
The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex. Originally published by T Cadell and W Davies, London, 1795.

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Daniel Lysons, 'Hendon', in The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex( London, 1795), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-environs/vol3/pp1-21 [accessed 24 October 2024].

Daniel Lysons, 'Hendon', in The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex( London, 1795), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-environs/vol3/pp1-21.

Daniel Lysons. "Hendon". The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex. (London, 1795), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-environs/vol3/pp1-21.



Norden derives the name of this place, which in ancient records is written Heanduneand Handone, from Higbendune, "which," says he, "signifieth Highwood, of the plentie of wood "there growing on the hills (fn. 1)." This etymology is not perfectly correct; upon consulting the Saxon dictionaries, Heandunewill be found to mean rather the high down or hill (fn. 2).


Hamlets, &c.

The village of Hendon is dispersed over a considerable tract of ground, and consists of several detached clusters of houses, known by the names of Church-end, Brent-street, Lawrence-street, Pagestreet, Dole-street; Burrows, Dallis, the Hyde, Mill-hill, Highwood-hill, Child's-hill, Hocomb-hill, Goldhurst or Golder's-green, and Golder's-hill. Church-end, being a small cluster of houses near the church, is about seven miles from London.

Boundaries and extent.



This parish, which lies in the hundred of Goare, is seven miles in length from north to south, and from two to four in breadth; it is bounded by Hampstead, Finchley, Edgware, Kingsbury, and Wilsdon, in Middlesex, and by Barnet, Totteridge, and Shenley, in Hertfordshire. It contains 8204 acres of land, of which about 300 are arable, about 120 woodland, the remainder pasture and meadow. The soil is for the most part clay, with a mixture of gravel. The quota paid to the land-tax is 1670l. 15s. 2d. which, in the year 1794, was at the rate of 1s. 11d. in the pound.


We are told by Dart, that Offa, King of the Mercians, gave Blekingham or Bleccenham, in Middlesex, to Westminster-abbey (fn. 3); that Archbishop Dunstan gave them Loyerlege or Loyersley, which he had bought of King Edgar, six houses, bought also of the King at that place, and five in Bleccenham; and that he afterwards gave them the manor of Heandune, in which, or at least to which appertaining, were the former donations of Blekingham and Loyersley, and a farm called Cowenlaw (fn. 4). King Edward by his charter confirmed to the church of Westminster 20 hides of land in Heandune. This charter is the earliest record mentioned by Dugdale (fn. 5); indeed the authority of the more ancient charters, from which Dart collected his information, has been much suspected (fn. 6). In the Conqueror's survey the manor of Handone is said to have been taxed at 20 hides. The land was of 16 carucates; 10 hides were in demesne, on which were three ploughs. The villans employed eight ploughs, and might find work for five more. The priest had a virgate of land; three villans each half a hide, and seven villans each one virgate; 16 villans half a virgate each, and 12 bordars half a hide jointly. There were six cottars, and one slave: meadow equal to two oxgangs; pannage for a thousand hogs, and 10s. rents: in the whole valued at 81.; in King Edward's time at 12l. This manor, adds the record, was and is part of the demesnes of the church of St. Peter.

Gervase de Blois, Abbot of Westminster, a natural son of King Stephen, who is accused of having alienated many of the possessions of his church, granted the manor of Hendon to Gilbert, the son of Gunter, subject to a rent of 40l. per ann. (fn. 7). The manor continued in lay hands till the year 1312, when Richard le Rous, who held it under the abbot and convent of Westminster (fn. 8), gave it to the monastery in exchange for that of Hodford in the same parish. The manor being thus recovered, continued in the possession of this convent till its dissolution, when it was seized by the crown and made part of the endowment of the short-lived bishopric of Westminster. Bishop Thirlby in 1550 surrendered it to King Edward (fn. 9), who granted it the same year to Sir William Herbert (fn. 10). It continued in a younger branch of his family (fn. 11) till the year 1757, when it was aliened by Henry Arthur, Earl of Powis, (who inherited this and other estates of the last Marquis of Powis,) to Mr. Clutterbuck, in trust for the celebrated David Garrick (fn. 12), then patentee of Drury-lane theatre. It was purchased of Mr. Garrick's devisees in the year 1790 by John Bond, Esq. the present proprietor.


When Cardinal Wolsey, after losing the favour of his sovereign, set out on his journey towards Yorkshire, he lodged the first night at the Abbot of Westminster's place at Hendon (fn. 13). Hendon-house, says Norden, "the manor-house of Hendon, SrEdward Herbert's, "Knt, where nowe is often resident SrJohn Fortescue, Knt (fn. 14), one hir Majesties most honourable privie counsell, when he taketh the ayre in the country (fn. 15)." The family of Nicoll were described as of Hendon-place during the greater part of the last century. Perhaps they also were tenants under the Herberts. It was purchased, about the middle of the present century, by Thomas Snow, Esq. and is now the property of George Snow, Esq. of Langton in Dorsetshire. The present occupier is George Peters, Esq. before whose time it had been successively in the tenure of the Earl of Northampton and Mr. Aislabie. The old mansion was pulled down by Mr. Snow. There was formerly a very remarkable cedar-tree at this place, which was blown down by the high wind on the 1st of January 1779. Sir John Cullum gives its dimensions thus: the height 70 feet; diameter of the horizontal extent of its branches, 100 feet; circumference of the trunk at 7 feet from the ground, 16 feet; at 12 feet from the ground, 20 feet; the limbs from 6 to 12 feet in girth. He adds, that the gardener, two years before it was blown down, made 50l. of the cones (fn. 16).

Manor of Hodford and Cow-house.

In the year 1295, Emma, relict of Nicholas de Lisle, surrendered to the king all those lands in Hendon which came to her by the grant of Henry de Wilemundele and Mabella his wife. The king immediately gave them to the monks of Westminster to pray for the soul of Eleanor his late beloved consort (fn. 17). In the year 1297, a mandate was issued to the king's officers not to take any corn in the manor of Hodford, belonging to the church of Westminster (fn. 18). As this is the first instance wherein this manor appears among the property of that church, I think it probable that it was this estate in Hendon, which they had then just acquired. The grant of Hodford, in this parish, to Richard le Rous, by way of exchange, has been mentioned before (fn. 19). It soon afterwards, together with the manor of Cow-house, came into the Scrope family (fn. 20). Sir Richard le Scrope, of Bolton, gave them both to Richard the Second (fn. 21), who, about the year 1398, granted them again to Westminster-abbey (fn. 22). They were among the estates which, upon the dissolution of the monastery, were settled upon the dean and chapter of Westminster, to which body they still belong.

Manor of Frith and New-Hall.

Richard Rook, in 1366, gave a messuage, two tosts, 646 acres of arable land, 39 of meadow, 100 of wood, and 47s. 6d. rents, in Hendon, which he held under their manor, to the abbot and convent of Westminster. The arable land was valued at only a penny an acre, being so dry and stony that it could not be tilled without a great deal of manure (fn. 23). Perhaps this estate was the same with the manor of Frith or New-Hall, which manor having been some time parcel of the possessions of Westminsterabbey, and afterwards of the bishopric of Westminster, was, in 1550, granted to Thomas Thirlby, then Bishop of Norwich, his heirs and assigns (fn. 24). It continued for some time in the Thirlby family, and came by purchase (according to Norden) to Richard Weeks, Gent (fn. 25). It was afterwards for several generations in the family of Pecok (fn. 26), and was purchased in 1720 of the coheirs of Richard Pecok, Esq. by John Lade, Esq. father of the late Sir John Lade, Bart. It is now held in dower by Mary, Lady Lade.

Manor of Clitterhouse.

Hugh de la More, in the year 1358, gave a messuage, 200 acres of arable land, 15 of meadow, 4 of pasture, 61 of wood, 18 of waste, and 11s. 4d. rents, in Hendon and Stanmore, to the prior and convent of St. Bartholomew in Smithfield (fn. 27). In 1446, William Clere, Henry Frowicke, and others, gave to the same convent a tost and 120 acres of land in Hendon, which had been the property of Robert Vynce, Hugh Wynkebourne, and others (fn. 28). Some of these lands, including, as I suppose, the last mentioned grant (fn. 29), were given after the dissolution of the convent to the hospital founded on its site. This estate, still the property of the hospital, contains 203 acres, and is called the manor of Clitterhouse, or Cletherow's farm.

Manor of Renters.

The manor of Renters, which had belonged to the monastery of St. Bartholomew in Smithfield, was granted, in the year 1543, to John Williams and Edward North in fee-farm (fn. 30). In 1548, Sir John Williams and Anthony Stringer had the King's licence to alien this manor to Sir Roger Cholmeley, Chief Baron of the Exchequer (fn. 31), and afterward Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, who left it by will to his clerk and servant Jasper Cholmeley (fn. 32), in whose family it continued till the year 1682, when it was aliened by William Cholmeley, Esq. of Tedington, to Jerome Newbolt, Esq. (fn. 33) great grandfather of the Rev. J.M. Newbolt, Prebendary of Winchester, who is the present proprietor.

The priory of St. John of Jerusalem (fn. 34) and Elsynge Spital (fn. 35) had lands in this parish.

Hugh Cressingham, who died anno 1297, was seised of 240 acres of arable land and 9 of meadow in Hendon (fn. 36). In 1337, Roger Basset had a considerable estate in this parish (fn. 37). John de Drokensford, who died anno 1341, was seised of 180 acres of land and some wood, held under the church of Westminster, the reversion of which belonged to Thomas Bydyk (fn. 38).

Mansion of the Whichcotes, &c.

At Brent-street, about a quarter of a mile from the church, stands an old mansion, now the property and residence of John Cornwall, Esq. which was formerly a seat of the Whichcotes, (whose arms (fn. 39) are in the windows of the drawing-room,) and afterwards of Sir William Rawlinson, one of the Keepers of the Great Seal.

John Norden.

John Norden, author of the Surveyor's Dialogue, and several devotional tracts, who lived at Hendon during the greater part of King James's reign, is with great reason supposed by Wood to be the same person who published the Account of Middlesex and Hertfordshire (fn. 40).

Mrs. Porter. Peter Collinson.

Mrs. Porter, the celebrated tragic actress, resided for many years at Highwood-hill. The late Mr. Peter Collinson, eminent for his knowledge in natural history, had a house at Mill-hill, where he planted a botanical garden (fn. 41), which is still kept up by his son Michael Collínson, Esq. the present proprietor. At Highwood-hill is a mineral spring of a cathartic quality, which was formerly inclosed at the expence, as it is said, of Rachael Lady Russel, who had a villa in the neighbourhood. In some of her letters, which are in print, she speaks of her residence at Totteridge.

The church.


The parish church consists of a double chancel, a nave, and two aisles, with octagonal pillars and pointed arches. At the west end is a square embattled tower. On the north wall of the chancel are the monuments of William Herbert, Lord Powis (fn. 42), 1655; Judith, wife of Mr. William Bell (fn. 43), 1722; and John Crosse, Esq. 1773; on the south wall that of Charles Mordaunt, Esq. (fn. 44) of the Middle Temple, 1681: On flat stones are inscriptions to the memory of Katherine, daughter of William Lord Powis, and wife of Sir James Palmer, of Dorney Court (date concealed); Nicholas Herne, Esq. 1642; John Niccoll, of Cookes, 1649; William Geere, Esq. 1651; Daniel Tanner, citizen, 1654; Sir Jeremy Whichcote, Bart. 1677; and Mr. Robert Etheredge, 1706.

Sir William Rawlinson.

On the north side of the north chancel is the monument of Sir William Rawlinson, Knt. (fn. 45), one of the Commissioners of the Great Seal. His effigies, in white marble, as large as the life, is repre sented with a flowing peruke, and the chancellor's robe. Beneath is the following inscription: "Effigies honoratissimi viri Gulielmi "Rawlinson militis, servientis ad legem hic infra posita est, qui in omni re literariâ et jurisprudentiâ insignis ad summum, pro magni sigilli custodiâ, munus a serenissimis Gulielmo & Mariâ principibus primo regni sui anno (inter alios Commissionarios) ascitus est. Quo quidem munere cum fide & dignitate defunctus, rerum forensium pertæsus, vitæ quod superfuit in religionis cultu & amicorum observantiâ cum leni otio et securitate exegit. Vixit annos 63, Obiit 11moMaii anno 1703. Sepulchrum quod sibi testamento decreverat, posteri ejus integrâ fide posuerunt, anno 1705."

Bishop Fowler.

In the same chancel is the monument of Edward Fowler (fn. 46), Bishop of Gloucester, with the following inscription: "To the "pious memory of the Right Reverend Edward Fowler, D. D. late Lord Bishop of Gloucester, to which station he was advanced by King William, in the year 1691, for his known steadiness to the true interests of the church of England, and of his country, in times of danger. He approved himself worthy of that dignity by a faithful and diligent discharge of his pastoral office, till, disabled by age and bodily infirmities, he rested from his labours, and was, in the 82d year of his age, admitted to partake of his reward. He departed this life Aug. 26, 1714, and was interred in the grave of his first wife within this church, leaving behind him, in the excellent treatises published by himself, lasting monuments of learning, judgment, piety, and christian temper of mind. He was twice married; first to Ann, daughter of Arthur "Barnardiston, of the Inner Temple, Esq. one of the Masters in Chancery: She departed this life Dec. 19, 1696. He had by her three sons, Nathaniel, Edward, and Richard; and five daughters, Anne, Anne, Susanna, Elizabeth, and Mary; of which Edward and Richard, Susan and Mary, survived him. His second wife, who likewise survived him, was Elizabeth, widow of the Rev. Dr. Hezekiah Burton, and daughter of Ralph Trevor, of London, merchant (fn. 47)."

On the south wall of the same chancel is a tablet to the memory of Mr. John Porter, 1728; Mrs. Sarah Porter, 1734; and Mrs. Martha Cooke, 1757. On the floor are the tombs of Robert Nuttinge, Esq. 1618, and Mr. John Hall, 1751.

Charles Johnson.

On the wall of the north aisle is the monument of William Nicoll, Esq. of Hendon-place (fn. 48), 1644. On the floor near the vestry door is a brass plate in memory of John Downner and his family; the dates are not filled up, except for his son John, who died in 1515. There is the tomb also of Mr. Richard Lane, 1770; and that of Charles Johnson, Esq. with the following inscription: "Charles "Johnson, Esq. an honest and an ingenious man; the first epithet the tenor of his whole life, the second his public writings (fn. 49) testify, died March the 11th, 1747–8, aged 69 years." On the south wall of the nave is the monument of John Nicoll, Esq. (fn. 50) 1711. On the floor are brass plates in memory of John Atte Hevyn, 1416; Peter Goldesburgh, citizen and goldsmith, 1422; and John Birt, 1467; and the tombs of Mrs. Isabella Roussier, 1788; and the Hon. Mary Bridget Mostyn, 1789.

In the south aisle are the tombs of Wredenhall Pearce, Esq. of Shropshire, 1742; Edmund Colmore, LL.D. Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, 1761; and Luke, son of Luke Robinson, Esq. 1758.

Ancient font.

The font is of Norman architecture, square and capacious; the sides are ornamented with circular arches intersecting each other. It has been engraved for the Gentleman's Magazine (fn. 51).

Tombs in the church-yard.

In the church-yard are the tombs of Thomas Marsh (fn. 52) of Whites, 1626; John Marsh, his great-grandson, citizen and haberdasher, 1728; William Marsh, 1784; Randall Niccoll (fn. 53), 1665; Randall Niccoll, 1767; John Niccoll, Esq. of the Middle Temple, 1782; Thomas Marsh, 1685; Thomas Marsh, of Brent-street, 1745, &c.; Rev. Samuel Nalton (fn. 54), S.T.B.Fellow of Mag.Coll. Oxford, Curate of Hampstead, and Rector of Haversham, Bucks, 1706; Christopher Younge, Gent. 1708; Edward Fowler, Esq. who married Mary, daughter of John Chadwick, Esq. by his wife Mary, daughter and sole heir of Archbishop Tillotson, 1720; Joseph Ayloffe (fn. 55), Esq. of Gray's Inn, 1726; Joseph Ayloffe, only son of Sir Joseph, 1756; Sir Joseph Ayloffe, Bart. (fn. 56), 1781; John Jones, Esq. 1726; Benjamin Jones, Esq. 1740, &c.; Rebecca, wi dow of Robert Crowther, Gent. 1728; William Gaskarth, Gent. of the Inner Temple, 1735; Edward Fenwick, Esq. 1737; John Bell, Gent. 1737; George Wharton, M. D. 1738; Susan, wife of Charles Frye, Esq. 1739; John Nicoll, Esq. 1745; John Nicoll, Esq. 1753; Mary, wife of John Nicoll, Esq. and daughter of Henry Felton, D. D. 1764; Mary, daughter of John Nicoll, Esq. and wife of John Ingram, Esq. 1751; Mr. John Cooper, 1745; Barbara, wife of Ralph Bourchier, M. D. 1749; Henry Joynes, Esq. (conductor and controller of building Blenheim-house from 1705 to 1715, and surveyor of Kensington Palace and Gardens from 1715 till his death,) 1754; John Badcock, Esq. 1756; John Lucas, Esq. 1761; John Eaton, Esq. of Hendon-place, 1762; Capt. William Higginson, 1763; John Haley (fn. 57), Esq. of Mill-hill, 1763; Diana, his only daughter, wife of John Brasier, 1768; Mr. John Haley, 1769; Mr. Thomas Franklin, of Highwood-hill, 1764; John Woodley, Esq. 1767; Peter Grace, apothecary, 1768; Anne, wife of Mr. Peter Hamond, Gent. 1769; Judith, relict of Col. Robinson Sowle, 1769; James Parsons, M. D. (fn. 58) 1770; Stephen Simpson, schoolmaster, 1770; Mr. John Crooke, 1770; Benjamin Wellington, Esq. 1770; Thomas Nicoll, Esq. of Neasdon, 1772; Thomas Nicoll, jun. Esq. 1772; Joseph Nicoll, Esq. 1773; William Earl, M. A. vicar, 1772; Conquest James, Esq. 1773; Mr. John Bennet, 1777; George Garrick, Esq. 1779; William Dutton, Esq. 1779; Sophia, wife of Thomas Barnard, Esq. 1780; Nathaniel Hone, Esq. R. A. 1784; Gilbert Slater, of Stepney, 1785; Charles Colmore, Esq. jun. of the 10th regiment of light dragoons, son of Charles Colmore, Esq. of Birmingham, 1785; Carrington Garrick, M. A. vicar, 1787; Charles Deane, Esq. of Whitehaven, in the East India service, 1787; John Kemp, Esq. 1788; Mrs. Sarah Cookson, 1789; Benjamin Mahew, apothecary, 1789; Jane, wife of John Whishaw, Esq. 1790; Charles Simpkins, Esq. 1792; Sophia, wife of the Rev. Herbert Croft, and co-heir of Richard Cleeve, Esq. 1792; Mary, wife of Robert Newall, Esq. 1793; and Mr. Richard Johnson, 1793. "He possessed," says his epitaph, "a good "and generous mind, was much beloved, as well as being admired for his moral principles in literature."

Rectory and vicarage.

The church of Hendon, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, had formerly a rectory and a vicarage. The rectory was a sinecure (fn. 59). In 1258, Richard de Crokesley, abbot of Westminster, resigned it to Fulk Basset, Bishop of London, reserving the right of patronage, and an annual pension of two marks, the rectory being then valued at 30 marks (fn. 60). In 1477, the church of Hendon was appropriated to the abbot and convent of Westminster (fn. 61), from which time they had the patronage of the vicarage (fn. 62). The rectory and advowson were granted with the manor to the Herberts, and continued for several generations in their family. The advowson is still held with the manor, but the great tithes are divided amongst several proprietors.

In 1650, it was reported to the commissioners appointed to inquire into the state of ecclesiastical benefices, that the parsonage of Hendon (worth about 190 l. per ann.) lately belonged to Sir Percy Herbert, a recusant convict; that the vicarage, with the house, &c. was worth about 55 l.; and that Francis Wareham, an able minister put in by the parliament, was the incumbent, to whom an augmentation of 37 l. per ann. had been granted by the committees (fn. 63). The endowment of the vicarage is among the records of the church of Westminster (fn. 64). It comprehends all the small tithes subject to some particular usages, as appears by an account drawn up by Meshach Smith the vicar in 1705 (fn. 65). Mr. Smith observes, that the profits of the vicarage depended principally upon the lambs. When the rectory was seized into the king's hands, in consequence of the Marquis of Powis's attainder, a patent passed the great seal for charging it with an annuity of 100 l. per annum, to be paid out of the great tithes for ever, as an augmentation of the vicarage (fn. 66); but the grant became null, for the reason before mentioned in the account of the manor (fn. 67). The present vicar is Jeffrey Snelson, M. A. who in 1787 succeeded Carrington Garrick, M. A. nephew of David Garrick, Esq.

Parish register.

The earliest date of the parish register is 1653.

Comparative state of population.

Average of Baptisms. Average of Burials.
1680–9 46 3/10 52 9/10
1730–9 41 3/10 72 3/10
1780–4 49 693/5
1784–9 484/5 631/5
1790–3 44 53

The population of this parish appears to have been nearly the same a century ago as it is now. The number of burials varies according to the number of strangers interred, which in some years is very considerable. The present number of houses is 240: in 1665 there were only 40 burials; which affords a presumption that this parish escaped the effects of the fatal plague that year.

Extracts from the Parish Register.

Family of Herbert, Baron and Marquis of Powis.

"William Herbert, Lord of Powesse, was buried the 21 day of June 1656." Eldest son of Sir Edward Herbert, and grandson of William Earl of Pembroke. He was created Baron Powis in 1629. "My Lord Powes sister" (meaning, I suppose, Katherine, sister of Percy Herbert, then Lord Powis, and wife of Sir James Palmer of Dorney Court, Bucks) "was buried the 4th day of June, 1666." "Elizabeth, daughter of William Ld. Montgomery, was buried Dec. 7, 1692—Honora, Apl 2, 1707. The Duchess of Powis, Jan. 11, 1723–4." Daughter of Sir Thomas Preston, Bart. and wife of William Marquis of Powis, who was created a Duke by James II. after his abdication. The title, consequently, was never enjoyed by his son, to whom the other honours forfeited by his father were restored. "Ld. Edward Herbert, buried Nov. 30, 1734." Son of the first Marquis of Powis. He left one daughter, married to Henry Arthur, the first Earl of Powis, of the present branch. "William Herbert, Marquis of Powis, buried Oct. 28, 1745." Elder brother of Lord Edward, restored to his father's honours in 1722. "William Herbert, Marquis of Powis, buried Mar. 15, 1747–8." Son of the last-mentioned peer; at his death the title became extinct. "Lady Anne Carrington, buried May 16, 1748." Daughter of the first Marquis of Powis, and wife of Francis Viscount Carrington of the kingdom of Ireland. "Lady Charlotte Williams, buried Dec. 16, 1751." Daughter of the second Marquis, and wife first of Edward Maurice, Esq. and afterwards of Edward Williams, Esq. (fn. 68)

Family of Whichcote, Bart.

Sir Jeremy Whichcote.

"Benjamin, the son of Jeremiah Whichcote, Bart. was buried the 13 of October, 1664." He died unmarried. "Richard Ofborne, Esq. and MrsElizabeth Whichcote, (daughter of SrJeremy,) married May 4, 1676. SrJeremy Whichcote, Baronet, was buried July 5, 1677." Sir Jeremy was descended from an ancient family in Lincolnshire; he was a barrister at law, and Solicitor-general to the Elector Palatine. During the exile of Charles II. he purchased the wardenship of the Fleet for the pur pose of sheltering the King's agents: for this and other services he was created a Baronet in 1660 (fn. 69). He died at the age of 63, being succeeded in the title by his eldest son. Lady Whichcote (relict, as I suppose, of Sir Jeremy) was buried Aug. 28, 1714. Anna Maria, daughter of Sir Paul Whichcote, was baptized at Hendon Jan. 8, 1685; Elizabeth, Feb. 12, 1689; another Elizabeth, Mar. 27, 1690. Jeremiah Whichcote, Esq. son of Sir Paul, was buried Nov. 8, 1679. Jeremiah, second son of Sir Paul, March 23, 1683; Paul, Mar. 11, 1691; Jane Lady Whichcote, wife of Sir Paul, Feb. 2, 1698; Elizabeth, his daughter, July 23, 1701; Sir Paul Whichcote, Dec. 23, 1721; Henry, son of Mr. Henry Whichcote, of Finchley, March 10, 1686; Paul, June 8, 1690. Mr. Matthew Whichcote, Gent. Feb. 24, 1700. Paulina Whichcote, of Ganford (Greenford), June 20, 1726.

Bishop Fowler.

"Mrs. Anne Fowler, wife to the Right Rev. Edward L Bishop of Gloucester, buried Dec. 24, 1696. Edward LdBishop of Gloucester, Sep. 1, 1714." Dr. Fowler was promoted from a prebendal stall to the bishopric of Gloucester in 1691. He was a man of considerable learning, author of a treatise called The Design of Christianity, some other theological and controversial tracts, and numerous single sermons (fn. 70). He died at his house in Chelsea, in the 82d year of his age (fn. 71). There is a good portrait of him in mezzotinto by Smith.

Sir Richard Hoare.

"Sr Edward Littleton and Madam Hoare were married July 10, 1718." Sir Edward was great uncle to the present Baronet of that name. Madam Hoare was only daughter of Sir Richard Hoare, Knight, some time Lord Mayor and M. P. for the city of London, who died at his seat at Hendon Jan. 10, 1719 (fn. 72).

"John Goodricke, Esq. (fn. 73) and Mary Benson, married Sep. 28, 1731."

"John, son of John Vaughan, (ut asseritur LdLisbon,) and Dorothy his wife, baptized Mar. 4, 1735." This John, whose baptism is thus strangely entered, was son of the second Viscount Lisburne by Dorothy, daughter of Richard Hill, Esq. He died in his infancy.

"The Lady Bellew, buried May 16, 1735;—the Hon. Edward Bellew, Sep. 1, 1735."

"Lady Caroline Mordaunt, buried July 21, 1736."

"Sr Conrad Sprengell, buried March 20, 1740."

Charles Johnson.

"Charles Johnson, buried Mar. 18, 1748 (fn. 74)." A dramatic writer of considerable eminence in the early part of this century. Enjoying the friendship of the manager, and, for the most part, the public favour, the profits he received from the theatre were sufficient to enable him to live genteelly, and devote himself to his favourite employment—writing for the stage. A list of his numerous dramas may be seen in the Biographia Dramatica. His comedy of the Country Lasses has continued on the list of acting plays. It has lately been altered by Mr. Kemble, and brought out as a farce, under the title of "the Farm-house."

Dr. James Parsons.

"James Parsons, M. D. buried Ap. 21, 1770." An eminent physician, born at Barnstaple in Devonshire anno 1705. He was for many years assistant-secretary (for foreign correspondence) to the Royal Society, and a frequent contributor to the Philosophical Transactions, chiefly on the subject of natural history. He published also some separate treatises in that science, and a work called "the Remains of Japhet, or Historical Inquiries into the Affinity and Origin of the European Languages." He died at his house in London on the 4th of April, but was not interred till the 21st, it having been his particular request that his corpse might be kept unburied till some change appeared (fn. 75). On his tomb in the church-yard at Hendon is the following inscription: "Here (taken from his sorrowing family "and friends by the common lot of frail mortality) rests James Parsons, D.M. F.R.S. and S. of A. M.C.P. a man in whom the most dignifying virtues were united with talents the most numerous and rare: firm and erect in conscious conviction, no consideration could move him to desert truth, or acquiesce to her opponents. Physic, anatomy, natural history, antiquities, languages, and the fine arts are largely indebted to his skill and industry in each, for many important truths discovered in their support, or errors detected with which they were obscured; yet, though happy beyond the general race of mankind in mental endowments, the sincere christian, the affectionate husband, the generous and humane friend were in him superior to the sage, the scholar, and the philosopher. Obiit Ap14th, 1770, in the 66th year of his age." Mrs. Parsons, his widow, died in 1786, aged 86.

Edward Longmore, a giant.

"Edward Longmore, a giant, buried Feb. 4, 1777." This man, who had been exhibited for several years as the Herefordshire Colossus, measured, it is said, seven feet six inches in his coffin (fn. 76). A newspaper paragraph asserts that his corpse was stolen about six weeks after its interment, notwithstanding it was buried in a grave fifteen feet deep, which had been watched till nearly the time of the robbery (fn. 77).

Sir Joseph Ayloffe.

"Joseph Ayloffe, buried May 1, 1781." Sir Joseph Ayloffe, whose title is here omitted, was descended from an ancient family in Essex. His ancestor Sir William Ayloffe, Knt. was created a baronet in 1612. Sir Joseph was eminent for his extensive knowledge of the antiquities of this country. He was one of the earliest and most valuable members of the Society of Antiquaries, formed a part of the first council, and was for many years a vice-president. He contributed several papers to the Archæologia, published a calendar of ancient charters in the Tower, (accompanied with a learned account of our public records,) and superintended the new edition of Leland's Collectanea, and the Liber Niger Scaccarii. Sir Joseph Ayloffe was one of the keepers of the state-papers, and held some other public offices (fn. 78). His only son Joseph was buried at Hendon in 1756, aged 21. The following inscription is upon a monument in the church-yard: "M. S. Dom. Josephi Ayloffe, Baronetti, ex "antiquo stemmate in Com. Essexiæ oriundi; in re antiquariâ, in rebus historicis, in literis promovendis necnon in naturâ investigandâ celebris erat; sed præcipuè in morum suavitate, mentis largitione & animæ blanditiâ, nulli fuit secundus. Obiit 19 die April. Ann. Dom. 1781, ætatis suæ 72. Hanc tabulam Margaretta, Domina Ayloffe dotaria, amicisdeflentibus circumdata mœrens posuit."

Nathaniel Hone.

"Nathaniel Hone, buried August 20, 1784." An artist of some eminence, who excelled chiefly in miniature painting and enamel. In the latter part of his life he painted portraits in oil. Mr. Hone was a Royal Academician, and Member of the Academy of Arts in Florence. He died in the 67th year of his age. His children, Sophia, Samuel, Apelles, Floreth, and Lydia, lie buried in the same tomb.

"The Honble Mary Bridget Mostyn, buried July 14, 1789, aged 75." Aunt to the present Sir Roger Mostyn, and some time maid of honour to the Princess Dowager of Wales.

Instances of Longevity.

"Eleanor White, aged 103, buried June 19, 1781."

"John Kemp, aged 91, from Newington, buried Mar. 27, 1788."

"Elizabeth Harrison, aged 90, buried June 21, 1788."

"Eleanor Kemp, aged 90, buried April 23, 1791."

Mrs. Wentworth, relict of General Wentworth, died at Mill-Hill in this parish, in September 1788, at the age of 92.


In the year 1681, Robert Daniel bequeathed the sum of 2000 l. to purchase lands for the purpose of building an alms-house within 12 miles of London, for the support of six poor men and four women. The produce of the estates for the first ten years was to be appropriated to building the house, and establishing a fund for repairs. The pensioners were to be 50 years of age at the least; to be allowed 3s. each weekly, a loaf and a shilling at Christmas, and to be clothed; their uniform, grey cloth lined with orange: Four of the men and two of the women to be elected from among the donor's nearest of kin: "The ablest, wisest, strongest, and most "learned of the men" to read prayers every morning and evening. A freehold estate in Oxfordshire was purchased with the money; and by a decree in Chancery, anno 1727, the house was ordered to be built at Hendon, the sum of 400 l. being allowed for that purpose. The estate, which is under the management of trustees, as appointed by the above-mentioned decree, now produces 86l. per annum.


In 1724 there were two charity-schools at Hendon, in which 20 boys and 10 girls were clothed and taught (fn. 79). The present school-house was built in 1767, on the waste adjoining to the alms-house, at the expence of Mr. John Bennet; who, by his will dated 1777, bequeathed towards its support the sum of 100 l. John Crosse, Esq. in 1772, left to this parish the sum of 250 l.; a part of the interest of which (viz. 7 l. 10s.) was to be appropriated to the charity-school; the remainder to the purchasing certain copies of the Whole Duty of Man, to the intent that one might be presented to every couple married in Hendon church. Richard Freelove, Gent. in 1775, left 100l. to the charity-school. There are now 70 children in the school; 40 of whom are clothed; half of them from the fund, and the remainder by the bounty of individuals by whom they are nominated. There are 60 children also in a Sunday school; 30 of whom, being girls, are clothed at the sole expence of Mrs. Cornwall.

Benefactions to the poor.

Mrs. Elizabeth Parsons, in 1751, left the sum of 100l., and her sister Martha the same sum, for the purpose of keeping in repair their family vault: the interest, when not wanted for that purpose, to be given to poor persons not receiving alms. These legacies have been vested in the purchase of 3 per cent. Bank Annuities. Mr. Thomas Willis, with less regard to the poor, bequeathed recently the sum of 2s. 6d. per annum, being half the interest of 5 l., for the purpose of keeping his tomb clean; the remainder for a bottle of wine to the rector's warden, for seeing that it is done.

It appears by an entry in the parish register, that the churchwardens of Watford in Hertfordshire are obliged to pay a noble per annum towards the repairs of the foot-bridge in the highway opposite Clitterhouse-lane.


  • 1. Spec. Britan. p. 21.
  • 2. Heaner—altitudo; dune—mons.
  • 3. Vol. i. p. 8.
  • 4. Ibid. p. 11.
  • 5. Monast. vol. i. p. 61.
  • 6. See Widmore's MS. Index to the records belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster.
  • 7. Dart, vol. i. p. 23.
  • 8. It was held by a rent of 22 l. in money, 36 quarters of wheat, of the nine bushels measure, valued, communibus annis, at 6s. per quarter; 24 quarters of malt of the same measure, made half of wheat and half of barley, at 6s. 6d. per quarter; 44 quarters of oat malt, of the 10 bushels measure, at 3s. 8d. per quarter; the mowing of the Abbot's meadows at Westminster, with 8 men two days in the year, with their own scythes, valued at 8s.; the carrying the hay with two waggons for 8 days, 16s. and other services, valued all together, with suit of court, at 61. 9 s. 4d. The clear value of the manor, after these deductions, was only 12 l. per ann. The manor of Hodford was held by the church of Westminster, under Richard le Rous as lord paramount of the manor of Hendon, by a quit-rent of 4s. per ann. 4 quarters of wheat, 8 quarters of good oat malt, and suit of court. Inquis. ad q. d. 5 Edw. II. N° 88.
  • 9. Record in the Augmentation-office.
  • 10. Pat. 4 Edw. VI. pt. 9. Ap. 9.
  • 11. Sir Edward, second son of Sir William Herbert, (afterwards Earl of Pembroke,) died seised of it anno 37 Eliz. (See Harleian MSS. N° 760.) It descended from him in a right line to William Earl of Powis, who was created a Marquis by King James II. and for his attachment to that monarch forfeited both his titles and estates. The manor of Hendon was granted to the Earl of Rochford by Pat. 8 Gul. pt. 5. N° 9. but it being discovered that it had been settled upon the Marchioness of Powis before her husband's attainder, the grant never took effect.
  • 12. From the information of Joseph Neeld, Esq. of Norfolk-street.
  • 13. Stow's Annals, 4 to. p. 934.
  • 14. Sir John Fortescue, of Hendon, was son of Sir Adrian, and grandson of Sir John Fortescue of Salden, Bucks, and Palmesbourn, Herts.
  • 15. Spec. Brit. p. 21.
  • 16. Gent. Mag. 1779, p. 138.
  • 17. Cart. 23 Edw. I. N° 3. see Cal. ii. 461; of Cal. Pat. 1292–1301, p. 457 (9299).
  • 18. Cl. 25 Edw. I. m. 24.
  • 19. P. 3. note.
  • 20. Henry le Scrope died anno 1336, seised of the manor of Hodsord, value 100s. held by the service of a rose. Esch. 10 Edw. III. N° 47. Margaret, wife of Hugh Mortimer, died anno 1358, seised of a house and lands in Hendon called Hodford, and a house called Durhams, Sir Richard le Scrope being her son and heir. Esch. 32 Edw. III. N° 22.
  • 21. Cart. Antiq. pen. Dec. & Cap. Westmonast.
  • 22. Cart. 21–23 Ric. II. N° 9.
  • 23. Esch. 40 Edw. III. N° 20. 2d Numb.
  • 24. Pat. 4 Edw. VI. pt. 9. Ap. 9.
  • 25. Spec. Brit. p. 20.
  • 26. From the information of—Seton, Esq.
  • 27. Esch. 32 Edw. III. N° 78. 2d Numb. and Pat. 33 Edw. III. pt. 1. m. 16. The arable land on this estate was valued only at a penny an acre, being very stony.
  • 28. Pat. 24 Hen. VI. pt. 1. m. 5.
  • 29. Some of the inclosures belonging to Clitterhouse-farm bear the names of Great Vynce Field, Little Vynce Field, &c.
  • 30. Record in the Augmentation-office.
  • 31. Pat. 2 Edw. VI. pt. 2. May 6.
  • 32. Jasper Cholmeley was one of the first Governors of Highgate School. He bore for his arms G. in base a Garb, Or, in chief a fl. de lis of the second, between two helmets Arg. varying in some of the charges from that of Sir Roger Cholmeley. Harl. MSS.N° 1551.
  • 33. Title deeds obligingly communicated by Mr. Newbolt.
  • 34. By an inquisition taken anno 1331, it was found that the Knights Templars had 140 acres of arable land in Hendon, valued at 4d. an acre, 2 of meadow at 1s. 6d. and 35s. rents. Cotton MSS. Nero E. VI. f. 77. This estate was granted, with all other the possessions of the Knights Templars, to the priory of St. John of Jerusalem. Guy de Hoddesdon, anno 1388, quitted claim to the said priory in all the lands in Hendon, which were formerly Gilbert de Brauncestre's. Ibid. Roger Boudon & al. granted 40 acres of land, 4 of meadow, 6 of wood, and 6s. 8d. rents, to the said priory, to pray for their benefactors. Esch. 32 Edw. III. N° 66. 2d Numb.
  • 35. Sir John Fortescue and others gave 12 acres of land, 3 of meadow, 40 of pasture, and 4s. 4d. rents, in Hendon, to Elsynge Spital. 36 Hen. VI. Inquis. Bund. A.
  • 36. Esch. 25 Edw. I. N° 34.
  • 37. Cl. 11 Edw. III. pt. 2. m. 23. d.
  • 38. Esch. 15 Edw. III. N° 40.
  • 39. 1 Erm. two boars Gules, langued Az. the tusks, Or, with the arms of Ulster—Whichcote; impaling Per saltier Az. & Or, a lion ramp. counterchanged—Gould. 2. Whichcote (with the arms of Ulster) impaling Gules, a spread-eagle ducally crowned Or—Graves.
  • 40. Athen. Oxon. vol. i. In Norden's Middlesex and Hertfordshire is a dedication to Wm. Ld. Burleigh, who, according to Wood, was the patron of John Norden of Hendon.
  • 41. Biog. Brit. edit. Nov.
  • 42. Arms 1.—Per pale Az. & G. three lions ramp. Arg.—Herbert. 2. G. two bendlets, one Or, the other Arg.—Milo Earl of Hereford. 3. Arg. two bars Az. within a border engraild Sab.—Parr. 4. Or, three water bougets Sab.—Ross; impaling, quarterly 1 & 4, Or, a lion ramp. Az. the armorial bearing of the Dukes of Brabant. 2 & 3, G. three lucies or pikes Arg. the coat of Lucy. These arms were borne by the Earls of Northumberland quartered with Percy. Ld. Powis married Eleanor, daughter of Henry Earl of Northumberland.
  • 43. Arms—Sab. on a chevron between three bells Arg. as many griffins heads erased G.
  • 44. Arms—Arg. a chevron between three etoiles Sable, a mullet for difference.
  • 45. Arms—See vol. ii. p. 230.
  • 46. Arms—1. Per pale G. & S. on a chevron Or, between three lions pass. guard. crowned Or, as many quatrefoils Vert.—Fowler. 2. Az. a fesse dauncetteé Erm. between 6 cross crosslets Arg.—Barnardiston. 3. Arg. a lion ramp. G.—Havering. 4. O. two bars Az. between six martlets G. 5.Vert; a saltier engrailed Or—Franke. 6. Sab. three combs Arg.—Tunstall.
  • 47. A note at the bottom mentions, that Richard the younger son, by his will directed a family vault to be made, which, for want of room in the church, was made in the churchyard, and the bodies of the bishop, his first wife, his son Richard, with his wife and daughter, removed thither.
  • 48. Arms—Az. on a fesse between three lions heads erased Arg as many magpies, proper, impaling Arg. a lion ramp. Sab. in his dexter paw a sword Gules—Swallow. William Nicoll married a daughter of Paul Swallow. He was great-grandson of Alleyne Nicoll, of Ridgeway in Hendon. The male line of this family is extinct. Anne, daughter of Paul Nicoll, Esq. and grand-daughter of this William, married Sir Charles Hedges, of Finchley, Queen Anne's Secretary, from which match are maternally descended the present Duke of Marlborough, Viscount Bateman, and Sir Cecil Bishop.
  • 49. See p. 17.
  • 50. Arms—Nicoll, of Hendon-place, as before, impaling Arg. a castle between three keys Azure.
  • 51. Anno 1787.
  • 52. The representative of this ancient family, who have resided on their own property at Hendon since the reign of Edw. IV. is Mr. John Marsh, of Lawrence-street, Cart-taker to his present Majesty. See the arms of Marsh in vol. ii. p. 532.
  • 53. There were two families of Niccoll or Nicoll in this parish, both of considerable antiquity. Randall Niccoll, (whose grandfather also was settled at Hendon,) bore for his arms, Sab. a pheon Arg. See the coat of the other family, p. 10.
  • 54. Arms—Three boars.
  • 55. Arms—A lion ramp. between 3 crosses pateé—Ayloffe, impaling Ayloffe.
  • 56. Arms—Ayloffe, with the arms of Ulster impaling quarterly, 1. On a bend three acorns Railton. 2. A spread eagle. 3. Three buglehorns stringed. 4. On an escutcheon within an orle of lions jambs in saltier, a pair of wings. See the epitaph, p. 19.
  • 57. Arms—Three arrows in pale, impaling a cockatrice.
  • 58. See p. 17, 18.
  • 59. Newcourt's Repertorium, vol. i.
  • 60. Cart. Antiq. pen. Dec. & Cap. St. Paul, N° 1453.
  • 61. Esch. 16 Edw. IV. N° 86.
  • 62. Before that time it was in the patronage of the rectors.
  • 63. Parliamentary Surveys, Lamb. MSS.Lib.
  • 64. See Newcourt.
  • 65. Notitia parochialis, Lamb. MSS. Lib.
  • 66. Pat. 6 Gul. & Mar. pt. 1. N° 19.
  • 67. See note, p. 3.
  • 68. Collins's Peerage, edit. 1741, vol. ii. p. 20, 21.
  • 69. Kimber's Baronetage, edit. 1771, vol. ii. p. 4.
  • 70. Biograph. Brit.
  • 71. Ib. See his epitaph, p. 9.
  • 72. Historical Register.
  • 73. Afterwards Sir John Goodricke, Bart. He succeeded his father Sir Henry in 1738.
  • 74. See his epitaph, p. 10.
  • 75. Nichols's Life of Bowyer.
  • 76. Morning Post, Jan. 30, 1777.
  • 77. Morning Post, March 22.
  • 78. Nichols's Life of Bowyer.
  • 79. Magna Britannia, vol. iii. p. 64.