The Letters of John Paige, London Merchant, 1648-58. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1984.
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'Index: Persons and places', in The Letters of John Paige, London Merchant, 1648-58, ed. G F Steckley (London, 1984), British History Online [accessed 11 February 2025].
'Index: Persons and places', in The Letters of John Paige, London Merchant, 1648-58. Edited by G F Steckley (London, 1984), British History Online, accessed February 11, 2025,
"Index: Persons and places". The Letters of John Paige, London Merchant, 1648-58. Ed. G F Steckley (London, 1984), British History Online. Web. 11 February 2025.
References in Roman numerals are to pages in the Introduction; those in Arabic numerals are to serial numbers in the text. Items marked by an asterisk are explained in the Glossary (Appendix C).
-, —, Don Carlos, 60d, 64c, 66a, 73a–b
-, —, Don Melchior, Canarian winegrower,
52a, 120
-, Arthur, English merchant at Bilbao,
xxvii, 33, 36, 40a, 76a, 77c, 81c
-, Lewis, English merchant at Nantes, 84c
Agadir (Santa Cruz de Berbería), Morocco, 63d, 129
Algiers, xi
Alicante, Spain, 66b
Alvarado Bracamonte, Cristóbal de, xxxiii, 73a, 96d, 120
Alvares, Nicholas, xxxiii n., 120
Amboina, 61c
Amsterdam, Netherlands, xv, xviii, xxi, xxxiv, xxxix, 6, 25b, 35, 37, 40a, 41, 44, 48, 49, 53b, 56b, 59a, 71a
Andrews, John, English merchant at Terceira, 74, 76a, 77c, 78a, 81b, 84c
Antilles, Lesser (Caribee Islands), 97, 100b
Antwerp, Netherlands, xviii, xix, xxxixxxii, 31b, 111a, 119—24, 126
Aponte, Juan de, Canarian winegrower, 71b
Arras, siege of, 89f
Arundell, William, merchant at Fowey, 13a, 17, 89e
Ascham, Anthony, agent of English government at Madrid, 19a, 21
Asia, trade with, xxxv–xxxvii
Asilah, Morocco, 89c
Audley, —, shipmaster, 30a, 31a—b
Avery, —, shipmaster, 23b
Ayscue, Sir George, 53b, 58a, 61d
Azores, xxi, xxix–xxx, 64c, 66b, 72 n., 78a
Baker, Richard, English merchant at Madrid, xxiii, 6, 10, 22d, 31b, 40a, 42, 43 n., 44, 47b, 115 n., 116–17
Balcarsel, Lorenzo, Canarian winegrower, xxxiii n.
Bankes, —, shipmaster, 29
Bantam, xxxvi–xxxvii
Barbados, xxiv, 63a–b, 65, 78a, 83b, 89d, 96c, 100a, 123 n.; agent from, 28; ginger from, xvii; fleet to, 25b, 27b, 30b-31a, 33, 37, 53b, 58a, 61d, 94b, 97, 99b, 103; royalists in, 25b, 27b; slaves to, 86; sugars from, xv, 35, 40a, 44, 61d, 106a, 123; wines to, xiv, 25b-26a, 28, 31a, 54, 61d, 89d, 91b, 93b, 95, 99b, 100b
Barbary Coast, xx–xxi, xxv, 10, 23b, 25a, 25b–26a, 27a, 30a-b, 32, 34–5, 39a, 40b, 61e, 128–9
Barber, Thomas, shipmaster, 1, 3–4, 6–7a, 8–12b, 15, 18, 19b, 128
Barron, Benjamin, merchant at Plymouth, 125b, 128
Bayona, Spain, 125b
Beake, Arnold, London merchant, 113
Bean, [Humfry], shipmaster, 54–55a, 60a, 80
Belle-Île, France, 7a
Benin, Bight of, xxiii, 46, 47b, 52b, 61e
Benítez de Lugo
-, Diego, Canarian winegrower, 6, 30a,
51b–52a, 53a, 64b, 66a
-, Luis, Canarian winegrower, 50, 71b, 81a
Bennet, Sir Henry, xxxii
-, —, merchant, 126
-, —, shipmaster, 128
Berkeley, William, London merchant, xxiv, 68a, 77a, 78b, 81b, 84b, 89e
Best, Richard, London merchant, xiv
Bewley, John, London merchant, xi, 83b
Biafra, Bight of, xxiv, 63a
Bilbao, Spain, xviii, xx, xxvii, 11a, 13b, 27b, 29, 34, 39b, 42–3, 81c, 83b, 91a, 96c, 125b; convoy for, 123; Newfoundland fish to, xxvi, xxxi, 11b, 14, 19b, 21, 23b, 26b, 96d, 97–8, 102, 104–108a, 109, 111a; ships from, 128; ships to, 31c–33, 35–6, 40a, 75
Biscay, Bay of, 39b
Blaeu, Simon, Dutch mariner, xxxiv
-, James, shipmaster, 13b, 17, 22a–b, d,
25a, 31c, 34–5, 38, 39b, 40b, 43,
47d–48, 64c–65, 81d, 89e, 128
-, Robert, General, xxxii–xxxiii, 63c, 94b,
96c, 106b, 110b, 111b, 115, 123, 124 n.,
-, Sidrake, shipmaster, 3, 5a, 9–10, 11b,
13a, 14, 17, 19a, 25b, 40c, 43, 55a, 60a,
89e, 90–91a, 93b, 128
Body, Fernando, English merchant at Tenerife, 32, 61d, 77c, 84c, 88, 89c, 91a, 108b, 123, 128
Bonfoy, Thomas, London merchant, 19a, 51a, 61c, 81a, 128
-, Christopher, London merchant, x,
52c, 59a, 60b–d, 64a, 76a, 81a, c,
-, Thomas, London merchant and M.P., x,
60c, 64a, 76a, 81d
Bordeaux, France, 61b, 68b
Bordeaux-Neufville, Antoine de, French ambassador to England, 75, 87, 89f, 95
Bouldon, —, shipmaster, 17
Bowridge, Thomas, English merchant in Tenerife, 50, 60d
Bradgate, Martin, London merchant, xiv, 5a, 22d, 23b, 27b, 30a
Bradick, William, English merchant in Tenerife, 22b–c, 25b, 31c, 40c, 46, 60d, 77b, 119, 128
Bradicke, Charles, shipmaster, 29, 76b
Bradshaw, John, President of the Council of State, 19a
Brampton, John, shipmaster, 11a-b, 12b13b, 15–19a, 21, 22c, 23b, 25a, 26b, 27b, 30a-31a, 32, 34–5, 37, 39a-b, 40a, 41–3, 46, 59–50, 53a, 74, 84c, 89c, 93a, 96a
Brazil, fleet from, 31b; sugar from, xv, 27b, 31b
Brest, France, 77b, 89c; men-of-war from, 108a, 115; pirates of, 88
Breton, Robert, English merchant at Tenerife and Madrid, xxiii, xxxvi, 21, 43, 47d-48, 111b, 116–17; obtains licences at Madrid, xxii
Bristol, xiv, 32–3, 49, 67b, 89, 91b; merchants of, x; ships from, x, 39b, 58b, 128; wines at, xiv, 65
Broad, —, shipmaster, 51a
Brome, Alexander, poet, xv
Brooks, [?Thomas], shipmaster, 11a, 128
Browne, Peter, servant of John Paige, xxxix, 64c
Browning, Lawrence, shipmaster, 31c, 40b, 88
Bruge, Peter van, Dutch mariner, 111a
Bulacia, Elias, 76a
Bulkley, William, London merchant, xvii n., 11a, 13a, 19a, 22a, 33, 50, 51a, 64a, 81b, 89a, 93a, 128
Burras, Cornelius, 60d
Button, —, shipmaster, 128
Cadiz, Spain, xviii, 96c, 99b, 101; Campeachy wood at, 79; codfish at, 110a; English merchants at, 83b, 106b; exchange at, 126; galleons at, 89a; linens to, 89e; men-of-war at, 77b, 85, 117; prize ships at, 27b; sickness at, 5a, 8, 10; tobacco at, xviii, 73c, 90; West India goods at, xvii, 91a-b; wheat from, 43
Calabar, West Africa, 63a
Calais, France, 63c
Calms, the, 56b
Campion, John, English merchant in Tenerife, 11a, 31b, 58a-b, 71b, 98, 106b, 128
Canary Islands, coinage, xxvii n.; donativo,
xxvii; Dutch men-of-war at, 67b
-, English merchants at, xxv, xxviii, 15, 25b,
29, 52b, 63c, 73a, 94b, 126; consul of,
xxxii; cheated by Canarians, xxxiii,
127a; flee from, xxxii–xxxiii, 120;
grievances of, xxxiii, 15, 43, 89f, 127a;
prosecution of, xvii, xxii, xxxii, 15, 43;
reprisals against, xxx–xxxi, xxxivxxxv, 106b, 120, 125b
-, English trade with, passim; effect of war
on, xxv, xxviii, xxxii; embargo against,
xxx; imbalance in, xii, xxv-xxvii; regulation of, xiii, xxvii–xxviii, 49–50, 51b,
52b-c, 53a, c, 61a, c, d
-, French goods at, xxi–xxii, xxxii, 125; see
also Subjects: linens
-, Islanders in the American trade, xviii;
Jewish merchants trading with, xxxiii;
licence to trade with, xxxii, 122 n.
-, officials of, xvii, xxvii, xxxii–xxxv, 120;
bribing of, xxii, xxxi, 9 n., 120; Captain
General, xxii, xxxi, xxxiii, 111b; Judge
of the Contraband, xxxii; Judge of the
Indies, xvi, 84b, 85, 87, 99b; royal
audiencia, xxvii
-, population of, xxv n.; tithe of, xxvii, 126;
West India goods at, xv–xix; wheat in,
xx–xxi, xxv, 127; winegrowers of, xxvi–xxviii, xxxiii, 30a, 39a, 47b
Canham, Thomas, London merchant, xxxvi, 48, 66a, 71c
Caracas, 57, 58a, 61e; hides from, 61e; ship from, 96d
Cardenas, Alonso de, Spanish ambassador to England, 12b, 47b, 51b, 55b, 61c, 63c, 75, 85
Caribbee Islands see Antilles, Lesser
Carrillo de Guzman, Pedro, Captain General of the Canary Islands, xvii, xxii, 9 n., 15, 19a, 20, 25b, 43 n.
Carnaby, John, mariner, xxiv, 63a, 65, 74
Carrera, Tenerife, wines from, 30a
Cartagena, Spain, ships from 91b, 124; ships to, 126
Cary, William, London merchant, 84c
-, —, shipmaster, 29, 120
-, John, English merchant in Tenerife, 47d,
Castillo, Antonio de, 60c
Chalke, William, shipmaster, 8, 9, 12a, 32, 43, 60d, 68a–71a, 71c– 73a, 76a, 78c, 81d, 83a, 89e, 90–91a, 93b–94a, 95–96b, 97–99a, 100–3, 104–108a, 109–12, 114–18, 128; son of, 110a
Chamlett, William, shipmaster, 83a, 84a, 85–8, 89a, b, c, e, f, 90, 91b, 109, 111a; son of, 91b
Channel, English, xxix, 10, 64c, 66b, 68b, 71a, 72, 73c, 99a, 105, 106a
-, Edward, English merchant at Lisbon, 84c
-, George, shipmaster, 41, 43
-, Richard, 96c, d, 99a
Charles I, execution of, xxxvii, 5b
Charles II, xxxvii, 25b
Cheney, —, shipmaster, 1–2, 5a
Chickley, John, English merchant in Tener–ife, 106b
Child, Sir Josiah, x n.
Clapham, William, English merchant in the Canaries, 31b
-, —, shipmaster, 68a
-, Francis, London merchant, 118–120,
122–124, 125b, 127a
-, John, mariner, 23a, 30b, 129
Clement, Gregory, London merchant, 53b n.
-, George, merchant at Lisbon and Lon–don, brother of William, xi n., xxi, 24,
47b, 48, 52b, 60b, 63d, 64c, 67a, 71c,
73b, 81d, 93b, 118–19, 121–4, 125b,
126, 127a
-, George, London merchant, cousin of
William, xi n., 10, 12a, 14, 16–17, 22b,
c, 24, 26b, 52c, 60d, 126
-, Leonard, English merchant in Tenerife,
xi, xxxii, 6, 13b–14, 16, 20, 22a, c, 31b,
89b, 122
-, Samuel, Sr., D. D., Master of Wygges–ton's Hospital, Leicester, xi
-, Samuel, Jr., xxxv n., xxxviii
-, William, English merchant in Tenerife,
apprentice for, xix, 62, 77c; arrival in
England, xxxii, 118; bills of exchange
drawn by, xxvi–xxvii; books of, xxxii,
xxxv, 120; cook of, xix, 98; credit of,
64b; creditors of, xxxii, 119–120, 122–3, 125b; daughter of, xxxv; death of,
xxxv; embraces Roman Catholicism,
xxxii; estate of, xxxv; general account
of trade with London, xxvi, xxxv;
goods exported by, xvi; goods imported by, xx; household of, xi, xx;
imprisoned, xvii, xxii, xxxii, 15, 19a,
103, 117; in partnership with Gowen
Paynter, xi, 11a, 12a, 13a, 22b, 23a, 25,
31a, 37, 39b, 42, 46, 47b, 63d, 65, 66b,
67a, 71c–72, 75, 88; intends to return to
England, 73b, 81c, 117; loses cargo to
Jerseymen, xxviii; obtains licence to
return to Canaries, xxxii, 122 n., 124;
origins of, xi; processed by the Inquisition, xxxv; provisions for household of,
xix, 52b, 60d, 64c, 66a, 67b, 70, 74, 77c;
returns to Tenerife, xxxv; shipowner,
xxix, xxxvi; travels to Antwerp, xxxii,
119; watch of, 52b, 60d; wife of, xxxv;
wine trade of, xiv, xxviii, xxxii
Cloberry, William, London merchant, xxii
Cocke, —, 112
Colchester, Essex, 128
Colquist, —, shipmaster, 128
Conguard, David, merchant at Rouen, 7b
Cony, George, English merchant at Seville, 6, 8
Coromandel Coast, xxxvi–xxxvii
Coult, Daniel, 81b
Cowling, Thomas, English merchant in Tenerife, 128
-, Edward [?Edmund], London merchant,
xvii n, 19a
-, James, English merchant in Palma, 62,
64b, 81c, 91b, 96a, c, 119
-, William, London merchant, 10, 39a, 40b,
Crane, Gilbert, shipmaster, 4–5b, 8, 128
Crispe, Edward, shipmaster, 18, 22a, 23a, 39a, 40a, 51a, 105, 107, 128
-, Oliver, Lord Protector, xxx–xxxii, 76a, b,
83a, 87, 95, 100b, 105, 110b, 111b–12,
-, Richard, Lord Protector, xxxiv
Crosse, William, English merchant in Tenerife, xviii
Cruchman, —, shipmaster, 23b, 32
Cumana, xxxiv
Dakins, George, Rear–Admiral, 94b
Danish Sound, xx, 23a, 63c; English ships embargoed in, 63c
Danzig (now Gdansk, Poland), xx, 23a, 30b
Dartmouth, Devon, 68b–69, 80
Davies, Richard, English merchant at Bilbao, xxvii, 23b, 27b, 33, 76a, 77c, 81c
Dávila y Guzman, Alonso, Captain General of the Canary Islands, xxxi, 25b, 44, 46, 47b, 48, 51b, 61b, 66a, 103, 111b n., 120
Davis, —, shipmaster, 58b
Dawlish, Devon, x
Day, John, London compiler of bills of rates, 89a
Deane, Richard, General, 68b
Denmark, war with, 71a
Devon, xix–xx, 63a, 64c; see also West Country
Dieppe, France, 91a
Dixon, Thomas, merchant assistant on the Swan, 47b, 63a
Dover, Kent, xxxix, 32–3, 43, 71a, 90, 96d, 100b, 102–5, 118
Downs, The, xxiii, xxix, 1, 11a, 13a, 15–16, 22c, 23a, 39b, 47b, 48–9, 51a, 58a, 64c, 72, 81d, 91a, 92, 93b–94a, 102, 105–6a, 108a, b, 109, 112, 124, 125b; Admiral of, 47c
Dublin, xv, 102
Ducke, Richard, English merchant at Cadiz, 83b
Dungeness, battle off, xiii, 66b
Dunkirk, France, 63b, 76b, 83b, 106b, 115; men of war of, 108a, 112; surrendered to Spain, 63b
Duraxno, Tenerife, 66a; wines of, 66a, 71b
East Indies, 61c, 96b, 99a, 111b, 115 n.; indigo from, xvii, 22a, 40a, 101; voyages to, xxxvi–xxxvii, 106b
Eastland, 30b–31a, 89d
Elam, William, English merchant at Genoa, 66b
Ellis, Isaac, English merchant at Amsterdam, 37, 40a
Ely, Richard, xxxvi
Enríquez Alvarez, Duarte, Canarian merchant and tax official, 39a, 59a, 64a
Equator, 42
Exeter, Devon, x, 10, 26b
Exton, Dr John, civil lawyer, 78a
Falmouth, Cornwall, xix, xxix, xxx, 2, 25, 59b, 66c, 72, 81c, 84b, 88, 99a
Faro, Portugal, 8, 60d
Farr, —, 1
Faversham, Kent, xxi, 68a
Feeney, —, shipmaster, 89d
Fernandes, Pedro, xxxiii n., 120
Fernandez Carvajal, Antonio, London merchant, xxxiii, 48, 51a, 59a, 60d, 64a, 81a, 83a, 84a
Fiesco, Ugo, Genoese ambassador to England, 95
Filitter, Abraham, shipmaster, 55b, 61b
Fishman, —, shipmaster, 17, 128
Flanders, xxxii, 89f, 105, 110b, 118, 122, 124
Flaniel, Pedro, 120
Flushing, 80
-, —, merchant, 58b
-, —, shipmaster, 51a
Fowey, Cornwall, xix, 11a, 13a; ship from, 64c
Fowler, John, English merchant in Tenerife, 128
France, 17, 22a, 26b, 51a, 55a; alliance with, 110b; civil wars in, 89d; dangerous coast of, 2; drought in, xxi, 89d; embargo against English in, 21, 23a, 56a, 63b, 89a, 99b; fears of war with, 11a, 12b, 19b, 25b, 27b; fleet of, 96c; treaty with, 75, 87, 89a, 95, 110b, 111b; war with Spain, 89f; see also Subjects: brandy, linen, merchants ships, wheat, wine
-, Domingo, London merchant, xxxiii
-, George, London merchant, xxxiii
-, Simon, London merchant, xxxiii
Frederick III, King of Denmark, 63c, 71a
Frere, George, London merchant, 22c
Galicia, 15, 23a, 61b, 87–8, 91b, 128; see also Subjects: fish
Gambia, River, xxiii–xxiv, 46, 47b, 52b, 61e, 63a, 86
Garachico, Tenerife, wines from, 11a, 14, 30a, 31c, 52a, 71b, 80–81a, 93b, 114
Garland, Robert, London merchant, 17, 22c, 24, 26b
Genoa, Italy, xviii, xxx, 51b, 53b, 61d, 66b, 67a, 73b, 82, 123; ambassador from, 95
Gibraltar, Strait of, xx, xxx, 21, 23a, 32, 61d, 66b, 73b, 78c, 87, 89e, 94b, 110a
Gold Coast, xxiii, 46
Goldsmith, Charles, merchant, 71c, 89e, 93a, b, 94a–95, 96b, 98–9
Gomes Dias, Rodrigo, merchant at Antwerp, 111a
Goncalis, Juan, Canarian, 126
Gran Canaria, xxii, 80, 99b, 110a
Gravesend, Kent, xii, xxiii, 1, 9, 12a, 21, 26a, 32, 39b, 45, 52b, c, 65, 73c, 89c, 96a, 109, 119
Grey, Thomas, mariner, 78a
Groyne, The, 124
Guatemala, indigo from, 53c, 56a, 64b, 72, 73c
Guimãres, João de, Portuguese ambassador to England, 31b, 34, 38, 41, 43
Guinea, xx, xxiii, xxxv, 40c, 95, 115 n.; ships from, 68a; voyages to, xxii–xxiv, 42, 44–5, 47a, d, 49–50, 52b, 55b, 56b, 58b–59a, 61b, e, 63a, 64a, 73c, 77a, 78b, 81b
Hamburg, Germany, xxxi, 63c, 67b, 71a
Hardin, —, shipmaster, 69
Harris, Thomas, mariner, 55b
Hart, Thomas, London merchant, xxvii, 14, 123
Harwood, Nicholas, shipmaster, 63d, 64c, 66a, 70, 72a, 73b, c, 74–5
Havana, fleet to, 100b; ships from, 53c, 59a, 82, 110b; see also Subjects, hides, sugar
Havre, Le (New Haven), France, xviii, 7b
Hawkins family, of Plymouth, x
Hawley, Henry, English merchant at Tenerife, xv, xxi, xxxi, 25b–26a, 28, 31a, 33, 35–6, 40a, 41–2, 44–5, 47c
Hayes, —, shipmaster, 29, 128
Haze, Michael de, merchant at Dover, 103–4, 118
Heamens, John, mariner, 89e
Hedgethorn, —, shipmaster, 80, 128
Hem, Tobias de, merchant at Amsterdam, 40, 40b
Henecker, —, shipmaster, 24
[? Herrera], Jerónimo de, Canarian winegrower, 120
Hill, Richard, London merchant, 32, 34
Hiway, Thomas, shipmaster, 86
Holcomb, Humphrey, London merchant, 128
Holland, see Netherlands, United Provinces of the
Holle, John, English merchant at Nantes, xxi, 4, 7a–9, 14, 16, 20, 23a–b, 34, 39b, 40b, 52b, 56a, 61a, b, d, 63b, 84c, 89b
Holman, John, shipmaster, 66a, 72–73a
Honduras, xxxiv
Hoptkins, —, shipmaster, 29
Horsnell, —, London merchant, 58b
Huberly, —, shipmaster, 49–50
Hunter, Robert, shipmaster, 113
Hussy, Richard, shipmaster, 11a, 101, 128
Hyatt, Phillip, shipmaster, 85, 87, 91b, 99a
Hyde, Sir Edward, xxxii
Ingram, Arthur, English merchant in Tenerife, xxxi
Ireland, 5a, 89d, 91b, 102, 126; ships to, 30b, 31c
Isham, Humphrey, mariner, 107–8
Izaack, —, 128
Jamaica, 125b–126; fleet to, 110b; taken by English, 106b
Jamboaye, River, xxxvi
Jenkins, Anthony, shipmaster, 1, 43–4, 47d–48, 51a, 53b, 54, 79, 128
Jennings, George, London merchant, xix, 110b
Jewell, Richard, merchant, xx, xxiii–xxiv, 23a–b, 30b, 40c, 42, 44, 46–9, 52b, 54, 61e, 63a, 64a, 65, 129; father of, 65, 77b; will of, 63a, 65, 73b, 77b
John IV, King of Portugal, 23b, 44, 51a, 53c, 58a
Jollife, [?John], London merchant, 122
Jop, William, shipmaster, 111b, 115, 128
Joy, —, shipmaster, 128
Kennicot, George, merchant, 104–5
Kent, 63d
-, George, merchant, 11b, 46
-, Roger, London merchant, 11b, 13a, 14,
51a, 61c, e, 128
-, —, merchant in East India trade, 99a
-, Richard, London merchant, 52c, 59a,
60b–c, 64a, 67b, 73b, 76a, 81c, 83b
King's Lynn, Norfolk, 128
Kingsthorpe, Northamptonshire, xi
-, Sir David, Governor of Newfoundland,
xix, xxxvii, 13a
-, John, London merchant, xix, xxxvii, 13a
Knowles, —, shipmaster, 85, 87, 91b
La Laguna, Tenerife, xvii, xx
-, John, English merchant in Tenerife, x
-, [?Joseph], English merchant in the
Canary Islands, 1, 77c, 83a, 89d, 93b,
Land's End, Cornwall, 49, 77b, 87
Lang, Robert, English merchant in Tenerlife, 61b–c, 89e
Langford, Abraham, 33
-, Richard, London merchant, x–xi, 9, 22c,
31c, 40c, 50–51a, 64b, 81d, 89b, f, 119,
-, Robert, London merchant, x, 1, 119
La Rochelle, 18, 19b, 21, 68b, 76b
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, slaves in, xxii
Lawrence, —, shipmaster, 68a
Lede, Guillaume Bette, Marques de, ambassador from Spain, 100b, 105
-, —, English merchant in Tenerife, 128
-, —, shipowner, 52b
-, Abraham, English merchant at San Lu
car, xxvii, 44–5, 47d, 60a, d, 73b, 76a,
89e, 100a, 108b, 127a
-, Henry, English merchant at San Lucar,
31b, 64a, 83b
-, Robert, London merchant, 31b
Lee Road, 66b
Leicester, Wyggeston's Hospital, xi
-, Mary, 62, 64b, 77c, 111b, 119, 121–2
-, Richard, London merchant 62
-, Thomas, English merchant in Tenerife,
xix, xxxi, 60d, 62, 64b, 77c, 111a–b,
Lisbon, Portugal, xi n., xviii, 22c, 31b, 40b, 43, 47b, 48, 53c, 58a, 60d, 63b, 65, 84c, 96a; Campeachy wood for, 56a; English merchants in, 24, 31b; hides for, 1, 22c, 31b, 33, 38, 39b, 56a, 61a, 63b; indigo for, xviii, 48; Prince Rupert at, 15, 19b, 26b, 52b; see also Subjects: hides, West India goods
London and its environs: All Hallows Barking, xi; Bishopsgate Street, 118; business conditions, ix, 31b, 33, 37, 40a, 47d, 48, 73c; Crosby House, xxxviii; Custom House, xii, xvii, 31c, 40b, 58a; distillers, 33; Doctors' Commons, xii; drinking habits in, xii, 37, 39a; drysalters, xvii, 55a, 89a, 90; dyers, 40a; Exchange, xi–xii, xxiv, xxviii, xxxii, xxxv, 25a, 52b, 53a, 61b, 64b, 78a, 91b, 119; Merchant Taylors' company, xxxviii; Merchant Taylors' Hall, xii; migration to, x; privacy in, xxxii, 118; *Ram Alley, 29, 61d; St Helen's, Bishopsgate, xi, xxxvii; St Mary at Hill, xi; Ship tavern, Bishopsgate Street, xii, xxiiixxiv; tanners, xviii; Three Cranes Wharf, 11b n.; Tower Hill, 87; vintners, xxviii, xxxi, 5a, 9, 14, 17, 22d, 23b, 27a, 30a, 37, 39a, 44–5, 50, 52c, 56b, 68a, 93b, 114, 126; Vintners' Hall, xxviii, 27a; Westminster, xix; Whitehall, 5b, 85
Lopez, Juan, mariner, xxxiv
Louis XIV, King of France, 19b, 63b, 89f, 95, 115 n.
Lubeck, Germany, 63c
Lugo, Antonio de, 71b
Madeira, xxxi, 94b; see also Subjects: wine
Madrid, xxii–xxiii, xxxii, 19a, 21, 23a, 31b, 40a, 42, 43 n., 45, 47b, 63c, 96c, 100b, 116–17, 124–5a, 126–7; sickness at, 6, 8
Main, Spanish, 105
Majorca, 61d
Malaga, Spain, 5a, 6, 8, 77b, 78c, 81d, 89c, 93a; ships from, 27a, 96a, 109; trade with, xxxii; vintage at, 22d, 25, 27a, 78c; vintage fleet, 8, 23a, 92; see also Subjects: wine
Mallen, —, shipmaster, 5a
Marie de Medici, Queen Regent of France, 2
Markham, —, London merchant, 22d
Marshall, —, shipmaster, 49
Marten, George, emissary from Barbados, 28
Matthews, Baldwin, English merchant at Middelburg, 39a, 40b, 122, 125b–126; friend of, 120
May, Isle of, 52b
Medina Celi, Duke of, Governor of Cadiz, 19a
Mesa, Juan de, 30a
Mexico, coins minted in, 27b n.; exports from, xvii
Mexico, Bay of, 96c, 99b
Middelburg, Netherlands, xviii, xx–xxi, 123, 125b–126; wheat from, xxi, 37–39a, 40b, 43, 53b, 56b, 120
Millington, Francis, London merchant, xxxii, xxxvii, 124, 125b
Mogador, Morocco, 27a n., 129
Molina y Lugo
-, Alonso de, Canarian winegrower, 11a,
30a, 113, 116, 128
-, Francisco de, 113, 115
Monck, General George, 68b
Morbihan, xxi, 61a
Mount's Bay, Cornwall, 70
Mourton, John, shipmaster, 80, 81a, d, 82, 85, 87–8, 91b, 96c, 102–3, 106b–107, 125b
Mucco, —, shipmaster, 85, 87–8, 89d
Mullines, —, London apothecary, 64c, 66a
Murwill, —, shipowner, 11a, 32, 128
Nantes, France, xviii, xxi, xxix, 2–5a, 6, 8–10, 11b, 14, 23a–b, 32, 43, 52b, 61a, 68b, 72–73a, 84c, 128; free trade for English at, 56a; hides and dyestuffs at, xviii, 7b, 16, 39b, 61d; linens at, xxi, 7a, 16, 25b, 40b, 89d; wheat at, xx, 63b
Naples, Italy, 128
Neale, Robert, shipmaster, 51a, 52a, 53a
Negus, Henry, English merchant in Tenerife, 80
Netherlands, United Provinces of the (Holland, Zeeland), 22a, 31b, 37, 40b, 42,
46, 55a, 68b, 75–76a, 78c, 112–13, 118,
123, 125a–b; ambassadors from, xxxvi,
51a, 53b, 56b, 58b, 61c, 76b, 78c, 83a;
embargo against English ships in, 56b
-, peace with, xxx, xxxvi, 84c–85, 87
-, war with, xxi, xxv, xxviii–xxx, xxxvi,
58a–b, 62, 63c, 64c, 66b, 67b, 68b, 71a,
73a, c, 75, 76b, 77c, 78b, 80, 87–8;
-, effect on cloth prices at London, xxi;
-, effect on linen trade, xxi; prizes taken,
Newcastle upon Tyne, 30b, 63c
New England, 13a, 128; fishermen of, 11b; wines to, 99b
Newfoundland, 71b; fish from, xix; fishermen at, 99; governor of, xix; sacks, 13a, 96d, 103, 105–106a; ships from, 128; voyages to, xix, 11a, 12a, 13a, 14, 18–19a, 23b, 38, 39b, 40b, 41, 43, 45, 47d, 49, 53a, 93a, 97, 99a, 101–5, 107–11a; wines to, 11a, 23b; see also Subjects: fish
New Haven, see Havre, Le
Newman, Robert, shipmaster, 15–16, 22d, 29, 49–51a, 93b
Nichols, Thomas, English merchant in Tenerife, xxvi
North Foreland, battle off, 76b
Norton, Thomas, London packer, 31b
Norwich, 96b
O[ ], Juan de, 125b
Oliver, —, shipmaster, 32–3
Ormacho, Lazaro de, merchant at Bilbao, 105, 110a, 111a
Orotava, Tenerife, xvii, xxx, 2, 73a, 84a, 111a, 116–17, 129; wines from, xxv, 5a, 11a, 14, 30a, 80, 93b, 114
Owen, [? Richard], merchant, 109, 116–17
-, Gowen, 125b
-, John (?1627–89), London merchant and
letter writer, passim; accounts with G.
Paynter and W. Clerke, ix, xxvi, xxxiv–xxxvi, 26a, 31c, 66c, 73c, 78c, 80, 89f,
91a, 100b, 124, 125b, 127b; age of, x;
Alderman of London, xxxviii; alias of,
xxxix; and First Dutch War, xxix–xxx;
and radical merchants, x, xxxvii–xxxviii; apprenticeship, x; arrival in
London, 1; borrows money, xxv, 11b,
45, 47d; Canary Company, Court
Assistant, xxxviii; children of, xxxvii;
commissions of, xi, xxvi; Committee,
East India Company, xxxviii; credit,
22b; death of, xxxviii; estate of, xxxviii;
executor for Gowen Paynter xxxv;
house of, xi, xxxiv, 26a, 118; in East
India trade, xxxvi–xxxviii, 106b; in
slave trade, xxii–xxv; in West India
trade, xix, xxxiii–xxxiv; marriage of, xi,
31c; Merchant Taylors' Company,
First Warden, xxxviii; origins of, x;
partnership with Gowen Paynter and
William Clerke, ix–xxxix passim, 12a,
22b, 23a, 25b, 31a, 31c, 37, 39b–127
passim; political views, xxxvii–xxxviii;
religious practices, xxxvii; rooms in
Robert Turner's house, 66c; rupture of
his trade with the Canaries, xxxiii;
scribes of, xxxvi–xxxix; servant of, 64c;
shipowner, xxix, xxxvi–xxxvii; sickness
of, 93a; sued by partners, xxxiv; summary of trade with William Clerke,
-, John (1656–1711), son of letter writer,
xxxviii, 125b
-, John, merchant of Plymouth, cousin of
letter writer, x n., xix, xxxvi, 5a, 37, 46,
81d, 96d, 98–99a, 105, 111b, 118
-, Katherine, xi, xxxv, 31c
Palma, Majorca, xi, xv, xvii, 22a, c, d, 62, 64b, 76b, 87, 89e, 90–91a, 118; West India goods at, xvii, 63b, 73c, 77b; see also Subjects: sugar
Paris, 3, 89a
Pawley, William, English merchant at Madrid, 40a
Payne, —, shipmaster, 1–2, 5a
-, Giles, shipmaster and brother of Gowen,
xi n., 31c–32, 40b, 47c–d, 49–50, 60d,
70, 101
-, Gowen, activities as English merchant
trading in Tenerife and London, ix–xxxix passim, 1–128 passim; in partnership with William Clerke, ix, xxxiv–xxxv, 11a, 12a, 13a, 22b, 23a, 25, 31a,
37, 39b, 42, 46, 47b, 63d, 65, 66b,
67a–b, 71c, 88; intends to return to
England, 117; origins, x; seeks licence
allowing return to Canaries, 122; shipowner, xxix, xxxvi; will, xxxv
-, John, London merchant trading to
Tenerife, brother of Gowen and Giles,
-, Katherine, see Paige, Katherine
Peard, —, merchant, 128
Pearson, Robert, English merchant in Tenerife, 17, 128
Penaguião, João Rodriguez de Sa e Menezes, Conde de, ambassador from Portugal, 53c, 58a, 63c, 65, 87
Penn, General William, 94b–95, 96c, 97, 99b, 106b
Penzance, Cornwall, 70
-, Diego, Canarian winegrower, xxvii, 111a
-, Luis, merchant at Antwerp, 111a
Pereyra de Ponte y Lugo, Lorenzo, el maestre de campo, Tenerife, 71b
Perryman, —, shipmaster, 77b
Peru, coins minted in, 27b n.
Petty, Sir William, xxxviii
Philip IV, King of Spain, xxxii, 12b, 19a, 20–21, 25b, 27b, 43, 63c, 94b, 100b, 120
-, Matthew, 67b
-, William, wife of, xix
Pitchers, —, shipmaster, 77a
Plymouth, Devon, x, xix, xxi, xxix, xxxii, 1, 26a, 37, 47a, 56a, 63d, 72, 80, 82–83a, 84b–c, 89d, 106b, 110a, 111a–b, 114, 118; pilchards in, 11a, 13a; rye from, xxix, 66a; wheat from, 46
Ponte, Bartolomé de, 30a
Pontevedra, Spain, 18, 19, 23a
Portland, battle off, 68b, 71a
Portobello, 97, 126
Portsmouth, Hants, 94b, 115
Portugal, 23b, 31b, 43, 51a; ambassador from, 53c; coinage of, 84a; commission against ships of, 44, 46, 47b, 48; dominions in Africa, xxxiii; English merchants imprisoned in, 24, 31b; English trade embargoed in, 51a, 53c, 56a, 58a; sickness in, 8; war with, xxviii, 22c, 24, 26b, 27b, 31b, 33–4, 38, 39b–40a, 41, 43, 46, 49, 63c, 65, 75, 87
Powell, —, shipmaster, 63a
Presman, John, shipmaster, 22c, 26b
Price, John, shipmaster, 56a, 58b, 60d, 61d, 63b, 64c
Prind, Pedro del, 22a
Proud, —, merchant in Tenerife, 128
Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, xiii, xix, xxi n., 72 n., 112
Puerto Rico, 120
Pulman, Henry, shipmaster, xxiii–xxiv, 47a, 63a, 74; children of, 77b; wife of, 77b
Pyle, William, shipmaster, xxiii–xxiv, 1–2, 5a, 20, 22a, b, d, 31a, 40b, 42, 44–47a, 61b, 64a, 77a–b, 78b, 80, 81b, 84b, 89a, e, 90–91a, 128
Rambla, Tenerife, 2, 5a, 14, 30a–b, 80, 114
Rawdon, Marmaduke, English merchant in Tenerife, 14, 51a, 104
Reade, —, shipmaster, 128
Realejos, Tenerife, 30a
Redwood, —, shipmaster, 60c
Ribete, Pedro, shipmaster, 77c, 80–81a, 84b
Rinett, Robert, shipmaster, 128
Rio del Rey, West Africa, xxiv, 63a
Rivera, Lazaro, 60c
Roberts, Lewes, xxxv
Rodden, Edward, London merchant, 52a, 53a
Rodrigues Vaiez
-, Antonio, Portuguese merchant in Tenerife, 22b, d
-, Goncalo, Portuguese merchant in Tenerife, 22d
Rodriguez Arias, Diego, xxxiii n.
Rookes, George, London merchant, xxii
Rotterdam, Netherlands, 22a
Rouen, France, xviii, 7b, 21, 40a–b, 84c, 89a, 92–93a, 96c, 99b, 106a, 111b–112
Rounton, —, shipmaster, 51a, 52a–b
Rouse, William, shipmaster, 14, 29, 30a
Rowse, John, London merchant, xxxiii n.
Rupert, Prince, xxviii, 4–5a, 12a, 15, 19b, 27a
Russell, Garvis, shipmaster, 1, 25b, 40c, 45–6, 47a, c, d, 49, 52b, 61e, 68b, 77c, 80, 106b–107, 111b
Sa, Dom Pantaleon, 87
Safi, Morocco, xx, 23a, 73a, 129
St John
-, Henry, London merchant, xiv, 5a, 6, 30a,
-, Oliver, M. P., 53b
St John's, Newfoundland, xix
Salter, —, 32
San Lucar, Spain, xviii, xxvi, xxvii, 1, 11a, 19a, 21, 27b, 44–5, 60d, 63d, 73b, 76a, 83b, 89e, 100a, 127a; Campeachy wood at, 79; English merchants flee, 106b; French goods seized at, 20; indigos from, 40a, 59b, sickness at, 5a, 6, 8, 10; scarcity of silver coins at, 58a; tobacco at, xviii, 12a, 31b; voyages to, 30a, 32, 43; West India goods at, 30b, 91b
San Malo, France, 126
San Sebastian, Spain, 30b, 81a, 108a, 115
Santa Catalina, 125b–126
Santa Cruz de Berbería, see Agadir
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, xvii, 19a, 30b, 72, 84a, 96c, 108b; flota burned at, 124 n., 125a, 126; French goods at, 126; voyages to, 52b, 61b, 80; West India goods at, 73c, 82–83a, 95, 110b, 120; wines from, 89d, 93b, 95
Santa Maria, Cape, 106b
Santo Domingo, 99b, 105, 106b; see also Subjects: hides
Santoña, Spain, 104–5, 106b, 108a, 110a, 111b, 114
Saunders, Charles, shipmaster, 77c, 110a
Schanternell, John, xxxix, 84c, 106a
Scilly Isles, 32
Scotland, 42
Searchfield, William, English merchant at Terceira, 76a, 77c, 78a, 81b, 84c, 89e
Seville, Spain, 11a, 32, 51b, 52c, 60c, 89e, 91a, 96c, 126; English merchants at, 6, 8, 106b; sickness at, 5a, 6, 8, 10, 32
Shadforth, Christopher, shipmaster, 23a, 25a, 27a, 29, 30b, 31a, 129
Shaw, John, English merchant at Antwerp, xix, xxxii, xxxvii, 52b, 57–58a, 121, 125b–126
Sheere, Henry, shipmaster, 11a, 29, 128
Shorton, —, 64b, 66a
Showers, —, shipmaster, 1
Skinner, Daniel, London merchant, 53b n.
-, Humphrey, London merchant, xxii
-, John, London merchant, xxii
-, Stephen, London merchant, 2, 5a, 26b,
31a, 31c, 46, 47c, 52a, 55a, 57, 60b,
67b, 69–70; 74; widow of, 119
-, —, shipmaster, 11a, 12b, 14, 128
-, Matthew, shipmaster, xxx, 107–108b,
110b, 113–14
-, Robert, 106b
Smyrna, Turkey, 93a
Smyth, —, shipmaster, 82
Southampton, 37, 44
Spain, xvii, 31c–32, 39b, 52b, 75, 83b; American goods from, xvii–xviii; bribing officials of, 111b; coinage of, 27b n., 30a–b, 31b–c, 51b, 58a–b, 60c, 61a–b, 63c, 75, 81c, 84a, 126; commercial monopoly in America, xix, xxxvii; 'Consejo' of, xxxii; credits in, xxvixxvii; dearth in, 77a; donativoof, xxvii; embargo against English trade in, xxx–xxxi, 53b, 63c, 96c, 99b, 106b, 108a, 110a, 111b–112, 115; English merchants in, xxx, 106b; fears of war with, xxx, 12b, 26b, 65, 85, 89c, f, 94b–95, 96c–d, 97, 99a–b, 100b, 104–5, 106b, 108a, 109; iron from, xx; sickness in, 5a, 6, 8, 10, 32; silver of, 63c, 91a, 103, 118, 120, 124; war with France, 89f; war with England, xxv, xxx–xxxiv, 110a–b, 111b, 114–15, 125a, 126
Spicer, Michael, London merchant, 77b, 88, 89a, d
Standish, Ralph, English merchant in Tenerife, xxxi, 63b, 89d–91a, 93a, 96b–d, 108b, 116–17
Starling, —, shipmaster, 128
Steniquer, —, shipmaster, 73a
Stephens, David, English merchant in Tenerife, xix, 32, 61d, 68b, 84c, 126
Steward, Peter, shipmaster, 5a, 9, 11a, 17, 22d, 23b, 26a, 27a, 29, 30a, 32, 60a, 61a, 80, 83b, 128
Stoke Fleming, Devon, x
Straw, Nicholas, shipmaster, 65–66a, 73b
Sumatra, xxxvi
Surat, 99a
Sweden, 63c, 71a; King of, xi
Sweeting, Robert, 90, 91b
Sydrakeson, —, shipmaster, 29
Taylor, —, shipmaster, 47a, c, 49–50, 55a, 64b
Tenby, Wales, 65
Tenerife, x–xxxix passim; 1–129 passim; assize of fish at, 111b; rain in, 32, 61d, 83b; slaves imported into, xxii–xxiv, 25b, 42, 44, 46, 47b, 48, 51b, 52b, 63a, 125a, 126; vintage at, 25a, 47c, 49–50, 61d, 75, 129
Terceira, 67b, 74, 76a, 77c–78a, 81b, 84c
Texel, 78c; battle off, 77c
Thames, River, xii, 39b, 89c, 94a, 96a, 111b, 120
Thomas, John, 103, 108b
-, Maurice, London merchant, x, xxxvi–xxxviii, 53b
-, William, London merchant, 53b n.
Thorne family, of Bristol, x
Throckmorton, William, English merchant in Tenerife, 68b, 91a, 112, 128
Toope, Henry, shipmaster, 1, 9, 128
Topsham, Devon, 20, 23b, 41, 46, 58b, 128
Trinidad, xxxiv
Trinity House, Masters of, 50
Tromp, Lieutenant Admiral Martin Harperszoon van, 68b, 71a, 76b; death of, 77c
Truxillo, xxxiv
-, John, English merchant in Tenerife, xiv,
xvi, xviii, xxi, xxv, xxvi n., xxvii, xxxix,
11a, 17, 22d, 23b, 27b, 30a, 37, 39b, 43,
49, 59a, 61b, 83b, 84c, 96b n., 111b, 128
-, Robert, 66c, 100b, 124
Venia y Vergara, Benito, xxxiii, 71b, 120
Veracruz, 97
Vergara Grimon, Balthazar de, Canarian winegrower, xxxiii, 50, 81a, 83b, 116–17, 120
Vigo, Spain, 87
Waight, Thomas, shipmaster, 64c, 72, 75–76a, 78a, 81b, 84b–c
Walker, Dr Walter, civil lawyer, 77a; Judge Advocate of the High Court of Admiralty, 19a
Wall, —, shipmaster, 79, 82, 84b
Ward, Phillip, English merchant in Tenerife, 128
-, Nicholas, London Merchant, x, 106a
-, Thomas, London merchant, x, 27a, 30b,
39a, 44, 52b, 67a–b, 80, 128
-, George, London merchant, 19a, 80, 118,
-, John, English merchant in Tenerife, 17,
37, 59a, 61a, 89e, 91a, 106a, 128
William, shipmaster, 13a–15, 18, 19b–21, 23a, 25, 27a–b, 29, 31a, 37–8, 39b, 40b, 41, 43–5, 47d, 49, 52b, 53a, c, 56a–b, 58b, 59b, 61a–b, 63b, d, 64b–c, 66a, c, 67a–b, 71b, 76b, 128
West Country, x, xii, 9, 11a, 13a, 22c, 41, 71b, 80–81a, 84b; merchants of, xix–xx, xxxii; wines in, xv; see also Subjects: fish
West Indies, Spanish, 95; English fleet to, 85, 87, 89f, 91b, 94b–95, 96c, 97, 99b, 100b, 103; English trade with, xix, xxxiii–xxxiv; merchants from, xvii, 84b, 125a; ships from, 73c, 91b, 111b, 117, 124; ships to, 126; silver from, 124
Westminster, seeLondon
Wheake, John, English merchant at Bilbao, 83b
White, —, shipmaster, 8
Whitehall, see London
-, Bulstrode, Commissioner of the Great
-, Seal, 49
-, Mary, 49
Whitt, —, English merchant at Madrid, 126
Wight, Isle of, xxx, 22a, 25a, 29, 43, 91a, 97, 108a
Wild,—, English merchant in Tenerife, 128
Wilkings, Humphrey, English merchant at Rouen, 40b, 61e, 84c, 91a, 93a, 96c, 99b, 106a, 108b
William II, Prince of Orange, 27b
Williamson, Sir Joseph, xxxviii
Willoughby, Francis, Lord, 28
Willoughby, Warwickshire, xi n.
-, Rowland, Sr., London merchant, xiv,
xvi, xxii– xxiii, xxvi n., xxvii–xxviii,
xxxiii, 5a, 6, 9, 22d, 23b, 27a, 30a, 31a,
39a–b, 43, 49, 53a, 66a
-, Rowland, Jr., M. P., xiv n., 49
-, Samuel, 93b
Wood, Matthew, shipmaster, 2, 5a
Wright, Thomas, shipmaster, 29
Wyles, Adam, shipmaster, 71b
Yardley, Thomas, 26a, 29–30a, 31a, 125b
-, David, shipmaster, 123 n.
-, John, shipmaster, 13a, 29, 128
Zeeland, see Netherlands, United Provinces of the