Index: A - K

London Debating Societies: 1776-1799. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1994.

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'Index: A - K', in London Debating Societies: 1776-1799, ed. Donna T Andrew( London, 1994), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

'Index: A - K', in London Debating Societies: 1776-1799. Edited by Donna T Andrew( London, 1994), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

"Index: A - K". London Debating Societies: 1776-1799. Ed. Donna T Andrew(London, 1994), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Adam and Eve: which more culpable in Paradise 549, 551, 678, 1042, 1333, 1455, 2069; she created inferior to him, or through transgression 1735

Addison [Joseph, 1672-1719]: on courtship 1496; wives can reform husbands, but not vice versa 2188, 2189; Cato 2067

Administration: see also Ministry

-, behaviour of Crook the tailor in 2138; change in law to compel adulterers to marry 296, 300, 303; decline if marriage made conditional on agreement 1751, 2013; Milton on divorce and 1657; punish with death 868; should man tell his friend of wife's 1581; worse, adultery of wife, or seduction of daughter 1240, 1561, 1564, 1691, betrayer of friend, seducer of virgin or 1803, 1804, seducer of virgin or wife 2174, married woman or unmarried man 1565, 1568, wife or male friend 1115
-, causes of: ever justified by husband's ill-treatment 241; more from female inconstancy or bad conduct of men 861, 1554; caused by misconduct of husbands or negligence of wives 1126, seducers or too much attention in courtship 2091
-, effects of: finality of loss of female virtue 1136; greatest sufferer, husband, wife or lover 1567; should husband of be despised 1113, 1234; saddest, old maid through lover's perfidy, or cuckold through wife's 1698

Adversity: and school of wisdom 1089; virtue in prosperity or 241, 285, 362, 761, 839, 1864

America and Americans: see also Ministry, Washington
-, advantage of repeal of acts about 168, 170, 172; anti-Americanism and Anti-Gallicanism 211, 216, 221; future relations with, breach permanent? 14, 475, federal union with 565; model for Ireland 483, 489; negotiations with, 72, 73; participation in all civil rights 432, 438; revolution and Christianity 230, 233; security for religious freedom in America or Britain 289; subjugated or independent, and English liberty 129; value of discovery of 121, 213, 659, and how to maximize 574, 808; which greater blow at tyranny, Glorious, French or American Revolution 1802, 1805, most glorious event 1952
-, French and European involvement: France to erect Gallic Empire in 340; imprisonment of LaFayette greater disgrace to France or 2016; more civil and religious liberty as French colony or free 224; possible to vindicate France's conduct to 2170; should Britain allow French assistance to 139; Whig support for, if France also supports 55, violate law of nations 229; will Europeans assist, in struggle 322
-, independence and: 17, 187; and foreign insults 150; self-taxation and value of 160, 163; or French war 177, 179, before French war 186, as alternative to 236; and free trade with Europe and 492
-, peace: cessation of hostilities 145, 147, 148; monarch's right to make peace, without Parliament 593, 891; recent vote for 844; need to make, quickly 329, or fight on 332; conditions for 889; petitioning for, necessity of 133, 325; Ministry's plans for 176; rejection of Penn's petition and 52; treating with 3, 6, 12, 42, 126, and declaring independence 130, 131, 212, 634, 670, 763; recall Commissioners 209, use their proposals for reconciliation 223; refusal of Congress to treat with 252; do Americans have right to offer 292, 308; when peace comes, should one migrate to France, remain in England or go to 1969
-, war with: City of London's refusal to aid military 162; Cornwallis' capture 826; English supporters of, and present crisis 201, 324; enquiry into late Commander in 307; greater friends of liberty, those for or against war 2; use of Indians against, justified 142; and national debt 59; Price's views of fighting capacities of 25, 28; propriety of use of force against 21, 345, 351; Sir Henry Clinton, Andre and Arnold 658, 662; relief of American prisoners 155; relief of refugees 361; rights of war due to 251, 253; right to subjugate, constitutionally 465

Andre, Major [John, 1751-80]: propriety of exchange for Arnold 658, 662

Animal Magnetism: belief in dreams, astrology, ghosts or 1760, 1761; cures by Dr. Loutherberg 1528, 1530, Dr. DeMainauduc 1533; validity of general cures 1717; validity or falsehood of, 1523, 1529, 1531, 1540, 1741, 1743, 1744, 1746

-, love and 1810, 2027; most absurd, belief in astrology, dreams or 1611, 1617, 1620, 1623, 1626; most unbelievable, Richard Brothers, bottle conjuror, or Cock Lane ghost 1896
-, reality or reasonableness of belief in: in classical literature 1646, 1647; Dr. Johnson on 1297, 1889; Wesley on 1359, 1360, 1361; reality of 819, 1534, 1602, 2022, 2045, 2048, 2057, 2061, 2192, 2197; and witches 967; and dreams 1601
-, eligion and 1412, 1419, 1757, 1857, 1858, 2127

Arnold, General [Benedict, 1741-1801] 658, 662

Arts: and works of nature 816; utility of science and 976; which should be most cultivated, eloquence, poetry or music 1491

-, need for citizens to preserve rights 218; right to demand triennial parliament 785, 790; to be led by seceding minority 318; utility of English and Irish Whig clubs 1674, of clubs for political purposes 1845
-, Committee of Association, value of 651, 656
-, country meetings, value of 390, 396; arise from opposition or patriotism 399; to press for suffrage changes and public economy 393, 510
-, metropolitan military, value of 598, 610; Lord Mayor to form 407

Astrology: can it foretell future 789, 794, 1387, 1640, 1726, 2001, 2057, 2061, 2162, 2165, 2217; and meaning of comets 2082; most absurd, belief in apparitions, dreams or 1611, 1617, 1620, 1623, 1626; most reasonable, belief in dreams, animal magnetism, ghosts or 1760, 1761

Bachelors and bachelorhood:
-, law compels marriage of 1719; public female censure of 30, 2161; tax on 626, 643, 960, 961, and portions for girls 771, 871, 1061; value to state 2099; worse, man who marries for money or 585
-, and old maids compared: more contemptible 1174; tax on 683, 2117, 2199; silliest remarrying widow, 1809; worse companion 1285, 1865, in marriage 1224, 1520; most disagreeable character 1354
-, reasons for: apology of 2015; disappointed love 1311; contemptibility of 1053; quickness of widowers to remarry proves silliness of 1736, 1738; divorce due to bad husbands, wives or 1791

Bellamy, Mrs [George Anne, 17317-1788]: Apology 1096, 2249

Bills: Canada bill 118; controverted elections bill, value of 94, 96; Convention bill, reasons for 1984, 1985; Pitt, Excise and Tobacco bills 1544, 1547, and interests of Britain 1622; relief of insolvents 426, 428, 738, imprisonment for debt 431; Scotch Militia Bill 19; Treason Bill 83

Birmingham riots: cause 1777, 1778; compared with Gordon riots 1800

Bishops: see Church of England

Body-snatching: should it be made capital offence 164; excuse for 2142, 2145, 2213; remedy for 2146, 2215

Boxing: Barry on 1608; propriety of 1306; practice to be abolished 1499; least manly, male milliner or boxer 1661

Brothers, [Richard 1757-1824]: prophet or impostor 1893, 1903; Cock Lane ghost, Bottle conjuror or, compared 1896; most insane, Halhead's defence of, or Pitt's war plans 1930

Budget: debating societies to discuss, 764, 769, 847, 849, 852, 1098, 1101, 1212, 1218, 1925, 1928; proposed taxes for 353, 2117; propriety of minister's 1013; value of Pitt's last 1922, 1924

Burke [Edmund 1729-1797]:
-, and Birmingham riots 1777, 1778; and political prejudice 1497; on French Revolution, 1676, 1677, 1678, 1681, 1207, vs. Sheridan on 1592, 1593; vs. Fox on 1759; on La Fayette 2092; death of, as national calamity 2076
-, comparative: best in or out of power, Fox or 1242, 1244; best on constitution, Fox, Pitt or 1774, 1775, Price or 1711, 1715; most admirable, Fox, Pitt or 1344; most patriotic, Fox or, on repeal of Test and Corporation Act 1600; posthumously admired, Erskine, Fox or 2037

Bute, earl of [John Stuart, 1713-92], 1275

Caesar, Julius: propriety of his assassination 1911, 2017

Canada: surrender of 7; Quebec Act and liberty 36, 118

Catholics and Catholicism:
-, most Christian, Quakers, Methodists, Dissenters, Anglicans or 2176, Unitarians, Antinomians or 1424, 1431; most harmful, enthusiasm of Methodists or superstition of 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875; which most promotes licentiousness, Methodism, Winchester or, 1418, 1423
-, and Dissent: to get civic rights like Anglicans 1129, 1213, 1837, 1838; grant relief to, when Dissenters do not have full civic and religious participation 1742; sacramental clauses of Test and Corporation Acts unjust to Dissent and 1517, 1519; treatment like Dissent 1255, 1258, 1353, 1356; loyalty and property 518
-, and governance: can Catholic prince rule 10; removal of disabilities when proof of civil subjection 198; indulgences to, safe 214, 219, 1397; repeal statutes against and gain Irish loyalty 188; state of Ireland proves necessity of repeal, both for Dissent and 1927, 1936; loyalty of, to a Protestant prince 31, 973; Relief bill consistent with constitution and Protestantism 1740; Protestant Association petition 881; laws of Scotland against 293, 297; toleration safe 473, 785, 790, consistent with English religious liberties 468, or advantageous 310, 313
-, theology: guilty of idolatry 76, 79, 337; worst error, Purgatory, transmigration or Universal Salvation 1545; is Rome the whore of Babylon 2007, 2009, or are Mahometans or infidelity 2011; propriety of view of justification by faith 3; Dissenting views that Pope is Antichrist 1997, others' views 2040, 2118, and his downfall by French 2129; Pope and relations with France 1965; clerical celibacy 1555

Cato: pride, desertion of public duty or patriotism 2067; suicide justifiable 526, 533, 566, 1272

Celibacy: see also also Bachelors and bachelorhood, Marriage, Old Maids
-, can anything justify 945, 1663, 1665; Johnson on 1140, 1310; cares of married life as excuse for 1748; should girl who does not want to marry as parents wish, agree or remain celibate 1579; clerical 1555

Charity: donations by debating societies 1, 484, 725, 948, 1182; is anyone possessed of universal benevolence 196; value of public 316; more pleasure to giver or receiver 474; saddest, man ruined by trade or by 1134; charge of robbing public institution 15

Charles I: was death martyrdom 487; anniversary as feast or fast 833; death, murder or justice 888; and proper legislative balance 930; or Cromwell encroached most on liberty 401; Dissenters during reign of 1518

Chastity: see also also Seduction
-, effect of pride on female virtue 1035; most favourable to, nun or maid of honour 142; Lord Chesterfield on male veracity or female 1243
-, loss of: consequences of, and subsequent vice or virtue 733, 1192, 2196; due to miseducation, male treachery or insufficiently guarded passions 1635, to female folly or treachery of men 191, 829, 955, 1464, 1662
-, Chatham [William Pitt, 1st earl, 1708-78]: and war in America 145, 148; and attempts to get office 239, 243; burial 200, pension to heirs 224, 226; on Church of England 1577; and King's speech 143; Pitt's conduct, most like Bute or 1275, 1278, popularity of Pitt as son of 1688; rendered most service to his nation, Washington, Koskiosko or 1898

Chesterfield, Lord [Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th earl 1694-1773]: effect of Letters on morals 1040, of men 107, 1232; on male veracity and female chastity 1243; or Ovid on courtship 1346; on female vanity 1256

Church of England: see also also Catholicism, Dissent, Methodism
-, utility of bishops 118; propriety of bishops' refusal to aid Protestant Association 406; most needed to avert crime, magistrates' vigilance, exhortation of, or parental restraint 1991; follow French and nationalize property of 1559; need for Test and Corporation Acts to protect, 1594, 1595, 1597; predestination and 759; which demands most immediate reform, civil, military or 554
-, and ritual: acceptance and rejection of ceremonials 73, 75; ordination of, valid 765, by non-Anglican bishops 134; popish liturgy, Calvinist creed and Arminian clergy 1577; closest to primitive Church, Quakers, Methodists, Dissenters, Catholics or 2176
-, and Dissent: Convocation and Madan 669; members of Dissent or, rendered most service to literature and constitution 1792, 1795; and Huntington's connection 830; increase of Methodism, due to their zeal or fault of 1340, 1343, 1624, 1627; consistent with Methodism 1653, 1655, 1693

Citizens and Citizenship: need for weapons education for citizenry 319, arms or parliamentary vote 860; act with patron or for country's good 633, 863; law of Solon and civil dissension 645; and Society for Constitutional Information 1841; withdrawal of vote for alms' receipt 288; best, friend, patriot or world citizen 1619

Colonies: see America, Canada, India, West Indies

Comets, meaning of, 2082

Commerce and Trade: see also Debt, Slavery
-, bankruptcies through luxury or decline of 1386; Britain owes most to intellectuals, naval commanders or men of 2221, 2226; classical education for man of 30, 463; control of bread prices 899; effect of fashion on morals and 913; Fox on anti-French feelings and 1191; happiest, life of wealth, industry or 1589, 1590, retirement or 1793, 1882, 2080, knowledge, family or 1852; interest rates 205, 206; imprisonment for debt 428, 431, 493, 511; ladies to encourage silk industry 1058; masquerade, morals and 472; to lower price of necessaries, retrench or peace and freedom 1955; propriety of French commercial treaty 1154, 1165; receipt tax 911; saddest, man ruined by charity or 1134; smuggling and robbery 350; worse in tradesmen, monopoly or underselling of necessaries 228
-, value of: union with Ireland like Scotland 202, 203, trade with Ireland 997, 998, 1000; cultivation of extensive 86, 360; high duties and import prohibition to 60; sumptuary law 647
-, war and: whether American has hurt English 239, peace with America to regain trade 325, 492; insuring enemy ships 234, 235, 237; war in India and England's 1821, 1822, India and what's best for 1850, 1851; impact of reports of military successes 166, 168

Commons, House of: see also also Bills, Constitition, Members of Parliament, Parliament, Slavery
-, administration and dismissal of Speaker of 447, 646; majority in and national benefit 843, minister and need for majority in 1279; military and presentation of petitions to 544; owes impeachment of Pitt to the people 1990; people have most to fear from King, Lords or 930; service in Lords vs. service in 44, 177, 179; restriction of Pitt's Regency bill, Irish delegates and patriotism 1476, 1480; Tooke's attack on justified 1703, 1704
-, propriety of: discharge of Prince of Wales's debts by 1945, Heir's pension 1237; proceedings against Hastings 1226; decision on Westminster election 993, 994; transformation into conclave 101

Compassion, who deserves most: good husband with bad wife, or vice versa 1794; man with scolding wife or wife with drunken husband 1009, 1190, 1995; man without sense, woman without beauty 1999; old maid through lover's perfidy, or cuckold 1698; separated married lady or one with brutish spouse 1148; woman with good, dead husband, or with live, bad one 1283; person ruined by trade or sympathy 1134, by loved one, false friend or creditor 1378, by patriotism, love or crime 1272, by shipwreck, crime or seduction 1453; Mary Queen of Scots or Antoinette of France 1978, 2050; poor cleric, mechanic or poet 1142

Constitution and Constitutionality: see also also America, Courts, Ireland, Punishment, Slavery
-, does Fox's eulogium prove Dr. Priestley to be supporter of 1831; legal way to get redress if petitions fail 560, 570; friends to, should ask king to dismiss minister and end war 1986; propriety of challenging MPs for what said in House 455, of opposing bad Parliamentary Act 1014, of imprisonment of General Advertiser printer 315; Tooke's attack on justified 1703, 1704, 1706; Wales and Treasury warrant 258
-, comparative: make nation and individuals happier, French or British 1797, 1799, 1973; more a threat to, executive power or Commons faction 1463, 1466; Paine or Reeves more libellous about 1987; Pitt or Fox on Russia most consistent with 1762; Fox vs. Burke 1769; prerogative worse before or after Revolution and threat to 383, 387, 1135, before Revolution or recently 850; Price's Civil Liberty and 33, and revolution sermon, Dissent and 1696, 1700, vs. Burke on 1711. 1715; knows and cares most about, Fox, Pitt or Burke 1774, 1775
-, liberty: for free, most indebted to Magna Carta, Protestantism or Glorious Revolution 1905; investigations of, tend to weaken executive power 291; men and measures proof of vigour or decline of 253, 155; mesne process arrests 421; popular tumults and reduction of 292, 296; procedures of Excise Commissioners 434; prohibition of free speech and violation of 1983
-, ministry and: pressure on MPs to give up seats and 339; opposition, and regard for 937; value of present, and its constitutionality 902, 1026, vs. opposition on 9, 12
-, Parliament: different from legislature 26; capable of improvement by 89; is any legislative act not 225; how long should Parliament sit 553, annual Parliament and universal suffrage 1959; influence of Crown on Parliament against 925, 926; omnipotence of Parliament and 506, 513; restoration of annual Parliament and equal representation necessary for 366; suffrage and preservation of the 1241
-, religion: Catholic relief bill consistent with Protestantism and 1740; consistent to grant civic rights to Catholics and Dissenters 1129, safe to repeal Test and Corporation Acts 1239; Dissenters or Anglicans of most service to literature and 1792, 1795; sacramental clauses of Test and Corporation Acts, repugnant to 1517, 1519, or protection for 1597

Constitutional Society: and Corresponding Society deluded or right thinking 1914, 1916, 1918; good citizens when approving politics of Tooke and Paine 1841

Cornwallis, Lord [Charles, 2nd earl, 17381805], 826

Courage: see also also Duelling, Suicide
-, natural or acquired 151; or fear, for protection 132, 454, 504; in Commander, caution or 589; learning, politeness or, most favoured by ladies 654, 809, 1103, 1228, 1449, 2035, 2131; and boxing 1608

Courts and Trials: see also also Crime, London, Military
-, decision in Chancery on money and marriage 721; Donellan's trial 798, 801, 805, 806; propriety of appealing from ecclesiastical to civil 40, Gordon and ecclesiastical courts 1209; as places to settle points of honour 912; John the Painter's trial 959; Pigot case 420; repeat trials judicious 300; Rose's trial 177; value of oratory in 97, 100, of public examination and publication 691, 717
-, judge: should he agree with jury if he knows better 66; validity of his not being able to qualify verdicts 68; propriety of his asking witness for opinion 263
-, juries: decisions of, in treason trials, prove vigour of English liberties 1906; trial for treason and number of jury 734; jurors as judges of law 952, 953; trial by jury, ministry and liberty 1221, liberty, law of libel and 1253

Courtship: see also Adultery, Divorce, Marriage, Men, Women
-, Addison on 1496; Chesterfield or Ovid on 1346; happiest days in 1689; happiest for man, when in, when married or when a widower 1781; long or short best 2148; can man propose to more than one woman 1758; man culpable if woos without wanting marriage 894; propriety of advertising for 1856, by women 1679; can woman encourage more than one man 2074; women's rights to woo 312, 682, 767, 1066, 1461 to go to India 1071, to propose 980; worse for women in, too much or too little caution 1819

Crime: see also Courts, Punishment
-, attempted Regicide 1128; law and right of defendant to counsel 726; propriety of assassination of Caesar 1911, 2017; propriety of putting accused into irons 707; rise in perjury due to lawyers, clerics or carelessness 1287; Sheriff and fair trial for high treason 734; smuggling and robbery compared 350; usury and insurance 93

Cromwell, Oliver: encroached most on liberty, Charles I or 401; Fox like, 1363, 1364

Culture: best form of government for 227; rusticity vs. refinement 275; wit, humour and ridicule 274

Debating Societies:
-, aims of one outlined 395; call for restrictions on 611, 1427, 1798; connection with another society disclaimed 2210; criticisms of 4, 220, of women debating 1401; and drink 330, 350, to be licensed 353; gold medal to be awarded 606; Mr. Macklin's performance at 295; opening address from President of Coachmakers' Hall 607; passion for, and new opening 408, 457; types of questions to be discussed 320, propriety of debating theology at 293, religion should not be discussed 1429; report of meeting 180, 394, 405, 413, 417, 418, 497, satirical comment 257, 456, 503, 545, 686; satirical play about 477; society connected to school 679; connection between societies and Convention Bill 1985; Select Vestries and suppression of 2052, 2056, 2105;
-, appeal from the Arnica Collatio 880; La Belle Assemblee, report of 540, 627, 630, 636, caustic response to 559, poem about 778, request for question to be discussed by 725; Carlisle House 527, 534, ladies at 538, 544, proprietor's caution 744; opening of Female Congress 685; poem about Female Parliament 581; report on French 435; riot at the Forum 1477; poem about debate at Kings Arms 608; report of Lyceum 802; letter on the Westminster 1388

Debt: and American war 59; East India Company and trade 502; empire, taxation and national 1110, expunging the national 1031; and imprisonment 382, 421, 431, 493, 511, 1037, 1235, 1840, 1847; and act of insolvency 13, 426, 428, 738, 743, 1037; Prince of Wales's 1945

Devil: holding candle to the 929; nature of 2064; need for Christian to believe in 2205, 2209; propriety of belief in 1974, 2018, 2019, 2023, 2127, 2212; Wesley on possession by 1359, 1360, 1361, 1647

Dissent and Dissenters: see also Catholics, Church of England, Methodism and Priestley, Wesley, Winchester
-, Birmingham riots caused by Burke or 1777, 1778; treatment of Birmingham rioters contrasted with Gordon rioters 1800; Burke on French Revolution and 1677, 1681, vs. Fox on repeal 1600; Charles I and 1518; closest to primitive Church, Quakers, Methodists, Anglicans, Catholics or 2176; Price's Revolution Sermon, Constitution and 1696, 1700; rendered most service to literature and Constitution, Anglicans or 1792, 1795; repeal Pitt's shop tax and impose one on Dissent 1289
-, Test and Corporation Acts: Catholics and, to get civic rights like Anglicans 1129, 1213, 1837, 1838; propriety of granting Catholics relief, when Dissenters still do not have civic and religious participation 1742; conduct of Dissenters demands repeal of 1300, 1303; consistent with constitution, and safety, to repeal 1239; continued restrictions on, unjust 1577; duty to press for repeal 1223, 1227, 1233; infringements on liberties, or necessary protection 1594, 1595, 1597; Ireland proves need to repeal, for Catholics and Dissenters 1936, 1927; should legislature refuse repeal 1583; friends of liberty to support in abolition of 1536, 1538; propriety of request for repeal 1580; repeal of, through patriotism or self-interest 1516, 1518; sacramental clauses of, unfair to Catholics and 1517, 1519

Divorce: see also also Adultery, Manners, Marriage
-, adulterers to be compelled to remarry following 296, to be prevented from remarriage 914; will decline if marriage made conditional on agreement 1751, 2013; ease of, and conjugal happiness 64, 516, 1112, 1264; silliest, to refuse when spouses disagree, or dissolve marriage when they do 1877; tax on 770
-, reasons for: through levity of women or neglect of men 1229, 2241; misconduct of husbands, levity of wives, or depravity of bachelors 1791; lenity of women or tyranny of man 2239; is dislike as good grounds as adultery for 1657

Dreams: see also also Apparitions, Astrology
-, evidence of classical texts and propriety of believing in 1876; foretell future 825, 966, 1467, 1470, 2066; most absurd, belief in ghosts, astrology or 1611, 1617, 1620, 1623, 1626; reasonable to believe in 966, in animal magnetism, astrology, ghosts or 1760, 1761, in ghosts and 1601

Duelling: see also also Honour
-, as appeal to Heaven 125, 128, propriety of 206, 207; bodies of duellists to be given to surgeons 2146; challenging MPs for what said in debate 455, 481, 499; limited or abolished 1186, abolished by legislature 1450; most courageous, to refuse or accept challenge 113, 1161; reasonable or courageous 9.09; refusal approved by women 464, consistent with honour 486, 501; refusal to punish reflects on humanity 254; York-Lennox 1521
-, propriety of: 129, 1143, 1180, 1332, 2173, brother with sister's seducer 1637, 2093, 2094, or daughter's 1396, 1403; married men and impropriety of 1632

East India Company: see India

Education: see also also Knowledge
-, classical, for man of commerce 30, 463; fashion and the improvement of the person 570; favourable or unfavourable to liberty 294; improve heart and head 248; national and Goldsmith's plan 1293; nature or nurture produces finest talents 230, 412, 1996, 2141, 2144, 2222, 2227; private vs. public 153, 439, 757, 1984, 1052, or mixed 380, to prepare man for society 331; superior male understanding through nature or 1036, 1051, 1308, 1511; vice of youth due to bad 178; vice of mankind due to nature, indulgence or 1184
-, female education: boarding schools for girls, general value of 927, and effect on manners 440, 701, or home better 969, or French convent worse 1150, or better 1199, 1204; classical and mathematical for girls 472, 494; female virtue most endangered by nature, parents or bad education 1295, by sensibility, vanity or bad 1448, by male treachery, unguarded passion or bad 1635; increase in prostitution through male treachery, or parent's improper education 1270, 1273, 1389; public happiness and women's scientific 616, science and arts 631

Empire: best for peace and happiness of, Pitt, Fox or third party 1960, 1962; duty of every subject to unite for defence of 325; equal representation in 116; use of force in America and destruction of liberties of 21; Ministry and Heir's pension 1173; national debt, taxation and 1110; Pitt and India 1329, 1330; responsibility for its calamities 375; value of French commercial treaty 1165

Fashion: compliance or refusal 222; effects of expense for, on morals and commerce 913; foibles, women and men 1048; necessity for 570; worse, adherence to old or servility to new 576; can a woman of, do wrong 696

Fitzwilliam [William Wentworth, 2nd earl, 1748-1833]: and government of Ireland 1920, troubles in due to Pitt or 1932

Foreign Policy: see also America, France, Holland
-, encouragement to enemies, France and Spain, impolitic 364; end of war with allied powers 492; involvement of Germany in war 763; involvement in wars on continent 207, 208; maritime alliance of European states 609; Pitt and war with Spain 1654, 1666, 1669; propriety of alliance with France 1055, 1265, 1266; assistance to Russian naval power 530
-, and Dutch: Administration and Holland 709, 710, 723; cease-fire in West Indies 716; Emperor, Dutch and English 970; renewal of treaty with Holland 711, peace with 781, 784, war with 487, 698

Fortune Telling: see Astrology

Fox [Charles James 1749-1806]:
-, best in or out of government 1242, 1244; vs. Burke on repeal of Test and Corporation Acts 1600; vs. Burke on French Revolution 1769; Committee of Association and 651, 656; dictum that integrity of rulers, not form of government important 2122, 2123, 2124; does his eulogium of Dr. Priestley prove latter to be supporter of constitution 1831; French, on antipathy to 1191, 1265, 1266; greater friend of liberty, Wilkes or 1262; should friends of liberty support 1975, 1979, 1981; on reason, love of life and women 2003
-, comparisons with others: best qualified for Prime Ministership, Pitt, North or 1151, 1155, 1159; better able to rule, Pitt or 1023; deserves most censure, North, Pitt or 1210; deserves confidence, Pitt or 1915, 1917, 1919; deserves election, Pitt's supporters or 1575, 1591, 1599, 1634, deserves well of country, Tooke, Pitt or 1931; which knows and cares most about constitution, Burke, Pitt or 1774, 1775; most admirable, Burke on East Indies, Pitt on finance or Fox on America 1344; most admired by posterity, Erskine, Burke or 2037; most constitutional on Russia, Pitt or 1762; most correct, Pitt or 1836; which is patriot, Pitt or, 1011, 1012, 1068, 1502, 1508, or General Elliot 1252; which is for peace, Pitt, third party or 1960, 1962; Pitt like Walpole or Cromwell like 1363, 1364;
-, and Pitt: coalition with, unlike his with North 1445; confidence in Pitt and what opinion of 1298, 1301, 1304; Pitt and France 1284; Pitt, Regency and 1436, 1440, 1441, 1442, 1444; repeal of shop tax by Pitt or 1495, by citizens of London, Pitt or 1494
-, Westminster Elections: propriety of Fox's conduct 1367, 1370, 1373; coalition with Hood, and electors of, 1613; propriety of late compromise 1614, 1615, minister worse to offer compromise, or Fox to accept 1618; should electors reject Hood and 1621; or elect Fox 1395, 1402

France and the French:
-, encouragement of French manufacture during war 705; French officers' action in West Indies 59; French Peer in Senate 179, 182, 184; tax on French things 769; treatment of French prisoners in late war 155
-, and America: after peace, emigrate to America, stay in England, or go to 1969; aims at erecting Gallic empire in 340; support of war 55, 139, violates law of nations 229; limits of religious and civil liberty as colony of 224; AntiGallicanism and Anti-Americanism 211, 216, 221; cession of Canada to 7; imprisonment of Lafayette greater disgrace to America or 2016; possible to vindicate treatment of America 2170; war with 243, and American independence 179, 184, 186, 204, useful to delay 221, 236
-, English attitude toward: wrong to speak of them as natural enemies 371, 1265, 1266; Fox, Pitt and attitude toward 1284; propriety of alliance with 1055; propriety of commercial treaty with 1154, 1165; or Fox's suspicions 1191
-, and Europe: actions of Prussian King and peace with 1939; government of such as would be suitable for peace 1944; propriety of German treaty with France 2103, 2104; propriety of cession of Venice 2115; should Europeans support French liberties 1830; worse, European monarchs' plunder of Poland, or France's of Switzerland 2157; effects of new French constitution on peace of Europe 1780, 1784, 1787

French Revolution and after:
-, storming of Bastille and disposition of French 1526; best for Britain, restoration of Louis XVIII or Republic 1957, restoration of Louis XVII 1934, 1937; Burke on 1676, 1677, 1681, 2107, vs. Sheridan on 1592, 1593; changes in status of marriage 1813; declaration on abolition of slavery 1880, 1881; expected and effects on England 1522, 1524; Fox on 1769; French and British constitutions contrasted 1797, 1799, 1973; liberties real or imaginary 2164, 2166; nationalization of Church property worthy of imitation 1559; new philosophy from 2201, 2202; peace with, stopped by Pitt or factions in government of 1950; Pope and relations with 1965, as agents of providence to destroy Pope 2129, and bring in the Millennium 2178; Price on 1678; progress of, and opinion of Burke 2107; prospect of new constitution, restoration of monarchy or Jacobin revolution 1966; Queen of France's dagger 1724; ought British to follow example of, and change suffrage 1570, 1573, 1576; time for peace with 1913; which greater blow at tyranny, Glorious, American or 1802, 1805, most glorious 1952
-, Lafayette as patriot or supporter of despotism 2092; suffered most for freedom, Lafayette, Pichegru or Dumourier 2098; transportation of General Pichegru proves despotism of government 2086, 2087, 2088; guilt or innocence of General Pichegru 2090; propriety of Pichegru fighting against 2194; utility of Buonaparte conquering Egypt 2187

Freedom: see also Suffrage
-, of speech and press 135, 148, 151, 253, 255; and Crown's power to make war 314

Friends and Friendship: acting with, vs. national good 423, 633, 863, 1033; best, patriot, citizen of world or 1619; greatest virtue, constancy in love or sincerity in 946, 1398, 1405; greatest obligation, to parents, country or 1854; to die for country, parent or 1267; Jenyns on patriotism and 245, 2184; lead to worthy action, love, public spirit or 1305; love or preferable 1164, 2151; love without, between sexes 158, 557, 664, 1263; noblest, gratitude, love or 1482; possible between females after same male 947; secrets, propriety of 208; stronger base for, similarity or reciprocity 1225; women as capable of sincerity in, as constancy in love 1745; worse, faithless lover or pernicious 1616, 1668, 1868, 1869, murderer or false 1183

Garrick [David 1717-79]: in tragedy or comedy 269, 272, 352; and Hamlet 127

Genius: demands most, pulpit, bar or senate 1473; Great Britain's grandeur, mercantile, naval or 2226; greater, in comedy and tragedy 174, natural or learned 412, 414; reasons for distress of 1182, 2228

Godwin [William, 1756-1836]: value of Political Justice 2236, effect of and new school of philosophers on happiness and civil society 2135, 2136, 2201, 2202, 2203

Goldsmith [Oliver, 1728-74]: national education and plan of 1293; on female seduction 1767

Gordon Riots: comparison with Birmingham riots 1800; creation of confusion 1269; effect of accident or design 599; Gordon's conduct, and treason 680; Gordon's treatment compared with Mr. Laurens 620; whether Magistrate should be defended from riot damages 635, 639; opposition to Ecclesiastical court mandate 1209

Government: see also India, Ministry
-, ecclesiastical establishment and arbitrary power 1808, 1812, 1815; honour bound to support American refugees 361; oppression in ruler justifies resistance in ruled 749; role of bribery and corruption in British 62; value of rewards in 628
-, forms of: 5, 238; elective vs. inherited monarchy best 273; Montesquieu on virtue and monarchy 90; which is Britain verging towards 584; best promotes culture 227, and liberty 8, 986; one perfect form 66, 68, 242

Habeas Corpus: 82, 84

Happiness: see also also Love, Marriage, Men, Women, Virtue
-, effect of Napoleon's conquest of Egypt on human 2187; knowledge necessary for 2095; misfortune and sorrow 918; riches and 916; virtue productive of 205
-, comparative: acquisition vs. communication of knowledge 356; apathy or sensibility lead to 302, 1008, 1060, 1527, 2149; brute creation vs. human race 1030; husband restored to wife, saved shipwreck, or freed slave 1557; most injurious to national, bad divine, lawyer or minister 1124; male or female qualities most conducive to public 389; of mankind, in knowledge, trade or social intercourse 1852; men or women enjoy most 2177; in state of nature or refinement 857, 2233, rude or refined nations 48, 185; productive of, gifts of nature or fortune 1341; steady or flexible temper 239; town or country entertainments affords more 586; weakness or wisdom best state 568, 580, fools as happiest 2113; in which situation, wealth, trade or retirement 1589, 1590, 1793, 1882, 2080; for woman, in virginity, marriage, or widowhood 1489, 1514, 1659, 1763, 1764, 2167, 2183; in youth or old age, 46, 452

Hardy [Thomas, 1752-1832]: which has led to most national liberty, discovery Gunpowder plot, landing of William of Orange, or acquittal of 1980; propriety of his refusal to light house 2101

Hastings [Warren, 1732-1818], Commons proceedings against 1226

Holland and the Dutch: release of American ambassador to 629; administration and actions of 709, 710; England, Germany and 970; John Paul Jones, refusal to hand over to Britain 365; Ministry, and Admiral Parker's attack on 813; propriety of bringing captured Dutch boats into British harbour 381, 385, 388; renewal of treaty with 711; war with England 487, 698, justifiable 723; West Indies, peace and taking of St. Eustasia 781, 784

Honour: see also also Duelling, Marriage, Prostitution, Seduction
-, arms or law most honourable profession 37, 39; arms for hire honourable 101; courts, military men and 912; aristocratic principles of honour and virtue 1059; national dignity like male honour and female virtue 170; and character of a spy 810

Huntington, Rev. [William, 1745-1813]: on election vs. Winchester 1393, 1399, 1406; effects of preaching good or ill 1994, 1998; most injurious to Christianity, Paine or 2128, 2134; credit or disgrace to Methodism 2153; vs. Methodists on Missionary Society 2169; vs. Swedenburgh 2231

Husbands: see also also Courtship, Marriage, Wives and Husbands Contrasted, Wives
-, best, knave or fool 1079; rake or sot 739, rake 1296, 1584, 2005, 2168; miser or spendthrift make better 1047; wild or studious youth makes best 968; worthiest, husband who marries fallen woman, accepts back adulterous wife, or parent who forgives seduced daughter 2223
-, which stands best chance of securing: beauty, understanding or money 1458, 1652, 1773, 2049, 2140, mind or body 1086, prude or coquette 1003, 1091, beauty or fortune 1138, beauty without fortune or vice versa 1141, money or merit 923, which quality 1285
-, and wives: English wives too much indulged by 1483; wifely obedience because of natural inferiority or first Transgression 1735; greatest plague, lower-class scolding wife or upperclass gamester 2047; justification for selling wife 2070, or sending daughter to India 2077; should wife of tyrannical, oppose or submit 1479
-, worse for, death or infidelity of beloved wife 1747, death of good wife or live, bad one 1628
-, worst: clown or fop 1328, or spendthrift or miser, 1684, 1687, 1957, 2152, rustic or fop 1207; worst in, stupidity, jealousy or neglect 1176, weak mind or body 1006, man she loves who doesn't love her, or vice versa 1710

Impressment: justifiable 36, 38; Mayor of London's refusal 54, 61; Englishman's liberties 65, 146, 149; powers of Parliament 268, 277; state necessities justify 1261

-, war in India ruinous 1821, 1822; should it be controlled by Legislature, be given back to natives, or continue under East India Company 1824, 1825; open trade and government control of India 1850, 1851; Pitt and India policy 1329, 1330; ladies to, in search of husbands 1071; worse, husbands selling wives at Smithfield, or fathers sending daughters to 2077
-, East India Company 1824, 1825; renewal of Charter 450, 921, 922, 1722; should debt be paid and free trade established 502; worst, slavery of West Indies, or peculation of 1327

Interest, personal: dismissal of King's servants, through patriotism or self-1484; vanity or, greater influence on mankind 1849; many marry for, through disappointed love, avarice or for happiness 1871; modesty or assurance best promote 258, more powerful, pleasure or 1125; Pitt's administration one of patriotism, ambition or 1488, 1492; worst, murder or self- 1183

Ireland and the Irish: actions of Irish Parliament, unjust 345, as freedom or faction 363; Administration and propositions of 1015; America model for 483, 489; commerce and Parliament of 997, 998, 1000; consistent with constitution that English Legislature should control Legislature of 552, 558, proper to allow a constitution like England's 453; decision by Jury on libel, positive for press 1660; demands founded on justice or strength 854; free trade with 192, 195, 354, 357; Great Britain and Volunteers 851; independence, entitled to 368, 466; Lord North's proposal for 373, 377; ministry delay concerning, merits censure 369; Pitt, Fitzwilliam and government of 1920, trouble in, due to Pitt or Fitzwilliam 1932; propriety of Whig club 1674; repeal anti-Catholic statue to gain loyalty of 188, 1936; restriction of Pitt's Regency bill, delegates from, and patriotism 1476, 1480; union with Britain 333, as solution to problems 348, 349, like Scotland 202, 203, 343, 948, 1017, 1019, 1927, better than independence 855
-, Jamaica: see West Indies

Jealousy: see also also Husbands, Marriage, Wives
-, love or, stronger in women 1754; married woman ceases to love husband after his unreasonable jealousy 1609; most dangerous, profligacy in merchant, ambition in politician or jealousy in lover 1307; results from love or depravity 520, love or pride 692, love or ignominy 1277, 1281, 1786; stronger in the male or female lover 1709; true love and 857, 859, 874, 1075, 1078, 1160, 2055; worst for wife, she of him, or he of her 1542

Jews: tax on, desirable 326; value of English colony of 827; final restoration of 2224

Johnson, Dr. [Samuel 1709-84]: on apparitions 1297, 1889; on celibacy and marriage 1140, 1310, on married life 1629, 1694; on bad husbands 1756; on suicide 2195; and women's characters 1211

Judge, Jury: see Courts

Keppel, Admiral [Augustus, viscount 1725-86]: and Duke of Chartres 209, 210; and Palliser 275, 276, 279; approval of trial of 283, 301; refusal to serve 289, 298, 299, 681; justified in going to relief of Jamaica 311

Knowledge: acquisition vs. communication of 356, 486; to advance, study or conversation 32; value of curiosity 144; general or specific better 165; necessary for happiness 2095; and principles of taste 259; value of dead languages 105, 429; can women acquire as much as men 1434

Koskiosko [Thaddeus, 1746-1817]: most service to his nation, Chatham, Washington or 1898; Russian Emperor's treatment of to be example for German Emperor's of Lafayette 2021