Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.
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'Folios ccxxxii - ccxl: April 1418 - ', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422, ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 15 February 2025].
'Folios ccxxxii - ccxl: April 1418 - ', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Edited by Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025,
"Folios ccxxxii - ccxl: April 1418 - ". Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025.
In this section
Folio ccxxxii.
6 April, 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], came Thomas Piriton, executor of John Mullyng, late "bracyer," and delivered to John Hille, the Chamberlain, the sum of £30, bequeathed by the said John Mullyng to his son Thomas, apprenticed with William Foorde, draper, to hold in trust for the said son.
Afterwards, viz., on the 20th April, the same year, the above money was delivered by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons (?) to Simon Eyr, draper, who married Katherine, the orphan's sister, in trust for the said orphan. Sureties, viz., William Foorde, draper, and Robert Coventre, grocer.
Indenture of lease by William Sevenok, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and Commonalty to Henry Hornytoft, haberdasher, John Basset, brewer, and Sir Walter Frost, chaplain, of a vacant plot of land for building purposes in the parish of St. Sepulchre without Neugate, near the common foss called Houndesdiche, for a term of 60 years at an annual rent of 10s., possession of the land to be resumed by the lessors, if necessary, in time of war, &c. Dated the Feast of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419].
Folio ccxxxii b.
L'ra p'sentacionis Rob'ti Manyngtre per Recorda torem London' ad Cantar' in eccl'ia Sancte Elene pro anima Walt'i de Billyngham.
Letter of John Bartone, senior, Recorder of the City, to the Prioress and Convent of St. Helen, London, presenting Robert Manyngtre, chaplain, to the chantry founded in the church of St. Helen by Walter de Byllyngham, and charging the said Prioress to pay the said Robert an annual sum of 7 marks pursuant to the will of the founder. (fn. 1) Dated 20 June, A.D. 1419.
Comissio d'ni Regis facta Will'o Sevenoke et al' ad audiend' et terminand' de omnimodis prodicionib' feloniis et transgr' etc.
Letters patent appointing William Sevenoke, the Mayor, William Hankeford, Knt., William Cheyne, and John Cokayn, or any three or two of them, to be Justices for hearing and determining according to the law and custom of the realm all treasons, felonies, &c., committed within the City and its liberties Witness John, Duke of Bedford, Warden of England, 14 July, 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419].
Folio ccxxxiii.
Mandatum sup' commissione predicta.
Order by the above Justices to the Sheriffs to cause a jury of 24 citizens to carry out the above commission. Dated 23 July, 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419].
Folio ccxxxiii-ccxxxiv.
Pleas at Westminster before Richard Nortone and his fellow-justices of the King's Bench, Trinity Term, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420].
William Sevenoke, grocer, summoned to answer William Haute, Esq., and Margaret his wife, touching the giving up to them of William, son of John Bryan, the guardianship of whom belongs to the said William and Margaret, inasmuch as the said John held land of the said Margaret by homage, fealty, and scutage of the lord the King, viz. a messuage and land in Tirefeld [co. Bucks], and died in the said homage, whereby the guardianship aforesaid devolved upon them; but they had been deprived of it by the said William Sevenoke.
The said William Sevenoke came and denied the truth of the above statements, and claimed that the said William Haute and Margaret his wife had no right of action against him, inasmuch as it was one of the immemorial customs of the City, which every Alderman on entering office was bound by oath to maintain, that when any lands, tenements, or rents of a free man or free woman within the said City and suburbs descended to an heir under age, or were so left by will, the Provost (Prepositus), Aldermen, Chamberlain, citizens, and commonalty of the City before the creation of a Mayor, and after his creation the Mayor, Aldermen, and the rest, or the Warden in place of the Mayor, had been ever accustomed to have the marriage and guardianship of such heir to their own use immediately after the decease of his ancestor, although his father or mother might still be living, as well as the lands, &c., of the same, to hold in trust until the said heir should come to full age, unless the said free man or free woman died seised of lands, tenements, or rents held of the King or some one else in capite by knight service; and further that the said Provost, Mayor, or Warden, and the rest, had ever been accustomed to grant the guardianship of such persons and their property to their nearest friends or others, as they thought fit, on the said guardians finding suitable security for duly executing their duties, &c. He further says that Johanna Fastolf, (fn. 2) a free woman of the City, at the time of death was seised in demesne as of fee of three messuages in London, viz.: one in the parish of St. Stephen, in the Ward of "Colmonstrete," another in the parish of St. Laurence, in Old Jewry, in the Ward of Chepe, and another in the parish of St. Mary de Bothehawe, in the Ward of Walbroke; and was not seised of any property held of the King in capite by knight service. The aforesaid John Bryan having survived the said Johanna, the said messuages descended to William his son, as kinsman and heir of the said Johanna, viz., as son of Johanna, a free woman at the time of her death, daughter of the aforesaid Johanna, also a free woman of the City.
Whereupon, on the 10th Jan., 5 Henry V. [A.D. 1417-18], in the said parish of St. Laurence in Old Jewry, Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, William Harwedone the Prior of the church of Holy Trinity, Richard Whityngton, Thomas Knolles, Robert Chichele, William Walderne, William Cromere, Thomas Fauconer, Nicholas Wottone, Henry Bartone, William Sevenok, William Chichele, William Louthe, William Nortone, John Reynwell, Thomas Pyke, John Penne, Thomas Aleyn, John Michell, William Cauntbrigge, Ralph Bartone, John Perneys, Alan Everard, and John Gedney, Aldermen, and John Hille, the Chamberlain, seized the guardianship of the said heir and his messuages as belonging to the Mayor, Aldermen, Chamberlain, citizens, and commonalty of the City, according to custom, during the lifetime of the said John Bryan, as they were allowed to do, and the same estate in the said guardianship was then held by William Sevenok. All of which the said William Sevenok was prepared to prove. Wherefore he prayed judgment as to whether the said William Haute and Margaret had a right of action. Cur. ad. vult.
Folio ccxxxiv b.
Proclamacio de treugis.
Writ to the Sheriff to make proclamation of the truce with the Duke of Brittany having been extended until the Feast of All Saints [1 Nov.] next (fn. 3) Witness John, Duke of Bedford, Warden of England, at Leycestre, 2 Sept., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418].
Bille de duab' xv 18 cuil't Aldr'o misse.
Precept to the several Aldermen to cause a sum equal to two fifteenths to be levied in their Wards—the said sum having been granted to the King at a Common Council held at the Guildhall on Saturday the 29th July last—and to bring the money to the Guildhall by the 6th August next. Dated 31 July [A.D. 1419].
Ordinacio de Salters etc.
Saturday, 4 Feb., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418-19], the conflict between the members of the respective misteries of Salters and Talghchaundellers arising out of the claim by the Chandlers to assay weights and measures used by Salters was composed by William Sevenok, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, on the following terms, viz., that good men of the mistery of Salters, annually elected by the Masters or Wardens, should exercise thenceforth the right of assaying all weights and measures used for buying and selling within the said mistery of Salters whenever deemed necessary or useful, and also of surveying all goods and merchandise exposed for sale within the said mistery, in as good and peaceable a manner as men of other mistenes perform the duty, &c.
Exon'acio Thome Clerk civis et Cissoris London'.
8 Aug., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], Thomas Clerk, tailor, discharged by William Sevenok, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, owing to increasing old age.
Folio ccxxxv.
Exoneracio Joh'is Wode civis et Hurer London'.
24 Aug., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], John Wode, "hurer," similarly discharged for like cause.
Ordinacio de Lynenwevers Anglic'.
21 Aug., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], came good men of the mistery of "Lennenwevers" of England, and presented to the Mayor and Aldermen certain articles for the government of their mistery, the Wardens of which had never been allowed to search and correct defects as in other misteries. The articles submitted for approval were to the following effect, viz.:—
1. That their Wardens might thenceforth have the right of search.
2. That members of the mistery sell only good and serviceable "estuff," under penalty prescribed.
3. That members shall not send their work to any fair or market outside the City before such work has been tested and approved by the Wardens, under penalty of forfeiture.
4. That no member take any servant or journeyman from the service of another before the term of service be ended.
5. That no servant or journeyman who has a difference with his master be taken into the service of another until such difference be settled.
6. That any who rebel against the Wardens be punished as of old recorded.
Folio ccxxxv b.
The above articles approved.
Exoneracio Ric'i Herlawe civis et Hurer London'.
9 Sept., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], Richard Herlawe, hurer, discharged by William Sevenok, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, owing to his suffering from fistula (fn. 4) and other infirmities.
Exoneracio Joh'is Martyn civis et Allutarii London'.
1 Oct., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], John Martyn, cordwainer, similarly discharged, owing to increasing old age.
Concess' est per Maiorem et Aldr' q'd parcell' Th' Catworth et Joh'is Aylesham examinent' et debita fiat allocac' de eisdem.
Thursday the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], ordinance by William Sevenok, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and Commonalty, in Common Council, to the effect that particulars of expenses incurred by John Aylesham and Thomas Catworth, grocers, in protecting the City's liberty touching the yearly appointment of Wardens in Sterisbrigge Fair in the same manner as in other fairs in England, &c., and of holding a Court to survey weights and measures and settle disputes, &c., should be examined by the Auditors of the Chamber and the Bridge, &c., in their next account, &c., and that the amount found still due be paid to the said John Aylesham and Thomas Catworth by the Chamberlain, viz., one moiety at Michaelmas, 1420, and the other at Michaelmas, 1421.
Folio ccxxxvi.
L'ra Regis missa Maiori et Aldermannis et co'ib'.
Letter from the King to the Mayor, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City announcing the capture of Pontoise. Dated at "Mant," 5 Aug. [A.D. 1419]. (fn. 5)
Reply to the above, under the Mayoralty Seal. Dated 6 Sept. [A.D. 1419]. (fn. 6)
Exon'acio Joh'is French civis et Copersmyth London'.
16 Sept., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], John Frenche, "copersmyth," discharged by William Sevenok, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Folio ccxxxvi b.
A lettre fro þe Duk of Clarence to þe Mair and Aldremen.
Letter from the Duke of Clarence to the Mayor and Aldermen announcing the capture of Pontoise. Dated at "Maunt," 5 Aug. [A.D. 1419]. (fn. 7)
Answer unto þe said lettre.
Reply to the above under the Mayoralty Seal. Dated 6 Sept. [A.D. 1419].
Custodia Will'i et Jacobi pueror' Rob'ti Odyham commissa Joh'i Maldone civi et Grocero London'.
23 June, 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], Richard Osbarn, one of the executors of Robert Odyham, late grocer, delivered to John Hille, the Chamberlain, the sum of £60 belonging to William and James, sons of the said Robert, issuing from the sale of lands and tenements belonging to their late father in the county of Kent. (fn. 8) Afterwards the said money, together with a further sum of £12 accruing to the said William and James by the death of two other children [not named], was delivered by William Sevenok, the Mayor, and John Hille, the Chamberlain, with the assent of Johanna, widow of the said Robert, to John Maldone, grocer. Sureties, viz., John Pitman, John Asshewelle, John Olyve, Ralph Hoggeman, Thomas Lecche, and Richard Bulwyk, grocers.
Folio ccxxxvii.
A l're fro þe Kyng to þe Mair, Aldremen and Comunes.
Letter from the King to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, thanking them for their promised aid, and bidding them to follow the advice of his "brother of Bedford," the Chancellor. Dated at Pontoise, 17 Aug. [A.D. 1419].
The above letter having fallen into the hands of the enemy, as it was rumoured, the King sends another letter to the same effect from Trie le Chastel, the 12th Sept. (fn. 9)
Folio ccxxxvii b.
Salvus Conductus Venecianor'.
Letters patent of safe-conduct for merchants of Venice trading with England for the term of one year. Witness John, Duke of Bedford, Warden of England, at Westminster, 3 April, 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419].
Folio ccxxxviii.
Q d valetti Maioris vic' aut Cam'e de cetero non circumvagent ad mendicand' sicut hactenus facere consue verunt etc.
Wednesday, the last day of April, (fn. 10) 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], ordinance by William Sevenok, the Mayor, and the Aldermen forbidding any valet or other servant of the Mayor, Sheriffs, or the City thenceforth to beg for money from tradespeople at Christmastime under colour of an "oblation," as heretofore they had been accustomed to do with threats or promises.
Eleccio Johannis Botiller et Rob'i Whitingham Vicecom' London'.
Thursday the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], in the presence of William Sevenok, Mayor, John Bartone, the Recorder, Richard Whitingtone, Richard Merlawe, William Walderne, William Crowmere, Robert Chichele, Thomas Fauconer, Nicholas Wottone, Henry Bartone, William Nortone, John Penne, John Reinwelle, Thomas Aleyn, William Chichele, John Gedney, Robert Whitingham, Aldermen, John Perneys and Ralph Bartone, the Sheriffs, and very many Commoners summoned to the Guildhall for the election of Sheriffs, John "Boteler," mercer and Commoner, was elected one of the Sheriffs by the Mayor, and Robert Whitingham, draper and Alderman, was elected the other Sheriff by the Commonalty.
Cam'ar' et Mag'ri Pont' electi.
Auditores electi' ad audiendum Compot' Cam'e et Pontis.
The same day John Hille, fishmonger, was elected Chamberlain; John Westone and Nicholas James were elected Wardens of London Bridge; and John Reinwelle, John Gedney, Aldermen, and John Beterenden, Thomas Dufhous, John Tredewy, and John Sadeller, Commoners, were elected Auditors of the account of the Chamberlain and the Wardens of London Bridge.
Afterwards, viz., on the eve of St. Michael [29 Sept.], the said Sheriffs were sworn at the Guildhall, and on the morrow of the said Feast were admitted before the Barons of the Exchequer.
Folio ccxxxviii b.
Feodum con cessum Joh'i Credy ad terminum vite.
Thursday the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], a grant by William Sevenok, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and Commonalty in Common Council assembled to John Credy, Esquire to the Mayor, of an annuity of 40s., together with the clothing or livery of the City, as often as Serjeants of the Chamber receive it, in recognition of his long service.
Eleccio Ricardi Whityngtone in Maiorem London'.
Friday the Feast of St. Edward [13 Oct.], 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], after celebration of Mass in the Guildhall Chapel, pursuant to the ordinance made during the Mayoralty of John Wodecote, in the presence of William Sevenok, the Mayor, John [Barton], the Recorder, Richard Whitingtone, Thomas Knolles, Richard Merlawe, Robert Chichele, William Walderne, William Crowmer, Thomas Fauconer, Nicholas Wottone, Henry Bartone, Thomas Aleyn, John Michel, John Gedney, Thomas Pyke, William Chichele, John Penne, William Nortone, John Reynewelle, John Perneys, Ralph Bartone, Robert Wydyngton, John Standelf, Aldermen, Robert Whitingham and John Boteler, Sheriffs, and an immense Commonalty summoned to the Guildhall for the election of a Mayor—Richard Whitingtone was elected Mayor for the year ensuing.
Afterwards, viz., on the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], he was sworn at the Guildhall, and on the morrow of the said Feast was presented, admitted, and accepted, &c. (fn. 11) [sic], before the Barons of the Exchequer.
Reformacioun et Renovell acioun de la Prisoun de Ludgate.
Saturday the 2nd Nov. (fn. 12) [A.D. 1419], ordinance by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen for the re-establishment of Ludgate as a prison for freemen and all others whom the Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs or Chamberlain think fit to send there. (fn. 13)
Folio ccxxxix.
Ordinacio quantum dabi tur pro mesu ragio Waye salis.
Doubts having arisen as to the quantity comprised in a wey of salt and the amount to be paid for measuring the same, as well as by whom it should be paid, it was ordained on Friday the Feast of Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.], 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], by William Sevenok, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, after examination of the records of the City, that a wey of salt should contain 5 full quarters according to the King's standard, and that for the future the measurer of salt within the City for the time being should take for measuring a wey of salt 4 pence and no more, the same to be paid by the seller and not by the buyer.
Folio ccxxxix-ccxl b.
Inquisition taken (fn. 14) at the Gaol of Neugate before the Mayor and William Hankeford, Justices, on Tuesday the Feast of St James [25 July], 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], by oath of Thomas Lecche, William Attewode, Richard Hatfield, John de Bury, John Burford, John Hiltone, Henry Lymbergh, John Southmede, Richard Rowdone, Hugh Glene, John Salter, Thomas Webulle, John Quyntyn, James Bowyer, and John Baldok, who say that during the King's absence abroad Roger Olyver, son of John Olyver, late draper, John Russell, of "Ceston," co. Leices, "Groceresman,' otherwise known as John Russell, "sumtyme clerk convyct," and other accomplices, to the number of twenty and more, had been contriving the King's overthrow and death for the space of a quarter of a year, at Ludgate, in the parish of St. Martin, in the Ward of Farringdon Within, and that on Monday after the Feast of St. Cuthbert [20 March], anno 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], they forged an indictment before John Haukeswelle, one of the King's Coroners in the County of York, upon view of the bodies of John Tollerton, Thomas Whithill, John Payn, Robert Galtres, and Nicholas Potte, alleging that the indictment had been taken before the aforesaid Coroner at "Gisburgh," in Clyveland, co. York, by oath of Thomas Levertone, Philip Burgh, Roger Biland, Adam Litstere, William Frank, William Pounde, Nicholas Lyndesey, Hugh Creyke, Walter Holme, Alexander Hotone, John Yaron, and Gilbert Ripon, who ought to have said (dixisse debuissent) that on the last day of January, anno 9 Henry IV. [A.D. 1407-8], certain robbers (who declared that Richard, the late King, was alive and well, and would enter England within three days, and would join Henry Percy, late Earl of Northumberland), (fn. 15) viz. : Lewis Byford, formerly Bishop of Bangor, (fn. 16) John Brodynge, draper, Richard Thame, Robert Payn of "Wemendham," Benedict Wylman, John Salter, senior, draper, of Hadley, co. Suffolk, John Sergeaunte, armourer, Michael Turke, "osteler," Thomas Deth, "boteman," Simon Bartelot, Alexander Heed, "wexchaundeler," William Fox, William Wevertone of "Okham," baker, Thomas Johansone, Thomas Burgh, clerk, Richard Jepe, clerk, Peter Gevyn, clerk, Thomas Rome of "Northwythom," John Dekene, "bochier," Thomas Power, Thomas Palmere, "hostiller," Thomas Langeford, Laurence Sely, John Sturmyn, Adam Waryn, "skynner," William White, John Plouman, Hugh Kynder, "taillour," Robert Sazacrely, Robert Faman, draper, Henry Gowe, "wexchaundeler," Thomas Burton, Thomas Lynford, John Orlandyn, Philip Sacy, Philip de Albertis, William Burtone, merchants, John Gamelyn, Bertram Cleyhorst, "ducheman," Roger Batte, "Fraciscus Lodewys" John Hildy, "pulter," John Taseburgh, stockfishmonger, John Sadeler, "vynter," Richard Gebon of "Brandonferye," Thomas Wandisford, mercer, William Olyver, grocer, Ralph Stoke, Thomas Broun, merchant, William Bronnyng, Walter Cursaunt, Ralph Silkestone, "vynter," William Sellerer, "wyredrawer," Walter Love, John Sherman, senior, of "Hornden," John Silkestone, "tapisere," Robert Arnold, felmonger, William Kent, cordwainer, John Hyde, late apprentice to the drapers' craft, John Lane, and William Jonessone, with many other associates— offered resistance to Ralph Bulmer, Knt., and a hundred other lawful Bailiffs of the King, and killed the aforesaid John Tollerton, Thomas Whithull, John Payn, Robert Galtrees, and Nicholas Potte, and afterwards fled the country; whereas in real truth nothing of the kind had taken place, no such jurors existed within the county of York, and nobody had been killed; that subsequently the said Roger Olyver and John Russell, with the view of raising an insurrection within the City of London, had sued out a writ from the King's Chancery for the Coroners of the County of York to send the indictment before the King at Westminster, which writ they falsely endorsed without the knowledge of John Haukeswelle, the Coroner, and fastened to the indictment, and delivered them into the King's Bench by the hand of a certain John Aysshe, whereby all those who were indicted had been put in exigent for outlawry, and their goods and chattels would have become forfeited to the King, had not the treachery been discovered, and that William, son of John Andre, of London, "Thecchere," was an aider and abettor. They further say that the said Roger Olyver and John Russell oftentimes between the 5 Sept., 2 Henry V. [A.D. 1414], and the 8 Oct., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], clipped the King's coin, and put it in circulation in the City. They further say that Thomas Broun, of London, "Breueresman," on the 25 July, 7 [sic] Henry V. [A.D. 1419], forcibly entered the house of Richard Elyot, "bladsmith," in the parish of St. Sepulchre, and feloniously robbed him of goods. Precept was therefore issued to the Sheriffs to take the said Roger Olyver, John Russell, John [sic] Andre, and Thomas Broun, and bring them before the aforesaid Justices at Neugate, on Wednesday after the Feast of St. James [25 July], on which day the said Roger Olyver and John Russell appeared before the Mayor and William Hankeford, the Justices; but John Andre and Thomas Broun failed to appear, not having been taken by the Sheriffs. Upon being questioned as to their defence, the said Roger Olyver pleaded that the indictment against him was not sufficient, as it did not specify the manner in which he was said to have compassed the King's death, whether by poison, magic, or other spiritual machination, and as to clipping coin he said he was not guilty. As to his having conspired to forge an indictment, he confesses that whilst suffering imprisonment in the King's prison of Ludgate, and loaded with fetters on the charge of his having betrayed the town of Harfleu, there came to him the aforesaid John Russell, who promised to assist in obtaining his release. Thereupon the said Roger and John conspired to forge an indictment against certain persons named by the said John, who promised the said Roger the sum of four marks for his assistance. The said Roger further confessed to forging a document at the instigation of Roger Lawsele, parson of the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Frydaistrete. For all of which the said Roger acknowledged his penitence, and asked mercy.
And the said John Russell declared himself guiltless of the charges of treason and put himself on the country, but as to the forgery, he could not deny it. Judgment deferred, the prisoners being re-committed to gaol, in the custody of Ralph Bartone and John Perneys, the Sheriffs, &c.