Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1918.
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'Lincoln wills: 1527 (January-June)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530, ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].
'Lincoln wills: 1527 (January-June)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,
"Lincoln wills: 1527 (January-June)". Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.
In this section
1527 (January-June)
The testament of William Albynson [of Keal Coates].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 116.]
29 March, 1527. I William Albynson off Westerkele Cotes. To Thomas Albynson and William my sones when the go to mariage xiijs. iiijd. apiece. To Margaret my doughter. To Margery my doughter when she gose to mariage xiijs. iiijd. To Alice, Cristian and Jenet my doughters. To the ryngers at my buryall viijd. To Robert Johnson a coteclothe, price a yerde xijd. To William Johnson a coteclothe price le yerde xijd. To Sir Robert Wryght. The resydue off my goodes to John Albynson, my sone, and to Sir Robert Wryght, my brother in law, whome I make my executors. Wytnes, Sir William Smyth; Sir John Burwell; Robert Kyngerby; Simond Grave; Robert Carter; and Thomas Appilby; with other moy.
The last will of the same.
Thys is the last will off me William Albynson, mayd the day and yere abovewrytten. I will that all the landes wich Agnes my wyff is feoffyd in affter hyr decease shall retorne to the ryght heyres off my body. I will that all my landes shall stande in feoffers handes, wich lye within the bowndes off Westerkele, Esterkele, Stykford and Sybsey, to the use heraffter specyfyed, that is to say, off a house, layth and garth wher William Beyle wonys to go to the use off Thomas my sone duryng hys lyff; remainder to the use off ryght heyres off my body. And off a close in Euynes and iij rygges in Euynes, to the use off William my sone duryng hys lyff, a pon a condicion that he will be rewlyd and orderyd be my executors or ther assignes; [remainder] to the use off the ryght heyres off my body; and yff William willnot be rewlyd and orderyd to he cum to laufull age, then the close and iij rygges to go to the use off the ryght heyres off my body. And off all the other landes not afore specyfyd I will [folio 116d.] my feoffers stand feoffed to the use of John my sone and hys heyres off hys body; [remainder] to the use off Thomas my sone and hys heyres off hys body; [remainder] to William my sone and hys heyres off hys body; [remainder] to be devydyd to the use off my doughters and ther heyrs off ther bodies; [remainder] to the next off my kynred and the heyres of ther bodies; [remainder] to be solde by my feoffers, and the mony to be devydyd in thre partes; on parte to be gyffyn to pore people off Westerkele, an other parte to the church warke off Westerkele, and the thyrde parte to the upholdyng off hy ways wyth in the sayd parysh of Westerkele. Thyse beyng wytnes, Sir William Smyth; Sir John Burwell; Robert Kyngerby; Simond Grave; Robert Carter; and Thomas Appilby; with many mooy.
Proved before P., at Spillesby, 6 May, 1528. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of J. Helwys [of Kirton in Holland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 43.]
2 April, 1527. I John Helwys off the paryshe off Kyrton in Hollande makes my testament concludyng wyth my last wyll. To Robert Woodhus and Jone hys wyffe my house as it apperyth more playnly in a payr off indenturys mayd betwyx Wylliam Stevynson off Peterburgh and me the said John Helwys. I wyll the sayd Robert and Jone ther heyrys or assygnes shall kepe or cause to be kepyd yerly in the church off Kyrton uppon sanct Vitalles day one obbyt by the space off lxxxiiij yerys. And ther to dyspose yerly at the sayd obbyt ijs. I will that they dispose or cause to be desposyd every Salmes day duryng the sayd yerys to the pore people vjd. in farthyng brede att the sayd house for my soule and all crysten saules. I will that the paynted cloth, the tabull, the longsettyll, and the chare with the forme, as they stand in the hall, do remane in the house the forsayd yerys as hayre lomys. The resydue off my goodes I gyff to Robert Woodhus and Jone hys wyffe, whome I make my executors. And I make Robert Heland, the yonger, supervysor. Wyttnessythe, Sir Thomas Cheyne, scholemaster; Sir Thomas Asley; John Lowlles; wyth other.
Proved before P., 20 May, 1527, at Swyneshed. Admin. granted, etc.
The testament of J. Sharpe [of Fishtoft].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 40.]
5 April, 1527. I John Sherpe off the parysh off sanct Guthlake off Tofft. To Elizabeth my wyff my house with on acre off pasture leyng by it the terme off hyr lyff; [remainder] to Philip my sone to hym and hys heyres; [remainder] to William and hys heyres off hys body; and for defawlte off issue off my sayd sonnes, to remayn to those my chyldren that longest shall lyff, etc. To William my sone my parte off house lyeng in Amell bryg affter the maner and forme aforsayd. To Phylip a quarter off a howker bote yff he will occupye it; yff not, to be solde by myn executors, and the mony so takyn to be devydyd equaly betwyx Philip, William and Isabell, my chyldren. The resydue off my goodes to Elizabeth my wyff and my fader, Robert Sherpe, whome I make myne executors; [folio 40d.] and sir Robert Byryall to be supervysor. Thyes beyng wytnes, sir Thomas Banester; John Busterd, the elder; and John Theker; wyth moo.
Proved before P., at Boston, 16 May, 1527. Admin. granted, etc.
The testament of Richard Vttyng [of Frieston].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 39d.]
5 April, 1527. I Richerd Vttyng off Freston. To be buryd in the churche yerde off sanct Jamys in Freston, and for my mortuary affter the custome off the towne. To our lady off Lincoln iijd. To the hygh alter for tythys [folio 40] forgotten iiijd., and to sanct Jamys ijd. To Isabell my wyff my house with the appurtenaunce the terme off hyr lyff; [remainder] in fee simple to Thomas Vttyng, my sone. Resydue off my goodes to Isabell my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Wyttnes, Sir Myghyll Kyghley; Thomas Vttyng; and John Hayton; wyth other moo.
Proved before P., at Boston, 16 May, 1527. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of W. Mekylbaroo [of Huttoft].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 66.]
9 April, 1527. I William Mekylbaroo off Hotoft. To be buryd wher as it pleasys God; and that the law will to be my [sic]. [folio 66d.] To our Lady off Lincoln. To our lady warkes off Lincoln. To the hygh alter in Hotofft xijd. for tythys forgottyn. I will that my horse mylne be an harelome at my house in Anderby, and it may be sparyd. To my wyff and my chylder all my houshold stuffe; and yff she be maryd agane, then it to be devydyd bytwyx them by our parson. To Isabell Thorpe for hyr mother goodes xls. To the church off Hotofft iijs. iiijd. To the church off Anderby iijs. iiijd. To Sir John Fresmer and to Robert Swete xiijs. iiijd., whome I make my executors to performe thys my last will, and also to pay my dettes, wych is to be resauyd off my landes in Anderby, Hotofft and Mumby to the valew off on hundreth marke as it doys appere be my will more playnly. Also I wyll that the rest off my hundreth marke nott gyffyn nor payd remane to my chylde fyrst cumyng to the age of xxj yeres. Thes wyttnesses, Sir William Williamson; John Sherpe; John Randall; wyth other moo.
Proved before P., at Alford, 6 February, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Robert Alson, [late of Gedney].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 47.]
14 April, 1527. I Robert Alson, late off Gedney. To Agnes my wyff and Henry my sone my principall messuage with a certen tenement anexyd to the sayd messe, late Wardyd, and all my landes off Mr. Wenteforth fee, wyth the appurtenances, joyntly togeder the terme off my wyff lyff; [remainder] to Henry my sone to hys heyres and assignes. Yff it happen Henry my sone to dye before hys mother, and have no heyres off his body, then to [remain] to John my sone, hys heyres and assignes, except Henry my sones dowry. Also iiij acres and di' off Mr. Clement ffee in ij peces I will that my wyff and Henry my sone have it in lyke manner as the other lande. I will that John my sone have all my lande off Burlyon fee, with ij acre off Mr. [folio 47d.] Wentforth fee lieing together, to hys heyres and assignes, to entre immediatly aftyr my deceasse. To John my sone v mark payd be Henry my sone at the age of xx yeres. To Mawde my doughter v mark sterlyng when she come to the age of xx yeres. Yff other Henry or John my sonnes dye withowt heyres off ther bodies, the longer lyffer shall have all my forsayd messe, lande and tenement to hys heyres and assignes. To William my sone the rentes comyng to me from John Paternoster, Henry Callow and John Rowlett, as it apperyth be my dette boke. To William Alson, sone off William Alson, my sone. To every other chylde off William Alson. The resydeue off my goodes to Agnes my wyff and Henry my sone betwixt them, whom I make my executors; and William Bateman supervysor. The said Robert Alson hayth made a surrendre off hys copy lande to the handes off the sayd William Bateman. In wittnes, Ric' Callow; Robert Harde; Thomas Lowth; and Ric' Knapton; with many other.
Proved before P., 18 July, 1527, at Gedney. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Thome Hype [of Sutton St. James].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 48d.]
25 April, 1527. I Thomas Hippe of the parishe of saynt James in Sutton in Holond. I will Johanne my wif have my principall messuage with the crofte the terme of her lif; [remainder] to Thomas Cokson, son of Robert Cokeson, and to the heyres of his body; [remainder] to the next heyres of Robert Cokson, to hym and his heyres. To Johanne Hippe my wif ij acres londe lyeng in saynt Mary herne, xxij acres leyng in Saltfilde, and iiij acre and one rode leyng in Olde gate; and aftyr her deceasse to remayn to Margaret my doughter in fee symple. To Margaret my doughter iij acre called Reddes, and iiij acre lande leyng at Reddes crose, to have it in fee symple at the day of her mariage. To William Cokson an acre and a rode of lande leyng in Horsmere in fee symple. I bequeth my marke of Swanes to the chapell of St. James for to kepe an obiit yerly upon the Fryday bifore Care Sonday, aftyr the forme of Laurence Malles will, for my soule and all my good frendes soules. I will ij acre lande in Sandey gate, ij acre in Brodegate, ij acre and j rode in Burdesdrove and iiij acres in Balles drove remayne in the handes of myne executors to be solde. The residue of my goodes I put theym to the disposicion of my executors, whome I ordeyne Johanne my wif and Robert Cute. I will the said Robert Cut have for his labour xxs. Thies witnes, Sir Richard Smyth; Laurens Holdon; and Simon Digell; with other. Writen the day and yere abovesaid.
Proved before P., 18 July, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of John Thomson [of Frieston, yeoman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 71.]
26 April, 1527. I John Thomson off Freston, yoman, makyth thys my testament concludyng in the same my last will. To George, Alexandre and John Thomson, my sones. To Catheryne and Alice my doughters in redy mony vjl. xiijs. iiijd., a gyrdle and on pare off beades apiece. To Dame Margaret Thomson, my doughter, xls., a gyrdle and a pare off beades and a folden sylver spone. To Jane Thorpe, my servant, in redy mony vjl. xiijs. iiijd., a gyrdle with vj pypys sylver and gylte, and on pare off beades. The resydue off my goodes I gyff to the disposicion off Thomas Palmer, gent., and John Pedder off Freston, whome I do constitute myn executors, that they may dispose my goodes as shall be most pleas' to God and for the welth off my soule. Thyse beyng wytnesses, Sir Michell Kyghley, parysh prest off Freston; Sir John, prest (fn. 1); and Sir John Tates, of Tateshall (fn. 2); with many other.
Thys is the last will off me the sayd John Thomson for the disposicion off my landes and tenementes, mayd the day and yere abovesayd. I will all my feoffys from hensforthe shall stand and be feoffyd and seassed off and in all my landes and tenementes in Freston, Butterwyk, Tofte or elles wher in the countie off Lincoln, to the payment off my dettes and performacion off my testament and last will. [folio 71d.] Also I will that John Thomson, my yongest sone, have my capytall messuage that I dwell in, a house callyd Petir Semely house, ij houses callyd Petir Gie houses, Capon house, Bartile A lee house wyth di' acr' under it, Kyrkby house wyth a grene under it, iiij acre land in Herleyshon, and iij acre Inge grownde callyd Swyfte yng, to have to hym and to the heyres off hys bodye; and for defawte off such ishew, than I will the premisses remayn to George and Alexander my sonys evenly to be devydyd betwene them and to the heyres of ther bodyes in forme foloyng: that is to say, to Alexandre and to the heyres off hys body, and to George for terme off hys lyff, and in case yff George fortune to mary and have ishew off hys body in wedloke, than I will that hys porcion remayn to the sayd ishew and to the heyres off ther bodyes. Also I will that John my sone have my copie hold that I have off the prior and convent off Freston, also a Indenture for terme of certen yeres off a grene that I have off the prior and convent off Sempyngham, to hys own use and behove. Also I will that Alexander my sone have a messuage callyd Fysher house, a parcell off land called Person lande, a acre off arable land lying at Holmesgape and v acre land in the tenor off John Wayd, to hym and to the hayres off hys body; [remainder] to George and John my sones in lyke form as it is abovesayd. Also I will that the sayd George my eldest sone have a messuage called Bene house, a pastr' conteynyng ij acre and di', a house callyd Drowrge house wyth the appurtenaunce, a house callyd Peter Clay house, a pastr' callyd Kele grene, a pastr' callyd Richerd Robyn pastr' [folio 72] lying at the yng dyke conteynyng iij acre and di', a pastr' in the tenour off Richerd Jakson, conteynyng iiij acre, on acr' and di' off lee land, a ryg callyd Jak ryg, for the terme off hys lyff; the remaner theroff to Alexander and John my sones and to the heyres off ther bodyes, evenly to be devydyd betwine them. Moreover I will that yff George fortune to mary and have yshew off hys body begotten in wedloke, I will then the messuages and other the premisses before to hym gyffyn remayn to the sayd yshew and to ther heyres off ther bodyes; and for de fawte off such isshue, to remaine to Alexander and John and to the heyres off ther bodyes; and every off my sayd sones to be heyres to other in maner abovewryttyn. And yff it fortune all my sones dye wythowt heyres off ther bodies, than I will that all the premisses be solde be my executors, and the money theroff to be employed in maner ensuyng: that is to say, the halffe theroff to be devydyd amonge my iij doughters, Isabell, Katheryne and Alice Thomson, and the other halffe to be disposyd by the discrestion off my executors upon prestes to syng and pray for my soule, my wyffes soulys, my father and mother soules, and all cristen soules, and in other good dedes off charite to the honor, laude and prase off God, in the parysh chyrch off Freston. Also I will that my feoffes from hensforth shall stande and be seasyd off a pastur lying in Butterwyk, and another pasture both in the tenour off the sayd John Pedder, fyve acre, and ij acre in the tenure off William Worme, iiij acre in the tenure off Ric' Pedder the yonger, ij acre and di' in the tenure off Ralff Hopster, iij acre off arable land in the tenure off Stephyn Robyn lying in Bareneye feld, vij stonge off land and pastr' in Tofte feld, duryng the [folio 72d.] terme off iiij skore and xix yeres, upon thys condicion ensewyng: that is to say, I bequeth liijs. iiijd. yerely to be percevyd off the isseus renewyng and grawing off and upon the sayd pastures and other the premisses above specyfyed toward the wages and salary off a honest prest for to syng in the parysh church off Freston to the honour off God and the blessyd Trinite, to pray for my soule, my wyffes soules, my fader and moder soules, and all cristen soules. And when it fortune the most parte off the feoffes to decease wythin the sayd tyme and yeres, then I will those feoffes so over lyffyng shall make lyke astate to other new feoffȝ to the same use and intent, and so to be continued frome tyme to tyme duryng the sayd terme as long as the kynges lawes will suffer it, not renuyng in the dawnger off the statute off mortemayn. And in case the kynges licence off mortemayn wythin the sayd terme may be obteynyd, that then I will all the pastures and other the premisses remayn to the sayd gylde fowndyd in the honor off the blessyd Trinite in the sayd chyrch for evermore, so that the sayd paryshoners will make owt the resydue off ther devocion in suche wyse that the sayd preste may continew and have competent wages and salarye. And in case they refuse so to doy, or yff the kynges lawes will not suffer it for the dawnger off the statute off mortemane, than I will all the sayd pastures and other premisses be solde be my executors; and the mony theroff perceyvyd to be employyd and disposyd upon prestes to syng and pray for my soule, my wyfes soules, my fader and moder soules, and all cristen soules, and other good dedes off charite to the honour of God, [etc.] Also I will that yff George my sone will not be rewlyd and gydyd by the good advyse and counsell off my executors, or yff he procure, move or doy anythyng to the disturbance and lette off any article or thyng comprysyd in thys my testament and laste will, that then I will that he shall nother have landes, goodes, nor other thyng to hym afore gyffyn [folio 73]; also I will that all those parcelles to hym afore gyffyn be evenly devydyd betwyxt Alexander and John in taile in lyke maner; and for defawte off yshewe off them, the landes to be solde and disposyd be my executors in lyke maner as is above specyfyed. Also I will yff any ambiguite or dowte here affter be attempted or mayd by any person in any article or thyng comprissyd wythin thys testament or any clause or matter in the same not accordyng to the kynges lawes and dyscharge off my conscience, then I will the ambiguite or doughtes be interpretated by the advyse off my executors as nere as they can accordyng to the trewe meanyng and intent off my mynde in exchuyng off further costes and truble or inconveniences that myght ensewe in that behalff. Also I will that John Thomson, my sone, shall not entre nor have any possession off any landes or tenementes to hym before bequethyd unto the tyme that he be off laufull age, that is, xxjty yeres; and in the meane tyme, the isseus to be taken be my executors to hys fyndyng at schole, [etc.]
Proved before P., 31 January, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Robert Tonnerd.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 45d.]
26 April, 1527. I Robert Tonnerd makes my testament, etc. Fyrst I gyff my soule to God Almyghtty, etc. Here folowyth the will off Robert Tonnerd. I will that Agnes my wyff have my dwellyng house unto Mychell my sone come to the age off xxiiijty yere. And he shall entre into oon parte and she to have the other parte for terme off hyr lyff; and after hyr decease he shall entre the hole; and she shall repare it sufficiently in the meane tyme, and bryng up the chylde. And yff my wyff die or my sone come at the forsayd age, I will it retorne to my brother, Sir William, to the behouff of my sone Michell. And yff Michell my sone dye or he come at laufull age, I will it be solde be my brother, Sir William, or his assignes, and disposed for my soule. To my wyff iiij acres lande in Wyberton sold [sic] for terme off hyr lyff, and then it shall retorne to my sone Michell; and yff he dye with owt issue, then I will it retorne to my brother Sir William or hys assignes. To my wyff halff off my shippe with bote and all that longyth therto, [etc.] [folio 46] I will that Gray house, wyth ij acres pasture to the same belongyng, be put in suer feoffment to the behouff of Skyrbeck church the space and terme off iiijxx xviij yeres, on thys condicyon, that the church wardons kepe or cause to be kepte an obyte yerly for my soule and my frendes soulys to the value of vs. by the yere. And yff they canne obteyne the kynges licence for the sayd house and pasture for mortyfyng off the same with in the sayd yeres, then I will it so continew to the behouff off the sayd church for ever; and yff not, then I will that att ende off the sayd yeres the house and pasture be solde be the church wardens, and the money theroff commyng to be bistowed in the sayd church for my soule and all criston soules; provyded alway that yff the church wardons do not fullfyll and kepe my obyt yerly, I will myn executours or the executours off them sell the house and pasture, and the money theroff to be dysposed in the sayd church for my soule and all crysten soules. I will that Agnes my wyff have the sayd house and pasture in ferme the terme off hyr lyff, payng yerly to the churchwardens viijs. to kepe my yerly obyt with. I will have a preste founde be my executors to pray for my soule halfe a yere in sanct Simon and Jude qwere. I will Simon Tonnord, my brother sone, have ij acres pasture grounde in Kyrton meres, and my brother, Sir William, have the kepyng off the lande and the chylde; and shalbe att liberte whether he will kepe the lande or selle it to kepe the chylde wyth. I will that the residue off my shepe, and all my catell, and all my bootes be solde to pay my dettes. To Robert Grene, Crysten my syster, Alice Bayly my god doughter, and Robert Arnold a yowe and a lambe [apiece]. To Edward Mason halff my towles. The resydue off my goodes I leve to the disposycion off Ric' Tonnerd and Agnes my wyff, whome I make my executours, that they dispose them for the welth off my soule and for all crysten soules, by the oversyght off Sir Wylliam, my brother, whome I make my supervysor. [folio 46d.] Thyes wyttnes, William Parnnam off Frampton; William Grone off Kyrton; Thomas Marre off Boston; wyth other mooy.
Proved before P., at Frampton, 19 July, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Ryc' Welby [of Gedney].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 41.]
28 April, 1527. I Rycherd Welby of Gedney in Holand makes thys my testament and last wyll. Thys is the last wyll off me Rycherd Welby. I wyll Anne my wyff shall have my pryncypall messe with in Gedney with all my landes and tenementes wyth in the sayd towne to the terme off hyr lyff. To Anne my wyff my messe lyeng in Holbeche with all landes and tenementes with in the sayd towne the terme off her lyffe; also all my landes and tenementes with in the towne off Gosberton to the end and terme off hyr lyffe; also all my houshold stuff wyth all my plate, movables and not moveables, with all my implementes beyng with in the house and howses, and all my catall. I wyll have an honeste preste to celebrate for me and my good frendes ij yeres with in the church off our lady in Gedney. The resydue off my goodes I gyff to Anne my wyff, whome I make myne executrice; she to despose them for the helth off my soule. Thyes wyttnes, Robert Ganneson, chapeleyn; Robert [folio 41d.] Sowme; Wylliam Bokyll; John Waterman; John Nicolson; wyth other more, etc.
Proved before P., at Boston, 16 May, 1527. Admin. granted, etc.
The testament of Alleson Dekynson [of Gayton in the Marsh].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 50].
3 May, 1527. I Alleson Dekynson off Gaton. To Richerd Diconson the yonger Bell garthe to hym and to hys heyres off hys bodie; and he to gyff to the parson or the parysh preste yerly affter my decease for sayng off dirige and masse off Requiem iiijd. Also I will he gyff yerly xijd. to pore fookes every good fryday wythin the paryshyng off Gaton by the oversyght off Thomas Deconson, my broder. Yff it fortune that the forsayd Richerd die without heyres off hys body, I will that John Deconson have it under the same condicion. Yff it fortune John Deconson dy without heyres off hys body, I will it retorne to the next off the blode. To Thomas my broder on acre off lande and halff, medowe and tyland under thys condicion, that he cause a preste to syng a trentall, and also to gyff the church off Gayton iijs. iiijd. I will have another trentall with my other goodes. To Richerd Diconson chylder, William Diconson chylder, Jenet my god doughter, and Cissell, Philip Deconson, ychon off my god chylder, Robert Houseman, William hys sone, Agnes my syster, William my brother, Thomas my broder. To the church off Gaytton. To Richerd Diconson, Agnes Deconson wyff off William Deconson, Jenet Diconson wyff off Thomas [folio 50d.] Deconson, Margaryt Deconson. To the alter of Gayton a awter clothe. To Jenet Cowuerlay, Margaret Warde. Residue of goodes to Thomas Deconson and William Deconson, whome I make my executors. Theys wytnes, Henre Skypwyth; Ric' Dysnay; John Droype; John Hyc'; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Awthorpe, 31 July, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Alexander Leeke.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 38d.]
7 May, 1527. I Alexander Leeke makyth my testament and last will. I will that Margaret my wyffe have all the hole houshold stuff, savyng I will that every on off my iij doughters that be unmaryed have every on off them a fetherbedde with the pertenans ther to pertenyng, also a bras potte and a chyste and a pare of amber beaddes, the yongest to have chose. To John Leeke, my sone, my gray amblyng nagg with the amblyng stagg. I will that Marget my wyff have hyr joynter peassably accordyng to the dede ther off mayd with the hole inclosse duryng hyr lyffe. I will that the resydue off my lordshype off Stanygot, my wyffe joynter excepte, be put in feoffment to the performans off my wyll the space off xxty yerys nexte foloyng affter my decease. To John Leke my sone xll., excepe that hys brother Xp'ofer decease with owt issue, that then the sayd John to have the land and no mony. To Anthony Leke, my sone, xxty marke. To Catheryne, Jasabelle and Jane my doughters each xxl., and hyr bryngyng up unto the age of xvj yeres; provydyd alway that myn executors [folio 39] be no forder chargyd but as it shall ryesse and grow off the sayd lordeshype. To Xp'ofer my sone all my hole harnys. I will that affter my deceasse Xp'ofer Leke, my sone and hare, enter in to Sybsay and Leke all holle as ryght ineryter; and yff he dye with owt issue off hys body, that then John hys brother to enter as ryght hare. The resydue off my truly begotten goodes I refer to the dyscrescyon and dysposycyon off myne executors to dyspose for the helth off my soule, whome I constytute John Rede, gentylman, Margaret Leke, my wyffe. Mr. John Henage to be supervysor. In wyttnes heroff I have put to my seale off my harmys the day and yere above wryttyn. Thes wyttnes, Mr. John Rede; Sir Ric' Barker, parych preste; Xp'ofer Leeke; Robert Malteby; Thomas Kendalle; Wylliam Longbotom; John Newbe; John a Leeke.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, in the church of St. Peter in Estgate, 22 May, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of William Basse [of Sapperton].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 57.]
17 May, 1527. I William Basse of Sapperton, seyk in body. I will that Sir Walter, my sone, shall have my messe and tenement lyeng in the towne and feldes off Newton, callyd Pygott thyng, with its appurtenances, as doyth appere more playnly in a dede off feoffment mayd to the use off the sayd Syr [folio 57d.] Walter the iiijth day off May, xiiij Henry viii. And for the tenement I will that he shall gyff and bestowe for the well of my soule xl. xiijs. iiijd., off the wych I will that all the expenses and chargys off my buryeng day, vijth day and xxxth be taken forth upon, and other charges concernyng thys my will. And I will that for the resydewe off the said mony Syr Walter my sone shall fynde a preste to serve for me, my wyffe, Adam Sybsey and hys wyffe in the church [sic] off Newton and Sapperton, and more parte to be done at Newton. I wytt to Sir Walter another messe off myne, callyd Wardethyng, lyeng in the sayd towne and feldes off Newton. And for that I will a obbyt to be kepyd yerly in the church off Newton for me, my wyffe, Adam Sybsey and hys wyffe, and to gyff to the same iijs. iiijd.: fyrst, to the parson for saying dirige, mespens and bedrolle xd.; to the reparacions off the bellys iijd.; to the churchwardens to helpe that it be done ijd.; for waxe candells ijd.; to the parson off Sapperton for our namys rehersyng in hys bedroll iiijd.; and the resydue off that mony to be disposyd for brede and ale emonges pore people. I bequeth the beste eshe tre growyng in pygot close to Thomas Crane. To John Basse and Elesabeth Basse. To the chylder off Thomas Crane. I make Syr Walter, my sone, and Thomas Crane my executors, and Sir Raff Irland, parson of Sapperton, supervisor. Wyttnes, Thomas Audeslay; Syr Raff Irland, and other moy.
Proved before P., at Grantham, 15 October, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of W. Hewton [of Stallingborough].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 57.]
20 May, 1527. I William Hewton off Stallyngburgh. To Elyn my wyff my house with its appurtenance for the terme off hyr lyffe; [remainder] to Jenyt Hewton, Margett Hewton, Elyn Hewton and Elizabeth Hewton, my doughters, to be devydyd to every on off them; and yff any of them dye before my wyffe with out ischewe off ther bodyes, then they that is alyffe shall have the house emong them; and yff they all dye with out ischewe off ther bodyes, I will the house be solde and disposyd for the helthe off my soule and my wyffe soule and all crysten soulys. The resydue off my goodes, not gyffyn nor wytt, I will that it be devydyd in ij partes, and Elyn my wyffe to have the on parte and the other parte to be devydyd emong my iiij dowghters. I wyll that Elyn my wyff be my executrix. I make Ric' Hewton, my brother, supervysor. Thyes wytnes, Sir Alan Lesby, prest; Ric' Tayler; and William Skayman; with other.
Proved before P., at Castr', 8 October, 1527. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Simon Worshyp [of Long Sutton].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 69d.]
21 May, 1527. I Simon Worshyp off Sutton in Holland. To William my sone xl., to be in the custody off William Sowter to he be xviij yerys off age; and yff he happyn to decease or he be xviij yeres off age, then I will that viijl. remane to John my sone att xviij yeres off age, and the other xls. be disposyd in dedes off charitie on the buryall day off the sayd William. To John my sone a cupbord, a table, a arke that standes in the halle and a pare off qwernys. To Margaret my doughter a sylver gyrdyll, etc. To Ursula my dowghter iiij markes, to be in the custody off Roger Cony to she be xviij yeres off age or day of mariage. To Helyn my doughter iiij markes, [folio 70] to be in the custody off Robert May to she be xviij yerys off age or day off mariage. The resydue off my catall I will be solde and the mony devydyd betwyx my doughters Ursula and Helyn so that yt passe not the sume off iiij nobyls, and yff it passe the sayd sume, I will the rest remane to William my sone, [etc.]
Thys is the last will off me Symon Worshyp the day and yere abovesayd. I will that John my sone have my messuage in Crosse gate, and xiij acres off arable and pastur land, yff he lyff to xviij yerys, to hym, hys heyres and assygnes; [remainder] to William; [remainder] [folio 70d.] to my doughters Ursula and Helyn. I wyll that my house and xiij acres off lande, pastur and arable, lying in Crosse gate be in ferme to Robert May, as I have covandyd, frome the fest off saynt Michell tharke angell next affter to the ende off ix yerys. And my goodes thus bequethyd I put to the dysposicion off Roger Cony, whome I ordeyne my executor. I make William Sowter supervysor. Wytnesses, Ric' Kyng; Hery Edmund; John May; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Spalding, 25 September, 1527. Admin. granted, etc.
The testament of J. Fysher [of Long Leadenham, husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 44.]
8 June, 1527. I John Fysher off Longlednam, husbandman. To be buryed in the church yerde off sanct Swythune off Longled'ham aforsayd. For my mortuary my best good. To our lady warke off Lincoln vjd. To the hygh alter off Longlednham for tythes forgotten xijd. To the upholdyng off the bellys off Longledenham viijd. To the iiij orders off frears in Lincoln. To the parysh prest off Ledenham vjd. To Johan my doughter and Agnes my doughter. To my godchyldren. To Robert Stenyt. To Johan Fysher, doughter off George Fysher, a mesuage in Lednam with all medows, pasturs, [etc.], belongyng to it within the towne and feldes off Long Ledenham, to her and her harys off her body; [remainder] to the next off hyr kynred. The resydue off my goodes to Thomas Rygges and to John Fysher, my sone, whome I make my executors. Theyse men beryng wytnes, Syr John Gyllmyn, prest; Thomas Rygges; Thomas Kay; Wylliam Gardus; Edmund Ewynwood; Radulpus Lanysdale; Lenard Erle; Robert Stenyt; with other.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 12 June, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Ric' Holland [of Butterwick].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 45.]
13 June, 1527. I Ric' Holland off Butterwyke, make my testament, concluding therin my last wyll. To Ellyn my doughter a carte and a plough and the thirde part of all my housholde stuff, [etc.], at the age off xx yere; and yff she dye, I will that Richard Ryston have the cart and the plough, and the other her parte to be devydyd betwyx Margaret my wyffe and the chyldren off William Holand, my brother. To Margaret Pyshe. To Richard Riston on acre off Somerffalo barly att Monkes crofft ende. To Robert Pyshe. To every on off the chyldren off William Holland, my brother. To Ric' Gylȝon, Ric' Pedder and William Cokeson. To the prior off Freston to the reparacyon off hys place xxs. To Margaret my wyff iij acres lande, callyd Shortebuttes, and on acre called Herde ryge, and ij acres medow in Freston ynges, lying at Scarth, the terme off her lyff; [remainder] to Helyn my doughter and to the heires of hyr body; and yff sche dye with owt heyres off her body, I will that the iij acres called Schorte Buttes remayn to the next off my blode; and the acre called Herd ryge be solde and the money ther off be desposed in Freston church in fyndyng a prest to pray for my soule and all crysten soules, as long as the money therto will endure. To Helyne my doughter a howse in Freston Kyrkthorpe, and on acre land at Freston Cathorpemeres in fee symple; and all my copy holdes in Freston immediatly after my decease. To Ric' Ryston on halfe acre pasture in Freston Honytofte. The resydue off all my goodes to Margaret my wyffe, whome I make [folio 45d.] my executrix. I make John Pynchbeke the elder supervysor. Thyes wytnes, Thomas Picto; Sir Robert Peycoke; John Pynchbeke, yongar; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Frampton, 19 July, 1527. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of John Hay [of Legbourne].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 44d.]
16 May, 1527. I John Hay makes my wyll. To the church of Legborn vjs. viijd. To Elizabeth my wyff. To Thomas my sone and Agnes my doughter, [both under age]. To a prest to syng for me and my wyffes ij yere xl. I wyll sir John Smyth have it and he may be gottyn. Residue off my goodes to Ancell Neyff and George Gybson, whome I make executors, with sir John Smyth supervysor. Thyes men beyng wyttnes, sir John Smyth, curat; Ric' Turgose; Ancell Atherwyke; Robert Phylyp.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 6 July, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.