Lincoln wills: 1528 (January-March)

Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1918.

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'Lincoln wills: 1528 (January-March)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530, ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].

'Lincoln wills: 1528 (January-March)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,

"Lincoln wills: 1528 (January-March)". Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.

In this section

1528 (January-March)

The testament of Robert Bawkoke [of Waltham].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 67.]

12 January, 1527. I Robert Bawkoke off Waltham. To Jenet West, daughter off John West. I will that they shall doy at my yere day the space off iij yeres, ryng, and gyff [folio 67d.] serten brede and drynke in the church, as they may doy, and cause messe to be sayd for the helthe off my soule every yere. I will that John Weste have my house wyth the appurtenance wythin the town off Waltham, to hym and hys heyres off hys body; [remainder to] be solde and disposyd for me and my wyff and hym with other frendes. Yff he fall in povertye and stand gret neyd, then I will that he sell it and helpe hymselff with all. The resydue off my goodes not wytt I bequeth to John West, whom I make my executor. Wytnes heroff, Sir William Yeff, chaplain; Thomas Pottes; George Butterfeld; Robert Hewcofft; with other moo.

Proved before P., at Grymesby, 8 February. Admin. granted to the executor.

[The testament of Sir Thomas Stamper (fn. 1) ] [parson of Aisthorpe].

[Stow, 1530–52, f. 222d. Collated with another copy at f. 217d., which is referred to in the footnotes as A.]

14 January, 1527. I [Sir (fn. 1) ] Thomas [Stampe (fn. 2) ], parson of Asthorp. My body to be buried in the chauncell byfor sainct Petur [off Asthrop (fn. 1) ], and my best goode to be my mortuary. To warke of our Lady of Lincoln vjs. viijd. To the hye alt' of the same iijs. iiijd. To the iiij orders of Freys [in Lincoln (fn. 1) ], every ordre to have iijs. iiijd. To every preist that is at my buriall that saith masse viijd., and he that saith non iiijd. To Sir William Taliour vjs. viijd. [and he to an oyle me and bury me (fn. 1) ]. I wytte to Sancte Margarete of Kettysby a sylver spone. To Saincte Cithe off the Akle (fn. 3) a silver spone. Also at my buriall to every man and child within the parich a peny. And to all other as myn executours thynke where it is nede and charitable to have a peny. To every god childe that I have both man or woman iiijd. To John Amcottes a blatte stakke (fn. 4) of ij yer age com the tyme. To Mr. John Shefeld and to his wiff a blake cutted kowe. To Mr. Alexander Amcottes the corne that groith upon his awne lande, and xxs. if it so be that he wilbe so goode mr. to my frindes and kynsfolkes, and to forther theym in ther right in all causes. To [the werk of (fn. 1) ] the church of Astherp xiijs. iiijd. I will that Elizabeth my servant have all her awne propre goodes; and I wytte her be sides the best kowe in my garth, (fn. 5) [etc.]. To Richarde and Robert, my servants. Also I will that ther be a preist to syng for me a hoolle yer. To Marion [Stampe (fn. 6) ], my servant. To Alexander [Stampe (fn. 6) ] and Margaret his sister. To Sir Xp'ofer Bretan a gowne with a tache of sainct Petur keys. To Thomas Bell and Mr. William Dymmok. To maistres Mergat Dymmok a litle maser which Mr. John Torney and my maistres his wiff gave unto me. To Sir Thomas [Stampe (fn. 6) ] (fn. 7) my counter if it fortune hym to have a dwelling place in this cuntre. To Elizabeth Cooper [folio 223] my servant. The residue of my goodes unbequethed I will that Robert Stampe of Hakthorn, my brother, John Stampe of Brotilby, George Stampe of the same, William Stampe of the same and Thomas Stampe of Hakthorn dispose it for the helth of my saule, whoom I make myn executours, and Mr Thomas Dymmok to be supervisour and to determe all maters that is or shalbe in variaunce. Wittenesse herof, Sir John Richardson, Sir William Taliour, pristes; John Pate; and Thomas Browne; with other.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Robert Lownd [of Boston, butcher].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 113d.]

16 January, 1527. I Robert Lownde off Boston, bocher. To Thomas Lownde, my eldest sone, William, my yongest son, Catheryne Lownde, my eldest doughter, and Elizabeth Lownde, my yongest doughter. I will that the bequestes off my said children remane in the handes off Richerd Hyckes unto the tyme that the chyldren cum to the age off xxjty yeres or mariage, [etc.]. I will that the vjl. xijs. the wich I lent the kyng, yff yt come, that it be devydyd emong my iiij chyldren, [etc.]. To Agnes my wyff all my household stuff, [etc.], the wich Agnes and Richerd Hyckes I make my executors. Thes beryng wytnes, Sir Thomas Cersy, [parysh prest (fn. 8) ]; Sir Thomas Gybson; William Harcastyll; Edmund Turner; and Thomas Farelam; with other moy.

Proved before P., at Boston, 31 March, 1528. Admin. granted, etc.

The testament of Nicholas Grenam [of Beeby, co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 87.]

20 January, 1527. I Nicholas Grenam of Beby, being seke in body. My body to be buried in the chirchyarde of Beby. Also I bequieth my best gode for my mortuary. To the mother chirch of Lincoln iiijd. To the hee aulter of Beybe iiijd. [page 88], and to the belles xxd. To Thomas Grenam, my sone, a shode carte, [etc.]. To Alys Grenam, Jone Grenam and Emotte. I will that Augnes my wife, as long sche kepys my name, haife the tenamentt in Grenam, and aftur to return to Thomas Grenam, my sone; and he to haife it in maket wyght all maner of proffettes to ytt belonging; and I wyll that he with his bequestes be at the order of Ric' Byschope. To Richet Byshope and to John Grenam a cote clothe [apiece]. And when I ame broght whoom, and my dettes paid, my other good not bequieth I bequieth to Augnes my wyfe, the wich I make my executrix, and Ric' Bishope supervisor. Theis witnes, Sir Richett Webbe; Thomas Wymbe; John Rodes; withe other moo.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Robert Tonne of Naliston, [co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 110.]

30 January, 1527. Robert Tonne of Nalyston. My body to be buryed in the churche yard of Naliston, and for my mortuary as custome [page 111] required. To the church of Naliston. To owr lady of Lyncoln ijd. To Thomas and John my sonnes. The residew of my goodes nott bequieth I gife to Augnes my wyffe, Henr' my sonne and William my sonne, the wich I mak my executors. Wytnes therof, Thomas March, prest; Ric' Barwyll; Roger Pachet; with other moo.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Adam Symson of Multon.

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 112d.]

2 February, 1527. I Adam Symson of Multon. To Thomas my sone vj marke when he cumyth furth off hys prentysshyp. To Johan my doughter xxvjs. viijd. when she is maryed, [etc.]. To William my sone xls. when he is maryed; also to him and the heyres male off hys body my house at Godard Brygge, and on pasture off v acres that lyes in Lawgate, to enter to the same when he is xvj yeres off age; [remainder] to John my sone and the heyr male off hys body. To Adam my sone and hys heyre male off hys body my house in Lookes Gate; [remainder in succession] to Thomas and William my sones and the heres male off their bodies; and for lak off such heres male, I will the kyrkewardons off Multon shall sell all the landes, and with the money fynde on able prest the space off ij yeres for the helthe off my soule and all my frendes soulys in the kyrke off Multon. I will that Jenet my wyff shall have my house to Adam my sone be xxiiij yeres olde, and then he shall enter into it; and I will he gyff is mother brede corne and malte and honestly to fynde hyr duryng hyr lyff. The resydue off my goodes I putt to the disposicion off Jenet my wyff and Adam my sone, whome I ordeyn my executors; and Robert Hareby supervisor. Wyttnes heroff, Sir Thomas Carter; Robert Hareby; Thomas Gere; with other.

Proved before P., at Spaldyng, 28 March, 1528. Admin. granted, etc.

[The testament of Thomas Rawse of Scothern].

[Stow, 1530–52, f 230d.]

12 February, 1527. I Thomas Rawse, hoole of mynde and seke in body. My body to be buried in the church of sainct German of Scothorn. I bequeth for my mortuary my best beiste. To the hie alter viijd. Item vjs. viijd. to a light for our Lady for ever. To the church of Scothorn vjs. viijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To iiij howses of the Freres of Lincoln vjs. viijd. To Jenett Rowse, my doghter, fowr markes and her moder rewarde. To Hatton church iiijd. To Hakthorn church iiijd. The residue of my goodes I giff theym to my wiff and to John my son, whome I make myn executours. Thies beyng wittenes, Sir Brian Warde, curate; Thomas Asgerby of Steynton; Ric' Noble; and Henry Matte; with other.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Richard Nonewyk de Boston, [draper].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 113.]

15 February, 1527. I Richard Nunwyk of Boston, draper. I will that all my goodes off my schoppe and my house be devydyd betwyx Helene my wyff and my chylder; she to have the on halffe and my chylder the other halff. And yff all my chylder dy with in the age of xxj yeres or before they be maryd, I will the forsayd chylder goodes the on halff be disposyd for my soule, and Helene my wyff to have the other halff. The resydue off my goodes I putt to the disposicion off Helene my wyff and John Benman, whome I make my executors. Wytness', Sir Andro Hedley off Boston, prest; John Pape; William Clay; with other.

Proved before P., at Boston, 30 March, 1528. Admin. granted, etc.

The testament of Thomas Clerke of Butterwyk.

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 115.]

19 February, 1527. I Thomas Clerke off Butterwyk. To Agnes Rabe. To Alice Howyt. To John, my sone, my house with the purtennance, ij acres off arable lande and iij stonges yng, to hym and the heyres off hys body, off thys condicion, that he pay to Jenet my wyff yerly duryng the terme off hyr lyff iiijs.; and yff he dye with owt [such] heyres, the [premises shall be] solde, and the money theroff be disposyd in the sayd church in fyndyng a prest to pray for my soule and all cristen soulys. The resydue off my goodes I putt to the disposicion off Robert Gybson, whome I make my executor. Wyttnes heroff, sir Thomas Picto; George Wylson; John Gybson; with other.

Proved before P., at Boston, 30 March, 1528. Admin. granted, etc.

[The testament of John Pyburne of Winteringham].

[Stow, 1530–52, f 230.]

20 February, 1527. I John Pyburne of Wyntryngham, seke of body. My body to be buried in the churche of all halowis in Wyntryngham, and my best beist to my mortuary after the maner of the countre. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To the hie alter of Wyntryngham xijd. To the kyrke warke of Wyntryngham iijs. iiijd. I will that ther be too lyghtes founde before our Lady, and thereto I gyve xiijs. iiijd. To John, my sone, viij markes, and a howse that I dwell in, late purchest of John Spynethorn, and a plough with the drawght. To William my sone viij markes and my howse by the churche. To George my sone viij markes, and ij howses with a lath. To Jenet, Elen, Esabell, and Marget my doughters. To Thomas my sone one howse called Tryppe howse, after the decesse of my wiffe. To Robert Williamson a shoed carte, [etc.]. All ther howses be fore witte and gyven to my children, I will that Margarett my wiffe have them for terme of her lyve; and I will that she have the ruell and orderyng of all my cheldren with their partes to they come at lawfull age, [etc.]. To Alice Abye. To Alice Abye the yonger. The resydue of my goodes to Margarett my wyffe, the wiche I ordene my executrix. Witnes herof, Mr. Thomas Myddilton; sir Nicholas Hewerson; Nicholas Robertson; Robert Vessy; James Wryght; Richarde Abye; Thomas Thomson; Robert Esterfild; with moo.

[No probate act.]

The testament of John Godert [of Norton by Galby, co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 101.]

23 February, 1527, 19 Henry viii. I John Goddert of Norton. My body to be buried in the church ȝarde of sanct John of Norton. I bequieth for my principall my best beyste, as custome hys. [page 102] To the church of Lyncoln ijd. For my lightes ijs. To Lossebe church xvjd. To Bebe churche xxd. To Hungarton church xxd. To the gilding of All Hallows off Norton xxd. I will that ther be deltt the day of my buryall in brede vjs. viijd. To Craythop church xvjd. For a trentall xs. To John Goddert. The residew of my goodes to Mawld my wife, the wich I mak my executrix; sche to dispose for my soull, [etc.]. I make Wiliam Goddert my sonne the superwysor therof. Witnes, the wicar of Norton; Wiliam Goddert and Mergate hys wyfe; with other moo.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Philip Tharrold, bower.

[Various, f. 74d.]

27 February, 1527. I Philip Tharwolde. To Jenet Tharwolde, my doughter, xls. in mony and iij sylver sponys, ij dooblers off the best, [etc.]. The resydue off my goodes to Katheryne my wyff for to dispose for my soule; whome I make my executrix; and Sir William Moyses to be supervisor. I will that yff my wyff mary agane, than the fornamyd parcelles gevyn to my doughter be delyveryd to Sir William Moyses for to kepe for her behoyff; and yff she dye with in age, [etc.]. Wyttnes heroff, Sir William Moyses; Mr. Bartholimew Wyllesforth; Edward Crossefeld; with other moy.

Proved before P., at Lincoln, 13 March, 1527. Admin. granted to the executrix.

The testament of John Langholm [of Conisholme, esquire].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 129d.]

27 February, 1527. I John Langholm of Connysholme, esquire. I bequeth unto the bying of a cope and a vestement unto the church of Connysholm liijs. iiijd., and the same to be takyn of the issues of my landes. I will that my executors fynde on honest priest to syng in the church off Connysholm by the space of iiij yeres for my soule and all crysten soulys, and he to have for hys labor xxl., and the same to be takyn of the yssues of my landes. To Humfrey my sone all my hole housholde and ij sylver pecys, ij saltes and xij spones, wych is all my plate, to be delyveryd to hym when he shall be off the age of xxjty yeres. To every shon off my yonger sonnes on copull of bredyng swannys, to be delyveryd unto them when they shall be of the age off xxty yeres. And all the resydue of all my swannes I bequeth to Humfrey my sonne. I will that my cosyn, John Lyttylbery, wyth other cofeoffes in my landes stand seasyd in all my landes lying in Conysholme, Louthenay, Somercotes, Thedylthorpe, Trusthorpe, Sutton, Skegnes, Wynthorpe, Burght in the Marshe, Freston, Wrangle and Butterwyk or elsse wher unto the use of my wyll, and aftyrwarde to the use off Humfrey my eldest sonne. I will that every on off my fyve yonger sonnes, that is for to say, X'pofer, George, Henry, Francisce and Anthony, have landes and tenementes yerly duryng ther lyffes to the clere yerely valew off iijl. vjs. viijd., to be assigned by the discrestion off my feoffes and executores; the remaner over unto Humfrey my sonne. I will that yff ther be any dowt founden herafter [folio 130] in any article or articles of thys my last testament or will, then I will that all suche articles be reformed and orderyd by my cosyn, John Lyttylbury, and other such as he will devyse, [etc.]. I will that my executors have all ther costes and chargys in rydyng, goyng or any other besynes had for the performance of my will. To Thomas Toynton, my godsun, xijd. To Robert Bagott xijd. To Matild' my wyff my seconde best bede with all thapparell belongyng therunto. The resydue of my goodes to my executors to dispose them for the helth of my soule. I ordyn my cosyn, John Lyttylbery, to be my executor, and he to take on other at hys plesur to occupy with hym. Thyes whyttenes, Sir Thomas Laurence, parson of Connysholm; Edmund Madyson; Thomas Toynton; Alayn Grene; with other.

Admin. granted to the relict.

[Lincoln Diocesan Registry, Inventories i, no. 54.]

Thys Invetor' mayd the xxvij day of Marche in the ȝere of our Lord God mcccccxxvij of the goodes of John Langham of Conysholm aswyer, praysed be Wyllaȝ Browght Wyllaȝ Baggott Robert Helfyn And John Mayson

£ s. d.
In primis in the hall j cownter 6 8 (fn. 9)
It the hangynges in the hall 6 8
It' ij syd tabules 3 4
It' ij formes 8
Sum 17 4
It' j federbed with all thynges thereto perteyng 16
It' j old conter 12
It' j chyst 2
It' j lytell tabull 4
It ij furmeres 4
It' j hangynge 3 4
It' j old chyst 4
It' vij pare of lynynge shettes 23 4
It' vj pare of hardynge shettes 10
It' iij towelles 12
It' j tabull clowth 8
It' iij pylloberes 16
It' j federbed with a boster 6 8
It' iiij pyllows 2 8
It' in the parler j federbed with j coverynge 6 8
It iij pyloberes 12
It' in the nether parler j federbed with a coveryng and a boster 10
It ij chares and j furme 12
It ix cowshynges 9
Sum 4 16 8
In primis j bed with a materys and a coverlyd 3 4
It' in on other chawmber j bed with ij materys and a coverlyd 2
It' v jakes 20
It' j pare of almmenrenyttes 10
It' viij pare of splynttes 10 8
It' ij salyttes 3 4
It' j hangyng 2
Sum 51 4
It' primis ij peses of sylver 5
It' ij salttes of [blank] 40
It' xij sylver spones 30
It' j holl garnyshe of old puter 20
It' j chawynge dyshe 16
It' v candylstykes 3 4
It' xij napkynges 2
It' iiij tabull clothes 5
It' lytell cowbord 2
Sum 10 3 8
In primis v brasse pottes 15
It' iij pannes of brasse 13 4
It' ij spyttes and j pare of cowberdes 2
It' brokyn brasynge morter 2
It' j fryynge pane 8
It' brolyngyern 6
It' j pare of mosterd querns 16
It' ij dresynge bordes 8
Sum 35 6
In primis 1 bord 3 4
It' 1 pare of malt quernes 2
It' 3 tobbes 3
It' 2 saltynge trowghtes and 1 bord 2
Sum 10 4
In primis 1 hors 13 4
It' 3 ȝonge mares 20
It' 1 cowpull of oxen 53 4
It' 6 kye 3
It' 1 cowpull of sters 24
It' sters 10
It' 5 ȝonge bestes 23 4
In primis 1 wayne with all thynges pertenyng therto 5
It' 2 plowghes 2
It' 60 stons of woll 12
Sum 22 11

In toto [43l. 5s. (fn. 10) ] 10 d.

The testament of Agnes Ernolde [of Gosberton].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 140d.]

28 February, 1527. I Agnes Ernolde, vidowe, off the parysh of Gosberkyrke. To Robert Dethe the yonger on acre of lande lyeing in Kyrton, called Heland land, to hym, hys heyres and assignes. To John Chaterys, Agnes Chaterys and Helen Chatterys, chylder of John Chatterys of Pynchbek, every on of them iijs. iiijd. when they come to the age of xxij yeres. And yff they all dye or they cum to the [said] age, I will that the money be devydyd to the chylder of Robert Dethe of Gosberkyrk. The resydue of my goodes I gyffe to Robert Dethe the elder, the which I make my executor. Thes wytnesses, Henry Topplys, preest; John Ransun; Henry Morrabull; John Deneyll; wyth other mooy.

Proved at Swyneshed, 29 January, 1528. Admin. granted, etc.

The testament of John Maryng [of Wainfleet].

[L.C.C., 1532–4, f. 324.]

2 March, 1527. I John Maryng of Waynflet makyth thys my testament. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of All Saintes in Waynflet. My mortuary as the lawe requiryth. To our lady of Lincoln xijd. To the high altare in the churche of All Saintes in Wainflet xijd. To our lady gylde xijd. To st. Jamys gylde xijd. To st. John gylde xijd. Resydue to Alice my wyff, Johanne and Elizabeth my doughters, to be devydyd emonstest them by equall parcellys, whome I make my executrices. Thes wytnes, Richerde Tyrwhyt, preste; Thomas Kytlok; and Hugh Woodroyff; with other mo.

15 July, 1531, 23 Henry VIII. Thys is the last will of me John Maryng of Waynflet. I will that Alice my wyffe have the terme of her lyff my capitall mesuage whiche I dwell in and ij acres of lande and pasture therto belongyng late purchasyd of Thomas Barrat; too acres in Newcroftes late purchasyd of Richerde Denes; iiij acres of lande arable lying of the sowthe syde of the crosse by the kyrke way; and one house at the haven syde lying in the parysh of All Saintes in Waynflet. And aftyr her decesse I will that the capitall mesuage and ij acres of lande and pasture therto belongyng remayn to the heyres of my body, accordyng to my father will. Yff it fortune my sayd wyff to be with a man chylde, I will that all my mesuages, landes, [etc.], whiche to me discendyd aftyr the decesse of my father, excepte suche as be wyllyd to Alice my wyff for terme of her lyve, remayn to hym, hys heyres and assignes for ever; [remainder], excepte iiij acres of pasture lying by Colyson Gayll, Tynkettyng and suche mesuages and landes as I have gyven to Alice my wyff, to my nexte heyres for ever. I will that all other my purchasyd landes [folio 324d.] and Tynkettyng be in my feoffes handes to the use of Jenet, Elizabeth and suche other woman chylde as my wyff is wyth, to them ther heyres and assygnes for ever. I will that the foresayd iiij acres of pasture lying by Collyson Gayt be in my feoffys handes for the terme of ten yeres, therwith to fynde an honest preste for one hole yere, and he to be payd by my executrices, and they to have the disposycion of the sayd iiij acres duryng the sayd terme. And [then] I will that Jenet, Elizabeth and suche other woman chylde as my wyff is with shall have the sayd iiij acres and all the housys and landes bequethyd to Alice my wyff for terme of her lyve, to them ther heyres and assignes for ever.

Proved before P., at Spillesby, 14 October, 1534. Admin. granted to Alice the relict, reserving power to grant to Joan and Elizabeth the daughters, when they shall come to lawful age.

The testament of Thomas Tattersall of Benyngton.

[L.C.C., 1520–31,f. 115d.]

2 March, 1527. I Thomas Tattersall off Benyngton, makes my testament concludyng my last will. I will that William my brother have all my land in Benyngton and Leuerton to hym and hys assignes, to bryng up hys chylder with, cxcep v stong off lande in Benyngton that I will that John Tattersall, the son off William Tattersall, shall have at xxjty yeres off age in fe simpill. The resydue off my goodes I gyff them to William Tattersall, my brother, whome I make my executor. Thes wytness', Sir W. Stedman off Benyngton; Ric' Clerke; John Johnson; William Clerk; with other moy.

Proved at Boston, 30 March, 1528. Admin. granted, etc.

The testament of Roger Wylmar [of Enderby, (fn. 11) co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 97.]

4 March, 1527. I Roger Wilmar, seke in body. My body to be buryed in the churchȝarde of sanct John Babtyst by the watur. (fn. 11) I bequiethe my best best to be my pryncipall. To owr lady of Lyncoln ijd. To my chyldur Robert, Roger and Grace xl. to them and the longest lewer of them. To sanctes Johns by the watur a quarter of maltt and a stryk of wheyt. The resydew of my goodes not bequieth, my dettes payd and I broght home, I gyfe them to my wife Jone and my sone Robertt, my executors. Theys wytnes, Sir John Hall, curett; Thomas Bramford; and Ric' Sele; with other moo.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Margaret Tegon [of Gedney].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 41d.]

8 March, 1527. I Margaret Tegon, wydow, off Gedney in Holand. I will that John Maret have iij acres and iij roodes off ground to the terme off hys lyffe, upon thys condicyon, that he shall fynd a yerly obyt for me with in the church off our lady off Gedney; and affter hys departyng I will it shall remane to hys heyres and assignes for ever, upon thys condycyon, that they shall fynde a yerly obyt for me and for my good frendes so long as the worlde shall endure. And yff they kepe not thys obbyt, the church wardyns shall have the grounde, and cause the obyte to be done yerly. To Wylliam my sone. The resydue off my goodes I put to the dysposycyon off John Maryte and Phylipe Symson, whome I make myne executors. Thies wyttnes, Robert Ganneson, chapleyn; John Maryte; Phylyp Symson; Wyll' Deken; John Thorne; with other more.

Proved before P., at Boston, 16 May, 1527. Admin. granted, etc.

The testament of William Eynold of Byker.

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 111.]

8 March, 1527. I William Eynold off Byker. To Jenet my wyff the house that I dwell in and my landes lying under it, with a nother house annexyd therto, wych is callyd Wraske house, and my land callyd Suppultoffte, with all my yng and ffen, the hole terme off hyr lyff; also I give to her my hempe lande on the house, and my halff acr' callyd the Harpe to sell to pay my dettes. After the decease off the said Jenet my wyff, I will my sayd housys with the landes lying under them remayn to Alice my doughter in fee symple; my lande callyd Suppultoffte to remane to Elizabeth my doughter in lyke estate; and my yng and fen to be equally devydyd betwyx my sayd doughters. To Alice my doughter a spruce chyst, [etc.], at the day off hyr mariage. The resydue of my goodes to Jenet my wyff, whome I make my executrix, and Sir Robert Johnson the supervysour. Thyse wyttnesses, Sir Thomas Meltom; Robert Whytelam; William Martyn; Robert Mason; Thomas Puluer; Stevyn Tonerde; with other mooy.

Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 27 March, 1528. Admin. granted to the executrix.

The testament of John Water [of Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 84.]

8 March, 1527. I John Watur, marcer, seke and febull in body. My body to be buried in the parich church of sanct Peters in Lecestur, and therffor I gife and bequiethe a crusifix to the sayd church. I bequieth ffor my principall my best garmentt. [page 85] To the hee aulter ffor my tethinges xijd. To the mother church of Lincoln ijd. The resydew of my goodes my dettes paide and content for all thinges past wich my wife knowith or remembr' fully, I gife to Johan my wyfe to kepe hur ande my childeren, and I mak hur my executrix, and Robert Grene owersear. Wittnes, John Warde, wicar; William Sharpe; Edmownd Grene; John Beatee.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Robert Tubman of Gaudebe, [co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 78.]

9 March, 1527. I Robert Tubman of Gaudebe, seke in body. My body to be buryed att the parich churche of Gaudebe. I bequieth my best good for my mortuary aftur [page 79] the custome of the churche. To the pariche churche of Gaudebe vjd. To the mother churche of Lyncoln ijd. I gyfe and bequieth aftur my dyscesse and my wyffys unto my yongest sone John my son [sic] my hows and my lande that hys in gaudebe; and if so be that my son John departt owtt of thys worlde withowt yssue, I gife to Robert my sone and his chelderien; gife so be that he departt withowtt issue, I will ytt go to Wiliam my sone and his chelderen; gife so he departt witheowtt childeren I will it go to Elesebeth my doghter; and gife so sche departt, I will it go to Thomas my sone and childeren; and gife so be that yt pleise [sic] that all thes departt withowt issewe, I will that thys howse and lande schall goo to the parich church of Gawdebe to pray ffor my soull and wyffys and my children, my ffather soull, my mother and all chrysten soulles. To ewery one of my childeren anowe and a lambe. Also I will that my sone Thomas clame no nother childes partte of goodes, for I haife giffyn hym afore thys a cowe, a halfe a quartar of malt, the price of yt iiijs., and therfor I will he schall haife no nother partt. I make my ffeoffers John Byrde of Lytill Leike and William Frisbe of Schalfforthe, other weys callyd William Schepart the yungar, to se that this howse and lande stonde to the use of my wyfe duringe hur lyfe and, after hur discesse, to the use of my childeren. Also I mak my sectors my wife [and] Wiliam Grene. Wyttnes, Thomas Glenne; and Nicholas Kechen.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Robert Bowsworuth of Euerton, [co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 98.]

10 March, 1527. I Robert Bowsworuthe of Euerton, seke in body. My body to be buryed in the churche yarde of the sayd Owerton. I bequeth ffor my mortuary a cow resting in the handes of William Smythe of Whytweke. To owr laidy of Lincoln ijd. The resydew of my goodes to my ij sonnes William and John to be wydyd betwyx them att the discrestion of my sonne Sir Robert and master Thomas Stocar, (fn. 12) parson of the same town. I make my executors my sayd ij sonnes; and owersears Sir Robertt and mastur Thomas. Theis witnes, the said Mr Thomas; Sir Raif Hethcowe; with divers moo.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Richard Butler of Freston.

[L.C.C., 1520–31,f. 113.]

11 March, 1527. I Richerd Buttler off Freston. To Jenet Butler my doughter. I will the childe that my wyff is with all yff it be a sone, I will that he have on acre and a halffe land in fe simple; and yff it be a doughter, then I will that my doughters have my acre lande and a halffe in fee simple at xvjth yeres off age; and yff my wyff lyff sole, then I will that she have all my chylder partes her lyve, [etc.]. All the resydue off my goodes to Agnes Butler, my wyff, to helpe her and my chylder ther with, whome I make my executrix. Thes wytnes, Sir Michell Kyghley; Peter Ben; and John Sylam; with other mooy.

Proved at Boston, 30 March, 1528. Admin. granted, etc.

The testament of Alice Fraunce.

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 112.]

12 March, 1527. I Alice France, widow. I will have a honest prest to syng at saynt Peter alter a hole yere for my husband soule and myn and all cristyn soulys, and he to have for hys labour vl. vjs. viijd. To Thomas Bell my house, and he to gyff to the chylder off the sayd Thomas and Margyt hys wyff vjl. when they cum to the age off xxjty yeres. The resydue off my goodes I putt to the disposicion off Thomas Bell, whome I make my executor. And John Hyll to be supervisour and Robert Renoldson. Thies wytnesses, Ric' Belle off Pynchbek; Thomas Gariet; and Thomas Steberd; with other moo.

Proved at Spalding, 28 March, 1527.

The testament of John Burton [of Gedney].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 46d.]

17 March, 1527. I John Burton off Gedney in Holand. I will that Emme my wyff have my mese and vj acres off grounde that it stands upon, off the Abbuth fee, and ij acres at Brymbyll dyke, and xiiij acres in Ravyns draw, to the tyme that John my sone cum to the age off xxj yeres, and then it shall remane to John my sone to hym and hys heyres off hys body; [remainder] to Wylliam my sone and hys heyres off hys body; [remainder] to be devyded to my iij doughters, Anes, Alys and Helyn. Also I will that Emme my wyff have my messe wyth iij acres off grounde that it standes upon, off the Abbuth fee, and iij acres in Brymbyll dyke, and viij acres and di. in Hartforth, to the tyme that William my sone come to the age of xxj yeres; and then it shall remayn to Wylliam my sone to hym and to hys heyres off hys body; [remainder] to John my sone and the heyres off hys body; [remainder] to be devydyd to my said iij dowghters. [folio 47] The resydue of my goodes I putt to the discrecyon off Emme my wyff and John Mayne, whom I make my executors. Thes wittnes, Robert Samson, chaplan; Richerd Bryge; Thomas Burde; John Grene; with other moy.

Proved before P., at Gedney, 18 July, 1527. Admin. granted to the executors.

The testament of John Gersby [of Osgodby].

[L.C.C., 1538–40, f. 52.]

18 March, 1527. I John Gersby of Osgotby in the paryshe of Kyrkby. My body for to be buryed within the churche yerde of Kyrkby. To the high altare of our mother churche of Lincoln ijd.

To William Gyrsbe, my sun. The resydue I will it be devydyd as the lawe will unto Mawde my wyff and my children. I do make Mawde my wyff and William my sun my executors. Thes beyng wytnes, John Woodleyff; Nicholes Croyft; with other mo.

Proved before Pope, at Estrasyn, 8 April, 1538. Admin. granted to Maud the relict, reserving power to grant to William the son, when he shall come to lawful age.

The testament of Thomas Branson of Sadington, [co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 81.]

1527. I Thomas Branson of Sadington. My body to be buryed in the church ȝarde of Sadington. I bequiethe to my mortuary as costome requires. To owr mother chirch of Lyncoln iiijd. To ye chirch of Sadington vs. To a honest preste xs. to singe a trentall for me and my guude frendes. To Lorans Branson, Symonde Branson ande his wife, Thomas Branson, Robert Hether, Robert Frislay, and John Gilbert. To my maydyn. The resydewe of my goodes to John Branson my sons wife and hur childeren to be dewydyd among [page 82] them by the mynd of Wiliam Clarke of Sadington, whome I make my executors and also Symond Branson wrytyn executor [sic]; and master Pygot to be owersear. Wytnes herof, Sir Thomas Soden; Thomas Alreit; and Robert Brymyn.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Herry Le of Bagworthe, [co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 102.]

1527. I Henr' Leey of Bagworth. [page 103] My body to be buryed in the church or churchȝarde of Thorneston. To the mother church of Lyncoln iiijd. To my mortuary my best best as use and custome is. To the pariche church of Thorneton a torch of wax. To the chapell of Bagworth iijs. iiijd. The residew of my goodes to Isabell my wyfe, Thomas my sonne, and Thomas Ley my brother, whome I mak my executors; by the owersighte of Robert Jakys, bayley ther, and Wiliam Ley, my brother; withe this wytnes, Sir William Bolton, preste; Thomas Ley.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Richard Browne [of Fishtoft].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 120d.]

28 March, 1528. I Richard Brown of Toft. To Thomas my sonn my hous in Boston standyng in a place calleid the Hospitall, withe a stonge of pastur grounde to the said house, also too acre and j stonge arrabile land lying in a place calleid Fulyarstofte, also on acre of arrabile land in a place caleid Shorte Fen landes, also on acre and haef arrabile lying in a place calleid Quares, to hyme and to his heers of his bode; [remainder] to the children that god haithe sent or schall send betwixte Jamys Shalloke my son in lawe and Janett my doghter. To the said Thomas ij brase pottes; the on of theym is in the kepyng of Robert my son, [etc.]. Resideu of my gudes to Jamys Shalloke and Thomas Broun, whome I ordene myn executors, that they schall brynge me ferthe withe solem dirige and mase at my beruill, vijth daie and xxxth daie, [etc.], withe help and gude councell of Master Dacombe, whom I will shall be supervisor. Thies beyng witness, Mr. Dacombe; Sir Robert Borell, Ser Richard Parker; withe other moo.

Proved before P., at Kyrketon, 29 July, 1528. Admin. granted to the executors.


  • 1. Omitted from the copy at folio 222d.
  • 2. 'Stamper' in A.
  • 3. 'Egle' in A.
  • 4. 'blak stag' in A.
  • 5. 'yarde' in A.
  • 6. 'Stamper' in A.
  • 7. A. is incomplete, and stops here.
  • 8. Struck through.
  • 9. For the sake of convenience the amounts have been translated from Roman into Arabic figures.
  • 10. Illegible.
  • 11. A family of Wilmar was settled at Enderby, co. Leicester, in the 16th and 17th centuries (British Record Society's Publications, xxvii, pp. 65, 116, 148, 162. 194; ibid., xxxviii, p. 453). The church there is dedicated to St. John the Baptist; and John Hale was curate of Enderby and Whetstone in 1526 (Salter, A Subsiay, p. 100).
  • 12. Rectius 'Storar' (Reg. xxvii, f. 128; Subsidy, p. 112).