Examinations, 1750-1766: nos 235-254

Chelsea Settlement and Bastardy Examinations, 1733-1766. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1999.

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'Examinations, 1750-1766: nos 235-254', in Chelsea Settlement and Bastardy Examinations, 1733-1766, ed. Tim Hitchcock, John Black( London, 1999), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol33/pp77-83 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Examinations, 1750-1766: nos 235-254', in Chelsea Settlement and Bastardy Examinations, 1733-1766. Edited by Tim Hitchcock, John Black( London, 1999), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol33/pp77-83.

"Examinations, 1750-1766: nos 235-254". Chelsea Settlement and Bastardy Examinations, 1733-1766. Ed. Tim Hitchcock, John Black(London, 1999), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol33/pp77-83.

Examinations, 1750-1766: nos 235-254

235. [p. 20] Middlesex. Elizabeth Houseman, single woman, aged about 27 years, upon oath says that about 18 months ago she lived a servant hired by the year with Mr Henry Lewer the elder at Little Chelsea in the parish of Great Chelsea in the county of Middlesex, butcher. With whom she continued and served eleven years, and received all her wages due of her said master, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And this examinant says that after she quitted the said service of Mr Lewer's, she was hired to Mr William Burchett of Little Chelsea aforesaid, yeoman, and lived [a] servant there upwards of a year and received her full wages of the said Mr Burchett at the rate of £5, also meat, drink and lodging. And says that since she quitted the said service of Mr Burchett about eleven months since, [she] has not done any act, to her knowledge to gain a settlement. [Blank]. Sworn, [blank] July 1751, before me, [blank]. [See 236].

236. [p. 21] Middlesex. The voluntary examination of Elizabeth Houseman, single woman, taken upon oath before me, Peter Elers esq. . . . Who saith that she is pregnant of a bastard child or children which was or were unlawfully begotten on her body by one William Groves, husbandman, who is now a lodger at one Mr [blank] Davis', a stocking weaver at Little Chelsea. Who had carnal knowledge of her body the first time in the month of August last in a garret of the dwelling house of the said Mr Davis, and several times after in the said garret, where this examinant and the said William Groves lodged together for about four months. And this examinant says that the said William Groves is the true father of the said child or children she now goeth with. And further says not. The mark of Elizabeth Houseman. Sworn at Chelsea, 27 July 1751, before me, Peter Elers. [See 235].

237. [p. 22] Middlesex. Jane Suckley, widow, aged about 63 years, born in Wales, upon oath says that 30 years ago she, this examinant, was married to her late husband, Robert Suckley, in the liberty of the Fleet, London. And that her said husband at the time she married him was a brewer's servant and never rented a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or otherwise done any act, to her knowledge, to gain a settlement. And this examinant says that her said late husband was a Cheshire man, but does not know where he was born or the parish he belonged to. And this examinant says as to her own settlement she lived a servant hired by the year (about five years before she was married) with one Mr Hartoe, a dyer who lived in New Prison Walk in the parish of St James Clerkenwell in the county of Middlesex. With whom she continued and served one year and seven months, and received her full wages of her said master for the said time at the rate of £5 a year, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And says that after she quitted the said service [she] has not done any act, to her knowledge, to gain a settlement. The mark of Jane Suckley. Sworn, 8 Aug. 1751, before me, Peter Elers, Richard Chamberlayne. Passed to St James Clerkenwell.

238. [p. 23] Middlesex. John Tallent, labourer, aged about 27 years, born in the parish of St Martin in the Fields in the county of Middlesex, upon oath says that his father, Humphry Tallent, was by trade a mason and rented a house and yard in the parish of St Martin in the Fields aforesaid. And this examinant says that he lived with his said father till he died about eight years ago. And since his death, says that he has not lived a servant hired by the year in any place, or been bound an apprentice, or otherwise done any act, to his knowledge, to gain a settlement. But says he has been rambling about the country and chiefly drove gardeners' carts, who frequently gave him victuals, by which he subsisted. The mark of John Tallent. Sworn, 17 Aug. 1751, before us, Peter Elers, Richard Chamberlayne. Passed to St Martin in the Fields.

239. [p. 24] Middlesex. Edward Main, an in pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, aged upwards of 70 years, upon oath says that he lived and cohabited with one Elenor Strong, widow, deceased, for several years in the parish of Chelsea in the county of Middlesex, and has had a child by her who is now living, named Ann Main, aged about 17 years. And who being an idiot and not in her senses is not capable of working to support and maintain herself. And this examinant further says, though he lived and cohabited in manner as aforesaid he declares that he was never married to the said Elenor Strong, and that the said Anne Main is a bastard and was born in the said parish of Chelsea. The mark of Edward Main. Sworn, 24 Aug. 1751, before me, Peter Elers.

240. [p. 25] Middlesex. Joseph Beach, aged about 77 years, who is an in pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, upon oath says that he has cohabited and lived with one Susannah Shutter, otherwise Seeney, for about ten years. By whom he has two sons living; vizt, Joseph Beach, aged about 9 years, and Benjamin Beach, aged near 7 years. And this examinant positively declares and says that he never was married to the said Susannah Shutter, otherwise Seeney (though they cohabited together). But says that his said two boys are bastards and were born in the parish of Chelsea in the county of Middlesex. The mark of Joseph Beach. Sworn, 24 Aug. 1751, before me, Peter Elers.

241. [p. 26] Middlesex. Thomas Spelman, labourer, aged about 65 years, upon oath says that about 20 years ago he was married at Cripplegate Church, London, to Mary, his present wife, who is of the age of about 50 years. And says that before the time of his said marriage he, this examinant, lived a servant hired by the year with one Captain Richard Newton of Little Chelsea in the parish of Kensington in the county of Middlesex. With whom he continued and served eight years and upwards, and received his full wages of his said master for the said time at the rate of [blank] a year, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And also says that after he quitted the said service of Captain Newton's he has not rented a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or done any act (to his knowledge) to gain a settlement. [Blank]. Sworn, [blank] Nov. 1751, before us, [blank]. Vide page 38. [See 253].

242. [p. 27] Middlesex. Anne Piper otherwise Anne Clarke, spinster, aged 18 years or thereabouts, upon oath says that at the age of about 13 years she was bound an apprentice by the parish officers of Chelsea to one Mary Perry, a milk woman in Charles Street in the parish of St Margaret, Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, until she should attain the age of 21 years or day of marriage {indenture bears the date 26 Aug. 1746}. And says that she continued and served her said mistress until she died, which was about a year after she this examinant was bound. And that afterwards she continued with her said mistress's two daughters at the same place where her mistress lived in Charles Street, Westminster, for about eighteen weeks, but having been (she says) ill used by their milk carrier she absconded and came from them and lived with her grandmother at Chelsea till she died about nine months ago. And this examinant further says that since the time of her living with her said mistress (Mary Perry) as aforesaid, [she] has not lived a servant in any place, or otherwise done any act (to her knowledge) to gain a settlement. The mark of Anne Piper. Sworn, 7 Dec. 1751, before us, Peter Elers, Henry Fielding. Passed to St Margaret, Westminster.

243. [p. 28] Middlesex. William Rider of Chelsea, shoemaker, maketh oath and saith that about 34 years ago his late brother, Emanuel Rider, was bound an apprentice for seven years to one Richard Kenton of the parish of Battersea in the county of Surrey, boat builder. And says that he continued and served his said master the full term of his apprenticeship. And that his said late brother, since his apprenticeship as aforesaid, did not rent any house of £10 a year, or otherwise do any act or thing (to his knowledge) to gain a settlement. William Rider. Sworn, 7 Dec. 1751, before us, Peter Elers, Henry Fielding. Passed to Battersea. [See 49, 65, 82, 230].

244. [p. 29] Middlesex. Anne Littlefoot, single woman, aged about 16 years, daughter of John Littlefoot by Mary his wife (both deceased), upon oath says that she is informed and it does appear by the examination upon oath of her said late father, that in the month of Sept. 1740 she, this examinant, was with her said late father and brother, also deceased, removed by a pass warrant or order from the parish of Chelsea in Middlesex to the parish of St Stephen Coleman Street, London, as the place of their last legal settlement, by which said parish they were received and did not appeal to the said order. And this examinant says that she has not lived a hired servant by the year, or otherwise done any act (to her knowledge) to gain a settlement since she lived with her said late father, John Littlefoot. The mark of Anne Littlefoot. Sworn, 13th Dec. 1751, before us, Peter Elers. Passed to St Stephen Coleman Street. [See 85].

245. [p. 30] Middlesex. Edward Austin, labourer, aged about 25 years, upon oath says that upwards of six years ago he, this examinant, was married to Elizabeth his wife in the liberty of the Fleet, London, by whom he has three children living; vizt, Benjamin, aged about 5 years, John, aged about 2 years, and Jane, an Infant, aged about 4 months. And this examinant says that his late father, William Austin (who was a carpenter by trade), about thirteen years ago rented a house in Chick Lane in the parish of St Sepulchres, London. As to the rent which his father paid for the said house, he does not know, but says that he paid parochial taxes for the said house (and that his father soon after died), and did not rent any house after that in Chick Lane aforesaid. And this examinant further says that since the time of living with his father he has not rented a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or done any act (to his knowledge) to gain a settlement. Edward Austin. Sworn, 13 Dec. 1751, before us, Peter Elers, Henry Fielding. Passed to St Sepulchres parish. [See 337].

246. [p. 31] Middlesex. Joseph Bedford, aged 67 years, upon oath says that at the age of about 15 years he, this examinant, was bound an apprentice to one Mr Stephen Bingham of the parish of Digbeth in the town of Birmingham in the county of Warwick, file cutter, for the term of seven years. And says that he served his said master five years only of his said apprenticeship and then entered himself a soldier in the army, in which station he continued until he was admitted an in pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, where he now belongs. And this examinant says that since the time of being an apprentice as aforesaid he has not rented a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or otherwise done any act (to his knowledge) to gain a settlement. And further says that about nineteen years ago he was married in Edinburgh Castle to Margaret, his present wife (who is about 45 years of age). By whom he has two daughters living; to wit, Mary, aged 17 years (who is ill of a fever), and Hannah, aged about 12 years. And says that he is not able to maintain his said family without relief. Joseph Bedford. Sworn, 23 Dec. 1751, before me, Peter Elers, Samuel Bever. Vide page 39. [See 254].

247. [p. 32] Middlesex. The voluntary examination of Elizabeth White, single woman, taken [blank] Jan. 1752 before me, Peter Elers esq. . . . Who upon oath saith she is now pregnant of a bastard child or children which was or were unlawfully begotten on her body by one William Brown, servant to William Heiat, a baker in Chelsea in the said county of Middlesex, who had carnal knowledge of her body the first time in the beginning of the month of April last in the dwelling house of the said William Heiat at Chelsea in the county aforesaid, where this examinant and the said William Brown lived at the same time as fellow servants. And says the said William Brown had carnal knowledge of her several times after, and the said William Brown is the true and only father of the said child or children she now goeth with. And further says not. [Blank]. Sworn at Chelsea the day and year above written, before me, [blank].

248. [p. 33] Middlesex. The voluntary examination of Anne Hunt, single woman, taken before us, Peter Elers and Samuel Bever, esqs . . . Who upon oath says that on 29 Dec. last she, this examinant, was delivered [of] a female bastard child in the dwelling house of one Mrs Reid in the parish of Chelsea in the county of Middlesex aforesaid (which is baptised and named Elizabeth). And was unlawfully begotten on her body by one John Kensy who was an apprentice at that time with one Mr Conquest Jones, an ironmonger in Piccadilly. And says that the said John Kensy had carnal knowledge of her body the first time in the dwelling house of the said Conquest Jones (where the examinant lived as a servant). And at several times after in the said house. And this examinant says that the said John Kensy is the true father of the said child. And further says not. The mark of Anne Hunt. Sworn at Chelsea, 9 Mar. 1752, before us, Peter Elers, Samuel Bever.

249. [p. 34] Middlesex. Susanna Prouton, single woman, aged about 17 years, daughter of William Prouton, late an in pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, deceased, upon oath says that she, this examinant, lived in the family of the late Captain Stuart, adjutant of Chelsea Hospital, for upwards of five years till he died, but not as a hired servant for wages, only for her diet, washing, lodging and clothes. And this examinant says that soon after she came away from the said Captain Stuart's, she lived a servant hired by the year with Mr John Gray, victualler at the Coach and Horses in Chelsea, where she continued and served a year and upwards, and received her full wages of her said master for the said time at the rate of 30s. per annum, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And says that since she quitted the service of the said Mrs Gray's (which was about two months since) she has not done any act, to her knowledge, to gain a settlement. The mark of Susanna Prouton. Sworn at Chelsea, 20 Mar. 1752, before me, Peter Elers. [See 250].

250. [p. 35] Middlesex, to wit. The voluntary examination of Susanna Prouton, single woman, taken 20 Mar. 1752, before me Peter Elers esq. . . . Who saith upon oath that she is now pregnant of a bastard child or children which was or were unlawfully begotten on her body by one Thomas Price, otherwise Fly, a labouring man who lodges at the house of John Gray, victualler at the Coach and Horses in Chelsea (where this examinant lived a servant). And had carnal knowledge of her body the first time in or about the month of October last in the bed room where this examinant lay in her said master's house, and at several times after in the said room. And this examinant says that the said Thomas Price, otherwise Fly, is the true father of the said child or children with which she is pregnant. And further says not. The mark of Susanna Prouton. Sworn at Chelsea, 20 Mar. 1752, before me, Peter Elers. [See 249].

251. [p. 36] Middlesex. Thomas Darby, maltman, aged about 42 years, upon oath says that his late brother-in-law, Richard West, maltman, deceased, was the son of Thomas West late of South Weston under the Hills in the county of Oxford, tailor, also deceased. And says the said Thomas West (the father) served his apprenticeship (as this examinant often has heard him say and declare in his lifetime) to one Mr Rackley, a tailor at a place called Kingston in the parish of Aston in the said county of Oxford. And that the said Thomas West afterwards never did any act, to his knowledge, to gain a settlement. And this examinant further says that as to Richard West, the said son, he never did rent a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or other ways done any act, to his knowledge, to gain a settlement since the time of living with his father, Thomas West. Thomas Darby. Sworn, 14 Apr. 1752, before us, Peter Elers. [See 252].

252. [p. 37] Middlesex. Ann West, aged about 26 years, the widow of Richard West, maltman, deceased, upon oath says that she, this examinant, was married to her said late husband at the parish church of St Benet Paul's Wharf, London, by whom she has three children living; to wit, Elizabeth, aged about 6 years, Anne, aged upwards of 3 years, and Jane, aged about 2 years. And this examinant says that her said husband (as she has been often informed by him) never rented a house of £10 a year, or been an apprentice, or otherwise done any act to gain a legal settlement since the time of living with his father, Thomas West, who served his apprenticeship as this examinant has been likewise informed at Kingston in the parish of Aston Rowant in the county of Oxford. The mark of Ann West. Sworn, 14 Apr. 1752, before us, Peter Elers, Henry Fielding. Passed to the parish of Aston Rowant. [See 251].

253. [p. 38] Middlesex. Thomas Spelman, labourer, aged 65 years, upon oath says that 20 years ago he was married to Mary his wife (who is of the age of 51 years or thereabouts) at the parish church of St Giles Cripplegate, London. And says that before the time of his said marriage he, this examinant, lived a servant hired by the year with one Captain Newton at Little Chelsea in the parish of Kensington in the county of Middlesex, with whom he continued and served eight years and upwards in the station of a gardener and coachman. And received of his said master his full wages for the said time at the rate of £7 10s. a year, meat, drink, washing and lodging. And this examinant also says that from the time of his leaving the said Captain Newton's service as aforesaid, he has not rent[ed] a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or otherwise done any act (to his knowledge) to gain a settlement. Thomas Spelman. Sworn, 30 May 1752, before us, Peter Elers, Henry Fielding. Passed [to] Kensington. [See 241].

254. [p. 39] Middlesex. Joseph Bedford, aged 67 years, upon oath says that when he was the age of about 15 years he was bound an apprentice to one Mr Stephen Bingham of Digbath Street, in the parish of St Martin, Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, file-Cutter, for the term of seven years. With whom he continued and served five years of his said apprenticeship, and then entered himself a soldier in the army, in which station he continued until he was admitted an in pensioner of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea, where he now belongs. And this examinant says that since the time of living with the said Mr Stephen Bingham as an apprentice as aforesaid, he has not rented a house of £10 a year, or paid any parochial taxes, or otherwise done any act (to his knowledge) to gain a settlement. And further says that about nineteen years ago he, this examinant, was married in Edinburgh Castle to Margaret his present wife (who is about 45 years of age). By whom he has two daughters; to wit, Mary, aged 17 years, who is in service, [and] Hannah, of the age of 12 years, or thereabouts. And says that he is not in circumstances able to support and maintain his said family without relief. Joseph Bedford. Sworn, 5 June 1752, before us, Peter Elers, Henry Fielding. Margaret, the wife, and Hannah, the youngest daughter, were passed to Birmingham. [See 246].