Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1918.
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'Lincoln wills: 1527 (July-December)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530, ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].
'Lincoln wills: 1527 (July-December)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,
"Lincoln wills: 1527 (July-December)". Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.
In this section
1527 (July-December)
The testament of John Reenge [of Long Sutton].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 54d.]
8 July, 1527. I John Reenge, the elder, off Sutton in Holland. [folio 55] I will that Margaret Reenge, the doughter off Nicholes my sone, have vj angell nobylls and a hold noble, a lytell spone of sylver, and ij off the next best off the other off the ix spones when she commys to xxti yerys off age or at hyr mariage. And yff she decease afore xxty yeres off age or maryed, I will the sayd mony and spones be desposed in the church off our lady in Sutton. And yff John Mayer or any other persone do either wex, trobyll or sewe myn executors for any cause att eny tyme towchyng the sayd Margaret, I will my executors to defende them selffe with the sayd money and spones and she to have never a penny nor peny worth that is before namyd. I will John Reenge, my sone, have in fee symple v acres off londe with a mece lyeng in the delfe, iiij acres in the delfe, ij acres and di' in Dekeysgate, and my house in Churchgate. To Mawryse Reenge and John Reenge, my sonnes, joyntly togeder ij acres lande costom warke, with a koote lyeng at Sedyke. The resydue off my land I gyff it to Mawrice my sone to hym and hys assygnes. To yong John Reeng and Agnes hys syster a boloke wych is att Richerd Okes. The resydue off my goodes I putt to the disposycyon off Mawryse and John Reenge, my sones, whom I make my executors. I make John Day supervysor. I have gyven my land in to the handes off John Sowter to the fulfyllyng off thys my wyll. Thes wyttnes, sir William Colson; sir Thomas Howlle; and John Sawter; with other.
Proved before P., at Spald', 25 September, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of T. Godson [of Kirton in Holland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 54.]
12 July, 1527. I Thomas Goodson off the parysh off Kyrton in Holand. My body to be buryed in the church yerde off the holy apostelles Peter and Pall. I will that my wyff have the house the wych I do dwell in from the fest off sanct Mychell the archangell next affter thys present date to hende and terme off x yeres; [remainder] to Roosse, Margaret and Allyce my doughters by equall porcyons, to them and ther heyres off ther bodyes, [folio 54d.] and yche off them to be other heyres; [remainder] to Johan my wyff at hyr discrescyon. I will that from ij yeres affter my deceasse my wyffe do pay or cause to be paid every yere duryng iij yeres vjs. viijd. to the church wardens off the church off Kyrton toward the byeng off a coope. The resydue off my goodes not wytt nor bequethyd I gyff to Johan my wyff, whome I make my executrix. I make Xp'ofer Benyt off Kyrton and John Hall off Swynneshed supervisors. Thies wytnes, Sir Thomas Agley; Ric' Murre; with other mooy.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 24 September, 1527. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Thomas Chambers [of Bolingbroke].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 49d.]
14 July, 1527. I Thomas Chambers of Bolyngbroke, off good helth and prosperite, loved be God, but dredyng the howre uncerten off deth, makyth my testament. To John my sone iijl. vjs. viijd. To Christopher my sone iijl. vjs. viijd. yff chaunce be he cum home againe. To Margaret my doughter. To my brother, Henry Chambers. To Helene my wyffe the house that I now dwell in, duryng hyr lyff; [remainder] to John my sone, to hyme and hys heyres off his bodye; [remainder] to Margaret my doughter, to hyre and hyr heyres of hyr bodye. To Helene my wyff the lande that I have in Westerkele, named a copye holde, and my freland, called Webster lande, lieng in Westerkelle; and affter her deceasse, I will the land cum to my next heyre. The resydue off my goodes not gyffen nor wytt I leyff to Sir Roger Chambres and Helyne Chambres my wyff, whom I make my executors. Yeven [folio 50] at Bolingbroke. Thyes wyttnesses, Edward Godryke off Bolyngbroke; Thomas Wryght off the same; William Wryght off the same; Oliver Louell; Thomas Smyth; Robert Forman; and Robert Scrope, notarie; wyth other mooy.
Proved before P., in the parish church of St. Peter in Estgate in the city of Lincoln, 24 July, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Robert Lambeson [of Wigtoft].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 53.]
19 July, 1527. I Robert Lambeson off Wygtofft. I will that Margaret my wyff have duryng the hole terme off hyr lyff my peces off land and pasture contenyng xj acres, seperally lieng in Wygtofft, Swyneshed and Byker; wheroff the fyrst pece is pasture, conteynyng v acres, called Marche hylles, lying in Byker Marshe; the second pece is arable land, conteynyng ij acre, called Long Rygges, lieng in the parysh off Wygtofft; the thyrde pece is arable lande, conteynyng ij acres, called Mylne Hough, lyeng in the parysh off Swynneshed; the iiijth pece is arable lande, conteynyng ij acres, called North Toffte, lyeng in the parysh off Swyneshed; except that yff the paryshoners off Wygtofft do take downe the Northe Ile off ther church, then I wyll the forsayd pece of pasture off v acres, called Marche Hylles, be solde be my feoffes, and the mony theroff to be receyvyd to be put to the use off the reedifieng off the sayd Ile. And over that, yff any off the sayd paryshoners or any other for them make any tale or troble agayns my wyff off or in the forsayd iij peces off arable land, I will that then she have the forsayd iiij peces duryng the hole terme off hyr lyff, the reedifieng off the sayd North Ile then not with standyng. I will that Richerd Howson, late off Wygtoft, have my messuage in the wych I dwell in, and on stong off land lyeng to it, affter that my wyff take hyr to mariage; and as long as she kepyth her unmaryd, she for to have them. And as sone as she takyth hyr to maryage, I wyll that then my said messuage and the stonge off lande and iij peces off arable lande seperally lyeng in the feldes off Wygtofft, wheroff on pece is callyd Mable Butt, and another pece called Lye Buttes, [folio 53d.] and the thyrde pece is called Skeyle Rygg, remayn unto the said Ric' Howson to hys heyres and hys assignes for ever. I will that John Terry have to hym, hys heyres and assignes on acre off pasture, called Long Rygges, lyeng in the felde off Wygtofft betwene the landes off John Latebury off the este parte and the land off Rycherd Wynter off the weste parte. I wyll that William Potter my servant have on acre off land and pastur to hym hys heyres and assignes seperally lyeng in Wygtofft, whereoff iij rode is arable, called Brown Toffte Stowe, lyeng betwene the landes off the lord Lawarr' off the partes off the est and off the west, and the other roode is pasture, lyeng at Lancotholme Crosse, buttyng off the landes off the lord Lowerr' off the partes off the est and the west. And over that, I wyll that my wyff have the forsayd ij acre off land and pastur, before assyned to John Terry and to William Potter, durying the terme off v yeres imediatly after my decease. I wyll that affter the deceasse off my wyff, the sayd pece off land off ij acres, called Mylnehough, remayne in the handes off my feoffees, ther heyres and assygnes during the terme off xxxty yeres; and they with the rentes thereoff to kepe an obyt in the church off Wygtofft the xxvty day off July yerly duryng the xxxti yeres for the saulys off me, my wyffes, my parentes, my benefactors and all crysten soulys, expendyng thereoff yerly iiijs. to prestes and clerkes and pore people. I will that the sayd Ric' Howson have my plowgh and my carte and iiij off my best horses, he to helpe my wyff to tyll hyr landes, [etc.]. I wyll that affter the deceasse off my sayd wyff, the sayd ij peces off land called Northtoffte and Long Rygges be solde, and [folio 54] also the sayd pece called Milnehough be solde after the said terme off xxxti yeres be my feofees, and the on halffe off the mony to be disposyd in the church off Wygtofft, and the other halffe to pore people ther, [etc.] I will that the said Ric' Howson be supervysor of all the premisses. The resydue of my goodes I gyve unto Margaret my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Thies beyng wyttnes, sir Thomas Okdeyn, parysh preste off Wygtofft; John Atkynson; and Ric' Howson off the same.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 24 September, 1527. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Henry Halley [of North Hykeham].
[L.C.C., 1543–56, f. 60. Translated from the Latin].
6 August, 1527. I Henry Halley of Hykham, sick in body, [etc.]. My body to be buried in the churchyard of All Saints in Hykham. I bequeath my best beast for a mortuary. To the cathedral church of Lincoln xxd. To the reparation of my parish church one cow and one acre sown. To the orphans of St. Katherine's without the walls of the city of Lincoln xijd. To each of the daughters of Thomas Babar. I bequeath my house in Hykham to my wife for her life; then I will that Grace Baker, my daughter, have it as next heir; and if she shall die without issue of her body, [remainder in succession] to Margaret and Agnes her sisters [and the heirs of their bodies; remainder] to John Halley junior and the heirs of his body. The residue of my goods to Jenet [folio 60d.] my wife, whom I make my executrix. These being witnesses, Sir Thomas Smetley; William Welby; and William Hybylwhat; with others.
Proved before P., 10 December, 1527. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Thomas Nicholl, parson of Crofte, [co. Leicester].
[Lyle, p. 109.]
2 August, 1527. I sir Thomas Nicholl, parson of Croft. My body to be buryed in chansell of Crofte. I bequieth for my mortuary as custome hys. To the mother chyrch of Lincoln iiijd. To ewery hows of ffrears off Lecest' iijs. iiijd. To the parich church of Thurlston ijs.; also to the chapell of Huncot iijs. iiijd. To the parich church of Stone Stanton ijs. To the chapell of sanct Margates in the parich of Broton Asthelay ijs. To the castyng of the bell and ending of the brige of Crofte xxs. To my servant Thomas. To my sisture [page 110] Renold. To my servant Augnes Gostie iij kye withe my systur reward. Also the resydew of my goodes, my legacys, my dettes, my finall expenses down, I gyf to my systur Elesebȝ Came and to William Came, hur sonne, whome I mak my executors. I mak the right worshipfull sir Ric' Cheywerell superwiser. Theis beyng wytnes, Mr Wiliam Spark; sir Robert Pegge; sir Henr' Ywys; with oder divers moo.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Thomas Ward [of Partney, tanner].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 114.]
10 August, 1527. I Thomas Warde of Partenay. To William my sone xx markes with all the fattes and vesselles aboff the grounde and under pertenyng and longyng to the tanner craffte that I now use, with all other implementes longyng to the occupacion, with on leed and all the bark in my yerde excep as mych bark as will worke owt my stuff beyng in occupacion; also a plough and a wane with all ther tyryng to them belongyng, wythe my best packe horse, [etc.] To Crystyan my doughter. To Jenet Lawforth my doughter. To iiij chyldren off Edmund Micalles every on off them xls., and the man chylde to have hys parte when he is xxty yere off age, and the woman at the day off hyr mariage. To iiij chyldren off John Layforth in Parteney every on xxs., and it to be orderyd as is afore notyd. To Margaret Bowyer, Elizabeth Jackson and Margaret Jackson. The resydue off my housholde stuff with in my house I gyff to Betterys my wyff. The resydue of my goodes I will William Woodforth and Rauff Grene dispose for the helth off my soule; whome I make my executors.
I the forsayd Thomas Warde, the day and yere beforerehersyd, gyffes by thys my last will to Betterys my wyff ij howsys, bothe under on royff, standyng at the est chyrch style in Partenay; the wich ij howsys abuttes off the church yerd off the west and off the south, [folio 114d.] and off the hy way off the north off the chyrch howys, and off the est off the lorde off Skendlby, gyffyng them to Betterys my wyff her lyff and, affter hyr deth, to William Ward, my sone and, affter hys deth, I gyff them for ever to Partney chyrch, chargyng the chyrch wardyns of Parteney by thys my last will to kepe every yere on obyt for my soule, gyffyng the parson for messe and dirige viijd., to xiij pore men off the parysh xiijd., and to the ryngers iiijd. Also the sayd Thomas Warde wyllyth that all the landes and housys belongyng in Skendelby, Fordyngton, Howlysby, Claxby, Grebbe, Welton and Hoggesthorp be solde be the handes of William Woodforth and Rawffe Grene for to fulfyll thys my last testament, and the resydue to be disposyd for the helthe of my soule. These witnesses, Sir William Colle; Thomas West, clerk; Peter West, clerk.
Proved before P., at Halton, 1 April, 1527. Admin. granted, etc.
The testament of Thomas Pakernes of Benyngton.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 115.]
15 August, 1527. I Thomas Pakernes off Benyngton. To William and Ric' my sonnes. To Isabell and Alice my doughters. I will that Jenet Pakarnes, my wyff, have my homestadyll with iij acres pastur lying under it; and all my other landes and tenementes within the towne off Benyngton the terme off hyr lyff; and affter her decease [folio 115d.] I will the homestadyll with the iij acres pastur and v acres arable lande over the hyght way, callyd Caydman Croffe, and iij acres pasture over the Meres, iij stong pasture in Medyll Gate, callyd Thom' Pynggyll, remane to William my sone, yff he lyff to he cum at the age off xxjty yeres, to hym hys heires and assigns for evermore; [remainder] to Richerd my son, yff he lyff to he cum at the age off xxjty yeres, in fee simple. To Richerd my son iij acres arrable lande, callyd Cryscroffte, ij acres of inground, callyd Bricroffte, in maner abovesayd. And yff William and Richerd my sonys bothe decease before they cum to the age off xxj yeres, then I will that my homestadyll and all my other landes and tenementes ramane hole to Isabell and Alice my doughters in fee simple. Residue off my goodes to Jenet my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Thyse beyng wytnesses, Sir Roger Pyshe; William Tateshall; and John Wryght; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Boston, 30 March, 1528.
The testament of John Leek of Boston, [mercer].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 108.]
19 August, 1527. I John Leeke off Boston, mercer, makyth my last testament concernyng my last will. My body to be buryd within the qwere off our lady with in the parysh church off saynt Botulphe in Boston, with my mortuary as the custom requiryth. To the hyghe alter off saynt Botulphe for tythys forgottyn vs. To the hygh alter off our mother church off Lincoln xijd. To our lady worke off Lincoln vjd. To the fatherles and motherles chyldren with owt the wallys att Lincoln vjd. I will that a prest syng for my soule, my wyffes soulys, and for all crystyn soulys a yere with in the qwere off our lady beforesayd, and he to have for hys stypent vl. vjs. viijd.; and allso he to syng longer yff it may be borne. To the church werke off Boston in money vjs. viijd. To the gylde off vij slepers iijs. iiijd. To the wyff off layt my cosyn Charlys off Lienton, a gowne cloth off blake, the price off a yerde iijs. iiijd. To her sone iijs. iiijd., and on off my bonettes. To her doughter vjs. viijd., and to the husband off here doughter a pare off hose cloth. To my lady Ankryse the fyrst yere affter my decease every weke jd. To Nicholes Smyth and to hys wyff to ether off theym a gowne cloth off blake, the price off a yerde iijs. iiijd. To every on off ther iiij chyldren vjs. viijd. To sir Ric' Robertson my furryd typpyt. To John Neyll the sylver hernest gyrdyll that he dyd gyff me, and a rynge off basse golde. Also to hys wyff a lyttyll gymmowe off sylver. To Sir Thomas Paynson a kerchyff, price xvjd. To Matilde late the wyff off Porter off Conesby iijs. iiijd. To William Pakker a gymmow off golde; and to hys wyff on off sylver. To Isabell Arley a lyttyll golde ryng, a new chyst that standyth in my ware hawle, [etc.], [folio 108d.] a tryangle off sylver and a masser wych wer hyre mothers. To Alys Arley my wyffys weddyng ryng, and a ambre that standyth in the smalle ale buttre, and all the ix shelffes that be there, and a long table and the trestyls that is in the halle, and a carpyt cloth, a chare in the haule, a blak chyst carvyd in the chamber, ij formys, ij bed stedes and all the payntyd clothys in the chamber, and a pendent and a bokyll off sylver for a gyrdyll. To John Arley an Agnus Dei. To John Smyth a crystall stone closyd in sylver. To John Sutton a bonyt, the price xvjd. To John Dawson my tawny jakyt off cloth and a pare off hose cloth mayd. To Keger off Leuerton my wynter gowne; and to hys wyff a gowne cloth off blak, price the yerde iijs. iiijd. To every precher that shall prech with in the forsayd parysh church by the space off on yere, praying for my soule and all crystyn soulys, iiijd. To the parysh prestes every Sonday praying for my soule and all crystyn soulys in tyme off ther beede by the space off on yere so doyng ijd. To saynt Anthony qwere to the payntyng and gyltyng theroff xxvjs. viijd.; and both my vestementes and all other anornamentes to remayn ther as long as they will indure under the custody off the alderman off the gylde off saynt Peter or hys depute. I will that Corpus Cristi gylde have my lande in Leke and Leuerton, and ij garthyns lyeng in Boston upon the west syde off the water or havyn, and xvjl. in mony, for the terme off iiijxx and xij yerys and, yff it may be soffryd by the law, for ever, or ellys att the ende off the sayd terme yt to be solde be my executors or the executors off them, wyth thys condicyon that the sayd gylde shall kepe an obbyt off xiijs. iiijd. yerly for my soule, my wyffes soulys, for the soulys off my father and mother and all cristen soulys. [folio 109] I will that thys house that I wone or dwelle in be solde be my executors to the performacion off my will, provyd' I will that Jenet my wyff have the parler that I ly in the space off a yere affter my deth; also the parler off the corner with the chamber above it that Nicholes Smyth bought off me the terme off hyr lyff accordyng to the condycion off the obligacion mayd betwyx Nicholes Smyth and me; also in mony xiijl. vjs. viijd. I will the sayd Jenet have the bed that stondyth in the parlor, with iiij pillowys, j off the best and iij off the next best, and all thynges that longyth therto, hallf a garnysh of vessyll, halff a dosen syiver sponys, a sylver salte parcell gilte, with the cover off the same, and my musterdevillys gowne, [etc.] To Jenet wyff off Nicholes Smyth the house wyth the stabyll that I toke off the abbot and convent off Kyrkested, the terme off hyr lyff, affter the last payment be payd off the indentur and obligacion concernyng the payment for the said house the wich the sayd Nicholes Smyth bought off me; and she to pay yerly therfore, accordyng to the indentur mayd betwyx the abbot and convent and me, xvjd.; [remainder] to Richerd her sone [folio 109d.] and hys heyres; [remainder] to the other ij brethern, ffyrst to John and hys heyres, and then to Jerom and hys heyres; [remainder] to the abbot and convent; and so provydyng alwey that Mr. Nicholes Vpton and all hys servandes shall have standyng wythin the sayd stabyll for ther horses at all sych tymys as it shall fortune that he or any off hys servandes shall cum to the towne off Boston. I will xiijl. vjs. viijd. be devyded emonges the iij doughters off Richerd Arley and Katheryne hys wyff; and to every on off them a fether bedde and the rest of my napry, brasse, latyne, pewder, as apperyth be an invytory theroff mayd, and vj sylver sponys to be devydyd emonges them when they cum to the age off xviij yeres or ellys be maryd. And yff it fortune any off them to dy before that age then that parte or partes to be disposyd in burying off the body or bodys, and in other dedes off charyte, as shall be thought best be my executors, as well off the mony as off the stuff. I will that saynt Peter gylde have my standyng cuppe off sylver and gylte with the coveryng, and with this condicyon that the property off Mary Magdalene have the use off it upon the day off Penticost and Corpus Cristi, so that sufficient seurty be sett for it that it shall be brought alwey agayn at the same day or days at nyght. I will that sir George Gerner have my property off Mary Magdalene, and affter hys decease it to remayn to Nicholes Smyth and to hys chyldren. I will have gyffen att my dore in almes vd. every Fryday the fyrst yere. To every gylde with in the parysh church off Boston and to every order off the frearys j pound off wax. To every parysh [folio 110] church with in vj mylys off Boston j pound of wax. To every order off frearys beyng att my bryngyng furth vs. To the convent off Stanfelde xs. To the iiij orders off frearys with in Boston be the space off x yerys every yere a cowe or a sterre amonges them. I will that a candyll off xij pounds weyght be kepte before the sepulcre at Ester yerly the space off x yerys. The resydue of all my goodes not giffyn nor wytt I will that they be disposyd in almes dedes and in mendyng off hy or comman ways by the advice and jugement off sir George Garner and sir Thomas Gybson, prestes, whom I make my executors; they to pay my dettes and dispose for the welth off my soule and all cristen soulys, and ether off them geffyng unto other off them xxvjs. viijd.; and to other off them a goblyt off sylver and a blake gown, the price off a yerde vs.; by the over syght off Mr. Nicholes Vpton, esquyer, and sir Ric' Coyk, prest, whome I make supervysors, [etc.] Thyes beyng wyttnes, sir John Woodhows; John Neyll; Nicholes Smyth; William Bryan.
Thys is the inventory off Almaner off Napry off me John Leke, mercer, that shall remayn to the iij doughters off Ric' Arley, accordyng to my last wyll.
Inprimis vj pare off schettes good and badd, markyd every on with ij purlys off blak sylke. Item a dosyn off tabyll napkyns cowrs off playn cloth. Item iij pillow berys with semys off blak sylke, purlyd in lyke maner. Item iiij towyls, ij off playn cloth and ij off olde diaper. Item a diaper tabyll cloth. Item to olde testers for beds, off whyte cloth.
[folio 110d.] Thys is the inventory off the pewter, bras and latyn off me John Leeke, mercer, that shall remayn to the iij doughters off Ric' Arley, accordyng to my last will or testament.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 8 March, 1527. Admin. granted, etc.
The testament of Jo. Gylbert [of Butterwick in Holland, husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 64.]
31 August, 18 Henry viii. I John Gylberd off Butterwyk, hoosbandman. To Isabell my wyff my capytall messuage, wherin I dwell, with all my other landes and pasturys that I have in Butterwyk and Benyngton, the terme off hys [sic] lyffe; [remainder] to John my sone, to hym and hys heyres and assignes. To John my sone ij acre lande in Northfelde, and on acre lande callyd Fendyk Reyg in Butterwyk, to hym, hys heyres and assignes, he gyffyng to ich off iij systers vjs. viijd. att the day off ther mariage, and to William hys brother xxs. at hys laufull age. To William my sone ij placys off lande and medewe callyd Scottdyke, and on acre theroff lying att Gybson croffte ende, to hym and hys assygnes. To Isabell my wyff. [folio 64d.] To Jane, Agnes and Alis my doughters. Resydue to Isabell my wyff and John my sone. Wyttnes heroff, Sir Thomas Pycte, (fn. 1) chaplain; Ric' Oram; and Peter Buttler off Butterwyk; with other.
Proved before P., at Boston, 31 January, 1527. Admin, granted to the executors.
The testament of Sir T. Smalis [of West Ashby].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 58.]
7 September, 1527. I Sir Thomas Smalys off Asby nygh Horncastr'. I do gyve to an obbyt iiijl. to bye a stokke off kye and shepe; and the sayd obbyt to be done and kepte in the church off Askby yerely for evermore with the incresse off the stoke; the wych iiijl. is in the handes off Olyver Lowell off Hornecastr'. And I wyll that John Tayler off Asby aforesayd have the sayd stoke to kepe my obbyt yerely as long and as many yeres as he plece to occupy the stoke; and he shall dele yerely at the day off my obbyt vjs. viijd.; that is to say, to the parysh prest to say dirige and messe iiijd., and to the clerke ijd., and to offer jd., to waxe iijd., to the ryngers iiijd.; and the resydue off the vjs. viijd. to be delyd in brede, ale and chese yerely at the day off my obbyt. And thus the stokke to be occupied evermore affter the forme above wrytten. And moreover when the sayd John is desposyd to delyver the stokke owt off hys handes, I wyll that he delyver it to what honest man he please, frem or sybbe, dwellyng in Asby; and the sayd honest man to fynde sewerty to the church masterys and the towneshepe off Asby for the stokke and the obbyt yerly. Resydue of my goodes to John Tayler off Asby, whome I make my executor to dispose in charytable dedes, [etc.]. Wyttnes heroff, Mr Robert Angewyn; John Tupholme; Wylliam Boner; and Sir John Gray off Belcheford.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 20 October, 1527. Admin. granted to the executor.
The testament of Walter Melle [of Friskney].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 55d.]
26 September, 1527. I Walter Melle off Fryskney. [folio 56] I will that Thomas my sone have my house in Wrangle be the space off xxty yeres for to fynde on obbyt in the church off Allhalows off Fryskney for my soule and the soule off Jenet my wyff, expendyng ijs. yerly; [remainder] to Grace my doughter, to her, her heyres and assygnes for ever. Also I wyll that affter my wyff have taken forth her stuff off howsholde, the resydue off my household stuff be devyded beqtwyx Thomas Mell my sone, Grace Mell my doughter, and Margaret Godffray by even porcyons. The resydue off my goodes to Thomas my sone, whome I make my executor. Thyes beryng wyttnes, William Plattes, prest; Robert Westmelles, prest; John Trowtyng; and William Trowtyng; and other.
Proved before P., at Spillesby, 4 October, 1527. Admin. granted to the executor.
The testament of John Palmer [of Horbling].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 51.]
6 October, 1527. I John Palmer off Horblyng. To Alson my wyff my dwellyng house in Horblyng with all the profyttes longyng to the same for the space off ij yeres. Also I wyll that on habyll prest syng for me on yere where John Gregge and Agnes hys wyffe wyll for the soulys off my father, mother and myn with all crysten soulys, and he to have for hys wagys vl. To Agnes Gregge my doughter on mazare with all my pottes, spyttes, cobyrns, basyns, laverys, [etc.]; also my harelomys longyng to Spanbye for to be ther abydyng for evermore. I will that ther be yerly on obbyt kepyid in Horblyng chyrch for the soulys off my father, mother, myn and all crysten soulys with the rent off the house and off the closse longyng to the same att the south chyrch style; also to pay yerly rent jd. to the hygh alter, and on peny to saynt Nicholes alter forth off the rent off the house for evermore. The resydue of my goodes to John Gregge and Agnes hys wyff, whome I make my executors. In wytnes heroff, Sir Ric' Benton, vicar; Henry Atwyke; William Bardnay off Swarby; Thomas Fox off Skredyngton; John Webster off Spandbye; John Attwyke off Horblyng; John Barret of Belyngborow; with moo.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 5 November, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of John Bate [sic] of Pynchebek.
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. IIId.]
10 October, 1527. I John Bathe off Pynchbek. To my son Gilberd a foldyn tabyll that was Thomas Bathes, my father, [etc.]. I will that Alyson my wyff have my house that I dwell in and my hole landes to the tyme that Gylberd my son cum to the age of xxty yere, kepyng my house wyndtheyght and watertheyght, and my woodes unfellyd and unwastyd. And yff so be that my wyff furtune to be maryed, and he that shall mary her kepe not my house with sufficient reparacion, then I wyll that Robert Wapull have the custody off it, [etc.]. I will that Gilberd my sone enter clerly upon my house and landes at the age of xxty yeres; [remainder] to Robert my sone and to hys heyres off his body. Iff both decease with owt heyres off ther bodyes the house and landes to be sold and disposyd in dedes of charite. [folio 112] To Agnes and Katheryn my doughters. To Robert my son an acre off lande and a halff beyng in Molborne. I will that a honest priest do syng for my soule and my frendes soulys within the chyrch of Pynchbek. I will that my executors do bryng me honestly forth, and that they bestow at my beryng day xxs., at my vijth day xs. and at my xxxty day xs. The resydue off my goodes to Alison my wyff and Robert Wapull [sic], whome I make my executors to bryng up my children, [etc.], and I will that Robert Whaplode [sic] have for hys labor xs. Thyse beyng wytnesses, Sir William Bewyk; Edward Sekylprice; John Goddysman; with other.
[No probate act.]
The testament of John Braddow [of Spalding].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 63.]
12 October, 1527. I John Braddow of Spaldyng. To Thomas Braddow my sone, at the age of xxiiij yeres, iiij acres off pastur grownde leyng att Wylke drevffe, buttyng off the landes off the prior off Spaldyng on the sowth, off the landes off John Clerke off the weste, and off the same John off the north; and the forsayd Thomas shall pay to Margery Braddowe and Elizabeth Braddowe, my doughters, ether off them xxs., they beyng off the age off xx yeres. To Margery Braddowe on acre off pasture grownde lying in the Law gate [folio 63d.]; and if she dye or she be maryed, than I will it remayn unto Margaret Braddowe, my wyff. To Margaret Braddowe, my wyff, the forsayd iiij acres off pasture to the tyme that Thomas Braddow my sone be of xxiiij yeres of age. The resydue off my goodes to Margaret Braddow my wyff, whome I make my executrix, and Robert Bawmbere to be supervisor. Thyes wyttnes, Sir Robert Gee; Thomas Gowe; Rycherd Austyndylle; with other mooy.
Proved before P., at Spaldyng, 29 January, 1527. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of T. Bruster [of East Keal].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 73d.]
12 October, 1527. I Thomas Bruster of Esterkele, beyng seke off body. To Jenet my wyffe. To John Bruster my eldyst sonne. To John Bruster, my youngyst sone, a shedere calff, and yff that he dye within the age off xxj yeres, then I will that Alice Taylour, doughter to John Taylour the yonger, have it. I will the sayd John Bruster be honestly fownd and kepte in all condicions necessary at the coste off John Bruster the elder untill he be fully of the age off xxj yeres. [folio 74] To every chylde off John Taylour vjs. viijd. at the xv yere off ther age. To Margaret Taylour, my doughter. To William Strafeld off Willesby. To Gregory Bruster. The resydue of my goodes to be devydyd betwyx John Bruster the elder and John Bruster the yonger, my sones, whome I make my executores. I will that the reverent father, my lord Thomas the abbot off Revesby, be supervisor.
The last will of the same.
Thys is the last will off me Thomas Bruster off Esterkele. I will that John Bruster, my eldyst sonne, have to hym to hys heyres and assygnes a messuage buyldyd lying in Esterkele, lately Adam Penyngton off Stykney, next betwyx the landes sumtyme Thomas Fosse off the north parte, and a certen lane callyd Kyrklane off the sowth parte, and bowndes upon the landes off the abbot and convent off Revesby toward the est, and upon the common way toward the west; also a tofte sted in the sowth ende off Esterkele, callyd Robertsone tofte, with a layth buyldyd thereupon lying next betwyxt the tofte off John Gregby off the north parte, and a lyttyll laine callyd Badlaine off the sowth parte, and bowndes toward the est upon the landes lately John Rede, and toward the west upon the common way; also v rygges off land sonderly lying in the sowth felde off Hundylby, off the wich iij landes ly together in a place callyd Sclawnd, next betwyxt the landes of Thomas Wryght off the sowth parte, and the landes off the prioresse and convent off Stykeswolde and off other dyverse men off the north parte, and bowndes upon the landes off the sayd prioresse and convent toward the est, and upon the common suar [folio 74d.] towardes the west; other ij rygges off londe lying in the same felde next betwyx the landes off the prioresse and convent of Stykeswolde off the weste parte, and off the landes off Thomas Wryght off the est parte, and bowndes off the landes off the Lord off Willughby toward the northe; also a lyttyll crofte lying in Esterkele, off layt Hugh Eland off Sturton, lying next betwyx the landes off John Gregby off the south parte, and toward the est upon the hy way, and upon the landes sumtyme William Tedforth off the weste parte. To John Bruster, my youngest sone, to hym and his heyres and assygnes too tofte stedes buyldyd, lying in Esterkele, the on callyd Theker tofte and the other callyd Sweyttes tofte, with appurtenance, affter the manner and custome off the lordshyp off Bollyngbroke; and yff he dye before he be xxj yeres of age, [remainder] to John Bruster, my eldest sone, to hym, hys heyres and assygnes. Wrytten at Kele, the day and yere abovesayd, with thys wytnes, Thomas Burton, parson of Esterkele; John Tayllour, the elder, off the same; John Gregby off the same; and John Tayllour, the yonger, off the same; with diverse other.
Proved before P., at Spyllesby, 4 February, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of W. Astyn [of Weston].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 63d].
16 October, 1527. I William Astyn off Weston faithfully beleffyng in the articles off the fayth makes my will and testament. To Agnes my wyff. To the chylde that she is wyth a ruggyd hecfurthe. To Thomas my sone my house with vj acres land and iij roodes, to hym and hys yshew off his body; [remainder] to John Astyn, my sone, and to hys ishue off his body; [remainder] [folio 64] to the church of Weston, and on parte to be song for me and my good frendes, and the other parte to remayne to the said church. The resydue off my goodes to Thomas Astyn, the elder, and John Wethern, whom I make my executors. Thies wytnes, Sir John Gybson; Henry Edryche; John Marchande; with other.
Proved before P., at Spald', 29 January, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Robert Whytte [of Boston].
[L.C.C., 1520–31,f. 64d. The first section has been translated from the Latin].
19 October, 1527. I Robert Whyte of Boston, make my testament, including my last will. My body to be buried in the churchyard of St. Botolph of Boston. I bequeath in the name of my mortuary that which right requires. To the high altar of Boston xijd. To the mother church of Lincoln iiijd. To the nurslings (nutritis) without the walls of Lincoln ijd. To the gild of the blessed Mary of Boston iijs. iiijd.
Thys is the last will off me Robert Whyte off Boston, made the day and yere beforenamyd. To Robert Whyte, my sone, too fetherbeddes on better and on wors, on sparvar hyngyng over my bedde where I lye, on coveryng and on coverlett, two pare off flaxen schettes, on pare of blankyttes, on pillowe and a pillowbere, on littyle counter in the best chamber, on spruce chyst bounde with yren, on carvyd chare, on candylstyk, on bason, on laver, on bedsted, on towell, on spruce cover, and on sylver spone, to be delyveryd [folio 65] what tyme he cum to laufull age. To the same Robert after the decease off my wyff on goblet off sylver off xvj owncys weyght, or ellys iij powndes sterlyng. To Helene my doughter on fetherbed, on coveryng, on whyte tester with ij curtayns, ij pare off flaxen schettes, ij pare off herden schettes, on pare off blankyttes, on bedstyd, halffe a garnyshe off pewter vessell, too latten lavers, too latten basyns, on pewter basen, and on awmbre in the buttre, on spytt, on pare cobbardes off yron, one pare off tonges, on cownter lest off the neist, ij pillows, ij table clothys, ij towylls, thre cushyns, on chyst, ij candylstykkes and on cofer, to be delyvered what tyme she cum to laufull age or els the daye off her maryage. To the same Helene on goblet off sylver off xvj owncys weyght or ellys iij powndes sterlyng affter the decease off my wyff. To Brygytt my doughter on fetherbed, on coveryng, on whyte tester, ij curtayns with dooble valence, on bedstede, ij pare off flaxen schettes, ij pare off herden schettes, on pare off blankyttes, halff a garnysh off pewter vessell, ij latten lavers, ij basens, on awmbre orels vjs. viijd. in money, on spytte, on pare cobbardes, on pare tonges, on table off walnot tre, ij pillows, ij table clothys, ij towells, thre cushyns, on chyst off waynscott, ij candylstykkes, on pewter basen and on cofer, to be delyvered affter the maner off Helene. To the same Brygytt on goblet off sylver off xvj owncys weyght orels iij pownde sterlyng affter the decease off my wyffe. [folio 65d.] To Elizabeth my wyff the Whyte Herte acordyng to the tenure off my copy, duryng hyr lyff; and yff she deceasse with in the yeres off my copie, [remainder] to Robert my sone; [remainder] to Helyoner and Brygytt my doughters beqwyxt them, [etc.]. The resydue off my goodes to Elizabeth my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Richer Hyckes to be supervysor. Thyes beyng wyttnes, Sir Robert Wytar, prest; John Gaiton; John Huchynson; John Browne; Edmunde Torner; with other moo.
Proved before P., at Boston, 31 January, 1527. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of J. Fendyke [of Pinchbeck].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 62.]
21 October, 1527. I John Fendyke off Pynchebek. To Geliane my wyff and to Simond my sone juntely together v acre off pastur grownde, that is to say, Symond to have the on halffe, and Gelyan the other halffe to the tyme that Simond cum to the age off xxty yeres; and [then] I will that Symond enter upon the hole, hoilly to hym and to hys hares off hys body; [remainder] to Gelyan my wyff to the tyme that the chylde the wych sche is wyth cum to the age off xxty yeres; and [then], be it mane or woman, I will that it do enter apon the v acre, to hit and to the heires off the body; [remainder] to Gelyan my wyff the terme off hyr lyff; [remainder] to be solde by the churchwardens; and the mony theroff takyn I will it be bestowyd in mendyng off the high ways within the towne [folio 62d.] and parysh off Pynchebek, wher as the church wardyns thynke most necessary, for the helth off my soule. The resydue off my goodes to Gelyan my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Thyes beyng wytnes, William Bewyke, prest; Robert Ranoldsone; Ernold Koke; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Spalding, 29 January, 1527. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Thomas Kyddall [of South Ferriby, esquire].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 68d.]
1 November, 1527. I Thomas Kyddall off Southferebe, esquyre. To Anne Kyddall and Heleyn Kyddall, my doughters, xxl. [apiece]. To Edward Kyddall, my brother, iijl. vjs. viijd. To William Kyddall, my brother, iiijl. that I promysyd [folio 69] hym, and xxs. more to make it owt vl. To Margaret Kyddall, my syster, iiij markes. To Margaret my wyff all my messys, landes and tenementes in Southferybe, the wych I purchest off William Sheffeld, Robert Hoppkynson and Roger Myddelwood, for the terme off hyr lyff; and affter hyr decease, I [bequeath] the landes and tenementes the wych I bought off Roger Myddelwood to William Kyddall, my sone, and hys heyres; and [those] the wych I purchest off Robert Hopkynson and William Sheffeld I bequeth unto Thomas Kyddall, Philip Kyddall and Charles Kyddall, my sonys, and to ther heires and assygnes for evermore. To Mr William Tyrwyt, vjs. viijd. To Mr Robert Tyrwyt, knyght, xiijs. iiijd., whome I make supervysor. The resydue off my goodes to Margaret my wyff and William my sone, whome I make my executors. Thes men beyng wytnes, Sir Roger Crosse, my curet; George Hudeswell off Horkstow, gent.; John Grymesby of the same; Ric' Dubler off South Ferybe; Gylbert Grymesbe off the same; and William Ferys off the saym; with other moo.
Proved before P., at Castre, 10 February, 1527. Admin. granted to Margaret the relict; reserving power to grant to William the son.
The testament of Simon Fitz Richerd [of Sedgebrook, knight].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 126d.]
5 November, 1527. I Simond Fitz Richerd of Sydbroke, knyght. My body to be buryed in the chapell off Saynt Michell in the church of Saynt Laurence of Sydbroke, and that that the law will for my mortuary. To the parson of the church for my forgotton tithes vjs. viijd. To our moder church of Lincoln xxd. To the awter of the same chapell of Saynt Michell a challys all gylte. I bequeth a vestement to Saynt Sythe in the church of Newbowe. To hys singler good master the ryght worshypfull Sir John Husse, knyght, a crossebow wyth certeyn schafftes and a racke therto. To Ric' the abbot of Newbo my gylte spone. To the house of Newbo iiijl. xiijs. iiijd. to the intent to kepe on obbit yerly for the soulys of me and Dame Alice my wyff, expendyng yerly vjs. viijd., to be delyveryd by the handes of John Fitz Richerd, my sonne, or hys assignes. And the sayd John to have my sygnet of golde yerly to gyff to the sayd house of Newbo vjs. viijd. duryng the terme of xiiij yeres; and the sayd obbyt to indure the sayd terme; and ellys I will that the sayd Ric' and John to purches as myche lande to the valew of vjs. viijd. by yere over and abown all charge with the price and the valew of the sayd sygnet; and the sayd lande to remane in feoffȝ handes to the use of the obbyt for evermore. To Ric' Markham, my sone in law, my spanyels, howndes and grayhowndes, with a crosse bow and all that longes therto. To Laurence my servant and Robert Lebechylde ther hole quarter wages at Crystymmes, and ether of theym vjs. viijd., wyth ther borde to Crystymmes. I will that every priest beyng no parson have at my buryall day iiijd.; and every parson and vicar to have viijd., and every clerke ijd. I will that the sayd Ric' [the] abbat and John my sone shall [folio 127] bye a marbyll stone aftyr my departyng, and lay it uppon me and Alice my wyff. I will that my especiall good frende the sayd Ric' the abbot of Newbo and John Fytz Richerd my sone, whome I make myn executors, do devyde the resydue off my goodes and catalles in iij partes; the on parte I gyff to Elyn my nece, and the other ij partes I gyff to John Fytz Richerd and Simond, my sones, to be devydyd bytwene them. And I mekely require my especiall good Mr and frende, Sir John Hewsey, and Sir John Mordaunt, knyghtes, to be supervysors. Thes beryng wyttnes, Sir Thomas Alen, prest; John Marcert; Laurence Townlay; Richerd Blake; and many other.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 5 November, 1528. Admin. granted to John Fitz Richerd in the presence of John (fn. 2) abbot of Newbo, who renounced.
The testament of John Asserby [of Bilsby, gentleman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31,f. 58d.]
14 November, 1527. I John Asserby off Byllesby. My body to be buryd in the church off Byllesby, and my best beast to be my mortuary as the lawe and custom ther will. To our mother church warke off Lincoln xijd. To the hygh alter off Trinite church off Billesby for tythes forgotten iijs. iiijd. To the warke in the sayde church xls. To the prior and convent off Markeby to syng a trentall for my soule and all cristen soulys xs. To all the iiij orders off the frears in Lyncoln to pray for my soule and all cristen soulys to every on off the sayd places iijs. iiijd. To Andrew my sone, or to whome it shall please God to be my ryght heyre, to be heyrlomes thyes parcels foloyng—a standyng cuppe holl gylt with my harnes alofte upon the coveryng theroff; a goblet, coveryd with the sayd harnes, parcell gylt; ij saltes gyltyd, the on with a cover and the other withowt; a drynking pott off sylver parcell gylt with a cover; di' a dosyn off sylver sponys with ymager off the Apostels apon them; a nother di' dosyn off sylver sponys with owt knoppes; a gyrdyll with a dymysyn gylt with a rede stone and vj perels and the coorse rasyd warke; a pare off corall beades with vij sylver gawdes gyltyd; and a sygnet off gold with myn armes; with all my household stuff wych is myn awn propre, wych I wyll be put in a inventory by the syght off myn executors and the vicar off Byllesby, my curat. My said brother Sir Andrew to have the custody off all the sayd goodes duryng the noneaige off my son Andrew, or els off any other that shulde be my next here. The resydue off my goodes I gyff to my brother, Sir Andrew Byllesby, and to Cicile my wyff, whome I make my executors. I wyll that my brother, Sir George Henage, archedeacon off Oxforth, be supervysor. Thies to wytnes, Sir Robert Lyndley, vic' off Byllesby; Sir William Raynnold, prest; and Robert Gybson; wyth other moy.
[folio 59] Thys is the last will of me John Assarby off Billesby, gentylman, mayd xiiijth day off Novembre, 19 Henry viii [a.d. 1527]. I will that my feoffys in all my landes and tenementes, pasturs and fedyng places in Assardby, Yngolmells, Hogesthorpe, Slothby and Langton stande and be seasyd to the use off my will, as more playnly doyth appere by a dede off feoffment theroff mayd. Secundarie, I will that my sayd feoffes suffer my brother, Sir Andrew Byllesby, on off my executors, to resayff all the proffyt the space off ix yeres, to thys intent, for the fyndyng off Andrew Asserby, John Asserby, George Asserby and Margret Asserby, my chylder, liijs. iiijd. each induryng the sayd ix yeres. The resydue remaynyng off the sayd landes, [etc.], to be devydyd betwyx the sayd John, George and Margaret. I will that the said Andrew Billesby have the custody as well off my sayd chyldre as off my sayd landes to the behoyff aforsayd induryng the ix yeres; and [then] my said feoffes shall stande and be seasyd to the use off Andrew Asserby aforsayd and to his heyres. I will my feoffes in all my landes and tenements in Billesby stande and be seasyd to the use off Cicilie my wyff, accordyng to the dede theroff mayd, and also accordyng to a pare off indenturs off couandes off mariage, [etc.].
Invitory off all the household stuff wych was bequethyd to be heyr lomes to Andrew Asserby and to the ryght heyrys off John Asserby, wych was bequethyd by the sayd John Asserby, whose soule Jhesu pardon.
Fyrst in the parler j pentyd hyngyng off canwes; Item on long saddell; Item on cownter off the lest sorte; Item too gret carrod chystes; Item on borden chare; Item on forme; Item on bordenyd bed stede; Item on lyttyll chyst [folio 59d.].
Littill Parler.
Item ij bed stedes, the on bordenyd, and the other not; Item on saynt John hede off alibaster.
Chamber over the Parler.
Item on chyst with evidence boune with yren; Item on plane chyst; Item on bordenyd bed, with j trundell bede; Item on yelow sperver off dornyx; Item on payntyd hyngyng off canwes; Item iij thrawyn charys; Item j hole garnyshe off vessell off the new turne; Item on basyn and j euar off pewter.
Item on grene payntyd hyngyng off canwes at the hygh dese; Item on carvyd cupbord with ij awmbres and on slotte; Item on carved long sadle off wanescott; Item ij thrawn longe sadells; Item on thrawn chare; Item on fowldyn tabyll; Item on forme.
Gallore Chamber.
Item ij bordenyd bed stedes; Item ij spervers off dornyx; Item ij new fether beddes garnyshyd; Item on hold fether bedde with iij bolsters; Item on payntyd hyngyng off canvves; Item iij cownter poyntes off verder warke; Item on fustyan pillow and ij other pillows; Item on redde coverlyd with byrde warke; Item on grene coverlyd with verder warke; Item on yalow coverlyd with warke; Item iij holde whyte coverlydes; Item iij pare off blankyttes; Item v mattressys; Item ij coverynges off wholyn for tables; Item on bancker for the hall; Item vj coschyns with bestes upon them; Item on fowldyn table.
Law Parler.
Item ij pare off bed stokkes; Item on payntyd tester for a bedde.
Item ij gret boll candylstykkes and on lesser; Item on lattyn basyn with a rose in the myddes; Item on chaffyng dyshe withowt horys; Item iij holde platters; Item ij holde dyshes; Item on holde candylstyk; Item on tabyll in the botre [folio 60].
Item ij gret pannes; ij lesse pannes; on mydlyng panne; on gret brasse pott; iij lesse brasse pottes; ij lytle brasse pottes; j posnet with a stert; on other with broken fete; on chauffer with a brokyn mouth; on panne with a sterte; Item on lattyn ladell; Item on gret spyt; Item ij lesse spyttes; Item on byrd spyt; Item on pare off lytyll yrne cobberdes; Item on led; on mashe fatt; on gyle fatt, and on stepe fatt with a kylneheire; Item on hold cawthorn; Item on kymnyll with a coveryng for saltetyng fleshe; Item on poll axe.
Napre Ware.
Item ij lyn towells; Item on towell lyke dyaper warke; Item on napkyn off dyaper; Item on lyn table clothe off v yerdes; Item ij harden table clothes off ij yerdes and di' the pese; Item on herdyn towell off ij yerdes and di'; Item vij table napkyns; Item on pare lyn shettes off iij bredes; Item on schet for a woman that lyes in chyld bed; Item ij hed schettes; Item vij pare lyn schettes; Item on pece off lyn for towells off xiiijth yerdes; Item ix pare off harden schettes.
For the Fyre Herth.
Inprimis on pare off gret tonges tynnyd; Item j yren forgan for the fyre, tynd; Item a fyre skomer, tynnyd.
Proved before P., in the cathedral church of Lincoln, 21 December, 1527. Admin. granted to Andrew Billesby, knight, and Cecily the relict, the executors, [etc.].
The testament of Richard Rudschwyn [of Pinchbeck].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 63.]
14 November, 1527. I Richerd Rudschwyn off Pynchbek. I will that my lande remayne to my next hayr male and, for defawte off such hares, to the hares generall. To Thomas my sone j lattyn laver. The resydue of my goodes to Robert Gawnte and John Clyffton, whome I make my executors. Thes wytnes, John Tolye, prest; Hewe Cost; William Russyll; with other.
Proved at Spalding, 29 January, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of Richard Browne [of Gedney].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 62d.]
16 November, 1527. I Richerd Browne off Gedney in Holland. I will that Margaret my wyff have my messe and the iij acre and halffe off grownd att Pynstoke the tyme of hyr lyff, and affter hyr departyng I wyll it shalbe solde and disposyd in celebracion of an honest preste, so long as it will extend, for hyr and me. The resydue of my goodes to the disposycion of Margaret my wiffe, the wych I make my executrix, and John Nicolson supervysor. Thes wyttnes, Robert Gamson, chaplain; Henry Alson; Thomas Leyffue; with other moo.
[folio 63] Proved before P., at Spalding, 29 January, 1527. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of W. Robert [of Barrow].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 69d.]
21 November, 1527. I William Robert off Barrowe. I will that John my eldest sone shall have viij acre lande and ynge with in the lordshyp off Barton paying therfore yerly to the kyng ijd. ob. I will that the chauntry preste off Berrow shall have owt off the sayd land yerly xijd. To Jenet and Agnes my doughters. The rest off my goodes to Elizabeth my wyff and Richerd Robert, my nevy, John Robert and Richerd Robert, my sonys, whome I make mine executors. In wittnes heroff, Sir James Apleyerde; Benet Tenetby; Thomas Kyrk; William Swyne; with other mooy.
Admin. granted to the executors.
[The testament of Robert Brokebanke of Thorpe in the Fallows].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 222.]
25 November, 1527. I Robert Brokebanke of the parich of Thorp in Falloys. My body to be buried in the church yerde of Mary Mawdelyne of Thorp aforesaid, with my beist goode for my mortuary. To the hye alter of Thorp iiijd. To the reparacions of the cath' church of Lincoln iiijd. To Stowie church. To Skamton church. To Camringham church. To my wiff Beatrice my copy which I dwell in, enduryng her lyff; [remainder] to my son Clement. To my brother Thomas the copye which he dwellith in. To John my son oon copye in Bransby. To my son Clement on copye which I helde of Nocton. The residue off my goodes to Beatrice my wiff and Clement my son, whom I ordeyn myn executours. Thes beyng wittenesse, Sir John Morgatride, vicar ther; John Smyth; William Symkynton; and John Stor; with other moo.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Robert Smyth [of Brauncewell].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 60d.]
4 December, 1527. I Robert Smyth off Brawnswell. To Emott my wyff a mese with the appurtenancȝ lyeng with in the town off Brawneswell; [remainder] to Richerd my sone, off thys condicyon, that he schall pay to Cecilie and Johan my dowghters xxs. [apiece]. Also I wyt to Richerd my sone a quarter of barly, [etc.]. To Alice, Isabell and Agnes Smyth. To John Carter and Lawrence Thorpe, my servants. I bequeth to have a trentall to be songen and said for the helth off my soule and all my good frende soulys. Resydue to Emot my wyff and to Richerd my sone, whome I ordeyn my executors. Thyes wyttnessyth, John Sqwyer; Robert Clerke; Robert Burton; and Richerd Coke; with other. Yeven at Brawnswell the day and yere above sayd.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 4 January, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of John Mumbe [of Irby upon Humber, husbandman].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 67d.]
6 December, 1527. I John Mumbe off Irby next Gret Grymesby, husbandman, ordeyne and devyse thys my testament to stand for my last wyll. To everych off my godchyldren a scheder schepe. To Sybyll Chapman. To Alice Henryson. I will that ther be a honest prest off good conversacyon to syng for me on hole yere and he to have iiijl. xiijs. iiijd. To my sheperd, John Smyth. To Richerd Mumbe, my brother, xxs., to hym and to hys chyldren, [etc.]. To John Mumbe, my neve, vjl. xiijs. iiijd. when he cumys att the age off xxjty yeres; and other vjl. xiijs. iiijd. affter the decease off my wyff, when he begynys to occupy for hymsellf; the wych [folio 68] vjl. xiijs. iiijd. rest in the handes off William Owstoly. To John Clerke off Tetney; yong John Clerke, hys sone; John Carter; Robert Carter; and John Boythby. The resydue off my goodes to Jenet my wyff, to occupy terme off hyr lyff; and she to dispose them for my soule and hers and all our good frendes soulys. The wych Jenet I make my cheyff executrix, and John Mumbe, my neve, a nother executor, with the advice and counsell off William Owstoly, the wych William I will be supervysor. Thes wytnes, Richerd Mumbe, my brother; Jenkyn Frankys off Irby; John Kelke; John Smyth; and John Keythlay; off the same.
Proved before P., at Grymesby, 8 February, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of W. Ball [of Kirton in Holland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 61d.]
8 December, 1527. I William Ball off the parysh off Kyrton in Holand. My body to be buryed in the chyrche yerde off the holy appostells Peter and Paule off Kyrton. To Agnes my wyff on house standyng at Fenne House the term off hyr lyff; [remainder] to Agnes Smyth otherways callyd Agnes Cryer, to hyr and to hyr heyres off hyr body; [remainder] to be solde be iiij off the most honest and discretist men for the tyme dwellyng in the sayd gate callyd Fen House, and the mony theroff takyn to be disposyd in mendyng and makyng off the hygh way lying ther at Fen House, as they shall thynke most expedyent for the helthe of my soule and all cristen soules. The resydue off my goodes, not wytt nor bequethyd [folio 62], I gyff to Agnes my wiff, whom I make my executrix. I make Richard Grene supervysor. Wyttnessyth, Sir Thomas Est; Alan Blisbery; William Rawlyns; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 28 January, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.
The testament of T. Leeke [of Boston].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 79.]
12 December, 1527. I Thomas Leeke wonnyng in the fen ende wythin the parysh of Boston makes my testament. I wytt my soule to God Almyghtty, [etc.]. To Agnes my wyff ij acr' land lying in the parysh off Skyrbek, the terme of hyr lyff; [remainder] to Thomas Leeke, my kynsman, in fe sympill. To the said Thomas Lek a brass potte that was hys grandammys; also a berne, other wyse callyd a lathe, standynge within Skirbek parishe, withe halfe a stonge of grounde that it standeithe apon, in ffee simple; and the said Thomas to gife to John Leeke and Richerd, his broders, vjs. viijd. [apiece]. I witte to the said Thomas on chiste calleid a narke, and iij weves of lyn' clothe hynginge at my bedes ffeeite, and all the residew of the hyngynges, [etc.]. To Janeitt Claye. To Richard Leeke. The residew of my gudes to Agnes my wife, whom I make my executrix. John Leeke to be supervisor. Thies beynge witnesse, Sir Th' Harbye, preste; John Claye; and John Rybe; withe other moo.
Proved before P., at Boston, 17 April, 1529. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of John Haltun, late alderman of the city of Lincoln, [merchant].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 201d.]
12 December, 1527. I John Haltun of the citie of Lincoln, marchaunt. My body to be buryed within the parysh church of St. Bennetes wythin the suburbys of the citie of Lincoln before the stall wher I do use to syt. To the high alter of the sayd church for tithys forgotten iijs. iiijd. To the warkes of the sayd church for the romthe of my buryall xs. To the edefying of the same church and church warkes xxs., under thys condicion, that the parysh preste for the tyme beyng shall every Sonday, when that he dothe reherse the beades, reherse my name and pray for my soule and all crysten saullys. To the gylde of our Lady foundyd in the same churche iijs. iiijd. To the warkes off our Lady in the monastery of Lincoln iijs. iiijd., wyth my hope of golde. To the Fysher gylde at saynt Bennytes aforesayd ijs. To the Cordwaner gylde in Lincoln iijs. iiijd. To our Lady gylde foundyd in the church of saynt Marys ijs. To the Clerk gylde xiijs. iiijd., under thys condicion, that every yere of the day of ther feste at the rehersyng of the saulys of ther brether that they shall reherse my name, and for my soule do pray with on Pater noster, on Ave Maria, with on Credo. To the order of the whyte frerys in Lincoln xs. To every order of frerys in Lincoln besyde iijs. iiijd. To our Lady gylde callyd the gret gylde in Lincoln iijs. iiijd. To the gylde of saynt Anne on gowne of satten in brydgys. To the gylde of saynt Thomas foundyd att saynt Swythuns xijd. To the plough gylde xijd. It is my wyll that of the day of my buryall shall be done ij trentallys of messys, on emonge [folio 202] the seculer prestes, and the other to be done emong the religios prestes and frerys, within the church of St. Bennyttes. I wyll that the same day of my buryall shalbe to pore people distributyd obelus dole. I will that the same day shall be dystrybutyd to xiij pore men xiijd. It is my wyll that Agnes Haltun my wyff shall have my house of the high bryg of Lincoln, wych I do dwell in, duryng her lyff; [remainder in succession] to Thomas Haltun, my eldest sonne, Robert Haltun, my sun, John Haltun, my sun, Mare Haltun, my doughter, and Elizabeth Haltun, my doughter, and to the heyres of their bodies; [remainder] to the parysh church of saynt Bennytes for evermore, under thys condicion, that the church wardens for the tyme beyng shall cause on obbyt to be done in the sayd church, distributyng yerly at the obbyt vjs. viijd. after thys maner: that is, to x prestes iijs. iiijd., to the clerke of the church for ryngyng iiijd., in offeryng jd., in wax iiijd., to the belman of the citie for goyng thrugh the citie iiijd., and in bred and ale to the paryshioners and pore folkes beyng at the sayd obbyt ijs. iijd. And yff it so happen that the church wardens do not kepe the yerly obbyt accordyng to my will and the day of my buryall or within too days before or aftyr, that then I will that my sayd house remayn to the commen chamber of Lincoln for evermore. [folio 202d.] To Agnes Haltun, my wyff, my house with the garthe in the parysh of saynt John the Evangelyst duryng her lyff; and after the decease of her to remayn unto on of my chylder wich she be disposyd to gyff it to. To my chylder, Thomas Haltun, Robert Haltun, John Haltun, Mare Haltun and Elizabeth Halton, ych on of them to ther partes vjl. xiijs. iiijd., to be delyveryd to them in plate and money when that they be at the age of xxj yeres. And yff any of them departe of thys worlde before that they cum to that age that be the lawe they may set a testament, then I will that parte of that chylde so departyng remane emong all the other chylder beyng alyve. And yff it happen that all my chylder do departe of thys worlde before that they cum to laufull age to make a wyll, that then all the partes of them to be song forth with on prest in the church of saynt Bennet so long as that money and plate will extende. Provydyd alway that all my chylder shall be founde of my goodes to suche tyme that they be at the age of xxj yeres. To Anthony Atkynson the house the wich is in saynt Margaretes parysh with the tak of saynt Catheryns longyng to the same house, under thys condicion, that he shall pay unto my wyff and my chylder the summe of iiij markes of money. And yff he will not pay the sayd summe, then my wyff shall have it her lyff, and aftyr her departyng to remane to on of my chylder wich she be disposyd to gyff it to. And yff all my chylder departe before my wyff, then she to dispose the sayd house and the house in the parysh of St. John Evangelist as she thynkes best. The resydew of my goodes I gyff to Agnes Haltun, my wyff, whome I orden my executrix. I will that John Meterson, my fader [folio 203] in lawe, and Sir Thomas Leche, vicar of St. Maryes in Lincoln, be my supervisors, and ether of them to have for ther labors xxs. In wytnes, Sir John Shakylton; Robert Skynner; William Wylson; William Burton; William Sowthe; with other moy.
Proved before P., in the cathedral church of Lincoln, 16 August, 1530. Admin. granted to the executrix.
The testament of Margaret Almun of Melton Mowbray, [co. Leicester, widow].
[Lyle, p. 95.]
13 December, 1527. I Margayte Almun, late of Melton Mow bray, wedow. My body to be buried in the churche yarde of owr lady of Mellton, and my best goode to my mortuary, as costome and maner reqwyred. To owr lady of Lyncoln ijd. To my sone, Roger Johnson, a serten sylwer hernest gyrdyll, the wiche gyrdyll ys in did leve [sic] to my doghter, Alys Scarborowe, and sche haith ytt styll in hur costody. To my forsayd sone Johnson vl., the wich vl. Master Thomas Scherott dothe owe me of dewty ffor serten bargayns betwix hym and me. [page 96] To my sone Roger xxs. that my sone Johnson owe to me of dewty. To the hee aulter of Melton a sertyn bordcloth of dyaper to make a aulter clothe of. I gife a grene coverlett and a blake gown that I were daly to Joys Samson of Thrope. The residewe of my goodes nott bequest I gife to my sone, Roger Johnson, of Melton, the wich Roger I orden my executor, ffor to dysp' my goodes ffor the proffett off my soull as he thynkyd moste necessary. And Sir Robert Barnebye to be superwicer, late prest of Melton. Theis wytnes, William Watson; John Thornton; John Stokker; Sir Robert Barnebye, curett; wythe dywers moo.
[No probate act.]
[The testament of Thomas Skofyn of Reepham].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 221d.]
29 December, 1527. In the name of Gode so be it. I Thomas Skofyn. My body to be beried in the churche of the aposteles sent Peter and Paule in Repham, with my best thyng for my mortuary. To the said churche for my beriall iijs. iiijd.; and iijs. iiijd. if the pariche will make a seler over the roode loft, els not. To the proctour for tiethes forgoten iiijd. To the vicar for the same iiijd. To our Lady warke at Lincoln iiijd. To sent Hewes hede iiijd. To iiij pariche churches, that is to say, to Fiskerton, Cherrywillingham, Nethilham and Sudbroke. To Richard Wynture a qwe and a fole. To Robert my sone. To Jenet my dogter. To the foore houses of Freers in Lincoln, to every one of them a stryke of barley or els xijd. I will that my wife have all here goodes that she browght with her to me, my costes and charges deducted and paid. The residew of my goodes I gyve to John Skovyn, to Rechard Skofyn, my brother, and to Avarey Hanson, my son in lawe, they to dispose them to the profett of my cheldren, that is to say, Robert and Jenet. I make the vicar of Repham supervisor. Moreover I will that if other of my said childre decesse or they com to laufull age, than is [sic] goodes to remayne unto that other; and if both, as God forbed, so decesse, than I will that ther goodes be disposed in charitable dedes for the helth of my saule, [etc.]. Per me Johannem Smyth, clericum. Thies beyng witnes Sir Robert Wilkynson, vicar of Repham; John Hopkyn; John Bischoppe; and Robert Townend.
[No probate act.]