Folios ccxli - ccl: Dec 1419 -

Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Folios ccxli - ccl: Dec 1419 - ', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422, ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 15 February 2025].

'Folios ccxli - ccl: Dec 1419 - ', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Edited by Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025,

"Folios ccxli - ccl: Dec 1419 - ". Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025.

In this section

Folio ccxli.

Lib' acio £xx facta Cam'ar' per exec' J Shawe pro Will o fil' duti Joh'is.

4 Dec., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], came Thomas Hasley and Richard Osbarn, executors of John Shawe, late vintner, and delivered to John Hille, the Chamberlain, the sum of £20 in trust for William, son of the said John Shawe, aged 17½ years.

Afterwards, viz., on the 6th Dec., the same year, came the above William before Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen and signified his wish to enter the Order of Black Monks in the Abbey of St. Alban, and that the above money might be expended on his becoming professed. The will of the said John Shawe being examined, it was found that the said sum of £20 was to be divided among his surviving children in the event of the said William dying under age. Nevertheless, the said Mayor and Aldermen acceded to the request of the said William, on his finding surety for refunding the money in case of his death under age, or of his leaving the said House and Order before becoming professed.

10 Dec., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], John Tingeldene, William Whetnale, Thomas Hamptone, grocers, and Thomas Stanes, draper, enter into bond with John Hille, the Chamberlain, on behalf of the above William Shawe.

Assaium Ostriar' et Muscular' concessa [sic] Will'o Wilcok yoman.

Suspens' panni pro cessione Maior' et Aldror' ad predicaciones.

2 Sept, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], grant by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen to William "Wilkoc," of the office of measuring oysters at Queenhithe, in acknowledgment of his long services with divers Serjeants-at-arms of the City. To hold the same during good behaviour, and to receive the customary remuneration, besides being bound to suspend a cloth over the Mayor and Aldermen when going to hear sermons in St. Paul's Churchyard, whenever necessary.

Afterwards, viz., on the 4th March, 23 Henry VI. [A.D. 1444-5], Henry Frowik, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, granted the above William "Wilkok" the assay of oysters and mussels at the port of Queenhithe on similar terms.

Folio ccxli b.

Custodia Ric'i Fitz Andrew et decemlibrar' sibi per obitum Ric'i fitz Andrew patris sui legatar'.

13 Feb., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419-20], the guardianship of Richard, son of Richard Fitz Andrew, late fishmonger, together with his patrimony, committed by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and John Hille, the Chamberlain, to Agnes the orphan's mother. Sureties, viz., John Arnold, "curreour," and William Render, "barbour."

Afterwards, viz., on the 20th March, 4 Henry VI. [A.D. 1425-6], came the above orphan before John Coventre, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and received his patrimony from John Bederenden, the Chamberlain.

Proclamac' pro victualib' sine custum' versus Normann' deferend'.

Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation that those who were willing to send victuals to Normandy for the relief of the King and his army might do so without paying any impost or freightage (carcagio), on their finding security against the victuals being exported for other purposes. Witness John, Duke of Bedford, Warden of England, at Westminster, 7 Nov., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419]. (fn. 1)

Proclamac' continuac' treugar' int' Angl' et Flandriam.

Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation of the truce between England and Flanders having been prolonged. Witness Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, Warden of England, at Westminster, 20 Jan., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419-20]. (fn. 2)

Folio ccxlii.

Exon'ac Joh'is Shirlol de London Sadil ler ab assis'.

28 March, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], John Shirlok, saddler, discharged by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.

Exon'ac' Petri "Michel badue" allutar' ab assisis.

1 Aug., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], Peter "de Muchelbanduue," cordwainer, similarly discharged for like cause.

Folio ccxlii b.

Ordinance by Richard Whitingtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, with the assent of the Commons, enforcing by penalties the ordinance made during the Mayoralty of William Staundon, anno 9 Henry IV., touching vessels used by brewers being first marked by the Chamberlain's deputy to show their capacity. (fn. 3)

Also, whereas it had been formerly established that no brewer, hosteler, huckster, cook, or piebaker, should sell a gallon of best beer within their houses for more than 2 pence by marked measure, and outside their houses for more than 1½d., many brewers, &c., nevertheless sell a gallon of best beer for 3 pence, 4 pence, and 5 pence, and by "hanaps," and not by the gallon, "potel," or quart duly sealed, and, further, they daily make and sell outside their houses, for 1½d., an inferior beer which they sell within their houses for 2 pence, contrary to the ordinance aforesaid-it was therefore ordained by the said Mayor and Aldermen in this present Common Council that those found acting contrary to the said ordinance shall forfeit their beer and vessels and be committed to prison, the informer getting half of the forfeiture.

It was also ordained that this ordinance might be amended by the Mayor and Aldermen in time to come, if it proved to be too rigorous.

Folio ccxliii.

The above ordinance was passed by the Mayor and Aldermen, and at the instance of all persons using the mistery of Brewers within the City and suburbs, whose names were submitted to the Court on a roll of paper by the Masters, Wardens, and other good folk of the Mistery.

The Names of Brewers within the Liberties of the City of London.

Folio ccxliii b.

Folio ccxliv.

John Ketyng, William Boteler, George Spynal, John Freke, John Norman, Robert Dorwell, Robert Pede, Thomas Yole, John Bailly, John Basset, Hugh Glene, Roger Swannesfeld, John Mayn, Richard Shirwod, William Payn, Davy Soys, William Jurdan, John Canoun, William Barte, John Cheseman, John Chambre, Peter Ros, John Robert, John Oseye, John Catour, John Faman, John Samme, Richard Hechecok, William Termeday, John Hosyer, Richard Lucas, John Dunche, Johanna Scot, Roger Baron, Simon Potkyn, John Haverille, William Marke, Thomas Lodyngtone, Thomas de Kent, Thomas Webbe Richard Harlowe, John Salman, Davy Brounyng, John Randolf, John Carletone, Nicholas Fullere, John Stokes, Lucy Streteman, Robert Elken, Robert Carpenter, Laurence Davy, John The baude, Simon Petevyn, William Bolton, William Robert, William Bernard, Thomas Penson, John Refhawe, William Belle, Richard Kilsole, Henry Serle, William John, Adam Copendale, John Cornvile, Robert Smyth, Robert Tanner, John William, Philip Dawe, John Brokere, William Bracy, Nicholas Kene, John Brewster, John Rothyng, Thomas Attewode, Thomas Kebel, John Bate, John Reynere, Alexander Miles, Elena Darlyng, William Crane, Nicholas Yonge, Margaret Stoket, Philip James, William Edrych, Robert Lynford, John Stone, John Broke, John Merstone, William Harry, John Waghorn, John Caryen, John Amwell, William Smalsho, Thomas Brevyan, John Heley, William Attewelle, John Lucas, William Knot, James Levegro, Millen Borgh, Roger Ware, alias Riche, Robert Walram, alias Mason, John Canoun, Beatrix Tye, widow, Richard Crosse, Thomas Hancok, William Ferrour, Robert Coventre, Nicholas "Agon Mailok," Robert Maylond, John Russell, Walter Copsey, John Quyntyn, John Clerk, John Turvey, Henry Bedel, Thomas Grene, John More, Thomas Botelmakere, William Attewode, Piers Carpenter, Nicholas Aleyn, Richard Frepurs, James Yetcombe, Richard Aleyn, Cristiana Bekeswelle, widow, Thomas Aleyn, John Grymmesby, William Illyng, John Parys, "cordwaner," William Mymmes, William Mymcam, Alice Gayton, widow, John Goldryng, John Ratford, John Erle, alias Lumberd, John Thetford, Thomas Hanchere, Walter Broun, William Gedeney, John Horold, William Geffrey, Cecilia Raff, Robert Giles, Stephen Roo, Margaret Nightyngale, Alan Johan, John Pegeyn, Richard Flete, Robert Bateman, Robert Franc, John Aleyn, Henry Grene, John Riche, Katherine Roche, widow, Margaret Leonard, alias Pyle, John Miles, Henry Trebolans, Gilbert Wodeford, Richard Wightmore, Thomas Godyng, Hugh Neel, Thomas Gratley, John Sturmyn, Margaret Setyngbourne, William Busshe, John Rowland, John Aleyn, Thomas Dryffeld, Thomas Colshill, William Hille, Thomas Edmond, Peter Hayford, John Lynne, Robert Squyer, John Snelle, Walter Hunspell, William Mascall, John Burford, Richard Attecroune, John Hille, Thomas Nownzeglis (?), William Ogle, John Grymmesby, John Hardyng, John Kenaky, Morice Travail, William Cardel, Robert Staple, Richard Hercy, John Tregelowe, Richard Waltham, John Lutone, Thomas Osbarne, Walter Glyn, John Heylond, John Salter, Michael Tregenon, John More, Philip Richard, John Wodelond, John Aysshe, John Laurence, Thomas Ayle, John Masone, Katherine Pynchebec, Augustine Hanwell, Michael Eve, John Chirchesey, John Thomas, William Andreu, Walter Cook, John Hille, Reginald Brook, John Humber, William Repon, John Davy, John Riche, "taillour," Henry Sadelere, John Ballard, Robert Wandelyng, John Trum, Alexander Marcowe, John Gryffyn, Reginald Becham, John Riche, junior, John Parkere, John Serle, William Englisshe, Elyas Herdyll, John Chapman, John Sherman, John Petevyle, John Nasyng, Simon Attewelle, John Spencer, John Palmer, Agnes Riche, Thomas Martyn, Simon Kyng, Robert Wayn, Richard Terell, Thomas Aleyn, "smyth," Gilbert Boton', Thomas Botelere, Nicholas Muriel, Thomas Wegge, Michael Trerys, John Castone, John Mockyng, John Aleyn, Ralph Palmere, Henry Fereby, William Fox, John Benge, Richard Neuman, William Bacon, Roger Blissote, John Westyerd, Thomas Wermyngtone, William Andrewe, Robert Hiltone, Richard Spray, Constance Hosard, Alice Draytone, John Frost, John Neuman, Peter Short, Henry Lymber, John Stauntone, John Farneborgh, John Yver, John Stele, "corsour," Agnes West, Robert Bullard, John Brocour, John Bedford, John Toke, Thomas Nortone, Richard Rowedone, William Bailly, John Penverne, Philip Porcelle, John Holbec, William Coule, Alice Gildesborgh, Matilda Rolf, Stephen Bugge, Juliana Hetercete, Ralph Marke.

Folio ccxliv b.

Peticio Braciator' por recta Maiori et Alder mannis.

18 Jan., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419-20], petition to Richard Whitingtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, by all persons using the mistery of Brewers in the City praying them to amend the good ordinance made in the time of John Wodecok, (fn. 4) to the following effect :—

(1) That all "Coupers" be charged and sworn to examine all barrels and kilderkins of brewers and other customers, and to break up those that they find to be false, and to mark those that are true with their own marks entered and enrolled before the Mayor and Aldermen; and, further, that they be charged not to mark any barrel containing less than 30 gallons, or any kilderkin of less than 15 gallons.

(2) That brewers may be allowed to sell their ale retail in small measures, viz., gallons, "potels," and quarts, at 2 pence a gallon, as well within their houses as without.

(3) That in order that such measures should be just, the Masters and Wardens of the said Mistery be sworn before the Mayor and Aldermen to see that good and clear ale be sold by just measure at the price fixed yearly by the Mayor, or at a reasonable price at their discretion, and, further, that the said Masters present defaulters to the Chamberlain, and be punished at the discretion of the Mayor and Aldermen if they show favour or hate to any one, or be negligent in their duties.

Thereupon it was ordained that the ordinance made in the time of John Wodecok's Mayoralty should continue provisionally in force until Easter next, and then be further considered.

Folio ccxlv.

And as touching the first article of the petition, the same is agreed to on condition that Brewers incur the same penalties as "Coupers" if found using vessels that are not marked, and that they make a rebate for the dregs (les feces) of two gallons on a barrel and one gallon on a kilderkin, more or less, and incur the same penalty as is prescribed by the ordinance of William Staundone made anno 9 Henry IV., and lately con firmed by the last Common Council.

And as to the second article, to the effect that Brewers may sell by retail a gallon of their best ale, both within and without their houses, by the gallon, "potel," and quart at 2 pence the gallon, the Court refuses its consent, inasmuch as the selling of the best ale outside their houses by retail at 2 pence the gallon would be contrary to the order of the last Common Council, for they must sell their best ale, wholesale or retail, outside their houses at 1½d. the gallon The Court, however, was willing to modify the penalty imposed at the said Common Council in the following manner, viz., that instead of imprisonment and forfeiture of vessel and value of the ale at every default, the defaulter shall be amerced at the discretion of the Mayor and Aldermen, and this modification is granted on condition that brewers, hostelers, cooks, and piebakers sell their ale by full measure in sealed gallons, "potels," and quarts, and not by "hanaps," and do not charge more than 1½d. a gallon for their best ale (the same being sold at 2 pence a gallon within their houses) to any one wishing to have more than a gallon.

And as to the third article, touching the right of search, &c., by the Masters and Wardens, the said Mayor and Aldermen give their consent.

Folio ccxlv b.

Ordenaunce fait sur les Coupers pur mercher des barelx et kil derk' et certein peyn sur ce.

27 Jan, 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419-20], ordinance by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen (who were desirous to revive and enforce the ordinance for marking barrels and kilderkins made during the Mayoralty of William Staundone), to the effect that every "couper" within the liberty of London should have his own ironmark or sign for marking such vessels, and have the same entered on record under penalty of paying £10 to the Chamber; provided that no barrel be marked unless it contain 30 gallons and no kilderkin unless it contain 15 gallons, under penalty of paying 40s. for the use of the Commonalty, every brewer being liable to the same penalty if he sold ale in vessels that were not so marked. (fn. 5)

Folio ccxlvi.

Pursuant to the above ordinance, the "Coupers" residing within the franchise of the City were to present to the Court within 14 days their marks, made of iron, to be there recorded The names of such "Coupers" and their respective marks (fn. 6) are as follows :—

Folio ccxlvi ccxlvii.

The Marks of the following Coopers.

John Golenge, John Alchon, John Trendelere, Thomas Alfrend, John Harry, John de Kent, John Hooke, William Swift, John Sherman, John Haue, Robert Baker, John Merlyn, Thomas Langshote, William Boterfeld, John Bette, William Fraunceys, Adam Sterre, John Upstrete, William Wryght and Thomas Pleystow (the same mark in succession), William atte Noke, John Ingram, William Hancok, William Chaloner, William Okebourne, Simon Milleward, John Fryth, John Littell, William Coupere, Richard Welles, John Longe, Thomas Wodesere, William Franke, Nicholas Wodeward, Richart Borugh, Thomas Turnour (after his death, his mark was transferred to John "Hwet," in Feb, 1439-40), John Caunterbury, William Merlyn, Ralph Robert, John Broun, John Rothell, Thomas Howe, William Estone, Nicholas Wether, John Waryn, William Downyng, Simon atte Welle.

Folio ccxlvii b.

Custod' Matild' et Alicie filiar' Joh'is Shawe vinter de £xl commiss' Mag'ro Petro Chirch.

3 Feb., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419-20], came Thomas Hasele and Richard Osbarn, executors of John Shawe, late vintner, and delivered to John Hille, the Chamberlain, the sum of £40 bequeathed to Alice and Matilda, daughters of the said John Shawe, by their father, to be held in trust for the said daughters.

Afterwards, viz., on the 6th Feb., the same year, the money was delivered by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and the aforesaid Chamberlain, with the assent of the said executors, to Master Peter Chirche, with whom the said daughters had been placed as apprentices Sureties, viz., Robert Large, mercer, Martin Aleyn, "letherseller," and William Rendre, barber.

Afterwards, viz., on the 27th May, 9 Henry V. [A.D. 1421], the aforesaid Peter brought back the said money, inasmuch as the above Alice had died and John Kyngestone had married her sister Matilda.

Custod' Thome fil' Th' Wottone cum c marc' comiss' Joh'i Femell pannar' London.

10 Jan., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419-20], came Richard Claydich and Walter Ridelere, executors of Thomas Wottone, late draper, and delivered to John Hille, the Chamberlain, a sum of money in trust for Thomas, one of the sons of the said Thomas Wottone, being partly his patrimony and part accruing to him by the death of Richard his brother.

Afterwards, viz., on the 20th Jan, the same year, the guardianship of the above orphan was committed by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and the aforesaid Chamberlain, with the assent of the above executors, to John "Femyll," draper. Sureties, viz., Thomas Dufhous and Richard Style, fishmongers, and John Higham, draper.

Afterwards, viz., on the 27th Sept., 3 Henry VI. [A.D. 1424], came the above orphan before William Crowmere, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, being of full age, and received his property from John Bederenden, the Chamberlain.

Folio ccxlviii.

Exon'acio £x lib'at' Joh'i filio Alani Coterell etc.

23 March, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1419-20], came John, son of Alan Coterell, late "letherdyer," before Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and being of full age, received his patrimony, which had been placed in the custody of John "Prouffit," late Chamberlain, during the Mayoralty of Thomas Fauconer. (fn. 7)

Exon'acio denar' pertin' Will'o filio Joh'is Drew.

The same day came William, son of John Drewe, being of full age, and asked that he might have the money deposited for him with the Court, as appears supra, fo. cxciii. His petition granted as to a portion of the money only, inasmuch as it appeared to the Mayor and Aldermen that he was not as yet of discretion to have the whole entrusted to him. When he appeared to have better control over himself, the remainder should be delivered to him. To this arrangement both the orphan and his friends agreed.

Afterwards, viz., on the 24th Jan., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420-1], came the above orphan, and acknowledged satisfaction for the balance of his property.

Br'e ad admittend' Ric'm Alfeld in officium Coronator' London'.

Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs to admit Richard Alfeld as Deputy Coroner to Nicholas Merbury, the King's Butler and ex officio Coroner of the City. Witness John, Duke of Bedford, Warden of England, at Westminster, 22 Nov., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418].

Folio ccxlviii b.

Comissio pro delib'ac' Gaole de Neugate facta W Cambrigge [sic] et al'.

Letters patent appointing Richard Whityngton, the Mayor, William Hankeford, Richard Nortone, William Babyngtone, Robert Tirwhit, Robert Hulle, John Cocayne, William Cheyne, John Prestone, and John Bartone, senior, or any nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, or two (the Mayor being one), to be Commissioners for gaol-delivery of Neugate. Witness Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, Warden of England, at Westminster, 18 Jan., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419-20].

Custod' Matild' filie Joh'is Bul strode de xl marc' commiss' Laurencie matri sue.

8 May, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], the guardianship of Matilda, daughter of John Bulstrode, (fn. 8) late goldsmith, together with her patrimony, committed by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and John Hille, the Chamberlain, to Laurencia, widow of the said John Bulstrode. Sureties, viz., John Bithewater and Peter Thorold, goldsmiths.

Folio ccxlix.

Masters of Misteries sworn.

Nomina Mag'ror' di versar' Mister' jurator'.

Glasiers: John Wittelesey, William Evyot, sworn 15 July, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420].

Lorimers: Richard Fuller, John Carter, Robert Burdeaux, sworn 16 July, the same year.

[Blank] William Wright, John Sheman, sworn 21 June, the same year.

Dyers: Henry Fissher, John Lacy, sworn 5 Aug., the same year.

Dyers: Wardens of, John Vicary, Geoffrey Scores, sworn the same day.

Founders: Richard Fouler, John Russell, sworn 25 Oct., the same year.

Flecchers: John Halle, Richard Ottehill, sworn the same day.

Scriveners: William Burdone, John Chesham, sworn the same day.

Br'e de certiorando qua auctorita te R Alfelde exequitur of ficium coronator'.

Writ of certiorari to the Mayor and Sheriffs touching the right and authority of Richard Alfelde to execute the office of Coroner in the City of London. Witness R[ichard] Nortone, at Westminster, 18 May, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420].

Resporis' ejusd' b'ris.

Return to the above, forwarding a copy of the King's writ of 22 Nov., 6 Henry VI., recorded supra, fo ccxlviii.

Exon acio Joh'is Sayer ab Inquisicionib'.

10 Oct., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], John Sayer discharged by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., he having filled divers offices of burden and honour within the City for 24 years.

Ordinac' Aldr'.

The same day it was agreed and ordained by the said Mayor and Aldermen that thenceforth in elections of Aldermen four sufficient and able men for supporting the office should be always nominated and presented, &c. (fn. 9)

Folio ccxlix b..

Exon'ac' Cam'ar' de c marc' in custod' sua positis ad op' Elizabet Gylle.

20 June, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], came Richard Gille and Nicholas Rikhille, of co Kent, the father and uncle respectively of Elizabeth Gille, before Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and prayed that the sum of 100 marks, which Rose Rikhille, the consort of William Rikhille, had formerly given for the marriage of the aforesaid Elizabeth, and which had been formerly paid into the Chamber by the said Nicholas and a certain Henry Boydone, (fn. 10) might be delivered up to them. Their prayer granted.

Presentacio d'ni Th' Savage capell'i ad Cantar' in eccl'ia S'ci Pauli pro a'ia Henr' Gilde ford ad altar' ap'lor' etc fundai'.

Letter from Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, to the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, presenting Thomas Savage, chaplain, for admission to the chantry founded by Sir Henry "de Guldeford," called "le Mareschall," vacant by the death of William Mercere, the last chaplain. Dated August, A.D. 1420.

Folio ccl.

Cart' lib'tat' facta Burgen sib' ville de Dieppe per d'um Reg' H quintum.

Letters patent notifying that the King had granted to the burgesses of Dieppe acquittance of customs, subsidies, &c., by land and sea, except the custom on wine (modiacionibus et custumis vinorum) bought and sold by burgesses residing in the city of Rouen; (fn. 11) and further had granted them exemption from all legal jurisdiction, except the Exchequer of the Archbishop of Rouen (so long as the town remained in the hands of the Church), and the King's own Exchequer in Normandy. Witness the King with his army before "Meleun," (fn. 12) 24 July, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420].

Br'e de certiorari super indictamento Joh'is Brigge et Joh'e ux'is sue.

A writ of certiorari to the Coroners of co Middlesex to bring up an indictment against John Brygge, carpenter, and Johanna his wife, detained in Neugate, before the Justices for gaoldelivery on Saturday, the 31st August next. [No date].

Folio ccl b.

Semblables maundementz feusrent mys a ch'n Alderman encountre la Nativite de Seint Joh'an le Baptistre etc.

Precept to the Aldermen to set an armed watch in their several Wards during the nights and eves of the Feasts of St. John Bapt [24 June] and SS. Peter and Paul [29 June], and to take the usual precautions against fire, &c. Dated 17 June, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420].

Exon'ac' Cam'ar' de £xx parcell' £xxx delib'at' Petro Saveryn et Julian' ux'i sue nup' ux'i Will'i Brounyng.

6 Sept., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], came Peter Saveryn, who married Juliana, widow of William Brounynge, late weaver, and asked for her share of the money bequeathed by her former husband to Johanna, Thomas, and Isabella, their children, viz., to each of them the sum of £10, with remainder to his said widow in the event of any of the said children dying under age, the said money having been deposited with John Proffit, the Chamberlain, anno 1 Henry V. It having been proved that the said Johanna and Isabella had died under age, their shares were ordered to be delivered to the petitioner.

Afterwards, viz., on the 24th July, 11 Henry VI. [A.D. 1433], the above Thomas having died under age, his share was also delivered to the same.

Exon'acio Joh is Mayster Bochier de assisis.

24 Sept., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], John Maister, "bocher," discharged by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.


  • 1. Set out by Jules Delpit, op. cit., p. 230.
  • 2. Rymer, 'Fodera.' ix. 851-2. On the 12th Jan., 1420, the truce had been prolonged until the following 1st Nov. Id, ix. 843-7.
  • 3. Vide supra, p. 63.
  • 4. Vide supra, p. 50.
  • 5. Printed in 'Historical Memo randa, &c., of the Coopers' Com pany, 1396 1848,' by James F. Firth (1848), pp. 9-10. Eight of the Coopers' marks recorded in facsimile in the Letter-Book are reproduced in the same work, and also in the late Sir Walter Besant's 'Mediæval London Ecclesiastical,' vol. ii. p. 114.
  • 6. More Coopers' marks are entered in Letter-Book K, fo. 100.
  • 7. This fact does not appear to be recorded in the Letter-Book, although matters touching the guardianship of Robert, Elena, and Emma, other children of Alan Coterell, are so recorded during the Mayoralty of Thomas Fauconer. Vide supra, pp. 133, 134-5, 136.
  • 8. His will, dated 15 July, 1417, proved and enrolled in the Husting in June, 1420. See 'Cal. of Wills,' ii. 421-2.
  • 9. A similar ordinance had been made in 1402. Supra, pp. 18, 19.
  • 10. Vide supra, p. 196, where Rose Rikhille is recorded (as here) as the consort (not wife) of William Rik hille.
  • 11. It is known that from the time of Æthelred the men of Rouen had carried on a brisk wine trade with the City of London, and had enjoyed the monopoly of the port of Dowgate for the purpose from the days of Edward the Confessor. See the Inspeximus Charter of Henry VI, dated 9 Aug, 1445, and calendared by Dr Horace Round ('Cal. of Docu ments, France,' vol. i. pp. 32-6). From this we learn that whatever other exemptions from custom the men of Rouen may have enjoyed, the wine tax was always reserved to the King, and further, that the customs of Dieppe were similar to those of Rouen.
  • 12. The siege of Melun commenced on the 13th July, and continued until the 17th Nov., when it surrendered at discretion.