Index: L - Z

London Debating Societies: 1776-1799. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1994.

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'Index: L - Z', in London Debating Societies: 1776-1799, ed. Donna T Andrew( London, 1994), British History Online [accessed 26 October 2024].

'Index: L - Z', in London Debating Societies: 1776-1799. Edited by Donna T Andrew( London, 1994), British History Online, accessed October 26, 2024,

"Index: L - Z". London Debating Societies: 1776-1799. Ed. Donna T Andrew(London, 1994), , British History Online. Web. 26 October 2024.

Labour, regulation of price of 56

Lafayette [Marie-Joseph, marquis de, 1757-1834]: imprisonment of, greater disgrace to America or France 2016; Lafayette as patriot or supporter of despotism 2092; Russian Emperor's treatment of Koskiosko to be example for German Emperor's of Lafayette 2021; suffered most for freedom, Lafayette, Pichegru or Dumourier 2098

Laurens, Mr. [Henry, 1724-92]: compared to Gordon 620; treatment as rebel or prisoner of war; 621 for honour of Great Britain to release 629

Law: see also Adultery, Courts, Debt, Lawyers and legal profession, Marriage, Parents, Punishment, Seduction
-, abridge legal proceedings and number of lawyers 159; alienation from civil society through natural 343; female occupations protected by 531; gender discrimination in punishment and 518, 1490; milder punishment would make penal laws more effective 111, 398; nature, reason and equity and money in marriage 721; necessity of equality of fortune for marriage 705; propriety of law that regulates royal marriages 1807; propriety of Salic 425, report of debate 427; simplification of 835; tedious vs. summary proceedings of England vs. East 565, 571; value of agrarian law 153, 154, sumptuary law 647, 896; when binding on conscience 224, 228
-, and courts: judges who publicly disparage 266, 272; jurors as judges of 952, 953; jury, liberty and libel 1253; malicious prosecution, case of Sir A. Leith 317; Mansfield, better if he had never existed 657; right of prisoner for defence by counsel 726; when may people be forced to accuse 65
-, and governance: governing soldiers dangerous to liberties 233, 236; obligatoriness of legislative 157; of Solon and civic dissension 645; receipt tax and suits at 911; sovereign's power to pardon, a deficiency in 304, should pardon 105

Lawyers and legal profession: arms or law, the most honourable profession 37, 39; debating society of 424, 782, 785, 1846; can lawyers be honest 2078, 2079, 2172; rise of perjury due to neglectful clergy, careless oaths, clever lawyers 1287; most valuable, honest doctor or 109, divine, doctor or 460, 776, 1022, 1073; greatest quacks, doctors, clerics or 877, 996; most injurious, divine, minister or 1124, 1713, 1967

Lecture topics: advantages of society 13; alarming and dangerous vices of the present times 818; antediluvian world and heathen mythology 68; Caananites 78; character of Semiramis 74; conjugal happiness 90; death 95; Delia to Strephon 26; Dr. Graham's celestial bed 816; elocution 718; evils of human life 54; fame 72; friendship 10, 123; The Grave, lines from 52, 70, 117; happiness 91; history 66; honour and shame 96; inconsistency 81; infelicities of human life 106; lines from Pope 115; moral 704, 715; oratory 6; an original lecture 508; peace 84; pleasure 2; Pope's Essay on Man 46; reason 3; search for truth 45; self-deception 11; sincerity 20; Thomson's Winter 8; trade and commerce 47; wisdom 125

Liberty: see also Courts, Impressment, Law, Military, Press, Slavery, Women
-, and courts: decision of juries on treason cases proves vigour of English 1906; juries, law of libel and 1253; ministry, trial by jury and 1221
-, and politics: desire for popularity conducive to 263, 266; end of suffrage when poor relief accepted conducive to 288; French and British interest 1524; increase of excise to curb smugglers or attempt by ministry to curb 1549; most dangerous to, prerogative or parliamentary omnipotence 154; present ministry and people's 1018; who has done most damage to 1250
-, and religion: English, and denial of rights on religious grounds 1397, 1404, 1410; prevention of religious investigation, breach of 807
-, origins and nature of: English more due to Revolution or Magna Carta 1409; English real or imaginary 1094; habeas corpus, propriety of suspending 82, 84; state of property without liberty, or vice versa better 400; value of free speech and writing 135, 148, 151, 255

Literature: authenticity of Shakespeare manuscripts 2020; and the value of critics 47, 154; Dissent or Anglicans rendered most service to constitution and 1792, 1795; and reviews 466, 515, 527; value to, of theatre managers as authors 533; value of novels to women 836, contrasted with Chesterfield to men 1232

London, City of: see also Wilkes
-, when is expulsion of alderman justifiable 821; Chief Magistrate and interference in elections 22; City's refusal to raise troops for American war 162; should City withhold assistance [to government] 323, 327; is Common Council correct about petitioning delegates 783; forming county associations and petitioning 407, Committee of Association for 651, 656; Mayor and Newgate rioters 119, 120; Mayor's refusal to back press warrants 54, 61; should magistrates be defended from Gordon damages 635, 639; raise militia or build ship 867; utility of public charities of 316; validity of Common Council's application for Dr. Dodd 108; women's exclusion from Lord Mayor's feast just 637
-, and Parliament: Livery to petition Parliament for new member since old is now French 374; propriety of rejection of Sawbridge by Livery 605; which candidate from, should be supported for Parliament 812
-, Wilkes: deserving of trust 15; report of debate 16; and conduct of City 346, 358; deserving of opposition 98, 99, 106; mayoral debts to be paid by City 63, 67, 69, 71

London Corresponding Society: call to meeting proves them disturbers or friends of liberty 1914, 1916, 1918, 1951, 1953, 1954; should all enrol as way of bringing parliamentary reform and peace 1968, 1970; effect on reform 1977; insult to king due to distress of poor, artifice of ministry to pass convention bill or 1984; to save country from ministerial despotism, union of Whigs and 1988, 1989

Lotteries: beneficial 51, 359; influence of 62

Love: see also Adultery, Friendship, Marriage, Men and Women, Parents, Prostitution, Seduction
-, causes and effects of: first cause of 1770, 1772; strength of first 1093, first love delusion or fixed idea 2179; strongest between ages 15-25 or 25-50 822;1530 or 30-50 1368, 1543; leads to more happiness or anxiety 919, 1454; Ovid on force of 1560; possible without lust 74, platonic 578; La Rochefoucauld on unlikeness of mutual 1810, 2027, from depravity or providence 1863
-, and conduct: better to, unworthy man who loves you, or worthy one who doesn't 1664, 1685; can one have, for more than one object 350; Chesterfield vs. Ovid on proper conduct of 1346; constancy in 951, 1188, 1335; can Englishwoman marry for 1532; excites to noble or ignoble actions 232; improves virtuous soul 1299; leads man to heroic actions 231, to worthy actions, friendship, public spirit or 1305; machinations of Miss Gunning to win Duke of Argyll 1755; may man enter into marriage except when in 873; can man really, and seduce 1392, 1588, 1680, 2110; men inconstant in, women feign 1612; timid vs. bold lover 376, 556, 879; can wife disobey and 1062; can woman simultaneously have two loves 1732, 1782, 2072; women, trust and jilting men 1095, 2193
-, and other passions: more powerful, ambition or 641; most destructive, ambition or 858, 1021, avarice, ambition or 1152, 1766; most destructive to female virtue, avarice, vanity or 1280; better, friendship or 1164, 2151; noblest, gratitude, friendship or 1482; friendship between the sexes without 158, 556, 664, 1263; greatest virtue, sincerity in friendship or constancy in 946, 1398, 140; women as capable of sincerity in friendship as constancy in 1745; can true, degenerate to hatred 2242; most powerful, hatred or 527; jealousy: result of depravity or 520, in women, from pride or 692; jealousy and true 857, 859, 874, 1075, 1078, 1160, 1281, 2055, or ignominy 1277, 1786; stronger in women, jealousy or 1754; most hypocrisy in politics, religion or 1610; most obligatory, parental, filial or conjugal 1056, 1456; stronger in male or female 908, 1709; of liberty, life or ladies strongest in men 995, 1319, 1323, 1422, 1426, 1860, 1861, 1907, 1908, 2108; Fox, life, ladies 2003; of power, strongest in male or female 831, 893, 1137; selflove as universal motive 731; worse, perfidious friend or faithless 1616, 1668, 1868, 1869

Madan, Rev. [Martin, 1726-90]: and value of plurality of wives 648, 652, 654, 676, 690, 693, 702, 804, 1428; and effect on population 755; and Convocation 669

Manners and Morals: see also Theatre
-, frequency of corruption an excuse for bribery 677; is breach of promise a violation 2114, 2116; nature of attention to air balloons 954; propriety of holding candle to devil 929
-, comparative: active vs. speculative man 2238; busy fool vs. ingenious villain 883; compliance with or opposition to fashion worse 222, 575; male or female coquet commoner 437, prude or coquet most odious 397; most dangerous, profligacy in merchant, ambition in politician or jealousy in lover 1307; more depraved, male or female more depraved 617, 975, 1048, vanity of women or depravity of men 1662, 1814, 1816, 1817, present age vs. past 124, 557; gallantry in men vs. coquetry in women 592; most hurtful, deism or belief in predestination 956; crafty hypocrite vs. open debauchee 740; illuminations or fasts worst 275, 278, influence of solemn public processions 1506, fasts or thanksgiving days 2220; immorality caused by opera dancers, lower class infidelity or fashionable Sunday amusements 2150; indolence or active viciousness 613, 614; worst, libertine, religious hypocrite or infidel 2229, 2235; preference for dance over music proof of depraved taste 752; worse, miserliness or prodigality 114, 370, spendthrift or miser 2053; political vs. religious enthusiasm more dangerous 872, prejudice 1171, 1497; public evils from gaming or luxury 53, gaming or drinking 159; seriousness of high vs. low life 77; severity or laxness with youth 823, 870; vanity or interest more influential on 1849; worse, bankrupt attorney or lottery shark 1879, knavish attorney or illiterate schoolmaster or registry office keeper 1105, 1205, knavish attorney, quack doctor, or lottery office keeper 2032, venal clergyman or artist 906, dishonest cleric or lawyer 1177, divine, lawyer or physician 1713, impious divine, corrupt lawyer or unpatriotic ministry 1124, Publican, Pawnbroker, or trading Justice 1100, spy or common robber 1895.
-, effects of: can conduct lengthen life 1027; fashion on commerce and 913, can a woman of fashion do wrong 696; Christmas celebrations 977; masquerades on 472, 2206, 2216; charities on 316; growth of metropolitan luxury on 1439; travel on 750; influence of lotteries 62; sumptuary law on 647, 896; of flattery on 982; worst effects, disappointed love, overweening ambition 1021, or unbounded avarice 1766
-, morals: can moral evil be political good 962; can morals exist without religion 2126; marriage deterred or promoted by ladies' 548; propriety of cohabitation without marriage 55; demands more fortitude, loss of fortune, reputation or love 1897

Marriage: see also Adultery, Courtship, Divorce, Husband, Love, Madan, Man, Parent, Seduction, Wife, Woman
-, after, husbands want liberty, wives power 1682, 1683; aversion to from defect in morals or law 590; clergy to act as bureaux for proposals of 978; co-habitation of unmarried 55; effects of rewards for 817, 820; English wives and indulgence in 1483; equality of fortune in 705, 721; Dr. Johnson on 1140, 1310, 1629, 1694; La Rochefoucauld on 1145, 1146; for love or money 120, 1208; ought Prime Minister to 1149; propriety of poor man's marrying rich woman 1290, 1888; second, for love 878, 2171, can woman marry and love a second time 1376, 138, do women love first spouses, men second 1686; should two poor lovers separate or 1572, 1705, 1883, 2106; similarity or difference best for happiness in 433; utility of polygamy 451, 755
-, age and: law to prohibit when disparity of age 824; lower age of, without consent 1598; most to be avoided in, dissimilar dispositions or ages 1127, 1607
-, comparative: affection without money or vice versa better in 1486, 1493, 1859, worse in 2204, 2207, 2208; most blameable, girl who elopes or weds money 1168; most defensible, plurality of wives, clerical celibacy or cousins 1555; dowries lead to good or bad 603, 1753; wisest man marries for love, money or waits till finds both 1672; worse, old man/young woman or old woman/young man 574, 699, 1106, better 1315; worse, man who never marries, or he who does only for money 585, effect of parental pressure or hasty decisions of young 2211, union of sensible man and frivolous women, or vice versa 834
-, happiness and: happiest in virginity, widowhood or 1489, 1512, 1659, 1763, 1764, 2167, 2183; happiest for man, courtship, widowerhood or 1781, men and women 2243; happiest, single or 175, 177, 347, 476, 589, 597, 1088, 1587, 1783, 1785; single or married man wisest 959, 1447, 2102 good men and early, wise men seldom 1586; in youth vs. advanced years 202; happiest in, upper, middle or lower rank 1043, 1943; and first love 1562;
-, infelicity in: negligence of wife or disrespect of husband 1415; husband's negligence or wife's misconduct 1578, or to more attention in courtship 1416, 1853; jealousy of husband or inconstancy in wife 1236, 1345; too much male power, too little female obedience 1625; hope of reclaiming a libertine 582; in unhappy, better to be loved or lover 594; too early or too late 1245, 1246, 1247; from actions of parents, husband, or wife 1162; stagnation in, due to women's levity, men's depravity, or poor relations of those 1708
-, Marriage Act: repeal 441; propriety of 660, for minors 762, 766; Act and marital felicity 1057, decreases 1111; propriety of Royal Marriage Act 1251, 1807
-, nature of: balance of comforts and care 1158, 1288, 1790; as divine institution, political contract or priestly attempt at control 1671; duty to enter into 1282, 1380; through free will or destiny 1460; as happiest state 2130, 2133; no medium to 1163, 1352; more blanks, lottery or 1485, 1739; necessity for, because of evils resulting from love without 1992; strongest obligation, love, honour or obey 1362, 1596, obedience at all times 2190; violation of any condition to void 931; wisdom of French changes in status of 1813; word obey out of ceremony 901, 1206, 1670, 1796; can man promise love to one woman and marry another 2193

Members of Parliament: see also Commons, Parliament
-, confusion through hatred of late, or ministry artifice 942; propriety of voting for Townshend, not Hood as 1369; public value of re-election of 604; which of two London candidates for 812; worse, Minister who corrupts MP, or MP who corrupts elector 615

Men and Women compared:
-, do female beauty or male talent excuse failings 2248; female beauty or male wit most dangerous to owner 1178; constancy in love 1188, 1612, stronger in 908; corruption of 1814, 1816, 1817; female forwardness or male bashfulness worse 1217; fortitude greater in 470; love or power strongest in 831, 893, 1137; effect of novel reading on women compared to effect of Chesterfield on men 1232; strategem most predominant in 850; treachery of men vs. vanity of women 1662; most dangerous for females to trust 1238; variety more predominant in 444
-, relations of: better to be woman or man 1788, 2083, happiest 2177; equal rights 1958, women designed equal or inferior to 972, or superior 1535, 2060, 2063; which can acquire more knowledge 1434; natural superiority of male or result of education 1036, 1051, 1308, 1511; men superior to women 814, in understanding 898; women cleverer in mischief 1801, 1867, 2175, 2214; are women slaves and men tyrants 2121
-, in sexuality: are women more unforgiving to seduced women, than men 1767; Chesterfield on female chastity and male veracity 1243; female ruin due to 829, 1464, female impropriety blamed on 537, 553
-, worse: woman proud of beauty or male of learning 1196; male without sense, woman without beauty 2004; man who turns away faithful mistress to marry another, or woman who kills him 1964; masculine woman or effeminate male 479; bold female manners or foppish men 1010, 1466, 1500; Otway on treachery of men, or Pope on women 1114, 2237, 2246;

Men: see also Courtship, Husbands, Marriage, Seduction, Wives, Women
-, bashful or impudent should succeed 879; duty to provide for illegitimate children as legitimate 2085; law to prevent encroachment on female jobs by 531; least manly, male-milliner or boxer 1661; lord or tyrant of creation 144; most ridiculous, male milliner or military fop 1083, milliner, miser or libertine 1169; worst for sensible, to court coquet or marry scold 1187

Methodism and Methodists: see also Wesley
-, enthusiasts, hypocrites, or genuinely pious 1566, 1752, 2058, 2059, 2120; persecution of Lady Huntingdon's Connection 830; Pitt to repeal shop tax and license 1289; Price's critical views of 1605; should Bishops suppress field preaching by 1421
-, comparative: Calvinist Methodism vs. Winchester 2112; civil liberties of Catholics compared to 1353, 1355, 1356; closest to primitive Church, Quakers, Catholics, Dissenters, Church of England or 2176; consistent with reason, revelation and Church of England 1653, 1655; members of Church of England, Dissent, or neither 1693; increase of, due to zeal or decline of established church 13, 40, 1343, 1624, 1627; most injures religion, superstition of Catholics or enthusiasm of 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875; whether Catholicism, Winchester or, most promote licentiousness 1418, 1423; worse: play-house or meeting of 1892, trading justice or preacher 875, quack doctor or 1087, 1090, 1147, 1153, 1156, 1339, 1374, 1377, 1789, or pettifogging attorneys 1940
-, effects on: morality 965, personality 1063, 1065; more harm or good to nation 904, 905, 1194, 1197, 1658,
-, Huntington: value of Huntington and other Methodists 1994, 1998; Huntington credit or disgrace to 2153; Methodists vs. Huntington on Missionary Society 2169, in debate 217

Military: see also Honour
-, are arms an honourable profession 101; Britain owes most to intellectuals, merchants or naval commanders 2221, 2226; best in Commander, courage or caution 589; courts, honour and officers 912; French and English officers in West Indies 596; giving command to inexperienced man a discouragement 465, 580; law governing soldiers 233, 236; love of woman incitement to valour 141, 231; more ridiculous, man milliner or military fop 1083; most immediate reform needed in ecclesiastical, civil or 554; Quakers and obligations to 885; does soldier have to believe in justness of a war 718; standing army vs. militia 110, 111
-, and government: General's failures his own fault or ministerial blunders 198; misconduct of government and desertion of 671; present crisis caused by spiritlessness of ministry or 337, 342; propriety of military presence when petitions to be debated 543, of enquiry into first Lord of the Admiralty 837; refusal of slighted officer to serve 68

Ministry and Ministers:
-, integrity vs. ability in Prime Minister 1049; Fox, Pitt, North qualified for Prime Ministership 1151, 1154, 1159; ought Prime Minister to marry 1149; trial by jury, board of Control, liberty and 1221; wise vs. virtuous minister 193; worse, corrupt parliament or bad MP 423, Minister who corrupts MP or MP who corrupts elector 615

Individual ministriesfollow,in chronological order:

North Ministry to 1782
-, actions of resigning Lords 367, 410; responsibility for America problem 49; North's conduct of American war 171; is change in an improvement 287, 290, 846; continuation of present, from lust for power 261, 264, propriety of continuing contrary to general sense 284; delay on Ireland deserves censure 369; entitled to re-election 600; dissolution of Parliament needed 237, 403; failure of General or blunder of 198; actions of Holland and conduct of 709, 710; Jamaica, and ability to govern 355; present ministry more to be feared than France and Spain 181, 183; Minister, negative Petitions and resignation 496, 505; national crisis caused by military or 337, 342; need to change men and measures 173, 200, 201, and acknowledge American independence 211, 212; prudent to employ Palliser 493; size of Admiral Parker's force and 813; propriety of attempt to forestall seat-vacating by MP 338, 339; punish, for present national crisis 199; should they be thanked for perseverance 676; treatment of Speaker of the House by 447, dismissal of 646
-, and opposition: calamities due to opposition or bumbling of 188, 190, 336, 372, 375; did opposition foment American problem 324; other incidents 280; opposition vs. ministry as friend of King 416; ministry or opposition closer to constitution 9, 12; difference in principle between ministry and opposition 281, 286, 289; North vs. opposition on Ireland 373, 377; and Constitutional Association 399; to form public associations 318; opposition and public utility 483, 501, 506, 513

Rockingham Ministry , 1783
-, what should new ministry do to help situation 848; has ministry acted on its pledges deserves public confidence 864; peace proposals and arguments against 892

Fox-North Ministry 1783
-, value of ministry with such differing constitutional views 902

Pitt Ministry from 1783
-, budget 1013; Commons, supplies and monarch's appointment of 934; would change of ministry be improvement 1433, 1910, 1912; propriety of continuing contrary to general sense 932, 933; dissolution and peace needed 935; Fox worse to accept, or to offer, Westminster compromise 1618; French commercial treaty and 1154; Heir's pension and resistance of 1173, 1237; increase of excise due to smugglers or attempt on liberty 1549; Irish propositions and 1015; can minister act without Parliament 1005; minister should have majority in Commons 1279; minister strives to please Sovereign or people 1076; ministry's artifice to pass convention bill 1984; people's confusion, late MPs and artifice of 942; people's liberty and 1018; petition to King to end war and remove 1986; price of provisions through agricultural failure, monopoly, or war fought by 1942; to save country from despotism of, union of London Constitutional Society and Whigs 1988, 1989; status of present affairs and 1667; trial of Mr. Rose, and duplicity of Minister 1779; troubles due to internal intrigues, external enemies or 1933; value and constitutionality of 1026
-, and opposition: if ill results, opposition or, to blame 936; regard for constitution, opposition or 937; sincerity of opposition 1069, 1072, 1501; calamities due to ministry or opposition 936, 1185; or opposition have more ability 1195; or opposition closer to Rev. principles 1407; who deserves support at election 1575, 1591, 1599, 1634, 1645; people can have no confidence in opposition or 1839

-, better to save: mother, wife or child 845, 1539, 2030, father, wife or son 80, shipwrecked mariner or condemned criminal or deserted lover 985, mariner, criminal, seduced and deserted woman 1453
-, happiest: to die for mother, friend or country 1267, banished person restored, mariner saved, or freed slave 1557
-, most distressing, shipwrecked mariner, condemned criminal, or seduced and deserted female 1650, wife, mother or child 1701, 1823

-, Coronation Oath binds him to redress grievances 391; more desirable in, glory or love of art 356; elective or hereditary 102, 104, 106; more to fear from, flattery or opposition 270, 832; lenity or severity of and public happiness 485, 525; to whom is nation indebted for King's recovery 1503, whom to be most thankful to, minister, people or providence 1505; insult to, due to distress of poor, London Constitutional Society, or artifice of ministry to pass Convention Bill 1984; petition to, to end war and dismiss minister 1986; war or peace for display of virtues and ability 167
-, powers of crown: constitutionality Of influence of on Parliament 925, 926; habeas corpus, suspension of 82, 84; propriety of power of pardon 105, 304; right to make war and peace 314, American peace without Parliament 593, 891; better, perverted Parliament or absolute 1189, 1193
-, prerogative and governance: Commons, supplies and ministry appointed by 934; and G. Germain's peerage 841; impressment and 146, 149; most endangers liberty, prerogative or parliamentary omnipotence 154; influence greater before or after Revolution 383, 387; people have most to fear from Lords, Commons or 930; worse, party or influence of 409, 449, 519

Monopolies: when justifiable 65; vs. price cutting 228; price of provisions through agricultural failure, Ministry's fighting war or 1942, 1976

Monster, the [Renwick Williams]: should his crime be capital 1649; what caused his actions 1648; worst, slaver or 1630

Morals: see Manners, Theatre

Nation: see also Commerce, Friendship, Government, Liberty, Slavery
-, blessing of Revolution vs. Restoration to 262; should Restoration be celebrated as festival 910; chief security in law, fortification or people 2100; discontented because of real or imaginary ills 1038; enquiry into state of 256, 260, 263, 1459, 1462, 1465, 1468, 1929, before Dutch war 707; friend to, who exposes national weakness in time of danger 92; greatest friend to monarch and, pro- or anti-parliamentary reform 1900, 1902, 1904; greater friend to, wearers of hairpowder or abstainers 1941; importance of dignity, like male honour and female virtue 170; is residence of Jews advantageous to 827; manufacture or agriculture best for infant 719; value to, of: extensive commerce 360, political publications 419, popular tumults 289, 292, 296, prosecution for opinion 2218; whose head should appear upon Temple Bar 288; worse in decline of free state, anarchy vs. despotism 156

Newspapers: see Press

North, Lord [Frederick, 2nd earl Guilford, 1732-92]: see also Ministry
-, proposals of 171, 373, 377; best qualified for Prime Ministership, Fox, Pitt or 1151, 1155, 1159; most deserved censure, Fox, Pitt or 1210; Fox-Pitt coalition unlike Fox-North 1445

Obligation: towards father, wife or son 80, father or son 90, 94, mother, wife or daughter 845; strongest, filial, parental, or conjugal 1456; greater, to friends, parents or country 1854

Old Maids: see also Bachelors
-, due to nature, disappointment or male treachery 1391, male perfidy, disappointment or peculiarity 1894, or aversion to marriage 1553; happiness in marriage of bachelor and 1224; quickness of widows to remarry proves foolishness of 1736, 1738; ridicule and 815, 1041; should they risk marriage or bear scorn 1651; tax on 683, 769, 871, 1098, 2117
-, comparative: happiest, she who's lost bad husband, or she who's married and no longer 1638; hardest to get in marriage, widows or 751; whether maiden or widow has greater propensity to matrimony 139, 142; most commendable, old maid or widow marrying 1366; preferable, marriage to widows or 981, 1081, 1118, 1202, 1347; married men desire to be single vs. old maids to be wed 687; more contemptible, old bachelor or 1174; most likely to die an old maid, prude or coquet 828, 1582, 1603; sillier, bachelor, remarrying widow or 1809; saddest, cuckold through wife's adultery, or through lovers' perfidy 1698; unhappiest, wife of bad husband, seduced woman or 2244; worse companion, crusty bachelor or peevish 1286, 1520, 1865; worst character 1354

Opposition: see also Ministry
-, necessity for permanent 344; patriots and 485

Oratory: definition of 964; does it lead to truth 306; ought eloquence to be promoted 2109; gender, should it be confined to one 415, in which better 495, justice of exclusion of women 448, 482; demands most genius 1473; best method to acquire 61, 64; best to cultivate, music, poetry or 1491; public welfare and parliamentary 1074; best school of, bar, pulpit or senate 70, 1050; speaking vs. writing 88, 442; talent vs. learning of 478, 1846; utility of 392, debating societies 1029; value of, in courts 97, 100, in senate 99

Paine [Thomas, 1737-1809]:
-, agrarian justice as answer for poverty 2043; friend or disturber of mankind 2031, 2033; most injurious to Christianity, Huntington or 2128, 2134; most libellous, Rights of Man, or Reeve's pamphlet 1987; Society for Constitutional Information good citizens when approving politics of Tooke and 1841; spoke at Coachmakers' Hall Society 1784; to be reprobated for attack on Washington 2026, 2028, 2029
-, and Age of Reason: attack on religion deserves condemnation by friends of liberty 1961, 1963; Erskine's attack on 2075; propriety of 1946, 1948, 1949; refutation of infidelity in, by Landaff adequate 2000, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014

Palliser, Admiral [Sir Hugh, 1723-96]: employment by Ministry 493; propriety of appointing him to head Channel Fleet 591; propriety of trying Keppel on his charge 301; should be tried for not obeying orders 275, 276; trial of, injudicious 303

-, correctness of Roman father who executed daughter lest she be raped 1891; most needed to avert crime, magistrates' vigilance, clerical exhortation or restraint of 1991; propriety of father disinheriting prodigal 119, of primogeniture 957; worse, too rigid or too lax 1102, 1231
-, and marriage: marital unhappiness due to husband, wife or 1162; propriety of Marriage Act for minors 762, 766, 1598; responsibility of, for meddling in marriage 1504, 1806; right to prevent 882, 907; law to stop fathers from compelling daughters 197; right to control children's affections 2125; who should have final say on match 720; right of women to marry against wishes of 1469; should woman comply or remain single 1579; duty of children to consult with, before marriage 1385; worse, father who forces marriage, or daughter who elopes 1551, 1552, 1699; effect of hasty decisions of young or pressure by 2211
-, and seduction and prostitution: father of seduced to forgive or banish her 1569, 1909; prostitution increased through male treachery or miseducation by 1270, 1273, 1389, or parental abandonment 1067; worse, seducer or angry father of seduced 1172, 1175, 1695, 1866, 2068, parent 1692; worse for father of seduced, prostitution or suicide of daughter 1214; worthiest, husband who marries fallen woman, accepts back adulterous wife, or who forgives seduced daughter 2223

Parker, Admiral [Sir Hyde, 1714-82], 813

Parliament: see also Commons, Duelling, Honour, Ireland, Members of Parliament
-, bad administration vs. corrupt 423; eloquence, value of in 99; enquiry into conduct of commander in America 307; peace proposal likely to be effective 844; propriety of bounty on Scottish linens 799; right to impressment 268, 277; should judges sit in Lords 251; whether placemen should sit 58; should French peer sit 179, 182, 184; which candidate electors of Middlesex should support 337
-, and commerce: and abolition of slavery 1309, 1514, 1516; free trade with Ireland to be approved by 195, entitled to independence from 368, or controlled by English 552, 558; propriety of insolvency act 1037, 1840
-, and constitution: can minister act without 1005; omnipotence of 506, 513; constitutionality of opposing bad act of 1014; more threatening to constitution, executive power or faction in Commons 1463, 1466; constitutionality of its laws 225; different from constitution 26, can alter constitution 89; obligatoriness of laws passed by 157
-, and MPs: court martial of two MPs reversed 745; can Commons, without other branches of, determine MPs' powers 528; bound to obey constituents 515, 529, 547, 622, or conscience 499, 537, 940, 941, to resign when differs from 514; propriety of being absent from Parliament 695, 700, of challenging MPs for what said in debate 455, 480, 499, of ministerial pressure preventing vacating seat 339, of MP publishing charge of embezzlement 260; right to elect to be attached to property or personality 498, 602, 939
-, and monarch: address to King to get economical reform 546, 552, 558; better, absolute king or perverted 1189, 1193; constitutionality of influence of Crown on 925, 926; most dangerous to liberty, prerogative or omnipotence of 154; propriety of address to Sovereign in Pigot case 309; King, ministry and withholding of supplies 934; King's right to make American peace without 593, 891
-, and religion; consistent with constitution, and safe, to repeal Test and Corporation Acts by 1239; principles of Dissent lead to refuse repeal Acts 1581; propriety of passing Madan's recommendations 693, 702
-, reform of: best, annual, biennial or triennial 567, 579; need to restore annual 462, and equal representation 366, 510; ballot to increase liberty 46, 47, 57, 446, 601; greatest friends to monarch and nation, those for or against reform of 1894, 1895, 1897, 1899, opponent to reform as public enemy 989, 991, 992; most important, learn arms or get representation in 860; increasing qualifications for voters and MPs 335; need for MPs to sign pledge committing them to reform 539; people entitled to short, frequent 553; Pitt's, Tooke's or Duke of Richmond's plans for 1947; reapportion representation following example of France 1570, 1573, 1576; Rose's trial and necessity for 1779; reform or not 1828, 1829, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1899, 1900, 1902, 1904, 1959; should all enrol in London Constitutional Society to bring peace and reform of 1963, 1965; triennial 27, 506, 513, right of Associations to demand triennial 785, 790; value of fair representation 853, and change in duration 1241; redistributing votes 458; women to vote, sit in 623, 777, 840, 1092, 1331; should placemen sit in 272; increase number of Members in 43; need for reformation of representation in 447; late treatment of suffrage proof of uncaring 938; admitting strangers into gallery of 625
-, specific activities: abolition of duelling 1450; clergy and marriage bureau 978; to confine lunatics for life 1121

Parties: any difference in principles 278, 281, 286, 289; indifference to, criminal 386; union, in crisis 402; value of 404; which worse, monarch or 409, 449, 519

Passions: avarice vs. prodigality 169; value of curiosity 144; most forcible, dread of evil vs. prospect of good 282; value for safety of fear or courage 132, 454, 504; from whence comes fear of death 265; hatred or love more powerful 526; hope or fear, influence on mankind 1257; greatest influence, interest or pleasure 1125, ambition, pleasure or interest 1855; more powerful, love or ambition 641; most destructive 34, love, avarice or ambition 1152; reason or passion to govern 262; relative strength of grief and joy 116; universality of love of fame 112

Patriotism and Patriots:
-, can one be a good Christian and good 126, 2179, 2184; can such expose weakness of nation in time of danger 92; characteristics of 134, 136; Committee of Association and 651, 656; County Associations, faction or 399; dismissal of King's servants, selfinterest or 1484; great general vs. wise Minister 74; able general vs. pure senator 436; is the City of London's refusal of aid a mark of 323; La Fayette, monarchist or 2092; Peers vs. Commoners 44, 177, 179; relationship to minority 485; saddest, suicide of lover, criminal or 1272; spying 708, 810
-, and ancients: assassination of Caesar, ill deed or 1911; Cato's stance as pride, desertion of public duty or 2067; Romans correct to sacrifice family to 1268
-, and virtue: 164, 166, 245; best, friend, citizen of the world or 1619; error from patriotism venal 157, 159; hardest to find, pious divine, honest lawyer or real 1967; worst, impious divine, corrupt lawyer or unpatriotic ministry 1124

Petitions and Petitioners: see also Dissent for peace with America 2, 133, 325; military response to Commons 543; should minister resign because of negative 496, 505, 514; how to get redress 560, 570; for redress of female grievances 791; and late attempted Regicide 1128; should send to King, to dismiss minister and end war 1986; should City of London 407; propriety of Protestant Association petitioning 881

Philosophy: active vs. speculative man 2238; nature of truth and justice 76; effect of new school of, on happiness and civil society 2135, 2136, 2202, 2203; passion to rule reason, or vice versa 262; possibility of moon being inhabited 2154; possibility of returning to state of nature 343; validity of physiognomy 1558; value of speaking truth 2191; value of 23; whatever is, is right 2201, 2232

Pigot, Lord [George, baron, 1719-77], 309; see also India

Pitt [William, 1759-1806]: see also Ministry
-, eloquence, Whiggism and 1045; Halhead's defence of Brothers, or prosecution of war by, proof of greater insanity 1930; ministry, interest, ambition or 1488, 1492; has forfeited national confidence 1935, 1938; most likely to tame, peace, reform or marriage 1971; opposition to ministry of, envy or 1501; petition for end of war, and removal of 1986, 1990; reasons for popularity 1688, for loss of 1099, 1203; stopping peace, factions in French government or 1950; value of last budget of 1922, 1924; would Regent act wisely in dismissing 1457
-, comparisons with others: best reform plan, Tooke's, Duke of Richmond's or 1947; conduct most like Chatham or Bute 1275, 1278; deserved best of his country, Tooke, Fox or 1931; rendered most service, Fox, Heathfield or 1252; deserves election, Fox's supporters, or 1575, 1591, 1599, 1634, 1645; for peace, Fox, Third Party or 1960, 1962; Fox or, most constitutional on Russia 1762, most correct 1836; Fox or, patriot 1011, 1012, 1068, 1502, 1508; Fox, France and 1284; Fox, the Regency and 1436, 1440, 1441, 1442, 1443, 1444; knows and cares most about constitution, Burke, Fox or 1774, 1775; lack of confidence in Fox, or confidence in 1298, 1301, 1304; most deserved censure, Fox, North or 1210; most admirable, Burke on East Indies, Fox on America or Pitt on finance 1344; most resemblance, Fox and Cromwell or Walpole and 1363, 1364; Fox or, most deserve confidence 1915, 1917, 1919; qualified for Prime Ministership, Fox, North or 1151, 1155, 1159; vs. Fox on ability to rule 1023; better friend to country 1068; would Pitt-Fox coalition be better than Fox-North 1445
-, foreign policy: negotiations with Spain 1654, war with Spain 1666, 1669; deserves confidence 1673, 1675; propriety of policy on India 1329, 1330
-, home policy: appropriation of dividends, patriotism or antiproperty 1749; Excise, Tobacco Act and 1544, 1547, and interests of Britain 1622; Fitzwilliam, and changes in government of Ireland made by 1920, trouble in Ireland due to Fitzwilliam or 1932; French declaration on slavery, and view that England must also abolish 1880, 1881; positive state of country a result of 1420; repeal of shop tax 1289 by Fox, or 1495, or Londoners 1494; restriction of Regency bill, Irish delegates and 1476, 1480; role in keeping monarchical power intact during Malady 1503; Royal power and monarch 1471, 1474

Pleasure: greatest from giving or getting 1104; more powerful, interest or 1125; of possession and imagination 1084

Poor Law, need for national 69

Pope [Alexander, 1688-1744]: and women as rakes 500, 517, 1020, 1114, 1167, 1349, 1382, 1411, 1707, 1870, 2234, 2237, 2246; whatever is, is right 2198, 2232; on marriage 1971

Population: see also Crime, Madan
-, decline due to manners of women or men 673; Madan's plan for increasing 676, 690

Press and Printing: dangerous to Press to publish truth as libel 1574; imprisonment of printer useful 315; Irish jury decision and freedom of 1660; Morning Post or Daily Advertiser worse 619; possible to correct without muzzling 461, 480; publishing examination of prisoners 691, 717; reformation of abuses of 19, 24; utility of printing to mankind 512; value of free, to state 897, newspapers 479, 770, 1082, political publications 419; value of limiting freedom of 1314

Price, Dr. [Richard, 1723-91]: and America 25; Burke vs., on constitution 1711, 1715; and civil liberties 1397; and constitution 33; and liberty 36; on Methodism 1605; most reasonable on future state, Priestley, Winchester, Toplady or Wesley or 2002; revolution sermon, dissent and constitution 1696, 1700; his Socinianism compared with Arminianism, Predestination and Universal Salvation 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887

Pride: see also Duelling, Honour, Suicide
-, and female virtue 963, 1035; female jealousy from love or pride 692; Cato's stance as pride, desertion of public duty or 2067; suicide from love, insanity or pride 1550; pride a virtue or a vice 572; worse, pride of ancestry, learning or wealth 2039; worse, pride in learned man or beautiful 1196; pride as most destructive of passions 34; Queen of France's dagger, fortitude or 1724; vices from ignorance of poor or pride of rich 2180

Priestley [Joseph 1733-1804]: does Fox's eulogium prove him to be supporter of constitution 1831; his Socinianism compared with Arminianism, Predestination and Universal Salvation 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887; most reasonable on future state, Price, Winchester, Toplady, Wesley or 2002

Prince of Wales [future George IV, 17621830]: Fox or Pitt correct on Regency and 1440, 1441, 1442; ministry and his debts 1173, 1237; Parliamentary pension 1123; if Regent, should Pitt be Prime Minister 1443, 1457, full or limited powers 1451, best, co-junct or individual regent 1438; as representative of Crown 1468; restriction of Pitt's Bill for 1480; rumoured marriage and state of nation 1468

Property: protect liberty or 400, 403; vote on the basis of right or 498, 602, 939; possession of, and Roman Catholics 518; justice of primogeniture 957; Pitt's appropriation of dividends and private 1749; son's extravagance and father's disinheriting 119; propriety of loss of father's as punishment for his treason 244, 246; value of limiting landed 153, 154; insuring enemies' 235; Paine's agrarian plan and 2043

Prostitutes and Prostitution: see also Chastity, Men, Parents, Seduction
-, and constables 18; law to end seduction and, bachelors to marry, or plurality of wives 1719; loss of chastity, parents and 1067; rise, due to male treachery or parental miseducation 1270, 1273, 1389; worse in seduced woman, suicide or 1198; worse for seduced girl's father, her suicide or 1214

Protestant Association: see also Church of England, Gordon riots
-, and Parliamentary petitions 881; should bishops support 406

Provisions: control of bread prices 899; price of provisions caused by agricultural failure, monopoly, or Ministry's fighting war 1942, 1976; to reduce price of, retrench luxury of rich, brown bread or peace 1955; worse, monopolizing or underselling necessaries of life 228

Publications: Civil Liberty 28; Chesterfield's Letters 107, 1040; Lord Abingdon's pamphlet 120, 122; The Picture Gallery 443; Mrs. Bellamy's Apology 1096

Punishment: see also Debt, Duel, Honour, Seduction
-, crimes diminished by severe or light 1926, prevented by shameful 89, 91; effects of long imprisonment on reclamation 162; eternal punishment, reasonable 1025, 2034, and superior happiness of brutes 1030; gender discrimination in 518, 1490; imprisonment for lunatics attempting murder 1121; imprisonment for publishing libel 315; law of Solon to govern punishment for dissension 645; penal law more effective if lessened 398; propriety of expropriation for treason 244, 246; refusal to, for duelling, reflection on humanity 254; solitude for capital offences 672 transportation to Botany Bay 1130
-, for sexual wrongs: brother punishes seducer 1525, 1637, 2093, 2094; of Colonel Fitzgerald 2119
-, capital: for adultery 868, for perjury 1166, for seducing married woman 2042, for seduction 917, for stealing and selling bodies 164; family man who deserts, to be punished by death 1294; frequency of 190, 192, 194, and increase of crime 974; execution after conviction just 865; constitution, and what crimes merit capital 1302; worse, slavery abroad or capital punishment at home 116, 1117, 1119

Quack doctors: worst, attorney, insurance lottery keeper or 2032, Methodist preachers, trading justices or 1087, 1090, 1147, 1153, 1156, 1339, 1371, 1374, 1377, 1789, Methodist preacher, pettifogging attorney or 1940

Quackery, which most, law, physic or divinity 877

Quakers: see also Religion
-, oaths or affirmations 1120; closest to primitive Church, Catholics, Methodists, Dissenters, Anglicans or 2176; and military service 885

Rakes: reformed as best husbands 838, 1070, 1296, 1584, 2005, 2168; rake or sot better 739

Regency: see Prince of Wales

Religion: see also Catholicism, Church of England, Dissent, Quakers, Theology
-, can deist be trustworthy 2071, 2072, 2073; Jenyns on 2184; Kant's views of necessity 2036; most hypocrisy in love, politics or 1610; can morals exist without 2126; morality and lack of 91, 93; Paine's attack on, in Age of Reason deserves censure of friends of liberty 1961, 1963; present as probationary state 1039; propriety of Jephtha's sacrifice 2038, of restriction on public investigation of 807; most repugnant, transmigration, purgatory or universal salvation 1545, 1548; rise in suicide, because of infidelity, love or geography 1478, 1481, 1546, infidelity, stockbuying or love 1993; slavery consistent with 1144; tithes or voluntary giving best for 793, 800; utility of ecclesiastical establishments to 1737; is the whore of Babylon Catholicism, Mahometanism or infidelity 2011; women should preach in church 915
-, belief: in afterlife necessary for virtue 411, 422, 2186; justification to deny immortality of soul 2081, 2084; in miracles essential 2111; in salvation of all mankind 999, 1034; predestination and justice 59, predestination or chance consistent with religion 900, deism or belief in predestination most detrimental 956
-, Christianity: can American revolution be justified by Christianity 230; can one be a good patriot and good Christian 126; less Christian, Unitarians, Roman Catholics or antinomians 1424, 1431; propriety of Christmas celebration 977, fasts or thanksgiving days 2220; true characteristic of a Christian 1437; deist arguments about Christianity 2046; which Christian sect best 1425; Wesley or Romaine, Whitfield, etc. articulated true Christianity 1452
-, eternal punishment 1025, and happiness of brutes 1030; brutes have immortal souls 2132; good Christian if deny devil and eternal punishment 2209; nature of hell 2034
-, injurious or beneficial effects: of Catholic superstition or Methodist enthusiasm 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875; late indulgences to Catholics 468; sectaries promoted or hurt 920; most useful, moral writer or preacher 886; worse, libertine or enthusiast 271, political or religious enthusiasm 872, fanatic enthusiasm or inattention of regular clergy 1890; worse for, hypocrisy, bigotry or infidelity 1157, virtuous atheist or immoral believer 895
-, Sunday, importance of holy 265; effect of Sunday entertainment closing 1254; first or seventh day as Sabbath 988

Sandwich, Lord [John Montagu, 4th earl, 1718-92]: behaviour of Americans, and censure by 72, 73; accused of scandal involving Greenwich Hospital 303, 305

Scotland and the Scots: dangerousness of Caledonian Society 990; Scottish laws against Catholics and liberty 293, 297; value of Scots Militia Bill 19; Parliamentary bounty on linens from 799; trips to and from to be prohibited 772; model of union, for Ireland 202, 203, 343, 349, 948, 1017, 1019, union beneficial to England 430, 853

Seduction: see also Adultery, Chastity, Courtship, Duelling, Parents
-, can man really love woman and seduce her 1392, 1588, 1680, 2110; can woman who's been seduced, marry without telling husband 1334, 1337; deliberate seduction worse than murder 663, equal to murder 1108; father of, to forgive or banish 1569, 1909; Goldsmith on 1767; law to compel marriage 378, 694, 1901, 2024, 2025, or maintenance 1131; necessity of marriage with woman 91; men or women most frequent 2139; to prevent, asylum, maintenance and forced marriage 1733; to end prostitution and, bachelors to marry, or plurality of wives 1719; punishment for, death 917; representation of Rowe's penitent 1414; unhappiest, wife of bad husband, old maid or seduced woman 2244; women harder on seduced than men 1767; worthiest, husband who marries fallen woman, accepts back adulterous wife, or parent who forgives daughter 2223
-, worse: to commit adultery with wife, or seduce daughter 1240, 1561, 1564, 1691; betrayer of friend, adulterer or seducer 1803, 1804; for father of seduced girl, her prostitution or suicide 1214; military or ecclesiastical seducer 2096, 2097; in seduced woman, suicide or prostitution 1198; seducer of virgin or wife 2174, 2200, seducer of friend's wife or wife 1115; single seducer of married woman or married man who keeps mistress 2245; seducer of female, or besmircher of male reputation 1292; unforgiving father or deserting lover 1172, 1175, 1692, 1695, 1866, 2068

Sheridan [Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816]: and Lord Pigot 309; or Burke on French politics 1592; and liberty 1593

Slavery and Slave Trade:
-, boycott of West Indies produce to end 1826, 1827; English liberty inconsistent with 1435; justifications for 341, 523, 1144, 1312, 1316, 1776, in Europe 860, 862; reasons for continuing 1318, 1322, 1326; St. Dominigo uprising because of 1814, 1815; supporter of, a friend to liberties 1379; worse, slavers, Commons for not abolishing, or people who continue to consume 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, slavery abroad vs. public executions in England 1116, 1117, 1119, 'monster' or 1630, peculation of East India Company or West Indian 1327
-, abolition: as false humanity 1513, 1515; effect on commerce and nation 1765, 1768, 1771; immediate abolition and England's interests 1921, 1923; limitation or abolition 1510; legislators and total abolition 1514, 1516; commerce and abolition 1309, 1313, 1317, 1321, 1325; French declaration of abolition and English response 1880, 1881; should peers' wives urge abolition 1342

Stage: see Theatre

-, bodies of, to be given to surgeons 2146; Cato's justified 526, 533, 565; ever justifiable 437; of condemned criminal 987; Dr. Johnson on 2195; rise in, because of irreligion, love or geography 1478, 1481, 1546; saddest, of lover, patriot or criminal 1272; Werther's 1272; whether woman should marry attempted, without love 1383; worse for seduced woman, prostitution or 1198; worse for seduced girl's father, her prostitution or 1214
-, due to: cowardice 1028, or nobility 1472, 1475, or courage 1080; stock gambling, upset in love or infidelity 1993; love, insanity or pride 1550; only through insanity 43

Sunday: entertainments and King's Proclamation 1254; importance of holy 265; opponents to pleasures on, enemies of civil society 265; Sabbath 988

Swedenborg, Count [Emanuel, 16881772]: see also Wesley
-, impostor or prophet 2163; vs. Huntington 2231

Taxes: see also America, Budget
-, American taxation and independence 160, 163; effects of receipt tax 911; land tax 136; national debt, empire and 1110; on Jews a proper measure 326; on old bachelors 626, 643, 960, 961, 2117, and old maids 683, and provide portions 771, 871, 1061, 1276; repeal of shop tax because of Pitt, Fox 1495, or Londoners 1494, repeal shop tax and charge Methodists, Dissenters 1289, shop tax boycott correct 949, 1016; window tax and restraint of smuggling 950, boycott window tax since tea didn't decline 958

Theatre: see also Garrick
-, acting talent for 145; actors of old school vs. new school 2181; effect on morals of youth 1201, 1571, of George Barnwell and Beggars Opera 979, of private and public 2137, 2143, 2147; present 459, 1848; Royalty and licenced 1248, 1249, 1259, 1260; should ladies wear hats in 122, 124; as school of virtue 80, 82, 85, 123, 125, 267, 356, 563, 1002, 1032, 1044, 1220, 2240; tragedy and comedy, improve morals 70, make greater impression 842, Garrick best in 269, 272, 352, greater genius needed for 174; union of winter theatres 228, 231, 340; utility of managers as authors 533, of increasing number of theatres 129, of Palmer's theatre 1032, 1201; can virtuous woman act in 903; women playing men in 775, appear in male clothes in 1291 worse, Methodist meeting or 1892

Theology: see also Adam and Eve, Catholicism, Dissent, Religion
-, almsgiving 536; Antichrist 11; pope as Antichrist 742, 746; Arminius vs. Calvin on election 1697, 1702, possibility of reconciliation 1408, 1413; assembling together 703; Athanasian creed, validity of 60, 63, 67; bad effect on morality of teaching fatality 71, 72; baptism, infant or adult 81, 87, 638, 666, form of 117; breaking the yoke 760; by their fruits 747; celibacy 508; children mind parents 688; Christ's resurrection 786; communion 704; confession 712; conscience 803; creation of man 624; deism and true religion 780; divisiveness 467, 471; divorce 741; eternal damnation 562, 576, 588; exodus 445; free will and necessity 2230; God's mercy 20, 215, 632; immaterial soul of man and nature of matter 95; judgment 722; justification by faith 566, 706, and works 50, 735; length of life 668; living by sword 649; love thy neighbour 115; marriage 715; ministering spirits 713; preaching in prison 20; nature of the Millennium 1384; need for perseverance in faith 522; obedience to commandments 642; one national religion 795; only sick need physician 618; ordination 7659; persecuted Christians 550; persuasion to Christianity 650; polygamy 655, 674, 675; present as probationary state 1039; proofs of purgatory 746, 753, 1007; prophecy 714, 754, 773; propriety of Election and Reprobation 1001, 1004; punishment for witchcraft 728; race to the swift 737; redemption through Christ 792, divinity of Christ 45, 161, universal 1181, particular and universal 1394, 1400; resurrection of the dead 730, 748, 796, survival of material body 774; Sabbath as first or seventh day 102; salvation of rich 644, of convicted, unrepentant criminal 79, universal 1034; scripture as rule of faith 11, 509, 689; sin 661, 684, 697, and repentance 725, inwardness of 595, sins of fathers punished 521; speaking against the Holy Ghost 577; swearing 612, 667; torments of hell 1230; the tree of knowledge 507; trust in the living god 736; 'unto every one which hath' 535; usury 583, 587; validity of religious persecution 321; vanity 77; wages of sin 481, 490, 491; women to be quiet in church 729, women's dress 787; worthiness of heathen 469, salvation of 1432

Tooke [John Home, 1736-1812]: petition as libellous or justified 1703, 1704, 1706; Society for Constitutional Information good citizens when approving politics of Paine and 1836; deserved well of country, Pitt, Fox or 1931; best reform plan, Pitt's, Duke of Richmond's or Tooke's 1942

Toplady, Rev. [Augustus Montague, 174078]: most reasonable on future state, Price and Priestley, Winchester, Wesley or 1997; and Pope as Antichrist 1992

Trading Justices: value of 18; worse, Methodist ministers or 875, Methodist preacher or quack doctor or 1087, 1090, 1147, 1153, 1156, 1339, 1371, 1374, 1377, 1789, publican, pawnbroker or 1100

Vice: from error or depravity 162, education 178, nature or education 1996, 2141, 2144, indulgence, education or nature 1184; moral atheist or immoral believer causes more 895; most injures society, indolence or 613, 614; greater public injury, public abuse or private scandal 561; rich or poor most responsible for social 2180; should youth be introduced to it early, or kept from-it 1064; worse, pride of ancestry, learning or wealth 2039

Vice or Virtue: see also Theatre
-, actions of ancients as examples of 138; effect of Mrs. Bellamy's Apology 1096; effect of travel on traveller 750; government rewards for virtue, punishment for vice 140, 628; nature of pride 573; effect on females 963, 1035; man naturally virtuous, neutral or full of vice 2222, 2225, 2227; preference for dance over music proof of 752; Beggars Opera 811; do principles of honour of the Great promote 1059; Charles or Joseph Surface more dangerous character 1271; refinement of manners most conducive to 334; superior pleasures from 29; is virtue rewarded and vice punished 2044

Violence: and appeal to heaven 125, 128, 234; in personal cases 206, 207; morality of war 152; value of popular tumults 289, 292, 296; rights of war for rebels 251, 253, long vs. short war 248, and Crown's right to make 314; necessities of war and impressment 1261

Virtue: see also Vice or Virtue
-, better, industry in poor or charity in rich 2042; conspicuous, in adversity or prosperity 241, 285, 362, 761, 839, 1864; contempt of fame leads to contempt of 212, 216; early introduction or late, into society best for man of 1179; greatest enemy to, hypocrite or libertine 884; greatest inducement to, reward or punishment 818, hope or fear 135, 137; its own reward 1122; male or female best for society 389; productive of temporal happiness 205; promoted when merit takes precedence over birth 869; promotes or impedes success in life 924; reality or appearance of best 379, 488; satirist as promoter of 188, 196

War: see Violence

Washington [George, 1732-99]: most service to nation, Chatham, Koskiosko, or 1898; should he have resigned as President 2006; correctness of Paine's attack on him 2026, 2028, 2029

Werther: and Charlotte 1133, 1139, 1430; and suicide 1272

Wesley [John, 1703-91]: his Arminianism compared with Socinianism, Predestination and Universal Salvation 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887; charge of plagiarism against 1873; led more to religion or hypocrisy 1750, 1752; and Primitive Physics 41; most reasonable on future state, Price and Priestley, Winchester, Toplady or 2002; vs. Romaine, Hill and Whitfield 1452, or Winchester 1606; compared with Whitfield, Winchester and Swedenborg 1631, 1633, 1636, 1639, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1712, 1714, 1716, 1718, 1720, 1721, 1723, 1725, 1727, 1728, 1730, 1731, 1734; on witches 1359, 1360, 1361

West Indies: boycott of produce to end slave trade 1826, 1827; temporary cease-fire in 716; money for hurricane relief 725; Jamaica and administration 355; taking of St. Eustasia and war with Holland 781; reasons for St. Domingo uprising 1818, 1820

Whitefield, Rev. [George, 1714-70]: see Methodism, Wesley, Winchester

Widows: better to marry old maids or 981, 1081, 1118, 1202, 1347; eagerness for remarriage proof of superior happiness of that state 1736, 1738; happiest, she who's no longer old maid, or 1638, virginity, marriage or widowhood 1489, 1512, 1659, 1763, 1764, 2167, 2183; happiest for man: courtship, marriage or widowerhood 1781; most difficult to obtain in marriage, old maid or 751; propensity to marry greatest among maidens or 139, 142, 1366; saddest, widow of good man, or wife of bad one 1283; sillier, bachelor, old maid, or remarrying 1809; can widow love second husband as first 1376

Wilkes [John, 1727-97]: and Chamberlainship 15, 35; should City pay debt 63, 67, 69, 71; and libel and opposition 98, 106; and conduct of City of London towards 346, 358; friend of liberty, Fox or 1262

Winchester, Rev. [Elhanan, 1751-97]: see also Wesley
-, Calvinist Methodism vs., on redemption 2112; whether Catholicism, Methodism or, most promote licentiousness 1418, 1423, and letter about 1417; pope as Antichrist 1997; most repugnant, transmigration, purgatory, or doctrine of 1545, 1548; universal salvation 2089; on universal salvation vs. Huntington on election 1393, 1399, 1406

Wives: see also Courtship, Husbands, Marriage, Wives and Husbands contrasted
-, bad better than none 852; better for, to oppose or submit to tyrannical husband 1479; husbands exact obedience from, because of natural inferiority or first transgression 1735; justification of husband for selling 2070; men use fancy or judgment to select 1390; plurality of wives 648, 652, 654, 755, 804, 1428; propriety of receiving husband's illegitimate children 928; reformed by correction 890, 1507; saddest, with dead, good husband or live, bad, one 1283, seduced woman, old maid or wife of bad husband 2244; too much indulged by English husbands 1483; worse, loss of good, or presence of bad 1216, 1324, scolding or jealous 1107; worse for wife, to be jealous of husband, or he of her 1542
-, preferred qualities 81; beauty, virtue or domestic prudence 1729; beauty or mind 653, 1046, 1656; country or city girls make best 943; fortune without beauty, or vice versa 640, 876, 1138, 1141; learning in 1054, 1109, 1811, 2185; money or merit 923; money without education or vice versa 1336; money, accomplishments or temper 2247; rich woman who doesn't love, or poor one who does 2062; sense, beauty or fortune 761, 971, 1458, 2140; wit, beauty or good nature 1200

Wives and Husbands Contrasted: Addison, that wives can reform husbands, but not vice versa 2188, 2189; adultery of wife excused by husband's treatment 241; after marriage, wives want power, husbands want liberty 1682, 1683; worse, bad wife or bad husband 2155; Johnson, that bad husband made so by bad wife 1756; easier for wife to reclaim bad, than vice versa 1759, wives' misconduct responsible for most bad husbands 1541; best chance of happiness, wife-less man or husband-less woman 2219; can wife love husband but disobey 1062; fault of wives or husbands, that few takers for flitch of bacon 1690; more at fault, bullying wife or weak husband 866, 788, 1219, 1358; husband who allows wife to rule deserves praise or censure 1862; incontinence in wife a reproach to husband 1113, 1234; infelicity in marriage due to wife or husband 856, to negligence of wives or disrespect of husbands 1415, to negligence of husbands, misconduct of wives, or flattery in courtship 1578, 1853, to more attention in courtship than marriage 1416, to parents, wife or husband 1162; laws of nature and spousal privileges 1097; men love second wives, wives their first husbands 1686; saddest, good husband with bad wife, or good wife with bad husband 1794; worse, wife's inconstancy or jealousy of husband 1236, 1345, perverse wife or tyrannical husband 768, scolding wife or drunken husband 1009, 1190, 1365, 1995; worse for family, extravagant wife or indolent husband 1215

Wollstonecraft, Mrs [Mary, 1757-97]: her views on women debated, 2051, 2054, 2156, 2158, 2159, 2160; effects of Mrs Bellamy compared with 2249

-, boycott French goods during war 705; as capable of sincerity in friendship as constancy in love 1745; exclusion from discussion and civil rights 448, 482; exclusion from Lord Mayor's feast 637; freemasonry and 1085, 1446; Gibbon on female fortitude 1641; influence of, on libertinism 1351; interference at elections decent 944, 1372; Dr. Johnson on character of 1211; ladies and silk industry 1058; lesson of fate of Rosamond and Jane Shore 1878; love for, incites valour 141, 231, noble or ignoble actions 232; nature of female envy 1348; need for law to restrict occupations for 531; novels and 836; oratory and gender 415, 495; petition for redress of grievances 791; preach in church 915; rewards of female virtue 2065; rule of, in families, unreasonable 1982; Salic law 425, 427; on stage, dress as men 129, play men 775, is acting a profession for virtuous 903; trust, jilting men and 1095; 'women born to be controlled' 524; Wollstonecraft on, as equal to men and necessity for equal privileges 2156
-, behaviour: can woman have two lovers simultaneously 1732, 1782, 2074; can woman marry one man and love another 2182; can a woman of fashion do wrong 696; duelling, women's esteem and sense of honour 464; propriety of acting as public officers 1350, of field sports for 665, of going to India 1071, of study of politics for 541; sensibility of, cause of misfortune 1024, lessens or increases happiness 1487
-, comparative: most absurd, Turkish view that brutes are immortal or women have no souls 758, 809, 1537, 1553, 1556; most amiable in, natural sense or learning 532; most attractive in, wit, beauty, good nature 1509, beauty or mind 653; beauty help or hurt to 132, 240, 384; best in female Royalty, domesticity or political role 727; British, most distinguished quality of 1585; choice of husband determined by female interest, caprice or affection 1563; most in danger from clever or stupid men 553, 567, 579; most desirable in, beauty or good sense 542; most destructive to virtue of, love, avarice or vanity 1280, 1375; most distressed by death, banishment or marriage of lover 1132, 1338, 1498, 1999; English, most distinguished for virtue, beauty or mind 1357; most establishes power of, wit or beauty 78; happiest, in virginity, marriage, or widowhood 1489, 1514, 1659, 1763, 1764, 2167, 2183; love or jealousy stronger 1754; appear loveliest in domestic sphere, or in public as recommended by Wollstonecraft 2158, 2159, 2160; prefer in men, fortune, courage or politeness 809, wit, courage or politeness 1103, 1449, 2035; prefer in a husband 1228, 2131, wealthy fool or sensible pauper 983; most prone to flattery, beautiful or wealthy 530, 756; pride a virtue or vice of 963, 1035; most repugnant, Turkish views on soullessness of, or Wollstonecraft's view that women equal, if not superior to men 2051, 2054; worse, coldness from loved one, or tenderness from unloved 1685, death of husband or loss of lover 1972; worse to be obliged to marry disliked man, or not allowed to marry lover 1077, 1170, to marry man she disliked, or one who disliked her 1222, to be mistress of loved, or marry hated man 1320