Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1918.
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'Lincoln wills: Miscellaneous (1521-29)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530, ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].
'Lincoln wills: Miscellaneous (1521-29)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,
"Lincoln wills: Miscellaneous (1521-29)". Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.
In this section
Miscellaneous (1521-29)
[The testament of William Williamson of Billinghay.]
[L.C.C., 1538–40, f. 86. Translated from the Latin.]
24 August, 1521. I William Williamson makes my testament. I bequeath my soul to God the Father Almighty, blessed Mary and all his saints; and my body to be buried in the church of St. Andrew of Byllynggay. To the high altar for tithes forgotten xxd. To the church of Byllynggay one vestment. To the mother church of Lincoln ijs. To the high altar of the church of Swaton for tithes forgotten iijs. To the poor of the same xxd. To the church of Osburneby iijs. iiijd. To the poor of the same xxd. To the church of Maksaye vs. To the high altar of Makesay xxd. To the four orders of friars of Lincoln xxs., that is, to each vs. To the nuns of Catlay xs., and to the reparations of the same xs. To every poor servant-maid within the town of Billinggay vjd. To every godchild (confilio) of mine of either sex xijd. To Betrice my sister. To every servant of my house ijs. I bequeath xs. to find one suitable chaplain to celebrate for my soul, [etc.], for the two years next following after my decease. I make Katherine my wife and Anthony my son my executors, to whom I bequeath the residue of my goods, except that I bequeath to Mary Standyshe one cow and one calf. These being witnesses, Thomas Lytster, clerk, vicar of Byllynggay; William Hycson, chaplain; Thomas Cooke; John Herde, senior; William Grene; Thomas Herd; and others.
[Proved before Pope, at Lincoln, 14 September, 1538.]
The testament of George Howson [of Boston].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 55d.]
4 February, 1522. I Georg Howson. To Thomas my son the house that I now dwell in, to hym hys heyres and assignes; and yff he deceasse withowt heyres off hys body, and he may spare it unsolde, I will it remayn to the gyld off sanct Peter with in the parysh church of sanct Botulphe in Boston, yff thay may lawfully take it, or ellys it to be solde, and the mony theroff to be disposed by hys executors for our saulys, fathers, mothers and other our benefactors and for all crysten soulys. To Agnes my syster; and at hyr decease I will that my soon bryng hyr forth and that she have our mortuary horse, mare or best above the price off vjs. viijd. The resydue off my goodes I gyff to Thomas my soone, whome I make my executor. Mr Thomas Robertson, to be my supervysour. Thyes beyng wyttnes, Sir Thomas Scheyrsse (fn. 1), parysh prest of the same; William Moltbe; and William Dymbylton.
Proved before P., at Boston, 27 September, 1527. Admin. granted to the executor.
The testament of Christophor Tharolde [of Waith].
[L.C.C., 1534, etc., f. 6d.]
1525. I Xp'ofor Tharolde. My body to be buryed in the churche of Wathe; my mortuary aftyr the custome of the cuntrith. To our Lady of Lincoln xijd. To the high altare of Wathe for tithes forgottyn xxd. To the churche of Wathe iijs. iiijd. To the churche of Asby xijd. Resydue of goodes to Alice my wyff, whome I orden my executrix, that she may dispose for the well of my soule as she lykes beste. Thes wytnessys, Sir Henry Herdwyk, vicare of Wathe; Robert Johnson; Richerde Pynnyng; William Ranȝer; John Ranȝer; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 16 February, 1534.
The testament of Thomas Bellow [of Boston].
[Var., f. 71d.]
9 May, 1526. I Thomas Bellow of Boston. My body to be buryd with in sanct Botulphe church in Boston. To my mortuarye accordyng to the custom. To the hygh alter for tythes forgotten xxd. To our Lady of Lincoln xxd. To Alice my wyffe the howsse wych I do dwell in, and also the howses and copy that I have of my lorde Roosse, duryng her lyffe, [etc.]; [remainder] to Robert my sone and to the heyres of hys body; [remainder] to my doghters and to the heyres of ther bodyes; [remainder to] be solde, and disposyd for my soule, my wyffe soule and all crysten solles. I wyll that Alice my wyffe have a pasture in Wyberton felde, the wych I have of George Sybsay by lease for the terme of x yeres, [etc.]. To my thre chylder xll., that is to say, every of them xxti marke, att the age of xxjti yeres or els at the day of ther mariages; and every of them to be other heyres; [remainder to be disposed] [folio 72] for my soule, my wyffe soule and all crysten soules. To John Newman, my wyffe sone, vjl. xiijs. iiijd. att the age of xxty yeres. To Elizabet my wyffe syster. To Wylliam my prentys all my schope gere and knyffes, [etc.]. To my brother, John Bellow, my blakke furryd gowne and my best doblyt. To John Geffray son my gown furryd with whytte lam, and to my brother Blakloke my gown lynyd with satten of sypres. To Thomas Chapman. I will ther be gyffyn in almos to pore people at the dayes of my buryall, my vijth day and xxxty day iiijl. I will that a prest do syng for me the space of a hole yere, and he to have for hys stypende and wages viij marke. I wyll that Alice my wyffe bere the costes and charges of my chylder with such goodes as I leffe with her for the same entent to they cum to the age off xiiij yeres a pece. Resydew of goodes to Alice my wyffe for to bere the charges of fyndyng and bryngyng up of my chylder. I make to be myn executors Alice my wyffe and Robert Lounde; and Robert Poluertoft, gentylman, to be the supervisour. Thyse beyng wyttnes, Syr Thomas Cersy, prest; John Margery; Wylliam Kynner; John Browne; Thomas Broune; Stephyn Clark; and John Percy.
Proved before P., in the parish church of Boston, 4 October, 1526. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Sir Thomas Burton, [parson of thenorth part of East Keal].
[L.C.C., 1538–40, f. 157d.]
12 May, 1529. I Thomas Burton, parson of the northe parte of the paryshe churche of Esterkell. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of the Invencyon of the Holly Crosse of Esterkele, at the end of our Lady quere, at the feyt of my fader and moder. To the sacrament xijd. To the churche warkes of Esterkell xs. To the churche warkes of Ouer Toynton xxd. To the churche warkes of Westerkell xxd. To Thomas Ric'son the juni', my godsone. To Annas Ric'son, my syster [folio 158]. To Ezabell Ric'son a rede flecyd cow, and my morlay gowne. To Margaret Ric'son a blake cowe, the elder of ij that I bought of Johne Taylor. To Alyce Ryc'son a blake flekyd cowe. To Gylbert Ric'son. To Johne Ric'son a yong colt stag. To Thomas Ric'son, my broder. To Annes Voluntyn. I wyll that ther be delte emong my pore paryshoners ij seme rye. I wyll that Thomas Burton of Bullyngbroke be on of my executores. Item Mr parson off Bullyngbroke (fn. 2) be my supervisor. Resydew to Thomas Ryc'son and Annas his wyfe. Thes beryng wytnes, Sir Thomas Maltby, Mr of the chauntre of Spyllesby; Sir Wylliam Cole, parson of Parteney; and Sir Johne Wystowe; with oder.
Proved before Pope, at Spyllesby, 6 May, 1539.