Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Originally published by W.S. Maney and Son Limited, Leeds, 1986.
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'D', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840, ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/d [accessed 7 February 2025].
'D', in Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Edited by Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/d.
"D". Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Ed. Geoffrey Beard, Christopher Gilbert (Leeds, 1986), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/dict-english-furniture-makers/d.
Dabine, Josiah, Wells, Som., u (1798). [D]
Dacie, Robert, Exeter, Devon u (1740). [Exeter freemen rolls]
Dacre, Benjamin, Long St, Easingwold, Yorks, joiner and/or cm (1830). [D]
Dacre, Benjamin, Wetherby, Yorks., joiner and/or cm (1837). [D]
Dacre, William jnr, Wharton Lane, Wetherby, Yorks., cm (1830). [D]
Dadd, Isaac, Chatham, Kent, carver and gilder (1832–38). Trading at 2 High St, 1832–34, and Hammond Pl. in 1838. [D]
Dadd, Robert, 15 Suffolk St, Pall Mall East, London, French gilder, water gilder (1838–40). Trade label in the Windsor Royal Archives states that he was ‘Successor to A. PICNOT, French Gilder, Clock Case Maker & Bronzist’. The accounts for Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace record him in 1840 gilding mounts for inkstands, fenders and furniture, and lacquering and making mounts for a chess table. [D; PRO, LC 11/107]
Dadd, Thomas, 14 Clarence Pl., Hackney Rd, London, cm (1838). [D]
Dady, James, Norwich and Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, upholder (1795–1830). Recorded in Norwich, 1796–97; Bury St Edmunds, 1802–12; and Heigham, Norwich, 1830. Son of George Dady, weaver; admitted freeman of Norwich on 24 January 1795. [Poll bks; Norwich freemen reg.]
Daft, David, Leicester, cm (1826). [Leicester freemen rolls]
Daggett, John, 33 King St, Worship St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1831). [D]
Daggett, John, 13 Leading Post St, Scarborough, Yorks., cm (1834). [D]
Daggitt, Robert, Peck's Entry, 57 Mytongate, Hull, Yorks., cm (1826). [D]
Daglish, Anthony, Newgate St, Morpeth, Northumb., joiner and cm (1827). [D]
Daglish, William, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., cm and undertaker (1792–98). [D]
Daglish, William, Gateshead and Newcastle, joiner and u (1782–1838). Addresses given below Tollbooth, Gateshead, 1782–90; Cooper's-entry, 1795–1811; and Westgate St, Newcastle, 1824–34, no. 35, 1834–38. Advertised his stock in Newcastle Courant, 6 February 1808, including ‘lobby chests, American birch bedsteads, desk beds, press beds’. Announced that he was commencing trade as an auctioneer, same paper, 4 February 1809. [D]
Dagnall, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1761). Admitted freeman on 12 March 1761. [Liverpool freemen reg.]
Daguerre, Dominique, Sloane St, Chelsea, London, cm (1789–d. 1796). A refugee French dealer who fled to London in 1793. He was purveyor of furniture to Louis XVI and styled ‘Marchand privilégé de la Cour’, his shop in Paris being at the sign of the ‘Couronne d'Or’, Rue St Honoré. He is mentioned in D'Oberkirch's Memoirs as having there a fine sideboard, which was to be sent to the Duke of Northumberland. In 1785 he supplied furniture to the 2nd Earl Spencer at Althorp. [D. Stroud, Henry Holland, 1966, pp. 145–46] In 1789 he sent in a bill to the English Crown for £1,659 for ‘carving and gilding done by S. Nelson by order of Mr. Dagare’. After his arrival in London he entered into partnership with another Frenchman, M. E. Lingereux, at a shop in Sloane St. From there the firm supplied a large quantity of costly furniture for Carlton House, including some gilt armchairs and sofas, which are still in the Royal Collection and bear Daguerre's label. He claimed £15,000 in the proceedings of the Commissioners for the settlement of the Prince's debts. [DEF; H. Clifford Smith, Buckingham Palace, pl. 169–70; Salverte, Les Ebénistes du XVIIIe Siècle; Jourdain, Regency Furniture; G. de Bellaigue, Waddesdon Catalogue, 11, pp. 858–59] Daguerre is named in Henry Holland's accounts for furniture supplied to Woburn Abbey, Beds., costing £107 5s 6d. Items included four lamps with two burners for the Billiard Room, £12, and two writing tables for the Dressing Room of the East Apartment. [Bedford Office, London; Beds. RO, Russell Estate papers] Lord Palmerston purchased girandoles and a clock from Daguerre for Broadlands in 1790. [C. Life, 5 February 1981]
Daken, William, Church St, Uttoxeter, Staffs., cm and clock case maker (1828). [D]
Dakor (?), James, Berwick St, London cm (1784). [Poll bk]
Dalby, Edward, 8 Minories, London, carver, gilder, paper hanging and looking-glass manufacturer (1809–14). Trade label recorded: ‘Houses & Rooms Papered in Town or Country in a New & Superior Style. Every Allowance made to Builders & Dealers. Stationary & Paper Hangings for Exportation. Pictures, Needlework &c. neatly Fram'd and Glaz'd’. [D]
Dalby, George, 33 Upper North Pl., Gray's Inn, London, u and cm (1815–21). [D]
Dalby, Michael, Thorner, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]
Dalby, William, Cambridge, cm (1813–23). Three children bapt. at St Andrew the Great between 1813–19. Took app. named Joseph Ling on 14 August 1823. [PR (bapt.); Cambridge app. reg.]
Dalby, William, York, carver and gilder (1826). Son of David Dalby, animal painter; app. to William Fawcett Dodgson, carver and gilder, on 11 September 1826. [York app. reg.]
Dale, Charles, Andover, Hants., cm and u (1830–39). Listed at Market Pl. in 1830 and High St in 1839. [D]
Dale, George, address unrecorded, upholder (1720–29). Son of George Dale, innholder, of Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey; app. to James Gronous on 6 July 1720, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 3 December 1729. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records] Possibly:
Dale, George, at ‘The Black Lyon’, Wich St, London, u (1733). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 14 September 1733 for £300 on household goods and stock in trade in his house. [GL, Sun MS vol. 38, ref. 61796] Possibly:
Dale, George, near Slaughter's Coffee House, the Upper End of St Martin's Lane, London, upholder and cm (d. by 1747). Meeting of creditors of the late George Dale called, Daily Advertiser, 28 July 1747.
Dale, John, Wyaston, Derby, cm (1726–54). Took app. named Thomas Wainwright of Tulbury, Staffs., in 1726 for £5. Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. [V & A archives]
Dale, John, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1821–29). Addresses given at Livesty Pl., Shaw's Brow, 1821–23; and 25 Norton St, 1827–29. [D]
Dale, John, Newgate St, Chester, cm (1840). [D]
Dale(s), Joseph, 4 Broad St, Golden Sq., Carnaby Mkt, London, cm, chairmaker, u and broker (1809–19). Recorded at no. 2 in 1816. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 11 July 1809 for £800 of which stock, utensils and goods in trust accounted for £600. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 448, ref. 832694] Possibly Joseph Dales of Wardour St.
Dale, Samuel, Chester, cm (1827). Son of John Dale, yeoman of Chester; assigned over from Richard Gorst, cm, to William Podmore, cm, for the rest of his apprenticeship for seven years, on 8 September 1827. [Chester app. indentures] Possibly:
Dale, Samuel, Chester, cm (1831). Admitted freeman on 28 April 1831. [Chester freemen rolls]
Dale, Samuel, Framlingham, Suffolk, cm and furniture broker (1839). [D]
Dale, Thomas, 81 Shude Hill, Manchester, chairmaker (1794). [D]
Dale, Thomas, 9 Clarence Pl., Hackney Rd, London, cm (1808). [D]
Dale, William, near Mr Button's Coffee House, over the Corner of the Piazza, Covent Gdn, London, u (1709–24). His dwelling house was on the south side of Russell St and the east side of the little Piazza in March 1709 when he insured it for £400. The insurance cover on this property had risen to £600 by October 1717. Although nothing is known about his business or its customers it was probably of some importance. By 1720 he had accumulated sufficient wealth and had sufficient confidence to invest in the shares of the South Sea Co. The rapid rise of these shares enabled Dale to purchase from the Earls of Islay and Bute the Kenwood estate at Highgate for £3,150. Dale may have made further investments in property on the strength of the ever rising value of his shares for the York Mercury, 12 December 1720 announced that ‘Mr. Dale, an upholsterer of Covent Garden has purchased the estate which belonged to the late Viscount Bolingbroke for £50,000’. The South Sea Co. shares which at their height had sold for £1,050 per £100 share had by 29 September 1720 tumbled to £150 and Dale, seriously over-extended, desperately tried to stave off his creditors. On 15 October 1720 he had mortgaged Kenwood to the Earl of Islay for £1,575. Neither the interest nor the capital appear to have been repaid and the Earl complained that Dale was trying to raise income by ruthless felling of the timber. On 29 October 1724 judgement to foreclose was given against Dale and the estate reverted to the Earl of Islay. [Heal; GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 6, ref. 2510; vol. 17, p. 287; Survey of London, XVII, pp. 129–30] B. A.
Dales, George, Goosepool, Louth, Lincs., cm and joiner (1826– 31). [D]
Dales, John, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1774). [Poll bk]
Dales, John, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1828–31). Trading in Walkergate, 1828–29, and Norwood, 1831. [D]
Dales, Joseph, Wardour St, London, cm, u, undertaker, chairmaker and broker (1807–39). Recorded at no. 12, 1807–09, and no. 26 in 1839. Took out Sun Insurance policies on 13 May 1807 for £900, £350 on utensils and stock; and on 12 July 1808 for £800, £600 on stock and utensils in workshop. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 440, ref. 802907; vol. 445, ref. 819384] Possibly Joseph Dale of Broad St.
Dales, Joseph, Kidgate, Louth, Lincs., cm, joiner and builder (1826–41). [D]
Dales, Sam., Limekiln Hill, Louth, Lincs., cm and joiner (1826). [D]
Dalkin, Joseph, King St, Barnard Castle, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1828–29). [D]
Dall, Joseph, York, cm and u (1804–40). Trading at 91 Petergate, 1830–38, and 31 Colliergate in 1840. Son of Robert Dall; app. to William Smith, u and cm, on 10 October 1804. Admitted freeman in 1811. [D; York app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Dallain, Abraham, Berwick St, London, carver and gilder (1774). [Poll bk]
Dallain, Isaac, London, carver and gilder (1768–82). Recorded in partnership with R. Harding at 7 Berwick St in 1782 as ‘successors to Mr. Gossett’. Dallain worked for Sir Gilbert Heathcote between 1768–72, ‘gilding 7 frames in Oyl Gold’, £3 6s; supplying ‘2 Glass frames for North End, Fulham’, £30; ‘a large pier Glass frame to the End of the Great Room’, £66, possibly at Normanton Park; ‘gilding 4 festoons between the windows’; and providing looking-glasses totalling £429 8s. On 22 July 1782 Dallain & Harding received 12s for ‘two small ovals in burnish gold with glasses’; and on 9 October, £2 17s for ‘a frame with a Frett 2½ wide burnish gold’ with a plate glass. [Lincoln RO, 2 ANC/D/30 and 35]
Dallas, John, 19 Gt Bell Alley, Coleman St, London, cm (1784). [D]
Dallas, Robert, Broadway, Southwark, London, cm (1837). [D]
Dallman, —, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Dallman, Charles, 3 Princes St, Holborn, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Dalrimple, —, 5 New St, Carnaby Mkt, London, cm (1809). [D] Probably Hugh Dalrymple.
Dalrimple, H., 10 Broad St, Soho, London, cm and upholder (1811–15). [D] Probably:
Dalrymple, Hugh, London, upholder and undertaker (1809–17). Trading at 90 Charlotte St, Rathbone Pl. in 1817. [D] In 1809 he supplied Earl Spencer of Althorp, Northants. with ‘a Mah-y Cabinet of Fine Wood on castors ornamented wt. Black Moulding wt. a Rising Top to do. cover'd wt. Russia Leather wt. a Black à la Grec Border Round the edge of do.; the inside fill'd with cedar Trays engraved & lind wt. green silk cushions stuff'd with cotton for Books’, costing £58. The cabinet was designed to hold a set of Shakespeare's historical plays illuminated by Margaret, Countess of Lucan. [Althorp archives; Apollo, October 1968, pp. 266–77] Probably the Dalrymple, u, who received £7 19s from Lord Braybrooke of Audley End, Essex, in September 1810. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A376]
Dalrymple, James, Liverpool, cm (1834–37). Addresses given at 73 St Andrew's St in 1834; no. 13 in 1835; and 50 Gloucester St, 1837. [D]
Dalrymple, William, 10 Castle St, Long Acre, London, cm (1782). Insured his house for £200 with the Sun Co. in 1782. [GL, Sun MS vol. 299, p. 420]
Dalrymple, William, New Inn Yd, Kendal, Westmld, turner (1829). [D]
Dalston, John, Carlisle, Cumb., u (1793). [D]
Dalston, Jonathan, Scotch St, Carlisle, Cumb., u (1810–11). [D]
Dalton, Christopher, 25 Goodramgate, York, u (1840). [D]
Dalton, John, St Martin's Ct, Bear St, London, carver and gilder (1790–93). [D]
Dalton, John, Pickering, Yorks., cm (1834). [D]
Dalton, Robert, address unrecorded, chairmaker (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Dalton, Thomas, Hungate, Pickering, Yorks., cm and joiner 1828–29). [D]
Dalton, Thomas, London, writing desk and dressing case maker (1829–39). Trading at 31 Percival St, Clerkenwell in 1829 and 6 Gt Ormond St, 1839. [D]
Dalziel, —, at ‘The Chair’, the corner of Wych St, facing Drury Lane, London, cm (c. 1770). Trade card shows octagonal and oval cisterns and Chippendale-style Rococo chair framed by Rococo scrolls; it states that he ‘Makes & Sells all Sorts of Mahogany Cisterns & Pails’. [Heal; C. Life, December 1955, p. 1383]
Dalziel(l) (or Dalzeel), William F., Bedford Row, London, cm and u (1803–39). Trading at 4 Chapel St, 1803–11; 24 Gt James St, 1814–39, and also no. 23, 1820–21. Took out Sun Insurance policies on 12 June 1820 and 24 September 1821 for £2,200, of which two houses with warehouses, workshops and counting houses accounted for £520; pictures and prints, £25; and stock, utensils and goods in trust, £1,235. Named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. The majority of designs in J. C. Loudon's Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm & Villa Architecture & Furniture, 1833, were supplied by Dalziel. Dalziel, cm of Gt James St was mentioned in correspondence with the Royal Society of Arts in 1817 concerning mahogany. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 486, ref. 968438; vol. 487, ref. 983639; Heal]
Damer, William James, 6 Shepperton Pl. North, North Rd, London, cm (1839). [D]
Damget, —, address unrecorded. Secretaire cabinet recorded impressed ‘DAMGET 1753’. [Sotheby's, 18 November 1982]
Danby, J., Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records working on a pulpit in 1801. [Westminster Ref. Lib., vol. 344/98, p. 1667]
Danby, T., 3 Wardour St, near Oxford St, London, upholder, cm and undertaker. Late 18th-century trade card shows Neoclassical urn, chair and serpentine-fronted chest. [Banks Coll., BM]
Danby, Thomas, 7 Green St, Leicester Fields, London, upholder (1778). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1778 for £200 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £90. [GL, Sun MS vol. 264, p. 656]
Dancaster, George, 28 St James's St, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1823). [D]
Dancaster, Henry, West St, Alresford, Hants., auctioneer, cm and u 1830–39). [D]
Dance, Edward, Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London, cm and u (1827–28). [D]
Dancer, Thomas J., 6 Wentworth Buildings, City Rd, London, carver in wood, cm (1829–39). [D]
Dandy, James, Church St, Preston, Lancs., joiner cm and timber merchant (1814–25). [D]
Dandy, James, Tarleton, Cheshire, cm (1825). [D]
Danell, James, Jermyn St, London, cm (1774). [Poll bk]
Danes, Richard, 48 Conduit St, Hanover Sq., London, cm (1787). On 5 March 1787 insured utensils and stock in his workshop for £200 with the Sun Co. [GL, Sun MS vol. 342, ref. 528221]
Daniel, Edward, address unrecorded, upholder (1746–55). Son of John Daniel, Gent. of St Anne's, Soho; app. to Peter Deschamps on 14 August 1746, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 16 December 1755. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Daniel, George, 2 Reeves Pl., Hoxton, London, cm and undertaker (1808). [D]
Daniel, George T., London cm (1818). [Gt Yarmouth poll bk]
Daniel, John, Deansgate, Manchester, joiner and cm (1772–73). [D]
Daniel, Samuel, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Daniel, Samuel, London, upholder (1780–1801). Trading at 59 York St, Westminster, in 1801. Son of Samuel Daniel, leather breeches maker of King St, Westminster; app. to George Brand on 11 November 1780, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 2 December 1801. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Daniel, Samuel, King St, Westminster, London, u and cm (1804–27). Recorded at no. 6, 1821–27. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 26 March 1804 for £400 of which stock, utensils and goods in trust accounted for £200. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 431, ref. 760540]
Daniel, Samuel, 54 Princes St, Leicester Sq., London, cm and u (1808–20). [D]
Daniel, Thomas, Long Acre, London, cm (1709). [London rate bks]
Daniel, William, Cannon St, Eastcheap, London, u and wholesaler (1763). Delcared bankrupt, Gents Mag., December 1763. [D]
Daniel, William, London, u (1785). Carried out upholstery work at Mount Stewart, N. Ireland, receiving £6 13s 5d on 5 February 1785. [Mount Stewart papers, D654/41/1, p. 72]
Daniel, William, 143 Chapel St, Salford, Lancs., cm and u (1840). [D]
Daniell, —, 42, 44 and 46 Wigmore St, London, cm. Trade label recorded on mohogany writing table of George III style, with rectangular leather-lined top and three frieze drawers carved with fluting and roundels, on square tapering legs carved with acanthus. [Christie's, 14 February 1980, lot 97]
Daniell, —, Clerkenwell, London, clockcase, cabinet and chairmaker (1796–c. 1800). Trading as Daniell & Co. at 18 Coppice Row, 1796–97; and at 1 St James's St c. 1800. [D; Heal]
Daniell, George, Tayspill, London, cm (1806–12). Polled at Colchester, Essex, of Somerstown, Middlx in 1806; and of London in 1812. Possibly George T. Daniel.
Daniell, Peter, address unrecorded, upholder (1710–26). Son of Peter Daniell, Gent., of Sawbridgeworth, Herts.; app. to Henry Calloway on 12 January 1710, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 2 March 1725/26. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Daniels, George, Chapel St, Marlow, Bucks., cm and joiner (1823). [D]
Daniels, Thomas, Stanley St, Bury, Lancs., cm (1834). [D]
Danks, John, Gt Bridge, West Bromwich, Staffs., cm and u (1830–34). [D]
Dannatt, John, 4 Constable's Buildings, English St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1838–39). [D]
Dansie, William, Norwich and London, carver and gilder (1793–1806). App. to Samuel Cushing; admitted freeman of Norwich on 24 February 1793. Polled at Norwich, of London, 1796–1806. [Norwich freemen reg.; poll bks] Possibly:
Dansie, William, 34 Evesham Buildings, Somerstown, London, gilder (1808). [D]
Danson, Edward, Liverpool, cm and turner (1824–37). Addresses given at Old Haymarket in 1824; 13 Gt Crosshall St with shop at 41 Clayton St, 1827–29; 12 Clayton St, 1835; and 18 Lime St, 1837. Marriage to Miss Margaret Duckworth, ‘Lancaster Arms’, Gt Crosshall St, reported, Liverpool Mercury, 5 November 1824. [D] See Richard and Robert Danson.
Danson, George, Lancaster, cm (1838–39). Admitted freeman in 1838 and named in the Gillow records in 1839. [Lancaster freemen rolls; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/104, p. 5249]
Danson, James, 7 Chestnut St and 71 Mulberry St, Liverpool, cm, flour dealer and beer shop (1835–37). [D]
Danson, Myles, London, cm (1774–93). Trading at King St, Golden Sq. in 1774; no. 44 in 1779; and Norfolk St, 1790– 93. Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1779 for £300 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £30. [D; poll bks; GL, Sun MS vol. 273, p. 102]
Danson (or Dawson), Richard, Haymarket, Liverpool, chairmaker (1796–1827). Addresses given at 13 Batchelor St, Dale St, and Haymarket, 1796; St John's Lane, Haymarket, 1804; behind 7 Haymarket, 1805–07; and various numbers in Haymarket, 1810–27. Notices in Liverpool Mercury, 8 October 1819 and 7 March 1823, concerned the sale of Danson's shop and extensive workshops in Old Haymarket. [D] See Edward and Robert Danson.
Danson, Robert, 6 Old Haymarket, Liverpool, furniture and house painter (1827). [D]
Danson, Stephen, Cable St, Liverpool, cm and victualler (1774–77). Trading at no. 80 in 1774 and no. 78 in 1777. [D]
Danson, Thomas, Chester St, Birkenhead, Cheshire, cm (1834). [D]
Danvers, Margaret, 13 Wood St, Liverpool, u (1827). [D]
Darby, John, St Mary, London, freeman joiner, by trade a carver (1765–66). Employed three to four non-freemen for six months in 1765, and six for three months in 1766. [GL, City Licence bks, vol. 4]
Darby, Samuel jnr, 12 Haye's Entry, Chapel Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm (1838–42). [D]
Darby, Thomas, address unrecorded, upholder (1713–20). Son of John Darby, maltster, of Chipping Norton, Oxon.; app. to Wall Tidmarsh on 9 September 1713, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 5 October 1720. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Darby, Thomas, London, cm and upholder (1698–1734). Recorded as cm, next door to ‘The Castle Tavern’, Fleet St, 1698; as upholder in Princes St, Stocks Mkt, 1727; and Blackfriars, 1734. Advertised that he was declining trade in March 1698. [Poll bks; Harris, Old English Furniture, p. 20]
Darby, Thomas, White St, Little Moorfields, London, carver and gilder (1779). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1779 for £200 of which utensils and stock accounted for £25. [GL, Sun MS vol. 274, p. 313]
Darby (or Derby), Thomas, 25 Blackman St, Southwark, London, carver and gilder (1789–1811). [D]
Darby, William, at ‘The Bear & Crown’, 12 Aldermanbury, London, u, appraiser and undertaker (1750–70). Son of John Darby, ‘baymaker’, of Witham, Essex; app. to Thomas Brown, freeman merchant tailor, by trade upholsterer. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 1 October 1761. Trade card, c. 1760–65, shows Chippendale-style chair, tripod table, chest of drawers and tallboy framed by Rococo foliated scrolls. Inscription lists stock of upholstery and cabinet goods, fabrics, bedding, carved and gilt lookingglasses, carpets, window blinds and paper hangings. [Banks Coll., BM] Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., December 1769, but trading again in 1770. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Darbyshire, G. G., 45 Whitecross St, London, cm and u (1839). [D] See John Darbyshire at this address.
Darbyshire, John, Church St, Liverpool, cm (1766–67). [D]
Darbyshire, John, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1784). Former app., William Smith, petitioned freedom in 1784. [Liverpool freemen's committee bk]
Darbyshire (Derbyshire or Derbishire), John, 145 White Cross St, London, chair and sofa maker, cm (1792–1837). Recorded at no. 45 in 1803 and 1828; and no. 245 in 1837. [D] Took out Sun Insurance policies on 5 May and 9 June 1792 for £1,000 of which utensils, stock and workshops accounted for £850; on 21 September 1803 for £700; on 8 November 1820 for £1,200 and £1,000, £700 on stock and utensils; and on 7 June 1821 for £1,800 on two houses and shops in tenure. Named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 383, p. 485; vol. 388, p. 3; vol. 426, ref. 752450; vol. 487, ref. 980952] See G. G. Darbyshire. Possibly:
Darbyshire, John, Anchor Ct (or Yd), off Brew House, Old St, London, cm and turner (1821). Took out Sun Insurance policies on 29 March 1821 for £700 of which stock and utensils accounted for £400; and on 12 April 1821 for £800 on house, offices and shops in tenure. [GL, Sun MS vol. 485, ref. 978586; vol. 487, ref. 978813]
Darbyshire (or Derbyshire), Thomas, Liverpool, cm and chairmaker (1814–39). Shop at 32 Tythebarn St, 1816–23. Addresses also given at 2 Pall Mall in 1818; no. 3 in 1821 and 1824–29; no. 4 in 1823 and 1837; no. 2 in 1827; no. 55 in 1813; and no. 9 in 1839. [D]
Dare, Barnard, Exeter, Devon, cm (1832). [Reg. of elect.]
Dare, George, London, cm (b. 1740–1773). Emigrated to Virginia in December 1773 aged 33. [V & A archives]
Dare, George, 4 Car(e)y Lane, Foster Lane, London, ivory and hardwood turner, Tunbridge-ware maker (1796–1804). [D] Trade card, c. 1780, cited in Heal.
Dare, John, Exeter, Devon, cm (1827–40). Trading in South St, 1827–38; Magdalen St, 1839; and Quay Lane, 1840. Advertised every year between 1827–40 in Exeter Journal. [Reg. of elect.]
Dare, Samuel, Minories, London, upholder (1771). Son of Gideon Dare, farmer of St Mary Ottery, Devon; admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption on 6 March 1771. Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., December 1771. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Darenson, —, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Darg, William, 33 Banner St, Bunhill Row, London, haberdasher and cm (1808–13). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 30 August 1813 for £400 of which £200 accounted for stock and utensils. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 461, ref. 885441]
Daring, John, 23 Queen St, Seven Dials, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Dark, John, 8 Leathersellers Buildings, Bell Alley, London, cm (1822–37). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 31 May 1824 for £500 of which stock and utensils accounted for £280. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 494, ref. 1017415]
Dark(e), John, London Wall, London, cm and u (1827–39). Trading at no. 44, 1827–28, and nos 34 and 36 in 1839. [D]
Dark(e), Richard, Bedford St, Covent Gdn, London, u (1754– 68). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. Declared bankrupt, Liverpool Advertiser, 28 October 1768. [D]
Dark, Thomas, 23 Redman's Row, Mile End, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]
Darker, John Lomas, Nottingham, u (1824). [Nottingham index of burgesses]
Darkin, George, Norwich, cm (1784–1818). App. to James Britisle, cm; admitted freeman on 24 February 1784. Former app., John Flood, admitted freeman on 24 February 1800. [Poll bks; Norwich freemen reg.]
Darkin, James, Norwich, cm (1799–1829). App. to Edward Sharpe, cm; admitted freeman on 21 September 1799. His son, James, iron founder, admitted freeman on 6 May 1829. [Poll bks; Norwich freemen reg.]
Darkin, Robert, Norwich, upholder (1812). [Poll bk] Possibly:
Darkins, Robert, Norwich, cm (1803). Admitted freeman, not by servitude, on 24 February 1803. [Norwich freemen reg.].
Darley, Henry, Ringwood, Hants., chairmaker (1823–39). [D]
Darley, Robert, 11 Somers Pl., Westminster, London, cm, u and undertaker (1827–28). [D]
Darling, Philip, 16 St Saviourgate, York, cm (1838). [D]
Darling, William, Hull, Yorks., cm and appraiser (1810–34). Trading at 36 St John's St in 1810; 2 Brown's Ct, Brook St, 1817; Kirkus's Buildings, Lowgate, 1823; 12 Manor Alley with home at 43 Garden St, 1826; and 49 Garden St, 1831– 34. [D] See Webster & Darling.
Darnby, John, York, chairmaker (1812). App. to George Stones, toy and chairmaker; admitted freeman in 1812. [York freemen rolls]
Darnell, John, 28 Leonard St, Shoreditch, London, cm and u (1827–28). [D]
Darnell, William, 10 Rose & Crown Ct, Finsbury, London, carver and gilder (1829–39). [D]
Darnton, Frederick, Manchester, carver and gilder (1808–40). Addresses given at 8 Hampson (or Hampton) St, Salford 1808–15; 8 Thompson St, 1817; 3 Jones St, Salford, 1825; 23 Portland St, 1834; as Frederick jnr at 3 Caygill St, Chorlton-upon-Medlock in 1836 and 5 Garratt Rd, 1838; 44 York St, Chorlton-upon-Medlock in 1839; and 51 Rusholme Rd, 1840. [D] These entries probably refer to two related tradesmen of the same name, snr and jnr.
Darnton, George, 3 Dean St, Manchester, carver and gilder (1800–02). [D]
Darnton, John, Manchester, u (1828–34). Trading at 1 Downing St in 1828 and 108 Portland St, 1834. [D] See Foulkes & Darnton.
Darsey, Robert, 11 Sommers New Rd, St Pancras, London, cm (1826–27). [D]
Dart, Richard, Park Pl., Kennington Cross, London, cm and u (1826–39). Recorded at no. 30, 1826–39, and no. 20, 1837. [D]
Dartch, Benjamin, 13 Artillery Pl., Bishopsgate St, London, cm and broker (1831). Took app. named Redburn in 1831. [Westminster Ref. Lib., MS F4310, St Martin-in-the-Fields PR]
Darter, John, 2 Hartshorn Ct, Basing Lane, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]
Dartnall, William, Cheltenham, Glos., cm and u (1839–40). Listed at 12 Clarence St in 1839. [D]
Darvell, W., Townfield Yd, Chesham, Bucks., cm (1839). [D]
Darvil, William, High Wycombe, Bucks., chair manufacturer (1824). Daughter bapt. in 1824. [PR (bapt.)]
Darwen, Thomas, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records between 1799–1804. [Westminster Ref. Lib.]
Darwent, A., 6 Myer's St, Edgehill, Liverpool, cm (1829). [D]
Darwent, Andrew, Yarm, Yorks., cm (1828–29). [D]
Darwent, Henry, Yarm, Yorks., joiner and cm (1827). [D]
Darwin, Eubulus Thorold, Lincoln, joiner and cm (1757–61). Son of William Darwin, yeoman of Caythorpe; app. to William Johnson of Lincoln on 6 September 1757, and assigned to his son, Thomas Johnson, on 14 March 1761. [Lincoln app. reg.]
Darye, William, Burnley, Lancs., cm (1814–24). Trading in Market St, 1814–18; St James St, 1818; and Bay Horse Yd, 1824. [D]
Dashwood, Henry, Lingley (or Lugley) St, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hants., cm (1839–40). [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 267, ref. 1332124]
Date, Richard, Bridgwater, Som., upholder (1754–80). Polled at Bristol, 1754 and 1774; and Bridgwater, 1754 and 1780.
Dattman, Robert, North Quay, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, turner (1805–07). [D]
Dauber, Thomas, 3 Crofton's Ct, Dale St, Liverpool, cm and joiner (1790–1805). [D]
Daulby, George, Liverpool, cm (1830–39). Trading at 56 Stanley St, 1830; and 63 Cumberland St, 1839. Admitted freeman on 13 November 1830. [D; Liverpool freemen reg.]
Daulby, Robert, Liverpool, u (1827–37). Addresses given at 3 Back Leece St in 1827 and 20 Cumberland St, 1829–37. [D]
Dausell, John, College Green, Gloucester, cm (1839–40). [D]
Davenish, Joseph, Thames St, Garlicheath, London, upholder (1702). Took out a Hand in Hand fire insurance policy on 6 March 1702 on the above house, empty and in his possession for seven years. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 2, p. 416]
Davenish, T. C., Villers St, Strand, London, cm (1784). [D]
Davenny, James, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1786–1841). Aged 55 at the time of the 1841 Census.
Davenport, —, address unrecorded, chairmaker (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Davenport, George, Barton St, Gloucester, carver and gilder (1822–23). [D]
Davenport, J. O., Westgate St, Gloucester, coach, sign and furniture painter (1820). [D]
Davenport, James, Parade St, Rochdale, Lancs., cm (1798–1825). [D]
Davenport, James, Parade St, Rotherham, Yorks., cm (1816). [D]
Davenport, John, Chester, u (1784–1819). Addresses given at Nine Houses, 1784; Duke St, 1812; and Love St, 1818–19. App. to John Stringer, u of Chester. Admitted freeman on 31 March 1784. [Poll bks; Chester freemen rolls]
Davenport, Thomas, Manchester cm (1804–17). Trading at 92 Deansgate in 1804; 32 Thomas St, 1808; and 14 Turner St in 1817. [D]
Davenport, Uriah, Derby St, Leek, Staffs., joiner and cm (1816–18). Listed at Black's Head Yd, Derby St in 1818. [D]
Davenport, William, Market St, Ashby-de-la Zouch, Leics., cm and u (1822–35). [D]
Davenport, William, Bedward Rd, Chester, u (1838). Admitted freeman on 28 July 1838. [Chester freemen rolls]
Davey, David, Paul St, Exeter, Devon, cm (1832). Son James bapt. at St Paul's, Exeter on 24 April 1832. [PR (bapt.)]
Davey (or Davy), John, Cullompton, Devon, cm (1823–38). Recorded in Fore St, 1825. House advertised for sale in The Alfred, 29 March 1825. [D]
Davey, John, Upton, Norfolk, joiner and cm (1836). [D]
Davey (or Davy), Robert, London, carver and gilder (1817–29). Addresses given at 16 Wardour St, 1817–23 and 83 Newman St, 1823–39. Took out Sun Insurance policies on 14 December 1820 for £800 of which stock, utensils and goods in trust accounted for £200; and on 21 June 1821 for £800 on his house. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 483, ref. 974355; vol. 488, ref. 980758]
Davey, Samuel, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Davey, William, Chesham, Bucks., chairmaker (1718). Took app. named Grove in 1718. [S of G, app. index]
Davey & Davis, 33 Ogle St, Middlx Hospital, London, cm (1829). [D]
David, Henry, Bride Lane, London, cm (1769). Served as Constable for St Bride's in 1769. [GL, MS 6561, p. 102]
David, Thomas, Lancaster, cm (1758–68). App. to Gillows in 1758 and admitted freeman in 1767–68. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]
David, William Heron, Haymarket, Norwich, u and paper hanger (1804–30). Trading at the top of Bridewell Alley in 1830. App. to John Horth, upholder; admitted freeman on 21 September 1804. [D; poll bks; Norwich freemen reg.]
Davids, Charles, High St, Eton, Bucks., bookseller, carver and gilder (1830). [D]
Davidson, A., 39 Windmill St, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm and chairmaker (1837). [D]
Davidson, Alexander, address unrecorded, chairmaker (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictonary, 1803.
Davidson, Alexander, 21 Norton St, London, chair and sofa maker (1826–39). [D]
Davidson, Alexander, 37 Lower Thornhaugh St, London, cm and u (1827–28). [D]
Davidson, Charles, Falcon Yd, Cambridge, turner, chairmaker and carver (1830). [D]
Davidson, Cornelius, Old Round Ct, Strand, London, u (1784). [D]
Davidson, John, 37 Foley St, Portland Pl., London, upholder and undertaker (1817–19). [D]
Davidson, John, Tomkinson Pl., Thurlow St, Liverpool, cm and u (1829). [D]
Davidson, John, Blyth, Northumb., joiner and/or cm (1834). [D]
Davidson, Peter, address unrecorded, upholder (1755–63). Son of John Davidson, sadler of London; app. to Francis Say on 3 September 1755 and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 3 March 1763. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Davidson, Thomas, Sandgate-gate, Newcastle, cm and carpenter (1778). [D]
Davidson, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1813–24). Trading at 13 Dance St, 1813–14, and Mitchell Pl., Ranelagh St, 1824. [D]
Davidson, Thomas, Allhallowgate, Ripon, Yorks., chairmaker (1830). [D]
Davidson, William, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumb., cm (1759–61). Took apps named Gallimore in 1759 and Menzie in 1761. [S of G, app. index]
Davidson, William, 6 Peover St, Liverpool, with shop at 18 Mansfield St, joiner and cm (1834–39). [D]
Davie, Ben & Sarah, his wife, Bristol, upholders (1722). Took app. named Curtis in 1722. [S of G, app. index]
Davie, Jurdison, Nesham Sq., Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1827). [D]
Davies, —, address unrecorded, cm (1695–1706). Named in the Chatsworth accounts in 1695 receiving £10 for a clock case; and in 1706, £15 for a ‘large Wainscot Bedsted with … a large carved Tester and a carved set of cornishes, and a large Carved Head board, and a Set of Moulded Piedestalls Stumps and Backs’. [V & A archives] Possibly Roger or Thomas Davies, or William Davis.
Davies, —, York (?), cm (1791). Noted in the account bk of the Rev. John Firth on 22 June 1791 as receiving £6 6s. [Mumby family papers] Possibly Peter Davies.
Davies, —, Shrewsbury, Salop u (1798). [D] Possibly Peter or William Davies.
Davies, —, address unrecorded. Late Regency-style folding bagatelle table, c. 1830–40, recorded, mounted on a table with end supports; top edge impressed four times ‘DAVIES’.
Davies, Adam, Castle Gates, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm (1840). [Shrewsbury burgess roll]
Davies, Catherine, 75 Chester St, Birkenhead, Cheshire, u (1837). [D]
Davies, David, Holywell Rd (or Row), Shoreditch, London, cm, u, billiard table and backgammon board maker (1826–29). Recorded at no. 20, 1826–28, and no. 29, 1829. [D]
Davies, David, 15 Chestnut St, Liverpool, with shop at 2 Back Knight St, joiner and cm (1839). [D]
Davies (or Davis), Edward, King St, Golden Sq., London, cm and upholder (1784–1811). Recorded at no. 86, 1790–93. [D; poll bk]
Davies, Edward, Union Pl., Shelton, Staffs., cm (1818). [D]
Davies, Edward & Thomas, 5 Old Bridge St, Manchester, cm and u (1824). [D]
Davies, Edward, Mathew St, Liverpool, cm (b. c. 1795–d. 1828). Death aged 33 reported, Liverpool Mercury, 6 June 1828.
Davies, Edward, 8 Back Strickland St, Liverpool, cm (1839). [D]
Davies, Evan, John & Henry, London, cm and u (1822–37). Trading at 18 Middle St, Cloth Fair in 1822; at 45 Little Bartholomew Close, 1823–37; and also at no. 42 in 1829. Recorded as Davis & Co., 1827–28; and as I. & F. Davies in 1835. The firm took out Sun Insurance policies on 4 July 1822 for £300, £280 accounting for stock, utensils and goods in trust in warehouse and workshops; and on 31 March 1823 for £700 on their house. Evan Davies alone took out a policy for £400 on 8 January 1824. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 491, ref. 993652; vol. 495, ref. 1003315; vol. 497, ref. 1012464]
Davi(e)s, Evan, Pride Lane (or Hill), Shrewsbury, Salop, carver and gilder (1835). [D]
Davies, George, 1 Market St, Finsbury Sq., London, chair and sofa manufacturer (1829). [D]
Davies, George, 1 Mansfield St, Liverpool, cm (b. c. 1797–d. 1833). Trading at the above address in 1829. Death on 10 June 1833, aged 36, reported, Liverpool Mercury, 28 June. [D]
Davies, George, 33 Williamson St, Liverpool, (warehouse), cm (1839). [D]
Davies, Henry, Worcester, cm, u, undertaker and paper hanger (1822–28). Listed at Leach St in 1822 and 1 High St, 1828. Trade label gives address at 1 High St. [D; BM]
Davies, Henry, Friar St, Worcester, u (1825–35). Admitted freeman in 1825, and named in the Worcester freemen rolls in 1835.
Davies, Henry, 8 Cropper St, Liverpool, cm (1827). App. to William Harvey; admitted freeman on 18 October 1827. [Liverpool freemen reg.]
Davies, Henry, Aldersgate St, London, cm, manufacturer and u (1834). Declared bankrupt, Liverpool Mercury, 17 January 1834.
Davies, Horatio David, 6 Sun St, Bishopsgate, London, billard table, backgammon board and bagatelle maker (1832–34). [D]
Davi(e)s, Hugh, Manchester, cm (1825–40). Addresses given at 12 Captenter's Lane in 1825; no. 2 in 1828; and 64 Jib (or Tib) St, 1839–40. [D]
Davies, Hugh, Manchester, cm (1840). Admitted freeman of Chester on 17 June 1840. [Chester freemen rolls]
Davies, Humphrey, St Martin's Fields, London, u (1711/12). Took app. on 11 March; and another named Anton, son of John Witherington, victualler of St Paul's, on 12 February for £10. [PRO, IRI/1] Possibly Humphrey Davis.
Davies, J. jnr, 76 Minories, London, cm, chair and bedstead maker (1825). [D]
Davies (or Davis), James, 9 Hanover Ct (or St), Grub St, London, cm (1778–1808). Took out Sun Insurance policies in 1778 for £800 on utensils and stock, and workshops, £200; and in 1782 for £1,500 of which utensils and stock accounted for £1,440. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 266, pp. 464 and 479; vol. 304, p. 284]
Davies (or Davis), James, Ormskirk, Lancs., cm (1787–98). [D]
Davies (or Davis), James, Gt Carter Lane, Doctors’ Commons, London, cm and vintner (1774–93). Recorded at no. 23 in 1784, and no. 13, 1789–93. In 1774 and 1775 he employed eight non-freemen for three months [D; GL, City Licence bks, vol. 8]
Davies, James, College Pl., Bristol, cm and chairmaker (1820). [D]
Davies, James, Church St, Hereford, cm and u (1822–40). [D; poll bks]
Davies, James, Manchester, cm (1825–40). Addresses given at 361 Oldham Rd, 1832–33; no. 157 in 1836–38; and 44 Oxford St, 1840. [D]
Davies, James Swithen, 87 Redcliff St, Bristol, cm (1820–21). [D] Probably:
Davies, James Smithers,, Belle Vue Mews, Clifton Hill, Bristol, cm and chairmaker (1822). [D]
Davies, John, address unrecorded, upholder (1708). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 6 October 1708. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Davies, John, Chester, cm and glass silverer (1726). Son of Sarah Davies, widow; app. to Edward Bromley, cm, on 5 November 1726. [Chester app. bks]
Davies, John, Hereford, chairmaker (1741). [Poll bk]
Davies, John, 3 Gt Chapel St, Soho, London, carver (1780). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1780 for £300 on his house. [GL, Sun MS vol. 287, p. 54]
Davies, John, 9 King's Gate St, Holborn, London, japanner, painter and gilder (c. 1800). Trade card shows two female Classical figures examining a picture on an easel. [Banks Coll., BM]
Davies, John, 15 Gt Richmond St, Liverpool, gilder (1807). Admitted freeman on 6 May 1807. [D; Liverpool freemen reg.]
Davies, John, Newington Causeway, Newington Butts, London, chairmaker (1808). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 22 September 1808 for £800 of which stock, utensils, timber, timber yard and workshop accounted for £500. [GL, Sun MS vol. 444, ref. 821142]
Davies, John, Liverpool, gilder (1812–29). Trading at 18 Parr St in 1827 and 17 Manchester St in 1829. App. to William Casher; admitted freeman on 5 October 1812. [D; Liverpool freemen reg.] Possibly:
Davies, John, Parr St, Liverpool, cm (1835–39). Recorded at no. 21, 1835–37, and nos 37 and 39 in 1839. [D]
Davies, John, Wells, Som., cm (1818). Declared bankrupt, Exeter Flying Post, 1 January 1818. Probably the John Davis, cm and u listed at High St in 1839. [D]
Davies, John, 19–20 St James's Walk, Clerkenwell, London, cm and upholder (1820–28). [D]
Davies, John, St Martin's St, Hereford, cm, appraiser, u, timber merchant and joiner (1822–40). Also trading at Bridge Wharf in 1840. [D]
Davies, John, Bristol, cabinet and clock-case maker (1827–40). Addresses given at 42 Marlborough St in 1827; Horfield Rd, 1832–40, no. 5 1832–36; and trading as Davies & Hayman, 1837–40. [D]
Davies, John, 13 Thomas St, Manchester, cm and u (1829). [D]
Davies, John Austin, 10 King St and Hulme St, Brazenose St, Manchester, carver and gilder (1832–40). Recorded at 15 Brazenose St, 1834–38. [D] Possibly John Austin Davis of Stockport.
Davies, John, 8–9 Fontenoy St, Liverpool, chairmaker and furniture broker (1835–37). [D]
Davies, John, Castle St, Ludlow, Salop, cm and u (1840). [D]
Davies, Joseph, Grub St, Cripplegate, London, cm (1820). [D]
Davies, Joseph, Liverpool, cm (1825). App. to Cattrall & Whittingham in 1825. [Liverpool app. enrolment bk]
Davies, Margaret, 38 Gerard St, Liverpool, u (1839). [D]
Davies, Peter, Shrewsbury, Salop, u (1747–54). Took apps named Jones in 1751 and Grant in 1754. [Poll bk; S of G, app. index; Shrewsbury burgess roll]
Davies, Peter, York and London, cm (1783–1818). Polled in York, of London, in 1784. Trading in Coney St, York, 1805– 18. Son of Richard Davies, mariner, deceased; admitted freeman of York in 1783. Former apps admitted freemen: George Williamson in 1796; James Mitchell in 1806; John Ellison, 1809; and John Stout, 1819. [D; York freemen rolls] Possibly of Davies & Wilson.
Davies, Richard, Hulme St, Little Bolton, Lancs., cm (1828). [D]
Davies, Robert, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1835–39). Addresses given at 8 Cumberland St, with shop at 118 Dale St in 1835; 111 Dale St, 1837; and no. 116, 1839. [D]
Davies, Roger, address unrecorded, ‘Master Joyner’ (1687–1709). Worked for the 1st Duke of Montagu at Boughton House, Northants., carrying out general carpenter's and joiner's work, furniture repairs, and making routine furniture. Between 1691–1709 he was paid £2,727 7s 8d of £3,174 17s 11¼d owed him. Another account dated between 1687–92 totalled £1,546. [V & A archives]
Davies, Samuel, Chester, carver (1696). App. to Thomas Davies, carver; admitted freeman in October 1696. [Chester freemen rolls]
Davies (or Davis), Samuel, Chester, u, cm and auctioneer (b. c. 1770–d. 1829). Trading in Eastgate St, 1797–1805; Foregate St, 1812–30; and no. 132 in 1828; in partnership with Cliffe in 1822. Admitted freeman on 23 January 1798. From 1796–98 Davies supplied furniture to John Leicester of Tabley Hall, Cheshire, totalling £170, including, in 1796, ‘2 Neat Painted Flower-stands’; and on 23 January 1798 ‘12 Handsome Mahog. Chairs Carv'd Reeded Pillars and feet, red morroco & brass-nailed’, £33 12s; two sets of ten ‘Neat Painted’ chairs, four large painted elbow chairs, and several screens. Davies's bill of 1 June to 3 October 1798 lists nine sofas and two long wondow stools upholstered in ‘fine canvas and Best Hair with squab seats’, totalling £70 3s 6d. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 16 January 1802 for £900, of which stock and utensils in St Werburgh's Churchyard, Old Yorkshire Hall, accounted for £100. Announced in Chester Courant, 2 June 1815, ‘his willingness to accept customers following the death of Joseph Powell’, u of Chester. Named in Chester Chronicle and North Wales Advertiser, 1 May 1829, as subscriber of 5s to a gold cup for the Chester Races of 1829. Death, aged 59, reported in the same paper, 31 July 1829, when described as ‘universally esteemed by all who knew him as an upright, honest man’. On 28 August 1829 his widow announced her husband's chosen successor to be James Whittingham. On 16 March 1830 the sale of Davies's stock was advertised, consisting of ‘mahogany dining room and parlour chairs, two sofas, several sets of imitation rosewood and black chairs, chimney, peir and dressing glasses, Kidderminster and Venetian carpeting, chests of drawers, mahogany celleret, lounging chairs, tea chests …’ [D; Chester freemen rolls; GL, Sun MS vol. 43, ref. 728048; Chester RO, Leicester papers]
Davies, Samuel, Hanover Ct, Grub St, London, cm and timber merchant (1804). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 4 August 1804 for £1,000 on stock in his yard and open sheds. [GL, Sun MS vol. 430, ref. 76460]
Davies, Samuel, Bewall St, Hereford, joiner, cm and u (1822). App. to Thomas Gwillyam, joiner and cm of Hereford; admitted freeman on 23 May 1822. [D, Hereford freemen reg.]
Davies (or Davis), T. & Griffin, Warwick and Newhall St, Birmingham, carver and gilders (1769–70). The firm advertised in the Birmingham Gazette, 4 September 1769, as ‘CARVERS in STONE and WOOD, at their Shops in Warwick and Birmingham’ who ‘perform all Sorts of Monuments, Chimney-Pieces and all Branches of HouseholdFurniture Ornaments, Ornamental Vases and Terms, in the Greek and Roman Taste, for Halls, Gardens, Walks etc’. In the advertisement Davies claims he is ‘well satisfied with the great Preference given to those Things I have executed in the Town to any other Person's, which may be seen at several Gentlemen's Houses in Birmingham and the Country, as well as my Shops …’. He also challenges his rival carver, E. Grubb, to a competition. Davies refers to ‘the Box I was carving for the Corporation to be presented to Mr. Garrick …’, the celebrated Shakespearean actor, by the Stratford-upon-Avon Corp. Bills show that the box was probably made by the joiner Thomas Taylor, then carved by Davies with four emblematic and theatrical scenes, one showing Garrick as King Lear during the storm, framed by Rococo scrolls. [D; British Museum Quarterly, vol. XXIV, no. 3–4, pp. 104–06] Possibly the gilder, Thomas Davies, who worked at Syon, or Thomas Davis, at Gibside.
Davies, T., 5 Grange Rd, Bermondsey, London, bedstead and cm (1820). [D]
Davies, Thomas, Chester, joiner and carver (1681-d. by 1716). Applied for freedom in 1681, but rejected; admitted in 1682. Former apps Samuel Davies and John Tiltson admitted freemen in 1696; Joseph Rylands in 1697; and Philip Cooper in 1704. In 1697–98 Davies provided surety for R. Warmington, tailor; in 1699, petitioned for reimbursement for security on timber transactions; in 1700, offered to provide timber for Dee navigation; in 1702, elected council man; and in 1702–04, signed various petitions concerning debts. [Chester freemen rolls and city records]
Davies, Thomas, London (?), cm (1709–18). Named in the accounts of Samuel Tufnell of Middle Temple, London, who bought Langley's, Gt Waltham, Essex in 1710. On 7 December 1709 he received 5s for glasses; on 12 May 1714, 20s for a pair of gilt sconces; and on 18 April 1716, £7 17s 3d for cabinet work. He is probably the Davis who received £6 on 10 December 1718 for a chest of drawers supplied to Rebecca Tufnell. [Essex RO, D/DTu 276 and 278]
Davies, Thomas, London, cm (1711–12). Worked for Lord Leigh of Stoneleigh, Warks., receiving a total of £40 2s for looking-glasses and sconces, including a ‘very fine large Glass’, costing £22 10s; ‘a fine Glass in a narrow Glass frame & joints cover'd with silver’, costing £3 10s; and also a ‘princewood strong box’ and a very fine Japan'd table’, costing £5 7s 6d. [Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Leigh receipts, DR 18/5]
Davies, Thomas, address unrecorded, cm (1715–29). The accounts of Edward Harley, 2nd Earl of Oxford, record a bill from Davies for furniture supplied to Wimpole Hall, Cambs., between 23 April 1715 and 13 December 1716, totalling £220 15s. Davies was also paid £618 2s 6d on 25 July 1729. [British Lib., Portland loan, 29/388]
Davies (or Davis), Thomas, address unrecorded, gilder (1758–65). In 1765 he gilded the gallery at Syon House, Middlx, ‘at 2/6 pr. sq. ft.’, for the Duke of Northumberland. Probably the Davis, gilder, named in the Hoare accounts receiving £50 in 1758, £1,500 in 1764, and £200 in 1765. [Duke of Northumberland's accounts, V & A archives]
Davies (or Davis), Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1790–1811). Addresses given at 11–12 Fontenoy St, Dale St, 1790; Shaw's Brow, 1794–1811, nos 37 and 43, 1794–96; and no. 45 in 1796. [D]
Davies, Thomas, Gorst Stacks, Chester, cm (1812). Admitted freeman on 8 July 1812. [Chester freemen rolls and poll bk]
Davies, Thomas, Chester, cm (1818). Admitted freeman on 12 May 1818. [Chester freemen rolls]
Davies, Thomas, (St) John St, Chester, cm (1818–26). [Poll bks] Presumably one of the above.
Davies, Thomas, Manchester, cm and u (1817–28). Trading at 57 Gt Ancoat's St in 1817; Hughes St, Chorlton Row, 1818; and 3 Lever St, 1828. [D]
Davies, Thomas & Edward, 4 Old Bridge St, Salford, Lancs., u (1825). [D]
Davies, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1823). App. to William Harvey in 1823. [Liverpool app. enrolment bk]
Davies, Thomas, Green St, Theobalds Rd, London, cm and u (1827–28). [D]
Davies, Thomas, Bristol, cm (1832–35). Trading at 5 Queen St, 1832–34, and 5 St Michael's Steps in 1835. [D]
Davies, Thomas, 33 Chester St, Birkenhead, Cheshire, u (1835). [D]
Davies, Thomas & Son, Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury, Salop, cm and u (1840). [D]
Davies, William, Tottenham Ct, London, carver (1765). Insured a building for £730 in March 1765 with the Hand in Hand Co. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 164, ref. 87537]
Davies, William, Shrewsbury, Salop, u (1767). Son of Peter Davies, u; named in the Shrewsbury burgess roll in 1767. Possibly:
Davies, William, Shrewsbury, Salop, u (1786–1822). Trading at Kiln Lane, 1786–96, and Princess St in 1822. [D]
Davies, William, Hereford, cm and u (1822–35). Trading in Church St, 1822; High St, 1830; and Packers’ Lane, 1835. [D]
Davies, William, 6 Union St, Lambeth, London, chair and sofa maker (1826–28). [D] See Edward Davis.
Davies, William, Liverpool, cm (1827–35). Recorded at 6 Peover St in 1835. Admitted freeman on 18 October 1827. [D; Liverpool freemen reg.]
Davies (or Davis), William, Newbury, Berks., cm and u (1798– 1830). Trading in Northbrook St, 1823–30. Declared bankrupt, London Gazette, 3 July 1830. [D]
Davies, William, Church Row, Greenwich, London, chairmaker (1832–34). [D]
Davies, William, Bull Ring, Ludlow, Salop, cm and u (1835). [D]
Davies, William Woodburn, Liverpool, cm (1807). Admitted freeman on 6 May 1807. [Liverpool freemen reg.]
Davies, William Woodburne, Redmayne Ct (or Edmund Ct), Upper Milk St, Liverpool, cm (b. 1788–1812). Son of Walter Davies, painter; admitted freeman on 5 October 1812. [Liverpool freemen reg.]
Davies & Wilson, York, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Possibly Peter Davies.
Davis, —, at ‘The Hen & Chickens’, Gt Queen St, London, cm (1709–10). Advertised in Daily Courant, 5 December 1709–10, offering reward for return of a gold watch-case ‘Lost from a Lady's Side at the Chappel in G. Queen St’. Worked at Rousham, Oxon. [Heal; V & A archives] See Peter Hazard.
Davis, —, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Davis, —, Pilgrim St, Newcastle, carver and gilder (1811). [D]
Davis, —, address unrecorded. Supplied Lord Braybrooke with a book-case costing £28 19s in June 1834, for Audley End, Essex, Billingbear, Berks., or his London house. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A358 and A363]
Davis, Benjamin, Bristol, upholder (1715–22). Took app. named Savage in 1717. [S of G, app. index; poll bks]
Davis, Benjamin, Whitchurch, Salop, cm (1797). [D]
Davis, Benjamin, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1813–15). Recorded at 7 Hanover St, 1813–14; and Duke St, 1815. Declared bankrupt, Liverpool Mercury, 22 September 1815. [D]
Davis, Benjamin, London, cm (1818). [Evesham poll bk]
Davis, Benjamin, High St, Fulham, London, cm, u, carver and gilder (1838–39). [D]
Davis, Benjamin, 114 Edward St, Brighton, Sussex, carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Davis, Bingham, Gt Newport St, London, carver (1749). [Poll bk]
Davis, C., 8 Palace Row, New Rd, London, cm (1835). [D]
Davis, Charles, Bristol, cm and upholder (1792–1832). Addresses given at St Augustine's Back, (1792–1801; 14 Alfred Pl., 1807–17; 19 Somerset St, 1819; ‘Cloisters’, 1829–31; and 19 Orchard St, 1832. [D] See Mary Davis.
Davis, Charles, 29 Panton St, Haymarket, London, cm, broker and dealer in curiosities (1820–23). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 6 April 1820 for £1,000 of which jewels, pictures, china, glass and curios accounted for £350, and stock, untensils and goods in trust, £500. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 483, ref. 964970] Possibly:
Davis, Charles, London, cm and u (1822–28). Recorded at 48 Strand in 1822; no. 486, 1823–28; and 6 Warwick Pl., Bedford Row, 1823. Took out Sun Insurance policies on 12 June 1822 for £1,200 of which jewels, musical instruments, prints and pictures accounted for £150, stock and utensils, £800; on 24 July 1823 for £950, £500 on utensils and stock in workshops in Hudson's Ct, Strand; on 1 December 1823 for £500 on stock and utensils in trust and £150 on stock in his workshop in Hudson Ct; and on 25 March 1824, for £1,250, £900 on stock and utensils. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 493, ref. 993052; vol. 499, ref. 101714; vol. 498, ref. 1006232; vol. 499, ref. 1014688]
Davis, Christopher, 16 Southampton Row, London, u and undertaker (1816–17). [D]
Davis, D., 43 Rathbone Pl., London, u and auctioneer (1825). [D]
Davis, David, address unrecorded, carver and gilder (1813–15). Worked at the 6th Duke of Bedford's house in Hamilton Pl., London, and was paid £57 13s in December 1815. The work included the provision of plate glass in the back Drawing Room, and a circular looking-glass in a black and gold frame; 500 yards of gilt moulding for doors and shutters; 246 feet of gilt cornice cleaned and repaired; ‘ornaments of 19 pilasters for the staircase’, and regilding the railings. [Bedford Office, London]
Davis, Edward, Marshall St, Carnaby Mkt, London, cm (1774). [Poll bk]
Davis, Edward, 5 Union St, Lambeth, London, chairmaker (1808). [D] See William Davies.
Davis, Edward & Thomas, 5 Old Bridge St, Manchester, cm and u (1824). [D]
Davis, Francis & Co., Lancaster, cm (1760). Took app. named Wilson in 1760. [S of G, app. index]
Davis, George, Orange Grove, Bath, Som., cm (1740–53). Took apps named Penny in 1740, Morris in 1744 and Croft in 1753. [S of G, app. index and Bath app. reg.]
Davis, George, 8 Worship St, Finsbury, London, u, mattress maker etc. (1826–29). [D]
Davis, George, Skinner St, Bishopsgate, London, cm and japanner (1835–39). [D]
Davis, Henry David, 17 Artillery Lane, Bishopsgate, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Davis, Henry Hart, 40 Gerrard St, Soho, London, auctioneer and upholder (1840). [GL, Sun MS ref. 1341922]
Davis, Humphry, Whitehart Yd, Drury Lane, London, u (1725). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 11 May 1725 for £500 on goods and merchandise in his house. [GL, Sun MS vol. 20, ref. 35716]
Davis, Isaac, Merchant St, Bristol, carver and gilder (1820–21). [D]
Davis, J., next door but one to ‘The Golden Sugar Loaf’, on the Terrace in St Martin's Lane, London, u (1705). Advertised in The Post Man, 24 February 1705, his business ‘where Gentlemen may be furnished with Tents and Field-beds to their satisfaction, and at very reasonable Prices, likewise Bells and Cases, for Colours and Drums’. Worked at Rousham, Oxon. [V & A archives]
Davis, J., 406 Oxford St, London, u (1835). [D]
Davis, J., 5 Queen's Row, Pimlico, London, u and cm (1835). [D]
Davis, J., 58 Redcliff St, Bristol, carver and gilder (1838–40). [D]
Davis, John, address unrecorded, upholder (1711). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 4 July 1711. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Davis, John, Bath, Som., frame maker (1722). [Bristol poll bk]
Davis, John, Minster Yd, York, cm (1741). Advertised, York Courant, 22 December 1741 that he ‘furnishes Gentlemen with Cloth Cushions, Pockets, Brass Masts, Balls, Queus, Sconces and printed Orders, and Looking Glass, and side Lanterns, Cabinet and Chair Work, China and Earthenware at Reasonable Rates …’. He also advertised for sale ‘Two New Billiard Tables and ‘till they are disposed of, Attendance is given to play the Game’.
Davis, John, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records between 1789–94. [Westminster Ref. Lib.]
Davis, John, Worcester, cm and u (1799). App. to Abraham and Isaac Fluke, cm and u; admitted freeman on 17 June 1799. [Worcester freemen rolls].
Davis, John, 15 Hatton Wall, London, bedstead maker (1806). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 16 December 1806 for £400 of which stock, utensils and workshop accounted for £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 438, ref. 798178]
Davis, John, 16 Gt Portland St, London, broker and upholder (1810). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 17 January 1810 for £750 of which stock, utensils and goods in trust in a house at 20 Mortimer St accounted for £400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 453, ref. 839934]
Davis, John, 16 Russell St, Bloomsbury, London, upholder (1820–21). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 10 May 1821 for £1,000 of which stock, utensils and goods in trust accounted for £600. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 488, ref. 980177] Possibly:
Davis (or Davies), John, 66 Gt Russell St, Bloomsbury, London, cm, u, auctioneer, appraiser and house agent (1817–25). Receipt dated 15 March 1819 totals £35, and includes ‘1 Rosewood Conversation Table’, ‘1 Basin Stand with Rising Glass’, ‘two Mahy- Night tables’, ‘three Hearth Rugs’, and ‘1 Small Pembrook Work table’. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 30 April 1723 for £1,000 of which utensils and stock accounted for £600. [D; GL, trade card coll.; GL, Sun MS vol. 498, ref. 1003774]
Davis, John, 43 Rathbone Pl., London, u and auctioneer (1823). [D]
Davis, John, 20 Lower Brook St, Grosvenor Sq., London, cm and u (1820–27). Recorded at no. 29 in 1823. Supplied furniture for Lord Belgrave's house in Grosvenor Sq., 1823–24. [D; London rate bks; V & A archives]
Davis, John, 27 Soho Sq., London, u (1826–29). [D]
Davis, John, Davies Mews, Oxford St, London, cm and u (1827–28). [D]
Davis, John, 278 High Holborn, London, u (1839). [D]
Davis, John, 1 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Davis, John, Church St, Fulham, London, cm and u (1838–39). [D]
Davis, John, 10 Finkle St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1837–40). [D]
Davis, John Austin, 8 Little Underbank, Stockport, Cheshire, carver and gilder (1834). [D] Possibly John Austin Davies of Manchester.
Davis, John Giles, Fore St, Bridgwater, Som., cm, u and agent for the Exchange Assurance (1839–40). [D]
Davis, Jonathan, near Corve St Gate, Ludlow, Salop, cm (1789). Mentioned under the insurance record for James Goodwin, farmer, as tenant of above house. [GL, Sun MS vol. 362, p. 586]
Davis, Marks, Milsom St, Bath, Som., cm (1748–85). Son of George Davis, cm and joiner; app. to Thomas Bishop, cm of Bath, in 1748; free 1756. Took app. named Sylvester in 1759. [S of G, app. index] In 1763, 1773, 1776, 1783 and 1785 leased premises in Milsom St, Union Passage; Stall St and Orange Grove from Bath Corporation. Advertised in the Bath and Bristol Chronicle, 1 February 1770 with his partner Bartlett to inform their friends and public ‘that they have this day opened their Upholstery and Cabinet, Chair, Carpet and Paper Hanging warehouse in Union Passage. N.B. Goods let on hire, appraised and Funerals completely furnished’. [Bath app. reg.]
Davis, Mary, St Augustine's Back, Bristol, upholder and cm (1794). [D] See Charles Davis.
Davis, N., 16 Giltspur St, Smithfield, London, u (1803). Named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. See William Davis at this address.
Davis, Nathaniel, ‘Warde Arms’, Westerham, Kent, cm and u (1839). [D]
Davis, Owen, Bridgnorth, Salop, chairmaker (1797–d. 1805). Death reported, Gents Mag., January 1805, with anecdotes of his long drinking life. [D]
Davis (or Davies), Peter, Lime St, Liverpool, u, feather bed and mattress maker (1822–37). Trading at 9 Lime St, 1822–27, with manufactory at 30 Cable St, 61 Lime St, 1827–29; no. 69, 1832–34; and no. 57, 1837. [D] Advertised the opening of his feather bed warehouse in Liverpool Mercury, 8 November 1802; and on 25 February 1825 announced that he had ‘lately made considerable improvements in the mode of STOVING FEATHERS’, making his goods ‘perfectly sweet & clean’. He advertised his re-dressing service for old beds, and his stock of ‘prime DANZIG, IRISH & LINCOLNSHIRE GOOSE & POULTRY FEATHERS’. Advertised again, 5 May 1826; and on 11 May 1827 his removal to 61 Lime St. On 15 June announced that he had ‘engaged some first-rate hands in the UPHOLSTERY line, who have been accustomed to work in London’ and described his stock of beds, cabinet and upholstery goods, bedding, feathers and cabin furniture. On 21 September 1827 advertised that he had ‘lately opened a connexion with several manufacturers of FRINGES, BELL ROPES, BLIND CORDS & every description of BED FURNITURE LACES’. His expansion into the household removal business, using ‘Cart on Springs’, was announced on 27 March 1829; and a ‘newly invented ELASTIC METAL SPRING BED’ which ‘supersedes the use of Feather Bed, Mattress & Paillasse’, suitable particularly for invalids and emigrants to hot climates, was advertised on 29 June 1832. Announced on 21 February 1834 that he was declining ‘all connexion with the Upholstery business’, intending to confine himself to ‘his original Business of FEATHER BED & MATTRESS MANUFACTURER’.
Davis, Philip, High St, Oxford, printseller, carver and gilder (1830). [D]
Davis, Richard, Salisbury, Wilts., u (1798). [D]
Davis, Robert, 18 Southampton Row, Russell Sq., Bloomsbury, London, painter, glazier, dealer in writing desks, work boxes, cutlery and toys (1820–23). Trading as Davis & Horwood, ladies’ work box makers, in 1820. Took out a Sun Insurance policy alone on 25 April 1823 for £800 of which utensils and stock accounted for £400. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 498, ref. 1003493] See Christopher Davis.
Davis, Robert, Bristol, chairmaker (1831–40). Trading at 4 Redcliff Back, 1831–36; and 36 Redcliff St, 1837–40. [D]
Davis, Robert, 203 Lent St, London, turner (1835). [D]
Davis, Simon, 10 Gt Surry St, St George's Rd, London, upholder (1793). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 18 October 1793 for £1,000 on utensils and stock in a house in Charles St, Covent Gdn. [GL, Sun MS vol. 397, p. 127]
Davis, Simon, 29 King St, Covent Gdn, London, upholder (1799). [D]
Davis, Simon, 2 Little St Martin's Lane, London, u and cm (1802–09). Named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. [D]
Davis, Simon, 8 Gt Newport St, London, cm, auctioneer and upholder (1811–23). [D]
Davis, T. & Beamish, George, Whitechapel, Liverpool, carvers and gilders, looking-glass and picture frame makers (1787). Notice in Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 12 March 1787 concerned the dissolving of their partnership, and announced that Davis was to continue the business in Whitechapel.
Davis, T., 50 Park St, Dorset Sq., London, cm (1835). [D]
Davis, T. H., 27 Stockbridge (?), Pimlico, London, carver and gilder (1837). [D]
Davis, Thomas, address unrecorded, carver and gilder (?) (1757–62). Named in the accounts for Gibside, Co. Durham, on 6 June 1759, supplying ‘new gilt frames for the pictures’, costing £19; and on 24 March 1762 ‘gilding etc. the frame of a large Picture at Gibside of the Rape of the Sabines’, £4 17s 6d. [Durham RO, D/St/v1510] See T. Davies & Griffin.
Davis, Thomas, address unrecorded, upholder (1768–75). Son of John Davis, wall painter of Allhallows, London; app. to John Evans, cook and upholder, on 8 May 1768. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 7 June 1775. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Davis, Thomas, Lancaster, cm (1768). [Poll bk] Possibly:
Davis, Thomas, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records, 1784–86. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/93, p. 284]
Davis, Thomas, Draper's Lane, Leominster, Herefs., cm (1776). Advertised in Pugh's Hereford Journal, 14 March 1776, that he was ‘lately from London (where he served his apprenticeship, and had uwards of twenty years practice) has now opened a shop in Drapers Lane, Leominster, where he makes and sells every article in the Cabinet and Upholstery Way … N.B. A sober young man, of good character, is wanted as an apprentice’.
Davis, Thomas, Farthing Alley, Barnaby (or Bermondsey) St, Southwark, London, chairmaker, carver and cm (1779–80). Insured houses for £400 and £200 in 1779; and for £400 in 1780. [GL, Sun MS vol. 276, p. 93; vol. 277, p. 203; vol. 285, p. 301]
Davis, Thomas, London, cm (1806). Admitted freeman of Lincoln in November 1806. [Lincoln freemen rolls]
Davis, Thomas, Bristol, cm, chairmaker, pantile lath manufacturer and earthenware dealer (1817–30). Addresses given at Bedminster, near the Turnpike, 1817–19; Redcliff Hill, 1820–26; no. 14, 1827–29; and no. 15 in 1830. [D]
Davis, Thomas, Barton St, Gloucester, cm and chairmaker (1820). [D]
Davis, Thomas, 65 Minories, London, chair manufacturer, cm and u (1826–28). [D]
Davis, Thomas, 16 Princes St, Holborn, London, cm and u (1827–28). [D]
Davis, Thomas, 17 Houndsditch, London, cm (1829–35). [D]
Davis, Thomas, Smallbrook St, Birmingham, cm and u (1830– 35). Listed at no. 16 in 1830 and no. 15 in 1835. [D]
Davis, Thomas, 24–25 Liverpool St, Finsbury, London, cm (1835–37). [D]
Davis, Thomas H., 30 Queen's Row, Pimlico, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Davis, William, Corn Mkt, Louth, Lincs., carver, gilder, printseller, looking-glass and picture frame maker (c. 1800). [Trade card in Johnson Coll., Bodleian Lib., Oxford]
Davis, William, address unrecorded, carver (early 18th century). Worked with Joel Lobb and Samuel Watson at Chatsworth, Derbs. [V & A archives]
Davis, William, London, upholder, cm and auctioneer (1784–1828). Son of James Davis of Hanover Ct, Cripplegate; app. to James Senols on 7 January 1784, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 29 October 1796. Recorded at Giltspur St, Smithfield, 1796–1828, no. 16, 1802–28. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records] See N. Davis.
Davis, William, the Quay, Bristol, carver and gilder (1792). [D]
Davis, William, Bristol, cm and chairmaker (1812–33). Recorded at Temple St, 1812; Temple Back, 1813–20; 31 Montague St, 1824–31; 50 St Michael's Hill, 1832; and Tankard's Close, 1833. [D]
Davis, William, 3 Park St, Bristol, u (1830). [D]
Davis, William, Lancaster, cm (1794–1807). App. to J. Sowerby in 1794, and admitted freeman in 1806–07. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Davis, William, London, cm (1818). [Worcester poll bk]
Davis, William, 43 Seward St, Goswell St, London, cm (1820). [D]
Davis, William, Gt Carlisle St, Edgware Rd, London, bed and mattress maker (1827–28). [D] Possibly of Davis & Newton.
Davis, William, Castle St, Northampton, cm (1830). [Poll bk]
Davis, William, 21 Aston St, Birmingham, cm and u (1830). [D]
Davis, William, 22 King St, Bartholomew Sq., London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Davis, William, Shire Lane, Dorchester, Dorset, cm (1840). [D]
Davis, William, 7 Walker Sq., Hull, Yorks., cm and u (1840). [D]
Davis, William, North Parade, Frome, Som., cm and u (1840). [D]
Davis & Co., address unrecorded, frame makers (1763–68). Named in the accounts of Henry Hoare of Stourhead, Wilts., on 17 December 1763, receiving £15 6s for two gold frames; on 31 January 1764 for two more; and on 19 March 1768, £57 11s. [V & A archives] Possibly Thomas Davies (or Davis).
Davis & Elliot, 97 New Bond St, London, upholders (1776–83). The accounts of Sir Thomas Egerton, later 1st Earl of Wilton, record payment of £3 14s 6d to Davis & Elliot for a bed carpet on 2 November 1776. [D; Preston RO, DDEg] See Charles Elliot, London.
Davis & Griffin, Birmingham, carvers and gilders (1769–70). See T. Davies & Griffin.
Davis & Newton, 21 Carlisle St, Soho, London, cm etc. (1821). [D] Possibly William Davis.
Davis & Sargent, 104, Bishopsgate Within, London, glass grinders and cm (1767–79). [D]
Davison, Barnard, St Martin's Lane, London, cm (1796). Thomas Haig bequeathed £100 to Barnard Davison ‘my foreman’ in his will dated 1796.
Davison, George Canham, High St, London, carver (1778). Insured his house for £100 in 1778 with the Sun Co. [GL, Sun MS vol. 271, p. 190]
Davison, George, 4 Foley St, Foley Pl., London, u (1839). [D]
Davison, Joseph, High St, Bishop Wearmouth, Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1827–32). [D]
Davison, Richard, address unrecorded, chairmaker (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Davison, S., New Bridge St, Exeter, Devon, u (1816–25). Advertised in Exeter Pocket Journal, 1816, 1822 and 1825. [D]
Davison, Sibella & Deacon, Thomas, London, cm (1783). The Forbes family accounts, possibly for Callendar House, Scotland, record purchases in 1783 of a double writing desk and three stools, £1 11s 6d; a walnut dressing table, 4s, four ash chairs, 4s, and a wooden clock, 2s 6d. [Scottish RO, GD 171/Box 54]
Davison, Thomas, Chichester, Sussex, cm (1761). Took app. named Hoskins in 1761. [S of G, app. index]
Davison, Thomas, Church St, Gainsborough, Lincs., joiner and/or cm (1823). [D]
Davison, Thomas, Bland's Cliff, Scarborough, Yorks., cm (1840). [D]
Davison, W., London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Davison, W., 34 Wells St, Oxford St, London, u and undertaker (1809–20). Trading as Davison & Sons in 1820. [D]
Davison, William, York, cm (1754–56). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. Took app. named John Copeland in 1756 for £7. [V & A archives]
Davy, John, Pound St, Halesworth, Suffolk, cm (1830–39). [D]
Davy, William, Exeter, Devon, cm (1803). [Militia Census]
Davy, William, London, cm (1830). [Norwich poll bk]
Davye, William, Burnley, Lancs., cm and joiner (1814–24). Trading in Market St, 1814; Market Pl. in 1822; and Bay Horse Yd, 1824. [D]
Daw, —, Fetter Lane, London, u (1751). Notice in the General Advertiser, 20 November 1751.
Daw, —, Cheapside, London. Label recorded on Regency sarcophagus-shaped tea caddy, c. 1810, with canted corners, ring handles at ends, and four gilt paw feet; veneered in tortoiseshell and containing two compartments with tortoiseshell veneered lids and sugar bowl.
Daw, William, Brewood, Staffs., joiner and/or cm (1834). [D]
Daw(e), William, Exeter, Devon, cm (1827–35). Recorded at Union Terr. in 1829 and Coombe St, 1833–35. Marriage to Miss Sarah Youd of Exeter at St Sidwell's Church reported in The Alfred, 9 January 1827. Son James Youd bapt. at St Sidwell's on 18 January 1829; and daughters Elizabeth, on 29 September 1833 and Jane, on 25 October 1835, at St Mary Major. [PR (bapt.)]
Daw(e), William, 6 Theberton St, Islington, London, cm and u (1835–39). [D]
Dawes, —, Duke St, Bloomsbury Sq., London, u (d. by 1833?). Report in Chester Courant and North Wales Advertiser, 8 October 1833, that Mrs Elizabeth Dawes was caught stealing a boa from a shop in Oxford St. ‘Her husband was an upholsterer residing in Duke St., Bloomsbury Sq’.
Dawes, —, address unrecorded, u (1786–91). Recorded in Paul Methuen's Day Book working at Corsham Ct, Wilts., being paid £29 6s 6d on 7 June 1786; £25 15s on 20 April 1790; and £55 10s 6d on 22 January 1791. [V & A archives]
Dawes, —, address unrecorded, u (1809). Supplied upholstery goods to Lord Braybrooke for his Berkshire house, Billingbear, in June 1809, totalling £4 18s. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A376]
Dawes, Ann, Bold St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1837–39). Recorded at no. 38 in 1837 and no. 126 in 1839. [D] See John Dawes.
Dawes, B., Soho Sq., London, u (1832). Provided patent sunshades and curtains costing £22 for Hopetoun House, Lothian, Scotland, in 1832. [Scottish RO, bundle 264] Probably:
Dawes, Bartholomew, 20 Carlisle St, Soho, London, u, cm and undertaker (1826–39). Worked for Lord Viscount Lowther in July 1838, ‘Reframing a Gilt Cabriole Sofa thoroughly repairing Do. and making good the carving’, for £2 15s. From 2–14 July he supervised moving and repairing furniture, taking down, repairing and replacing blinds, taking up, brushing and laying down ‘druggets’ and carpets; ‘papering up the Furniture’, ‘scouring & glazing the Brown holland coverings of the Staircase’, and ‘Making up a Table cover of your Embroidered Velvet lined throughout with fine green bevill'd merino bound with silk lace and fringed all round’. [D; V & A archives] See Thomas Dawes, ‘inventor of the patent sun shades’.
Dawes, George, Dartmouth St, London, u (1774). [Poll bk]
Dawes, John & Noyes, Edward, near the ‘Feathers Inn’, Bridge St Row, Chester, carvers, gilders, picture dealers and looking-glass manufacturers (1828–30). Advertised in Chester Chronicle and North Wales Advertiser, 28 August 1829, that they ‘manufacture all kinds of MODERN and ANTIQUE PICTURE FRAMES, CHIMNEY and PIER GLASSES, of the largest dimensions, made to order in the most fashionable style and on the most moderate terms. Antique and modern CARVING to match any work. A large assortment of Chimney, Pier and mahogany Cheval and Box Dressing Glasses, constantly on Sale … N.B., Gentlemen wishing to have their Picture-frames regilt or Pictures cleaned can have them done at their own houses, to prevent the possibility of damage on removing’. Dissolving of partnership announced, Chester Courant and Anglo-Welsh Gazette, 31 August 1830, the business to be carried on by Edward Noyes jnr & Co.
Dawes, John, 53 Bold St, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1835). [D] See Ann Dawes.
Dawes, Mark, London, upholder (1773–96). Trading at 1 Broker Row, Moorfields, 1778–86; and 86 Little Tower Hill, 1791–96. App. to Henry Hall; admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 7 July 1773. On 4 August 1779 he was excused serving as steward of the Co., having suffered ‘great losses in Trade’. Took apps named William Banks, 1778–88; William Wilson, 1780–87; and Henry Clyatt, 1784–91. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 21 May 1791 for £400 on his goods. Declared bankrupt, Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 15 February and 9 May 1796. [D; GL, Upholders' Co. records and Livery lists; GL, Sun MS vol. 376, p. 495].
Dawes, Richard, 51 Conduit St, London upholder and undertaker (1783–84). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1783 for £1,900 of which utensils, stock, goods and wareroom accounted for £1,400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 317, p. 112; poll bk]
Dawes, Richard, address unrecorded. Supplied furniture to Lord Howard of Audley End, Essex in 1786 totalling £24 17s, including ‘2 Cabriole Arme Chairs fancy backs Japannd black painted in Colours’, ‘4 Neate fancy back Chairs stuft Seats’, ‘46yd of Printed Cotton’, and ‘a Cabriole Settee to Match Chairs’. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A44/11]
Dawe(s) (or Daws), Robert, 17 Margaret St, Cavendish Sq., London, cm, u and recumbent chair manufacturer (1820–39). Trading at 33 Edgware Rd in 1839. Also listed at Harlington, Middlx in 1838. [D] Patented his ‘Improved Recumbent Chair’ in 1827, and advertised it in Liverpool Mercury, 1 August 1828, describing the mechanics: ‘By elevating a spring beneath the arm of the chair, where the hand rests, it may be converted into a couch, & any required inclination given to the back & arms; & by drawing out a sliding panel beneath, the length may be increased’. One such chair, covered in claret morocco, was bought for £14 on 17 September 1831 by Edward Hurt of 34 Dorset Sq., London, to be sent to Miss Hoskins at Claremont House, Gloucester. [Herefs. RO, Arkwright papers, A63/161] Daws made several variants of the chair, examples being illustrated in Loudon's Encyclopaedia, 1833 and 1839. Several survive, and are generally of oak or mahogany, with out-scrolled, adjustable backs, padded arms carved with Gothic or lotus leaves; baluster, reeded or octagonal legs on brass castors; and upholstered in leather. Some have pull-out leg supports or adjustable book-rests. The chairs are generally stamped with the maker's name and address, and bear labels dated 1833–34 with instructions. One label, dated January 1833, reads: ‘respecting the permanence of the principle of this chair, but little need be said, since R. Dawes is willing to make OATH that the least derangement has not to his knowledge averaged one in FIVE HUNDRED during five years’. Probably the maker of the mahogany arm chair at Heveningham Hall, Suffolk, stamped ‘DAWES PATENT GR’. [Antique Collecting, February 1979, p. 13; C. Life, 7 February 1963, supplement, p. 18; Apollo, August 1965, November 1975, p. 104; Conn., December 1979, p. 260; Sotheby's 5 July 1968, lot 249; 13 November 1970, lot 247; 10 July 1970, lot 74; 20 October 1972, lot 106; 12 July 1974, lot 135; 11 October 1974, lot 145; 25 July 1975, lot 184; 22 April 1977, lot 155; Christie's 15 May 1975, lot 31; 19 January 1978, lot 24; 10 May 1984, lot 22; V & A archives]
Dawes, Thomas, address unrecorded, u (1687–92). Supplied fifty-two beds and other upholstery wares to the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, costing £170 2s 6d. [Wren Soc., vol. XIX, p. 85]
Dawes, Thomas, near Portland St, Berwick St, London, cm (1775). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1775 for £400, utensils and stock accounting for £150. [GL, Sun MS vol. 240, p. 453]
Dawes, Thomas, London, cm, u and ‘inventor of the patent sun shades’ (1783–1825). Recorded at 26–28 Dean St, 1783–99; nos 68–69, 1798–1824; and 48 Conduit St, 1803–04; in partnership with Newton (or Neton), 1812–17, at no. 59 Dean St in 1820; also 20–21 Carlisle St, 1808–25. [D] Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793 and Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. Named in his list of master cabinet makers, 1803. Took out Sun Insurance policies on 11 April 1791 for £1,800 on his house and goods; and on 28 March 1804 for £2,400 on household goods as 33 Michael Pl., Brompton, in tenure. Daws jnr, cm of Dean St, subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [GL, Sun MS ref. 582000; vol. 431, ref. 760558] See Bartholomew Dawes.
Dawes, Thomas, 3 Southampton Ct, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, London, manufacturer of portable desks, cases, tea caddies etc. (1812). [D]
Dawes, Thomas, 5 Upper Southampton St, Pentonville, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Dawes, Thomas, 8 Upper Northern Pl., Gray's Inn Lane, London, cm (1819–20). [D]
Dawes, Thomas, 15 Millman St, Bedford Row, London, cm and u (1826–35). [D]
Dawes (or Daws), William, 57 Red Lion St, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1801–08). [D]
Dawes, William, 48 Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1808). [D]
Dawes, William, 10 Hull St, London, cm (1808). [D]
Dawes & Grimes, 10 St John's Lane, Smithfield, London, cm (1789–93). [D]
Dawes & White, Queen St, Westminster, London, u (1780–81). [D]
Dawkins, John, Churchgate, Loughborough, Leics., cm (1835). [D]
Dawre, George, Bristol, u and paper hanger (1834–40). Recorded at Old Park Hill, 1834–35; no. 20, 1836–37; and 2 St Michael's Hill, 1838–40. [D]
Daws, Edward, 44 King St, Soho, London, cm (1822). Insured his house for £800 on 10 October 1822 with the Sun Co. [GL, Sun MS vol. 493, ref. 995783]
Daws, Edward, 59 Quadrant, Regent St, London, writing desk and dressing case maker (1829). [D]
Daws, Thomas, Snowfields, Southwark, London, cm (1791–92). Declared bankrupt, Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 31 October and 5 December 1791; and 8 June 1792.
Daws, William, 56 Lower Marsh, Lambeth, London, cm (1822). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 25 April 1822 for £150, of which £30 accounted for a chest of tools in workshop of Kilvington, cm, 9 Newman Mews, Castle St East, Oxford Mkt. [GL, Sun MS vol. 493, ref. 991184]
Dawson, Mrs, address unrecorded. Named in the accounts of Benjamin Mildmay, Earl Fitzwalter, of Moulsham Hall, supplying ‘Two Japan Boards for tea, chocolate, etc.’ costing £1 4s, on 28 February 1738. [Ed. A. C. Edwards]
Dawson, —, address unrecorded. Provided three japan tea boards, costing £2 6s, to Holkham Hall, Norfolk in 1740. [V & A archives]
Dawson, A., 6 Walks (1819) and 19 York St, Bath, Som., wheelchair maker to HM. [D]
Dawson, Benjamin, Hull, Yorks., cm etc. (1823–40). Trading at 8 Dibb's Yd, Scott St, 1823; and Harcourt St, 1826–40, no. 1, 1826–37. [D]
Dawson, Bryan, Knaresborough, Yorks., joiner and/or cm (1834). [D]
Dawson, Elizabeth, address unrecorded, upholder (1758–68). Daughter of Thomas Dawson; admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony on 2 February 1758. Took apps named Thomas Cathrow, 1760–68 and William Chancellor, 1766–68. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dawson, Elizabeth, Rochester, Kent, u, cm etc. (1838–39). trading at 125 Eastgate, 1838 and Star Hill, 1839. [D] See John Dawson at this address.
Dawson, Francis, Hull, Yorks., cm (1768–74). [Poll bks]
Dawson, James, Penrith, Cumb., cm (1798). [D]
Dawson, James, Green St, Blackfriars Rd, London, upholder and undertaker (1817). [D]
Dawson, James jnr, Westgate, Otley, Yorks., cm (1822–37). [D] See William Dawson at this address.
Dawson, John, Millbank, Westminster, London, carver (1749). [Poll bk]
Dawson, John, Market Pl., Kingston, Surrey, u (1822–32). [D] Recorded in partnership with Huxley in 1822.
Dawson, John, Eastgate, Rochester, Kent, cm and u (1826–34). [D] See Elizabeth Dawson at this address.
Dawson, John, 15 Williams Buildings, Old St Rd (?), London, cm (1835–39). [D]
Dawson, Joseph, address unrecorded, upholder (1718–36). Son of Joseph Dawson, warehouseman, late of London; app. to William Brown on 21 March 1718. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 8 September 1736. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dawson, Nathaniel, 117 Aldersgate St, London, cm (1790–93). [D]
Dawson, Perry, Chester, cm (1794). Son of Perry Dawson, skinner, deceased; admitted freeman on 3 July 1794. [Chester freemen rolls]
Dawson, Robert, Fair St, Horncastle, Lincs., joiner and cm (1835). [D]
Dawson, Robert, 51 Charlotte St, Old St Rd, London, bedstead maker (1839). [D]
Dawson, Samuel, Norwich, chairmaker (1780–95). [Poll bks]
Dawson, Samuel, 26 Lloyd St, Manchester, cm (1836–40). [D]
Dawson, Samuel, 7 Roger's Row, Jackson's Row, Manchester, cm (1840). [D]
Dawson, Thomas, address unrecorded, upholder (1705–27). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 1 August 1705. Took apps named John Warren, 1707–15; John Hibberdine, 1712–23; James Maudlin, 1715–23; and Cleave Harrison, 1719–27. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records] Possibly:
Dawson, Thomas, at ‘The Black Lyon’, Houndsditch, Without Aldgate, London, upholder (1712). Insured his house for £200 on 23 July 1712 with the Hand in Hand Co. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 10, ref. 23501]
Dawson, Thomas, Hounsditch, London, carpenter and carver (1764). Employed six non-freemen for three months in 1764. [GL, City Licence bks, vol. 4]
Dawson, Thomas, 26 Oxford St, London, cm and u (1754–93). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. Took an app. in 1754 for £21. Took out Sun Insurance policies in 1782 for £700 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £480; with Richard Dawson on 2 January 1786 for £1,000, £600 on utensils, stock and goods in trust; and on 8 January 1787 for £800. Possibly the Thomas Dawson, cm, of Long Acre, involved in bankruptcy proceedings with Chippendale and others in March 1773, declared in British Chronicle, 21– 24 September 1759. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 304, p. 564; vol. 335, p. 134; vol. 342, ref. 526271]
Dawson, Thomas, Lancaster, cm (1795–96). [Lancaster freemen rolls]
Dawson, Thomas, Portland St, Cheltenham, Glos., chairmaker (1820–22). [D]
Dawson, Thomas, Toll Sq., North Shields, Northumb., cm and u (1827). [D]
Dawson, W., address unrecorded, cm (mid 18th century). Name impressed on high quality mahogany Rococo card table with concertina action.
Dawson, W. T., address unrecorded, cm (1830). [Rochester poll bk]
Dawson, William, ‘a stranger working in Leicester’, upholder (1734). [Leicester freemen rolls]
Dawson, William, address unknown. Mahogany ‘cockfighting’ chair dated 1773, with original ink bottles, spurs, leather castors and covered in russet leather, recorded. [Antiques, December 1965, p. 750]
Dawson, William, 7 Langley St, Long Acre, London, upholder (1775). Insured his house for £100 in 1775 with the Sun Co. [GL, Sun MS vol. 239, p. 638]
Dawson, William, Worcester, joiner and cm (1776). Former app. Richard Cottrell admitted freeman in 1776. [Worcester freemen rolls]
Dawson, William, 73 Wardour St, London, cm and upholder (1780–84). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1780 for £500 of which £370 accounted for utensils, stock and goods. [D; poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 283, p. 358]
Dawson, William, Nottingham. Signed the Nottingham Cabinet and Chair Makers’ Book of Prices, 1791, on behalf of the Masters.
Dawson, William, 1 Britannia Row, Islington, London, cm (1808–11). [D]
Dawson, William, Market Pl., Horncastle, Lincs., chairmaker (1819–22). [D]
Dawson, William, Islington, London, cm (1825). Recorded concerning deed dated 24–25 February 1825. [Surrey RO, deed BR/T/2048]
Dawson, William, Market Pl., Romford, Essex, cm (1823–24). [D]
Dawson, William, 8 Market Pl., Halifax, Yorks., cm (1830). [D]
Dawson, William, Westgate, Otley, Yorks., joiner and/or cm (1834–37). [D] See James Dawson at this address.
Dawson, William, Mate's Sq., and/or 6 Pond St, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]
Day, —, Chipping Norton, Oxon., cm, u or furniture dealer (1753–80). [Jackson's Oxford Journal]
Day, —, 64 Kennington St, Newington, London, carver and gilder to His Majesty (c. 1815). Trade card reads: ‘Chimney and Pier Glasses Manufactured. Old Frames Re-gilt. Picture Frames to any dimensions. Prints and Needle Work framed & Glazed. All sorts of Gilt Work Manufactured’. [GL, trade card coll.]
Day, Anthony, Gloucester Lane, Bristol, cm (1792–94). [D]
Day, Charles, Cambridge, cm, u, joiner and auctioneer (1762– d. 1805). The work undertaken by Charles Day covers a fairly wide field, from a payment made to him by the Cambridge Corporation in 1766 for making a ducking chair to erecting the new Cambridge Guildhall in 1782. He was noted as an eminent cm when in 1769 the Mayor made him his honorary freeman. Advertisements for auction sales in the Cambridge Chronicle between 1762–65 give his address as ‘near the Market Hill’. The newspaper for 14 August 1773 carried announcement that he was going to sell or let his premises ‘consisting of a large front shop, and a Parlour behind the same … A large Work shop, and Shed, 14 Feet high, under the same, a back Kitchen, and Yard. All the Premises have been new built within these seven years’. It goes on to say that he has taken ‘the House late the Tuns Tavern in Cambridge … for the better Convenience of carrying on the above business’. He is known to have taken three apps: Josiah Marshall from 25 June 1770 for a fee of £30, John Stamford Moore from 18 September 1770 for a fee of £20 and Sir John Swan who is recorded as already being an app. in 1769. The newspaper reported on 21 December 1805 that ‘died in his 77th year, Mr. Charles Day, senior common councilman of the Corporation of Cambridge, and late a surveyor of Taxes in this County’. Probably the Charles Day, u and cm of Cambridge who took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1778 for £900, £200 on utensils and stock, and £50 on workshop. [C. H. Cooper, Annals of Cambridge, 1852, p. 340; Cambs. RO, Corp. day bks and archives; poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 264, p. 113] R. W.
Day, Daniel, Mendlesham and Stoneham, Suffolk, chairmaker and carpenter (c. 1790). Thought to have lived and worked at a house in Fore St, and began trading as a wheel-wright. Credited with the Mendlesham pattern of Windsor chair, perhaps leading a Day ‘dynasty’ of chairmakers in Mendlesham. [V & A archives; Fastnedge, Sheraton Furniture, pl. 14; C. Life, 24 September 1959, p. 376; Apollo, November 1935] See Richard Day.
Day, James, address unrecorded, upholder (1709). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 26 March 1709. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Day, James, Fleet St, London, upholder (1727). [Poll bk]
Day, James, address unrecorded, upholder (1735–42). Son of J. Day, carpenter of Edmonton; app. to Joseph Welsh on 3 September 1735, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 1 December 1742. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Day, John, 34 St John's Sq., Clerkenwell, London, cm and u (1826–28). [D]
Day, John Joseph, 5 President St West, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Day, Michael, Oxford, upholder (1784). [D] Possibly of Day & Parker.
Day, Peter, 2 Burleigh St, Strand, London, printer and carver (1784). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1784 for £300 of which utensils and stock accounted for £50. [GL, Sun MS vol. 321, p. 548]
Day, Phillip, Poppings Ct, London, carver (1781). Fined for non-service at St Bride's in 1781. [GL, MS 6561, p. 111]
Day, Philip, 67 Cheapside, London, carver and gilder, glass manufacturer (1782–89). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1782 for £1,000, £450 accounting for utensils and stock. Declared bankrupt, Liverpool Advertiser, 19 January 1789. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 300, p. 23]
Day, Philip, Newgate St, London, carver, gilder and lookingglass manufacturer (1790–93). Recorded at no. 5 1790–91; and no. 3, 1790 and 1793. [D; Wills, Looking-Glasses]
Day, Philip, 24 Worcester St, Southwark (?), London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]
Day, Richard, Mendlesham, Suffolk, cm and chairmaker (b. 1785–d. 1838). Recorded in Market St, now Front St, until 1839. Bapt. on 25 May 1785; death certificate dated 10 December 1838, aged 55; buried on 14 December. [D; PR; Furn. Hist., 1978] See Daniel Day.
Day, Robert, 14 Well St, Oxford St, London, u (1819–25). [D]
Day, Samuel, St. Loy(e)s St, Bedford, carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Day, Theophilus, London, carver and gilder, looking-glass manufacturer (1808–29). Addresses given at 4 Three Tuns Ct, Southwark, 1808; and Black Prince Row, Walworth, London, 1812–29. Associated with a Sun Insurance policy of 13 July 1812 as a trustee of property. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 455, ref. 871833]
Day, Thomas, Stoney Stratford, Bucks., cm, ironmonger and painter (1798). [D]
Day, Thomas, 64 Kensington St, Walworth, London, carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Day, W., 353 Strand and 12 Charing Cross, London, trunk and portable bed manufacturer (c. 1820). Trade card announces him to be ‘BY HIS MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT … OF THE EXPANDING AND PRESS TRUNKS & PORTMANTEAUS, Trunk Maker to HRH the DUKES OF YORK & SUSSEX. Sole Inventor of the Imperial Double Trunk & Trunk Canteen at his PORTABLE BEDSTEAD AND CAMP EQUIPAGE Manufactories’. William IV military oak chest of drawers recorded bearing trade label. [GL, trade card coll.; Phillips’, 12 November 1963, lot 99]
Day, William, Marlborough, London, cm (1777–79). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1779 for £100 on his house. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 271, p. 425]
Day, William, 33 Banner St, Bunhill Row, London, cm (1808). [D]
Day, William, 17 City Terr., City Rd, London, cm and auctioneer (1817–20). [D]
Day, William, High St, Maidstone, Kent, cm and u (1832–39). Recorded at no. 23 in partnership with Stanger, 1838–39. [D; poll bks; reg. of elect.]
Day, William, Church St, Mansfield, Notts., joiner and cm (1828–41). [D]
Day, William, 15 Mint St, Southwark, London, bedstead maker (1837). [D]
Day, William & Son, 8 Crouch St, Colchester, Essex, cm and u (1839). [D]
Day & Parker, Oxford, upholders (1798). [D] Possibly Michael Day.
Daymond, Edward James, 25 Wardour St, Soho, London, cm (1807). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 11 November 1807 for £300 of which utensils and stock accounted for £60. [GL, Sun MS vol. 441, ref. 809762]
Daymond, Sophia, 26 Wardour St, Soho, London, cm (1816). [D]
Dayns, Jos., at ‘The Rising Sun’, Lower Moorfields, London, turner (1718). Insured his house for £150 on 5 December 1718. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 19, p. 268]
Deacon, —, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Deacon, C., 2 Berners St, Oxford St, London, u and auctioneer (1837). [D] See John Deacon.
Deacon, Edward, Bodmin, Cornwall, cm (1830). [D]
Deacon, Henry, 7 Riding House Lane, Gt Titchfield St, London, cm (1821–23). Took out Sun Insurance policies on 24 September 1821 for £300 on household goods; and on 5 November for £400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 487, ref. 983627; vol. 497, ref. 1010235] See John and T. & B. Deacon.
Deacon, J., 71–72 Margaret St, Cavendish Sq., London, cm (1806–11). [D] See S. Deacon.
Deacon, James, Smithford St, Coventry, Warks., cm, u and paper hanger (1818–35). Listed also at Cross Cheaping in 1822. [D]
Deacon, John & Sons, 7 Riding House Lane, Portland Rd (or St or Pl.), cm, u and chairmaker (1811–28). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. Took out Sun Insurance policies on 25 July 1822 for £3,700, of which stock, utensils and goods accounted for £3,500, and warehouses in Titchfield St in tenure of a carpenter, £200; and on 3 March 1824 for £500, £460 on household goods in the Pulteney Hotel, Piccadilly, in tenure of a hotel keeper. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 493, ref. 993821; vol. 499, ref. 1014289] See T. & B. and Henry Deacon.
Deacon, John, 18 Eyre St (Hill), Hatton Gdn, London, cm, u, chair and sofa maker (1822–28). [D]
Deacon, John, 2 Berners St, London, cm and u (1831–35). Deacon & Co. are named in the Royal Household accounts, 1831–32, receiving £53 10s for a ‘very handsome Spanish mahogany map table on stand and ends — carved & french polished. Inside fitted up with brass work & rollers for maps’. The accounts of December 1833 refer to the same, or another similar map table costing £15115s. [D; Windsor Royal Archives, Lord Chamberlain's accounts; RA, 17, Box 1] See C. Deacon.
Deacon, John Charles, 240 Regent St Circus, Oxford St, London, cm and u (1827–28). [D]
Deacon, Joseph, 41 Lambeth Rd, London, chairmaker (1809–12). [D]
Deacon, Richard, Portsmouth, Hants., cm (1749). Took app. named Thresher in 1749. [S of G, app. index]
Deacon, S., 72 Margaret St, Cavendish Sq., London, upholder and undertaker (1817). [D] See J. Deacon.
Deacon, Samuel, 22 Wardour St, Soho, London, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Deacon, Samuel, 7 Air St, Piccadilly, London, cm (1808–16). [D]
Deacon, Samuel, 135 Oxford St, London, cm (1817–23). [D]
Deacon, T. & B., 7 Riding House Lane, Gt Portland St, London, chairmaker (1812–14). [D] See Henry & John Deacon.
Deacon, Thomas, — See Sibella Davison & Deacon.
Deacon, William, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hants., chairmaker (1726). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 13 January 1727 for £300 of which utensils and stock accounted for £75. [GL, Sun MS vol. 23, p. 302]
Deacon, Zephania, St Michael's Hill, Bristol, cm and joiner (1794). [D]
Deacon & Davis, Piccadilly, London, u and cm (1819–21). Recorded at no. 35 in 1819 and no. 27 in 1821. [D]
Deadman, James, Hoxton Mkt, Shoreditch, London, joiner and cm (1780s). App. to his brother, Samuel Deadman, joiner and cm, and served for three years, when Samuel Deadman's business declined and he went to Scotland, giving up his claim to the apprenticeship. James's oldest child was twelve, so his apprenticeship was probably in the 1780s. [GL, P83/MRY1/872/45]
Deadman, Samuel, Hoxton Mkt, Shoreditch, London, joiner and cm (1780s). See James Deadman.
Deake, Richard, 20 New Compton St, London, upholder (1778). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1778 for £100 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £20. [GL, Sun MS vol. 268, p. 455]
Deake, Richard, 26 Broad St, Carnaby Mkt, London, upholder and dealer in musical instruments (1787). On 12 March 1787 insured his household goods and printed books for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 342, ref. 528249]
Deakin, John, Steels Yd, Uttoxeter, Staffs., cm (1818). [D]
Deakin, Thomas, High St, Birmingham, cm and upholder (1793). [D]
Deals, Joseph, 6 Hollen St, Soho, London, cm (1808). [D]
Dean, Henry, 4 Cockcroft, Northgate, Blackburn, Lancs., chairmaker (1824–25). [D]
Dean, Isaac, Yd 73, Kirkgate, Bradford, Yorks., cm (1830). [D]
Dean, John, Nantwich, Cheshire, cm (1772). Son Samuel bapt. on 16 December 1772. [PR (bapt.)]
Dean, John, Eastgate St, Chester, cm (1775–81). Admitted freeman of Chester on 8 July 1775. [D]
Dean, John, Macclesfield, Cheshire, cm, u, paper hanger and agent for the sale of fringes (1818–28). Listed at Sunderland St in 1818 and Park Green, 1822–28. [D]
Dean, John, Bingley, Yorks., joiner and/or cm (1822–37). Trading at Main St in 1822 and the Wharf in 1837. [D]
Dean, John, King St, Market Rasen, Lincs., joiner and cm (1826). [D]
Dean, John, Magdalen St, Exeter, Devon, cm (1826). Daughter Mary Ann bapt. on 30 November 1828 at Holy Trinity Church. [PR (bapt.)]
Dean, John & Sons, 8 Wilmot St, Russell Sq., London, cm and carvers in wood (1839). [D]
Dean, Joseph, Sheffield, Yorks., joiner and cm (1784). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1784 for £300, workshop, utensils and stock accounting for £70. [GL, Sun MS vol. 321, p. 529]
Dean, Joseph, Hull, Yorks., cm, broker, appraiser and auctioneer (1806–23). Trading at 35 St John's St, with auction room at Saville St, 1806–14; and 45 Market Pl., 1823. [D]
Dean, Thomas, address unrecorded, cm (1754). Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754.
Dean, Thomas, Manchester, chairmaker (1781–1815). Addresses given in Long Millgate, 1781; no. 158 in 1794; 17 Swan St, 1797–1804; 28 Lower Swan St, 1814–15; and 24 Swan St in 1815. [D]
Dean, Thomas, 5 Stonecutter St, Fleet Mkt, London, u (1808). [D]
Dean, Thomas, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1822–29). Recorded at 18 Roscoe St in 1827; and 44 Russel St with shop at 17 Roscoe St in 1829. App. to Thomas Dutton in 1822. [D; Liverpool app. enrolment bk]
Dean, William, Market Pl., Cockermouth, Cumb., joiner and cm (1828–29). [D]
Dean, William, New St, Keighley, Yorks., cm, u and auctioneer (1828–37). Trading at 10 New Bridge St in 1837. [D]
Dean, William, Broadmarsh, Nottingham, u (1822–40). Listed at Broad St in 1828. In 1834 both William Dean snr and jnr were trading at Broadmarsh, and in 1840 William jnr was there alone. [D]
Dean & Jackson, Pilgrim St, Newcastle, cm, u, appraisers and auctioneers (1815). Advertised in Durham County Advertiser, 16 September 1815.
Dean & Steele, 71 Shudehill, Manchester, chairmakers (1815). [D]
Deane, John, Horseferry, Narrow St, Limehouse, London, carver (1781). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1781 for £200, utensils, stock and goods accounting for £70. [GL, Sun MS vol. 295, p. 483]
Deane, Richard, Limehouse, London, carver (1741). Took app. named Perry in 1741. [S of G, app. index]
Dear, Charles & Son, Old Brentford, Middlx, cm, chairmaker and furniture broker (1839). [D]
Dear, John, 143 Long Lane, Southwark, London, carver and gilder (1832–34). [D]
Dear, W. B., London, cm (1835–37). Trading at 21 Broad Ct, Long Acre in 1835 and John St, Tottenham Ct Rd in 1837. [D]
Dearden, James, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancs., cabinet and machine maker (1793). [D]
Deare, John, address unrecorded, upholder (1716–24). Son of George Deare, shoemaker of Chichester, Sussex; app. to Robert North on 6 February 1716, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 4 November 1724. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Deare, F. & Son, King's Mead St and Queen Sq., Bath, Som., carvers, gilders and picture frame makers (1787–91). [D]
Dearl, Robert, 7 Gower's Row, Goodmansfields, London, gilder (1808). [D]
Dearnley, William, Morley, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]
Dearsley, Samuel, Wyre St, Colchester, Essex, chairmaker (1823–24). [D]
Death, James, 23 Upper St Martin's Lane, London, carver and gilder, picture and looking-glass frame maker (1839). [D]
Deavey, William, West Holborn, South Shields, Co. Durham, cm and joiner (1828–34). [D]
Deavin, Samuel, address unrecorded, upholder (1721–29). Son of Joseph Deavin; app. to William Braithwaite and J. Elliot, draper, on 3 May 1721. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 27 August 1729. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Debond, Charles, 2 Gt St Andrews St, London, carver and gilder (1807). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 7 December 1807 for £150. [GL, Sun MS vol. 440, ref. 809919]
De Caix, Alexander, 15 Rupert St, Coventry St, London, water gilder and burnisher (1791–1819). Submitted a bill to the Prince of Wales on 4 November 1791 for £195 15s, of which £162 15s accounted for two years and seven months wages, at sixty guineas a year; and the rest for repairs, including soldering and gilding chandeliers. Another bill, dated 19 July 1792, totals £46 12s for cleaning and repairing furniture, vases, ornaments and chimney pieces, carried out from 20 March to 28 June, at Carlton House and Kempshott. A further bill of 5 January 1801 describes him as a ‘bronze and ormolu manufacturer’. Carried out ‘or moulu gilding’ for Henry Holland at Woburn Abbey, Beds., receiving £6 10s 9d in December 1791. Took app. named Jane McCaddon in 1806. [D; Windsor RA, 25093, 25097–99; 25105; Bedford Office, London; Westminster Ref. Lib., MS F4310, St Martin-in-the-Fields PR]
De Caux, David, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm (1794–1802). App. to William De Caux, cm; admitted freeman of Norwich on 16 June 1794. Polled at Norwich in 1799 and Lyme Regis, Dorset in 1802. [Norwich freemen reg.]
De Caux, William, Norwich, cm and u (1771–d. 1841). Addresses given at Cook St, 1784; 14 Fyebridge St, c. 1802–03; SS Simon and Jude in 1808; and Madder St, 1839. Admitted freeman on 1 March 1771. Former app., David De Caux, cm, admitted freeman on 16 June 1795, and William Proctor Hatch, cm, on 24 September 1808. Will proved in 1841. [D; poll bks; Norwich freemen reg.; Norfolk Record Soc., index of wills]
Deckard (or Deikard), Henry, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, cm (1713–14). Took apps named George, son of John Hollinshed, cm, on 5 January 1712, for £8; and John, son of John Davidson, Gent. deceased, on 30 March 1714 for £10. [Westminster Ref. Lib., MS F4310, St Martin-in-the-Fields PR]
Decker, Henry, Moseley St, Birmingham, cabinet case maker (1839). [D]
Dedhart, —, Keere Hill, Lewes, Sussex, chairmaker (1830). [Poll bk]
Deeble(s) (or Debble), John Thurston, London, upholder (1770–1802). Recorded at Old Fish St, 1777; 85 Cannon St, 1782–93; no. 82, 1791–97; and Sun St, Bishopsgate Without, 1802. Son of Thomas Deeble, Gent., of Old Fish St; app. to Henry Blaxland on 2 May 1770, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 2 July 1777. Took app. named William Withers, 1782–89. On 28 April 1787 insured household goods for £600 with the Sun Co. Declared bankrupt, Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 7 March 1791 and Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 11 December 1797. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 343, p. 584]
Deebles, I., 19 Riding House Lane, Gt Portland St, London, chair and sofa maker (1820). [D]
Deeker, James, Aylesham, Norfolk, cm (1760). Took app. named Cooke in 1760. [S of G, app. index] Possibly:
Deeker (or Decker), James, Norwich, cm (1773). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., and Bailey's list of bankrupts, September 1773.
Deeker (or Decker), James, 59 Berwick St, Soho, London, cm and backgammon and billiards table maker (1780–81). Trade cards show E. O. table flanked by figures of Hope and Chance, and state that Deeker ‘makes E. O. tables on a new construction, Billiard, King and Queen, Trow Madame and Backgammon tables in the latest manner’. There is an E. O. table, in a room apparently specially designed for it, at Alnwick Castle, Northumb. Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1781 for £100 of which utensils and stock accounted for £50. [GL, Sun MS vol. 288, p. 454; Banks Coll., BM]
Deekes, John, Halesworth, Suffolk, cm (1759). Took app. named Ellis in 1759. [S of G, app. index].
Deeks, George, 15 Nassau St, London, cm, u and bedstead maker (1835–39). [D]
Deering, —, London, cm (1767). Worked at Tythegston Court, Glam. in 1767. [C. Life, 5 October 1978, p. 1024]
Deering, Samuel, address unrecorded, picture frame gilder (1780–81). Named in Paul Methuen's Day Book for gilding picture frames at Corsham Court, from 4 March 1780 to 19 March 1781 costing a total of £126 1s. [V & A archives]
Deering, William, Gt Newport St, Long Acre, London, Venetian blind and game table maker and retailer (1769). Advertised in Middlesex Journal, 16 May 1769, as the ‘original maker of Venetian blinds. Tables of a new invention, are likewise made and sold at the above place, which are very convenient for playing at backgammon, draft, chess, cribbage, or hazard, with every conveniency for writing, reading desk, or breakfast table &c’.
Defriez, Richard, 137 Pennington St, Ratcliff, London, cm (1782). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1782 for £200 of which utensils and stock accounted for £50. [GL, Sun MS vol. 298, p. 637]
Deggitt, John, address unrecorded, cm and chairmaker (1821). App. to Francis Ross of Cottingham, Yorks. in September 1821. [Hull app. reg.]
De Guidice, Anthony, 50 Broadmead, Bristol, carver, gilder and looking-glass maker (1830–31). [D]
De Hoare, —, London, carver (1749). Report that he had been ‘knock'd down in St Margaret's Church-yard, Westminster, by two Fellows’ appeared in General Advertiser, 30 January 1749.
Dekin, George, Mottram in Longdendale, Lancs., cooper and chairmaker (1825). [D]
De Labertauche(s) (or De La Tauche), Stephen, Noel St, Soho, London, cm, u and mattress maker (1808–28). Recorded at no. 4 in 1808–20; and no. 3, 1827–28. [D] See Stephen Delavertauche.
De Labertauche, T. U., 3 Noel St, Soho, London, u (1829). [D]
De Labertauche, W., 4 Noel St, Soho, London, upholder and undertaker (1817). [D]
Delabourd, John & Jacob, London, carvers and gilders (1715). Took app. named Isaac Delaunay in 1715. [Boyd's index to IR app. reg.]
Delabrière, Louis A., Tenterden St, London, decorative furnisher (1795–1816). Employed by Henry Holland at Carlton House, his name appears in the Prince of Wales's Debt Book in July 1795, when he was established in Tenterden St. He may be the ‘Louis Andre Delabièse of Sherrard Street’, who worked at Carlton House, or the Louis Alexandre Delabrière who, before the Revolution, was ‘Architect à Mgr. le Comte d'Artois’, later Charles X; or perhaps a relation of this architect. He was responsible for the painted decoration of the ceilings and overmantel in the boudoir at Southill, Beds.; and the panels of a pair of rosewood parcel gilt pole screens in the house are stated in the inventory of 1816 to be ‘painted by Delabrière’. The decoration of a pair of ‘Round Seat Chairs with painted Tablet backs’ may also be assigned to him. [DEF; H. Clifford Smith, Buckingham Palace, p. 109; F. Watson, Southill, the Furniture and Decoration, p. 26]
Del(l)afield, Erasmus & Matthews, Timothy, ‘at the Royal Bed & Rising Sun’, by Fleet Ditch, London, u (1723–50). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 15 November 1723 for £1,000 on goods and merchandise in dwelling house. Mentioned in newspapers of 1742. Erasmus Dellafield, upholder, of Ditch Side, was fined for non-service at St Bride's in 1726 and 1739; and served as a Questman and Collector for the poor in 1735. Delafield retired from partnership with Matthews in 1750. [Heal; GL, Sun MS vol. 17, ref. 30414; GL, MS 6561, p. 45] See Matthews & Delafield.
Delaforce, Samuel, 10 Queen St, in the Park, London, cm, chairmaker and pawnbroker (1776). Took out two Sun Insurance policies in 1776, both for £600 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £435. [GL, Sun MS vol. 245, p. 294; vol. 253, p. 530]
Delamere, Abraham, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, cm (1718). Put app. to James Riorto in 1718. [Boyd's index to IR app. reg.]
Delaney, Dennis, Maddox St, London, upholder (1780–84). Took out Sun Insurance policies in 1780 for £800, £150 on his shop; and in 1782 for £1,900 on houses. [GL, Sun MS vol. 286, p. 402; vol. 306, p. 265; poll bk]
Delap, John, High St, Gravesend, Kent, u and shopkeeper (1780–81). Took out Sun Insurance policies in 1780 for £2,200, £740 on warehouses and stock; and in 1781 for £1,900, £540 on warehouses, utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 280, p. 336; vol. 298, p. 172]
Delap, John, Newcastle and Gateshead, joiner, house carpenter and cm (1787–1824). Trading at High-church Chair, Newcastle in 1787, and Battle-bank, Gateshead in 1824. [D]
Delasson, Peter, 11 Duke St, Grosvenor Sq., London, cm (1776). Insured his house for £200 in 1776. [GL, Sun MS vol. 248, p. 278]
Delaunay, Isaac, London, carver and gilder (1715). Put app. to John & Jacob Delabourd in 1715. [Boyd's index to IR app. reg.]
Delavertauche, Stephen, 17 Cromer St, London, cm (1829). [D] Probably Stephen De Labertauche.
Dell, —, 62 French St, Southampton, ‘Oval and Round Turner, Picture Frame Maker & Gilder’ (c. 1825–30). So states label on gilded frame containing silk-work landscape picture, c. 1825–30. Label continues: ‘GLASS FRAMES of all sorts, and GOLD BORDERING for Rooms. NEEDLEWORK neatly framed & Glazed. All sorts of FACE SCREENS. Frames fresh gilt & repaired’.
Dell, Benjamin, Moorfields, London, bedstead maker (1749–1802). Trade card, c. 1763–92, gives address ‘next Door to the Sash, middle Moorfields’; and Heal also gives Christopher's Alley, Moorfields. A 1763 directory gives Punch Bowl Alley, Lower Moorfields. Trade card with Rococo frame states that he ‘Makes & Sells all Sorts of Four Post, Turnup & Standing Bedsteads. Desk & Table Bedsteads of all sorts in Mahogany, Wainscot, Beach, etc.… NB. Bedsteads Dyed in yc- neatest manner’. Son of Francis Dell, publican, of Reading, Berks.; app. to Richard Wright on 4 May 1749, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 3 August 1758. Took apps, Thomas Robinson, until 1771, and Neal Young, 1764–76. [D; Heal; GL, Upholders’ Co. records and Livery lists]
Dell, Nathan, Snowhill, London, turner (1748). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., March 1748.
Dell, Nathaniel, 43 Colegate St, Norwich, cm (1802–03). [D]
Dell, Tom, address unrecorded, cm (1697). Received £19 5s in 1697 from Sir Richard Temple of Stowe, Bucks. [Huntington Lib., California, MS ST155, p. 7]
Della Torre, Jos. & Co., 9 Lamb's Conduit St, London, carvers, gilders and looking-glass makers (1829–39). Trading in partnership with Barelli in 1839. [D]
Dellier (or Delwer), Desire & Emanuel, 58 Berner's St, London, u and cm (1835–39). [D]
Delo, William H., Rosemary Lane, Canterbury, Kent, u (1830). [Poll bk]
Del Vecchio, —, 26 Westmorland St, and 187–88 Gt Brunswick St, London, ‘PRINT, LOOKING-GLASS, STATUARY, PLAISTER OF PARIS, & ROMAN CEMENT MANUFACTURER, TO HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE IV AND TO THE BOARD OF WORKS’ (1831). So reads label on the back of a miniature, stating that he makes and sells the ‘greatest variety of Prints, Pier, Chimney, Dressing Glasses, Mirrors’. George IV marble-topped and mirror-backed side table recorded, with pierced vine-frieze and eagle monopodia legs; back signed in bold script, ‘Del Vecchio, Westmorland St, 5 February 1831’. [V & A archives]
Demaine, Christ., Sheep St, Skipton Yorks., cm (1822). [D]
Demar, Mr, ‘late of Castle-street, near Leicester-Fields’, printseller, carver and gilder (d. by 1748). Sale of ‘Patterns, Tools and other Utensils in the carving and gilding Business together with his Prints in Frames’ on his death announced in General Advertiser, 14 December 1748.
Demar(s), James, West St, over against the French chapel, by Grafton St, Soho, London, carver and gilder (1723–27). Named in the Montrose papers in 1723 and 1725 supplying carved and gilt table frames; a frame for ‘Montrose's Great Grandfather’, James, 2nd Marquis in 1723; and a ‘Rich carved & gilt picture frame’, costing £13, in 1726. [Scottish RO, GD220/6/1249/39; GD220/5/858/16; GD220/6/ 1364/77]
Demay, Joseph, 52 Broad St, Golden Sq., London, upholder (1806–11). Took out Sun Insurance policies on 9 July 1806 for £800, £600 on stock, utensils and goods in trust; and on 5 July 1809 for £1,400, £1,000 on stock, utensils and goods in trust. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 437, ref. 792128; vol. 448, ref. 832629] Possibly:
Demay, Joseph, Duke St, London, cm and decorative u (1810– 29). Trading at no. 6, 1810–20; and no. 10, 1821–29. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 21 November 1810 for £4,000, house, workshop and warehouse accounting for £200, stock and utensils, £400. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 453, ref. 850683]
Demee, Daniel, address unrecorded, upholder (1728–61). Son of James Demee, Gent. of Norwich; app. to John Goodchild on 18 December 1728, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 19 December 1735. Took apps named Richard Hudson, 1736–44, and William Rogers, 1745–61. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dempsey, John, 43 Russell St, Liverpool, upholder (1813–14). [D]
Dempsey, William, Bristol, upholder (1784). [Poll bk]
Dempster, Anthony, 3 Mint Yd, York, joiner and cm (1816–30). [D]
Dempster, James, Westminster, London, chairmaker (1748). Took app. named Balden in 1748. [S of G, app. index]
Dempster, Thomas, 16 Stonegate, York, cm (1838). [D]
Dempsy, Charles, address unrecorded, upholder (1731). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption, on 7 April 1731. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Denby, Edward, Sidmouth, Devon, cm and u (1830–38). Trading in Market Pl., 1830, and Prospect Pl., 1838. Advertised as agent of sale of the Villa Verde, Sidmouth, in Exeter Flying Post, 14 June 1832. [D]
Denby, John, Marsh, Huddersfield, Yorks., cm and u (1822). [D]
Dench, Charles, 65 Seymour St, Portman Sq., London, u (1839). [D]
Dench, Henry, 58 Seymour Pl. (or St), Bryanston Sq., London, u (1826–39). Declared bankrupt, Chester Courant and Anglo-Welsh Gazette, 16 March 1830, but in trade directories, 1835–39. [D]
Denew, —, London (?), u (1820). With Francis & Elliot, u, appraised furniture for sale after the death of the Duke of Kent. [PRO, LC1/22]
Denham, James, London, bed-joiner (1703–d. 1758). Took app. named William Shepherd in 1703 for seven years. Died on 10 January 1758. [GL, St Leonard, Shoreditch settlement records, P91/LEN]
Denham, James, Brighouse, Halifax, Yorks., joiner and/or cm (1834). [D]
Denham, Robert William, 10 Wyndham St, London, u (1839). [D]
Denham, Thomas, address unrecorded, upholder (1735–42). Son of Thomas Denham, Gent. of London; app. to Thomas Hathaway on 2 April 1735; and John Howard on 2 April 1741. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 7 April 1742. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Denham, William, Tweedmouth, Northumb., joiner and cm (1834). [D]
Denison, John, The Calls, Leeds, Yorks., joiner and cm (1821– 22). [D]
Denison, Joseph, Kirk Ings Wharf, Leeds, Yorks., cm and joiner (1826). [D]
Dennant, Michael, Framlingham, Suffolk, cm (1821–24). Named in the calendar of marriage licence bonds in 1821. [D; Suffolk RO, FAA: 50/2/119, p. 87)
Denne (or Deane), Ambrose, 4 King St, Deal, Kent, cm and u (1838–39). [D]
Denne, John, Sandwich, Kent, cm (1824–39). Probably of Pott & Denne, Margaret St, 1824–39; and Denne & Hicks, cm, u and brokers, Market St, 1832–34. [D; poll bk]
Denne, William, Stone St, Maidstone, Kent, cm (1832–39). [D; poll bk; reg. of elect.]
Dennelle, H., 12 Newman St, London, carver and gilder (1829). [D]
Dennett, Malcolm, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Dennett, Thomas, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1824–26). Sons bapt. in 1824 and 1826. [PR (bapt.)]
Dennett, William, Princes St, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1781). [D]
Denney, John, West End, Kirbymoorside, Yorks., cm and joiner (1840). [D]
Denney, Joseph, West End, Kirbymoorside, Yorks., cm and joiner (1834–40). [D]
Denning, Henry, Military Rd, Chatham, Kent, furniture broker and chairmaker (1826–27). [D]
Dennis, Benjamin, 74 Maid Lane, Southwark, London, cm (1808). [D]
Dennis, Charles, 53 Frogmore St, Bristol, cm and chairmaker (1822). [D]
Dennis, J., Sandford St, Lichfield, Staffs., cm (1818). [D]
Dennis, James, Sneinton St, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1832). [D].
Dennis, John, Penzance, Cornwall, cm and joiner (1773). Recorded on 1–2 May 1773 concerning the lease and release of property and mortgage transactions from 21 October 1765. [Cornwall RO, DD ML, 103]
Dennis, John, Westgate, Grantham, Lincs., carver and gilder (1822). [D]
Dennis, John, Kirby's bank, North Shields, Northumb., cm and joiner (1827). [D]
Dennis, John, Leicester, u and cm (1827–35). Recorded at Granby St in 1827 and London Rd, 1828–35. [D]
Dennis, Richard, London, upholder (1774–1802). Trading in Cheapside, 1794–1802. App. to James Birt of 5 Silver St, Wood St, on 5 December 1774. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 13 November 1782. Took app. named George Bayne, 1788–97. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dennis, Thomas, Lichfield, Staffs., cm (1834). [D]
Dennis, Thomas, Gainsborough, Lincs., joiner, carpenter and/ or cm (1828–40). Trading in Church St, 1828–29 and Bellmangate, 1840. [D]
Dennis, William, Newcastle, joiner and cm (1801–29). Recorded in Ouseburn, 1801–29 and Ballast Hills East, 1824. [D]
Dennis, William, East Bridgford, Notts., cm (1825). Will dated 19 February 1825. [Notts. RO, probate records]
Dennison, James, High Cross Ward, Tottenham, London, cm (1832–39). [D]
Dennison, John, address unrecorded, upholder (1726). Son of John Dennison, mariner, of London; app. to John Newton, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 4 May 1726. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dennison, T., Devonshire St, Queen Sq., London, japan furniture manufacturer (1807–25). Trading at no. 8 and later no. 1. [D]
Dennison, William, North Bar St Without, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1826–29). [D]
Dennis, William, 14 Fletchergate, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1832). [D]
Dennitts, Thomas, Sandford St, Lichfield, Staffs., cm and cabinet case maker (1834). [D]
Denny, Henry, Ipswich, Suffolk, cm (1832). [Poll bk]
Denny, Joseph, Percy End, Kirbymoorside, Yorks., cm and joiner (1830). [D]
Denny, William, Eye, Suffolk, cm and u (1824–30). Trading at Castle St in 1830. [D]
Denson, Elizabeth, Dufour's Pl., Carnaby Mkt, London, upholder (1786). [D]
Denson, John, 1–2 Dufour's Pl (or Ct), Carnaby Mkt, London, upholder (1776–84). Took out Sun Insurance policies in 1776 for £900 of which utensils and stock accounted for £500; and in 1780 for £400, utensils, stock and goods accounting for £240. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 246, p. 538; vol. 282, p. 106]
Denson, John, Chester, u (1781). App. to Robert Bowers, u, and assigned to Thomas Powell, u. Admitted freeman on 11 September 1781. [Chester freemen rolls]
Denson, Richard, Handbridge, Chester, cm (1818–26). Admitted freeman on 18 May 1818. [Poll bks; Chester freemen rolls]
Denston(e), Thomas, Dam St, Lichfield, Staffs., carver and gilder (1818–22). [D]
Dent, Henry, 27 Little Castle St, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Dent, John, 45 Ernest St, Regent's Park, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Dent, Joseph, Bethnal Green, London, orchell maker (1796). [D]
Dent, Robert, 43 Turner St, Manchester, cm (1817). [D]
Dent, Thomas, Carlisle, Cumb., joiner and/or cm (1811–29). Recorded in Blackfriars St, 1811 and White Lion Yd, 1829. [D]
Denton, John, 7 Yeate's Ct, Carey St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Denton, Octavius J., Canal Row, Wisbech, Cambs., carver and gilder (1830–39). [D]
Denton, William, New Mkt, Huddersfield, Yorks., cm (1818). [D]
Denton, William, 34 Pitt St, Liverpool, u and paper hanger (1823–24). [D]
Denton, William S., Lowther St, Carlisle, Cumb., joiner and/or cm (1829). [D]
Denyer, William, Littlehampton, Sussex, furniture painter (1836). Commissioned by the Earl of Surrey at Littlehampton in 1836 to paint furniture, including eleven bedroom chairs, and graining a book stand and table to simulate rosewood; also stripping and varnishing eleven tables and stands, totalling £3 19s ½d. [Arundel Castle records, A2006]
De Perway, Daniel, Castle St East, London, gilder (1709). [Westminster Ref. Lib., St Martin's poor rate]
Derbyshire, Edward, res. at Union Ct, Gibralter Row, Liverpool, cm (1835). Admitted freeman on 31 July 1835. [Liverpool freemen rolls]
Derecourt, James Greaves, Tower St, Dudley, Worcs., cm and u (1840). [D]
Derecourt, John, Dudley, Worcs., cm and u (1838). [D]
Derignee (Devignee or Derique(e)), Robert, carver and gilder (1691–1707). Supplied carved and gilt furniture for the Royal palaces in the reign of William and Mary. In 1691 he made for Kensington Palace, at a cost of £20, a great wainscott frame for a glass 10 feet long and seven feet wide in her Mat.s-closett, carved with figures and gilt gold’. In 1694 Robert Deuguée is recorded supplying ‘three frames for Pictures Richly carved with flowers’. In 1699 he charged £30 for carving two sconces ‘with ffestoones, fflowers and other ornaments’ for the late Queen's Gallery, Kensington; also for Kensington, two tables, two pairs of stands and two looking-glass frames, ‘all enriched with fine carved work’, costing £70. This furniture was later gilded by John Pelletier, another refugee French craftsman. Payment was made in 1707 to Derignée for carver's work for the 1st Duke of Montagu and recorded in the notebook of the Duke's man, Marc Antoine. [DEF; Royal Household accounts, PRO, LC9/280; C. Life, 12 June 1958]
Dermer, William, address unrecorded, cm or dealer (1796). Provided the Hon. James Drummond of Perth with ‘A Capital Tortoise-shell Cabinet’ for £42; and ‘A pair of old Raised Japanned Tables’, £10. On 18 March 1796 he received £52 10s for a ‘curio Cabinet’ supplied to Croome Court, Worcs. [Scottish RO, GD160/box 46, bundle 14; V & A archives]
Dermott, Dominick, 23 St James's St, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., carver and gilder (1823). [D]
Dermott, Henry, Southampton, Hants., carver and gilder (1823–39). Listed at 36 High St in 1823 and East St in 1839. [D]
Derrett, Nathaniel, Moorfields, London, u (1706). Declared bankrupt, London Gazette, 6 January 1706.
Derring, —, London, cm (1767). Received payments from Henry Knight of Tythegston Court, Glam., in 1767. [C. Life, 5 October 1978, p. 1024]
Derry, William, Newark, Notts., cm (1793–98). [D] Marriage to Miss Kirk reported, Gents Mag., November 1794.
Dervey (or Devey), John, Wolverhampton, Staffs., upholder (1795–96). Declared bankrupt, Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 8 June 1795 and 20 February 1796.
Desbois, Lazaire, at ‘The Clock case and Cabinet’, Compton St, London, cm (1723). Heal notes him in insurance co. records.
Deschamps, Francis, London, upholder (1715–93). Recorded at 23 Wardour St, 1774–93; and no. 21, 1779–84. Son of James Deschamps of Curry in Poistou, France. App. to Susanna Deschamps on 3 October 1715, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 1 October 1729. His son, James Deschamps, admitted freeman in 1758. Married Sussanah, sister of Anne Protin. who married the silversmith and porcelain manufacturer Nicholas Sprimont in 1742. Insured a house in High Row, Knightsbridge for £1,000 in 1779; for £200 in 1781; and £400 in 1784. Francis and Sussanah are buried in Petersham Churchyard, Surrey. [D; poll bks;, GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 278, p. 487; vol. 297, p. 444; vol. 324, p. 586; Antique Collector, 1937, p. 214]
Deschamps, Isaac, address unrecorded, upholder (1712–d. by 1727). Wife named as Susanna, and sons as John and Peter, upholders. Took app. named Alexander Watson on 14 January 1712 for £10. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; PRO, IRI/1]
Deschamps, James, address unrecorded, upholder (1745–58). Son of Francis Deschamps, upholder of London; app. to John Deschamps on 14 August 1745, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 7 September 1758. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Deschamps, John snr, address unrecorded, upholder (1727–48). Son of Isaac Deschamps, upholder; admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony on 26 April 1727. Took his son, John Deschamps jnr, as app., 1741–48, admitted freeman in 1748; and James Deschamps, 1745–58. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Deschamps, John jnr, address unrecorded, upholder (1741–48). Son of John Deschamps snr, upholder of London. App. to his father on 4 November 1741, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 4 November 1748. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Deschamps, John, Knaves Acre, London, upholder (1736–52). Son of Peter Deschamps, upholder of London; app. to his father on 3 November 1736, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 6 February 1752. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Deschamps, John, 29 Eaton St, Pimlico, London, u and cm (1778). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1778 for £600 of which utensils and stock in the house of Thomas Leaf, carpenter at 75 Haymarket, accounted for £400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 264, p. 132]
Deschamps, Peter, London, upholder (1710–49). Trading in Greek St, Soho, 1747, and Compton St, 1749. Son of Isaac Deschamps, upholder, and Susanna Deschamps. App. to his father on 1 August 1710, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 3 November 1725. Took apps named Thomas Heath and Edward Daniel, 1746–55; and his son, John Deschamps, 1736–52, admitted freeman in 1752. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; poll bk; Heal]
Desessarts, Henry, Marylebone, London, gilder (c. 1680–1740). On 7 March 1740/41 he applied to enter the French Protestant Hospital, London. Died at an unknown date, aged 74. [Huguenot Soc., Quarto Series, vol. 111 (1977)] Possibly Henri Dessases.
Desmoulins, Paul, London, cm (1698). Offered reward to anyone discovering Benjamin Goode, probably his app., who was sent ‘to the Brew-House’ on 28 April 1698, ‘and has not been heard of since … and … it is supposed he was stolen away’. [Post Man and the Historical Account, 28–30 April 1698]
Desnoy, Edward, 85 Charlotte St, Rathbone Pl., London, chair manufacturer (1826–27). [D]
Dessases, Henri, London, carver (1688–89). Married Anne Heywood of Oxford on 22 February 1688/89. [Bodleian index of Oxf. marriage bonds] Possibly Henry Desessarts.
De Steffani, William, 33 Exmouth St, Spitalfields, London, looking-glass maker, barometer and thermometer maker (1829–37). [D]
Dethick, Ann, Sherwood Pl., Charlotte St, London, u (1835). [D]
Devell, James, Diglake, Stafford, u (1835). [D]
Devenish (or Devinish), Joseph, London, upholder (1707–22). Recorded in King St, St Paul's, Covent Gdn, 1707–14; and St Martin-in-the-Fields, 1722. Took out Hand in Hand fire policies on 9 December 1707 for £550 on a rented house in King St, on 14 July and 18 December 1710 for £200 on a house in Thames St, and £1,500 on a house in High St. Insured his dwelling house in Kensington Sq. for £400 on 6 October 1711; a house in King St for £550 on 4 December 1714; and a tenanted house for £1,500 in 1722. Named in newspapers, 1712. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 5, ref. 14965; vol. 8, refs 3854 and 9875; vol. 9, p. 315; vol. 13, p. 565; vol. 26, p. 243; Heal]
Devenish, Thomas, Villiers St, Strand, London, u and cm (1756–1808). Recorded at no. 32, 1756–67; as Messrs Devenish, 1768–1805; and nos 33–34, 1784–1805. [D; Survey of London, vol. 18, p. 133]
Deverell, Joseph, Bristol, cm (1784). [Poll bk]
Deverell, Joseph, 16 Ratcliffe City Rd, London, cm (1808). [D]
Devereux, T., Queen Sq., Finsbury, London, French polisher (1835). [D]
Devey, James, Shrewsbury, Salop, upholder (1802). Declared bankrupt, Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 11 January 1802.
Devey, James, King St, Wolverhampton, Staffs., upholder (1805–09). [D]
Devey, John, Wolverhampton, Staffs., upholder (1798). [D]
Devey, John, Snow Hill, Wolverhampton, Staffs., cm (1816). [D]
Devey, John, Paradise St, Liverpool, u (1803). [D]
Devey, John, Woburn, Beds., u, cm and chair manufacturer (1822). Named in the Leigh accounts, supplying furniture for Stoneleigh, Warks., namely ‘A Large highly finished Flower Stand yellow deal & painted green wth Elm inside box upon large ball feet’, costing £9 9s; and ‘making a Coromandale [sic] reading frame finish'd on wainscot & Beech. French polish'd’, £2 8s. [Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Leigh receipts DR 18/5] See T. S. Devey. Probably:
Devey, John Spencer, High St, Woburn, Beds., cm and u (1830– 39). Trading also as appraiser and auctioneer in 1839. [D]
Devey, R. C. & W., 3 Shoe Lane, Fleet St, London, founders and closet makers (1820). [D]
Devey, T. S., High St, Woburn, Beds., u (1839). [D] See John Devey of Woburn.
Devis, Anthony, Lancs., joiner and cm (b. c. 1692–1742). Recorded in Cockerham, date unrecorded; and Church St, Preston, 1712. App. to a cm, possibly James Verscragen, in Preston, c. 1701. Named in the Preston Court Leet records as a juror, and as having completed his apprenticeship in 1708. In 1714 he was elected burgess, and in 1729 and 1742, a town councillor. Son, Arthur Devis, the portrait painter, b. 1712, when the family lived in Church St. His five other sons included Bartholomew and William, watchmakers of London. Recorded as ‘joyner’ in 1722, but made furniture for Hoghton Tower, near Preston. [Preston Guild record of burgesses; Preston RO, Hoghton Tower accounts; Polite Society, by Arthur Devis, Preston Exhib. cat., 1983, pp. 19 and 49]
Devonshire, Abraham, Banbury, Oxon., u (1800). Administrator of will of his father, deceased, in 1800. [Oxford RO, BB 38/ii/9]
Devonshire, John, Falmouth, Cornwall, joiner and cm (d. by 1814). Deed, dated 8 January 1814, assigned property near Cross Lanes and Rope Walk Field to his widow, Jane, sons, John, Charles and George, and others. [Cornwall RO, 263/ 14]
Dew, Thomas, Cley, Norfolk, joiner and cm (1822–39). [D]
Dew, William, 219 Piccadilly, London, cm (1784–86). [D; poll bk]
Dewar, David, Francis St, London, u (1794–1811). Trading at no. 4, 1794–99, and no. 12, 1806–11. [D]
Dewberry, Daniel, Pinfold St, Loughborough, Leics., joiner and cm (1822). [D]
Dewberry, Thomas, Mill St, Loughborough, Leics., turner (1840). [D]
Dewdney, Francis, Woodstock, Oxon., cm (1798). [D]
Dewe, J., Lambwell, St Mary's Butts, Reading, Berks., cm (1820–26). [D; poll bks] Presumably of:
Dewe, Musgrove & Quelch, Reading, Berks., cm and u (1826– 30). [D]
Dewell, Robert, Hunmanby, Yorks., cm (1840). [D]
Dewer, James, 4 Terrace, Tottenham Ct Rd, London, u (1808). [D]
Dewer, Peter, Liverpool, cm (1834–39). Addresses given at 6 Robert St, Clarence St, 1834; no. 9, 1835–37; and 11 Franceys St, Clarence St, 1839. [D]
Dewerson, John, Birmingham, cm, carver and gilder (1828–30). Trading at 2 King St, in 1828 and 2 Dudley St in 1830. [D]
Dewey, William, London, cm (1760). App. to Ince & Mayhew in 1760 for £63. [Furn. Hist., 1974]
Dewey, William, Bourne, Lincs., cm and joiner (1826). [D]
Dewhurs, Ralph, Church St, Preston, Lancs., u (1805). [D]
Dewhurst, James, 46 Brook St, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, Manchester, u (1836). [D]
Dewhurst (or Dewhirst), John, Liverpool, cm and timber merchant (1766–99). Recorded in Thomas St, 1766–73. App. to James Robinson, joiner; admitted freeman on 19 November 1767. Son, Charles Dewhurst, b. 1776, sailmaker, petitioned freedom on birthright in 1799. [D; Liverpool freemen reg. and committee bk]
Dewhurst, John, Blackburn, Lancs., cm (1797–98). [D]
Dewhurst, Roger & Gerrard, Peter, Liverpool, cm (1761). Former app., John Fisher, petitioned freedom in 1761. [Liverpool freemen's committee bk]
Dewhurst, Thomas, Preston, Lancs., joiner and cm (1814–17). Trading in Water St, 1814 and Roe St, 1816. [D]
Dewick, George, Hull, Yorks., wood turner, carver and bedpole manufacturer (1831–40). Addresses given in Queen St, with res. at 40 Spencer St, 1831; 30 Queen St, and West End Old Dock, 1834; 52 Queen St, 1835–40, and res. at Adelaide St, 1838–40. [D]
Dewick, John, Hull, Yorks., cm, wood turner and furniture broker (1823–40). Addresses given at Old Dock End, 1823; 31 Queen St with res. at 12 Neptune St, 1826; 15 William's Pl., 1831; 52 Queen St, with res. in Anne St, 1835; and 26 Junction Dock St, 1837–40. [D]
Dewick, John, Hessle, near Hull, Yorks., cm (1830). [D]
Dewick, William, Hull, Yorks., cm and u (1831–40). Recorded at 42 Spencer St, 1831 and 63 Lowgate, 1838–40. [D]
Dewing (or Dueing), Francis, London and King St, Boston, Massachusetts, engraver and carver (1716). Advertised in Boston City Directory as engraver on copper and silver plate (carver and calico printer), King Street — lately of London. ‘He likewise cuts neatly in wood’.
Dewson, James, Gt Charles St, Birmingham, miniature picture frame maker (1818). [D]
Dewson, James, 127 Norfolk St, King's Lynn, Norfolk, cm (1822–39). [D]
Dexter, Christopher, Gretton, Northants., cm and undertaker (1716–24). Worked for Lord Rockingham between July 1716–April 1724, receiving £66 19s 1d for mending chairs and tables, supplying wainscoting and window shutters, painting boards and providing a coffin. [Lincoln RO, Monson 28B/14/1; 10A/1]
Dexter, John, St Ives, Cornwall, draper and u (1765–66). Recorded in Bridge St, Cambridge Chronicle, 21 December 1765. Sale of stock announced, 4 January 1766; and home to let, 25 October 1766. See Thomas Dexter.
Dexter, John Charles, Commercial St, Northampton, cm (1826). [Poll bk]
Dexter, Robert, Loughborough, Leics., cm (1794). Advertised for a journeyman cm, Leicester Journal, 12 September 1794.
Dexter, Thomas, Godmanchester, Hunts., cm or u (?) (1766). Advertised home to be let, Cambridge Chornicle, 25 October 1766. See John Dexter.
Dey, Peter, 42 Port St, Manchester, furniture broker and cm (1838–40). [D]
Deykin, Thomas, 26 Mercer's St, Long Acre, London, coach and cabinet founder (1817–20). [D]
Dias, George, Old Bethlem, London, broker and cm (1793). [D]
Diason, John, Chester, cm (1732). Son of Samuel Diason, glover of Chester, deceased; admitted freeman on 4 October 1732. [Chester freemen rolls]
Dibb, James, 28 (or 38) Downing St, Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester, cm and u (1838). [D]
Dibble, Andrew, Long Acre, London, turner and cm (1765). Employed four non-freemen for three months in 1765. [GL, City Licence bks, vol. 4]
Dibble, Andrew, Hosier Lane, West Smithfield, London, cm and dealer in wood (1778). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1778 for £500 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £350. [GL, Sun MS vol. 265, p. 209]
Dibble, Andrew, 20 Gt Pearl St, Spitalfields, London, cm (1801–08). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 8 December 1801 for £300 of which £50 accounted for utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 424, ref. 725383]
Dibble, J., 29 Little Pearl St, Spitalfields, London, cm (1809–11). [D]
Dibon, Charles, address unrecorded, upholder (1704–19). Son of James Dibon, weaver, of Spitalfields, London; app. to Mark Anthony Pigou on 12 February 1704. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 4 March 1718/19. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dick, —, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Dicken, Francis, Stowe St, Lichfield, Staffs., cm (1826–35). [Poll bks]
Dickens, William, 13 Gt Chesterfield St, Marylebone, London, cm (1829). [D]
Dickens, William, 23 Norton St, Fitzroy Sq., London, cm and u (1835–39). [D]
Dickenson (or Dickison), Henry, 138 Long Millgate, Manchester, cm (1832–33). [D]
Dickenson, J., London St, Swaffham, Norfolk, chair bottom maker (1839). [D]
Dickenson, John, Cross Cheaping, Coventry, Warks., cm and paper hanger (1822–28). [D]
Dickenson, Jonathan, Marble St, with auction room (late Mr Berry's) in Market Pl., Manchester, cm, appraiser and auctioneer (1788). [D]
Dickenson, Thomas, 9 North St, Tottenham Ct, London, cm and upholder (1780). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1780 for £200 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £110. [GL, Sun MS vol. 281, p. 508]
Dickenson, Thomas, Greek St, London, cm (1784). [Poll bk]
Dickenson, Thomas, 5 Church Lane, Liverpool, cm and timber measurer (1790). [D]
Dickenson, Timothy, Butter Mkt, Ipswich, Suffolk, gilder (1805). [D]
Dickenson, William, 16 Red Bank, Manchester, cm (1808). [D]
Dicker, R., Crediton, Devon, cm (1836–38). Fire at his dwelling house reported, Exeter Flying Post, 20 October 1836. [D]
Dickerson, James, Plymouth, Devon, master carver in the dock yard (1798–1830). Recorded at 20 Morice Sq., Devonport in 1830. [D]
Dickerson, John, 46 Norfolk St, King's Lynn, Norfolk, working u (1836–39). [D]
Dickinson, David, Whitehaven, Cumb., cm (1793–d. 1800). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Will proved, 24 June 1800. [Deanery of Copeland, Cumb., death duty reg.]
Dickinson, Edward, Hull, Yorks., cm (1819). App. to Edward Dickon in November 1819. [Hull app. reg.]
Dickinson, H., address unrecorded, cm (c. 1790). Mahogany wardrobe, c. 1790, with unusual arrangement of small cupboard and fourteen drawers in lower half, recorded as made by H. Dickinson. [Collector's Guide, August 1948, Drury & Drury, London, advert.]
Dickinson, John, Hawk St, Sandbach, Cheshire, cm (1834). [D]
Dickinson, Matthew, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1779–84). Son of John Dickinson, labourer; admitted freeman of York in 1779. Polled at York in 1784. [York freemen rolls]
Dickinson, Richard, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1824). Son of Richard Dickinson, joiner of Sneinton; app. in 1824. [Nottingham app. list]
Dickinson, Stephen, Huddersfield, Yorks., cm (1834). [D]
Dickinson, Thomas, Lancaster and London, cm (1742–68). App. to R. Thorney in 1742; admitted freeman, 1767–68, when stated ‘of London’. Polled at Lancaster, of London, in 1768. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Dickinson, Thomas, London, cm (1784). [York poll bk]
Dickinson, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1789–96). Appointed as ‘appraiser & measurer’, Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 30 November 1789. Declared bankrupt, Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 19 September 1796.
Dickinson, Thomas, 32 Bold St, Liverpoool, carver and gilder (1837). [D]
Dickinson (or Dickenson), William, York, cm (1823–30). Recorded in High Jubbergate, 1823, and 10 St Saviour Gate, 1830. [D]
Dickinson, William, Snaith, Yorks., cm (1831). [D]
Dickinson (or Dickenson), William, Market Pl., Pontefract, Yorks., cm (1834–37). [D]
Dickinson & Chaloner, Bedford St, Covent Gdn, London, upholstery warehouse (1765). [D]
Dickison, John, Cross Cheaping, Coventry, Warks., cm and u (1822–35). [D]
Dickison, William, 38 Clipstone St, London (?), cm and broker (1807). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 8 July 1807 for £600 of which utensils and stock accounted for £480. [GL, Sun MS vol. 440, ref. 804705]
Dickon (or Dickin), Edward, Hull, Yorks., cm and joiner (1803–38). Trading at 80 Mytongate, 1803–31; and no. 72, with res. at 20 English St in 1838. Took apps named James Gleadow in July 1808; Richard Blythe of Myton, October 1808; John Woodward, July 1813; Thomas Metcalfe, April 1814; John Clappison, July 1815; James Smith, August 1815; George Thairlwall, May 1817; Isaac Burn, January 1818; Thomas Smith, July 1819; Edward Dickinson, November 1819; and John Cherry, November 1822, all of Hull. [D; Hull app. reg.]
Dickon, John, Hull, Yorks., cm and u (1802–42). Trading at Mytongate, 1802; 19 St John's St, 1810–23; 41 Savile St, 1826; 13 Humber Dock St, 1831; Junction Dock St and North Side Old Dock, 1834–40; with res. at 4 English St, 1838–40. Took apps named Robert Waugh of Stoneferry, October 1802; John Hinsley, April 1808; Joseph Purdon, March 1810; James Yeall Grover, May 1812; William Sunley, April 1814; William Luddington Hunter, March 1818; and John Samuel Redfearn, July 1819, all of Hull. [D; Hull app. reg.]
Dicks, Joseph, High St, Thrapstone, Northants., cm/joiner (1823). [D]
Dicks, William Andrew, High St, Oxford, cm and u (1830). [D]
Dickson, Abraham, Bevington Hill, Liverpool, with shop at Crofton Ct, Cheapside, cm (1804–05). [D]
Dickson, Elizabeth, south side of Castle St, Long Acre, London, broker and cm (1801). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 10 July 1801 for £550. [GL, Sun MS vol. 419, ref. 721403] See James and John Dickson.
Dickson, George, Kirkham, Lancs., cm (1754). Took app. named James Brown in 1754 for £10. Subscribed to Chippendale's Director, 1754. [S of G, app. index]
Dickson, George, 21 Upper Harrington St, Liverpool, cm (1834–39). [D]
Dickson, James, Lancaster, cm (1766–84). App. to H. Baines in 1766, and admitted freeman in 1767–68. Polled at Lancaster in 1784. [Lancaster app. reg.]
Dickson, James, the corner of Castle St, Hanover St, Long Acre, London, cm and u (1791–1804). Took out Sun Insurance policies on 13 June 1791 for £700 on his house in tenure of Smart, staymakers; and on 23 February 1794 for £960, utensils and stock in trade accounting for £750. Named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 373, ref. 584280; vol. 382, ref. 597060] See Elizabeth and John Dickson.
Dickson, James, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1790–1803). Addresses given at 5 Renshaw St, 1790–96; 52 Crosshall St, 1796–1803; and also 3 Clayton St, 1790–1800. [D] See Robert Dickson.
Dickson, James, Lancaster, cm (1793–95). App. at Gillows in 1793, and admitted freeman, 1794–95. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls] Possibly James Dixon.
Dickson, James, 16 Bedford St, Covent Gdn, London, u (1796– 99). [D]
Dickson, John, south side of Castle St, Long Acre, London, broker and cm (1801). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 11 July 1801 for £550. [GL, Sun MS vol. 419. ref. 721403] See Elizabeth and James Dickson.
Dickson, John, Earl St, Horseferry Rd, Westminster, London, joiner (1838–41). Submitted bills for work done at Buckingham Palace, September 1838 to 30 June 1841, which totalled £1,142 5s 3¼d, and included altering wardrobes, fitting up the library, and supplying ‘3 Deal supper Tables with back jointed & folding legs’; and ‘2 Octagon deal pedestals prepared to raise the orchestra & steps for the same’. [Windsor Royal Archives, Lord Chamberlain's accounts, RA Box 1/2]
Dickson, Robert, 22 Renshaw St, Liverpool, cm (1834). [D] See James Dickson.
Dickson (or Dixon), Thomas, Sculcoates, Hull, Yorks., cm and u (1801). App. to Thomas Shakels of Hull on 10 July 1801. [Hull app. reg.]
Dickson, Thomas, 13 London St, Fitzroy Sq., London, carver and gilder (1835–39). [D]
Dickson, W. H., 18 Lower Kensington Lane, London, chair and sofa manufacturer (1829). [D] Possibly William H. Dickson.
Dickson, William, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Dickson, William, Eccleston St, Prescot, Lancs., joiner and cm (1816). [D]
Dickson, William H., 172 Long Lane, London, chair and sofa maker (1826–32). [D] Possibly W. H. Dickson.
Dickson, William, 55 Newington Causeway, London, cm (1835). [D]
Digby, James, York, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Digby, Joseph, 97 Queen St, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., cm, u and chairmaker (1830–39). [D]
Dillart, Edward, Liverpool, cm (1812). App. to Edward Charles; admitted freeman on 14 November 1812. [Liverpool freemen reg.]
Dillart, Edward, 50 Howland St, Fitzroy Sq., London, chair and sofa manufacturer (1822–23). [D] Possibly:
Dillart, Edward, 21 Judd St, Brunswick Sq., London, chair and sofa manufacturer (1829). [D]
Dillart, Edward, Lewes, Sussex, cm and u (1832–41). Recorded at 98 High St, 1837 and Mt Pleasant, 1837–41. [D; poll bks]
Diller, C. & J., 5 Charlotte St, Covent Gdn, London, manufacturer of dressing boxes, cases, buhl work. Label recorded on dressing box, probably pre-1840, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, pewter etc.
Diller, D. & J., 5 Chandos St, Covent Gdn, London, travelling, writing desk and dressing case manufacturers (1837–41). Trade card lists ‘Ladies Work & Jewel Boxes, Ebony Inlaid & Buhl Inkstands, Copying Machines, Tea Chests, Liquor Cases & Medicine Chests’. The Royal accounts of September 1837 show the firm supplying six ebonized ink stands, seven rosewood and three ebony tray stands; whilst bills of 30 June 1840 and 25 June 1841 include sycamore and mahogany trays. Gentlemen's travelling mahogany toilet box recorded, with hinged, leather-lined lid enclosing mirror, phials, trays, boxes, an inkwell and shaving fittings. [Windsor Royal Archives, Lord Chamberlain's accounts, RA Box 1/2; PRO, LC11/98-110; Sotheby's, 29 July 1983, lot 147] See George Christian Diller.
Diller, Frederick, 8 Little Russell St, Bloomsbury, London, writing and dressing case maker (1840). [GL, Sun MS ref. 1339914]
Diller, George Christian, 5 Chandos St, Covent Gdn, London, cm and u, portable desk, writing desk and dressing case maker (1819–37). [D] See D. & J. Diller
Dillon, James, 16 Green St, Leicester Fields, London, u (1785– 79). Took out Sun Insurance policies in 1779 for £500 on his house; and on 17 June 1785 for £200 on utensils, stock and goods in trust, and £210 on those in house behind 16 Green St. [GL, Sun MS vol. 279, p. 484; vol. 328, p. 465]
Dillon, Joseph, address unrecorded, chairmaker (1701). In October 1701 he was paid £4 6s by 2nd Duke of Bedford for six walnut backstools and four walnut elbow chairs, all with stuffed backs, and two walnut round stools. [Bedford Office, London]
Dillow, William H., Canterbury, Kent, cm (1826). [Poll bk]
Dillworth, Edward, Durham Yd, Westminster, London, u (1749). [Poll bk]
Dilworth, Daniel Large, Liverpool, carver (1823–39). App. to John Skillicorn in 1823, and trading at 65 Shaw's Brow, 37 Mill Lane in 1839. [D; Liverpool app. reg.]
Dilworth, Richard, Broker's Alley, London, upholder (1774). [Poll bk]
Dimmock, John, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1806–41). Aged 35 at the time of the 1841 Census.
Dimoline, Abraham snr, Lincoln, cm (1806). [Lincoln freemen rolls]
Dimoline, Abraham, High St, Lincoln, cm (1819). [D]
Dimoline, Abraham, 34 Villiers St, Strand, London, cm and u (1822–23). [D]
Dimpline, John, 5 Percy Mews, Rathbone Pl., London, cm (1826–27). [D]
Ding, Daniel, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1820–41). [Poll bks]
Ding, John, Norwich and London, cm (1830–41). Polled at Gt Yarmouth, of Norwich, 1830, 1838–41; and of London in 1831.
Dingle, Alexander, London, cm and chairmaker (1749). [Poll bk]
Dingle, Daniel, Exeter, Devon, cm (1826–40). Trading in Cowick St, 1831–34; 3 Bridge St, 1833; and New Bridge St, 1836–40. Son William bapt. at St Thomas's Church on 16 July 1826. Advertised in Exeter Flying Post, 12 December 1833, ‘A Rising Library Table Desk … The pigeon holes are raised by means of machinery, and when lowered form a most secure deposit for cash or important documents’. [D; list of voters; PR (bapt).]
Dingle, John, 9 Gt Pultney St, Golden Sq., London, cm and chairmaker (1803–16). Named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. [D]
Dingle, Joseph, Plymouth Dock, Devon, cm (1811). Declared bankrupt, Sussex Weekly Advertiser, 18 March 1811.
Dingwall, Alexander, Leicester Fields, Charing Cross, London, upholder and cm (1749–74). Polled at Westminster in 1749. Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., May 1753; and sale of stock in trade announced, Public Advertiser, 20 June 1753, consisting of ‘4 Post Mahog. Bedsteads with Printed Cotton furnishings & water-closets, Pier & Sconce glasses in carved & gilt frames, mahog. Bureaus, Clothes Presses, Tables, Chests, & several other sorts of Cabinet Goods, all furnished in the neatest & best manner’. Took app. named Hen. Restell for £20 in 1754, in which year he subscribed to Chippendale's Director. Worked for the Duke of Gordon between 1749–55, buying furniture ‘at Mr. Joseph Thorpe's sale’, furnishing and carrying out repairs at the Duke's London house in Upper Grosvenor St. Furniture supplied included ‘A Neat Mahogany tea board’, ‘A strong solid walnut tree chest’, a cradle, beds floorcloths, and ‘5 strong Marlborough chairs with leather seats’, totalling £133 15s 9d. An additional account for March to June 1752 records payment for repairs, and plates of silvered and Venice glass with ‘Dale’ and japanned frames. On 12 October 1752 Dingwall was paid for putting up curtains and providing the Duchess of Gordon with ‘a strong wainscot mouse cage’. The Duke died in August 1752, and Dingwall helped with the funeral arrangements, suppling drapes with the Duke's arms, and ‘2 Outside mourning frames, covered with black bayes’, fixed at the late Duke's houses in London and Enfield. The new Duke continued to patronize Dingwall, who carried out repairs to furniture in 1754, and provided the Duke, then twelve years old, with a fully equipped tool box in December 1755. Polled in 1774. [V & A archives; Scottish RO, GD 44/51/306–09]
Dingwall, Patrick, 68 Charing Cross, London, upholder (1785). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 4 April 1785 for £500 of which utensils and stock accounted for £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 327, p. 565]
Dinn, Robert, London, chairmaker (1784–86). [Norwich poll bks]
Dinning, William, 11 Trenchard St, Bristol, Windsor and fancy chairmaker (1817–18). Trading in partnership with Holebrook in 1817. [D]
Dinnwol (?), John, Berwick St, London, cm (1784). [Poll bk]
Diplock, Thomas, High St, Tonbridge, Kent, carpenter and u (1832–39). [D]
Discombe, Richard, Exeter, Devon, carver and gilder (1813). Daughter Urith Gale bapt. at St Sidwell's Church on 6 June 1813. [PR (bapt.)]
Dishon, John Baptist, address unrecorded, gilder (1759). Gilded the state bed designed by Borra for Stowe, Bucks., now in the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight, Liverpool.
Disney, John, York or Wakefield, cm (c. 1760). In the archives of Nostell Priory, Yorks., there is a design for a console table with caryatid supports inscribed on the back ‘John Disney — £4.10.0.’ The somewhat naive perspective and unsatisfactory scale of the female heads suggests a local cm. [Furn. Hist., 1974, pl. 14B]
Ditchburn, Richard Nightingale, High St, Bishop Wearmouth, Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1827–32). [D]
Ditchfield, John, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs., cm (1830). [Poll bk]
Ditchfield, William, 23 New St, Manchester, chairmaker (1808). [D]
Ditchfield, William, Spring St, Sheffield, Yorks., chairmaker (1821). [D]
Dix, Robert, Cock Yd, Swaffham, Norfolk, cm (1836). [D]
Dix, William, 34 New St, Gravesend, Kent, cm (1839). [D]
Dix, William, Chepping Wycombe, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1798). [Militia Census]
Dixey, George, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1833). Son bapt. in 1833. [PR (bapt.)]
Dixon, —, Shrewsbury, Salop, frame maker (1757). Named in the Congreve correspondence supplying looking-glasses in 1757: ‘the largest frame & glass was 15s, the two upper ones 12s a piece’. [William Salt Lib., Stafford, 217/47/6]
Dixon, —, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. This entry appears twice in the list.
Dixon, —, Lancaster. The Dixon family are named in the Gillow records, 1796–1822, and working on a bookcase, date unspecified. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow, vol. 344/98, p. 1576]
Dixon jnr, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records working on a bookcase in 1814. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow, vol. 344/99, p. 1949]
Dixon, Mrs, 79 Byrom St, Liverpool, cabinet and upholstery warehouse owner (1821). Advertised in Liverpool Mercury, 4 May 1821, that she was continuing her late husband's business ‘in all its various branches for the support of herself & children, assuring those who may favour her with their commands that They may rely upon being served with the very best articles on the most moderate terms. NB. Orders for Exportation executed on the shortest notice’. See James Dixon.
Dixon, Barnard, Newgate St, London, turner (1712). Insured his house for £300 on 19 July 1712. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 10, ref. 23435]
Dixon, Charles, 107 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, bed and mattress maker (1827–28). [D]
Dixon, Charles, 86 Crown Ct, Blackfriars, London, cm and upholder (1839). [D]
Dixon, Christopher, Lancaster. App. to R. Gillow of Lancaster for £10 on 30 July 1766. [V & A archives]
Dixon, Christopher, Silver St, York, cm (1774). [Poll bk]
Dixon, David, Grantham, Lincs., cm, u and joiner (1835–41). Trading at High St in 1835 and Wharf Rd in 1841. [D]
Dixon, Frederick, Middlx, feather bed and mattress manufacturer (1824). Declared bankrupt, London Gazette, 21 December 1824. Possibly:
Dixon, Frederick, Oxford St, London, u (1829). Declared bankrupt, London Gazette, 5 May 1829.
Dixon, George, at ‘The Four Coffins’, Warwick St, Golden Sq., London, cm and undertaker (1748–93). Advertised in newspapers in 1748, and polled at Westminster in 1749. Notice in Public Advertiser, 8 January 1753, concerned sale of household furniture at a house in Silver St, for which further details were to be obtained from George Dixon's, ‘where all sorts of merchandise or household goods are bought and sold by commission’. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [Heal]
Dixon, George, 29 Bradshawgate, Bolton, Lancs., cm and u (1824–28). [D]
Dixon, Ger(r)ard, Blackburn, Lancs., cm (1828–34). [D]
Dixon, Henry, address unrecorded, upholder (1709–17). Son of Thomas Dixon, blacksmith of London; app. to William Burnley on 1 February 1709/10. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 3 April 1717. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dixon, Henry, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Dixon, Henry, 42 Newman St, Oxford St, London, carver and gilder (1829–39). [D]
Dixon, Henry, 108 Fleet St, London, desk, dressing case, work box and cabinet case manufacturer (1839). [D]
Dixon, Henry, 4 Crown St, Walworth, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Dixon, Henry, King St, Quay, Bridlington, Yorks., cm (1831– 40). [D]
Dixon, Hervey, Lancaster, cm (1767–68). Admitted freeman, 1767–68, when stated ‘of London’. [Lancaster freemen rolls]
Dixon, Hugh, 3 Covent Gdn, Liverpool, cm (1774–77). [D]
Dixon, Isaac, Middlegate, Penrith, Cumb., u (1834). [D]
Dixon, J., 4 Herberts Buildings, Gt Waterloo St, London, chair and cabinet carver (1835). [D]
Dixon, James, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records, 1792– 1817. [Westminster Ref. Lib.] Possibly James Dickson.
Dixon, James, Byrom St, Liverpool, chairmaker (1810–d. c. 1821). Trading at no. 80 in 1810; no. 69, 1811; and no. 78, 1813–21. Died c. 1821, when his widow continued the business. [D] See Mrs Dixon.
Dixon, James, 3 Parade, St James's Churchyard, Bristol, u (1827–28). [D]
Dixon, Jarrat, 27 King St, Blackburn, Lancs., cm, joiner and house builder (1824). [D]
Dixon, John, address unrecorded, upholder (1708). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 7 April 1708. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dixon, John, Stamford, Lincs., carpenter (1748–80). Admitted freeman in 1748. In April 1780 he was commissioned by the town Corp. to make removable seats and other ‘proper woodwork’ in the Town Hall, at a cost of £25. [Stamford Hall Bk, 2A/1/4]
Dixon, John, Hull, Yorks., cm (1768–84). [Poll bks]
Dixon, John, Louth, Lincs., cm (1774). [Hull poll bk]
Dixon, John, Lancaster, cm (1784–1811). App. to E. Batty as a charity boy in 1794 and admitted freeman, 1801–02, when stated ‘of Manchester’. Named in the Gillow records, 1784– 99. A dressing table supplied by Gillows to R. O. Gascoigne of Parlington, Yorks, in 1811 is inscribed in pencil ‘J. Dixon’. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow] Possibly:
Dixon, John, Manchester and Salford, cm (1808–13). Trading at 68 Hart St, Manchester in 1808, and 14 Hadson St, Salford, 1813. [D]
Dixon, John, Cumwhitton, Carlisle, Cumb., joiner and/or cm (1829). [D]
Dixon, John, 3 Gray's Inn Lane Terr., London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Dixon, John Henry, Lancaster, cm (1806–07). Admitted freeman, 1806–07, when stated ‘of London’. [Lancaster freemen rolls]
Dixon, Joseph, Lancaster, cm (1767–68). Admitted freeman, 1767–68, when stated ‘of London’. [Lancaster freemen rolls]
Dixon, Joseph, 21 Chiswell St, London, cm, chairmaker and upholder (1776). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1776 for £300 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £150. [GL, Sun MS vol. 244, p. 530]
Dixon, Joseph, Doncaster, Yorks., cm (1784). [D]
Dixon, Leonard, Skelton, Gainsborough, Lincs., joiner, cm or cartwright (1834). [D]
Dixon, Moses, Carey's Yd, Nottingham, u (1832). [D]
Dixon, P. J., 26 Ward's Row, Bethnal Green Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Dixon, Peter, Liverpool, cm (1831). App. to William John Roberts in 1831. [Liverpool app. enrolment bk]
Dixon, Richard, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records, 1799–1803, as brother of Thomas. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/98, p. 1684]
Dixon, Richard, 31 Marsden's Buildings, Bootle St, Manchester, cm (1813). [D]
Dixon, Robert, address unrecorded, upholder (1709–10). Admitted freeman of the Upholders Co. on 1 February 1709/ 10. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dixon, Robert, Twinside Lodge, Keswick, Cumb., cm, joiner and/or cartwright (1834). [D]
Dixon, Samuel, 1 Lascelles Pl., Broad St, Bloomsbury, London, carver and gilder (1809–11). [D] Possibly:
Dixon, Samuel, 12 Gt Portland St, Oxford St, London, carver and gilder (1820–39). Trading as chair and sofa maker, 1822–23. [D]
Dixon, Samuel, 2 Crown Ct, Crown St, Finsbury London, bedpost and chair carver (1823). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 12 March 1823 for £200 of which stock and utensils accounted for £50. [GL, Sun MS vol. 492, ref. 1003118]
Dixon, T., Bath, Som., cm (1825). Declared bankrupt, Brighton Gazette, 18 August 1825.
Dixon, Thomas, — See John Hibbert.
Dixon, Thomas, Bartholomew Close, London, upholder (1709–24). Recorded in the accounts of Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk, receiving on 21 July 1709 £70 ‘in full of Europa’; on 13 August 1709, £46; and on 1 March 1710, £12. [Poll bks; Norfolk RO, Felbrigg papers, WKC 6/23]
Dixon, Thomas, Lancaster, cm (1795–1802). App. to R. Mashiter in 1795, and admitted freeman, 1801–02, when stated ‘of Tatham’. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Dixon, Thomas snr, Lancaster, cm (1794–1835). Admitted freeman in 1806–07. Named in the Gillow records, 1794– 1835, in 1814 working on a bookcase, and in 1823, a desk. Brother of Richard Dixon. [Lancaster freemen rolls; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/99, p. 1949; 101, p. 3240]
Dixon, Thomas jnr, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records, 1813–22, and in 1822 working on bedsteads. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/101, pp. 3180 and 3184]
Dixon, Thomas, 11 Hodson St, Salford, Lancs., cm (1808–13). [D]
Dixon, Thomas, Deal St, Salford, Lancs., cm (1808–13). Trading at no. 12, 1808–11, and no. 17, 1813. [D]
Dixon, Thomas, 18 Friargate, Preston, Lancs., chairmaker (1818–25). [D]
Dixon, Thomas, Grantham, Lincs., cm, u and paper hanger (1826–41). Recorded in Castlegate, 1826–28 and Walkergate, 1835–41. [D]
Dixon, Thomas, Stepney, Hull, Yorks., u (1838–39). [D]
Dixon, Thomas Post, Fitzroy St, Cambridge, cm (1840–41). [Poll bks]
Dixon, William, Chapel St, London, cm (1784). [Poll bks]
Dixon, William, Liverpool, cm (1804–24). Recorded in Highfield St, 1804 and 44 Johnson St, 1824. [D]
Dixon, William, Temple Pl., London, cm (1820–27). Trading at no. 15 in 1820 and 1827, and no. 16 in 1821. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 16 May 1821 for £300 on household goods. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 484, ref. 980600]
Dixon, William, Silver St, Durham, joiner and cm (1827). [D]
Dixon, William K., 13 Jane St, Commercial Rd, London cm (1839). [D]
Dixon & Waters, Flesh Mkt, Newcastle, cm (1790–95). [D]
Dixwell, —, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Dobb, Thomas, Liverpoool, cm (1760–80). Addresses given in Frog Lane, 1766–67; Williamson Sq., 1768–69; Lord St, 1768–77; and as ‘Gent.’ at no. 30 in 1777. Petitioned freedom on servitude to Thomas Gatliff in 1760, paying 6s 8d, and admitted freeman on 11 February 1761. Announced in Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 17 June 1768, that he was taking Henry Hadkinson, his late foreman, into partnership in his business ‘of Cabinet-making Chests & Cases for the African Trade, with the Addition of all Kinds of House Joiner & Capenter's Work … at their shop in Williamson Square’. Sale of Dobb's stock in his former Lord St shop announced in the same paper, 3 June 1768; stock consisted of clocks in mahogany cases, chairs, tables, cupboards, tea chests, watches and cloth. Former apps John Parry and James Rimmer admitted freemen in 1780. [Liverpool freemen reg. and committee bk]
Dobbins, —, address unrecorded, u (1739). Recorded in the daybooks and ledgers of Thomas Wagg on 15 September 1739. [PRO, C 109/25, part 1]
Dobbinson, Richard, 41 Ironmonger Row, London, u (1809–11). [D]
Dobbs, —, Tottenham, London, u and paper hanger (d. 1799). Death by drowning ‘in Tottenham Marsh’ reported, Gents Mag., August 1799.
Dobbs, Thomas, Market Pl., Horncastle, Lincs., cm (1819). [D]
Dobbs, Thomas, 32 Sims Croft, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1822). [D]
Dobey (or Doby), John, Litchfield St, London, cm (1749). [Poll bk] Possibly John Doby of Swallow St.
Dob(b)ing, Anthony, High St, Stockton-upon-Tees, Co. Durham, u and cm (1820–32). Involved in the furnishing of Wynyard Park, Co. Durham, for the Marquis of Londonderry, 1820–40. [D; Durham RO, Londonderry papers, D/LO/E 484, vol. 1829–41]
Dobinson, Arthur, at ‘The Bed’, on London Bridge, London, upholder and hosier (1724). Insured goods and merchandise in his house for £500 on 7 May 1724. [GL, Sun MS vol. 17, ref. 31818]
Doninson, James, North Shields, Northumb., u (1827–34). Trading at Church Way in 1827 and 15 Saville St in 1834. [D]
Dobinson, Mark, Wolsingham, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1828–29). [D]
Doblett, George, 48 Swain St, London, cm (1809–11). [D]
Dobson, Christopher, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Dobson, Hardon (or Harden), Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, Yorks., carver and gilder (1822–28). [D]
Dobson, Henry, 41 Creech (?) Lane, Cannon St, London, upholder (1790–99). Son of William Dobson, victualler, of Gamlingay, Cambs.; app. to James Porter on 1 September 1790, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 6 March 1799. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dobson, Isaac, New Dock St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1817). [D]
Dobson, James, Lancaster, cm (1812–16). App. to T. Lister in 1812, and admitted freeman, 1815–16. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Dobson, James, Gowthorpe, Yorks., joiner and cm (1826–34). [D]
Dobson, John, St Martin's Ct, Westminster, London, cm (1749). [Poll bk]
Dobson, John, Newcastle, u, cm, carver and japanner (1792–1816). Addresses given at 16 Dean St, 1792–96; and 7–8 Mosley St, 1796–1816. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Advertised in Newcastle Courant, 19 May 1792 that he had commenced in the upholstery business, and ‘is not only at present Master of the French and Turkish mode of fitting up Furniture as now used in London, but assures his friends, the least change of fashions cannot take place, but he will have it sent down immediately’. On 7 May 1796 he announced his removal to ‘more extensive and commodious Premises in Mosley Street’; and advertised again on 19 April 1800, showing the Prince of Wales Feathers. On 13 April 1803 announced that he was ‘Back from the South with new stock … Houses furnished throughout, from a cottage to the first mansion … American black birch for sale, a good substitute for mahogany’, at ‘THE TEMPLE OF TASTE’, no. 7 Mosley St. On 23 April 1808 he claimed that ‘The whole of the fashionable work is executed under his own roof & the greatest part of the new patterns are manufactured solely for himself’. Further advertisements of 20 May 1809 concerned curing feathers; on 24 April 1813, a patent mangle; on 16 April 1814, enlargement of warerooms and stock of transparent blinds ‘on which are painted gentlemen's seats, parks or pleasure grounds’. On 12 and 19 November 1814 he announced his return from Paris ‘with a very great Variety of Beautiful Designs’; and on 28 September 1816 a sale of stock. Probably the John Dobson, u, named in the Strathmore papers on 23 December 1808 receiving £43 13s; and on 14 September 1810, £7 7s 7d. [D; Durham RO, Strathmore MS, D/St/349/21 and 24]
Dobson, John, Kidderminster, Worcs., u and cm (1805–22). Recorded at Worcester St, 1818–22. [D]
Dobson, John, Lofthouse, Yorks., joiner, cm or cartwright (1834). [D]
Dobson, Lawrence, Liverpool, carver (1813). Marriage to Miss Goodacre of Liverpool at St Thomas's Church reported, Liverpool Mercury, 17 December 1813.
Dobson, Lawrence, Manchester, wood carver (1825–34). Trading at 12 Camp St, 1825, and 2 Fetter Lane, 1834. [D]
Dobson, Moses, address unrecorded, chairmaker (1733–41). Supplied chairs to Gibside, Co. Durham, between 26 July 1733 and 21 August 1741, totalling £7 18s. [Durham RO, Strathmore MS, D/St/v.986–87]
Dobson, Robert, 32 Brownlow St, Drury Lane, London, carpenter and cm (1807). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 21 August 1807 for £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 440, ref. 80251]
Dobson, Robert, 5 New (or Junction) Dock St, Hull, Yorks., cm, u and furniture broker (1817–35). [D]
Dobson, Thomas, Lancaster, carver and gilder (1794–1802). [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow records]
Dobson, Thomas, 35 Chiswell St, Finsbury Sq., London. Pair of slope-top knife boxes, c. 1800, at Came House, Dorset, both bear maker's label inside lid.
Dobson, Thomas, Hull, Yorks., u and cm (1807). App. to John and George Chapman of Hull in May 1807. [Hull app. reg.]
Dobson, Thomas, Church St, Whitby, Yorks., cm (1823). [D]
Dobson, William, Strand, London, ‘HARDWAREMAN, STATIONER, &c., Dealer in fine Cutlery, Manufacturers of Pocket Books, Writing Desks, Shaving, Dressing, Cases &c.’ (1797–1847). Recorded at no. 165, 1797–1805; no. 166, 1805–25; nos 16 and 38 in 1820; and no. 162, 1826–47. Mahogany artist's (?) box with brass corner plates, corner bands and brass plate with sunk handle engraved ‘J. Cheap’, recorded bearing label giving address at 166 Strand, and trade details above. Stock includes Reeves's colour cases, ivory and toothpick cases, ebony ink stands, inlaid Tunbridge-wares, and patent letter copying machines and air ventilators. [Private coll.] Same label also found on a portable writing desk with a drawer containing gentlemen's toilet requisites. [BBC, TV, Antiques Show, 4 April 1982] and on a plain, brass-banded writing desk. [Bannister's, Haywards Heath, 29 April 1982; D; trade cards in Heal and Banks Colls., BM]
Dobson, William, Liverpool, cm (1824–39). Addresses given at 1 Bean Lane, Bean St, 1824–29; 9 Audley St, 1834–37; no. 26 in 1839; and shop at 1 Back Commutation Row, 1834–39. [D]
Dobson, William Fawcett, 23 Boar Lane, Leeds, Yorks., carver and gilder (1828). [D]
Doby, John, Swallow St, London, upholder (1772). [Bailey's list of bankrupts] Possibly John Dobey of Litchfield St, or John Dobyns of Swallow St.
Dobyns, Edward Harris, London, upholder (1758–65). Son of John Dobyns, late of Salisbury Ct, London, printer; app. to Thomas Dobyns on 6 April 1758, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 4 July 1765. Brother of John Dobyns. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dobyns, John, London, upholder (1752–78). Recorded at Swallow St in 1778. Son of John Dobyns, printer of Blackfriars; app. to Thomas Dobyns on 6 August 1752, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 6 September 1759. Brother of Edward Harris Dobyns. Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., December 1770. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records and Livery lists] Possibly John Doby, or:
Dobyns, John, warehouse at Conduit St, Hanover Sq., London, u and undertaker (1771). Sale of stock by Christie's on bankruptcy held on 21–22 January 1771, consisting of ‘A Variety of Cabinet and Upholstery Goods, in Four-Post Bedsteads, Tables, Wilton and Scotch Carpeting, some very elegant Pier Glasses, Pictures, Stoves, some Plate and white Copper Candlesticks’; also wallpaper, feathers and funeral palls.’
Dobyn(s), Thomas, London, upholder (1722–d. 1765). Trading at George St, Hanover Sq., 1734–65. Son of Thomas Dobyns, vintner of Ruislip, Middlx; app. to Robert Webb on 23 June 1722; admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 4 February 1729/30; and master in 1758. Named as a Fellow of the Society for Arts and Manufactures in 1761. Took apps named Harry Skinner, 1732–33; George Corbett, 1734–42; William Burbridge, 1749–57; John Dobyns, 1752–59; Joseph Knight, 1752–59; Edward H. Dobyns 1758–65; John West, 1758–65; and John Hewitt, 1760–67. On 10 May 1731 insured household goods and stock in trade for £300 with the Sun Co. Probably the Thomas Dobyn who was paid £10 10s on 28 September 1747 for a mahogany chair, cabinet, dressing bureau and writing table supplied to Alscot Park, Warks. [V & A archives] Probably also the Dobyn who advertised sale of ‘several dozen chairs from 2/2d to £3 per chair’, in London Advertiser, 1751. On 17 May Thomas Dobyns received £65 19s for an octagonal library table bought by the Earl of Ancaster. [Lincoln RO, 2 ANC 6/6] Thomas Dobyn of George St wrote to James Leigh of Stoneleigh, Warks. on 31 July 1755, acknowledging receipt of payment in full, and apologising for some mistake in the delivery of a sofa. [Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Leigh receipts DR 18/5] Dobyn, upholder of George St placed a notice in General Advertiser, 29 January 1748 and Gazetteer and London Daily Advertiser, 28 August 1756. Died in 1765. [Poll bks; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 32, ref. 53988; Heal]
Docker, Henry, 43 Moseley St, Birmingham, cabinet case maker (1835). [D]
Docker, John, 228 Kent St, Southwark, London, chairmaker and japanner (1808). [D]
Dockray, Richard, address unrecorded, upholder (1713). App. to Nicholas Clarke, and ‘lived greate p'te of his time with Charles Williams’. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 10 November 1713. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dodd, Edward, Chester, u (1722–32). Son of Thomas Dodd, maltster and brewer; app. to Ralph Bingley, u, 18–19 March 1722/23. Admitted freeman on 9 October 1732. Possibly the Edward Dod, upholder, of London, who polled at Chester, 1732. [Chester app. bks and freemen rolls]
Dodd, Edward, address unrecorded, u (1731). Named in John, 2nd Duke of Argyll's accounts on 29 May 1731 receiving £86 2s 2d. [Coutts Bank archives, ledger]
Dodd, Edward, Hanover Sq., London, upholder (1734). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 5 April 1734 for £500 on goods in a dwelling house in Mount St. [GL, Sun MS vol. 38, ref. 63390]
Dodd, George, 52 Myddleton St, Spitalfields, London, carver and gilder (1835). [D]
Dodd, George, 1 St James's Pl., Hampstead Rd, London, carver (1835). [D]
Dodd, Isaac, 9 Hammond Pl., Chatham, Kent, carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Dodd, James, 151 Tottenham Ct Rd, London, u and cabinet merchant (1816). [D]
Dodd, James, 56 Marchmont St, Burton Cresc., Brunswick Sq., London, carver and gilder (1817–39). [D]
Dodd, James, Clapham Common, London, carver and gilder (1832). [D]
Dodd, John, 10 Crown St, Halifax, Yorks., carver and gilder (1830). [D]
Dodd, John, 12 New Inn Yd, Shoreditch, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Dodd, Joseph, 12 Roe St and 86 Fontenoy St, Liverpool, u (1827). [D]
Dodd, Joseph, 75 High St, Gateshead, Co. Durham, cm and joiner (1838). [D]
Dodd, Robert, 15 Suffolk St, Pall Mall East, London, water gilder (1835). [D]
Dodd, Samuel, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1779–1804). Son of Thomas Dodd, plasterer of Nottingham; app. in 1779. Took apps named John Pinkney in 1790; James Hall in 1791; John Misson in 1802; Ben Fleuritt (Flewitt?) in 1803; and John Farrands in 1804. Signed the Nottingham Cabinet and Chair Makers’ Book of Prices, 1791, on behalf of the masters. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793; and Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. Marriage on 11 May 1794 to Miss Smart of Redmill, Leics., reported in Derby Mercury, 22 May. [D; Nottingham app. list]
Dodd, Samuel, 4 Fetter Lane, Manchester, cm (1808–09). [D]
Dodd, Thomas, St Andrew, Middlx, cm (1758). Took app. named Frazer in 1758. [S of G, app. index]
Dodd, Thomas, Cunliffe St, Liverpool, cm (1805–11). Recorded at no. 26 in 1805 and no. 9, 1810–11. [D]
Dodds, Matthew, Winston, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1828). [D]
Dodds, Thomas, 6 Stephen St, Rathbone Pl., London, cm and organ builder (1777). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1777 for £400 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £240. [GL, Sun MS vol. 261, p. 370]
Dodds, Thomas, Tattershall Rd, Horncastle, Lincs., joiner/cm (1822). [D]
Dodds, William, opposite Cecil St, St Martin's Lane, London, cm (1775–76). Took out Sun Insurance policies in 1775 and 1776 for £500 and £600 respectively, of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £340. [GL, Sun MS vol. 238, p. 291; vol. 246, p. 213]
Dodds, William, London, carver, gilder and glass grinder (1790–1808). Trading at 51 St Martin's Lane, 1790–93, and 72 Oxford St, 1799–1808. [D] Worked for Sir John Nelthorpe, Bart, from 30 June 1792–6 July 1795, receiving a total of £22 5s 6d, for supplying and repairing frames ‘in burnish'd gold’, including on 11 July 1794 ‘1 Frame 4 in. moulding 6ft. 8 at 4s 6d. with black insides and gilt on burnished gold’, £1 13s; and on 6 July 1795, ‘1 fluted frame in best burnish gold’, £5 5s. [Lincoln RO, NEL 9/14/35; 8/13/ 19; 9/16/9] In October 1792 he was paid £1 8s by Gertrude, Dowager Duchess of Bedford, for providing two lookingglasses, one in a black frame with gilt edges, costing 4s 6d, and the other in a frame of ‘burnish gold, £1 3s 6d. These were probably for her London house, 112 Pall Mall. [Bedford Office, London]
Dodds, William, Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1827–29). Trading in York St, 1827–28 and High St, 1828–29. [D]
Dodge, John, Honiton, Devon, cooper and cm (1784). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1784 for £100, utensils and stock accounting for £50. [GL, Sun MS vol. 322, p. 316]
Dodge, Robert, Market Pl., Stockport, Cheshire, cm (1784–93). Declared bankrupt, Derby Mercury, 15 August 1793. [D]
Dodge, Thomas, Fore St, Exeter, Devon, u (1743–84). Listed as a freeman of Exeter in 1743. [D]
Dodge, William, address unrecorded, upholder (1705/06). Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 2 January 1705/ 06. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dodge, George, Main St, St Martin's, London, cm (1784). [Poll bk]
Dodgson, George, 18 Broker's Row, Moorfields, London, cabinet and upholstery warehouse man (1790–93). [D]
Dodgson, George, 3 Sheritt St, Salford, Lancs., cm (1808). [D]
Dodgson (or Dodson), George, Brook St, Ulverston, Lancs., cm (1822–28). [D]
Dodgson, George, address unrecorded. William IV mahogany library chair recorded, of eccentric design with saddle-shaped seat and rounded back of Windsor influence, twisted spindle splats, shaped toprail and cabriole legs; stamped George Dodgson. [Sotheby's, 6 December 1963, lot 139]
Dodgson, Henry, Blackfriar's St, Carlisle, Cumb., innkeeper and cm (1811). [D]
Dodgson, John, Ulverston, Lancs., cm (1781–98). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1781 for £200 of which utensils and stock accounted for £60. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 288, p. 543]
Dodgson, John, Sedbergh, Yorks., joiner and cm (1830). [D]
Dodgson, William Fawcett, Coney St, York, carver and gilder (1816–25). Recorded at no. 3 in 1823. Partnership with Thomas Ferrand dissolved in 1816. Admitted freeman in 1818. Took son William as app. on 28 January 1825. [D; York app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Dodgson, William, York, carver and gilder (1825). Son of William Fawcett Dodgson, carver and gilder; app. to his father on 28 January 1825. [York app. reg.]
Dodgson, William, Wood St, Wakefield, Yorks., carver and gilder (1830–37). [D]
Dodman, W., London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Dods, Andrew, Broad St, Soho, London, cm (1786). Subscribed to George Richardson's Treatise on the Four Orders of Architecture, published in 1787.
Dods, Archibald, Church Lane, Banbury, Oxon, cm and u (1835–41). [D]
Dods, James, 34 Broad St, Carnaby Mkt, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Dods, James, 46 Brewer St, Golden Sq., London, u (1795–1803). [D]
Dods, Peter, King St, Golden Sq., London, cm (1774). [Poll bk]
Dodsley (or Dodssley) & Weston, Nottingham, joiners and cm (1793–99). Trading at Barker Gate in 1799. [D]
Dodson, George, Colchester, Essex, cm and chairmaker (1790– 93). Polled at Canterbury in 1790. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. [D]
Dodson, George, 41 Hart St, Manchester, cm (1813). [D]
Dodson, William, Lancaster, cm (1830–31). [Lancaster freemen rolls]
Dodsworth, J., Thornton Pl., Bryanston Sq., London, cm (1835). [D]
Dodsworth, Richardson, Bullring, Gt Grimsby, Lincs., joiner and cm (1826). [D]
Dodsworth, Thomas, Ripon. Yorks., cm. Sofa table, c. 1805, at Newby Hall, Yorks, signed by him. [C. Life, 3 October 1974]
Doe, Aaron, Newbury, Berks., cm (1798). [D]
Doe, Cornelius Weaver, Blandford, Dorset, cm, u and designer (1836). App. to John Conons Brown, cm, u and designer of Blandford, for five years, his father, George Doe paying £95. [Dorset app. indenture]
Doe, John, Northbrook St, Newbury, Berks., cm and u (1823– 42). [D]
Doeg, David, York, carver and gilder, looking-glass maker (1798–1817). Recorded at Stonegate in 1814 and Spurriergate, 1816. Son of Thomas Doeg, linen draper; admitted freeman in 1798. Took apps named George Thompson on 8 November 1798, admitted freeman in 1806; Charles Ward Strawder on 28 May 1802, freeman in 1809; James Cloak on 7 April 1803, freeman in 1812; and Thomas Banks on 12 August 1809. [D; York app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Dogan, James, Long Acre, London, u (1749). [Poll bk]
Dogget, Henry, 16 Little Cheapside, Sun St, Finsbury Sq., London, chairmaker (1808). [D]
Doggett, Henry, London, chair and bedstead maker (1820–37). Trading at 13 Somerset St, Whitechapel in 1820 and 12 Skinner St, Bishopsgate, 1837. [D]
Doggett, Thomas, 12 Chapel Lane, Whitechapel, London, chair, sofa and bedstead maker (1827–28). [D]
Doke, Samuel, 24 Redmund Pl., with shop at 16 Christian St, Liverpool, chairmaker (1835). [D]
Dolby, Edward, 24 Bridge House Pl., Newington Causeway, London, chair and sofa maker (1827–28). [D]
Dolby, George, 71 Newington Causeway, London, cm (1820). [D]
Dolby, John, Saracen's Head Yd, Leeds, Yorks., cm (1826). [D]
Dolby, John, Farnsfield, Southwell, Notts., cm (1835). [D]
Dollain, Abraham, Berwick St, London, carver and gilder (1784). [Poll bk]
Dolland, —, Chester, cm (1819). [Poll bk]
Dollen, Thomas, Taunton, Som., cm (1748). Declared bankrupt, London Evening Post, 3–6 September 1748.
Dollett (Dollitt or Dol(l)iff), George, Minories, London, cm, u and joiner (1767–1812). Recorded in Swan St, 1776; and 48 Minories, 1780–1812. Possibly the George Dollitt, joiner who insured property for £250 on 1 June 1767 with the Hand in Hand Co. George Dolliff, cm, of the Minories was declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., July 1770. Took out Sun Insurance policies in 1776 and 1780 both for £600, utensils, stock and goods accounting for £410 and £350 respectively. Named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. [D; GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 106, p. 30; GL, Sun MS vol. 248, p. 265; vol. 283, p. 474; Heal]
Dollman, Thomas, Burton-upon-Trent, Staffs., chair and basket maker (1793). [D]
Dolman, Frederick, London, carver and gilder (1819–41). Addresses given at 8 Kent Rd as Dolman & Co., 1819–20; 37 Upper Berkeley St, 1835–39; and 261 Oxford St, 1839– 41. Declared bankrupt, 1840–41. [D; Marylebone Lib., deeds 122/1–18]
Dolman, Frederick & Son, Oxford Rd, Newtown, Bilston, Staffs., chairmakers (1828). [D]
Dolman, George, London St, Greenwich, Kent, carver and gilder (1824–39). [D]
Dolton, William, 5 Church St, Kensington, London, u (1826). [D]
Doman, Sophia, 26 Wardour St, Oxford St, London, u (1819). [D]
Domer, Robert, Limekiln Lane, Bristol, chairmaker (1799–1800). [D]
Donald, Robert, 78 Margaret St, Cavendish Sq., London, cm and upholder (1780). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1780 for £900 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £600. [GL, Sun MS vol. 284, p. 452] Possibly Robert Donard.
Donald, Robert, address unrecorded, frame maker (1783). Supplied a glass frame, costing £5 9s to Lord Monson on 4 June 1783. [Lincoln RO, Monson 10/1/A/6]
Donald, Robert, 78 Oxford St, London, u (1784). [D]
Donald, Robert, Grosvenor St, London cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Donaldson, D. A., 2 Devonshire St, Queen Sq., London, u (1835). [D]
Donaldson, David, 8 Denmark St, London, cm and chairmaker (1793–1817). Recorded in partnership with Bruce, 1793–1815; and with Appletree, 1803–17. Donaldson & Bruce subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793; and Donaldson of Gt Denmark St, chairmaker, is named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. [D]
Donaldson, F., address unrecorded, cm. George III mahogany tripod table recorded, with circular tray top, spiral baluster stem, and legs carved with acanthus leaves with later brass feet; stamped ‘F. DONALDSON’. [Sotheby's, 26 June 1970, lot 154]
Donaldson, James, Cowes, Isle of Wight, Hants., cm and u (1823). [D]
Donaldson, John, St Chad's Hill, Shrewsbury, Salop, carver and gilder (1828). [D]
Donaldson, Peter Evans, High St, Shrewsbury, Salop, u (1837). Son of Thomas Donaldson. Named in the Shrewsbury burgess roll, 1837.
Donaldson, Robert, London, cm and u (1808–27). Trading at nos 1 and 10 Castle St, Strand, in 1808; 12 Castle Ct, 1817; no. 11, 1820–23; and 14 Rathbone Pl., Oxford St, 1826–27. [D]
Donaldson, Thomas, High St, Shrewsbury, Salop, joiner, carver and gilder (1803–35). [D] Recorded at St Chad's Hill in 1822. Named in the Shrewsbury burgess roll, 1806, in which year his son James was born; he too became a carver and gilder. Supplied items to Lord Berwick for Attingham Park, Salop: in 1806, pier glasses and tables for the Drawing Room; and in 1811 a pair of coromandel side tables with marble tops and gilt chimera supports for the Picture Gallery. These survive in situ. T. J. Howell in The Stranger in Shrewsbury, 1816, described Attingham, noting ‘the rich and costly carvings and ornamental furniture … executed by Mr. Donaldson of Shrewsbury, whose correct taste in that fine art is too well appreciated to need any eulogium here’. [Nat. Trust guide to Attingham Park, pp. 8 and 13]
Donaldson, William, Newcastle, u (1784). App. to Henry Reed and admitted freeman on 20 April 1784. [Newcastle freemen reg.]
Donally, John, Earl's Ct, Duke's Ct, London, chairmaker (1749). [Poll bk]
Donard, Robert, Margaret St, Cavendish Sq., London, u (1784). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., July 1784. Possibly Robert Donald of Margaret St.
Donegan, Peter & Co., 7 Union Ct, Holborn, London, picture framers (1805). [Goodison, Barometers]
Donery, —, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Donkin, Lewis, Hillgate, Gateshead, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1795). [D]
Donkin, William, Newcastle, cm (1827–38). Recorded at Scafe's Ct, Pilgrim St, 1827–38; Stamfordham Pl., Percy St in 1834; and Blenheim St in 1838. [D]
Donnald, Thomas, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1826–28). Daughters bapt. in 1826 and 1828. [PR (bapt.)]
Donne, George J., Hoxton, London, carver and gilder (1826– 37). Addresses given at 26 Pitfield St, 1826–27; 6 Charles Sq., 1829; and Queen St, 1835–37. [D]
Donne, George, 9 Eldon St, Finsbury, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass manufacturer (1835–39). [D]
Donne, James, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1830–36). Addresses given at North Gdns in 1830; 4 Middle St in 1832; and Rose Hill, 1836. Son James bapt. on 5 December 1830, and Richard on 11 November 1832; and daughter Elizabeth on 14 August 1836. [D; E. Sussex RO, PR (bapt.)]
Donne, Thomas, King's Lynn, Norfolk, u (1667–68). App. to Pope, u; admitted freeman in 1667–68. [King's Lynn freemen's calendar]
Donnithorne, Issac, Stafford St, Wolverhampton, Staffs., cm (1816). [D]
Donovan, Daniel, Bristol, cm, u and undertaker (1814–18). Trading at Eugene St, 1814–15, and 8 Lower Montague St, 1816–18. [D]
Doody, Joseph, Yarpole, Salop, cm (1760). Took app. named Twitty in 1760. [S of G, app. index]
Doody, Joseph, Leominster, Herefs., cm (active before 1777). ‘Late an eminent cabinet maker of Leominster’, his appointment to the rank of Colonel in the Provincial Army was reported in Hereford Journal, 10 April 1777.
Dooks, Thomas, Greenwich, London, cm (1791). [D]
Doolan, John, London, upholder (1767). [Canterbury freemen rolls]
Doolan & Co., Southwark, London, u (1769–70). Sold goods at the annual Stirbitch Fair held in September just outside Cambridge, 1769–70. [Cambridge Chronicle and Journal]
Dooley & Son, name recorded punched on a three pedestal dining table, c. 1810.
Doran, John, London, cm (1831). [Sandwich poll bk]
Dore, Frederick, 179 Borough, Southwark, London, cm and u (1809). [D]
Dore, Samuel, Bristol St, Birmingham, cm, u and broker (1828– 30). Recorded at no. 163 in 1828. [D]
Dorling, Peter, Millgate, Wigan, Lancs., cm (1834). [D]
Dormer, Thomas, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (b. c. 1791–1841). Daughters bapt. in 1814, 1816 and 1822. Aged 50 at the time of the 1841 Census. [PR (bapt.)]
Dorney, William, North St, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1832– 39). Addresses given at no. 66 in 1832 and no. 70 in 1839. Son William Thomas bapt. on 27 December 1832; Charles Champion on 4 January 1835; and Alfred, 11 November 1838. [D; poll bk; E. Sussex RO, PR (bapt.)]
Dornings, Peter, Bradshawgate, Bolton, Lancs., cm and u (1834). [D]
Dorrel (or Dorril), Thomas, Yates Ct, Clements Lane, London, upholder (1724–49). [Poll bks]
Dorrington, William, High St, Epping, Essex, cm (1822–24). Named in the account bks of Nicholas Pearse of Loughton, Essex, and Marylebone, London, on 27 July 1822, supplying furniture costing £1 1s. [D; Essex RO, D/DHt A 1/3]
Dorsey, Robert, Carr Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm (1839). [D]
Dossor, R., Toll-Gavel, Beverley, Yorks., cm and chairmaker (1826). [D]
Dotchin, James, 67 Westgate St, Newcastle, cm and u (1838). [D]
Dotchin, Thomas & James, 67 Westgate St, Newcastle, cm and u (1834). [D]
Dotchin, Thomas, Marshall's Ct, Newgate St, Newcastle, cm and u (1838). [D]
Doubleday, George, Chatham St, Newark, Notts., cm (1835). [D]
Doughty, Ezra, address unrecorded, upholder (1708–d. by 1748). Son of Ezra Doughty, weaver of London; app. to William Whale on 16 August 1708, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 11 July 1716. Took apps named William Kemp, 1716–24; John Carr, 1721–31; and James Underwood, 1723–32. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Doughty, George, York, cm (1828). Son of Isabella Doughty, widow; app. to William Wilson, Sarah Carlton, Job Clarke and William Mowbray, cm, on 24 May 1828. [York app. reg.]
Doughty, Henry, Charles St, London, carver (1774). [Poll bk]
Doughty, John, High St, Grantham, Lincs., cm and u (1822). [D]
Doughty, Joseph & Martha, Minstergate and 6 Coney St, York, turners, toymen and cm (1755–1824). Born in 1755, Joseph continued his father's business in Minstergate selling fishing tackle and ivory, bone and wooden ‘toys’. Admitted freeman in 1795, when he opened a shop at 6 Coney St in partnership with Marshall. Advertised their ‘new invented spinning wheel’. A wheel in the Castle Museum, York, is inscribed ‘Doughty, York’. Doughty died in 1801, and his widow, Martha, announced her intention of carrying on the business in York Courant, 8 March 1802. Further advertisements in 1805 and 1807 show her trading as a ‘Toy, Tunbridge & Cabinet Manufacturer’; and on 28 March 1814 appears as ‘M. MARSHALL, (Late Doughty)’, having either married Doughty's partner or reverted to her maiden name. In Yorkshire Gazette, 8 May 1824 she announced sale of business to John Hardy, and expressed thanks for favours conferred upon her during the last thirty years. [Furn. Hist., 1978, pl. 29B]
Doughty, Thomas, address unrecorded, upholder (1715–33). Son of Thomas Doughty, gunsmith of London; app. to Joseph Hudson on 6 April 1715, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 5 September 1733. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Doughty, Thomas, Oldham St, Manchester, cm and joiner (1788). [D]
Doughty, William, Gibraltar St, Sheffield, Yorks., chairmaker (1817). [D]
Doughty, William, York, cm (1825). Son of Joseph Doughty, servant, of Kilnwick Percy; app. to John Ellison, cm, on 14 November 1825. [York app. reg.]
Douglas, —, London, chairmaker (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Douglas, —, London. Supplied a set of dining tables to Alexander Wedderburn costing £25 4s in 1794. [Scottish RO, GD 164/Box 20/177/2–3]
Douglas, —, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Douglas, Adam, Egypt St, Liverpool, cm and u (1835–39). Trading at no. 3 in 1835; no. 7 in 1837; and no. 13 in 1839. [D]
Douglas, Archibald, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1776). Insured houses for £1,000 with Thomas Richardson, carpenter, in 1776. [GL, Sun MS vol. 248, ref. 368905]
Douglas, Daniel, Bedford Ct, Bedford St, London, cm (1782). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1782 for £200 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 301, p. 611]
Douglas, Daniel, 19 Mercer St, London, cm (1782). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1782 for £200 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 298, p. 312]
Douglas, George, Clothmarket, Newcastle, cm and joiner (1838). [D]
Douglas, J., 9 Bedford Pl., Southampton, Hants., carver and gilder (1834–39). [D]
Douglas (or Dugler), John, Leicester, cm and joiner (1761–69). The John Dugler app. to Joseph Johnson, cm and joiner of Leicester, from 10 October 1761 is probably the John Douglas, admitted freeman on 17 June 1790. Mahogany bureau recorded bearing the words ‘John Douglas, Leicester, January 17th 1769’ written in pencil on the botton. [Leicester freemen rolls; Furn. Hist., 1976, pl. 36A]
Douglas, John, Northampton, cm (1784–98). Recorded in Bridge St in 1784 and Sheep St, 1796. [D; poll bks]
Douglas, John, London, chairmaker, cm and upholder (1809–28). Trading at 5 King St, Old St, Islington, 1809–11; 50 Paddington St, Marylebone, 1817–19; and 8 Richmond St, Old St, Islington, 1820–28. [D]
Douglas, John, Whitehaven, Cumb., cm (1828–34). Trading at 6 Church St, 1828–29, and George St, 1829–34. [D]
Douglas, Joseph, 3 Little Peter St, Westminster, London, carver and gilder (1820). [D]
Douglas, Joseph, 9 Bedford Pl., Southampton, Hants., carver and gilder (1830–39). [D]
Douglas, William, 42 Little Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, chair and sofa manufacturer (1829). [D]
Douglass, Daniel, Hart St, London, cm (1774). [Poll bk]
Douglass, Francis, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., cm and upholder (1775). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1775 for £1,300 of which utensils and stock accounted for £400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 238, p. 164]
Douglass, James, Claypath, Durham, joiner and cm (1816). Announcement concerning end of partnership with Hopper and continuation of business alone, Durham County Advertiser, 16 March 1816. Added that ‘he now has a choice assortment of mahogany dining & claw tables, a variety of chairs & an excellent wardrobe to dispose of.’
Douglass, Robert, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hants., chairmaker (1722). Took app. named Swaine in 1722. [S of G, app. index]
Dounton, S., Kidderminster, Worcs., cm and u (1818–20). [D] Probably Samuel Downton.
Douse, Daniel, at ‘The Blue Ball & Star’, Snow Hill, London, turner (1724). Named in insurance company records. [Heal]
Douthwaite, Anthony, Newcastle and Bishop Wearmouth, u (1780). App. to William Charnley; admitted freeman on 16 September 1780. Polled at Newcastle of Bishop Wearmouth in that year. [Newcastle freemen reg.]
Douthwaite, Edward, St Gilesgate, Durham, cm (1827). [D]
Douthwaite, John, Finkle St, Malton, Yorks., cm and u (1823). [D]
Douthwaite, William, Smithfield, Stockton-on-Tees, Co. Durham, cm (1832). [D]
Dove, —, 4 Mount Row, Lambeth, London, cm and chair manufacturer (1820). [D]
Dove, Arthur, Pavement, York, cm, u and ironmonger (1823). [D]
Dove, Daniel, Hull, Yorks., cm and chairmaker (1826–39). Trading at 56 Dock St, 1826–31. [D]
Dove, David, 33 Sykes St, Hull, Yorks., cm (1838). [D]
Dove, John, York, carver and gilder (1792–1800). Son of John Dove, musician; app. to William & John Staveley, carvers and gilders, on 26 May 1792. Admitted freeman in 1800. [York app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Dove, Stephen, Charterhouse St, London, cm, u and undertaker (1808–20). Recorded at no. 13 in 1808, and no. 18, 1816–19. [D]
Dover, Charles, 7 Duke St, Bloomsbury, London, carver (1829). [D]
Dover, J., address unrecorded. Provided Nichaolas Pearse of Loughton, Essex, and London, with a music stool, receiving £1 5s on 16 November 1815. [Essex RO, D/DHt A1/4] See W. Dover.
Dover, P. E., 36 Gt Russell St, Bloomsbury, London, auctioneer, u and cm (1837). [D]
Dover, W., address unrecorded. Provided Nicholas Pearse of Loughton, Essex, and Bloomsbury, London, with two hall chairs, receiving £2 15s on 26 April 1814. [Essex RO, D/DHt A1/4] See J. Dover.
Dover, William, 6 Newman's Row, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, cm (1817). [D]
Doverton, George, 7 Percy Mews, Rathbone Pl., London, cm and u (1827–28). [D]
Doveston, George, 106 King St, Manchester, cm and u (1832– 40). Listed also at 19 Oxford Rd, 1832–33, with works at Zara St, 1836–40. [D]
Dovey, John, Tallow Hill, Worcester, cm (1812–35). App. to John Timmings cm and u; admitted freeman on 5 October 1812. Named in the Worcester freemen rolls in December 1835.
Dovey, Samuel, Pershaw, Worcs., u and cm (1784). [D]
Dovey, William, St John's, Worcester, with res. at Wick Episcopi, near Worcester, cm (1831). [Poll bk]
Dowbiggen, John, Lancaster, cm (1783). App. to Richard Gillow of Gillow & Co., cm, on 24 September 1783 for £7 10s. [PRO, IRI/32]
Dowbiggen, John, Lancaster, cm (1783–84). [Lancaster freemen rolls, poll bk]
Dowbiggin, Francis, Lancaster, cm (1782–1818). Admitted freeman, 1782–83, and named in the Gillow records, 1787– 1818. [Lancaster freemen rolls; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow]
Dowbiggin, Thomas, Lancaster, cm and varnisher (b. 1738–d. 1811). Polled at Lancaster in 1784. Named in the Gillow records, 1800–09, as a varnisher and working on a wardrobe in 1809. Admitted freeman, 1806–07. Death aged 73 reported, Liverpool Mercury, 4 October 1811. [Lancaster freemen rolls; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/98, p. 1621; 99, p. 1857] Probably two craftsmen of the same name, one of which may have been:
Dowbiggin(g) (or Dowbiggen), Thomas, Mount St, London, Royal cm and u (b. 1788–d. 1854). After long neglect, Dowbiggin has at last come to light as probably the most highly reputed and successful cm of the 2nd quarter of the 19th century. He headed a celebrated and prosperous furniture, decorating and building business, and was a pioneer in establishing Mount St as the most fashionable cm centre of Victorian London. He was patronized by the Royal Household and some of the most important families of the country; and was succeeded by another successful Victorian firm, Holland & Sons, who collaborated with him during his final years and eventually leased his premises in 1851. The two firms continued to act independently, but Dowbiggin's increasing age and lack of a direct successor in the family encouraged the close association with Holland's firm, which by Dowbiggin's death in 1854 was absorbing and settling the older firm's commitments. Dowbiggin's reputation was such that Holland & Sons are listed in directories under Dowbiggin's name until as late as 1895. ‘Holland, late Dowbiggin’ can be found in later Victorian references. It was even used on the furniture bills connected with the opening of Parliament in 1901 and the Coronation of Edward VII in 1902. Dowbiggin's origins are obscure. Frederick Litchfield in his Illustrated History of Furniture, 1892, states that ‘Dowbiggin, founder of the firm of Holland & Sons, was an apprentice of Richard Gillow’, but this assertion is not backed by evidence from the Gillow records. The earliest firm date is 1816, when London directories give Dowbiggin's name and address at 128 Mount St. He is listed at no. 12 in 1821, and nos 22, 23 and 25 from 1823–39, and remained at no. 23 until his retirement, c. 1852–54. In association with Holland & Sons, Dowbiggin leased property in Adam Mews, Hanover Sq., from the Earl of Grosvenor in 1821. This reversionary lease, preserved amongst other related legal documents in the V & A Museum, was for fifty-two years. In 1830 Dowbiggin renewed his lease of the Mount St premises from the Earl. Sun Insurance policies show that the premises in Adam Mews were a workshop and warehouse. Dowbiggin insured stock, utensils and goods there on 10 February 1820 for £2,200; on 14 February 1821 for £2,700; on 27 December 1821 for £3,000; and on 24 January 1822 for £5,000. He insured his house and goods for £1,490 on 5 June 1822. Clearly prospering financially, Dowbiggin's reputation was also flourishing. In 1831 he was recommended with Gillow by the Select Committee appointed by Parliament to investigate the excessive charges of Morel & Seddon, the firm responsible for the refurnishing of Windsor Castle for George IV. Dowbiggin and Gillow were to give a ‘fair trade price’ for the furniture. Dowbiggin declined the invitation, but was paid for his trouble. His prosperity is witnessed by his purchase, in 1833, of Bute House in the fast-growing fashionable area of Brompton. Bute House had been built in the Italian taste by James, brother of Robert Adam, for his own occupation. Sold in 1782, it was later owned by the 1st Marquis of Bute between 1795–c. 1804, hence its name. Dowbiggin may have lived in the house himself for a time, but by 1841 it was occupied by Viscount Ingestre, and demolished, 1845–46. Dowbiggin laid out Bute St in its grounds between 1846–48; and between 1843–50 was engaged on other building projects in the Grosvenor Sq. area. A much respected figure, Dowbiggin was appointed an adviser on furniture and upholstery for the Great Exhibition, 1851. Both he and Holland exhibited, separately, and were awarded medals for their novel furniture using unusual new timbers and painted china decoration. Dowbiggin appears to have spent his last years at Abercorn Lodge, St John's Wood, since payments by him for upholstery work there are recorded in Holland's Sales Journal, 1849–54. He died in 1854, and his obituary in the March issue of the Gents Mag. read: ‘January 6. At Abercorn Lodge, St. John's Wood, aged 65, Thomas Dowbiggin, Esq., head of the late eminent firm of Dowbiggin and Son, cabinet makers and upholsterers, Mount-street, Grosvenor Square’. [D; E. T. Joy, unpublished notes at the V & A; Burlington, May 1910, p. 349, and 1954, p. 393; Furn. Hist., 1970, pp. 43–45, 1972, p. 7, note 60, and p. 9, note 78; GL, Sun MS vol. 483, ref. 962849; vol. 488, ref. 976465; vol. 493, refs 987146, 987497 and 993006; Survey of London, vol. 38, pp. 16–17] Holland's Sales Journal, 1849–54, lists some of Dowbiggin's clients, including Lady Cardigan, Lord Winchelsea and Lord Casterleagh, but details of work are not given. Documented commissions are as follows:
BURTON CONSTABLE, Yorks. Dowbiggin's name appears among the firms engaged on the refurnishing, after Sir Clifford Constable's succession to the house in the early 1820s. Other well-known London firms engaged in the house were Miles & Edwards and Charles Hindley. [Furn. Hist., 1972]
APSLEY HOUSE, London. From 1825 Dowbiggin was in charge of refurnishing Apsley House, during its alteration by Benjamin Dean Wyatt, for the Duke of Wellington. A bill from Dowbiggin for work there is preserved in the Wellington archives at Stratfield Saye, the Duke's country seat in Hampshire. Dated 1826, it totals £1,553 1s 11d and lists a considerable amount of cleaning, repairing, decorating and varnishing, as well as the supply of furniture and upholstery. Upholstery accounted for most of the bill, and some expensive materials were used, such as 470 yards of gold silk costing £152 15s. On 30 October 1829 Benjamin Wyatt wrote to the Duke: ‘Mr. Dowbiggin has mentioned to me what Your Grace desired him to say concerning three large lookingglasses. I certainly think they would be a great acquisition to the Room [Waterloo Gallery] with frames in character with the rest of the decorations. Mr. Dowbiggin also mentioned to me that Your Grace had some idea of hanging the walls of the Gallery with yellow damask.’ Dowbiggin continued working for the Duke at Apsley House until the early 1850s, and, with Holland, undertook the Duke's funeral in 1852. The bulk of the arrangements, however, seem to have been handled by Holland's, who by 1853 had taken over completely Dowbiggin's position as cm to the Duke. [Hist. MS Commission Report, Ashburnham 1000, bk f46, 1085–91]
WYNYARD PARK, Co. Durham. Dowbiggin & Co. are named in the accounts of 1820 regarding furnishing the new hall for the Marquis of Londonderry. [Durham RO, D/LO/E484, 1 vol. 1829–41]
DRUMMOND CASTLE, Tayside, Scotland. Lord Gwydir, Lord Willoughby de Eresby, appears to have been one of Dowbiggin's most notable patrons, buying much clearly sumptuous furniture from him between 1823–31, some of which was for Drummond Castle, and some for Grimsthorpe, Lincs. Bills do not always specify, however, where work was done. In July 1823 the firm fitted a mahogany staircase for £59 12s, and supplied ‘A Mahogany French Bedstead with Stuffed Ends, Reeded Legs & Castors, French Polished’, costing £5 18s. In March 1825 they received £43 1s 2d for fitting silvered-glass plates into Drawing Room doors. A bill of February—October 1825 specified that items were to be sent to Drummond Castle, and included ‘A Mahogany Escarte Table of fine Woods, French Polished, Lined with Crimson Cloth’, and looking-glasses in carved frames ‘gilt in matt and burnished gold’.
A long bill of 1826 totalling £341 14s 7d is for repairs, alterations and making window drapes, and lists green silk, leather and velvet; also ‘Yellow Gros de Naples’ drapes with Parisian fringe ‘for piers in the ante room’. Other items on the bill include ‘A Handsome Carved Frame Gilt in Matt and Burnished Gold for Plate’, with a richly carved and gilt pediment, costing £67 19s; and ‘A Montague Chair with Carved Legs, Japan'd White & Burnished Gold’, covered in green silk and costing £11 0s 7d.
Between May and June 1829 Dowbiggin worked for Lord Willoughby ‘for Piccadilly’, submitting a bill totalling £55 1s 6d. Items described included Italian walnut chairs, ‘Montague’ chairs with white and gold legs, covered with crimson ‘taffety’ and finished with silk cord; and ‘A Large Handsome Sofa with Richly Carved Elbows and Legs Finished White and Gold Stuffed in the Best Manner in Fine Linen’, costing £23. Lord Willoughby's accounts, specified for Grimsthorpe, from 3–6 June 1829 total £335 17s 1d and record payments to Dowbiggin for two chests of drawers, £50; and various wall hangings including ‘Blue India Silk Damask for the Drawing Room Walls’, £63; and ‘Gold Coton India Damask for the Duchess of Suffolks Bedroom’, £57. A set of Spanish mahogany dining tables ‘of Fine Wood on Sliding Frames, Reeded Legs’ cost £64. The accounts for 4 July-17 October 1829 describe further notable purchases made for Drummond Castle, including ‘A Handsome Mahogany French Bedstead Richly Carved of Fine Wood’, £26 12s; walnut conversation chairs, richly-carved mahogany elbow chairs, various ottomans, three ‘with Mahogany Pedestal Ends of Fine Wood French Polished Stuff'd in the Best Manner & Covered with your Persian Carpet, the Bolsters with Green Morocco and Fine Green Cloth Border’, £39; ‘2 Handsome Mahogany Wash Tables with Shaped Tops and Legs Richly Carved & French Polished’ with marble slabs, £41; and on 6 October ‘An Antique Bedstead with Carved Footboard & Turned Foot Pillars, Strong Tester Frame and Large Cornice Covered with Crimson Velvet’, £39 10s. The last known bill from Dowbiggin to Lord Willoughby is for June-July 1831, and includes ‘A Large Chinese Commode Mounted with Brass, 3 Drawers Enclosed by Doors with Marble Slab on the Top’, costing £10; and an ottoman covered with blue silk damask, £20 6s. During the years 1823–31 Lord Willoughby bought furniture from Dowbiggin totalling in the region of £1,300. [Lincoln RO, 2 ANC 6/202/45–46 and 59;
AUDLEY END, Essex, BILLINGBEAR, Berks., or Lord Braybrooke's London house. In October 1827 Dowbiggin received £8 4s for a screen. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A 361]
STAFFORD HOUSE, London. In 1838 Dowbiggin supplied ‘new furniture’ costing £95. [Staffs. RO, D593/R/1/26/8]
WREST PARK, Beds. Much furniture provided for Earl de Grey in 1839. [C. Life, 2 July 1970, p. 21]
ASHBURNHAM PLACE, Sussex, and the Earl of Ashburnham's London house in Upper Grosvenor St. Three sets of accounts, now in the E. Sussex RO, show that the firm carried out cleaning, repairing, painting, woodworking, plumbing and bricklaying, as well as supplying furniture and fitting carpets and curtains, between July 1837 and December 1840. The first bill, for work done between July 1837 and July 1838, amounted to £722 12s 6d (receipted 17 September 1838). The second bill, covering January 1839 to December 1814, came to £200 0s 11d (receipted 5 May 1842). These two bills are almost entirely concerned with work in the London house. The third and largest bill, amounting to £1,236 13s 5d (not receipted) was for work at Ashburnham Place between May and August 1840. There seem to be few pieces of exceptional cost or importance among the furniture in the bills. The most expensive single item is a wainscot bookcase of five compartments made for Ashburnham Place in 1840 for £89. Items such as a ‘couch with scroll ends’ and a ‘Grecian couch’ suggest that the furniture was generally in the late Regency ‘Grecian’ classical style. The earliest bill gives more details of furniture than the other two, and shows that the firm followed the prevailing fashion of using woods which were considered particularly ‘suited to the purpose to which each apartment is intended’, as Henry Whitaker expressed it in his Treasury of Designs, 1847. Two bedrooms described in detail rang the changes on mahogany, oak and birch. The ‘Back Drawing Room’ was furnished in mahogany. In the Library, most of the furniture was in fashionable oak, which Whitaker described as ‘the most quiet wood’ for the room which ‘should have an air of quiet and repose’. In the Dining Room mahogany predominated, while the Drawing Room had practically all rosewood, with mention of some satinwood and zebrawood. The third bill refers to the graining of wood, which had been growing in fashion since the early years of the century when the French wars seriously disrupted timber imports and encouraged methods of imitating woods. In the Library at Ashburnham Place, £23 was charged for ‘92 yds windows, doors, lining etc. 5 oils grained oak and twice varnished with copal @ 5s.’ Two guineas were charged for oak-graining six dozen sash frames; and £8 for ‘32 yds to painting outside of Bookcase 4 times in oil, grained Oak and twice varnished’, in the Small Dining Room. One specialist grainer was apparently employed. The grained oak of the Ashburnham accounts was most probably imitation pollard oak which became very fashionable according to the most important trade manual of the time, Nathaniel Whittock's The Decorative Painter and Glazier's Guide, first published in 1827, and reissued in 1828, 1832 and 1841. A red damask bed, window curtains, pelmet cornice, valances and a sofa supplied by Dowbiggin to Ashburnham are now at Basildon House, Berks. [E. Sussex RO, ASH 1085, 1087, 1089; C. Life, 19 May 1977]
WINDSOR CASTLE & BUCKINGHAM PALACE. Dowbiggin's name appears among the seven firms which submitted tenders for supplying furniture in the Louis XV style for the Ball Room at Windsor for George IV. [Furn. Hist., 1972.] Dowbiggin received commissions from the Queen at the beginning of her reign, and had the distinction of making the State Throne in 1837 at a cost of £1,187. The firm supplied furniture to Windsor Castle and upholstery for Buckingham Palace between 1837–50; and from about 1845 the names of the firms of Dowbiggin and Holland are first found linked together in connection with the furnishing of Osborne House, Isle of Wight, for the Queen. At the same period Dowbiggin was working alone at Holkham Hall, Norfolk, showing that the two firms were still independent at this time. The last reference to Dowbiggin in the Lord Chamberlain's accounts of work done for the Royal family is in 1853. [H. Clifford Smith, Buckingham Palace, p. 147] A. E.
Dowden, Andrew, 24 New Church Ct, London, cm and u (1827–28). [D]
Dowden, Robert, Wincanton, Som., cm (1798). [D]
Dowel, Richard, Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1803–29). Recorded at George St, 1828–29. Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D] Possibly of:
Dowel & Renwick, Sunderland, Co. Durham, cm (1798). [D]
Dowglass, Joseph, Angel Ct, Strand, London, carver and gilder 1781). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1781 for £200 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £40. [GL, Sun MS vol. 289, p. 361]
Dowing, James, Charlotte Row, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, furniture warehouseman (1805). [D]
Dowler, John, Church St, Leamington, Warks., cm (1828–37). Recorded at Church St, 1828–30, and Regent Pl., Bath St, 1835–37. [D]
Dowler, John, Brook St, Warwick, u (1831). [Poll bk]
Dowler, William, Brook St, Warwick, cm and u (1828–35). Recorded also at Woodhouse St, 1831. Vote tendered in Warwick poll of 1831, but disallowed. [D]
Dowler & Son, High St, Warwick, cm (1822). [D]
Dowling, John, 24 Portpool (or Pierpool) Lane, Hatton Gdn, London, upholder, cm and carpenter (1770–93). Trading as Dowling & Sons from 1781. Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1782 for £1,200, utensils and stock accounting for £260. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 302, p. 604]
Down(e), William, Truro, Cornwall, cm and carpenter (1797). Took app. named Peter Burd, aged c. 14, on 10 June 1797 for £40. [Cornwall RO, DDGR 715]
Down & Delatouche, 34 Redcliff Hill, Bristol, cm (1827). [D]
Down & Stone, 125 Gt Portland St, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Downard (or Donnard), Henry, Mt Pleasant Terr., Tunbridge Wells, Kent, u (1838–39). [D]
Downes, —, 88 Curtain Rd, Shoreditch, London, carver and gilder (1820). [D]
Down(e)s, Edward, Bridgnorth, Salop, cm (1759–98). Took app. named Bubb in 1759. [D; S of G, app. index] Possibly:
Downes, Edward snr, High St (or High Town), Bridgnorth, Salop, cm (1822–28). [D]
Downes, Edward William, 18 Chenies St, Bedford Sq., London, carver and gilder (1835–39). [D]
Downes, J.(?), 20 Flower and Dean St, Spitalfields, London, bedstead maker (1839). [D]
Downes, Sarah, 6 Manor Row, Little Tower Hill, London, turner (1808). [D]
Downham, Joseph, Bury, Lancs., joiner and cm (1816–34). Addresses given in Millgate, 1816; Bury Lane, 1818; and Union St, 1834. [D]
Downie, Alexander, Groat Mkt, Newcastle, cm (1824). [D]
Downie, Robert, 26½ Crescent St, Euston Sq., London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Downing, —, address unrecorded. On 5 September 1812 supplied a pair of dressing tables, costing £5 5s to Erddig, Clwyd. [V & A archives]
Downing, —, address unrecorded, cabinet manufacturer (1830). Named in the Royal Archives, Windsor in April 1830 being paid £36 for a Belvedere.
Downing, Amos, 2 Duke St, Devonport, Devon, carver and gilder (1838). [D]
Downing, E., 48 Lambeth Marsh, London, chairmaker (1817). [D] See William Downing.
Downing, George R., Bridewell Lane, Bristol, carver and gilder (1823–24). [D]
Downing, Henry Shuckforth, Market Pl., Stowmarket, Suffolk, cm and toy dealer (1830). [D]
Downing, J., Stowmarket, Suffolk, cm (1809). Notice in Ipswich Journal, 17 June 1809. Possibly:
Downing, James, Market Pl., Stowmarket, Suffolk, cm and furniture broker (1830). [D]
Downing, John, 37 New Montague St, Brick Lane, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]
Downing, Jos., Norwich, chairmaker (1787). App. to William Rullidge; admitted freeman on 3 May 1787. [Norwich freemen reg.]
Downing, Joseph, Freeth St, Oldbury, near Birmingham, cm, u and joiner (1830). [D]
Downing, William, Gibraltar St, Sheffield, Yorks., chairmaker (1797–1820). Recorded at no. 41, 1797–1817, and no. 38, 1818–20. [D]
Downing, William, 46 Lower Marsh, Lambeth, London, cm (1817–29). [D] See E. Downing.
Downs, Michael, Piccadilly, London, u (d. 1798). Death reported, Gents Mag., April 1798.
Downs, Richard, Shaftesbury, Dorset, cm and builder (1823–40). Trading at Bimport in 1823 and High St, 1830– 40. [D]
Downton, Samuel, Kidderminster, Worcs., cm and u (1818–35). Trading at High St, 1818–22 and Coventry St, 1828–35. Probably S. Dounton.
Dowsett, John, Conduit St, Chelmsford, Essex, cm (1839). [D]
Dowsing, J., Low Barclay St, Ipswich, Suffolk, chair and sofa manufacturer (1839). [D]
Dowsing, William, 2 St Anne's Ct, Bath, Som., cm (1826). [D]
Dowthwaite, John, Howe End, Kirbymoorside, Yorks., cm and joiner (1840). [D]
Dowthwaite, William, New Malton, Yorks., cm (1789). Son of John Dowthwaite, deceased; admitted freeman in 1789. [York freemen rolls]
Dowyer, —, address unrecorded, carver (1730–32). Worked for Benjamin Mildmay, Earl Fitzwalter, receiving £101 9s 4d on 11 November 1730; £10 10s for carving at Moulsham Hall on 1 May 1731; and £6 12s on 19 January 1732. [A. C. Edwards, The Accounts of Benjamin Mildmay Earl Fitzwalter] Possibly:
Dowyer, John, next to ‘The Castle Tavern’, Drury Lane, London, carver (1720). Insured goods and merchandise in his house on 27 January 1720 with the Sun Co. [GL, Sun MS vol. 10, ref. 16460]
Doyle, Mrs, 68 Bridgewater St, Liverpool, u (1829). [D]
Doyle, Charles, 36 Vauxhall Rd, Liverpool, cm (1813–14). [D]
Doyle, James, 32 Tabernacle Row, City Rd, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]
Doyle, Michael, London, bedstead maker (1829–35). Trading at 15 Berwick St, Soho in 1829 and 12 Broad St, Golden Sq., 1835. [D]
Doyle, Robert, 3 Grenville St, Liverpool, cm (1807). [D]
Doyle, William, Beverley, Yorks., cm (1784). [Poll bk] Probably:
Doyle, William, Hull, Yorks., cm (1790). [Beverley poll bk]
Doyle, William, 31 Betts St, Ratcliff, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Doyley, —, address unrecorded, u (1696). Named in the Earl of Rockingham's accounts in August 1696 receiving 18s 5d for a bed and quilt. [Lincoln RO, Monson 10/1/A/19]
Drabble, James, Carlton in Lindrick, Notts., cm and joiner (1832). [D]
Dracot, James, Lambeth Rd, St George's Fields, London, carver and gilder (1808). [D]
Dracott, Joseph, George St, Hastings, Sussex, carver and gilder (1823). [D]
Dracott, Jos., 13 Gibson St, Lambeth, London, carver and gilder (1826–27). [D]
Drake, H., 12 Hanover St, Bristol, cm (1838–40). [D]
Drake, Henry Robert, 6 Margaret Pl., Hackney Fields, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Drake, John, Ripon, Yorks., cm (1798). [D]
Drake, John, 54 Upper North Pl., Gray's Inn Rd and 25 Chichester Pl., London, cm and u (1839). [D] Probably J. Drane.
Drake, Joseph, Snaith, Yorks., cm (1798). [D]
Drake, Joseph, 45a Queen Anne St, Cavendish Sq., London, cm and broker (1823). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 21 August 1823 for £700 of which utensils and stock accounted for £500. [GL, Sun MS vol. 498, ref. 1006716]
Drake, Richard, address unrecorded, u (1671). Worked for the 5th Earl of Bedford being paid in December 1671 for ‘Five bed ticks without the bolster’, £4 15s; and ‘For filling the five beds’, 5s. [Bedford Office, London]
Drake, Richard, Bedford St, Covent Gdn, London, u (1768). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., September 1768.
Drake, Richard, Taunton, Som., carver and gilder (1798). [D]
Drake, Richard, 2 St Andrew's Chancery St, Norwich, cm (1798–1803). [D]
Drake, Thomas, Petergate, York, cm (1774–84). [Poll bks]
Drake, Thomas, 7 Club Row, Church St, Bethnal Green, London, carpenter, cm and broker (1821). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 24 May 1821 for £300 of which utensils and stock accounted for £150. [GL, Sun MS vol. 485, ref. 980651]
Drakeford, John & Price, Richard F., Birmingham (1815–21). Signed and dated a leather-covered pinewood work or jewellery box with stamped gilt metal mounts. [Apollo, April 1961, p. 100, illus.]
Drakeford, John, Most Row, Birmingham, cabinet case maker (1839). [D]
Drane, J., 25 Chichester Pl., Gray's Inn Rd, London, cm (1835). [D]. Probably John Drake.
Drape, Thomas, Lancaster (1789–1804). App. at Gillows in 1789, and admitted freeman, 1795–96. Named in the Gillow records, 1790–1804. [Lancaster app. reg. and freemen rolls; Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow records]
Drape, Thomas, Thomas St, Salford, Lancs., cm (1808–09). [D]
Draper, Giffard, Easterton, Wilts., chairmaker (1751). Son of William Draper; app. to John Cheater jnr, chairmaker of Easterton, on 7 October 1751 for £1. [Wilts. Apps and their Masters]
Draper, James, 17 St John's Lane (or Sq.), West Smithfield, London, carver and gilder (1789–93). [D]
Draper, James, Sherrard St, Middlx, cm (1802). Declared bankrupt, Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 11 December 1802.
Draper, John, at ‘The Duke of Marlborough’, Wendover, Bucks., victualler and u (1724). Insured his goods and merchandise for £300 on 10 July 1724 with the Sun Co. [GL, Sun MS vol. 17, ref. 32396]
Draper, John, Lombard St, Chelsea, London, cm and broker (1777). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1777 for £300 of which £200 accounted for utensils, stock and goods. [GL, Sun MS vol. 254, p. 536]
Draper, John, corner of Queen St, Redcross St, Southwark, London, cm and broker (1777). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1777 for £300, utensils, stock and goods accounting for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 263, p. 119]
Draper, John, Bridge St, Deritend, Birmingham, carver and gilder (1793). [D]
Draper, Thomas & Co. Lower Moorfields, London, u, cm, appraiser and undertaker (1752–1811). Recorded at ‘The Key & Plow’, corner of Dagget's Ct, 1769–71; no. 25 Broker's Row, 1784–1804; nos 23–24, 1806–11; and Broker Row, Finsbury, 1802–03. Son of Thomas Draper, clothier of London; app. to William Guidott on 15 March 1752 and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 5 April 1759. Invoices sent to a Mr Gordon, dated 19 December 1769 for a mahogany desk, £7 17s 6d, and 10 November 1771 for a writing desk and stool, £1 7s 6d, are on the reverse of his trade card which reads: ‘THOMAS DRAPER, Cabinet-maker, Upholder and Appraiser; AT THE KEY and PLOW, the Corner of Daggets-Court in Lower Moorfields, LONDON. BUYS, SELLS, and APPRAISES all kinds of Household Furniture, Second-hand and New. LIKEWISE Executes all ORDERS respecting the UPHOLSTERY and CABINET Branches, in a genteel MANNER with DISPATCH …’. He also sold musical instruments and furnished funerals. [BM; GL, trade card coll.] Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1781 for £200 on his house. Probably the Draper, u, of Broker Row named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 296, p. 509]
Draper, Thomas, 4 Queen St, Southwark, London, chairmaker and japanner (1802–37). Named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. [D]
Drawbridge, David, Lewes, Sussex, u (1832–39). Addresses given at 71 High St, 1832; St Mary's Lane, 1837; and 69 High St, 1839. [D; poll bks]
Draycon, James, Globe Lane, Chatham, Kent, cm (1838). [D]
Draycon, Robert, Globe Lane, Chatham, Kent, cm and u (1839). [D] Probably Robert Drayton.
Draycott, —, address unrecorded, u (1773). Named in the private accounts of Richard Hoare of Boreham House, Essex on 12 October 1773 receiving £1 12s 6d. [Essex RO, D/Du 649/2]
Draycott, Frederick, 27 Duke St, Bloomsbury, London, carver and gilder (1835–39). [D]
Draycott, James, 329 Oxford St, London, u (1790). [D]
Draycott, John, 8 St Martin's Lane, London, cm (1776). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1776 for £300 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 244, p. 503]
Draycott, John, 39 Oxford St, London, cm (1776–84). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1776 for £900 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £500, workshop and sawpit, £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 249, p. 75; poll bk] Possibly:
Draycot(t), John, 329 Oxford St, London, cm and u (1781–94). James Draycott recorded at this address in 1790. [D]
Draysdale, Elias, Old Gath, Old Foundry, Hull, Yorks., veneer cutter (1838–39). [D]
Drayson, John, Sittingbourne, Kent, cm (1824). [D]
Drayton, Edmund, London, upholder, cm and undertaker (1790–1808). Trading at 46 Rotherhithe St, 1790–93; 368 King Stairs, Rotherhithe, 1803; and 130 Fenchurch St, 1808. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 23 March 1791 for £1,000 of which £200 accounted for utensils and stock. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 375, p. 634]
Drayton, Richard, 9 St Mary Rotherhithe, London, upholder (1765). Took out a Hand in Hand Insurance policy in February 1765 for £225. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 102]
Drayton, Robert, Globe Lane, Chatham, Kent, cm and u (1840). [D] Probably Robert Draycon.
Drew, Daniel, 94 Shoe Lane, London, cm (1824). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 25 March 1824 for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 497, ref. 1016160]
Drew, Daniel, London, cm and u (1835–39). Trading at 11 Orange St, Red Lion Sq. in 1835, and 134 St John St Rd, 1839. [D]
Drew, James, Exeter, Devon, carver and gilder (1820). Son James bapt. at St David's Church on 31 January 1820. [PR (bapt.)]
Drew, John, Little Poulteney St, London, bedjoiner (1774). [Poll bk]
Drew, John, 43 Lignorpond St, London, upholder (1790). [D]
Drew, John, Sims's Alley, Bristol, carpenter, joiner and cm (1805–07). [D]
Drew, Robert, Andover, Hants., cm and u (1830–39). Recorded at Market Pl. in 1830 and High St in 1839. [D]
Drew, Samuel, Wakefield, Yorks., cm and/or u (1834–37). Trading in partnership with Richard Drew in Westgate, 1837. [D] See William Drew.
Drew, William, Poole, Dorset, joiner, cm and auctioneer (1777–98). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1777 for £300 of which utensils and stock accounted for £160. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 260, p. 401]
Drew, William, Bawtry, Notts., cm (1788). Probate dated 17 July 1788. [Notts. RO, probate records]
Drew, William, Wakefield, Yorks., cm and u (1794–1837). Recorded in Northgate, 1794–96; Westgate, 1798–1837. Submitted three bills for small articles, upholstery and jobbing work to Godfrey Wentworth of Woolley Hall, Yorks., in 1794 for £17 15s 6d; in 1795 for £98 1s 3d; and in 1796 for £78 6s 5½d, including £16 for ‘A Mahogany Warde Robe’, and £6 16s 6d for ‘A Large size 4 poster Bed Stead’. [D; YAS, Wentworth papers, MD 272/2] See Samuel Drew.
Drewett, William, Petworth, Sussex, cm and stationer (1784). [D]
Drewey, John, Hull, Yorks., upholder (1780–84). [Poll bks]
Drewry (or Drewery), Benjamin, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1822–39). Trading at Warsergate in 1828 in partnership with William Drewery; and at 17 Plumtree St in 1832. Joint master with John and William Drewry of Edward Killingley, 1822–25; Richard Lowater, 1825; and Joseph Beardsley, 1839. [D; Nottingham app. list]
Drewry, John, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1822–39). See Benjamin Drewry.
Drewry, Jonathan, Cockermouth, Cumb., joiner and cm (d. by 1808). Named in death duty registers relating to wills, 12 December 1808. [Deanery of Copeland, Cumb.]
Drewry (or Drewery), William, Nottingham, joiner and cm (1822–39). Trading at Plumtree St in 1828, no. 17 in 1832. [D] See Benjamin Drewry.
Dricey, George, High Wycombe, Bucks., chairmaker (1835). Son bapt. in 1835. [PR (bapt.)]
Dring, Draper, Hull, Yorks., and London, carver and gilder (1792–1802). Recorded at High St, Hull, 1792–93; and polled at Hedon, Yorks., of London, in 1802. [D; poll bk] See William Clark & Dring.
Dring, Samuel, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Dringwall, Patrick, Charing Cross, London, upholder (1784). [D]
Drinkwater, Eliza, 37 Portland St, Manchester, u (1840). [D]
Drinkwater, George, Over, Middlewich, Cheshire, cm (1828–34). [D]
Drinkwater, James, Dyre's St, Hulme, Manchester, u (1817). [D]
Drinkwater, James, Birkenhead, Cheshire, cm (1839–40). Trading at 59 Chester St in 1839. Marriage to Miss Robinson of Liverpool on 28 July 1840 reported in Chester Chronicle and North Wales Advertiser, 31 July. [D]
Driver, John, Thomas St, Bristol, cm, u and furniture broker (1810–40). Trading at no. 131 in 1810; as John & Matthew at nos 16 and 128–30 from 1812–21; alone at nos 128–30, 1822–23; nos 128–32 from 1824–40; with factory at no. 118 from 1830–40. [D]
Driver, Richard, Thomas St, Bristol, cm, u, broker and carpet maker (1793–1810). Trading at no. 16 when he advertised in Farley's Bristol Journal, 17 March 1798, thanking the public for their ‘very liberal support received … for a series of years’. Announced that ‘his STOCK of UPHOLSTERY, CABINET and CARPET GOODS is comparatively extensive, and superbly good and elegant; the whole of which will be disposed of … at very reduced prices …’. [D]
Driver, Sam., Norwich, u (1759). App. to Isaac Hoyle, u of Norwich, in 1759 for £30. [Norwich app. reg.]
Driver, Thomas, address unrecorded, cm (1748). On 11 May 1748 he supplied the Duke of Gordon with ‘2 Setts of Mahogany Chaina Dish Stands of Nine in a Sett’, costing £2 10s. [Scottish RO, GD 44/33/29/61]
Driver, Thomas, Thornton, Bradford, Yorks., cm (1822–37). [D]
Driver & Satterthwaite, Wellgate, (or Well-fold) Clitheroe, Lancs., joiners, cm, housebuilders etc. (1822–24). [D]
Drummond, James, 29 Russel Ct, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, cm (1781–91). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., December 1781. Took out Sun Insurance policies on 12 April 1787 for £500 on his house, goods and stock; and on 8 April 1791 for £1,100, including £200 for stock and goods in trust at Russel Pl., and a sum on a house at 5 Kennington Pl. [GL, Sun MS vol. 342, ref. 529941]
Drummond, Robert, 120 Long Lane, Bermondsey, London, chair and sofa maker (1826). [D]
Drury, Edmund, Norwich, chair turner (1828). App. to William Hubbard; admitted freeman on 24 February 1828. [Norwich freemen reg.]
Drury, Edward, 41 Church St, Sheffield, Yorks., joiner and cm (1797). [D]
Drury, George, High St, Guildford, Surrey, cm and u (1832–41). Recorded at no. 142 in 1838. [D; poll bks]
Drury, Henry Carey, 15 Smith Buildings, City Rd, London, cm (1824). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 27 May 1824 for £600 of which utensils and stock accounted for £250. [GL, Sun MS vol. 497, ref. 1017263]
Drury, James, Golden Lion Yd, Leeds, Yorks., cm and joiner (1837). [D]
Drury, James, 8 South Colonade, St Leonards, Sussex, cm (1839). [D]
Drury, John, Tenterden, Kent, cm (1824). [D]
Drury, Joseph, Chatham and Maidstone, Kent, cm (1818–31). Polled at Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, of Chatham, 1818 and 1820; and of Maidstone, 1831.
Drury, Thomas, London, upholder and cm (1776–93). Trading at 21 St Paul's Churchyard, 1776–77; and 33 Red Lion St, Bloomsbury, 1790–93. [D]
Drury, Thomas, 83 Newgate St, London, cm (1779). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1779 for £100, utensils and stock accounting for £5. [GL, Sun MS vol. 275, p. 513]
Drury, Thomas, 97 Arundel St, Sheffield, Yorks., cm (1837). [D]
Dry, Samuel, Smithford St, Coventry, Warks., cm and u (1822– 35). [D]
Dry, Thomas, 11 Union Ct, Church Lane, Hull, Yorks., cm (1838–39). [D]
Dry, William, 5 Youls Pl., Old Kent Rd, London, cm and u (1820–28). [D]
Dryden, John, address unrecorded, carver and gilder (1801–07). [DEF; C. Life, 30 April 1948, p. 882]
Dryhurst, James, address unrecorded, carver (1725–62). Worked at Stowe, Bucks., carving the capitals for the summer house in 1725, for which he was paid £62. [Huntington Lib., California, MS ST82, p. 179] For other carving commissions see Beard, Craftsmen and Interior Decoration, p. 257.
Drysdale, Daniel, 16 Charles St, Manchester Sq., London, cm etc. (1817–19). [D]
Drysdale, H., 24 Theobalds Rd, London, cm and undertaker (1820). [D]
Drysdale, Henry, 4 Lamb's Conduit St, London, u and cm (1826–39). [D]
Drysdale, John, London, cm (1786). Subscribed to George Richardson's Treatise on the Five Orders of Architecture in 1786, to be published the following year.
Drysdale, William, Upper Sans St, Sunderland, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1828–29). [D]
Duane, Matthew, Lincoln's Inn, London, cm (1773). Made a medal cabinet for Mr Grimston of Yorkshire in 1773. [E. Ingram, Leaves from a Family Tree, p. 63]
Dubini, Joseph, at ‘The Ship’, Little Turnstile, London, picture frame maker (1805). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 9 January for £200, utensils and stock accounting for £80, and house in tenure of a victualler, £80. [GL, Sun MS vol. 431, ref. 769974]
Dubois, Julian, 22 King St, Soho, London, cm (1790–93). [D]
Du Bois, Lazare, at ‘The Clockcase & Cabinet’, Compton St, London, cm (1723). Insured goods and merchandise in his house for £500 on 19 August 1723 with the Sun Co. [GL, Sun MS vol. 16, ref. 29683]
Dubourdieu, A. & Clark, Z., at ‘The Three Chairs’, Cannon St, near the London Stone, London, u, appraisers and undertakers (c. 1740). Trade card shows three cabriole-legged chairs with splat backs, and states that the firm made and sold ‘all sorts of Upholsterers goods at the most reasonable Rates. Likewise all sorts of Turky and Persian carpets’. [Banks Coll., BM]
Dubourgh, John, Long Acre, London, carver (1749). [Poll bk]
Duburge, George, 83 Long Acre, London, carver and gilder (1790–93). [D]
Duchemin, George, 7 Fore (or High) St, Exeter, Devon, carver and gilder (1816–26). Retirement and succession in business by J. Fisher announced in The Alfred, 4 July 1826. [D]
Duchemin, J., 4 Long Acre, London, carver, gilder and lookingglass manufacturer (1817–19). [D]
Du Chemin, John, Exeter St, Salisbury, Wilts., carver and gilder (1830). [D]
Duchemin, Peter, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass manufacturer (c. 1790–1815). Trade cards of ‘Du Chemin’ give addresses at 3 Gt Russell St, Bloomsbury, c. 1790, and 130 Long Acre; and directories, 4 Long Acre, 1802–15. Trading at Peter & Son after 1806, and as J. Duchemin after 1817. Three Neo-classical trade cards recorded. [D; Banks Coll., BM; Heal]
Du Chesne, Gideon, address unrecorded, carver (1703–06). Listed as creditor after the death of the 1st Duke of Montagu in 1706, being owed £120 5s 6d for work done at Boughton House, Northants. between 1703–05. Much of this was architectural carving. [V & A archives]
Duchesne, John & Thomas, Camomile St, Bishopsgate, London, cm, u, auctioneers, appraisers and undertakers (1824–28). John recorded at no. 2 in 1824; and with Thomas at no. 21, 1823–28. John took out a Sun Insurance policy on 31 May 1824 for £1,500, stock and utensils in his house accounting for £900. In 1826 he supplied a Mr Angier with a mahogany pedestal sideboard, four-post bedstead and ‘skeleton case’. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 494, ref. 1017416; information from R. A. Moss, Herts.]
Duck, John, 26 Fashion St, Spitalfields, London, cm, u and mathematical case maker (1826–28). [D]
Duckett, William, Norwich, cm (1780–1812). Son of John Duckett, weaver; admitted freeman on 5 February 1780. [Norwich freemen reg.; poll bks]
Duckett, William, Liverpool, cm (1837–39). Trading at 27 Park Rd in 1837 and 19 Jones St, 1839. [D]
Duckitt, Christopher, Gisburn, Yorks., joiner and cm (1816–22). Worked for Lord Ribblesdale, receiving £11 4s 9d in 1816, part of which was for a coffin for Lady Ribblesdale; and £2 2s 9d in 1820. [D; YAS, archives deposit]
Duckworth, Richard, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1837–39). Trading at Albion Pl., Birkett St, 1837, and 5 St Anne's Buildings, 17 Gt Richmond St, 1839. [D]
Duckworth, Thomas, Montague St, Blackburn, Lancs., cm (1834). [D]
Ducroy, Lewis, London, upholder (1741–1802). Recorded in Fleet Mkt, 1778–1802. Son of Lewis Ducroy, victualler of Spitalfields; app. to Samuel Simpson on 22 April 1741, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 5 April 1750. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dudley, Charles, Willow Row, Derby, chairmaker/turner (1829). [D]
Dudley, Francis, Foregate St, Stafford, cm (1818–22). [D]
Dudley, James, Stafford, cm and u (1818–34). Recorded at Pig Mkt, 1818–22 and Vine St in 1834. [D]
Dudley, John, Ct 3, Weaman St, Birmingham, portable desk, cabinet case maker, copying machines (1818–23). [D]
Dudley, John, 4 Prospect Pl., Kingsland Rd, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]
Dudley, Nathaniel, Birmingham, cm (1761–81). Addresses given at 1 New Meeting St, 1767–70; 69 High St, 1773–77; and 8 New St, 1780–81. Took app. named Mase in 1761. On 27 June 1774 commissioned by Boulton & Fothergill, silversmiths, to make a chest for silver objects. On 25 May 1776 the firm supplied Dudley with two sets of mounts for knife cases, and in November 1779 and July 1780 with further mounts. [D; S of G, app. index; Birmingham Lib., Boulton MS letter bk. G, p. 147; ledger 1776–78, p. 103; day bk, 1779–81, p. 28; letter bk 1, p. 611]
Dudley, Thomas, King St, Soho Sq., London, metal ornament and bell-hanging manufactory (1817–20). Trading at no. 34 in 1817 and no. 36 in 1820. Named in the Royal Household accounts on 10 October 1817 supplying an inkstand in bronze and ormolu in the form of the Royal Mortar, costing £37 10s. Regency rosewood Davenport recorded, with pierced gallery; front embellished with a figure of Mercury flanked by two amboyna columns with brass capitals and bases; heavily carved gadrooned base and paw feet; inscribed ‘T. DUDLEY, 36 KING ST., SOHO, MARCH 1820’. [PRO, LC11/24; Sotheby's, Los Angeles, 24–27 May 1982, lot 241]
Dudman, John, 37 Temple St, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1839). [D]
Duesbery, William, Ct 14, Posterngate, Hull, Yorks., cm (1826). [D]
Dufaur, John, 7 Bell Yd, Temple Bar, London, carver and gilder (1826–27). [D]
Dufautey, Charles, Southampton, Hants., cm and u (1792–1811). Recorded at no. 132, 1792–93. [D]
Duffield (or Duffill), Francis, York, chairmaker (1805–53). Resident at Seagrave's Ct, Micklegate, in 1823. Son of Francis Duffield; app. to George Stones, spindle chairmaker, on 2 May 1805. Admitted freeman in 1814. Recorded in partnership with Richard Baynes, 1824–53, together taking apps named George Johnson on 9 December 1824; Robert Lund, 1 January 1825; Anthony Smith, 1 September 1825; William Waggoner, 2 November 1825; George Brown, 17 March 1827; John Kettlewell, 26 May 1828; John Bellerby, 8 October 1833; John Baynes, 26 February 1834; William Richardson, 3 March 1834; James Jefferson, 14 August 1835; and George Swalewell, 14 August 1835. [D: York app. reg. and freemen rolls] See James & John Duffill.
Duffield (or Duffill), Henry, Portugal St, London, cm (1749). [Poll bk]
Duffield, Thomas, London, cm (1818). [Norwich poll bk]
Duffill, James, res. at St Clement's Pl., York, chairmaker (1837). [D]
Duffill, John, York, u (1809–18). Son of Francis Duffill, chairmaker; app. to Matthew Browne, u, on 27 July 1809. Admitted freeman in 1818. [York app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Diffill, John, 9 Caroline St, Leeds, Yorks., working u (1834–37). Recorded also at 9 Crescent St and West St in 1837. [D]
Duffill, Miles, London, u (1829–37). Addresses given at 17 Wyndham St, Bryanston Sq., 1829; 11 Gt Quebec St, 1835; and 8 Agar St, Strand, 1837. [D]
Duffour, Joseph, London, frame maker, carver and gilder (1737–57). Recorded at Berwick St in 1752. Took app. named Cook in 1743. In 1737 supplied Frederick, Prince of Wales, with a set of twelve frames, costing £97 7s. Provided carved and gilt picture frames to Petworth House, Sussex, between 1752–57. [S of G, app. index; Duchy of Cornwall office, Prince of Wales accounts, vol. 7, pp. 195–96; Apollo, May 1977, p. 362; C. Life, 25 September 1980, p. 1030] Possibly the predecessor of William Duffour. See René and William Duffour.
Duffour, René, Berwick St, London, carver and gilder. Supplied picture frames for Felbrigg, Norfolk, and Stourhead, Wilts. [C. Life, 25 September 1980, p. 1030] Possibly the ‘Dufour, frame maker’ named in the Felbrigg papers receiving £25 on 29 March 1756. [Norfolk RO, Felbrigg papers, WKC 6/453] Probably René Stone, successor to Duffour.
Duffour, William, Berwick St, London, carver, gilder and papier-mâché maker (c. 1760–84). William and Marrianne Duffour took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1777 for £600, utensils, stock and goods accounting for £200. Polled at Westminster in 1784. [GL, Sun MS vol. 254, p. 632] Almost certainly the W. Duffour whose trade label is recorded on a looking-glass, c. 1775, giving address at ‘The Golden Head’, 30 Berwick St. [Antiques, May 1968, p. 648; Furn. Hist., 1966] Rococo trade label, c. 1760, of Duffour at this address is recorded. Duffour was succeeded by René Stone, probably René Duffour. [Heal] Duffour supplied frames to Longford Castle, Wilts, at about £4 each. [C. Life, 26 December 1931, p. 717] Probably the William Duffour who supplied the Duke of Beaufort, for Badminton House, Glos. with ‘Two rich Italian picture frames, Two smaller do’, costing £5 17s, on 5 and 28 April 1778. [Badminton papers: account bks]
Du Fort, John, 92 Silk St, Manchester, gilder (1813). [D]
Dugdale, Joseph, Liverpool, carver (1826). App. to John Skillicorn in 1826. [Liverpool app. enrolment bk]
Dugdale, Richard, Blandford Forum, Dorset, cm (1753–55). Took app. named Tiffin in 1753, and Filham in 1755. [S of G, app. index; PRO, 20/89, p. 1925, vol. 10]
Dugdale, Robert & Co., North Rd, Preston, Lancs., carver and gilder (1825). [D]
Dugdello, Abraham, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, looking-glass maker (1715). Insured a house in Castle St, fronting Green St for £200 on 13 July 1715. [GL, Hand in Hand MS vol. 14, p. 567]
Dugelby, Robert, Jubbergate, York, joiner and cm (1816–26). Took son Robert as app. on 27 January 1826. [D; York app. reg.]
Duggan, John snr and jnr, Kirkgate, Leeds, Yorks., cm and u (1786–d. c. 1794). John snr took out a Sun Insurance policy on 3 April 1786 for £100 on his house and shop, and £400 on utensils, stock and goods in trust and in his warehouse. Advertised in Leeds Mercury, 27 June 1786 for cabinet makers who must be ‘Sober Men who can work neat’, in a business where ‘all the different Branches … are executed in the neatest manner’. Declared bankrupt, Derby Mercury, 29 May 1790; and Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 18 June 1792. Presumably retired or dead by 1794, when his son, John Duggan jnr advertised, Leeds Mercury, 19 April 1794, ‘that he has entered the premises lately occupied by his father … and has also entered into the Appraising and Auctioneering Line’, which aspect is given more emphasis in later advertisements. [GL, Sun MS vol. 337, p. 90]
Duke, Bartholomew, Chester, cm (1784). Son of Thomas Duke, wetglover; admitted freeman on 1 April 1784. Polled as resident of Linnen Hall St in 1784. [Chester freemen rolls]
Duke, Henry & Simpson, 14 Hanley St, Liverpool, chairmakers (1839). [D]
Duke, John, Liverpool, cm (1823–39). Addresses given at 14 McKee St, 1823; no. 5 in 1827; 15 Epworth St, 1829; 21 Gt Charlotte St, 1834; 48 Devon St, 1834–35; 6 Parr St, 1837; and 23 Clare St, with shop at 49 Hatham St, 1839. [D]
Duke, Robert, Harwich, Essex, cm (1758). Took app. named Knights in 1758. [S of G, app. index]
Duke, Robert, Church St, Gateshead, Co. Durham, joiner and cm (1811). [D]
Duke, William, Lancaster. Named in the Gillow records in 1818–19 working on bookcases. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/100, pp. 2084 and 3020]
Duke, William, Soutergate, Ulverston, Lancs., cm and u (1834). [D]
Duke & Ashburner, Brook St, Ulverston, Lancs., cm (1829). [D]
Dukes, John, 11 Barr St, Birmingham, fancy box, case and caddy maker (1835). [D]
Dulley, Henry, Wooburn, Bucks., chairmaker (1830). [D]
Dummer, Robert, 120 Long Lane, London, chair and sofa maker (1827–28). [D]
Dunbabin, John, Liverpool, chairmaker (1790–1822). Addresses given at Grenville St North, and Scotland Rd in 1790; 162 Dale St in 1796; 59 Tythebarn St, 1805; and 3 Milk St, 1807. Son of Daniel Dunbabin, potter; admitted freeman on 20 June 1790. Sons John Hulker Dunbabin, brushmaker, born on 5 August 1790, petitioned freedom on birthright in 1812; Samuel Dunbabin, tobacconist, born on 31 July 1796, petitioned freedom in 1818; and Daniel Dunbabin, stonemason, born on 11 May 1801, petitioned freedom in 1822. [D; Liverpool freemen reg. and committee bk]
Dunbabin, William, Liverpool, cm (b. 1808–39). Trading at 22 Mansfield St in 1839. Petitioned freedom in 1830. [D; Liverpool freemen's committee bk]
Dunbar, John, Chester, cm (1747). [Poll bk]
Dunbar, Robert, Aldermanbury, London, (1738–40). Named in the accounts of the Duchy of Cornwall in 1738 supplying paper hangings for Cliveden, Berks.: ‘134 ps white ground green popie Chince’, £26 16s; and ‘12 ps of green on white borders’, £7 4s. In 1740 he submitted a bill to Lord Cardigan for putting up wallpapers. [V & A archives; DEF]
Dunbar, William, Angel Meadow, Manchester, joiner and cm (1788). [D]
Duncalfe, Henry, Digbeth, Walsall, Staffs., cm and u (1828–30). [D] Possibly:
Duncalfe, Henry, High St, Wednesbury, Staffs., cm and u (1830). [D]
Duncan, George, South Shields, Co. Durham, cm (d. 1774). Sale of stock after death announced in Newcastle Courant, 2 April 1774; consisting of ‘A large quantity of cabinet goods, made and unfinished, with all the stock of mahogany, walnut tree, wainscot boards, deals etc. … also the tools, benches, and many other articles in that business’.
Duncan, John, Newman St, Oxford St, London, chair and sofa manufacturer (1817–29). Trading at no. 46, 1817–23, and no. 55 1827–29. [D]
Duncan, Robert, Russell Ct, Drury Lane, London, cm (1780). Took out Sun Insurance policies in 1780 for £300 of which utensils and stock accounted for £180; and for houses in association with Peter Blackstock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 281, p. 307]
Duncan, William, Newcastle, cm (1794–95). Declared bankrupt, Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 24 March 1794; and Billinge's Liverpool Advertiser, 27 April 1795.
Duncan, William, 27 Middle St, Newcastle, cm and furniture broker (1827). [D]
Dunch, James, London, upholder (1784–1806). Addresses given at 18 Norfolk St in 1784; Sheppard St, Hanover Sq., 1785–1806; and no. 12, 1802–06. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 4 April 1785 for £600 of which utensils and stock accounted for £100. Named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. [D; poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 327, p. 562]
Duncley, John, 14 Dickenson St, Liverpool, joiner and cm (1796). [D]
Dunckley, Richard, address unrecorded, upholder (1721–29). Son of Thomas Dunckley, apothecary of Towcester, Northants.; app. to John Thorold on 3 January 1721, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 5 February 1728/29. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Duncombe, John, 32 Curistor St, Chancery Lane, London, cm (1808). [D]
Duncombe, John, 9 Middle Row, Holborn, London, cm (1809–11). [D]
Duncombe, Joseph, Gt Garden St, Whitechapel, London, cm (1793–97). Trading as Duncomb & Thompson at no. 4, 1794–96. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Declared bankrupt, Liverpool Advertiser, 31 July 1797. [D]
Duncombe, M., London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Duncombe, Richard, Bedford Ct, Covent Garden, London, u, cm and chairmaker (1772–85). Supplied furniture to Croome Court, Worcs., including in 1775 a mahogany night table and reading desk, costing £2 18s 6d, a mahogany folding table, £2 9s, and a wardrobe and camp table, £14 5s. In 1778 he charged £3 12s for six mahogany camp stools covered with black leather; and in 1783 provided a mahogany folding table. [D; V & A archives]
Dunderdale, John, Lancaster cm (1801–02). Admitted freeman in 1801–02 when stated of Chorley, Lancs. [Lancaster freemen rolls]
Dunford, James, 16 Gt Newport St, London, carver and gilder (1826–27). [D]
Dungate, S., Larkhall Lane, Clapham, London, cm (1838). [D]
Dunge(r)y, Thomas, Redruth, Cornwall, cm and u (1830). [D]
Dunham, Richard, Uxbridge Moor, Uxbridge, Middlx, cm, u and furniture broker (1839). [D]
Dunkley, John, Market Sq., St Neots, Hunts., cm (1839). [D]
Dunkley, Thomas, 20 Joiner's Pl., St George's Fields, London, dyed and japanned chairmaker (1808). [D]
Dunkley, Thomas, 17 Tower St, Westminster Rd, London, chair and sofa manufacturer and undertaker (1827–35). [D]
Dunkley, Thomas, 16 Eltham Pl., Old Kent Rd, London, chairmaker (1835). [D]
Dunkley, William, Market Sq., St Neots, Hunts., chairmaker and turner (1830). [D]
Dunkley, Thomas, 2 Ellecton St, Hoxton New Town, London, cm and u (1827–28). [D]
Dunlin, William, 23 Ann St, Osborne St, Hull, Yorks., u (1831). [D]
Dunlop, Conyers, London, cm (1748). Supplied the Duke of Gordon with ‘A Large Month Clock in a Wallnut-tree case’, costing £15 15s, and charged for ‘sending on board ship’. [Scottish RO, GD 44/33/29/67]
Dunlop, George, 54 Wapping, London, cm (1777–82). Took out Sun Insurance policies in 1777 for £400, £150 on utensils and stock, £50 on his workshop; and in 1779 and 1782 for £700, utensils, stock and goods accounting for £250. [GL, Sun MS vol. 257, p. 129; vol. 274, p. 24; vol. 300, p. 328]
Dunlop, John, 6 Grafton St, London, cm (1779–87). Declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., February 1779. Took out Sun Insurance policies in 1781 for £400, utensils, stock, goods and workshop accounting for £300; and on 15 January 1787 for £500 on household goods and workshop. [D; poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 292, p. 616; vol. 342, ref. 526756]
Dunn, —, 60 Castle St, Southwark, London, cm (1808). [D]
Dunn, —, address unrecorded, u (1825–37). Worked for 3rd Lord Braybrooke of Audley End, Essex between 1825–37, receiving small monthly payments, the most being £24 17s 6d. One entry is ‘for Carved work’. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A376, A358 and A361] Possibly either Hannibal or Henry of Saffron Walden, Essex.
Dunn, Charles, address unrecorded, upholder (1768). Son of James Dunn, glover of London; admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by patrimony on 14 June 1768. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dunn, Charles, 25 Back Church Lane, Whitechapel, London, cm, u and undertaker (1826–28). [D]
Dunn, E., 107 Titchfield St, Fitzroy Sq., London, carver and gilder (1816). [D]
Dunn, Edward, Market Sq., Bromley, Kent, cm and u (1774– 1818). Successor of John and William Dunn, and succeeded by his daughter, Sarah. [Bromley Local Hist. Lib., Dunn family archives]
Dunn, Edward E., Market Sq., Bromley, Kent, cm and u (1818– 61). Successor to Sarah Dunn, probably his elder sister. Dining chair with upholstered seat still in possession of the family is said to be an app. piece. [D; Bromley Local Hist. Lib., Dunn family archives] See Edward, George, John, Sarah and William Dunn.
Dunn, Edward, 8 China Walk, Lambeth, London, chair and sofa maker (1839). [D]
Dunn, George, Bromley, Kent, cm and undertaker (1826–27). [D]
Dunn, Hannibal, Market St (or Pl.), Saffron Walden, Essex, cm and u (1826–39). [D]
Dunn, Henry, Market St, Saffron Walden, Essex, u (1838). [Essex RO, jurors’ bk, Q/RJ/2/1]
Dunn, Isaac, Richmond, Yorks., cm (1814). [PR (bapt.)]
Dunn, James, Liverpool, carver and gilder (1830–39). Addresses given at 35 Christian St, 1834–37, and no. 69 in 1839. Marriage to Anne Smith at St David's Church reported, Liverpool Mercury, 21 September 1830. [D]
Dunn, John, Market Sq., Bromley, Kent, u (1710–21). In 1710 he founded the firm which spanned the 18th and 19th centuries and was only recently taken over by Heal. The business seems to have been continued in John's name by William, his son (1721–74), since a bill of January 1774 to the parish of Hayes for a bed and bedding is signed John Dunn. [D; Bromley Local Lib., Dunn family archives] See Edward, Edward E., George, Sarah and William Dunn. It is not known whether or not he was a relative of the following John Dunn of Bromley.
Dunn, John, Bromley, Kent, upholder (1771–93). App. to William Chesson, haberdasher and upholder; admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. on 3 April 1771. Took app. named George Wilkins, 1773–79. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records] Declared bankrupt, Leicester Journal, 6 May 1780 and named in directories, 1793.
Dunn, John, Newcastle, cm (1793–1834). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. Trading at Dog Bank, also as a furniture broker, in 1834. [D]
Dunn, John, 25–26 Kent St, Liverpool, u (1805–07). [D]
Dunn, John, 27 Gt Pulteney St, Golden Sq., London, carver and gilder (1808–11). Named in the Bad Debts book of Herries, Farquhar & Co., private bankers, London, on 7 October 1809, owing £35 to Michael Flynn, u of Wardour St. [Lloyds Bank archives, bk 2036]
Dunn, John, Lambeth, London, chair and sofa maker (1808–35). Recorded at Lambeth Walk in 1808 (?); 3 China Rd, 1832–34; and 39 Gibson St, 1835. [D]
Dunn, John, 9 Orange St (?), Kennington London, cm and u (1822–23). [D]
Dunn, John, Chestergate, Macclesfield, Cheshire, chairmaker (1828). Made rush seated spindle and ladder back chairs. [D; V & A archives]
Dunn, John, King St, South Molton, Devon, cm (1830). [D]
Dunn, John, Church St, Warwick, u (1831). [Poll bk]
Dunn, John, 5 Brunswick St, Blackwall, London, cm (1835–37). [D]
Dunn, Joseph, 28 Skinner St, Bishopsgate, London, sofa and bedstead maker (1820–21). [D]
Dunn, Joseph, London, Rd, Twickenham, Middlx, cm and u (1832–39). Trading also as a paper hanger in 1832. [D]
Dunn, Lawson, Stockton-upon-Tees, Co. Durham, carver and gilder (1798). [D]
Dunn, Martin, Church Walk, Gateshead, Co. Durham, cm and joiner (1838). [D]
Dunn, Michael, York, u (1762–67). Son of George Dunn, brewer, of Blaydon, Co. Durham; app. to George Reynoldson, u, on 7 December 1762. Probably the Michael Dunn, app. u, resident for three years in St Michael-le-Belfrey parish in the 1767 Census of Roman Catholics. [York app. reg.; Catholic Recusancy in York] See William Buskin.
Dunn, Michael, Charlotte St, Bloomsbury, London, upholder and cm (1784–93). [D]
Dunn, Michael, address unrecorded, u (1786). Between January and November 1786 he undertook repairs to curtains and minor pieces of furniture, cleaned beds and laid carpets for Gertrude, Dowager Duchess of Bedford, presumably for her house, 112 Pall Mall, into which she moved when her son, the 5th Duke, came of age. [Bedford Office, London]
Dunn, Richard, Castle Garth, Newcastle, cm (1762). Took app. named Laing in 1762. [S of G, app. index]
Dunn, Richard, Scruton, Yorks., joiner and cm (1840). [D]
Dunn, Richard, Pennistone, Windsor, Berks., cm and u (1838– 40). Named in the fifth hall book of the borough of New Windsor on 2 January 1838 and 1839 being appointed cm to the Windsor Corp. for the year.
Dunn, Sarah, Market Sq., Bromley, Kent, cm and u (1832–39). Her trade card, undated, reads: ‘SARAH DUNN, (Successor to her late Father Edward Dunn) Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, Appraiser, Paper Hanger & Undertaker. MARKET PLACE, BROMLEY, KENT. House and Estate Agent, Trunks, Portmanteaus, Carpet Bags &c’. Leased property in Market Sq. in 1838. She is said to have been entrusted with the arrangements for William IV's visit to Bromley. Succeeded by Edward E. Dunn (1818–61), probably her younger brother. [D; Bromley Local Hist. Lib., Dunn family archives] See Edward, Edward E., George, John and William Dunn.
Dunn, Thomas, 29 Berkeley St, Lambeth, London, chair and sofa maker (1832–34). [D]
Dunn, William, Market Sq., Bromley, Kent, cm (1721–74). Carried on the business of his father, John Dunn, possibly in his name. Succeeded by Edward Dunn, 1774–1818. [Bromley Local Hist. Lib., Dunn family archives] See Edward, Edward E., George, John and Sarah Dunn.
Dunn, William, 59 Chandos St, London, u (1790). Insured his house and contents for £200 on 7 October 1790. [GL, Sun MS ref. 574915]
Dunn, William, Hornsby's Chare, Quayside, Newcastle, builder, joiner, cm and ship joiner (19th century). House at Stepney, Ouseburn, Newcastle. [Landauer Coll., MMA, NY] Possibly:
Dunn, William, Stepney Sq., Newcastle, cm and joiner (1838). [D]
Dunning, H., 5 Queen St, Hoxton St, London, wood turner (1835). [D]
Dunning, Henry, High St, Stroud, Glos., chair manufacturer (1805–24). [D]
Dunning, Henry, St Margaret's Bank, Rochester, Kent, chairmaker and furniture broker (1832–39). [D]
Dunning, James, address unrecorded, cm (1746). Receipt dated 15 September 1746 for a chest and desk ‘and all demands’, totalling £10 10s, submitted to Mr West for Alscot Park, Warks. [V & A archives]
Dunning, John, Driffield, Yorks, cm (1793). [D]
Dunning, Thomas, St Benedict's Gates, Norwich, carver and gilder (1839). [D]
Dunning, William, York, cm (1818). App. to Joseph Hick in November 1818. [Hull app. reg.] Possibly:
Dunning, William, Hull, Yorks., cm and u (1831–40). Addresses given at 30 Waterworks St, 1831–34; no. 26, 1835–38; and 12 Chariot St, 1839–40. [D]
Dunning, William, 5 Bridge St, Southampton, Hants, chairmaker (1830). [D]
Dunnings, George W., Bermondsey, London, cm (1830). [Rochester poll bk]
Dunnitt, William, 3 Cheapside, London, cm (1839). [D]
Dunno, James, Westminster, London, cm (1740). Took out a Sun Insurance policy for £500 in 1740. [GL, Sun MS vol. 55, p. 93] Possibly James Durno.
Dunsbye, Richard, Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, u (1778). Insured houses for £350 in 1778. [GL, Sun MS vol. 269, p. 421]
Dunstone, John, Lewes, Sussex cm (1830–39). Recorded as a journeyman cm in High St in 1830; and as cm in Fisher St 1835–39. [D; poll bks]
Dunstone, Thomas, 163 High St, Lewes, Sussex, cm and u (1812–39). [D; poll bks]
Dunton, —, King St, Covent Gdn, London, u (1764). Described in newspapers of 1764 as ‘an eminent upholsterer’. [Heal]
Dunton, James, St Albans St, London, upholder (1778). Insured his house for £800 in 1778. [GL, Sun MS vol. 270, p. 50]
Dunton, John jnr, London u (1705–24). Trading at ‘The Wheatsheaf’, Bedford St, Covent Gdn, 1722–23. Son of John Dunton, yeoman of Ryslip, (Ruislip) Middlx, and brother of William Dunton. App. to Benjamin Powell on 3 July 1705, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 7 January 1715. Took his brother as app. 1715–24. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 2 March 1722 for £500 on goods and merchandise in his house. A further policy of 1723 is known. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 15, ref. 278640; Heal]
Dunton, William, London, cm and u (1715–d. 1764). Trading in Bedford St, Covent Gdn in 1733. Son of John Dunton, yeoman, of Ryslip, (Ruislip) Middlx, and brother of John Dunton, jnr, to whom he was app. on 7 March 1715/16. Admitted freemen of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 4 March 1723/24, and master in 1756. Took app. named Daniel Louth, 1727–34. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 13 December 1733 for £600 on goods in trust and utensils in warehouse, yard and storerooms. William Dunton & Co. are named in the accounts of Benjamin Mildmay, Earl Fitzwalter of Moulsham Hall, on 27 January 1743 supplying chair and settee frames costing £15 15s, and on 31 March, a walnut settee for the ‘Drawing Room above-stairs London’, £3 5s. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records; GL, Sun MS vol. 38, ref. 62539; A. C. Edwards, The Accounts of Benjamin Mildmay, Earl Fitzwalter, p. 110]
Duperey, James, 10 Dorrington St, London, carver and gilder (1829). [D]
Duplex, George jnr & Bowring, Francis, 6 Ropemaker St, Finsbury, London, cm and brokers of household goods (1821). Insured stock and utensils in their house for £100 on 18 April 1821. [GL, Sun MS vol. 484, ref. 976991] See John Duplex. Possibly:
Duplex, George, 23 Ropemaker St, Finsbury, London, cm and u (1820–39). [D]
Duplex (or Dupless), John, 44 Grubb St, London, cm (1786). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 22 March 1786 for £70 on utensils, stock and goods. [GL, Sun MS vol. 337, p. 8]
Duplex, John, 6 Ropemaker Alley (or St), Chiswell St, London, chairmaker (1791–94). Took out Sun Insurance policies on 4 July 1791 for £100, £50 on utensils and stock; and on 8 July 1794 for £300, £120 on utensils and stock. [GL, Sun MS vol. 379, p. 38; vol. 379, p. 591] See George Duplex.
Dupont, Richard, Sudbury, Suffolk, cm (1798). [D]
Dupree, James, 11 Daggetts Ct, Broker Row, Moorfields, London, upholder (1781). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1781 for £200 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £40. [GL, Sun MS vol. 290, p. 617] Possibly:
Dupree, James, London, upholder and furniture warehouseman (1784–1808). Trading at 27 Middle Moorfields, 1784–1802; and 26–28 Wilson St, Finsbury, 1803–08. [D]
Duprey, William, Kemps Ct, Berwick St, London, carver (1777). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1777 for £100, £20 on utensils, stock and goods. [GL, Sun MS vol. 255, p. 382]
Dupuys, John, 11 Upper Rathbone Pl., London, upholder and mattress maker (1791). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 24 May 1791 for £600, utensils, stock and goods in trust accounting for £200. [GL, Sun MS ref. 583754]
Durand, George, 8 Catherine St, Strand, London, carver and gilder, picture frame maker and printseller (1778). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1778 for £500 including £180 on utensils and stock. Trade card recorded. [GL, Sun MS vol. 264, p. 394; Heal]
Durant, I., address unrecorded. Three late 18th-century part-gilt cabriole chairs in the French taste from Newton Park, Bristol, recorded bearing stamp of ‘I. DURANT’ on seat rails. [Sotheby's 9 May 1941, lot 145]
Durant, Thomas, Blenheim St, Marble St, London, cm (1774). [Poll bk]
Durant, Thomas, Waltham Green, London, cm and undertaker (1808). [D]
Durant(e), William, Liverpool, cm (1823–30). App. to John O'Neill in 1823 and admitted freeman on 18 September 1830. [Liverpool app. enrolment bk and freemen reg.]
Durbar, John, Chester and Budeley, cm (1732–47). Admitted freeman of Chester on 12 October 1732. Polled at Chester, of Budeley, in 1732; of Chester in 1747. [Chester freemen rolls]
Durden, Francis, 36 Gresse St, Rathbone Pl., off Tottenham Ct Rd, London, fancy cm and u (1827–37). [D]
Durden, M. A., 36 Gresse St, Rathbone Pl., off Tottenham Ct Rd, London, cm and u (1839). [D]
Durham, Edward, Exeter, Devon, cm (1803). [Militia Census]
Durham, John, York, u (1786–93). Of Lendal, app. to Thomas Baildon, u, undertaker and appraiser of Blake St, York, on 3 July 1786. Admitted freeman in 1793. [York app. reg. and freemen rolls]
Durham, John, 79 Gray's Inn Lane, London, carver, gilder and paper hanger (1808). [D]
Durham, John, London, cm and u (1821–35). Trading at 16 Catherine St, Strand, 1823–28; and 16 Rupert St, Haymarket, 1829–35. Stock consisted of varieties of folding, camp and field beds, combined settee, couch and cabinet beds. As Messrs Durham, furniture makers and retailers, successor to Morgan & Sanders, they illustrated a secretaire bookcase in Ackermann's Repository of Arts, September 1822. Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 26 April 1821 for £2,000, stock, utensils and goods in trust accounting for £1,750. Declared bankrupt, Brighton Gazette, 30 December 1826. [D; GL, Sun MS vol. 488, ref. 978784; C. Musgrave, Regency Furniture, p. 121]
Durham, Robert, New Sleaford, Lincs., chairmaker (1721). Took app. named Baker in 1721. [S of G, app. index]
Durham, Robert, address unrecorded, u (1791). Supplied items to Lord Howard of Audley End, Essex for his London house in Burlington St. His bill totalled £7 18s and listed blankets, curtains, a stump bedstead and four chairs. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A49/3]
Durham, Thomas, Paradise Row, Warwick, cm (1831). [Poll bk]
Durie, Sand, address unrecorded, chairmaker (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.
Durley, John, 84 Wells St, Oxford St, London, cm and u (1822– 39). [D]
Durley, John, 16 Adam & Eve Ct, Oxford St, London, u (1835– 39). [D]
Durling, George, Salisbury Ct, Fleet St, London, looking-glass grinder and frame maker (1729). Insured his house, goods, utensils and stock for £500 on 11 August 1729. [GL, Sun MS vol. 28]
Durnford, John, Shrewsbury, Salop, u (1806–35). Named in the Shrewsbury burgess roll, 1806. Trading at Shoplatch in 1806–22, and Wyle Cop, 1828–35. [D]
Durno, James, Jermyn St, Westminster, London, cm (1749). [Poll bk] Possibly James Dunno.
Durrant, John, London, upholder (1790–98). Recorded at 6 Osborne Pl., Whitechapel in 1789. Son of John Durrant, Gent, of Doggetts Ct, Moorfields. App. to William Wood on 4 August 1790, and admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 6 June 1798. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Durrant, Thomas snr, Norwich and London, chairmaker and cm (1754–1830). Recorded in Norwich from 1754, but had moved to London by September 1768, and polled at Norwich, of London, until 1830; and of Fulham in 1802 and 1830. Later entries may refer to his son of the same name. App. to Stephen Howlett, and admitted freeman of Norwich on 24 February 1756. Took app. named Starling in 1754. Former app. John Stocking, chairmaker, admitted freeman on 3 May 1770. Son Thomas Durrant jnr admitted freeman on 2 September 1780. [Poll bks; Norwich freemen reg.; S of G, app. index]
Durrant, Thomas jnr, Norwich, chairmaker (1780). Son of Thomas Durrant, chairmaker and cm; admitted freeman on 2 September 1780. [Norwich freemen reg.]
Durrant, Thomas, 28 Gee St, Goswell St, London, turner (1835). [D]
Durrant, William, 10 Fazakerley St, Liverpool, cm (1830). Admitted freeman on 18 November 1830. [Liverpool freemen reg.]
Durrett, William, Gloucester, cm (1823). Child bapt. at St John Baptist's Church in 1823. [PR (bapt.)]
Dury, Andrew, address unrecorded. In 1772 he charged £21 3s for ‘a Screen of Maps’ and ‘fitted up 2 sheets Maps’ for Sir John Griffin Griffin of Audley End, Essex. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A30/5]
Duryer, Henry Robert, 16 Dean St, Holborn, London, upholder (1814). Took out a Sun Insurance policy on 24 December 1814 for £550 of which stock and utensils accounted for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 463, ref. 99330]
Duryer (or Duryor), John, Dean St, London, u and appraiser (1790–1830). Recorded at no. 16, 1790–1808, and no. 15 in 1817. Polled at Canterbury in 1796 and 1830. [D] Probably John Dwyer.
Dusautoy, Charles, High St, Southampton, Hants., upholder (1805–08). [D]
Duthoit, James, London, upholder, cm and auctioneer (1777–1817). Addresses given at 9 Old Broad St, 1789–1804; 1 Bridge (or Budge) Row, 1803–12; Watling St, 1806–17; and also 17 Tower Royal, 1807–12. Son of James Duthoit, baker of Brick Lane, Spitalfields; app. to Charles Greenwood on 2 April 1777, and after 1783 to his widow. Admitted freeman of Canterbury in 1782; and of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 2 March 1785. Took app. named James Toplis, 1790–98. Named in Sheraton's list of master cabinet makers, 1803. Submitted invoice [GL, print dept] for church furnishings dated 14 August 1807 for three hassocks, 8s 6d; and 27 February 1812 for curtains, £7 7s. Invoice gives addresses at 1 Budge Row and 17 Tower Royal. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records; Canterbury freemen rolls]
Dutton, Alexander, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, journeyman cm (1775). Letter from a Norwich newspaper dated 1775 recorded on the back of a chest of drawers stating that Dutton, from Norwich, had left employment at Bury. See John Oldfield.
Dutton, Edward, Southwell, Notts., cm (1728). Took app. named Leigh in 1728. [S of G, app. index]
Dutton, G. M., address unrecorded, cm. Two-drawer commode with ormolu mounts, c. 1750–75, in Royal Collection is signed ‘G. M. DUTTON’. [V & A archives]
Dutton, H. (or M.), address unrecorded, inlayer (c. 1770). Signed a marquetry panel on a commode attributed to P. Langlois. [Burlington, June 1980, p. 416]
Dutton, John, Broadhurst, address unrecorded, upholder (1755–63). Son of Joseph Dutton, innholder of St Sepulchre's, London. App. to Richard Walker on 5 June 1755, and admitted freemen of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude on 1 December 1763. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dutton, John, Crooked Lane, London, u (1778). Declared bankrupt, Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 14 August 1778.
Dutton, John, Liverpool, cm (1816–24). Addresses given at 9 Lumb St in 1818; no. 57 in 1821; and with Joseph Dutton at 24 Cornwallis St and 63 Bridgewater St in 1824. App. to Thomas Gorton, and admitted freeman on servitude on 10 June 1816. [D; Liverpool freemen reg.] See Joseph, Nathan, Nathaniel and Thomas Dutton.
Dutton, Joseph, Liverpool, cm (1810–35). Addresses given at 4 Oldham St with shop at Seel St, 1810–11; 63 Bridgewater St, 1813–29, with shop at Fleet St, 1813–14; in 1816 he moved from Seel St to 24 Cornwallis St, and is recorded there with John Dutton in 1824; shop addresses given at 24– 25 Cornwallis St and 53 Frederick St, 1827–29; 66 Bridgewater St in 1834; and 7 Nelson St in 1835. Announced his removal to 24 Cornwallis St in Liverpool Mercury, 29 March 1816, ‘where an Assortment of Furniture of every description, of the most modern & approved Patterns, is now ready for inspection … Orders for the East & West Indies, America and other foreign parts, carefully & expeditiously executed’. Import duties for 1816 given as 22% on japanned wares of all kinds, and 35% on cabinet wares and all manufactures of woods. Named in 1822 in the account of lives in leases granted by the Corp. of Liverpool, as having a daughter aged nine and a son, Joseph, aged 18 in 1822. Advertised in Liverpool Mercury, 4 June 1824, for ‘6 or 8 good CABINET MAKERS — Men of Sober habits will meet with constant employ at the late advance of wages, which far exceeds any former period. Likewise 2 or 3 good MAHOGANY CHAIRMAKERS’. [D]
Dutton, Joseph, Hospital St, Nantwich, Cheshire, chairmaker (1803–34). Daughter Mary bapt. on 17 April 1803; Ann on 21 July 1805; Eliza on 17 May 1807; Elizabeth on 16 June 1810; son Joseph on 18 May 1813; Jonathan on 28 May 1816; daughter Anne on 9 July 1820; Sarah on 8 May 1822; and son Thomas on 24 May 1826. [D; PR (bapt.)]
Dutton, Maria, 10 Ormond St, Chorlton Row, Manchester, u (1825). [D]
Dutton, Mathew, 148 Fleet St, London, u (1839). [D]
Dutton, Nathan, Liverpool, cm and u (1818–39). Trading at 7 Nelson St, 1835–37;. at 27 Cornwallis St in 1835 with Joseph, and in 1837 with Thomas Dutton. N. & T. Dutton are recorded at 24 Nelson St in 1839. Nathan was app. to Bartholomew Tyrer in 1818. [D; Liverpool app. enrolment bk] See John, Joseph & Thomas Dutton. Possibly:
Dutton, Nathaniel & Son, 66 Bridgewater St, Liverpool, with shop at 7 Cornwallis St, cm and u (1834). [D]
Dutton, Robert, 10 Birchin Lane, London (?), upholder (1799– 1802). Son of Robert Dutton, Gent., Bretton Hall, Hawarden, Flint, Wales. Admitted freeman of the Upholders’ Co. by redemption on 19 September 1799. [GL, Upholders’ Co. records]
Dutton, Robert, Chester, cm (1809–12). Admitted freeman on 7 June 1809. [Chester freemen rolls; poll bk]
Dutton, Thomas, Liverpool, cm (1790–1837). Trading at Union St, Old Hall, St, with shop at Thomas St, Pool Lane in 1790; 11 Russell St, 1800–07; Russell St, Fairclough St and Ranelagh St, 1810–11; Fairclough St, 1813; 8 Cheapside, 1814–27; 7 Nelson St, 1824; and 7 Cornwallis St, 1835–37. App. to John Eden, and admitted freeman on servitude on 20 June 1790. Took app. named Thomas Jebson in 1802, who petitioned freedom in 1812; Luke Plunkett in 1808, petitioned freedom in 1816; John O'Neill in 1807, petitioned in 1816; Thomas Morgan in 1810, petitioned in 1818; and John Ball in 1814, petitioned in 1821. Took apps named Maurice Powers and John Murray in 1819; and Thomas Dean in 1822. Father of John Dutton, broker, born on 13 November 1800, who petitioned freedom on birthright in 1822. [D; Liverpool app. enrolment bk, freemen reg. and committee bk] See John, Joseph, Nathan, Nathaniel & William Dutton.
Dutton, Thomas, London, cm (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.
Dutton, William, 6 Union St, Old Hall St, Liverpool, cm (1800). [D]
Dutton, William, York St, Chester, cm (1812–26). [Poll bks]
Duval, L. C., 12 Museum St, Bloomsbury, London, water gilder (1835). [D]
Du Vige, Isaac, London, cm (1681). Described by the Threadneedle St Relief in September 1681 as a ‘jeune gentilhomme’, the son of a recently converted Catholic, arrived from Paris ‘last Lord's Day’. He was given £2 2s 6d to buy clothes, and 3s 6d to app. him to a cm. [Hogarth Soc., 1949, pp. 13 and 85]
Duxfield, Ralph, Duxfield's Ct, Northumberland St, Newcastle, cm (1834–38). [D]
Dwyer, John, 16 Dean St, Holborn, London, u (1809–11). [D] Probably John Duryer.
Dybill, Daniel, 44 London Wall, London, cm (1826–27). [D]
Dycher, John, address unrecorded. Chair said to have been made by him in 1794 sold at Sotheby's, May 1965.
Dye, James, Holt, Norfolk, cm (1830–39). [D]
Dye, Joseph, Holt, Norfolk, cm (1839). [D]
Dyer, Adolphus, Plymouth, Devon, cm and u (1830–38). Trading in King St, 1830, and Union St, 1836–38. [D]
Dyer, Benjamin, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Tunbridge-ware manufacturer (1832–39). Trading in Market Pl., 1832, and Bedford Pl., 1839. [D]
Dyer, J., 1 Frederick Pl., Borough Rd, London, cm (1837). [D]
Dyer, John, 4 Frederick Pl., Borough Rd, London, bedstead maker (1829–39). [D]
Dyer, Leonard, formerly of New St, Cloth Fair, late of Cable St, Wellclose Sq., London, woolcomber and carver (1761). Discharge from Debtors’ Prison announced, London Gazette, 12 August 1761.
Dyer, Nicholas, 32 North St, Brighton, Sussex, cm and u (1822–26). [D] Possibly of Dyer & Gates.
Dyer, William, Wallingford, Berks., cm (1798–1830). [D]
Dyer, William, Liverpool, cm (1822). App. to Hugh Cannell in 1822. [Liverpool app. enrolment bk]
Dyer, William & Co., Maldon, Essex, cm and u (1823–27). [D]
Dyer & Gates, 27 North St, Brighton, Sussex, cm (1805). [D] Possibly Nicholas Dyer.
Dyke, William, 13 St James's Back, Bristol, cm (1837–40). [D]
Dymond, Thomas, Lower North St, Exeter, Devon, u (1836). Daughter Eliza bapt. at St David's Church on 7 September 1836. [PR (bapt.)]
Dyson, Edmund, Kirkburton, Yorks., joiner and cm (1834). [D]
Dyson, Gibson, Manchester, cm and furniture broker (1825–36). Addresses given at 77 St George's Rd in 1825; 439 Oldham Rd in 1829; and no. 88 in 1836. [D]
Dyson, Hugh, London, cm (1732). [Chester poll bk]
Dyson, James, address unrecorded, u (?) (1709). Submitted a bill to Temple Newsam House, Yorks., ‘For Bottoming 12 Chaires with Cayne’. [Furn. Hist., 1967]
Dyson, John, Birkby, Yorks., cm (1785). Announced dissolution of partnership with Benjamin Scholes, Leeds Mercury, 22 February 1785.
Dyson, Joseph, Skircoat, Yorks., joiner and cm (1822). [D]
Dyson, Jos., Islington, London, cm and u (1826–35). Trading at 62 St John's St, 1826–28; and 30½ Cumberland Row, 1835. [D]
Dyson, Roger, Skipton Rd, Colne, Lancs., joiner and cm (1818). [D]
Dyson, Samuel Pagett, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, cm (1830). [Norwich poll bk]
Dyson, Thomas, South St, Chesterfield, Derbs., cm and u (1818–35). Trading at Beetwell St in 1818 and South St, 1822–35). [D]
Dyson, William, 5 Mount St, Manchester, cm and joiner (1804–17). [D]
Dyson, William, Kirkburton, Yorks., joiner and cm (1834). [D]