Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.
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'Folios ccli - cclx: Sept 1420 - ', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422, ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 17 February 2025].
'Folios ccli - cclx: Sept 1420 - ', in Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Edited by Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online, accessed February 17, 2025,
"Folios ccli - cclx: Sept 1420 - ". Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Ed. Reginald R Sharpe (London, 1909), British History Online. Web. 17 February 2025.
In this section
Folio ccli.
Letters patent conferring upon Mark Marcadell de Venicia, merchant of Italy, all the privileges appertaining to a liege subject of the King in England. Witness the King at Westminster, 28 Jan., 13 Henry [IV.] (fn. 1)
Custod' puer' Joh'is Neuman pellipar' cum l marc' comiss' Joh'i Barton' qui despons' matrem pueror' predictorum.
12 Sept., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], the guardianship of John, son of John Neweman, late skinner, and Margaret, daughter of the same, together with the property left to them and to two other children of the same name, now deceased, by the said father, committed for a term of five years by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and John Hille, the Chamberlain, to John Bartone, skinner, who married Alice, the widow of the said John Neweman. Sureties, viz., John Mildenhale and John Harrys, skinners.
Folio ccli b.
Exon'acio Joh'is Bacoun de £cc in quib' per recogn' alias obligabatur.
5 Oct., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], came John Bacoun, executor of Walter Colshill, late grocer, who had been appointed guardian of Robert, son of the said Walter, as appears supra, fo clxxxviii [b], and informed Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen that the orphan had died, and prayed that he might be allowed to deal with the property as executor of the said Walter. His prayer granted.
Exon acio Joh is Tyce et m' suor' de £xl etc.
21 Oct., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], came Peter Spicer alias Tyce, son of Matthew Tyce, (fn. 2) late goldbeater, and acknowledged he had received from John Tyce, his brother, the sum of £40, a piece of silver with silver cover bearing a falcon in sculpture, and six silver spoons, which came to him by the death of Johanna his sister, according to the terms of the will of the aforesaid Matthew.
Exon'acio Joh's Bardeney cissoris ab assisis Juratis vigilacionib' etc.
22 Oct., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], John Bardeneye, tailor, discharged by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Exon'acio Joh'is Haddone pannarn etc.
26 Oct, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], John Haddone, draper, similarly discharged for like cause.
Exon'acio Will'i Balle civis et cissor' etc.
25 Oct., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], William Ball, tailor, similarly discharged for like cause.
Folio cclii ccliii b.
Terms of the Peace of Troyes English No date. (fn. 3)
Folio ccliii b.
Restitucio Joh'is Corbet ad lib'tat' London' unde fuit alias amotus.
John Corbet, goldsmith, who had been deprived of the freedom of the City for causing riots, &c., and for withdrawing himself from justice, restored on his humble petition and promise of good behaviour.
Folio ccliv.
Eleccio Joh'is Botiller et Joh'is Welles in Vie'.
Thursday the Feast of St Matthew [21 Sept.], 8 (fn. 4) Henry V. [A.D 1420], in the presence of Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, John Bartone, the Recorder, William Walderne, Nicholas Wottone, William Crowmer, Thomas Fauconer, Henry Bartone, William Nortone, John Penne, William (fn. 5) Michel, John Gedeney, John Reinwelle, Thomas Aleyn, William Cambrigge, John Perneys, Robert Whityngham, John Boteler, Robert Tatersale, and John Coventre, Aldermen, and very many Commoners summoned to the Guildhall for the election of Sheriffs, John Boteler, draper and Commoner, was elected one of the Sheriffs by the Mayor, and John Wellys, grocer, was elected the other Sheriff by the Commonalty.
The same day John "Betterdyn," (fn. 6) draper, was elected Chamberlain of the City; John Westone, draper, and Richard Style were elected Wardens of London Bridge; and John Coventre, Robert Tatersale, Aldermen, and John Abbot, William Milerth, John Hiham, and William Michell, Commoners, were elected Auditors of the accounts of the said Chamberlain and Wardens.
Afterwards, viz., on the eve of St Michael [29 Sept.], the aforesaid Sheriffs were sworn at the Guildhall, and on the morrow of the said Feast were presented and admitted before the Barons of the Exchequer.
Returnum sup' br' etc de rebellion' fact' Aldr'o in levac' den Reg'.
Return to a writ (fn. 7) by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and Robert Whityngham and John Boteler [mercer], the Sheriffs, certifying the proceedings taken against Henry Brenge, Roger Holbeche, Peter Aleyn, Nicholas Stanour, "barbour," Thomas Edwarde, and James Bromley for refusing to pay their quota to a subsidy of 2,000 marks granted to the King, and rebelling against Robert Wydingtone, Alderman of the Ward of Bredstret, for which not only were the aforesaid persons committed to gaol, but also Walter Vitul, "armurer," of the Ward of Bredstret, William Squyer, "shether," of the Ward of Farndon Without, and John Kent, "couper," of the Ward of Chepe, named in the aforesaid writ. All these were still detained in gaol, inasmuch as the money remained unpaid; but as to others named in the writ, viz., John Man, John Germyn, Nicholas Tremayn, Richard Stapultone, and William Founder, who had been committed as aiders and abettors of the above misdoers, they had been released on bail to await judgment according to law and the custom of the City.
Folio ccliv b.
Eleccio Will i Cauntbrigge Maioris Civitatis London.
Sunday the Feast of Translation of St Edward [13 Oct], 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], in the presence of Richard Whytyngtone, the Mayor, John Bartone, the Recorder, Thomas Knolles, Robert Chycheley, William Walderne, William Crowmer, Thomas Fauconer, Nicholas "Wottoone," Henry Bartone, William Sevenoke, William Cambrigge, William Nortone, John Penne, John Gedney, John Perneys, William (John ?) Michel, Robert Whityngham, John Boteler, John Coventre, Ralph Bartone, and Robert Tatersale, Aldermen, John Boteler and John Wellys, the Sheriffs, and an immense Commonalty summoned to the Guildhall for the election of a Mayor for the year ensuing-William "Cambrigge" was elected.
Afterwards, viz., on the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], he was sworn at the Guildhall, and on the morrow was presented, admitted, and accepted, &c., [sic], before the Barons of the Exchequer.
Consi les bille de taxand' et levand' tertiam partem xv me misse fuerunt cilibet Aldermanno.
Precept to the several Aldermen to cause a sum equal to a third of a fifteenth to be levied in their respective Wards, and to bring the money to the Guildhall by the 6th Nov. next. Dated 18 Oct. [A.D 1420].
Exon'acio Will'i Graungier etc.
5 Nov., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], came William Graunger, to whom the guardianship of John, one of the sons of Richard Twyford, cutler, and now dead, had been committed, as appears supra, fo. clxxxvii, before William Cauntbrigge, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and delivered the late orphan's money to John Bederendene, the Chamberlain, and was declared quit.
Exon'acio Cur' de predictis denar' Elene filie Ric'i Twiford juxta formam test i ejusdem Ric'i lib'atis Cite.
Afterwards, viz., on the 15th Nov., the same year, came Elena, late wife of Thomas Briggeham, shearman, and daughter of the above Richard Twyford, and asked for money due to her under the will of her said father, inasmuch as all the other children of the said Richard had died under age. Her prayer granted.
Folio cclv cclvi.
Magn' proclam' Maioris.
A general proclamation for the government of the City, the preservation of the peace, cleansing the streets, as well as forbidding the forestalling of merchandise, the enhancing of the price of poultry, the casting of rubbish into the river, &c.,
Folio cclvi b.
Custodia pue ror' Joh'is Neuman cum liii marc'.
12 Sept., 4 Henry VI. [A.D 1425], came John Bartone (to whom had been committed the guardianship of the children of John Neweman for a term of five years) (fn. 8) before John Coventre, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and was granted an extension of his guardianship for a further term of three years. Sureties, viz., John Harrys and John Beverle, skinners.
Afterwards, viz., on the 30th Aug., 13 Henry VI. [A.D 1435], came the above sureties of John Bartone, now deceased, and delivered to John Chichele, the Chamberlain, the orphans' money.
10 Sept., 14 Henry VI. [A.D 1435], came John, one of the orphans, the other orphan, Margaret, having died under age, and received the whole of the money.
[Fo. cclvii blank.]
Folio cclvii b.
Nota delib'a cionem cujus dam scripti per Comitis sam Arundell.
Be it remembered that a certain writing, enclosed in a box, touching an annuity of 100 marks granted by Beatrice, Countess of Arundell, (fn. 9) to Margaret, wife of Rouland Lentehale, Knt, for the lifetime of the said Countess, was delivered by the same to John Hille, the Chamberlain, on the 13th July, 8 Henry V. [A.D 1420], to be delivered by him to the said Margaret, provided the said Rouland and Margaret, or either of them, before the Feast of St Michael [29 Sept.], A.D 1421, rendered the said Beatrice secure in law, as her counsel may direct, for her lifetime in all possessions whatsoever in England and Wales held by her to herself and the heirs of her body and of the body of Thomas, late Earl of Arundell, and also in her possessions by dower, (fn. 10) failing which the said document is to be returned to her.
Cognicio Joh'is Michol facta in Cur' de revocacione et dedictione cujusdam false l're attorn' sub nomine et sigill suis pretens' etc.
Be it remembered that on the 11th Dec., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], came John Micholl, vintner, before William Cauntbrigge, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and complained that Richard Angell had forged a letter of attorney in his name and purporting to be sealed with his seal and the seal of William Waldern, Alderman, authorizing the said Richard to levy on John Barbour a debt of 200 marks due to the complainant, and prayed that notice of the matter might be placed on record. His prayer granted.
Folio cclviii.
Record' de denar' pertin' pueris Rob'ti Odyham.
Record of the disposal of a sum of £180 among the children of Robert Odyham, late grocer.
Placitum int' co'itatem et Margaretam Idesale pro fullura cap ar' ad molen dinum etc.
12 Dec, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], Margaret Idesale, hurer acknowledged that she had sent certain long caps to be fulled at a mill contrary to the ordinance recorded in Letter-Book H, fo xlix [b]. Thereupon she was condemned to pay 6s. 8d. to the use of the Commonalty and her caps were forfeited.
Tuesday, 12 Nov., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], in full Husting and Common Council (et comuni Consilio), there being present William Cauntbrigge, the Mayor, John Fray, the Recorder, Thomas Knolles, William Waldern, William Crowmere, Thomas Fauconer, William Sevenok, John Penne, John Perneys, John Coventre, John Botiller, Robert Whityngham, and Robert Tatersale, with the common assent of the aforesaid Aldermen, no one dissenting, Thomas Fauconer and John Michell, Aldermen, and John Higham and Salamon Oxney, Commoners, were elected to go to the Parliament. (fn. 11) Also it was granted by the same Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, that Richard Burtone should have and hold before others the exercise of the common balance and tronage between merchants, &c., which he now occupies, so long as he be of good behaviour, &c., paying the ferm, &c., as, &c., between himself, &c., and the Chamberlain, &c.,
Folio cclviii b.
Reformacio diversor' excessuum et de fectuum in mistera de Cotillers.
6 July, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], William Estfeld and John Abbot, mercers, appointed by Richard Whityngtone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, at the instance of the Commonalty of the Mistery of Cutlers, to hear and examine the differences that had arisen between the Masters and Wardens and the Commonalty of the said Mistery, in the presence of William Multone, Richard Hatfeld, Thomas Warde, and John Whestowe, good men of the said Mistery, and to report thereon to the Court of Mayor and Aldermen by the 12th October next.
On the said day the said William Estfeld and John Abbot reported that the chief cause of dissension in the Mistery was the election of the Masters and Wardens by six or eight members of the Mistery. without the knowledge or assent of the rest of the Commonalty of the Mistery. They further reported that they had caused Richard Wellom, John Chadde, Martin Godart, William Graunger, John Munt, John Parkere, and Peter Tomere, late Masters and Wardens of the Mistery, to make a return of the rents, fines, and amercements of the Mistery received up to the 9th Oct. last, when they appeared to be in arrears to the extent of £34 3s 4d, which they were ordered to pay by a certain day. Thereupon the Mayor claimed a portion of the fines, &c., as appertaining to the City, and ordered that all ordinances contained in the Book of the said Mistery which had not been sanctioned by the Court of Aldermen should be annulled. And for the peaceable election of Masters and Wardens in future it was decreed that thenceforth such election should take place yearly about the Feast of Holy Trinity without murmurings, and that those so elected should be presented to the Court of Aldermen to take their oath. In the meantime an election was ordered to take place on the 21st Oct next in the presence of the above William Estfeld and John Abbot, who were to report as to the manner in which it had been conducted. Accordingly they made report that on the said day the whole Commonalty of the Mistery had met in a certain hostel called "Marnersynne" in the parish of St Mary in Aldermanbury, and had peacefully elected William Multone to be Master and Richard Hatfeld and John Whestowe to be Wardens of the Mistery until the Feast of Holy Trinity next, and the same were admitted and sworn.
Folio cclix.
Afterwards the said Master and Wardens submitted certain articles to the Mayor and Aldermen for their approval, viz :—
(1) That no one thenceforth be elected Master or Warden unless he be a freeman of the City by birth or apprenticeship served in the said Mistery, under penalty of 100s.,, one half to be paid to the City and the other to the relief of the poor of the Mistery.
(2) That no one who has been Master or Warden be reelected for five years, provided that it be lawful for the Commonalty of the Mistery to elect one of the Wardens to be Master, notwithstanding his having been formerly Warden of the Mistery.
(3) That the Masters and Wardens for the time being shall be authorized to summon before them all persons using the mistery within the City, whether they be of the livery and clothing of the Mistery or not, and to charge them to keep all the ordinances of the Mistery approved by the Court of Aldermen; and that every free man and woman of the Mistery shall answer the summons speedily, under penalty of 12 pence. Also that no one of the Mistery shall take any apprentice that is not of free birth and condition, handsome in stature, having straight and proper limbs, (fn. 12) and of full age, according to the Statute of Apprentices lately made at Cantebrige, (fn. 13) under penalty of 40s.
Proclamacio facta erga Coronac' Regine.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for all those owing service at the coronation of Queens of England by reason of tenure or otherwise to attend the coronation of Queen Katherine at Westminster on the third Sunday in Lent, and be ready to perform such service with all honour and reverence. Witness Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, Warden of England, at Westminster, 26 Jan., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420-1]. (fn. 14)
Folio cclix b.
Nota de £xl delib'at' Cam'ario ad custod' ad opus fil' Simonis Cast water.
7 Jan., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420-1], William [Newsham], the Rector of the church of St. Alphege, John Credy, John Rauffe, John Salman, and John Taterygge, parishioners of the same, deliver to John Bederenden, the Chamberlain, the sum of £40 -being part of the proceeds of the sale of a tenement called "le Cok on the hoope" in Grubstrete and other property of Stephen Troppesselde, late cordwainer-in trust for William and Stephen, sons of Simon Castwater, pursuant to the will of the said Stephen Troppesselde.
Afterwards, viz., on the 18th July, 7 Henry VI. [A.D 1429], came William, son of Simon Castwater, and being proved of full age, his share of the above money was delivered to him.
Br'e de venire fac' cives ad parliam' apud' Westm' au r' r' Henr' v ti octavo.
Writ to the Sheriffs for the election of four citizens in the next Husting to attend a Parliament to be held at Westminster on the 2nd May. (fn. 15) No Sheriff to be returned. Witness the King at Westminster, 26 Feb., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420-1].
Pursuant to the above writ, at the Husting for Common Pleas held on Monday after the Feast of SS. Tiburcius and Valerian [14 April], William Waldern and William Crowmer, Aldermen, and William Burtone, grocer, and Richard Gosselyn, "irmonger," were elected to attend the Parliament.
Folio cclx.
Exon' acio Cur' de £clxxix xiiis iiiid p'tin' Joh'i fil' Ric'i Wodecok salter.
8 Feb., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420-1], came Thomas Beaumond and William Edward, executors of Richard Wodecok, salter, and received from John Bederenden the sum of £179 13s 4d, being part of a sum of £200, the property of John, son of the said Richard Wodecok, lately deceased, to be devoted by them to pious uses according to the will of the said Richard.
Exon'acio Will'i Mymken civis et piscenar' London'.
17 April, 9 Henry V. [A.D. 1421], William Mymken, fishmonger, discharged by William Cauntbrigge, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Folio cclx b.
Custodia £lx p'tin' Rob'to filio Rob'i Odyham commissa Will'o Cotesbrook.
1 Dec., 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], the guardianship of Robert, son of Robert Odiham, late grocer, together with his patrimony and money accrued to him by the death of John, William, and James, his brothers, committed by William Cauntbrigge, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and John Bederenden, the Chamberlain, with the assent of Johanna, the orphan's mother, and John Poley, his late guardian, to William Cotesbrook, grocer. Sureties, viz., Thomas Catworth and Sayer Acre, grocers, and John Joye, "talghchaundellere".
16 March, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420-1], came Johanna, widow of Walter Colrede, girdler, and Ralph Aase, Andrew Hunte, and Richard Sonman, girdlers, executors of the said Walter, and delivered to John Bederenden, the Chamberlain, the sum of £50, which the aforesaid Walter left by will to be divided between John, John, Thomas, Margery, and Walter, his children (the said Walter being at the time unborn and since dead), to be held by him in trust for the said orphans.
Afterwards, viz., on Christmas Eve, 5 Henry VI. [A.D 1426], the portion of the above Thomas was committed to Johanna his mother, and Richard "Aas" and Richard "Sunman," in trust for one year.