Lincoln wills: 1528 (April-June)

Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1918.

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'Lincoln wills: 1528 (April-June)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530, ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].

'Lincoln wills: 1528 (April-June)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,

"Lincoln wills: 1528 (April-June)". Lincoln Wills: Volume 2, 1505-1530. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1918), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.

In this section

1528 (April-June)

The testament of George Portyngton [of Barton on Humber].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 121d.]

1 April, 1528. I George Portyngton of Barton upon Humbre. To George my brother sone. To Edward Portyngton a qwy, etc. To Agnes Hopkynson. To the reparacion off saynt Nynyan chaple xvjd. As towchyng the disposycion off all my landes and tenementes both in Lincolnschyre and Yorkeshyre I will that Anne my wyff have them both freholde lande and copye holde lande, that is to say, in Barton upon Humbre and Humberstone in the county of Lincoln and in Howdan, Laxton, Skelton in Howdan, Aslebe, Snathe and Carlton in the countie of Yorke, for hyr lyff; [remainder] to William Hygdon, hys heyres and assygnes; they [folio 122] doyng aftyr thys manner as here aftyr folowys, that is to say, they shall, aftyr the dethe off my wyff, fynde a prest by the space off iiij yerys; and the sayd prest to have for hys stipend yerly vl.; and aftyr the sayd iiij yerys they shall make evermore lastyng, ons in the yere, a obbyt to the valew off xs. to pry for my soule and all crystyn soulys wyth placebo and dirige. Also I will that Edward Heynde, Thomas Bryan, John Browne prest, John Wyche, Xp'ofer Forman and William Hygdon, my feoffes namyd in a deyd off feoffment wych bearys date off yere and reigne off kyng Henry the viijth xixth, ther heyres and assygnes shall stande and be feoffes of trust off and in all the premisses in Lincoln schyre and Yorkeschyre specyfyed in the sayd dede, to the same intent as is before rehersyd; provydyd that yff any of [the premises] specyfyed in the dede be taylyd, and a lawfull dede ther of be fownde, that then the [premises] so taylyd to go accordyng as the law and conscience requires; and the sayd William Hygdon hys heyres and assynes to do for that lande that is fee simple that they shall have accordyng to ther discrestion and conscience. The rest of my goodes not bequethyd nor wyt, I gyff to Anne my wyff, whome I ordeyne and make my executrix. Thyes to wyttnes, Sir John Byrde, Sir Thomas Hopkynson and Sir John Brown, prestes; Edwarde Heynd, gent.; William Burkyll; with other.

Proved at Lymber Magna, 5 August, 1528. Admin. granted, etc.

The testament of John Heryng [of Irby in the Marsh].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 114d.]

3 April, 1528. I John Heryng makyth my last will. My body to be buryd in the church yerde of Alhallows off Irby, with my best beaste in the name off my mortuary. To our lady warke off Lincoln vjd. I wytt to our lady alter off Lincoln vjd. To the church werke off Irby iijs. iiijd. To Thomas and Alex' my sones. To Alice my doughter. I wyll that aftyr the decease off my awnte, my house att Bekelles shalbe solde by my executrice, and she shall gyff every on off my forsayd chylder theroff xls. And yff any off them decease with in age, then I will they be heyres on to another. The resydue off my goodes not witt I gyff to Jenet my wyff, whome I make my executrice, that she may bryng up my chyldren and dispose for my soule [etc.]. Wyttnes, Sir John Vero; Thomas Heryng; Alex' Whytyng; and other moy.

Proved before P., at Partenay, 5 May, 1528. Admin. granted to the executrix.

The testament of William Gregore [of Asfordby, co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 82.]

4 April, 1528. I Wiliam Gregore of Hasforby, seke in body. My body to be buryed within the church or chirchyarde. In the name of my mortuary my best beyste. I will that owr lady of Lincoln haife vjd. To the hee aulter viijd. To the church of Forlay iijs. iiijd. To the stone bryge vjs. To the sepurtur light iijs. iiijd. I make my executors Ellen [page 83] my wife and Thomas my son [and] Wiliam my son, to dyspose my goodes to the plesure of God and wele of my soull. Theis wytnes, Sir John Grene, preste; and Sir Roger Woddus, preste; and Thomas Gredun.

[No probate act.]

[The testament of Lyon Swanne of Gainsborough, draper].

[Stow, 1530–52, f. 229.]

4 April, 1528. I Lyon Swanne of Gaynesburgh in the dioces of Lincoln, draper. My body to be buried in the church of Alhaloes in Gaynesburgh. I giff for my mortuary my best horse. To the hie alter of Gaynesburgh for tithes forgotten viijd. To the Trinite gilde, the Plough light, sainct Johnes light and the Sepulcur light iiijd. [apiece]. To our Lady of Lincoln viijd. To Isabell Swanne my doghter iiijl. in peny and peny worth, at the sight of Thomas Topcliff, the vicar of Gaynesburgh, Sir John Thesamonde and Myles Staveley, John Smyth, and William Preist. To Thomas Kechyn. To Sir Thomas Aderton xs. to syng a trentall in the church of Gaynesburgh for my saule and for all the saules that I am most bounden to pray for. I will that Isabell my doghter shall have iij silver spones. I will that Mr. Thomas Topcliff, vicar of Gaynes' shalbe the supervisour. To Sir Thomas Thesamonde. To my sister of Boston on harnesshed girdell. To Jenet my doghter a pair of Messynden bedes. I will that William my son shall have all my goodes. To William my son my howse in Stowie, and I make him my executour. Thies bying wittenes, Mr. Thomas Topcliff, vicar of Gaynesburgh; Sir John Thesamond, Sir Thomas Aderton, Sir Simon Wallington, preistes; Edwarde Topcliff, gentilman; John Smyth; Milys Staveley; and William Preist; with other moo.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Thomas Quadryng [late of Careby].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 142d.]

6 April, 1528. I Thomas Quadryng, late of Careby, makyth my testament and last will. To the Rode of Laynton iijs. iiijd. yerly to go furth of my house in Staynflete, co. Lincoln, duryng the space that the law of Ingland will admitte; [remainder] to my heyres. With wich iijs. iiijd. I will ther be founde v tapers of wax to burne before the sayd roode in the worshyp of God; and also a obite day for me to be kept yerly duryng the sayd terme, to pray for my soule and all crysten soulys, [etc.]. To the rode of Nawnbe yerly iijs. iiijd. to go furth of my house at Braceby, to fynde v tapers of wax in the worshyp of God to burne before the sayd rode for the terme of lxxxxix yeres next ensuyng; and aftyr the sayd terme endyd, the sayd house to remayn to my heyres for ever. I will that my executors have my copy holdes in Careby; and they or on off them to gyff yerly duryng ther lyffes vs. sterlinge to fynde a lyght before the blessyd rode of Burle in the countie of Rutland, in the worshyp of God. I will that so long as the lawe will admitte it that iijs. iiijd. sterlyng shall go furth of my house now in the tenur of on [blank] Grene, lying in Leke, to fynd a lyght to burne before the blessyd rode in the frers at Boston in the worshyp of God. To our blessyd lady of Myddyll gate on messe boke, on challys and on vestement, [etc.]. To my doughter Jane Sapcotes and to Edward hyr husband all those my messes, maners, londes and tenements in Southroc'by, Northroceby and in Lynsey, to have to them and to the longer lyffer off them and to the heyres of the body of the sayd Jane; and for defawte of such issue, [remainder] after the decesse of the sayd Edward and Jane, [as to the premises] in Lynsey and Leyke to Lyon Quadryng and to hys heyres of hys body, [and as to] the manerȝ, [folio 143] [etc.], in Southroceby and Northroceby, to Thomas Quadryng, the sone of William Quadryng, and to hys heyres for ever. I will that yff my doughter Jane or any other persons do lett and dystourbe myn executors in the executyng of thys my wyll, than myn executors shall sell [the premises] in Rocebe, and the on halff of the mony therof cumyng to be gyffyn to the sayd Jane, and the other halff myn executors to have toward the performans of thys my will. To my son Edward Sapcotes my best gown and a dowblyt cloth of blak satten, [etc.]. I will that all my landes and tenementes in Grantham goo to fynde a prest to pray for my soule and my wyffes and the soule of Richerd Curtes with all my frendes soulys and crysten soulys for the terme of lxxxxix yeres. I will that my feffers releysse all ther interest and title unto my executors yff it be requisite to be done for the performance of thys my will. I will that the prest of my sayd chauntre from tyme to tyme shall geve my iiij beydhouse[s] in Grantham, of the yerly valew of iiijs. apece by yere, to pore men aftyr the forme as they now be and hertoafore have bene occupyed. I will that the sayd Edward and Jane Sapcot[s] be the donours of thys my chauntre in Grantham, and the heyres of the body of the sayd Jane; and yff she decease wythout such issue, than I will that, aftyr the decesse of Edward and Jane, William Quadryng and hys heyres be the donours. To the gray frerys of Grantham a picture or image of our blessyd Lady. Also I will that the sayd frerys shall have and perceyve yerly xs. sterling to goo furth of such landes and tenements as I have in Courbe, co. Lincoln, to fynd a lyght to burne before the sayd image in the worshyp of our Lady with in the church of the sayd frerys for terme of lxxxxix yeres. Also I will that iijs. iiijd. sterlyng be payd yerly to the image of our Lady of Brygdyke to go furth of my landes and tenementes in Braceby [folio 143d.] to fynde a lyght or a lampe to burne before the pictor ther, in the worshyp of God and our Lady, for the terme of lxxxxix yeres. Also I will that my sone Edward Sapcotes have the leyse of Roceby graunge, for wich leyse I payd to the abbot of Swyneshed for hys good will and the coventes vjl. sterlyng, for wich vjl. the abbot and the convent grauntyd me to have the leyse under the convent seale for the terme of xl yeres to begyn wythin on yer next, yeldyng therfore yerly to the abbot and hys successors xxvjs. viijd. sterlyng; [remainder], yff my doughter Jane decease wythowt issue of hyr body, and aftyr the dethe of the sayd Edward, to William Quadryng and hys assygnes; he or hys assygnes therfore to give and pay unto an honest prest xx marc' sterlyng to thentent that the same prest shall go diverse pilgremages to holly sayntes wher my executors or my next kynnesmen then shall thynke most best. I will that therbe payd furth of Roceby garth yerly so long as the law will admitt xijd. sterlyng to the church of saynt Peter of Roceby to fynde a lyght ther before the image of saynt Peter in the worshyp off God and saynt Peter. I will that ther be xijd. a yere for the terme of lyve of my executors yerly forth of copy holde of Careby; and it to be distributyd in brede and ale, and gyffen to the paryshioners of Careby from tyme to tyme in the days of Rogacions callyd Crosse weke. I will that vjd. a yere in lykewyse be geven to the wardens of the sepultur to helpe to mayntein the lyghttes abowte the same at Careby; the sayd vjd. to go furth of my sayd copy holde lande in Careby yerly duryng the lyff of my executors. I will that my house with the londe therto belongyng, that on Con dwellyth in, in the towne of Osburnby be solde, and the summes of the money thefore payd I will that the same helpe to pay my dettes, [etc.]. The resydue of my goodes I bequeth to Edward Sapcotes and Jane hys wyff, tenderly [folio 144] requiryng them to se and cause thys my last will in every article to be performyd. I orden Edward Sapcotes, William Quadryng, esquiers, [and] sir Richerd Greve, the parson of Ropesley, myn executors. And I make superviser Robert Husey, esquier, to whom I will that 5l. sterlyng be geven. Wittness', Nicholes Slator, prest; Thomas Storer; Robert Jessop; William Caruers; John Bady; and Launcelat Crosser; [etc.].

Proved before P., at Grantham, 15 January, 1528. Admin. granted to the executors.

The testament of T. Scownder [sic] [of Stickford].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 116d.]

19 April, 1528. I Thomas Sawnder off the parysh off saynt Helene off Stykforth. I will that the house wych I do dwell in remane to Isabell my wyf to the tyme that Thomas my sone be at laufull age, that is for to say xxjty yeres. And yff he decease before that age, I will the house remane to hys brother, yff my wyff be with chylde wyth a sone, when he cum to the age off xxjty yeres; [folio 117] [remainder] to hys susters Isabell and Margaret, and ether off them to be other heyres. Also I bequeth the close to my wyff the terme off hyr lyff; [remainder] to Thomas my sone, excepte that she stand so gret nede to sell it. Also I will the thre landes that I bought off Henry Coott be solde; and the on halff off the mony therfore takyn to be gyffyn to the church off Stykforth, and the other off the money to be gyffyn to my doughter Isabelle. To the sayd Isabelle ij landes in the Southfelde in the Halff acres; and on lande in the Westefelde off Kele named Dieth. To Margaret my doughter on lande in Westerkele felde, otherwase namyd Toffte felde; and another lande in Westetublande; and iij gaddes in the ynges off meadowe grounde; and ij landes lying in the Weste felde; and iij gaddes lying in the Mar. To Thomas my sone my copyse off my yeres when he cumys to the age off xxjty yeres; [remainder] to the next survivor off my chyldren, so that every on off them shall be other heyr; [remainder] to the church off Stykforth. Resydue off my goodes to Isabell my wyff; and off thys my testament I make Henry Lownde and Isabelle my wyff my executors. Thyse wyttness', Jamys Tyldesley; John Wryght; Thomas Lownde; John Clay; Ric' Deryng; wyth other moy.

Proved before P., at Spyllesby, 6 May, 1528. Admin. granted to the executors.

The testament of William Preston of Bekyngham.

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 155d.]

20 April, 1528. I William Preston, hole in mynde and saff in body, dredyng the perell of dethe, makes my last will, [etc.]. My body to be buryed in the chapell yerde of Fenton in the parysh of Bekyngham. My best good to be my mortuary. To the hygh alter of Fenton xijd. To our Lady warkes of Lincoln vjd. To the iiij orders of frerys of Lincoln every on of them iiijd. To the frerys of Grantham ijd. To my godchylder every on of them iiijd. To Isabell my sun doughter xxs. To Robert my servant, Thomas Henryson, Thomas my broder, Robert Preston senior, Robert Preston iunior, and John hys broder. I bequethe to fynde a laumpe in Fenton church before our Lady and saynt Michell di' a quarter of sede barly. I wyll that my wyff and John my sone be my executors. Thes beyng wytnes, sir Edward Rodes; Edward Horner; William Holand; and Robert Preston; with other moy.

Proved before P., at Lincoln, 7 May, 1530.

The testament of Ric' Nevell [of Kirton in Holland].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 123.]

26 April, 1528. I Richerd Nevell off Kyrton in Holand, makyth my testament, concludyng with my last will. I will that the house the wich I do dwell in, aftyr the decease off Matild' my wyff, be solde be my feoffers off the sayd house, and with the money therof takyn they or ther assignes to hier a laufull prest to syng for me and Matild' my wyff and for all our frende soulys in the church of Kyrton so long as the mony will extende. I gyff on halffe acre lande lying in Smaldyke, aftyr my decease, to the chauntre prest and hys successors of the fundacion of sir Roger Bellows, sometyme vicar, to the ende and terme of lxxx yeres and xixth; and so be renuyd be my feoffers to the sayd use. Resydue off my goodes to Matild' my wyff, whome I ordeyne my executrix. Wyttnessyth, sir Thomas Est; Ellys Forman; William Cram; with other mooy.

Proved before P., at Kyrton in Holand, 29 July, 1528. Admin. granted to the executrix.

The testament of John Chelys.

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 119.]

2 May, 1528. I John Chelys. To Robert and William my sones, and the chylde that my wyff is with all, [folio 119d.] at the age off xiiij yeres, [etc.]. I bequeth xs. for a trentall off messys to be done in my parysh church aforesayd. (fn. 1) I will that Robert my sone shall have iij acres off my lande lying at the Se lathes, and on acre lying at Parkys, and on acre lying in Newlandes, to hym and to the heyres off hys body; [remainder] to William my sone and to the heyres off hys body; [remainder] to the chylde that my wyff is with all and to the heyres off the same; [remainder] to be solde and disposyd and the price theroff to be bestowyd to on honest priest to syng for the soulys off me and my frendes. The resydue off my goodes I putt to the disposycion off Elizabeth my wyff and John Kelwyn, whome I make my executors. I make William Betson supervisor. Wytnes heroff, Robert Godysman, priest; Thomas Gere; and Roger Abraham; with other moy.

Proved at Gosberkyrk, 28 July, 1528.

The testament of Richard Butson [of Weston].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 119.]

3 May, 1528. I Richerd Butson of Weston. I will that William my sone have my house that I dwell in with the land that longys therto, and the land that is in Multon, to hym and to hys yshue off hys body. And yff he departe with owt ishue, then I will the house and lande be solde, and the on parte to go to reparacion off the chyrch off Weston, and the other to a preste to syng for me and my good frendes. To my wyff on whyte burnyng, and her houshold stuff that she brought with her, and her lyffyng her lyff. Also I will that my houshold stuff be devydyd betwyxt William my sone and Alice my doughter and Isabell Haryson. Resydue off my goodes to William my sone, whome I make my executuor. Thes wytnes, sir John Gybson; Robert Thomson; John Gallarde; with other mooy.

Proved before P., at Gosberkyrke, 28 July, 1528. Admin. granted, etc.

The testament of Alyxander Moigne [of Sixhill, esquire].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 133.]

4 May, 1528. I Alexander Moigne of Syxhill, esquier. My body to be buryed in the church of all Halowes of Syxhill, with that that is ryght and lawe in the name of my mortuary, [etc.]. To my doughter Margaret to her mariage xlty marke. To [each of] my doughters Ursula and Brigytt to hyr mariage xlty marke, yff she be rewlyd be my executors. To my doughters Margery Bocher and Jane Bradoke xxs. [apiece]. To Anne my wyff duryng hyr lyff my landes, rentes and tenementes, with all other hereditamentes lying in the townys and feldes of Lyssyngton, Estrasen, Westrasen, Tevelby, Ryseby besydes Walesby, Long Ludford and Thorganby; [remainder] to Thomas my sone and to the heyres males of hys body; [remainder] to the heyres malys of my body. To Anne my wyff my maner off Wathe with all other my landes and tenementes, rentes, revercions and services lying [folio 133d.] in the townes and feldes of Wathe, Marschapell, Foulstomarshe, Horncastre, Hemyngby and Gawdeby, to the performance of thys my will, and payng of my dettes, and [then] they shall remayn to Anne my wyff for hyr lyff; [remainder as to] the landes, [etc.], lying in Gawdeby to Simon Moigne and hys heyres males of hys body; [remainder] to the heyres males of my body; [remainder as to] my maner of Wathe and all the landes, [etc.], in Wathe to Jamys Moigne and hys heyres males of hys body; [remainder] to the heyres males of my body; [remainder as to] my landes and tenementes, free and bonde, lying in Marschapell, Foulstomarshe, Thorganby, Hornecastell and Hem yngby, to Thomas my sone and hys heyres males of hys body; [remainder] to the heyres males off my body. I will have a pryst to syng for me, my wyff, my father, my mother, with all my good benefactors, vij yeres. I will that Simon Moigne, my sone, shall have yerly duryng the lyff of Anne my wyff xxvjs. viijd. Also I will that [folio 134] yff he troble my executors for eny of my goodes, he shall have no parte of that that I have bequethyd hym. Also I will that yff my doughters Ursula and Brigytt or other of them be not maryed in the lyff of my wyff, that they or she that is not maryed, and do refuse to be orderyd in ther mariage aftyr the mynd of Thomas my sone, shall have no parte of the bequest mayd to them. I will that yff at the tyme of the dethe of Anne my wyff, suche leces as I have in the towne and feldes of Syxill, by indenture or by copy, be not expyryd, Thomas my sone shall have the resydue of the termes. Also I wyll that aftyr the dethe of Anne my wyff, my sone Thomas shall have the pece wyth the covering that hath my harmes on it. Also all my goodes not bequethyd I bequeth to Anne my wyff, whome I do constitute my sole executrix; and John Henage, the yonger, esquier, and Richer Sotheby, clerke, coadiutors unto hyr. I will Sir Andrew Billesby, knyght, shall be supervisor. I will that yff Anne my wyff dye afore my dettes be payd, the forsayd John Henage and Ric' Sotheby shall be myn executors, for the performance of my will, and have the landes in Wathe, Marschapell, Foulstomarshe, Horncastell, Hemyngby and Gawdeby for the hole performance of suche parcellys as ware not performyd by Anne my wyff. Also I will that thys my present will shalbe indentyd in thre partes, wheroff I will that on parte shall remayn with Anne my wyff, the secund parte to remayn with Ric' Sotheby, clerke, the thyrde parte to [folio 134d.] remayn wyth Thomas Moygne, my sone. Thyse beyng wytnes, Sir Thomas Wollerby, vicar of Northwillyngham; Dom' Robert Jakson, vicar of Syxill; Ric' Blauncherd of the same; and Richerd Barnaby of the same; with other moo.

Proved before P., at Lincoln, 21 May, 1529. Admin. granted to the executrix.

The testament of Sir Robert Sparke of Goltho, [priest].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 233d.]

13 May, 1528, 20 Henry VIII. Thys is the testament and last will of me Robert Sparke, preste, mayd at the maner of Golthagh. I the sayd Robert Sparke, preste, now revokyng all other my wyllys here to fore mayd, makyth my testament, [etc.]. My body to be buryed in the churche of St. James the apostell in the parysh of Olde Bolyngton. I bequeth for my mortuary as the lawe and laudable custome shall require. To the reparacion of the cath' church of Lincoln xijd. To every of my mr. servandes beyng in hys housholde at Golthagh iiijd. To John Water vs. I remyt placebo and dirige with other divine obsequies and almys dedys to be done for my soule at the dyscrestion of my executor. Also wher it is so that William Kyngstone, preste, John Franke and John Cony the yonger of the parysh of St. Mary Magdalene in the dioc' of Norwige and in the countie of Northfolke, ar possessyd and seasyd of and in all my mesuages, landes, tenementes, [etc.], lying in the towne and territorys of Wyghenhall in the parysh of St. Peter, as at large apperyth more playnly by a dede therof mayd, dated 8 November, 13 Henry VIII, I will now that the sayd feofees make a sufficient estate and release of all the sayd [premises] unto Wylliam Taylboys, sonne of Sir George Taylboys, knyght, and he to adioyne with hym, by the advice of lernyd counsell, as feoffes in the sayd [premises], John Constable, prest, deane of Lincoln, Edward Darby, archedecon of Stowe, Sir Marmaduk Constable, knyght, John Henage, esquier, William Willoughby, Edwarde Dymoke, esquiers, and Xp'ofor Ormesby, preste, to have and holde the sayd landes, [etc.] [folio 234] to the use of thys my will; that is to say, I will that a sufficient and honest seculer preste from the day of my dethe shall dayly say messe and other divine servys in the church of St. Jamys of Olde Bolyngton for my soule and the soulys of Thomas Sparke and Malde Sparke, my parentes, and generally for all crysten soulys for evermore, excepte he have a reasonable cause by sekenes of [sic] otherwyse. I will that the sayd preste say messe of Requiem and dirige every weke upon the Fryday yff it be not dooble feest, and yff it be dooble feste, to take on day in the weke to say the sayd messe with the obsequies as she [sic] shall thynke moste convenient. And the preste to take yerly for hys salary viij markes; and also vestymentes and other necessaryes to be founde therunto; and the sayd eight markes to be payd at iiij usuall termys by the handes of William Taylboys. I will that the nominacion and election of the preste at every voydance be assygned and appoyntyd by William Taylboys and other feoffes wyth hym adionyd; the wych William I orden executor. Thes beyng wytnes, William Blesby, esquyer; Sir Stevyn Scarburghe, Sir Xp'ofer Ornsby, prestes; John Hyll, auditor; Umfray Ireland; Sir Thomas Olyff, prestes; Richard Talbot, jent'; John Water, yoman; with other moy.

Proved before P., at Lincoln, 7 December, 1530. Admin. granted to the executor.

The testament of Richard Aynton [of Benington in Holland].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 123.]

15 May, 1528. I Richard Aynton of Benyngton makyth thys my testament, herin concludyng [folio 123d.] my last will. I will a trentall off xxx messes to be sayd at the frear prechers in Boston for my soule, my frendes soulys and all cristen soulys. I will that on acre of my lande callyd Frankes rygge in the parysh of Boston and in the hundreth of Tofte, lyinge betwyxt the landes of William Buttler of the weste, and the landes of the sayd Ric' Aynten of the este, to be solde by John Schepard, my son in lawe, and the money to be disposed upon my funerall expenses, and to the welth of my soule, [etc.]. This is my last will: To Cecilie Shepard, my daughter, all those my landes and tenements, pastures, [etc.], within or without the townes and fields of Boston or Tofte, being in the handes of John Bate of Tofte and John Scheparde of Benyngton, my feoffes, for the terme of hyr lyffe; and aftyr hyr decease, to the chyldren betwyxte John Shepard and the sayd Cecilie, [etc.]. Yff it fortune all hyr chyldren to departe before their mother, then I will that she gyff the landes to whome she will. I committ the resydue of my goodes for the helthe of my soule to John Schepard, my sone in law, whome I make executor. Wytnes, [folio 124] Syr Roger Pyshe, parysh prest; John Feyld; and Richard Schepard; wyth other moy.

Proved before P., at Kyrton in Holand, 29 July, 1528. Admin. granted to the executor.

The testament of Ralph Bucke [of Edenham].

[L.C.C., 1535–7, f. 234. The first three sentences are translated from the Latin.]

15 May, 1528. I Ralph Bucke. My body to be buried in the churchyard of the church of Edenham. I bequeath my best beast in the name of a mortuary, as the custom is. To the high altare of Edenham xijd. To our Lady of Lincoln xijd. To our Lady off Walsyngham xijd. To the bellys of Edenham a seame barly. To Henry my sun. [folio 234d.] To Agnes my doughter. To Elizabeth my wyff. I will that she shall have all the croppe of her owne copy holde lande sawne to her hande. To Thomas Kytchyn a blak qwye with a tag tale, [etc.]. To sir John Bucke my sun xxvjs. viijd. To Richerde my sun my copy holde in Edenham; and yff any thyng cum at Richerde, it to remayn to Raphe my sun. I will that Richerde and Raphe my sunys shall have all the corne that cumys of the Hawllys croppe, [etc.]; and that they have the resydue of my goodes. I will that my wyff and Richerde my sun be my executors; and sir John Bucke, my sun, to be the supervisor. In witnes herof, sir Henry Sawmon; John Howlay; and Raphe Hiltun.

Proved before Pope, at Lincoln, 17 September, 1537. Admin. granted to Richard the son, the relict having died in the meantime.

The testament of Richard Murre [of Kirton in Holland].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 124.]

28 May, 1528. I Richard Murre of Kyrton in Holand do make my testament, includyng my last will. To Alice my wyff my house in Skeldyke and the thyrd parte off iiij acres in Kyrton hyr lyff; [remainder] to John my sone and to the heyres of hys body; [remainder] to John Kechyll and to hys heyres of hys body. To the sayd John Murre the thyrde parte of iiij acre lande, callyd Jacson land, to hym and to hys heyres of hys body, aftyr the decease of my wyffe; [remainder] to Thomas Harvy, my wyfe sone, and to hys heyres off hys body, and I will that he kepe therfore on obbit in Kyrton chyrch, expendyng at the same yerly ijs., the space off [folio 124d.] lxxxxix yeres, ffor the soulys off me and all my good frendes; [remainder] to John Kechyll and to hys heyres, willyng them to kepe lykewyse the obbyt. To John my sone on cart and a plough and such ornamentes as pertenyth unto them, on gravyn tabyll, on chare, on chyst, halff a dosyn peces of pewter, on sylver harnest gyrdyll, [etc.], after the decease off my wyffe, [etc.]. To the sayd John ij qwyes when he shall cum to the age off xiiij yeres, [etc.]. Resydue off my goodes to Alice my wyff, whome I make my executrix; and I will that Thomas Hawdalle be supervisour. Thyes wyttness', Sir John Brewster off Kyrton; Ric' Smyth; John Fokys off the same; with other mooy.

Proved before P., at Kyrton in Holand, 29 July, 1528. Admin. granted to the executrix.

The testament of Jo. Martyn [of Holton cum Beckering].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 117d.]

6 June, 1528. I John Martyn off Howton. To William Hudson my servant. To John Martyn my servant liijs. iiijd. and ij spanyng calffes, off thys [folio 118] condicion that he will thryffe and be ordered be my executors. Resydue off my goodes unto Jenet my wyff; and also halff the ferme off Harwyke with my stokke as it goyth now. To my wyff duryng her lyff all my landes as well in Howton as in Bekkeryng; and aftyr hyr decease I will that John Martyn have the toftested in Howton with iij leeys lying at the northsyde off the sayd house, now in the holdyng off Richerd Mylner. I will that Agnes Martyn have, aftyr the decease off my wyffe, my house wherin I dwell with the parte off the same wich I purchesyd off Isabell Hyrde; and also a lyttyll close now in the holdyng off the parson off Howton. I will that, aftyr the decease off my wyfe, Robert Lesyng and Alice Lesyng my doghter have the house wherin Valentyne Brekils dwellys; and a close lying off the est syde off Howton, boundyng off the west parte off a close off my lady Cheney; [remainder], aftyr ther decease, to William Martyn and hys heyres off hys body. And I will that the said Robert and Alice Lesyng have, aftyr the decease off my wyff, my house, as it is now letten, wich I bought off John Dowse; [remainder], aftyr the decease off Robert and Alice, to William Marten, hyr sone, and to hys heyres. Also I will that Robert Lesyng and hys wyff at thare entre in to the sayd houses shall pay xxxs. for iij trentalls to be song for my soule and all crystyn soulys. I will that, affter the decease off my wyff, Jane Marten have my house in Bekkeryng wherin William Woode dwellys, and she or her frendes to be bounden for to paye xs. for a trentall to be song for me and my wyff. I will that Catheryne Marten have an other house in Bekkeryng, now in the holdyng off William Slator, and att her entre in to the same to cause v messes to be song for my soule and my wyfe. I orden Jenet my wyff and Robert Lesyng my executors. I will desyre my lorde abbot off Bardeney to be supervisor. In wittenesse heroff, Sir William Chylderlay, parson off Howton; Sir Robert Stedman, prest; Sir Thomas Chylderlay, prest; Richerd Chander (fn. 2); wyth other.

Proved before P., at Lincoln, 24 July, 1528. Admin. granted to the executors.

The testament of Henry Marchell [of Bottesford, co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 105.]

7 June, 1528. I Henr' Marchall. My body to be buried in the churchȝarde of owr lady in Bottelworth, and my best guud to be my mortuary as the law dowthe require. To the hee aulter in the churche of Bottelworth iiijd. To owr lady of Lincoln, the frears att the Gresse foytt, the frears att Neuportt, the frears att Grantham and the ffrears att Notingam iiijd. [apiece]. To the cawse be yonde Henr' Marchall howse xxd., and xx lode of stone yf the town [page 106] will cary ytt. Rysydew of my guudes to Roger my sonne, whome I ordayn my executor. Witnes heroff, Sir Ric' Smithe, curett; Henr' Thom'; Thomas Parnam; and other.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Thomas Kecher [of Leverton].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 79.]

10 June, 1528. I Thomas Kecher of Leuerton. To Leuerton kyrk vjs. viijd. to be payd in the yere 1532. To Isabell my wyff my capitall messuage with the lond under it lyeng, contenyng on acre and on halff [folio 79d.] to the terme off hyr lyff; [remainder] to Thomas Hudson, my servande, in fee simple. To Isabell my wyff on acre and on rode land, callyd Barnew lande, in fee simple. Also on pece lande, callyd Belland, for hyr lyff; and [then] to go to the use off on obbit to be kepte in the kyrk off Leuerton. Also I will that ij pecys land, the on pece lyith at Leuerton mylne, contenyng on acre, the other pece lyith in Leuerton ynges, contenyng ij acres and a halff, remane in feoffes handes for evermore, or ellys as long as the law will suffer it; and with the rent my wyff to kepe my obbyt in the kyrk off Leuerton the Sonday next aftyr Copus [sic] Xp'i day; and aftyr her decease I will the ij pecys land, with the oder pece bifore namyd callyd Belland, be lettyn to ferme bi the kirkegraves of Leuerton, they to kepe the sayd obbyt at the sayd j day for the sallys off William Kecher, Margaret, Thomas Kecher, Agnes, Isabelle, and all crysten soulys, and the kyrkegraves to have of the land for ther labors xijd.; the resydue of the rente, all chargys borne, to be waryd off the obbyt yerly in the kyrk off Leuerton as long as the law will suffer. To Thomas Hudson, my servande, on pece lande in Leuerton, callyd Clymson land, in fee symple, off thys condicion that he pay to Robert Bow, my servand, or he enter it, iijs. iiijd. Resydue of my goodes to Isabelle my wyff and Jenet Leek, my mother, whome I mak my executors. Thyes wyttnes, Roger Grene and William Hudson of Leuerton; with other moy.

Proved before P., at Boston, 17 April, 1529. Admin. granted, etc.

[Lincoln Diocesan Registry, Inventories, i, no. 15.]

This es the Inventore of the guddys of Thomas Kechers latt of Leuerton prased ther by Will'm Lyme John Hopkynson John Baret and Ric' Fendyk the xiij day of September the ȝer of owr lord god a thowsand v hundrethe and xxviijti.

£ s. d. £ s. d.
In primis iiij kye 48 (fn. 3) It'm vj swyne 12
It'm ij ȝong beys 13 4 It'm iij pygges 3 6
It'm iij burnynges 12 It'm ix geys 18
It'm iij calwes 6 It'm xvj hens and I
It'm vij mares 46 8 coke 2 8
It'm xxviijti schepe 40 It'm ij dukkes 3
First ij tabuls 8 It'm ij salt selers 8
It'm j chare and j fyrme 8 It'm iiij candelstykkes 12
It'm ij bak stoles 4 It'm on ledd 2 4
It'm j hark 20 It'm ij sythes 12
It'm j hawmre 12 It'm xvj pund pewter 4
It'm j hyngyng lauer 8 It'm for nettes 20
It'm ij basens ij lauers It'm for ustelmenttes
of laten 2 6 in the hall 16
First j federbed j bow It'm iij towyls 2 8
ster j hyngyng 10 It'm ij tabulclothes 2 8
It'm on hold bedde 2 It'm ij hold tabul-
It'm iij matrys 8 clothes 12
It'm iiij coverlyddes 4 It'm for ustelmenttes
It'm j gowne ij cottes in the parler 20
j iaket j doblyt 16 It'm for ustelmenttes
It'm xxxti helme clothe 9 in the mylkhows 3
It'm j tester of a bedd 20 It'm for ij whelys 2
It'm ix peloys 4 It'm for ij chisstes 2
It'm j chist 12 It'm vij ȝarddes rosett 6 8
It'm x peloy beres 5 It'm for ustelmentes
It'm x schettes 20 in the chawmber 4
It'm iij schettes 2
Fyrst iiij bras pottes 10 It'm for ustelmenttes
It'm iij pannys 2 4 in the kechen 3 4
It'm j chafyngdysche 12 It'm for wstelmenttes
in the brewhows 3 4
First j cart ij cortes It'm xij acars crope 4
with the geyres 6 8 It'm for hay 18
It'm j plowe with the It'm for ustelmenttes
geyres 5 in the garthe 12
Sum tot' 23l. 2s. 9d.

The testament of Nicholas Rob'son [of Swineshead].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 120.]

10 June, 1528. I Nicholas Robertson of Swynsheued. To Robert my son, Janett, Cecile, Alice and Agnes my doghters, the croppis of wheite groyinge of on peace of land, contenyng on acre and di', lyinge in Blakeman hyrn, to be devided betwen theym by the sighte of my wife and of Edward Houson, Lambert Procter and Ric' Tilney of Swynsheued, so that the said Robert of his proper costes schall fell, bynde and carye in the croppis in harvest next comynge. I will that my feoffes wiche ar seased of on mesuage in Swynsheued, calleid Olyer heus, and on acre of hempland lying to the sam house, and on peace arabile land, contenyng on acre and di' lying in Blakeman hirn, shall stond seasseid to the use of Margaret my wife for hir life, and then to thuse of myn hears, after the form of the last will of Hughe Robertson, my fader. (fn. 4) I will that all other meses, landes and tenementes reman in the handes of my feoffes to thuse of myne heers, after the form of the will of my fader. Residew of my gudes to Margaret my wife, whom I make myne executrix. Thiese witness, Sir Thomas Garten, vicar of Swynsheued; Edward Houson; Lamberte Proctour; William Lucas; William Smyth.

Proved before P., at Kirketon, 29 July, 1528. Admin. granted to the executrix.

The testament of Jo. Tulle [of Wood Enderby].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 117d.]

10 June, 1528. I John Tvlle off Woodenderby. To Thomas my sone my hed house, wher I do lye at the mercy of God, with all the land, pastur and medowe that therto belongys, and all the houshold stuff that ther is in. To William my sone. To John my sone. I will that a trentall off messys for my soule and all crystyn soulys be done off my last gostly fader. Resydue off my goodes and catalles to Robert and Thomas my sonys, wych I make my hole executors. In wyttnes wheroff, William Parker, prest; John Denys; Henry Parker; William Sheperd; with other moy.

Proved at Lincoln, 23 June, 1528. Admin. granted, etc.

The testament of [Joan Lyle (fn. 5) ] of the parish of St. Martin's, Leicester, widow.

[Lyle, p. 74.]

12 June, 1528. I Johane Lyle off Leicest', wedow. My body to be buried in our Lady chapell with in sanct Martyne church off Leicest'; and my best garment for my mortuary, aftur the custome off the towne. To our Lady church [off (fn. 5) ] Lincoln for the reparacion theroff iijs. iiijd. To the [? reparaci (fn. 5) ] on off sanct Martyne church vjs. viijd. To the hy alter off the same ijs. To the [? reparaci (fn. 5) ] on off sanct Peter church in Leicest' vjs. viijd. I wyll that a prest do syng for my husband soule ande myne in sanct Martyne church the space off iij yeres; and he to kepe daly servys in the same church; and I wyll that he have for his stipend and wage vl. vjs. viijd. a yer. Also I wyll that Mr vicare off sanct Martyns ande my brother Euerod have the nominacion off the seid prest. To xxti pour husbandemen xx shares and xxti culters off yrone for ther plowes. I wyll that the chauntre prestes have at my buriall viijd. every pese, and other as yt shall playce my executoures, as the custome is. Also I wyll that the day off [page 75] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (fn. 5) pyll in Leic' xls. . . . . . . . (fn. 5) in bred, as plesith my brother Euerod, my executour. To the iij places off ffreers in Leicest' every place iijs. . . . . . . . . (fn. 5) to bryng me to the church ande to pray for me. To the Spetyll house xijd. I bequeth a torch to the hy alter in the church off saint Martyns in Leicester, and another to our Lady alter within the same church, price off both vjs. viijd. I bequeth toward gylting off our Lady off pety in sanct Martyns church vjs. viijd. To Gaddesby church a goblet off sylver with a kever gyltyd. To Margaret Vyllers, my gode doughter, my best gyrdyll. To Edyth Wylloby my secund gowne. To Johanne Gylberd a gowne. To my syster in lawe a payr off beydes off Corall with gaudes off sylver. To Mr vicare off sanct Martyns my mantyll aftur my decesse. I wyll that wher by [? a deed of (fn. 5) ] feoffment, beryng dayt the fyrst [day of (fn. 5) ] Junij in the twenty yere off kyng Henry the viijth, I have infeoffed [. . . William (fn. 5) ] Wygeston, merchaunt off the Staple at Calyss, . . . John Waysse, Roger Gyllott, Robert Davy and Richard Waysse in all my landes ande tenementes in Loughborow, with medowes, lesoures, pastoures therunto belonging, to hold the premisses to the seid William, John, Roger, Robert and Richard, ther heres and assignes for ever, for this use and intent, that the seid feoffers shall stand seysyd to the use ande behove off the chauntre off Corpus Christi gyld in [the remainder of the will is missing.]

[The testament of Robert Glenne of Goadby Marwood, co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 89.]

17 June, 1528. I Robert Glenne. My body to be buryed att the paryche churche of Gaudebe. I bequiethe my best good to be my mortuary, aftur the custome of the churche. To the mother churche of Lincoln ijd. [page 90] To the parich church of Walton iiijd. To the parich churche of Yestwell ijd. To Thomas Gale ij ȝows and ij lambes. To William Glenne. I mak my executors Thomas and Robert my sones. Witnes, Sir John Smithe, parich prest of Gaudebe; Edmownd Geile; and John Brigges; with other moo.

[No probate act.]

[The testament of Robert Mainfyld of Branston, co. Leicester].

[Lyle, p. 90.]

28 June, 1528. I Robert Mainfyld. My body to be buried in the churchyard of St. Guthlac of Branston. [page 91] I bequeath for my principal as the law required. To owr Lady of Lincoln ijd. To Mergere my doghter a coffer, a skeylott, a kynnell, a pekkyll, [etc.]. My brother dyd promys my unkyll, whos soule I besech God haif mercy upon, that he wolde not se hur fare amysse as longe will be concellyd, inffurmyd, weldisposyd and kepe hur a good mayd; and yf my brother (whos lyfe longe contenew to ye plesure of God) like wise, I will se that sche schall not fare amys, ffor I will helpe hur to my powr [sic]. Residew of my goodes I gyff to Sir William Manfyld, [page 92] my godsone. These being witnesses, Thomas Manfild; Xp'ofer Scharpe; withe many moo.

[No probate act.]

The testament of Richard [sic] Huddylston [of Rowston].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 127d.]

30 June, 1528. I Robert Huddylston of Rowston. To John Huddylston, my sone, and the heyrys male of hys body, my house that I dwell in at Rowston, wyth all landes, medow and commens therto belongyng. To my sone Godfrey and the heyrys male of hys body my house in Hekyngton with all landes, medow and commens therto belongyng. And, yff other of them dye with owt suche heyres male, [remainder] to the other of them and hys heyre male; [remainder] to be solde and done for my soule, my wyff soule, my frendes soulys and all crysten soulys. I gyff my turffe dayll lying in Tymberland fen to my sayd sonys and to ther herys male, to be devydyd betwyx them, and ether of them to be other heyres. I make my sayd sonys my executors, and William Forman of Skaby oversear. Thyes beyng wyttnes, William Borrow, vicar of the same towne; Michel Beche; and John Daus; with other moy.

Proved before P., at Lincoln, 6 November, 1528. Admin. granted to the executors.


  • 1. The church has not been previously mentioned. Perhaps the testator lived at Moulton, for John Kelwyn and William Betson seem both to have belonged to that place [L.C.C. 1547, f. 227; 1532–4, f. 223).
  • 2. Or 'Chauder.'
  • 3. The amounts have been translated from Roman into Arabic figures.
  • 4. This will does not seem to be extant at Lincoln or in London.
  • 5. The document has been much injured.