)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530, ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].
'Lincoln wills: 1530 (April-June)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,
"Lincoln wills: 1530 (April-June)". Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.
In this section
1530 (April-June)
The testament of Richard Palmer [of Frieston].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 199.]
1 April, 1530. I Richerd Palmer of Freston. My body to be buryed in the church of St. Jamys in Freston. I bequeth for my mortuary after the custome of the cuntre. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln. To the high alter in Freston for tithys forgotten. To St. Jamys in Freston. To our Lady of Pety in Freston. To St. Sythe in Freston. To St. Fryday in Freston. To St. Lowe in Freston. To Ric' Bloke ij acres of arable land lying in Crane Hyll, late the land of Robert Wyffyns, in fee symple. To Jenet Simon on acr' of lande arable and di' lying in Shorte Grove, and to her heyres of her body; [remainder] to the ryght heyres againe. The resydew of my landes and of my goodes I gyff to my ij systers Jenet and Isabell, whome I do make my executors. [folio 199d.] Thes beyng wytnes, William Crosley; Richerd Robbytes; Henry Hawden; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Freston, 11 August, 1530.
The testament of Thomas Cappe [of Normanton, gentleman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 259d.]
2 April, 1530. I Thomas Cappe of Normanton, gent., seke of body. My body to be buryed within the churche of St. Nicholes within the towne of Normanton. To my mortuary as the lawe dothe require. To our mother churche of Lincoln, and to the warkes therof xijd. To the high alter of Normanton for forgotten tithys viijd. To the fatherles chylder of St. Catheryns of Lincoln vjd. To Jane my wyff all my goodes, [etc.], to the fyndyng and bryngyng up of all my yong chyldren. To Johanne my wyff all my purchesyd landes that I have taken for terme of yeres, terme of lyff, or aftyr the custom of the manor, duryng her lyff, yff so be that she continew unmaryed; and aftyr her decease to remayn to my next heires of my body. Also I will that Mr Jamys Mallet, clerke, Sir Gyles Husey, knyght, and Sir John Thymolby, knyght, with other moy of my trusty and sewer feoffers, stande styll feoffyd in all my landes to such use as more playnly dothe appere in a dede of feoffement mayd by me for certen of my yonger chylder. I will that Johanne my wyff be my executrix. Resydewe of goodes to Jane my wyff to dispose for the helthe of my soule, [etc.], by the oversyght of Mr Jamys Mallet, whome I orden supervisor. These wytnes, Wylliam Leeke, gent'; John Cappe, the elder, gent'; Robert Dyxson; with many other.
Proved before P., at Cathorp, 28 September, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Robert Colle alias Stevenson of Boston, [priest].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 157.]
2 April, 1530. I Robert Colle, otherwyse callyd Stevenson, of Boston, prest. I wyt my soule, [etc.]. My body to be buryd in the church yerde of saynt Botulphe of Boston, with my mortuary after the law. To the hygh alter in the sayd church for tythys forgotten xxd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To the highe alter at Lincoln viijd. To the fatherles chyldren withowt the barrys at Lincoln vjd. To the gylde of the Seven Martyrs in Boston viijd. To William Colle, my brother, xls. To Elizabeth Kyrkton, my syster, a blew coverlyd, a pare of schetes, a peloy, a blankyt, ij pewter dyshes, the les panne, a brandryth, a lyttyll kettyll, a lyttyl posnet, for the terme of her lyff; and aftyr her decease to remane to Alice her doughter, yff she lyff, and the sayd Elizabeth stand not in nede to sell it, [etc.]. To Ric' Colle, my broder son, a table of waynscott, a gret charger, ij pewter platters, a basyn of lattyn and a laver, a candylstyk of lattyn, ij podigers of pewter, [etc.]. To William Colle, my broder sun. And yff ether of them decease or they cum to the age of xviij yeres, then I will ether of them be other heyres; and yff they bothe decease, I wyll the stuff be disposyd for me and all crysten soulys. I wytt to Margaret Colle, my broder doughter. I wyll that my bee hyvys be devydyd emonges my broder and my syster chylder, so that William Greve of Helpryngham have on hyve. To Isabell Poynter, otherways May, my hostys, vs. To my lady Ankcrys xijd. I wyll that a trentall be sayd for me immediatly after my decease at Scala Celi for my soule and the sowlys of Godfrey and Elizabeth [folio 157d.] my fader and mother. And aftyrwarde, my will fulfyllyd, I will have a prest to syng for my soule and the soulys off my fader and mother and all crysten soulys in the church of saynt Botulphe in Boston as long as my goodes may extende. I make Sir Ric' Coke, prest, executor. Thes beyng wytnes, John Rokerey, prest; John Woodhouse, prest; and William Greue of Helpryngham; wyth other moy. To the Freres Minors in Boston my surples.
Proved before P., at Boston, 17 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executor.
The testament of John Madyson [of Marsh Chapel, yeoman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 217d.]
2 April, 1530. I John Madyson off Marshchapell, yoman. My body to be buryed in the churche of our Lady at the Marshechapell, and that thyng to be my mortuary that the law will. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To the church of Marschapell for my buryall ther vjs. viijd., and to the church of Fulstowe xvjd. To the high alter of Marschapell for my forgottyn tithys xijd., and to a pare of new organs at the forsayd Marschapell xiijs. iiijd., and to the church of Syxill vjd. To the gylde of our Lady at Garnthorpe to be mayd a brother therin vjs. viijd. yerly to the summe of iiijl. be runne and payd, the wich money shall be takyn of a close callyd Shypcoteclose; and for defawte of payment yt shall be lefull to the masters of the sayd gylde to strene of the sayd grounde for the rent. To the church of Northcotes vjd.; also I will that a trentall of messes be sayd for my soule. To Robert Madyson my brother and to hys heyres and assygnes all my landys and tenementes beyng within the lordschyp of Fulstowe or Fulstowe Marshe. And I will that my feoffers release and gyff [folio 218] hym state therein. To Arthure my cosyn. To John my brother. To every on of my godchyldren beyng with in towne of Marshchapell. Also it is my wyll that every on of my servantes and pore frendes that was with me at my departyng have sumwhat to pray for me to the valour of a pare of hose or a kyrchyff, at the mynde of my gostly father. To Elizabeth my wyff the thyrde parte off my moveable goodes not bequethyd; and to my ij chyldren [or the survivor of them] the secund parte of my goodes. Also I will that my chyldren partes be knawne what it cumyth too, and bothe the chylder and ther goodes be put to Robert Madyson, my brother, and be att hys governance to they be hable and disposyd to mariage, [etc.]. And yff they bothe dye, I will ther goodes be disposyd for ther soulys and for the soulys of our good frendes. Also I wyll that the thyrde parte be disposyd for the helthe of my soule by the sight of Robert Madyson, my brother, and John Madyson, my cosyn, whome I make my executors. Thes beyng wytnes, Sir Richerd Raynolde, vicar; Sir Thomas Fynnay, curat'; Will'm Madeson; and John Gonny; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Louthe, 7 October, 1530.
The testament of Robert Blawe of Tofte [by Newton].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 161d.]
3 April, 1530. I Robert Blaw of Tofte next Newton, makys thys my last wyll. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of Peter and Paull of Tofte. To the high alter. I will that the parson have aftyr my decease xs. for tythys forgotten. To the church warke. To our Lady warke of Lincoln. To every order of frerys with in the sayd citie. To every on of my godchyldren. To Xp'ofer Dawse and Jenet Browne, my servands. I wyll have a trentall of messys for the helth of my soule. I wyll that Water West have xijd. or a lamme, wheder he wyll. I wyll that the resydue of my goodes be devydyd in thre partes, the fyrst to my wyff, the secund to my chyldren and the thyrde to pay my dettes and bryng me to the grounde. The resydue of my parte I wyll it remayn to to the behove of my chyldren [at lawful age]. I wyll that Agnes my wyff shall have the kepyng on my ij yongest chyldren and ther partes dewryng her wedoyhod, and she to bryng them up, yff she fynd sewerty to Richerd Nayllor, my broder to in law, [etc.]. Also I wyll that the sayd Richerd shall have my eldest sonne and hys parte for to fynd hym att scolle, and makyng hym a prest, yff it please God to send hym hellyght. To Robert Gayryng of Newton next Tofte. I wyll that Mr Henry Hansard shall have the vs. iiijd. for gyffyn hym that he hause me, and he to be good Mr to my wyff and my chyldren. I ordeyne Agnes my wyff and Richerd Naylor, my broder, myne executors. Thes beryng wytnes, Syr Robert Langlay, the parson; Syr William Cartewryght, the parson of Newton; Thomas Spaldyng; John Lockyt; Water West; Oliuer Hopkyn; Robert Westmerland; wyth other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 22 April, 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of W. Knollis [of South Reston].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 385.]
3 April, 1530. I William Knollys off South Reston. My body to be buryed in the church yerde off St. Edithe of Southreston. To our Lady warke of Lincoln vjd. To the high altare of Southreston for forgotyn tithys viijd. To William my sun. Resydue of goodes to Elizabeth my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Thes wytnes, Sir Robert Page, preste of the sayd towne; and John Norton of the same; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Tottyll, 13 March, 1530.
[The testament of Sir Thomas Kendall, parson of Wadingham St. Peter].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 280d.]
4 April, 1530. I Sir Thomas Kendall, parson of sent Peter in Wadingham, makes and ordens my testament. My body to be beryed in the chore of sent Peter in Wadingham. I bequethe for my mortuary as the law requires. To the warkes of our mother church of Lincoln xxd. To the lyght of sent Hewes hede iiijd. To the warkes of sent Peter churche in Wadingham vjs. viijd. toward byying of a vestment; and to the church warkes of sent Mares in Wadingham iijs. iiijd. To the churche warkes of Redburn xijd. To the stepull of Grayngham xxd. To Thomas Androw the yonger; William Androw; Esabell Andrew, William Andrew doughter; [folio 281] Jane Androwe, Thomas Andrew doughter; Jaret Andrew; Agnes Andrew, Elsabet Andrew and Essabell Andrew, chylder to Thomas Andrew; Alyson Andrewe doughter to William Andrew; Robert Halley; my gode doughter, Elsabet Gardyner; Thomas Knyght, my godsonne; every of my god chylder; Jenet Robynson; Margaret Andrew; and Thomas Sarganson wyfe. I bequethe one trentall for to be doon for my soule. To every house of the iiij orders of Freers of Lincoln iiijd. To Sir Alex' Castylforth a sylver spone. To Sir William Sorthworth a sylver spone. The resydue of my goodes not geven ne bequethid I gyve unto my executors, that is to witt, Thomas Andrew the elder and Agnes Burrett. I wyll that Henry Gardyner be the supervisour, and he to have for his besenes xs. Thies witnes, Sir William Sothworth; Sir Alex' Castilforth; Henry Burnbe; Thomas Stoddard; Robert Halley; Robert Coke; and William Steuynson; with other moe.
[No probate act.]
The testament of John Gray [of Calcethorpe].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 216.]
5 April, 1530. I John Gray of Calestrop. My body to be buryed in the church of St. Fayth of Calestrop. I wyt to the church iiij quarters of malte. I wyt to our Lady of Lincoln xxd. I wyt to our Lady warke xxd. To Jenet my cosyn. I wytt to Kelston chyrch xijd. I wyt to Southelkyngton church xijd. To Welton church xijd. I will that a trentall be sayd for my soule helthe. Also I wyll that my goodes be devydyd in thre partes, my wyff to have on parte, my chylder another, and the thyrd parte I will that my wyff and Gregory my sonne, whome I make my executors, dispose for the helthe of my soule. Thes beyng wytnes, Sir John Gray; Sir Richard Grey; and Thomas Dowse.
Proved before P., at Louthe, 7 October, 1530.
The testament of John Okyse [of Authorpe].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 225d.]
6 April, 1530. I John Okyse of Awthorp. My body to be buryd in the church of St. Margaret in Awthorpe. I wytt to our Lady warke of Lincoln ijs. To the high alter of our Lady in the same monastery ijd. To St. Hugh hed in the same ijd. I wytt to the high alter in Awthorp church viijd. To the ij lyghttes of the same alter iiijd. To the lighttes callyd the Wesayll in the same church iiijd. To the commun light in the same churche iiijd. I do wyt to the buyldyng of the gyldehouse in Awthorpe iijs. iiijd. I wyt to the parysh churche of Mukton xijd. To the churches of Northreston, Southreston, Castyll Carlton and Tottyll. To the chapell of St. Peter in Claythorpe xvjd. To the parysh church in Helloy and to the churches in Abe and Thoresbe. To St. Margaret church in Swaby. To the church of St. Nicholes in the same. I wyt to Jenet my syster vs. To William Houpe of Claythorpe my gawberdyne of tawny, [etc.]; and to Thomas Houpe his sonne a jaket of tawny, my swerde and my bukler. To Sir John Houpe my gowne with a whyt furre, [etc.]. To my wyff a mare that ambylls, [etc.]. I wyt to John Raner and Margaret hys wyff and hys iiij chylder. To Margaret Howpe and to her doughter. I will that Sir John Howpe do syng for me and all crysten soulys the space of on yere or ellys on other honest prest, and he to have to hys wagys iiijl. xiijs. iiijd. I will that my executors do dele at my buryall xls. I wyt to every god barne that I have iiijd. The resydewe of my goodes not wyt nor gyffyn I do wyt and gyff to Margaret my wyff, [folio 226] William Howpe and Sir John Howpe, whome I orden my executors. Hiis testibus, Thomas Veyll, prest; John Johnson, yeman; John Paryt; with other mo.
I wyll that the landes that I have in wed set be in the handes of William Howpe the tyme of viij yeres, and I wyll that he pay to Sir John Howpe yerly the tyme of viij yeres xiijs. iiijd., and hym selffe to have the lande at the ende of the viij yeres everlastyng aftyr.
Proved before P., at Louth, 7 October, 1530.
The testament of Thomas Westrope of Staynton [in le Vale].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 164.]
6 April, 1530. I Thomas Westrope of Staynton in le valy. My body to be buryed in the church of St. Androy of Staynton. To the supportacion of the same church for my grave vjs. viijd. To the high alter off our cathedral church of Lincoln xijd. To the supportacion of our Lady warke of the same xijd. To Kyrmond chyrch vjd. To Teylby, Walysby and Thuresway churches. To the Whyte Frerys of Lincoln for celebratyng halff a trentall of messys vs. To on prest for celebratyng halffe on yere ls. To every on of my god chylder beyng in lyff iiijd. I wyll that my executors offer xijd. that day that William Parker synges hys fyrst messe. To Thomas Westrop, the sonne of my sonne Robert Westrop. I wyll that Sir Anthony Bennet, prest, be supervisor. To John my sonne my messuage and all the beyldynges, landes, [etc.], therto belongyng as I have occupyed it before. Resydue of goodes to my wyff and to my sonne John, whome I make my executors. Thies beyng wytnes, Sir John Manknolle, parson of the forsayd Staynton; Sir Anthony Bennet, chapland; Mr John Enderby; Thomas Westrope, the yonger; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Castr', 4 April, (fn. 1) 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of John Wytton of Herby, [co. Nottingham].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 153.]
6 April, 1530. I John Wytton of Herby. My body to be buryed in the chyrchyerd of Peter and Paule of Herby. To our mother chyrch of Lincoln vjd. To the hygh alter of Herby iiijd. To the sanctus candylls on pownde wax. To our Lady lyght of Herby iiijd. To every god chylde that I have iiijd. To Agnes Smyth, Ame Todde, Agnes Taylour and Agnes Todde all the inwarde good in my house to be chyftyd emonges them. The resydue of my good I gyff to Ric' Wytton, my sonne, wich I make my executor for to dispose for me and for my wyff and for all my benefactors. Thes wytnes, Thomas Wytton; Ric' Ferrer; Thomas Smyth; with many others.
Proved before P., at Spillesby, 10 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executor.
The testament of Thomas Wellys of Lincoln, smyth.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 152d.]
9 April, 1530. I Thomas Wellys of the parysh of sanct Botulphe within the suburbys of the citie of Lincoln. My body to be buryd in the church of saynt Botulphe. To the church for lying therin iijs. iiijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln iiijd. To the hygh alter of saynt Botulphe for tythys forgotten iiijd. To saynt Botulphe iiijd. To Margaret Ley. To Thomas Lowfte a vice and dowblyt. To Thomas Belton a stedy. To the iiij orders of frerys every on of them iiijd. Resydue of goodes to Alice my wyff, whome I orden my executrix to dispose for the helth of my soule, wyth good counsell of William Quarryngton, whome I make my supervysor. To Alice my wyff my yeres of my farme, or her assignes. Thes wyttnes, Daue Colson; Mr Quarryngton; John Emondson.
Proved before P., in the cathedral church of Lincoln, 7 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of W. Dekynson [of Gayton le Marsh, husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 321.]
10 April, 1530. I William Dykynson of Gaton, husbandman. My body to be buryd in the cherche yerde of Gaton as nygh unto the place where as the body of my wyff afore departyd lyith as it can be devysyd by the discrestion of my executrix. To the high alter of St. George of Gaton iiijd. To my doughtter Margaret. To Thomas my sonne. To William my sonne on acr' of past'r grounde, the wich was gyffyn unto me by my godfather. To our Lady of Lincoln warke iiijd. To the parysh prest of Gaton ijd. The rest of my goodes to Agnes my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Thes being present, Sir John Red, prest; Richerd Ryby; William Cansby; and Robert Webster, husbandman; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Tottyll, 13 March, 1530, by the executrix.
The testament of William Palmer [of Carlton Scroop, husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 207d.]
10 April, 1530. I William Palmer of Carleton Scrop, husbandman. My body to be buryed in the churche of saynt Nicholes of Carleton Scrope. I bequeth my mortuary as the law requiryth. To the churche of Carleton Scrope xxvjs. viijd. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln iijs. iiijd. To the churches of Hough, Honnyngton, Barston, Ancastr' and Normanton. To the chapels of Gelstone and Sudbruke. To Thomas Palmer and Phylip Palmer my sonnes [each] ij oxen, ij horse and a bunwayn, [etc.]. [folio 208] To Isabell Palmer, my doughter. To Margaret Godsalffe, Rawff Bakon, Robert Glossyt, Richerd Wylson and Thomas Cutberte. To every on of my godchyldren iiijd. To Sybell Palmer, my wyff, on tenement wyth the appurtenaunces lying in the parysh of Carleton Scrope betwene a tenandry of Sir Edward Nevell, knyght, wich is in the fermyng now off Will'm Morres, on the southe, and a close of the sayd Sir Edward Nevell on the northe, wich is in the fermyng now of John Torry the yonger, the kynges high way on the est and weste. To the sayd Sybbell ij cotage housys in the sayd parysh, lying betwene a cotage of the sayd Sir Edward Nevell, wich is now in the fermyng of Robert Fawkener, on the sowthe, and a tenand of the aforesayd Sir Edward on the northe, the wich is in the fermyng of William Morres aforesayd, the kynges high way on the este and weste. The aforesayd tenement and ij cotages with all ther appurtenances ar to be had and to be holdyn to the foresayd Sybell for the terme of her lyff yff she kepe her a wedoy; and yff soe be that she be maryed she shall have but the ij cotage housys; and aftyr her decease I will that she shall gyff the sayd ij cotages houses to on of my chyldren and hyrs, the wich she thynkyth most nedefull to have them. Yff so be that she be maryed agayn, then I will that the foresayd heyd tenement shall remayn to Thomas Palmer, my sonne. And yff she be not maryed, I wyll that, aftyr her decease, it shall remayn to Thomas Palmer, my sonne; [remainder, after his decease], [folio 208d.] to the heyre male. I will that yff Thomas my sonne be not hable to mayntene and kepe it he shall not sell it but to on of hys bretherne or to on of the nexte of hys kin of the same name. I make Sybell my wyff and Robert Palmer, my sonne executors. To Reynold Collette, whome I make supervisor, iijs. iiijd. Thes wytnes, Sir John Farnesfelde; Renold Colyt; Robert Smyth; Thomas Roper; William Morres; wyth other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 7 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Agnes Beall of Estrasen.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 186.]
11 April, 1530. I Agnes Beall of Estrasen. My body to be buryed in the church of saynt Thomas the apostyll off the sayd Rasen. To Mr Vicar of the sayd Rasyn for tithys forgottyn my red bullok. To the hygh alter iijs. iiijd. To our Lady chapell. To our Lady wark of our mother chyrch of Lincoln viijd. To every of the iiij orders of frerys in Lincoln xxd. To Henynges abbey vjs. viijd. To Wallyngwellys abbey vjs. viijd. To Matersa abbey iijs. iiijd. To Grenefelde abbey xxd. To Vpton, Tofte and Newton churches. To Margaret Hynde. To George Roche and Thomas Roche yerly vjs. viijd. [each, during his life], and it to be takyn of my landes. To Sir Hugh Bylclyff iijs. iiijd. to pray for my soule. To Margaret Hynd; yong William Roche; Dorothe Roche; Elizabeth Bryght of Lincoln; Agnes Johnson, my servaunt; and Cecile Turner, my servaunt. To William Roche the elder all my landes, [etc.], within the townes and feldes of Estrasen, Medylrasen, Newton and Tofte, to hym and to hys heyres or assygnes for evermore. Resydue of goodes to the sayd William Roche, whome I make my executor. Thyes beyng wytnesses, Sir Hugh Bylclyff off Estrasen; John Pulley of the same; William Rawlynson of the same; David Whyte of the same; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 18 April, 1530. Admin. granted to the executor.
The testament of Robert Brynkyll of Braunceton.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 156.]
11 April, 1530. I Robert Brynkyll. My body to be buryed in the church of All Sayntes in Braunceton. To the hygh alter of All Sayntes in Braunceton for tithys forgotten xvjd. To our Lady warkes in Lincoln vjd. To Marget my wyff halffe of my goodes in the towne and also in the feldes. To Hamond and Robert my sones. I wyll that John Brynkyll, my sone, have harnes for a man to hys body in kepyng the space of xxty yeres yff it be not callyd to the kynges nedes; and att the ende of xxty yeres I gyff the sayd harnes to Hamond Brynkyll, my sun, yff he lyff to that tyme. To Wylliam Pearson. To Robert Brynkyll, my broder sun. To my god chyldren every on singler a hogge schepe. To the churchwarkes of Alsayntes of Braunceton iijs. iiijd. I wyll that a trentall of messys be celebrat at thre days for the helthe of my soule; and therfore to be payd xs. Resydue of goodes to Margaret my wyff, John Brynkyll my sun, and William Halley, for to dispose it for the helthe of my soule; and I make them my executors. Thes wytnes, Sir William Hazard, curat; William Barcar; and Hamond Barcar; with many others.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 13 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Robert Butler of Graynesby.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 162d.]
11 April, 1530. I Robert Butler of Granysby. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of St. Nicholes of Granesby. I bequeth my red horse to the high alter of Granesby for tithys negligently forgotten. To our Lady of Lincoln warke viijd. To Anne and Johanne my doughters. To Alyson, a lyttyll maydyn that I dyd bryng up for God sake, on cowe. To the church of Granesby vs. Elizabeth my wyff to be my executrix. The resydewe of my goodes I wyll that my wyff dispose for my soule. Thies wytnes, Sir John Woode; William Waltham; Robert Geffrayson; et aliis.
Proved before P., at Grymesby, 5 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Nicholas Rumford [of Frieston].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 200d.]
11 April, 1530. I Nicholas Rumford of Freston. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of St. Jamys in Freston; and to my mortuary after the custome of the cuntre. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln iiijd. To the high alter in Freston for tithys forgotten iiijd. To St. Jamys in Freston ijd. To St. Sithe in Freston ijd. To our Lady of Pety in Freston ijd. To Elizabeth my wyff. To Alice, Agnes and Isabell my iij doughters. [folio 201] To Nicholas Bustard, Nicholas Mayden, Jenet Gyltofte, Alice Crowe and Richard Cooke. Resydewe of goodes to Robert Rumford, whome I make my executor. I will that John Mayden be the supervisor. Thes wytnes, John Beame; John Huttyng; and William Crowe; with other moy. I will that Jenet Bustard, Alice and Agnes my doughters have my house with the grene under it and the purtenaunces in fee symple.
Proved before P., at Freston, 11 August, 1530.
The testament of Thomas Rodley of Halton [Holegate].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 153d.]
12 April, 1530. I Thomas Rodley of Halton in Lyndesay make my testament, therin concludyng my last will, [etc.]. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of saynt Androy in Halton. To the hygh alter ther for tythys forgotten xijd. To every alter besyd in the same church iiijd. To our Lady of Lincoln for offerynges forgotten vjd. To our Lady warkes there vjd. To the makyng of saynt George in Halton church xs. To Thomas my sonne a brewyng lede, ij kelyng leades and my great brasse pott, a laver and the laver stone, a cownter, a pare of bedstokes, my reconnys and hookes that hang in the chymney, a laver, a chafyng dyshe, [etc.]; and yff he dy or he cum at laufull age, then the stuff shall be devydyd emong my doughters by the discrestion of my wyff. I wyll that every on of my iiij doughters, Johanne, Dorothy, Grace and Jenet, have at the day of ther mariage fyve markes. [folio 154] I wytt to Catheryne my wyff my hed messuage with as muche lande as cumys to the valew of iijl. by yere, for the terme of her lyff; and after her decease I will it retorne to Thomas my sonne and to his heyres and hys assygnes. And yff it so fortune that Catheryne my wyff and Thomas my sonne cannot agre upon thys my gyfte, then I wyll that the sayd Catheryne have a house callyd Tynker house with as mych land as cumys to the valew of iijl. by the yere for the terme of her lyff; and aftyr her decease to retorne agane to my heyres in forme aforesayd. I bewyt unto sum habyll prest to syng for me and all my good frendes on quarter of a yere in the parysh church of Halton xxvjs. viijd. I bewytt unto every god chylde that I have iiijd. I will that my qwestes afore beqwest and my dettes be taken of my feoffys of trust. The resydue of my goodes I gyff unto Catheryne my wyff, whom I orden my executrix. In wytnes wheroff I forsayd Thomas dyd wryte the coppy with my awn hand with other wytnes besyde, that is for to say, Sir Thomas Leyke; Ric' Fene; John Halyday; and Sir John Syc' (fn. 2); with other moy.
Proved before P., at Spyllesby, 10 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Thomas Vncle of Bollyngbroke.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 153.]
12 April, 1530. I Thomas Vncle of Bollyngbroke. My body to be buryed in the kyrkgarth of the appostelles Peter and Paule of Bollyngbrok. To the hygh alter for tithys forgotten or wythdrawn xijd. To the sepulcre lyght viijd. To all halloys lyght viijd. To the lyght of the holy Trinitie iiijd. To the lyght of sanct Peter iiijd. To the lyght of our blessyd Lady of grace iiijd. I bequeth toward the reparacions upon the bellys xijd. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln viijd. To John, Thomas, Helene and Agnes [my children, under 16 years of age]. Resydue of goodes unto Jenet my wyff, whome I make executrix, to thys intent she shall fulfyll my testament and norysh and bryng up all my chyldren unto they be habyll for to defence for them selff and to gett and labor for ther lyffyng. Thes beyng wytnes, Robert Cowper, prest; Robert Waltham; Peter Borwell; Thomas White; and William Hamond; with other of Bollyngbrok.
Proved before P., at Spillesby, 10 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Thomas Dykynson [of Leake].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 206.]
16 April, 1530. I Thomas Dykynson of Leeke. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of Leeke. In the name of my mortuary that the law requiryth. To the anornament of the high alter in Leeke churche viijd. To every other alter iiijd. for tithys forgotten xijd. To the pore chyldren at saynt Catheryns with owt Lincoln iiijd. I bequeth liijs. iiijd. to on preste to syng in the churche of Leek by the space of halffe on yere to pray for my soule, the soulys of my father and mother and all crysten soulys. To Margaret and Isabell my doughters liijs. iiijd. [each at the age of sixteen]. To Margaret Dyckynson, my wyff, my capitall messuage lyinge in Leeke and Leuerton, callyd Vpton house, with xv acres land arable and past'r under it lying, xj acres past'r in the Moos, on acr' and on roode lying in Furlong, with iiij acres in the same felde past'r, to the terme of her lyff; [remainder as to] the iiij acres in Furlonges to my too doughters Margaret and Isabell; [and as to] Vpton house with all my other landes to John Dykynson, my sonne, and to hys heyres and assignes, when he cumys to the age of xxjty yeres; [remainder] to Margaret and Isabell my doughters, and to ther heyres and assignes, when they cum to laufull age; [remainder as to] my capitall messuage with xv acres lande under it lying, and xj acres in the Moos, to William Roper, my kynsman, and to hys heyres of hys body, of thys condicion, that he or hys heyres shall kepe on obbyt in the kyrke of Leeke the Sunday next aftyr saynt Gregory day by the space of fowre score yeres and xix for my soule, my wyff saule, my father and mother saulys, my chylder saulys and all crysten soulys, waryng every yere xxs. of the sayd obbyt, and to gyff in almys in the towne of Leek; [remainder] to the kyrke wardens of Leek, to my feffys and to the master of the chauntre in Muston; they to sell the lande and to fynde a preste to sing in the kyrke of Leek, as long as the money will laste, for my soule and all crysten soulys. Also I wyll that yff Margaret and Isabell my doughters dy before they cum to laufull age, the iiij acres past'r lying in Furlonges remane to John my sonne and to hys heyres and assygnes when he cumys to lawfull age; [remainder to] be solde by the kyrke wardens of Leeke, my feoffes and the master of the chauntre in Muston, and the money to be waryd of an alter in saynt Thomas qwere in the kyrke of Leek, and the overplus to be waryd of the buyldyng of the northe yle in Leeke churche; and also the acr' and on roode past'r lying in Furlonges to be solde and waryd accordyng to the iiij acres before namyd. Also I will that Margaret my wyff have the kepyng of my ij doughters to they cum to xviij yeres. Also I wyll that Margaret my wyff have my swannys and my swannemarke to the terme of her lyff; and then to remane to John my sonne. Yff he dye or he cum to lawfull age, I will the swannys with the marke be solde, and the money to be devydyd betwyxt my ij doughters. To Master John Thameworth vjs. viijd. Resydewe of goodes to Margaret my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Thies wytnes, Sir John Fendyke; Thomas Fysher, elder; John Hopkynson; and Thomas Fysher, yonger; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Freston, 11 August, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Thomas Wyngot of Welton [le Wold].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 154.]
17 April, 1530. I Thomas Wyngot of Welton next Louth. My body to be buryed in the chyrch yerde of saynt Androy (fn. 3) of Welton. I wyt to the warke of the cath' church of Lincoln vjd. I wytt to the church of saynt Androy of Welton xijd. To the hyghe alter of the same for tithys forgotten xijd. To the church of Mukton vjd. I wytt to the church of Byscothorp iiijd. I wyll that Agnes my doughter, and the chylde that my wife is with, have my place in Byscothorp with the purtenaunce; and yff it fortune on of them to decease, the overlyffer to have it. I wyll have a trentall sayd for me and Sir Thomas Wyngod. To Agnes my doughter a hutche. To Robert Wyngot, my broder. The resydue of all my goodes not wytt I gyff to Jenet Wyngod my wyff, Robert Wyngod and William Wytton, whome I make my executors. Thes men beyng wytnes, Sir Thomas Beche, the parson; William Wytton; John Benson; Robert Archer; with other.
Proved at Louth, 6 May, 1530.
The testament of Walter Proveste [of Marshchapel, labourer].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 216.]
18 April, 1530. I Walter Proveste off Marshe Chapell, laborer. [folio 216d.] My body to be buryed in the church yerde of Marshchapell, and that thyng to be my mortuary that right will. To our Lady warke of Lincoln vjd., and to the high alter of Marshchapell for my forgottyn tithys viijd., and to our Lady of the same; and to the churches of Fulstowe, Northcotes and Garnthorpe. To the new organs at Marshchapell ijs. To Sir Thomas Fynney. To William, John and Richerd my sones. I wyll that the chyldren and ther goodes remayn and be at the disposicion of Jenet my wyff yff she kepe her single, [etc.], so that the sayd chyldren [or the survivor] may have ther goodes at ther awn disposicion and gydyng when they cum to xvjth or xvijth yeres of age, as they be hable to have reason to gyde it, so that xvij yeres be the farrest, [etc.]; and yff they all dye, I will that ther goodes be disposyd for the soulys of them and off all our good frendes. To John Provest my brother. To Robert Harte. To Margaret Person ij pewder dooblers. I will that a dirige and a soule messe be song for my soule the same day that I am buryed. I will that Edmund Cowper [folio 217] and John Cowper be supervisors. Resydew of goodes to Jenet Provest, my wyff, wich I orden my executrix. Thes beyng wytnes, Sir Thomas Fynnam, curat; John Lowre; Robert Harte; Robert Gybbon; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Louth, 7 October, 1530.
The testament of John Forman [of Kirkby Green].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 232d.]
19 April, 1530. I John Forman. My body to be buryed in the churcheyerde of Kyrkby Grene. I wytt to the high alter in Kyrkby for forgottyn tithys iiijd. I wytt to our Lady warke in Lincoln vjd. I wyt to the iiij orders of frerys, to every house iiijd. I wyt for fyndyng of a lampe in the chauncell of Kyrkby churche before the sacrament vjs. viijd. I wyt xs. to be distributyd and gyffyn in almys in the day of my buryall to por folkys in certen townys next adionyng unto Kyrkby aftyr the discrestion of my frendes. I wyt to Juenet my eldest doughter on fleckyd cowe. I wyt to Sebastiane my sonne ij oxe calvys callyd yerynges. I wyt to Margaret and Thomasyne my doughtters ij styrkes callyd yerynges. To Alice my doughter a qwye callfe of a yere olde. I will that my mother reste and remane with all her owne stoke and goodes she brought with her. I wytt to Beatrix my wyff. I wyt to Sebastian my sone xls. I wyll that my chyldren be founde and brought up of my goodes, withowt mynyshyng of ther own partes, to suche tyme as they schall cum to lefull age and can shyfte for them selffe. I wyt to William Forman, sone of Nicholes Forman, a bushyll of whete and a bushyll of malte and ij capons at suche tyme as he doth syng hys fyrste messe. The resydewe of my goodes I remitte and leyff in the handes of Betterys my wyff, William Norman and Robert Forman, whome I make my executors; aftyr the order and syght [folio 233], of William Forman, whome I make supervysor. Wytnes of the same, Sir Richerd Barker, my curate; John Hollem; Xp'ofer Cressy; Richerd Norman; cum aliis.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 11 November, 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Robert Raunson [of Croft].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 212d.]
20 April, 1530. I Robert Raunson of Crofte. My body to be buryed in the quere of our Lady in the churche of Crofte. To the sayd churche and for mayntenyng of the same iijs. iiijd. To the hygh alter for tithys forgotten xvjs. viijd., wherupon I will that xs. be payd for the right of my mortuary, the rest for tithys forgotten. To the gylde of the Trinite xijd. To the gylde of our Lady xijd. To the gylde of the holy Roode xijd. To the bellys xvjd. To our Lady alter viijd. To St. Nicholes alter viijd. To our Lady of Lincoln xijd. To our Lady warkes viijd. To the fatherles chyldren at St. Catheryns viijd. To the hygh alter of St. Peter of Thorpe church for tithys forgotten xxd., and iiij pownde wax to be burnyd in the same churche before the sacrament. I will that the churches off Fryskney, St. Mary and All Haloys in Waynflet, St. Thomas of Northolm, Thorpe, Frysby, Yrby, Bratofte, Burgh, Orby, Wynthorpe and Skegnes have ych of them to ther reparacions iijs. iiijd. To Agnes my wyff xiijl. xiijs. iiijd., all my housholde stuff wich I brought hyder, [etc.]. To my doughter, Elizabeth Gleen. To my doughter, Jenet Ranson, John my sone wyff, xxs. To Agnes Woodroffe and Alice Drope, my doughters; and to every on of my chyldren chylder beyng now gottyn or borne. To every on of my godchylder. To Simon Boner and hys wyff, and to ych off ther chylder. To Henry Boner and hys wyff, and to ich of ther chylder. To Margaret Boner and to her doughter. To Robert Crofte, hys wyff and hys chylderyn. To Thomas Ranson, hys wyff and hys chyldren. To every of my brether Walters chylder. Resydew off goodes to my sonne, Sir Richerd Ranson, parson of All Haloys in Waynflet, and to my sonne John Ranson, whome I make my executors, to dispose [folio 213] for the helthe of my soule, my father, my mother, with all crysten soulys. Thes beyng wytnes, Sir Thomas Rissyll; Thomas Gleen; Robert Selby; with others.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 5 October, 1530.
The testament of William Reyd [of Pinchbeck].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 252.]
20 April, 1530. I William Reyd of Pynchbek. My body to be buryd in the church yerde of Pynchbek. [folio 252d.] To the high alter xijd. To every alter within the sayd church ijd. To our Lady of Lincoln for oblacion ijd. To the fatherles chyldren in St. Catheryns at Lincoln ijd. To William my sonne my house that I dwell in in fe symple; also vij acres arable lande lying all in on stowe under the same forme as is afore namyd; also a brasse pot with long fete, [etc.], and iiijs. and on arke, a leyd, xij stryke of whete, and he to receyve the sayd money, [etc.], of Alyson Benyworthe. To Helene my doughter the house that was John Hyottes the terme of her lyff, and on acr' of lande callyd Tubsey land with the croppe that is upon it in fe symple, [etc.]; and yff so be that she dy withowt heyres of hyr body, I will that the [premises] remane to William my sonne. To Helene my doughter ij kye, a browne and a brandyt; and I wyll that William my sonne do fynde her ij kye wynter mete and somer meit, [etc.]; and in defawte, I will that Helene do enter upon the sayd lande that was John Hyottes as her owne, that longyd to the house of the sayd John Hyottes. The resydewe of my goodes I put them to the disposicion of William my sonne, whome I orden my executor, to bring me forthe, [etc.]. I will that Helene my doughter do roll her selffe in Hyottes house and the landes that longes to it, she payng for the fyne. Thes beyng wytnes, William Bewyk, prest; Thomas Reyd; Roger Pedder; with other.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 19 October, 1530.
The testament of Richard Faukys of Ryby, [husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 162.]
21 April, 1530. I Richerd Faukes, husbandman, of Ryby. My body to be buryd in the parysh church. To the vicar of Ryby, my curate, iijs. iiijd. To the high alter for my forgotten tythys vjd. To our Lady of Lincoln vjd. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln iiijd. To my lord of Welhoo a bushyll of wheate and a bushyll of barley to have forgyfnes of all trespacys done unto the sayd house. To our Lady gylde at Ryby. To St. John gylde. To too housys of frerys at Grymesby to ether house a bushyll of whete. To Elizabeth Belsby. To a honest prest to syng for my soule and all crysten soulys for a hole yere iiijl. To William my sone. The resydue of my goodes to be devydyd in to iij partes, the fyrst parte wherof I bequeth to Elizabeth my wyff, and the ij other partes I gyff to my iij chyldren, William, Alice and Agnes. Also I orden William Frankes [sic], my sone, my executor. Thes men wytnes, Sir Jamys Claghton; William Sibotson; and William Frawe; wyth other. Gyffyn the day and yere abovesayd.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 23 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executor.
The testament of Simon Pykyll [of Benington in Holland, husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 197d.]
21 April, 1530. I Simon Pykyll of Bennyngton makys my testament, [etc.]. My body to be buryed in the church yerd of All Halloys in Bennyngton. To my Lord God a yowe and a lamme of the best for tithys forgotten viijd. To our Lady of Lincoln, to her warkes iiijd., and to St. Catheryns ijd. To every alter in the church of Bennyngton ijd. To the bellys mendyng viijd. To my wyff. To John and Richerd my sones. To Cesyll my maden. To Alison my doughter ij calffys and a skylde cowe, [etc.]. To Richerd Beare, my servaunt, Broke my mare. To John Robson a yow hog horned. To Simon Robson, my godson. To Catheryne Felde, my god doughtter. To Isabell Robson. [folio 198] To Richerd Beare. To Alison my doughter a coverlyd, bedstokes, and her mother brasse pot, [etc.]. Resydewe of goodes to Margaret my wyff, whome I make my executrix, and John Robson to be oversear.
Thys is the last wyll of me Simon Pykkyll of Bennyngton husband', wrytten in the yere and date afore. I will that Margaret my wyff have her junter accordyng to her feoffment; [remainder] to Richerd my sone in fee simple; yff ought cum at the sayd Richerd or he cum at laufull age of xxjty yeres, I will it remane to John my sone; excepte ij acres, on acr' callyd Daw past'r, and a nother callyd Myddyll Gate past'r; I will that the sayd ij pasters remane to the chylde that my wyff is wyth, yff God fortune it to lyff, and ij acres callyd Arlyklande, in fe symple. My chylder when they cum to xviij yeres of age to have ther landes to ther awn use. To John my sonne ix acres lande lying in Pallar. I will that Richerd Pynchbek, my brother in law, have John my sone and Alyson my doughter, and he to have the sayd lande in kepyng to fynde them unto the forsayd age. To John my sonne iij acres lande, lying in Freston, in fee symple. To Alyson my doughter on acr' and di' acr', aftyr the decease of John Bothby wyff, in fee symple. Yff it fortune John my sone dy or he cum at age, I will Richerd my sone enter the sayd lande. Yff it fortune all my chyldren dye or they cum at age, I gyff to John Robson and hys chylder iiij acres land lying in Pallar, next the mylne, in fee symple. The resydue of my landes I gyff to John Pykyll of Northorpe terme of hys lyff; and aftur hys decease, I will it be solde be my executors or be my feoffers and for to be disposyd in Bennyngton church in a preste syngyng and other charitable warkes; excepte iij acres lying in Pallar, callyd Penson lande, I will it be lyke [folio 198d.] maner solde be my feoffers, and the money theroff to be disposyd in the church of Freston in the warkes off marcy. Thes wytnes, Sir Roger Pyshe; John Sheperd; John Felde; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Freston, 11 August, 1530.
The testament of Thomas Alysby of Donyngton [on Bain].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 175.]
22 April, 1530. I Thomas Alysby of Donyngton makys my last will. My body to be buried in the church yerde of saynt Andrew of Donyngton. To the hygh alter viijd. I bequethe to fynde on perpetuall light before the sacrament of the alter in Donyngton churche iijs. iiijd. To the payntyng of saynt Andrew iijs. iiijd. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln viijd. To the bellys of the church of Donyngton ij strykes of barly. To Henry, Richerd, Ralffe, Thomas and John my sonnes. To my brother chylder. I bequeth my copy of my house to Johanne my wyff her lyffe; [remainder in succession] to Henry, John, Ric', Ralffe and Thomas my sones. Resydew of goodes to Johanne my wyff, whome I make my hole executrix, that she dispose it for the helth of my soule. Wytnesse, Sir Henry Pullayn; Richerd Kyrke; Robert Yowton; and John Sorebe; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Horncastr', 6 July, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Hugh Schawe [of Boston, skinner].
[L.C.C., 1532–34, f. 9.]
22 April, 1530. I Hugh Schawe of Boston, skynner, makyth thys my testament, herin concludyng my last will. My body to be buryed within the churche of St. Botulphe of Boston by my wyff afore our Lady of Pety, with my mortuary aftyr the acte of parliament late mayd, and the custom of the towne of Boston. I bequethe, for myn oblacions and tithes forgottyn, to the holy sacrament iijs. iiijd. To our Lady of Lincoln xxd. To the pore chyldren at St. Catheryns withowt the barres at Lincoln xijd. I will that the iiij orders of frerys in Boston, as well prestes as other of the convent, bryng me furthe to the paryshe churche of St. Botulphe in Boston, ij and ij together to say placebo and dirige with commendacion over the nyght, yff it so fortune; and in the mornyng every preste of them, as can or may, say messe of Scala Celi, yff it be Wedensday, Fryday or Satterday; and then every preste of theym to have for hys payn and labor iiijd., and every novys and yong frere jd. Also I will that ther be spent at my buryall day, vijth day and xxxty day, at every day of theym onely by hit selff, in almys xs. in breyd or money. Also my buryall day, vijth day and xxxth day be generall to all prestes and clerkes that shall be ther present to say placebo and dirige with commendacion, ij and ij together, over the nyght; and in the mornyng the sayd prestes to say messe at Scala Celi, yff it so fortune it be Wednesday, Fryday or Setterday; and every one of them to have for hys labor and payn iiijd. I will that one hable prest syng for me, Margaret and Agnes, Emote, Margery and Jenet my wyffes, [folio 9d.] and William and Alice my fader and moder soules, and all my benefactors, and all crysten soulys, for the space of iiij yeres, in our Ladys qwere at Boston; and he to have for his stipende and wages vl. vjs. viijd. to be payd yerely. I will that Jenet my wyff and my executrix, cause ij trentallys of xxx messys at Scala Celi to be sayd immediately aftyr my decesse in our Ladys qwere, Wedynsday, Fryday and Setterday, and the prestes that syng the messys to have in remembraunce the saule of me Hughe Schawe and my wyffes and my fader and mother and all other my benefactors, and to have for ther labor xxs. To Richerde Schawe. The resydue of my goodes I gyff them holy to Jenet my wyff, that is to say, my plate, my hustylment of housholde and catall not except, whom I make my executrix; and Richerd Ogle, the yonger, my supervisor.
Thys is the laste will of me Hugh Schawe. To Jenet my wyff all my landes and ten'tes lying in Skyrbek and Boston for terme of her lyff, she to kepe every yere an obyt duryng her lyff, as foloyth aftyr; and after her decesse to remayn to the gylde of our blessyd Lady founded in Boston for the terme of fowre skore and xix yeres fully to be completyd; and the alderman at the tyme beyng to put the sayd landes in feoffement to thuse of my soule, my wyffes and fader and mother and all my benefactors, and to the reformacion of my last will, so that the sayd landes ren not in daunger of the kynges lawes contrary to the statute of mortmayn, but rather to continue in feoffement to the performacion of thys my last will. And yff the kynges licence for mortmayn cannot be obteynyd within the sayd yeres, I will that the alderman and hys cobretherne at the tyme beyng shall take upon them to sell the sayd landes and ten'tes, and dispose them for the welthe of my soule and all xp'en soules. Also I will ther be kepyd immediatly aftyr my decesse an obbyt annyversary in the gylde of our blessyd Lady, founded in the churche [folio 10] of Boston, by the alderman and hys cobretherne at the tyme beyng, and they to dispose at the tyme beyng uppon communycasien resonable had betwyxte the alderman, hys cobretherne and me Hugh Schawe [sic] of xvjs. viijd. yerely; and the sayd money to be disposyd under thys maner and forme foloyng: I will that ther be ij prestes at my yereday to say placebo and dirige and commendacion over the nyght, and messe in the mornyng, and they to have for ther labors xijd., and for our messe pennys for my soule, my wyffes and fader and moder vjd., to the belman iiijd., to the beadmen xiijd., to the woman that kepyth them jd., to the alderman of our Ladys gylde for kepyng the obbyt iiijd., to the clerke for the herse ijd., for the oblacion at our Ladys stok iiijd. I will that uppon All Soullys day and Good Fryday yerely, every day severally off theym selff, ther be gyffyn in almes to the pore people uppon All Saullys day xs., and also lykewyse uppon Good Fryday vs., it to be disposyd wher neyd is, and impotent and seke persons to have ther releyff of the same by the discrescion of the alderman and hys chamberlayns; and every one of theym alderman and ij chamberlayns to have for their labor and payn ijd. at the sayd days when it shall be disposyd; to the bellys xxd.; the resydue to gyff in almes. And I make Jenet my wyff my executrix, and Richerde Ogle my supervisor. Thes beyng wytnes, Richerd Kellet; John Atkynson; William Walker; and Sir Robert Wytar, preste; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Boston, 9 April, 1532. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of William Smyth of Ryby, [husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 165.]
25 April, 1530. I William Smyth, husbandman, of Ryby. My body to be buryed in the parysh church garthe of Ryby, and to my mortuary as use and custome is of holy church. To the high alter vjd. To our Lady of Lincoln vjd. To our Lady warkes iiijd. To William Tyndall. To owr Lady gylde a buschell of barly. To seynt John gyld a buschell of barley. To Richerd Smyȝght, my broder sone, a foole. To Thomas Smyȝght, hys broder. To Richerd Smyȝght, my broder. Resydwe of goodes to Alyson Smyȝght, my wyfe, whome I make my executryx. [folio 165d.] Thes men wytnes, Robert Chambres; Ric' Sigewyk; with other.
Proved before P., at Market Rasen, 27 May, 1530.
The testament of Catherine Magnus [of Burgh in the Marsh, widow].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 210d.]
27 April, 1530. I Catheryne Magnus of Burgh in the Marche, vidoy. [folio 211] My body to be buryed in the churche of St. Peter in Burgh. I gyff for forgottyn tithys xijd. To the churche warke vjs. viijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd., and to the offeryng xijd. To the fatherles chyldren at St. Catheryns at Lincoln iiijd. To the channons of Bullyngton xijd., and to the nunnys of the same place xijd. To ychon of the iiij orders of frerys in Boston xs. To William Magnus, George Magnus, Xp'ofer Magnus, Alice Magnus, Jenet Magnus, Jenet Whytyng, Alice Pyncrake, Robert Magnus and hys wyff, John Pyncrake and his wyff, Margaret Roper, Thomas Roper hyr sone, Robert Roper and Catheryne Roper. To Catheryne Langall xxvjs. viijd., [etc.], to be delyveryd to her when that she is xviij yeres of age; and yff she departe thys worlde before that age, the money to be disposyd in charytable warkes for the helthe of my soule, her soule and all crysten soulys. To Jane Pyncrake, my servant. The resydue of my goodes I put them to the disposicion of William Pyncrake, whome I make my executor. Wytnes, Sir John Pytchyll; John Browne; John Broddyng; and Xp'ofer Whytyng; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Partney, 5 October, 1530.
The testament of Sir Jeffrey Smyth [of Marston, priest].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 266.]
28 April, 1530. I Syr Geffrey Smyth, prest, of Marston. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of our Lady off Marston. To the high alter iijs. iiijd. To the high alter of Hougham iiijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln iiijd. To the bellys of Marston iiijd. To Xp'ofer Walker, my brother in lawe. To Margaret Walker, my syster. I will that William Smyth, my brother, and Xp'ofer Walker, my brother in law, do parte and shyfte the corne that is growing in Alyngton felde, as I and Crystofer Walker, my brother in lawe, shulde have done yf so had beyn that I had lyffyd. Resydewe of goodes to William Smyth, my brother, whome I make my executor. Thes wytnes, Sir John Wymarke, preste; William Tyler; Thomas Dawson; Raffe Turner; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 22 October, 1530. Admin. granted to the executor.
The testament of W. Male of Fosdyke.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 158d.]
29 April, 1530. I William Male of Fosdyke. My body to be buryd wythin the church of Whaplod. And therfore I bequeth to the same church vjs. viijd. To the hygh alter of Fosdyke iijs. iiijd. To the hygh alter of Whaplod church xxd., and to the church warke of the same xxd. To our mother church warke of Lincoln xijd. To Margaret and Isabell my doughters, either of them vjl. xiijs. iiijd., [etc.], when she comys to the age of xviij yeres; and yff either of them dye, she that overlyffys to have the others parte; and yff they both decease, I wyll ther be dysposyd in the church of Whaplod vjl. xiijs. iiijd. at the discrescion of iiij of the best men of the towne, and xxs. bestowyd in the church of Fosdyke; and the rest of the bequestes I put them to the disposicion of Margaret my wyff. Also I wyll that ther be a trentall song in the church off Whaplode for the helth of my soule, the soulys of my good frendes and all crysten soulys. Resydue of goodes to Margaret my wyff, whome I make my executrix, and Mr Nicholes Robertson to be supervisor, [folio 159] havyng for hys labor too bullokes the wich I bought of John Thaker of Dammetes. Thes beyng wytnes, Sir Thomas Cetton; Edmund Dawson; Edwardus Baynthorp; Thomas Idon; William Atkynson; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Boston, 17 May, 1530.
The testament of John Kelsey [of Bilsby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 215d.]
31 [sic] April, 1530. I John Kelsey of Byllesby. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of Byllesby. To the high alter xxd. To our Lady of Lincoln xijd. To the makyng of the stepyll of Byllesby iijs. iiijd. To the Rode of Thurlby xijd. To Edward Hudson. To John my sonne. To Agnes and Jenet my daughters. To Alice Hudson. To John and Robert my sonnes xijs. lande by yere lying in Stepyng evenly to be shyftyd betwyxt them during ther lyffys; and aftyr ther dethys to remane to Thomas my sone and to hys heyres for ever. I will that Robert my sonne and Agnes and Jenet my daughters have all my household good to be shyftyd emong them. I will that Thomas my sone and Edward Hudson my sonne in lawe, be my executors, and to have oversyght of my chylder. I will that John Purstone be supervisor, and he to se that they doy my childer right. Thes wytnes, sir Robert Lynley; John Punderson; Xp'ofer Richerdson; with moy.
Proved before P., at Alford, 6 October, 1530.
The testament of Thomas Bradley [of Sudbrook in the parish of Ancaster, husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 190.]
1 May, 1530. I Thomas Bradley of Sudbroke, husbandman, in the parysh off Ancastr'. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of St. Martyn of Ancastr'. To the vicar a kowe for to pray for me and for forgottyn tythes and other dewtys. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln iijs. iiijd. To the churche of Ancastr' iijs. iiijd. To the sepulcar lyght of Ancastr' churche xiiijd. To the torchelight in the same churche xijd. To the bellys of Ancastr' churche xijd. To the church of Carleton Scrope xxd. To the chapell of St. Margaret att Sudbroke a yowe and a lamme. To Agnes my wyff iij kye, [etc.], and all her awn housholde stuff besyde and the iiijth part of my croppe thorow owt the feldys in full recompence and satisfaction of her thyrde part of my goodes; also the forsayd Agnes my wyff wyllyng to gyff on hyr awn good to Robert Bradley and Thomas Bradley, my sonnys, a fatte and a here and the carte gere. The resydewe of my goodes not bequethyd I gyff to Robert Bradley and Thomas Bradley, my sonnys, whome I make my trew executors, that they may dispose it for the helthe of my soule. I make supervisors Henry Bradley and Robert Rowe, and they to have for ther labors iijs. iiijd. Wytnes therof, Sir William Torry; Robert Palmer; William Coton; John Horslay; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Asby, 31 May, 1530.
The testament of Thomas Hopkynson of Kyrton in Holland.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 158.]
1 May, 1530. I Thomas Hopkynson of Kyrton in Holland. My body to be buryed in the church yerd of the appostells Peter and Paul. To the hygh alter for tythys forgottyn ijs., and to every alter besyde ijd. To the reparacions of our mother church of Lincoln ijd., and to the orphans chyldren ijd. I wyll that Maryon my wyff have my house callyd Palmer house to my son Thomas be off lawfull age; [remainder] to Jenet my doughtter. Resydue of my goodes to Maryon my wyff, whome I make my executrice. Thes wytnes, Sir Thomas Ashley; Richerd Grene; John Gusse; with other moy, yff nede require.
Proved before P., at Boston, 17 May, 1530.
The testament of Alan Barnabe of Kyrton [in Holland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 194.]
2 May, 1530. I Alane Barnabe of Kyrton in Holand. My body to be buryed in the church of the blessyd appolstells Peter and Paule of Kyrton; and [folio 194d.] I bequeth for my mortuary as the law requirys. To the high alter for forgottyn tythys xxd. To the reparacion of the church of Kyrton iijs. iiijd. To the reparacion of our Lady alter xijd. To St. Nicholes alter iiijd. To the Trinite gylde on yow with ij lammys. To our Lady warke of Lincoln viijd. To the orphans of St. Catheryns iiijd. To Elizabeth my wyff my hed mansyon with the appurtenaunce dewryng her lyff; [remainder in succession to Thomas, Richard and Peter my sons in tail, to Elizabeth my daughter for life, and to John Barnabe my brother of Easykes in tail]. To Elizabeth my wyff on house with iij acres lande lying under it in Skeldyke duryng her lyff; [remainder in succession to Richerd, Thomas and Peter my sons in tail, to Elizabeth my daughter for life, and to Thomas Stallworth my brother's son of Frampton in tail]. To Richerd my sone ij acres and on rode arrable land lying in Smythmarshe, and on acr' and iij roodes in Burnam felde in fe symple; on acr' di' past'r that holdeth of Multon Hall, ij acres arrable lande of the same holde in fe symple; and v oxganges of marshe in Palmer. To Peter my sone ij acres past'r lying in Herne Hunne, on acr' di' arrable land lying in Aldyke, on acr' iij roodes in Markyt Sted felde, and di' acr' in Marshe Hurne, and v roodes lying at Clement Cross in fee symple. [folio 195] To Thomas my sonne iiij acres arrable land lying in Aldyke Felde in fee symple, and iiij acres and di' lying in Taskertofte in fee symple. To Elizabeth my doughter all my landes in Wyberton in fee symple. To Richerd my sone fyve roodes land lying in Aldyk Felde, and on acr' lande and on roode lying at Ballywalle in fee symple, yff the law will suffer hym to have it. To Thomas my sone and to hys heyres of hys body on house callyd Stevenson house with the grounde under it, to performe the covvenantes of an indentur mayde betwyxte my brother, John Barnabe, and me Alayn Barnabe; [remainder in succession to Richard and Peter my sons and John Barnabe in tail] to performe the sayd covenantes of the indentur. To Elizabeth my wyff. To Peter my sone iijl. at the age of xviij yeres. To Catheryne Barnabe. To Thomas Stowerd, my brother sone, on yong red dowyd qwy with her calffe. To Catheryne hys syster. I will that Richerd my sonn have hys gryndyng att my horse mylne with hys owne horse, and to do reparacions of it for hys parte. To Adlarde Thomson. Resydew of goodes to Thomas and Rycherd my sones, whome I make my executors to dispose my goodes to the most pleasure of God and the helth of my soule. And I will that Thomas Stalworth, my brother, of Frampton, and Ric' Murrye of Kyrton and William Manne of the same be supervisors. Thes wytnes, Sir John Bruster; John Lamberd, of Kyrton; John Thomson, of the same; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Freston, 11 August, 1530.
The testament of Thomas Doughtty of Imyngham, [husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 174d.]
2 May, 1530. I Thomas Doughtty of Imyngham, husbandman, seke in body. My body to be buryed within the chyrchyerd of saynt Androy in Imyngham. I wytt to the high alter xijd. To our Lady of Lincoln a pare of jeate beades. To the kyrke warke of Imyngham iijs. iiijd. To the iiij orders of frerys. I wytt to saynt John chapell xxd. I wyt to saynt Jamys di' li' wax. I wyt to the rode lyght xvjd., to be payd in iiij yeres. To our Lady light callyd the Whyte Lady xvjd., to be payd in viij yeres. To my chyldren and my wyff chyldren, beyng maryed, every on of them ij hogges to the use of ther chyldren, excepte Jenyn, and he to have but on hogge. I wyt to saynt John di' li' wax. To saynt Anne di' li' wax. To our Lady of Pety iiijd. I wyll my wyff fynde a light before saynt Androy within the parysh church of Imyngham for evermore. I wytt to Elizabeth Wyllyngham ij oxen callyd Harte and Goldyng, ij stotte calffys, a horse called Begger, [etc.]. To Richerd Farroy and Elizabeth. To George Wyllyngham and Agnes. To Malde Doughtty. To William Wyllyngham and Richerd hys brother. To Wylliam Doughty. I wyt to every on of my godchyldren jd. Resydewe of goodes to Cecile my wyff, whome I orden my executrix. Wytnes, Sir Thomas Awnger, vic'; Ric' Alanby; Robert Kelsay; John Cavell; et aliis.
Proved before P., at Market Rasen, 5 July, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Robert Thomson of Ellesham.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 165d.]
2 May, 1530. I Robert Thomson of Ellesham, with a hole mynd and good a vysement, [etc.]. My body to be buryed within the chyrchyerde of All Halloys of Ellesham. I wyll that my wyff be my executor. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To the hygh alter of Ellesham xijd. To our Lady light viijd. To saynt Peter lyght viijd. To the Austyn frerys of Grymesby for v messys doyng at Scala Celi ijs. jd. To the gray frerys for v messys to be sayd xxd. To John Thomson, my sonne, xxvjs. viijd., with a mayr and her foloyer. To John Balys. To Thomas, my sonne, xxvjs. viijd., my red stag, [etc.]. To the brether of Ellesham abbay xijd. To every of my godchylder jd. To Henry Parke. To Gregory Parke. To Sir John Ayntony for v messys sayng xxd. To John Parke of Ellesham. Resydue of goodes to Jenet my wyff, my executrix. Wytnes herof, John Parke of Ellesham, husbandman; Richerd Sergeaunt, husbandman; William Holm, husbandman; John Sergeaunt, husbandman; John Balys; John Thomson.
Proved before P., at Market Rasen, 27 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of John Botheby [of Benington in Holland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 200.]
4 May, 1530. I John Bothby of Bennyngton. My body to be buryd in the church yerd of All Halloys in Benyngton, and to my Lord God and in honor of hym I gyff a shepe hog. To our Lady of Lincoln to hyr warkes ijd. To St. Catheryns jd. To every alter in our church ijd. For tithys forgotten vjd. To Will' my sone. To Richerd my sone. To Isabell my doughter. To my wyff ij marys, Broke and Mope, [etc.]. To Margaret Loydon. To Isabell and Jenet my doughters ij stayk calffes, [etc.]. Resydew of goodes to William my sone, whome I make my executor, and Sir Rober Pyshey over sear. Thes wytnes, William Bothby; William Tylney; William Beare; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Freston, 11 August, 1530.
The testament of Ric' Hooton [of Stallingborough].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 325d.]
4 May, 1530. I Richerd Hooton of the paryshyng of Stallyngburgh. My body to be buryd in the kyrke of St. Peter of the forsayd towne. I will that Cristofer Botton and other my cofeoffys namyd in my dede of feoffement, beryng date 4 May, 22 Henry VIII [a.d. 1530], shall stande and be feoffys of and in my messe buldyd with a close in Stallyngburgh to the sayd messe pertenyng, to the use of Robert Huton, my brother, and hys heyres and assygns for evermore. To the high alter of the sayd kyrk for tithys forgottyn xijd. To every light in the forsayd kyrke iiijd. I witt to our mother kyrke of Lincoln viijd. To the chapell of saynt Avbur viijd. I will that on honest prest shall celebrat and syng messys for the helth of my soule and of all my kynsfolkes and all crysten soulys the space of on hole yere in the forsayd kyrke, and he to have for hys labor vl. vjs. viijd. I wyll that ther be distributyd emonge pore people of the sayd towne xls. The resydewe of my goodes not wyt I put to Robert Hoton, my brother, whome I orden my executor. Thes wytnes, Sir John Stevenson, the vicar of the sayd towne; William Troyt; and Edward Watson; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Castr', 17 March, 1530, by the executor.
The testament of Rowland Jakson [of Holywell].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 255d.]
4 May, 1530. I Roland Jakson of Holywell. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of Holywell, and my mortuary as custome is. To the high alter a quarter barly. To our Lady of Lincoln a stryke of barly. To George my sonne. To Joes, Agnes and Margaret my doughters. To a lampe afore our Lady of Holywell a quarter of barly. To the rode a quarter of barly. To every on of my godchyldren. Resydewe of goodes to Collecte my wyff, whome I make my executrix, she to dispose them as she thynkes best for the helthe of my soule and the mariages of my doughters. Thes beyng wytnes, Thomas Stone, vicar; Syr Roger Harbey; Henry Plawys; and other.
Proved before P., at Creton, 23 September, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of William Barker of Lincoln.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 170d.]
5 May, 1530. I William Barker of Lincoln, in the parysh of saynt Cuthbert. My body to be buryed within the church of saynt Cuthbert before our Lady of Pety. To the high alter of saynt Cuthbert xijd. To the high alter of our Lady of Lincoln xijd., and to our Lady warkes xijd. To the clerkes gylde a sylver spone to the valewe of on ownce and a quarter, with a shorte starte, by that condicion that they say at ther generall dynner for my soule every yere De profundis. To every of the iiij orders of frerys in Lincoln xxd. in that condicion that they say at every of ther places for my soule Placebo, Dirige and Messe. I will that a trentall of messes be sayd the day of my departyng within the church of saynt Cuthbert xs. Furthermore, I will that my house with all the perteynynges therto belongyng, that I bought off Mr Edward Grantham, in the parysh of saynt George, be solde and done for the wele of my soule; and that Mr doctor Talbot, subdeane of the cath' church have it better chepe then any other. I will that all my instrumentes that I wyrke with, as axe, hatchet, wymbylles, sawys, pincers and such other, be solde and done for the well of my soule; and all my trays, otherwyse callyd hurdyls, for shepe be solde; and all these thynges to be solde for the fyndyng of a prest to syng for my soule at saynt Cuthbertes church so long as all to be solde will and may extend, besyde and beyonde a yere salary and service for my sone Sir John Barker, whome I will, sone aftyr he be prest, to syng at saynt Cuthbertes church before our Lady of Pety on hole yere; and that he be at bed and borde all that twelffe monythys wyth hys mother and hys syster of ther costes; and for hys wages to have liijs. iiijd. To my sayd son Sir John Barker [folio 171] a sylver spone folden with a figur of St. John Baptist in the top, [etc.]; also the horcherd with the puore aley in Beamund rent, with the too closes and house, with all the pertenynges to the forsayd orchard and closes, duryng hys lyff; and aftyr hys decease, they shall returne to my dowghter, Johanne Barker, and to the heyres of hyr body; to the wich Johanne I gyff xls., [etc.]; and she to be with Jenet my wyff unto she be maryed, and to be founde of my goodes; and lykewyse aftyr she have a husband, yff her mother and she so be content. To the sayd Johanne all my housys, messys, tenementes, [etc.], in Lincoln, after the decease of Jenet my wyff, to her and to her heyrys male of hyr body; and for lak of heyres male, to the heyres generall of her body; and yff she and her chylder dye withowt issue of ther bodyes, then I will my sonne, Sir John Barker, shall joye and have all the [premises] the terme off hys lyff, and shall have full power and strenkyth to sell and to dispose them for the well of my soule and all our kynne soulys. But yff my fornamyd doughter or any of her heyres generall of hyr body lyff and contynew aftyr the forsayd John Barker be ded, then I wyll that the last of that tale shall sell and dispose all the [premises] for the welle of all our soulys and all crystyn soulys. The resydewe of my goodes I gyff to Jenet Barker, my wyfe, whome I make my sole executrix to gyff, to use and to dispose them for the wele of my soule, as shall be seme to her most best expedyent. Notwythstandyng, yff Jenet my wyff be wed agane, then I will that she be expellyd and utterly putt from all my tenementes, houses, [etc.], that I have in Lincoln, and my sayd sone Sir John to hafe the on halff of the tenementes, and the sayd Johanne my doughter to have the other parte. And where Jenet my wyff shulde have all the resydewe of my goodes, beyng wydoy, iyff she take her another husband, then I will that the goodes be devydyd into too partes equally, and she to have the on halffe, and the other halff to be devydyd indifferently betwyxt my sone and my doughter; my dettes and my legaces to be takyn and expent of my hole goodes at the syght of Mr William Sherp, whome I orden superviser. It is my will that my wyff be executrix, and cause to be done a perpetuall obbit of xs. at saynt Cuthbertes church in Lincoln, in our Lady chapell, abowt the tyme and day of my departyng owt of thys worlde, aftyr thys forme foloyng: the parysh prest of saynt Cuthbertes to have xd.; the parysh clerk for hys labor and ryngyng viijd.; to x honest prestes to syng at the dirige, and there to say messes the morne aftyr, iijs. iiijd.; to x parysh clerkes to syng at dirige and at the messe xxd.; with x prestes and x clerkes to be at the election and assignement of the doers of the obbyt; to the church gravys for v tapers to the herse xd.; and in almys to pore people ijs. viijd.; and so yerly wylst she lyffes; and when she is departyd, then the that shall fortune to have my tenementes, [etc.], shall cause thys annuall obbyt to be done with thys xs. to be performyd for ever. Thes beyng wytnes, Sir Robert Turner; Mr Ric' Taylour, baker; and Richerd Sampson; with many other.
Proved before P., in the cathedral church of Lincoln, 2 July, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Thomas Hayland [of Kirton in Holland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 196.]
6 May, 1530. I Thomas Hayland of Kyrton in Holand. My body to be buryed in the church yerd off the blessyd app'ells Peter and Paule, and in the name off my mortuary as the law requiryth. To the high alter xijd. To every alter in Kyrton church ijd. To the reparacions off our mother church of Lincoln iiijd. To the orphans at St. Catheryns ijs. To the reparacion of the churche of Kyrton ijs. To Agnes my doughter di' on acr' of land lying at Simon Ware, to her and to her heyres of her body; [remainder] to Margaret my doughter and her heyres of her body; [remainder] to the next of my blode. To Margaret my doughter di' on acr' of hempe land and to the heyres of her body; [remainder] to Agnes my doughter and the heyres of her body; [remainder] to the next of my blode. To Agnes my wyff the resydewe off my landes that I have in Kyrton her lyff; [remainder] to the chylde in her wombe, yff it be a sonne, and to hys heyres of hys body; [remainder] to my doughters and to ther heyres of ther bodyes; [remainder] to the next of my blode. And yff it so fortune that the chylde in the wombe of my wyff be a doughter, then I will that Agnes and Margaret my doughters have all my landes that I have gyffyn to my wyff equally to be devydyd emonges them aftyr the decease of my wyff, and to ther heyres of ther bodyes. Yff my wyff fortune to mary, I will that she delyver my chyldren bequestes to Thomas Bronde at the day of her mariage. To Robert my servant. Resydewe of my goodes to Agnes my wyff, whome I make my executrice. I will that Humfrey Heland, my brother, be supervisor. Thes wytnes, Sir Thomas Ashlay; Thomas Brande, of Kyrton; John Donyngton, of the same; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Freston, 11 August, 1530.
The testament of Thomas Mell [of Friskney].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 192.]
6 May, 1530. I Thomas Mell. My body to be buryed in the churchyerde of All Haloys in Fryskney. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To my curat iijs. iiijd. [folio 192d.] To every on of the gyldys in the churche of Fryskeney iiijd. To the churche warkes iijs. iiijd. To makyng of the high way in Swannys Meer xijd. To Isabell my wyff iiij kye and my balde mare, [etc.]. To Agnes, Elizabeth and Grace my doughters. To Thomas my sonne on iij yere old yong mare the wich ambles, and on stag. To William my sonne a scheder burlyng. To Margaret and Johan my doughters. To Isabell my wyff and Thomas my sonne my bote wyth my fyshyng gere. To every on of Thomas Godfreys chyldren. To Agnes Smyth. To Isabell my wyff my house in Smalney with the appurtenaunces therto belongyng for her lyff; and after her decease, to Thomas my sonne, to hym hys heyres and assignes for ever. Resydewe of my goodes to Isabell my wyff and to Thomas my sonne, whome I make my executors to pay my dettes, and dispose it for my soule, my father soule, my mother soule and all crysten soulys. Wytnes heroff, Sir John Wayll; Sir John Geffreyson; Thomas Godfrey; and William Trowtyng; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 5 October, 1530. Admin. granted to Isabel the relict, reserving power to grant to Thomas the son and co-executor, when he shall come to lawful age.
The testament of John Richmond of Kyrton in Holland.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 157d.]
6 May, 1530. I John Rychmond of Kyrton in Holand. My body to be buryd in the church of Kyrton, and for my mortuary accordyng to the statutes of the parliament. To the hygh alter for forgottyn tythys vjd., and to our Lady warkes of Lincoln xijd., and to the orphans of saynt Catheryns vjd. To Jenet my wyff xl. To John my sone. To Margaret my doughter. To Anthony Richmond; Isabell Richmond; Anne Wyllos; John Slyght, my godsun; Alice Persy, my doughter in law; John Percy, her husband; John Harcastyll wyff; Wylliam the sonne of John Harcastyll; and Margaret my syster. To my syster, Dorothe Brewster, on gyrdyll that was my moders. To John [folio 158] my sonne. To William Stevenson, my sonne in law. To Robert Scamond. To every order of frerys in Boston vs. I wyll ther be on trentall done for me within the church of Kyrton. Resydue of my goodes to Jenet my wyff, whome I make my executrix. I will that Sir John Brewster be supervisor. Thyes beyng wyttnes, Sir Thomas Cheney of Kyrton; Thomas Polys of the same; John Percy of Boston; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Boston, 17 May, 1530.
The testament of John More [of Friskney].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 212.]
7 May, 1530. I John More of Fryskney. My body to be buryed wythin the churche of All Haloys of Fryskney. To our Lady of Lincoln on pare of awmber beades. To the ornamentes of the high alter in the churche of Fryskney vjd. To every alter in the sayd churche iiijd. To Thomas Westmelles; Jenet Westmelles; and Thomas Crooke of Halton, my godsun. Resydewe of goodes and catellys to Margarete my wyff, to Sir Robert Westmellys and (fn. 4) Fryskney, prest, and to Benedict Croke of Halton, my brother in lawe, whome I make my executors. Thes beyng wytnes, Thomas Kyme of Fryskney, esquier; Richerd Pynchbek of the same; and Robert Woodroff of the same; and other.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 5 October, 1530.
The testament of Margaret Hamond of Wadyngton.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 160.]
8 May, 1530. I Marget Hamond. My body to be buryed within the church of All Halloys of Wadyngton; and to the hygh alter of the same vjd. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln iiijd. To my syster, Agnes Bowers; my cosyn, Sir Robert Hamond, prest; my cosyn, Thomas Hamond, sun of Robert Hamond; the thre doughtters of my brother, John Hamond; the too doughtters of my brother, Robert Hamond; Sir Jamys Porter; Peter my cosyn; Anne Rycrofte. The rest off my goodes to my brother, Robert Hamond, whome I make my executor, that he may dispose for my soule and my frendes soulys and all crysten soulys. Thes wytnes, Thomas Colsun; Wylliam Masyn; and Sir Jamys Peter, prest.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 20 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executor.
The testament of John Sheperde, [the younger of Benington in Holland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 198d.]
8 May, 1530. I John Sheperde, the yonger, of Benyngton, makes my testament, [etc.]. My body to be buryd in the church of All Halloys in Bennyngton. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln xijd. To the fatherles chylder at St. Catheryns withowt Lincoln iiijd. To the ornament of the sacrament of Bennyngton church xijd. To the ornament of our Lady alter in Bennyngton church viijd. To the ornament of Corpus Xp'i alter ther viijd. For tithys forgotten viijd. To Alice and Agnes my doughters xxty markes to be devydyd betwyxte them, and also x markes for ther chamber. To Isabell, Margaret, Elizabeth and Jenet my doughters, [under age and unmarried]. I will that Cecile my wyff fynde John my sone at skole to he be xxiiij yeres of age. Resydew of goodes [folio 199] to Cecile my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Thes wytnes, Sir Roger Pyshe; Sir William Roper; Sir John Fendyke; Thomas Stedman; and other moy. I will that Mr John Fryskney off Bennyngton be supervisor.
Proved before P., at Freston, 11 August, 1530.
The testament of Sare Edmund [of Sutton in Holland, husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 250.]
10 May, 1530. I Sare Edmund of Sutton in Holand, husbandman, trustyng in God and in the sacrament of holy churche, [etc.]. [folio 250d.] My body to be buryd in the church yerde of our blessyd Lady at Sutton. To the high alter. To the vicar of Sutton for tithys forgottyn ijs. viijd. To the church warke of our Lady in Sutton. To the mother chyrch of our Lady of Lincoln vjd. To the orphans at the house of St. Catheryns withowt the wallys of Lincoln ijd. To St. Thomas light iiijd. To St. John light, our Lady light and the Trinite light iiijd. [apiece]. To every light in the same churche jd. To the gylde of St. Thomas the Martir within the sayd church xxvjs. viijd. My houshoulde stuffe to be equally devydyd emong my wyffe and Mawde and Agnes my doughters, [etc.]. I will that the cupborde that standes in my house and a gyrdyll harnesyd with sylver remane with the sayd house as implementes, so long as my wyff or eny of my chyldren do dwell in the same. To Mawde and Agnes my doughters the day of mariag. I will that yff the chylde my wyff is with the day of makyng of thys my present will be a woman chylde, William and Thomas my sonnes delyver to her the day of her mariage v marc', [etc.]. And the sayd William and Thomas to have for the same iij acr' lande in Wantonsgate and v acres of lande in Dyesgate to them, ther heyres and assignes for ever. To Johan Edmund, Catheryne Edmund and Helene Edmund, my brother Robert Edmund doughters, every on of them xld. the day of ther mariage. To Johanne Edmund, my servant, a burnyng cowe calffe, [etc.]. [folio 251] To Johan my syster. To Henry Paynetes ij chylder. To every of my godchylder. To Robert Jakson.
Thys is the last will of me the forsayd Sare Edmund. To Agnes my wyff my house that I do dwell in and xij acres of lande belongyng to the same the terme of her lyff, upon that condicion, that William my sone shall enter and occupy the on halffe of the house and lande when he cumyth to the age of xxj yeres, and then to perceyve and take halffe the proffyttes, [etc.]. And yff it fortune him to departe without heyres of hys body before he cum to xxjty yeres, then I will it remayn to Thomas my sonne in lyke manner; [remainder] to Mawde and Agnes my doughters and to the chylde my wyff is with, yff it be a womanchylde, and to the heyres of ther bodyes, [remainder to] be solde and the money receyved for the same to be disposyd for the helth of my soule and all crysten soulys. To Thomas my sonne ix acres and a halffe of land lying in Crosgate, wheroff v acres and a halffe sumtyme wer Henry Lambert, to hym, hys heyres and assignes, Agnes my wyff [taking the profits till] he come to the age of xviij yeres; [remainder] to Wyll'm my sonne, hys heyres and assygnes for ever; [remainder, if William die under 18,] to Mawde and Agnes my doughters [folio 251d.] and the chylde that my wyff is with, yff eny of them be then lyffyng, to have to them, ther heyres and assignes for ever. To the chylde my wyff is with, [if it] be a man chylde, iij acres of lande in Wantonsgate, and v acres of lande in Dyesgate, to hym, hys heyres and assygnes for ever; and yff he departe before he cum to the age of xviij yeres, I will it remayn to Thomas and William my sonnys, ther heyres and assignes for ever. I will that iij acres of lande in Crossegate be solde, and the money therof receyvyd to be disposyd emonges pore people within the chirch of Sutton to pray for my soule and all crysten soulys. I will that my executors [sic] cause a prest to syng for my soule and all crysten soule within the church of Sutton by the space of a quarter of on yere, and he to gyff hym for hys labor xxvjs. viijd. I will that my wyff bake a seame of wheate in tyme of lente next cumyng, and to dispose the same in dedes of almys emong pore people in the parysh church, by the oversyght off my executor. Resydew of goodes to Thomas Edmunde, whome I constitute my executor. Mr Anthony Irby to be supervisor. I gyff up the surrendre of all my landes abovesayd to the use of thys my wyll into the handes of Robert Woorshyp. Thes wytnes, Ewyn Masse; William Blakborne; Richerd Kyng; Robert Worshyp; Simon Edmund; Thomas Marke; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 19 October, 1530.
The testament of Thomas Gretham [of South Ormsby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 209.]
10 May, 1530. I Thomas Gretham of Sowthormesby. My body to be buryed in the church yerde, with my mortuary that the lawe will. To the high alter of St. Leonerde of Ormesby for tithys forgotten iiijd. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln iiijd. To the gylde of St. James in Ormesby iiijd. To v prestes for saying v messys the day of my buryall xxd. To Xp'ofer Chelys. To Agnes Brande. Resydewe of goodes to Margaret my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Thes wytnes, Sir Ric' Mychyll, Sir Richerd Stabulforth, parysh prestes.
Proved before P., at Horncastr', 4 October, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Thomas Kylham of Horblyng.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 160.]
10 May, 1530. I Thomas Kylham of the parysh of Horblyng. My body to be buryed in the chapell of our Lady wythin the parysh church. To Elizabeth Denton, my doughter in law, fowr of my obligacions of xxl. a pece, wych wyth more my lorde Hussy owyth to me. To my cosyn, Sir Wylliam Chamber, my ferme in Gosberton, Quadryng and Surflet duryng the yeres of the lease wych I have of Morice Barkeley, on of the heyres off [folio 160d.] Sir Thomas Delayland therupon. I will that all my plate and all other my goodes, excepte my houshold stuff, be devydyd in ij partes, of the wich on halff I wyll be disposyd in payng my dettes and legacies and other charitable warkes for the soulys of me and of Jane my wyff and off our parentes, kynsfolkes, with other our frendes soulys, and the other halff I gyff to my wyff, to the wich Jane I also bequeth all my houshold stuff. I wyll that the profyttes of my purchesyd land lying in Horblyng be apployid for the space off xv yeres after my decease to the fyndyng of a prest to pray for our soulys above rehersyd continually the sayd xv yeres in the chapel of our Lady aforesayd; and after the xv yeres be endyd, I will all the sayd land remane to Thomas Denton, my sone in law, and to hys heyres, under thys condicion, that he do not wythin the sayd xv yeres make sale of any parte of hys inheritaunce lying within the parysh of Horblyng wych he was borne unto; [otherwise] my feoffers shall stand styll feoffyd therin to the use of a prest to pray for my soule in the sayd chapell continually so long as the kynges lawys wyll it suffer, or other laufull provision may be mayd therfore. And after that, I wyll my sayd purchesyd land be solde be my feoffers, and the money therof commyng to be disposyd for our soulys above specyfyed, att the syght and advice of the churchwardens and other honest paryshoners of Horblyng; provydyd alway that all the surplusage of the rentes over and besyde the salary of the prest be disposyd in reparillyng [folio 161] of the ornamentes of the sayd chapell, and furthermore as it will extende to the necessary chargys of the parysh church continually, so long as the rentes shall be apployid to the fyndyng of a prest. To the mother church warke of Lincoln iijs. iiijd. To the hygh alter of Horblyng for tithys forgotten ijs. To the church warke at Horblyng xls. To our Lady lyght ther ijs. To the rode lyght ther iijs. iiijd. To Roger Braddok, Rayff Jakson, Richerd Hodgeson, Thomas Remy, Wylliam Watson, Robert Pashmore and Thomas Bulle, my servants, xxvjs. viijd. To Margaret Borne, my wyff servant. To George Denton, my sone in law. To John Coryar my blak geldyng callyd Blak of the Vale. I wyll that the sayd George Denton and Richerd Denton, hys brother, shall after the decease of Jane my wyff have to ether of them yerly duryng ther lyffys vjl. xiijs. iiijd., accordyng to the tenour of my recovery mayd upon the landes lying in Sutton St. Jamys, St. Edmund and St. Mary Tyd in the countie of Lincoln, and in St. Gylys Tyd in the countie of Cambrige. I make Jane my wyff, Sir Wylliam Chambre my cosyn and Edward Grenhawgh my executors; and my lorde abbot of Peterborow to be supervisor. And I will that my lord of Peterborow have for hys labor too amblyng geldynges, wych go in the close besyd John Browne, [etc.]. In wytnes heroff, Mr Langham of Leicestr', my cosyn; Sir William Chamber; John Coryar; Roger Brodak; Raff Jakson; and George Denton; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 21 May, 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Richard Trewe of Ellesham.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 176.]
14 May, 1530. I Richerd Trewe of Ellesham. I wyt my soule to allmyghtty God, to our Lady Saynt Mary and to all the sayntes in heven. My body to be buryd in the church yerde. I wyt to our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To our Lady gylde of Ellesham xijd. To the Augustyn frerys and Gray frerys of Grymesby for on trentall xs. To the vicar of Ellesham for tythys forgotten xijd. Resydewe of goodes to Alyson my wyff to dispose for the helth of my soule as she wyll answer afore the high Juge of heven. I wyt that my wyff be my executrix. Thes men wytnes, Sir John Whaplode, vic'; Edward Hopkynson; and Richerd Hewton; and other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 25 July, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Richard Johnson [of Keelby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 232.]
15 May, 1530. I Richerd Johnson. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of St. Bartholomew in Keylby. I wyt to our Lady of Lincoln xviijd. To our Lady gylde in Keleby. To the roode light. To the bellys. To the sacrament iijs. iiijd. I bequeth xs. for a trentall of messys. [folio 232d.] To every on of my godchylder within Keleby a pek of whete. To my wyff too kye. To my too sonnys too sterys, my eldest sone a nox stere and my yong sonne a qwye. I bequeth my house to my wyff as long as she is in lyffe and holde her unmaryed; and if she mary, my heldest sonne for to have it continuyng my yeres. To George Johnson, my brother. Resydewe of goodes to my wyff and my ij chylder, wich I make my executors; and Will'm Burwell for to have the governyng of my chylder. Wytnes heroff, Sir Will'm Greneall; Henry Banton; Thomas Robynson; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Castr', 10 October, 1530.
The testament of William Cogyll [of Alford].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 321d.]
18 May, 1530. I William Cogyll of Alforde. My body to be buryd in the parysh churche yerde. To the ornamentes of the high alter ther iiijd. To every alter iiijd. To St. George light iiijd. To our Lady light in the sowth qwere iiijd. To King Henry light iiijd. To the steple of Alforde vjs. viijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln viijd. I bequeth for on trentall of messys to be celebrat and done in the church of Alforde xs. To Jenet my doughter, the yonger, xls. To Jenet my doughter, the elder, xxvjs. in money or peny worthys. To Margaret my doughter xxvjs. viijd. in lyke manner. And the aforesayd bequests to be delyveryd at the age of xviij yeres or at the day of ther mariages, [etc.]. To Jenet my wyff the rest of all my goodes, [etc.]; and I make her and Thomas Webster of Alforde my executors. I make Mr Will'm Johnson, the vicar of Alforde, supervisor. Thes beyng wytnes, Mr Will'm Johnson, vicar of Alford; John Keale, and Will'm Walker, of the same.
Proved before P., at Tottyll, 13 March, 1530, by the executors.
The testament of John Curtis of Great Stretton.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 172.]
18 May, 1530. I John Curtes of Gret Stretton. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of Alhalloys in Stretton. To our Lady warke of Lincoln viijd. To the high alter in Stretton churche viijd. To the upholdyng of the sepulcre lyght in the forsayd church on yow schepe. To the parysh church of Hemyngby on bushyll barly. I will that all my goodes be devydyd in thre partes: on parte to Alice my wyff; the secunde parte to my chylder, and yff other of them dye afore they be maryed, I will then hys parte shall remane to the other lyffyng in the handes and custody of Alice my wyff, to the use of noryshyng and bryngyng up of the chyldren to that time that she do mary agane, and then she to delyver the said goodes to Wylliam Curtes, my fader; and if he departe owt of thys worlde, I will the goodes be deliveryd to William Curtes and Robert Curte [sic], my breder; of the thyrde part my dettes to be payd, [etc.], and the resydewe to be disposyd for the helthe of my soule and all crysten soulys, by the discrestion of William Curtes, my father, and Alice my wyff, whome I orden my executors. Wytnes heroff, Sir Ric' Johnson, vic' of Stretton; Thomas Curtes; John Adyson; William Butter; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Callestrop, 27 June, 1530. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Sir Andrew Yong.
[L.C.C., 1535–37, f. 68d.]
18 May, 1530. I Sir Andro Yong. My body to be buryed in the paryshe churche yerde of St. Powles with in the Closter; yff I departe at Grenewiche, then I wyll my body be buryed in the freres ther, or ellys wher God shall be pleasyd. To Margaret Alen, my cosyn, my lyttyll sylver potte; and aftyr her decesse, I will it remayn to Robert Aleyn, my godsun. I will that the sayd Robert Aleyn have all my bokes. Resydue of goodes [folio 69] to Margaret Aleyn, whome I make myn executrix, and she to bryng me furthe, [etc.]. Thes beyng wytnes, Mr Robert Cottes, one of the Kynges chapell; doctor Hyckman, pety canon of Pollys; Robert le Yoman; Syr Richerde Stephynson, paryshe preste of Wyberton; Sir Robert Alger, chauntry preste of the same towne; Sir John Markeby, preste; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 21 October, 1535. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Thomas Berry of Ussylby.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 173d.]
19 May, 1530. I Thomas Bery of Vssylby. My body to be buryed in the church of saynt Margaret off Vssylby. To the high alter xxd. for tithys forgotten. To the hygh alter of our mother chyrch of Lincoln vjd., and to our Lady warkes of Lincoln vjd. I wyll that a trentall of messys off saynt Gregory be done for my soule at Vssylby. I bequeth vjs. viijd. to the fyndyng of a light before saynt Margaret in Vssylby church. To John my sone on pare of borden bedstokkes, on cownter, on bynkbord, on forme that standes before the cownter, a yerd and di' of kendall, on habell muke carte with a pare of whelys, my best nepe yoke, my best stee or lether. To Isabell Fedde. I will that Edan my wyff shall have my house in Vssylby, wher I and she now dwellys, with all the landes, medoys and pastur to the sayd house belongyng, unto the feest of the appostellys Phylip and Jamys in the yere 1532, upon the condicion that she do not marry nor dwell and inhabyt owte of the sayd house; [otherwise] I wyll that my sone John shall have the [premises] to hym and to hys heyres for ever. To Edan my wyff for the terme of her lyff on cottage with on ley of past'r in Vssylby, the wich I bought of Phylip Cowper; and after her dethe they shall remane to Thomas my sone for ever. To Edan my wyff the thyrd parte of all my goodes and cattell. Resydewe of goodes unto Thomas my sone, Xp'ofer my sone, Dorethe, Margaret, Anne, Margery and Johanne my doughters, to be devydyd emong them by Edan my wyff, whome I make my executrix. I wyll Henry Hanssard of Owresby, John Osgerby of Osgerby, and John Odlyng of Claxby shalbe the supervisors. Thes wytnes, Xp'ofer Clerke, parson of Vssylby; William Beforthe; and Oliver Richerdson of Vssylby.
Proved before P., at Market Rasen, 5 July, 1530. Admin. granted, etc.
The testament of Margaret Thomas [of Wickenby, widow].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 364.]
20 May, 1530. I Margaret Thomas of Wykynbe, in my pure wydoyhode. My body to be buryed within the churche of St. Peter in Wykynbe. To the high altare for tithys forgottyn iijs. iiijd. To the reparacions of the forsayd kyrke xxd. To the reparacions of our mother churche of Lincoln xijd. To the iiij orders of frerys within Lincoln, ich of them xd. To Adam Thomas, my sonne, a cownter with a brewyng led and a hyve off ben', [etc.]. To Richerd Thomas, my sone, my gret share and a gret arke, ij ben' hyves, [etc]. To Charlys Thomas. To John Thomas, my sone. To Margaret Newell; Elizabeth Wycars; Margaret Wecars, hyr syster; and Agnes Spenser. To Margaret Spenser my spruce chyst, one matterys, one bordeclothe, and one towell with a frynge that hynges a bowt my bed. To Elizabeth Blawe; Agnes Blawe [folio 364d.]; Margaret Gretham; Josean hyr syster; Mare Gretham; Agnes Gretham; Helionore Gretham; Helionre Kynson one kyst that was her granfathers; William Blawe; John Wecars; and John Fyttlyng. To Sir John Thomas, my sonne, my brasse potte that I occupy dayly, and my chawyng dyshe, also one potte that is callyd a chaffyng pott. Resydue of goodes to my executors, whome I make Richerd Thomas, my sonne, and George Nevell, and iche of them to have for ther labor vjs. viijd. I make my sone, John Gretham, supervisor. To John Wycars. To ich of my doughters Isabell Gretham, Elizabeth Newell and Jenet Blawe one sylver spone; and to Isabell Thomas one sylver spone. Thes beyng whytnes, Sir John Thomas; William Blawe; and Henry Person; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 7 June, 1532.
The testament of John Sparrow [of Toynton St. Peter].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 318d.]
23 May, 1530. I John Sparrow. My body to be buryed in the kyrk yerde of St. Peter of Toynton. To the anornamentes of the high alter of St. Peter of Toynton iiijd. To the anornamentes of our Lady alter in the same kyrke iiijd. To the anornamentes of St. Nicholes alter in the same kyrke iiijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To Beatrix my wyff the house that I dwell in the terme of her lyff, and xviij landes in the est felde and in the south felde of Toynton, and a house in Horncastr' with all that longes therto. I will have a obbyt day kepyd in Nether Toynton everlastyng of St. Bartholomewe evyn for the soulys of Will' Sparrow and Isabell hys wyff, and Thomas Sparrow and Margaret hys wyff, Richerd Sparrow and Alice hys wyff, and John Sparrow and Beatrix hys wyff; and that to be takyn of the house that I dwell in and iij landes in Wateryn; xxd. yerly takyn and disposyd for the forsayd soulys, that is for to say, for dirige iiijd., and for messe pennys viijd., and to the rynggers and pore people viijd. To Jenet Eger, my doughter, iiijl. aftyr the decease of my wyff, her mother, and that to be takyn of my landes, and payd in iiij yeres. I will v chylder of John Egers have ylk on of them vjs. viijd., [etc.]. I will have a trentall of xxxty messes done at Boston all of on day. The resydew of my goodes I gyff to Beatrix my wyff, John Sparrow and John Eger, whome I make my executors. Thes wytnes, Sir Robert Branwyth; William Thomson; and John Myntyng.
Proved before P., at Parteney, 11 March, 1530.
The testament of Clement Staward [of Kirton in Holland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 197.]
25 May, 1530. I Clement Staward of Kyrton, makes my testament, concludyng with my last will. My body to be buryed in the churchyerd of the appostels Peter and Paule in Kyrton, and that thyng for my mortuary as the law doth require. To the hygh alter for tythys forgotten vjd. To every alter besyde ijd. To the reparacions of our mother church of Lincoln iiijd. To the orphans of St. Catheryns ijd. To the reparacions of the church of Kyrton iijs. iiijd. To the Trinitie gylde xijd. To Jenet Cok. Resydew of goodes to John Jakson, my sonne, whome I make my executor. Thes beyng wytnes, Sir Thomas Ashley; William Par; John Donyngton; with other moy, yff nede require.
Proved before P., at Freston, 11 August, 1530.
The testament of Henry Beamond [of Ashby cum Fenby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 219d.]
26 May, 1530. I Henry Beamond of Ashby. My body to be buryed within the kyrke of Ashby. I wyt to the high alter of Lincoln vjd. To the Red Arke vjd. To the kyrke of Ashby ijs. To the high alter ijs. To Richerd Beamond, my sonne, iij acres whett sawn of the grounde. To Isabell Beamond. The resydewe of my goodes I wytt to Catheryne my wyff, wich I make my executrix to dispose for the well of my soule, as she shall se best to be done. Thes wytnes, Sir Robert Bartylmewe, parson of Ashby; Richerd Hyll of Swalloy; and Nicholes Symon of the same.
Proved before P., at Grymesby, 11 October, 1530.
The testament of Richard Brone [of Horsington].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 210.]
26 May, 1530. I Richerd Brone of Horsyngton. My body to be buryd in the churche yerde of All Haloys. To the church xijd. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln xijd. To the iiij orders of frerys in Lincoln. To St. Margaret church in Buknall. To the church of Wyspyngton. To the church of All Haloys in Horsyngton ij nobyls to fynde ij lighttes for evermore, on before the roode and the other before our Lady. I bequeth xs. for a trentall to be done for my soule. Resydue of goodes to John Brone and Ric' Brone, my sonnys, for my funerall days and for to dispose for the helthe of my soule, as they thynke best. Whytnes wheroff, Sir John Kyel; Nicholes Hale; Alexander Scotte.
Proved before P., at Horncastle, 4 October, 1530.
The testament of Joan Halgarth [of Horncastle, widow].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 222d.]
26 May, 1530. I Johanne Halgarthe of Horncastr', vidoy. My body to be buryed in the paryshe churche of Horncastr', of the south parte, as nygh unto my husband as can be, payng therfore to the sayd churche xs. To the high alter vjs. viijd. in the name of my mortuary. To our Lady of Lincoln xxd. To the iiij orders of frerys in the sayd Lincoln xxd. to every house. To St. Catheryne gylde vs. To the goode Roode of the same vjd. To the churche warke of the same xxd. To the torchys xxd. To the bellys xijd. To Sir Rawffe Howton iijs. iiijd. To my syster Emot Orwell; Johanne Orwell, my syster doughter; Elizabeth Purell; Agnes Fawced; Thomas Purell; every on of John Halgarthe chylder; John Halgarthe iiij dakers of lether; Agnes hys wyff x yerdes of hempe terre; Robert Palfreman; William Parselay. To Jamys Burton to be good and vigelat for my soule xs. I will that Robert Palfreyman have the governaunce of Robert Halgarthe, sonne of Thomas Halgarthe, and hys landes and hys swannys unto he cum unto lefull age. To William Halgarthe, sonne of the sayd John Halgarthe. To Thomas Halgarthe. To Robert Reynes a hyde with a bende of lether. At my buryall day a trentall of messes. At my yere day of my husband and me a dirige at the discrestion of my executors as my goodes will extende. To Robert Clerke; John Brokkyt; Robert Foster; Thomas Fawced; Sir Robert Boston, prior of Tupholme, xs.; Edward Smyth; Xp'ofor Fawced. I make John Halgarthe and Thomas Estwoode my executors. Resydew of goodes to John Halgarthe to dispose for the helthe of my soule. Thes beyng wytnes, Sir Rawff Howton, my curat; Jame Burton of the same; Richerd Kyrke of the same; Thomas Robynson of the same; Alexander Bowes of the same; William Gray of the same; William Lylle of the same; and John Maydenwell; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Wragby, 14 October, 1530. Admin. granted to John Halgarthe, Thomas Estwoode renouncing.
The testament of Richard Potoke [of Butterwick].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 199d.]
26 May, 1530. I Richerd Potok of Butterwyk. My body to be beryd in the church yerd of the holy apostle St. Androy. I gyff for my mortuary iijs. iiijd., and to the sacrament for tithys forgotten iiijd. To the chapell of our Lady in the same towne ijd. To the reparacions of the mother church of Lincoln iiijd., and to St. Jamys in the abbay church off Freston iiijd. To John my son a browne cowe and a storryd mare. To Alice my doughter my house with the purtenaunce to her and to her heyres of her body; [remainder] to John my sonne and hys heyres, aftyr the same forme; [remainder in succession] to Richerd [folio 200] and Robert and their heyres, after the same forme. To Richerd my sonne vij stonges medoy lying in Butterwyk ynges in fee symple. To John my sone on acr' lande lying at Calffe Hurnys the terme of hys lyff; and after hys decease I will it to be solde and the money therof to be disposyd in fyndyng a prest in Butterwyk church to pray for my soule, for the soulys of all my good frendes and benefactors and for all crysten soulys. The reste of my goodes I put to the disposicion of Jenet Pedder, my syster, whome I make my executrix to bryng up my chylder, etc. I require John Kytchyn the yonger, sone of Thomas Kytchyn, to overse that thys my wyll and testament be fulfyllyd. Thes wytnes, Sir Thomas Pycto, prest; Richerd Cram; John Kyrkby; John Pyshy; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Freston, 11 August, 1530.
The testament of Matthew Carter, [parson of Fulletby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 352.]
31 May, 1530. I Sir Mathewe Carter, parsone of the churche of Fulletby. My body to be buryed within the highe qwere of St. Androy of Fulletby. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln a golde ring with a dyamonde. To the high altare of the same viijd. I will that Sir Thomas Sheperde syng ij yeres in Fulletby churche for my soule, my fader soule, my moder soule, and all my benefactors soulys; and he to have for hys stipende every yere vl. To every house holder within Fulletby a bushill of malte or barly. To Mr Roberte Moneson, my godsun, a sylver salte with a cover, and a sylver pece, weyng in the hole viij unces and a halffe. To Mr William Moneson xxty lammys. To Masterys Francys Askewe xxd. To Master Commyssary a fedder bedde, a bolster and xxty of my best wedders. To Mr Henry Sapcotes xiijs. iiijd. To Dorothe Sapcotes, my goddoughter, vjs. viijd. To Master Peter Efforde xxd To Sir John Astruppe a gowne lynyd wyth blake furre, a nother gowne lynyd wyth fytchys, and my best rydyng gowne, a worstyd dooblet, a worstyd jakyt, my best bonet, all my bokes, [etc.]. To the vicare of Swaton my beste hatte. To Jenet my syster vjs. viijd. To Robert Wate; Mathew Wayt; Agnes Alesby; Jenet Wayt; Margaret Wayt; Catheryne Wayte; Agnes my syster a tawnye gowne, [etc.]; Robert Astroppe; Jenet Astrop; [folio 352d.] John Carter, my neve; Thomas Veale, my neve. To Robert Wylson my indenture of my farme in Fulletby duryng my yeres, excepte my gret close which I bequeth to the parsone nexte ensewyng; they to pay the lordes rent. And yff so be that the parsone be resydent and kepe house, then I will that my hole ferme remayn unto the parsone when iiij hole yeres aftyr my decesse be endyd. To John Thewe, my servant; John Cobbyng, my neve; John Veale, my neve, my blak nagge callyd Corke; Robert Veale. To Jennet Cobbyng, my nece, my indenture of my lyttyll house in Fulletby duryng my yeres. To Margaret Carter and Jenet Cobbyng, my neces, all my housholde stuff unbequethyd equally to be devydyd betwyxt them. To the churche of Fulletby xls. to by ij vestimentes with the same. To Sir John Cocke, parsone of Kettesby my long gowne lynyd with sattyn cypres. To Sir Henry Goslyng, vicare of Edlyngton, vj schepe and my chamlet hode. To the iiij orders of frerys of Lincoln to every house iijs. iiijd. I will that my bedstokes in the parler and ij in the chamber, and my brewyng leade remayn styll to my successors. To Mr John Moneson of Carleton, esquyer, and Mr Thomas Dymok of Carleton, esquyer, to every of them viij quarters malte, desyryng them to be the supervisors and to helpe my executors. To Sir Thomas Sheperde, Sir Richerde Johnson, Sir Richerde Harde, John Cobbyng, John Carter, Agnes my syster, Thomas Veale and Mathew Wayte all my croppe whiche shall cum of my ferme and glebe lande thys yere, to be devydyd emong them. To Robert Leche, William Leche, Stephyn Sawmon and Nicholes Leche. The resydue of my goodes I will be disposyd for the helthe of my soule and for the soulys of my frendes and benefactors by John Pryn commissary, Sir John Cocke parson of Kettesby, and Sir John Astrop my neve, whome I make my executors. Thes wytnes, Sir Thomas Sheperde; Sir Henry Goslyng, vicare of Edlyngton; with other mo.
Proved before Thomas Thorneton, dean of the deanery of Loutheske and Ludburgh, and deputy of Master John Pryn, doctor of decrees, commissary and official of the archdeaconry of Lincoln, at Louthe, 12 June, 1532, by the executors.