Index: A - K

Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: A, 1275-1298. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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'Index: A - K', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: A, 1275-1298, ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1899), British History Online [accessed 8 February 2025].

'Index: A - K', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: A, 1275-1298. Edited by Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1899), British History Online, accessed February 8, 2025,

"Index: A - K". Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: A, 1275-1298. Ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1899), British History Online. Web. 8 February 2025.


Abindon, Abindone, Abendon, &c., John de, Chamberlain, 15
-, — — draper, 119
-, — Peter de, Chamberlain, 15
-, — Richard de, 197
-, — Stephen de, 185

Abraham the Taverner, 85, 142, 147

Acatur, Achatur, Akatur, Joce, Joyce, or Josep le, 1, 52, 82, 86, 87, 88, 90, 98, 108, 110, 120, 163, 167, 171, 173, 174, 205, 207, 208, 209, 213, 224, 227
-, — — Juliana, wife of, 52

Acre, George de, 136, 137, 138, 142
-, — William de, 48, 49, 61, 118

Acres, St. Thomas of, 2

Acton Burnel, Statute of, 79

Adreman, Remund, 175

Adrian, Addrian, Adrien, John, 10, 12, 57, 60, 62, 64, 78, 157, 190, 197, 204, 206, 211
-, — — John, son of, 10, 204, 211, 215
-, — Ralph, 16, 160
-, — Thomas, 155
-, — — John, son of, 154

Agen, Agens, town of, 10, 143

Agilon, Agilonis, Agulun, &c., Peter, 59, 62, 65, 90, 108, 126

Ailesham, Richard de, 94

Alan the Baker, 155
-, — the Tailor, 158
-, — Serjeant of Cordwainer Street Ward, 160

Aldermanneberi, Adam de, 34

Aldermarichurche. See St. Mary Aldermary.

Aldermen, early list of, 209

Aldersgate. See Aldredesgate.

Aldgate. See Alegate.

Aldham, Peter de, 155
-, — — Sarah, wife of, 155

"Aldredesgate," "Aldridesgate," 16, 112; measures for guarding, 228

Ale, price of, 216; no one to sell, unless amenable to City Justice, 219

Alegate, measures forguarding, 228, 229
-, — H. Trinity, 209

Alegate, Ralph de, 2, 13, 44, 58, 79, 83, 94, 96, 140, 141, 142, 155, 156, 157, 184, 206
-, — Thomas de, 134

Alemaine, Johanna de, 91

Aleman, Reymund, 17

Alemaund, John le, 85

Alexander, Treasurer of London, 15

Alianora, Queen Dowager of England, widow of Henry III., 90
-, — Queen of England, wife of Edward I., the City's gift to, 224

Alleston, Alan de, 141

All Hallows de Berkingechurch, parish of, 80

All Hallows de Bredstrete, 158

All Hallows de Grascherche, Gaschirche, "Phanchurch," parish of, 80, 156, 168
-, — chantry in church of, 96

All Hallows at le Heywharf, parish of, 77, 151, 157, 190, 203

Amberesbire, Aumbresbire, Martin de, 25, 198, 199, 201, 224

Amias, Amyas, Agnes de, 146
-, — Roger de, pepperer, 6

Amy, William le, 58

Amys, Amuz, William, 179, 183

"Ancel," 154n. See also Aunsel.

Andrew le Armurer, 162
-, — — Alice, wife of, 162
-, — le Furmager, 143

Anglades, Bernard de les, 132, 133

Anglares (Auglares?), Hugh de, 100

Anker, Bernard, 85
-, — Elias, 43, 51, 62, 70

Anketin, Aunketin, le Draper, 157
-, — John, de Neubery, 116
-, — Richard, 1, 2, 71, 75

Apparicius, Arparicius, merchant of Bures, 28, 69, 83

Arabi, Raby, Ponce, 111, 126, 176

Arblaster, Ralph le, 200
-, — — Florence, wife of, 200

Arcubus, Adam de, pepperer, 3, 30
-, — Juliana de, 13

Arderne, Roger de, 182
-, — — Alice, wife of, 182

Arman, Armand, Armandi, Reymund, 59, 62, 65, 126

Armenters, John de, 195
-, — Matthew de, 195

Armurer, Andrew le, 162
-, — — Alice, wife of, 162
-, — Druet le, 176
-, — Gilbert le, 124

Arnald le Mercer, 71

Arnold, John, "garlecmongere," 226

Arras, Arraz, Henry de, 94, 95, 102, 103, 118, 164, 165
-, — — Philippa, wife of, dau. of William Varage or Barache, 164
-, — — "Wilbert" or Wybert de, father of, 102, 103, 118, 164
-, — Hubert de, 94
-, — John de, 183
-, — Robert de, 46, 80, 168, 170, 171, 174, 177, 184, 196, 197, 209, 212, 213, 215, 226
-, — — Ward of, 228, 229
-, — William de, 107

Ashridge. See Asseregge.

Aspans (Aspaus?), Gaylard de. See Spans.

Asseburne, Ascheburne, Esseburne, Henry de, 63
-, — Richard de, 8, 18, 22, 26, 33, 42, 57, 58, 63, 126

"Assee" (?), Philip, 159

Asseregge (Ashridge, co. Bucks), Convent of, 170
-, — Ralph, Rector of, 170

Assindon, Assendon, John de, 85, 88, 94, 106, 111
-, — Robert de, 14, 160
-, — Walter de, 209

Aswell, Asswell, Robert de, 99
-, — Sir Thomas de, Rector of St. Antonin, 141

Aswy, Aschewy, Assewy, Richard, 2, 63, 82, 84, 87, 123, 134, 157, 163, 173, 174, 191, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213
-, — Stephen, 2, 83, 123, 131, 134, 139, 140, 148, 184, 191, 209, 213, 227, 229

"Atestaples," Roger, 226

Athelof, John, 76, 77

Attecherche, Walter, 175
-, — — Dionisia, wife of, 175

Atte Dene, John, 150

Atte Frithe, Richard, 62

Atte Gate, John, 109, 131
-, — — John, son of, 131
-, — Symon, 3

Atte Glynde, John, de Hastinges, 83

Atte Hole, Henry, 176
-, — John, 176

Atte More, Jordan, 3
-, — Robert, 161

Atte Stapeledehall, William, 144

Atte Water, Robert, 144, 149

Atte Welle, Joce, 180
-, — John, 73

Atte Wode, Geoffrey, 84

Aube, Benedict, de Lunham (?), 72

Aubyn, Laurence, 185

Audenard, Giles de, 222

Aunger the Pheliper, 16
-, — — Matilda, dau. of, 16

Aungre, Michael de, 52

Aunketin, Richard. See Anketin.

Aunsel, Ancel, le Furbur, 200
-, — — Margaret, wife of, 200
-, — le Tronour, 154

Auvergne, Auverne, Adam de, 80
-, — Anketil de, 211
-, — — Ward of, 11n.

Avemer (Anemer?), Robert de, 128, 132

Avene, Laurence de, 32

Avener, Roger le, 156

Avery, John, 72

Aveynes, John de, 127
-, — William de, 127

"Avoirdupois," goods of, 31n.

Ayler, Luke le, 167

Aylesbure, Ayllesbiri, Geoffrey de, 220
-, — Reginald de, 85


Bacun, Nicholas, 84
-, — Sir Thomas, Rector of Leyburne, 117
-, — Walter, 113

Baker, Alan the, 155
-, — Henry the, 137
-, — Simon the, 200

Bakers, names of, condemned to the hurdle, 120—1; disorderly, to be punished, 213; of Southwark, not amenable to City Justice, 217

Balauncer, Thomas le, 61, 65
-, — William le, 166

Baldock, Baldoc, Richard de, 147
-, — Thomas de, 63

"Baldred," leather called, 28, 207

Balesham, Hamo de, 107
-, — Ralph de, 30, 32, 202
-, — Richard de, 81

Ballard, John, 226
-, — Nicholas, de Luka, 112

Bannebyri, Henry de, 220

Banquell, Bakewell, Batquille, Geoffrey de, 127
-, — John de, 1, 94, 108, 110, 112, 113, 115, 117, 120, 122, 127, 133, 135, 140, 161, 164, 171, 173, 174, 181, 191, 192, 193, 205, 207, 224, 225
-, — — Ward of, 228

Banquer, Baunquer, Bonquer, Henry, 93, 100, 207
-, — John, 68, 160

Barache, Barage, Varache, Varage, "Gillem" or William, 41, 43, 44, 52, 55, 56, 68, 69, 71, 74, 92, 99, 101, 102, 103, 164, 165

Baras, William, 96, 99

Barbarel, Barberel, Elias or Helys, 130, 176

Barber, Barbere, Barbur, Emma la, 40, 80
-, — — Roger, son of, 80
-, — Gerard le, 182
-, — Gilbert le, 155
-, — Hugh le, 162
-, — James le, of Paris, 117
-, — John, called, 57
-, — Martin le, 178
-, — Nicholas le, 168, 178
-, — Roger le, 76, 144
-, — — of St. Laurence Street, 94
-, — Thomas le, 46, 61, 174

Bare, Thomas de la, 98

Barnavile, Peter, de Bordeus, 175

Barrau, Elias, de Agens, 143

Bartholomew the Cook, 72

Barton, John de, 185

Bartram, John, 27

Barunchin, 75, 113
-, — de Luka, 60, 66, 67, 98
-, — — Barnet, son of, 98
-, — — Richard, son of, 98

Basaoh, 144n.

"Basanc'," 29n.

Basinge, Basinges, Robert de, 11, 30, 86, 117, 123, 134, 150, 163, 171, 184, 193, 196, 206, 208, 209, 224, 227
-, — — Ward of, 228
-, — Thomas de, 37, 87, 163, 192, 196, 203, 206
-, — — Margery, wife of, 163

Basset, John, 86

Bassieshawe, Helewysa de, 66

Bassieshawe, Ward of, 228

Bassingburne, Bassingeburn, Gilbert de, 149
-, — Thomas de, 85

Basterneys, Friar Reymund de, 105

Bat, Bonettus de la, 5

Batayle, Batyle, Reymund, 88, 93, 100, 107

Bate, Robert, de Leicestre, 45

Bateman, Benedict, 229

Batenourt, Luke de, 194

"Baterie," 109n.

Bath, Sir Robert Burnel, Bishop of, 140

Bath and Wells, Bp. of, letter from, addressed to the Warden, &c., of the City, 201

"Batiler," 61n.

Batour, Batur, Geffrey le, 75
-, — Stephen le, de Bassieshawe, 137
-, — Thomas le, 178

Batquille. See Banquell.

Baudry, Baudri, John, 156, 210

Baunquer. See Banquer.

Bayfeud, Sir John de, clerk, 57

Baynel, Emma, wife of Robert de la Tur, 174

Bayonne, 29, 67

Bayton', John de, 148

Beam, Silvester de Farnham sworn weigher of the Great or King's, 225
-, — grant of the Small, 191

Beauchamp, James de, 106
-, — William de, 15

Beaufis, Richard, 149

Beaumund (?), Bettinus, 114
-, — — "Bette," brother of, 114

Beauveys, Philip de, 87

Bech, Beche, John de, 32, 87, 114, 117

Bechesworthe, Nicholas de, 85

Beck, Bek, Arnold, 25, 31, 36, 47
-, — "Menettus," 116
-, — Stephen, 131
-, — Walter, 98
-, — William, 82, 120, 142, 149, 170, 177, 180

Becles, Andrew de, 107

Bedeford, Robert de, 39, 71, 93

Bedefunte, Ralph de, 30

Bek, Arnold. See Beck.

Bel, Robert le, de Holeburne, 38

Belhus, Henry de, 175, 209

"Bellingar," "Beniggard," Capellin, 101, 107

Belney, Bartram, 25

Benere, John (le), 51, 167, 200

Benthaum, James de, 183

Berbis, Walter "al," 109

Berdefeld, Berdefeud, William de, 72, 76

Berdene, Walter de, 41, 167, 189

Beregholte, Robert de, 185

Bergerac. See Brigerack.

Berk, Isaac de, 134

Berkhamstede, John de, 64
-, — William de, 84

Berkinge, Ralph de, 210

Berkwey, Alice de, 133
-, — — John, son of, 133

Bernard, merchant or valet of Arnold Pasturel, 50, 68
-, — Stephen, 189

Berners, Ralph de, 2

Berraud, Elias, 145

Bertram, Peter, 96, 99

"Besom" or "Bosom," fishing with, 187n.

"Beteri," Society of, at Luka, 125

Bettevile, Anketin de, 69, 70, 76, 83, 156, 158, 173, 197, 208, 209, 213, 227
-, — — Ward of, 228

Bettin de Luka, 108

Betton', Arnald de, 135

Bettoyne, Betoigne, Bettone, Beuttone, &c., John de, 77, 105
-, — — John, son of, 77
-, — William de, 58, 59, 69, 77, 80, 88, 89, 91, 95, 99, 100, 101, 106, 107, 108, 110, 113, 116, 120, 122, 123, 124, 128, 131, 132, 137, 140, 141, 142, 145, 149, 160, 166, 167, 169, 171, 173, 174, 177, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 198, 205, 207, 208, 224, 225; grant of the Small Beam to, 191

Beumund (?), John, 61

Beuveys, Beveys, vill of, 73

Beverle, co. York, shrine in Church of St. John at, 180, 181

Beverley, Beverle, Beverlegh, Adam de, 74
-, — — Helewysia, relict of, 74
-, — Master Robert de, the King's Mason, 222
-, — Roger de, 34, 220
-, — William de, 210

Beynard, Robert, 92

Beysak, Boysack, Bernard de, 112, 126, 128

Beyvin, Roger, 7, 178, 221; bequest to the Hospital of St. Mary without Bishopsgate by, 151

Bidick, Adam, 179

Billingsgate, Ward of, 228

"Binde," 1, 67

Bishopsgate, measures for guarding, 228

Blake, Robert le, 120

Blakebrock, John de, 131

Blakelofte, Gilbert a la, 173, 176

Blakeney, Blakene, Adam de, 114, 133, 160

Blakethorn, John de, 7, 9, 15, 16, 205, 212

Blaumuster, Blonmoster, Elena de, 41
-, — Ralph, 135, 146

Blie, Blye, William de, 57, 65, 87

Blithe, Blythe, William de, 98, 153

Blouggerun, Simon, 30

Blound, Blond, Blount, Blund, Blunt, Bartholomew le, 25
-, — Edward le, 168
-, — — Thomas, son of, 168
-, — Sir Hugh le, 70, 167

Blound, Blond, Blount, Blund, Blunt, Sir John le, 70, 95, 118, 123, 134, 141, 177, 184, 191, 193, 225
-, — Ralph le, 31, 34, 55, 63, 98, 123, 135, 161, 169, 173, 174, 180, 191, 198, 209, 213
-, — Walter le, 57, 58, 62, 63, 69, 76, 80, 162, 163, 164, 167, 197
-, — William le, 1, 215

Blundel, William, 134

Bochard, William, 178

Bock, Ludekin, 84

Bockinge, Saer de, 30

Bocler, William le, 50

Bodele, John de, 143, 148

Boer, John, 97
-, — William, 97

Boke, Henry le, 97

Bokeler, Cristian le, 60

Bokelinton, Robert de, 91

Bokerel. See Bukerel.

Bokerelesbere, tenement of, 178

"Bokere" street, 40

Boketon, Bokton, John de, 94, 201, 202

Bole, Bule, Gilbert le, 148
-, — Henry le, 159, 168, 183, 194, 210
-, — Laurence le, 210

Bolimer, Simon, 129

Bolinton, William de, 143

Bollock, Laurence, 139

"Bona Garda" in Gascony, 122

Bonagunde, Ralph, 159

Bonaventure, Richard, 24, 152, 153
-, — — Richard, son of, 24, 152, 153
-, — — — Margery, dau. of, 152

Bondos, "Bonviso," 113
-, — James, de Luka, 112

Bondsmen, runaway, 170

Boner, John, 130
-, — William, 130

Bonet, Boneti, Godsalin, 32, 49, 59, 62, 65, 89, 90, 102, 113, 114
-, — William, 95

Bonin, "Moniun' " (?), 125

Bonmarche, Geoffrey, 147

Bonquer. See Banquer.

Bonrouncin. See Barunchin.

Bordeaux, Burdeus, city of, 6, 38, 40, 48, 49, 50, 51, 59, 69, 74, 85, 94, 98, 99, 102, 103, 105, 111, 115, 122, 132, 146, 150, 175
-, — Arnald de, 57
-, — Peter de, 44, 60
-, — Reymund de, 10, 24, 34, 69, 81, 145, 202

Bordhawe, 169n.

Borel, William, 63

Borewelle, Walter de, 180

Borham, Roger de, 107

Borham, William de, 34

Bosco, William de, 10, 11

Bosenho, Peter de, 195

"Bosom." See "Besom."

Bossones, Peter de, 33

Botoner, Botouner, Geoffrey le, 58, 130, 178
-, — John le, 199
-, — William le, 100

"Botor'," 23
-, — Sanchius (?) de, 28

Boucler, Gilbert le, 30

Bovyn, Remond, 146

Bowyer, Ivo le, 144

Box, Adam, 3, 161
-, — Hamo, 134, 180, 191, 198, 202
-, — Henry, 189, 194, 199
-, — Martin, 78, 79, 82, 87, 104, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 168, 184, 190, 191, 197, 201, 206, 208, 209, 212, 213
-, — Peter, 3
-, — Thomas, 5, 41, 79, 110, 128, 134, 142, 173, 174, 178, 179, 180, 184, 185, 191, 196, 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213

Boydin the Butcher, 204

Boyhz, Henry, 53
-, — Henry de Hormad, called, 50
-, — John, 90
-, — — Juliana, wife of, 90
-, — William, 152

Boys, Katherine de, 89

Boys Heynaud, Walter de, 117

Braban, John le, 65
-, — Raban de, 45

Brabant, 33

Brackinge, Geoffrey de, 45

Braeler, William le, 161
-, — — Gilbert, son of, 161

Brakele, Geoffrey de, 128

Brampton, William de, 54

Brancestre, Alan de, 87

Branchesle, John de, 83
-, — — Alice Bokerel, wife of, 83

"Brasil," "Brisell," 58n., 223n.

Bray, Braye, Geoffrey de, 55
-, — William de, 26, 27, 28, 29, 35

Bread, Assize of, 207
-, — price of, 215; to be sealed, 216

Breban, John, 175

Brede, William de, 135

Bredestone, Alexander de, goldsmith, 7

Bredstrate, 148, 203
-, — Walter de, 8, 201

Bregestrate, 152, 156, 202

Brente, John, 66

Brentwood, 141

Bret, Fulk le, 122
-, — Richard le, 87

Bret, Roger le, 105
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 105

Breton, Bretun, Sir John le, 113, 149, 173, 174, 182, 189, 192, 193, 198, 199, 200, 201, 205, 207, 208, 224

Brewer, Thomas le, 67, 68

Brewsters, ordinances touching, 208; regulations as to, 216; not to wear furs, 220

Brid, German, 199, 200
-, — — Lucy, wife of, afterwards wife of Adam Godesone, 199, 200
-, — — Isabella, dau. of, 199, 200

Bridge, Ward of, 228

Bridge-house, the, 2

Brie, Briolo, Bruie, Brye, Gerard or Girard de, 1, 6, 11, 58, 109, 116, 126, 206

"Brigerack," "Brigelac," "Brugelak" (Bergerac), 40, 50, 54, 59, 62, 102, 128
-, — Roger de, 47

Briggewalter, Brugewater, Peter de, 38, 40

Bristoll, Henry de, 88, 106
-, — William de, 37, 65

Brittany, John, Duke of, 122

Broad Street Ward, formerly Lothbury Ward, 189n.

Brocher, John, 161

Brock, Adam, 21

Broghton, William de, 115

Broning, Thomas. See Bruning.

"Bronthon" (Brouthon ?) "Bronkthon," Simon de, 136, 145, 147

Brounyng, Oliver, 185

Bruges, John de, 128
-, — Peter de, "le Forbur," 49, 149, 178

Brumford, William de, 116

Brumle, Ralph de, 210

Brumthon, William de, 114

Brumphard, William, 133

Brumwich, Richard de, 88

Brun, Nicholas le, 87
-, — Roger le, 126
-, — William le, 59, 80, 81

Bruning, Broning, Thomas, 91, 166, 194

Brus, Sir Robert de, Earl of "Karry," 13

Bruth, John le, 10

Bruwe, Arnald de la, 31

Buisch, Henry, 38

Bucklersbury. See Bokerelesbere.

Bukeler, Robert le, 5

Bukerel, Bokerel, Alice, 52, 83, 86
-, — Dyonisia, 23
-, — Isabella, 23
-, — William, 3, 7, 19, 23, 40, 52
-, — — Alice, wife of, 52

Bule. See Bole.

Bultel, Richard, 35
-, — — Agnes, dau. of, 35

Bumsted, Robert de, goldsmith, 7

Burd, Thomas, 116

Burel, John, 168

Bureller, Alfred le, 229

Bures, Burus, Spain, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 42, 69, 83
-, — "Arparicius" or "Apparicius" de, 28, 69, 83
-, — Matthew de, 17, 27, 28
-, — Peter de, 20
-, — Roger de, 124

Burgo, Henry de, 45, 58
-, — Reymund de, 38
-, — Richard de, 8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35, 36, 37, 42, 50

"Buriler," 37n.

Burne, John de la, 170

Burnel, Sir Robert, Bp. of Bath, 140

Burneton, William de, 213, 214

Burre, Robert, de Canterbury, 139

Burser, Henry le, 12, 96, 106

Burton, Burthone, Adam de, 178, 191, 220
-, — Nicholas de, 166, 167
-, — — Walter, brother of, 166, 167

Burus. See Bures.

Burwelle, Walter de, 60, 180
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 180

Bury, Richard de, 229
-, — Robert de, 16
-, — Roger de, 16

Buscher, Robert le, 5
-, — — William, son of, 5

Busseneye, Peter de, 25
-, — William de, 25

Butchers, ordinances touching foreign, 219

Buterle, John de, 181

Byflete, Hugh de, 8, 9, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 34, 229

Byfolde, Walter de, 96

Byre, Edmund de, 190
-, — — Mabel, wife of, 190

Bytoyre, Lupus de, 16, 17


Cabrol, Peter, 110

Cadenham, Catenham, Geoffrey de, 151, 153

Cagewerre, Nicholas, 128

Cahors. See Caurs.

Caiark, 54

Calanon (?), Ludekin de, 53

Caleys, 123

Callere, Robert le, 195

Cambrai, 37

Cambray, Cambrai, Caumborey, &c., Baudewin de, 32
-, — Boydin de, 24
-, — Giles de, 115
-, — "Leonius" de, 115
-, — Michael de, 46, 47, 58

Camperien, Peter, 37, 40, 61, 67

Campes, Caumpes, John de, 135
-, — — John, son of, 135
-, — Richard de, 90, 165, 195, 210

Canaler, John, 65

Candlewystrate, Kandelwistrate, 53, 153, 189, 190, 201

Canefeud, Walter de, 139, 201

Canterbrege, Cauntebrege, Cantbrege, Kantebrege, &c., Geoffrey de, 34
-, — Dame Idonia de, 93
-, — Nicholas de, 71, 74, 125
-, — Reginald de, 194
-, — Robert de, 87

Canterbury, the Archbishop of, 2; property of the Archbishop of, in Castle Baynard, 222
-, — John de, 2, 8, 42, 52, 58, 81, 87, 88, 89, 103, 111, 117, 123, 134, 137, 138, 139, 155, 173, 174, 177, 184, 191, 198, 205, 207, 224
-, — Robert de, 70

Canun, Reginald, 33, 133
-, — Robert, 91

Caponeshors, 135

"Caponeshorse," Thomas de, 52

Carleton, Karleton, Sir William de, 171, 193

Carpenters, ordinances as to wages of, 184

Carpn', Thomas, 67, 68

Carrick, Earl of. See Brus.

Cartheg (?), Robert de, 3

Carts, regulations as to, 217

Caruien, Carven, Karewen, Bernard de, 24
-, — Stephen de, 19, 24, 37

Caseles, Elias de, 110

Casse, Arnald (de), 39, 74

Casseyn', John de (la), 35, 76

Castell, Alan de, 222

Castello, Bartholomew de, 180
-, — Walter de, 174

Castel Sarrazin, 26n.

Castle Baynard, property of the Archbishop of Canterbury in, 222
-, — Ward of, 228

Castle Ward, 137

Castro Soris or Suris, Chastel Suriz (Castel Sarrasin), Andrew de, 26, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 55, 82

Cateloigne, Sir John de, 69

Catenham. See Cadenham.

Catesdone, Robert de, 202

"Caur'," Gilbert called, 17

Caurs, Caus, or Cauz (Cahors), 6, 23, 24, 25, 29

Causton, William de, 16, 161
-, — — Alice, wife of, 161

Cerculo, Serculo, Olyver de, 93, 94

Cerne, Eadward de, mercer, 12

Cestre, Chester, Ralph de, 21, 191, 220

Cestrehunte, Cesthunte, John de, 50, 70, 87, 106, 209, 215, 222
-, — John de, "fethermongere" or "plumer," 36, 46, 47, 57, 66
-, — — taverner, 46
-, — Richard de, 62
-, — Thomas de, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 35, 36, 42, 73

Ceynturer, Seinturer, Geoffrey le, 203
-, — — Richard le, 168

Chalfhunte, Robert de, 189, 210

Chalicer, John le, 127

"Chaloner," 65n.

Chaloner, Walter le, 82
-, — — William, son of, 82

Chamber, widow's, 138n

Champagne. See Chaumpayne.

Champayn', Peter de, 138

Champeneys, Robert, 201

Chancery, Hugh de Gernemewe, Clerk of the King's, 146

Chandler, Chaundeler, Adam le, 162, 169, 176, 178
-, — John le, 132, 161, 162, 180, 190
-, — Matthew le, 67, 68, 108, 154, 210
-, — Reginald le, 10, 71, 126, 176, 190
-, — — William, son of, 126, 176
-, — Roger le, 19, 55, 57, 88, 221, 222
-, — — Johanna, relict of, 88
-, — Stephen le, 221
-, — Walter le, 56
-, — William le, 146, 170

Chanent, Sir Peter de, 109

"Chapeler," 42n.

Chapeler, John le, 10
-, — Stephen le, 77
-, — Thomas le, 199

Charcoal not to be brought into the City for sale, 218

"Charite, la," ship called, 133

Chastellun, Sir Wauter de, Sire de Kersi, Constable of Chaumpayne, 165

Chauce, Bernard de, de Gaylac, 92

"Chaucer," 54n.

Chaucer, Baudewin, 146
-, — Stephen le, 50

Chaudespine, Peter (de), 47, 54, 66, 73, 74, 75

Chaumbre, Peter de la, 125

Chaumpayne, Sir Wauter de Chas tellun, Constable of, 165

Cheap. See Chepe.

Chelmerford, Nicholas de, 126

Chelmersford, Hugh de, 168
-, — — Alice, wife of, 168

Chelse (?), John de, 193, 221

Chepe, 83, 161, 186, 190, 229
-, — Ward of, 228

Cherlewode, Geoffrey de, 119

Chesewyk, Gilbert (William ?) de, 156
-, — Gilbert de, 202
-, — — Matilda, daughter of, wife of Stephen de Oxenerode, 202
-, — John de, 155

Chester, Ralph de. See Cestre.

Cheverell, Tristram le, 210

Cheverer, Tristram le, 22

Chevestre, Adam le, 136

Cheyner, Robert le, 54
-, — Roger le, 141

Chiffayne, Guydo, 93

Chigenhal, Chygenhale, Reginald de, 33, 53

Chigwell, Chygewell, Chekewell, Alexander de, 132
-, — Richard de, 2, 63, 142, 189, 196, 208, 221
-, — Walter de, 100, 201
-, — — Margery, wife of, daughter of William Munchyot, 201

Chiket, Chyket, Arnold or Ernold, 9, 40

Child, John, 39

Chilhethe, Geoffrey de, 148

Chingeford, Chyngeford, Bartholomew le Lokier de, 205
-, — William de, 83, 98, 129, 131

Chipenham, William de, 204

Chorleton, Richard de, 85

Chosner, John le, 188
-, — — Roger, brother of, 188

Chyvaler, Henry le, 132
-, — Peter le, 132

Cirger, Cyrger, Robert le, 16, 62, 68
-, — William le, 225

City Courts, ordinances touching Countors and Attorneys in, 204

City Wall, proposal to pull down part of the, near Ludgate, 222

Clare, Gilbert de, Earl of Gloucester, 162

Clarekin le Lumbard, 104

Clarekyn, merchant of Florence, 12

Clerk, Clere, Bernard le, 106
-, — Gilbert, 156
-, — Guy, 10
-, — Hugh, 176
-, — James le, 93, 94
-, — John, 110, 160, 161, 163, 166, 168, 169, 210
-, — — called baker, convicted, 121
-, — — of the Vintry, 10
-, — John le, Coroner, 183

Clerk, Clerc, Michael, 167
-, — Peter, 93, 94, 169
-, — Philip le, 117
-, — R, 17
-, — Ralph le, 201
-, — Robert (?), 168
-, — Robert le, 107, 182, 189, 199, 200
-, — Stephen, 173, 176
-, — Thomas, 42, 50, 194
-, — William, 39, 157
-, — William de Siddingeburne, called, 59

Clerkenwell, Prioress of, 2, 39
-, — Priory of, 63
-, — Hospital of St. John at, 104

Cleve, Clyve, Roger de, 33, 44, 100

Clifford, Sir Roger de, 227, 229

Cloth, Assize of, 212; regulations as to weaving, 218

Cnaptone. See Knapton.

Cnotte, John, 156

Coberd, Thomas, 34

Cocham, Bartholomew de, 58
-, — Simon de, 109

Cock, Godard le, 49

Cockefeud, Robert de, 93

"Codnette," 187n.

Coffrer, Henry le, 4, 166, 209
-, — John le, 79, 162, 166, 169, 172, 176, 181, 209

Cokesete, Gilbert de, de Bixle, co Oxon, 73

Cokesfeld, Sir Robert de, Knt., 45

Cokewetes, Gumbard or Gombaud de, 42, 43

Colebrock, Robert, 200

Colecestre, Adam de, 43
-, — — Dionisia, wife of, 43
-, — Benedict de, 86
-, — Gilbert de, 40, 43, 44, 67, 179, 182
-, — — Cecilia, wife of, 44

Coleman, Martin, 2

Colemannestrate, Ward of, 228

Coleworth, J de, Prior of Westminster, 124

Colier', John le, 143

Columbarus, Columbers, James, "Jaket," or "Jake" de, 87, 97, 102, 164, 165
-, — Matthew de, 164, 165

Combe, Roger de, 160
-, — — Isabella, wife of, 160
-, — — — Agnes, mother of, 160
-, — William de, 161

Condom, Cundom, 9, 23
-, — Peter de, 133

Condomine, Peter, 15
-, — Remund, 15

Conduit, the, parish of St. Mary Cole church, 165, 176

Conduit, Thomas, called Marshal of the, 162, 176

Conduit, Johanna de, 95
-, — Thomas de, 54, 60, 89, 94, 95, 113, 126, 143, 162, 167, 168, 176, 177, 178, 215

Conewey, the Constable of, 192

Conner, Robert le, 189

Contins, Arnold Johannis de, 29

Convers, Nicholas le, 45
-, — Thomas le, 210
-, — William le, 43, 51

Conway. See Conewey.

Cook, Thomas, 189

Coperbeter, Stephen le, 163

Corboyl, Alan de, 145

Corder, Gilbert le, 100
-, — Roger le, 211

Cordewaner, Cordwaner, Edmund le, 98
-, — Walter le, 158

"Cordewanerstrate," 68

Coringeham, Coringho, Robert de, 159, 164

Corn to be delivered by weight to the millers, who are to return the same weight in flour, 213

Corner', Thomas atte or de la, 86, 111, 128

Cornhill, Ward of, 228

Cornhull, Matthew de, 160
-, — Stephen de, 1, 63, 64, 67, 92, 93, 106, 112, 161, 162, 197, 203, 213

Corn—porters, regulations as to, 217, 218

Cornur, Clement le, 91

Cornwaleis, Cornewal, Cornwallis, Walter le, 34, 36, 152, 196, 204, 211, 215

Cornwall, Walter de, 33
-, — Earl of, 122, 123, 170

Coronour, Richard le, 161

Corp, Robert, 1, 215

Corterey, Copin de, 109

Corteys, Robert, 98

Cosin, Cossin, Cosyn, Cusyn, Geoffrey, 40
-, — Peter, 45, 78, 190, 194, 210, 212
-, — William, 39, 172

"Cossun," 31n., 146

Costard, Thomas, 73

Coste, Custes, Peter, 27, 31, 33, 34, 35, 63, 65, 73, 109

Costentine, Friar, 145

Costeyntein, Stephen, 155

Coteler, Cotiller, Cutiller, Salamon le, 117, 166, 168, 169, 175, 176, 184, 189, 200

Coteman, Nicholas, 133

Cotton, Geoffrey de, 220

Countors and Attorneys, ordinance touching, 204

Court Christian, 144

Cove, Robert, baker, convicted, 121

Coventre, Henry de, 67, 68, 196, 205, 211
-, — — Roisia, wife of, 67, 68, 128
-, — Roger de, 43

Crafham, Vitalis de, 116

Crawedon, Geoffrey de, 60

Craye. John de, 4
-, — William de, 27

Crepelgate, measures for guarding, 228, 229
-, — John de, baker, convicted, 121
-, — Robert de, 62
-, — Friar Robert of, 118

Crepelgate Street, 153

Cresp, Ralph le, 11

Cripplegate. See Crepelgate.

Crips, Crisp, Laurence, 46, 91

Cristcherche, Mark de, 115

Cristian le Taverner, 58

Crock, Crok, Roger, 132
-, — Roger, "cossun," 33, 36

Cros, John, 156, 168
-, — — Mariota de Bradestrate, wife of, 168

Cross, Thomas, 127, 155, 156, 161, 168, 197, 210, 212

Croul, William de, 156

Crowe, Robert, 101

Cruce Lapidia, Hugh de, 64

Cu, Peter le, 189
-, — Richard le, 168

Cueuk, Elias, 99

Cuku, Cuk', Pere, 165
-, — — "El," son of, 165

Cumbe, William de, 69, 155

Cundom. See Condom.

Curteise, Johanna, de Estchepe, 174

"Cushes," 171n.

Cussere, Hugh le, 199

Custes, Peter. See Coste.

Cycons', William, Constable of Conewey, 192

"Cymac," 223n

Cyrger. See Cirger.


Dabevile, Wibert, 70

Dagenhale, William (de), 119, 135

Dalling', Philip de, 145

Danecastre, Richard de, 31. See also Gardebois.

Danes, to share in keeping Bishopsgate, 228

Dare, Nicholas, 28

Daubers, wages of 184

David, Geoffrey, de Helweton, 125
-, — Roger, 203

De l'Isle, Sir Roger, 199, 200

Dembertini, Society of, 159

Deneneys, Richard, 193

Denton', William de, 1

Depe, Diepe, Arnald de, 203
-, — John de, 162

"Depedale," "Depeldale," Richard de, 41
-, — — Sarah, wife of, 41
-, — Stephen de, 41

Derbi, Derby, Dereby, John de, 8, 10, 63, 74
-, — John de, baker, convicted, 121
-, — Richard de, 102, 144, 190
-, — Thomas de, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 42

Derherst, Robert de, 55

Derteford, Eustace de, 88
-, — — Eva, relict of, 88
-, — Walter de, 60

"De Sous la res" (or "Trepas"), Reymund, 76, 77

"Dessevenglad" (?), Bernard, 117

Deuceyt (?), Thomas, 126

Deumars, John, 177
-, — — Cristiana, wife of, 177
-, — — Robert, son of, 177
-, — Robert, 31, 122
-, — — Cristiana, wife of, 122
-, — — Robert, son of, 122

"Deutanto" the Bailiff, 25

Dichet, John de, 98

Digon, Richard, 45
-, — — Robert, son of, 45

Dinaunt, 106, 109, 158

Dine, Robert, 44
-, — Warin, 44

Dinnock, Laurence, 131

Diry, Dirrie, Dirri, Dirrii, Walter, 53, 114, 119, 128, 131

Dissote, John, 50

Distave Lane, 73, 109

Distress, ordinance touching mode of levying, 219; custom of taking, 221

Doget, John, 102, 103

Dokesworthe, Peter de, 104, 157
-, — Richard de, 59
-, — Richard de, baker, convicted, 121

Doket, William, taverner, 34

Dollingham, Martin de, 148

"Domingo," valet of John de la Founs, 8

"Domingo," "Domynges," or "De Mygges," Bernard, 47, 49, 59, 61, 66, 75

Donelin, merchant of Florence, 12

Donton', Annere (?) de, 55

Donwich, Robert de, 46

Dorking, 150

Douay, 1, 11, 20, 93

Douegate, John de, 195

Dounelee, Henry de, 2

Dovor, Henry de, baker, convicted, 121
-, — Simon de, baker, convicted, 121
-, — Thomas de, 87
-, — William de, 116

Dower at the church door, 226n.

Dowgate, Ward of, 228

Doyr, Ubert, 159

Draper, Anketin le, 157

Druet le Armurer, 176

Duaco, "Binde," 1

"Duble Harneys," William, saddler, 4

Du Boys, William, 66
-, — — Katherine, wife of, 66

Duc, Roger le, 203

Duffeld, Geoffrey de, 6, 10

Dullingham, Martin de, 119

Dunden, John, 23

Dunion, Ralph, Canon of St. Paul's, 157, 160

Dunstaple, Donestaple, Dunestaple, John de, 7, 124, 135, 184, 191, 195, 200
-, — Richard de, 160
-, — Roger de, 131, 148
-, — William de, 116, 178
-, — — Matilda, daughter of, 116

Dunton', Dunthon, Alan de, 55
-, — Gilbert de, 210, 211
-, — Hugh de, 54, 55, 70, 95, 113, 144, 147, 211
-, — Stephen de, 99
-, — Vincent de, 55
-, — William de, 41

Durham, Dureme, Henry de, 118, 149
-, — William de, 7, 9, 14, 15, 21, 30, 83, 153. 158, 196, 205, 206, 211
-, — — Henry, son of, 83
-, — — Sabine, wife of, 83, 158
-, — — Sabine, daughter of, wife of Adam le Potter, 158

Dynus, partner with James Hugelini, 208


Ebbegate, Robert de, 145

Ecclesia, John de, 97, 98, 99

Ediman, William, 180, 182

Edmund, Sir, 46
-, — brother to King Edward I., 108
-, — le Cordwaner, 98

Egemor, William de, 90

Ehefeud, Robert de, skinner, 21

Elys, William, 226

Emerat, Vidal, 71

Emeric, William, 6

Enefeud, David de, 25
-, — — John, son of, 25
-, — John de, 66, 159, 164
-, — Terricus de, 205

Englenelane, 154

Engleys, Richard le, 106
-, — Walter le, 205, 211
-, — Wesseyl le, 114, 115
-, — William le, 88

Enkem, Perot, 90

"Entremouns," Bernard de, de Monpeylers, 111

Escheker, Matthew, 81

Escot, Eschot, Eskot, Hugh le, 140
-, — Robert le, 102, 103, 104, 109, 115, 175
-, — Roger le, 219
-, — — William, nephew of, 219

Espicer, William le, of Oxford, 219

Esseburne. See Asseburne.

Essex, Walter de, 159
-, — Wlmer, Wolmar de, 11, 56, 75, 78, 81, 87, 100, 117, 155, 184, 190, 191, 192, 209, 227

Estanes, Thomas de. See Stanes.

Estchep, Estchepe, Edmund de, 147
-, — — Thomas, father of, 147
-, — Reiner de, 3

Esthalle, Robert de, 161, 169
-, — — Johanna, wife of, 161, 169
-, — William de, 150

Estreis, Estreys, Hereman le, 53, 190
-, — Thedmar le, 46, 82, 88, 137
-, — — Dionisia, wife of, 137, 138

Estumor, Roger le, 222

Ethon', Richard de, 143

Everard, John, 150
-, — — Gonora, wife of, 150

Evere, Evre, Henry de, 90, 155, 168, 201
-, — — Clemence, wife of, 201
-, — — John, son of, 155
-, — Richard de, 77, 90
-, — Roger, 92, 134, 165
-, — William de, 167, 190

Ewelle, Richard de, 2, 43
-, — — Richard, son of, 43

Exchequer, of the Jews, 82; the doorkeeper of the, 84

Exeport, Richard de, 222

Exeter, Sir John, treasurer of Church of St. Peter at, 69

Eynefford, Eynesford, Gilbert de, 47, 65

Eynesham, Joyce de, 56


Faber, Thomas, 85
-, — William, 189

Fages, Gerard de, 59

Faham, John de, 132

Faire (?), Peter, 63

"Fancherche," parish of, 67

Fancherche, Walter de, 77
-, — — William, son of, 77

Faner, Ernald, 18
-, — William, 141

Fannere, Simon le, 104, 117
-, — William le, baker, convicted, 121

Faringdon, Roger de, 180, 181

Farndone, Farendone, William de, 1, 32, 64, 78, 79, 87, 108, 123, 154, 157, 160, 161, 171, 173, 174, 180, 181, 184, 190, 191, 196, 197, 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 212
-, — — Ward of, 11n. See also Farringdon Ward.

Farnham, Agnes de, 135
-, — Henry de, 38, 51, 160
-, — John de, 73
-, — Peter de, 108
-, — Silvester de, sworn weigher at the Great Beam, 225
-, — Symon de, 5, 9, 31
-, — William de, 58

Farringdon Ward, 11n., 78n., 228

Fauk, John, de Red, 10

Faukun, Robert, 83
-, — — Rosia, wife of, 83

Faunt, John, 17

Faure, Peter, 101

Felin, Clarekin, 166
-, — — Agnes, wife of, daughter of Henry de Sulberi, 166

"Feliper," 19n.

Feliper, Godwyn le, 18, 30, 200

Felipeslane, 135

Felsham, Robert de, 78

Fener, Edmund le, 150
-, — John le, 60
-, — Robert le, 50

Ferade, "Boz" or "Bohz," 102

Ferers, Ferreres, John de, 48, 50, 94

Feron, Ferron, Ferrun, Alexander le, 162
-, — Hamo le, 162, 165, 169
-, — — Isabella, wife of, 169
-, — Margery la, 95, 101
-, — Ralph, 151

Ferraunt, Martin, 135

Fethermongere, Richard, 53, 103

Fevere, Ralph le, 212, 215, 226

Filiol, Sir Richard, 159

Fincham, John de, 143

Finchingfeud, Ralph de, 120
-, — Walter de, 87, 180, 210, 225
-, — Walter de, junior, 129, 134

Finekelstale, Michael, 42

Fingrie, Fingeri, Fyngreth, Henry de, 12, 195
-, — Robert de, 133, 202

Firbras, Walter, 203
-, — — Thomas, son of, 203

Fishing, ordinances touching, 186— 188

Fishing-nets, ordinances as to size of, 185

Fishmongers, ordinances as to, 185

Fiss, John, 189

Fitz Michael, Laurence, 178

Fitz Otho, Sir Hugh, 12, 44, 56

Fitz Peter, John, 157, 184, 205, 206, 209, 212, 213, 229

Fitz Richard, William, 13
-, — — Avice, wife of, 13
-, — — — William, son of, 13

Fitz Roger, John, 7, 95, 126
-, — William, 190
-, — — Roger, son of, 190

Fitz Simon, John, Knt., 163
-, — — Margery, wife of, relict of Thomas de Basinges, 163

Fitz Stephen, Reginald, 45

Fitz Thomas, Thomas, 49, 53, 54, 70, 139, 159
-, — — Richard, brother of, 54

Fitz Walter, Eustace, 179, 182
-, — — Emma de la Mare, daughter of, wife of John de Thornham, co Norfolk, 179, 182

"Flans" or "Flauns," 31n.

Flauner, Thomas le, 31
-, — William le, 99

Fleming, William, 163

Flete, Elena de, 82
-, — Walter de, 114

Flete Ditch, 222

Florence, 12, 93, 159

Fokeras, Arnold, 49

Foleham, Fulham, Adam de, 33, 110, 123, 156, 162, 163, 167, 189, 191, 192, 193, 195, 200, 225
-, — John de, 156, 162, 167

Folesham, Folsham, Robert de, 162, 190
-, — Stephen de, 128, 135, 136

Folwardbi, William de, 189
-, — — Alice, wife of, 189

Fongevyn, Fungevin, John de, 89, 105, 111, 115

Fonte, Geoffrey de, 135
-, — Joce de, 182

Forbur, Furbur, Peter le, de Bruges, 49, 149, 178

Forde, Cristiana de la, 130
-, — Robert de la, 170
-, — Walter de la, 47, 54, 227

Fordich, Alexander de, 175

Forestall, Forstal, Walter le, 60, 130

Foreste, William de la, 141

Formager, Furmager, Andrew le, 75, 143, 167

Forner, Furner, Furners, Martin (le), 121, 130
-, — Remund, 86
-, — Richard (le), 60, 66, 88, 162, 171, 176

Fors, Peter de, 109

Fortoun, Gaylard, 145

Fosie, Fossie, Arnold de la, 49, 101
-, — "Garsie" de la, 104
-, — Peter de la, 104
-, — William de la, 101, 104, 110, 125, 141
-, — — Galard, valet of, 141

Fot, Geoffrey, 132

Foth, Roger, 155

Founs, John de la, 8

Frankpledge, 216

Fraunceys, Simon le, 140

Fraunceyse, Katherine la, 61

Fraunck, Fraunkhomme, &c., Peter, 48, 51, 54, 68, 69, 73, 74, 75, 80, 103

Freche, Richard de la, 50

Freningham, Freninham, Hugh de, 127, 177
-, — — Margery Heyrun, wife of, 177

Fresfish, John, 185

Fridaystrate, Reginald de, 131

Frossh, John, 185

Frowick, Frowyk, Henry de, 82, 194, 208, 209
-, — Johanna de, 5
-, — — Robert, son of, 5
-, — Laurence de, 157, 160
-, — Reginald de, 188
-, — Roger de, 143
-, — Thomas de, 60
-, — Walter de, 59

Fruter, Gerin le, 180

Frythe, Richard atte, 60

Fryvile, Sir Baldewyn de, 101

Fulk le Mercer, 47, 81

"Fullane," 200

Fundour, Henry le, 149

"Furbur," 38n.

Furbur, Aunsel le, 200
-, — — Margaret, wife of, 200
-, — Peter le, 32, 95, 137, 143

"Furmager," 134. See Formager.

Furner, Furners. See Forner.

Furriers, proclamation regulating the trade of Skinners and, 220

Furs, ordinances touching, 212; not to be worn by brewsters and women of bad character, 220

Fuster, Thomas le, 56, 62, 84

Fylers, Bernard de, 23
-, — — Emma, wife of, 23


Gaane, Gane, Bernard le (or de la), 49, 102, 103, 109

Galeys, Waleys, Henry le, 1, 2, 33, 51, 55, 69, 78, 79, 80, 81, 90, 112, 119, 134, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 170, 174, 184, 190, 191, 196, 197, 206, 208, 209, 213, 224, 227
-, — — Ward of, 228
-, — John, de Luka, 113
-, — Peter de, 112, 137
-, — Roger le, 120
-, — Walter le, 8, 27, 158

Galiene, Emma (?), 65

Galin', Dorde de, 31

Gamaliel the Jew, 229

Gange (Gauge?), Gangee, Robert, 63, 114, 125

Gant, Simon de, 29
-, — — Simon, son of, 29

Gardebois, John de, son of Richard de Danécastre, 31, 202
-, — — Avice, wife of, 31

Garderoba, Richard de, 201

Gardiner, John le, 140

Garscherche, Gaschirche, John de, 96
-, — Martin de, 96
-, — Philip de, 80
-, — Richard de, baker, convicted, 121

Garscherchestrate, 83

Garsie, Michael, 119
-, — Peter, 82

Garsle, William, 64

Gascony, Gaylard de, 148

Gates, Wards nominated for guarding the City's, 228

Gatingethorp, Sir Walter, Vicar of, 44

Gaunter, Ganter, Augustine le, 178
-, — Laurence le, 168
-, — William le, 161
-, — — Matilda, wife of, 161

Gaylac(Gaillac), 92

Gaylard de Gascony, 148

Gedlestone, John de, 130

Geldeford, Guldeford (Guildford), Henry de, 148
-, — John de, 64, 69
-, — Peter de, 76

Gerandoun, Robert, of Bordeaux, 150

Gerard, Gyraud, Gobert, de Caurs, 24
-, — Remund, de la Barde, 39, 74, 98, 114, 132
-, — Roger, 162
-, — — Dionisia, wife of, 162

Gerardi, Brachius, 159

Gerdlere, Luke le, 16

Gerin, Sheriff of Middlesex, 76

German, clerk, 159

Germein, Germeyn, Nicholas, 145
-, — Stephen, 49

Gernemewe, Hugh de, 146

Gersingdon, Thomas de, 229

Geudoun. See Jaudon'.

Gilbert le Barbur, 155
-, — called "Caur'," 17
-, — le Corder, 100
-, — the pelterer of Honilane, 30
-, — le "Seller," 162

Gille, John, 159, 168

"Gillem ardurat" or "arduret," Arnold, 85, 99

Gilleme, Arnold, 66

Gingg', manor of, 174
-, — Sir Reginald de, 174

Gisors, Gisorz, Gysors, John de, 35, 66, 156, 157, 165, 185, 197, 198, 203, 209, 212, 213
-, — — Ward of, 228
-, — Laurence de, 81
-, — Peter, 173, 175
-, — — Petronilla, dau. of, 173, 175

Gladwyne, Richard, 189, 205

Gloucester, Gilbert de Clare, Earl of, 162
-, — Statute of, 212, 222, 224

Gloucester, Henry de, 23, 24
-, — John de, 145, 161, 190
-, — Richard de, 189, 194, 199
-, — Robert de, 81, 108
-, — Thomas de, 82, 83, 84, 85, 94
-, — Walter de, 55

Godale, Henry, 144

Godard, Alan, 4
-, — — John, son of, 4
-, — — Matilda, dau of, 4
-, — — William, son of, 4
-, — Geoffrey, 211
-, — — Margery, wife of, 211
-, — John, 202
-, — Simon, 48, 67, 82, 90, 108, 126, 160, 168, 171, 177, 200, 205, 211, 226

Godchep, Godchet, Gudschepe, Jordan or Jurdan, 78, 79, 105, 118, 120, 123, 136, 142, 149, 150, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 184, 190, 197, 206
-, — Paul, 20, 118, 123, 124, 149
-, — Ralph, 120, 142, 149, 180
-, — Richard, 120
-, — William, 151
-, — — Matilda, wife of, 151

Gode, William (le), 19, 20
-, — — Johanna, dau of, 19

Gode, William (le), Margery, dau of, 20
-, — — Nicholas, son of, 20
-, — — Thomas, son of, 19

Goderonlane, Goderunelane (Gutter Lane), parish of St. Vedast, 69, 202

Godesone, Godessone, Adam, 199, 200
-, — — Lucy, wife of, relict of German Brid, 199, 200

Godsalin, John, 170

Godwyn le Feliper, 18, 19, 30, 200
-, — le Upheldere, 199

Goldsmith, Alfred the, 7
-, — — John, son of, 7
-, — Andrew the, 7
-, — Deudene the, 87
-, — Robert the, 161

Gonel, Goubert, 148

Gopin, Henry, de Lincoln, 78

"Gorgerer," 146n.

"Gors," 188

Gracechurch. See Garscherche.

Grandison, Sir Otho de, 87

Granele (Gravele ?), Gilbert de, 31, 65

Gras, Richard le, 139

Gratefige, William, 210

Graundyn, Simon, 131

Grave, la, manor of, co. Bucks, 164

Gravesend, Gravesaunde, Richard de, Bishop of London, 142, 213
-, — William de, 61, 67, 68, 156

Gregory le Lonmer, 154

Gren, Boydin de, 204

Grenewichlane, Grenewycheslane, 151, 157, 203

Grenewyz, Richard de, 121

Grey-work, 223

Grimbaud, William, Knt., 128

"Gros veer," fur called, 220n.

Grut, Ralph, 37

Grymeward, Elias, 40

Guildford. See Geldeford.

Guildhall, Jew coin-clippers at the, 26, 27, 225

Gunchant (Gunchaut?), 112

Gusarge, Gobert de, 62

Gutter Lane. See Goderonlane.

Guydic', Richard, 138


Haberdas, Alexander, 4, 204
-, — — Sarah, dau. of, 4, 204

Haberger, Reginald le, 152

Hadestock, Hadestok, John de, 72
-, — Simon de, 11, 209, 212
-, — — Ward of, 228
-, — William de, 117, 209, 212
-, — — Ward of, 228, 229

Hadleye, William de, 70

Hakeburne, Richard de, 43, 52, 53, 54, 66, 75, 125

Hakene, Hakeneye, Adam de, 142
-, — Benedict de, 161, 210
-, — John de, 194
-, — Richard de, 40, 56
-, — Robert de, 73
-, — William de, 43

Haliwelle, Halliwell, Priory of, 2, 151, 157, 168, 201, 203

Hallingeberi, Adam de, 65, 69, 180, 195, 200

Hamburg, 52

Hamburk, Bartholomew de, 52, 53
-, — Bertram de, 84

Hamelton, William de, 129, 130, 174

Hamme, William de, "arsoner," 36

Hanetot, Roger, 61

Haninton', Thomas de, 69

Hardel, John, 21, 59
-, — Ralph, 21, 99, 170
-, — Robert, 175

Hardi, Walter, 169

Harwe, Gilbert de, 72
-, — John de, 46
-, — Stephen de, 35

Haselbech, William de, 113

Hatfeld, Hatfeud, Michael de, 78, 162, 190
-, — — Margery, wife of, 78, 190
-, — Roger de, 52

Hatton, Alice de, 193

Hauekesheye, Geoffrey, baker, convicted, 121

Haukedene, William de, 134

Hauteyn, Haweteyn, Alice, 146
-, — Hamo, 16
-, — Henry, 95, 107, 124
-, — Martin, 169
-, — Nicholas, 184
-, — Robert, 19
-, — Simon, 134
-, — Stephen, 19, 180
-, — Walter, 12, 19, 30, 36, 37, 55, 59, 83, 91, 92, 101, 117, 123, 137, 168, 171, 178, 191, 197, 210, 212, 224

Haveresham, William de, 55

Haveringe, Luke de, 195

Haywharf. See Heywarf.

Hecchesham, Henry de, 3

Hedresete, Edmund de, 114
-, — Nicholas de, 119, 210
-, — Richard de, 83, 84

Helweton, Geoffrey, 147
-, — William de, 118, 177

Hemelhampstede, John de, 10, 64

Hengham, Hengeham, Hugh de, Clerk of the Jews' Exchequer, 82
-, — Ralph de, 115, 116, 171, 213, 214

Henry the Apothecary, 201

Henry the Seal-maker, 226

Herchebewe, Jakemin de, 147

Herdler, Godfrey le, 72

Hereford, Herefeud, Herford, Henry de, 2, 7, 21, 31, 61, 210, 215
-, — John de, 157, 159
-, — — Margaret, wife of, 157, 159
-, — Pentecost de, 69
-, — Simon de, 99
-, — Thomas de, 182
-, — — Agnes, dau. of, wife of John de Meleford, 182
-, — William de, 1, 39, 41, 58, 109, 160, 168, 169, 170, 173, 174, 176, 193, 198, 205, 224, 225
-, — — Ward of, 228

Hereman le Estreys, 53, 190. See also Hermann.

Herford. See Hereford.

Herlebeck, John, 150
-, — — Margaret, wife of, 150

Herlot, Bernard, 183

Hermann the Teutonic, 155

Hertaud, Mannin, 55

Hertford, Elyas de, 14, 229
-, — — Elyas, son of, 229
-, — John de, 166
-, — William de, 16
-, — — Hawysia, wife of, 16

Hertweyton, Hugh de, 205

Hervi, Hervy, Roger, 2
-, — Walter, the City's aprouator, 178n.

Herwy, Roger, 225
-, — Walter, 12

Hestrus, Hetrus, Sir Ingeram or Ingelram de, 46, 92

Het, Henry de, 145

Heumer, Richard le, 86

Hewe, William, 131, 144

Heyron, Heyrun, Herun, John, 127, 168
-, — Margery, wife of Hugh de Freningham, 177
-, — Robert, 1, 73, 215
-, — Thomas, 47, 76, 127, 170
-, — William, 98, 125, 210

Heywarf, a bridge to be built at, 193

Hidle, William de, 88

Hingeham. See Hengham.

Hirlaunde. See Irland.

Hithe, William de la, 229

Ho, William de, 23

Hockele, Richard de, 104

Hod, Thomas, 226

Hodere, Elias le, 59
-, — Peter le, 96

"Hoderesrente," la, 180

Hodinge, 130

Hodlege, Hodleye, William de, 36, 153
-, — — Juliana, wife of, 153

"Hokeday," 6n.

Holeburne, John de, 70

Holeburne Bridge, 182

Holecote, Alan de, 21

Holeherst, Walter de, 98
-, — — Nicholas, son of, 98

Holy Trinity, Priory of, 2, 158, 221, 229

Holy Trinity the Less, parish of, 171

Homlane, 38

Homlane, Hunylane, Elias de, 209
-, — Ralph de, 79, 114, 124, 195, 202
-, — Stephen de, 163

Horkesle, Alianora de, 151

Hormad, Hormede, Henry de, 37, 50. See also Boyhz.
-, — Richard de, 79
-, — Walter de, 108

Horn, Edmund, 51, 83, 152, 166, 200, 210
-, — — Alice, wife of, 152
-, — John, 7, 205, 206, 208, 211
-, — Nicholas, 229
-, — Richard, 69, 201

Horner, William le, 194

Horners, Statutes of the, 86

Horsham, Gilbert de, 54, 58
-, — William de, 1, 111

Ho[r]sham, William de, 68

Horton, Horthon, John de, 98, 157, 222
-, — — John, son of, 98

Hospitallers, the, 2

Hot, Alan, baker, convicted, 121

Hoton', Fremund de, 146

Houtton, Simon de, 108

Howton, Remond de, 129

Hoylack, Peter de, 10

Hubert de Bissopesgate, 55

Huberti, Duracius, 159

Hugelini, Jack' or James, de Luka, 135, 208

Hugh of the Stone Cross, 10. See also Cruce lapidia.

Hun', Baudet, 23

Hundesdich, Geoffrey de, 91, 210

Hungerford, Roger de, 56

Hurel, John, 110, 133, 148, 192

Hurer, Hurrer, Geoffrey le, 104, 110, 191
-, — William le, 104, 110, 111, 136, 153

Hurlax (?), Hugh de, 73

Husting, Recognizances in the, 33

Hybernia. See Irland.


Ildinton, Thomas de, 220

Inquisition ad quod damnum, 222

In-the-lane, John, de Suwerk, 130

Ippegrave, John de, 155

Irland, Hirlaunde, Ibernia, Hybernia, Adam de, 49, 88, 94, 106

Ismongerlane, 79

Iter at the Tower, 211n.

Ivo le Bowyer, 144


Jaudon', Jeudon', Geudoun, John, 25, 31, 33, 76, 80, 82, 100

Jeryn, John, 194

Jewry, the, 229

Jews, trial of at the Guildhall, 26, 27, 225; Exchequer of, 82; in the City, 215, 217, 219; not to hire nor let houses in the City, 219

Joevene, Juvene, Henry le, 229
-, — John le, 163

Johan, Jon, Arnold, 33
-, — Ernard, Aluard, or Arnaud, 34, 35, 100, 148

Johannis, Arnold, de Contins, 29

John le Botouner, 199
-, — Clerk of the Murage, 61
-, — le Gardiner, 140
-, — scrivener, 15
-, — "timbermongere," 53

John (?), Martin, 23

Jon, "Senche," 83

Jordan, Geoffrey, 160
-, — — Matilda, dau of, 160
-, — Richard, Vicar of St. Paul's, 16

Jordani, Bonefucius, 4

Jurdan, Ralph, 77, 183
-, — William, 156, 167

Juvenal, Thomas, appointed Common Serjeant, 123
-, — Thomas, 128, 193

Juvene. See Joevene.


"Kaiarck," 48

Karewen. See Carmen.

Kari, Thomas, 165

"Karry," Earl of. See Brus.

Kayer, Richard le, 169

Keldon', William de, 40

Keles, Keyles, Henry de, 16, 210

Kelvedon, Kelwedon, William de, 74, 95, 159, 210

Kelvert, John, 82

Kent, Henry de, 146, 182
-, — John de, 58, 161
-, — — baker, convicted, 121
-, — Philip de, 33
-, — Richard de, 221
-, — Stephen de, 109

Kent, Walter de, 183
-, — William de, 79, 113

Kerkeby, Kirgebi, Nicholas, 28, 46

Kersi, 55
-, — Sir Wauter de Chastellun, Sire de, 165

Ketene, William de, 65

Keu, John le, baker, convicted, 121

Keyles, Henry de. See Keles.

Kidel, record of the burning of a false, 185

Kidels in the Thames, to be abolished, 188

Kidermenstre, Kudeminstre, Robert de, 150, 170
-, — Walter de, 183

Kille, Michael, 68

Kingestone, Kyingestone, Kyngestone, Henry, 97
-, — — William, son of, 97
-, — John de, 38, 129
-, — Richard de, 161
-, — Robert de, 80, 151, 157, 203
-, — — Isabella, wife of, 151, 157, 203
-, — Walter de, 50
-, — — Matilda, dau of, 50
-, — — Thomas, son of, 50
-, — William de, 9, 97

Kingestone, Walter, "Clerk," of, 61

Kinkeston, Richard de, 155

Kiriel, Sir Nicholas, 124
-, — — Margery, wife of, 124

Kirkeby, John de, the King's Treasurer, 197, 198

Kirkestede, Kyrkestede, Richard de, 32, 38, 40, 49, 62, 77

Kirkham, Richard de, 205

Kissere, Richard le, 171
-, — — Richard, son of, 171

Knapton, Cnaptone, James de, 35, 37, 38

Knaresbure, Knaresburh, Knaresbourk; Richard de, 19
-, — William de, 48, 59, 112

Knotte, Anselm, 83
-, — Richard, 210

Knovile, Bogo de, 138

"Koleby." See "Rocolbewyn."

"Kymelines," 200

"Kyng," John called, 222

Kyng, Kying, William le, 38, 42, 46

Kyrac, Janin de, 74

Kyrunelane, 168